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News Briefs – 12/22/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – Angola Exits OPEC Following Disagreements On Production Cuts

DFT – Rerouted Shipping Due To Houthi Attacks To Cause Delays, Increase Port Congestion

DFT – Rerouted Shipping Due To Houthi Attacks To Cause Delays, Increase Port Congestion

DFT – Argentina’s President Employs Economic Shock Therapy

DFT – Airbnb Fined For Listing Prices In Australia In American Dollars

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Mass shooter in Prague, student kills dad, goes to his university, kills 15, then himself.

His diary site goes public, and it complains of Havana Syndrome like symptoms. “I have a ringing in my ears… like some kind of fucking fireflies. I wanted to rip my ears out.” Also at that link, if he was getting the beam, he would be surrounded by the surveillance, which means all the personal stuff he complained about people around him doing could be organized psyop.

It is difficult to talk about any of this, without sounding totally crazy. But there are times, where it feels as if whatever is happening is very precisely targeting a specific spot in the brain, most often, specifically right behind the forehead in the prefrontal cortex, just above and behind the eyes. That would accompany the high pitched piercing sensation, which is more precise and separate from the vibrations, which are mostly targeted at the body, and which give a much broader, more potently damaging sensation, with a drugged feeling afterward, when they hit the brain. If the vibrations are a jackhammer, the vibrations are a precisely focused  numbing buzz. I have wondered if that high pitched technology is not always a sort of a floodlight you turn on someone just to generally irritate or degrade them in a generalized fashion, but rather it can be delivered as a very precise, focused node of some kind of constructive interference, which they use to try and remodel the brain, maybe by knocking out parts associated with empathy or morality.

I will say, my world today is very gray, and I have become more robotic, though I have assumed that was due to being surrounded by amygdala-stimulating threat 24/7 for a decade, and the brain dialing back the amygdala manually to prevent entering some kind of mania. Rather than focus on the world around you and enter a kind of perpetual stress of preparing for battle which might burn you out after a year of constant 24/7 enablement, the brain learns to stop flagging/noticing all the significant threat-stimuli stuff to shield the amygdala, and along with it goes noticing the sky at sunset or the smell of the grass too.

But it is not impossible it is The Beam™ actually altering brain structure. I can say the vibrations can be an all-over, whole body vibration, or, if they want, they can be dialed down into a very focused sphere, 5-8 inches or so in diameter, which can be moved in real time through your body, even drifting slightly out of the body, as if by mistake, and steered back in. The sensation of that, and the perception someone somewhere was sensing where the sphere was going relative to my skeletal structure in real time as they moved it, and adjusting its course as they moved it, made me think it might have begun life as some kind of mapping tech to map out the layout of a room, which they learned had the physical effects it did when it hit a person.

All of this has, at the least, been being developed in secret for decades – and being regularly and widely field tested on regular citizens who the machine had under surveillance, and viewed as little more than lab rats, in preparation for more widespread use someday. There were no scientific papers issued by the surveillance people in intelligence on their advances over the past seven or eight decades, and they did not want the public to know how powerful their technologies were becoming, or how widely they were distributing them, because they knew the American Stasi, American Domestic Surveillance, was going to be deploying them against people. And they were terrified people would begin digging into just what they were up to.

It is interesting it is a global phenomenon. More evidence the West exists under one unified “government,” or more likely a single non-state intelligence operation funded by the elites, which has penetrated and subverted all of the governments of the West, controlling them and using them for their own ends.

It is kind of silly to think the corrupt and pathetic degenerate governmental political pogues in DC, as vulnerable to blackmail as they are, would run and control the sharks of the CIA, and not vice-versa. Seems it is like that all through the West.

CNN: Prague’s suspected shooter had a gun license and several guns. Can be like in the US, where the shooters seem to be protected by the machine, as they are guided to the shooting. Next up, did he have a therapist?

New declassified documents reveal FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover greenlighted surveillance program in Hawaii just 2 months before Pearl Harbor attack. Whenever you see stuff in intelligence like this, there is always much more behind the scenes which is being hidden, from which what you are seeing was being parallel constructed, or which what you are seeing was designed to parallel construct, should they have wanted to act on the other intelligence. I would bet their on the ground surveillance picked up something, probably with highly illegal means, which told them the attack was coming.

Japan would probably try to get an agent or two on the ground. And to local surveillance, they would stick out like a sore thumb when they moved into the local neighborhood sector, and the people responsible to know everyone caught their first glimpse of them. Then they would get buried, BURIED, under coverage, and there is no way to operate under that and not get burned.

Every major attack, major assassination, all these wars, which just butchered millions of the best young guys the world had to offer. It was all them. The face of evil in human society and throughout human history.

Four states—Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts—have decided to force voters with a single option for the Democratic primaries: Joe Biden.

RFK Jr. issues stark warning after Colorado court blocks Trump from ballot: ‘Country will become ungovernable.’

New Supreme Court filing seeks to strip Jack Smith of his authority since Smith was hired directly by current AG Merrick Garland, while the correct constitutional process of appointment by the President, and confirmation by the full U.S. Senate never took place.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Thursday, estimating he currently owes $153 million — an amount that will likely balloon due to several other pending lawsuits and when millions of dollars in pending legal bills are factored in, according to the Manhattan federal court filing.

Daily Mail – Rudy Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy in New York with debts of up to $500 million owed to creditors including Hunter Biden.

Nikki Haley trails former President Donald Trump by 30 points in New Hampshire’s Republican primary race.

Federal judge orders more than 150 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein unsealed, three will remain sealed. Who are the three ,and why do they get to hide?

Here at this link is an older list which is said t be confirmed visitors to his island:

Adam Perry Lang


??Al Gore

??Alan Dershowitz

??Albert Pinto

??Alee Baldwin

??Allison Mack

??Alyssa Rogers

??Anderson Cooper

??Andrea Mitrovich

??Andres Pastrana

??Angelina Jolie

??Anthony Kiedis

??Anthony Weiner

??Barack Obama

??Ben Affleck

??Bernie Sanders


??Bill Clinton

??Bill Gates

??Bob Saget (deceased)

??Bruce Willis

??Casey Wasserman

??Callum Hudson-Odoi

??Celine Dion

??Charles Barkley

??Charlie Sheen

??Charlize Theron

??Chelsea Handler


??Chris Tucker

??Chris Wagner

??Chrissy Teigen

??Cyndi Lauper

??Claire Hazel

??Courteney Cox

??Courtney Love

??Demi Moore

??Dan Schneider

??David Koch

??David Spade

??David Yarovesky

??Dolores Zorreguieta

??Donovan Mitchell

??Doug Band

??Drew Barrymore

??Ed Buck

??Ed Tuttle

??Ehud Barak

??Ellen DeGeneres

??Ellen Spencer


??Emmy Tayler

??Fleur Perry Lang

??Francis X. Suarez

??Freya Wissing

??Gary Roxburgh (pilot)

??George Clooney

??Ghislaine Maxwell

??Glenn Dubin

??Greg Holbert (deceased)

??Gwen Stefani

??Gwendolyn Beck

??Hank Coller (pilot)

??Heather Mann

??Heidi Klum

??Henry Rosovsky

??Hillary Clinton

??James Franco

??James Gunn


??Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)

??Jean-Michel Gathy

??Jeffrey Jones (deceased)

??Jim Carrey

??Jimmy Kimmel

??Joe Biden

??Joe Pagano

??John Cusack

??John Legend

??John Podesta

??John Travolta

??Joy Behar

??Juan Pablo Molyneux

??Juliette Bryant

??Justin Roiland

??Justin Trudeau

??Kathy Griffin

??Katy Perry

??Kelly Spam

??Kevin Spacey

??Kirsten Gillibrand

??Kristy Rogers (deceased)

??Lady Gaga

??Larry Summers

??Larry Visoski (pilot)

??Laura Z. Wasserman

??Lawrence M. Krauss

??Linda Pinto

??Lisa Summers

??Lynn Forester de Rothchild


??Mandy Ellison (assistant)

??Mare Collins-Rector

??Marina Abramovic

??Mark Epstein

??Mark Lloyd

??Melinda Luntz

??Meryl Streep

??Michelle Obama

??Michelle Wolf

??Mikel Arteta

??Miley Cyrus

??Nadine Dorries

??Naomi Campbell

??Naomi Watts

??Natalie Blachon de Perrier

??Nicole Junkermann

??Olga Kurylenko

??Oliver Sacks


??Orlando Bloom

??Paris Hilton

??Patton Oswatt

??Paul Mellon

??Paula Epstein (deceased)

??Paula Hala

??Peter P. Marino

??Pharrell Williams

??Prince Andrew

??Prince Charles

??Quentin Tarantino

??Rachel Maddow

??Rainn Wilson

??Ralph Ellison

??Ray Barzana (pilot)

??Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis


??Rita Wilson

??Rob Reiner

??Robert DeNiro

??Robert Downey Jr.

??Rodney E. Slater

??Ronald Burkle

??Rudy Gobert

??Sander Burger

??Sarah Kellen (assistant)

??Sarah Silverman

??Seth Green

??Shelley Harrison

??Shelley Lewis

??Sophie Biddle-Hakim

??Sophie Trudeau

??Stephen Collins

??Stephen Colbert

??Steven Spielberg

??Steven Tyler

??Svetlana Glazunova

??Teala Davies

??Tiffany Gramza

??Tom Hanks

??Tom Pritzker

??Tyler Grasham (deceased)

??Victor Salva

??Wanda Sykes

??Whoopi Goldberg

A former President is on the list, probably Clinton.

Bill Melugin at the border, reporting – Migrants have zero fear of deportation, and expect release into the US, and “A man from Guinea who had just crossed illegally into Lukeville, AZ tells me he plans to go to Philadelphia. When I asked why, he didn’t know, and pulled out a piece of paper w/ an address written on it he’s supposed to go to. We looked it up, it’s a local community center.” His handler in his local domestic surveillance operation in Africa, which is under the same command as American Domestic Surveillance/Intelligence, gave him the order to go there and handed him the paper. I think they have been brought here to either kill you, or force you to bow down before Globohomo as a slave.

Feds, local officials issue health alerts over communicable diseases tied to migrant crisis Concerns include polio, chickenpox, infectious tuberculosis.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul took a victory lap as she revealed Wednesday that all eligible migrants outside New York City have applied for work authorization — but she couldn’t say how many have actually been approved.

Elon Musk: A member of Congress told me that this is a deliberate means of importing future left-wing voters. Viewed through that lens, this administration’s facilitation of massive illegal immigration precisely matches their goal. If they were looking for left wing voters, there would be a lot more women and elderly, and the military aged males would have very low fitness and appear more dysgenic. This is a fighting force.

Panic setting in among Democrats over Joe Biden, ‘It’s even worse than it looks.’ It is also scripted to be that way.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes calls Gateway Pundit – says the Biden regime is now sending prominent J6 prisoners to mental institutions to keep them from talking like in the old Soviet Union.

Julian Assange’s team confirmed that Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Thomas Massie and Rand Paul join bipartisan group calling to end US prosecution of Julian Assange.

Another Capital Hill sex tape is circulating. This is a male masturbating in the Capitol, and was apparently posted online. This type of weirdness is how people get into politics, and surveillance doesn’t run them off right at the outset.

The First Lady’s press secretary Michael LaRosa tried to take a date he’d just met up to his room on a secure floor while overseas in a hotel where the president was staying, insiders exclusively tell Pretty astonishing he gets that far and has zero idea of how intelligence operations would work, and so little commitment to the cause he would take risks like that. Unless he has come so far he knows everything is fake, and as a result he just has no commitment to anything. I mean how many service men (bless them) actually have died “for America?” None knew America was all fake and gay, but guys like Biden know.

Fat Leonard, who filmed orgies involving senior Navy Admirals, extradited to the US by Venezuela.

A Freeper posts – “According to my doctors office today, there will be no more standalone flu vaccinations next year. They will be combined with covid.”

How can we stop AI becoming more ‘patriarchal and misogynistic’? Women in tech explain why there needs to be more women in tech.

Maine forced to delay vote on EV mandate amid widespread power outages.

China is working on advanced ‘brain warfare’ tech including devices that send enemies to sleep, impair cognition and alertness as well as impact decision making.

This is the intel op the surveillance serves, and the command which runs it, which is not only not protecting these children, it is seeking to hand them to the r-selected migrant wolves:

It is the ultimate battle between good and evil. And given it is presently in the informational warfare stage, you are on the front lines.

Only 17% of Germans ready to take up arms to defend country, poll finds. How many percent anon?

Canada to welcome citizens’ extended families from Gaza.

Argentine President Milei approves of Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

UK, Italy agree to help send illegal migrants headed to Europe back to their home countries.

