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Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 29, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. (Yes. I changed the picture. It just wasn’t feeling captiony enough.) Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday.

Winners Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 22, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ met my prediction of not having a lack of inappropriate captions. Not difficult with the main character. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Joe_Miller) – “Biden’s telling that story about being a little girl again.” (914) – “I’m not on the registry and I’m here to help! – Jo” 2) (Blues Harper) – “Michael Jackson: “Oh sure, when Biden does it it’s okay.”” (RadiCalMan) – “It looks like I got a lot of sniffin’ to do! It’s the only thing that gets me out of

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 22, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday.

Winners Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 15, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ provided a side by side comparison of the current era versus the 80s. Nothing more need be said. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Porkopolis) – “In the audience, Christopher Walken can be seen leaning over to his date and whispering: “I think it can use more cowbell.”” AND (vern bachman) – 2) (Brian Brandt) – “Fani Willis books a nightclub for all the men she’s had affairs with to celebrate the judge allowing her to stay on the Trump case. (Nathan Wade picked up

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 15, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 8, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ did not feature anyone present at the SOTU. You’re welcome. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Kenny Moore) – “And this is just the primaries.” (RockThisTown) – “No referees were harmed in the making of this photo.” (cathymv) – “I was watching a fight and a hockey game broke out…..” 2) (Par4Course) – “Joint House and Senate committee meets to discuss differences in their respective border security bills.” 3) (RadiCalMan) – “🎶 Sitting on a sofa on a Thursday evening Going to the State of

Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 8, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 1, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ demanded a photo of the man who opened the border visiting the border to pretend he didn’t open it. You all didn’t disappoint. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Blues Harper) – “Biden: “I taught Wile E. Coyote everything he knows.”” (Retired military) – “Biden “busy lately?” Agent. “busier than Kamala at a gloryhole convention”” 2) (vern_bachman) – (Rick Adams) – ““And the award for most fist-bumps to incoming MS-13 members goes to…”” 3) (RockThisTown) – ““Hey, I appreciate you guys doing the jobs Americans

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 1, 2024

It’s Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Winners Wizbang Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that aging gracefully only applies to some people. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (guido81_MA) – “A bit long in the tooth, but only 29 in silicone years.” AND (Joe_Miller) – “Pamela Anderson joins Madonna onstage for the So Far Past My Prime Tour.” 2) (Codebanger) – “Serving number 10. Number 10.” 3) (Par4Course) – “How many women did Bill Clinton have last week?” 4)(RockThisTown) – “Sadly, Bill Post, 96, inventor of Pop-Tarts, passed away Feb. 10. But, as shown here, his legacy

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that people are capable of stupid ANYWHERE The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Mary Gehman) – “Kinda makes you wish you were snow-blind…” (Retired military) – “What you see after hearing “here hold my beer”” 2) (RadiCalMan) – “Welcome to 2024! Where everything wrong, is right in your face!” (Rick Adams) – “*record scratch* “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here…”” 3) (ulley) – “We told him it would be all downhill if he carried on drinking” (vern bachman) –

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 7, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ was brought to you by “Anything not showing the Super Bowl or Taylor Swift.” The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Joe_Miller) – ““Go talk to them.” “No, you go.”” AND (ulley) – “This new masked swingers show will never take off.” 2) (McGeehee) – “After the masks come off.” 3) (Retired military) – “To explain Biden’s appearance in blackface KJP described him as a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with memory problems”” 4)(Rick Adams) – ““How dare you, sir. My pronouns are who/what/Idon’tknow.”” 5) (Mary

Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 9, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday!

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 2, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ celebrates the realities of climate science. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Brian Brandt) – “He also predicted another six weeks of Nikki Haley thinking she can win the Republican nomination.” 2) (guido81_MA) – “Knows more about the climate than Algore & John Lurch Kerry combined.” 3) (Porkopolis) – “♫ I’m alright…Nobody worry ’bout me… ♫” 4) (Joe_Miller) – ““Please tell me you’re not Bill de Blasio!”” 5) (Codebanger) – “Quiet! Or I’ll put this b!@#$d down and then you’ll be sorry.” 6) (Rick Adams)

Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 2, 2024

It’s Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday!

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of January 26, 224

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ demonstrates the perils of unexpected video cameras. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (yetanotherjohn) – “See, this is why rectal joy buzzers are such a great practical joke.” (rodney dill) – “Joe Biden: “Toldya not to say her name three times.”” (cathymv) – “What we need here… is more cow bell!!!” 2) (McGeehee) – “God: “Hillary Rodham Clinton, you have come to the end of your mortal existence and will now be Judged. Do you have any questions before we proceed?” Hillary: “Why are you