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News Briefs – 04/14/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


After intercepting Trump’s Valet and grilling him, the FBI decided to “get him sweaty” so Trump would think he was out jogging, and not being grilled by FBI, and he could be turned into a spy sitting right next to President Trump.

Speaker Johnson Bloviates on X about “founding principles” the day after he breaks tie vote to support FISA spying on Americans w/o warrants.

The head of the House Democratic Caucus suggested Wednesday that Democratic lawmakers stand ready to rescue Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from a potential GOP coup — if he ushers Ukraine aid through the lower chamber and on to President Biden’s desk.

Democrats, media starting to admit some mail-in voting problems ahead of 2024 presidential election.

Georgia state election board now admits to violations of election law in 2020 election – Hearing on May 7 – Emerald Robinson weighs in.

West Virginia will not accept voter registrations collected by federal agents under the new executive order by the Biden administration directing federal agencies to facilitate registrations by incarcerated individuals.

Michigan legislators vow to take case to US Supreme Court before 2024 election, after Biden-appointed judge dismisses suit arguing unconstitutional changes to election laws via ballot proposal funded by George Soros.

100 percent voter turnout from nursing homes in 2020 election from several Wisconsin counties according to Wisconsin Chief Justice.

Never-Trumper Bill Kristol:

Too obvious perhaps to need saying:

Republicans don’t have a problem with non-citizens voting, since there are no non-citizens voting.

Republicans have a problem with black and brown citizens voting.

Several frustrated House RINOs are breaking with congressional norms to boost the primary opponent of House Freedom Caucus chairman Bob Good after he voted to remove McCarthy.

GOP control of the Senate likely hinges on Democrat Jon Tester’s ability to defy the odds.

This is pretty typical for my interactions on social media:

Neoplatonist writes on Gab:

So-called “HAVANA SYNDROME” is caused by two devices, one for REAL TIME thru the wall triangulation (many such tech platforms exist, including using existing WIFI) which “scopes” the target in real time, and the other AT LEAST a 50WATT X-RAY laser. The X-ray laser and power supply would fit in a slim briefcase for volume sake, and can target (inverse square of the distance) people at 400+ YARDS. ALL SYMPTOMS and basis of the attack are XRAY laser, not sonic or countless other nonsense people have speculated about, the main XRAY element (not the power supply and circuitry) is seen below, its very simple and small. The XRAY LASER alone is INSUFFICIENT, real time targeting tech is also required (just as a good hunting rifle needs a SCOPE). BOTH the targeting tech and XRAY LASER and power supply would fit into a medium sized briefcase. END OF STORY……see my facebook page for PICTURES since the scum here wont let you post pictures

I respond:

@Neoplatonist – Three questions. Can you give the facebook address? How do you know this? Can you explain the mechanism by which the X-ray beam creates an impulse of force at a 90 degree angle to the direction of the beam when encountering charged metal or statically charged objects? Does the X-ray laser offer enough spillover to pick up the X-rays with a Geiger counter’s Geiger-Mueller tube?

For the record I videotaped myself in thermal being hit, and the activator was some kind of focused beam. See:

Also would be interesting to know if any of the EM effect on the audio there might be probative? From that it appears they are charging the environment with some kind of static electricity, using whatever produced the deep hum.

No response for a week, and there are only two other comments on the post, so it is not getting lost. That is pretty standard for me, and why I do not waste much time on social media. I would think since I have thermal video of a Havana-type beaming in progress in the link I gave him, and audio which captured EM signatures as well, it would be interesting to someone like him, and he would say something. But you do not know, did he just not stop by Gab since then and not see it? Is he Cabal, and I am threatening to screw up his distribution of a Cabal narrative, and he doesn’t know what to do? Did he never even see my comment because my comments are hidden from everyone but me? Or an I confined to a different silo and never shall we meet or cross paths? No idea. But something is off in my dealings there. For that matter, I find myself wondering how I can possibly routinely recognize various posters at various sites, like Free Republic.

Adams plans to give NYC bureaucrats $2.1B raise as he pushes program cuts over migrant crisis.

As lawsuits proceed, institutions try to make them moot by nullifying Covid vaccine mandates, however it appears the Supreme Court will settle if reversing a policy can end the lawsuits or if the legal issues must be resolved anyway.

After taking over 3rd largest radio network, Soros plots to take 2nd largest in preparation for the election.

TikToker alerts women: notorious ‘NYC puncher’ spotted mumbling on streets of NYC. Article notes, “She then warned women to “Be Careful…””‘

Scientists just test-fired a cloud device over American soil with the ultimate aim of blocking sunlight to cool the planet. They didn’t bother to tell anyone because they feared the rest of the planet might not want them making it colder.

A recent survey by Intuit found that U.S. high school students want to learn about personal finance in schools but that many lack access to such courses at school. When I went to public school, I had zero doubt it was there to make me as great at whatever I was good at as possible, so as to make the whole nation as great at everything as possible. Now, I am amazed I was so clueless, as I look on public school as simply an intel-gathering op designed to finger the bright students who might prove problematic for the elites, and a psyop so they can stifle and suppress them. Don’t be naive like me. You are in a war, where your freedom is the biggest threat, and there is a hidden enemy gunning to steal it from you every moment. For now, it is a cold war of intelligence techniques known to only a few, but a time will come when it will become known to all and go hot and kinetic. Our only chance against their tech will be overwhelming numbers and psychopathic brutality and ruthlessness. Be sure to pull your weight quickly, forcefully, and ruthlessly when the time comes, alongside everyone else. Every American jumping in all at once, will probably be our side’s only chance.

Biden admin has flown over 400,000 migrants to airports across US.

New York police took custody of an unlicensed firearm belonging to anti-Trump activist E. Jean Carroll after she informed the federal court in lower Manhattan that she kept the firearm, a “high standard revolver, nine chambers”, along with ammunition at her home, next to her bed, although she did not have a firearm license. Can get up to four years for possession in New York.

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that… pro-lifers believe abortion is “murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. There [are] 8 billion people in the world, I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.” Are we allowed to apply that logic to him?

To reduce prison overcrowding in CA, state has made buying a child for sex a misdemeanor instead of felony.

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the state of Utah and its prison system after a transgender inmate “removed her own testicles” in response to “unnecessarily delayed” treatment for her gender dysphoria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is issuing a warning about a new strain of leprosy found in armadillos.

On Monday, Google finally launched its Find My Device network geared toward locating devices – even if they’re offline.

Currently, numerous law enforcement agencies, along with other authorities, are on high alert as approximately twenty-six barges have broken loose and are headed down the Ohio River. Out of an abundance of caution, law enforcement has shut down multiple bridges, including the McKees Rocks Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and halted all traffic due to this incident. So far, twenty-three barges were loaded and three were empty, with six barges having jammed up against the Emsworth Dam. Reports of Extensive Damage have been reported at Peggys Marina. Authorities are asking everyone in the area to please avoid this area until further notice. Barges were deployed and the mess was being cleaned up.

Reacher’ star slammed by Police organization after claiming cops murder people.

U.S. Steel shareholders approved a $14.9 billion acquisition by Japan’s Nippon Steel Friday, despite opposition from the Biden administration, steelworkers and congressional lawmakers.

Engineers at the University of Texas at Austin recently revealed that a wearable universal brain-computer interface technology allows users to control video games with nothing more than their minds.

California on high alert as strange seismic activity at San Andreas Fault suggests a major earthquake may be imminent.

The Air Force is spending millions of dollars recovering, from long-term storage, a surplus B-1 nicknamed “Lancelot” that’s been sitting in desert storage, in preparation for defending Taiwan from a Chinese invasion.

Iran has launched more than 100 drones toward Israel, military officials said, beginning its retaliatory attack weeks after a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian consular building in Syria killed two of Tehran’s top commanders.

Israeli war cabinet approves a military response to Iran’s aggression.

Yemen launches drones at Israel simultaneously with Iran’s operation.

IDF: 99% of the 300 or so projectiles fired by Iran at Israel overnight were intercepted.

Iran seizes ship linked to Israeli billionaire in latest escalation of tensions.

Persian Gulf states tell US would not allow bases to be used for anti-Iran strikes.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations said it considered its retaliation for an attack on its diplomatic compound in Damascus to be ended. “The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!”

Trump says White House staff had to convince Biden not to release pre-recorded message on Israel and claims Iran would never have attacked if he was president: ‘This is no time for a taped speech.’

Ontario resident who wants both a vagina and penis wins public funding for unique surgery.

French first lady Brigitte Macron sues conspiracy theorists who claim she was born a man.

The knife attacker who killed six people in a stabbing spree at a Sydney shopping centre before being shot dead was a 40-year-old man with mental health issues named Joel Cauchi.  Officials say it was random, though with something out there experimenting on brains, and the fact it seems for every five of these four have indications of something wrong, you never know for certain.

‘God-tier legend’: Dramatic video captures moment Russian man confronts Bondi attacker on escalator. Guy with a bollard stood on the escalator preventing the stabber from getting to a daycare center with little kids. Reports are he was a Russian, screaming Russian at the attacker as he threatened him to keep him back. All the other Aussies beat feet and got out of there. And of course, nobody had a gun.

According to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin the Biden administration is prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperil his own reelection prospects.

The possibility of Ukraine’s army collapsing cannot be ruled out a US official has warned, report says. At this point whatever brings those horrific drone videos to an end will be worth it.

Chasov Yar: Russians attack head on, develop two pincer movements to envelop the Ukrainian defenders – Nazi Azov brigade refuses to enter the city to defend it. 

Ukraine’s top general says situation on eastern front ‘significantly worsened’ as Russia ramps up attacks.

During Thursday’s UN Security Council meeting, Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, said, “This is how it will go down in history – as an inhuman and hateful regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interest of their people and sacrificed it for Western money and for Zelensky and his closest circle. In these conditions, attempts by the head of the Kiev regime to promote his formula and convene summits in support of the Kiev regime cause only confusion. Very soon the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional capitulation of the Kiev regime. I advise you all to prepare for this in advance.”

Posobiec – Devin Nunes getting a lot of buzz for VP.

New study shows ‘large capacity’ magazines are preferred choice of gun owners.

Trump leads by 6 points in Arizona.

Polling showing that Republican voter identification is growing as democrat voter identification is declining have Democrats panicking over 2024.

Trump rally in Schnecksville, PA:

China will be next with Taiwan:


Spread r/K Theory, because Americans Go Big when it counts

News Brief – 04/13/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Louis Rossman has a high-pitched whine in his office:

Some of you have pointed out that in my videos over the past four months I do in my downstairs office in my house, there is a high pitched whine. This entire time, I thought that was me getting tinnitus from getting old.

It’s not. It’s actually there. and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s driving me nuts. I was walking into the bathroom and each time I did, the “tinnitus” went away. FML.

This should be easy, given the acoustic absorption on the wall – that foam is cheap shit, but the cheap shit is bad at absorbing *low* frequencies, not *high* frequencies like 6k-14k. And higher frequencies are more directional. This should be easy to figure out.

I have no idea where it’s coming from though. 🙁

It is always possible it is some transformer or something. But I have had this, and it was not a transformer. In my case, it almost walked the line between a sound you could hear, and a piercing sensation deep in the ear drum. I went in a bedroom once, and it was amplified to the point there was a physical buzz, bordering on pressure, you could feel, and hear, coming off all the walls and ceiling. I stood for a moment, taking it in, it was so surreal. I opened a sliding glass door, stuck my head out, and it was still silence out there. I pulled my head in, and everything was abuzz. Back out total still silence, back in everything, walls, ceiling, bed, all just buzzing. I believe, unless I am mistaken, it was Redclaw here who had a Freemason move in next door, the high pitched whine started, and then it left when he finally moved away. In my experience, this very slightly degrades cognitive function, and tires you out somewhat. They seem to put it where you are doing the things they do not like, I suspect to try and attach a subtle discomfort to it psychologically, in hopes you will decide you don’t like doing what they don’t want you doing, without really knowing why. That may be why it is in his office. But it varies in intensity and as with Lou, you will tend to think it is a nervous phenomenon when it first happens at lower levels, if you notice it.

I have no doubt you will see more of this as time goes on. We were the beta test subjects for a raft of different kinds of devices like this, and now that they have seen how it all works on us, what I have been saying here will gradually begin to be seen everywhere, including in your own real life.

House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback.

Eighty-six House Republicans vote for warrantless surveillance of Americans. The list of traitors is here.

Speaker Johnson defiant after casting deciding vote, breaking 212-212 tie, to continue Deep State’s warrantless surveillance.

When chance favors an opposing intelligence operation, it usually isn’t chance. Either she never had the flu, or someone infected her. I lean toward her just being corrupt. I could have lost both legs and I would have dragged my stumps in there to vote, and she should have too.

Thomas Massie:

This is how the Constitution dies.

By a tie vote, the amendment to require a warrant to spy on Americans goes down in flames.

This is a sad day for America.

The Speaker doesn’t always vote in the House, but he was the tie breaker today. He voted against warrants.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna has called for a rare procedural move to delay the Senate’s consideration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 extension, pushing for a new vote in the House of Representatives. She clearly is not sharp enough to come up with this herself. The question is did she hire a sharp advisor, or is she being given lines in the script? I tend toward the latter.

FBI interrogated Trump’s valet driver without Trump’s knowledge – and turned ambush interview into perjury trap: Court docs. You wonder how many others we don’t know about were turned into spies for the intelligence community as it sought to take out a duly elected President.

Speaker Johnson unveils voter legislation during press conference with Donald Trump: Proof of U.S. citizenship required for federal elections — Will remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.

Biden is indicating that he will not debate former president Trump this year. They can’t. He is too far gone.

National Guard whistleblowers to testify they were ready to be deployed on Jan.6 but Pentagon delayed orders – will DESTROY J6 Committee’s BIG LIE!

DNC paid $1.5 million legal bill for Joe Biden’s classified docs scandal.

Federal judge rejects Hunter Biden bid to dismiss gun charges in special counsel case.

‘Are you kidding me?’: Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP.

The Biden administration announced Friday it was forgiving another $7.4 billion in student debt for another 277,000 borrowers. So far, Biden has cancelled $153 billion in debt for 4.3 million people.

The homeless migrant who was busted joyriding on a historic FDNY fireboat and then swiping a sailboat for another leisurely ride was released without bail Friday — only to immediately try to climb aboard an even bigger ship in Manhattan, according to sources, who said immigration officials’ hands are tied.

A suspected illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried his luck at robbing a bank in Ohio this week, although the heist went awry after he was unable to get a translator app to communicate what he wanted.

Louisiana silencer case ends with plea deal which preserves right to appeal.

Won’t You BEMy (Work)Friend? Only two in 10 people say they have a best friend at work. But companies, aware of how much culture matters, say trying to foster friendships couldn’t be more awkward. You tend to think this is surveillance destroying our ability to bond with each other. I can’t criticize their ability, they got me too. I was even thinking a while back, suppose there is a war on the family, and Cabal is even trying to career-ize girls with feminism, and promote promiscuity and onlyfans, and MK Ultra cultural shit like Sex and the City. When guys and gals signed up for dating apps controlled by the conspiracy (as I am now sure they all were) imagine the fun surveillance had, matching the chaste, loyal girls up with the players who would pump and dump them over and over, forcing them on the carousel, and hooking the loyal monogamous guys up with the sluts who would two time them every Wednesday with their ex-con ex-BF. No wonder nobody is marrying and having kids, if that as the goal of a Stasi-like intel operation in every neighborhood at the community level. Because we all look at the global programs to fuck over American society, and nobody realizes once every neighborhood has a file archivist who has responsibility to actually personally know the 200-300 targets under him, as well as a surveillance team embedded within it, those global programs can be, and will be, very easily atomized, customized, and individualized at a granular level. Especially when Cabal controls all the tech like this.

Police admit that “two factions” of Muslims shot at each other at the Ramadan event in Philly yesterday.

From the comments, video claims Michael Jackson faked his death, and went on TV afterward to eulogize himself in makeup, pretending to be a guy who was burned as a child. The Jackson one looks interesting, though obviously it seems too strange. And it is possible the guy picked up the mannerisms as some kind of fan. But you never know these days.

OJ Simpson talks about how he might have killed Nicole hypothetically.

Of course, Juice died of cancer:

If Cabal existed in the Persian Empire, as a hidden hand, could it have survived, through Rome, the Vatican, Europe, and America today? Also Kerry’s daughter married a high ranking Iranian government official, IIRC:

In just four years, tens of millions of dollars flowed from CCP-tied military companies to DC lobbyists.

UK intelligence officials have been repeatedly targeted in “honeytrap” plots as Chinese spies ramp up efforts to glean national secrets through seduction and blackmail. It is incredibly common.

China’s economy ‘imploding’ as property market plunges, and experts issue warning of chaos around the globe.

Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom. Signs of a change in the guard over there, at the same time something seems to be happening in nations all across the globe.

Trump calls Biden ‘pretty pathetic’ for saying Iran is about to strike Israel and warns there could be a ‘world war’ before the election: Donald insists Tehran would have NEVER attacked if he was president.

U.S. moves MORE forces into the Middle East to prepare for ‘imminent’ Iranian strike on Israel: Pentagon sends aircraft carrier that can intercept missiles to the Red Sea in warning to Tehran.

Iran warns U.S. to stay out of fight with Israel or face attack on troops.

Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by ‘paedophile’ catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as ‘Jimmy Savile’ as new probe launched.

In Germany, AfD candidate wins Mayoral election, judge rules it invalid on technicalities, orders new election.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to Kremlin-controlled agencies regarding the development of a nuclear energy program for space after a February warning from the White House that Russia has the capability for an anti-satellite space-based weapon while stressing that it is not operational. Looks like the nuclear power plant is for the moon, which means after abandoning the moon, exactly like the US, now the Russians are suddenly looking at going back, as if something changed. Also, the Russians have to be wondering if The Beam is satellite based, and that is how the Cabal is hitting our officers in all these different countries, and if it is, how they can take it out if it is used against them. I suspect now what I am being hit with is not satellite based, but is two devices 150 feet away, which alone appear harmless. But you have to wonder how they hit Navalny in the middle of nowhere, to try and make Putin look bad, given the perfect timing which makes it appear a likely hit. And I think the Russians heard chatter saying somebody was preparing to hit Navalny, which is why a couple of weeks before he died they suddenly moved him to a new prison, and tried to keep the location a secret. And still he was likely hit. That could be a satellite.

Russian attacks are growing more effective as Ukraine depletes its armory.

China is helping Russia ramp up its defense industrial base at such a large scale that Moscow is now undertaking its most ambitious expansion in military manufacturing since the Soviet era as it continues its war against Ukraine.

Russia is bolstering its forces for the war in Ukraine at a “far faster” rate than the United States originally estimated, a top general said.

Russian political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev insisted that it’s now a foregone conclusion that Putin will have to unleash nuclear weapons upon Europe. Sounds crazy, but then you look at all the articles at this 4Chan link, and you can see Europe is clearly girding for a world war.

New bill in Tennessee would require gun safety courses to be taught in public schools.

Spread r/K Theory, because almost is not quite close enough, and purposeful

News Briefs – 04/12/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.



Speaker Mike Johnson claims classified briefing made him flip-flop on spy powers reform. He’s probably not lying. The classified briefing probably contained video from the bedroom of every dalliance, affair, and homosexual encounter he has ever had.

Biden backs FISA bill as Speaker Mike Johnson moves again to renew spy powers authority. The guy who was literally molesting his little daughter in the shower supports the FISA bill. How puzzling.

Thomas Massie:

Tomorrow at 8 am, I’ll manage floor debate on the FISA 702 Reauthorization Rule, which makes in order 6 votes on amendments, including one that will require FBI to get a warrant before searching for Americans’ data.

A similar rule failed yesterday, preventing a vote on warrants.

The Deep State prepares for a Trump victory. I would assume contingency planning, though you never know.

Trump tests limits of gag order with post insulting 2 likely witnesses in criminal trial.

Trump campaign demands Biden debate him ‘much earlier’ and more often. I predict no debates.

Special Counsel Jack Smith suggested he ignore the Supreme Court if it reverses the obstruction statute this summer.

The stealth scheme to scrap the electoral college and award the Presidency to the candidate who wins the popular vote is 76% complete.

Reflection in Biden’s sunglasses shows him reading instructions from his handlers.

President Joe Biden should be “impeached and imprisoned” for pledging to direct funds to Bursima Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden, former Obama White House aide Mike McCormick reported in a new book.

GOP Rep. Stefanik reveals there is an incriminating audio recording of Biden telling his ghostwriter, “I just found all the classified documents stuff downstairs.” He didn’t even know where he had left it.

‘Reacher’ star Alan Ritchson attacks Christians who support ‘rapist’ Trump: ‘He’s their poster child.’  This is the actor on Reacher. Just last week, he explained he stopped modeling because it was just human trafficking, and in his last job they handed him off to a gay guy who took him to a motel room, “for some nude pictures,” and despite being built like a tank, he implied he ended up taking in the pooper anyway, tried to hang himself, and then decided he really didn’t want to do this modelling stuff anymore.

Tucker Carlson: A consistent theme of American foreign policy is that it is always the Christians who suffer.

President Biden’s new student debt relief plan is estimated to cost around $84 billion if it is implemented, according to a Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) analysis released Thursday. Didn’t he already get told by the courts he lacked this authority?

BlazeTV exposes: how DC politicians get filthy rich.

Sen. Rand Paul to investigate Dr. Fauci’s alleged ‘secret CIA visits’ prior to COVID-19 outbreak.

Sexually transmitted infection rates have risen sharply among adults 55 and older, CDC data shows. If we are lucky, we may get another Vox Day song out of this, based on boomers now having a “detachable penis.”

Monkeypox cases have been elevated since October, with an average of roughly 200 monthly cases detected per month, spurring efforts to avoid a summer surge like what was seen in 2022.

Denver plans to defund its Police force to pay for illegal immigrants.

Denver mayor allocates $90 million for illegal migrants.

The Biden administration announced Thursday morning that the Department of Justice has finalized a new rule that requires many gun sellers offering firearms at gun shows or online to obtain a license and conduct background checks.

Ninth Circuit appears set to ignore Bruen and support restrictive gun control laws on magazines, Assault Weapons, and carry limitations, setting up Supreme showdown.

Democrat Arizona AG says she will not enforce 1864 law banning most abortions.

Harvard finally reinstates the SAT for admissions. The meritocracy returns?

OJ Simpson dead at 76 after cancer battle.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre offered condolences Thursday following the death of OJ Simpson — but made no mention of the two people he was accused, and sensationally acquitted, of killing nearly three decades ago. That whole OJ episode has the feel of a Cabal script. I do not know if, like the rapper for Public Enemy claimed Kanye and Michael Jordan did, OJ went to the Mason’s lodge, swore the oath to lucifer and agreed to a sacrifice, and this was what happened, or if they told him to do it, or if they just did it and framed him to get the script moving. But the whole OJ murder episode feels like one of their episodes, to distract, divide, and weaken the population’s ability to resist.

A 54-year-old Minnesota man was convicted Thursday in the slaying of a high school student and stabbing of four other people who were tubing on a western Wisconsin river. Fuck around and find out should really be a legitimate legal defense. “Your Honor, you can clearly see the victims were fucking around…”

Study reveals mechanism linking heart disease to cancer development – Spironolactone helps heart function while reducing cancer promotion by 30%.

Rashida Tlaib refuses to condemn ‘death to America’ chants at rally in district.

Biden-appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook’s entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent. From faking research data, to outright plagiarism, to lying on her resume.

A Planet Fitness gymgoer was arrested after allegedly walking around totally naked in the women’s locker room … claiming they identified as a woman and  repeatedly asking women in the locker room to lotion one another up and then hop in the shower with him. (Gasp) – Transphobia! We need to get the trannies boycotting Planet Fitness now.

Boeing whistleblower reportedly claims 787 planes could break apart mid-air due to construction flaws.

A Mexican drug cartel used death threats to force a tribal leader to back out of testifying to Congress this week, according to another tribal leader who did show up to tell lawmakers just how much power the drug lords have accumulated. You eliminate CIA, and Mexico will clean that shit up overnight. The greatest evil in the world, right in our own backyard, and all around us in our neighborhoods. What would Chesty Puller say?

Former British Police Officer uncovers a major nationwide fraud operation in which bank employees are producing forged documents to hide mismanagement of funds, tries to share it with the media and the government, and finds it is all being covered up by all people. Sounds like it might be Cabal getting banks to invest depositor funds in fraudulent companies which do not exist, but which the bank will claim appeared legitimate, absolving them of responsibility.

Alan Dershowitz said if Biden refuses military aid to Israel that he will leave the Democrat Party. Check out the narrative about where his loyalties lie. Destroy America, no problem. Fuck with Israel, problem. Now imagine he was given those lines. What percent of Jews in the US want these migrants, and want criminals released on no-bail laws?

Yuval Harari: “Human rights are like heaven and like God, just a fictional story that we have invented and spread around.” Lets take Sam’s ultra blackpilled views of the Jews. Are they this stupid? Would they say this out loud? Would you ever say this out loud? I take this as a sign the scriptwriters are turning the plot. And this Jew has no problem bringing a Holocaust on all the rest of the Jews. I understand it is tough. My whole goal at 18 was to get to a place where loyalty was real, and I would not be surrounded by people like I was and am surrounded by. Unfortunately, you and I, Jew-anon, are fucked. We are surrounded by people to whom we are just an assignment, and that assignment is to neutralize us and betray us. You have to face reality. The world you thought you lived in does not exist. Jews always loyal to Jews was always an illusion to weaken you. There are still good Jews. Your kind is still out there. Hold loyalty with them. But this thing will have isolated you from them, as it seeks to exploit your loyalty for itself. Burn these “leaders” the conspiracy has foisted upon you. Turn on them. Get others to reject them. Join with your kind, both Jew and not-Jew, against the Cabal, and lets all destroy this thing, so we can get that world we thought was out there.

The Hamas terror group has expressed uncertainty as to whether it could gather 40 civilian hostages for release in a prisoner swap deal with Israel, officials familiar with the negotiations said.

The extent of China’s soil pollution, long guarded as a state secret, was laid out in an official report that confirmed deep-seated fears about contaminated farmland and the viability of the country’s food supply.

The United States House of Representatives is looking into a Brazilian judge’s effort’s to thwart free speech on the social media platform X, billionaire Elon Musk revealed Wednesday night.

On Twitter: Brazil has fallen. They are freezing the assets and bank accounts of journalists and confiscating their passports. Pay attention. Coming to a western nation near you.

South Africa’s slow, inevitable march towards collapse.

Migrants committed the majority of serious crimes in the German city of Frankfurt, including 100% of serious sexual crimes.

Married ISIS couple who ‘raped two Yazidi slave girls aged 12 and FIVE and would punish them with a broomstick or scalding hot water’ are arrested in Germany.

Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its multi-trillion-dollar plans for a 106 mile linear megacity in the desert to just over 1.5 miles long.

U.S. sets record for foreign military sales amid Ukraine war, says Pentagon.

Russian airstrikes destroy Kyiv’s largest power plant. Reminds me of the Chad saboteur:

Russian spacecraft comes within 10m of destroying U.S. Satellite, NASA ‘shocked.’ Satellite weapons will be a big problem. I don’t think Havana is satellite based, but if it is (and it would explain it being rolled out in Russia and China) there will not be a lot of good defenses, beyond taking out the satellites. Of course that will not be easy for dissidents.

The Clinton-loving cocksuckers at Newsmax – 10 reasons Ukraine aid is good for America.

Josh Hawley: ‘Why are we sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine if China is our number one globalthreat?’

U.S. helps pro-Ukraine media run a fog machine of war. And as in so many places, Globohomo is the bad guy.

Russia’s army is now 15% bigger than when it invaded Ukraine, says US general.

Ukraine passes divisive conscription law which aims to bolster forces by 500,000.

Larry Hogan gives GOP huge Senate opportunity in deep blue Maryland.

Trump has nearly doubled support among black men and women since 2020.

Spread r/K Theory, because the enemy within is the most dangerous

News Briefs – 04/11/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Reauthorization for the 702 FISA surveillance program was blocked Wednesday by a conservative revolt, pushing the prospects of final passage into uncertainty amid a looming deadline. Things were shaky until Trump Truthed out they needed to kill it because it was used to spy on his campaign. That should mark a pretty big shot across the bow of the intelligence community by Trump. They all demanded it, and with one Truth, he torpedoed it cold.

The 19 Reps who moved to kill it:

1.Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.)

2. Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.)

3. Rep. Tim Burchett (Tenn.)

4. Rep. Michael Cloud (Texas)

5. Rep. Eli Crane (Ariz.)

6. Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.)

7. Rep. Bob Good (Va.)

8. Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.)

9. Rep. Clay Higgins (La.)

10. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (Fla.)

11. Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.)

12. Rep. Cory Mills (Fla.)

13. Rep. Ralph Norman (S.C.)

14. Rep. Andy Ogles (Tenn.)

15. Rep. Scott Perry (Pa.)

16. Rep. Matt Rosendale (Mont.)

17. Rep. Chip Roy (Texas)

18. Rep. Greg Steube (Fla.)

19. Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.)

Conservative Treehouse points out there are over 10,000 log-in portals to the NSA database, including one in the FBI satellite office inside the Democrat law firm Perkins Coie.

Bill Barr blasts Trump for call to kill FISA: ‘Crazy and reckless.’ Never Trust CIA.

While the DOJ failed to conduct a thorough probe of Lt. Byrd’s shooting of Ashli Babbitt, the FBI opened a posthumous criminal investigation of Ashli Babbitt, new documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal.

Trump’s motorcade gets the entire highway shut down, so it can move unimpeded. I have no idea if that is standard procedure for an ex-President of his stature, but his motorcade does not look offhandedly like a standard post-Presidential motorcade. I am also thinking when his plane was being refit, if may have gotten more installed onboard than just a few new pieces of furniture.

James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group has released undercover footage of a Federal Reserve employee admitting to how Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sabotaged President Trump and wants to go down in history as “someone who held the line against Trump.”

Tucker Carlson: “Secretive Federal Agencies Are Trying to RIG Our Presidential Election.”

Justice Department uncovers ‘inconsistencies’ in Fani Willis’s use of federal grant funds.

Jack Smith signals he’ll try to circumvent SCOTUS if it says obstruction charges aren’t real crimes.

Megyn Kelly says Trump will be convicted in hush money case: ‘No doubt’ due to left-wing New York Jury, even though he should definitely not be.

Now Michael Avenatti is doing MSNBC hits from prison defending Donald Trump.

Former Trump executive Allen Weisselberg sentenced to five months in jail for perjury. He said he was not focused closely on the details regarding the valuation of Trumps’ Triplex Apartment.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria tries to egg Finland’s leader into blasting Trump, gets Trump compliments instead.

All that Biden student loan forgiveness, and young voters are still going for Trump.

Members of a Seattle regional women’s country line dance team were reportedly kicked out of a Seattle dance convention after organizers claimed their American flag-themed shirts made some attendees feel “triggered and unsafe.” We are programmed to say, well, some Americans feel that way. But do they? Would this make more sense if the people in power were part of a foreign conspiracy to overthrow the United States government, and aggressive displays of patriotism brought to mind the reality that if their plans were exposed, the war would start, and they could not possibly win it, and would be expelled from the nation and possibly killed? It feels like even if leftists felt that way, they would not tarnish their brand by being open about it.

Biden says he’s ‘considering’ ENDING the prosecution of Julian Assange after Australia urged U.S. to drop WikiLeaks founder’s case.

Biden: I’ll consider further unilateral action on guns, can’t believe Trump said ‘no one’s going to touch your guns.’

Chicago slammed with 57 cases of measles in migrant shelters, one case less than entire country in 2023.

