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Before yesterdayJihad Watch

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality
No one in this case seems to be in the least concerned with whether or not what this fellow said was true. Imagine the embarrassment of French authorities when they discover that he was simply enunciating a mainstream Sharia position. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace […]

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces
Celebrate diversity! “Paris: a man on file S arrested after disrupting a religious service,” translated from “Paris : un homme fiché S arrêté après avoir perturbé un office religieux,” by Aude Blacher, France 3, March 17, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A man was arrested on Thursday after disrupting a religious service. The man, who is […]

That Islamic Group’s Fatwa Against Hamas

That Islamic Group’s Fatwa Against Hamas
A major Islamic organization has just issued a legal ruling against the Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas, saying that its treatment of the millions of Palestinians under its rule goes against the Qur’an and teachings of Muhammad. The ruling came after a series of video clips were made public, containing testimonies from numerous residents of Gaza, […]

Malaysia: Muslims threaten to murder film director, throw acid on his car for ‘insulting Islam’

Malaysia: Muslims threaten to murder film director, throw acid on his car for ‘insulting Islam’
Such people are demanding respect, but what they take for respect is really a silence or obsequiousness born of fear. “‘Mentega Terbang’ Director, Actor Get Death Threats & Cars Doused With Acid,” by Danial Martinus, Mashable SEAsia, March 16, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Not too long ago, Malaysian film Mentega Terbang made […]

Blinken announces $150,000,000 in ‘humanitarian aid’ for Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania

Blinken announces $150,000,000 in ‘humanitarian aid’ for Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania
The dough is supposed to help them care for the victims of “Islamist insurgencies,” but as we have abundantly documented here, these countries have been singularly inept or indifferent in fighting these “insurgencies.” The money is really to try to keep these countries from falling completely into China’s sphere of influence. “Blinken brings U.S. aid […]

Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest

Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest
New in PJ Media: On Saturday morning, Donald Trump acknowledged that he will indeed be arrested, saying that the fateful day will be this coming Tuesday. Trump wrote in all caps on Truth Social: OUR NATION IS NOW THIRD WORLD & DYING. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD! THE RADICAL LEFT ANARCHISTS HAVE STOLLEN [sic] OUR PRESIDENTIAL […]

Mad Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Attempting to Organize His Domestic Terrorists’

Mad Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Attempting to Organize His Domestic Terrorists’
New in PJ Media: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Rage, Race-Hate, and Insanity) is enraged over the fact that Donald Trump has called upon his supporters to protest when he is arrested. According to Mad Maxine, Trump was employing one of those “dog whistles” that Leftists so often like to accuse patriots of using. She claimed that what the […]

By the Way, a Real Terrorist Just Threatened to ‘Crucify’ New York Cops

By the Way, a Real Terrorist Just Threatened to ‘Crucify’ New York Cops
New in PJ Media: While Maxine Waters is fulminating (yeah, what else is new) against Donald Trump, accusing him of “attempting to organize his domestic terrorists,” and the Biden regime continues its efforts to portray Trump and his supporters as “insurrectionists,” the actual terrorists haven’t stopped their activities even for a moment. On Friday, the feds tore […]

Glazov Gang: Couy Griffin on ‘Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action’

Glazov Gang: Couy Griffin on ‘Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action’
This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Couy Griffin, the Otero County Commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump. Couy discusses Holding Republicans Accountable for their Lack of Action, zeroing in on The Alarming Issues of Hidden J6 Footage and J6 Political Prisoners.  Don’t miss it! [Show your support for […]

Palestinian Authority: Teachers are striking because government is paying jihad terrorists, not them

Palestinian Authority: Teachers are striking because government is paying jihad terrorists, not them
Priorities, priorities. And remember: thanks to Old Joe Biden, it’s you who are paying the jihad terrorists. “Should the PA pay monthly salaries to teachers or terrorists?,” by Maurice Hirsch, Palestinian Media Watch, March 15, 2023: The teachers in the Palestinian Authority are striking because the PA is not paying their full wages and has […]

Uganda: Muslims violently assault Christian pastor after 37 Muslims convert to Christianity

