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Before yesterdayU.S.

Healthcare Giant BEGS Unvaccinated Doctors to Return to Work | Beyond the Headlines

Years after Kaiser Permanente imposed draconian vaccine requirements on its employees, the healthcare giant is BEGGING for the 75,000 fired over refusing the experimental vaccine to come back to work — and they say it’s because of “changes in the federal, state and local vaccine requirements or recommendations”. Should we comply, or hold their feet to the fire?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Healthcare Giant BEGS Unvaccinated Doctors to Return to Work | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

CNN Host HUMILIATED After Gotcha Questions Go Wrong | Beyond the Headlines

When they can’t argue with the facts, mainstream media mouthpieces will do everything in their power to mischaracterize what you’ve said, or catch you up in a game of semantics — unluckily for CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Ted Cruz has been here before — and he wasn’t having it. How badly did Collins screw up in going toe to toe with the Senator from the Lone Star State?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post CNN Host HUMILIATED After Gotcha Questions Go Wrong | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden FALLS APART Three Times in the Same Press Conference | Beyond the Headlines

Another day, another Biden gaffe — and this time, it was a rapid-fire of Biden blunders. Shortly after he was asked questions about Kenyan soldiers being sent to Haiti to quell the violence, Joe couldn’t even remember the question, which leads us to a bigger question — does Joe even know where he is anymore?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Biden FALLS APART Three Times in the Same Press Conference | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Ex-FBI Director Drops SHAMEFUL Trump Theory | Beyond the Headlines

James Comey, the ex-FBI director who was instrumental in the Russiagate collusion hoax, continues to project his own insecurities on Trump. On MSNBC, he made some ironic and concerning statements about our former President — why are they so terrified of Trump getting back into the Oval Office?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Ex-FBI Director Drops SHAMEFUL Trump Theory | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

AOC Unexpectedly EXPOSES Dem Strategy to STEAL the Election | Beyond the Headlines

On the heels of more insidious information surrounding the Mar-a-lago raid dropping, AOC pulls back the veil even more on where their minds are regarding the Trump lawsuits — it was never about upholding the rule of law, but rather to hold Trump back in the upcoming election. So what exactly is their strategy going into the 2024 election?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post AOC Unexpectedly EXPOSES Dem Strategy to STEAL the Election | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Bill Maher’s TDS Erupts During Surprise Appearance on Gutfeld | Beyond the Headlines

Bill Maher, while sometimes being a little bit more reasonable and honest than the average liberal, still hasn’t shaken off one core tenet of liberalism — and that is their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Despite being willing to come on Gutfeld’s show on Fox News, Maher still came off as adversarial and at times, perturbed by the host and other guests’ opinions. How did his TDS manifest in this interview?

Elijah Schaffer goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Bill Maher’s TDS Erupts During Surprise Appearance on Gutfeld | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Benny Johnson Video EXPOSES How Far San Francisco Has Fallen | Beyond the Headlines

Democrat-run cities have been out of control for the past few years now, but among those, one stands alone — San Francisco. Once a beautiful city in the bay of California, with gorgeous views, cool spring breezes and architecture full of character — downtown has fallen into third-world status, along with some of the more popular retail stores having to resort to locking up ALL of their goods. How far did San Francisco fall?

Elijah Schaffer goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Benny Johnson Video EXPOSES How Far San Francisco Has Fallen | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Unsealed Documents Reveal TREASONOUS Move Against Trump | Beyond the Headlines

Recently, Julie Kelly revealed some salacious details surrounding the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago. Normally, such a drastic move wouldn’t be taken against a former President — what did they do this time that was so different, and why would they possibly go to such extents to potentially physically harm the former President?

Elijah Schaffer goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Unsealed Documents Reveal TREASONOUS Move Against Trump | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden FALLS APART During Train-Wreck NAACP Speech | Beyond the Headlines

It may seem redundant — but yes, Biden is NOT in good shape. Either because of senility, dementia, or knowing that he won’t be held to account by the mainstream media — Biden ONCE AGAIN trotted out a lie that has been debunked numerous times regarding his history with civil rights. What was the lie, and why is Biden so intent on keeping it up?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Biden FALLS APART During Train-Wreck NAACP Speech | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

MSNBC Drops a Babylon Bee Headline on Itself | Beyond the Headlines

However much you hate the media — it isn’t enough. Despite raking Trump over the coals for the slightest infraction, when it was recently revealed that his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, admitted to stealing $30,000 from him — Lawrence O’Donnell from MSNBC still found a way to justify it. You won’t believe the rationalization here..