Ukrainian men between the ages of 25 and 60 living abroad will be asked to report for military service, Defence Minister Rustem Umerov has said.

Scientists discover the first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI. Could be great, or could be a plot to kill us. No way to know today.

The RNC’s latest cash-on-hand numbers are a catastrophe, and Republicans can’t sit on their hands. Posted in the good news side of the brief, because they will all know about the surveillance, and if you mentioned it they would go wide’eye’d because they would want that secret kept hidden.

‘I want to see Trump win US election’ Nigel Farage says, ‘for the safety of the western world – we need Donald.’

‘Trump, come in here and clean this mess up!’ Seething Chicago resident explodes on migrant crisis and demands mayor ‘send them all back.’

Spread r/K Theory, because your country is fake and gay, but it does not have to be

News Briefs – 12/21/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – US Airlines Prepared For Holiday Rush

DFT – Vestwell Raises Funds With $1 Billion Valuation

DFT – Three Arrows Capital Founders Have $1 Billion In Assets Frozen

DFT – Half Of Buick Dealers Choose A GM Buyout To Avoid Selling EVs

DFT – EU Countries Get Exemptions To Import Russian Crude

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Financial Trends, our advertiser, now accepts donations by credit card,

From the comments:

Tucker Carlson gave a speech recently at TPUSA’s AmFest that I think might be of interest to AC and others here. Some of what he said echos things AC has been saying which is weird when you think about it. Maybe they really are preparing for some sort of disclosure? If you don’t have the time to watch the hour long speech I’ll list the most relevant quote below but I think the rest is worth listening to as well.

“When I hear Senator Dick Durbin say ‘maybe we should take some of the tens of millions of foreigners who’ve arrived, all of whom seem to be about 23 and in great shape, and hand them automatic weapons in our military and give them badges and guns in our police departments.’ I’m wondering what exactly is that? Ohhh you’re assembling an army against your own people that’s what you’re doing! That’s exactly what they’re doing and you know that that’s what they’re doing.”

Tough to say if this is a script leading to exposure, or merely the elites telling people what they intend to do, to release them of any karmic consequence. Either way, if we can expose the surveillance widely, we can disrupt this plan, whatever Tucker is up to. But I do not think he is lying. There is going to be a civil war, even if every person on our side just sits on their couch and does nothing. Million will just die on our side, in that case. These migrants are not being brought here for liberty and the good, the beautiful, and the true.

Tucker says informed people have told him the US government has entered into agreements with the aliens, which are really some sort of interdimensional beings which act upon all of us from a dimension we cannot detect.

New evidence suggests that NO audit was performed by election machine testing company as claimed by Georgia Secretary of State.

Rudy Giuliani is ordered to pay $148M IMMEDIATELY as judge warns ex-mayor could try hiding his assets to avoid paying Georgia election officials he defamed. Article says he has a sexual harassment lawsuit going from a former employee as well, like Cuomo. He is kind of a doofus with that, so I will bet Cabal has sent in five or ten girls minimum, and has each of their lawsuits all drawn up and ready to file when needed.

Dissenting Judge on CO Supreme Court says Trump denied due process, ‘Like nothing I’ve seen in 33 years.’ How many years?

California lieutenant governor calls for exploring options to take Donald Trump off the presidential ballot.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: “Maybe we should take Biden off the ballot for allowing 8 million people to cross the border.”

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Source” that the Colorado Supreme Court decision disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot was “incoherent,” and he predicted it will be overturned.

From here:

A research project from DTU, University of Copenhagen, ITU, and Northeastern University in the US shows that if you use large amounts of data about people’s lives and train so-called ‘transformer models’, which (like ChatGPT) are used to process language, they can systematically organize the data and predict what will happen in a person’s life and even estimate the time of death.

Suppose you maintain enormous data about people’s family lines over millenia. Could you predict some lines are going to be a problem with AI? Could you predict who within those lines? If there is a hidden splinter society, or if the Tic Tac crew is behind the scenes, and they made it to developing AI tech at some point, a lot of strange things suddenly become possible, and stuff which doesn’t make sense, like the enormous resources expended on targeting people who seemingly are not a problem, could make sense.

Radio talker Steve Deace says Republicans need to assume Trump can’t win and nominate DeSantis. Just keeping track of Cabal members who are part of the conspiracy. You wonder how much he gets paid for that. I actually not only dislike DeSantis now, I view him as faggy, pathetic, and spineless. He has no backbone, and essentially no personality. He is like another Mitt Romney, who will tell people whatever they want to hear.

Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel is unconstitutional and so the Supreme Court must reject his petition against Donald Trump, lawyers representing former Attorney General Ed Meese and two top constitutional scholars in the country argued in a brief filed on Wednesday.

Chicago mayor claims Gov. Abbott is ‘attacking our country’ by sending migrants to Dem cities, states.

Despite blasting Biden for migrant crisis— Eric Adams says he will support him in 2024.

New information released by the federal government shows that over 3.4 million acres of United States agricultural land was purchased by foreigners in 2022.

Self-checkout kiosks at 4,500 Walmarts now offer ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ loans for basic items.

California votes to recycle toilet water and send it right back to users in the potable water pipes.

Judge allows the removal of a Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery.

More residents fled New York than any other state as Texas saw biggest population gain, Census Bureau finds.

The ‘1%’ are responsible for 15% of global emissions.

Xi told Biden he plans to take Taiwan — by any means necessary. Would he have done that to Trump?

China’s spaceplane has released multiple mystery objects in orbit and they appear to be transmitting.

Milei’s government in Argentina announced that they will cut off welfare benefits for everyone who riots and cuts off traffic in protests.

The French parliament has passed legislation toughening France’s immigration policy backed by both President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renaissance party and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN).

Member states and the European Parliament struck on Wednesday a major deal to reform the bloc’s migration policy, capping off a three-year-long ambitious effort that at times seemed doomed to fail.

The new Globohomo leftist Polish government has started purges at various state media it disagreed with. Nothing says that new government was actually elected.

Plain-clothes police officer with bodycam searches Massachusetts eighth-grade classroom for ‘gender queer’ book after someone called cops to report that sexually explicit material was being read.

ABC terminates Joy Behar’s The View contract, kicks her out of the show. UPDATE, May be fake news.

Texas will now expand its migrant export operation to include flights to Chicago.

Court blocks Biden’s plan to remove Texas border razor wire. Says the administration’s thwarting of the state’s efforts to secure the border may violate the law.

Federal judge blocks California’s legislative bid to ban firearms from public places.

Joe Biden is “losing ground every month” in the national polls mostly due to inflation, a Democrat pollster told CNN.

Trump gets surprise boost with young voters amid Biden disillusionment.

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is not set, and we are smart enough to alter the timeline ourselves

News Briefs – 12/20/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – Tesla Forgoes Merit-Based Stock Compensation

DFT – Japan’s JFE Steel Looks For Expansion Into US Following Nippon Steel Deal

DFT – US National Debt Grows $2.6 Trillion In Six Months

DFT – Globally, Corporate Bankruptcies Exceed 2008 Levels

DFT – Russia And China Eliminate Use Of Dollar In Trade

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I was thinking, did anyone else find that scene when the drunk driver hit the Secret Service vehicle strange? I mean, Secret Service trains its protection officers heavily, with a fake President, in role playing attacks at their training facility, repeatedly creating sudden, violent sounding events, and conditioning the agents, at the first sudden violent sound to grab the President, and throw him into his armored limo, The Beast. They do it over and over again, until it is a reflex they cannot control. Dick Cheney described Secret Service deciding to move him on 9/11, and he said before he knew what happened, one agent got on each arm, lifted him off the ground, and every so often he would feel a toe scrape the ground as his legs were trying to run as the agents ran full speed to the bunker.

But there Biden was, a car crashes into another car nearby loudly, which anyone would assume was the first movement in an assault, and nobody did anything. Biden, in all his senile glory, looked curious, and actually turned and duck walked confusedly toward it, trying to see around some cars. The Secret Service guys, all came to attention, and then all of them went to walk around the car to take a look at what happened themselves, like, “Hey, Bob, I think there was a explosion over here! This looks interesting, we should go and see if we can see what happened!” All that was missing was one of them saying, “Hey lets bring the President over, he would want to see what happened too!” That didn’t look like Secret Service to me. I am wondering if Biden-in-a-latex-mask is rolling with a bunch of actors playing Secret Service. Maybe real Secret Service is in a bunker with real Biden somewhere, or maybe Biden isn’t really the President, and real Secret Service is with Trump. I don’t know. It just looked weird given the training Secret Service gets to push Biden in a limo and go at the first sign of trouble.

One other thought I had. I wonder if you tracked down Bill Binney and asked him about, he would say to you “What do you mean the site was shut down? I, and all the other participants, are writing regular articles there every day!” He might see the site up and running, and be wondering why he has so little traffic. It makes no sense the site was somehow shut down, and not Bill, nor any of the other participants, has ever talked about how or why it was shut down.

Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump is DISQUALIFIED from running for president and removed from the state ballot under the 14th Amendment for ‘engaging in an insurrection.’

Here are the four Colorado justices who voted to exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot.

Trump faces similar challenges to his eligibility in 16 active lawsuits across the country. Math Quiz – So there is a case in Colorado, and sixteen other cases across the country. How many total cases is that, anon?

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley rips Colorado decision to disqualify Trump from presidential ballot: ‘This country is a powder keg, and this court is just throwing matches at it.’

The opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court is so sweeping that it would allow for tit-for-tat removals of candidates from ballots.

Uncle of Democrat Colorado Justice who barred Trump teamed with Soros to send U.S. rare earth tech to communist China.

Colorado GOP says if Trump was kept off the ballot, they will switch to a caucus system, and put him back in the game.

No elections using computers in California as state officials freeze spending state faces $68 billion deficit.

Tucker Carlson calls DeSantis influencers: “the nastiest, stupidest, and the most zero-sum people I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson facing ethics complaint over failure to disclose income: media completely ignores story.

First Lady Jill Biden is reportedly micro-managing President Joe Biden’s schedule in an effort to get the 81-year-old more rest less than a year out from the presidential election, current and former aides apparently told Axios.

Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024.

Seamus Bruner, Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute said the best way to undercover Jeffrey Epstein’s client list isn’t by looking through his flight logs, it’s looking through the bank records of JPMorgan Chase and trafficking transfers.

Elite clients of high-end brothel busted in Massachusetts and Washington DC could be unmasked as feds seek to charge TWENTY EIGHT people with buying sex.

More than ‘14,000’ cross the border in a day – the highest in HISTORY: Another migrant record is smashed under Biden with thousands MORE waiting to get in at Eagle Pass and ‘26,000 in custody.’

Immigration courts add a whopping one million cases to backlog as border crisis worsens.

The state of Texas is facing a lawsuit over a new law that allows state and local law enforcement to arrest people who enter Texas illegally.

Mexican president says he’ll fight Texas migrant crossing law.

Chicago buckles under weight of migrant crisis as boy, 5, dies and four more children, aged between one and 14, are hospitalized with fevers after being housed in the same facility.

Biden’s open borders policy smashes public support for migration.

Nearly 3-in-5 illegal alien households are on taxpayer-funded welfare.

New York state will create a commission tasked with considering reparations to address the persistent, harmful effects of slavery in the state, under a bill signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday.

An escort and stripper who caters to Wall Street clients says she pulls in $34,000 a week during the holiday rush. I was disappointed to find the article contains no great insights on the intelligence/surveillance swarm I am sure surrounds her. I can imagine her exiting her apartment, and every time, there is someone walking by, the elevator has a person getting on and getting off, somebody is passing the building as she exits, and the places she goes are all put up with cameras and audio. She would be a blackmail goldmine, among wealthy men. Curious is that a girl who is probably like a 6 for a Chinese girl can maybe make $34,000 in a week doing escort and stripping. That and she gets a full article, with links to some of her online material so potential Johns can easily find her, all for a piece with nothing of interest. Feels to me like there is more there. Maybe Intel hooked up with her, and it will help her get clients this way with free publicity, if she facilitates them finding out where clients will be ahead of time, or she helps them get access to the sites to record. Something more there. There is no such thing as a man, or a woman on the street interview. All of those articles have a purpose, and the people in them are in the game.

Blueprint for creating a ‘SARS-CoV’ virus with an altered spike protein in Wuhan was published in 2018, seeking funding, bombshell new records show, indicating Covid was probably made from that blueprint. Maybe. I think it most likely the virus was made and released, but given how things work, it was probably not an accident. My only question is how bad they intended it to be, and whether it flamed out, and they wanted more dead, or if they wanted a dud they would blow up artificially, to maintain control over the intensity of the pandemic by controlling the hype. A deadly version could prove uncontrollable.

