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French Students Terrorized by Jihadists [Updated]

(John Hinderaker)

In France, at least two teachers have been murdered by Muslim students, one of them beheaded. The French press reports that “death threats and threats of rape have become common among pupils.” Those threats are directed toward both teachers and fellow students.

Now, students at dozens of French schools have been sent “threatening messages and beheading videos” by Islamic radicals. The story is hard to parse out, and more is, perhaps, being concealed than revealed:

At least 30 schools in the Paris region have this week received threatening messages accompanied by “shocking” footage of beheadings, the education ministry said on Thursday.

That effort is being made in support of Islamic terrorism:

The establishments – mainly secondary schools – have received “serious threats” containing “justification of and incitement to terrorism,” a representative of the education ministry told AFP.

The Muslims apparently made use of software that France uses to connect students and teachers. Reportedly, they “‘hacked a student’s email address’ in order to distribute the message and a beheading video.” They also have been making bomb threats:

In the department of Seine-et-Marne, to the east of the French capital, a secondary school received a message saying that explosives had been hidden throughout the establishment “in the name of Allah”, a police source said.

The latest threats follow a flurry of false bomb alerts targeted schools, airport and tourist sites in autumn 2023.

All of this is due to France’s feckless immigration policies. But, to be fair, their policies are a lot better than Joe Biden’s.

UPDATE: Of course, it could be worse. You could be in Russia.

“Migrants” on parade

(Scott Johnson)

Here we have the video of the day. It depicts a horde of illegal aliens breaking through the razor wire (mounted, I assume, by Texas authorities) and overrunning Texas National Guard soldiers seeking to resist them in El Paso. The video raises many questions, among them how many many “migrants” does it take to mount used to be known as an “invasion”?

We have now entered year four President Biden’s open borders program. Why does Biden refuse to see that the law is faithfully executed? Why does he support the invasion of the United States? When do we get to defend ourselves? How long can this go on?

This is the moment when TX National Guard became overrun by migrants rioting to get across the border here in El Paso today

We were there and saw it all happen. Absolute chaos here.

— Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) March 21, 2024

A New Plan for Voter Fraud

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Sen. Alex Padilla, the California Democrat appointed to fill Kamala Harris’s Senate seat after she became vice president, wants Americans to be more certain to register to vote by linking it with free tax preparation. Padilla is leading a push for the U.S. Treasury Department to provide voter registration services at federally funded centers that prepare taxes for low- to moderate-income people, disabled people and people with limited English at no cost to them.

“Limited English,” like “undocumented” or “migrant,” is code for those illegally present in the United States. Federal law bars illegals from voting but Sen. Padilla helps them violate the law. As California’s secretary of state he deployed the “motor voter” plan that registers illegals to vote when they get their driver’s license.

After the 2016 election, Padilla refused to cooperate with a federal probe of voter fraud, and he wouldn’t say how many illegals voted in 2018 or 2020. That year Gov. Gavin Newsom tapped “election chief” Padilla for the U.S. Senate. The senator nobody voted for wants false-documented illegals registered to vote when the government does their taxes “at no cost to them.” It’s motor voter at a whole new level.

Biden has brought in more than seven million illegals, with no background checks, health records, English skills and so forth. Add Padilla’s plan to Biden’s “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The mail ballots, the 2000 Mules, the squads of politiqueros, and so forth, all remain in place.

By these means, the citizens of a constitutional republic become fundamentally transformed into subjects of a woke junta, headed by a wax-works effigy of a president. Ask yourself how you like it so far.

Important Voting Problems

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As John notes, blue collar workers or minorities voting for policies that actually help them is an important trend, and a complement to Steve’s post about the border problem. As he showed, “immigration” helped to flip California from red to blue in presidential elections, so Democrats seek to repeat that trend “across the entire country.” That’s why Biden has brought in millions, and that’s a problem.

The possibility of becoming a public charge can cancel the prospect of legal immigrants becoming legitimate American citizens. On the other hand, for many illegals becoming a public charge is the goal. The ideal set-up is to get on welfare and work under the table for cash. That’s what enables the transfer of  more than $63 billion to Mexico in 2023, a seven-percent hike from the previous year. In effect, the USA subsidizes the Mexican government.

Those on welfare have a problem becoming U.S. citizens and that’s what California attorney general Xavier Becerra was on about when he cited 10 million “immigrants” in California alone. It is illegal for foreign nationals and even registered aliens to vote, but California’s “motor voter” program registers false-documented illegals to vote when they get their driver’s license. Squads of politiqueros  bribe, coerce and threaten the illegals to vote “a certain way,” code for Democrats.

Absent an independent investigation, citizens can have more than a reasonable doubt on ballot propositions to legitimize crime (Proposition 47), the recall vote for Newsom, and his reelection in 2022. Citizens may also have reasonable doubt on the 2020 presidential vote.

Stumbling Joe Biden, who campaigned from his basement, is a wax-works effigy of a president. On the other hand, with an eye on California, he has imported an electorate by the millions. As David Horowitz has often noted, Democrats are good at voter fraud and Republicans are poor at preventing it. So the nation could get four more years of Joe Biden, or someone even worse. All things have limits, except human stupidity and malevolence.