Uganda: Muslims violently assault Christian pastor after 37 Muslims convert to Christianity
That’s one way to win a debate. “Pastor Attacked after Invitation to Christian-Muslim Debate,” Morning Star News, February 28, 2023: NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A pastor invited to participate in a religion debate by mosque leaders in Uganda was attacked after his arguments ostensibly led to 37 Muslims accepting Christ, sources said. Muslims […]

Pakistani Taliban now using weapons and night vision devices U.S. left behind in Afghanistan

Pakistani Taliban now using weapons and night vision devices U.S. left behind in Afghanistan
These weapons have surfaced in Kashmir as well. Old Joe Biden is a chief weapons supplier for the global jihad. “U.S. arms left in Afghanistan surface in Pakistan Taliban insurgency,” by Zia Ur Rehman, Nikkei Asia, March 12, 2023: PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Modern weapons and sophisticated night vision devices left behind by U.S.-led coalition forces […]

ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’

ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’
Yes, they said “rent,” not “rend.” By “Crusaders,” they mean all non-Muslims. The resulting jihad massacres will arouse resentment among some non-Muslims, some of whom will express this by burning or otherwise desecrating the Qur’an. Then some Muslims, enraged by the desecration, will call for jihad massacres. And the cycle will continue, until it is […]

Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’

Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’
This is marvelous. What a wonderful sign of welcoming and inclusion! But look at the relative ages of the people in the photo, and consider also the supremacist and expansionist aspects of Islam. How long will it be before the German-language sign is taken down? “Ellerstrasse and شارع إلَرْ,” translated from “Ellerstraße und شارع إلَرْ,” […]

Jihadi outlets throughout Middle East react to Saudi-Iran renewal, emphasizing America’s decline

Jihadi outlets throughout Middle East react to Saudi-Iran renewal, emphasizing America’s decline
According to Egyptian-born pro-Al-Qaeda cleric Tariq Abdelhaleem, America is losing its grip on the Middle East to Russia and China. He’s right. Of course, he didn’t miss the opportunity to slam those two infidel countries, calling them “unbelievers” and “wicked people.” This is merely the tip of the iceberg. The red-green axis won’t be so […]

European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals

European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals
The irrational leaders of the EU fought long and hard to defend their reckless open-door immigration policies, even calling countries such as Hungary, which opposed those policies, “undemocratic.” Smears including “anti-immigrant,” “racist” and “Islamophobe” were also levied at anyone who protested against the invasion of mostly Muslim economic migrants who entered Europe illegally in droves. […]

Roger Waters Claims His ‘Free Speech’ is Being Denied, Promises to Sue German Cities

Roger Waters Claims His ‘Free Speech’ is Being Denied, Promises to Sue German Cities
Roger Waters is the world’s best-known antisemite. He hates Israel with a passion, despises every aspect of the Jewish state, a wicked country that he claims – despite all the evidence to the contrary — practices apartheid, is a “colonial-settler” enterprise erected on “stolen Palestinian land,” and kills Palestinians in a “genocide.” He’s been a […]

Bashar al-Assad requests more Russian bases and troops in Syria 

Bashar al-Assad requests more Russian bases and troops in Syria 
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has requested a greater Russian presence in Syria as he tries to adjust (like every leader and jihad group in the Middle East) to a new balance of power as America declines under Biden. Turkey has been heavily present in Syria, and ties between Assad and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan […]

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’
He also called for “jihad” and “war against non-Muslims.” Why haven’t the multitudes of moderate Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. gone to Yonkers to explain to Ridon Kola how he is misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Meanwhile, where did Kola get this crucifixion idea? Could it have been from here? “The only reward for those […]

Hillary Wants You to Shut Up and Trust Your Leftist Superiors

Hillary Wants You to Shut Up and Trust Your Leftist Superiors
New in PJ Media: Once again, a leading Leftist has displayed a taste for authoritarianism and the silencing of dissent. Speaking at Georgetown University on Thursday, Hillary “Don’t Count Me Out for 2024” Clinton gave what seemed at first glance to be an impassioned plea for the free exchange of ideas, as she decried the fact that […]

What Did the Failed Silicon Valley Bank Get for the $70 MILLION It Gave to BLM and Similar Groups?

