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Today — June 8th 2024U.S.

WATCH: Argentina’s Javier Milei Vows To Replace Statism With Capitalism: ‘I Love Being the Mole Within the State. I Am the One Who Destroys the State From Within’

Argentine President Javier Milei continues to make waves wherever he goes, and is leading by example, putting his money where his mouth is.

It has just arisen that Argentina’s social security body accepted Milei’s request to give up his future retirement as former president, as the country’s legislation would award him.

Milei wrote: “I hereby express my unshakable decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement conferred by the lifelong monthly benefits regime provided for in article one of Law No. 24,018.”

Read more:

‘The Lion Is Back, Surfing on Socialist Tears’: Online and in the Streets of Spain, Support for Argentina’s Milei Is Growing, After Criticism of Corruption by PM Sanchez’s Wife (VIDEOS)

Gazeta do Povo reported:

"The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, declared in an interview with The Free Press this Thursday (6) that he hates the State, loves being 'the mole' within it and is willing to endure "lies, slander and insults" to achieve his goal. aim to destroy it from within.

'I love, I love being the mole within the State. I am the one who destroys the State from within. It's like being infiltrated in the enemy ranks', he responded when asked if he likes being 'the weasel in the garden', in an interview on last week as part of his visit to Palo Alto, California, in the United States.

'The reform of the State has to be done by someone who hates the State, and I hate the State so much that I am willing to put up with all kinds of lies, slander and insults, both about myself and about my loved ones, who are my sister , my dogs and my parents, in order to destroy the State', he added."

It's a tough 'cultural battle' dominated by socialism for decades, one that 'little by little, is being recovered by libertarians'.

"'We are not fighting this battle just at the economic and political level, we have not abandoned the cultural battle and all of this will generate a situation in which Argentina will grow again with great strength', he analyzed."

After assuming the Presidency in December last year, his image and his government's approval have both improved, Milei says, to the point where today he would receive 60% of the votes.

"'The most important thing is that this means a change of era. People have interpreted and assimilated that all the shortcuts of populism and socialism do not work, and this is an element for us to be very optimistic', he declared."

Watch the full interview:

The post WATCH: Argentina’s Javier Milei Vows To Replace Statism With Capitalism: ‘I Love Being the Mole Within the State. I Am the One Who Destroys the State From Within’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS 2.0? Four Russian Military Vessels – Including a Nuclear-Capable Submarine – Will Visit Havana Next Week

So, there we have it. A mere days after US President Joe Biden was convinced by his aides and the international clamor in the West to allow Ukraine to shoot its US-provided long-range missiles at targets inside the Russian Federation territory, it arises that four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week.

Cuban officials announced the visit, citing ‘historically friendly relations’ between both nations.

Associated Press reported:

“Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17, noting that none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

The announcement came a day after U.S. officials said that Washington had been tracking Russian warships and aircraft that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise. They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to the U.S. support for Ukraine.

The officials said that the Russian military presence was notable but not concerning. However, it’s taking place as Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that Moscow could take ‘asymmetrical steps’ elsewhere in the world in response to President Joe Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weapons to strike inside Russia to protect Kharkov, Ukraine’s second-largest city.”

The four Russian ships are the frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolai Chiker.

Nuclear-capable submarine Kazan will spend a week very close to US coastline.

While the Russian nuclear-powered submarine will reportedly not be carrying nuclear weapons, there will be plenty of conventional missiles incredibly close to US territory.

The we have it: the endless escalation is knocking on America’s door.

Cuba’s ministry of the revolutionary armed forces said in a statement that the ships will dock in the Cuban capital from 12-17 June.

The Guardian reported:

“‘None of the vessels is carrying nuclear weapons, so their stopover in our country does not represent a threat to the region’, the ministry said.”

US officials: Russian military presence was ‘notable but not concerning’.

But the visit comes just as Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated that Moscow could take ‘asymmetrical steps’ elsewhere in the world in response to President Joe Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russia.

“The unusual deployment of the Russian military so close to the US – particularly the powerful submarine – comes amid major tensions over the war in Ukraine, where the western-backed government is fighting a Russian invasion. The Russian vessels’ visit to Cuba will also overlap with Biden’s visit to the G7 leaders summit in Italy.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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UK Elections: Conservative PM Rishi Sunak Is Trashed for Leaving D-Day Celebrations Early, While Brexit Champion, Reform Party’s Nigel Farage Wins 7-Way TV Debate

The UK snap General Elections, set for the 4th of July, have so far turned into a continuous debacle for the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

After the Premier’s blunder on D-Day, in which he left the celebration early to return to London to record an interview has turned into a major controversy, many news sites are saying that Sunak’s chances are over.

The Guardian brings a collection of headlines that illustrate this. The leftist paper itself leads with ‘Furious Tories turn on Sunak over D-day snub’, reporting that the prime minister has ‘provoked fury’.

The Express talks about the prime ministers’ apology with the headline ‘Truly Sorry!’, while The Mirror declares that ‘Sunak’s D-Day shame’ means that ‘It’s over’ for him.

Scotland’s Daily Record makes a pun with ‘war hero’ and calls Sunak ‘War Zero’ as its headline.

The FT Weekend says ‘Sunak accused of handing ‘gift’ to [Nigel Farage’s] Reform party by skipping D-Day event’.

And in the Daily Star, the headline is ‘Stupid Boy’, with a mock-up of Sunak in a scene from the old sitcom ‘Dad’s Army’.

Meanwhile, Reform UK’s Nigel Farage was declared the winner of the BBC’s seven-party debate on Friday night, according to a viewer poll.

The line-up featured a member from the ruling Conservative Party, as well as representatives from Labour, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Welsh Nationalist Plaid Cymru, Green Party and Reform’s Farage.

Bloomberg reported:

“The poll, conducted by researchers More In Common, asked more than 1,000 viewers who won the debate with 25% of those surveyed opting for Mr Farage. Among those who voted Conservative in 2019, 47% placed the Reform leader at the top of the pile.”

14% said there was no winner, and just 7% of the surveyed said Conservatives were the winner of the debate.

“Mr. Farage focused on immigration and crime throughout the debate, at one point claiming he was “on a platform tonight with six other people whose parties have been wholly unconcerned” with immigration.”

Farage said that he wanted to inject ‘some logic’ into the discussion.

“The Reform UK leader said later in the debate ‘you can go shoplifting now, any of you’, advocating for more stop and search powers while answering a question about crime allegedly rising in England and Wales by 8% since 2019.

‘You can go out and nick up to 200 quid’s worth without being prosecuted’, he said. ‘We are seeing a decline, a societal decline of law and order in this country and, frankly, government and the police forces are being too scared of what needs to be done’.”

In his closing statement, Farage urged voters to join his ‘revolt’ against the establishment.

Read more:

The Return of Nigel Farage: Brexit Champion Is the New Reform Party Chief, Will Stand in UK General Elections To Become an MP

The post UK Elections: Conservative PM Rishi Sunak Is Trashed for Leaving D-Day Celebrations Early, While Brexit Champion, Reform Party’s Nigel Farage Wins 7-Way TV Debate appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Yesterday — June 7th 2024U.S.

WATCH: Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine

I remember fondly the time when we didn’t have credible everyday talk about nuclear strikes clogging the relentless news cycle.

A simpler time, when talk of nuclear confrontation seemed a long-lost relic from the faraway cold war years.

All that is gone, and every single day, it seems, we have to carefully study statements by power players rushing the Armageddon clock to the midnight strike.

Today (7), once again Russian President Vladimir Putin delved into the theme, saying that there is no need to use nuclear weapons to deliver victory for Moscow in Ukraine.

This was hailed in the MSM as ‘the strongest signal yet from the Kremlin chief that there will not be a nuclear strike’.

Reuters reported:

“Putin, whose forces have been making advances in eastern Ukraine in recent months, said he did not see the conditions for the use of such weapons and requested that people stop discussing the nuclear topic.”

Watch: “Russia will only consider the use of nuclear weapons in exceptional cases, which have not yet occurred.”  

“Russia will only consider the use of nuclear weapons in exceptional cases, which have not yet occurred,” Putin clarified.

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) June 7, 2024

But the leader of the world’s biggest nuclear power did not rule out changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

Russia could also test nuclear weapons, although he saw no need to do so right now.

Asked about how the west sees him as a villain, Putins said: ‘Let them be afraid’.

“Putin’s response came to a question from Sergei Karaganov, an influential Russian analyst, who asked if Putin should hold a ‘nuclear pistol to the temple’ of the West over Ukraine.

‘The use is possible in an exceptional case – in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. I don’t think that such a case has come. There is no such need’, Putin said at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

‘But this doctrine is a living tool and we are carefully watching what is happening in the world around us and do not exclude making some changes to this doctrine. This is also related to the testing of nuclear weapons’.”

Watch: ‘We see what the Russian character is, and we rely on it, and we don’t need any nuclear weapons’.

We see what the Russian character is, and we rely on it, and we don’t need any nuclear weapons — Putin

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) June 7, 2024

Russia’s published 2020 nuclear doctrine considers using a nuclear weapon as a response to an attack using nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction.