Biden Waffles on Apology

(John Hinderaker)

A final (I hope) footnote to Joe Biden’s disgraceful SOTU performance: he referred to Jose Ibarra as an illegal, which was, as I said here, perhaps the only true statement in the entire speech. But Biden met with blowback from Democrats who don’t seem to mind that Ibarra is an (alleged) murderer, but were horrified by Biden’s admission that his presence here is illegal.

So, as recorded at the link above, Biden apologized on MSNBC for using the word “illegal.” (The correct legal term is “illegal alien.”):

President Biden apologized Saturday for using the word “illegal” during his State of the Union address to describe the Venezuelan migrant accused of killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley.

“An undocumented person. I shouldn’t have used illegal, it’s undocumented,” Biden told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart in an excerpt from an interview airing Saturday….
“So, you regret using that word?” Capehart asked.

“Yes,” Biden responded.

I, and everyone else, called that an apology. But the White House is now backtracking on its backtrack:

The White House on Monday pushed back against claims President Biden apologized for using the term “illegal” to describe the migrant accused of killing Laken Riley — just days after the president said he had “regret” for using the loaded term.
White House deputy spokesperson Olivia Dalton attempted to clarify on Monday, telling a reporter that “the president absolutely did not apologize” despite his expression of regret.

“There was no apology anywhere in that conversation,” Dalton told reporters on Air Force One. “He did not apologize. He used a different word. I think what we should be really clear about is the facts.”

“He used a different word.” All right, then! Biden said that he “shouldn’t have used” the word illegal, and he “regrets” doing so. Talk about a fine distinction. So, why did the White House bother to walk back, at least partially, Biden’s MSNBC comments? I suppose because if you apologize, you have to apologize to someone. In this case, who is that someone? The (alleged) murderer, Jose Ibarra. Many have criticized Biden for apologizing to a murderer for calling him an illegal. Hence his handlers’ most recent spin: it wasn’t an apology, it was only an expression of regret for something he shouldn’t have done.

Got it, Joe.

And, finally, for a spokesman for the Biden White House to say that “what we should be really clear about is the facts” is, in its own way, a classic of dark comedy.

America’s Most Important Political Trend

(John Hinderaker)

This is a good complement to Steve’s post immediately below. Why did Democrats decide, seemingly in unison, that it would be a good idea to enable millions of illegal immigrants? Because they (or, in any event, their children) will be voters, and the Democrats assumed they could count on minority votes for many years to come.

But that may have been a miscalculation:

NEW 🧵:

American politics is in the midst of a racial realignment.

I think this is simultaneously one of the most important social trends in the US today, and one of the most poorly understood.

— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) March 11, 2024

This is part of the broader realignment of the parties. The left’s current obsessions–the “trans” movement, global warming, the war on food and gasoline, and so on–are of no good whatsoever to working people. They are of interest primarily to wealthy whites, especially wealthy white women. Blue collar minorities, like other working people, are not stupid. They can see that it is the Republicans whose policies actually help them, and they are starting to vote accordingly.

Illegal or undocumented?

(Scott Johnson)

Referring to an illegal alien as “illegal” in unscripted remarks during his State of the Union Address this past Thursday, President Biden inadvertently offended a core Democratic constituency (i.e., illegal aliens). That could not stand and it didn’t. As John notes nearby, Biden recanted and apologized within 48 hours.

Illegal or undocumented — which is the correct term. As a matter of fact, “Illegal alien” is the correct term.

When we got married, my wife was an illegal alien. Having graduated from law school and been hired by Hennepin County District Judge Robert Bowen as a law clerk, she applied for a work visa. In response she received a letter from the INS apprising her that her student visa had expired and that she was out of status. She applied for legal residency.

We went down to the local INS office for an interview. We had been advised that we would be asked a few questions to establish that our marriage was bona fide — not a fraudulent exercise undertaken solely to allow an illegal immigrant to escape deportation. As it turned out, we appeared to be the only bona fide couple of the four or five with us in the waiting room. And this was early in the Reagan years.

In the course of the interview, the INS officer asked me what toothpaste “the alien” used. It seemed funny because “the alien” was sitting next to me at the time, but we took no offense. We thought it was funny and I was happy to ace the quiz.

Today a question in that form would probably get the guy fired. Today the prescribed term is “undocumented.” Today that is the term on which the Democrats insist. Today it is the term that every mainstream media outlet (including Fox News) uses. What’s happening here?

What’s happening is the blessing of illegal immigration and the destruction of citizenship. The left seeks to break down our resistance to illegal immigration by means of a mandated euphemism. It’s an Orwellian device. The phenomenon of illegal immigration is not even to be described with tolerable accuracy. The underlying distinction is to be rendered meaningless.

As I say, illegal aliens have become a core constituency of the Democrats. To illegal aliens the left requires that the knee must be bent. I’m not sure why Fox News is compliant. It is frankly disgusting.

Here I speak for my wife and me. We support enforcement of the law. We oppose illegal immigration. We do not seek to accommodate it. We do not respect it. We desire the return of illegal immigrants to their home country or deportation to some other place. We do not want to support them with our tax dollars. We are sickened by the invasion of illegal aliens promoted by Biden and the Biden administration. The abuse of the English language that accompanies it is the least of it, but it deserves at least to be noted.

Biden Recants

(John Hinderaker)

In his State of the Union speech, Joe Biden correctly referred to Jose Ibarra, the alleged murderer of Laken Riley, as an illegal alien. Democrats aren’t at all concerned about the murder of a 22-year-old girl, but they were horrified that Biden didn’t use their preferred term, “undocumented.” Which implies, I guess, that the guy was perfectly legal but maybe misplaced his driver’s license.