Tucker Carlson’s adult children are registered Democrats despite his Conservative views.

County next to New York City proposes making a database of potential citizens who could be deputized in the event of an emergency to protect critical infrastructure if Police and Fire officials were overwhelmed and emergency deputies were needed. Politicians freak out, calling it a militia made up of vigilantes and Brownshirts, and try to get the list eliminated. The unspoken reality is if things get bad, zombies will come wandering out of the city to their neighborhoods looking to take what they can. The other unspoken reality is, just as politicians seem to want the destruction  produced by the migrant crisis, and to see criminals savage the population, they also seem to want to see the feral animals of the city overrun their own communities, and the local leaders powerless to stop them.

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs loses 18 brand partnerships amid sexual assault allegations. Do you think it is brand-conscious companies which are getting away from Diddy, or Cabal revenue streams from laundering ops being shifted away from a subsidiary which is just under too much heat to operate right now?

Freshman Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggested that black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations but then said it might not work because of the black people who are “not paying taxes in the first place.” LOL.

A U.S. Navy photo posted to social media is being mocked for showing a commander shooting an AR-platform rifle with the scope mounted backwards. Some are saying it was a prank of an officer, but that seems a career killer. I am wondering if it is possible this is another AI photo, and the AI didn’t know how the scope was mounted, or where a the foregrip should be mounted. Middle fingernail on his left hand looks suspect too, though he could bite them.

LGBTQ dating group on Facebook for 8-year-olds sparks concerns.

Man has two healthy fingers amputated for ‘Body Integrity Dysphoria,’ after he experienced “profound distress” over his left hand’s fourth and fifth fingers.

Islands that climate alarmists said would soon “disappear” due to rising sea found to have grown in size.

Do Boeing 777 And Dreamliner 787 Aircraft Also Have Quality Issues? The FAA Is Investigating New Claims…Boeing has hit back, noting it has rigorous processes in place.

New DNA testing on 2,000-year-old elongated Paracas skulls changes known history, as it shows Middle Eastern and European DNA.

The Israeli air force is reportedly training to strike “sensitive” Iranian nuclear sites.

Wall Street Silver:

Australia’s Banks Are Already Refusing Cash Withdrawals For Their Customers:

“I thought it was absolutely crazy”

“How can you go to a bank and not get your own money out?”

“I thought she misheard what I wanted”

“What’s in the bank if there’s no cash?”

“They just said”

“I’m so sorry we can’t help you”

The Riksbanken — Sweden’s central bank — announced that it had lost some 44 billion kr (£3.2 billion), equal to half of the nation’s defense budget, and it needed that much money from the state in order to return to the minimal level of capitalization stipulated by the law.

Argentine President Javier Milei blamed politics for being unable to fulfill his campaign promise of dollarizing the country’s economy, suggesting that such a move could have led to his impeachment.

A young woman was arrested in the eastern French city of Besançon and faces up to a year in prison for holding up a sign calling for the deportation of foreign rapists.

American Drnes are being beaten out in Ukraine by Chinese drones.

Sen. Rand Paul challenges Sen. McConnell to a debate regarding his ‘Ukraine First policy.’

New Virgin/Chad Meme on /pol:


U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that recent Ukrainian attacks targeting Russian oil refineries could have a “knock-on effect” on the global energy market, Bloomberg reported on April 9. Globohomo gets Ukraine’s leaders into this, puts them in a position where if they lose, they all die brutal deaths, cuts off their funding, and then tells them to not target Russian oil, because we don’t want to pay an extra 5 cents per gallon. It is comical, really.

From a Ukrainian on the ground in Kiev, we might finally see the Ukraine war come to a close, mercifully, if we can get Congress to hold the line and not send any more aid:

Ukraine now lacking air defense, Russian jets freely fly over the front line as they never have, free to accurately hit Ukrainian positions with guided aerial bombs.

There’s nothing Ukraine can do now but lose positions.

The West needs to understand what this soon means

Interesting video of the use of a Laser cleaning device in an auto restoration shop.

Louisiana House passes bill allowing you to drive over protestors.

Nebraska goes into special session to become a winner take all state which will prevent Biden from getting the single electoral vote which Democrats usually get.

Spread r/K Theory, because now, you don’t even need to honk in Louisiana.

News Briefs – 04/10/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

From here, which points to this article about all the apps and devices constantly pulling and storing data on users, Jeffrey Petersen asks,

Facebook, TikTok, and X are gathering data through iPhone push notifications, even when users have closed the apps, according to researchers. What do you think they are doing with all this data?

See, if we are all a nation of individuals, floating around individually on our own paths, and there is this central government in DC and that is all, they could never process all of this data. They probably could not even store it. They need somebody to go through it and see what matters, and what can be discarded. Now if the nation has a Stasi-like intelligence service, which is broken up into neighborhood sectors, and there is a specific person assigned to maintain your file, to get to know you personally without you ever having a clue, and that Stasi-like service is 4-10 % of the population, now all that data is getting sent to your file-compiler, and being made available to the local units following you through stores. Suddenly that intel can be filtered by someone who knows you, the important stuff can be appended to your file, and much of it can even be used on the fly to track you, as they are following you around town and through stores. Now it makes sense it is constantly being pulled. The Stasi model is in many places the only model which makes sense of things.

Undercover video: CIA Officer/former FBI boasts: We “can put anyone in jail.. Set them up” – FBI “did what we wanted” with Alex Jones “Took his money away.”

Alex Jones CONFIRMS he will SUE the FBI & CIA after a CIA Agent ADMITTED Agency targeted Jones to destroy his career. “I’m planning on launching a lawsuit against the CIA & FBI. I’ve retained firms to sue for Civil Rights violations Gov. Racketeering operation.”

FISA Section 702, returns to the US House of Representatives this week and is expected to go to a full House vote on Thursday.

A Speaker Johnson’s staffer told a group of GOP staff today that he opposes warrant requirement amendment at the center of this week’s 702 debate, per two people familiar.

Thomas Massie:

Congress gives itself a carve out in the reauthorization of FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans.

The bill requires the FBI to notify and seek consent from Congress before violating the privacy of Congressmen.

This will persuade many members of Congress to vote yes.

Nineteen retired generals, admirals, and former top civilian defense officials have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, opposing former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution, claiming that granting such a request would pose a significant threat to national security. 

Text message from Fani Willis’ office shows investigator hitting on witness.

RFK Jr. will seek Libertarian party presidential nomination.

Alabama secretary of state says Democratic convention too late to get Biden on ballot this fall.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is dragging its feet in prosecuting Nicholas Roske, the man accused of trying to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, leaving legal experts perplexed about the slow-moving pace of the case.

President Joe Biden, 81, appeared to forget his own name during a speech on the economy delivered at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Tuesday, saying, “My dad used to say ‘A job… Joey… I give you my word as a tray… ‘” the President began, confusingly stumbling over his words and hesitating while appearing unclear how his father referred to him in the anecdote before settling on Joey. What if his real name was David Schomberg? Would he have been prone to pause there, trying to figure out what Dad had called him? Joe might not be his real name even.

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is confused by astronomy: “The moon is made up mostly of gases” and “You have the energy of the moon at night.” Absent the conspiracy, somebody smart would take that seat from her.

Ashley Biden diary thief gets one month in prison, three months of home detention.

Fox News reporter Matt Finn wrote in a video post, “Unbelievable. A Border Patrol agent in Sunland Park, NM just told us a mountain in the United States is ‘not ours’ anymore. ‘It’s theirs,’ referring to the Cartels having taken over Mt Cristo Rey.

Joe Biden’s ‘secret’ flights of 33,000 migrants to New York pass the buck to city taxpayers.

Pfizer says ‘sorry’ for illegally promoting unlicensed COVID vax with no safety data.

Joe Rogan says two of his friends now have pacemakers following the rollout of the C19 injections. “One of them is in his thirties, [and] one of them is in his forties,” and, “People I know personally [who] got the shot blacked out—quite a few.”

Another day, another data point showing yet another way the Covid Vaccines seem to have been purposely engineered to be as deadly as possible: “Evidence is provided that adding 100?% of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1?) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development.” That was the nucleotide analog which was supposed to slow the degradation of the mRNA signal of the vaccine. Except the body apparently eventually does degrade the mRNA, that nucleotide base drifts around alone, and gets reincorporated elsewhere into some other mRNA signal, and where the body would normally tightly control the signal’s presence, turning it off through degradation after it was finished. But once that nucleotide analog is there, it will prevent the signal from being turned off. And if it is a growth signal, you have one more step toward cancer.

California fails to track effectiveness of billions spent on homelessness, audit finds. Why might they not closely track billions of dollars?

Biden is spending $1 trillion to fight climate change. That was just in handouts from the Inflation Reduction Act.

The wild $30 million cash heist from a Los Angeles warehouse Easter Sunday was apparently pulled off by a top-notch group of criminals — and so clean that it could go unsolved, an expert says. Nobody noticed anything anon, because nobody was in the area watching for anything unusual.

Biden regime still seeks to change ‘Insurrection Act’ ahead of expected domestic unrest over 2024 election to limit Trump’s ability to call in the troops.

Federal prosecutors who opted not to pursue charges against “Antifa” members cannot prosecute a Huntington Beach man accused of helping establish a Southern California-based militant, white supremacist group whose members attacked rivals at Southern California political rallies, a judge ruled Wednesday, accusing the U.S. Attorney’s Office of selective prosecution for pursuing suspected “far-right, white supremacist nationalists” but not “Antifa and other extremist, far-left groups.”

The Derek Chauvin jury had a juror who lied about attending George Floyd rallies and knew members of his family.

Arizona Supreme Court rules that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable.

Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances.

On Monday, the Biden administration unveiled its new student loan debt proposal, which, if finalized, would eliminate some debt for as many as 25 million borrowers.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) stated that the student loan plan announced by President Joe Biden earlier in the day is “hope” for those who benefit from the plan to be able to do different things like traveling abroad.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) stated that if 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump wins in 2024, he’ll nominate more judges who believe that unelected federal agency officials shouldn’t make crucial policy decisions and that this should be left to Congress. As if that is a bad thing.

Tech company headed by former CEO of bankrupt Solyndra to receive $6.6 billion from Biden admin.

Scandal rocks Biden’s Labor Dept for lying about sharing non-public inflation data with secret group of Wall Street “super users.”

Gas prices hit six-month high, spiking more than 50% under Joe Biden.

25-year NPR veteran cops to all the biased coverage outlet pushed during Trump years.

Whistleblower Sam Salehpour, a Boeing engineer, alleges that Boeing took shortcuts when manufacturing its 777 and 787 Dreamliner jets, and that the risks could become catastrophic as the airplanes age.

Alec Baldwin lost control of his emotions on set, put others in danger and also changed his story in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of a movie in New Mexico in 2021, according to new court documents filed by prosecutors.

Lawyers advancing an effort to charge oil companies with homicide over climate-related deaths are ramping up their campaign to hold fossil fuel producers criminally accountable for contributing to climate change.

2nd Amendment grades for Illinois’ 2024 political candidates.

An anon of 4Chan has been sucking people in for months now with a UFO Webm. You see the thumbnail, of a light in the sky, and his assertion he recorded this UFO, and you click the video. The UFO slowly moves downward in the frame, until you see it is actually a flashlight pointing at the camera, as it illuminates his testicles. Somehow Mexican TV, in the middle of its eclipse coverage aired the whole  video on live TV. Just so you know, somebody scored one for our side, anons.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have launched a campaign in the fight against election misinformation with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ‘working to prepare US voters for a possible deepfake onslaught.’ 

The Israeli military allegedly used a secretive AI program called “Lavender” to identify thousands of bombing targets in Gaza — despite the tech having a 10% error rate, according to an explosive new report.

Israel ready to attack Iranian nuclear sites — media.

Canada spies found China interfered in last two elections, probe hears.

The brother-in-law of leftist Scottish leader Humza Yousaf has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion in relation to a case in which a man died after plunging out of the window of a Dundee flat in January.

Swiss women win landmark climate case at Europe top human rights court. Creates a legal precedent whereby now people can sue the governments bound to this court for things like issuing oil and gas drilling permits, or not reducing CO2 levels fast enough.

Money from Ukraine’s Burisma used for terrorist attacks in Russia – Moscow. Sounds like Burisma is like a shell company used by Management to send cash where Cabal wants it sent.

Russian investigators start inquiry into financing of terrorism by US, NATO officials with funding routed through Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings. Does not specifically say the Crocus City Hall attack, but implies other terrorist attacks were tracked back to funding from Burisma.

Burisma has CIA on the board.

Zelenskyy warns Russia has penetrated U.S. politics, invites Trump to Ukraine. At least we now know Russia has zero penetration of American politics, and Trump should never go to Ukraine.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron told America that “it’s profoundly in your interests” to shovel more money into Ukraine. I would want Putin to win, just to see what happens, and why Ukraine was so important to Cabal.

The Biden Administration just admitted it has massively undercounted Ukraine aid.

Data delivery rates 4.5 MILLION TIMES FASTER than average broadband achieved in major fiber optic breakthrough.

Florida no longer in play as a swing state as GOP voters surge over Dems by nearly 900K: DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because that FBI/CIA guy is no trigger puller

News Briefs – 04/09/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Court refuses Trump bond, N.Y. attorney general set to seize properties.

An insurance company will not be permitted to post a $175 million bond for Donald Trump while he appeals a fraud judgment, and as a result, New York Attorney General Letitia James will be able to begin enforcement proceedings on Donald Trump’s properties, a former federal prosecutor, Eric Lisann, has said. Reveal the fucking surveillance, tell us where the operations centers are, and lets touch this shit off already. There are probably thousands, that if Trump told us where the beamers were sitting, we would make a fucking beeline for that spot. Instead we are stuck with this stupid fucking Kabuki bullshit where he gets kicked in his teeth over and over. We get it. The system is unjust. Just reveal the fucking surveillance already.

Republicans vow to demand a warrant requirement for the FISA 302 surveillance program.

Ozaukee County Clerk can’t certify April 2nd 2024 election results. Dominion modems failed to transmit. Bigger: Dominion modems failed to transmit accurately! Vote counts on tabulator tapes do not match up with actual vote counts. Dominion tabulators, municipal clerk (and might be more than one) are sitting on tabulator results and refusing to give them to the county. The canvass taking place right now can’t be completed. Ozaukee County Clerk can’t certify the election of April 2nd right now. Election subsequently certified, but questions about the machines continue.

In response to a Brazilian congressman inquiring about possible election corruption, Elon Musk has stated that the ? platform needs to get its employees to safety before he releases a data dump… Potentially revealing evidence that shows an election scandal within Brazilian government.

Elon Musk is all that stands in the way of totalitarianism. The dude in the satan outfit, whose businesses have had to be rescued by Cabal umpteen times, will save us.

For the first time ever, the National Guard conducted an exercise simulating a frantic search for a nuclear dirty bomb at a basketball and hockey arena in Trenton, New Jersey, but what made the exercise different from hundreds of such similar war games held since 9/11 is that purely domestic terrorists were identified as the perpetrators. I shouldn’t need to tell you there is zero chance of this ever happening for real. Surveillance is too ever-present for a nuke to get by. You have to wonder if the National Guard commanders know. One of the bimbos they planted in a house next to my mom’s best friend is actually the daughter of a National Guard Military Intelligence guy. They strutted her hubby out talking into his wrist one time when I went out there. She did an interview where they mentioned she aspired to be CIA as a kid, and asked did she still want to be involved with intelligence someday, and her response was she did in fact want to “get back to that” at some point. I assume she was raised in it by her dad, and it is a sign this foreign conspiracy has infiltrated traitors everywhere, who all know they can never let America know about this thing, as real America would purge them from the country for it. It is a war, and there will be no “one America,” until we are rid of it once and for all.

White House pledges taxpayers will bail out 10 million students’ loan debts.

When Hunter Biden got wire transfers from China, they went to Joe Biden’s address.

DOJ refuses to hand over audio recordings of Biden’s special counsel interview t House committee investigating Biden after transcript proves Biden lied. Recordings may show ever worse dementia.

Daily Mail – The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday handed over transcripts of an interview with President Biden’s ghost writer Mark Zwonitzer, whom the president gave classified documents, but refused to release audio of ex-special counsel Robert Hur’s Biden interview.

Trump sues far-left judge overseeing Stormy Daniels ‘hush money payment’ trial.

Roughly 9,000 previously uncounted ????-?? ??????? were suddenly discovered sitting in a cage somewhere in Chicago. A Chicago Board of Elections official said he mistakenly failed to count them.

Ron DeSantis hosts donors at South Florida casino with an eye toward what’s next. The idea of running for president again in 2028 did not come up directly, but attendees said you could “read between the lines.” He has already shown he is a fag, and owned by Cabal. Fuck this little faggot.

Have scientists cracked cancer mystery in young people? Experts think they’ve pinpointed bodily changes that are driving skyrocketing cancer rates in under 50s. They haven’t  cracked the mystery, but they think from what they see for some unknown reason the cells of people under 50 have aged much faster than the cells of people who are over 50, so their bodies are functionally older. I would bet this will turn out to be Beaming Tech which was deployed more widely in to 80’s and onward, and people’s bodies have had to double time it to keep up, and now as they get older, they are finding their bodies are a lot more worn out than they were before the surveillance decided it had a right to get into everyone’s lives and try to dictate who the winners and losers of life would be, and Beam anyone who did not comply. If we can produce exposure, we will change the face of the world. People will be pissed off enough to act, and cancer rates will plummet.

Daily Mail: Why your skin needs to see the sun WITHOUT sunscreen every day: Experts have radically changed their rules for UV exposure and the risk of skin cancer – this is how it affects you. That sunscreen will kill you, anon. Why were you using it?

Christian expert on near-death experiences reveals that the one thing they all have in common is the God of the Bible.

Blame myself for Lindsey Graham” – President Trump blasts Senator Lindsey Graham over abortion comments and proposals. I do not know why Trump hasn’t taken this twerp out yet. He is a total saboteur.

AOC reveals the horror of seeing a deepfake porn image of herself and why she wants to crack down on AI that has the same intention as ‘physical rape and sexual assault.’ The funny thing with AOC deepfakes is, there are apparently small details about her face which make her repulsive, but if you see the AI Deepfakes, they seem to correct them, and produce pictures of a girl vastly prettier than her. I am not sure if it is removing her personality from her face, or if it is just smoothing out pieces which deviate from a mean, but Deepfakes AOC is much better looking.

An illegal alien is accused of spying on girls by looking under stalls in a Walmart bathroom in D’Iberville, Mississippi. Why are we letting all these degenerates in again?

Charles Barkley makes his opinion on border crisis very clear. He sounds like the most uninformed retard ever, but his gist is, the border situation is bad, and he is displeased. Retards get votes too, so we have to be aware.

According to a Department of Homeland Security report reviewed by Breitbart Texas, nearly 25,000 migrants from Special Interest Countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, including single adult males from countries subject to travel warnings by the U.S. State Department due to terrorism, were released into the United States to pursue asylum claims.

Conniving “burglary tourists” are coming from other parts of the world through a visa program and targeting luxurious homes in the US — with some even using ghillie suits as they wait for the perfect time to strike, one prosecutor told CNN.

House GOP investigates failures leading to 200,000 deportation case dismissals.

A new video just surfaced of the UFO spotted over Arlington Texas during the solar eclipse today and people are freaking out because it seems to disappear into the clouds:. Video is going around, so I put it here:

Someone got DOD’s official procedure for securing UAP materials through an FOIA.

Gun control activist David Hogg is living high on the hog thanks to the many donors cutting checks to his political action committee (PAC), Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.


Tennessee progressives fight so-called ‘White Supremacist legislation’ banning local reparations task forces.

Today, the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics approved an unprecedented ban on the participation of transgender women, in a move that could pressure other major governing bodies of athletics, including the National Collegiate Athletics Association, to follow suit.

U.S. Army to convert over 300,000 M4 carbines to enhanced M4A1 standard. A heavier barrel for heat and full auto on the fun switch.

Navy focused on DEI, now it can’t figure out how to build ships – “We don’t have detailed plans of action, milestones, initiatives.”

U.S. Army may cut key education benefits as service struggles to recruit and retain troops. Purposefully driving everyone from the military. I assume they want to recruit the assets loyal to the conspiracy among the migrants into it and train them up. We need to speed up the timetable and expose the surveillance, beginning the party before they are ready. At this point I trust in God’s timing and assume however it works, it will be ready when it is needed.

Minnesota State is starting a new program to give American healthcare jobs to “New Americans regardless of immigration status” aka illegal aliens.

2nd Amendment Grades for Pennsylvania’s 2024 Political Candidates.

Steam Powered Motorcycle 33 second video clip on (page includes a gif).

How staring at 2017 eclipse for just 10 seconds left me with ‘irreversible eye damage.’

Taiwanese chip-making giant TSMC gets billions in US grants, loans for third Arizona chip factory.

Argentina is in talks with Ukraine over how it can help the war-torn nation and that includes the potential of sending military aid, President Javier Milei has revealed.

Joaquin Phoenix, 150 Hollywood Jewish creatives defend Oscar winner’s speech condemning Israel. These are not attacks on Israel. They are attacks on Netanyahu by the Cabal. If Cabal regains control of Israel, he will fall back in line, as will they all. Good to know his name if things get spicy.

Trump to Netanyahu on war in Gaza: ‘You’ve got to get it over with … get back to normalcy.’ If the October 7th attacks had happened on my watch, there is little doubt the path I’d have taken. Expose it all as bullshit, and hunt and kill the Israelis who supported the operation first, and then go after the rest. Against an enemy who wargames, that can be dangerous, as that is what they are expecting, and they will have a plan to exploit it. Maybe Netanyahu zigged when they assumed he would zag, by going with the war. I assume this is Trump telling him to end the war and let things go according to Trump’s scriptwriter’s plan. If I were Netanyahu, I would commence liquidating fifty to a hundred Israelis involved in the attacks of October 7th, just as a message. After all, Trump didn’t say not to do that.

Israeli citizen arrested for online plot to assassinate Netanyahu. They are certainly coming for Netanyahu.

Trump says Netanyahu betrayed him before 2020 US airstrike. Trump uses words as weapons in the pussified word we have entered, where words are as bad a thing as you see deployed. I never take what he says at face value, but assume it is him setting the stage, and molding the battlefield.

Netanyahu: The date is set for attack on Hamas in Rafah.

Nicaragua has asked the UN’s highest court to halt German weapons sales to Israel at the start of a landmark case which accuses Germany of breaching the UN genocide convention by sending military hardware to Israel and ceasing funding of the UN’s aid agency.

Nigel Farage disturbed by shock poll exposing British Muslims – ‘32% want Sharia law.’ Who would be surprised by that?

To protect the children, EU will spy on all private chats. And if you say the wrong things, the government won’t do anything, but the local Stasi unit will move in next door and Beam™ you until you begin saying the right things.

New Zealand tightens visa rules as ‘unsustainable’ migration soars.

WaPo tries to claim all the online opposition to Ukraine funding is Russian influence operations. If, as I suspect, Amazon Associates is a money laundering operation supporting pro-Cabal online influencers, then when the lawsuits over the surveillance start, you should be able to tap the deep pockets of Amazon for aiding the conspiracy acting against us all. WaPo too. If you expose the surveillance, link it to the broader conspiracy, and let it be tapped in the lawsuits which will permeate the nation over this, you could bankrupt all of Cabal’s machinery overnight, from ground surveillance to Big Tech operations, and reapportion all of their resources to real Americans. It would be a very elegant system.

For the first time, Russia uses a massive thermobaric bomb in the Ukraine conflict.

Ukraine resorting to drafting retarded men.

Zelenskyy straight-up said Ukraine is going to lose if Congress doesn’t send more aid. Lets hope we can stave off sending more aid.

Pompeo urges Johnson to bring Ukraine aid package to vote. Never, ever, trust CIA.

The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine was damaged Sunday in a drone attack, the International Atomic Energy Agency said, calling the strike “a serious incident (with) potential to undermine integrity of the reactor’s containment system.”

Washington’s high-capacity magazine ban ruled unconstitutional by Cowlitz County judge.

Everyone of these guys is literally a furry person, with a wild sense of humor:

Spread r/K Theory, because The biggest comedians have tails

News Briefs – 04/08/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

CIA is pushing to expand FISA to organized crime cartels. The more groups they can include the more American civilians will be within two hops from a covered group and the more Americans they can spy on without fearing that if it is uncovered, it is a crime.

Irish Nationalists kicked the ass of some Antifa who tried to break up a peaceful protest against mass migration. One of the Antifa dropped his phone, and it is rife with evidence that the Antifa were foreigners, and it detailed of all the connections between the government, the media, and Antifa, with even some journalists taking part in Antifa raids on peaceful protests. There are 4Chan threads on it here, and here, and here. If you want to do a deep dive through all that you can, but the takeaway is, the news media, these protest groups, and the government, as well as the NGOs behind the mass migration are all one big intel op, working together. Obviously, we have always known Antifa is an intelligence operation, and many of these migrants are assets of it too. You will remember Ryan Carson, an Antifa “activist,” who was killed in New York when he and the girl he was with picked up and began a follow of a black guy who decided he wasn’t having any of it. You could see them hiding their faces at the start of the video, until the target passed and they then picked up and began following him. When Antifa operators are not doing Antifa stuff, they are performing street follows for US domestic intelligence. At the end of the video, a black girl runs up and is told to continue the follow of the attacker, while the woman deals with her stabbed surveillance-compatriot. This type of thing is all over, all around us – and more so if you have any potential or ability, or are involved in politics.

Video here of an Antifa member being driven out at the Ireland protest. Notice how there is no traffic next to them at the start of the video and the scuffle, but by the end, it is a traffic jam on the road next to them. And two of the first three vehicles to begin driving by were taxis. Each of the surveillance cars which drives by is running hidden video cameras, and everybody there is getting documented. All of those vehicular surveillance people, are supporters of the destruction of Ireland. Whatever it is going on in Europe, with the flood of third world, violent, Muslim migrants, the surveillance people are running overwatch for the people doing it, they know they are helping it, and as strange as it seems, they are cool with destroying their homeland. It is very strange.

A video of P. Diddy and ‘The Game’ giving Justin Bieber drinks is going viral. People believe Justin was drugged and raped multiple times at this party. You have no friends in an intel op, and everything today is an intel op.

Flashback to 2001, Israeli messaging service says two of its employees were messaged by someone who warned of the 9/11 attacks before they happened. Obviously, the investigation was quickly tamped down. There were Israelis who knew. They were ground level operatives of the same intelligence operation which “gangstalks” people in the US who knew too. That was why all the food cart vendors did not show up for work that day.

64-year-old New Jersey man who operates Trump RV beaten with sledgehammer, airlifted to hospital with “significant head injuries.”

Biden admin installs new rule making it harder to fire the bureaucrats of the Deep State, in case Trump takes the White House in November.

Joe Biden balloons ‘temporary’ amnesty to include 1.2 million foreign nationals.

Economists are expressing concern over the increasing number of illegal immigrants in the United States, who they believe are obscuring the actual condition of the jobs market and the U.S. economy.

They’re screaming ‘death to America’ in Dearborn.

Liberal Chicago suburb of Evanston wants $20 million grant to make abandoned office building a migrant shelter.

Migrants in Washington State left a protest encampment on a local tennis court after an unknown donor subsidized a temporary stay at a hotel however now they are demanding a long-term solution from the county.

Michigan lost $1 million of liquor in audit of its stockpiles.

California is giving up to $150,000 to help first-time homebuyers.

Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson went before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday, hoping that a dozen consolidated lawsuits could move to federal court, in an effort to prevent a biased Chicago court from ruling in a way that limits gun rights even more severely. These are families and survivors of that shooting by the little mousy dude with long black hair who fancied himself a rapper, but then dressed like a woman, took up a perch, and fired on a parade.

A study conducted by Pfizer proved mRNA COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is highly likely to cause a spontaneous abortion but health authorities have been bribed to dismiss it.

Boeing 737 has to turn around after losing part of an engine cowling, which was videoed. You can see, if you run a big enough network of assets, and they will do whatever you say, you can know ahead  of time when these publicly traded companies will experience disastrous failures, because you can make your assets get hired on to the company, and have them create them. Then after you have profited from the stock decline, you can buy in, and then have everyone change tack again, and build the company back up, and sell it at the original price, profiting on the way back up. The whole stock market becomes one big tool to separate everyone else from all of their money, while only allowing them minimal returns. AB InBev was probably the same thing with the Bud Light fiasco.

U.S. Army to introduce the XM7 rifle, marking the end of the iconic M16 series.

Vatican backtracks, approves pro-homosexual priest as theology dean at Italian college.

The Israeli military has withdrawn all of its ground troops from southern Gaza save for one bridge in order to “rest and refit,” US officials say.

Brazil’s Supreme Court opening an investigation into Elon Musk for obstruction of justice and fining X.

Brazil is moving to regulate X after Elon Musk refused to comply with their anti-free speech demands.

Tucker on how the Biden Admin, along with the CIA, helped install the current government in Brazil—which immediately moved to silence opposition media and arrest dissidents.

Just one in five Scots back Draconian hate speech law, as leftist SNP government set for big election defeat.

British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron will warn that the US is risking the West’s security by holding up a new package of aid for Ukraine when he visits Washington DC next week.

Drones attack the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, according to plant officials, seeking to create a nuclear disaster.

On Twitter:


Testimonies reveal Ukraine’s clearance of a minefield near the Russian border ahead of an escape following a massacre.

Terrorists were instructed to head to Kiev upon entry into Ukraine and were assured compensation of nearly $11,000 each for their involvement in the attack.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in remarks published on Saturday, said his country was awaiting a much-needed, large-scale aid package from the United States and that he still believed Congress would vote it through.

Zelensky warns U.S. congress: meet Ukraine military aid demands or Russia wins.

In a world first, scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, the National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) and colleagues in Germany have shown that regenerative therapy to restore impaired kidney function may soon be a possibility using an immune-regulating protein which reverses kidney damage. Good news, if true.

Spread r/K Theory, because warriors fight, and this is the time of warriors

News Briefs – 04/07/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


The former bodyguard of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ claims the music mogul had blackmail tapes of politicians, princes and other prominent individuals who were involved in his sex parties. There are hundreds, if not thousands of these guys. You can see why almost everyone you see on the news or in the media is a degenerate. And on top of that, if you found a way to be successful and were not a degenerate, they would either drive you out or kill you.

Ex-Diddy producer says this scandal ‘could be WORSE than Jeffrey Epstein.’ And yet still, Hefner remains above reproach.

Trump violates the gag order, directly daring Judge Merchan to jail him.

Brand new Palm Beach mansion within striking distance of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago hits the market for $45M – and it even comes with a complimentary membership to Donald’s club thrown in.

CIA denies meddling in Hunter Biden IRS, DOJ investigations. From the link: “According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, the IRS wanted to interview Hunter Biden associate (who loaned Hunter $6.5 million), Patrick Kevin Morris – and that “the CIA intervened to stop the interview.” “Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris,” at which “it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.” You wonder how the IRS Agent knows they cannot just press forward, or indeed, are not duty bound to press forward to avoid a perception of corruption. Are all of the IRS Agents in the conspiracy? Does their boss explain it to them? Are they just gangstalked and beamed until they stop?

Federal attorneys prosecuting Hunter Biden for tax evasion felonies have obtained his family cellphone text messages dating back several years.

Technical foul: Ohio’s Sec of State informs Dems that Biden’s name might not make November ballot!

Biden campaign brings in over $90M in March, claims ‘highest total’ cash on hand by any Dem ever.