Another option is when a conventional weapons attack against Russia puts ‘the very existence of the state under threat’.

“If necessary, we will conduct tests. So far, there is no need for this either, since our information and computer capabilities allow us to produce everything in its current form.”

Read more:

In Retaliation for Ukraine Using NATO Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russian Territory, Putin Says He May Supply Weapons to Regions That Can Attack Western Countries’ Targets

The post WATCH: Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

EU ELECTIONS WATCH: Dutch Right Wing Head to Head With Centre-Left in Exit Polls – Danish PM Assaulted While Campaining

The European Elections are on: voters from across the continent will chose their MEPs to represent them in the EU legislative body in Strasbourg and Brussels.

The elections started with the Dutch voters kick-starting the four days of voting across the Union

Exit polls in the Netherlands suggest a tight race between a left-green alliance and the conservative party of populist Geert Wilders.

BBC reported:

“Right-wing and far-right parties are widely expected to make big gains in many of the EU’s 27 member states, and that appears to have been borne out in the Netherlands, to an extent.

Although the Green-Labour alliance is set to take more seats in the European Parliament according to the exit poll, Mr Wilders’ Freedom Party is on course for big gains. But he has not repeated the runaway victory of last November’s general election.”

So proud of the results in the last year. We won the national elections half a year ago. We’ll join the Dutch government soon. And the PVV had the best result and biggest gains ever in the EU elections! Thanks to millions of our voters for their support! ❤#PVV #Wilders

— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) June 7, 2024

Results will only be released when every country has finished voting on Sunday evening.

“The next European Parliament will have 720 seats, with each country having seats proportionate to their population. Germany will have 96, France 81 and Italy 76, while the Netherlands has 31.”

Ireland and the Czech Republic voted today (7), and the rest of the EU votes over the weekend.

“A shift to the right has been widely expected in this election, with far-right parties eyeing victory in France, Belgium, Austria and Italy.

Their opponents are likely to take some satisfaction from Thursday night’s exit poll, because of the Green/Labour alliance’s performance. Geert Wilders’ party came first in Dutch national elections last November, and has secured a cabinet deal with three other parties, even though he will not be prime minister.”

A shift to the right in the European Parliament would upset the cart of the Globalist policies of green alarmism, crippling regulation in agriculture, unchecked mass migration and the impetus for war against Russia.

Meanwhile, the campaign in Denmark isn’t going so well, with the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen getting assaulted today (7) by a man in central Copenhagen.

Reuters reported:

“Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten on Friday evening at Kultorvet [square] in Copenhagen by a man who was subsequently arrested. The Prime Minister is shocked by the incident’, her office said in a statement without giving further detail.

Police said on social media platform X they had arrested a man and were investigating the incident but declined to give further detail.

‘She seemed a little stressed’, Soren Kjergaard, who works as a barista on the square, told Reuters after seeing the prime minister being escorted away by security following the assault.”

Outraged by the assault on the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen @statsmin in Copenhagen tonight.

I strongly condemn this cowardly act of aggression.

All my thoughts are with you and your family, dear Mette and hope you overcome this horrendous attack soon.

— Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) June 7, 2024

This assault comes two days before Danes head to the polls. Just three weeks ago, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was seriously injured by a shooter in an assassination attempt.

Read more:

THE RIGHT WAY: European Elections Kick-off With Leftist Media Panicking About Right Wing Continental Surge

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A German and a Polish Policemen Stabbed to Death by Migrants as the Unchecked Mass Migration Scourge Hits Central and Eastern Europe

There once was a time when the southern European countries were the ones dealing with the heavy burden of the unchecked mass migration to the EU.

But now the dystopian consequences of the influx millions of poor migrants – from sometimes incompatible cultures – are felt all over the old continent.

This week central and eastern Europe also got their taste of catastrophe with two stabbings that claimed the lives of two police officers, in Germany and in Poland.

To begin with, we see how highly unpopular German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is all but ready to sing ‘Auslander Raus’ (Foreigners out).

The gruesome killing of a police officer by a 25-year-old Afghan failed asylum seeker (a.k.a. illegal migrant) put German Chancellor Olaf Scholz under considerable pressure as the European Elections unfold.

Radicalized Migrant stabs cop in the neck.

Scholz has to at least pretend to take a tougher stance on migration to minimize the expected far right gains.

Politico reported:

“In a speech to parliamentarians on Thursday, Scholz pledged to deport migrants from Afghanistan and Syria who have committed crimes despite the fact that those countries are ruled by repressive regimes.

‘It outrages me when someone who has found protection here commits the most serious crimes’, Scholz said. ‘Such criminals should be deported, even if they come from Syria or Afghanistan. Germany’s interest in security outweighs the offender’s interest in protection’.”

It’s not the first instance in which he has vowed to take a tougher stance on migration.

There’s already some legislation in place authorizing authorities to deport migrants whose asylum claims have been rejected.

“However, carrying out such deportations in practice, even for those convicted of serious crimes, remains difficult. Germany stopped deportations to Afghanistan in 2021 after the Taliban returned to power. Syria continues to be ruled by Bashar al-Assad, whose government has committed horrific atrocities against its own people.”

The widespread outrage by the the brutal stabbing of a police officer by the Afghan Islamic radical makes Scholz take a tougher stance on deportations.

But implementing these proposals is a different ballgame.

The new mantra is: ‘National security is more important than protecting the interests of extremists’.

Marrier in the Polish-Belarusian border.

Even Poland, a country with much more strict migration policies than Germany and border barriers, is not immune to it.

And apparently, the illegal migrants don’t even have to enter your territory to bring about death.

Deutsche Welle reported:

“A Polish soldier who was stabbed on the country’s border with Belarus in May has died from his injuries, Poland’s military announced on Thursday.

It said the soldier was allegedly stabbed in the chest by a migrant who reached through a fence erected on the border to prevent illegal crossings.”

The Polish Foreign Ministry demanded Minsk authorities hand over the soldier’s killer.

“Poland and the EU claim many of the migrants attempting to cross into the country are organized and aided by Russia and its ally Belarus as part of an attempt destabilize Europe.”

The perpetrator of the attack has not been identified.

Warsaw announced €2.3 billion ($2.5 billion) to strengthen its eastern border and a 200-meter (656-foot) buffer zone.

“In 2022, Poland erected a 5.5-meter-high fence and an electronic surveillance system. But according to the Polish Border Guard, there have already been more than 17,000 attempted crossings in the first five months of 2024.”

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French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military

Against the background of the rapidly decaying Franco-Russian relations, and also after the greatly controversial approval by Georgia of the ‘Foreign Agents’ law, it arises that a French citizen, the researcher Laurent Vinatier, has been arrested in Russia under the equivalent law, what in the US would be the FARA legislation.

French researcher Laurent Vinatier has today (7) pleaded guilty in a Moscow court on Friday to a charge of ‘failing to register as a foreign agent’ while gathering information on the Russian military – which in the present situation of course has become a big deal.

Vinatier, is facing up to five years in prison.

He is in pre-trial custody until Aug. 5, despite a request to free him endorsed by the French embassy.

Reuters reported:

“‘I apologize for not registering as a foreign agent. The most upsetting thing is that throughout the 10 years of my work, I tried to defend Russia and its interests’, state news agency RIA quoted him as saying in court.

Vinatier is a Russia specialist and adviser to HD, a Swiss-based conflict mediation group whose full name is the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.

A short video posted by the Moscow courts service showed the Frenchman being led in handcuffs into the courtroom and ushered into a barred metal cage at the start of the hearing.”

French President Emmanuel Macron denies Vinatier worked for the French state.

“Under Russian law, a person is obliged to contact the justice ministry and register as a foreign agent if they are involved in political activity or collecting military information while receiving financial or other help from abroad.”

France’s consul general in Moscow, Patrice Servantie, wrote to the court that the scholar would not abscond if released, to no avail.

“Russia’s Investigative Committee, which handles serious crimes, said Vinatier was suspected to have “purposefully collected information in the field of military and military-technical activities” which could be used against the security of the state.”

Vinatier’s specialty is Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. He has worked as an adviser to HD for 10 years, based in Geneva.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

The post French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

BIG MOUTH STRIKES AGAIN: Globalist Pope Francis Remains Under Heavy Criticism Over His Foul Mouth and ‘Homophobic Slurs’

Argentine Pope Francis, the Globalist, makes every effort to be popular among liberals, and to be perceived as ‘politically correct’ – even if it means making Catholic dogma and doctrine take the back seat.

But, as I wrote before, nothing will ever be enough for these leftist groups.

Not only that, but Francis is an elderly man from a much different generation, and also a powerful political figure who is in love with his own voice, with a need to speak even when silence would be the best answer.

Now, in a very ironic turn of events, the Globalist Pope sees himself surrounded by fierce criticism from the very groups he always worked so hard to please and appease.

Reuters reported:

“Francis was quoted by Italian media as using the Italian term ‘frociaggine’, roughly translating as […] ‘faggotry’, in a closed-door May 20 meeting with Italian bishops. The Vatican issued an apology, but after that, other Italian reports attributed more gay slurs to the pope, as well as chauvinist language associating women with gossip, in a separate meeting with Roman priests.”