Pfizer completes $43 billion acquisition of Seagen on Dec.14, 2023 – becomes largest oncology company to treat most TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA vaccines.

40 more fresh allegations of plagiarism unearthed in official academic complaint against Harvard president Claudine Gay.

A prominent transgender activist in Philadelphia has been accused of raping two children.

Only 6% approve of Mitch McConnell, lowest rating of any lawmaker.

Colorado armed robbers’ getaway vehicle stolen during heist in ironic twist.

2024 will be the ‘biggest single crash year in our lifetimes,’ economist warns: ‘Do not listen to your financial adviser.’

Tesla CONFIRMS it is working on wireless charging – meaning EV owners can simply park in the garage and cars will charge automatically.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has announced Operation Prosperity Guardian, which will bring together a coalition of ten nations to safeguard the dangerous waters of the Red Sea, North Arabian Sea and western Indian Ocean.

The French parliament has passed legislation toughening France’s immigration policy after months of political wrangling.

Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday night pushed back on a military request to mobilise 500,000 men to join the fight against Russia amid reports of a mounting spat between Ukraine’s generals and politicians.

President Putin exhibits confidence in the situation in Ukraine“When assessing the current situation on the ground along the line of contact, it is safe to say that our forces hold the initiative. In essence, we act as we see fit.”

Texas could vote on referendum to secede from the United States this spring.

Spread r/K Theory, because Biden-in-a-mask may not be real Biden

News Brief – 12/19/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – More Shippers Refuse To Ship Past Yemen, Threatening To Hike Oil Prices In Europe

DFT – US Steel Bought By Japanese Steelmaker

DFT – Amazon To Add RFID Tech To Just Walk Out Checkout System

DFT – Rising Interest Rates Leave Increasing Numbers Of Car Buyers Underwater

DFT – Russia Tells BRICS To Ban Dollar

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

From the comments, a group of kids go around beating other kids to near death, and they seem to be above the law, and now one of their victims died. Nothing links the victims, either to each other or the attackers, and even though they video the assaults and post them, and faces are visible, nothing is done. You can see what is developing in America. You have a government which facilitates an environment where “random” attacks take people out, and the attackers are strangely above the law. You saw it most clearly with Rittenhouse, where he survived, and they then prosecuted him like they were never going to prosecute his attackers had they killed him. This is what you would see if a covert intel operation took control, and was deploying brownshirts to perform attacks, but wanted to prevent people from knowing it was in control.

Daily Mail – Meet the Bidens: A tax dodging daughter… an access selling brother… and a sister-in-law flush with foreign cash. If you think Hunter is shady, says DAVID MARCUS, read what else is being revealed about Joe’s family. Biden was kind of perfect to serve as an example of a politician selling his office by having the payments sent to family members to make it look Kosher. Any other politician might just have a single relative getting the payments, and it might be done by having campaign contributions shunted to the relative’s respectable media firm to handle advertising for the campaign, where it would be questionably legal. It would not be this clearly criminal. Here, foreigners are sending cash payments to the druggie son whose penis is pictured everywhere in his videos of drugged up orgies with prostitutes and relatives, so you know he is a retarded degenerate. And there is the brother with no qualifications, and the sister who nobody has heard of, and it is multiple countries from Ukraine to China, and it is all getting split up and shifted around, and generating suspicious activity reports, and they are pulling strings to make the investigations go away. If things were as they were, you would have to believe Cabal, which depends on this corruption, chose the absolute perfect example of this corruption to reveal it to the world, when they could have just done an Obama with Corey Booker, or some other fresh face, without all of this clear cut criminality. Obama was a clean, disciplined, professional op. Biden is a sabotage mission.

It feels like this is a script, designed to reveal all this. If Cabal was still in control, you would not be seeing this script. You would be seeing a rerun of Obama’s show, with Corey Booker or Eric Adams.

The $1 million Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partner Patrick Ho wired him in 2017 subject of separate bribery investigation.

Andy McCarthy says Hunter’s legal woes are on ‘collision course’ with Biden’s re-election bid.

CNN Legal analyst: Jack Smith desperate for Trump conviction before election. Would fit with the story going around Smith was blackmailing Europeans for millions, with threats of war crimes charges, got caught, and was himself blackmailed into getting Trump convicted, or they would bust him for his blackmailing.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, chairman of the now-defunct House Jan. 6 Select Committee, has confirmed to Republican lawmakers that the panel sent records to prosecutors who have filed charges against former President Donald Trump, after initially saying he had not preserved such material.

Mark Meadows loses appeal seeking to move Georgia election case to federal court.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis broke campaign finance law by communicating about TV spending decisions with a big-dollar super PAC that is supporting his Republican bid for the White House, a nonpartisan government watchdog group alleged in a complaint filed Monday.

Bill Gates photographed with alleged Epstein victim years after the trafficker’s arrest.

On Twitter:

Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP SUPPORTERS and CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Also, GROUPS of what appear to be TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the BREACH!

On Twitter:

James Biden’s business partner, Michael Lewitt, pulled money belonging to elderly Americans from an investment fund and “transmitted it to Americore, which turned around and paid James Biden. James Biden on the same day cut a check to Joe Biden for the exact same amount as James Biden received from Americore.” Per @GOPoversight

Former Georgia election workers sue Rudy Giuliani again, asking judge to permanently stop him from lying about them.

On Twitter:

Video from a contact on the ground in Eagle Pass, TX right now shows a mass of thousands of migrants waiting to be processed by Border Patrol after they crossed illegally today. I’ve spent hundreds of days there over the last 2+ years and I’ve never seen it like this

Poll: Most Americans want businesses prosecuted for hiring illegal aliens.

Gov. Abbott signs bill allowing arrest, removal of illegals by state authorities.

Mayor Adams open to tax hikes, layoffs to close $7B NYC budget gap: ‘Everything’s on the table.’ Except booting the migrants.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Sunday that he could help fix the out-of-control migrant crisis if he was the one sitting in the White House. Cabal would tell him to Be Careful. Is he threatening to run for President against Joe?

‘Just a coincidence’: New Minnesota state flag draws backlash for Somali resemblance. Nothing is a coincidence, and everything is a psyop. The Somalis are assets, with less influence over their masters than us, from whom they at least have to hide. This was done by people more influential than the Somali immigrants, and the publicity and the effects were designed and planned a ways back.

Reckless driver who crashed into Biden’s motorcade identified and charged with DUI.

40% of student loan borrowers miss that first payment.

Another drill sergeant found dead at Fort Jackson, US Army says. Even if one was a suicide, as rumored, Covid vaccines affect people psychologically in some cases. One dead Drill Instructor would seem strange. Two, very much so.

Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020.

Honor guard collapses on live TV in front of the casket of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

Kash Patel says something curious about aliens, maybe implying it is a cover for space tech in a battle we are having with China over space behind the scenes:

“Our most valuable assets are not on the ground. Our most valuable assets from a national defense stand point are under water and in space. And it’s easier to talk about space aliens than is it to talk about Nelly the lock ness monster. I think that’s why it’s so catchy right now. Yeah, there’s a whole battle up in space that China and…”

I tend to think he would not know much about any of it though, as it would be compartmentalized and he was in another area.

Former Rep. George Santos hints there are “cages” inside of House Office Buildings. Might just be a storage area they tell everybody about as a good place to have sex for fun, so everyone will go to the remote isolated storage area, which they have no idea has hidden cameras installed everywhere. Not really clear what he is referencing beyond he feels the reporter will shut up when he mentions it. Hopefully CIA is not keeping children in cages as a perk for their pedophile assets there, but you never know.

These Christian parents in Indiana, Jeremy and Mary Cox, are now petitioning the United States Supreme Court to regain custody of their son, who was taken away from them in 2021 because they refused to “affirm” his transgender identity.

Bestselling celeb memoirs by Britney Spears, Prince Harry and others may have failed to earn back advances. That is not how business works.

BlackRock, State Street subpoenaed in House ESG investigation, looking at if  the firms’ environmental, social, and governance standards violated anti-trust laws.

The lead contamination in recalled cinnamon applesauce pouches that potentially poisoned at least 65 children may have been intentional, the Food and Drug Administration said on Friday. No way to know what this really was, but Cabal’s US Domestic Intel and Surveillance Op is looking at kids in the schools, even using other children as spies, and it does view some of them as threats which need neutralization with pornography, sex, alcohol, pot, and drugs. No way to know if they would decide a particularly problematic kid needs his nervous system development disrupted with a calcium ion channel blockade of lead atoms. But not impossible. You are dealing with a CIA-like intel operation.

Pope Francis to allow priests to bless gay couples but not perform marriages or civil unions.

Japanese firm to acquire U.S. Steel for almost $15 billion — National security and labor concerns rise as iconic American company changes hands.

Hamas leaders have a combined net worth of eleven billion dollars, staying at five-star hotels in Qatar and Turkey and flying internationally on private jets abroad. It is like that on both sides. Ben Shapiro will have $50 million to throw at somebody like Crowder, while those not spouting narratives for the machine at you will not be able to rub two pennies together.

US Navy increases presence with 43 warships near Yemen.

South Korea on brink of ‘extinction’ unless embraces immigration, says minister. The nose of Globohomo is under the tent,

From Twitter:

New Ukraine “aid” bill would bring the total to over $173 billion, over $1,300 per American household and over $11,500 per Ukrainian household.

This will continue to drive higher inflation and mortgage rates across the US – making every American family pay the price.

If this new bill is implemented, our total aid to Ukraine will be more than the annual wages paid out to every American worker in all agriculture, mining, and oil and gas extraction industries.

Another glaring example… Our total aid to Ukraine would be more than the annual wages paid out to every American manufacturing worker that produces motor vehicles, parts, and other transportation equipment.

Every time the federal government spends money, it forcefully takes that money from hard-working Americans.

Even if you don’t pay federal income taxes, you still pay through inflation taxes and slower overall economic growth.

Ukraine war: Kyiv forced to cut military operations as foreign aid dries up.

Low morale grips Ukrainian forces as Russians grow stronger – beachhead across the Dnieper ‘a suicide mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s office bugged by either Russia or Zelensky. Army Chief was probably bugged by CIA or MI6, since he might be a risk due to caring about Ukraine and his troops.

NY Times – How Putin turned a Western boycott into an economic bonanza. Globohomo pulls out of Russia, and it is good for the nation. Who would ever think it would work that way?

Judge issues order keeping Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery for now.

Fox News Poll: Trump’s lead in GOP primary widens.

Spread r/K Theory, because sabotage operations are more than just incompetence

News Briefs – 12/18/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – Developing Nations Threatened By Record Debt Service Payments

DFT – Hungary Threatens To Block Bulgarian Entry To Schengen Over Gas Tax

DFT – IEA Forecasts Record Year For Coal In 2023

DFT – British Energy Debt Hits Record Level

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

From the mail bag, one of the regulars here:

After that tech thing the first week of December, I’m now seeing a ton of new, named commenters.

There were so many new names that I marveled why they were appearing all at once. Then it occurred to me that maybe the tech thing changed the filtering of comments on my end???

If you aren’t seeing a sudden major influx of new named commenters, then this email is to inform you that I am. I seriously don’t recognize a chunk of these names and I’ve been reading your News Brief and the comments for years.

Here I’m going to get into loonball territory. I was so stunned at all the new people flooding in, I re-read further back in the comment section to the end of Nov. – very beginning of Dec.


I was STUNNED to see the earlier days’ comments that I had already read barely resembled what I remembered reading when I read them day of.

My normal routine is I read the comment section same day or next day. So, for example, I read Dec. 2 on Dec. 2 and again on Dec 3 for any catch-up comments.

Ex of new phenomena: I recently went back to Dec. 2 and comments that appear to have been posted on Dec. 2 or Dec. 3 WERE NOT THERE (on my computer) when I first read the comment section on those days. After your tech thing, I see these comments (showing as posted on Dec 2/3 so they SHOULD have been visible to me when reading the comments on those days) and I know they WERE NOT on my computer on those days.

It’s multiple days too, not just Dec. 2.

I thought I was going crazy because I would have definitely remembered what was posted on multiple different days if it had been visible to me on those various days.

