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Before yesterdayU.S.

Canada Evacuates Thousands as Wildfires Surge

Evacuation orders have been issued for the Fort McMurray oil hub in Alberta, Canada, as winds shifted, and a massive wildfire approaches.

The post Canada Evacuates Thousands as Wildfires Surge appeared first on Breitbart.

ISIS Attack in Vancouver

ISIS Attack in Vancouver
New in PJ Media: With everyone distracted by China, skyrocketing crime and inflation, a nonexistent Southern border, and rapidly increasing authoritarianism in Washington, the Islamic State (ISIS) has taken the opportunity to strike again in North America. Yes, that’s right: ISIS, the group that everyone has forgotten about amid worries about β€œIslamophobia” and hysteria over […]

Ramadan in Canada: Muslim slashes passenger’s throat on a bus

Ramadan in Canada: Muslim slashes passenger’s throat on a bus
β€œWhen you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4) Will this serve as a dose of realism that will end the β€œIslamophobia” hysteria in Canada, and restore respect for the freedom of speech? Not on your life. β€œWeekend knife attack on B.C. bus was ISIS terrorism, RCMP alleges,” by Stewart Bell, Global News, April […]