Friends of the pontiff have taken to the press to speak ‘off the record’ in his support.

At the same time, sympathetic analysts say this ‘PR disaster’ ‘should not obscure his record as a reforming, LGBT-friendly pope’.

“However, some say the 87-year-old’s gaffe fits into a pattern of papal missteps that undermine his authority and raise questions about his convictions and the reform path he has in mind for the Church.

[…] Francis has a reputation for having a salty tongue, especially in private, so while the reported anti-gay slurs shocked many, they did not seem out of character to people who know him.

‘I’m obviously not justifying his use of an offensive term … but it is normal for him in private to speak very, very directly’, papal biographer Austen Ivereigh said. ‘He doesn’t talk like a politician’.”

There’s even an ‘unnamed longtime gay friend of the Pope’ trying to help him in the midst of this ‘off the records deluge’, and say that Francis has always known he has a problem with foul language, calls himself a ‘bocon’, which means ‘big mouth’ in Spanish – someone who can’t keep from speaking.

“The same source said Francis had come ‘a long way in terms of openness towards LGBT rights’ for a man of his generation, noting he grew up in a very conservative family that considered divorcees – let alone gay people – social pariahs.”

But still, the pope’s profanity has left many offended, which is the standard intellectual stance of these groups, anyway.

Francis’ most damning ‘gaffe’ came as he discussed with bishops the question of gay candidates for priesthood.

The issue is sensitive and urgent for the Italian Catholic Church, given the an active gay ‘subculture’ in some of its seminaries.

Read more:

Pope Francis ‘Shocks’ Bishops in Italy With ‘Offensive Slur’ When Describing His Opposition to Gay Men in Seminaries

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Macron To Send Zelensky French Fourth Generation Mirage Fighter Jets That Ukraine Once Dismissed as Obsolete

While French President Emmanuel Macron’s constant warmongering is causing waves in the news cycles and generating considerable escalation, in itself it represents initiatives unlikely to have a meaningful effect on the battlefield.

Take, for instance, his intention to train a Ukrainian brigade of 4 thousand men in Ukraine. It will be welcome by Kiev, but he is putting French lives in the line for a result that does not move the needle.

The same goes for the fighter jets: France will now transfer an unknown number of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Kiev – and will train Ukrainian pilots for that.

Great, right? Yes, but the mainstream media will not tell you, but these are the very same planes that Ukraine was dismissing – as lately as March 2024 – as aging and obsolete fourth generation aircraft.

But now, apparently the Mirage are back in line for combat.

Macron announced yesterday (6) that France will provide Ukraine with Mirage combat aircraft ‘to help the country’s defense against Russia’s aggression’.

Macron’s announcement came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joined world leaders in the 80th Anniversary of D-Day celebration.

Associated Press reported:

“Macron told the French public broadcaster he will announce Friday a new cooperation with Ukraine and the sale of French-made combat aircraft, the Mirage 2005, which will ‘allow Ukraine to protect its soil, its airspace’ against Russian attacks.

France will also start training Ukrainian pilots, Macron said as he reiterated that Ukraine should be allowed to use weapons provided by its Western allies to target Russian military targets and ‘neutralize the points from which (the country) is being attacked’.”

Any aircraft will be welcome in Kiev – that goes without saying – as Ukraine tries to hold Russian Federations forces all along the 600-mile long frontline.

As the arrival of promised F-16 Jets takes longer and longer, NATO allies are allowing Ukraine to use their supplied weapons to carry out limited attacks inside Russia.

Earlier, in late March, former Ukrainian Defense Ministry Oleksi Reznikov stated that the French Mirage 2000 fighters were an order of magnitude worse than fifth generation Russian Su-35s fighter jets, and Kyiv did not need them, preferring to focus on the elusive F-16s.

Slavyangrad on Telegram:

“Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a MiG-29 fighter, which can ‘see” with a radar at 60 km, hit air targets – at 30 km. The enemy on the Su-35 ‘sees’ more than 200 km, can hit air targets at a distance of more than 140. ‘The Mirage 2000 has the same performance as the MiG-29. We will be happy to have any air platforms, but the main combat aircraft should be more modern’.”

But now, under new Defense Minister Rustam Umerov, the French fourth-generation, multi-role, supersonic single-engine fighters Mirage 2000 are back in play.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)


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Before yesterdayU.S.

THE RIGHT WAY: European Elections Kick-off With Leftist Media Panicking About Right Wing Continental Surge

Starting today until Sunday, voters across the European community will go to the polls to elect the MEPs that will represent each country in the European Parliament.

And come Monday, when the results are divulged, we are expected to have a rightward continental shift.

And that’s not wishful thinking by conservatives, as one may think. In fact, the leftist media is all over it – of course, from a standpoint of alerting to the ‘danger’ conservatives pose.

Populist right-wing movements, Politico reported, are surging ‘in ways that could have a loud global echo.’

“In recent days, far-right parties have been showing startling strength in polls in countries across the European Union. If this translates to major electoral gains, as now appears likely, it would deliver an embarrassing rebuke to the two most prominent leaders on the continent: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, both struggling with lackluster poll numbers.”

Macron and Scholz, the expected biggest losers.

The politico article rightly understands the connection between Donald Trump’s rise (and return) to power and the many different European conservative forces at play.

If the right performs well in Europe this week, as expected, it will prove that the conservative planetary movement ‘has enduring power.’

“After a tense election campaign marred by political violence — including the attempted assassination of Slovakia’s prime minister — voting in the European Parliament election kicked off on Thursday morning in the Netherlands. It will carry on across the EU’s 27 member countries until Sunday night, with final results known early on Monday.”

In France, Macron is expected to get crushed by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party, while the German AfD Alternative for Germany party is in second place head to head with Scholz’s Social Democratic Party.

“In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, which has its roots in the country’s fascist past, is due to increase its number of seats in the European Parliament. In Poland, the nationalist, anti-abortion Law and Justice party is looking to make a comeback after losing power last December.”

Politico has polls showing that right-wingers may improve from 72 to as much as 184 seats.

“While Europe’s right-wing parties are unlikely to unite as a single block, their surge in support — and their normalization as political forces — will increase pressure on European leaders to crack down on migration to the bloc, water down plans to decarbonizes the economy and possibly dial back the EU’s support for Ukraine.”

The downtrending pro-EU mainstream parties are still expected to maintain a slim majority in the European Parliament. But will they?

Read more:

European Right Wingers Eye the Political Prize in the Wake of Predicted Big Electoral Gains in June EU Elections


The post THE RIGHT WAY: European Elections Kick-off With Leftist Media Panicking About Right Wing Continental Surge appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

ALIVE AND KICKING: Slovak PM Robert Fico Makes First Video After Assassination Attempt, Says He Was Targeted for His Views on Ukraine War

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is alive – and kicking.

About twenty days ago, a deranged leftist and pro-Ukrainian man shot him as he approached citizens gathered at barricades and reached out to shake hands with them.

The man, ‘poet’ Juraj Cintula, stepped forward, extended his arm and fired five rounds – four shots hit the PM – before being tackled and arrested.

At first, authorities said his shooter acted alone, but later said they were searching for a ‘third party’.

In a critical state, Fico underwent a five-hour surgery, followed by another two-hour surgery two days later.

But now, the recovering populist leader said without any ambiguity that he believes to have been targeted for having a Ukraine position contrary to the European mainstream.

The video recording Fico posted online was his first appearance since the assassination attempt.

It comes a mere days ahead of Slovakia’s Saturday voting in the European Parliament elections.

Associated Press reported:

“Seemingly in good shape as he spoke, Fico pledged to be back at work in about a month and said he felt “no hatred” towards his attacker and planned no legal action against him. ‘I forgive him’, he said during the 14-minute speech,

Still, he slammed the opposition and others, saying: ‘After all, it’s evident that he only was a messenger of evil and political hatred’.”

Fico says that his very differing views on Russia’s war on Ukraine made him a target.

Fico stopped military aid for Ukraine, opposes EU sanctions on Russia, and wants to block Ukraine from joining NATO.

“’It’s cruel to state this, but the right to have a different opinion has ceased to exist in the European Union’, he said, blaming unspecified Western countries for the alleged situation.”

Fico was released from hospital last week, and taken to his home in Bratislava, where he is recuperating.

“The country’s Specialized Criminal Court in the town of Pezinok ordered the suspect, who is charged with attempted murder, to remain behind bars. […] Government officials originally said they believed it was a politically motivated attack committed by a ‘lone wolf’, but later announced that a ‘third party’ might have been involved in ‘acting for the benefit of the perpetrator’.

Fico said Wednesday he ‘had no reason to believe’ that it was an attack by a lone deranged person.”

Fico’s leftist-populist Smer (Direction) party is in a close race to win the European Parliament election, against opposition Progressive Slovakia, a pro-Western liberal party.