What Did the Failed Silicon Valley Bank Get for the $70 MILLION It Gave to BLM and Similar Groups?
New in PJ Media: Maybe if the people who ran Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) had not been so profligate, the bank wouldn’t have failed. As Catherine Salgado reported Tuesday, according to the Claremont Institute, SVB gave a staggering $70,650,000 to Black Lives Matter (BLM) and like-minded entities, and according to a report in The Daily Beast, BLM’s leadership took the […]

Why Is Pete’s Hubby Chasten Buttigieg So Peeved Over Florida Banning Porn in Schools?

Why Is Pete’s Hubby Chasten Buttigieg So Peeved Over Florida Banning Porn in Schools?
New in PJ Media: Those dastardly right-wingers, the enemies of all that is good, are getting out of line again, and Chasten Buttigieg wants you to know that he is peeved. The loving husband of Trans Pete, that is, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, appeared with the gals on “The View” Thursday, and boy oh boy, was […]

Pornography in the Schools? Bob Dylan Saw It Coming

Pornography in the Schools? Bob Dylan Saw It Coming
New in PJ Media: Maybe Bob Dylan is a prophet after all. On stage in Omaha back on Jan. 25, 1980, Dylan, in the midst of fierce controversy over having become a Christian, said, “Years ago they…said I was a prophet. I used to say, ‘No, I’m not a prophet.’ They’d say: ‘Yes you are, you’re […]

It Looks as if Trump Will Be Arrested Next Week, and That’s Not Even the Worst of It

It Looks as if Trump Will Be Arrested Next Week, and That’s Not Even the Worst of It
New in PJ Media: It has been a long time coming, and now the final act appears to be in view. Donald Trump is about to be arrested, and the corrupt and politicized authorities who have brought matters to this point are preparing for the worst: the NYPD, the Secret Service, and even the FBI’s […]

The four most dangerous terrorist groups in the world have one thing in common

The four most dangerous terrorist groups in the world have one thing in common
“For well over a millennium, Islam’s message of peace has inspired people…” UN Secretary-General António Guterres “The five most dangerous terror groups in 2022,” The National, March 14, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Four of the terrorist groups that killed the most people last year were ISIS affiliates, ending the lives of 1,833 […]

Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator

Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator
What happens when you bring people over from a culture that glorifies and sanctifies violence and make no attempt to require them to accept the mores of the welcoming country? “Afghan (26) pushes a mother with two small children in front of a moving car,” translated from “Afghane (26) stößt Mutter mit zwei kleinen Kindern […]

Austria: Muslim sprays buildings with Islamic State slogans, ‘Islam will win with or without you’

Austria: Muslim sprays buildings with Islamic State slogans, ‘Islam will win with or without you’
Doesn’t this pint-sized jihadi know what every non-Muslim politician and religious leader in the West knows with absolute certainty, that the Islamic State (ISIS) has nothing to do with Islam? How did this fellow miss that memo? “State security determines: buildings in St. Pölten daubed with IS slogans,” translated from “Staatsschutz ermittelt: Gebäude in St. […]

Colorado: Judge throws roadblock in the way of prosecutors trying to put Muslim mass murderer on trial

Colorado: Judge throws roadblock in the way of prosecutors trying to put Muslim mass murderer on trial
Virtually nothing came out about Al-Issa (which is how he spells his name, not “Alissa,” a transparent media attempt to obscure his Islamic identity) after the shooting. His attack fits the pattern of numerous jihad attacks, and corresponds to calls from the Islamic State to attack random non-Muslims in the U.S. Also, numerous obvious jihadis […]

UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas

UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas
A few years back, some fake ex-Muslims harshly criticized me for criticizing Maajid Nawaz. The British supermarket chain Tesco had run an ad featuring hijabbed Muslims celebrating Christmas, and Nawaz had said that anyone who looked askance at this was “Islamophobic.” I pointed out that the number of observant, Sharia-adherent Muslims who celebrated Christmas was […]

Cameroon: Muslims behead 75-year-old woman as they storm village in new jihad attack

Cameroon: Muslims behead 75-year-old woman as they storm village in new jihad attack
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4) But why would these jihadis murder a woman named Aicha, who was thus probably a Muslim? The most likely reason is that she did not accept their hegemony, and had thus rendered herself an unbeliever in their eyes. Or else they wanted to strike terror […]

Massachusetts bill ‘an unprecedented and unconstitutional effort to promote one religion, Islam, over all others’