Biden has now apologized for telling the truth–perhaps the only time he did so in the SOTU. He chose MSNBC to recant:

President Biden apologized Saturday for using the word “illegal” during his State of the Union address to describe the Venezuelan migrant accused of killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley.

“An undocumented person. I shouldn’t have used illegal, it’s undocumented,” Biden told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart in an excerpt from an interview airing Saturday — which did not show him addressing or acknowledging that he referred to Riley as “Lincoln Riley” during the same speech.

Lincoln Riley is the head coach of the Southern Cal football team.

“And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of the things I talked about in the border was his, the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I talked about what I’m not going to do. What I won’t do.

So the simple factual characterization as “illegal” is in the same category as “vermin” and “polluting the blood.” And what Biden is most concerned about here is not being like Trump, which is why he reversed all of Trump’s successful border policies.

“I’m not going to treat any, any, any of these people with disrespect. Look, they built the country.

Illegal immigrants built the country? What the hell is he talking about?

The reason our economy is growing.

Illegal immigrants are responsible for a tepidly growing economy? Why?

We have to control the border and more orderly flow, but I don’t share his view at all,” continued Biden.

“So, you regret using that word?” Capehart asked.

“Yes,” Biden responded.

What a sad performance. And, by the way, what was the point of Biden’s throwing in “[w]e have to control the border”? The border was mostly under control until he took office and deliberately opened it so as to allow millions of illegals to flood into the country. He did it on purpose. It is you, Joe Biden, who have to control the border. Only there is zero chance that you are going to do so.

How Illegal Can You Get?

(John Hinderaker)

Joe Biden can’t get far enough left to satisfy his base. In last night’s SOTU, he referred to Jose Ibarra, the career criminal who *allegedly* beat Laken Riley to death, as an illegal immigrant. Which is exactly what he is, although the correct legal term is “illegal alien.” Bizarrely, liberals were outraged, not that Biden referred to Ibarra as a murderer, but that he called him an illegal immigrant. This roundup is from Alpha News:

Democrats in Minnesota and across the country are infuriated that President Joe Biden referred to a criminal, illegal alien as an “illegal” during the president’s State of the Union address on Thursday. Specifically, President Biden was referring to the illegal immigrant who has been charged with murder in the killing of Laken Riley.
In response, left-wing Democrats have expressed outrage that President Biden referred to this criminal, illegal alien as an “illegal.” Just after President Biden’s speech concluded, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota put out a social media post on X saying, “Let me be clear: No human being is illegal.”

This message was parroted by Democrats all over the country. In Minnesota, state Rep. Maria Isa Perez-Vega, D-St. Paul, re-posted Congresswoman Omar’s message. Jason Chavez, a member of the Minneapolis City Council, also put out a statement saying, “No human is illegal.”

A myriad of other Democrats, including Congresswomen Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley, and Delia Ramirez, put out social media posts with the exact same message. Last night, Nancy Pelosi went on CNN and said President Biden should have used the word “undocumented” when referring to the illegal alien.

Congressman Chuy Garcia, D-Illinois, put out a statement saying, “As a proud immigrant, I’m extremely disappointed to hear President Biden use the world ‘illegal.’”

Breaking the law is illegal. Is that really so hard to understand? And, oh–by the way–murder is illegal, too. Although liberals seem to care a lot less about a young woman who was beaten to death than they do about policing their wacko speech code. But I suppose there is nothing surprising about that.

How to Beat Biden

(John Hinderaker)

Joe Biden is a pitifully weak presidential candidate, but elections don’t win themselves. Economic malaise ought to make any Republican challenger the favorite, but the issue that will clinch the election is illegal immigration. And the gloves need to come off. Like this:

I am told that CNN is refusing to air this. They ran out the clock on a pre-SOTU ad buy — then rejected it, calling several of its claims unsubstantiated. Fox and MNSBC aired it. In case you missed it:

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 8, 2024

The Republican Rejoinder

(John Hinderaker)

Senator Katie Britt of Alabama delivered the Republican response to Joe Biden’s SOTU speech. Not many people watch these rejoinders–for that matter, not too many watch the SOTU–but Britt’s response is getting a fair amount of buzz. She likely was chosen to contrast with Biden’s angry, more or less demented persona; if so, she played that contrast to the hilt.

Her speech was really a thespian performance, and not my style at all. But she prioritized illegal immigration, and was highly effective on that issue. Her appeal was directed to swing voters, especially women. And as performances go, it was very skillful. Check it out:

After last night

(Scott Johnson)

Digging deep into the Super Tuesday primary results, I foresee President Biden facing off for a rematch against President Trump. Can you feel the excitement? The two candidates represent juggernauts within their respective parties.

Let’s take the Democrats first, courtesy of RealClearPolitics. What we have here is one full boatload of results. They raise the question: who is Marianne Williamson and what is she doing here? She is the best-selling author of a variety of books including A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course In Miracles, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, The Healing of America, and Illuminated Prayers. Her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Williamson continues to inspire audiences on a global scale as she lectures internationally in the fields of spirituality and new thought.

I infer from the results that Democrats resist the light. They resist new thought. Also, we don’t have a prayer. We need a miracle.