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post MSNBC Drops a Babylon Bee Headline on Itself | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Gym Owner Scores HUGE VICTORY Over Tyrannical NJ Governor | Beyond the Headlines

Ian Smith of Atilis Gym had the fight of his lifetime during COVID — fight for his right to run his business how he saw fit, or comply with the governor of New Jersey and see everything he built be decimated by the COVID regime. Smith fought — and recently saw a massive win come to fruition. Does this mark the beginning of the end for the COVID police state?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Gym Owner Scores HUGE VICTORY Over Tyrannical NJ Governor | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Ex-CDC Director Breaks Silence on COVID Vaccine Safety | Beyond the Headlines

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the CDC, has now made a shocking statement regarding the COVID vaccines and information that was suppressed by his former agency regarding the vaccines. Now that the truth is coming out more and more about the harm they’ve caused, what exactly did Dr. Redfield say, and could it potentially blow the lid even more on the vaccine information suppression campaign?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Ex-CDC Director Breaks Silence on COVID Vaccine Safety | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden Voters PANIC When They Get What They Voted For | Beyond the Headlines

The northeastern United States, despite being the birthplace of the country we all know and love for it’s freedom and liberty, has become a cesspool of virtue-signaling democrats who would love nothing more than to sacrifice that liberty to show that they are, in fact, tolerant. Well, now the chickens have come home to roost, in the form of an influx of illegal immigrants taking over the town of Norfolk, Massachusetts. How bad has it gotten over there?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Biden Voters PANIC When They Get What They Voted For | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DEI Money Laundering Scheme EXPOSED | Beyond the Headlines

DEI has been commonly referred to as a “scam” by some, but this takes it to a new level. Recently, Barbara Furlow-Smiles of Georgia, was fired by Facebook and then went to go on to work at Nike — all while enriching herself to the tune of $5 million by facilitating bogus DEI initiatives with her friends, who she would then receive kickbacks from. This debacle raises the question — how much more is this happening?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post DEI Money Laundering Scheme EXPOSED | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Trump’s Ex-Lawyer Drops JAW-DROPPING Testimony in Court | Beyond the Headlines

Former lawyer of Donald J. Trump, Michael Cohen, has now revealed that maybe there was more to him flipping on Trump — more nefarious actors that stepped in to see to it that Trump went down. Was Cohen really under duress from an anti-Trump gang?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Trump’s Ex-Lawyer Drops JAW-DROPPING Testimony in Court | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Corrupt Attorney General Faces DEVASTATING New Reality | Beyond the Headlines

When confronted with harsh reality, especially when it pertains to holding one accountable — it seems like a typical retreat for the deep state elite class is to invoke “democracy”. Recently, the DOJ and AG Merrick Garland was asked to comply with a congressional subpoena. Did invoking the catchphrase of “democracy” save him this time?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Corrupt Attorney General Faces DEVASTATING New Reality | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Rep. James Comer Finds MAJOR Problems With Biden Family Bank Accounts | Beyond the Headlines

Breaking news: Biden has even MORE secret bank accounts than previously thought, establishing a pattern of shell LLCs, seemingly to move around money received in the form of bribes and kickbacks from influence peddling. How deep does the rabbithole go when it comes to the Biden family finances?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Rep. James Comer Finds MAJOR Problems With Biden Family Bank Accounts | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Disgraceful Details Emerge Surrounding Mike Pence’s DISASTROUS Presidential Run | Beyond the Headlines

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who’s previous actions some may deem “traitorous”, has now been reduced to begging for relief from some of his personal debts following his presidential run. Does he deserve the privilege of having Americans foot his bill, much less redemption for his actions in the past?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Disgraceful Details Emerge Surrounding Mike Pence’s DISASTROUS Presidential Run | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Peruvian Government Shakes Up Gender Debate with SHOCKING Announcement | Beyond the Headlines

About 7 years ago, a big change was made in America — removing transgenderism from the DSM as a mental illness. Now, amidst the surge in people identifying as transgender, the president of Peru has ruled to once again classify the ailment as a mental disorder. Will America follow suit?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Peruvian Government Shakes Up Gender Debate with SHOCKING Announcement | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden Surprisingly Agrees to Debate Trump: Full Details Unveiled | Beyond the Headlines

After 4 years, it’s happening again — Biden has officially accepted the challenge to debate Trump. Not without caveats, however: Biden requests no audience, muting of the mic as soon as the speakers’ time is finished, among other things. Will this be enough for Biden to squeak out a win against the surging Donald Trump?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Biden Surprisingly Agrees to Debate Trump: Full Details Unveiled | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