Read more:

Neoliberal Activist Who Shot PM Robert Fico Calls Him a ‘Judas’, Wanted Slovakia To Resume Military Aid to Ukraine

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In Retaliation for Ukraine Using NATO Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russian Territory, Putin Says He May Supply Weapons to Regions That Can Attack Western Countries’ Targets

During the 2024 Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin has gathered foreign journalists – including from ‘unfriendly countries’ – for a long conversations about many topics, including, of course, the new ‘authorizations’ by western powers for Ukraine to strike Russian territory with their supplied long-range missiles.

Putin warned that Moscow could arm countries near those Western powers that could potentially attack targets in their territories.

Several countries, including France, UK, Germany, and the United States, have given Ukraine the green light to utilize these missiles to strike targets inside Russia.

BBC reported:

“‘If someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries?’ the Russian president said. ‘That is, the response can be asymmetric. We will think about it’.”

Putin did not specify which countries Moscow could supply weapons to, but one of the potential targets that he mentioned was Germany.

“‘When they say that there will be more missiles which will hit targets on Russian territory, this definitively destroys Russian-German relations’, Mr. Putin said.”

US President Joe Biden has allowed Ukraine to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia, but only near the Kharkov region.

Long-range missiles are the new escalation worry of the moment.

Sources have confirmed that Ukraine has already used US weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days.

Putin also gave a worrying warning that ‘the West was wrong to assume that Moscow would never use nuclear weapons’.

“‘For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it’, Mr. Putin said when asked by Reuters about the risk of nuclear escalation over Ukraine.

‘We have a nuclear doctrine, look what it says. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal. This should not be taken lightly, superficially’.”

Russia has no plans to attack NATO territory, he insisted. He said Western countries should not make Russia out to be the enemy, because ‘they are only hurting themselves with this’.

“They thought that Russia wanted to attack Nato. Have you gone completely crazy? That is as thick as this table. Who came up with this? It is just complete nonsense, you know? Total rubbish.”

Read more:

‘His Legitimacy Has Ended’ – Putin Says Zelensky Is No Longer President of Ukraine After the End of His Constitutional Mandate

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Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

President-elect Claudia Sheibaum (R) Deseased Mayor Yolanda Sanchez (L)

The Latin American leftist network of leaders is delighted by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in the ultra-violent Mexican elections that saw over 28 candidates killed during the election cycle.

But the market reacted in a panic, as the unrelenting violence keeps claiming the lives of political leaders, and the opposition demands a full recount of the problematic vote.

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, Brazil’s Lula da Silva were quick to celebrate the victory, and the leftist goons of the ‘Puebla Group’ sent a delegation to meet with Mexico’s president-elect.

Present at the meeting were former presidents Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Evo Morales (Bolivia), ahead of a large delegation of the group of ‘progressive leaders’ (a.k.a. socialist hacks).

Although dedicated leftist Sheinbaum celebrated that Mexico is a ‘democratic country with peaceful elections,’ there is now a request of recounting the votes by an opposition candidate, another mayor was assassinated, and the market is plunging out of distrust towards the new government.

Runner-up in Mexico’s presidential election, opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez announced that has filed a request to contest the election and demand a recount.

Gálvez wrote on X:

“I know the results surprise us, and we need to analyze what happened. We all knew we were facing an unequal competition against the entire state apparatus dedicated to favoring its candidate. We all noticed how much organized crime was present, threatening and even killing dozens of candidates.

This does not end here. Yes, we will present the challenges that prove what I am saying and what we all know. And we will do so because we cannot allow another election like this. Today, more than ever, we must defend our democracy and our republic. Checks and balances and the separation of powers remain at risk.”

While the complaint about organized crime influence may be seen as exaggerated, it is absolutely not.

CBS reported:

The mayor of a town in western Mexico was killed on Monday, the regional government said, barely 24 hours after Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the Latin American country’s first woman president. Officials said the mayor’s bodyguard was also killed in the attack.

The Michoacan state government condemned ‘the murder of the municipal president (mayor) of Cotija, Yolanda Sanchez Figueroa’, the regional interior ministry said in a post on social media.”

Elected in 2021, Sanchez was gunned down on a public road, according to local media, with one outlet even reporting that she was shot 19 TIMES outside of a gym, in a drive-by by gunmen inside a white truck who opened fire ‘from the moving vehicle and then escaped’.”

Sanchez’s bodyguard was also reportedly hit by the gunfire and died.

Dozens of candidates (and countless voters) have been killed despite 27,000 soldiers and National Guard members deployed to reinforce election security.

With all that, it is perhaps not surprising that the market has reacted poorly – to say the least – to the continuation of the leftist government in Mexico.

Bloomberg reported:

“Mexico’s peso sank for a second session after an unexpected landslide election win by the ruling party injected local political risk into one of the world’s top carry trades.

The peso shed as much as 2.9% to 18.1936 per dollar by 11:45 a.m. in London, adding to its 3.8% loss on Monday that was its worst one-day tumble since June 2020. Mexico’s benchmark stock index sank 6.1%, the most since the onset of the pandemic.”

Read more:

A Leftist ‘Climate Scientist’ and COVID Pandemic Hardliner, Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Elected First Woman President of Mexico

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NONSTOP ESCALATION: Macron To Announce Sending French Army Instructors to Ukraine – Russian Officials Alert They Will Be ‘Legitimate Military Targets’

Slowly but surely, highly unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron is taking his dysfunctional Republic step-by-step towards a war with Russia.

It is now certain that during the 80-year celebration of the D-Day landings, he will take the opportunity to announce that he is sending French ‘military instructors’ to train the Ukrainian forces near the frontlines.

As one would expect, the Russians responded with a clear threat against any French soldier or trainers in Ukraine.

Politico reported:

“’No instructor involved in training the Ukrainian military has immunity’, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the press according to a report from French newswire AFP. ‘It doesn’t matter whether they’re French or not’, Peskov added.”

Macron will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is widely expected to announce a small coalition of countries willing to send trainers on the ground in Ukraine.

“Russia’s Vladimir Putin said last week there were already ‘specialists [in Ukraine] under the guise of mercenaries’. State news agency TASS meanwhile quoted Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova as saying that Moscow had ‘confirmation coming in on reports that France is preparing to send its troops to Ukraine’, in reference to trainers.”

Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, also said that French military instructors operating in Ukraine are a ‘legitimate target’ for Russia.

Business Insider reported:

“‘Regardless of whether they are French Army service personnel or just mercenaries, they are an absolutely legitimate target for the Russian Armed Forces’, he told reporters, per an official transcript from Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

‘I have reasons to think that they are already active in Ukraine’, he said, without giving specifics.”

The prospect of sending troops to Ukraine is gaining traction among NATO members such as the Baltic States And Poland.

“Ukrainian leaders have asked the US and other NATO allies to assist in training 150,000 recruits closer to the front lines for speedier deployment, The New York Times reported last month.”

This is an important bottleneck in the Ukrainian army, for not only can’t they draft enough citizens into the army, but they also can’t train them properly before sending them to the front.

So Ukrainian field commanders have been bracing for the influx these poorly trained recruits.

Sputnik reported:

“The commanders complained that they used to spend weeks teaching new recruits basic skills, such as how to shoot, because most of them were poorly trained.

‘We had guys who didn’t even know how to take a rifle apart and put it back together’, [said] an assistant battalion commander with the call sign Schmidt.”

Commanders have to waste a lot of time right at the front on basic training of the conscripts.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’

There’s a memorable quote by boxing legend Mike Tyson that says “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”

That’s exactly the case, as people breach the boundary of free speech and feel comfortable posting idiotic, offensive and even criminal things, thinking they are safe behind their screens.

Until, of course, they are not.

A wild video has surfaced showing an enraged Spanish father punching a comedian on stage for making a vile, unacceptable sexualized joke about his 3-month-old son on social media.

Little did leftist comedian Jaime Caravaca know that retribution was on its way.

In the middle of his set in Madrid on Monday night, the enraged dad, Alberto Pugilato, stormed the stage and punched him in the head.

New York Post reported:

“The on-stage violence erupted after Caravaca had responded to a photo that Pugilato — a right-wing activist and musician — had posted of his baby over the weekend on X with the caption, ‘Pride and joy’.

‘Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black c–k,’ Caravaca tweeted back, according to a since-deleted screenshot being circulated online.

Pugilato quickly fired back, ‘I assure you that you are going to apologize for what you said about my 3-month-old son and you will discover that real life is not Twitter’.”

Those were not idle words, because Pugilato jumped on stage during Caravaca’s monologue and landed a couple of blows on his head.

“’Do you think my son was going to eat a black man’s d–k? At 3 months? What now? Tell me to my face, here and now’, he added.”

The comedian later addressed the onstage attack, tweeting that he’d received death threats, and apologized – as the outraged father had predicted.

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Pugilato responded to the post and said he accepted the comedian’s apology.

“’I defend freedom of expression in the same way that I defend the right to respond. I do not wish you any harm and I hope this helps others understand that children are sacred. All the best’, he tweeted.”

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Former British Royal Marine Imprisoned in Dubai for Spying – Highly Decorated Veteran Left Stranded in the UAE for Months Without Money or a Passport

A disturbing story involving a former highly-decorated British Royal Marine has played out for the last seven months and it’s only now becoming public knowledge.

