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News Briefs – 04/14/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


After intercepting Trump’s Valet and grilling him, the FBI decided to “get him sweaty” so Trump would think he was out jogging, and not being grilled by FBI, and he could be turned into a spy sitting right next to President Trump.

Speaker Johnson Bloviates on X about “founding principles” the day after he breaks tie vote to support FISA spying on Americans w/o warrants.

The head of the House Democratic Caucus suggested Wednesday that Democratic lawmakers stand ready to rescue Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from a potential GOP coup — if he ushers Ukraine aid through the lower chamber and on to President Biden’s desk.

Democrats, media starting to admit some mail-in voting problems ahead of 2024 presidential election.

Georgia state election board now admits to violations of election law in 2020 election – Hearing on May 7 – Emerald Robinson weighs in.

West Virginia will not accept voter registrations collected by federal agents under the new executive order by the Biden administration directing federal agencies to facilitate registrations by incarcerated individuals.

Michigan legislators vow to take case to US Supreme Court before 2024 election, after Biden-appointed judge dismisses suit arguing unconstitutional changes to election laws via ballot proposal funded by George Soros.

100 percent voter turnout from nursing homes in 2020 election from several Wisconsin counties according to Wisconsin Chief Justice.

Never-Trumper Bill Kristol:

Too obvious perhaps to need saying:

Republicans don’t have a problem with non-citizens voting, since there are no non-citizens voting.

Republicans have a problem with black and brown citizens voting.

Several frustrated House RINOs are breaking with congressional norms to boost the primary opponent of House Freedom Caucus chairman Bob Good after he voted to remove McCarthy.

GOP control of the Senate likely hinges on Democrat Jon Tester’s ability to defy the odds.

This is pretty typical for my interactions on social media:

Neoplatonist writes on Gab:

So-called “HAVANA SYNDROME” is caused by two devices, one for REAL TIME thru the wall triangulation (many such tech platforms exist, including using existing WIFI) which “scopes” the target in real time, and the other AT LEAST a 50WATT X-RAY laser. The X-ray laser and power supply would fit in a slim briefcase for volume sake, and can target (inverse square of the distance) people at 400+ YARDS. ALL SYMPTOMS and basis of the attack are XRAY laser, not sonic or countless other nonsense people have speculated about, the main XRAY element (not the power supply and circuitry) is seen below, its very simple and small. The XRAY LASER alone is INSUFFICIENT, real time targeting tech is also required (just as a good hunting rifle needs a SCOPE). BOTH the targeting tech and XRAY LASER and power supply would fit into a medium sized briefcase. END OF STORY……see my facebook page for PICTURES since the scum here wont let you post pictures

I respond:

@Neoplatonist – Three questions. Can you give the facebook address? How do you know this? Can you explain the mechanism by which the X-ray beam creates an impulse of force at a 90 degree angle to the direction of the beam when encountering charged metal or statically charged objects? Does the X-ray laser offer enough spillover to pick up the X-rays with a Geiger counter’s Geiger-Mueller tube?

For the record I videotaped myself in thermal being hit, and the activator was some kind of focused beam. See:

Also would be interesting to know if any of the EM effect on the audio there might be probative? From that it appears they are charging the environment with some kind of static electricity, using whatever produced the deep hum.

No response for a week, and there are only two other comments on the post, so it is not getting lost. That is pretty standard for me, and why I do not waste much time on social media. I would think since I have thermal video of a Havana-type beaming in progress in the link I gave him, and audio which captured EM signatures as well, it would be interesting to someone like him, and he would say something. But you do not know, did he just not stop by Gab since then and not see it? Is he Cabal, and I am threatening to screw up his distribution of a Cabal narrative, and he doesn’t know what to do? Did he never even see my comment because my comments are hidden from everyone but me? Or an I confined to a different silo and never shall we meet or cross paths? No idea. But something is off in my dealings there. For that matter, I find myself wondering how I can possibly routinely recognize various posters at various sites, like Free Republic.

Adams plans to give NYC bureaucrats $2.1B raise as he pushes program cuts over migrant crisis.

As lawsuits proceed, institutions try to make them moot by nullifying Covid vaccine mandates, however it appears the Supreme Court will settle if reversing a policy can end the lawsuits or if the legal issues must be resolved anyway.

After taking over 3rd largest radio network, Soros plots to take 2nd largest in preparation for the election.

TikToker alerts women: notorious ‘NYC puncher’ spotted mumbling on streets of NYC. Article notes, “She then warned women to “Be Careful…””‘

Scientists just test-fired a cloud device over American soil with the ultimate aim of blocking sunlight to cool the planet. They didn’t bother to tell anyone because they feared the rest of the planet might not want them making it colder.

A recent survey by Intuit found that U.S. high school students want to learn about personal finance in schools but that many lack access to such courses at school. When I went to public school, I had zero doubt it was there to make me as great at whatever I was good at as possible, so as to make the whole nation as great at everything as possible. Now, I am amazed I was so clueless, as I look on public school as simply an intel-gathering op designed to finger the bright students who might prove problematic for the elites, and a psyop so they can stifle and suppress them. Don’t be naive like me. You are in a war, where your freedom is the biggest threat, and there is a hidden enemy gunning to steal it from you every moment. For now, it is a cold war of intelligence techniques known to only a few, but a time will come when it will become known to all and go hot and kinetic. Our only chance against their tech will be overwhelming numbers and psychopathic brutality and ruthlessness. Be sure to pull your weight quickly, forcefully, and ruthlessly when the time comes, alongside everyone else. Every American jumping in all at once, will probably be our side’s only chance.

Biden admin has flown over 400,000 migrants to airports across US.