Former President Donald Trump has criticized President Joe Biden and the Justice Department for “unfairly” targeting a 71-year-old woman dubbed the “J6 Praying Grandma” who entered the U.S. Capitol for around 10 minutes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Joe Biden visited the site of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland — the same bridge he claimed he commuted over regularly via rail, even though it has no tracks — and he just couldn’t help himself by invoking the death of his son Beau in order to play the empathy card.

Twitter leftist Ed Krassenstein, in supporting Biden and Ashley’s diary’s accusations, says pediatricians support fathers showering with their young daughters.

‘We’re taking this seriously’: Adam Schiff is paranoid Trump will throw him in prison. Why would he ever think Trump would do that?

Bernie Sanders’ Vermont office is BURNED DOWN while staff were trapped inside – as cops hunt arsonist who set fire and fled.

Despite pledge to only audit elites, new 80k+-strong Biden IRS legion targets middle class.

Today, America First Legal (AFL), Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and a coalition of twenty state Attorneys General filed a lawsuit to stop President Biden from continuing to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from crime-plagued nations directly into cities across the United States.

Madison, Wisconsin, diverted $700,000 in taxpayer Covid relief to illegal aliens.

New York City councilor blasts Adams $53M migrant debit card program. If you were electing your leaders, they would not so obviously give your money to other people.

Data quietly published by a host of countries across Europe reveals that excess deaths among children are still occurring at an alarming rate as we enter the spring of 2024.

The former Wall Street analyst, BlackRock portfolio manager, and data analyst Edward Dowd has unveiled startling data that points to a significant and troubling rise in cancer deaths, especially among older adults, since the introduction of the Covid vaccines. 

“A tidal wave of cancer cases is expected to sweep the globe by 2050, jumping 77 percent between now and then, a new American Cancer Society associated study says.

Only 59% of Americans are ‘satisfied’ with their health. When you look at the harsh world we are designed to not just survive in, but thrive in, and this ridiculously healthy, disease-free world around us with every advantage, this makes no sense, unless nearly everyone in the 41% is getting beamed.

A lawsuit claims four students took turns forcibly penetrating a third-grade girl in a restroom stall, blocked her escape, and received one-day suspensions. Whenever I see these, I flash back to how operational the surveillance kids in my school were, and I wonder just how special this girl may be. They are watching, and they know a lot more than you would think, and they are using that data operationally in the schools, on kids. If your child has potential, it is a problem you need to consider. Nobody is slipping through the cracks with them, and every kid with potential is a threat.

Autism and ADHD are linked to disturbed gut flora very early in life. It makes you wonder if these kids are seeing their gastrointestinal systems beamed, and immunologically dysregulated each night as they are growing up. When I was being vibrated most aggressively, they did a lot of internal, peritoneal cavity vibrating. We associate autism with high mental function, but suppose those kids would have the high mental function and a totally normal psychology, if they were not being beamed each night to screw up their stomachs and slow them down. It would also explain the sudden onset, where a child is totally healthy one day, and ravaged the next. And the rise in autism is just paralleling the rollout of The Beam.

Months after Philadelphia banned ski masks in public spaces, there’s still no plan to enforce the new law. Feels kind of like surveillance is upset their facial recognition software cannot track everyone.

Former agent: FBI taught agents pro-lifers are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists. All it takes is a cursory review of interviews with the Miami shootout guys to see old FBI’s fantasy camp was made up of our guys. I almost wish I could immerse myself in the Soma of that life alongside them. Of course this is a former FBI guy, which signifies the winds are changing, and the new FBI is increasingly all-Cabal, all the time.

Sen. John Fetterman blasts squatters, violent crime: ‘I am not woke.’ He only recites lines he is given. But still interesting they are giving him these lines.

Police in the northern German port city of Kiel on Friday said they had discovered more than $103 million in falsified US bills from Turkey, shipped through Germany, destined for the United States. Do not mess with Rothschild-produced funny money. It is one of the few things ground surveillance will intervene in. Better you should get into terrorist attacks, mass shootings, or kidnapping, raping, and killing children. They will only track you and document it, and maybe promote you to President like Obama some day.

A NY tugboat captain has reported to @gCaptain “container ship APL QINGDAO lost power while transiting New York harbor. They had 3 escort tugs but 3 more were needed to bring her under control. They regained power & were brought to anchor near the Verrazano bridge.”

Saturday night’s Powerball numbers were supposed to have been drawn at 11 p.m., but the numbers were still pending by 11:30 p.m as Powerball said in a statement that the delay was due to one participating lottery needing “additional time to complete required pre-draw procedures, which have been enacted to protect the security and integrity of the Powerball game.”It is like basic logic. If they say something is because of X, then you know it is because of the inverse of X. Notice that could happen on any Powerball, but us just happened to happen on the one big one which mattered.

A lot of noticing going on, even by MSM, and even elsewhere on the web:

Remember you saw it here first. Compared to this site, all these pogues are always late to the party.

Solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco injected “salt crystals” into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight. The project was not widely announced, “to avoid public backlash.”

Multiple regions across the US declare state of emergency in preparation for solar eclipse. Somewhat puzzling, and disturbing, given these are almost Biblical times, and they have been hiding seemingly supernatural truths from us for so long.

Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country, leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nation’s creaking power grid.

Stunned archaeologists probe claims of giant skeletons in Nevada caves where they found a 15-inch sandal that had been worn down as well as massive handprints across the walls. Ancient, red-haired giants which the local legends spoke of as preying on regular humans.

A stay-at-home mother in Texas said she was shocked when she was informed that there was a warrant out for her arrest over an unreturned library book. Globohomo is nothing if not fickle.

Stool transplant shows promise for Parkinson’s disease (“Significant improvement” in motor skills).

For second time in less than a week, a Chinese national was caught on a US military base. Probably looking to poison food or spread a disease.

Harvard University employed around-the-clock security guards to monitor and protect an anti-Israel wall created by pro-Palestine students.

Pelosi, Democratic lawmakers urge Biden to put conditions on military aid to Israel.

IDF probe into failures leading to Oct. 7 attack to focus on period starting in 2018. Just as with September 11th, it will just be a coverup.

According to US intelligence, an Iranian retaliatory strike for the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus would consist of a swarm of Shaheed loitering drones and cruise missiles.

Anti-Ulez campaigners hang bat boxes on cameras to stop them from being repaired in latest stunt against Sadiq Khan’s scheme.

Zimbabwe, set to launch gold-backed currency, builds 2.5t of reserves in 18 months. De-dollarization continues.

Argentina’s Milei looks to take Conservative revolution global. He is like all these tools who say what we want to hear. Use what he gives you to advance the movement, but he himself is totally disposable, and not to be trusted or followed.

Brazilian court orders X to “block certain popular accounts in Brazil,” Elon Musk announces that X would defy the court’s order, and lift all restrictions, saying, “As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit.”

Mexico breaks diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police storm its embassy to arrest politician. No idea what this is, but could be measure of the fact there are big secrets out there, which cannot be allowed to come to light at any cost. Something like this guy telling  relatives in a phone call he was about to release information he had which would cause everyone to see the surveillance could precipitate a move like this.

Russia-friendly populist elected Slovak president.

Big trouble may be brewing in little Moldova, which is starting to look like a staging area for the European Union to offset an emerging Russian victory in Ukraine. Globohomo got a pro-EU faction in power, they outlawed the pro-Russian political parties, and it is basically being turned into Ukraine 2.0.

Moldovans are not happy to see Globohomo in their backyards.

All over 4Chan are Ukrainian videos of drones obliterating what look like Russian soldiers. One example is here. They are all strange though. The soldiers ar mostly not carrying weapons, and rarely fire at the drones, and when they do, they should hit something, but miss entirely. They even do weird shit like throw their rifles at them, or just accept their death. One anon brilliantly postulates:

It’s so weird how these videos are always of unarmed guys in shitty gear just sitting there waiting for a drone to drop a bomb on em. i’m starting to think a bunch of these videos are just staged propaganda videos and these guys aren’t even soldiers. They [Ukrainians] just take convicts from prisons or homeless people or whatever and put them in some closed off area they can’t escape from and just bomb them and pretend it’s drone footage from the front lines for money.

Zelensky: Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems to cover the country.

Ukraine’s Zelensky warns of dwindling air defense missiles.

From the UK’s The Times : It’s time we talked about the fall of Kyiv. Soon to be Kiev.

A top Ukrainian commander has warned Russia’s forces are ready to “swallow” Europe whole, as he urged Western leaders to prepare their defenses for Putin’s army. How you know the war is almost over, and peace is about to reign.

Russia displays thousands of NATO weapons and combat vehicles. So embarrassing.

With no way out of a worsening war, Zelensky’s options look to be bad or worse.

Elon Musk: “Every two years, thousands of ships would depart from Earth to Mars,” like in “Battlestar Galactica.” Not going to do us much good if Globohomo is up there too.

U.S. Navy Submarine first in world fitted with silent caterpillar drive.

Appeals court upholds Second Amendment rights of 18-20-year-olds.

Donald Trump raises record $50.5m at Florida fundraiser – double the amount netted by Biden at bash also attended by Obama and Clinton – as beaming Melania dazzles in tropical jumpsuit. Melania looks like she is 25.

Spread r/K Theory, because every major threat we face in the US would disappear if the surveillance disappeared

News Briefs – 04/06/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


From WND:

In George Orwell’s famous novel, “1984,” an oppressive government – symbolized by the phrase “Big Brother” – is continually spying on everyone and manipulating how and what they think. In many ways, today’s Central Intelligence Agency seems to be America’s version of “Big Brother” – or perhaps even to exceed it. By multiple reliable accounts, the CIA has been involved in everything from manipulating the media, to trafficking drugs, to flipping governments, to controlling Hollywood, even to participating in the assassination of a U.S. president. And of course, spying on Americans.

Supposedly the only US agency which uses children on surveillance operations, with parental consent, is CIA. It is not impossible the American Stasi is shoehorned under some sort of CIA program, though I think the operation in a practical sense is a much older operation stretching back to the elites of Europe and the James Tilley Matthews case, and today its primary mission is making sure the Rothschilds and the Cabal they serve maintains their control over the United States, their criminal operations can operate unfettered by law or exposure, and that the pesky issue of voting never intrudes on any of that.

RFK Jr – Woody Harrelson’s father who is in prison for killing a judge, was involved in the assassination of JFK. Turns out Woody’s dad was a sniper in Vietnam, recruited by the CIA as an assassin, he confessed to Woody he was involved in JFK’s killing, though he didn’t take the shot, there are pictures of him there, and Woody told RFK Jr all of this, and this is all known. Did you think Woody Harrelson was a big Hollywood star because he drove out to LA with all his stuff in the trunk of his car, he got a job waiting tables, he went to auditions, and one time he caught a big break, through luck and hard work? Regular people could not rise to those positions. All of that was strictly controlled by the conspiracy, and handed to people. And the amazing thing is, none of us had any clue until now.

And the most fascinating part is, surveillance knew back then too. Normies will think, Oswald waltzed into the book depository building whistling, with his Carcano under his arm, and stashed it, and then as JFK approached, he snuck into the room and took the shots. It doesn’t work like that. Surveillance was around back then. Well over a decade prior, it got on the bus with my mom when she was a kid, surrounded her, and began talking loudly about all her friends, in a part of the city away from where all her friends were.

Once JFK was carriving, surveillance would blanket that area. And they would be like I teach you to be in the surveillance pieces. “Why is that woman standing next to her baby carriage, instead of pushing it?” “Why does she suddenly pick up and move after you turn and are leaving?” They are trained to be paranoid and observant, and they will blanket the area with people like that. Bums, newspaper sellers, food cart guys, couples holding hands on benches.

The President is coming in a day or two, and somebody has a rifle-shaped box, entering a building near his path? They will note it and check out what he is up to. People in the building will head to him to do walkby’s to track where he goes. He enters a room, they will know and go in later and toss it, and find anything he left.

The President is approaching? They will be in the halls. You enter a hall, there will be a janitor with a mop. Another hall will have a handyman doing detail painting on some millwork. Another has a woman who dropped a box of thumb tacks, and she is picking them up. Another hall will have an employee of the building you know standing at the water fountain getting a drink. You enter a room on the President’s side, they will know. You are not sneaking anywhere, this is not their first rodeo doing this.

Surveillance back then may not have been 4-10% of the population, rolling in every neighborhood in force, but they were 1-3% of the population, they flooded zones like that, and that 1-3% throughout the nation, all knew the President was assassinated by something with the support of their op, because it did not get through their net without help. And as it grew, and the new generation looked back, they would know too. All of those fucked up things, they ran support, or were at least ordered to stand down by bosses who wanted whatever horror it was. They have long been a force which would be able to stop things like that, and when those things happened, they knew what it meant.

Of everything about them, that is the most shocking.

In California and elsewhere, fear of crime drives the surveillance state, which will remain after the crime is gone. Not if I have my way.

Judge Cannon rejects Jack Smith’s demands of her jury instruction order as “unprecedented and unjust.”

Palm Beach county state attorney says Jack Smith close to using ‘nuclear button’ to remove judge Cannon from Trump classified docs case over her jury instruction order.

The $175 million bond in former President Trump’s civil fraud trial is at risk after the New York attorney general’s office questioned the qualifications of the California-based company that posted it.

President Trump on Friday filed a motion requesting that the judge overseeing the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ case be recused because of his daughter’s political work and associations.

RFK Jr. vows to appoint special counsel to look into Capitol riot cases against Trump, supporters.

Biden-appointed judge rips DOJ for flouting Hunter Biden-related subpoenas while pointing out Peter Navarro is in prison for same defiance.

Two dozen J6 protesters sue over 100 US Capitol Police members for unprecedented violence, brutality and physical abuse on January 6, 2021 that led to sustained injuries and trauma.

Judicial Watch announced today that it has asked a federal court to deny the U.S. Government’s request to transfer the Ashli Babbitt wrongful death lawsuit from California to Washington, DC.

Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors.

Dirty RINO Karl Rove viciously attacks President Trump after saying he will pardon J6 defendants — ‘not hostages, they are thugs… sons of bitches…’

DeSantis is holding a fundraiser to compete with Donald Trump’s this weekend, just as the pressure is on Trump to maximize his haul following Biden’s recent $25 million event.

Kamala Harris’ heavily tattooed stepdaughter Ella Emhoff sells $5,000 knitted art pieces at exhibition in cannabis store in NYC. Like Hunter.

The Biden administration has finalized a new set of regulations to prevent a future president from initiating a wholesale purge of the US civil service along the lines of what former president Donald Trump envisioned during the final months of his term.

President Biden vowed on Friday that the federal government would cover the cost of rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore – and that the work would be done by union labor, potentially setting up a funding fight with the conservative wing of the House of Representatives.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was booed by members of the audience of The View after expressing regret for his endorsement of President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Today, America First Legal, Ken Paxton, and 20 Attorneys General filed an urgent motion in federal court to stop Biden’s secret migrant flights depositing illegals from crime-plagued nations directly into US cities.

Boebert clinches top spot on primary ballot in new Colorado district. Fascinating, in that everyone getting out of her way feels very much like Obama running for office early on, and how everyone cleared a path for him at each stage of his political career. She is nuts, she was arrested for intervening in a case of Police trying to wrangle a bunch of unruly teens, her husband was waving his genitals at underaged girls in a bowling alley, she was on what looked like a Jewish escort/modelling site with a dragon tattoo wrapping around her body, she’s out getting felt up by a Democrat in public in what was probably a set up she fell for, her kid is burglarizing the town, and yet she is walking backward into an office you would not be allowed to run for. Meanwhile, I will bet there are 180 IQ GATE kids who are homeless under bridges right now, because they would have felt duty-bound in the office. You wonder what happened that took her from struggling single mom, to overnight engineered political perma-officeholder. If she survives whatever the purge is that is coming, I would think it safe to assume we’re still living in a controlled fake-democratic republic, just shifted around to be more stable in K-times. Because her situation feels like the exact machine which created Obama.

Lauren Boebert ‘got so drunk at GOP Christmas party bar staff stopped serving her – and tried taking so many selfies with Donald Trump his security pulled her away’ – three months after theater fondling scandal. You guys are, compared to most people, top level espionage experts who know how all of this works, and any one of you would make a brilliant, no-nonsense leader who would make flawless decisions. And you will almost certainly never be allowed to be Congressmen. And yet Boebert is falling ass backwards into it every which way. That is the system.

Are the Chinese building a bridge in Central America to fuel America’s migrant crisis? Huge structure ‘big enough for a column of tanks’ springs up in Panama… but no-one is sure who is funding it. Alright, Sam. You’re up. Best guess who is funding this?

A recent poll finds that the issue of illegal immigration has become a top election issue in Colorado as the state drowns in tens of millions spent on freebies for Joe Biden’s illegal border crossers.

Migrants along border say they ‘want Biden to win’ 2024 election.

Chicago mayor urges Biden to grant work permits to half million illegal immigrants.

Texas is on the verge of making illegal border crossings a state crime.

A Haitian migrant is accused of fatally stabbing his two roommates, also from Haiti, in and around their apartment complex prior to a federal deportation hearing, the New York Post reports.

Illegal migration under Biden matches ALL LEGAL MIGRATION from 1892 to 1954.

“Squatting” Migrant TikToker appears to be a Venezuelan government agent.

One million excess deaths among people aged 65 and older since the rollout of Covid “vaccines.”

Fearing Trump victory, Democrats’ loss of Senate, leftists push for Sotomayor to exit SCOTUS.

A government-funded database, led by the University of Maryland and ostensibly established to track “radicalization,” is targeting a major pro-life group, Students for Life of America (SFLA), which has 1,400 chapters at campuses across the country, as “terrorists.” 

FBI ‘investigating New York Mayor Eric Adams for getting free Turkish Airlines upgrades’ as part of corruption probe. Don’t complain about the surveillance, anon, and everything will be OK.

New York City has agreed to pay $17.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by two Muslim women who were forced to remove their hijabs for police mugshots. Settlement will be shared between up to 4,100 Muslims who get at least $7,824. How the fuck do you do a mugshot without them removing their hijab?

A Georgia inmate serving a life sentence built two bombs in prison and mailed them to the DOJ headquarters in DC and a federal courthouse in Alaska, federal prosecutors said.

A Seattle transgender defense attorney representing far-left activists who disrupted a Seattle City Council meeting in February flaunted his giant breasts in a courtroom on Thursday.

Texas gender clinic dubbed ‘Frankenstein’s lab’ performs hundreds of experimental surgeries each year – including giving patients a penis AND vagina and ‘Barbie-dolling’ clients by removing both.

Puberty blockers may NOT be reversible and could raise children’s risk of fertility problems and even cancer, Mayo Clinic study suggests.

Magnitude 4.8 earthquake strikes northeastern United States.

Epicenter of the NYC/NJ earthquake was Trump National Golf Club: ‘Ground shook very hard.’ Could that be a threat, saying they have the tech? I mean, they can set up in a house, 75 feet away, and “pop” a specific spot in your brain all night to destroy it and alter the function of your brain. They have amazing tech.

7 earthquakes, including a magnitude 4.4, strike Northern California.

Boeing compensates Alaska Airlines $160 million for door plug blowout.

U.S. hyper-sexual “zombie cicadas” that are infected with sexually transmitted fungus expected to emerge this year.

The ‘Twitter Files Brazil’ reveal how Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes led a ‘sweeping crackdown on free speech’ and targeted conservative voices in the lead-up to the presidential election.

Japan appears to be transitioning from a homogenous society to embrace ‘diversity and inclusivity’ by ushering in “an era of mass foreign immigration.”

German police arrested several Hamas terrorists in the country following Israeli intelligence tip; the interrogations led investigators to a warehouse in southern Bulgaria housing stocks of weapons and ammo.

Israel warns Iran of massive regional war if directly attacked.

Scarborough: Netanyahu intentionally starving Gaza, like STALIN starved Ukraine. Bad shit is happening in Gaza, no doubt, but I do not think it coincidence we have a Cabal asset attaching it to Netanyahu.

Israel military fires senior officers after aid workers killed in Gaza. Israel has never done that. The rules have always been Israeli vs enemy, and if mistakes happen they stand by their own. I will bet Netanyahu is cleaning out people he thinks were trying to sabotage the war effort for the Cabal, to aid in taking him out and subverting their government with the Cabal agents who would replace him. I think they are fighting the same battle we are, against the same enemy. I wish Netanyahu had called Bullshit on October 7th, though, and used that to clean house. Whoever got those innocent girls killed at the concert should hang.

Massive protests against Netanyahu form in Israel as entire region erupts. All of us hate Biden. We know the US is literally being destroyed. But there are no protests. Whenever I see organized protests, my first thought is Cabal.

US forces on high alert, preparing for ‘significant’ attack in Middle East by Iran on US, Israeli assets.

Zimbabwe turns to gold in efforts to permanently ditching US dollar.

Scottish First Minister defends hate crime law. Citizens use it to report him.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is calling for a ‘maximum reward’ bounty to be put on the heads of any NATO troops sent to Ukraine.

Western officials warn munition shortages could be catastrophic for Ukraine as US stalls on providing more aid.

NATO faces ‘catastrophic defeat’ in Ukraine — ex-Pentagon adviser Edward Luttwak argues that members of the US-led bloc will have to deploy troops to prevent a Russian victory. Idiots like this are why you have wars.

Americans add over a million firearms to their arsenals every month.

Court finds defendant has standing to contest Connecticut’s ban on carry in state parks.

Is Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman trying to sabotage Joe Biden’s reelection bid through the current surge in oil prices, which could — if sustained — contribute to Biden’s defeat? Based MbS.

One in five Americans say political violence may be needed. You only need three percent. And they say once a disbelieved idea converts 10 percent, it will be accepted as reality eventually. Just wait until the surveillance goes public.

A confidential memo from a Democratic strategist warned donors in January that voter registration efforts could actually help Donald Trump, including among racial minorities, since many non-black racial minorities now vote Republican.

Spread r/K Theory, because 20% is more than enough for  war

News Briefs – 04/05/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


P. Diddy had hidden cameras in every room of his mansion which were used to record elites engaged in illegality and embarrassing situations. You wonder if like Epstein, there was a hidden door hiding a room filled with Mossad operatives watching monitors.

James O’Keefe looks at how it works, using a case in Crypto where it looks like FBI, working for shadowy interests, conjured up a crime to pin on a wealthy, innocent crypto founder, so they could turn him into a slave/asset, and then use him to help creates crimes they could use to capture other crypto-leaders as slaves/assets, so the FBI could take over crypto and control it all. It is a good example of how if you are just an innocent techie, and come up with the next big thing, you need to be schooled heavily in intel, or you are going to get eaten alive. Also, they do not allow billionaires they do not own.

Almost 7 million new non-driving voters in Texas tried to register in 2020.

NY AG James raises concerns over firm backing Trump’s $175 million bond.

A lawyer for one of former President Donald Trump’s co-defendants in the Georgia case claimed in a new interview that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s office illegally recorded a phone call between her and a lawyer.

White House announces plan to protect bureaucrats from being fired by new Trump admin.

Karl Rove wants everyone at J6 thrown in jail.

Biden, 81, repeats lie he’s traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese leader Xi Jinping…before calling himself ‘O’Biden’ while discussing Obama administration.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker Carlson Speaker of the House Mike Johnson appears to be being blackmailed to do the bidding of the left.

No Labels, the bipartisan group that had been working toward putting a third-party presidential ticket on the ballot in all 50 states in 2024, announced Thursday that it was ending its efforts.

Mexico surges troops to the border to stop ‘Way of the Cross’ migrant caravan of 2,000 from reaching Texas. Biden wants them to come in quietlThese ones threaten to overrun the border with Texas and create a scene.

Seattle scrambles to raise $5,000 DAILY hotel cost for 240 ‘threatening’ asylum seekers who overtook school play area, erecting tents and flags and complaining of being ‘traumatized.’

A new Maine bill was passed by the state legislature on Wednesday that would tie Maine’s Electoral College votes for president to the country’s popular vote. Democrat governor has not made clear if she will sign it.

Tuberculosis outbreak at Chicago migrant shelters sparks urgent contact tracing as officials say ONE FIFTH of all Latin American arrivals carry the disease.

Everyone (worldwide) is encouraged to submit a public comment to the Office of Global Affairs regarding the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and the amendments to the IHR. Not sure if you want an official public record of your position, or the degree to which it would change anything. If American plays its cards right, I think it a decent chance there will be an open civil war in its future. Might just be best to keep your powder dry, and not get on any official lists just yet. That said, some may want to know this is going on.

Woman diagnosed with stage-four bowel cancer aged just 25 warns other young people not to dismiss symptoms ‘as just a UTI’ like she did – as baffled experts warn of ‘mystery rise’ in disease in the under 50s. Some say this rise in cancer can be tracked back to the 90’s. I have said, everyone lives on Bill Binney’s cul de sac today. If you get rid of surveillance, you will see cancer rates plummet.

The effort to rebuild the recently collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge near Baltimore, Maryland, could quickly turn into a years-long quagmire as a result of environmental red tape under the Biden administration.

San Francisco considers forcing grocery shops to remain open amid crime.

Two men arrested for allegedly trying to lure children into a van were let go after a Chicago area judge released them under the impression that the recently posted no-bail SAFE-T Act prevented the men from being held.

Thieves steal $30 million from GardaWorld vault in Easter heist, leave without a trace — cops have no idea how they did it. No roving surveillance noticed any unusual activity in the area, and the robbers were totally not known by their local units for being “interesting,” and did not have extra coverage from the very beginning just to keep tabs on what they were up to, which saw this coming from the earliest planning stages.

WiFi went down at LA cash storage facility as record-breaking $30M Easter Sunday heist unfolded, neighbors say – with one local even hearing an explosion as the crooks busted in. Surveillance monitors all sound. You don’t believe me? Go get a ladder, go out to your telephone pole with a tool apron on and a hard hat, climb up the ladder to the lower level of communication wires, and begin banging on the wooden pole with the hammer, and see if any activity emerges to see what you are up to. I would bet in 80% of the cases you will see something if you try to find a pole and an angle which will prevent any nearby houses from seeing what you are doing. If an explosion went off out of the blue, setting off microphones on the poles in the area, and geophones in the ground, the local monitors would shit their pants, because it is their job to know what is going on in their sector. You would immediately see vehicular units from all over the city flood to that area, the drivers frantically scanning everywhere, to figure out exactly what was going on. The shift supervisor is never going to casually tell the next shift supervisor, “Oh, yeah, we heard an explosion go off somewhere, but we don’t know what it was. Somebody was having fun! Gotta go, have a good night!”

Colorado Senate Democrats pass bill barring concealed carry for self-defense in wore places. Don’t worry about bums, druggies, or prostitutes moving into your neighborhood. Worry about American intelligence agencies moving into your neighborhood. The second US intel began moving data centers out into Colorado, that state was fucked.

Trans Redditors are now openly discussing committing politically motivated mass sh00tings and public suicides.

27% of Saudis in ‘bombshell’ study experienced heart issues after mRNA COVID shots.

Gavin Newsom’s restaurant offering job at $ 16 per hour despite new state law of $ 20 per hour for fast food workers.

Tesla’s weak first-quarter deliveries an ‘unmitigated disaster’ for Musk.

Largest U.S. egg producer suddenly halts production, destroys 2 million chickens due to bird flu.

Liberal dark money pushes ranked-choice voting as campaign gains momentum across U.S.

White House: It is ‘difficult to say’ how close Israel is to being like Hamas.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she would move to block sale of F-15s to Israel.

Biden demands ‘immediate ceasefire’ from Netanyahu in phone call.

Biden co-chair Coons: It’s now time for U.S. to put conditions on aid to Israel. I think whatever the Israeli entity which exerts control over our politicians, it opposes Netanyahu, and it is going to try to make the current war an irredeemable mess for him. It may even have approached Iran and cut some sort of deal in return for Iran jumping in the fray now. And that entity has cleared these US politicians to “turn” on Israel to harm Netanyahu. Whoever that entity is, they are enemies with Netanyahu, as well as the Israeli soldiers they are about to get killed in large numbers, and they are our enemy as well due to their corruption of our political system, and the operations like Epstein they run.

Israel: GPS disabled and IDF leave cancelled over Iran threat.

Deadly Israeli strike on residential building ‘apparent war crime’: Human Rights Watch. These strikes on innocents, may be being done by conspiracy members in the IDF, who are doing them on orders of command, to harm Netanyahu. I mean, how did that video of Israel droning those four unarmed Palestinians get into the public domain? That should have never seen the light of day. It going public reeks of an op.

Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations can no longer move without police protection. The Italians are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer!”

Canada battles 130% spike in asylum seekers from Mexico, Haiti, Turkey and beyond, overloading shelters from Montreal to Vancouver in $822 MILLION crisis.

German FA decide to redesign their font for name and numbers on new adidas national team football kits after it was discovered No 44 looked like shameful SS Nazi war symbol. Absolutely Shameful:

Hey guys, did you see the cool new NATO headquarters?

Support is building among Africa and Caribbean nations for the creation of an international tribunal on atrocities dating to the transatlantic trade of enslaved people, with an eye to forcing nations which engaged in slavery to pay reparations, with the United States backing a U.N. panel at the heart of the effort. Behind this, Cabal will cut all sorts of deals, offering payments to all of the players in return for all of the reparations getting funneled to Cabal.

A group of House Democrats is calling on Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to include $9.16 billion in global humanitarian assistance in any potential aid package to address funding for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s push to deploy troops to Ukraine could yet prove the first domino of an official NATO military presence in the war-torn country, even while Russia’s grinding frontline assaults and nationwide bombing campaign continue.

Lord Cameron has ruled out Western troops being sent into Ukraine to avoid giving Russian President Vladimir Putin “a target.”

Kremlin says Russia and NATO are now in “direct confrontation.”

Three new suspects in the massacre have been arrested in Russia, according to the security services. Russia will not have 4-10% of the population as Cabal assets, but I will bet Cabal has a thin network running in there. You’d still have to be vigilant if you traveled there. Cabal is very difficult to eradicate.

Russia stunned by NASA’s role in Ukraine war; claims tech from Mars mission found in Ukrainian UAVs.

Ukraine is at great risk of its front lines collapsing. C’mon Russia. Put this war to bed once and for all, end the misery, and then roll into Kiev and drag the leadership back to Moscow to answer for March 22nd.

The lack of vehicles forced Ukrainian command to reorganize the 153rd Mechanized Brigade into an infantry brigade.

The average age of Ukrainian soldier is older than 40 as the country grapples with personnel problems and its younger soldiers are falling to Russia. Zelensky’s kind cheers the thought of all those young guys, of our kind, who will never be in competition with their kind now. Terrible.

Russia’s adapting air defenses means Ukraine’s new F-16s are an example of weapons that are ‘no longer relevant:’ senior Ukrainian officer, as Russia has adapted defenses to make it useless.

How will blacks vote in November 2024? Recent polls suggest a surprising amount of support for Donald Trump. Nobody will know how Blacks vote because in the cities, Cabal rules, and it will have its people counting the votes.

A man who was paralyzed from the neck down after a surfing accident seven years ago is now able to stand and walk on his own, thanks in part to a potentially groundbreaking stem cell treatment.

Florida bans children younger than 14 from joining social media in the state.

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel appeared dismayed after polls showed that Donald Trump was leading Joe Biden in several crucial swing states, asking, “How could this be?”

Top Democrats brace for Donald Trump victory: ‘We all are prepared to lose.’

The GOP’s chances of winning control of the U.S. Senate keep looking better.

Trump wants to debate Joe Biden but says he needs to be drug tested he was all jacked up at SOTU.

DNC activist warns Democrats to stop registering young voters, “They’re gonna vote for Trump.”