I think I have seen this elsewhere. I was going to purchase a gun recently. Something smallish, and lower powered. I was on Gunbroker, and searching each day, looking for something used, and cheap, as this was not of great importance. I saw where the prices were at, and knew what to expect. As I was ready to move, up popped that gun, perfect, like new condition, all the important items it came with from the factory, including a very unique carrying case, buy it now, A+ seller, credit card payment off gunbroker’s system, no credit card fee, for two thirds what you would expect lesser conditions with no accessories to be going for at auction. (Archive here) That should be about $300-$320 with shipping, like the 95 percent model here, which comes in at $333 total before tax. The urge is to jump on a deal like that, before somebody else sees it. But it felt off. I left it there, and it was there for a week, as lesser quality models sold for 130-150 percent of the price all around it with active bidders losing an auction at $320 or $330 and then ignoring it, until it was out of the window where I would have bought it, and it ended, unsold. You can go back and see lots of other Bodyguards of lower condition sell for more in that period. I ended up getting something else very different, and went to do the papers and pick it up. As I was in the store, a guy walked in, and threw on the counter, the very distinctive case, doubtless with the same gun inside, as if he was about to sell it. I have no idea what was up with that, it would have been some sort of skit designed to make me act some way. I took my activity to the back of the store with the manager, and got away from it, so I don’t know what it was. I strongly suspect this thing, arranged for me to see a gunbroker page which nobody else could see, for a gun so cheap anyone would have bought it in a moment, with the goal of putting a specific gun in my possession. That is why nobody else jumped on that, even as lots of people were, each day, bidding more on lower quality guns. Nobody else could see the page.

Imagine if they had a bullet from that gun taken in a waterbath, and buried it in the neighbor’s house wall, and had the neighbor (all of them are surveillance in my case) say I took a shot at him while he was in his yard. It would be easier to drive a 38o ACP into a wall as if it was shot there while leaving its ballistics readable than, say a 357 mag or 10mm. When Police show, I say it is ridiculous, the Police take my 380 ACP, and the bullet from my gun matches the one which was legitimately buried in his wall. And nothing says it won’t be a body they pull the bullet out of if it comes to that. With this thing, you are basically dealing with the CIA. Anything is possible, in a Darwinian world which we were conditioned to be unable to function properly in it. Maybe they do it, maybe they were just opening the door in case they wanted to later. It was something strange. And it is never bad to document those things here for the official record if something else happens later on.

Now I will have to spend the time and do some kind of forensic countermeasures on any weapons I have which they might have bullets or casings from, which is pretty much any gun I have, since this has always been on me and could have been accumulating a library of them all my life. And I will have to wire brush breech faces, extractors, and firing pins lightly with a die grinder during the next maintenance, as well as run polishing compound shots through barrels and chambers, hopefully good enough to cover tool marks, but not so good as to affect anything important.

You see the problems which arise from the internet, and why I keep saying I think we are heading to customized internets, where we all see only what the machine wants us to see. On the one hand, it offers us the prospect of an unparalleled ability to connect and locate data. It is why we have come this far, and unraveled this conspiracy to this degree. But it is also their system, and they control everything you see and do not see, often from right next door, in an extraordinarily specific manner. And from our position, there is no knowing how deep the psyop goes.

Video, starts about 35:00 to 54:00, summary is – Pompeo and CIA sued by 4 Americans (2 journalist, 2 lawyers) for tracking and spying on them for visiting Julian Assange in the Embassy in London. New York Court lets the suit go forward, CIA says they should have expected to be spied upon, however Kavanaugh has said Americans never lose their rights, even while outside the US.

New York Attorney General Letitia James admitted her guilt in compromising former President Donald Trump’s right to due process as she claimed Judge Arthur Engoron found Trump guilty of “significant financial fraud” even before the current trial began.

RFK had another intruder break into his house, twice, and cannot get any Secret Service protection, the only candidate ever to ask for it and not get it. He says Obama had it starting two years prior to the election. I think there is a decent chance he may get killed, as part of the script, to demonize Biden even further among Democrats.

Ruby Freeman’s lawyer says his clients would give back the $148 million, if only their lives could go back to what they were before Rudy Giuliani spoke so meanly about them.

House Ways and Means Chairman: Joe Biden was using Air Force Two as a corporate jet to travel the country and meet with Hunter Biden’s business associates.

Former Biden White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the White House wanted Hunter Biden to stop talking in public after defying the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena to give closed-door testimony.

Awkward: Hunter Biden’s defense invokes gun rights ruling 19 times after Joe called it unconstitutional.

West Yorkshire police overwhelmed by UFO reports as ‘woman beamed into sky.’ Interesting, whether real or psyop.

President Biden’s brother James was secretly recorded by the FBI during a bribery investigation into a Mississippi trial attorney who shelled out $100,000 to his consulting firm in the late 1990s, a report said on Sunday. Trial attorney was the brother in law of Trent Lott, and was bribing a judge in another matter.

Lindsey Graham claims that he has not seen any evidence that President Biden should be impeached. However he admitted that he hasn’t really been paying attention.

From here:

You can now finally say that the suez canal is out of service

Hapag-Lloyd, the world’s fifth largest container shipping company in the world, has halted its activities in the Red Sea.

MSC, the largest shipping company, and Maersk, the second largest, have also announced that they wish to avoid the Red Sea.

We can expect total disruption to logistics lines and a massive increase in the price of consumer goods.

This is because the shipping companies will be passing on the extra transport costs to the consumer.

Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred?

Horrified Joe Biden looks on as car smashes into his motorcade: President is bundled away by Secret Service as agents draw guns on driver outside Delaware campaign HQ.

DEA agent accused of blowing through stop sign and killing cyclist to be tried in federal court. Federal Agent pursuing a (probably Cabal) drug dealer on a fantasy camp law enforcement surveillance operation, a drug dealer who apparently was proving difficult to track for some reason (maybe he had help?), given the agent was driving so crazily, he hit and killed someone. As the agent is closing in on the suspect, a bicyclist drives right in front of him, and ends up hit and killed. Reminds me of those videos in China were surveillance clearly walks into the path of a car, or a forklift, or something else, with an assumption they will stop and be slowed down, but in China, people don’t stop, and the driver drives right over them and keeps going.

Ashley Biden, President Biden’s daughter, owes $5,000 in income taxes beginning in 2015, according to a recent tax lien docket first obtained by Fox News Digital. The fact they make all this money, and then seem to be living on subsistence-level incomes when tax time comes has to be due to the Cabal cost structure. If all the money being made and spread around the family was being kept, these bills would get paid, and they would stay under the government’s radar.

From here; “ only 17 percent of Republicans polled held a positive view [of the FBI].” FBI’s response is to add more letters to the LGBT acronym.

Harvard sees early admission applications drop by SEVENTEEN percent, after college and its president Claudine Gay were roiled by anti-Semitism and plagiarizing scandals. All caps was the headline’s format as written by Daily Mail.

In Los Angeles, a 49-unit apartment complex is taking 17 years to complete, the result of complex laws that exacerbated California’s affordable housing crisis.

Over 67K migrants are living in NYC shelters – more than triple the 2022 holiday season total – as Mayor Eric Adams calls Biden’s lax immigration policies ‘baffling.’

Oakland becomes even MORE of a Mad Max hellscape as robbers CHASE driver in multiple cars, ram him and then steal his belongings when vehicle flipped and crashed.

Play the full video on this next one, to see how long the colliding vehicle sat there, and tell me this wasn’t purposeful, or that the car waiting at the intersection with windows open was there by chance:

Notice how nice and pointy the front of the stationary vehicle is, so it isn’t a round, smooth surface. Notice, both cars have windows open:

You can see him gun it once the biker is in the right place. If you have two surveillance vehicles, you have an organized op. Reload this page, so it plays just the moment of the hit over again and again, and look at how perfectly it was done, so the biker is immediately propelled at maybe 15 mph in the car’s direction of travel, while his forward motion on the bike carries him, so he rides at 15mph right into the front of the other stationary vehicle and absorbs the full hit. That was all planned for the impact to look like that. I will bet they teach that technique, and the advanced drivers even practice it with dummies on a closed off track somewhere. They just didn’t do it perfectly, so that impact would have been on his head/neck. Had the stationary vehicle staged just a little farther back, his flip would have carried him further around to 270 degrees, instead of just 180/upside-down and they could have put that impact squarely on his neck. And it is all just an accident, because how could those two cars know each other? They produce a lot more of the life outcomes which you see, than you would ever suspect. No idea why they did it. The biker could have been a lawyer they wanted off a case or a business owner threatening to take business from one of their people’s businesses. Could be anything. You have something like the CIA, diffused throughout ALL of society, driving cars like that all over, which has a real tangible operational interest in seeing its assets’ businesses beat out the businesses of other people who do not spy on their neighbors. And it is also throughout and controlling the courts, and the government, and the political world, and the news media, and the schools, and publishing, and the colleges, and the cultural/entertainment “stars.” You can’t really go anywhere and get away from it. Whatever it was, they wanted that guy off the gameboard.

Biden admin finalizes most restrictive offshore oil drilling plan in US history.

US Army faces ‘TikTok mutiny’ as Gen Z recruits whine about low pay, ‘sh***y’ food and FITNESS TESTS while on bases in uniform. These are so much more interesting once you see the intel op permeating through the population, and realize most of these people are assets of the conspiracy, and the whole thing is an acted-out psyop

The New York Fed has extended its half trillion dollar bailout facility to a sprawling Japanese bank you’ve never heard of.

Browsing through social media but never liking or commenting on posts may be a sign of a mental health condition, as researchers at the Central China Normal University found that people who use platforms ‘passively’ are more likely suffer from social anxiety compared to people who use it actively – uploading posts and sharing life updates. Yes, anon, upload everything and tell us all about you and your thoughts and what you have done, or you will be diagnosable as mentally ill. So basically by getting us linking up on social media, intel has gotten us to document our daily lives, create a timeline of our entire history, write out the transcripts of our communications with our social media contacts for them, as we mapped out our own social networks for them too, and we even uploaded it all to their server for them. You would never realize how bad this is, until you found yourself buried under the civilian network, and realize just how important all of it is to the OpFor.

NHL history made with beautiful rendition of “O Canada” in Punjabi. Oh, Canada…

Fire at Galway hotel due to house 70 asylum seekers is investigated by Gardaí as a ‘criminal damage incident’(Ireland).

Argentina’s Javier Milei unveils his ‘austerity budget’ to crush inflation and crony capitalism.

They are looking to take $300 billion in Russian assets, and give them to Ukraine by having Russia sued in the World Court. Russia should let Ukraine win the money, and then walk into Kiev and take it over.

Ukraine may lose war in summer if military aid from America and EU comes to end, US official says. Just in time to humiliate Biden as the election closes in.

Kiev has “squandered” its opportunity to negotiate a favorable peace agreement, a top Russian diplomat says.

Hispanic support for Trump raises red flag for Biden.

Poll: Trump dominance hits new level as he nears 70 percent support in GOP primary.

Barack Obama ‘thinks Joe Biden could LOSE the White House next year’, with president’s polls continuing to tank as worries over his age and cost of living crisis persist.

Former President Donald Trump is assembling his policy team with familiar faces from his first term and signaling they would have roles in his potential 2025 Republican presidential administration.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is a big conspiracy

News Briefs – 12/17/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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DFT – British Electrical Utility Removes Chinese Components Due To Cyber Fears

DFT – Nissan To Export Chinese EVs

DFT – Shipping Majors Reroute Ships Around Red Sea Due To Houthi Attacks

DFT – British GDP Contracts More Than Expected

DFT – Russian Crude Supply To China Ramps Up

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Castalia House is pleased to announce that the full text of A SEA OF SKULLS is now complete at an estimated 914 pages and is available in a new ebook edition at the Arkhaven store for $7.99. From the link, the good writers exhibit natural prescience, seeing themes without even realizing, and infusing their books with realities that years later make them even more relevant with the passage of time:

Beneath the widespread violence that has seized all Selenoth in its grasp, a select few are beginning to recognize the appearance of a historic pattern of almost unimaginable proportions. Are all these conflicts involving Orc, Elf, Man, and Dwarf the natural result of inevitable rivalries, or are they little more than battlegrounds in an ancient war that began long before the dawn of time?

The travesty verdict against Rudy Giuliani and the left’s lawfare against lawyers: This is intended to put fear in all who believe the courts provide recourse for wrongs done to them. The plaintiffs were only asking for $24 million each, itself ridiculous. It is kind of like these are skits, showing people how Cabal has taken everything over and made it a farce.

Rudy Giuliani speaks to Gateway Pundit following “unAmerican” trial in DC court, says he will appeal $148 million ruling — still stands by his statements about the 2020 election.

Conservatives unhappy with Speaker Johnson over defense bill passage with FISA reauthorization. You do not just run for Congress and win, and then find yourself Speaker through a random, organic process, where it can happen to anyone. The people who installed him demanded this outcome, because spying on you is that important to the conspiracy. But it is also a sign of weakness. If they were all powerful, their people would not need this legalese to cover their asses, and would not want the exposure this creates. They would just do it from the shadows, and expect controlling everything would mean there would be no risk of exposure. This legal backstopping is designed to cover their ass if their domestic spying gets exposed. Which means they fear it can be exposed.

CNN’s DeSantis town hall was a viewership flop. Good to find out how his press as a tough-guy conservative was all bullshit, and what a weak, pathetic candidate he was. Another win, courtesy of Trump.

