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11 Obscure Things that Outnumber CNN's Prime Time Viewership

By now, you’ve probably heard the sad news: CNN’s ratings are in the toilet. Despite a decent daytime bump from the ongoing Trump trials, the network’s prime time numbers last week dropped to a three-decade low of 83,000 viewers among the vaunted 25-54 year-old demographic. To illustrate just how low those ratings truly are, we put together a list of weird and esoteric things that are more numerous than CNN’s prime time key demo viewers. 1) Competitive Rubik’s Cube solvers registered with the World Cube Association. The World Cube Association is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) organization at the heart of the “speedcubing” world. They host a surprising amount of tournaments every year, as well as a biennial world championship. In total, the WCA has over 200,000 registered competitors. 2) Professional psychics working in America. There are 96,000 of them. Please note that professional is not a synonym for competent. Incidentally, CNN employs hundreds of professional journalists. 3) People with heterochromia in the United States. There are more than 200,000 people in the U.S. whose left and right eyes are different colors. This means you’re more than twice as likely to know somebody with this rare condition as you are to have a friend or family member between 25 and 54 who watches CNN on weeknights. Now think about how many people you know with heterochromia. Yeah. 4) Participants in a 1988 conga line in Miami. This one didn’t sound real to us, but the source is none other than the Guinness Book of World Records. On the fateful day of March 13, 1988, a whopping 119,986 people gathered in Miami for some weird record-breaking fun. 5) Once-critically endangered wild Bighorn Sheep living in North America. The exact figure is the subject of debate, but according to the American Wild Sheep Foundation, the wild bighorn sheep population has climbed to a respectable 85,000 in recent years, from a low of just 25,000 in 1977. That’s a big W for the conservationists, and a pretty wild L for CNN. 6) Attendees of a women’s volleyball match in Nebraska last year. In August of last year, a regular season NCAA women’s volleyball match between Omaha and Nebraska attracted more than 92,000 spectators. The event broke the world record for highest attendance of any women’s sporting event. 7) Registered bicycle rickshaws in New Delhi. Less than 20 percent of rickshaw operators in India’s capital actually have legal government permits to operate. Nonetheless, that still leaves us with 99,000 licensed bicycle rickshaws. 8) Tennis balls thrown out per day in the U.S. To be fair, there are actually hundreds of thousands of tennis balls thrown away every day in America alone. But it’s still a pretty funny statistic. 9) Annual breast reduction patients in America. Mind you, this figure doesn’t include elective mastectomies. But apparently about 90,000 women every year choose to shrink (but keep) their breasts. 10) Female professional forklift operators. Just under eight percent of licensed forklift operators in the U.S. are women. But that fraction still represents approximately 127,000 hardhat-clad ladies operating heavy machinery. 11) Subscribers to a youtube channel called “Justin Y” which has never uploaded a single video. Justin Y currently boasts 784,000 subscribers. Even if only half of those subscribers are between 25 and 54, that still means that watching nothing is several times more appealing than watching CNN during primetime.

The Biden Lies the Liberal Media Want You to Forget

As the 2024 election approaches, the left-wing corporate media have lost all interest in President Biden’s frequent lies about his life and career. In the past, these journalists have paid brief attention to the one of President’s latest tall tales, but rarely have they ever bothered to revisit them when the moment has passed. No matter how frequently Biden may lie, the media refuse to see a pattern. As NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham has noted, prominent Biden fact-checkers spend a great deal of time disputing negative claims about Biden, yet they show little interest in fact-checking the man himself. Thanks to this favoritism, the President has gotten away with telling a host of utterly false or unproven stories about his own life. Some of these stories are less than a month old, while others have popped up multiple times throughout Biden’s decades-long political career. See for yourself how many of these fibs the media would prefer we all conveniently forget:  

Media Panic that Pro-Hamas Campus Protests May Hurt Biden, 'Like 1968'

After weeks of defending pro-hams campus protests, the media are now panicking that those same protests might hurt biden’s re-election chances. In the past week, a slew of political commentators have written articles comparing the current situation on college campuses to the anti-war protests of 1968, and warning that a summer of radical leftism may clinch the 2024 election for Donald Trump. CNN’s Jake Tapper put it best during the April 29 edition of The Lead: When you look at these protests, these images, when you see the controversies about the ones that have an antisemitic element, and on and on, just like what you’re seeing on the side of your screen right now. Do you think to yourself... “Wow, this is a real in-kind contribution to Donald Trump.” The corporate media are certainly aware that these protests are unpopular. But rather than condemn them outright, their focus is instead on what that means for their preferred Presidential candidate. Watch:

Three Years of the Corporate Media Shrieking About the ‘End of Democracy’

In speeches throughout his time in office (and in particular starting with the 2022 midterms), President Biden has warned a second Trump term would herald the “end of democracy.” But if anything, Biden is late to the party. The corporate media were doomsaying about democracy’s brutal demise as far back as early 2021, and their rhetoric has only grown more absurd since then.     The most obvious issue with this dire warning, other than its absurd overuse by journalists loyal to liberals, is that it always entails an almost comically vague, ever-changing definition of “democracy.” For three years, washed-up security analysts have warned that, unless former President Trump goes to prison for his alleged role in January 6, democracy is dead. But that trend started as far back as even January of 2021, when MSNBC contributor and former Watergates prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks pontificated: “It is the end of democracy if we do not take and hold the President accountable for what he inspired.” By that point, the DNC operatives in the news media had already branded Republicans the anti-democracy party. On October 12 of 2021, CNN contributor and former Clinton aide Paul Begala warned that, if Democrats ever lost power again, democracy would be over forever: I’ve got a piece coming out tonight or tomorrow [about this] on — shameless plug — and I really don’t think this is hysterical. I’m a pretty moderate guy. If the Democrats fail, it might be the end of American democracy. In December of 2022, MSNBC host Ali Velshi remarked while filling in on The Last Word that Moore v. Harper — a gerrymandering case concerning the North Carolina redistricting map — “could be the end of democracy if it goes the wrong way.” Velshi was far from alone in his assessment. In October of that same year, the ACLU put out a podcast episode about Moore titled, “This Supreme Court Case Could Upend Democracy.” In June 2023, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell agreed enthusiastically with Mount Holyoke College president-elect Danielle Holley when she remarked that the Dobbs decision was “a case that could end democracy.” A few weeks later, the Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece titled, “How the end of Roe turned into a threat to American democracy.” Do these ideologues really think any of these events will result in the mass-disenfranchisement of millions of Americans? Presumably not, but then what is their definition of democracy? The truth, as most have probably realized, is that “democracy” is simply a stand-in term for the DNC agenda. The Republican-favored North Carolina congressional map threatened “democracy” because it would’ve made it harder for the Democrats to win seats in that state. The overturning of Roe v. Wade also threatens “democracy” because it strips abortion, a sacred calf of the Democratic Party, of its constitutional body armor. But a Trump presidency would be most dangerous of all for “democracy” since a Republican in the White House would threaten all of the “progress” the Democratic Party has made over the last three and a half years.