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Before yesterdayU.S.

Princeton Blames the Victim

The university gives the benefit of the doubt to a Hamas zealot who harassed a student.

Remembering a Crucial Supreme Court Decision

In 1925, the Supreme Court said a state couldn’t require parents to send their children to government schools. How would a similar case turn out today?

A Good Explanation for the Turmoil on Our Campuses

It will be hard to return to an educational system that again focuses on truth.

Why Are Fewer Young Americans Completing College?

They’re worried about costs and the best use of their time.

Handwringing from a ‘Progressive’ History Ph.D. Who Can’t Find Work

The U.S. wastes lots of resources in the production of aspiring professors.

More Federal Meddling in Higher Education — Textbooks

The feds say this will improve ‘transparency’ and lower costs.

The War on Prices Heating Up

We are seeing a surge in new governmental measures to control market prices, as politicians get edgy due to inflation.

Free the Housing Market!

Economics professor Art Carden reviews Build Baby, Build, the latest book by GMU professor Bryan Caplan.

Finally, Transgender Sports Rules That Make Sense

Harrington Shaw believes that ensuring fair competition is more important than pursuing the leftist obsession with ‘inclusion.’ I think he’s right.

And the Winner Is . . .

The National Association of Scholars’ Trofim Lysenko Award is back!

The Adversity of Diversity

The Adversity of Diversity by Carol Swain is filled with sharp observations and common sense.

The Trojan Horse of ‘Ethnic Studies’

What a ridiculous pretext — that students would not be able to deal with people from differing cultures without taking an ‘ethnic studies’ course.

What DEI Does to a Medical School

Some UCLA Med grads will become lousy doctors, but at least the profession overall will have more ‘equity,’ and that’s what really matters . . . isn’t it?

Another Leftist Myth Exploded

Even if a few flaming hot leftist profs leave their jobs teaching politicized subjects, so what? They’re easily replaced.

When ‘Job Creation’ Makes the Nation Poorer

Merely creating work for someone to do does not necessarily mean any gain in the nation’s well-being.

People wait in line looking for jobs during a Job Fair at the Miami Dade College in Miami, Fla., March 4, 2009.

The ‘Divest from Israel’ Demand Doesn’t Make Sense

Someone ought to enlighten the students about how capital markets work.

ASU Sides with the Hamasniks

Over a verbal altercation off campus, Arizona State University professor Jonathan Yudelman will likely lose his job.

On the Resurgence of Protectionism

I’d like to add that protectionist policies are not really made to improve the economy, any more than gun-control measures are offered to prevent violence.

President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump

Examining the New Campus Fad: ‘Belonging’

The ‘belonging’ movement not only infantilizes young adults, but undermines the purpose of college education to foster inquiry.

College Football Back in the News — with Lawsuits

Clemson and Florida State are suing the Atlantic Coast Conference to escape from their commitment to the conference until 2036.

What’s Wrong With the Latest Student-Loan Giveaway?

We need to get the government out of lending (for higher education and everything else), but Biden would have us dig the hole even deeper.

Why Archiving of Research Is Important

Academics and wanna-be academics produce vast quantities of dubious research every year, so does it matter what is done with it?

How Students Can Use AI Legitimately

Maybe AI also has legitimate academic uses.

Could This New Accreditor Make a Difference?

For too long, the higher-ed establishment has been able to lure in clueless kids with the notion that just graduating will ensure them a huge earnings boost.

Higher Ed’s Suspect Successor to Affirmative Action

The social engineers are pushing socio-economic preferences harder than ever, and starting to get their way.

UNC Dumps ‘Diversity’ in Favor of ‘Equality’

We are seeing a counterattack in American colleges against the divisive, anti-intellectual jumble of ideas that march under the “diversity” banner.

Why Must Social Workers Be Indoctrinated in Leftism?

Another once-useful field has been ruined.

California’s Minimum Wage Wipes Out Thousands of Jobs

In their incessant efforts at pretending to help the poor, leftist politicians come back again and again to this issue.

An In-N-Out Burger restaurant in Encinitas, Calif., May 9, 2022

On Government Power and Inequality

One economist’s case for decreasing government power.
