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Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning

Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning
How long before Sweden jettisons the idea of freedom of expression and outlaws blasphemy against Islam altogether? “Terror expert: Sweden a priority target,” translated from “Terrorexpert: Sverige en prioriterad måltavla,” Nyheter 24, April 4, 2023: Five people have been arrested on suspicion of having planned a terrorist crime in Sweden. That the plans are linked […]

Implications of Saudi King discussing global partnerships while condemning Qur’an burning

Implications of Saudi King discussing global partnerships while condemning Qur’an burning
According to Alarabiya News, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has discussed the recent burning of Islam’s holy book, the Quran, during a cabinet session at the Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah. “The Cabinet [reiterates] its condemnation of the attempts to burn the holy Quran and stresses the need to consolidate the values of dialogue, tolerance, […]

Pakistan: ‘Anti-terrorism’ court pronounces death sentence on Muslim man for blasphemy on WhatsApp 

Pakistan: ‘Anti-terrorism’ court pronounces death sentence on Muslim man for blasphemy on WhatsApp 
A lesson to learn about what fascists of all stripes mean by “terrorism”: this man was “convicted and sentenced to death by an anti-terrorism court.” In Pakistan, blasphemy constitutes “terrorism,”  so Syed Muhammad Zeeshan is deemed a “terrorist” under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act and Anti-Terrorist Act in Peshawar, and was thus convicted of […]

UK: Muslim says he praised a jihadi and encouraged people to behead blasphemers ‘just to have some more followers’

UK: Muslim says he praised a jihadi and encouraged people to behead blasphemers ‘just to have some more followers’
It’s telling that Ajmal Shahpal thought he would get more followers by praising a jihad murderer and encouraging beheading for blasphemy. We’re constantly told that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the West reject “extremism.” So if that were true, wouldn’t praising a jihadi and calling for the beheading of blasphemers make Shahpal less popular? […]

Sweden: Appeals court overrules cops, says burning the Qur’an is allowed by law

Sweden: Appeals court overrules cops, says burning the Qur’an is allowed by law
A rare victory for freedom and common sense. If Sweden disallowed Qur’an-burning because Muslims would riot, they would only be ensuring that Muslims will riot again the next time they want something. But given Sweden’s demographics, this permission is not likely to last long. “Paludan had the right to burn the Koran – court overturns […]

Muslim wants those who insult Islam beheaded, prosecutor says case not about ‘mainstream Islam, a peaceful religion’

Muslim wants those who insult Islam beheaded, prosecutor says case not about  ‘mainstream Islam, a peaceful religion’
Because of course prosecutor Dan Pawson-Pounds knows far, far more about Islam than Ajmal Shahpal does. In reality, Dan Pawson-Pounds doesn’t have the faintest idea what Islam teaches, but he knows that a case in which someone who called for the beheading of those who insult Islam is the defendant could easily get him charges […]

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an
Britain has long ago capitulated on issues of this kind, so this is no surprise. Pamela Geller and I were banned from Britain ten years ago for the crime of planning to lay a wreath at a memorial to Drummer Lee Rigby, who was murdered on a London street by an Islamic jihadi. Rasmus Paludan […]

Malaysia: Muslims threaten to murder film director, throw acid on his car for ‘insulting Islam’

Malaysia: Muslims threaten to murder film director, throw acid on his car for ‘insulting Islam’
Such people are demanding respect, but what they take for respect is really a silence or obsequiousness born of fear. “‘Mentega Terbang’ Director, Actor Get Death Threats & Cars Doused With Acid,” by Danial Martinus, Mashable SEAsia, March 16, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Not too long ago, Malaysian film Mentega Terbang made […]

ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’

ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’
Yes, they said “rent,” not “rend.” By “Crusaders,” they mean all non-Muslims. The resulting jihad massacres will arouse resentment among some non-Muslims, some of whom will express this by burning or otherwise desecrating the Qur’an. Then some Muslims, enraged by the desecration, will call for jihad massacres. And the cycle will continue, until it is […]