Biden’s presents himself as a throwback to the old-fashioned Democratic Party, yet he has adopted the policies of party’s far left. Most prominent among these policies is the opening of our borders and the implicit rejection of the sovereignty of the United States. Over the past three-plus years these policies have wrought great damage. Biden wants to test the outer limits of Adam Smith’s proposition that “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” One can’t help but wonder if we can put ourselves back on track.

It’s not Joe Biden’s Democratic Party. It’s the woke left’s Democratic Party. It’s the party of those who say the things which are not.

Biden made an appearance during the narrow window of his waking hours yesterday. He appeared to have dropped in from outer space. He sounded like he had not been briefed since he blasted off from his homeworld. J.B., phone home.


REPORTER: "What's your message to Democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers?"

BIDEN: "My poll numbers? The last five polls you guys don't report. I'm winning — five! Five in a row!"

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 5, 2024

On the Republican side of Super Tuesday (also courtesy of RCP), President Trump wrapped up the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley will suspend her campaign later this morning.

This is Donald Trump’s Republican Party. If President Trump were to keel over and leave us with an open convention in Milwaukee next July, I assess the odds that the delegates would turn to Haley at zero. It would be a politician in the mold of Trump — probably Ron DeSantis, or perhaps J.D. Vance or Vivek the Mistake. Trump has transformed the Republican Party. By contrast with Biden and the Democrats, he has stamped the party in his image.

I am surprised by the not insubstantial fraction of votes that Haley pulled yesterday. Some portion of the Haley represents Democrats voting in open primaries. Haley won Vermont, but even if she were the nominee she would lose it in November. Vermont is a socialist state. I’m not talking about Vermont. Assuming Trump can survive the Democrats’ lawfare, he cannot win without a united Republican Party. He has some work to do to put the Republican house together. His choice for vice president could help.

It is difficult to project the state of play in the coming months. My crystal ball is cloudy. Much depends on the course of the Democrats’ lawfare against Trump and, to a lesser extent, the nature of the campaign Trump runs. I think he best serves his own interests at this point when he is out of the news and provides the alternative to Biden. If the election can be reduced to a binary choice, Biden should lose. The Democrats’ lawfare means to preclude that.

Yesterday brought more news of the illegal immigration that Biden has invited, inflicted, facilitated, fostered. Biden’s derelictions in office are historic in nature. The Daily Mail reports, for example, “Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security ‘vulnerabilities.'” The New York Post reports “Elon Musk says Biden flying 320K ‘unvetted’ migrants into the US sets stage ‘for something far worse than 9/11.’” Elon Musk — he’s no dummy.

The true numbers involved in the invasion that Biden invited are staggering, whatever they are, as are the secondary effects. As I say, we need a miracle, or something like it.

When George Met Joey

(Lloyd Billingsley)

“Centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of value,” Winston Smith discovers in George Orwell’s 1984. “One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Streets, inscriptions memorial stones, the names of streets – anything that might throw light on the past had been systematically altered.” In other words, “history has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” For all but the willfully blind, the parallels are apparent on every hand.

For the Biden Junta, America is nothing more than a bastion of racist oppression, and the American Declaration of Independence, as Orwell noted, is pure thoughtcrime. The unelected ranks of the deep state constitute the “Inner Party,” deploying the FBI against the people. Under the Delaware Democrat, pretty much every week is hate week. Should that be doubted, recall Biden’s September 1, 2022 speech. Also relevant for current conditions is Orwell’s Animal Farm, in which the place of wild, non-domesticated creatures must be decided.

The revolutionary animals rule that rats are comrades, a view now institutionalized in America. Witness the rise of pro-crime district attorneys such as Chesa Boudin and George Gascon. Criminals also do the heavy lifting that woke politicians won’t perform, such as torching businesses and assaulting people at random, all passed off as “peaceful protest.”

Joe Biden brings in some eight million illegals with no criminal background checks. A criminal illegal is charged with murdering University of Georgia Biden student Laken Riley on February 22. In his February 28 speech on crime, Biden failed to name the victim or mention the case, and made no reference to illegal immigration.

In 1984, Winston Smith came to love Big Brother but it’s hard to believe that people approve Joe Biden’s steady demolition of America. It’s even harder to believe that this is what the American people were panting for in 2020. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens in 2024.

It’s Dangerous To Be an Athlete

(John Hinderaker)

I wrote here about the murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley by, allegedly, illegal alien Jose Ibarra of Venezuela. The case has spurred outrage across the United States. Which, I suppose, is why the Associated Press felt the need to spin the story in another–bizarre–direction: “The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes.”

If only Ms. Riley had been walking across the University of Georgia campus instead of running, the AP wants us to believe, she would have been safe! It was being an “athlete” that did her in. Ibarra, meanwhile, is described discreetly as an “Athens resident.”

The AP compounds the absurdity of its reporting with this:

Riley’s death has once again put the spotlight on the dangers female runners face. Previously, the 2018 death of University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts while out jogging prompted an outpouring from other women who shared their tales of being harassed and followed.

Mollie Tibbetts, like Laken Riley, was murdered by an illegal alien. What a coincidence! But to the AP, the lesson is that women should avoid running. How about if we close the border instead?

STEVE adds: Isn’t this pathetic excuse pretty close to saying, “She was wearing an awfully short skirt. . .”