New York police took custody of an unlicensed firearm belonging to anti-Trump activist E. Jean Carroll after she informed the federal court in lower Manhattan that she kept the firearm, a “high standard revolver, nine chambers”, along with ammunition at her home, next to her bed, although she did not have a firearm license. Can get up to four years for possession in New York.

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that… pro-lifers believe abortion is “murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. There [are] 8 billion people in the world, I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.” Are we allowed to apply that logic to him?

To reduce prison overcrowding in CA, state has made buying a child for sex a misdemeanor instead of felony.

The Justice Department filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the state of Utah and its prison system after a transgender inmate “removed her own testicles” in response to “unnecessarily delayed” treatment for her gender dysphoria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is issuing a warning about a new strain of leprosy found in armadillos.

On Monday, Google finally launched its Find My Device network geared toward locating devices – even if they’re offline.

Currently, numerous law enforcement agencies, along with other authorities, are on high alert as approximately twenty-six barges have broken loose and are headed down the Ohio River. Out of an abundance of caution, law enforcement has shut down multiple bridges, including the McKees Rocks Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and halted all traffic due to this incident. So far, twenty-three barges were loaded and three were empty, with six barges having jammed up against the Emsworth Dam. Reports of Extensive Damage have been reported at Peggys Marina. Authorities are asking everyone in the area to please avoid this area until further notice. Barges were deployed and the mess was being cleaned up.

Reacher’ star slammed by Police organization after claiming cops murder people.

U.S. Steel shareholders approved a $14.9 billion acquisition by Japan’s Nippon Steel Friday, despite opposition from the Biden administration, steelworkers and congressional lawmakers.

Engineers at the University of Texas at Austin recently revealed that a wearable universal brain-computer interface technology allows users to control video games with nothing more than their minds.

California on high alert as strange seismic activity at San Andreas Fault suggests a major earthquake may be imminent.

The Air Force is spending millions of dollars recovering, from long-term storage, a surplus B-1 nicknamed “Lancelot” that’s been sitting in desert storage, in preparation for defending Taiwan from a Chinese invasion.

Iran has launched more than 100 drones toward Israel, military officials said, beginning its retaliatory attack weeks after a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian consular building in Syria killed two of Tehran’s top commanders.

Israeli war cabinet approves a military response to Iran’s aggression.

Yemen launches drones at Israel simultaneously with Iran’s operation.

IDF: 99% of the 300 or so projectiles fired by Iran at Israel overnight were intercepted.

Iran seizes ship linked to Israeli billionaire in latest escalation of tensions.

Persian Gulf states tell US would not allow bases to be used for anti-Iran strikes.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations said it considered its retaliation for an attack on its diplomatic compound in Damascus to be ended. “The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!”

Trump says White House staff had to convince Biden not to release pre-recorded message on Israel and claims Iran would never have attacked if he was president: ‘This is no time for a taped speech.’

Ontario resident who wants both a vagina and penis wins public funding for unique surgery.

French first lady Brigitte Macron sues conspiracy theorists who claim she was born a man.

The knife attacker who killed six people in a stabbing spree at a Sydney shopping centre before being shot dead was a 40-year-old man with mental health issues named Joel Cauchi.  Officials say it was random, though with something out there experimenting on brains, and the fact it seems for every five of these four have indications of something wrong, you never know for certain.

‘God-tier legend’: Dramatic video captures moment Russian man confronts Bondi attacker on escalator. Guy with a bollard stood on the escalator preventing the stabber from getting to a daycare center with little kids. Reports are he was a Russian, screaming Russian at the attacker as he threatened him to keep him back. All the other Aussies beat feet and got out of there. And of course, nobody had a gun.

According to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin the Biden administration is prepared to sacrifice Ukraine’s battlefield objectives if they imperil his own reelection prospects.

The possibility of Ukraine’s army collapsing cannot be ruled out a US official has warned, report says. At this point whatever brings those horrific drone videos to an end will be worth it.

Chasov Yar: Russians attack head on, develop two pincer movements to envelop the Ukrainian defenders – Nazi Azov brigade refuses to enter the city to defend it. 

Ukraine’s top general says situation on eastern front ‘significantly worsened’ as Russia ramps up attacks.

During Thursday’s UN Security Council meeting, Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, said, “This is how it will go down in history – as an inhuman and hateful regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interest of their people and sacrificed it for Western money and for Zelensky and his closest circle. In these conditions, attempts by the head of the Kiev regime to promote his formula and convene summits in support of the Kiev regime cause only confusion. Very soon the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional capitulation of the Kiev regime. I advise you all to prepare for this in advance.”

Posobiec – Devin Nunes getting a lot of buzz for VP.

New study shows ‘large capacity’ magazines are preferred choice of gun owners.

Trump leads by 6 points in Arizona.

Polling showing that Republican voter identification is growing as democrat voter identification is declining have Democrats panicking over 2024.

Trump rally in Schnecksville, PA:

China will be next with Taiwan:


Spread r/K Theory, because Americans Go Big when it counts

News Brief – 04/13/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Louis Rossman has a high-pitched whine in his office:

Some of you have pointed out that in my videos over the past four months I do in my downstairs office in my house, there is a high pitched whine. This entire time, I thought that was me getting tinnitus from getting old.

It’s not. It’s actually there. and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s driving me nuts. I was walking into the bathroom and each time I did, the “tinnitus” went away. FML.

This should be easy, given the acoustic absorption on the wall – that foam is cheap shit, but the cheap shit is bad at absorbing *low* frequencies, not *high* frequencies like 6k-14k. And higher frequencies are more directional. This should be easy to figure out.

