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Iran Holds Terrorism Powwow with Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah Leaders

The heads of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, held a meeting with senior leaders representing at least six regional terrorist groups with close ties to the Iranian regime, Iranian state media revealed on Wednesday.

The post Iran Holds Terrorism Powwow with Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah Leaders appeared first on Breitbart.

Israel: Palestinian Islamic Jihad says ‘IDF is disintegrating before our eyes’

Israel: Palestinian Islamic Jihad says ‘IDF is disintegrating before our eyes’
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), with the aggressive jihad mission to violently obliterate Israel, has stated on its website that the “IDF is disintegrating before our eyes.” The group is capitalizing upon the instability in Israel in the hope that if the situation continues, “the IDF will not be able to sufficiently address all the threats […]

Video: Frank Gaffney interviews Christine Douglass-Williams on Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s call for third Intifada

Video: Frank Gaffney interviews Christine Douglass-Williams on Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s call for third Intifada
Frank Gaffney interviews me about Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) calling for a third Intifada in Israel in capitalizing on a turbulent time for Israel. In an update, PIJ has now declared the “IDF disintegrating before our eyes” due to inside protests against judicial reforms. Note: an article I referenced in the interview was actually published […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman pledges to cleanse ‘Palestine’ from ‘the filth of the plundering Zionists’

Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman pledges to cleanse ‘Palestine’ from ‘the filth of the plundering Zionists’
Abu Hamza’s desire to destroy Israel comes from his Islamic antisemitism, while most Western analysts would assume that he and others like him are antisemitic because they hate Israel. The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to […]

South Africa: University of Capetown Jewish group outraged over Palestinian students streaming Hamas, PIJ messages

South Africa: University of Capetown Jewish group outraged over Palestinian students streaming Hamas, PIJ messages
The bizarre reasoning of Palestinian students at the University of Capetown goes like this: If Jewish students can invite Israeli Defense Force (IDF) representatives to the University of Capetown, who defend the existence of the state of Israel, then Palestinian students can steam violent jihad messages, too. The Hamas Covenant is formally entitled “The Covenant […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad meets with Hizballah head to ‘strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy’

Palestinian Islamic Jihad meets with Hizballah head to ‘strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy’
Palestinian jihadists are regrouping to plan more jihad attacks on Israelis, while America aids their cause, assisting in the undermining of the Israeli government and exacerbating tensions. To illustrate just how menacing this meeting between Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizballah really was: recently, PIJ called for a third intifada, while Hassan Nasrallah’s reputation precedes him […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel
The Palestinian “resistance” is a war against the very existence of a Jewish state. This war began with violent opposition to Jews settling in their ancient homeland, long before the modern state of Israel was established. The ultimate ambition of the “resistance” is to obliterate  Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea. The […]