INSANITY: FOIA Exposes Guide for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE | Beyond the Headlines

Judicial Watchdog, a conservative watchdog group, recently obtained documents that are step-by-step instructions for illegal immigrants on how to register to vote in local DC elections. Not just that — but they can also RUN for office in the area as well. Does the shamelessness of leftists to prey on immigrants for electoral means know no bounds?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post INSANITY: FOIA Exposes Guide for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to VOTE | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden TROLLED By Trump-This is HILARIOUS | Beyond the Headlines

Recently, Biden announced tariffs to the tune of $18 billion worth of Chinese imports.. and the former President had something to say about it. Apparently, Biden is forgetting he promised to reverse Trump’s tariffs from before.. is this another case of dementia getting the best of Joe, or another example of how everything the “orange man” does is bad, but fine when they do it?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Biden TROLLED By Trump-This is HILARIOUS | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams With RACIST Comment About IMMIGRANTS? | Beyond the Headlines


It seems that the more liberals try NOT to be racist, they end up failing miserably, every time. In an attempt to make a welcoming gesture towards immigrants, he said they could take up lifeguard jobs because.. they’re good swimmers? If you say so, mayor.. what exactly did he say that was so out of pocket?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post NYC Mayor Eric Adams With RACIST Comment About IMMIGRANTS? | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WHAT? Kamala Delivers CRUDE Comments on Stage | Beyond the Headlines

For all that has been made about Trump’s messaging and behavior, you would think that the other side would operate with a little more decorum. On stage at the APAICS Leadership Summit, Vice President Kamala Harris had some very emotionally charged language about breaking down barriers — was she in the right, or should a head of state operate with a little more civility, especially when addressing their constituents?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post WHAT? Kamala Delivers CRUDE Comments on Stage | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WINNING: Does This Mean VICTORY For Trump? | Beyond the Headlines

In CNN’s coverage of polling data from what’s commonly referred to as the “battleground states,” even the liberal-biased news organization had to admit — Trump is winning, and winning “BIGLY.” Will this be a cakewalk for the former president back into the Oval Office, or is there more to the story?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post WINNING: Does This Mean VICTORY For Trump? | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

BREAKING: Did US State Dept PROTECT CCP’s Xi Jinping? | Beyond the Headlines

In the early days of COVID, one of the prevailing narratives from the “truther” community was that the virus had leaked from a lab in Wuhan, a narrative that was promptly shut down as “racist” — despite being the most reasonable explanation and the alternative mainstream narrative of it originating in a Chinese wet market seemingly being even MORE “racist.” Now, information about the US State Department withholding information about the CCP and Xi Jinping’s involvement and knowledge of the outbreak has come out — and it is DAMNING. What exactly have we learned about the outbreak, and what motivation would the deep state have to protect Xi?

Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post BREAKING: Did US State Dept PROTECT CCP’s Xi Jinping? | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Bill Gates Has Gone VAX-CRAZY… You Won’t Believe His New Idea | Beyond the Headlines

It seems like we can never go more than a few months without another cockamamie proposition by former Microsoft CEO on how to save the world. This one though, takes the cake — or cuts the cheese. What INSANE thing does Bill Gates have up his sleeve this time?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Bill Gates Has Gone VAX-CRAZY… You Won’t Believe His New Idea | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Nancy Pelosi DESTROYED in UK Debate.. You’ll Never Guess By WHO | Beyond the Headlines

Nancy Pelosi recently took a trip across the pond to attend a debate at Oxford Union, a highly esteemed university organization in the UK. This trip came as a surprise, considering at this event — she wouldn’t get the preferential treatment she gets from the American Liberal media. What might come as even more of a surprise is who she came to blows with on the debate floor. Who had the great honor of telling Mrs. Pelosi everything we’ve all been thinking?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Nancy Pelosi DESTROYED in UK Debate.. You’ll Never Guess By WHO | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Drs. Were Being BRIBED To Push Vax | Beyond the Headlines

During the vaccine rollout, all who were skeptical of the vaccine sensed something was awry — despite catching COVID and having natural immunity, as such was the case for previous viruses, the vaccine was STILL relentlessly pushed by media figures, public programs, and the mainstream media. Now, Dr. Peter McCullough has uncovered GROUNDBREAKING information about Doctors’ true intentions behind pushing the COVID “vaccine.” So, how much did it cost to buy off the medical establishment?