(Lloyd Billingsley)

By a unanimous vote, the San Francisco supervisors have made Kelly Wong a member of the San Francisco Elections Commission. The Chinese national is the first non- U.S. citizen to hold the post, and under U.S. law she is not allowed to vote. Wong’s priority is to ensure that voter materials are translated in a way that people can understand, work she already performs as an “immigrant rights advocate” at Chinese for Affirmative Action.

According to CAA, last year “more than 24,000 Chinese migrants have made a treacherous 60-mile trek through the Darien Gap risking death and disease to eventually cross from Mexico into the U.S.” The “numbers are unprecedented,” and the San Diego Migrant Welcome Center “asked CAA to assist with the influx of arrivals.” For many, “the number one priority was to arrange transit to U.S.-based family and friends.” While this was going on, another People’s Republic of China (PRC) development escaped notice.

In January, a team from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cleaned up the site of an illegal biolab run by Chinese nationals in Reedley, California, near Fresno. The site jostled with dangerous pathogens, and viral agents, some untested by the federal Centers for Disease Control. That is no surprise since the CDC cooperates closely with the PRC, and the CDC’s vaunted Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), which failed to stop Covid from arriving stateside, includes Chinese nationals.

According to The Black Book of Communism, the PRC is the most lethal regime in history, with more than 60 million victims. If the PRC ever did anything with which the CDC disagreed, it’s hard to know what it might be. The same goes for California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who passed away last September. Feinstein maintained a Chinese spy on her staff for 20 years. Gov. Gavin Newsom also has a soft spot for the one-party Communist regime.

San Francisco has become the world’s largest latrine, homeless camp and junkyard, but former mayor Newsom cleaned it all up when Xi Jinping came to town. That was hardly Newsom’s only service for the PRC.

In April 2020, Gov. Newsom announced a $1 billion deal for masks with the Chinese company BYD, which had no experience making protective equipment. Newsom hid the details, even from fellow Democrats and what became of the $1 billion remained something of a mystery. Other massive favors for the PRC stand in plain sight.

For the new span of the Bay Bridge, California rejected federal money and hired a Chinese company which, at the time, had no experience building bridges. The structure came in 10 years late, $5 billion over budget, and riddled with cracked bolts, corrosion and such.

All told, the Golden State is shaping up as Californiachukuo, a development and settlement zone for the PRC. Newsom is the colonial official, and a PRC national now serves on the San Francisco Election Commission, eager to ensure accurate translation of election documents.

As Commissioner Wong should know, back in 1986 a full 73 percent of California voters passed Proposition 63, the Official Language of California Amendment, designed to “preserve the role of English as the state’s common language.” According to this law, the voter guides should be only in English, with good reason. As legal immigrants know, some proficiency in English is a requirement for U.S. citizenship, in turn, a requirement for voting in U.S. elections.

By contrast, Joe Biden believes that illegals are “already American citizens” and should be able to vote. That’s why he brought in some eight million foreign nationals with no English ability, no background checks, and no health requirements. According to Chinese for Affirmative Action, “unprecedented numbers” of them are Chinese nationals, eager to link up with those already here.

All told, Californiachukuo is shaping up as the model for the nation. To paraphrase Walter Sobchak, this is what happens when a constitutional democracy collaborates with a genocidal Communist dictatorship.

Sweden Seeing the Reality of “Diversity”

(Steven Hayward)

This morning I stumbled across a Tweet linking to an Australian “60 Minutes” segment about the unassimilable migrants that are causing the crime rate and other social dysfunctions to soar in Sweden. Turns out the episode is seven years old, but since we don’t see Australia’s “60 Minutes” here (and our CBS “60 Minutes” won’t touch this subject with a ten meter pole), I doubt little has changed in the last seven years, so here’s the complete seven minute segment—watch to the very end:

I still contend that sooner or later, European nations are going to institute mass deportations of migrants. (If it wants to survive, anyway. It may not have the will to do so any more.) Germany has already said it is going to step up deportation proceedings against recent migrants whose asylum claims are unfounded, but look for other countries to ratchet up from there.

Blunt Force Border Policy

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As John notes just below, police in Georgia have arrested Jose Antonio Ibarra, “not a U.S. citizen” and not a student at the University of Georgia, where nursing student Laken Riley, 22, was found dead from “blunt force trauma.”

This is not an isolated incident. Consider California, the “sanctuary state” that protects criminal illegals from deportation.

In 2019, a false-documented illegal from Mexico murdered El Dorado County deputy Brian Ishmael, who left behind a wife and three daughters. In 2018, illegal immigrant Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Virgen Mendoza, murdered Newman, California police officer Ronil “Ron” Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji who came the America to work in law enforcement.

In 2014, previously deported Luis Bracamontes gunned down Sacramento County police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis. In court, the Mexican national said he wished he had killed more cops. Sometimes the victims are innocent children.

In Waseca, Minnesota, Lorenzo Sanchez raped 12-year-old Cally Jo Larson, stabbed her to death, then hung her body from a cord in the stairway. See the Forensic Files episode “The Music Case.” And now nursing student Laken Riley is found dead from blunt force trauma.

If a firearm had been in play, and the suspect a U.S. citizen, Joe Biden might have issued a statement on “gun violence.” At this writing, nothing from the White House on the case, and that comes as no surprise.

“You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens,” said vice president Biden in 2014. All the 11 million wanted was a chance to contribute, Biden said, so “let people vote.” Since 2020, Biden has bulked up the imported electorate by some eight million, possibly more, so when illegals commit crimes the Delaware Democrat looks the other way.