DeSantis predicts Trump won’t accept results in Iowa or New Hampshire if he loses. And a lying traitor.

Thomas Massie campaigning with DeSantis in Iowa. Interesting.

Donald Trump paraphrases ADOLF HITLER by telling rally that migrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’: Phrase first appeared in führer book Mein Kampf. Headline should read Donald Trump plays media like a Stradivarius again to get free campaign advertising for his message.

Why Google will stop storing user locations and then telling law enforcement which users were near a crime. One interesting speculation I heard was, the Cabal has some sort of pogrom type period planned, and this allows them to claim law enforcement cannot solve the murders and crimes its illegall migrant hordes will be inflicting.

Within the next several days, barring intervention from Congress, the Biden Regime, in violation of the law, will remove the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Senate Democrats are deeply divided over an emerging border deal that some Democratic lawmakers fear will include harsh asylum policy reforms plucked from the House-passed Secure the Border Act in order to win GOP backing of long-delayed funding for Ukraine. They are literally fucking the country over in so many different ways, and have so many ways of ripping off the treasury that they cannot hold them all together. And they are so used to totally fucking the country in every way that if you even slightly impede it in one way they sound like stuck pigs.

Sen. Kennedy vows GOP will not budge on border security: ‘We’re as serious as four heart attacks and a stroke.’

Democratic Arizona Governor orders National Guard to border, slams Biden admin for allowing ‘unmitigated humanitarian crisis.’

The number of homeless Americans rose by 12 percent to a record level in 2023 as President Joe Biden invited several million legal and illegal migrants into homes and jobs.

Republicans introduce bill prohibiting VA health resources from being used for illegal immigrants.

Illegal migrant cops in LA can’t possess guns off duty. Are they allowed to federally? The 4473 asks if you are in the US illegally, implying you are not allowed to have a gun. Just because you are local PD would not change that, would it?

Despite the Air France-KLM group being 6% below its pre-pandemic capacity, the number of unruly passenger incidents has doubled this year compared to 2019 onboard KLM flights and at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the Dutch flag carrier said Thursday. Could the vax, which is a protein-ligand of the ACE-2 receptor, which has psychological effects, be altering psychology? Moreover, could the vax be designed to alter one’s time-frame preference psychologically to create a more r-selected form of human, which is more in the moment, than forward-thinking?

After doing the link above, I just happened to come across this –
People who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn.

Woke LA DA George Gascon’s new chief of staff is proud former LOOTER who wants to abolish prisons and defund ‘barbarian’ police: Backed ransacking of shops during 2020 BLM riots.

It has been revealed that Seattle law enforcement personnel had been ordered to allow anti-Israel demonstrators to seize control of a major bridge during rush hour traffic on Thursday evening. You are not electing the government. The conspiracy is installing its theater kids, and they are running a show to deceive you.

A crushing budget deficit has forced San Francisco Mayor London Breed to eliminate the budget of the Office of Reparations, which was considering lavish payouts to long-term black residents of the city.

Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down how NATO has Blah Blah Blah. Posobiec has openly said he was CIA, doing a stint I believe in China as some faux businessman, before CIA bounced him into Naval intelligence, and then shunted him into the media as part of its successor to Project Mockingbird. They did the same thing with Buttigieg, IIRC, though they shunted him into politics, which might technically have a different codename than Mockingbird. I would not be surprised if DeSantis is the same thing, just as a JAG. CIA, which is owned by Cabal at the top would not let one of its Project Mockingbird assets elevate Jones and give him publicity, unless Jones too was owned, and was controlling the opposition for the conspiracy. And if Jones was real, he would be unimpressed with Posobiec, and ignore him and his “Microchip” exposes. Again, if they are not constantly revealing the surveillance, and complaining of directed energy weapon attacks on themselves, they are not really being honest with you. Bill Binney is being honest, which is why he is not getting press now.

Jeff Bezos wants people to live in ‘cylindrical space stations’ and visit Earth for vacation. A good case study in how full of shit these people are. Jeff Bezos, being interviewed by “Lex Friedman” when he says, “I would love to see a trillion humans living in the solar system. If we had a trillion humans, we would have, at any given time, 1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins. The only way to get to that vision is with giant space stations. The planetary surfaces are just way too small.” I guarantee you Bezos knows, the intel op he works for is set up in all the schools, using its own children as assets, and the second it detects an “Einstein” it goes into full swing making sure he is contained and controlled, and if he can not be, it will work actively to crush him and make sure he stays minimalized. So he doesn’t really want 1,000 Einsteins. It just sounds good, and is more of the bread and circuses. Everything is fake and gay, the Cabal assets most of all.

Mark Zuckerberg building $100M Hawaii compound with massive underground bunker: report.

Senate staffer who allegedly filmed public sex in Senate Hearing Room ousted from Dem Senator Ben Cardin’s office.

This article is probably not to be clicked on, as Gateway Pundit included stills from the video, albeit blurred in places. However it contains the tidbit this asshole was actually posting these videos to Twitter. That is how protected he felt. You wonder if he did something to piss off intel, and had he not, we would never have heard of this, and he would have continued to post his videos to Twitter.

Cernovich had his own Filipino tranny thing going on, so this man knows firsthand:

Fired Democrat senator’s aide, 24, who made gay sex tape in Senate could face criminal charges after X-rated clip swept the internet: Is slammed for implying that HE’S the victim. Whenever I see these things, I remember Gary Condit, suspected in the murder of Chandra Levy, which always seemed a questionable case, even with the homeless illegal they kind of pinned it on, before dropping the case and deporting him. They did a search of Condit’s apartment and found semen from like five men on his bedsheets. And supposedly accounts claimed he was banging female interns too. You don’t get to be a Congressman unless surveillance has seen you do some weird shit and documented it several different ways.

Mark Zuckerberg is building one of the biggest homes in US history: $270M Hawaiian compound will include its own VILLAGE and huge underground bunker. Or he is building a facility for some agency or some organization, or somebody, whose name we probably would never hear. You don’t really see the difficulty until you go against the machine, and see how it can control what you see and who you meet. Drop $1 trillion in my bank account right now, and it is going to be near impossible to navigate that path. For starters you are immediately a target of every shark on the planet. From every con man to every kidnapper, to every out of work spy, to every economic espionage company, to Cabal billionaires, to “government” (whatever that means) intel agencies (working for Cabal). Local surveillance will probably know you have the money as soon as you do. So where do you go from there? Can you survive, alone against all of that? You kind of need a more complex security, including a direct action element. Where do you get it? Private Military Contractor company? Do you think they are immune to coercion from “government” intel agencies, or were formed by an independent, non-Cabal operator? Where do their contracts come from? Who do you think they will surround you with? Do you go Navy SEAL by Navy SEAL and assemble your own private army? How do you meet them? Online ad? They control who sees what, and the only ones who show up to interview will be Cabal. Friend of a friend? Your friend just happens to have a SOF hookup when you need one? What are the chances of that? Even if you manage to get a decent group, there will be one or two infiltrators, and others will get turned sooner or later. I know the problem and have thought about it. All I could do is break contact with local surveillance by hitting the woods with some survival gear, go so deep in, in ways they cannot track me, and pop out somewhere to steal a sailboat and try to disappear somewhere “uninteresting” to Cabal, with limited tech. But then you have to stay off the radar and be lucky. And the local surveillance, which will investigate, maybe with DNA, facial req, and fingerprints, any new arrival, will always be a threat, because most of them are plugged into the mothership and will ask for help if they hit a wall, or report you if they do not.

You can see, a pimply-faced, 110lb 20 year old Zuckerberg was never going to follow this path on his own, organically. Under any iteration of the timeline he would be eaten alive and spit out in about 2 seconds. Even now, no way he is actually independent, surviving in that milieu. And yet, from Buffet, to Gates, to Zuckerberg, to Dorsey, to Bezos, to “P. Diddy,” we are told that is how billionaires all form and exist, just helpless nerds who rise organically with no threats capable of taking them out early and taking their stuff. “You can see, anon, it is totally normal, because there is no intel op out there.”

Elon Musk says DEI ‘must die.’

AI gives birth to AI: Scientists say machine intelligence now capable of replicating without humans. Interesting. Assign an AI to create an even more powerful AI which can replicate itself. Even more interesting, we almost certainly would not be the first to hit this point in civilizational development. It does make you wonder what the moon could be.

Congressional lawmakers are now pressing the Federal Reserve to ‘stress tests’ banks for the ensuing fallout from a potential war with the Chinese Communist Party. Could be Cabal assets, who have no idea what is really going on, preparing for what they fear might becoming, given they feel as if their conspiracy might be getting backed into a corner.

1 to 2 cups of coffee may inhibit COVID infection: study.

World’s best space-based thermometer dead 2 months after 1st image release. This might have been a powerful piece of tech for finding things hidden by the technologically savvy, human or otherwise, on the planet’s surface. It might not have just broken on its own. And it might not have been an innocent project done for scientific keks either. That might have just been a cover for a project to find something, which may not have wanted to be found.

Washington Free Beacon, Andrew Tobin is tracking down former Israeli peaceniks in order to convey a sense of the impact of the Hamas massacres of 10/7 on them. The whole thing is a case study in how the bigger conspiracy wants to control the grassroots, while organizing a war from both sides. In this case the stand-down of Israeli intelligence, renown as the best in the world, done only to actively prevent the detection of the attack, had made this so obvious even Israelis are noticing something seems off. I think they are still hoping the war was fake, but it was faked for the good of Israel and the Jews who live there. Having played this game already with 9/11, I can say to the Israelis, you have one more ring of the onion to pull away, before you realize it is the normal people against the Cabal. This is a Cabal deception piece, trying to tell everyone how to think – none of the cases listed has any idea of how controlled what they had done to them was, and they all voice the desire to fight “the other side” despite the other side, and their leadership, all being the same thing as their own leaders. I think despite all the psyops, most Israelis have an unsettling sense something was amiss with that day. Times are changing. I was as paranoid as could be, but when Sept 11th happened, I did not question anything. We are beginning to see eyes open now, even among Israelis, whose history and conditioning should make them even more “deceivable.”

Biden administration alarmed by dozens of Israeli military strikes against US-backed Lebanese army: report. Does US-backed equal CIA-backed, and does CIA-backed equal Cabal-backed? Or is this just more of the same, ie, wars instigated by leaders on opposing sides, who all work for the same operation?

Poll: Majority of U.S. young people, 18-24, want Israel to be destroyed.

The three Israeli hostages who were mistakenly shot dead by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip were carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag at the time of the incident, an Israeli military spokesperson said. From the piece, a window into what is going on in Gaza, where most of the people, even Hamas, probably had nothing to do with the October 7th attacks arranged by Cabal (on both sides):

They were all shirtless, and one was carrying a makeshift white flag. The soldier immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists” to alert the other forces, the Times of Israel reported.

According to Israeli media, the probe concluded that the soldier killed two hostages, while the third was hurt and retreated back into the building, calling for help in Hebrew. At that point, the battalion commander is said to have ordered a cease-fire.

The third hostage later came out and was shot dead by another soldier.

Over 70% of Palestinians say Hamas was ‘correct’ to carry out Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. Again, the Cabal media telling us something which just happens to fan the flames of war.

Spectator (UK): Average age of Ukrainian army in now 43.

UK could send troops to Ukraine if war develops in catastrophic way – former Ukrainian ambassador to UK. You Brit-anons want to die for Globohomo, don’t you?

Ukraine puts head of Russian church on “wanted” list – Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Trump’s MAGA force swamps the competition in New Hampshire.

Nice Marmot!

Spread r/K Theory, because a good carpet does tie a room together

News Briefs – 12/16/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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DFT – In France, Champagne Sales Drop 20 Percent

DFT – California Grid Operator Approves Plan To Link Into Idaho

DFT – Activision Settles Sex Discrimination Case For $50 Million

DFT – Energy Trade Between Russia And China Soars


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Georgia Gov. Kemp’s legal staff has notified Ga Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger that 17,852 invalid 2020 votes were counted in Fulton County, GA, alone.

A New York appeals court has again upheld a gag order that bars Donald Trump from commenting about court personnel in his civil fraud trial, ruling Thursday that the former president’s lawyers used the wrong legal mechanism to fight the restriction.

Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million for defaming Georgia election workers. And yet I am not even sure these are real legal proceedings. I would be unsurprised if an article tomorrow revealed the jurors were the same jurors from some Jan sixth trials. Then again it could be technically real, as an intel op would compromise the person who sends out the Juror summons, so they could control who showed up to the pool to be chosen from, and make sure it was only their assets, so no matter who got picked, it would be their jury.