Lance Corporal Matt Croucher, 40, was thrown into a cramped, unsanitary Dubai prison and after release had his passport confiscated, leaving him stranded in the UAE.

But, his family and friends allege, he has been told next to nothing about the case against him.

Croucher received the George Cross after jumping on a Taliban grenade to save his colleagues, during a combat patrol in Afghanistan.

The lance corporal survived the blast, with his backpack and armored vest taking the brunt of the shrapnel.

Croucher, who is now a security consultant based out of the UK, lived in Dubai from 2014 to 2021, when he was working with authorities on ‘security related matters’.

He was arrested back November 4, accused of ‘intentionally and illegally accessing a telecommunications network’.

Who the authorities claim he was spying on, and who he was supposedly working for, they have reportedly not publicly said.

Daily Mail reported:

“Officials reportedly obtained an electronic device, which Croucher claimed was used in his day-to-day job for security penetration testing, after obtaining a warrant to search where he was living. 

He was forced to sleep on the floor while in prison as it was so overcrowded, according to a close friend who added he was also made to eat a ‘primitive meal of rice and chicken twice a day with very unsanitary amenities’. 

The friend claimed he was interrogated by Dubai’s police Criminal Investigation Department for six hours, during which he was questioned about his role within the UK’s Ministry of Defense and intelligence services.”

After four days in prison, Croucher was but his phone, passport and internet banking access device remain all confiscated, so he is now stuck in the country with no money.

He has to weekly report to the Al Barsha police station, were continuously tell him that ‘his situation will be resolved next week’.

His family says that the UK Foreign Office has been useless.

Croucher’s friend: “‘He was only due to be passing through the country for a few days to catch up with friends before returning to the UK.’

[…] A UK Foreign Office spokesperson said: ‘We are supporting a British man in the UAE and are in contact with the local authorities’.”

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EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels

In the last months, the European Farmers organized themselves to a historical degree, promoted an overwhelming season of protests and gained many concessions from both national governments and the European Union.

Now, as the old continent prepares itself for the EU elections, they have promoted another round of demonstrations that, while not as large as some of the previous efforts, are nevertheless a vivid reminder that the Union has to pay attention to the people who produce the food they eat.

To being with, yesterday (3), Spanish and French farmers blocked roads along their mutual border through the Pyrenees mountains.

They protested unfair competition from outside the European Union, places where the failed, crippling ‘green’ EU environmental policies do not apply.

Reuters reported:

“With EU elections looming on June 6-9, French and Spanish farmers used dozens of tractors to block both sides of the border on the AP-8 highway in the Basque Country and the AP-7 highway in Catalonia.

‘Since we have European elections, let’s see if our politicians take the sector seriously and listen to our demands’, Spanish farmer Josep Juscafrase, 54, told Reuters.”

About 500 farmers from Poland and other European countries protest in Brussels

Activists are demanding that EU authorities abandon environmental policies, which, according to protesters, threaten the future of European agriculture.

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) June 4, 2024

The European Farmers revolt resulted in extended subsidy allowances and a watering down of parts of environmental policies, such as a removal of farming emissions cuts.

“At the Catalan border with France, farmers played soccer and cooked paellas while blocking crossings, creating long queues of cars and trucks.”

Associated Press reported:

“In a final push on Tuesday, militant agricultural groups from more than a half dozen nations were converging on Brussels in a show of force that they hoped would sweep the progressive Green Deal climate pact off the table and give farmers the leeway they had for so long in deciding how to till the land. There too, the impact of the far right was clear, with representatives from several EU nations attending the protest that drew hundreds of tractors.”

Centrist parties have started to approach the right after the unrelenting demonstrations across the bloc.

“For years the EU became the globe’s trendsetter which earned plenty of plaudits on the international stage, but lost its farming base, which was increasingly lost in myriad rules that sometimes pinpointed when could be sowed and reaped, and even had satellite surveillance to check on it. It was fodder for the extreme right, which railed in the European Parliament and in countless demonstrations about bureaucratic interference.

And at EU and national level, ambitious plans have already been curtailed. In the Netherlands, the new coalition plans are rife with measures that largely meet the demands of farmers and counter those of environmentalists. The coalition is dominated by the extreme right party of Geert Wilders.”

Farmers have become militant in a way not seen in decades. Europe better listen to them.

Read more:

WATCH: French Farmers Tighten Their Grip on Paris, as Government Scrambles To Appease Them – Revolt Spreads to Belgium


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After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

We have been following the developments in Georgia, a former Soviet Republic with a non-Globalist government that is under great pressure from the west because of its ‘Foreign Agents’ law – but that has doubled down and will probably ignite a much greater world controversy with a legislation push against the LGBT movement.

First we noticed what was behind the physical confrontation in the Parliament: WATCH – Major Brawl Erupts in Georgian Parliament as Members Exchange Blows Over ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill.

Then it was immediately apparent that there was a COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations.

Once we understood that the legislation itself was NOT controversial – a rough equivalent to the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) – it became clearer who was behind the protests in Tblisi: Georgian Mass Protests – USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution.

The foreign pressure against the legislation was unreal, with US and EU promising retaliation against the ‘Russia law’.

Things went as far as a DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’.

But finally, the Georgian Parliament Overturns the President’s Veto and ‘Foreign Agents Law’ Is Approved, Despite Unprecedented International Pressure – Pro-EU Groups Protest.

So now, you may think that the Government in Georgia would rest for a moment to take a breath, right? Wrong!

The ruling Georgian Dream party has submitted no less than 19 bills to parliament seeking the prohibition of LGBT propaganda and ‘gender reassignment’.

To approve this new legislation, the government will need three-quarters of the votes in parliament.

Reuters reported:

“Georgia’s parliament will shortly begin debating a wide-ranging ‘family values’ bill that will include bans on ‘LGBT propaganda’ and gender reassignment surgery, the speaker of parliament was quoted as saying on Tuesday.”

The bill will start to be voted upon in the current spring session of parliament.

“The ruling Georgian Dream party announced the bill in March, drawing condemnation from LGBT activists and human rights groups.

The debate on it will take place at a moment of high political tension in the South Caucasus country after weeks of huge protests against a bill on ‘foreign agents’ that was finally signed into law this week.

The proposed measures are likely to fuel European Union and U.S. concerns about Georgia’s political direction, following their criticism of the foreign agent law that critics see as Russian-inspired and repressive.”

The bills reportedly prevent gay couples from adopting children, stop people from changing their gender in ID documents.

LGBT political gatherings would not be allowed, nor would LGBT propaganda in the education system be permitted.

“A predominantly Orthodox Christian nation, Georgia is socially conservative, with polls showing a large majority of the population disapprove of same-sex relationships.”

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Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

All over the world, any government or leader that does not share the same Globalist principles to the letter is subjected to endless scrutiny, non-stop allegations, and harassment.

Take the Serbian populist government, for example.

After President Aleksandar Vucic’s party won the municipal election for Belgrade mayor in December, a season of protest was held, with the usual suspect Western NGOs and ‘Watchdogs’ denouncing irregularities.

Well, the elections for capital Belgrade were re-done, and AGAIN, the Government won, to the chagrin and revolt of the liberal Globalists in Serbia and abroad.

Serbia’s victory over the opposition happened in a vote for Belgrade city council and partial local elections across the country.

The electoral process was marked by scuffles between opposition and government supporters.

Reuters reported:

“According to an unofficial vote count by the pollster CESID, the alliance led by Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) loyal to Vucic, won 52.9% of votes in the capital city.

The Kreni-Promeni (Move-Change) centre-right movement led by lawyer Savo Manojlovic came second with 17.2%. The leftist green Biram Beograd (I Choose Beograd) was third with 12.5%.”

The electoral rerun in Belgrade was the result of months of protests. After the December parliamentary and partial local elections, the opposition and ‘international observers’ (a.k.a. Globalist pressure groups) said were ‘marred by irregularities’.

“Around 20% of Serbia’s 6.7 million people live in Belgrade and the position of a mayor is seen as the fourth most important in the country, after president, prime minister and parliament speaker.”

Opposition activists clashed with government supporters in Belgrade.

“Vucic declared victory and said his party would have a majority in the 110-seat Belgrade city hall. ‘This is an incredible victory’, he said.”

Unsurprisingly, opposition leader Savo Manojlovic said his alliance would not accept the results.

Vucic and his SNS party are accused of ‘stifling media freedoms’, violence against opponents, corruption, and ties with organized crime.

Vucic and his allies deny all these allegations.

Serbia is a candidate for membership in the European Union, but before it joins the bloc, it must make rule of law and media freedom reforms, root out corruption and tackle organized crime. It must also mend ties with Kosovo and align its foreign policies with those of the EU, including the introduction of sanctions against Russia, over its invasion of Ukraine.”

Associated Press reported:

“Prime Minister Milos Vucevic told reporters that the party swept the election and that the victory is ‘pure and convincing’.”

“Prime Minister Milos Vucevic told reporters that the party swept the election and that the victory is ‘pure and convincing’.”

The Serbian ruling Progressive Party on his part, accuses the opposition groups of attacking members, and of storming the party call centers.

