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Before yesterdayU.S.

Loose Ends (247)

(Steven Hayward)

I don’t get it. I thought the Clinton Foundation had fixed all of the problems in Haiti. Maybe they should just bring back Voodoo economics.

I did not have John Fetterman as a robust champion for Israel on my Bingo card:

I’m starting to believe that on this issue at least, Fetterman is a better Senator than Oz would have been.

Apparently Middlebury, the college that allowed the assault on Charles Murray and a faculty member back in 2017, is feeling left out of the elite university anti-Semitism sweepstakes:

Middlebury Administrators Ordered Students to Remove ‘Jewish’ from Oct. 7 Attack Victims’ Vigil

By Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon

It was October 10, three days after Hamas had murdered 1,200 Israelis and abducted hundreds more, and Jewish students at Middlebury College were trying to organize a vigil for the victims. They reached out to Middlebury’s dean of students, Derek Doucet, with a draft poster promoting the event, which they invited administrators at the elite liberal arts school to attend.

“Stand in Solidarity With the Jewish People,” the poster read. “This will be an opportunity to honor the innocent lives lost in the tragic events that have struck Israel in the past days.”

It didn’t go over well.

In an email to students reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, Doucet, who has oversight of student activities, pushed to rename the vigil and strip it of references to Judaism so as to make it “as inclusive as possible.”

“Some suggestions that might help are stating that this gathering is to honor ‘all the innocent lives lost,’” Doucet wrote, and including a reference to the “tragedies that have struck Israel and Gaza.” He added that calls for solidarity with Jews could trigger “unhelpful reactions.”

To adapt a new saying about the media—you may think you hate college administrators, but you don’t hate them enough.

Nothing to see here, I’m sure:

Environmentalists Blast Offshore Wind as 69th Dead Whale in Less than Year Found Dead on Atlantic Coast

In a less than 24-hour span this weekend, two more dead whales have been discovered off the northern Atlantic coast of the U.S., and pro-cetacean activists are blaming President Joe Biden’s offshore wind initiative.

I’m so old I can remember when “Save the Whales!” was a popular bumper sticker on VW Bugs, Volvos, and early-adopter Subaru drivers.

Another reminder that even Barack Obama was better on border security and uncontrolled immigration than Biden is:

This wasn't 30 years ago. This was President Obama in 2009 on immigration.

"We can't have half a million people pouring over the border…"

About 7 years later these same positions were considered racist and xenophobic by Democrats.

— MAZE (@mazemoore) March 11, 2024


It would be a real shame if everybody watched and shared this right now.

A REAL shame…

— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack) March 9, 2024

Loose Ends (246)

(Steven Hayward)

Reminder that once upon a time leading Democrats opposed illegal immigration and called for stronger border enforcement:

Chaser—Once upon a time Democrats also understood that a surge of illegal immigrant depressed wages for unskilled labor. A reminder from Democrat economist and Obama alum Jared Bernstein:

One thing we learned in the 1990s was that a surefire way to reconnect the fortunes of working people at all skill levels, immigrant and native-born alike, to the growing economy is to let the job market tighten up. A tight job market pressures employers to boost wage offers to get and keep the workers they need. One equally surefire way to sort-circuit this useful dynamic is to turn on the immigrant spigot every time some group’s wages go up.

I’ve finally figured out why Democrats are indifferent to rising crime and especially massive retail theft—it’s a clandestine tax increase! No, seriously:

• Be careful what you wish for? You may recall a couple weeks ago a short note here about how the repulsive Adam Schiff, now running for the Senate in California, was cleverly trying to eliminate his Democratic Party rivals by boosting Republican Steve Garvey with “attack” ads claiming that Garvey is “too conservative for California” and “voted for Trump twice” (wink, wink) in the state’s perverse top-two jungle primary system. Well guess what:

Ex-MLB great Steve Garvey leads Adam Schiff in California Senate race: poll 

Former Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres star Steve Garvey is ahead of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) in California’s nonpartisan Senate primary, a new poll shows. Garvey, a Republican and 10-time MLB All-Star, snagged 27% support in the Los Angeles Times/Berkeley IGS poll released Friday. Support for Schiff in the hotly-contested race for the seat formerly held by the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was measured at 25% by the pollster.

Still very much an uphill race for Garvey in November if this poll holds up in the primary this week. But still, it would be a matter of cosmic justice if Garvey pulled off an upset, and was able to thank Schiff for all his help. Stay tuned. . .

Feel Good Story of the Day:

Loose Ends (245)

(Steven Hayward)

Behold the newest frontier in “equity”—”vaccine equity.” Which is needed to counter “vaccine nationalism.” (And you thought “Christian nationalism” was the worst threat out there.)

You think I am making this up? From Nature magazine today:

Today, nearly one-third of the world’s population has still not received a single dose [of COVID vaccine], and the death toll resulting from vaccine nationalism continues to grow. . . As time runs out, we urge WHO member states to agree on a ‘science-for-science’ mechanism that ensures vaccine equity in the next pandemic.

Sen. John Kennedy (the good one), speaking at CPAC (only a minute long, but with an epic editorial flourish at the end):

I wish he would run for president someday.

Some of the best reporting about the rot at the top at Harvard has been done by the student newspaper, the Harvard Crimson. The Crimson is out today with a long piece exposing the fact that the Harvard Corporation “chose Claudine Gay as Harvard’s 30th president without conducting a scholarly review of her work, according to a person familiar with the process.”

More embarrassing is that the Harvard Corporation chose Gay “over two internal candidates who boasted both administrative experience and far more extensive scholarship credentials: Tomiko Brown-Nagin and John F. Manning ’82. Brown-Nagin, dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, published two books and won the highest award in American History writing, while Manning, dean of Harvard Law School, argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and wrote more than 40 legal articles.”

Pretty much confirms what we’ve known all along about why Gay was selected. And raises the obvious follow up question: what are the clearly inept members of the Harvard Corporation going to resign?

“You’ve lost another spy balloon, Xi?”