I have no idea where it’s coming from though. 🙁

It is always possible it is some transformer or something. But I have had this, and it was not a transformer. In my case, it almost walked the line between a sound you could hear, and a piercing sensation deep in the ear drum. I went in a bedroom once, and it was amplified to the point there was a physical buzz, bordering on pressure, you could feel, and hear, coming off all the walls and ceiling. I stood for a moment, taking it in, it was so surreal. I opened a sliding glass door, stuck my head out, and it was still silence out there. I pulled my head in, and everything was abuzz. Back out total still silence, back in everything, walls, ceiling, bed, all just buzzing. I believe, unless I am mistaken, it was Redclaw here who had a Freemason move in next door, the high pitched whine started, and then it left when he finally moved away. In my experience, this very slightly degrades cognitive function, and tires you out somewhat. They seem to put it where you are doing the things they do not like, I suspect to try and attach a subtle discomfort to it psychologically, in hopes you will decide you don’t like doing what they don’t want you doing, without really knowing why. That may be why it is in his office. But it varies in intensity and as with Lou, you will tend to think it is a nervous phenomenon when it first happens at lower levels, if you notice it.

I have no doubt you will see more of this as time goes on. We were the beta test subjects for a raft of different kinds of devices like this, and now that they have seen how it all works on us, what I have been saying here will gradually begin to be seen everywhere, including in your own real life.

House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback.

Eighty-six House Republicans vote for warrantless surveillance of Americans. The list of traitors is here.

Speaker Johnson defiant after casting deciding vote, breaking 212-212 tie, to continue Deep State’s warrantless surveillance.

When chance favors an opposing intelligence operation, it usually isn’t chance. Either she never had the flu, or someone infected her. I lean toward her just being corrupt. I could have lost both legs and I would have dragged my stumps in there to vote, and she should have too.

Thomas Massie:

This is how the Constitution dies.

By a tie vote, the amendment to require a warrant to spy on Americans goes down in flames.

This is a sad day for America.

The Speaker doesn’t always vote in the House, but he was the tie breaker today. He voted against warrants.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna has called for a rare procedural move to delay the Senate’s consideration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 extension, pushing for a new vote in the House of Representatives. She clearly is not sharp enough to come up with this herself. The question is did she hire a sharp advisor, or is she being given lines in the script? I tend toward the latter.

FBI interrogated Trump’s valet driver without Trump’s knowledge – and turned ambush interview into perjury trap: Court docs. You wonder how many others we don’t know about were turned into spies for the intelligence community as it sought to take out a duly elected President.

Speaker Johnson unveils voter legislation during press conference with Donald Trump: Proof of U.S. citizenship required for federal elections — Will remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.

Biden is indicating that he will not debate former president Trump this year. They can’t. He is too far gone.

National Guard whistleblowers to testify they were ready to be deployed on Jan.6 but Pentagon delayed orders – will DESTROY J6 Committee’s BIG LIE!

DNC paid $1.5 million legal bill for Joe Biden’s classified docs scandal.

Federal judge rejects Hunter Biden bid to dismiss gun charges in special counsel case.

‘Are you kidding me?’: Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP.

The Biden administration announced Friday it was forgiving another $7.4 billion in student debt for another 277,000 borrowers. So far, Biden has cancelled $153 billion in debt for 4.3 million people.

The homeless migrant who was busted joyriding on a historic FDNY fireboat and then swiping a sailboat for another leisurely ride was released without bail Friday — only to immediately try to climb aboard an even bigger ship in Manhattan, according to sources, who said immigration officials’ hands are tied.

A suspected illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried his luck at robbing a bank in Ohio this week, although the heist went awry after he was unable to get a translator app to communicate what he wanted.

Louisiana silencer case ends with plea deal which preserves right to appeal.

Won’t You BEMy (Work)Friend? Only two in 10 people say they have a best friend at work. But companies, aware of how much culture matters, say trying to foster friendships couldn’t be more awkward. You tend to think this is surveillance destroying our ability to bond with each other. I can’t criticize their ability, they got me too. I was even thinking a while back, suppose there is a war on the family, and Cabal is even trying to career-ize girls with feminism, and promote promiscuity and onlyfans, and MK Ultra cultural shit like Sex and the City. When guys and gals signed up for dating apps controlled by the conspiracy (as I am now sure they all were) imagine the fun surveillance had, matching the chaste, loyal girls up with the players who would pump and dump them over and over, forcing them on the carousel, and hooking the loyal monogamous guys up with the sluts who would two time them every Wednesday with their ex-con ex-BF. No wonder nobody is marrying and having kids, if that as the goal of a Stasi-like intel operation in every neighborhood at the community level. Because we all look at the global programs to fuck over American society, and nobody realizes once every neighborhood has a file archivist who has responsibility to actually personally know the 200-300 targets under him, as well as a surveillance team embedded within it, those global programs can be, and will be, very easily atomized, customized, and individualized at a granular level. Especially when Cabal controls all the tech like this.

Police admit that “two factions” of Muslims shot at each other at the Ramadan event in Philly yesterday.

From the comments, video claims Michael Jackson faked his death, and went on TV afterward to eulogize himself in makeup, pretending to be a guy who was burned as a child. The Jackson one looks interesting, though obviously it seems too strange. And it is possible the guy picked up the mannerisms as some kind of fan. But you never know these days.

OJ Simpson talks about how he might have killed Nicole hypothetically.

Of course, Juice died of cancer:

If Cabal existed in the Persian Empire, as a hidden hand, could it have survived, through Rome, the Vatican, Europe, and America today? Also Kerry’s daughter married a high ranking Iranian government official, IIRC:

In just four years, tens of millions of dollars flowed from CCP-tied military companies to DC lobbyists.

UK intelligence officials have been repeatedly targeted in “honeytrap” plots as Chinese spies ramp up efforts to glean national secrets through seduction and blackmail. It is incredibly common.

China’s economy ‘imploding’ as property market plunges, and experts issue warning of chaos around the globe.

Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom. Signs of a change in the guard over there, at the same time something seems to be happening in nations all across the globe.