This year, millions of illegals will be voting, as they already do in California, with squads of politiqueros bribing or threatening them to vote “a certain way,” code for Democrats. That’s what the Biden Junta wants in November.

The Price of Illegal Immigration [Updated]

(John Hinderaker)

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, Georgia. Thursday morning, she went for a run and didn’t return. Her body was found on the campus of the University of Georgia. Riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela:

Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, who was arrested Friday in connection to the murder of the 22-year-old Augusta University student, crossed into El Paso, Texas, from Venezuela in September 2022, NewsNation reported Saturday, citing Department of Homeland Security sources.

He had been released due to a lack of detention space, the sources added.

Laken Riley

Ibarra is one of millions of illegals whom Joe Biden has deliberately welcomed into the United States, in violation of federal law, the Constitution, and Biden’s oath of office. Biden’s motives are hard to understand. But in the law, one is held to have intended the natural and inevitable consequences of one’s actions. Occam’s Razor, like the common law, implies that Biden is trying to bring chaos and destruction to the United States.

Having entered America with no problem, Ibarra set out for New York. I don’t believe it has been reported how he got there, but he spent a year or so in New York City before relocating to Georgia. His social media accounts suggest that he was living it up:

In September 2022, however, the Venezuelan native looked carefree, smiling in Times Square and Rockefeller Center in New York City, posts on a Facebook account linked to his name showed.

Of course, he got into trouble in New York, too:

Police sources in New York confirmed to NewsNation that a suspect matching Ibarra’s name and age was arrested in the Big Apple for endangering a 5-year-old child last year.

But illegals who commit crimes are rarely punished. Ibarra eventually joined his older brother Diego, who I assume is also an illegal although I haven’t seen this reported, in Athens. The older brother is a criminal, too; he was arrested three times between September and December 2023. Ho hum. Liberals refuse to enforce our laws, until a known criminal commits a crime so heinous that it attracts national attention. Like this one.

So, because Joe Biden opened our southern border, Jose Ibarra waltzed in from Venezuela, spent a year or so hanging out in New York, where any crimes he committed went unpunished, then joined his brother in Georgia. Where, day before yesterday, he saw Laken Riley jogging on the University of Georgia campus and decided it would be fun to kill her. Congratulations, Joe. This one’s on you.

A postscript: the U.S. isn’t the only country dumb enough to admit large numbers of illegal aliens, often referred to in the press as “asylum seekers.” Western Europe has problems even worse than ours, as exemplified by this case:

Police in Vienna launched a criminal investigation after three women were found dead in a brothel, authorities said Saturday.

A witness discovered traces of blood outside the building, located near the Danube River, and alerted police on Friday evening. The bodies of the three victims had “cuts and stab wounds,” police spokesperson Philipp Hasslinger told The Associated Press.

A 27-year-old man was soon arrested in the vicinity of the brothel while carrying a knife, the supposed weapon. Police said the suspect is an asylum-seeker from Afghanistan and will be questioned by police later on Saturday.

The Vienna brothel was legal, but apparently the “asylum seeker” disapproved of it. Hey, some of us may disapprove of it, too. But we wouldn’t murder the women who work there. Open-borders immigration policies have been a disaster wherever they have been implemented.

UPDATE: It turns out that Jose Ibarra had a “wife.” Sort of:

“We got married so we could join our asylum cases,” she told The Post. “He was the person I thought I could see through. We’ve known each other our entire lives.”

So, just another species of immigration fraud. Honestly, though, Ibarra and his “wife” needn’t have bothered. Joe Biden’s welcome mat is out, and everyone is here to stay–especially those who will degrade our country.

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About
New in PJ Media: We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing […]

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel
“But the Government is powerless to remove any of the 19, because they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment in their home countries.” This is a nation in its death throes. When it is more concerned about the rights and safety of people in other countries than of its own people, what future can […]

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing
Anyone who finds this surprising knows nothing of Afghan and Islamic culture, and its attitudes toward non-Muslims and women. It’s unlikely that anyone in these NGOs knows anything about the Islamic understanding of the Infidel obligation to support Muslims financially, either. NGOs would have dismissed any warnings about all this as “Islamophobic.” But although they’ll […]

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’
Diversity is our strength! “‘I will make you like Samuel Paty’: an individual sentenced to five years in prison for letters threatening and apologizing for terrorism,” translated from ““Je vais vous faire comme Samuel Paty” : un individu condamné à cinq ans de prison pour des lettres de menaces et d’apologie du terrorisme,” Valeurs Actuelles, […]

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women
In reality, all manner of Sharia-adherent Muslims are coming to Europe, and Europeans are bending over backwards to accommodate them. “Afghan Islamic Scholar Khalifa Deen Mohammad: Muslim Refugees In Europe Are Only Granted Asylum If They Conceal Their Faith, Have Sex With Women Sent By The Government To Test Them,” MEMRI, March 23, 2023: Afghan […]

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam

Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam
He’s mentally ill, you see, but healthy enough to become an imam. Lord, what fools these Infidels be. “​Double murderer and imam apprentice get an early pension,” translated from “Dobbeltmorder og imamlærling får førtidspension,” by Bertil B. Fruelund and James Kristoffer Miles, Ekstra Bladet, April 5, 2023 (thanks to L.): A 62-year-old Iraqi citizen who […]