Election money race takes off as Trump raises whopping $65 million in March after daughter-in-law Lara took over at Republican National Committee: Former president set to haul in another $43 million in biggest fundraising event in history this weekend.

Donald Trump holds eight-point lead over Joe Biden, per the latest poll from Rasmussen.

Clay Higgins says he was talking with Trump, who has a beautiful plan which will make the illegals want to deport themselves, and if Trump is elected, very quickly you will see a massive line of unregistered cars with unregistered drivers making a beeline for the southern border. Says he cannot reveal the plan.

Spread r/K Theory, because not everybody gives a shit what the busybodies think.

News Briefs – 04/04/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


I had to use one of those things online which will automatically mail you a code, and no matter what, I do not get the email. I also had to get an email sent to me from the host for AmericanStasi, and oddly enough that email did not arrive. As a quirk, the host sends it from an email they give you so I can see it was rejected and bounced back. Oddly enough I do get some emails though, so it is like some of the internet cannot mail me, while others can. Just FYI, the comments here are far from perfect, but I think email is probably less reliable.

I would propose this as a T-shirt, but I know none of you pussies would wear it, so I will probably just print a couple off for my Walmart runs, where I will fit right in. Still, let me know if you see any way to improve it:

These are incredibly stupid, but I will bet they get a much higher number of people who (a) see them and read them, and (b) think of them while they are online and stop by the site.

Big article from a CIA Officer who was hit with Havana in Russia. He thinks it may have been Russia, though I have heard others say there is an unwritten rule you do not do this, as soon CIA could be doing it to Russian intel officers in other nations as retaliation, so you do not play that way, for that reason. They don’t want an environment where all of them are turning each other into vegetables, all of the time, as nobody wins that way. And his work sounded pretty benign, even officially meeting Russian government officials. I don’t see Russia opening that can of worms over him.

I see a couple of interesting points. CIA leadership tried to keep him from being treated or even looked at by a doctor, almost maliciously, in ways other CIA people cannot understand. If I was a CIA leader, I’d have sent him to numerous doctors just to get intelligence on what happened. The leaders he dealt with didn’t seem to feel they needed any info on that, which makes me wonder if they knew more than they were letting on, because their op did it to him. Remember, there were doubtless CIA in Langley watching the towers burn before they fell, knowing, that was the op they worked for which did it.

Second, he continued to deteriorate in the US, rather than heal up. Not all DEW attacks feature a dramatic shocking event you cannot miss. The brain tapping, for me, was only detectable as a soft buzz, almost unnoticeable, like a soft cloud of buzzing surrounding my head. If I did not know about the surveillance, and our thing was not accelerating, I might have blown it off as sleeping on my neck wrong, or some nerve numbness. It is easy to explain something like that away. It was not until I moved my head and whatever they were doing inside it hit my ear drum, and I heard the drumming, like on a Tympany drum, that I realized there was a point in my head which had some kind of sharp trauma going on a specific point, whether it was tapping, or popping, or what I do not know. And I think now I was probably being hit each night as I slept from age 17 into my 30’s with the vibrations set low enough to inflame, but not so high as to wake me, though they botched that part once. He may have been going to sleep at night and getting hit softly each night in America, and that is why he did not heal from the first injury. I am sure his neighbor-terrain looks much like mine.

I still think the infiltrated parts of our intelligence apparatus are trying to purge the non-compromised, high-functioning elements, and Havana is one tool they are using to do that. It probably works for recruitment too. How many rock’em, sock’em Americans who would be kick ass intelligence officers will not seek to apply because they worry about Havana leaving them a vegetable now? Meanwhile people in the surveillance, who know 9/11 was their operation, probably also know that the Havana Syndrome will not hit them. So now they are the only ones applying, and soon the entire CIA could be completely cleansed of all non-compromised assets. I would love to know if this guy knows his neighbors are undoubtedly running a covert observation/monitoring post listening in his house 24/7. It would be fascinating if a top tier operations officer, like former Red Cell Navy SEAL Tom Mixon, has no idea how the world really works.

DIA memo discusses anomalous health incidents associated with what sound like UAPs. We heard this out of Gary Nolan, the Stanford researcher who said he had something like a hundred military personnel with similar symptoms to Havana, who had all been hit during encounters with UFOs, and something like 30 of them had died. Which seemed like big news, 30 military KIAs by UFOs. Somewhere on here, I think it is on one of the GATE pages, you have a commenter who describes being 7 or 8 years old, seeing a UFO light show outside his bedroom window, and then his parents freaking out because he was found shortly thereafter locked out of his house, in his underwear, and he is not sure how he got there. It is possible there is some kind of splinter society infiltrating us, or a military science contractor like SAIC, and they have access to UFOs, particularly flying saucer-types with white lights which glide around the outside edge of them in a spinning ring. That or the saucers are somehow curious about something the surveillance is up to, so they are seen in the same areas. Though obviously, Surveillance has reason to Havana me, I am not sure any saucers would care about me, unless they were tools of whoever set-up/runs the surveillance. Still just the introduction of the narrative is interesting, even if entirely fake.

On Twitter, more UAP stuff:

Hidden quietly on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s website is a link to 7 UAP reports that happened in 3 years at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The last incident happened exactly 3 years ago! While The Debrief did a story on this a while back, they left out some pretty interesting details. Seems not many people know about this, so I gathered the reports together and fed them into ChatGPT for analysis. Enjoy!

The provided text comprises seven Operations Reports from the Protective Force Division of the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These reports detail various sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or drones near LLNL facilities between 2018 and 2021. The reports include descriptions of sightings, actions taken by security personnel, and notifications made to relevant parties, including the Central Alarm Station and FAA specialists. The incidents range from UAP flying over restricted areas to suspicious sightings near laboratory buildings, prompting heightened security measures and investigations.

The reports describe several unusual visual characteristics of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) observed in and around Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These characteristics include:

Flashing Lights: Many of the sightings mention flashing lights, often in alternating colors such as white, red, and blue. These flashing lights are not typical of conventional aircraft and may be used to indicate movement or unusual behavior.

Silent Flight: In several instances, the UAPs were observed to fly silently, without the typical sound associated with aircraft engines. This silent flight is unusual and adds to the mysterious nature of the sightings.

In the report dated March 19, 2018, there is a mention of a low-flying “jet” that made no sound being seen around the same time a smaller silent UAP “drone” was spotted. This mention of a low-flying jet that made no sound is somewhat unusual. Jets typically produce noticeable engine noise, especially when flying at lower altitudes. While the report mentions a “low-flying jet,” it’s important to consider the possibility that the object may have been a UAP or another unidentified object that was mistakenly categorized as a jet.

Unconventional Flight Patterns: Some reports mention drones or UAPs exhibiting unconventional flight patterns, such as hovering for extended periods, making sudden stops and changes in direction, or flying at unusually low altitudes.

Bright Light Emission: One report describes a UAP as emitting a bright light in the sky, with specific mention of red and white lights.

These unusual visual characteristics contribute to the perception that the observed objects are not typical drones or conventional aircraft. The combination of factors such as silent flight, erratic behavior, and unusual lighting patterns adds to the mystery and intrigue surrounding these sightings.

Several aspects across the seven reports stand out as unusual or noteworthy:

Consistent Unidentified Objects: Despite security measures and patrols, the reports consistently describe unidentified aerial objects exhibiting unusual flight characteristics and appearances, such as hovering silently or flying in patterns not typical of conventional drones.

Multiple Witnesses: In several instances, multiple witnesses, including security personnel and laboratory employees, observed the same or similar unidentified objects, adding credibility to the sightings.

Lack of Identification: The objects lack typical features and markings associated with commercial drones. Despite efforts to identify the objects, such as contacting FAA specialists or reviewing surveillance footage, the reports often conclude with the objects remaining unidentified or unexplained. In the context of these reports, security personnel may have used the term “drone” as a convenient descriptor for objects they observed in the sky that they couldn’t immediately identify. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all the sightings were drones in the traditional sense; some of them could indeed be UAPs or other unidentified objects.

Variety of Locations: The sightings occurred in various locations within and near LLNL facilities, ranging from property protection areas to specific buildings, parking lots, and perimeter zones, suggesting a widespread presence of these unidentified objects.

Multiple Years: The reports span across multiple years, indicating that these sightings were not isolated incidents but rather occurred over an extended period, potentially indicating a recurring phenomenon.

Similar Characteristics: The descriptions of the objects, such as their appearance, flight behavior, and lack of sound share commonalities across multiple reports, further suggesting a consistent pattern in the observed phenomena.

Heightened Security Response: The reports highlight a heightened state of alert and security measures taken in response to these sightings, suggesting that security personnel perceived these objects as potential threats beyond what a typical drone might pose.

No Scheduled Drone Flights: Some reports mention that there were no scheduled drone flights in the area during the time of the sightings, adding to the mystery of these objects’ origins and purpose.

These aspects collectively contribute to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the unidentified aerial phenomena reported near LLNL facilities, highlighting the need for further investigation and analysis to understand the nature and origin of these objects….

About Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL):
LLNL is a research facility operated by the Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. It is primarily focused on national security, including nuclear weapons research, nonproliferation, and homeland security technologies.

Here is some information about the buildings/areas mentioned in the reports:

Site 300: This location is part of LLNL’s Site 300, which is an experimental test site used for high-explosive testing and other research activities. The Fire Department likely serves the entire Site 300 facility, providing emergency response services.

Buffer Zone, Perimeter Drive, and Corral Hollow Road: These areas are mentioned in the context of security incidents and drone sightings near the laboratory’s perimeter and buffer zones. They are likely part of LLNL’s security infrastructure and may include access control points, monitoring stations, or security patrol routes.

On a interesting side note related to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell stated on the Joe Rogan podcast in 2023, that he has a witness who worked on a non-human device that had no markings on it while working at LLNL in the 1970s….

I would assume UAP reports are a distraction from a clique of our own people who managed to hide technology until they built up an advantage over everyone, but time will tell.

After a Pentagon report denying any evidence of alien technology or extraterrestrial life, Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., said there need to be more hearings on the subject.

Rockefeller insider gives a rare glimpse of the real reasons for the feminist movement – “One reason was we couldn’t tax half the population before Women’s Lib. And the second reason was, now we get the kids in school at an early age, we can indoctrinate the kids how to think.”

‘FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times’: Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702.

Jesse Watters reveals the multi-million dollar perks going to Judge Merchan’s family for taking Trump to court in bogus hush money case.

Judge Juan Merchan, who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current hush money case he is presiding over against President Trump in New York City, shot down his bid to use presidential immunity as part of his defense.

Lara Merchan, wife of judge in Trump ‘hush money’ trial worked for New York AG Letitia James.

Documents for Donald Trump’s $175 million bond in his New York civil fraud case were rejected by a court because a current financial statement was not included, and judge forces him to once again recount all of his financial assets.

Jack Smith issues veiled threat to Judge Cannon over her jury instructions in Trump classified docs case. Says he’s going  to seek “mandamus” at the appellate court level. One defense attorney said, “The tone Smith is taking with Cannon is no longer persuasion but outright threats. Unheard of dynamic btw DOJ and the bench.”

Democrats exploit illegals to flood voter rolls, jeopardizing the integrity of elections.

New voter registrations excessively outpacing population growth in several states.

Seattle Public Schools shuts down gifted and talented program for being oversaturated with white and Asian students. I used to think they just hated the meritocracy, but now I am actually wondering if this is being done as a shutdown of a Cabal intel-gathering op. If they offered to let my kid in the GATE program, no hesitation, it would be thanks, but no thanks. Assuming I wasn’t homeschooling, which honestly I don’t think is even an option today. GATE is just OpFor intel gathering.

DOJ seeks prison time for woman who stole Ashley Biden’s diary. Unclear if Joe is still molesting his daughter, but DOJ is OK with that, since he is her dad. Meanwhile Rudy and Bannon delivered video of Hunter having sex with his dead brother’s 14 year old daughter while smoking crack to Delaware State PD, and they cannot touch it.

‘Migrant influencer’ Leonel Moreno, who encouraged border crossers to squat in US homes, is under investigation for gun charges.

So Blackrock went on a home buying spree earlier. Now it appears various state governments will pay Blackrock $15,000 per month to house 4 illegals in one home, or $3,750 per illegal if other than 4 bedrooms. So Blackrock was clued into the longer term plan, and housing illegals was the purpose of all the home-buying.

When an illegal immigrant from Guatemala was accused of nine counts of sexually assaulting a child in Massachusetts, federal immigration agents wanted him detained, but the Massachusetts courts system, operating under the state’s “sanctuary” policies, said no, and the alleged rapist was released. Feds found him and picked him up on their own.

Millions of illegal immigrants are being classified as lawful permanent residents, allowing them to sponsor additional illegal immigrants for entry into the U.S.

Meet Aderbiss Pirela, the second-in-command of Colombian gang called “The Satans” and one of the seven most wanted murderers in Bogotá. He was just arrested outside of San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday SEEKING ASYLUM in the US.

Belgian Malinois K9 Corrections dog stabbed and beaten to death by a bunch of illegal migrant MS-13 member prisoners, after defending his fat female handler.

Some tuberculosis cases confirmed among migrants in Chicago, health department says.

Serious crime spiked again last year to levels unseen in nearly two decades, according to internal NYPD data obtained by The Post.

From this video:

>Eric Bolling: “I’ve had 2 Congressman.. Congress “people”, I’ll say it that way… call me saying there’s someone on the Democrat side paying off some of these members to Leave”

>Mike Johnson, who allegedly took $280M in donations from Paul Singer in one day: “No, I don’t think that’s happening.”

In bed with big pharma: Corruption fears as report finds US doctors received record $12bn in pharma payments in past decade.

Last week, Moderna announced progress on several mRNA-based vaccines for diseases, including many reportedly linked to the COVID-19 shot.

A troubling new study, published in the prestigious JAMA Network Open medical journal, found that the rates of adverse events among the Covid vaccinated were lower in Democrat-voting states and that deaths and severe illnesses caused by Covid mRNA vaccines are higher in Republican-voting American states. That could be bad, if the elites were directing where to send the hot shots.

House Democrat from Arizona announces cancer diagnosis.

‘This could be 100 times worse than Covid’: Bird flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal – as White House says it’s ‘monitoring’ the situation. If it kills half the normal humans it infects, what happens when it hits immune-suppressed vaxxies? It doesn’t seem to spread well to humans, so we probably will not get to find out.

Biden’s DOJ secures FACE Act convictions for 4 pro-life activists, including 87-year-old survivor of communist concentration camp.

A group hoping to put an amendment enshrining the right to abortion in Arizona’s constitution said Tuesday that they had gathered enough signatures for the measure to qualify for the ballot in November.

Ohio congressman introduces bill to repeal 16th Amendment, arguing government shouldn’t tax income.

Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele revealed that her interview with President Joe Biden shortly after he took office in March 2021 was “scripted” by executives at the Disney-owned network.

Biden’s judge nominee backs ban on ‘assault weapons’ despite being unable to define them.

After draining strategic petroleum reserve to lowest level in 40 years, Biden cancels plan to refill it because oil is “way too expensive.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Wednesday likened Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to a Democrat as she doubled down on threats to push forward with an effort to oust him from his post.

Wyoming governor vetoes bill to reduce gun free zones.

Wild dashcam from the Taiwan quake as massive rocks break loose from a cliff and pummel cars.

Taipei rebuffs aid offer from mainland China as disaster toll rises to 9 dead, 934 injured.

White House using 4-part plan to try to overthrow Netanyahu.

Israel faces ‘color revolution’ as opposition protests, Gantz wants new elections.

Iran vows retaliation against Israel for a strike in Damascus, planning a drone and missile response within 48 hours.

Russia and China back Iran’s right to retaliate against Israel.

Police Scotland hit with almost 4,000 complaints in first two days of new hate speech  crime laws.

Brutal justice for nine gang-rape thugs who sexually assaulted young girl in front of her mother as South African cops shoot them all dead in raid.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said that about 1,500 French soldiers will be sent to Ukraine as early as this month. According to her, the group will be put on full combat readiness in April to deploy to the “Ukrainian theater of military operations.”

The London crier: Zelenskyy acquires Highgrove House, former residence of King Charles, for £20M. It is OK, anon, you didn’t need that money anyway.

Zelensky says Russia plans to mobilize 300K troops by June.

Ukraine eyes Kerch bridge in Crimea for drone attack.

Senior Ukrainian military officials have voiced grave concerns over the potential for the country’s frontlines to collapse in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

NATO is debating a plan to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

Incredible high-tech window coating allows visible light through but blocks heat.

A team of scientists from the University of Tokyo has revealed a major breakthrough that allows them to create realistic 3D holographic displays using an ordinary iPhone screen.

Nebraska GOP gains ‘filibuster proof’ majority in unicameral legislature after Democrat switches parties.

Donald Trump spoke recently with Saudi leader Mohammad bin Salman; unclear what the two men discussed – NYT.

Trump vows to create ‘Christian Visibility Day’ following Biden’s declaration of ‘Trans Visibility Day.’

Marist poll: Independents swing 28 points toward Donald Trump in 4 years.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t need that money, anon

News Briefs – 04/03/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Last week, former President Trump launched a new assault against the judge in his hush money trial in Manhattan, this time reminding the public that the judge’s daughter is a Democratic political consultant and former Kamala Harris 2020 campaign staffer, crating a conflict of interest for the judge.

Republican lawmakers introduce bill to rename Dulles Airport after Donald Trump. Interesting. An airport named after former CIA director Alan Dulles, sees his named wiped, and replaced with Trump.

Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly vote to BAN Zuckerbucks private election funding.

Record shows voter registration without photo ID surges in three key swing states: Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Judge sides with conservative group in its push to access, publish New Mexico voter rolls online.

Wisconsin election integrity journalist Peter Bernegger was arrested last night and charged with a BOGUS crime – “Simulating Legal Process” which has only been used TWICE since 1977. Also procedural anomalies in the process.

Former-Trump election lawyer John Eastman has been disbarred.

Texts from Hunter Biden’s business partner to Tony Bobulinski suggests president was part of deal with Chinese government-linked oil giant CEFC.

Tulsi Gabbard turned down RFK Jr.’s offer to be his running mate, she says.

RFK Jr.: Biden ‘absolutely’ a ‘much worse threat to Democracy’ than Trump.

Biden’s campaign manager is grandkid of militant Maoist Cesar Chavez.

Wicked Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens.

Florida goes to war over Biden secret migrant flights: Ron DeSantis’ office and AG vow to battle the ‘secretive’ program and make sure state is an ‘undesirable destination for anyone in the country illegally.’

Police have arrested several suspected migrants who they found squatting with guns and drugs in the basement of a Bronx home.

Six of NYC illegal alien squatter crew set loose without bail after gun and drug bust as neighbors detail chaos on Bronx block.

Top international virologist issues dire warning: “Massive, massive tsunami of death among highly vaccinated…is imminent.”

One dose of Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” contains over 200 billion DNA fragments that can incorporate into human DNA, causing cancer.

Some cases show Covid Vax being expressed in the testes, and it seems to cause an elimination of sperm.

Wall Street Apes Twitter:

American Rancher Blowing The Whistle On mRNA Vaccine Tests In Livestock

“They took 525 hogs, injected them with a live mRNA vaccine and in 21 days, these were the statistics

– 25 of them suffered from death

– 55 of them became so anorexic that they were near death

– 20 of them suffered from lameness

– 12 of them suffered from loss of condition

– and 25 more of them had near death symptoms”

He added there was still “live virus vaccine” in the meat, which I assume means functional mRNA.

Tennessee Senate passed a bill banning geoengineering a week ago, now they pass a bill requiring mRNA food to be labeled.

CDC issues alert after invasive and deadly Meningococcal disease rates soar in U.S.

Biden is mandating Americans reentering US give CDC contact tracing info or face “criminal penalties,” even though CDC’s COVID health emergency expired May 2023.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) underwent emergency surgery today for a blood clot in her leg, according to her campaign. Boebert has been diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome, a blood flow disorder, but will make a full recovery, per the campaign.

The Illinois Senate’s minority leader proposed legislation Tuesday to overhaul Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Prisoner Review Board after it released a convicted domestic abuser who then attacked a pregnant Chicago woman with a knife and fatally stabbed her 11-year-old son.

U.S. Military has started recalling retirees due to recruiting crisis.

Transgender militia leader serving 53 years for plot to blow up Minnesota mosque demands transfer to women’s prison amid ‘relentless sexual harassment’ in men’s facility. He may be dealing with the Muslims in the prisons, and not have much choice but to do anything to get out of there.

A person in Canada wants taxpayers to fund surgery to make them a vagina while also keeping a functional penis, in a first-of-its-kind case.

Analysis of old UK UFO debris indicates materials not available at the time.

If your car is judged a total loss on insurance, you are entitled to use the payout absent sales tax to buy the replacement, but you have to ask your insurance for a “sales tax affidavit.”

With famine looming, aid group halts food delivery in Gaza after Israeli strike kills 7 workers.

Iran revenge warning: “Preparing strikes on Israeli embassies.”

Iran signals it is closer to building nuclear weapons.

Trudeau concedes there is too much immigration to Canada.

24 women quit Aussie soccer league after trans athletes injure players, dominate league.

J.K. Rowling won a significant victory over Scotland’s new speech restrictions after daring the police to arrest her over comments criticizing transgender ideology, as Police Scotland said they would not take criminal actions against the Harry Potter author after activists reported her statements to law enforcement.

Multiple buildings collapse in Hualien, Taiwan after USGS reports magnitude 7.4 earthquake. More video here. And more video here.


BREAKING: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, $TSM, evacuated factory areas after a major earthquake rocked its home island, endangering production at the world’s largest maker of advanced chips, per Bloomberg

Reports that over 30 Chinese warplanes and 9 navy vessels have been detected around Taiwan, Taiwanese defense ministry says.

Renowned atheist Richard Dawkins laments decline of ‘cultural Christianity’ in UK amid surging Islam.

Poland’s new government is moving to limit freedom of speech and actively penalize so-called hate speech, a move that has been associated with stifling dissent and limiting opposition to issues surrounding mass immigration, religion, and LGBT issues in other European countries.

Influx of immigrants has left Polish state offices “unable to cope.”

Russia, China catching up to U.S. in space weaponry, new report finds.

President Vladimir Putin vowed Tuesday to track down the masterminds of the Moscow concert hall attack that left 144 people dead in the worst assault on Russian soil in two decades, and urged its law enforcement agencies to tighten security at mass gatherings.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 82, intends to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose conservatives who support a truce between Russia and Ukraine, he said Monday.

The U.S. and other Western countries are considering transferring to NATO a U.S.-led multinational group that coordinates the shipment of weapons to Ukraine, one of several new proposals that could help maintain the flow of arms to Kyiv, even under a second Donald Trump presidency.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday signed a law that lowers the country’s conscription age from 27 to 25 as Kyiv struggles to replenish its troops in its war against Russia.

Republican Speaker Johnson makes fresh push for Ukraine aid. No American wants to waste money on it, and yet we are expected to believe we elect our leaders.

Thomas Massie:

In the upcoming foreign aid extravaganza for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, et al,

there’s talk of “loaning” the money & equipment to Ukraine.

OK, why not loan the aid to Israel & Taiwan as well?

Because they actually have the means to pay back the loan, that’s why.

It’s a farce.

Russia probes ‘Ukraine, US ties’ to terror attack as Putin says gunmen did it “for money,” and masterminds will be caught.


Gen-Z is shunning college to take up traditional trades like welding and plumbing they say is far more satisfying and which doesn’t incur huge student debt. Less chance to be programmed by wokism too.

Ruling: Millions of NRA members exempt from pistol brace ban.

WSJ polls of 7 battleground states – Trump is ahead in six of the seven states in the Two-way, and tied in one.

Michigan poll shows Trump leading Biden as voters express support for mass deportation of illegal aliens.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t have a rare Maserati.

News Briefs – 04/02/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


The media narrative on Havana Syndrome, courtesy of Newsweek: Members of Russian military intelligence unit 29155, who allegedly have access to microwave or ultrasound weapons, had been placed at the scene of reported attacks that resulted in US personnel suffering health problems, according to a year-long investigation by the Latvia-based Insider in collaboration with CBS’s “60 Minutes” and Germany’s Der Spiegel.

But Zerohedge asks, how did Russia know who the top 5-10% of our intel operators were, and where they lived to target them, unless Russia was all throughout our intel apparatus? From the link:

For Russia to have successfully used a mobile directed energy weapon over 1,500 times, including against the US’ “top 5%, 10% performing officers across the Defense Intelligence Agency,” then it must have deeply penetrated the US Government in order to discover those elite targets’ identities and locations.

Obviously, whoever was doing Havana was in and throughout our intelligence apparatus, but they viewed the best of our patriotic intel operators as problems who needed to be removed. They also had the ability to gangstalk CIA officers in the US, without worry of FBI dealing with them, and even enter the houses of CIA officers to rearrange their furniture. Somebody is trying to complete a takeover of our intel apparatus by purging those who are not in their conspiracy.

Paul Sperry:

NEW: The lawyer who pushed to “60 Minutes” the story Russia is behind the debunked “Havana syndrome” is the same anti-Trump Dem lawyer who repped the “anonymous impeachment whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella. Mark Zaid is now repping anonymous FBI official accusing Russia of attacks.

Glenn Greenwald says the Havana Syndrome victims must be insane, like those crazy gangstalking people. Obviously Greenwald handled the media side of the Snowden Op, which involved a CIA asset sent in to NSA to humiliate it, so CIA could ultimately negotiate a takeover of its ELINT collection duties. It reinforces what I have said – Snowden is a traitor, and his whole takedown was a Cabal op. Never trust any famous media figure.

What is interesting is this is coming out. It never had to. This thing still has enough control that after all these years, of putting out the shocking truths which should spread like wildfire, we are still not widely known here. The only voices you see widely disbursed wisely are its mouthpieces. It still controls the prosecutors, the judges, and doubtless the FBI. All of this could have been hidden. Is the old conspiracy pruning its hedges of its less capable assets in a fake reveal to placate the conspiracy theorists? Epstein was making national news, and had become known. Diddy is doubtless among the lower IQ assets. And Weinstein was a pig. Or has something else changed?

James O’Keefe:

After 20 years of doing undercover investigations, I’m sadly announcing I’m stepping away from journalism and will intend to live a private life away from the spotlight. It has been too hard on me. The millions in legal fees, the constant defamation, the psychological toll of being targeted by the government and now being sued by the organization I founded — it’s just too much for a man to bare and the pressure is too much to take. I can see no reason to continue, because as many say, nothing ever happens to these people as a result of exposing them. Therefore, I’m going to retire from exposing the truth and catching corruption on tape. I’ll be resigning from the public spotlight and will attempt to live a private life free from attack. To the thousands of sources on the inside that have messaged me and need me, I hope you find another organization for you to go to and again I’m sorry. James

This one got me. It was an April fools joke.

Oakland installing 480 cameras, joining ‘nationwide mass-surveillance system.’ People don’t realize it. You have to encounter the machine, and see what it has become. But as you lose this seemingly unimportant control, over the ability to simply watch where you go in public – as this “thing” gets more power – you lose the ability to do all sorts of things, from simply starting a small business, to getting a promotion at work, to even pursing all sorts of careers, like working the utility poles, or being a local reporter. Because this thing has to remain a secret, and as it grows and the secret spreads to new areas, those are more areas which it has to, by necessity, close them off from you, unless you are in the conspiracy, which sadly means, willing to betray anyone who you know for the conspiracy. Eventually, you will not be able to do anything but be a powerless peon, unless you go in and swear an oath to the conspiracy, and you will sell out your own family for it. It is really like an evil cancer which spreads throughout society, walling all of it off from you.

‘Almost Orwellian’: Feds black out nearly all emails about trucker surveillance proposal for “on demand” law enforcement surveillance of commercial vehicles a year and a half ago.

Far-left NY judge Juan Merchan Monday night expanded Trump’s gag order and barred the former president from criticizing his family members.  Seems a First Amendment issue.

Ties between Judge Merchan’s “child” and Adam Schiff represent major conflict in hush money trial.

Judge rejects Hunter Biden’s motions to dismiss tax case.

Judge seems receptive to Trump’s defense claims in classified documents case.

President Donald Trump and his co-defendants have secured a $175 million bond in their New York civil fraud case. Allows the appeals to begin.

Mark Wingate, a Fulton County Elections Board member, testifies that he voted against certifying the 2020 election because the county did not verify the signatures on 147,000 mail-in ballots. “I asked what did we do for signature verification? And the comment I got back frankly floored me, ‘We didn’t do any.'”

Biden tells Al Roker his favorite memories in the White House are his grandkids sneaking into bed with him… but nearly all of them are adults.

50 Cent called his ex a ‘little sex worker’ on social media in the wake of her being described as a ‘sex worker’ in a lawsuit against Diddy that was filed by Rodney ‘Lil Rod’ Jones, one of the record label head’s former producers. 50 Cent and Diddy have had a beef, and now we find out a woman who weaseled her way into a relationship with 50 Cent turns out to have formerly worked for P. Diddy as a sex-worker, and P. Diddy was playing the intel game at an Epstein level. It kind of looks like P. Diddy sent a woman in to try and get over on 50 Cent, who is now not happy about it.

Although it helps, you don’ t have to be high IQ to play the intel game. And many times, I think higher IQ’s don’t play it because they don’t feel they have to. And as a result, a lot of lower IQs will end up benefiting as they embrace the game, and roll on smarter people who just don’t know how it all works. But it is out there. And just about any time you see a girl flash those wide googly eyes, know that you are being played.

Ashton Kutcher is expecting a SUBPOENA over ‘good friend’ Diddy’s sex trafficking probe – as his wife Mila Kunis BANS him from speaking to the rapper – months after couple were slammed for supporting convicted rapist Danny Masterson.

Some note, Snoop Dog has openly talked about his pimping, and they ask why is he not being investigated for human trafficking?

Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer offers “newcomer rental subsidy” to landlords.

Could China use TikTok to elect Biden? 85 million Americans get their news from a Chinese Communist controlled platform.

Migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis can sue charter flight company. Which will dissuade any charter flight companies from ever taking any such contracts in the future.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants have been authorized to fly into Miami, Florida — among dozens of other United States airports — as part of a massive parole pipeline that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created and implemented.

In an interview with WISN 1130 radio host Dan O’Donnell earlier today, former President Donald Trump said “we have no choice” when asked about the possibility of mass deportations if he is reelected. If this worked out, notice it is much easier now to deport the dreamers, who will get lost in the exodus. And if you can show migrants like Ilhan Omar were CIA assets who lied on applications, or had issues improperly smoothed out by CIA, then they can be sent home too. I would not be surprised if there are millions of those assets, wrongly imported, going back decades. And those will all be traitorous psychologies which made their bones betraying countrymen in their home countries, before being brought here to betray the United States for the conspiracy, running surveillance against us.

Arizona rancher murder trial: critical evidence *never recovered* – Prosecution cannot definitively prove Kelly fired the fatal shot.

A plan to turn a former Boston-area veterans’ home into a shelter for hundreds of migrants has been slammed as “disgusting” by local residents, who say Massachusetts’ services should instead go to the nation’s heroes.

Trump’s immigration rhetoric makes inroads with some Democrats. That could be a concern for Biden.

Sheriff: ‘well-trained’ Chilean ‘ninjas’ robbing rich Americans after getting into U.S. through visa waiver program.