Oppositionists claim the call centers were used ‘to bribe and blackmail voters.’

“Vucic’s party has for more than a decade controlled all levels of power in Serbia and went into Sunday’s election as the favorite.

Opposition groups split over whether to take part in the ballot or press on with demands for free and fair elections, which weakened their chances of a success.”

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UKRAINE DARKNESS: Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country

Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been systematically destroying the Ukrainian energy

In early May, Russian air strikes and missiles disrupted the thermal power plants in Ukraine to such a degree that it took the country to the brink in terms of power generation.

Read more in Russian Missiles and Drones Pound Ukraine’s Power Plants in Heaviest Strike in Weeks – More Than Half of Kiev’s Energy Infrastructure Has Been Destroyed.

And now, roughly a month later, another large-scale, deadly wave of attacks is targeting the remainder of the energy infrastructure, notably attacking hydroelectric facilities.

This has led to Ukraine imposing emergency power shutdowns in all but three regions of the country.

Power grid operator Ukrenergo says the shutdowns are affecting both industrial and household consumers.

Associated Press reported:

“Sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s power grid in recent weeks have forced the government to institute nationwide rolling blackouts. Without adequate air defenses to counter assaults and allow for repairs, though, the shortages could still worsen as need spikes in late summer and the bitter-cold winter.

Among the most significant recent strikes were an April barrage that damaged Kiev’s largest thermal power plant and a massive attack on May 8 that targeted power generation and transmission facilities in several regions.”

Meanwhile, Russian Federation troops keep advancing, both in the northern Kharkov region and in the Eastern Donetsk Oblast.

“Russia claimed Sunday that it had taken control of the village of Umanske in the partially Russian-occupied Donetsk region.

Russia’s coordinated new offensive has centered on Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkov region, but seems to include testing Ukrainian defenses in Donetsk farther south, while also launching incursions in the northern Sumy and Chernihiv regions.”

Attacks on multiple Ukrainian energy infrastructure sites.

Energy facilities were attacked in Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kirovograd, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Because of the heavy attacks on the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station and many other Ukrainian energy facilities, Yasno energy company alerted that the emergency power outages have begun in Kiev, where the energy consumption limits were breached.

Read more:

The Battle for Chasov Yar – From Mercenaries to Conscripts, the Ukrainian Defense Is Under Pressure (VIDEOS)

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American Army Vet Fighting as a Mercenary for Ukraine Extradited to US, Prosecuted for Murders in ‘a Three-State Crime Spree’

A US Army veteran who became a mercenary fighter has been charged with murder and fraud in a ‘three-state crime spree’ after being extradited from Ukraine by the FBI, according to federal prosecutors.

The New York Post reported:

Craig Austin Lang, 34, who fought as a mercenary in Venezuela, Africa and Ukraine, made his first appearance in federal court on charges that he and his cohorts allegedly pulled off a double murder in Florida and falsified passports in Arizona and North Carolina before fleeing overseas, federal prosecutors said.

‘Lang’s alleged conduct is shocking in its scope and its callous disregard for human life’, Nicole Argentieri, principal deputy assistant of the Department of Justice criminal division, said in a statement.

‘His wrongdoing, however, was no match for the efforts of dedicated law enforcement personnel and prosecutors in the United States and abroad’, Argentieri said.”

Land was fighting for the Kiev regime.

Prosecutors say that, in April 2018, Lang and fellow army vet Alex Jared Zwiefelhofer posted an online ad to sell a cache of weapons.

But the two men ended up killing the couple who turned up responding to the ad, and stole the $3,000 they brought for the purchase.

Zwiefelhofer and Lang met in Ukraine in 2017. Both men were fighting Russian separatists in the Donbas.

They planned to use the stolen money from the murdered couple to travel to Venezuela and fight against the country’s socialist regime.

Zwiefelhofer was convicted by a federal jury in Florida and will be sentenced on Aug. 6.

In September 2018, Lang and another cohort allegedly cut a deal with two others in North Carolina to use their identities to falsify US passports, paying them off with $1,500 in cash and a suitcase ‘containing multiple firearms’ and a military-grade smoke grenade, the feds said.”

Lang allegedly used a US passport to obtain a Mexican visa, violating the conditions of possessing a US passport.

Lang ended up detained in Ukraine, and was extradited back to the US.

The European Court of Human Rights rejected his human rights appeal, and he was taken back under FBI guard.

According to prosecutors, Lang faces life in prison if convicted of the Florida murders.

If convicted of the North Carolina and Arizona fraud charges, he can get up to 35 years behind bars, the Justice Department said.

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The Return of Nigel Farage: Brexit Champion Is the New Reform Party Chief, Will Stand in UK General Elections To Become an MP

Almost one month to the day of the next UK General Elections on the 4th of July, the political landscape is shaken by the unexpected return of Brexit champion Nigel Farage, declaring he will stand to be a Reform party MP.

Farage’s reversed his course after previously declining to run, and – what’s more – he is taking over the leadership of the Reform party.

Farage is back ‘for the next five years’ – to supplant Tories as the Opposition and fight for power in 2029.

This comes as devastating news to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, already overwhelmed by opposition Labour that is on track for a historical majority.

Daily Mail reported:

“Mr. Farage acknowledged that it would be ‘very difficult’ to win from scratch in a constituency. But he said since the snap election was called he had been talking to people on the streets and observed that ‘there is a rejection of the political class going on in this country in a way that has not been seen in modern times’.

‘I rationally thought this was too difficult. I’ve changed my mind because I can’t let down millions of people,’ he said. ‘Nothing in this country works… we will only recover our position with boldness,’ he said. ‘I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again: I will surprise everybody.’

[…] ‘The birth of sectarian politics in our country caused by massively irresponsible immigration policies. And it was the Labour Party that opened the door and who would have believed that a Conservative Party would have accelerated it’.”

Farage believes Reform party can get more votes in this election than the Conservative Party, that he sees ‘on the verge of total collapse’.

He also thinks his party will draw votes from both Labour and the Conservatives.

Farage says he wants to lead a ‘political revolt’.

“‘Yes, a revolt. A turning of our backs on the political status quo. It doesn’t work. Nothing in this country works any more’, he said.”

“He continued: ‘When people start to realize, in the red wall, with Reform second to Labour, when they start to realize that actually in those seats, it’s a Conservative vote that’s a vote for Labour, it’s a Conservative vote that is a wasted vote, then I think we might just surprise everybody’.”

Read more:

UK Polls Show Brexit Leader Nigel Farage Set To Be Elected MP – Half of Conservative Voters Think He’d Be a Better Premier Than Rishi Sunak

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PRIORITIES: Criticized by Zelensky, Biden Will Send VP Kamala Harris To Swiss ‘Peace Summit’ While He Attends Hollywood Fundraiser

While over a hundred countries and/or organizations are sending high-level delegations to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s peace summit in Switzerland, the number and scope of the nations that are skipping the event or else sending low-level teams is growing rapidly.

To begin with, there’s the BRICS trap in motion: Russia, for some reason, was not invited. China has said it will skip. Brazil and South Africa are sending low-level teams. India will also not send high-level officials.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are also passing, too.

But even some so-called allies are sending mixed signs, with Australia sending its ‘minister for disability insurance’.

But perhaps the last nail in the coffin of the credibility of this event was put by US President Joe Biden, who has just announced that ‘the great’ VP Kamala Harris will be attending in his stead.

Word salads for peace!

No wonder there’s ZELENSKY’S PARANOIA: Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

By sending Harris to the peace conference in Switzerland, Biden tries to alleviate his refusal of Zelensky’s request that he skip a Hollywood fundraiser headlined by actor George Clooney, and go to the summit.

New York Post reported:

“’Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15 to participate in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine’, Harris’ spokesperson Kirsten Allen said Monday.

Harris ‘will underscore the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s effort to secure a just and lasting peace, based on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the UN Charter’, Allen added.”4

National security adviser Jake Sullivan will also join the US delegation.

“Biden’s absence ‘would only be applauded by Putin, personally applauded by Putin, and it would be a standing ovation’, Zelensky said.”

Aging Biden, trailing badly in the polls, will be in Europe later in June to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day as well as the G7 summit.

Read more:

Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’

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North Korea’s ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jon Un Halts the ‘Excrement Balloon War’ Against South Korea

Against the backdrop of continuing escalations from either side, ranging from a variety of psyops, spy satellites, multiple missile tests, and military drills, it seems that North and South Korea have reached a détente at least when it comes to one of the most bizarre elements of the conflict: the excrement balloons.

North Korea has reportedly agreed to stop flying hundreds of balloons carrying trash and manure to South Korea, saying that the southerners now ‘have enough experience of how much unpleasant they feel’.

Associated Press reported:

“The balloon campaign came as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un urged his military scientists to overcome a failed satellite launch and continue developing space-based reconnaissance capabilities. He described those efforts as crucial for countering U.S. and South Korean military activities, state media said Wednesday.

The wire reported observers’ claims that South Korea was likely going to restart front-line loudspeaker broadcasts into North Korea, criticizing the country for violating human rights while also broadcasting world news and K-pop songs.”