There is a folder with all the most sensitive intel on the Russia collusion hoax, which went missing, and some say a fear that Trump has it may be why the Deep State raided Mara Lago.

Top Republican Elise Stefanik demands ethics probe into D.C. judge who’s ruled in Trump’s January 6 case after she said his re-election would ‘lead to fascism’ in America and said ‘lies’ caused Capitol Riot.

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that, “The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun.” They are cutting Hunter loose, but saying there is no case against Joe.

Speaker Johnson is currently facing backlash after a photo surfaced showing him in the company of former House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government.

Staffer to Dem Senator Ben Cardin caught filming a gay sex tape in a Senate hearing room. I didn’t click the video to this one, so caveat emptor.

Since the introduction of the COVID vaccine, American life expectancy has experienced an alarming downturn.

Oregon Dems ban Republicans from running for office because they walked out to prevent a quorum on votes.

An illegal migrant from Guatemala is facing a manslaughter charge after a Florida sheriff’s deputy suffered a fatal heart attack during a May struggle with the 18-year-old.

Chicago’s migrant crisis spirals out of control: City spent nearly $1 million on failed migrant camp before pulling the plug – as officials now IMPOUND buses bringing migrants to the city from Texas on Gov. Greg Abbott’s orders.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is warning agents to be on the lookout for IEDs after the Mexican military seized 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the border.

The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to block an Illinois law banning assault-style weapons, leaving the measure in place while proceedings before a federal appellate court continue.

Breitbart headline – “Nolte: 17 Convenience Stores Robbed This Week in Democrat-Run San Diego.”

Outrage as transgender woman “Melody” Wiseheart, 50, competes against TEENAGERS in Canadian swim meet ‘and shares changing room with terrified girls.’

Gen Zers are suffering from ‘menu anxiety,’ and some are scared to order their own food at restaurants, new survey finds. A sort of amygdala degradation. Reveal the surveillance to them, and you will be guaranteed a category ten amygdala sperg-out. That is the stuff wild civil wars, and mass atrocities, are made of.

Older article, but I had not seen it. The guy who beat an old couple’s car with a boomerang was found dead shortly after. Do not know if there was any significance.

Glocks with  switch are pretty potent if you can maintain aim and control the recoil, and if you are a criminal, enforcement seems lax, so they are out there:

From the comments, a pretty interesting take on how the casualty profile of the Israelis in Gaza reveals that in bombing to rubble, they prevented the use of their tanks and armor, and their upper officer corps is being targeted by snipers.

Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO.

Canadian gun control bill passes, bans transfers of handguns, red flag laws, redefines assault weapons.

Piracy may be back in Somalia under Biden.

Two more ships struck by Houthi missiles as Maersk diverts all tankers from Red Sea.

Terrifying video shows the moment a Ukrainian politician casually detonated multiple grenades during a heated village council meeting Friday, injuring at least 26 people in what is being investigated as an act of terrorism. Video here:

NY Times covers the Ukrainian military recruiters who kidnap people, even a mentally retarded man, off the streets, and send them into war.

Biden’s approval rating plunges to just 33%, lowest since he took office: poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because we have yet to ever live in a truly free society, we just never knew it

News Briefs – 12/15/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – Sanofi Gains Approval For New Sleeping Sickness Drug

DFT – Hong Kong Mulls More Green Digital Bond Sales

DFT – Study Finds Netherlands Must Cut Either Immigration Or Welfare

DFT – Cost Of Living Crisis Forces Brits To Chose Between Food, Heat, And Presents

DFT – Russia’s Gold Stockpile Hits Record Net Worth

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

The U.S. Navy has just dropped a new trove of UFO sightings: 109 pages of “range fouler” incidents that it had not released previously. Apparently the term range fouler arose because these things were flying in on ranges where exercises were going on, and disrupting the use of the range. In one case the UAP was hovering over a pod of whales. However some of the reports describe quadcopters, and this was not clear what it was, so it is always possible it was a civvie with a drone filming whales. Unclear what the significance of these is. But I did not get through all of them yet.

A former Navy rear admiral and administrator of the government’s lead meteorological agency told NewsNation he believes whistleblower David Grusch’s claims of a secret UFO retrieval program run by the Pentagon.

Tucker and some interviewer say there is some stuff about UFO’s which is so disturbing that he has not shared it with his wife, because it is too dark. Sounds like bullshit. Tell me about some super-dark, awful thing, and it is a problem to be solved. I can’t solve it? I am not smart enough? I am smart enough to know the genius that is out there, and I want the really smart people to know so we can look at fixing it, because surer than shit one of them can. This, “I can’t tell anyone” line is bullshit, as if it was real, they would not be trying to find the smart GATE kids and get them boxed up and contained. They would not be fantasy-camping our warrior class. They would be trying to get them on the problem. Life is war, for everyone. It is just easier for those in the conspiracy as their enemies are not resisting because they have no idea there is a battle. That they try to feed people this line tells you, Tucker has never felt he was at war before, because nobody has ever been competing with him for anything, he has just been getting handed it. Something is fucked up? He assumes our reaction is to view it as shocking. He assumes nobody could process it. Most of the gangstalked, people like Bill Binney, would not even blink at word the world was going to end in 24 hours, and we are all going to die by fire. You have somebody genuinely evil to wage war against? They would want to get to it. If anything, it would be a distraction from this shithole around us. Instead Bill is locked in a basement being bombarded with next-gen tech raining down from drones, using physics his Oxford trained physicist wife cannot comprehend – oh, and Tucker can’t be bothered with that one. Queue his weird, explosive girly laughter.

147 Republicans just voted to reauthorize the FISA 702 program that was used to illegally spy on President Trump.

Rep Thomas Massie : “Here are the 118 Representatives who voted to protect your right to privacy. (Nay to FISA warrantless surveillance as part of NDAA) We lost but it was close. We needed 143 votes (1/3) to stop FISA since they suspended the rules to bring it to the floor.”

Signatories of Hunter Biden laptop letter now demand greater domestic surveillance. It has the feel of a show. Why are these people, who most citizens have never heard of, even giving their opinion, given no citizen cares what they think, and all of this is set up and enacted behind the scenes by leaning on controlled assets in Congress anyway, wholly detached from any public sentiment. It feels like they are just playing the heel.

Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump’s trial leaves 17 injured as three floors are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher to put it out.

Giuliani defamation trial – Election workers Ruby Freeman and daughter entitled to $24M each, attorney argues, deliberations begin.

Paul Sperry’s twitter:

BREAKING: Ex-federal agent John Moynihan has filed DOJ whistleblower complaint against Trump indictor Jack Smith, claiming Smith was “an active participant in a scheme to extort millions of dollars from wealthy individuals targeted for investigation a/o prosecution [in Kosovo]”

The whistleblower complaint a former federal agent filed with DOJ includes affidavit by eyewitness who claims Trump indictor Jack Smith oversaw the deposit of bribes into a “black fund” while prosecuting crimes in Kosovo, where Beau Biden rebuilt the postwar justice system

Ex-FBI Counterintelligence Chief, and Peter Strzok’s boss, Charles McGonigal sentenced to 4+ years for colluding with Russian oligarchs. Unusual, as he should be bulletproof.

Mass power outage reported after EXPLOSION at Con Edison plant in New York City. If you took out the lined comms, and could then jam radio signals and shut down the 4 and 5G, it is possible you could operate in the area, assuming they have not developed some other form of comms to coordinate surveillance overwatch, based off some other physics. Even if they had, I am not sure the ground level operators would have access to that level of classified tech.

A member of an immigrant advocacy group represented by well-known Democratic attorneys is suing to stop a question aimed at requiring Nevadans to provide photo identification before voting from appearing on next year’s general election ballot.

Republicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, led by Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), have introduced legislation that would give states the power to verify the American citizenship of applicants registering to vote via mail.

America First Legal is in federal court to force the federal government to release the “Strategic Plans” of fourteen different federal agencies that describe their secret efforts to prepare for the elections in 2024 and “increase voting access.”

Support for Biden impeachment inquiry grows with a notable level of Democrat backing: poll.

Hunter Biden worried he’ll have to flee the country if Trump wins in 2024: Report.

Andy Biggs calls for contempt charges against Eric Swalwell for aiding Hunter Biden.

A federal prosecutor who allegedly interfered in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden to protect both President Biden and his son recently left the Justice Department.

Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky, rumored to be summoned to Joe Biden’s Impeachment hearings is violently beaten by unknown assailants in Ukrainian detention center.

Alex Jones on War Room. The main point is one minute Alex Jones is a fringe conspiracy theorist, and the next he is being courted by Tucker, Musk brings him back to Twitter, Bannon has him on War Room. It is coordinated. Them bringing him back and using more mainstream characters to introduce him means they want to use him to be the conspiracy guy everyone will turn to, to explain whatever is coming out.

Kevin McCarthy delivers his final speech on House floor: lauds Democrats as true reflection of America, criticizes GOP as “restrictive country clubs.”

Poll: Ron DeSantis in fourth place in New Hampshire, close to fifth.

DeSantis asks Hannity to arrange debate with Trump.

Chicago lawmakers are slammed for blocking efforts to put sanctuary city status on ballot after Windy City was inundated by 20,000 migrants.

Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are still trying to catch a train in Mexico en route to the United States.

Republicans seek to ban Biden from using Dept. of Veterans Affairs to give healthcare to illegal aliens.

Pentagon to remove memorial to confederate dead from Arlington National Cemetery , GOP lawmakers try to stop it.

New study mentions in passing the original vaccine was never designed to stop the spread of the virus.

Army Officer who the military used to promote the vax, dies suddenly. His Obit is here. Left behind a young boy and girl. This did not have to be.

Brazilian gospel singer Pedro Henrique, 30, collapses and dies during performance, leaving behind a wife and newborn daughter.

Canadian National Curlers father & son died from heart attacks on same day.

Is AI already sick of us? Makers of ChatGPT admit the bot has started refusing to respond to users’ requests – and they don’t know why.

Los Angeles-based station Channel 1, which will launch in 2024, aims to be the first nationally syndicated news station to use AI avatars instead of human anchors.

Google will no longer keep location history even for the users who opted in to have it. If they keep it, it can be used against people, so people may act defensively, such as by leaving their phone at home. Now people can feel safe, and take their phone with them.

Coca-Cola has recalled tens of thousands of Diet Coke, Sprite, and Fanta cans after suspicion they may be contaminated with ‘foreign material,’ the FDA said. 2,000 cases sold in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida since November 6 affected.

Democrat bill would jail people using gas-powered leaf blowers.

Dance company featured in Jill Biden’s Christmas video promotes ‘prison abolition,’ ‘defund the police’ groups. Prison abolition is a new one.

Planned after school satan club sparks controversy in Tennessee.

Congress passes legislation blocking future Presidents from exiting NATO without Senate approval – after Trump forced NATO nations to pay their fair share.

Bergoglio’s election was celebrated by the Freemasons and he continues to advance their agenda. On the one hand it seems like silly clubs goofing with each other. And you would tend to assume most Freemasons are just regular dudes who enjoyed socializing, so how bad could their goofing around like this be? But the United States is definitely being taken down like Rome by something, and it seems related to all of this. And obviously, what Bill Binney is going through is no goof.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s U.K. government is studying a crackdown on social media access for children under the age of 16, including potential bans, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Report: China already hacking into U.S. utilities, pipeline, port companies to find ways to “sow panic and chaos or snarl logistics in the event of a U.S.-China conflict in the Pacific.”

An opposition Turkish lawmaker died on Thursday, two days after suffering a heart attack and collapsing in front of parliament as he finished a speech criticising the government’s policy toward Israel.

Electric buses could not withstand the cold in Oslo.

Millions of Ukrainians forced offline: who’s behind one of the biggest ever cyberattacks – The IT systems of Ukraine’s largest telecommunications operator have been partially destroyed.

An emboldened, confident Putin says there will be no peace in Ukraine until Russia’s goals are met.

Musk donated $100m to establish a primary and secondary Stem school in Austin – and later to seek accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges for launching a university.

Michael Cassidy, a Christian and former military officer, beheaded the Satanic Temple statue erected at the Iowa State Capitol, the Sentinel reported Thursday.

Biden’s approval rating plunges to just 33%, lowest since he took office: poll.

Biden trails Trump in SEVEN battleground states where Gen Z voters bash his student loan forgiveness ploy, another dire poll for the president shows.

Spread r/K Theory, because evil  is not going to give you a clear picture, and we are presently ruled by evil

News Briefs – 12/14/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – UN Report Forecasts World Trade To Decline

DFT – Argentina Begins Shock Therapy With Peso Devaluation

DFT – Apple Changed Policy To Require Subpoena To Release Push Notification Data From iPhone Users

DFT – Chanel Says Luxury Goods Sellers Will Find Difficult Times Ahead

DFT – Russian AI Tractor Company Says Future Of AI Farming Is Here

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Predictive programming? New Civil War movie coming.