An outraged Manhattan clothing-store owner whose shop was ransacked twice by a violent mob says state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s refusal to toughen retail-theft laws is simply “ridiculous.” This is really why you have no choice but to fight the conspiracy. You have no future, except as some cowering cog, otherwise. If you start a business, you basically have the entire CIA, on its home turf, where it owns maybe 10% of the population as outright assets, looking to wreck you. And there is very little you can do, as here. If this store owner fights the mobs ransacking their store, they go to jail. If they do not, they go out of business. And that control extends even down to simply getting  job, and having gotten one, getting promotions. There is no way forward, except through the conspiracy. The only way back is being a willing slave, or agreeing to betray everyone you meet, to get some advantage over the slaves. And every regular American is in that position. In many ways, it is like the political battles, where focusing on one issue, and not the conspiracy, is like being this store owner, and trying to find a way to massage your margins to continue to be profitable despite the ransackings. It is not going to happen, and you will fail.

RFK’s VP pick may not be a natural born citizen:

With only two years of residency in the United States when she gave birth, Shanahan’s mother would not have been eligible to apply to become a U.S. citizen for three more years if she were single. She would also have been required to “read, write and speak basic English,” among other stipulations in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

However, she would have been eligible to begin the naturalization process if at the time of her application she had been married to a U.S. citizen for three years or more.

A confidential memo circulated among top Democratic donors has sparked a furious debate in Democratic circles about whether to narrow the focus of voter registration efforts to avoid signing up likely Republicans.

Speaker Johnson to meet Rep. Greene following her motion to vacate.

Mitch McConnell says he’ll serve out Senate term, his chief mission is pushing back against “isolationists” within the GOP.

Explosive CNN report tracks GOP’s civil war as colleagues work to oust each other. Clearly a war going on of some sort behind the scenes.

Eight states now say complete ban on gas-powered new car sales coming. It sounds insane, but I really think this is about making sure that to live in the US, you will have to drive a vehicle which they can hijack and drive into a bridge abutment, killing you instantly, any time they want. It is amazing to me nobody has any grasp of this massive dangers they all face from this thing.

Biden now denies designating Easter as the ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.’

“Musk may endorse a 2024 candidate ‘in final stretch,’ he tells Don Lemon.”

NY Parole Board frees 37th cop-killer in 6 years: ‘It’s a disgrace.’ You look at the NYPD cop just killed, and you see why I call it Fantasy Camp law enforcement. There is a real level above him which is in control, while he is below them, being pitted in battles with criminals which just don’t have to happen, almost like a puppet show. He never had to encounter those guys. Surveillance had to know those guys were “interesting.” They had to be all over them, and in control. And guys like that, it is a matter of time before they kill decent people. But surveillance will kill Brian Mancini, or Michael Hastings, or even the detective who busted Epstein, most likely, who died at 53 from some unspecified “short illness.” But those guys, it won’t touch. It leaves them out there, floating around, until they destroy a family. I am not even sure it doesn’t somehow guide situations like this, bringing the cops and the criminals together as it watches and records, maybe for some kind of entertainment for the elites. There is something very strange up there. I can feel it. Something which we are not developed to accept as a reality, something we have been cognitively malformed to make us unable to see it, but which is the natural way these structures form.

California’s deficit is $222 billion and the state is $1.6 trillion in debt.

Colorado Democrats pushing 11% excise firearms tax, other California gun controls.

Senate candidate and U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) supports legislation that, if passed into law, would prohibit Arizonans from buying AR-15 rifles.

The Virginia Kekoas, a pro-gun prepper militia based in Eastern Virginia and formerly affiliated with the Boogaloo movement, tells News2Share that they recently kicked out a member they believe may have been plotting an entrapment attempt against the group, or worse. The “Kek”oas? The funny thing is, the Boogaloo movement itself strikes me as a glowie op to suck in anyone who might oppose the machine before they can be productive. Do not join the Kek militia, it is a trap.

FBI shows up to intimidate woman who criticized local prosecutor over investigation into a suspicious death.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed to Channel 2 Action News that a driver rammed into the front gate at its Atlanta offices. There is no other information, but you can probably fill in the details yourself. I think the most irritating aspect of it all, even more than getting zapped, is not understanding the mechanism. Or even knowing if anyone else understands the mechanism. Do any of the FBI people there even know exactly who the ground surveillance is, or how their command structure works? Or how targets get selected? Did a remote viewer throw out a social security number with no further information? Is it bloodline related? I think more than anything, even the moral aspects, the biggest force driving me forward is the irritation at not knowing exactly how all this works.

United Airlines Boeing 787 flight to London diverted to O’Hare airport due to cracked windshield, FAA says.

Out-of-control saw blade narrowly misses man. I have a folder where I save 4Chan videos titled, ThingsThatOnlyHappenInChina. I have noticed, from videos in America as we undergo this decline, this place is beginning to look uncomfortably like China. Fortunately we still seem to have some luck about us, judging by this video. If this were China, that dude would have been split right down the middle. But we are clearly on the path to routinely producing Chinese workplace surveillance camera videos.

Cellphone radiation research was halted after worrisome findings, experts questions why. As I have said, eliminate domestic intelligence, and you will see the elimination in cancer rates. All of America is like Bill Binney’s cul de sac.

Pig kidney transplanted into man for first time ever at Massachusetts General Hospital.

US, Japan, Philippines plan joint South China Sea naval patrols: Collective show of maritime force against China.

JK Rowling dares cops to arrest her for misgendering trans people after new woke hate crime law. I do not buy she is just a random person who was given a book deal which allowed her to sell 30 million books overnight, and make hundreds of millions. They do not allow anyone to have a microphone like that, and risk them one day going off script, and revealing the surveillance.

From here:

Trump remains loyal to Israel, supports it and justifies the war it has waged, but warns: “You have lost the support you had. Once upon a time, 15 years ago, Israel had the strongest lobby. If you were a politician, you couldn’t say anything bad about Israel. That was the end of your political career. Today it’s almost the opposite.”

It is strange. What happened to the Israeli lobby, which was previously so powerful? Did a blackmail op unravel? Is it related to Epstein being taken down? Did Cabal just shift its favor away from the Jews in preparation for breaking them off like a Lizard’s tail, to focus the mob on as Cabal slips away?

Israeli strike killed Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Iran’s top Quds Force commander in Lebanon and Syria, as well as his deputy commander and his chief of general staff. When you see the reality, it is all quite bizarre. Somewhere, elites behind massive mahogany desks gave the order for October 7th. High level Israelis and high level Hamas worked together knowingly, moving the concert to the border where the attack would happen, stifling the lower level Israel military and intelligence who were noticing all the preparations, moving defense assets to the West Bank, diverting Egyptian warnings, getting everything where it needed to be, setting off the attack, and constraining local military responses. Then afterward, they let the machine go and kill all the upper levels of their henchmen. It is all so pointless, and psychopathic. How did these people end up in charge?

Iran vows revenge after Israel kill top General.

Russia condemns Israeli attack on Iranian consulate in Damascus.

Europe’s farmers are rising up – and the elites are terrified.

Ukraine is trying to make up reasons it is justified in assassinating Russian reporters for not reporting the news with a Kiev-slant. The government of Ukraine is dangerously unhinged. Russia would be doing the world a service to decapitate it cleanly, and leave nothing behind.

Western mercenaries participating in attacks against Russian borders.

A vote on Ukraine aid will be held after the Easter recess, according to Speaker Johnson.

Johnson says Ukraine aid will come up ‘right after’ recess and will include some ‘innovations.’ Probably they will try to make it a forgivable loan to make it more arguably fiscally responsible before they fuck us over.

Massie: Johnson, Schumer and Deep State “writing Ukraine bill” and will suspend rules to pass it.

Top NATO officers including Polish General killed by Russian bombs inside Ukraine.

Every NATO member has military personnel in Ukraine — Estonia.

Ukrainian forces low on just about everything they need shut down a large Russian mechanized assault in a telling front-line fight. Amazing how war, which was already horrific, seems to have somehow been made even worse by drones. The videos of troops trying to evade the drones carrying bombs, just to be blown apart, as other drones film it for posterity, should poison everyone against war going forward, in all but the most extreme scenarios. The war cannot end soon enough.

Russia demands Ukraine arrest and hand over SBU head Vasyl Malyuk, after he admits on TV a role in terror attacks. “We will not officially admit this in any way, but at the same time I will tell you some details,” he said in an interview with a Ukrainian TV channel.

Vladimir Putin says “as long as I am President of Russia, we will not have Parent 1 and Parent 2, we will have mom and dad.”

Against the odds, researchers find an increase in religiosity among young Finnish men: In eight years, the church attendance of men aged 15 to 29 more than doubled. As K grows, so too does the necessity to recognize truths, and adapt to them.

James Carville warns of Democratic Party’s ‘horrifying’ numbers among young minority voters: ‘They’re leaving in droves.’ The problem is, there is no doubt he is right. And yet the people running that side of the game have to see this, but they are doing nothing to ameliorate the damage. They will push on even harder in this direction, which is clearly illogical. None of this makes sense in the context of rational actors, acting in their best interests, to produce an organic outcome.

More than half of voters support slapping 10 percent tariffs on all imports, in boost for Trump’s populist, protectionists policy.

Spread r/K Theory, because acting rationally in an irrational environment makes no sense.

Smartest Thing a Liberal Said Last Week

(Steven Hayward)

The Biden Administration’s diplomacy with Israel over its war against Hamas has reached the Animal House “double-secret probation” stage, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken warning Israel that it may find itself diplomatically “isolated” in the world if it attacks Rafah. Is it possible for Israel to be any more “isolated” than it already is in the joke that is called “the diplomatic community”? Dean Wormer could hardly have done it better, though, to be fair to Faber College, Dean Wormer would make a better secretary of state than Blinken.

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Hoodie) is having none of it:

I’m starting to think that instead of banning hoodies on the Senate floor, maybe we should require them. At least for Democrats.

Chaser—I’m finding it harder to dislike this guy for his otherwise liberal views:

dibs on your parking space

— Senator John Fetterman (@SenFettermanPA) March 21, 2024

Chaser—Fetterman does have some competition this week, from the Ragin’ Cajun himself, James Carville: “A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females [dominating the culture of the Democratic Party].”

Dumbest Thing A Liberal Said Last Week

(Steven Hayward)

Robert “Beto” O’Rourke—remember him?—appeared on Bill Maher’s comedy show Friday night, and accused Big Retail—”the Walmarts, the Amazons, the Krogers of the world” of price gouging. But it is O’Rourke’s explanation that earns him an entire feature display in the Museum of Leftist Stupidity:

“They were jacking prices in the middle of inflation and blaming it on the economy.”

Imagine! Raising prices during inflation! Who ever heard of such a thing? I’m sure his solution will be government price controls, because when you are this dumb, it is too much to expect even a minimal grasp of economics.

Here it is in all it’s full glory:

Bill Maher is convinced Biden is going to lose the 2024 election because of food inflation.
Beto O'Rourke's spin:
"The FTC just yesterday released a report and said they're price gouging. These are the Walmarts, the Amazons, the Krogers of the world. They were jacking prices in…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) March 23, 2024

What’s wrong with this picture?

(Scott Johnson)

The Times of Israel provides updates on Palestinian casualties according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, but suggests that skepticism is warranted. Indeed, the Ministry of Health is best understood as the functional equivalent of the Ministry of Truth (“Minitrue”) conceived by George Orwell in 1984, i.e., the ministry of propaganda.

In its update on Palestinian casualties in Gaza today, the Times of Israel states the numbers of dead and wounded according to “the Hamas-run health ministry,” but adds: “The terror group’s figures are unverified, don’t differentiate between civilians and combatants, and list all the fatalities as caused by Israel — even those believed to have been caused by hundreds of misfired rockets or otherwise by Palestinian fire.”

These are obvious points, yet the numbers are taken (or repeated) at face value by President Biden and others. Here is Biden performing his Big Brother shtick earlier this month: “You can’t have another 30,000 Palestinians dead as a consequence of going after [Hamas]. There are other ways to deal with Hamas.”

In his invaluable March 6 Tablet column, Professor Abraham Wyner explains “How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers” and even Biden must “know” this. It’s yet another sign of Biden’s turn against Israel and/or support for Hamas.

Let me add today’s sign, per Vice President Kamala Harris: “We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake. Let me tell you, I have studied the maps — there is nowhere for those folks to go. So we’ve been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into Rafah with any kind of military operation.”

VP Kamala Harris takes a tougher line against Israel (re: going after remaining Hamas battalions in Rafah) on ABC’s “This Week”:

“We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake. Let me tell you, I…

— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) March 24, 2024

Is Biden’s Re-Election Campaign Driving US Foreign Policy?

(John Hinderaker)

It is widely believed that Joe Biden’s anti-Israel, pro-Hamas policy is driven by his desperate need to carry Michigan if he is to have any hope of re-election. That seems like a reasonable assumption, although, to be fair, it is also possible that he shares his old boss’s anti-Israel animus. But here is another one:

Scoop: The US has urged Ukraine to halt attacks on Russia’s energy infrastructure, warning senior SBU and GUR officials that drone strikes risk driving up global oil prices and provoking retaliation.
w/ @hallbenjamin @felschwartz @mylesmccormick_ via @FT

— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) March 22, 2024

Biden’s team knows that Americans have had about all the Bidenflation they can stand, and a spike in energy prices between now and November could well doom Joe’s chances. Would Biden be willing to throw the Ukrainians under the bus, along with the Israelis, to improve his odds? I think we all know the answer to that one.

Used Ford Giveaway

(Lloyd Billingsley)

“My guest is Christine Blasey Ford,” said NPR’s Terry Gross on her March 19 “Fresh Air” show. “She testified at Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing that he sexually assaulted her.” Blasey Ford has a new book, One Way Back, and in the lengthy interview the author explains:

I did retraumatize myself, having to go back through everything and relive it. And I tried to write a book a couple of years after the testimony and just really wasn’t able to engage in the material. And when I looked at what I had written, I didn’t think it was something that would be very useful anyway. So I abandoned that project for a while and then took it back up once I felt a lot better five years later.

I expected a little bit of pushback in the hearing. And the hearing itself wasn’t particularly difficult. I mean, it was the difficulty that I expected it to be. Some of the questions towards the end started to get sort of off topic and confusing, but, other than that, I actually left the room feeling like I did a good enough job and I would be OK, and I would go back to California, and we would figure out our hotel life and move forward.

And the main thing is I just didn’t want to be on TV. That was my biggest fear at the time – was I don’t want to be – I was picturing the 1991 hearing and thinking, there’s just no way I could…

Well, I guess the main regret is that I didn’t know that that was the only time I would ever speak to them. I thought, well, of course they’re going to have follow-up questions and want to know more details and maybe look at the therapy records or talk to the friends or talk to people. I just didn’t think that was, you know, the only opportunity to speak.

I was definitely grieving – not over the outcome. The outcome is something I had to detach from before I even testified, that the outcome is going to be whatever it is. But the process was so difficult, especially with the DARVO [Deny, Attack and Reverse Victim Offender] and the smear attacks. I had a really difficult time with the social media comments and the memes and all of that. It was very hard to get through.

And so on, in classic style. Based on Blasey Ford’s testimony in 2018, people have a right to wonder what her 911 call might have been like.

When Dag and Kurt Met Idi

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Employees of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, participated in the October 7 attack on Israel, raping, torturing and murdering Jews in tandem with Hamas jihadists and taking Israelis and Americans hostage. Such deadly collaboration should come as no surprise. As Paul Johnson showed in his masterful Modern Times, the United Nations has always been hostile to the West in general and the USA and Israel in particular.

“The notion that Israel was created by imperialism is not only wrong but the reverse of the truth,” writes Johnson. “Everywhere in the West, the foreign offices, defense ministries and big business were against the Zionists.” United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, the worst possible choice for the post according to Johnson, “treated Israel not as a small and vulnerable nation but as an outpost of imperialism.”

The UN boss demonstrated “the way in which the UN could be used to marshal and express hatred of the West.” That emerged in the Algerian conflict of the late 1950s, with a dynamic that went back to Muhammed Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem. He “outrivaled Hitler in his hatred for Jews” and “organized the systematic destruction of Arab moderates.”

In March of 1962, Johnson recalls, “a Muslim mob sacked the Great Synagogue in the heart of the Casbah, gutting it, ripping the Torah scrolls, killing the Jewish officials and chalking on the wall ‘Death to the Jews’ and other Nazi slogans.” Muslims who had sided with French were “made to dig their own tombs and swallow their military decorations before being killed; some were burned alive, castrated, dragged behind trucks, fed to the dogs; there were cases where entire families, including tiny children, were murdered together.” Decolonization of Africa brought similar horrors.

Johnson charts the atrocities of Bokassa, Mobutu, Sekou Toure et al, but “the most instructive case” was Uganda’s Idi Amin, who became a Muslim at age 16. In 1970, Libya’s Col. Gaddafi and the PLO’s Yasser Arafat pressured Amin to mount a coup against Milton Obote. Amin toppled Obote in early 1971 and quickly showed his true colors.

“Amin’s was a racist regime, operated in the Muslim-Arab League from the start,” Johnson notes, “since he began the massacres of the Langi and Achili tribes within weeks of taking over.” The dead soon included “any public figure who in any way criticized or obstructed Amin.” The victims included two cabinet ministers beaten to death by Amin himself. The Ugandan Muslim was a “ritual cannibal” who kept selected organs in his refrigerator.

Amin deployed the deadly State Research Center (SRC), operated “on the advice of Palestinians and Libyans.” Amin’s terror, “was a Muslim-Arab phenomenon” and his regime “was in many ways a foreign one, run by Nubians, Palestinians and Libyans.” The UN did nothing to stop it and “the only government to emerge with credit was Israel’s which acted vigorously to save lives when Amin and the Palestinians hijacked an airliner at Entebbe in 1976.”

As Johnson sees it, “Hammarskjold and his school were responsible for prolonging the Amin regime by six terrible years.” This was “the consequence of the morally relativistic principle introduced by Hammarskjold that killing among Africans was not the UN’s business; and Amin could be forgiven for thinking the UN had given him a license for mass-murder, even genocide.”

The Organization of African Unity (OAU) elected Amin as its chairman but the worst was yet to come. On October 1, 1975, Amin addressed UN General Assembly and called for “the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations and the extinction of Israel as a state, so that the territorial integrity of Palestine may be ensured and upheld.”

As Johnson notes, such extinction amounts to “genocide,” but the Assembly gave the Muslim cannibal a standing ovation. The UN Secretary General at the time was Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim, who remained in the office until 1981. Waldheimer’s Disease makes people forget the UN boss was a Nazi.

Amin found sanctuary in Saudi Arabia, where he died in 2003 many decades too late. The UN continued to ignore Communist dictatorships and jihadist states such as Iran. That made the events of October 2023 entirely predictable.

The small, vulnerable nation of Israel is again targeted as an imperialist “settler state,” as Johnson noted, a reversal of the truth. Like Idi Amin’s Uganda, Gaza is basically run by Iran through Hamas. Calls to free Palestine “from the river to the sea” echo Amin’s demands for Israel’s extinction, which amounts to genocide. The UN does nothing to prevent the 10/7 attack, and UNRWA employees take part in the slaughter, the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, with Israelis and Americans alike taken hostage.

The revelations prompted some countries to withhold aid for UNRWA. That move, though fully justified, falls short. The United Nations is an enemy of peace and freedom around the world. The time has come for mass withdrawal, with the United States of America leading the way.

In Mind of the Time

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Joe Biden turning against Israel puts Scott “in mind of the time when England stood alone against a genocidal maniac.” That was the time when Hitler’s National Socialist regime was allied with Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They signed their Pact on August 23, 1939, and Stalin began handing Jews directly to the Gestapo. In September, 1939, both powers invaded Poland, effectively starting World War II.

In November, 1939, Stalin invaded Finland and in April of 1940 Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. On May 10, 1940, Hitler invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The genocidal maniac then turned his sights on England, standing alone during the Stalin-Hitler Pact. The American Communists, then collaborating with the pro-Nazi German-American Bund, picketed the White House to keep America out of the conflict, and fomented strikes in defense industries.

In the Battle of Britain (July 10, 1940 – October 31, 1940), England got some help from unofficial sources. Fliers from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia, Belgium, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and even the USA, threw in with the Royal Air Force. As the Imperial War Museum explains:

Germany’s failure to defeat the RAF and secure control of the skies over southern England made invasion all but impossible. British victory in the Battle of Britain was decisive, but ultimately defensive in nature – in avoiding defeat, Britain secured one of its most significant victories of the Second World War. It was able to stay in the war and lived to fight another day.

In the style of John Lennon, “imagine” if the American president had been sending millions of dollars in cash to the Nazi regime. Imagine if the American president told Churchill to back off his military campaigns. Imagine if the American president and prominent senators had called for an election to remove Winston Churchill, and so on. Had such moves taken place, England might not have lived on to fight another day. The parallels are lost on Joe Biden, who in a 2020 debate said “Hitler invaded Europe,” like something from the drunk at the end of the bar.

As Scott notes, Biden and his brain trust “support the survival of Hamas,” genocidal maniacs pushing for a second Holocaust. The History of Jihad author Robert Spencer has thoughts on what this might mean for America:

What do Biden regime apparatchiks think will happen if Hamas defeats Israel and survives this war? Do they think that the jihadis will be so overflowing with gratitude to the U.S. that they won’t ever strike Americans or U.S. interests? They’re in for a rude surprise.

Podcast: The 3WHH—With a Twist!

(Steven Hayward)

This week’s episode could be mistaken for the Three Martini Happy Hour, because this week’s installment comes with a tangy twist. John Yoo is away this week, so we brought in a ringer to take his place: Prof. Hadley Arkes! Thus this episode become a Positivism-Free Zone, in which we review the deepest ground of the natural law unencumbered by John’s usual alarums, excursions, and errors.

The episode comes in three parts: Hadley made some news yesterday, celebrating the retirement of the noted Notre Dame Law professor Gerard V. Bradley, who will be joining Hadley at the James Wilson Institute on Natural Law and the American Founding.

Gerard V. Bradley

From there Hadley proceeds to answering the question that we’ve been kicking around ever since the Dobbs decision, namely, just how should pro-life politicians break out of their self-imposed muteness about abortion. Hadley has the strategy.

Finally, we spend some time toward the end getting down some of Hadley’s “origin story” that brought him to Leo Strauss’s classroom at the University of Chicago back in the 1960s, and key friendships made along the way—especially our late friend and unsung hero Michael Uhlmann.

Note: We had some internet glitches while recording this episode that weren’t easily edited or smoothed over, so we ask listeners’ indulgence with these hiccups, in return for which we’re presenting this installment ad-free.

As usual, listen here, or at our hosts at Ricochet when it goes live there.

The incredible shrinking majority

(Scott Johnson)

John and I found the protracted humiliation of Kevin McCarthy in connection with his election to be Speaker of the House a clown show. By contrast, Steve Hayward looked mostly on the bright side in “In re: Speaker McCarthy — dissents and concurrences.”

It is at least worth noting that the GOP majority is dissipating. The clown show set the stage for the shrinking of the small GOP House majority to a number asymptotically approaching zero.

It empowered Matt Gaetz to trigger the chain of events leading to McCarthy’s ouster from the Speaker’s chair. I decried that development in “Gaetz of Eden.” Has anyone asked Gaetz what good he did in sacking McCarthy?

McCarthy was deposed this past October. It seems like ancient history. McCarthy subsequently resigned his House seat effective December 31.

I have here in my hand a list of names. According to the list, among the Republicans getting out of Dodge with McCarthy are Reps. Bill Johnson (effective January 21), Ken Buck (effective yesterday), Mike Gallagher (effective April 19), and George Santos, whose departure was involuntary.

“Normally they’re trying to talk people out of [retiring],” one House Republican told Axios. “Now we’re at a point where we’re trying to talk them out of leaving early.” It may or may not be a portent of trouble for Speaker Johnson and it may or may not be a portent of the coming Democratic majority, but it’s not good.

Tools of jihad, then and now

(Scott Johnson)

Robert Satloff is executive director of the Washington Institute. He took issue with the December 2 Washington Post story “Israel’s assault forced a nurse to leave babies behind. They were found decomposing.” Satloff deconstructed the Post story in the 5,000-word critique “Once Again, a ‘Palestinian Babies Story Merits a Washington Post Apology.”

Satloff’s critique elicited a response from Post executive editor Sally Buzbee. She stands by the Post’s story and demands that Satloff clean up his critique. Satloff publishes Buzbee’s response in his disappointed postscript “Sadly, WaPost Admits No Error in Story Filled with Them.”

This episode had me thinking back to my own examination of the Post’s reporting in this vein on Israel’s 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense. Mr. Satloff, I see your 5,000 words and raise you 5,000 words. I wrote several posts and well over 5,000 words on the story featuring the aptly named Jihad Masharawi. Forgive me for saying that those posts have stood the test of time! As the song goes, “same as it ever was.” I have retrieved this March 11, 2013 post from our archives.

* * * * *

I wrote about the photograph of BBC Arabic editor Jihad Masharawi holding the shrouded body of his 11-month-old son, Omar, in posts here, here, here and here. The photograph depicted Masharawi outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City early in Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense. The young Masharawi’s death was attributed to an Israeli airstrike.

The photograph went viral on the second day of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, being featured on the Web and in newspapers around the world. One such among many was the Washington Post, which ran it at the top of page one. The photo is below.

Washington Post ombdudsman Patrick Pexton devoted a column to complaints about the photograph. Paul Mirengoff explicated the manifest animus in Pexton’s column.

Everything Pexton asserted directly or indirectly as a matter of fact was wrong. When a major newspaper ombudsman is this utterly clueless, who ya gonna call? Not Ghostbusters. Power Line, I guess.

Paul Danahar is the BBC Middle East Bureau Chief and Masharawi’s colleague. He spent much of the day at Masharawi’s house on the day on the day Masharawi’s son was killed, tweeting a photo of the hole in the roof of Masharawi’s house. The house wasn’t bombed, Pexton to the contrary notwithstanding. Danahar described the munition that did the damage as a “shell.”

I tweeted Danahar to ask him on what basis he identified the munition as Israeli. I wrote at the time on Power Line that I doubted it was. I thought it was more likely to have been a Hamas rocket that failed to hit its intended target in Israel. (As I recall, something like 10 percent of the Hamas rockets landed in Gaza.) Danahar failed to respond to my tweet, although he relentlessly propagated the line that Israeli forces had killed Masharawi’s son.

Everything about the photograph looked phony to me. Was Masharawi sobbing? His face doesn’t even look like he has shed tears. Masharawi looks like he’s enacting grief. I understand that Masharawi in fact lost his son as a result of the munition that hit his house, but I found the photo odd (as I did the other photos in the series of Masharawi parading around for the cameras).

I thought that Masharawi was engaging in an opportunistic bit of Terrorist Theater, the kind I wrote about in the Weekly Standard article “He didn’t give at the office.” The article demonstrates how news service stringers in Gaza work as an arm of the terrorist authorities on whom they purport to report. By the way, the staged photos of Arafat that I wrote about in the Standard article were the work of an AP stringer. The photo of Masharawi that the Post ran was credited to the AP.

Terrorist Theater is a function of the sinister authority wielded by terrorist forces in the areas where they hold sway. Gaza is of course under the thumb of Hamas, one such terrorist power.

We held that the death of Masharawi’s son was a tragedy and offered our condolences to Masharawi on the loss of his son. We acknowledged that we didn’t know to a certainty what had happened or who is responsible for the death, and therefore asked readers to keep an open mind.

I hope you will forgive me for rehearsing what must seem like ancient history, but it really is necessary to put this report in context, as they say: “UN clears Israel of charge it killed baby in Gaza.” The Times of Israel has the story, based on this UN report:

United Nations report cleared Israel in the death of the infant son of a BBC employee during Operation Pillar of Defense in November, instead fingering a misfired Palestinian rocket for the tragedy.

The November 14 strike left 11-month-old Omar Jihad al-Mishrawi and Hiba Aadel Fadel al-Mishrawi, 19, dead. The death of Omar, the son of BBC Arabic journalist Jihad al-Mishrawi, garnered more than usual media attention and focused anger for the death on Israel, which was initially blamed for the death.

Rather, the report suggests, a 19-year-old woman and a baby were hit by shrapnel from a rocket fired by Palestinians that was aimed at Israel, but missed its mark.

Omar is dead, and Hamas killed him, but both Jihad and jihad live, and the BBC and the Washington Post among others are their willing tools.

The Week in Pictures: Bloodbath Edition

(Steven Hayward)

Has there ever been a greater example of media malpractice and malevolence than the way Trump’s mention of a “bloodbath” for the auto industry under Biden (analysis: completely true!) was turned into some kind of MAGA Kristallnacht? I suspect Joe Biden’s new clown shoes are an ironic tribute to this in-kind campaign contribution.

Headlines of the week:

No. Just no.

So glad the Biden regime is protecting us from broken ice cream machines.


And finally. . .

French Students Terrorized by Jihadists [Updated]

(John Hinderaker)

In France, at least two teachers have been murdered by Muslim students, one of them beheaded. The French press reports that “death threats and threats of rape have become common among pupils.” Those threats are directed toward both teachers and fellow students.

Now, students at dozens of French schools have been sent “threatening messages and beheading videos” by Islamic radicals. The story is hard to parse out, and more is, perhaps, being concealed than revealed:

At least 30 schools in the Paris region have this week received threatening messages accompanied by “shocking” footage of beheadings, the education ministry said on Thursday.

That effort is being made in support of Islamic terrorism:

The establishments – mainly secondary schools – have received “serious threats” containing “justification of and incitement to terrorism,” a representative of the education ministry told AFP.

The Muslims apparently made use of software that France uses to connect students and teachers. Reportedly, they “‘hacked a student’s email address’ in order to distribute the message and a beheading video.” They also have been making bomb threats:

In the department of Seine-et-Marne, to the east of the French capital, a secondary school received a message saying that explosives had been hidden throughout the establishment “in the name of Allah”, a police source said.

The latest threats follow a flurry of false bomb alerts targeted schools, airport and tourist sites in autumn 2023.

All of this is due to France’s feckless immigration policies. But, to be fair, their policies are a lot better than Joe Biden’s.

UPDATE: Of course, it could be worse. You could be in Russia.

The Daily Chart: Offshore and Out of Mind

(Steven Hayward)

We always hear a lot about the expense and difficulty of decommissioning nuclear power plants, but we seldom hear about the cost and difficulty of decommissioning wind mills, which only last half as long (if that much) as nuclear plants. Especially offshore wind, which is much more expensive to begin with.  Here’s one estimate of the future problem:

JOHN adds: Offshore wind is possibly the stupidest way to generate electricity that has ever been devised. Someone should do the math, but I suspect it would make more sense to hire 10,000 men to walk on a treadmill. And liberals don’t clean up their own messes. There are already rotting hulks of wind turbines littering the landscape, often having been installed by now-defunct companies whose owners, long gone, have made off with the profits. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the billionaires who have gotten rich on government-mandated wind turbines to take down and dispose of offshore installations that have outlived their insanely brief useful lives. “Green” energy is, in multiple ways, the great scandal of our time.

Enemies of the People

(John Hinderaker)

When we started this site, exposing mainstream media bias was a big part of our mission. Using the then-new internet, we and many others held liberal outlets (i.e., virtually all of them) accountable in a way that hadn’t happened before. The effect of that effort was not that the liberal press became more accurate or more objective. Rather, they came out of the closet. For the most part, they no longer make any serious pretense of neutrality. Whether that is an improvement or not is debatable.

But, in any event, it no longer makes sense to criticize, say, the New York Times or the Washington Post for being biased. That would be like, if you were a soldier in World War II and a Panzer division was approaching, you were to say, “Those Germans are biased against us!” It isn’t a question of bias. They are just the enemy.

Donald Trump was perhaps the first major Republican politician to abandon the effort to curry favor with the press establishment. He famously denounced the fake news press (sometimes abbreviated to the press in general) as enemies of the people. The good news is, most Americans agree with him.