Kim Kang Il, a North Korean vice defense minister, said that the balloon activities were a countermeasure and retaliation against the South’s psyop balloons that undertake leafleting campaigns.

“‘We made the ROK (Republic of Korea) clans get enough experience of how much unpleasant they feel and how much effort is needed to remove the scattered wastepaper’, Kim said in a statement carried by state media.

He also said if South Korean activists send more anti-Pyongyang leaflets via balloons into North Korea again, they will resume flying balloons to dump rubbish hundreds of times the amount of South Korean leaflets found in the North.”

Tied to the trash balloons, the SK Joint Chiefs of Staff said, was manure, cigarette butts, scraps of cloth, waste paper and vinyl.

No dangerous substances were said to be included at this time – but the possibility is there.

The South claims that ‘only’ 1,000 balloons were launched, but North Korea says as many as 3,500 balloons were launched carrying a total of 15 tons of waste.

“Animosity between the Koreas is at its worst level in years as the pace of both Kim’s weapons demonstrations and South Korea’s combined military exercises with the U.S. and Japan have intensified since 2022.”

The failed NK recent satellite launch was a setback to the plans of launch three more military spy satellites in 2024.

Pyongyang says it has the right to launch satellites and test missiles in the face of U.S.-led military threats.

Sputnik reported:

This trash balloon attacks come after South Korean pro-democracy group Fighters for a Free North Korea have maintained a considerable balloon-based campaign of psychological warfare.

“The group is reportedly linked to the US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Just last month, the organization boasted that it sent 20 large balloons with 300,000 leaflets and 2,000 USB storage drives north.

The balloons’ contents have traditionally ranged from flash drives with South Korean and Hollywood movies and K-pop music on them to brochures, transistor radios, candy bars, mini bibles and dollar bills. But North Korea has also expressed concerns that the balloons may carry other things – like viruses.”

North Korea’s trash balloon warfare campaign signals that Pyongyang will not accept these tactics anymore.

Read more:

ROCKET MAN: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Launches a MASSIVE Ballistic Missile Test in a Show of Force Against South Korea

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A Leftist ‘Climate Scientist’ and COVID Pandemic Hardliner, Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Elected First Woman President of Mexico

Running contrary to the worldwide trend towards conservatism in 2024, Mexico has elected a ‘dedicated leftist’ to continue the dubious legacy of current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

While the fact that Claudia Sheinbaum will be Mexico’s first woman leader in the nation’s more than 200 years of independence does provide with some novelty factor, the truth is that she will mainly mean ‘same old, same old.’

The 61-year-old ‘climate scientist’ and former Mexico City mayor ran a campaign that capitalized on her predecessor’s popularity.

Associated Press reported:

“While she hewed close to López Obrador politically and shares many of his ideas about the government’s role in addressing inequality, she is viewed as less combative and more data driven.

Sheinbaum’s background is in science. She has a Ph.D. in energy engineering. Her brother is a physicist. In a 2023 interview with The Associated Press, Sheinbaum said, ‘I believe in science’.”

The new president presents a whole array of red-flags to the conservative observer, for not only is she into the ‘climate change’ cult, but also MSM says she ‘proved herself’ in her (misguided) actions as mayor during the COVID-19 pandemic psyop.

Mexico’s unrelenting high levels of violence will be one her most immediate challenge, but it’s unlikely that she will have any more success than her mentor.

 “’Let it be clear, it doesn’t mean an iron fist, wars or authoritarianism’, Sheinbaum said of her approach to tackling criminal gangs, during her final campaign event. ‘We will promote a strategy of addressing the causes and continue moving toward zero impunity’.”

She is the typical leftist: blames ‘neoliberal economic policies’ (which in Latin America means Capitalism) for poverty; promises a ‘strong welfare state’ and means to ‘guarantee the minimum rights to all residents.’

All the bad old recipe of Latin American disaster.

“In contrast to López Obrador, who seemed to relish his highly public battles with other branches of the government and also the news media, Sheinbaum is expected by many observers to be less combative or at least more selective in picking her fights.”

Sheinbaum will also be the first Jewish person to lead the mostly Catholic country.

CBS News reported:

“‘I will become the first woman president of Mexico’, Sheinbaum said with a smile, speaking at a downtown hotel shortly after electoral authorities announced a statistical sample showed she held an irreversible lead. ‘I don’t make it alone. We’ve all made it, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters’.”

She appears to treat the citizens as stupid by saying that Mexico demonstrated that ‘it is a democratic country with peaceful elections.’

That’s an absurd comment since at least 38 candidates were killed in Mexico’s election cycle in the past year, making it THE MOST VIOLENT ELECTION SEASON IN MODERN MEXICAN HISTORY.

So, it is hardly surprising that the turnout was lower than in past elections.

“Sheinbaum, described by Agence France-Presse as a ‘dedicated leftist known for keeping a cool head in times of crisis’.”

She is going to need it.

Read more:

VIDEO: Stage Collapses at Political Rally in Mexico – Presidential Candidate Narrowly Escapes – at Least 4 Dead

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The ‘Jordan Bardella’ Phenomenon: Young Leader Helps Marine Le Pen’s RN Party DOUBLE the Macron Party’s Poll Numbers

The French Republic seems to be on track to do away with the ‘cordon sanitaire’ (sanitary cordon) or firewall – a political practice by the establishment to keep the right winders out of power.

Of course, much of the expected conservative surge in the EU legislative election is due to President Emmanuel Macron’s train-wreck mandate with a floundering economy, unchecked mass migration and violence tearing up the society.

But there is also the Jordan Bardella phenomenon to be taken into consideration, as we will see.

The young and wildly popular politician is helping Marine Le Pen’s National Rally to further extending its lead against President Emmanuel Macron’s party.

Bloomberg reported:

“Asked which of the parties they intend to vote for, 33% of those surveyed backed the National Rally, which is led by Marine Le Pen in the country’s lower house of parliament, while 15.5% preferred a coalition of parties including Macron’s Renaissance, according to the poll published in the Sunday edition of the newspaper.

The Socialist Party led by Raphael Glucksmann garnered 13% of voter intentions, the left-wing France Unbowed 8% and the Greens 6%, the survey showed. The conservative Republicans were backed by 7% of respondents.”

The Elabe survey was polled before Standard & Poor’s downgraded France’s credit score to the lowest ever point – so it stands to reason the advantage may be poised to increase.

All that sends the leftist media into a frenzy. Leftist politico depicted Bardella as ‘Ken doll’ in elaborate graphics in a semi-hit-piece.

But they do acknowledge that, while just a quarter of French people have confidence in their government that does NOT apply to there’s Jordan Bardella.

In his ten years as a politician, the president of the far-right National Rally never lost his appeal with the voters.

Politico reported:

“Polished, composed to a fault, Bardella has become a TikTok sensation, deploying his boy-next-door good looks and a carefully practiced smile to turn out the youth vote. When the French weekly newspaper JDD compiled a list of the 50 most popular figures in France, Bardella was the only politician to make the list.”

The newspaper is worried that ‘the firewalls’ are crashing down.

“In past elections, French voters have closed ranks to keep the far right out of power, erecting a so-called cordon sanitaire (or firewall) to keep the far right out of power.”

Bardella shows a safe and palatable political face, an alternative to the establishment.

“Despite being dinged in the media and by political opponents for a light grasp of the issues, he has steadily widened the gap between him and Valérie Hayer, Macron’s candidate in the race. It helps that his political canvassing has been more boy band on tour, than grim campaigning, with endless TikTok posts and selfie poses with fans.”

A hit with the young he also has appeal with the elders. An April poll shows 23 percent of voters over 65 years old plan to vote for Bardella.

“Le Pen has described Bardella as a godsend in her effort to detoxify the party’s reputation and prepare it for power. He ‘is not affected by the taboo that surrounds the National Front vote’, she said, referring to the party’s former name, which was associated with her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, a Holocaust denier. ‘He’s part of a new generation’.”

Coming from a working-class family, he joined the National Rally as a teenager, dropping out of university to go into politics.

He positions himself as someone from a tough background in contrast to the Paris’ political elite.

“Bardella’s biggest vulnerability might be growing speculation that he’s on a collision course with Le Pen. […] A recent poll also showed voters appeared to be swinging behind Bardella: 52 percent of National Rally voters would vote for Bardella, compared to 43 percent for Le Pen.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)


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Zelensky Now Rails Against China for Skipping ‘His’ Upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Calls It ‘A Tool for Russia’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a ‘great’ idea – or so he thought: a peace summit in which only one of the warring parties is invited.

Pure genius, is it not? Not only that, but a peace summit that is designed to allow the losing side to dictate the terms of the peace settlement ahead.

It’s no wonder, therefore, that Zelensky’s ‘great’ idea is not shaping out quite like he expected.

The news are coming hard and fast: China will not attend, Brazil and South Africa will send lower level delegations, Saudi Arabia will also reportedly not participate and even old Joe Biden will skip the event for a celebrity fundraiser in Los Angeles.

So the defender of democracy – with an expired mandate and ruling via Martial law – is going around the world seeking to carry his message to whomever will listen, with the usual help from the Globalist MSM.