Trump calls Biden ‘pretty pathetic’ for saying Iran is about to strike Israel and warns there could be a ‘world war’ before the election: Donald insists Tehran would have NEVER attacked if he was president.

U.S. moves MORE forces into the Middle East to prepare for ‘imminent’ Iranian strike on Israel: Pentagon sends aircraft carrier that can intercept missiles to the Red Sea in warning to Tehran.

Iran warns U.S. to stay out of fight with Israel or face attack on troops.

Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by ‘paedophile’ catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as ‘Jimmy Savile’ as new probe launched.

In Germany, AfD candidate wins Mayoral election, judge rules it invalid on technicalities, orders new election.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to Kremlin-controlled agencies regarding the development of a nuclear energy program for space after a February warning from the White House that Russia has the capability for an anti-satellite space-based weapon while stressing that it is not operational. Looks like the nuclear power plant is for the moon, which means after abandoning the moon, exactly like the US, now the Russians are suddenly looking at going back, as if something changed. Also, the Russians have to be wondering if The Beam is satellite based, and that is how the Cabal is hitting our officers in all these different countries, and if it is, how they can take it out if it is used against them. I suspect now what I am being hit with is not satellite based, but is two devices 150 feet away, which alone appear harmless. But you have to wonder how they hit Navalny in the middle of nowhere, to try and make Putin look bad, given the perfect timing which makes it appear a likely hit. And I think the Russians heard chatter saying somebody was preparing to hit Navalny, which is why a couple of weeks before he died they suddenly moved him to a new prison, and tried to keep the location a secret. And still he was likely hit. That could be a satellite.

Russian attacks are growing more effective as Ukraine depletes its armory.

China is helping Russia ramp up its defense industrial base at such a large scale that Moscow is now undertaking its most ambitious expansion in military manufacturing since the Soviet era as it continues its war against Ukraine.

Russia is bolstering its forces for the war in Ukraine at a “far faster” rate than the United States originally estimated, a top general said.

Russian political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev insisted that it’s now a foregone conclusion that Putin will have to unleash nuclear weapons upon Europe. Sounds crazy, but then you look at all the articles at this 4Chan link, and you can see Europe is clearly girding for a world war.

New bill in Tennessee would require gun safety courses to be taught in public schools.

Spread r/K Theory, because almost is not quite close enough, and purposeful

News Briefs – 04/12/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.



Speaker Mike Johnson claims classified briefing made him flip-flop on spy powers reform. He’s probably not lying. The classified briefing probably contained video from the bedroom of every dalliance, affair, and homosexual encounter he has ever had.

Biden backs FISA bill as Speaker Mike Johnson moves again to renew spy powers authority. The guy who was literally molesting his little daughter in the shower supports the FISA bill. How puzzling.

Thomas Massie:

Tomorrow at 8 am, I’ll manage floor debate on the FISA 702 Reauthorization Rule, which makes in order 6 votes on amendments, including one that will require FBI to get a warrant before searching for Americans’ data.

A similar rule failed yesterday, preventing a vote on warrants.

The Deep State prepares for a Trump victory. I would assume contingency planning, though you never know.

Trump tests limits of gag order with post insulting 2 likely witnesses in criminal trial.

Trump campaign demands Biden debate him ‘much earlier’ and more often. I predict no debates.

Special Counsel Jack Smith suggested he ignore the Supreme Court if it reverses the obstruction statute this summer.

The stealth scheme to scrap the electoral college and award the Presidency to the candidate who wins the popular vote is 76% complete.

Reflection in Biden’s sunglasses shows him reading instructions from his handlers.

President Joe Biden should be “impeached and imprisoned” for pledging to direct funds to Bursima Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden, former Obama White House aide Mike McCormick reported in a new book.

GOP Rep. Stefanik reveals there is an incriminating audio recording of Biden telling his ghostwriter, “I just found all the classified documents stuff downstairs.” He didn’t even know where he had left it.

‘Reacher’ star Alan Ritchson attacks Christians who support ‘rapist’ Trump: ‘He’s their poster child.’  This is the actor on Reacher. Just last week, he explained he stopped modeling because it was just human trafficking, and in his last job they handed him off to a gay guy who took him to a motel room, “for some nude pictures,” and despite being built like a tank, he implied he ended up taking in the pooper anyway, tried to hang himself, and then decided he really didn’t want to do this modelling stuff anymore.

Tucker Carlson: A consistent theme of American foreign policy is that it is always the Christians who suffer.

President Biden’s new student debt relief plan is estimated to cost around $84 billion if it is implemented, according to a Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) analysis released Thursday. Didn’t he already get told by the courts he lacked this authority?

BlazeTV exposes: how DC politicians get filthy rich.

Sen. Rand Paul to investigate Dr. Fauci’s alleged ‘secret CIA visits’ prior to COVID-19 outbreak.

Sexually transmitted infection rates have risen sharply among adults 55 and older, CDC data shows. If we are lucky, we may get another Vox Day song out of this, based on boomers now having a “detachable penis.”

Monkeypox cases have been elevated since October, with an average of roughly 200 monthly cases detected per month, spurring efforts to avoid a summer surge like what was seen in 2022.

Denver plans to defund its Police force to pay for illegal immigrants.

Denver mayor allocates $90 million for illegal migrants.

The Biden administration announced Thursday morning that the Department of Justice has finalized a new rule that requires many gun sellers offering firearms at gun shows or online to obtain a license and conduct background checks.

Ninth Circuit appears set to ignore Bruen and support restrictive gun control laws on magazines, Assault Weapons, and carry limitations, setting up Supreme showdown.

Democrat Arizona AG says she will not enforce 1864 law banning most abortions.

Harvard finally reinstates the SAT for admissions. The meritocracy returns?