Massachusetts bill ‘an unprecedented and unconstitutional effort to promote one religion, Islam, over all others’
“Diversity, equity and inclusion” is inherently and in always and every case a gateway to the preferential treatment of the Left’s favored groups. I joined Muslim leaders from across Mass. at the State House office of Sen Eldridge to enthusiastically discuss his bill establish a Muslim American Commission, SD.2376An Act promoting the civil rights and […]

France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service

France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service
The Arabic Service of international broadcaster France 24 has had problems with its staff similar to those experienced by the BBC’s Arabic Service in 2021. It has suspended four of its journalists over their antisemitic social media posts. A preliminary Jihad Watch report is here, and more on the staffing problems of France 24’s Arabic […]

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel
This was no oversight. The UK, like other Western countries, remains willfully blind regarding the “Palestinian” determination to destroy Israel utterly, and blandly complacent even when that imperative is staring them in the face. #TeamUK joined thousands of Palestinian and international runners in the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians🇵🇸. Great energy […]

Germany: Muslims call for ‘Islamophobia commissioner’ and ‘determined stance’ to stop criticism of Islam

Germany: Muslims call for ‘Islamophobia commissioner’ and ‘determined stance’ to stop criticism of Islam
Marking the four-year anniversary of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand in which 51 people were killed and 40  injured, Germany’s Muslim community is doubling down on its determination to combat  “Islamophobia,” which includes criticism of Islam. The Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) “called for a more determined stance against Islamophobia, saying Muslims continue to […]

Classy: Fake Girl Defeats, Mocks Real Girls at Track Meet

Classy: Fake Girl Defeats, Mocks Real Girls at Track Meet
New in PJ Media: The first thing you need to know about Chloe Barnes is that he is a boy. But he knows the quick path to fame and fortune in today’s Age of Absurdity, and so he claims to be a girl. While Chloe might have been a mediocre male athlete, he is now […]

Lyin’ Joe Biden Says MAGA Republicans Want to Defund the Police

Lyin’ Joe Biden Says MAGA Republicans Want to Defund the Police
New in PJ Media: Somewhere in his confused and deteriorating mind, Old Joe Biden knows that the only way that Democrats can win in 2024, other than shenanigans with ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots, is by running as far away as they possibly can from the disastrous record of his dumpster-fire presidency. Since Old Joe […]

Yes, She Really Did: Kamala Harris Says Joe Biden Is an ‘Extraordinary Leader’

Yes, She Really Did: Kamala Harris Says Joe Biden Is an ‘Extraordinary Leader’
New in PJ Media: Politicians who bend the truth are as old as politics itself, but Kamala Harris bent it well beyond the breaking point on Stephen Colbert’s show Wednesday night when she hailed her chief, Old Joe Biden, as an “extraordinary leader.” As Old Joe himself might say, Come on, man! Would The Cackler […]

Glazov Gang: Cutting Off Children’s Breasts and Penises

Glazov Gang: Cutting Off Children’s Breasts and Penises
  This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Chris Elston, an activist known as Billboard Chris who is taking a stand against gender ideology and its vicious abuse and maiming of children. Billboard Chris discusses Cutting Off Children’s Breasts and Penises, reflecting on The New and Improved Bolshevik Revolution. Don’t […]

UN Secretary-General: ‘For Well Over a Millennium, Islam’s Message of Peace Has Inspired People’

UN Secretary-General: ‘For Well Over a Millennium, Islam’s Message of Peace Has Inspired People’
New in PJ Media: Wednesday, March 15, is the United Nations’ “International Day to Combat Islamophobia,” and while my family is planning just a quiet celebration at home, at the UN they’re going all-out with the festivities. Secretary-General António Guterres kicked things off in style with a fawning address in which he lauded the multifaceted […]

Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan

Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan
The Islamic terrorist group Hamas has threatened Israel with more terror attacks and suicide bombings ahead of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan that begins March 23. “The desire to commit suicide among the residents of the West Bank is unprecedented,” the deputy commander of Hamas’ military wing, Marwan Issa, declared in an interview published […]

France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages

France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages
Any guesses on what the angle might have been when these now suspended journalists covered any topic related to Israel? Laila Odeh celebrated murderers as “martyrs.” Lebanese journalist Joelle Maroun tweeted: “If Only Hitler Was Lebanese.’” Dina Abi-Saab celebrated Hamas rocket fire upon Israel, and Sharif Bibi declared “We will eradicate you, Israel.” CAMERA said […]