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby
Posted by an Afghan illegal – a man proudly waving the Taliban flag in Derby. An example of what the government is allowing into our country. They’re even housing some of them on military bases where some of our armed forces and their families live nearby. It won't end well. — Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) […]

Greece signs contract to extend border fence with Turkey to keep out migrants

Greece signs contract to extend border fence with Turkey to keep out migrants
Any reliable leader knows that responsible immigration policies are imperative for national security. An open border amounts to an invitation to all manner of criminal and terrorist. Leaders who have implemented such policies have round-the-clock security, paid for by taxpayers. The economic future of these irresponsible “public servants” is also guaranteed, courtesy of taxpayers. Greek […]

Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’

Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’
Was this an honor killing? Whether it was or wasn’t, would it have been simply responsible journalism to report on the fact, so that people could be informed accordingly about what exactly is going on here? Albania is nearly 60% Muslim. In the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a […]

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

About Those Six Muslims Charged In Vienna with Cruelty to Animals

About Those Six Muslims Charged In Vienna with Cruelty to Animals
It was in 1683 that the Muslim Turks, in their invasion of south and central Europe, lay siege to Vienna for the second and last time. They did not obtain their objective; the Viennese withstood the attack. That unsuccessful siege was the high water mark of the Ottoman entry into Europe. Now, in 2023, there are […]

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon
Celebrate diversity! What happens when you bring in a large number of people who believe that violence can be holy under the right circumstances, and have contempt for the legal system of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? “Lyon: three stabbings since Friday at Guillotière, at least 6 injured to deplore,” translated from […]

Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals

Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals
“According to the public prosecutor’s office, 213 sheep were slaughtered without the prescribed stunning.” That’s just standard halal butchering practice. Soon the Austrian authorities will back down, release these men, and apologize for their “Islamophobia.” “213 sheep illegally slaughtered: Six Viennese Muslims in court,” translated from “213 Schafe illegal geschächtet: Sechs Wiener Muslime vor Gericht,” […]

Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them

Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them
All too often, virtue in a Sharia context is not actually the free choice of the good, but a shallow conformism based on fear. “He drinks during Ramadan and is stabbed: more blood in Central Station,” translated from “Beve durante il Ramadan e viene accoltellato: ancora sangue in stazione Centrale,” by Francesca Galici, Il Giornale, […]

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”
“O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28) What? The Qur’an considers Christians to be idolaters? Certainly: “It is not fitting for Allah that he should take to himself a son. Glory be to him, when he decrees a thing, he says to it only, Be, and it is.” (Qur’an 19:35) “They […]

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’
What is Sweden going to be like in five years? Ten? “Court of Appeal: Rapists ‘become exposed to the disrespect of others,'” translated from “Hovrätten: Våldtäktsmän ”blir utsatta för andras missaktning,” Samnytt, March 27, 2023: The three men who earlier this month were convicted of robbing and raping prostitutes in Malmö risk being exposed to […]

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries
With unchecked mass migration from Muslim-majority North Africa and Middle East, the German authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in child marriages across the country. Germany’s top constitutional court on Wednesday urged the government to ease the child marriage law which nullifies such marital unions, and requires the separation of child brides from […]

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered
Celebrate diversity! This plot was a direct result of mass Muslim migration into Europe. You know, the mass migration that only “racists” and “Islamophobes” oppose. The Left is forcing “diversity” upon Europe in a sea of blood. “Greek police uncover Pakistani plot to attack Jewish synagogue in Athens – ‘€15,000 per dead,'” Greek City Times, […]

UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country

UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country
Earlier this month, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman was condemned “for suggesting that 100 million asylum seekers could come to the UK without her planned immigration crackdown.” Now, “UK Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has reportedly launched a probe into visas given to hostile Islamist clerics from Iran amid fears that they could be using ‘backdoor’ […]

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’
They’re upset about the quality of the accommodations and food, also. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if […]

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’
“They thought that it is better that their son was there than in a destructive environment here,” says Mohamed Hassan Alim, who clearly agrees. Now, it is certainly true that no good would have come from Mohamed Hassan Alim turning to a life of crime. But what is the likelihood that he will grow up […]

Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center

Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center
We’re told that the attacker has “psychological problems.” That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation were it not for the fact that it is so often used even in obvious cases of jihad violence. As this took place at an Ismaili Shia center, is it possible that the perpetrator was Sunni? Certainly the fact that […]

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader
Leftists everywhere, as drunk as ever on identity politics, are celebrating this, and that’s fine. There will certainly be many, many more Muslim officials in the UK after Hamza Yousaf, and eventually there will be only Muslim officials. But Yousaf himself is likely only to exacerbate divisions in Britain, and certainly nothing will be done […]

Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years

Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years
What could possibly go wrong? Sure none of the new Muslim arrivals in Spain hold to Hassan al-Banna’s adage that “Islam must dominate, and not be dominated,” right? Any concern about them is solely “Islamophobia,” right? “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah; then if they give over, surely […]

Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years

Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years
And he had no trouble getting into Germany. To have scrutinized his background too closely would have been “Islamophobic.” “ISIS executioner hid in Essen for several years,” translated from “ISIS-Henker versteckte sich seit mehreren Jahren in Essen,” by Frank Schneider, Bild, March 22, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A Syrian has been arrested in Essen who […]