OJ Simpson dead at 76 after cancer battle.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre offered condolences Thursday following the death of OJ Simpson — but made no mention of the two people he was accused, and sensationally acquitted, of killing nearly three decades ago. That whole OJ episode has the feel of a Cabal script. I do not know if, like the rapper for Public Enemy claimed Kanye and Michael Jordan did, OJ went to the Mason’s lodge, swore the oath to lucifer and agreed to a sacrifice, and this was what happened, or if they told him to do it, or if they just did it and framed him to get the script moving. But the whole OJ murder episode feels like one of their episodes, to distract, divide, and weaken the population’s ability to resist.

A 54-year-old Minnesota man was convicted Thursday in the slaying of a high school student and stabbing of four other people who were tubing on a western Wisconsin river. Fuck around and find out should really be a legitimate legal defense. “Your Honor, you can clearly see the victims were fucking around…”

Study reveals mechanism linking heart disease to cancer development – Spironolactone helps heart function while reducing cancer promotion by 30%.

Rashida Tlaib refuses to condemn ‘death to America’ chants at rally in district.

Biden-appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook’s entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent. From faking research data, to outright plagiarism, to lying on her resume.

A Planet Fitness gymgoer was arrested after allegedly walking around totally naked in the women’s locker room … claiming they identified as a woman and  repeatedly asking women in the locker room to lotion one another up and then hop in the shower with him. (Gasp) – Transphobia! We need to get the trannies boycotting Planet Fitness now.

Boeing whistleblower reportedly claims 787 planes could break apart mid-air due to construction flaws.

A Mexican drug cartel used death threats to force a tribal leader to back out of testifying to Congress this week, according to another tribal leader who did show up to tell lawmakers just how much power the drug lords have accumulated. You eliminate CIA, and Mexico will clean that shit up overnight. The greatest evil in the world, right in our own backyard, and all around us in our neighborhoods. What would Chesty Puller say?

Former British Police Officer uncovers a major nationwide fraud operation in which bank employees are producing forged documents to hide mismanagement of funds, tries to share it with the media and the government, and finds it is all being covered up by all people. Sounds like it might be Cabal getting banks to invest depositor funds in fraudulent companies which do not exist, but which the bank will claim appeared legitimate, absolving them of responsibility.

Alan Dershowitz said if Biden refuses military aid to Israel that he will leave the Democrat Party. Check out the narrative about where his loyalties lie. Destroy America, no problem. Fuck with Israel, problem. Now imagine he was given those lines. What percent of Jews in the US want these migrants, and want criminals released on no-bail laws?

Yuval Harari: “Human rights are like heaven and like God, just a fictional story that we have invented and spread around.” Lets take Sam’s ultra blackpilled views of the Jews. Are they this stupid? Would they say this out loud? Would you ever say this out loud? I take this as a sign the scriptwriters are turning the plot. And this Jew has no problem bringing a Holocaust on all the rest of the Jews. I understand it is tough. My whole goal at 18 was to get to a place where loyalty was real, and I would not be surrounded by people like I was and am surrounded by. Unfortunately, you and I, Jew-anon, are fucked. We are surrounded by people to whom we are just an assignment, and that assignment is to neutralize us and betray us. You have to face reality. The world you thought you lived in does not exist. Jews always loyal to Jews was always an illusion to weaken you. There are still good Jews. Your kind is still out there. Hold loyalty with them. But this thing will have isolated you from them, as it seeks to exploit your loyalty for itself. Burn these “leaders” the conspiracy has foisted upon you. Turn on them. Get others to reject them. Join with your kind, both Jew and not-Jew, against the Cabal, and lets all destroy this thing, so we can get that world we thought was out there.

The Hamas terror group has expressed uncertainty as to whether it could gather 40 civilian hostages for release in a prisoner swap deal with Israel, officials familiar with the negotiations said.

The extent of China’s soil pollution, long guarded as a state secret, was laid out in an official report that confirmed deep-seated fears about contaminated farmland and the viability of the country’s food supply.

The United States House of Representatives is looking into a Brazilian judge’s effort’s to thwart free speech on the social media platform X, billionaire Elon Musk revealed Wednesday night.

On Twitter: Brazil has fallen. They are freezing the assets and bank accounts of journalists and confiscating their passports. Pay attention. Coming to a western nation near you.

South Africa’s slow, inevitable march towards collapse.

Migrants committed the majority of serious crimes in the German city of Frankfurt, including 100% of serious sexual crimes.

Married ISIS couple who ‘raped two Yazidi slave girls aged 12 and FIVE and would punish them with a broomstick or scalding hot water’ are arrested in Germany.

Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its multi-trillion-dollar plans for a 106 mile linear megacity in the desert to just over 1.5 miles long.

U.S. sets record for foreign military sales amid Ukraine war, says Pentagon.

Russian airstrikes destroy Kyiv’s largest power plant. Reminds me of the Chad saboteur:

Russian spacecraft comes within 10m of destroying U.S. Satellite, NASA ‘shocked.’ Satellite weapons will be a big problem. I don’t think Havana is satellite based, but if it is (and it would explain it being rolled out in Russia and China) there will not be a lot of good defenses, beyond taking out the satellites. Of course that will not be easy for dissidents.

The Clinton-loving cocksuckers at Newsmax – 10 reasons Ukraine aid is good for America.

Josh Hawley: ‘Why are we sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine if China is our number one globalthreat?’

U.S. helps pro-Ukraine media run a fog machine of war. And as in so many places, Globohomo is the bad guy.

Russia’s army is now 15% bigger than when it invaded Ukraine, says US general.

Ukraine passes divisive conscription law which aims to bolster forces by 500,000.

Larry Hogan gives GOP huge Senate opportunity in deep blue Maryland.

Trump has nearly doubled support among black men and women since 2020.