Rasmussen finds that Trump’s characterization is the majority view:

60% of Likely U.S. Voters agree that the media are “truly the enemy of the people,” as Trump said in 2019, including 30% who Strongly Agree. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree, including 21% who Strongly Disagree.

That is an extraordinary finding. Respondents were asked this question:

Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The media are “truly the enemy of the people”?

And a clear majority said that they agree. The press has utterly squandered whatever respect it once enjoyed.

The Rasmussen survey also asked about the Democrats’ “bloodbath” hoax:

Former President Donald Trump recently said that it would be a “bloodbath” if he didn’t win in November. Which is more likely, that he was talking about auto workers losing jobs or that he was talking about widespread political violence by his supporters?

The result:

Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters believe Trump was talking about auto workers losing jobs when he warned of a “bloodbath,” while 40% think Trump was talking about widespread political violence by his supporters if he did not win the election. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure.

Basically, Democrats follow the Democratic Party press and swallow the Democrats’ talking points:

Among voters who Strongly Approve of Biden’s job performance as president, 78% believe Trump’s “bloodbath” comment was about widespread political violence by his supporters if he did not win the election. By contrast, among voters who Strongly Disapprove of Biden’s performance, 84% think Trump was referring to auto workers losing jobs.

But again, returning to good news, most voters believe that the media’s coverage is driven by the Biden administration’s talking points:

Among all Likely Voters, 63% believe it is likely that the major news media’s political coverage is dictated by talking points from the Biden campaign, including 42% who say it’s Very Likely. Twenty-nine percent (29%) don’t think it’s likely media coverage is dictated by the Biden campaign, including 11% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Majorities of every political category – 78% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats and 61% of unaffiliated voters – believe it’s at least somewhat likely that the major news media’s political coverage is dictated by talking points from the Biden campaign.

So even half of Democrats admit that the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Associated Press are servants of the Democratic Party. The bottom line is that the liberal press serves certain functions on behalf of the Democratic Party: it reinforces Democrats’ talking points and keeps Democratic voters riled up. Those are valuable contributions, to be sure. But the days when the liberal media could actually drive public opinion are long gone.

World’s Dumbest NCAA Bracket

(John Hinderaker)

It was Scott who first referred to the sacramental view of abortion, some years ago now. Abortion (much like slavery over the course of the 19th century) went from being a regrettable but sometimes unavoidable evil to being a positive good–indeed, these days, the noblest good to which political life can aspire.

To see this perverse attitude in full flower, you almost have to live in Minnesota. Minnesota’s lieutenant governor, Peggy Flanagan, is a far-left Indian activist despite being, to all appearances, Irish-American. (To be fair, she has much more Indian heritage than, say, Elizabeth Warren.) Flanagan actually tweeted this:

I filled out my brackets based on whether those schools are located in a state that protects access to abortion care.

By this measurement, it’s only fair that Minnesota didn’t make the tournament because they’d have been a favorite for the title.

— Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan (@LtGovFlanagan) March 21, 2024

So she had UConn facing Gonzaga in the final. Who wants to be the first to tell her?

One more thing–Minnesota’s governor, Tim Walz, liked Flanagan’s bracket tweet.

From Gaza to California

(Lloyd Billingsley)

On March 20, the Sacramento City Council passed Resolution 2024, which:

Calls for an immediate and permanent bilateral ceasefire to urgently end the current violence; a true and effective bilateral ceasefire must include four key simultaneous elements. (1) Hamas must cease all military operations directed against Israel, (2) the immediate unconditional release of all Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, (3) Israel must stop the bombing and military action inside the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and (4) the elimination of all offensive weapons by Israel and Hamas directed at one another.

The Muslim and Arab-American communities are experiencing the terrible rise in Islamophobia and anti-Arab rhetoric, the acceptance of hate speech on college campuses and elsewhere against Muslims and Arabs, and the refusal of some to condemn Islamophobia and anti-Arab prejudice without qualifications as a shocking reminder of historic reality. Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate are centuries old prejudices that never go away. An independent Palestinian state remains the hope that Palestinians can live safely and freely and never again face threats to their very existence;

And so on, all backed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). True to form, “Islamophobia” appears four times and anti-Semitism three times. Resolution 2024 was the project of Sacramento mayor Darrell Steinberg. As Sir Bedevire (Terry Jones) might say, who is this who is so wise in the ways of diplomacy?

Steinberg served as an attorney for the California State Employees Association, which gained a faithful friend in the state Senate. In 2004, the Sacramento Democrat sponsored Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, which backers claimed would get the homeless off  the street and keep people out of prison.

Promises Still to Keep: A Decade of the Mental Health Services Act, from California’s Little Hoover Commission, was unable to determine whether the money fulfilled any of the Act’s proclaimed intentions. The Sacramento Bee wondered if the money had been “shoved down a rat hole” with questionable uses “such as yoga, horseback riding, gardening, the purchase of iPads,” and so forth. On the other hand, the measure did give $7.5 million to the UC Davis Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, where Steinberg became director of policy and advocacy.

In 2012, voters faced four measures on taxes and spending. The Senate Governance and Finance Committee held hearings but Steinberg blocked citizens’ access by killing the live broadcast on the California Channel. When this came to light, Steinberg proclaimed, “I pride myself on being open and transparent.”  Steinberg now backs Resolution 2024 which claims, “Sacramento is such a special place to live for many reasons.” That is true, but not the way Steinberg spins it.

Twenty years after Proposition 63, the homeless problem is worse than ever. As in San Francisco, dogs run the risk of stepping in human waste. Sacramento has been dubbed “Excremento,” and Steinberg’s Resolution 2024 piles it higher and deeper. As Katy Grimes of the California Globe explains, “it was likely a move to cover and distract from his $66 million budget deficit – and would serve to elevate his political image as Steinberg has his hopes set on a move up to the California Attorney General’s office.”

Bobbing along

(Scott Johnson)

In his opening statement to the House Oversight Committee earlier this week, the glorious Mr. Tony Bobulinski torched Reps. Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin:

We keep hearing from certain corners that our “democracy is at risk” and that “democracy is on the ballot in 2024,” yet the same people preaching this mantra, who know better, continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation or remorse. Representatives Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, both lawyers, and Mr. Goldman a former prosecutor with the Southern District of New York, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies.

Mr. B., long may you run.

Professor Jonathan Turley takes it from there in the (highly recommended) Fox News column that he has now posted at his personal site: “The Dripping Away of the Democratic Party: Sir Thomas More and the Biden Corruption Scandal.” In the introduction to the column posted on his site, Professor Turley writes (links omitted): “Various members misrepresented my earlier testimony during the hearing on the basis for the impeachment inquiry. Members like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) stated that I joined other witnesses in saying that there was nothing that could remotely be impeachable in these allegations. That is demonstrably untrue. My testimony stated the opposite.”

What about Goldman? You can’t leave him out:

Rep. Dan Goldman, D., N.Y., captured the problem for Democrats in even addressing any of the mounting evidence contradicting the president. Yet, Goldman has long shown a willingness to rush in where angels fear to tread.

In previous attacks, Goldman repeatedly hit the Bidens with friendly fire when eliciting damaging answers from witnesses. Goldman has a habit of raising the worst evidence that his colleagues have avoided. In one hearing, he stumbled badly in raising the WhatsApp message where Hunter told a Chinese businessman that his father was sitting next to him and would not be pleased unless he sent him money. On another occasion, he prompted an IRS whistleblower to note that an email Goldman read into the record was actually a direct contradiction of the denials of the president.

In the latest misstep, Goldman pressed former Biden partner Tony Bobulinski on a proposal shared with Hunter and others to reserve 10% for “the Big Guy.” In other emails, Bobulinski was told to use such codes to avoid mentioning Joe Biden’s name. He was expressly identified as “the Big Guy.” Video

Goldman snapped at Bobulinski, “Did anyone ever respond to that email?”

Bobulinski responded “Yes, they did numerous times. Hunter himself did.”

Goldman blurted out “you’re right” before angrily reclaiming his time to cut him off.

The video below excerpts Bobulinski’s anticipation of the Raskin/Goldman defense of the Biden family business.

House Oversight Committee hearing goes off the rails when Hunter Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski calls out Reps. Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman for lying on behalf of the Biden Crime Family.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 20, 2024

Ramirez speaks

(Scott Johnson)

The Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez posts his daily cartoons on Substack at the Michael Ramirez Newsletter. He is a conservative whose genius cannot be denied. Thus the Pulitzer. Readers can subscribe here.

Michael has also been writing weekly essays for his newsletter that I have posted in our Picks as each one was made freely accessible. Today Michael has posted an 18-minute video essay that is keyed to his recent cartoons on the Academy Awards. I found his remarks entertaining, interesting, and inspiring. He tells some inside stories and he talks about joining the protest at Columbia when he received his Pulitzer. He wraps up with a statement of his his core beliefs.

His is the voice of a free mind and a free man. I thought some readers might want to listen up.

Return to Shifa

(Scott Johnson)

President Biden has turned on Israel. He and his brain trust support the survival of Hamas. It’s a big-time sell-out. The cover of the current issue of England’s Economist depicts Israel Alone (cover story here behind the Economist paywall). It reminded me of the time when England stood alone against a genocidal maniac — alone against “the insane tyrant,” as Leo Strauss referred to Hitler in his tribute to Churchill — though the thought appears not to have crossed the mind of the Economist.

The IDF has yet to complete its mission in Gaza. Yesterday IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari conducted a briefing on the IDF’s return to Shifa Hospital to root out a large band of terrorists that had come to think of the place as home. Hagari conducted the briefing in Hebrew, but the video below superimposes the English translation, which the IDF has also posted here. This is the text per the IDF:

Good evening.

The operation at the Shifa Hospital continues. This is the operation with the largest aggregation of terrorists we have apprehended since the beginning of the war. So far, we have apprehended over 500 suspects, 358 of which are Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.
They are surrendering, we are interrogating them, and they are providing us with very valuable and important intelligence.

We apprehended the chain of command of the Islamic Jihad, including:
1. Muhammad Jundia – Commander of the Shejaiya Battalion of the Islamic Jihad and the Deputy Commander of the terrorist organization’s Northern Brigade
2. Samir Ziad Abd Abu Odeh – Commander of the Al-Shati sector in the rocket unit of the Islamic Jihad.
3. Ahmad Samara – responsible for tunnels and underground terror infrastructure of the Islamic Jihad in the Northern Gaza Strip.

We apprehended senior Hamas figures, including:
1. Hamdallah Ali and Omar Azida– Azida, a senior official in the West Bank Headquarters, responsible for directing Hamas terrorist activity in the area of Nablus. Ali, who advanced Hamas activity in the Qalqilya area. The two are senior officials in the West Bank Headquarters of Hamas, they acted within their roles to advance terrorist attacks from Judea and Samaria, directed the transfer of weapons and funds to terrorists. This group operated under Saleh al-Arouri.
2. Mahmoud Kwasma – an operative in the Hamas West Bank Headquarters, planned and financed the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014, Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrach, may their memory be a blessing.

In addition, we apprehended additional senior officials in Hamas’ Internal Security forces. Many terrorists in Shifa, especially from the Islamic Jihad, surrendered to our forces. This is a very hard blow to the Islamic Jihad – many of its operatives in the north, who are the majority of its significant operatives, either surrendered or were eliminated in the operation so far. With a number of them, we exchanged fire until they surrender or are eliminated.

During the last 24 hours, we entered the Qatari Building [in the Shifa compound]. This is a building that we also operated in during the previous operation in Shifa. This time, terrorists were hiding there. Shayetet 13 searched the building. During the scans on the basement floor, they encountered a terrorist cell. Our soldiers eliminated the terrorists without our forces being harmed. In another battle, another terrorist surrendered; after these battles, several terrorists surrendered. Among them are very senior officials – I still cannot publish their identities because they hold significant intelligence – after we finish interrogating them and find the intelligence with them, we will publish the identities of these terrorists. Senior Hamas officials understand well the significance of the operation and as the picture of the apprehended and of the eliminated terrorists becomes clearer – the pressure on them will increase.

At the beginning of the war, we destroyed the underground infrastructure dug under the hospital, and we confiscated military equipment and weapons hidden in it. The terrorists’ command center at the Shifa Hospital was dealt with then. The terrorists fled in the previous operation when we called to evacuate the compound.

This time we operated differently. This time we operated by surprise. We raided the compound by surprise. The operation, led by the 162nd Division and carried out by special forces units led by Shayetet 13, in full cooperation on the ground, shoulder to shoulder with the ISA and Unit 504 for intelligence extraction in the field. We used deception tactics in this operation, and it was this that led to the success and apprehension of all 358 terrorists and there are more still inside this compound who haven’t managed to escape. This led to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad being severely damaged as a result of the operation. Those who did not surrender to our forces fought against our forces and were eliminated. Among them also the head of the Special Operations Directorate of Hamas’ General Security – who chose to fight against our forces openly and our forces eliminated him.

The fighting continues inside the hospital buildings – inside the buildings at the hospital. There are Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who decided to barricade themselves – they are currently barricading themselves in the area of the emergency room. At this stage, we are evacuating the patients – there are about 220 patients there – to another building. We are creating infrastructure for them, with appropriate medical equipment so that all the patients and doctors can be safe. For the past 24 hours, we continue to call upon the terrorists in the building to surrender, those who surrender will stay alive, those who do not we will fight against until we eliminate them.

Even at these hours, our soldiers are scanning the buildings, evacuating the wounded, and continuing to operate in the compound. There will be more ongoing combat here – there will be several more days to this operation.

Last night, when we visited the soldiers in the field during the operation, from all the special units – as I said, the Commander of Shayetet 13 briefed us, but there was also the ISA, also Unit 504 and also the senior command that came with us to the field. They told us something very very important – they emphasized to us, the soldiers and the commanders, that they will do everything necessary in this operation or another in order to bring about the release of the hostages. They emphasized – this is the most important thing to us.

We do not forget that in Gaza there are 134 hostages. It is our duty to continue and make every operational and intelligence effort, and also in negotiations, in order to bring them back home. This is what we are doing, and this is what we will continue to do. This is our responsibility.

I want to also send encouragement this evening to the families of the hostages. You and your loved ones are with us all the time.

Hagari’s remarks convey a seriousness and dignity in the face of a barbarous enemy. It is a seriousness and dignity that is conspicuous by its absence in the Biden administration.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari delivered a speech in which he confirmed 600 arrested and over 140 terrorists killed in the Al-Shifa operation

— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) March 21, 2024

Thoughts from the ammo line

(Scott Johnson)

Ammo Grrrll looks into the future: I THINK THAT I SHALL NEVER SEE…quite a few things!

Joyce Kilmer, author of the beloved and universally known American poem “Trees,” declared that he thought that he would “never see / A poem as lovely as a tree.”

Soon I shall list some things that we cannot BELIEVE we HAVE seen. And then several things that, like Mr. Kilmer, we will never see. No, not ever. But first an important word about Mr. Kilmer.

“Trees” is a short, sweet, simple religious poem and Kilmer was a devout Catholic. So, of course, the work has been much mocked and parodied by what passes for the intelligentsia in this great land. I feel duty-bound to mention that Alfred Joyce Kilmer was a poet, yes, but he was also a soldier. As a wealthy married man with five children, he surely could have avoided service in the meat grinder that was World War I, but he enlisted in 1917 and was tragically killed in 1918 by a sniper while scouting for a German machine-gun nest in the company of Wild Bill Donovan in the Second Battle of the Marne. He was 31.

So put THAT in your pipes and smoke it, arrogant, ignorant modern critics! I’m sure the obscene bleatings of a junkie are much to be prized over a dead soldier who liked trees.

Anyway, here are a few things that we HAVE seen that I never would have believed even 10 years ago, to say nothing of when I was young.

I’m sure students of history know that in the battle for women’s suffrage, one of the arguments in FAVOR of it was that women were the kinder, gentler, more nurturing sex and would bring those sensibilities to the body politic.

So imagine my shock and awe when for thousands of women, the main issue – and one which will be harped upon in ads running every 10 minutes until the merciful Chinese EMP attack – is the right to kill their babies up to the moment of birth. My former state, Minnesota, is a “Multi-Sanctuary” state where you can travel to kill your baby when the labor pains are three minutes apart — OR wait just a few years until a three-year-old plays dress-up with a dress and then declare that the little boy is actually a girl and have him castrated. Your choice. Because it’s a “woman’s right to choose.”

What else? We have seen a mostly-peaceful, interracial mob of thugs come together in Minneapolis to burn a police station to the ground while everyone in authority just let it happen. The daughter of the wretched Governor (Polka? Waltz? Chaha? Something…) even informed those thugs that the National Guard would not be on hand. That was a first for me.

Here’s another: A pathological liar in a TV series who met the police at his door with a “noose” around his neck went on television while an otherwise intelligent person like Robin Roberts watched Jussie, an ACTOR, cry on cue. He choked back tears as he spoke about the Bad MAGA Men who had been out shlepping around rope and bleach on spec in below zero weather – just IN CASE they ran across a gay black man. Did anyone else call “Poppycock” (or words to that effect) the MINUTE they heard that preposterous tale?

Nobody asked why the MAGA dudes didn’t actually hang him. Nobody asked why they let him keep his cellphone and even call people on it during the “assault.” Nobody asked what HE was doing out and about in frigid weather. Nobody asked why he had not a scratch on him from slapping at the potential lynchers, one-handed, while his sammich never left his other hand. Not one word of his pasture patty story made any sense. And that was BEFORE the authorities found the store cam stuff the paid black “assassins” bought. With a check.

He is not serving his sentence, and to my knowledge, has never repaid the poor Chicago Police Department for the hours of overtime they spent chasing phantom MAGA guys. Also, if Robin Roberts, or Kamala, or Spartacus has ever said publicly, “Boy, that’s one on us – we made some unwarranted racist assumptions and some hysterical statements, and we’re kinda sorta sorry,” I haven’t heard about that either.

There was a months-long crisis in the shipping pipeline while the Secretary of Transportation, a Howdy Doody clone who had once been a boy mayor of a potholed municipality, but mostly was just GAY as a criterion for his high-paying job, declared he was taking maternity time off. He sat in a bed with his husband pretending that the two of them had actually birthed the babies they held. I never saw that coming. It made my skin crawl. Not that two gay guys had “acquired” babies – whatever — but that they were pretending to chest feed and lying in bed as though they had just been through the 18 hours of labor (to pick a random number) that women (okay, I) had been through. Talk about stolen valor!

Truth to tell, I have rarely been very impressed with the miscreants who inhabit Congress. But even someone as cynical as I am could never have anticipated several brain-dead losers of various colors in Congress billing themselves as The Squad being unable to say a mumblin’ word against rape, baby-beheading, immolation of children, or taking civilian hostages. Oh, I’m sorry – they DID say a word – they said it was “justified.”

So these are things we HAVE seen. Is there ANYTHING that we will NEVER see? Like in the late Mr. Kilmer’s poem? Why yes, yes, there is! A Partial List:

*Obama’s Passport history. Ditto, Obama’s Academic Coursework and Grades

*Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book of clients (that’s how we know that DJT is not in it.)

*A non-white mother of a criminal being held legally responsible for his or her criminality.

*The murderous trans girl’s manifesto

*A forensic audit of BLM

*A transcript of what the pukes in the Biden Administration have told Israel – apart from these few words we know were said: “Die, Jews! Just Lose! We’ve got the Michigan blues!”

*An audit of any city run by a black woman mayor. Heck, ANY big city mayor.

*The complete security tapes from the January 6th walkabout in the Capitol.

*A complete list of the payouts to victims of sexual harassment by members of Congress

*How many FBI agents attended the January 6th “insurrection” as provocateurs.

*What red states and towns the illegal alien criminal invaders have been sent to.

*A non-racist and logical explanation of why black people cannot find a picture I.D.

*An abject apology from the 51 “agents” who certified that the Hunter Laptop was just Russian disinformation. And the subsequent firing of those liars and election inteferers.

I’m waiting…how ‘bout you?

“Migrants” on parade

(Scott Johnson)

Here we have the video of the day. It depicts a horde of illegal aliens breaking through the razor wire (mounted, I assume, by Texas authorities) and overrunning Texas National Guard soldiers seeking to resist them in El Paso. The video raises many questions, among them how many many “migrants” does it take to mount used to be known as an “invasion”?

We have now entered year four President Biden’s open borders program. Why does Biden refuse to see that the law is faithfully executed? Why does he support the invasion of the United States? When do we get to defend ourselves? How long can this go on?

This is the moment when TX National Guard became overrun by migrants rioting to get across the border here in El Paso today

We were there and saw it all happen. Absolute chaos here.

— Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) March 21, 2024

Doesn’t know Schumer from Shinola

(Scott Johnson)

In a long speech on the floor yesterday Senate Majority Chuck Schumer called for the replacement of the current Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Times of Israel has posted the full text of Schumer’s remarks here. According to Schumer, Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace, the two-state final solution, and the Big Rock Candy Mountain. We must popularize the phrase “He doesn’t know Schumer from Shinola.”

Jonathan Tobin places Schumer in the context of his career to date: “He’s been in public office continuously since the age of 25, and the 73-year-old Senate Majority Leader has spent his adult life grandstanding for the cameras and the press while always seeking some momentary political advantage as he schemed, back-stabbed and bloviated his way to the top of his profession.”

We can infer that Schumer now approves of foreign interference in another country’s elections. Only yesterday that was a big no-no for purported thought leaders toeing the Democrat Party line.

In this case the government Schumer seeks the replacement of a government that was democratically elected and formed by a close American ally fighting for its life under extremely difficult circumstances. That’s no way to treat a friend.

Schumer pretends that the relevant policies of the Netanyahu government are peculiar to Netanyahu and his coalition. That does not seem to be the case.

Schumer gives aid and comfort to Hamas and its friends in the Democratic Party. We can infer that the obstacle posed by Netanyahu is to the political objectives of the Democratic Party as conceived by President Biden.

Biden has just renewed his sanctions waiver on $10 billion held for the genocidaires of Iran. See Richard Goldberg’s New York Post column “Biden continues Iran’s access to $10 billion just weeks after its proxy killed three American soldiers.” Biden — he doesn’t know Schumer from Shinola.

One has to wonder about the impact of Schumer’s speech in Israel. It can’t help but demoralize Israelis fighting for their lives. However, they are unlikely to think they need Schumer’s help to assess their own best interests. In articulating and pursuing Israel’s war aims, Netanyahu speaks for the people of Israel. They do not support surrender to Hamas or adoption of the two-state final solution.

Senator Tom Cotton has posted a statement responding to Schumer. Senator Cotton sees the unstated obstacle Schumer is addressing: “[T]he main elections that worry Chuck Schumer aren’t Israel’s but our elections because the rampant antisemitism that the Democratic Party has allowed to fester in its ranks is massively unpopular with the pro-Israel American public.” Senator Cotton adds this “come to Jesus” element to his statement for Schumer’s benefit: “Chuck Schumer should remove the log in his own party’s eye before he whines about the speck in Israel’s eye.”

A personal note on the Ides of March

(Scott Johnson)

I ask readers to forgive me for repeating this personal note from last year. It is meant to pay tribute to my high school, my high school teachers — Latin teachers Lyman Hawbaker (who also taught ancient history) and Dave Sims in particular — and to my classmates. In the course of our high school years we were required to study Latin and dip our toes into Caesars’s Gallic Wars, among other things. We learned something about grammar, rhetoric, Rome, and English in the process. In English we read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and (I think) Thornton Wilder’s The Ides of March.

I was a member of the St. Paul Academy High School Bowl team during my junior and senior years. By unanimous consent Chuck Berde was captain of the team. Chuck went on to get M.D./Ph.D. degrees from Stanford and more or less invent the medical specialty of pediatric pain relief. Chuck is Senior Associate in Perioperative Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Boston Children’s and Professor of Anesthesia (Pediatrics) at Harvard Medical School. In high school Chuck was also a good athlete and musician who somehow found time to play in a rock band with Steve Greenberg. Steve went on to write and produce “Funkytown,” the record that reached number 1 on charts around the world in 1980.

John Fitzpatrick and Jim Vose were the other members of the team. John is the Director Emeritus of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Jim is a retired Minneapolis attorney. We were all friends. Below is a photo of us in our final appearance on the High School Bowl program. University of Minnesota Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies Robert Sonkowsky was the High School Bowl referee. He had to cool things down in case fights broke out. That is Professor Sonkowsky with his hand on my shoulder. I would like to say I was so much older then, but will leave it to Bob Dylan at this point.

In our last go-round during our senior year we won three weeks in a row and retired undefeated. In the third week we faced off against Hopkins High School. Chuck was good at everything, but he excelled in math and science. One of the questions our last week required knowledge of several scientific numbers and the performance of arithmetic operations on them to produce another number. What famous event occurred in that year? Without missing a beat, and I mean instantly, Chuck answered: “The assassination of Julius Caesar.”

Thoughts from the ammo line

(Scott Johnson)

Ammo Grrrll has seasonal thoughts on WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM PROFESSIONAL SPORTS – especially BASEBALL. She wants commenters to know that she “will be slightly less interactive today as her son is here and we will be at a Spring Training game. It is just a coincidence (honest!) that this column was next up in the pipeline.” She writes:

Unless you are very lucky, the first thing you learn about professional sports is that their sole purpose is to break your heart. Your team is not going to make the playoffs. And if it does, it will be annihilated by the New York Yankees in the first round. Your football team is never going to win the Super Bowl, even with four bites at the apple. But at least you won’t have to sit through the Satanic Half-time Ritual with the Mandatory Wardrobe Malfunction because, with your team, the game has traditionally been over before half-time.

So, yeah, bitter disappointment is the norm no matter how hard you root for your team. How loyal a Vikings fan was I back in the day when all the players stood for the National Anthem because Bud Grant never would have allowed them to kneel?

Well, once I was approached by a New York ad agency to star in a commercial in which I would have to pretend to be a Packers fan – and I TURNED IT DOWN. Now, that’s commitment. Or economic insanity. Potato, Potahto.

It is an altogether good thing to learn early on that MUCH of life is going to be a vast surging disappointment. And still you will survive and even thrive!

You are probably not going to make the Cheerleading Squad. (I didn’t, and it broke my heart). You are probably not going to be a Homecoming Queen. (I wasn’t, but I knew THAT wasn’t in the cards!) You may not get into the college of your choice. (I did because back in the Pleistocene Age, you got into college with good grades and excellent test scores – isn’t that a quaint and backward notion?) You are probably not going to think up something like Amazon, Space X, or TurboTax. (I didn’t.) You are more likely to spend your time thinking up funny names for the harridans on The View and it doesn’t pay nearly as well.

In other words, the chances are excellent that you are going to be an Ordinary Person who works hard at an unexciting job for 55 years, lives and loves and procreates and enjoys grandchildren, Sudoku, and Pickleball. And you will realize at the end that that was much more important than being a cheerleader. Though I sure wish I would have thought up Amazon.

But, but, but, once in a great while, when the stars align, a miracle can happen. Always be on the lookout for miracles.

Else, what can we say about the 1987 and 1991 World Series wins for the Minnesota Twins? Or one of the greatest sports feats of all time, the 2004 ALCS series against the Yankees with the Red Sawx down 3 games to naught and behind in the 9th inning of Game Four to boot.

And God, who had been wearing his noise-cancelling headphones because he was so tired of listening to Bostonians whine in that particularly annoying accent, suddenly heard their prayers and declared: “Okay, Okay. It’s possible I have punished Boston enough.” And He smiled on Big Papi and decreed that a miracle would occur. And He saw that it was good.

The scruffy, scrappy Red Sox came back and won Game Four and the next seven straight games to make the World Series an anti-climactic bore, mostly because the usually excellent Cardinals decided not show up for some reason. I have long advocated that that ALCS Series be shown to cancer patients for never-give-up inspiration.

Today, with the emphasis on year-round fitness, and especially weight-training, baseball players look more like every other professional athlete than they used to. Time was a young fella could hope to be a baseball player even if he wasn’t 6’10” or didn’t weigh 300 lbs.

If a kid was gifted with some sort of bizarre, one-in-a-million people coordination, or the eyesight of Ted Williams, and was willing to practice, practice, practice, he had at least a prayer of making the majors. There was “Little” Freddy Patek, who must have got darn tired of hearing announcers call him that. There were a whole bunch of slender, muscular, HUNGRY players from the Dominican Republic. And, of course, Babe Ruth himself, who nobody would have guessed was a professional athlete if he had been a contestant on “What’s My Line?”

In professional football and basketball, because players are usually only seen with other enormous teammates and ex-player interviewers, it’s not always clear just how DIFFERENT they are from ordinary male mortals.

I was once in an elevator in a hotel in Atlanta when the Celtics were in town to play the Hawks and who should walk into my elevator but Kevin McHale and two teammates. I had always been a Celtics fan and blurted out to Mr. McHale that I was a Minnesotan and had been following his career from high school on. They were all polite and friendly. But, Good Golly Miss Molly, they were YUGE! I felt like a little Arizona barrel cactus amongst the California Redwoods.

We had a similar experience when Joe did some minor legal favor for Joey Browner of the Vikings and he invited us to a little party with a few other Vikings and their lovely ladies. Mr. Browner is a soft-spoken and classy man who often helped opponents he had just flattened to get up when they probably would have preferred to remain on the ground to take a short nap. He was only an inch taller than our Joe/Max, but outweighed him by 50 lbs. of solid muscle. Looking at Joe and Joey side by side a person would say, “One of these guys is a slender, fit, nice-looking attorney. And one of these guys is a safety on the Vikings who has been selected for four Pro Bowls.” And everybody would get it right in one.

One of the greatest things we learn from baseball, perhaps more than any other sport, is that as a batter if you succeed in getting a hit one out of three times, you are a virtual superstar! For Ted Williams and (oh so close .388) our beloved Minnesota Twin Rod Carew, they pushed that to 4/10 and it has never been equaled in 75 years!

Now that’s not a good lesson for a surgeon, an airline pilot, or even a programmer, as they have to get as close to 100 percent success as is humanly possible. But for non-life-threatening human endeavors, it is good to know that you don’t have to be perfect to be a success.

In one interview after his retirement — I am quoting from memory here, so give me a break… — the sportscaster asked Williams what he thought his batting average would be in the current era. Williams said, “I don’t know, probably about .220.” The sportscaster was incredulous. “You had a lifetime average of .344, and you think you would only hit .220 today? Why? Because of the way managers use several pitchers a game?”

“No,” replied Williams. “Because I am 70 years old.”

A New Plan for Voter Fraud

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Sen. Alex Padilla, the California Democrat appointed to fill Kamala Harris’s Senate seat after she became vice president, wants Americans to be more certain to register to vote by linking it with free tax preparation. Padilla is leading a push for the U.S. Treasury Department to provide voter registration services at federally funded centers that prepare taxes for low- to moderate-income people, disabled people and people with limited English at no cost to them.

“Limited English,” like “undocumented” or “migrant,” is code for those illegally present in the United States. Federal law bars illegals from voting but Sen. Padilla helps them violate the law. As California’s secretary of state he deployed the “motor voter” plan that registers illegals to vote when they get their driver’s license.

After the 2016 election, Padilla refused to cooperate with a federal probe of voter fraud, and he wouldn’t say how many illegals voted in 2018 or 2020. That year Gov. Gavin Newsom tapped “election chief” Padilla for the U.S. Senate. The senator nobody voted for wants false-documented illegals registered to vote when the government does their taxes “at no cost to them.” It’s motor voter at a whole new level.

Biden has brought in more than seven million illegals, with no background checks, health records, English skills and so forth. Add Padilla’s plan to Biden’s “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The mail ballots, the 2000 Mules, the squads of politiqueros, and so forth, all remain in place.