China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, NSC’s Kirby isn’t concerned

China, Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, NSC’s Kirby isn’t concerned
Once again, the Biden Administration is factoring itself out of a critical global event. With Russia demonstrating its determination by threatening to use nuclear weapons, along with its suspension of a nuclear arms control treaty and its threat to resume nuclear tests, there’s big reason to be concerned. Add to that the fact that Iran […]

Iraq bans import, production, and sale of alcoholic beverages, protesters chant ‘Iraq is not an Islamic country’

Iraq bans import, production, and sale of alcoholic beverages, protesters chant ‘Iraq is not an Islamic country’
Although the Iraqi constitution “guarantees personal, religious and cultural freedom,” the aggressively expansionist aspect of Islam is no secret. Protestors called the alcohol ban “ethnic discrimination,” since there are in Iraq “sizable communities of Christians, Yazidis, Zorastrians, Mandaeans and others.” But since when do Islamic supremacists care about kaffirs? “Some analysts believe the law is […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel
The Palestinian “resistance” is a war against the very existence of a Jewish state. This war began with violent opposition to Jews settling in their ancient homeland, long before the modern state of Israel was established. The ultimate ambition of the “resistance” is to obliterate  Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea. The […]

Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony

Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony
No one claimed responsibility for the attack during the awards ceremony for journalists at the Tabian Farhang Centre in Mazar-e Sharif, but the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) is the primary suspect, since it is a key rival of the Taliban and has intensified its attacks of late. ISIS-K seeks to regain control over […]

Pakistan: Muslims drive Hindus out of their village, deny them water in Tharparkar, Sindh

Pakistan: Muslims drive Hindus out of their village, deny them water in Tharparkar, Sindh
That Pakistan has never treated its non-Muslim population justly, and often not even as human, let alone as full citizens of the country, is a truth that is globally known, but not officially acknowledged. Hindu girls and women receive treatment worse than cattle in that country; they can be abducted, raped, converted, and forcibly married, […]

Who Needs To Major In English or History or Philosophy, When All Things Digital Are Available?

Who Needs To Major In English or History or Philosophy, When All Things Digital Are Available?
Marymount University is a Catholic institution in Virginia that has always focused on the liberal arts: English, History, Philosophy, Art. But Marymount’s trustees are keenly aware that we have entered a brave new world, where vocational training, and not liberal education, in the traditional sense, must take precedence, because what counts now is not the […]

Iran warns Europe: Designating Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group ‘declaration of war’

Iran warns Europe: Designating Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group ‘declaration of war’
Iran’s threat presents a big dilemma for Western leaders, as Iran is the most powerful Shia country in the world, and Western leaders are still willfully blind to the fact that one cannot separate politics from mainstream Islam. The Sharia is divine law. For mainstream Muslims, no law in the world transcends it. The Sharia […]

Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves

Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves
Back in December, when he visited an historic site dating back to the First Temple period, where pillars still stand and the remains of King Herod’s “giant theater from the Second Temple period” can be seen, MK Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, who is now Israel’s Heritage Minister, warned that Arabs were “erasing history” in ancient Samaria […]

This Is the Left in Power: Newark Becomes Sister City With Fictional Place

This Is the Left in Power: Newark Becomes Sister City With Fictional Place
New in PJ Media: What happens when you elect people to office who have only the most tenuous grip on reality, and actually think that Rachel Levine is a female admiral, Lia Thomas is a champion female swimmer, and Old Joe Biden is a competent, capable president of the United States? They’re finding out the […]

‘Salman Rushdie Had It Coming and 11 Other Songs’? Cat Stevens Has a New Album

‘Salman Rushdie Had It Coming and 11 Other Songs’? Cat Stevens Has a New Album
New in PJ Media: Here’s some good news for aging hippies. It’s time to replenish your stocks of patchouli oil and weed; you’ll want to be celebrating, because Cat Stevens has a new album coming out this summer! According to an Associated Press report Wednesday, “the ‘Peace Train’ hitmaker worked for years on the 12 new songs, […]

DeSantis Strips! — the Liquor License From Hotel That Held Drag Show with Kids Present