Spread r/K Theory, because the enemy within is the most dangerous

News Briefs – 04/11/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Reauthorization for the 702 FISA surveillance program was blocked Wednesday by a conservative revolt, pushing the prospects of final passage into uncertainty amid a looming deadline. Things were shaky until Trump Truthed out they needed to kill it because it was used to spy on his campaign. That should mark a pretty big shot across the bow of the intelligence community by Trump. They all demanded it, and with one Truth, he torpedoed it cold.

The 19 Reps who moved to kill it:

1.Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.)

2. Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.)

3. Rep. Tim Burchett (Tenn.)

4. Rep. Michael Cloud (Texas)

5. Rep. Eli Crane (Ariz.)

6. Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.)

7. Rep. Bob Good (Va.)

8. Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.)

9. Rep. Clay Higgins (La.)

10. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (Fla.)

11. Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.)

12. Rep. Cory Mills (Fla.)

13. Rep. Ralph Norman (S.C.)

14. Rep. Andy Ogles (Tenn.)

15. Rep. Scott Perry (Pa.)

16. Rep. Matt Rosendale (Mont.)

17. Rep. Chip Roy (Texas)

18. Rep. Greg Steube (Fla.)

19. Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.)

Conservative Treehouse points out there are over 10,000 log-in portals to the NSA database, including one in the FBI satellite office inside the Democrat law firm Perkins Coie.

Bill Barr blasts Trump for call to kill FISA: ‘Crazy and reckless.’ Never Trust CIA.

While the DOJ failed to conduct a thorough probe of Lt. Byrd’s shooting of Ashli Babbitt, the FBI opened a posthumous criminal investigation of Ashli Babbitt, new documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal.

Trump’s motorcade gets the entire highway shut down, so it can move unimpeded. I have no idea if that is standard procedure for an ex-President of his stature, but his motorcade does not look offhandedly like a standard post-Presidential motorcade. I am also thinking when his plane was being refit, if may have gotten more installed onboard than just a few new pieces of furniture.

James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group has released undercover footage of a Federal Reserve employee admitting to how Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sabotaged President Trump and wants to go down in history as “someone who held the line against Trump.”

Tucker Carlson: “Secretive Federal Agencies Are Trying to RIG Our Presidential Election.”

Justice Department uncovers ‘inconsistencies’ in Fani Willis’s use of federal grant funds.

Jack Smith signals he’ll try to circumvent SCOTUS if it says obstruction charges aren’t real crimes.

Megyn Kelly says Trump will be convicted in hush money case: ‘No doubt’ due to left-wing New York Jury, even though he should definitely not be.

Now Michael Avenatti is doing MSNBC hits from prison defending Donald Trump.

Former Trump executive Allen Weisselberg sentenced to five months in jail for perjury. He said he was not focused closely on the details regarding the valuation of Trumps’ Triplex Apartment.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria tries to egg Finland’s leader into blasting Trump, gets Trump compliments instead.

All that Biden student loan forgiveness, and young voters are still going for Trump.

Members of a Seattle regional women’s country line dance team were reportedly kicked out of a Seattle dance convention after organizers claimed their American flag-themed shirts made some attendees feel “triggered and unsafe.” We are programmed to say, well, some Americans feel that way. But do they? Would this make more sense if the people in power were part of a foreign conspiracy to overthrow the United States government, and aggressive displays of patriotism brought to mind the reality that if their plans were exposed, the war would start, and they could not possibly win it, and would be expelled from the nation and possibly killed? It feels like even if leftists felt that way, they would not tarnish their brand by being open about it.

Biden says he’s ‘considering’ ENDING the prosecution of Julian Assange after Australia urged U.S. to drop WikiLeaks founder’s case.

Biden: I’ll consider further unilateral action on guns, can’t believe Trump said ‘no one’s going to touch your guns.’

Chicago slammed with 57 cases of measles in migrant shelters, one case less than entire country in 2023.

Tucker Carlson’s adult children are registered Democrats despite his Conservative views.

County next to New York City proposes making a database of potential citizens who could be deputized in the event of an emergency to protect critical infrastructure if Police and Fire officials were overwhelmed and emergency deputies were needed. Politicians freak out, calling it a militia made up of vigilantes and Brownshirts, and try to get the list eliminated. The unspoken reality is if things get bad, zombies will come wandering out of the city to their neighborhoods looking to take what they can. The other unspoken reality is, just as politicians seem to want the destruction  produced by the migrant crisis, and to see criminals savage the population, they also seem to want to see the feral animals of the city overrun their own communities, and the local leaders powerless to stop them.

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs loses 18 brand partnerships amid sexual assault allegations. Do you think it is brand-conscious companies which are getting away from Diddy, or Cabal revenue streams from laundering ops being shifted away from a subsidiary which is just under too much heat to operate right now?

Freshman Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggested that black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations but then said it might not work because of the black people who are “not paying taxes in the first place.” LOL.

A U.S. Navy photo posted to social media is being mocked for showing a commander shooting an AR-platform rifle with the scope mounted backwards. Some are saying it was a prank of an officer, but that seems a career killer. I am wondering if it is possible this is another AI photo, and the AI didn’t know how the scope was mounted, or where a the foregrip should be mounted. Middle fingernail on his left hand looks suspect too, though he could bite them.

LGBTQ dating group on Facebook for 8-year-olds sparks concerns.

Man has two healthy fingers amputated for ‘Body Integrity Dysphoria,’ after he experienced “profound distress” over his left hand’s fourth and fifth fingers.

Islands that climate alarmists said would soon “disappear” due to rising sea found to have grown in size.

Do Boeing 777 And Dreamliner 787 Aircraft Also Have Quality Issues? The FAA Is Investigating New Claims…Boeing has hit back, noting it has rigorous processes in place.