By these means, the citizens of a constitutional republic become fundamentally transformed into subjects of a woke junta, headed by a wax-works effigy of a president. Ask yourself how you like it so far.

Don’t RIP, Karl

(John Hinderaker)

Via InstaPundit, I learn that Karl Marx died on this day in 1883. I concur with Glenn Reynolds’ suggestion that March 14 should therefore be a holiday:

Marx performed the difficult feat of being wrong about everything. Most people are right about some things and wrong about others; the law of averages sets in. But if you are an ideologue, like Marx, and if your ideology is stupid, you can be wrong across the board. Marx’s historical analyses were either recycled conventional wisdom or wildly off the mark. He knew nothing about economics, which is why his labor theory of value–the lynchpin of his entire philosophy–is absurd. (Even Marx recognized that; he never finished the key section of Capital, leaving that inglorious task to Engels.) And he pontificated endlessly about workers and the means of production, without even once, as far as is known, setting foot in a factory.

Marx survives in historical memory for two reasons. First, hardly anyone has actually read Capital or his lesser works. Even a person of moderate intelligence could hardly do so without recognizing their foolishness. Second, Marx’s philosophy has served as a pretext for sadists to seize control of governments around the globe. Which is exactly what Marx intended.

Marx was a bad man, equally so in his private and public lives. He should be remembered only as an exemplar of how much damage a single-minded and hate-filled man can do.

Living the Luxe Life

(John Hinderaker)

I am so old, I can remember when “public servants” used to earn less money than they could have expected in the private sector. But those days are long gone. Now, government employees have the rest of us by the throat. Our tax dollars are enriching them, on the average, far beyond what they could earn anywhere else.

This is from Stephen Moore’s Committee to Unleash Prosperity:

The average cost for a government employee in December was $60 per hour, or 40.5% more than his or her private sector counterpart.

Benefits to government employees cost 80.3% more.

This chart shows the numbers:

I would think that if we looked at federal employees, the discrepancy would be even greater. And government employees pretty much can’t be fired, either, so they have these sweet gigs forever.

One interpretation of these numbers is that the rest of us are just serfs on the government’s plantation.

Election Interference

(John Hinderaker)

For years, the Democrats have been yammering about “election interference” by Russia that turned out to be either de minimis or entirely fabricated. Now, in a stunning display of hypocrisy, they are aggressively interfering in Israel’s internal politics.

Scott wrote here about the fact that the Biden Administration “obviously seeks to depose the government of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.” The administration has gone so far as to make public an alleged intelligence community assessment to the effect that Netanyahu is unpopular and his government is likely to fall.

Today, Chuck Schumer got into the act:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called for new elections in Israel to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is absolutely stunning. Since when is it the role of the Senate Majority Leader to tell another country–an ally–that they need to replace their government?

Netanyahu has “lost his way,” Schumer continued, “by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel” and by indicating he isn’t interested in the formation of an independent Palestinian state, which has been a U.S. goal for decades.

But it is not a goal of Israel, not if it can’t be done without threatening Israeli security, which is certainly the case today. One might think that the Israeli people are the best judges of their security needs, not an American senator.

Schumer said that Netanyahu has aligned himself with “far-right extremists” like Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who he said are “pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows.”

There is some truth in that last comment, as anti-Semitism, in the transparent guise of anti-Zionism, has erupted across the Western world. One might therefore think that this is a good time for American leaders to express support for Israel, not try to bring about the overthrow of its government.

But we are not living in normal times.

The Israeli response has been restrained, no doubt in the interest of trying to hold the alliance together:

Israel is a sovereign democracy. It is unhelpful, all the more so as Israel is at war against the genocidal terror organization Hamas, to comment on the domestic political scene of a democratic ally. It is counterproductive to our common goals.

— Ambassador Michael Herzog (@AmbHerzog) March 14, 2024

Let’s hope we have a more sensible administration in place as of January 2025.

The Daily Chart: Framing Air Frames

(Steven Hayward)

Right now it seems the airlines (and especially Boeing aircraft) are suffering an epidemic of equipment failures and mishaps. Count me somewhat skeptical. I suspect the Alaska Air door frame blow out a few weeks ago, along with the tire falling off a United 777 the other day, has put the media on high alert, and now many episodes of mishaps and irregularities that might have gone unnoticed or unreported in the general media (the specialty aerospace press is a different matter—Aviation Week and Space Technology was a staple of my household’s magazine subscription pile when I was growing up, and it had lots of neat stories about aircraft problems) and are a source of headlines. (There is a second possibility: that standards for maintenance and manufacturing crews have been eroded on account of diversity mandates. . .)

Here’s the long-term data for mortality from airplane airframe-related accidents:

A Hundred Billion Here . . .

(Steven Hayward)

Everett Dirksen, the Republican Senate leader back in the 1960s, is famous for saying, “A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money. . .”

That was in the days before multi-trillion dollar deficits. A billion dollars is hardly a rounding error in a federal program these days, and $1 billion is usually considered the entry fee for any proposed new program. A program that only costs $750 million is almost an insult at this point.

And Dirksen also never could have anticipated the utility of high speed-rail spending. If he was alive today, he’d likely modify his statement as follows: “A hundred billion here, a hundred billion there, and maybe someday you’ll have a high-speed rail line in California.”

To no one’s surprise, this is in the “news” this week:

California bullet train project needs another $100 billion to complete route from San Francisco to Los Angeles

As the state faces economic headwinds, California’s mega high-speed rail project between San Francisco to Los Angeles also faces major funding hurdles, the project’s CEO Brian Kelly told state lawmakers Tuesday.

Kelly testified in front of the State Senate’s Transportation Committee on the High-Speed Rail Authority’s updated draft business plan. In Tuesday’s hearing, Kelly told lawmakers the project has $28 billion dollars on hand, but noted it was still a few billion dollars short to complete the Central Valley segment between Merced and Bakersfield. Depending on how long the segment takes to finish, it could cost between $32 Billion to $35 Billion. Kelly said the project is hoping to fill the gap with federal funds. That segment of the project is expected to be fully operational between 2030 and 2033, Kelly said.

Project leaders estimate it will still need an additional $100 billion to finish what voters were originally pitched in 2008: a bullet train that runs between San Francisco and Los Angeles. A timeline on its completion has not been set as the authority waits for environmental clearances for those segments.

Bold emphasis added. Because everyone knows federal money is free, or grows on trees or something. But with a state deficit now likely to be over $70 billion this year, there’s little chance California can pay for the completion of the rail line itself. And there’s no timeline set because everyone with a brain understand the high speed rail line will never be fully completed. The “environmental clearances” make that certain.

After last week

(Scott Johnson)

Last week the mainstream press ranked President Biden’s State of the Union address up there with the Sermon on the Mount. I reviewed it in detail and found it to be “The SOTU from hell,” but then I wasn’t the target audience. My assessment might have been unreliable.

In my comments I asked to whom the speech was addressed. That wasn’t clear to me. I guess it was addressed to all the Democrats who’d loved him before. He didn’t want them to walk out on him.

Taking a look at the polls after one week, the Hill reports that, ahead of the State of the Union, Biden’s approval rating in a Yahoo News/YouGov poll was 40 percent. In a new survey released on Tuesday by the same team Biden’s approval rating had fallen to 39 percent.

That does not appear to be an outlier: “Other polls also show the president failed to moved the needle following his address to Congress. FiveThirtyEight’s calculation of Biden’s approval rating showed him with just more than 37 percent Tuesday. On March 6, the day before the State of the Union, he had just under a 38 percent approval rating from the ABC News pollster.”

Trump and Biden have each secured his party’s respective nomination and are running neck and neck. The lack of excitement is almost palpable. It is same as it ever was before Joe got hopped up last week to shout into the void.

Via Rich Lowry/NRO.

Ms. Yellen regrets

(Scott Johnson)

In Cole Porter’s “Miss Otis Regrets,” the heroine announces that she’s unable to lunch today. Why? She has a good excuse — because she was strung up by a mob for killing “the man who had led her so far astray.”

Now Ms. Yellen regrets. Janet Yellen holds the venerable office of Secretary of the Treasury. Former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Yellen is well qualified for the job and an ostensibly serious person. Yet she has proved unfit for the office, regurgitating administration talking points with an utter lack of seriousness. Inflation — she declared in 2021 that it was “transitory.” Abortion — restricting it would be “very damaging” to the economy. By contrast, she supports the administration’s gusher of “green” spending as constructive. ‘S wonderful.

Ms. Yellen regrets she has revealed herself to be a political hack. “I regret saying [inflation] was transitory,” Yellen said in a March 13 interview on Fox News. “It has come down. But I think transitory means a few weeks or months to most people.” Three years later, it might be worth asking what “transitory” means to her and who suggested she use the term in coordination with the other occupants of the Biden administration clown car.

When Yellen adopted the administration line on inflation being “transitory,” nobody had led Yellen astray. She killed her own reputation. However, she is also able to lunch today. Why anyone should even believe anything she says is not exactly a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. No one should.

The trouble with Dennis Ross

(Scott Johnson)

Dennis Ross is a scholar and diplomat of unmatched experience in the vagaries of “the peace process.” His 2005 memoir The Missing Peace: Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace runs to 880 closely printed pages. He served in both the Bush (41) and Clinton administrations. He also served as special assistant to President Obama and worked on National Security Council in both the Reagan and Obama administrations. He currently serves as a distinguished fellow on the U.S.-Israel strategic relationship at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. His impressive Washington Institute profile is posted here.

On a personal note, I would like to add this. When I was working on the 2007 Weekly Standard article “How Arafat got away with murder,” I caught Ambassador Ross by telephone in his office late on a Friday afternoon. He was on his way out the door and didn’t know me from Adam, yet he took my question and responded as quoted in the article. He seemed to me a straightforward and decent gentleman.

Ross was invited by the MIT Jewish Alumni Alliance to speak at MIT’s “Standing Together Against Hate” program launched in the aftermath of the the October 7 massacre. MIT president Sally Kornbluth trumpeted the program as an effort aimed at “community building.” She put MIT chancellor Melissa Nobles in charge.

A Hamas apologist is scheduled to speak at MIT as part of the program on March 18. Jewish alumni reached out to Ross and confirmed his willingness to participate in the program’s speaker series. When attempts were made to move forward, however, program planners informed the alumni that Ross is not an appropriate speaker because they deem him “a politician.” The alumni group has posted its March 12 open letter to Kornbluth here.

The Washington Free Beacon’s Jessica Costescu now takes a deep dive into the story under the headline “MIT Refused To Host Dennis Ross. It Invited a Hamas Apologist Instead.” Subhead: “Dalia Mogahed, who described Hamas terrorism as legal ‘resistance,’ slated to speak as a part of MIT’s ‘Standing Against Hate’ Initiative.”

What’s the trouble with Dennis Ross? It’s not that he is a politician. He has never run for office:

Like Ross, Mogahed has served as a presidential adviser, albeit to fewer presidents and in more junior roles. She served as an adviser to former president Barack Obama in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

For Matthew Handel and Lori Ullman, two Jewish Alumni Alliance members, MIT’s refusal to host Ross—and its excuse for excluding him—are insulting.

“It’s already patronizing for anyone to say we’re at MIT, so we think we’re smarter than you,” Handel, who co-founded the group, told the Free Beacon. “It’s beyond arrogant that they would say, ‘We work at MIT, so as MIT alums, we’re smarter than you; MIT students, we’re smarter than you; Congress, we’re smarter than you.'”

Costescu gives the reader everything he might need to understand the story and the actual trouble with Ross, including this valuable note: “MIT did not return a request for comment.”

Willfully yours

(Scott Johnson)

Special Counsel Robert Hur found that President Biden willfully mishandled documents subject to the Espionage Act provision set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 793(e). However, Hur clouded the “willfulness” element of the offense by resting his non-prosecution recommendation in part on Biden’s present senility. Hur presents his analysis of the element of “willfulness” under section 793 in Chapter Nine of his report.

The relevant question is whether Biden committed the acts “willfully” at the relevant time. Hur had a smoking gun or two to prove the “willfulness” element of the offense. Among other things, however, he suggested that a jury would be reluctant to convict someone as out of it as Biden is and imputed the jury’s likely reluctance to Biden’s present inability to act “willfully” beyond a reasonable doubt. See, for example, Chapters Eleven and Twelve of the report.

Just to give an idea of the evidence Hur compiled, the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman highlights a few passages from Hur’s report. Freeman quotes this from Chapter Twelve:

As with the classified Afghanistan documents [discussed in Chapter Eleven], there is evidence that Mr. Biden kept his notebooks after his vice presidency knowing they were classified and he was not allowed to have them.

The evidence shows convincingly that Mr. Biden knew the notebooks, as a whole, contained classified information. For eight years, he wrote in his notebooks about classified information during classified meetings in the White House Situation Room and elsewhere. He was familiar with the notebooks’ contents, which included obviously classified information. When reviewing the notebooks with [Biden ghostwriter Mark] Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden sometimes read aloud classified notes verbatim, but he also sometimes appeared to skip over classified information, and he warned Zwonitzer that the material in the notebooks could be classified. Mr. Biden also stored the notebooks in a classified safe in the White House for a time as vice president because the notebooks were classified.

In Mr. Biden’s written answers to questions from our office, he called into question whether he knew the information in his notebooks was classified. In those answers, Mr. Biden explained that when he described material in his notebooks to Zwonitzer as “classified’’ he did not actually mean “classified.” According to Mr. Biden, “I may have used the word ‘classified’ with Mr. Zwonitzer in a generic sense, to refer not to the formal classification of national security information, but to sensitive or private topics to ensure that Mr. Zwonitzer would not write about them.” Mr. Biden qualified this answer by explaining, “I do not recall the specific conversations you reference with Mr. Zwonitzer, which took place more than six years ago.”

This explanation-that “classified” does not mean “classified”-is not credible. At the time Mr. Biden met with Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden had nearly fifty years of experience dealing with classified information, including as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a member and Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, a member and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and Vice President of the United States. It is not plausible that a person of his knowledge and experience used the term “classified” in this context as a euphemism for “private.”

Hur discusses the existence of grounds for reasonable doubt regarding Biden’s willfulness at the time of the acts (i.e., evidence that Biden thought the notebooks were his personal property), but falls back on Biden’s subsequent incompetence (my word, not Hur’s). If Biden thought they were his personal property, why did he lie about the meaning of “classified”? As I wrote yesterday, Hur’s analysis has the quality of a student working backward from the known answer to a question. Hur thus concludes Chapter Twelve:

Given the intelligence and military officials present and the topics discussed at the meetings Mr. Biden recounted for Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden should have realized that his notes did or were likely to contain classified information. But taken as a whole, the evidence will likely leave jurors with reasonable doubts about whether Mr. Biden knew he was sharing classified information with Zwonitzer and intended to do so. For these jurors, Mr. Biden’s apparent lapses and failures in February and April 2017 will likely appear consistent with the diminished faculties and faulty memory he showed in Zwonitzer’s interview recordings and in our interview of him. Therefore, we conclude that the evidence does not establish that Mr. Biden willfully disclosed national defense information to Zwonitzer.

I thought someone would press Hur on the “willfulness” issue at the hearing. Rep. Ken Buck, who declared he’s outta here next week, came the closest to getting at it toward the tail end of the five-hour hearing (video below). Even within the five-minutes limiting each round of questions — Buck could have omitted his introductory remarks and gotten to the point — Buck almost got there, but this ain’t horseshoes.

Important Voting Problems

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As John notes, blue collar workers or minorities voting for policies that actually help them is an important trend, and a complement to Steve’s post about the border problem. As he showed, “immigration” helped to flip California from red to blue in presidential elections, so Democrats seek to repeat that trend “across the entire country.” That’s why Biden has brought in millions, and that’s a problem.

The possibility of becoming a public charge can cancel the prospect of legal immigrants becoming legitimate American citizens. On the other hand, for many illegals becoming a public charge is the goal. The ideal set-up is to get on welfare and work under the table for cash. That’s what enables the transfer of  more than $63 billion to Mexico in 2023, a seven-percent hike from the previous year. In effect, the USA subsidizes the Mexican government.

Those on welfare have a problem becoming U.S. citizens and that’s what California attorney general Xavier Becerra was on about when he cited 10 million “immigrants” in California alone. It is illegal for foreign nationals and even registered aliens to vote, but California’s “motor voter” program registers false-documented illegals to vote when they get their driver’s license. Squads of politiqueros  bribe, coerce and threaten the illegals to vote “a certain way,” code for Democrats.

Absent an independent investigation, citizens can have more than a reasonable doubt on ballot propositions to legitimize crime (Proposition 47), the recall vote for Newsom, and his reelection in 2022. Citizens may also have reasonable doubt on the 2020 presidential vote.

Stumbling Joe Biden, who campaigned from his basement, is a wax-works effigy of a president. On the other hand, with an eye on California, he has imported an electorate by the millions. As David Horowitz has often noted, Democrats are good at voter fraud and Republicans are poor at preventing it. So the nation could get four more years of Joe Biden, or someone even worse. All things have limits, except human stupidity and malevolence.

Exploding the Myths of “Green” Energy

(John Hinderaker)

American Experiment’s Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling tell you what you need to know to respond to ill-informed advocates for “green” energy. There is much more at the link, but here is an overview:

1. Renewables can’t survive on their own

The renewable energy industry is a subsidy-based industry, as wind and solar are largely dependent on lucrative state and federal subsidies. However, renewable advocates justify these perpetual subsidies by claiming thermal generators receive more subsidies than wind and solar. This assertion is not based on reality….
In 2022, wind and solar generators received three and eighteen times more subsidies per MWh, respectively, than natural gas, coal, and nuclear generators combined. Solar is the clear leader, receiving anywhere from $50 to $80 per MWh over the last five years, whereas wind is a distant second at $8 to $10 per MWh.

Poor solar energy! No matter how many billions the government pours down the solar rathole, no one has figured out a way to generate solar power after the sun goes down.

2. Renewables increase the cost of electricity

Renewable advocates often claim that the adoption of more wind and solar will lead to lower electricity costs, but the opposite is true. In a previous Substack, we wrote in detail about how utility companies with the largest rate increase requests in the country admit the energy transition is a major reason behind increasing electricity prices for families and businesses.

“Green” advocates fake the numbers for wind and solar by the simple expedient of only counting a fraction of their costs. This chart shows the actual cost of the various energy systems if all costs are included:

3. More wind and solar means more blackouts

Advocates of renewable energy also don’t want to account for one of the most damning facts about policies that favor wind and solar energy at the expense of dispatchable generators: that they have led to electricity blackouts in more than one region.

Greenies are full of bogus reasons why increased use of wind and solar are not to blame for blackouts, but they can’t answer the simple question: why is that we didn’t have blackouts before spending hundreds of billions on wind and solar, but now we do have blackouts?

Isaac and Mitch conclude:

Despite claiming to be ardent followers of “tHe ScIEncE,” wind and solar advocates live in their own universe of alternative facts that deny the basic physics and economics of the electric grid. Hopefully, this piece is useful for you the next time a wind or solar stan is arguing with you in the comments section.

One more “green” myth remains to be exploded: the claim that wind and solar are better for the environment than natural gas, nuclear and coal-fired electricity. That myth will be addressed in an upcoming report.

Why he was fired from Harvard

(Scott Johnson)

The great Dr. Jay Bhattacharya hosts the Illusion of Consensus podcast. I have embedded his most recent episode below via X. In this episode he speaks with Martin Kulldorff. Please check it out in its native habitat here and help Dr. Bhattacharya extend his reach to other platforms.

Dr. Bhattacharya’s introduction to the podcast notes that “in this critical conversation we discuss a number of hot topics, most crucially Martin’s firing from Harvard for his opposition to vaccine mandates. He has broken the silence on this tragic issue and we are happy to host his first public conversation on the matter. We also discuss Martin’s firing from the CDC over the J&J vaccine and Harvard’s generally unscientific response to the pandemic. The conversation concludes with a discussion on decentralizing and reforming the scientific community.”

Drs. Bhattacharya and Kulldorff are are two-thirds of the team that hatched the Great Barrington Declaration. With any luck, they will be recognized in next year’s Samizadat Prize.

New Illusion of Consensus podcast with @martinkulldorff. Martin tells the story of his career in public health, his advocacy for the basic principles of public health in the covid era, and his departure from Harvard.

(The link to the podcast is in my bio. Please subscribe!)

— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) March 12, 2024

The required reading for the Illusion of Consensus podcast is of course Martin Kulldorff’s March 11 City Journal column “Harvard tramples the truth.” Dr. Kulldorff also discusses his experience in the excellent City Journal podcast with John Tierney below (City Journal transcript here).

The Daily Chart: Haiti—Less Violent Than Chicago?

(Steven Hayward)

So Haiti is back in the news. As I mentioned yesterday, I thought the Clinton Foundation had fixed the place! Or Colin Powell in the 1990s. Or something. How soon until Biden sends in American troops? Or lets 500,000 Haitians come to America?

Anyway, Haiti is in the state of nature right now, with gangs and mobs rampaging. And yet, as a smart left-leaning friend of mine (I do have a few of those—opposition research) points out, the murder rate in Haiti is lower than many American cities:

Netanyahu’s negation

(Scott Johnson)

The Biden administration obviously seeks to depose the government of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The administration has released our intelligence community’s assessment that Netanyahu’s “viability as a leader” is “in jeopardy,” according to the annual report on the national security threats facing the United States that was presented to Congress on Monday. I assess that the wish is father to the thought.

The assessment provides: “Distrust of Netanyahu’s ability to rule has deepened and broadened across the public from its already high levels before the war, and we expect large protests demanding his resignation and new elections,” according to the report. “A different, more moderate government is a possibility.” I assess that the wish is father to the thought and that the assessment bears the trademark of “Our Democracy™.”

Netanyahyu’s voice can be heard in the response attributed to a “very senior” Israeli official in a statement issued to the media: “Those who elect the prime minister of Israel are the citizens of Israel and no one else. Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who elect the government. We expect our friends to act to overthrow the terror regime of Hamas and not the elected government in Israel.”

The intelligence community could not be reached for comment.

Hymn to Hur

(Scott Johnson)

Special Counsel Robert Hur testified for some five hours before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday on his investigation into President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents over his too long career in public life. I have posted the Washington Post’s YouTube video of the hearing at the bottom. At the same time, transcripts of Hur’s interview of Biden in the investigation were released: October 8 (99 pages) and October 9 (157 pages).

Mr. Techno Fog provided his hot take on the transcripts here (“confusion, evasion, and outright lies”). David Harsanyi cut to the chase in the Federalist column “Turns out Biden lied.” The Free Beacon’s Andrew Kerr reviews both Hur’s testimony and the Biden transcripts in “Interview Transcript, Congressional Testimony Shed Light on Biden’s Memory Lapses During Classified Doc Investigation.”

Hur confined his testimony to the four corners of the lengthy report he submitted to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Whenever he was asked about the facts of the case, he referred to the report’s findings. He demonstrated perfect poise and complete mastery of the case as set forth in his report.

It should go without saying that Hur knew his case, but contrast Hur’s grasp of the case with Robert Mueller’s failure to launch at the comparable hearing held following his Russiagate investigation. To put it charitably, Mueller appeared to be a figurehead who performed at best as an innocent bystander to an investigation run and conducted by others (e.g., Andrew Weissmann). Trump fans who harbor lingering animosity against Attorney General William Barr don’t understand that Mueller’s investigation would still be alive if it weren’t for Barr.

The House Democrats sought to impute a finding of “complete exoneration” of Biden to Hur. Hur begged to disagree. Hur was admirably noncompliant in the face of the Democrats’ efforts to put words in his mouth. The Free Beacon’s video of highlights (below) shows that “complete exoneration” misses the mark. As Hur put it in his opening statement, Hur “identified evidence that the President willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private citizen.” This evidence contradicted everything Biden himself has said in public about the case, although lying to the public is not a crime. It is standard operating procedure.

Hur was criticized for resting his recommendation of non-prosecution on Biden’s senility. Hur explained that he was required to “show [his] work” supporting his recommendation of non-prosecution. Hur reminded me of how I showed my work in solving high school physics problems. I began with the answer and worked back from there.

In Hur’s case, the answer was non-prosecution. A voice in his head from the film Network must have counseled caution: “Don’t do it, buddy! You’re a young man! You got your whole life ahead of you!” Hur’s explanation of the difficulty of obtaining a guilty verdict in the case was little more than absurd (as was his distinction of the Biden case from the Trump case).

In the course of his overlong political career, Biden has been a serial violator of the national security law. He is heedless to it. His misconduct is egregious. And he is a senescent dolt with the possible reservation that in some instances he may be senile like a fox. I don’t recall when “I don’t recall” was ever so plausible.

I would like to include one positive observation in these remarks. I was impressed by the demeanor of two congressmen whose names I had not even heard before. I don’t know anything else about them except what I saw yesterday. I am referring to Republican Ben Cline of Virginia and Democrat Glenn Ivey of Maryland.

However, yesterday’s hearing was incredibly depressing. It represents the dire condition of our politics. We have clownish Democrats volubly insisting on the things which are not. We have the exhibition of the two-tiered system of justice that Democrats have fashioned to resolve the problem of Donald Trump and other annoyances. We have the continuing exposure of the mental incompetence of the president of the United States. We have the mainstream press acting as the Democrats’ public relations arm.

British Muslims Seek to Ban Blasphemy

(John Hinderaker)

This long piece in the London Times describes the efforts of some British Muslims to prohibit blasphemy, either through legal action or through mob violence:

Britain faces an alarming rise in intimidation and threats of violence against those perceived to have insulted Islam, a new report will warn.

Protests condemning acts of apparent blasphemy have become more frequent and radicalised, according to independent research commissioned by the government’s counterextremism chief.

The report, seen by The Times, exposes links between activists at the forefront of recent protests in the UK and an extremist Islamist political party in Pakistan whose members have regularly called for blasphemers to be beheaded.

It has been a long time since anyone was beheaded in Britain on religious grounds.

Robin Simcox, the government’s counterextremism tsar, commissioned the research after three blasphemy flashpoints in the UK: the 2021 protests against a teacher in Batley, West Yorkshire, who received death threats and is still in hiding…

Still in hiding, three years later–a teacher in West Yorkshire.

…after showing pupils a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed; Birmingham protests the following year over the screening of the film The Lady in Heaven, which depicted Mohammed’s daughter; and last year’s controversy in Wakefield, also in West Yorkshire, after a copy of the Quran was slightly damaged at a high school.

Some of the anti-blasphemy initiative is coming from Pakistan:

It described as “most alarming” the emergence of a UK wing of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a political party that was temporarily banned there because of violent rallies and its support for mob executions of perceived blasphemers. British mosques have hosted speakers who are supportive of TLP and each of the protests in Batley, Wakefield and Birmingham involved activists with links.

The report warned that such rhetoric “has the potential to radicalise their audience around the issue of blasphemy” and that this in turn “may increase the likelihood of sectarian violence and terrorism in the UK”.

The report stresses that most UK-based blasphemy activists have rejected violence and condemn terrorist acts such as the 2015 shooting attack in Paris on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine, in which 17 people died.

However, it says many are calling for stricter laws in the UK against blasphemy and seek to criminalise insults against Islam, which they present as part of a wider war on the faith by so-called enemies of Islam in the West.

Britain has admitted large numbers of Muslims from Commonwealth countries, and they now constitute a substantial political bloc. In recent months, they have repeatedly taken over large swaths of the city of London with kill-the-Jews rallies. While British authorities deplore these demonstrations, they seem to have been cowed by the implicit threat of violence that they manifest.

Who Needs DEI?

(John Hinderaker)

Black college athletes do, according to the NAACP. The NAACP is urging black athletes not to go to college in Florida:

The NAACP asked Black student-athletes to reconsider their decisions to attend public colleges and universities in the state of Florida, in response to the University of Florida and other state schools recently eliminating their diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

In a letter sent to NCAA president Charlie Baker and addressed to current and prospective student-athletes Monday, NAACP president and CEO Derrick Johnson wrote, “This is not about politics. It’s about the protection of our community, the progression of our culture, and most of all, it’s about your education, and your future.”

The idea that black athletes at major sports schools like Florida and Florida State need DEI departments to…what? Prevent them from being discriminated against? The idea is laughable, as is the NCAAP’s apparent suggestion that DEI bureaucrats are somehow helpful to a student’s education.

My guess is that not a single black athlete who otherwise wants to play for Florida, Florida State or any other public Florida college will be deterred by the NCAAP’s advice. What this episode really shows is how useless the once-relevant NCAAP has become. And also, how Florida has taken the lead in adopting common-sense policies that have put the state in the Left’s cross-hairs.

He won’t back down

(Scott Johnson)

President Biden is reportedly “thinking” about imposing conditions on military aid to Israel if the IDF assault on Hamas’s redoubt in Rafah proceeds as planned. Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke by video to AIPAC’s annual policy conference in Washington. Netanyahu’s office has posted the video clip below on X and a six-minute video here on YouTube (with an echo for the first minute).

The Prime Minister’s Office has posted Netanyahu’s text here along with these further remarks in a Churchillian vein:

Some people would make you believe that the people of Israel are disunited. In fact, some people would have you believe there is the prime minister and then there is the people of Israel.

The truth of the matter is that the people of Israel overwhelmingly support the policies set forth by myself and my government. They overwhelmingly support the need for total victory. Overwhelmingly. They overwhelmingly oppose the idea of having a Palestinian state rammed down our throat.

We just had a vote in the Knesset, to illustrate the point I just made, 99 to 9 supporting this position. And you know what? It’s not irrational. It’s because they think that giving now a Palestinian state after the October 7th massacre will be the greatest reward for terrorism in modern times.

They overwhelmingly reject the idea that we should implant, after we’ve destroyed Hamas in Gaza, the PA that still inculcates its children towards terrorism and the annihilation of Israel. They want a future of peace, a future of security that is purchased by a resounding victory.

And as I say, the possibilities for this victory, the possibilities that are opened up are immense but they require that one word: victory. And I will repeat it again, victory, victory, victory. No substitute for that and we will achieve it together.

Netanyahu knows he represents the consensus of Israeli popular opinion on this point and he gives no sign of backing down.

We will finish the job. Watch my speech at the AIPAC policy conference >>

— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) March 12, 2024

The Daily Chart: A Different Kind of Femme Fatale

(Steven Hayward)

Our pal Mark Perry reminds is that today, March 12, is “Equal Pay Day” that falsely assumes how far into 2024 the typical woman has to work to earn what her alleged male counterpart earned in 2023. Funny how feminists never consider something like “Equal Job Safety” or “Job Risk” day (Mark proposes “Occupational Fatality Day”), because the data looks like this and the “gap” would take years, not months, to close:

Men are 11 times more likely to die on the job than women. A rather different kind of femme fatale.

Chaser, FWIW (also from Mark):

Him or Hur?

(Scott Johnson)

Politico Playbook previews the testimony later this morning of Special Counsel Robert Hur before the House Judiciary Committee. Hur is to testify on the report of his investigation of Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents (i.e., the report submitted to Attorney General Merrick Garland). The Playbookers have obtained and posted Hur’s opening statement here. These are the operative paragraphs:

My report reflects my best effort to explain why I declined to recommend charging President Biden. I analyzed the evidence as prosecutors routinely do: by assessing its strengths and weaknesses, including by anticipating the ways in which the President’s defense lawyers might poke holes in the government’s case if there were a trial and seek to persuade jurors that the government could not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

There has been a lot of attention paid to language in the report about the President’s memory, so let me say a few words about that. My task was to determine whether the President retained or disclosed national defense information “willfully”—meaning, knowingly and with the intent to do something the law forbids.