Elijah Schaffer goes into all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post BOMBSHELL: Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Drs. Were Being BRIBED To Push Vax | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

LOL: Joe Biden Makes a CRAZY Statement Regarding His Presidential Record | Beyond the Headlines

For anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see — Biden has not been doing great, to say the least. Recently, ol’ Joe had a sit-down with CNN to discuss his presidential record thus far and his strategy moving forward. What did Joe say this time that was so beyond the pale?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post LOL: Joe Biden Makes a CRAZY Statement Regarding His Presidential Record | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DELUSIONAL: Hillary Clinton Gives an INSANE Trump Comparison | Beyond the Headlines

Since Trump came down the escalator in 2015, he’s drawn a lot of comparisons, some good, and of course, some bad — mostly coming from the left. This is nothing new, but Hillary Clinton recently had a pretty EXTREME comparison, putting Trump in the same breath as an infamous 20th-century dictator. Who was it, and why is Hillary still seething YEARS later?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post DELUSIONAL: Hillary Clinton Gives an INSANE Trump Comparison | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Dr. Deborah Birx With MASSIVE Confession Regarding VACCINES | Beyond the Headlines

During the COVID pandemic, there were a few big names we saw on our TVs daily — one of those was former White House coronavirus response coordinator, colloquially known as the “Scarf Lady”. Along with her were Dr. Anthony Fauci and a gang of other vaccine pushers — however, it seems she’s changed her tone regarding the jab. What exactly did she say, and what does it mean for the vaccine at large?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Dr. Deborah Birx With MASSIVE Confession Regarding VACCINES | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DISASTROUS Testimony For Stormy Daniels in TRUMP CASE.. Even CNN ADMITS | Beyond the Headlines

Stormy Daniels can’t seem to keep her mouth SHUT outside of this case — and continues to discredit herself more and more as the days go on in regards to her reliability. It even got to the point where she was reciting scripted jokes in the trial — unfortunately, she was met with a tough crowd, to say the least. How will this affect the Trump trial, and Stormy’s future?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post DISASTROUS Testimony For Stormy Daniels in TRUMP CASE.. Even CNN ADMITS | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

GA Gov. Brian Kemp Takes DECISIVE Action Against ELECTION FRAUD | Beyond the Headlines

In the 2020 Election, Georgia was one of the main states embroiled in alleged election fraud — along with Wisconsin, Arizona, and other states. Despite some criticism Governor Brian Kemp received around that time, it seems like he’s trying to make good by signing in THREE major pieces of legislation to protect next election — but will it be enough?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post GA Gov. Brian Kemp Takes DECISIVE Action Against ELECTION FRAUD | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Ex-CNN Host Chris Cuomo VINDICATES Antivaxxers in SHOCKING Statement | Beyond the Headlines

Ex-CNN host Chris Cuomo offered a shocking testimony recently on the PBD Podcast, of which he is now a part. In the episode, he mentions how, contrary to popular belief, the mainstream media was WRONG on it’s framing of alternative solutions to COVID and their stance on the now-infamous vaccine. What exactly did he say that was so shocking, and so different from his tone while he was on CNN?

Maria Zeee goes over all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Ex-CNN Host Chris Cuomo VINDICATES Antivaxxers in SHOCKING Statement | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

HUMILIATION: Robert De Niro DESTROYED by Elon on Trump’s Record | Beyond the Headlines

TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME IS REAL AND ALIVE IN HOLLYWOOD! Robert De Niro got served after attacking Trump when Elon Musk reminded him just how good Trump’s presidential record actually was. It’s as if everyone is lying to cover Joe Biden’s a** and Trump was a better president than anyone on the left is willing to admit!

Maria Zeee explains all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post HUMILIATION: Robert De Niro DESTROYED by Elon on Trump’s Record | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Cuomo Admits Antivaxxers Were RIGHT, Shares SHOCKING Admission | Beyond the Headlines

During the COVID pandemic, Chris Cuomo was well-known for his strict adherence to the media narrative surrounding COVID and the ensuing vaccine — sometimes to the point of him publicly disparaging others for not doing the same. However, it appears he’s had a change of heart — let’s just pray that change isn’t inflammation or myocarditis. Is he sincere, or just moving on to a new grift?

Maria Zeee explains all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Cuomo Admits Antivaxxers Were RIGHT, Shares SHOCKING Admission | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

TREASON: Shocking Revelation That Trump Was STRIPPED of Power on J6 | Beyond the Headlines

On January 6th, a lot of things flew under the radar that came to light only after a few patriotic Americans pressed the issue and made sure the public knew the TRUTH. Recently, a bombshell was revealed by a whistleblower that exposed that President Trump was STRIPPED of his Commander-in-Chief role on J6…..what possible reason could they have had to strip the leader of the free world in such a crucial moment?