New DNA testing on 2,000-year-old elongated Paracas skulls changes known history, as it shows Middle Eastern and European DNA.

The Israeli air force is reportedly training to strike “sensitive” Iranian nuclear sites.

Wall Street Silver:

Australia’s Banks Are Already Refusing Cash Withdrawals For Their Customers:

“I thought it was absolutely crazy”

“How can you go to a bank and not get your own money out?”

“I thought she misheard what I wanted”

“What’s in the bank if there’s no cash?”

“They just said”

“I’m so sorry we can’t help you”

The Riksbanken — Sweden’s central bank — announced that it had lost some 44 billion kr (£3.2 billion), equal to half of the nation’s defense budget, and it needed that much money from the state in order to return to the minimal level of capitalization stipulated by the law.

Argentine President Javier Milei blamed politics for being unable to fulfill his campaign promise of dollarizing the country’s economy, suggesting that such a move could have led to his impeachment.

A young woman was arrested in the eastern French city of Besançon and faces up to a year in prison for holding up a sign calling for the deportation of foreign rapists.

American Drnes are being beaten out in Ukraine by Chinese drones.

Sen. Rand Paul challenges Sen. McConnell to a debate regarding his ‘Ukraine First policy.’

New Virgin/Chad Meme on /pol:


U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that recent Ukrainian attacks targeting Russian oil refineries could have a “knock-on effect” on the global energy market, Bloomberg reported on April 9. Globohomo gets Ukraine’s leaders into this, puts them in a position where if they lose, they all die brutal deaths, cuts off their funding, and then tells them to not target Russian oil, because we don’t want to pay an extra 5 cents per gallon. It is comical, really.

From a Ukrainian on the ground in Kiev, we might finally see the Ukraine war come to a close, mercifully, if we can get Congress to hold the line and not send any more aid:

Ukraine now lacking air defense, Russian jets freely fly over the front line as they never have, free to accurately hit Ukrainian positions with guided aerial bombs.

There’s nothing Ukraine can do now but lose positions.

The West needs to understand what this soon means

Interesting video of the use of a Laser cleaning device in an auto restoration shop.

Louisiana House passes bill allowing you to drive over protestors.

Nebraska goes into special session to become a winner take all state which will prevent Biden from getting the single electoral vote which Democrats usually get.

Spread r/K Theory, because now, you don’t even need to honk in Louisiana.

News Briefs – 04/10/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

From here, which points to this article about all the apps and devices constantly pulling and storing data on users, Jeffrey Petersen asks,

Facebook, TikTok, and X are gathering data through iPhone push notifications, even when users have closed the apps, according to researchers. What do you think they are doing with all this data?

See, if we are all a nation of individuals, floating around individually on our own paths, and there is this central government in DC and that is all, they could never process all of this data. They probably could not even store it. They need somebody to go through it and see what matters, and what can be discarded. Now if the nation has a Stasi-like intelligence service, which is broken up into neighborhood sectors, and there is a specific person assigned to maintain your file, to get to know you personally without you ever having a clue, and that Stasi-like service is 4-10 % of the population, now all that data is getting sent to your file-compiler, and being made available to the local units following you through stores. Suddenly that intel can be filtered by someone who knows you, the important stuff can be appended to your file, and much of it can even be used on the fly to track you, as they are following you around town and through stores. Now it makes sense it is constantly being pulled. The Stasi model is in many places the only model which makes sense of things.

Undercover video: CIA Officer/former FBI boasts: We “can put anyone in jail.. Set them up” – FBI “did what we wanted” with Alex Jones “Took his money away.”

Alex Jones CONFIRMS he will SUE the FBI & CIA after a CIA Agent ADMITTED Agency targeted Jones to destroy his career. “I’m planning on launching a lawsuit against the CIA & FBI. I’ve retained firms to sue for Civil Rights violations Gov. Racketeering operation.”

FISA Section 702, returns to the US House of Representatives this week and is expected to go to a full House vote on Thursday.

A Speaker Johnson’s staffer told a group of GOP staff today that he opposes warrant requirement amendment at the center of this week’s 702 debate, per two people familiar.

Thomas Massie:

Congress gives itself a carve out in the reauthorization of FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans.

The bill requires the FBI to notify and seek consent from Congress before violating the privacy of Congressmen.

This will persuade many members of Congress to vote yes.

Nineteen retired generals, admirals, and former top civilian defense officials have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, opposing former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution, claiming that granting such a request would pose a significant threat to national security. 

Text message from Fani Willis’ office shows investigator hitting on witness.

RFK Jr. will seek Libertarian party presidential nomination.

Alabama secretary of state says Democratic convention too late to get Biden on ballot this fall.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is dragging its feet in prosecuting Nicholas Roske, the man accused of trying to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, leaving legal experts perplexed about the slow-moving pace of the case.

President Joe Biden, 81, appeared to forget his own name during a speech on the economy delivered at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Tuesday, saying, “My dad used to say ‘A job… Joey… I give you my word as a tray… ‘” the President began, confusingly stumbling over his words and hesitating while appearing unclear how his father referred to him in the anecdote before settling on Joey. What if his real name was David Schomberg? Would he have been prone to pause there, trying to figure out what Dad had called him? Joe might not be his real name even.

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is confused by astronomy: “The moon is made up mostly of gases” and “You have the energy of the moon at night.” Absent the conspiracy, somebody smart would take that seat from her.

Ashley Biden diary thief gets one month in prison, three months of home detention.

Fox News reporter Matt Finn wrote in a video post, “Unbelievable. A Border Patrol agent in Sunland Park, NM just told us a mountain in the United States is ‘not ours’ anymore. ‘It’s theirs,’ referring to the Cartels having taken over Mt Cristo Rey.

Joe Biden’s ‘secret’ flights of 33,000 migrants to New York pass the buck to city taxpayers.

