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Living the Luxe Life

(John Hinderaker)

I am so old, I can remember when β€œpublic servants” used to earn less money than they could have expected in the private sector. But those days are long gone. Now, government employees have the rest of us by the throat. Our tax dollars are enriching them, on the average, far beyond what they could earn anywhere else.

This is from Stephen Moore’s Committee to Unleash Prosperity:

The average cost for a government employee in December was $60 per hour, or 40.5% more than his or her private sector counterpart.

Benefits to government employees cost 80.3% more.

This chart shows the numbers:

I would think that if we looked at federal employees, the discrepancy would be even greater. And government employees pretty much can’t be fired, either, so they have these sweet gigs forever.

One interpretation of these numbers is that the rest of us are just serfs on the government’s plantation.