Maria Zeee explains all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post TREASON: Shocking Revelation That Trump Was STRIPPED of Power on J6 | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Republican Senator Shuts Down CNN Host After Gotcha Questions Go Wrong | Beyond the Headlines

JD Vance (R-OH) humiliated CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on her own show after she tried to ambush him with a series of gotcha questions about President Trump.

Vance pointed out how “unusual” it was for the DOJ to collude with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office to bring a nonsense case against a political opponent.

Collins then sat in silence as Vance warned how damaging Trump’s prosecution is to America’s judicial system.

Take a listen to this must-see exchange.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Republican Senator Shuts Down CNN Host After Gotcha Questions Go Wrong | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Boeing Story Takes Shocking Turn as Second Whistleblower Dies Suddenly | Beyond the Headlines

Joshua Dean (45) has tragically died just two months after the mysterious death of John Barnett.

Dean was a key figure in exposing alleged safety issues in Boeing’s 737 MAX production line.

He died of complications arising from a severe and rapid bacterial infection, as reported by The Seattle Times.

During his hospitalization, Dean was intubated, placed on a respiratory and cardiac support machine, sedated, and underwent dialysis. His mother and aunt described the ordeal as “brutal” and “heartbreaking.”

Dean was a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems. After his termination in April 2023, Dean filed a Department of Labor complaint, indicating that his firing was a retaliatory act for raising safety concerns.

In a February interview with NPR, Dean elaborated on his firing further, saying that his termination served as an intimidation tactic to chill others from blowing the whistle.

“If you are too loud, we will silence you,” he said.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Boeing Story Takes Shocking Turn as Second Whistleblower Dies Suddenly | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

President Trump Responds to Bombshell Video Report on the CIA | Beyond the Headlines

“I have evidence that exposes the CIA,” announced James O’Keefe last week before releasing the “most important” video of his entire career.

The footage was shocking.

CIA contractor Amjad Fseisim was caught on film saying that CIA Directors Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo, among other senior officials, deliberately kept sensitive information from President Trump, whom they labeled a “Russian asset.”

Fseisim also alleged that the intelligence community used FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his team, a practice that has reportedly continued even after his presidency. “We monitor everything,” he said.

O’Keefe Media (OMG) asked President Trump for a direct response to the video. Take a listen to what he had to say.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post President Trump Responds to Bombshell Video Report on the CIA | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WOW! MI Senator Warns Dem Bill That Will Be “An Explosion of Election Fraud!” | Beyond the Headlines

MI Senator Jim Runstead recently shared a stunning video where he warned about a bill that Democrats in the state just passed that he says will be “an explosion of election fraud,” won’t allow recounts, and will bar investigations into election fraud.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post WOW! MI Senator Warns Dem Bill That Will Be “An Explosion of Election Fraud!” | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden Regime’s Globalist Agenda Expands | Beyond the Headlines

Doing his part to further the globalist agenda, the Biden Regime has finalized ‘Energy Efficiency’ regulations that will impact almost US Household.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Biden Regime’s Globalist Agenda Expands | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Of Course: Karine Jean-Pierre Makes Risk to Americans All About Herself | Beyond the Headlines

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the risk to the US milk and meat supply from the bird flu outbreak and of course, she made it all about herself.

“I don’t consume any meat,” Jean-Pierre said as she rattled off nonsense.

Maria Zeee discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines! 

The post Of Course: Karine Jean-Pierre Makes Risk to Americans All About Herself | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DeSantis and Trump Make AMENDS: New Meeting Details REVEALED | Beyond the Headlines

Trump and DeSantis were at each other’s throats during the Florida Governor’s election campaign — but now, DeSantis appears to have made amends with the former president and presumptive nominee for the GOP, further solidifying support going into the 2024 Election. What exactly was said in the meeting that brought these two back together?
Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post DeSantis and Trump Make AMENDS: New Meeting Details REVEALED | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Is Biden’s Health FAILING? New Video Looks REALLY BAD | Beyond the Headlines

It’s no secret, even to the Democrats, that Joe Biden is not in the best shape — as he enters the race for a potential 2nd term that would see him be a historic 85 YEARS OLD in office. Recently, a video was released that shows things may be even WORSE than we imagined, but how BAD could it possibly be?
Elijah Schaffer discusses all this and more on today’s Beyond the Headlines!

The post Is Biden’s Health FAILING? New Video Looks REALLY BAD | Beyond the Headlines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