DeSantis Strips! — the Liquor License From Hotel That Held Drag Show with Kids Present
New in PJ Media: Aside from some grumbling from social conservatives, the Hyatt Regency Miami likely never dreamed it would suffer any consequences for hosting “A Drag Queen Christmas.” The sexually explicit celebration of our current societal obsessions took to the stage last December — with children present. After all, the big corporations have thoroughly […]

UN top dog António Guterres: ‘For well over a millennium, Islam’s message of peace has inspired people’

UN top dog António Guterres: ‘For well over a millennium, Islam’s message of peace has inspired people’
For the reality of the fourteen centuries of Islam, see here. It would have been refreshing if Guterres had read out a bit more of Surah Al-Tawbah of the Qur’an, such as these verses: “Then, when the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and besiege them, and […]

Sweden: In response to rising violence, churches give out free pancakes

Sweden: In response to rising violence, churches give out free pancakes
This is awfully sweet, but will any of the Muslim migrants who are responsible for the violence say, “I was going to go jihad, but they gave me pancakes”? Unlikely. Muslims who are well-versed in the Qur’an may see it all as a ploy: “And the Jews will not be pleased with you, neither will […]

Hijabbed Biden State Department official and Tlaib participated in event featuring anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

Hijabbed Biden State Department official and Tlaib participated in event featuring anti-Semite Linda Sarsour
On Sept. 22, 2011, Linda Sarsour tweeted: “shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics.” Her position didn’t change over time. On May 12, 2015, she tweeted: “If you are still paying interest than [sic] Sharia Law hasn’t taken over America. #justsaying.” And […]

Austria: Kindergarten worker showed videos of little girls beheading dolls and screaming Islamic State slogans

Austria: Kindergarten worker showed videos of little girls beheading dolls and screaming Islamic State slogans
The kindergarten worker is 19 years old. Austria, and all of Europe, is whistling in the dark about its future. “Kindergarten worker fired: She sympathized with IS and was convicted,” translated from “Kindergartenhelferin gefeuert: Sie sympathisierte mit dem IS und wurde verurteilt,” by Martin Bauer, Exxpress, March 13, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A kindergarten worker […]

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah
After he murdered eight people for Allah, U.S. taxpayers will now pay for his upkeep for half a century. “NYC bike path attacker to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on death penalty,” by Marta Dhanis and Paul Best, Fox News, March 13, 2023: The convicted murderer who killed eight […]

Germany: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘f**king Jews’ smash church window, verbally abuse churchgoers

Germany: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘f**king Jews’ smash church window, verbally abuse churchgoers
The politicians who are responsible for bringing about this situation were not present. “‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘f**king Jews’ – young people freak out in front of a Munich church,” translated from “„Allahu Akbar“ und „scheiß Juden“ – Jugendliche flippen vor Münchener Kirche aus,” by Tim Niemeyer, Rosenheim 24, March 13, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Extremely […]

Oak Lawn, Illinois: Hamas-linked CAIR stokes tensions between Muslims and police

Oak Lawn, Illinois: Hamas-linked CAIR stokes tensions between Muslims and police
There is astonishing new news coverage from Scripps News of the atrocious case of Hadi Abuatelah. If you will recall, in Oak Lawn, Illinois last July, 17-year-old Hadi Abuatelah ran from police during a traffic stop. He then resisted arrest while in possession of a loaded, and illegal pistol. Police dashcam video captured all of […]

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire
Adin Haykin is an Israeli who – just as he did last year – has been documenting every single Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank this year, and identifying their terrorist affiliations or, absent any, their participation in attacks. Elder of Ziyon put Haykin’s current thread on a Twitter Thread Reader post. […]

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches
Apparently the jihadis wish to target Muslims who refused to join the jihad, and are planning on hiding out in churches. Welcome to the new, diverse Austria! “Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna,” translated from “Terroralarm: Anschlagsgefahr auf Kirchen in Wien,” Kronen Zeitung, March 15, 2023 (thanks to L.): Increased police presence […]

UK: Home Secretary orders woke police to tackle crime instead of ‘hurt feelings’

UK: Home Secretary orders woke police to tackle crime instead of ‘hurt feelings’
In a precedent-setting move, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman is confronting the continued assault on freedom of speech in the UK that is tying up valuable police resources. In 2018, London Mayor Sadiq Khan invested in a police hunt against “offensive communication” amid London’s violent crime surge. Less than a year later, Khan’s $2,000,000 (USD) […]