September 11th just happened to coincide with the start of the TV Show “The Agency,” about the CIA fighting terrorist and the series “24” with Kiefer Sutherland.

Understand, the Fantasy Camp Federal Law Enforcement of FBI, who would be the good guys, who joined to fight crime and stop terrorism (and would probably be clueless like we were fifteen years ago about the subversion of the US) is in a war already right now, against some non-fantasy camp intel operation which is Havana’ing its agents, in their homes, and probably hitting their wives and children. You do not irradiate FBI Agents, and they decide to just take it, and there is nothing that they can do.

FBI’s Fantasy Camp, and the Fantasy Camp military/Spec-Ops (which has lost fellow soldiers to the fake wars of the non-fantasy camp intel op, and probably hates it as well) and Fantasy Camp Intel, is almost certainly massively outgunned technologically by whatever this is.

The ground surveillance is surely not Fantasy Camp either, as I have been hit with either Havana or something like Havana by them. They will almost certainly be the same people hitting the Miami FBI Agents. And they are another aspect our side faces in this war, which will need to be dealt with, if America is to return to even a vestige of the Myth we were told about how it worked.

The only advantage the non-Fantasy Camp side has, is 90-120 million American gunowners, who if told the truth, and brought on board by the Fantasy Campers, would swarm over and kill everything on the non-fantasy camp side, in a moment. Imagine, the good FBI and US Mil coming out, with Trump, no less, making everything known, and saying it needs something dealt with now, and there are no longer any rules or laws. And even giving names, photos, car descriptions, license plates, and addresses

I have no idea where this is going. But I hope it is not to a place where everyone, from a teenaged shitposter on Twitter to the head of an FBI field office, has to fear being struck in the night, by The Beam™. I think we all have to agree, there is no cost it would not be worth paying, to spare future generations from that, even if we never lived to see the benefit ourselves.

The movie seems awfully strangely timed. I have to think it is somehow significant and related to current events, even if only as a threat to somebody.

Still think the Fantasy Camp Law Enforcement is not acting against the non-Fantasy Camp Intel/surveillance? I have seen these fake plates all surrounding me, blowing in the breeze, on the highway. Look at all the cops they rolled out as a show of force, supposedly just to get some soccer moms who bought fake plates on Ebay, and know, Detective Miosotis Familia was killed by the fake-platers they are arresting.

The Senate defeated an attempt to remove the FISA extension from the NDAA on Wednesday before voting to pass the bill. It now goes to the House.

Here are the U.S. senators who voted to go with FISA authorization in the annual NDAA.

Rand Paul:

“FBI agents abused America’s surveillance apparatus to open a groundless counter-intelligence campaign against a Republican presidential candidate. Despite the abuses, years of calls for reform, the Senate is presented w/ NDAA that continues the status-quo.”

“Since the FBI demonstrated a willingness to evade the rules to spy on an aid to a presidential candidate, we should not be surprised that Carter Page was far from the only victim of FISA authorities.”

“The Senate will sweep this under the rug. We will have no reform. They have known for five years that this is coming up, and they are not going to do a thing to reform it”

“Congress needs to do their job. We had 5yrs to think about this. As we all know, FBI abused the immense power conferred by FISA to subvert a Republican presidential campaign. Imagine the chilling effect of the government investigating political campaigns”

“The order was ultimately found to be misleading. You would think this would have led to scandal. You would think this would lead to punishment. But no one was ever really punished for this”

“These aren’t errors, honest mistakes. These are abuse. The audacity to dupe, manipulate secret #FISA court demonstrates misconduct were not accidents, but the arrogance that results when secretive, one-sided process assures agencies will never be challenged.”

Wyden to block national security director nominee until agency discloses surveillance of Americans.

Judge hands Trump major victory in 2020 election case, pauses 2020 election trial schedule while the appeal for his presidential immunity claim is pending.

The Supreme Court will hear a case involving the breadth of a federal obstruction law that has been used to prosecute scores of defendants for their alleged actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, as well as President Trump.

House votes to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Grassley says he has seen ‘no evidence’ of wrongdoing in GOP Biden probe. Not really what he has said – “I’m going to take the same position that I’ve taken since 2019 that all I can say is there’s some indication, maybe some compromise with China particularly, but I have no evidence of it,” adding the facts “haven’t taken me to that point where I can say that the president’s guilty of anything.” That will make him look more moderate when the facts do come out. and he votes to Impeach. If Biden lives that long, which from how he looks, and the added stress weighing on his body, may have a double occupying his office by the time that plays out.

Hunter Biden will not sit for deposition by GOP, says father not ‘financially’ involved in his business. He thinks they cannot prove the money he gave dad was linked to anything Dad did.

House Republicans will begin the process of holding President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in contempt of Congress for defying their subpoena.

President Donald Trump issued an urgent call for action to his fellow Republican politicians over what he called “the biggest story of the year,” namely a survey showing that 20 percent of mail-in voters admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Milwaukee county DA refused to probe 354 potential cases of illegal voting.

I think back to the Cabal girls, I crossed paths with, who were so open that even the really pretty ones, set off threatening warning bells, that something was odd:

My issue was some sort of bloodline thing, I think, which led them to see my genes as a threat that needed to be controlled and suppressed. Ask yourself, is his wife really this crazy, or might she work for something which sees his genes as a threat too? You just can’t know with this thing out there. I was so close to dying one day without even knowing. Without the internet, I might never have figured it out, and would still think it impossible.

Illinois NAACP president faces calls to quit over conference call where she branded migrants ‘rapist savages’ who are taking resources from black and homeless people.

San Francisco was cleaned up for Xi’s visit. now, things are back to normal, with feces and homeless drug addicts everywhere. Still think you are electing your leaders?

Two Chicago suburbs rejected busloads of immigrants that arrived from El Paso, Texas, over the past week. “…police allowed the immigrants to get off the bus if there was someone picking them up, but officers threatened to impound the bus and arrest the driver for endangering the passengers if he let them out…”

Rand Paul raises eyebrows with comments on Fauci’s link to CIA. Fauci has said a lot of dumb shit, with no shame. He might not be a doctor, and just be an actor. I have said it before, but I have seen two doctors, who online you would think were doctors, but whom I walked out of the office with an undeniable perception that they were not actual MD’s and had not studied medicine, based on ridiculously clueless things they said, and strange behaviors. One actually pretended to flip back through the records in what would have been my chart if I had ever seen him before (I had not), as we talked, and when I got a look at what he was looking at, I shit you not, it was a sheaf of 20-30 blank papers in a manila folder which he had pretended to read interestedly. Not even lined paper. It was like he grabbed it out of a copier before seeing me, as a prop. He supposedly was chief of medicine at a hospital, according to what I had read of him online, and it was his picture on the website. You see why I wonder if we might be getting served customized internets, and why I assume everything is a psyop. (Update, I just looked him up, and he is still practicing. His last three ratings were two one stars, and one two star rating. One said he has his nurses do everything. Another said he was aggressive when challenged over something he said.)

Michael Snyder, a 42-year-old Air Force veteran and father-of-six , suffered an unexpected heart attack and died on December 2 at his home in Gardner, while ricking his baby daughter to sleep.

An Austrian doctor says that roughly ten percent of the people she injected with the Covid Vax have come back to her suffering from side effects. Bear in mind, degradation of things like liver, heart, or kidneys usually will not produce symptoms until you reach a pretty advanced state of affairs, due to them being designed with excess capacity. If many people are experiencing autoimmune degradation of those systems, it may not show for a few more years, and then begin to hit all at once.

WHO trying to backdoor in more control over America through a pandemic treaty which would give the WHO control over Americans.

New Mexico Governor pushing ban on AR-15s, other semiautomatics. It may be a last push before a final Supreme Court disposition. If she can ban them now, even for a month, and force them to be turned in, then they can all be destroyed, and it is irreversible once the final ruling comes down.

Democrat AGs declare ‘assault weapons’ aren’t protected by the Second Amendment in an amicus brief filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Miller v. Bonta.

The White House is hosting nearly 100 lawmakers from around the country on Wednesday to work on how their states can try to reduce gun violence.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments about a lower court decision that curtailed the use of mifepristone, an abortion pill that accounts for more than half of all abortions carried out in the United States.

A history teacher at a Seattle high school allegedly gave a student a failing quiz grade after he answered that only women can get pregnant and only men can have penises.

FCC Commissioner Carr accuses government agencies of targeting Elon Musk, citing concerns over Starlink’s $886 million in rural broadband subsidies being denied.

From Paul Sperry’s Twitter:

BREAKING: In Hill press conference, Hunter Biden just tore up his father’s defense of corruption allegations by arguing he was not “financially” involved in his business deals — a tacit admission Joe Biden was involved in other ways, directly contradicting Joe’s blanket denials

House sources say that Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell–as a member of the Judiciary Committee,which subpoenaed Hunter Biden–“aided and abetted” a crime this morning when he worked with Hunter’s lawyer Abbe Lowell to help Hunter flout the subpoena in contempt of Congress

UPDATE: Democratic Rep. Swalwell admits he reserved space outside Congress for Hunter Biden to deliver his press conference,thereby facilitating Hunter’s defiance of a congressional subpoena –>Hill sources tell me GOP leadership may file ethics complaint

Biden does not look well. Pale and frail.

BREAKING: House formally approves Biden impeachment inquiry, 221-212. Vote gives investigators enhanced subpoena powers — including over White House staff — PLUS access to grand jury information as part of historic “grand inquest of the nation”

By voting to pass resolution officially launching impeachment inquiry of Biden, House has gained enhanced, urgent investigative powers recognized by courts, inclg:

— subpoenaing WH staff
— access to grand jury info
— gathering info in foreign countries (Ukraine, Switzerland)

House Impeachment Inquiry could use former FBI forensic accountants to audit the Biden family bank account records, and trace the money trail through the labyrinth of shells, cut-outs and pass-throughs — including foreign tax havens and overseas accounts


Homosexuals Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams’ use of surrogacy showcases the practice’s grotesqueness – Ten other embryos were created only to be cast aside because they were not “optimal.”

Tucker Carlson joins free speech video platform Rumble.

Former CNN host Don Lemon turned heads after revealing that he now watches conservative news, adding that he “cut the cord” on mainstream media outlets. He wants people to know he is watching super-conservative Ben Shapiro. You can see they are in a club together. They are not enemies.

Is the Bud Light boycott breaking? Kid Rock says he’s drinking it again as Dana White hypes beer to Tucker Carlson. If it was a stock swindle by the elites, it was well played.

Curious observation on Twitter:

Etsy is Discovered to Have Suspicious High Priced “Child” Items on their Website and now their Stock Falls and They’re Laying off 11% of their Employees

Harvard had defamation lawyers threaten journalists looking into Claudine Gay’s plagiarism.

The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and National Counterterrorism Center, cited the ongoing Israel–Hamas war as a potential trigger for attacks during the holidays.

Rashida Tlaib: White House criticizing me will ‘increase hate’ but no one can police what I say ‘as a Palestinian.’ Not an American.

US delays sale of assault rifles to Israel over settler violence-sources.

Jewish-American comedian Jerry Seinfeld has been targeted by pro-Hamas protesters who gathered outside the Landmark Theatre in Syracuse, New York to protest Seinfeld’s stand-up show over his support for Israel. Notice, I will bet all of the characters who put this together on both sides were working together in high school to build files on the other kids. They are a team, against us.

Ten Israeli soldiers aged 19 to 35, including a high-ranking battalion commander, are killed and three injured in worst loss of life for the IDF in a single day since Gaza war broke out. Again, our kind, being killed by our kind, in a war created by people who view all of us as the enemy.

NSFW – Now that Britain is diversified, entertainment is right outside everyone’s window – (woman opens her drapes to find an Indian or Paki Migrant masturbating furiously as he looks in her living room). He doesn’t stop once he get caught. You owe me for not letting you click. Some things are best left unseen.

Migrants are impoverishing European countries, which have had to increase budgets for everything from Police to social services to support them. Numbers at the link, but not surprising or anything new. American Police spending up 241 percent, and it is still an animal house.

Our favorite CIA tranny decided big boobs, even the strap-on kind, were not all they were cracked up to be:

There is a before/after meme in there somewhere, but it is all too tiresome to come up with one now. Looks like the Ukrainian gravy train is coming to an end now for real though. Once CIA pulls out the trannies and they stop dressing up, you know Globohomo is done.

Hungary appeared on a collision course on Wednesday with fellow European Union members over Ukraine’s bid to join the wealthy bloc, a dispute that could hold up Kyiv’s membership drive, and stall its access to additional funding.