I could not make that determination without assessing the President’s state of mind. For that reason, I had to consider the President’s memory and overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial. These are the types of issues prosecutors analyze every day. And because these issues were important to my ultimate decision, I had to include a discussion of them in my report to the Attorney General.

The evidence and the President himself put his memory squarely at issue. We interviewed the President and asked him about his recorded statement, “I just found all the classified stuff downstairs.” He told us that he didn’t remember saying that to his ghostwriter. He also said he didn’t remember finding any classified material in his home after his vice presidency. And he didn’t remember anything about how classified documents about Afghanistan made their way into his garage.

My assessment in the report about the relevance of the President’s memory was necessary and accurate and fair. Most importantly, what I wrote is what I believe the evidence shows, and what I expect jurors would perceive and believe. I did not sanitize my explanation. Nor did I disparage the President unfairly. I explained to the Attorney General my decision and the reasons for it. That’s what I was required to do.

This is confused and confusing. Did Hur base his non-prosecution decision on his putative inability to prove the mental element of the possible offenses? Hur implies it is “willfulness,” although “gross negligence” would have sufficed to prove the offense under 28 U.S.C § 793. Or did he base his non-prosecution decision on a jury’s anticipated pity for a senile dolt? I trust that some members of the committee will home in on this issue this morning.

Jam Master Jay, the DJ of the groundbreaking hip hop group Run-DMC, was fatally shot in 2002 in a case that was unsolved for nearly two decades. As a trial for his killing came to a close, his double life involving drugs that ran alongside his musical career was revealed.

After three miscarriages, Alabama resident Gabrielle Goidel and her husband decided to start the process of IVF. But with the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that frozen embyros are children, her future plans are now uncertain.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas speaks with Christiane Amanpour about the GOP-led House vote to impeach him over his handling of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border.

Atlanta Courthouse Shootings Fast Facts

View CNN's Fast Facts about Brian Nichols and the Atlanta courthouse shootings of March 2005.

CNN's Pete Muntean breaks down the scary moment in the skies.

Daytona 500 Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about the Daytona 500, the first race of the racing season for NASCAR.

Alan Greenspan Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about Alan Greenspan and learn more about the former Federal Reserve Chairman.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is apologizing for remarks she made about the Israel-Hamas war. Polo Sandoval reports from New York.

Justin Bieber Fast Facts

Do you have "Bieber Fever?" Read CNN's Fast Facts about Grammy Award-winning singer Justin Bieber.

1965 Selma to Montgomery March Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march in Alabama, a pivotal event in the civil rights movement

CNN's Jake Tapper travels to Los Angeles to speak with Mayor Karen Bass on her efforts to build and provide housing for homeless people.

Two police officers and a firefighter were fatally shot and another officer was injured after responding to a domestic incident early Sunday morning in Burnsville, Minnesota, according to local authorities. CNN's Camila Bernal reports on the details, including the names of the three individuals who were killed.

Polk County Sheriff Byron Lyons announced that the body of Audrii Cunningham, an 11-year-old girl who disappeared while on her way to school in Texas, was found in the Trinity River. Polk County District Attorney Shelly Sitton said they are in the process of preparing arrest warrants for Don Steven McDougal, adding they believe a capital murder charge will be appropriate. CNN has attempted to find attorney information for McDougal and has also reached out to his family for comment. CNN's Rosa Flores reports with more.

Alabama's Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children, and would be protected under the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. Barbara Collura, president and CEO of RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, joins CNN to discuss the unprecedented ruling.

Joe Walsh and Fred Guttenberg speak with CNN's Jake Tapper

The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens' dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrest that Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden. CNN's Evan Perez has the story.

Reparations into his own hands: As the two remaining survivors of the 1921 Tulsa race massacre await their day in court, philanthropist Ed Mitzen, who gifted $3 million to their families, reflects on why the wealthy White community needs to "step up."

In the next 10 years, space will hold more than three times the amount of trash than what it currently has had in the last 70 years. CNN's Bill Weir talks to NOAA and researchers who are looking for solutions to solve the space junk problem.

A person in police custody on unrelated charges is suspected of involvement in the case of 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham who went missing in Livingston, Texas, according to local authorities. CNN Rosa Flores reports from the area where police are searching.

State Rep. Justin Jones speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip on witnessing neo-Nazis appearing in Nashville after he left a Black history event.

A stolen tow truck wreaked havoc on the rush hour traffic in Maryland on Friday, leading to a wild car pursuit by the state police that lasted for over an hour.

After being ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars by a New York judge, former U.S. President Donald Trump is ranting against the U.S. legal system. CNN's Senior Political Analyst Ron Brownstein says Trump's behavior mirrors autocratic leaders.

"Black farmers are an endangered species," says 5th generation Black farmer, P.J. Haynie. He and his family have continued to fight racism through the generations, and now, they're making farming history.

CNN's Jake Tapper spoke with Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass

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USAFA Class of 2022 cadet and COVID-vaccine objector Nathan Suess A year ago this month, a comparison of military recruitment ads from China, Russia and the U.S. went viral on social media. Our foreign competitors wooed their potential enlistees with muscular appeals to national pride and protection of the traditional nuclear family. A U.S. Army...

The Prosecution of Idaho Mom Sara Brady, by Michelle Malkin

UPDATE: Scroll down to read full motion to dismiss on constitutional grounds, memorandum in support of motion to dismiss, and stipuation of undisputed facts. MERIDIAN, IDAHO — Kleiner Park is an all-American, family-friendly gathering place west of Boise with 60 acres of greenery, trails, ponds, outdoor performance facilities, picnic shelters, and children's swings and slides....

The Hunting of Texas Campus Conservative Kelly Neidert, by Michelle Malkin

Most graduating college seniors in America are in high spirits this month as they prepare for cap-and-gown ceremonies and extended family celebrations. But for Kelly Neidert, a firebrand campus conservative and marketing major at the University of North Texas in Denton, commencement is no ordinary rite of passage filled with joy and laughter. Having faced...

An inmate used the chain of his handcuffs to choke an Indiana sheriff's deputy who later died at hospital, affidavit says

An inmate in Indianapolis allegedly used the chain of his handcuffs to choke a sheriff's deputy who died shortly after, court documents obtained by a local station show.

Two brothers, aged 3 and 6, are among 4 people wounded by a shooter on a scooter at a crowded New York park, police say

A 3-year-old and his 6-year-old brother were among four people shot and wounded when shots were fired at a crowd outside a Bronx park Tuesday evening, the New York Police Department said.

California has spent $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness over four years. In the same time, from 2018 to 2022, the state's homeless population grew. CNN's Nick Watt reports.

Ed Sheeran fans hospitalized during Pittsburgh show

A total of 17 people were transported to the hospital with various health emergencies during an Ed Sheeran concert in Pittsburgh on Saturday night, the Pittsburgh Bureau of EMS said in a news release.

A jury hearing arguments surrounding Aretha Franklin's estate determined a 2014 version of her will should stand as the document of record.

Pennsylvania inmate escaped through prison roof and shimmied down a rope of sheets, court documents say

Escapee Michael Burham is likely still in the area around a northwestern Pennsylvania jail and is probably getting help as he seeks to evade 200 law enforcement officers looking for him, Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Col. George Bivens said at a news conference Tuesday.

Free-solo climber dies after falling hundreds of feet from ridge in Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park

A 26-year-old woman from Boulder, Colorado, died after falling approximately 500 feet while free-solo climbing a ridge in the state's Rocky Mountain National Park on Sunday, the park said.

Leslie Van Houten, a former Charles Manson follower, and convicted murderer, was released from a California prison on Tuesday, a prison spokesperson told CNN. Anthony DiMaria, nephew of Jay Sebring, murdered by the Manson family, speaks to CNN's Laura Coates.

Manson Family Murders Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about Charles Manson and the 1969 murders committed by his followers.

Residents evacuated as homes slide down Los Angeles County hillside following 'significant land movement'

More than a dozen homes have been evacuated in Rolling Hills Estates, California, after the ground shifted, causing extensive damage, city and Los Angeles County officials said.

Kansas City Chiefs superfan who became a fugitive after bank robbery charge has been caught in California, feds say

A Kansas man who gained attention for dressing in a full wolf's costume at Kansas City Chiefs games and who allegedly removed his ankle monitor while he was out on bail on a bank robbery charge has been arrested in California, according to a news release from federal authorities.

25-year-old arrested in connection with Cleveland shooting that left 9 wounded over the weekend

US marshals on Tuesday arrested a 25-year-old man in connection with Sunday's mass shooting in Cleveland that left nine people wounded, Cleveland's police chief said.

California has spent billions to fight homelessness. The problem has gotten worse

Getting people off the street is a priority for Gov. Gavin Newsom. But even with massive funding and new data on who is homeless and why, the state is struggling to see change.

How has your life changed since the Roe v. Wade reversal?

What impact has the Roe v. Wade reversal had on you and your family in ways big and small? Share your stories with CNN.

Rescues still underway in flood-ravaged Vermont as New England braces for more rain

As rescues continue and Vermont begins what could be a yearslong recovery process from the devastating flooding that hit the Northeast this week, another round of rainfall is headed for the region -- and it could bring more flash floods.

Former Manson family member Leslie Van Houten released from California prison, official says

Leslie Van Houten, a former Charles Manson follower and convicted murderer, was released from a California prison on Tuesday, a prison spokesperson told CNN.

At least 3 dead and 14 injured after crash involving Greyhound bus and other vehicles in Illinois

At least three people are dead and 14 injured after a crash involving a Greyhound bus and three other vehicles early Wednesday in southern Illinois, a release from state police said.

Several shark species are facing extinction. Here's how you can help

Older than dinosaurs and trees, sharks have endured a lot throughout their 450 million years on Earth. They've even survived five mass extinctions, including the asteroid that wiped out 75% of life on the planet. But many species of these aquatic apex predators are now in danger of dying out forever.

No jackpot winner in Tuesday's Mega Millions drawing, new jackpot is estimated at $560 million

There was no jackpot winner in Tuesday night's Mega Millions drawing according to the lottery's website, prompting another drawing scheduled for Friday at 11 p.m. ET.

GOP prepared to block vote to replace Feinstein on Senate Judiciary

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that he hopes to replace Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Senate Judiciary Committee with Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland and aims to set up a floor vote on the issue this afternoon, which Republicans are expected to block.

Anti-abortion doctors urge Supreme Court to keep mifepristone restrictions in place

A group of doctors opposed to abortion asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to restrict access to a key medication abortion drug while other legal challenges play out, as Wednesday night's deadline for the court to act approaches.

Supreme Court seems sympathetic to postal worker who didn't work Sundays in dispute over religious accommodations

The Supreme Court seemed to side with a former mail carrier, an evangelical Christian, who says the US Postal Service failed to accommodate his request to not work on Sundays.

Fulton County, Georgia, jail leadership resigns after inmate's death and accusations of unsanitary conditions

Three officials at the Fulton County, Georgia, jail have stepped down amid an investigation into the death of an inmate whose family said was housed in a filthy, bug-infested cell that "was not fit for a diseased animal."

McCarthy makes plea for Republicans to back debt ceiling plan

Speaker Kevin McCarthy made a plea to House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning to back his debt ceiling plan, telling them that although it doesn't have to include everything they want, it will help get him to the negotiating table with President Joe Biden.

China's economy is off to a solid start, rising 4.5% in Q1 2023

China's economy is off to a solid start in 2023 following its emergence from three years of strict pandemic restrictions.

He was free for 2 years. Now Crosley Green is back in prison for a crime he says he didn't commit

A Florida man who served three decades behind bars for a murder he says he didn't commit returned to prison Monday after spending the past two years building a life outside prison walls.

Family of victim and survivors of Indianapolis FedEx mass shooting file lawsuit against gun magazine manufacturer and distributors

The family of a victim and several survivors of a mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis filed a lawsuit against companies involved in the manufacturing, marketing and sale of the high capacity magazine used by the gunman who killed 8 people and injured several others in 2021.

Tennessee Air National Guardsman applied to be a hitman online, the FBI says. It was a spoof website and now he's facing charges

A Tennessee Air National Guardsman is facing charges after applying to be a hitman on a spoof "rent-a-hitman" website, according to the Department of Justice.

Google-parent stock drops on fears it could lose search market share to AI-powered rivals

Shares of Google-parent Alphabet fell more than 3% in early trading Monday after a report sparked concerns that its core search engine could lose market share to AI-powered rivals, including Microsoft's Bing.

McDonald's is upgrading its burgers

McDonald's, which has been focusing on upgrading its core items to boost sales, is rolling out a series of changes designed to improve its signature burgers.

Even when wives make as much as husbands, they still do more at home

• Four out of the five US metro areas with the lowest unemployment are in Florida. Here's why • Opinion: The overlooked problem with raising the retirement age for Social Security

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas
“‘Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: ‘In this Ummah there shall be collapsing of the earth, transformation and Qadhf.’ A man among the Muslims said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! When is that?’ He said: ‘When singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2212) “It was narrated from Abu Malik […]

Ramadan in India: Muslims leave iftar party, attack Hindu temple

Ramadan in India: Muslims leave iftar party, attack Hindu temple
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “‘Masked mob coming out of Iftar party targeted temple’: VHP over clashes in Jamshedpur, accuses the administration of inaction against accused,” OpIndia, April 10, […]

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again
The New York Times, doing its imitation of the Palestinian news agency Wafa, has yet again misrepresented the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians who would, if only they could, cheerfully destroy the Jewish state. The Times provides what it calls a “news analysis” – more rigorous, presumably, than a mere report of facts — of the current […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations
Just in case there was any doubt about where the Nigerian government stands regarding the ongoing jihad in that country. “EXCLUSIVE: Nigerian Army Personnel Resume Invasion Of Communities In Imo State, Burn Markets, Loot Several Shops During Easter,” Sahara Reporters, April 11, 2023: SaharaReporters reliably gathered that troops of the Nigerian military on Sunday, during […]

Islamic countries are buying out UN agencies to promote Sharia globally

Islamic countries are buying out UN agencies to promote Sharia globally
Giulio Meotti warns in Israel National News that after the European Parliament, “the UN is easy prey. Funding has allowed Islamic countries to form the most powerful bloc in UNESCO.” Money equals power, and the UN is virtually being bought out by Islamic countries which are promoting the Sharia. Take, for instance, the United Nations […]

Biden’s DOJ Goes Easy on Trans Lunatic Who Vandalized Church

Biden’s DOJ Goes Easy on Trans Lunatic Who Vandalized Church
New in PJ Media: While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted […]

Glazov Gang: Who Killed DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney?

Glazov Gang: Who Killed DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney?
This new Glazov Gang episode features Leo Hohmann, a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book Stealth Invasion is now banned by Amazon. Order it at Visit Leo at Leo discusses Who Killed DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney?, reflecting on the question: Will there ever be a real investigation? [See the whole interview: HERE […]

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About
New in PJ Media: We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing […]

Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle

Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle
New in PJ Media: When you’re a Leftist politician and you’ve lost the Washington Post, what’s left? The Post editorial board chided Old Joe Biden and his henchmen on Tuesday for blaming their catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan on their all-purpose whipping boy, Donald Trump. “Instead of admitting errors,” the Post wrote about the White House assessment of the withdrawal, “the […]

Today’s Trans Madness Isn’t New. It’s Rooted in an Ancient Belief That’s Combated in the New Testament.

Today’s Trans Madness Isn’t New. It’s Rooted in an Ancient Belief That’s Combated in the New Testament.
New in PJ Media: “There is nothing new under the sun,” says the Book of Ecclesiastes (1:9), and that includes today’s fashionable trans madness. While men mutilating themselves and taking hormones and calling themselves women may be a new aspect of this phenomenon, men have been donning dresses and prancing around pretending to be women […]

Woke AI Means the End of a Free Internet

Woke AI Means the End of a Free Internet
Giving up freedom of thought for convenience. Big Tech has a great big dream of destroying the internet. And it’s mostly a reality. The vision of the internet was an open universe while Big Tech’s vision is the internet reduced to the feed on a few proprietary apps preloaded on your locked phone. Trying to […]

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery
“Bangladesh has a secular legal system and applying Sharia in criminal cases is illegal.” The stoning was certainly in accord with Sharia. Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an: ‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after […]

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules
The Islamic Republic continues to try to frighten people into submission. This is the only tool they’ve got, as per the Qur’an: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Iran Vows […]

Former Islamic State commander says the jihad group was financed from Pakistan

Former Islamic State commander says the jihad group was financed from Pakistan
This wouldn’t be in the least surprising. There are many in Pakistan, even in the government, who share the same outlook and goals as those of the Islamic State. “Former Islamic State Commander Says Terrorist Group Financed from Pakistan,” by Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter, March 23, 2023: A former senior Islamic State leader has publicly […]

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel
“But the Government is powerless to remove any of the 19, because they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment in their home countries.” This is a nation in its death throes. When it is more concerned about the rights and safety of people in other countries than of its own people, what future can […]

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]

Quebec Muslim leaders ‘outraged’ over school prayer room ban as part of province’s secularism policy

Quebec Muslim leaders ‘outraged’ over school prayer room ban as part of province’s secularism policy
Quebec’s education minister has declared prayer rooms forbidden in the province’s schools, since they are not compatible with Quebec’s official policy of secularism. Education Minister Bernard Drainville stated: There are all kinds of ways to pray…I can’t ban prayer. I ban prayer in classrooms. Now, if someone wants to pray silently, that’s their basic right. […]

Iranian President Raisi: Zionist State Is Collapsing

Iranian President Raisi: Zionist State Is Collapsing
Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran known best for his bloody past as a hanging judge, responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranian dissidents, recently spoke by telephone to the Butcher of Damascus, President Bashar Al-Assad. More on the conversation can be found here: “Global Winds Blowing Away from ‘Arrogance, Zionism,’ Raisi Tells Assad,” […]

UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over ‘inclusive’ coronation, ‘commitment to multiple religions’

UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over ‘inclusive’ coronation, ‘commitment to multiple religions’
King Charles is in a row with Church of England leaders “over the role of non-Christian faiths” in his upcoming May 6th coronation ceremony. Charles is insisting on a ceremony “to better reflect the modern monarchy,” as opposed to celebrating the history of Britain. So he has insisted on the participation of representatives of the […]

Macron warns EU ‘must reduce’ dependence on U.S. dollar to avoid conflict with China

Macron warns EU ‘must reduce’ dependence on U.S. dollar to avoid conflict with China
French President Emmanuel Macron doesn’t want to “follow America” into a war with China over Taiwan, and has said that “Europe needs its ‘strategic autonomy’ from the United States, including potentially its dependence on the dollar.” Of course, Macron is looking out for himself, but even so, France would benefit from his proposals. This is […]

So Is the Public Flocking to Buy Bud Light Because of Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney? Well…

So Is the Public Flocking to Buy Bud Light Because of Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney? Well…
New in PJ Media: It has now been nearly two weeks since Dylan Mulvaney, a dude who claims to be a woman and demands that we all play along, became the face of Bud Light solely because of his delusions and fantasies. Bud Light Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid has explained that she took this advertising […]

Okay, You’ll Never Believe Which City Is Hosting the 2024 Democratic Convention

Okay, You’ll Never Believe Which City Is Hosting the 2024 Democratic Convention
New in PJ Media: Imagine you’re a Democrat. That’s right: if you’re a man, start imagining that you’re really a woman, or vice versa, and imagine actually believing that Old Joe Biden is a competent, capable president and not a dementia-ridden kleptocratic figurehead. You want to put the party’s best face forward for 2024, and […]

Story of ‘Islamophobic’ Attack on New Jersey Imam Takes a Surprising Twist

Story of ‘Islamophobic’ Attack on New Jersey Imam Takes a Surprising Twist
New in PJ Media: It happened early on Sunday morning. The imam Sayed Elnakib was leading the pre-sunrise fajr prayer at Omar Mosque in South Paterson, N.J., when suddenly everything went tragically wrong. According to a Sunday CNN report, mosque spokesperson Abdul Hamdan recounted that in the middle of the prayers, a man “lunged forward with a knife […]

Canada brings back four Islamic State brides and their ten children from Syria

Canada brings back four Islamic State brides and their ten children from Syria
What could possibly go wrong? Well, many of these Islamic State women were just as convinced jihadis as their husbands. Many shared in their crimes. Do woke Canadian authorities have any idea what to look for in trying to determine if any of the people they’re bringing back are jihadis or will raise their children […]

Ramadan in Pakistan: Police destroy minarets and dome of local Ahmadiyya mosque

Ramadan in Pakistan: Police destroy minarets and dome of local Ahmadiyya mosque
Ahmadis are considered heretics; they aren’t even allowed by law to call themselves Muslims in Pakistan. So while Bitter Winter is shocked that this sort of thing would happen in Ramadan, from the point of view of the perpetrators it’s actually a quintessential Ramadan, purifying the community as one is supposed to purify one’s soul […]

‘Death to Israel’ – The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel

‘Death to Israel’ – The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel
I hesitated quite a bit whether to publish the things that appear below because of the panic they might cause in Israel. However, in the Middle East environment and particularly in Iraq, these things are known and serve as a topic of open discussion among quite a few, so it is unthinkable that the Israeli […]

Muslim Attacks Imam Over Islam. Media Blames Islamophobia.

Muslim Attacks Imam Over Islam. Media Blames Islamophobia.
“In our religion, you should not wear a tie.” For several days, the media kept pushing the story of an Imam who was stabbed in his mosque, tying it to someone scribbling over a name that had Allah in it at that mosque and implying that this involved Islamphobia. National stories at CNN and the […]

Hamas-linked CAIR again conflates blasphemy and a ‘hate crime’

Hamas-linked CAIR again conflates blasphemy and a ‘hate crime’
“The smearing of the word ‘Allah’ in Dr. Awadallah’s name is apparently intentional.” The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), like other Muslim Brotherhood groups, is an Islamist organization masquerading as a civil rights community group. The Islamist mission is not to protect any ethnic or even religious group, but to impose Islamic law. CAIR-MN […]

Pennsylvania: Restaurant asks waitress to remove hijab, restaurant is inundated with death threats

Pennsylvania: Restaurant asks waitress to remove hijab, restaurant is inundated with death threats
Michael’s Family Restaurant in Glenside, Pennsylvania has been receiving death threats all day. Hundreds of threatening phone calls have reduced the owner’s mother to tears, and the restaurant is pleading for people to see reason. This all stems from a manager who sent a waitress home when she would not remove her hijab. Michael’s Family […]

Iran installs cameras to crack down on women not wearing hijab

Iran installs cameras to crack down on women not wearing hijab
Last month, Iran’s judiciary chief reiterated that “removing one’s hijab is equivalent to showing enmity to the Islamic Republic,” and then instituted a new law to fine women 2.5 billion rials ($60,000) for flouting hijab rules. It’s all part of the Islamic Republic’s adherence to the Sharia, as it ramps up efforts even further to counter protests: […]

Jordan Claims That Holiest Site In Judaism Must Be Free of Jews

Jordan Claims That Holiest Site In Judaism Must Be Free of Jews
The Temple Mount (for the Muslims, Haram al-Sharif) is the holiest site in Judaism, the place where both the First and Second Temples were built and then destroyed, the first in 586 B.C. by the Babylonians, and the second by the Romans in 70 A.D. It is also the third holiest site in Islam, after […]

Australia: First Muslim minister of New South Wales, Jihad Deb, takes oath on Qur’an

Australia: First Muslim minister of New South Wales, Jihad Deb, takes oath on Qur’an
Australia’s first Muslim Minister of New South Wales is Jihad Deb. Although he grew up in Australia, he decided to swear in on the Qur’an in honor of his faith. We have seen a similar trend in America, where Keith Ellison and then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar took their oath of office for the […]

Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hizballah talk further ‘resistance’ against Israel

Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hizballah talk further ‘resistance’ against Israel
With the exception of the willfully blind, most people understand that the Palestinian “resistance” is a euphemism for efforts to obliterate of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This is also clear from the repeated chants: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” Now that Israel is undergoing internal […]

Steven Van Zandt Is Bruce Springsteen’s Guitarist. He Hates You. He Wants You Dead.

Steven Van Zandt Is Bruce Springsteen’s Guitarist. He Hates You. He Wants You Dead.
New in PJ Media: Steven Van Zandt is a longtime guitarist with Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. He also played Silvio Dante in The Sopranos, as well as a number of other mobsters. Apparently, he has taken both Springsteen’s fanatical and unreflective Leftism and mob thuggishness deeply to heart and combined the two together; on Sunday, […]

Washington State Democrats Plan to Confiscate Your Money if They Think You’re Making Too Much

Washington State Democrats Plan to Confiscate Your Money if They Think You’re Making Too Much
New in PJ Media: The time is coming, if Leftists get their way, when a government official can decide that you’re making too much money and confiscate all except what he, she, or xe decides you need. This is already happening, in effect, with federal, state, and municipal income taxes, but a new bill in […]

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’
New in PJ Media: A few weeks ago, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, “Are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin Mass parishes and other Catholic parishes around the country?” Garland pleaded innocent, insisting, “No, the Justice Department does not do that and does not, uh, um, do investigations based on religion.” But […]

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing
Anyone who finds this surprising knows nothing of Afghan and Islamic culture, and its attitudes toward non-Muslims and women. It’s unlikely that anyone in these NGOs knows anything about the Islamic understanding of the Infidel obligation to support Muslims financially, either. NGOs would have dismissed any warnings about all this as “Islamophobic.” But although they’ll […]

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation
Nusrat Ghani said: “The impact of being told this was devastating and my motivation in pursuing the complaint was to ensure it wasn’t buried, but that it ended with me so that no other colleague would have to endure anything similar.” Oh, no worries, Ms. Ghani! Even though Mark Spencer was cleared, the purpose this […]

Iran’s Supremo: ‘I said that Israel will not get to see the next 25 years, but they seem to be in a hurry’

Iran’s Supremo: ‘I said that Israel will not get to see the next 25 years, but they seem to be in a hurry’
Khamenei sees the end of Israel in its political instability. Actually, whatever else it is, that instability is a manifestation of general confidence and the lessening of the idea among Israelis that the country is in imminent danger of being destroyed. There is no doubt, however, that the instability is also encouraging and emboldening Israel’s […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims raid displaced persons camp, murder 38 people, injure 51 others

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims raid displaced persons camp, murder 38 people, injure 51 others
This is reminiscent of the Khaybar raid. According to Islamic tradition. Muhammad exiled two of the three Jewish tribes of Medina, the Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir, to Khaybar. Then later, he raided Khaybar and massacred those he had previously exiled. In this case, these people were in the displaced persons camp after previous jihad […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct 80 children in Zamfara state

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct 80 children in Zamfara state
My contact in Nigeria informs me that the “bandits” in this case are Fulani herdsmen, who are dedicated to Islamic jihad activity in order to establish a caliphate in West Africa. The taking of hostages is primarily for money-making purposes, though some captives may be enslaved. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the […]

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’
Diversity is our strength! “‘I will make you like Samuel Paty’: an individual sentenced to five years in prison for letters threatening and apologizing for terrorism,” translated from ““Je vais vous faire comme Samuel Paty” : un individu condamné à cinq ans de prison pour des lettres de menaces et d’apologie du terrorisme,” Valeurs Actuelles, […]

Hate crime fizzle: NJ man who stabbed imam in back during prayers at mosque turns out to be another Muslim

Hate crime fizzle: NJ man who stabbed imam in back during prayers at mosque turns out to be another Muslim
Serif Zorba’s motive is unclear but he was “not a regular member of the mosque’s congregation,” although “he has been seen there before.” The name “Serif” is a variant of “Sharif,” which means “eminent” in Arabic and is used in some areas to refer to people who claim to be descendants of Muhammad. Thus Islamic […]

Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’

Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’
At the age of six, a Turkish girl — identified only by her initials HKG — was married off to 29-year-old Kadir Istekli, a friend of her family, by her father. Why at the age of six? That was the age at which little Aisha was called in from playing on her swing to be […]

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’
Police received twenty reports about this fellow before he was arrested. Why was anyone concerned? The establishment media a few years ago made a full-court press to convince Americans that “Allahu akbar” was a benign phrase that only greasy Islamophobes could possibly be concerned about. In the New York Daily News, Zainab Chaudry of the Hamas-linked […]

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’
Not that this has anything to do with… “Carcassonne. ‘I swear on the Koran and the baby I lost because of you!,'” translated from “Carcassonne. “Je vous jure sur le Coran et le bébé que j’ai perdu à cause de vous !”,” La Depeche, April 7, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Yesterday afternoon, an 18-year-old young […]

University That Let Trans Fascists Menace Women’s Sports Advocate Now Goes After Prof for Muhammad Art

University That Let Trans Fascists Menace Women’s Sports Advocate Now Goes After Prof for Muhammad Art
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. San Francisco State University (SFSU) was just in the headlines for allowing fascist proponents of trans madness to chase and […]

SFSU Claims Pro-Insanity Protest Against Women’s Sports Advocate Was Peaceful, But She Says ‘I Was Assaulted’

SFSU Claims Pro-Insanity Protest Against Women’s Sports Advocate Was Peaceful, But She Says ‘I Was Assaulted’
New in PJ Media: As PJM’s Rick Moran reported Friday, “the scene at San Francisco State University [SFSU] was surreal. A champion female athlete speaking about maintaining the integrity of women’s sports was shouted down, assaulted, and chased from a speaking engagement sponsored by Turning Point USA.” But that was just the beginning of the surrealism. After […]

Buyer’s Remorse? Bud Light Goes Quiet, Hasn’t Posted on Social Media Since Making Dylan Mulvaney Its Spokestrans

Buyer’s Remorse? Bud Light Goes Quiet, Hasn’t Posted on Social Media Since Making Dylan Mulvaney Its Spokestrans
New in PJ Media: Cat got your tongue, Bud Light? The giant beer corporation has been silent for over a week, ever since it came to light that pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney was the pretend beer’s new spokesman. Since then, silence. Gee, Bud Light, aren’t you proud of your front guy? Bud Light operates one […]

Glazov Gang: “My Book ‘Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon”

Glazov Gang: “My Book ‘Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon”
This new Glazov Gang episode features Leo Hohmann, a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book Stealth Invasion is now banned by Amazon. Order it at Visit Leo at Leo discuss “My Book ‘Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon,” revealing how his book has run into a problem with Amazon’s KGB Dept.  […]

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women
In reality, all manner of Sharia-adherent Muslims are coming to Europe, and Europeans are bending over backwards to accommodate them. “Afghan Islamic Scholar Khalifa Deen Mohammad: Muslim Refugees In Europe Are Only Granted Asylum If They Conceal Their Faith, Have Sex With Women Sent By The Government To Test Them,” MEMRI, March 23, 2023: Afghan […]

Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned

Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned
I’m no fan of book burnings, but they are a matter of free expression. If the police prevail in this and Qur’an-burning is banned, the door will be opened to all manner of violent intimidation in other areas. Jihadis will have seen that it worked, and be encouraged to employ the tactic more liberally. “The […]

Austria: Government financed ‘Islamist associations’ with COVID aid money

Austria: Government financed ‘Islamist associations’ with COVID aid money
Lenin said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” “​FPÖ criticizes: Five million euros in Corona aid money went to Islamist associations,” translated from “FPÖ kritisiert: Fünf Millionen Euro an Corona-Hilfsgeldern flossen an islamistische Vereine,” Exxpress, April 5, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): During the corona pandemic, the state spent […]

Erdogan to Raisi: ‘Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine’

Erdogan to Raisi: ‘Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine’
One would think that in light of the constant Islamic rhetoric relating to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, that there would be an office in the State Department dedicated to understanding Islam and how Islamic teaching relates to the Muslim animus against Israel. One would think wrong. There isn’t even one person in the State Department who […]