Now Your Tax Dollars Will Pay for Gender Madness for Veterans

Now Your Tax Dollars Will Pay for Gender Madness for Veterans
New in PJ Media: If you’re a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and now you’ve become convinced that you’re really a woman, you’re in luck: Old Joe Biden and his henchmen are going to start devoting taxpayer money to aiding and abetting your delusions and fantasies: the White House budget proposal for 2024 […]

Whitmer Concedes Her COVID Rules Didn’t Make Sense

Whitmer Concedes Her COVID Rules Didn’t Make Sense
New in PJ Media: Nowhere did the COVID hysteria blight the land as remorselessly as it did in Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan, and now that the Left’s lockdown narrative has thoroughly unraveled, the embattled governor will need a new fake FBI kidnapping plot to divert attention from how she drove her once-thriving state into a ditch and revealed […]

Recipe for Disaster: With $22.5 Billion Deficit, California Looks to Pay $640 Billion in Reparations

Recipe for Disaster: With $22.5 Billion Deficit, California Looks to Pay $640 Billion in Reparations
New in PJ Media: The Land of Fruits and Nuts had a $100 billion surplus last year, thanks to capital gains and federal relief for COVID-19. However, it also has an insane socialist government, and so all that money is gone now and the state is looking at a $22.5 billion budget deficit for this […]

Second-Worst President in History Asks the Worst President to Deliver His Eulogy

Second-Worst President in History Asks the Worst President to Deliver His Eulogy
New in PJ Media: In his characteristically clumsy fashion, Old Joe Biden has revealed that former President Jimmy Carter has bestowed upon him a singular honor: “He asked me to do his eulogy — excuse me, I shouldn’t say that,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Rancho Santa Fe, California on Tuesday. When that day arrives, no […]

Xi Says China Will Take a More ‘Active Part’ in ‘Global Governance’

Xi Says China Will Take a More ‘Active Part’ in ‘Global Governance’
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Global Times, a mouthpiece of the Chinese government, reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping told the first session of the […]

Biden Says Opposing the Mutilation of Children Is ‘Close to Sinful’

Biden Says Opposing the Mutilation of Children Is ‘Close to Sinful’
New in PJ Media: Old Joe Biden appeared on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show Monday night, where the guest host Kal Penn, star of the deathless classic Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, asked him about same-sex marriage and boys who want to become girls and girls boys. In response, Biden struck a moral tone, suggesting that support for […]

Glazov Gang: Trans Ideology and Munchausen-by-Proxy Syndrome

Glazov Gang: Trans Ideology and Munchausen-by-Proxy Syndrome
  This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Chris Elston, an activist known as Billboard Chris who is taking a stand against gender ideology and its vicious abuse and maiming of children. Chris discusses Trans Ideology & Munchausen-by-Proxy Syndrome, exposing how Leftist child-sacrifice continues by other means.  Don’t miss it! […]

Hamas video showcases its stabbing attacks, bus bombings, and more, inscribed with Qur’an quote

Hamas video showcases its stabbing attacks, bus bombings, and more, inscribed with Qur’an quote
“Indeed, they see it far off while we see it near.” (Qur’an 70:6-7) The one aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that Western analysts steadfastly and routinely ignore is its Islamic aspect, yet whenever the various Palestinian groups speak about the conflict, they do so in Islamic terms. Find out why this matters in The Palestinian […]

Iraqi Prime Minister to Solve Nation’s Problems With Solar Panels

Iraqi Prime Minister to Solve Nation’s Problems With Solar Panels
I have yet to see a problem that can’t be fixed by putting up solar panels. Hope and change. I have yet to see a problem that can’t be fixed by putting up solar panels. I believe we can all agree that what Iraq, a miserable war-torn hellhole in a permanent state of civil war […]

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery
Investigators suspect that these weapons “were intended for Toulouse delinquents,” who are themselves largely Muslim migrants. For some of these, the overall goal is to destabilize the state and ultimately replace it with an Islamic state. “Tarbes: A large delivery of weapons intercepted in the parking lot of a hotel,” translated from “Tarbes : Une […]

Islamic Fatwa Council declares Hamas ‘inhumane’ for its mistreatment of ‘Palestinians’