Pfizer says ‘sorry’ for illegally promoting unlicensed COVID vax with no safety data.

Joe Rogan says two of his friends now have pacemakers following the rollout of the C19 injections. “One of them is in his thirties, [and] one of them is in his forties,” and, “People I know personally [who] got the shot blacked out—quite a few.”

Another day, another data point showing yet another way the Covid Vaccines seem to have been purposely engineered to be as deadly as possible: “Evidence is provided that adding 100?% of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1?) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development.” That was the nucleotide analog which was supposed to slow the degradation of the mRNA signal of the vaccine. Except the body apparently eventually does degrade the mRNA, that nucleotide base drifts around alone, and gets reincorporated elsewhere into some other mRNA signal, and where the body would normally tightly control the signal’s presence, turning it off through degradation after it was finished. But once that nucleotide analog is there, it will prevent the signal from being turned off. And if it is a growth signal, you have one more step toward cancer.

California fails to track effectiveness of billions spent on homelessness, audit finds. Why might they not closely track billions of dollars?

Biden is spending $1 trillion to fight climate change. That was just in handouts from the Inflation Reduction Act.

The wild $30 million cash heist from a Los Angeles warehouse Easter Sunday was apparently pulled off by a top-notch group of criminals — and so clean that it could go unsolved, an expert says. Nobody noticed anything anon, because nobody was in the area watching for anything unusual.

Biden regime still seeks to change ‘Insurrection Act’ ahead of expected domestic unrest over 2024 election to limit Trump’s ability to call in the troops.

Federal prosecutors who opted not to pursue charges against “Antifa” members cannot prosecute a Huntington Beach man accused of helping establish a Southern California-based militant, white supremacist group whose members attacked rivals at Southern California political rallies, a judge ruled Wednesday, accusing the U.S. Attorney’s Office of selective prosecution for pursuing suspected “far-right, white supremacist nationalists” but not “Antifa and other extremist, far-left groups.”

The Derek Chauvin jury had a juror who lied about attending George Floyd rallies and knew members of his family.

Arizona Supreme Court rules that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable.

Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances.

On Monday, the Biden administration unveiled its new student loan debt proposal, which, if finalized, would eliminate some debt for as many as 25 million borrowers.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) stated that the student loan plan announced by President Joe Biden earlier in the day is “hope” for those who benefit from the plan to be able to do different things like traveling abroad.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) stated that if 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump wins in 2024, he’ll nominate more judges who believe that unelected federal agency officials shouldn’t make crucial policy decisions and that this should be left to Congress. As if that is a bad thing.

Tech company headed by former CEO of bankrupt Solyndra to receive $6.6 billion from Biden admin.

Scandal rocks Biden’s Labor Dept for lying about sharing non-public inflation data with secret group of Wall Street “super users.”

Gas prices hit six-month high, spiking more than 50% under Joe Biden.

25-year NPR veteran cops to all the biased coverage outlet pushed during Trump years.

Whistleblower Sam Salehpour, a Boeing engineer, alleges that Boeing took shortcuts when manufacturing its 777 and 787 Dreamliner jets, and that the risks could become catastrophic as the airplanes age.

Alec Baldwin lost control of his emotions on set, put others in danger and also changed his story in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of a movie in New Mexico in 2021, according to new court documents filed by prosecutors.

Lawyers advancing an effort to charge oil companies with homicide over climate-related deaths are ramping up their campaign to hold fossil fuel producers criminally accountable for contributing to climate change.

2nd Amendment grades for Illinois’ 2024 political candidates.

An anon of 4Chan has been sucking people in for months now with a UFO Webm. You see the thumbnail, of a light in the sky, and his assertion he recorded this UFO, and you click the video. The UFO slowly moves downward in the frame, until you see it is actually a flashlight pointing at the camera, as it illuminates his testicles. Somehow Mexican TV, in the middle of its eclipse coverage aired the whole  video on live TV. Just so you know, somebody scored one for our side, anons.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have launched a campaign in the fight against election misinformation with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ‘working to prepare US voters for a possible deepfake onslaught.’ 

The Israeli military allegedly used a secretive AI program called “Lavender” to identify thousands of bombing targets in Gaza — despite the tech having a 10% error rate, according to an explosive new report.

Israel ready to attack Iranian nuclear sites — media.

Canada spies found China interfered in last two elections, probe hears.

The brother-in-law of leftist Scottish leader Humza Yousaf has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion in relation to a case in which a man died after plunging out of the window of a Dundee flat in January.

Swiss women win landmark climate case at Europe top human rights court. Creates a legal precedent whereby now people can sue the governments bound to this court for things like issuing oil and gas drilling permits, or not reducing CO2 levels fast enough.

Money from Ukraine’s Burisma used for terrorist attacks in Russia – Moscow. Sounds like Burisma is like a shell company used by Management to send cash where Cabal wants it sent.

Russian investigators start inquiry into financing of terrorism by US, NATO officials with funding routed through Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings. Does not specifically say the Crocus City Hall attack, but implies other terrorist attacks were tracked back to funding from Burisma.

Burisma has CIA on the board.

Zelenskyy warns Russia has penetrated U.S. politics, invites Trump to Ukraine. At least we now know Russia has zero penetration of American politics, and Trump should never go to Ukraine.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron told America that “it’s profoundly in your interests” to shovel more money into Ukraine. I would want Putin to win, just to see what happens, and why Ukraine was so important to Cabal.

The Biden Administration just admitted it has massively undercounted Ukraine aid.

Data delivery rates 4.5 MILLION TIMES FASTER than average broadband achieved in major fiber optic breakthrough.

Florida no longer in play as a swing state as GOP voters surge over Dems by nearly 900K: DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because that FBI/CIA guy is no trigger puller