Zelensky tells U.S. lawmakers he is willing to raise military conscription age above 40.

Col. Macgregor: Russians capturing Ukraine soldiers in their 70s and children as young as 13.

President Vladimir Putin will hold his annual press conference and field questions from the public on Dec.

Amid Elon Musk’s legal offensive, a cascade of lawsuits is now targeting the alleged Censorship-Industrial Complex, signaling a momentous shift in the fight for free speech.

NICS November, 2023: Third-highest gun sales, fourth-highest background checks.

A CNN host appeared visibly disturbed when reporting on new polling showing former President Donald Trump decimating Joe Biden in two key swing states.

Trump more than doubles his support among Black voters, decimating the argument that he can’t win the general.

Nebraska farmer goes viral after transforming field into Trump’s mugshot with the caption ‘Never Surrender.”

Spread r/K Theory, because it is all getting tiresome

New Briefs – 12/13/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Buying on Amazon or Ebay? Go here with a trackable browser, click the Amazon or eBay link, and the commission generated there will support our advertiser, who helps support this site with their ads.

DFT – Global Gunpowder Shortage To Drive Ammunition Prices Up

DFT – Central Banks Continue Gold Purchases

DFT – New Report Finds Big Business Increasing Prices And Profits More Than Inflation Required

DFT – JPMorgan – Americans Running Out Of Savings

DFT – EU Debates Ban On Sales Of Tankers To Russia

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Machine Trooper’s latest book:

Book II: Rebooting Fate, is going live on December 21 (e-book and paperback) but is available for pre-order now.

Our own Pablo Villizzianto writes about the Jewish Mafia in Argentina and the Covid Nazis in the recently elected liberal/libertarian Zionist Argentinian government.

In the 2020 election, more than 1-in-5 voters who submitted ballots by mail say they did so fraudulently, a survey from Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute reveals.

That would seem significant.

Democrats stage a Congressional map-making coup in New York, which may give them 4 additional congressional seats.

Arizona Secretary of State allows progressive groups to register voters in bulk online, then scrubs the groups’ names from its website.

Trump’s defense ENDS its case in the New York fraud trial: Attorneys file FIFTH motion to throw out $250million trial.

A confused Joe Biden reads answer to reporter’s question directly from script.

From here:

President Biden referred to the presidential helicopter Marine One as “Air Force Helicopter One” Monday — while claiming that Ronald Reagan sent the chopper to take him from Delaware to the DC-area Walter Reed military hospital when Biden had a brain aneurysm in the 1980s. The 81-year-old’s anecdote is, like other biographical details he’s shared in public remarks, not supported by his own autobiography — or by Reagan’s daily presidential diary.

Immigration advocates are livid over the White House’s role in Senate negotiations pairing Ukraine funding and border policy, raising alarm that political gamesmanship will lead to years of pain for immigrants nationwide.

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

From here:

The Atlantic magazine’s unintentionally hilarious IF TRUMP WINS series warns its readers of the scary apocalyptic future should Donald Trump emerge victorious in 2024, but Helen Lewis brought a mildly moderating tone to the flock, urging the Trump-loathing readers not to “go bonkers” again as they did after Trump won in 2016.

Senate Democrats press Justice Thomas to recuse himself from Trump’s immunity case because his wife supports Trump. Only idiots fight battles they know they will lose.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) decided late Monday night to withdraw two FISA bills from consideration as House Republicans try to reauthorize and potentially reform a controversial deep state surveillance law. Is this the organic flow of events as they blindly surrender to fate on something so vital to Cabal, or might it be a planned script, full of dead ends and red herrings, as opposition is led into failures and blind alleys, leading ultimately to the victory of one side or the other. I do not know, but it seems too important to be so seemingly haphazard.

Mike Lee on Twitter, talking about today:

Tomorrow the Senate has the chance to remove FISA 702 from the NDAA.

The Senate rules can make this happen if just 41 senators agree.

FISA should be reviewed on its own merits—not the NDAA’s.

If you agree, please share & tell your senators to remove FISA from the NDAA!

CVS, Rite Aid, Kroger give cops & govt warrantless access to patient records. Interesting, in that when HIPPA was crafted, Deep State had an intelligence gathering carve-out inserted, so the patient records could be released to government just with a subpoena, and no warrant was required. But now, abortion is so important to Deep State, that it is having Democrats get rid of that carve out so abortions can not be as easily discovered in places where they are illegal. So illegal abortions are being judged more important to Deep State operations than intelligence gathering.

U.S. government gave $1.89 billion to abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood.

House Oversight Committee spokesperson: “Chairmen James Comer and Jim Jordan have been clear: Hunter Biden must appear for his deposition on December 13 at 9:30a or they will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

Paul Sperry:

DEVELOPING: The Washington Post, which had to retract several false Russiagate stories after winning a Pulitzer, has quietly without explanation removed its entire historic archive from the Lexis-Nexis database. All articles have vanished without a trace. Not even abstracts remain

Secrets of Area 51: Metallic egg-shaped UFO the size of an SUV was kept at the highly-classified Air Force base in the 1980s, whistleblower claims.

Video – Former vice president and worldwide head of respiratory research at Pfizer says, mRNA “covid” injections were INTENTIONALLY CREATED to trigger self attack. This guy knows. I said, presenting the antigen on the cell surface, right next to your own cells surface receptors is bad, and will teach your immune system to attack other stuff on the cell surface, setting off a massive autoimmune attack, which may take years, under the surface, to wear down your systems, like the heart, or the liver, or the reproductive organs, to the point it manifests symptoms. All mRNA vaccines will have this problem. He says it is not a mistake, and the choice of the spike protein on top of the choice of mRNA as the mechanism, means it was intentional. I agree. The issue is they needed something from the outside of Covid which was recognizable as foreign, but which was not “active” in terms of having other effects. There would have been a lot of other motifs, not involved in docking the virus to a receptor (which is where the activity aspect comes from, here binding the ACE-2 receptor). That way you present it in the body, the immune system sees it, and that is all that happens. Instead, they chose the spike protein, which is kind of like a hormone, and which binds the ACE-2 receptor with other effects, and which was known to trigger clotting itself, and which was known to concentrate the Spike protein produced in the Testes, the Ovaries, the Liver, and on endothelial membranes in the vascular system, as well as causing heart/myocaridal/pericardium inflammation (due to ACE-2 receptors being heavily preset in those tissues, and grabbing spike protein passing by and holding it there in concentrated levels). He makes the case every company making the mistake of choosing the spike and using mRNA together is unlikely if they were not being coordinated from the top, with the objective of doing harm. I agree. It is shocking, and almost unbelievable, unless there is an intelligence penetration which was specifically targeted at the critical positions necessary specifically to do this, WITH THE MISSION OBJECTIVE OF KILLING LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE FOR SOME REASON. I do not all-caps a lot, but that part is important, because doing it in that area would be quite complicated to pull off, and would require they assemble and train agents to a high degree of expertise, in a very complex field, and take decades to get them credentialed, or at least backstop their covers to an incredibly difficult degree. They would also have to suppress a myriad of other normie experts with superior abilities, who would otherwise take those positions – while not being in the network. If they did it there, in such a complex area, they will be doing it in other simpler areas, like having some illegal processing chicken cutlets spraying batches with a hot salmonella. It also speaks to how long this thing has been growing and spreading through society.

Cambridge University released a study showing that about one-fourth of those people who were given the mRNA shots during the COVID pandemic now have VAIDS, or Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Fauci should go down in history as one of the worst people to ever hold public office: Rand Paul.

Italian health minister under investigation for murder for concealing COVID-19 vaccine deaths.

Andre Braugher, star of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ and ‘Homicide: Life on the Street,’ dies suddenly at age 61 due to a “brief illness.”

Vigano mentions Pizzagate, names names at 13:20:

Federal officials say a man from Tunisia is now awaiting a deportation hearing after allegedly attempting to buy and then kidnap a child in Wyoming County.

Newly released records show that when Secret Service agents rushed to try to rescue Obama’s chef Tafari Campbell, who was drowning, both of the agency’s boats were inoperable.

The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will consider regulations next week that would allow “toilet to tap” reuse of water supplies, treating sewage water and sending it back into ordinary drinking water systems in select municipalities.

After Police Officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed nearly two dozen times at a federal prison in Arizona, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead, Whitey Bulger was beaten to death, and Larry Nassar was knifed repeatedly at a federal penitentiary in Florida, there are renewed concerns about whether the crisis-plagued federal Bureau of Prisons is capable of keeping inmates safe.

What are thieves up to? They are creating QR code stickers which open malware, and placing them over legit QR codes people need to scan to see stuff in stores, or look at menus in restaurants.

Clusters of lab-raised brain cells connected to a computer are capable of elementary speech recognition and math problems.

Not sure if this is real, but it looks intriguing:

The United Nations has ordered one of its former officials, a Ukrainian, to repay $63.6 million personally, after he lost a vast amount of U.N. funds by entrusting them to a man he met at a party, according to court filings.

Biden says Israel’s military campaign is starting to lose support.

Chinese-affiliated hacking groups infiltrated critical American infrastructure, including Hawaii water utility and at least one oil and gas pipeline, US officials say.

Chinese intelligence officials offered a Taiwanese army pilot millions of dollars to steal a US-made transport helicopter and land on a Chinese aircraft carrier.

Polish MP Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Jewish Hanukkah candles at Poland’s parliament.

UK Parliament debating Sunak’s new Rwanda plan to deport immigrants and he could face defeat.

Donald Tusk sets out vision of a progressive Poland at heart of EU. Almost certainly installed in a rigged election, and now he will destroy the nation.

Newly elected Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Dec. 12 that Poland will “loudly and decisively demand the full mobilization of the free world, the Western world, to help Ukraine in this war.”

Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms.

Alarm grows over weakened militaries and empty arsenals in Europe.

Zelensky just went on Fox and told western leaders to send ALL their country’s money to Ukraine. “Don’t build roads. Spend all your money on [our] weapons, drones, Society and pensions…” He will come out of the war a billionaire, and he is just an employee in the conspiracy. Can you imagine how much the top of the pyramid will make?

Zelensky leaves empty-handed: McConnell admits Ukraine aid talks going nowhere, punts to January.

Biden – “I just signed another $200 million drawdown from the Dept of Defense for Ukraine.”

Rand Paul says ‘we don’t have the money’ to help other countries.

Google lost an antitrust case over the market power of its app store on Monday, a blow to the search giant as it faces other legal challenges to its search dominance and ad tech business.

An incremental movement is happening to dismantle the National Firearms Act (NFA), bit by bit. The ultimate goal is repeal. I was thinking about this. Imagine all the chaos going on right now, as Central and South America empty their jails, and send all their most hardened criminals up here. Then our prosecutors refuse to prosecute them when they are caught doing crimes. And our legislators pass no-bail laws so criminals can’t even be held after they are arrested. Then they prosecute the cops, so they can’t even try to stop the criminals from committing crimes. And yet meanwhile they give us our guns, and now maybe even machine guns, and throw us out there. Then it hit me.

This is like a retard fight club. You know when you get the care home for disabled kids? And one day, one of the fat ladies assigned to watch over the kids wonders to another, whether the kid with Downs Syndrome could beat up the Hydrocephalic kid with the big head, in a fight? Next thing you know, the ladies are showing up to work with fight cards they drew up at home, and all day is filled with organized cage fights pitting the retarded kids against each other in full contact matches. Then they videotape the fights, and send them to other people, at least until they get caught.

That is who is running our government now. And we are like the retards. And we don’t even want to fight. We’re like the nice Downs syndrome kid, who just wants to smile and be happy. But the mean microcephalic kid with the crutches strapped to his arms is going to brain us unless we do something. So they give us a gun, and now we have to get out there and get into it with the other retards.

Now what else is out there? Surveillance. Cars driving around with cameras shooting in all directions. Walkers with their cell phones filming anything they think will get them a gift card. Surveillance cameras outside stores. Traffic cams. And on and on. And it doesn’t miss anything. Two teenagers start wrestling by the side of the road, and the cars with open windows immediately start driving by slowly.

I will bet the national level of the surveillance is assembling tapes of all the crazy shit going on, for the entertainment of the elites, just like a retard fight club. Probably it is getting disseminated on the same platform featuring Hunter’s six-hour long crack-fueled orgies with his nieces. I would not be surprised if it is done up like an actual TV show, and released each week for their entertainment. Like we used to watch Cops and America’s Most Wanted on Saturday nights. You know they have the tapes out there. It is even possible the video where the black dude stabbed the hipster surveillance guy to death after he stumbled over the bench, and his girlfriend had no emotional response, was one of the segments.

Tesla unveils Optimus Gen 2: its next generation humanoid robot.

Spread r/K Theory, because they see to it you really have no choice