Islamic Fatwa Council declares Hamas ‘inhumane’ for its mistreatment of ‘Palestinians’
This is likely to be construed in some circles in the West as confirmation that Islam teaches peace, and a welcome avowal by “moderates” that jihad is un-Islamic. But note that Hamas is not criticized for its jihad against Israel, only for its treatment of “Palestinians.” “In groundbreaking ruling, Middle Eastern Islamic council declares ‘fatwa’ […]

Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel

Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel
Jewish Dems show support for Israel by protesting against it. The Jewish Democratic Council of America is showing its support for Israel by joining protests outside the Israel Bonds conference. After staging a virtual event about democratic judicial reform consisting entirely of opponents of the measure to restore checks and balances to Israel’s political system, […]

Historical Methodology and Dogmatic Islamophilia (Part 8)

Historical Methodology and Dogmatic Islamophilia (Part 8)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 To bring the story to the present, one cannot leave out the case of John Esposito, a Catholic, and Professor of International Affairs and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University. He is also the director of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at the […]

California TV station reports on CAIR’s benefit concert, not its Hamas ties

California TV station reports on CAIR’s benefit concert, not its Hamas ties
In the February 23, 2023 broadcast of Stockton, California’s KOVR CBS13 filed by Marlee Ginter and entitled “Personal Performance,” we learn that the Zakat Foundation of America and the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) put on a benefit concert for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Turkey. Khalil Demir runs the Zakat Foundation of […]

After New Accord, Saudis Will Watch Iran’s Behavior Closely

After New Accord, Saudis Will Watch Iran’s Behavior Closely
The renewal of diplomatic relations, after seven years, between Saudi Arabia and Iran, brokered by China, is cause for alarm in the West for several reasons. It shows that China is moving to replace the United States as the chief outside power in the region. China hopes for greater economic ties to the fabulously rich […]

Somalia: Jihadis open fire at busy cafe, murder five people, injure three others, cops search for motive

Somalia: Jihadis open fire at busy cafe, murder five people, injure three others, cops search for motive
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) The Mogadishu police are picking up that “searching for motive” business from their counterparts in the West. “Five killed, 3 hurt in a shooting […]

Syria: Muslims murder three truffle hunters, kidnap 26 others

Syria: Muslims murder three truffle hunters, kidnap 26 others
Why the truffle hunters are being targeted remains unclear. It could be because the hunting involves dogs, which are unclean in Islam, although an exception is made in the relevant hadith for hunting dogs: “Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What […]

Of Course: Nancy Pelosi Is Still Pushing the Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Hoax

Of Course: Nancy Pelosi Is Still Pushing the Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Hoax
New in PJ Media: Former (yes, it’s still a great feeling to write that) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Absolut) was in Austin, Texas, on Sunday for a South By Southwest (SXSW) conference entitled “The Future of Global Democracy,” which was a joke, since if Pelosi and her allies get their way, global democracy in any […]

America’s Teens Are Dumber Than They’ve Been In 100 Years

America’s Teens Are Dumber Than They’ve Been In 100 Years
New in PJ Media: Yes, it’s hard to believe, but after years of being told that boys who think they’re girls and girls who think they’re boys are “brave” and “courageous” instead of mentally ill, and that the Founding Fathers were all racist white supremacist slave owners who did nothing good in the world, and […]

Get Ready to Stink for Climate Change, Thanks to Biden’s New Washing Machine Rules

Get Ready to Stink for Climate Change, Thanks to Biden’s New Washing Machine Rules
New in PJ Media: “No credible scientific body,” wrote energy and environmental researcher Michael Shellenberger in 2019, “has ever said climate change threatens the collapse of civilization much less the extinction of the human species.” In fact, the whole idea that temperatures are rising to catastrophic levels is based on circular reasoning. But the Biden regime is all […]

As Military Recruiting Numbers Dip to Record Lows, Biden’s Woke Army Works to Destroy Morale

As Military Recruiting Numbers Dip to Record Lows, Biden’s Woke Army Works to Destroy Morale
New in PJ Media: It will come as no surprise to patriots, but it may surprise the Leftists who are sure that they can keep using Americans who love this country as their drones and cannon fodder on an indefinite basis: hardly anyone wants to join Old Joe Biden’s woke military. That’s perfectly understandable. Why […]