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria
Did the Security Police know he was wanted for war crimes and Syria and just didn’t care? Or did they not know, which is even worse? “Syrian migrant requested to be detained for serious war crimes in Syria,” translated from “Syrisk migrant begärs häktad för grova krigsbrott i Syrien,” by Mattias Albinsson, Samnytt, March 23, […]

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab
There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The […]

Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan

Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan
London has set a precedent that cities all over Europe will soon follow. “Migrants demand: streets should be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan,” translated from “Migranten fordern: Straßen sollen zum Ramadan „angemessen“ geschmückt werden,” Unzensuriert, March 24, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): This year, from March 23 to April 21, Muslims will celebrate their month of fasting, […]

Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship

Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship
She may have explicitly renounced her citizenship, and certainly renounced it implicitly, when she joined an entity that is at war with Denmark and other Western states, but who cares? Celebrate diversity! What could possibly go wrong? “The Supreme Court: It is illegal to deprive an IS woman of her citizenship,” translated from “Højesteret: Ulovligt […]

Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten

Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten
Come on, man! Celebrate diversity! An update on this story. “IS supporters arrested: Macedonians (19) are said to have planned terrorist attacks in Vienna,” translated from “IS-Anhänger gefasst: Mazedonier (19) soll Terror-Anschläge in Wien geplant haben,” by Michael Koch, Exxpress, March 21, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Twelve graffiti with IS slogans were discovered in St. […]

Muslim migrant arrested for stabbing Italian soldier in the neck, killing him, ‘motive still unclear’

Muslim migrant arrested for stabbing Italian soldier in the neck, killing him, ‘motive still unclear’
Might the motive have something to do with this injunction? “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4) “Various facts: The dangerous murderer of an Italian military nurse arrested in the TGV between Perpignan and Figuères,” translated from “Faits divers: Le dangereux meurtrier d’un infirmier militaire italien arrêté dans le TGV entre Perpignan […]

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran
Something is very wrong in the UK, which on top of everything else is now serving as a haven for an Iranian rapist whose fear of having to return to Iran didn’t stop him from committing his crime in the first place. If the victim were a relative of Judge John Keith, Keith would likely […]

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an
Britain has long ago capitulated on issues of this kind, so this is no surprise. Pamela Geller and I were banned from Britain ten years ago for the crime of planning to lay a wreath at a memorial to Drummer Lee Rigby, who was murdered on a London street by an Islamic jihadi. Rasmus Paludan […]

Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese

Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese
Turks and Lebanese; what might they have in common? Could this spike in knife attacks and rapes have to do with admitting large numbers of people from cultures that teach that violence is acceptable and even holy in certain circumstances, and that non-Muslim women can in certain circumstances be taken for sexual use? And where […]

France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones

France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones
Senegal is 97% Muslim. The cross is an affront to Islam. The Qur’an claims that Jesus was not crucified, although in somewhat equivocal language for what is supposed to be the perfect word of an omniscient god: “And because of their saying, We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the messenger of Allah, they […]

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle

France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle
There is violence against women in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is violence against women in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Had this Libyan internalized the idea that violence against women was justified in certain circumstances? Where did he get the idea […]

Norway: Muslim migrants rape teen girls, only one journalist shows up for trial but is denied entry

Norway: Muslim migrants rape teen girls, only one journalist shows up for trial but is denied entry
The mass-migration endeavor must be protected at all costs. “Eritreans and Somalis raped a 13-year-old in Oslo after Snapchat grooming,” translated from “Eritreer og somalier voldtok 13-åring i Oslo etter Snapchat-grooming,” by Julie Dahle, Human Rights Service, March 16, 2023 (thanks to L.): The online newspaper Document was denied access to the courtroom when two […]

Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’

Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’
This is marvelous. What a wonderful sign of welcoming and inclusion! But look at the relative ages of the people in the photo, and consider also the supremacist and expansionist aspects of Islam. How long will it be before the German-language sign is taken down? “Ellerstrasse and شارع إلَرْ,” translated from “Ellerstraße und شارع إلَرْ,” […]

European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals

European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals
The irrational leaders of the EU fought long and hard to defend their reckless open-door immigration policies, even calling countries such as Hungary, which opposed those policies, “undemocratic.” Smears including “anti-immigrant,” “racist” and “Islamophobe” were also levied at anyone who protested against the invasion of mostly Muslim economic migrants who entered Europe illegally in droves. […]

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’
He also called for “jihad” and “war against non-Muslims.” Why haven’t the multitudes of moderate Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. gone to Yonkers to explain to Ridon Kola how he is misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Meanwhile, where did Kola get this crucifixion idea? Could it have been from here? “The only reward for those […]

Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator

Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator
What happens when you bring people over from a culture that glorifies and sanctifies violence and make no attempt to require them to accept the mores of the welcoming country? “Afghan (26) pushes a mother with two small children in front of a moving car,” translated from “Afghane (26) stößt Mutter mit zwei kleinen Kindern […]

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah
After he murdered eight people for Allah, U.S. taxpayers will now pay for his upkeep for half a century. “NYC bike path attacker to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on death penalty,” by Marta Dhanis and Paul Best, Fox News, March 13, 2023: The convicted murderer who killed eight […]

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery
Investigators suspect that these weapons “were intended for Toulouse delinquents,” who are themselves largely Muslim migrants. For some of these, the overall goal is to destabilize the state and ultimately replace it with an Islamic state. “Tarbes: A large delivery of weapons intercepted in the parking lot of a hotel,” translated from “Tarbes : Une […]