Newsweek reported:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused China of aiding Russia in putting pressure on countries not to attend an upcoming peace summit pushed by Kyiv.

‘Russia is trying to disrupt the peace summit’, Zelensky said following an address at the Shangri-La Dialogue defense conference in Singapore on Sunday, describing Beijing as an ‘instrument’ for Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

Some of the translations say he called China Russia’s ‘tool’, which is even less flattering.

This comes right after the Ukrainian leader said Joe Biden’s absence in this same summit was ‘a standing ovation’ to Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Taking place in mid-June in Switzerland, the conference will gather more than 100 countries and global organizations would attend the event, according to him.

But he is dissatisfied.

“‘Russia, using Chinese influence in the region, using Chinese diplomats also, does everything to disrupt the peace summit’, Zelensky said during the appearance intended to bolster the attendance of Asian nations in Switzerland.”

Zelensky’s surprise appearance at the Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore aimed at gathering support from Asian countries, including urging delegates to attend ‘his’ summit.

BBC reported:

“Zelensky claimed that Russia was attempting to disrupt the summit by pressuring countries not to attend, through threats of a blockade of agricultural goods, chemical goods, and energy.”

China has made de frankly uncontroversial point that any conference should have be recognized by both Russia and Ukraine’ and equal participation.

So it now has made them the latest target of Zelensky’s diatribes.

“Zelensky also said China’s leader Xi Jinping had earlier promised him they would ‘stand aside in this war and would not support Russia with weapons’. But, he added, there are now ‘elements that are part of Russia’s weaponry’ that come from China, according to various intelligence agencies. He called for China to maintain a ‘consistent’ position.”

This echoes the US criticism of China’s exports of ‘dual goods’, products of a civilian nature that can also be used for military purposes.

“Asked by the BBC if he requested the removal of limitations, he said he was grateful to the US for allowing Ukraine to use the HIMARS artillery rocket system by the border of the Kharkov region which has seen intense fighting.

‘Is that sufficient? No,’ he said, adding that there were airfields from which Russia was permanently firing ‘knowing that Ukraine will not fire back’.”

Read more:

ZELENSKY’S PARANOIA: Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

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A BILLION VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN! Indian PM Modi Scores a Gigantic Win in the World’s Largest Democratic Election Where Voter ID Is Required, and Will Serve Historic Third Term

The Indian Prime Minister who put a spacecraft on the moon and is leading a renaissance of Hindu nationalism has just won a major victory in a the world largest election decided by about a billion voters.

Narendra Modi, from BJP party, is predicted by all exit polls to win an unprecedented third term as leader of the world’s most populous country.

The Guardian reported:

“Counting begins at 8am on Tuesday, and results are expected the same day. Vote counting is done simultaneously at counting stations in each of the 543 constituencies around the country.

According to a flurry of exit polls released on Saturday night, Modi and his Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) are looking at a decisive win and may even gain seats to win a two-thirds majority in parliament, which would allow the government to make far-reaching amendments to the constitution.”

A third term will be a historic achievement for Modi. Not since Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first post-independence premier, has a PM won three consecutive terms.

“Modi was widely seen as a frontrunner even before elections began. Over his ten years as prime minister, the cult of personality around him has grown while his power has become deeply entrenched. Several exit polls suggested that the BJP’s dominance would increase further this time, with gains in southern states such as Tamil Nadu and eastern states such as West Bengal, where the party had previously struggled to gain strong support due to regional opposition.”

It’s incredibly ironic to read the Guardian complain about how mainstream media in India is partial. Only in India?

“As campaigning came to a close, Modi – who had appeared at over 200 rallies over the course of campaigning – took himself on a 45-hour meditation retreat at a spiritual site in Tamil Nadu. […] ‘Sources’ told right wing media that the prime minister would be surviving on a liquid-only diet of coconut water and grape juice.”

In India citizens are required to show a voter ID.

Reuters reported:

“Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans a raft of business-friendly measures if he wins a third term this week, including pushing through regulations making it easier to hire and fire workers, according to two government officials familiar with the matter.

As part of an election pledge to transform India into a global manufacturing hub, Modi wants to offer subsidies for domestic production modelled on recent packages for semiconductor firms and electric vehicle makers, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to media.

The premier also plans to reduce import taxes on key inputs for locally-made goods, which have pushed up India’s manufacturing costs, the officials said.”

India is setting itself up as an alternative for global firms shifting their supply chains away from China.

The government plans to increase India’s share of global manufacturing from less than 3 to 5% by 2030 and 10% by 2047.

Read more:

India’s PM Modi: Opposition Wants To Give Money to Muslim ‘Infiltrators’, Distribute Wealth to ‘Those Who Have Many Children’






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Right-Wing EU Super Group? Hungary’s Orbán Urges Italy’s Meloni and France’s Le Pen To Form an Alliance

Conservative champion, Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán, is a politician with very strong geopolitical views and a willingness to implement those views, even against fierce pressure.

On the one hand, we have his heroic anti-war stance as in Orbán’s Hungary ‘Redefining’ Relationship With NATO, Will Not Participate in Any Ukraine Operations.

On the other, we have a leader that is calling for the right to organize and seize power in the European Union, as in ‘The EU Leadership Has Got to Go’: Hungarian PM Orbán Kicks off Campaign for European Elections With a Call to ‘Occupy Brussels’.

So it stands to reason that Orbán would call for the union of two of the biggest conservative figures in the continent, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and French RN party leader Marine Le Pen.

Meloni is on a good footing right now, as Conservative PM Giorgia Meloni’s Italy is the Fastest Growing European Economy, Leaving Liberal Germany Behind.

She has also manifested hope of a united right, as in Italian PM Meloni Will Run in June European Elections, Wants To ‘Bring Together the Centre-Right Forces and Send the Left Into Opposition’.

Having said that, the relationship with Marine Le Pen is said to be far from close. We indeed see Le Pen usually teaming with other conservative forces in Italy, as in Conservative Bond: Italian Salvini and French Le Pen United Against Mass Migration, Ahead of EU Elections Next Year.

But Marine Le Pen has now publicly asked Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to form a ‘right-wing super group’ in the next European Parliament – a call echoed by Orbán.

Politico reported:

“In an interview with French weekly magazine Le Point, the Hungarian prime minister said the ‘future of the sovereignist camp in Europe, and of the right in general, now rests in the hands of two women’, arguing that if the French far-right figurehead and Italian leader work together ‘within a single group or a coalition, they will be a force for Europe’.

Meloni’s party, Brothers of Italy, currently sits with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) in the EU parliament, while Le Pen’s National Rally is part of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group.”

With conservatives expected to surge in the June 6-9 EU election, Le Pen advocates for a single rightwing group.

Such a group could become the second force in Parliament.

“Orbán shares Le Pen’s vision. The momentum which would result from such a partnership ‘could be enough to reshape the configuration of the European right, or even supplant the European People’s Party’, he said.”

Orbán’s party left the European People’s Party (EPP) in 2021.

While holding talks to join Meloni’s ‘European Conservatives and Reformists’, he wants to understand the ECR relationship with Le Pen’s ‘Identity and Democracy’ — which the Hungarians favor — and the EPP, which Orbán criticizes as being ‘under German influence’.

“’Apart from the number of seats a particular party wins, the most important thing, in my opinion, will be the number of MEPs prepared to go further in the war in Ukraine and the number who will be in favor of ending it’, said Orbán, who has frequently opposed European sanctions against Russia and aid packages for Ukraine as it fends off Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion.”

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DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−

While French President Emmanuel Macron struts around the world warmongering on Ukraine, or else fear-mongering about ‘climate change,’ the country he was supposed to take care of is falling apart.

A floundering economy, a chaotic society made worse by unchecked mass migration, and now, to top it all, Macron got a brutal wakeup call yesterday (May 31), as Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term sovereign credit rating from AA to AA−.

Coming on the eve of the European Elections that his party is projected to lose by a landslide, many see this as ‘probably his darkest day in office.’

Bloomberg reported:

“In a statement on Friday, the credit assessor highlighted the French government’s missed goals in plans to restrain the budget deficit after huge spending during the Covid pandemic and energy crisis.

S&P said that although reforms and a recovery in economic growth will improve the situation, the hole will remain above 3% of gross domestic product in 2027.”

The reduction from AA to AA- trashes Macron’s claim as an economic reformer.

Polls are showing his Renaissance group trailing way behind Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

“Le Pen seized on the S&P decision to call on voters to sanction Macron at EU election. She also called other opposition lawmakers to support the latest no-confidence motion her party has proposed to bring down his government.

‘The catastrophic management of public finances by governments that are as incompetent as they are arrogant has put our country in grave difficulties, with record taxes, deficits and debts’, she said in a message on X late Friday.”

S&P sees France’s general government debt as a share of GDP increasing to about 112% of GDP by 2027 – from about 109% in 2023.

Finance Minister Bruno Maire tried to put a good spin on the news, saying that the reason for the downgrade is that the government ‘saved the French economy’ during the COVID lockdowns. Yeah, right.

“S&P said the agenda will continue to face strong opposition, both from parliament, where the government has no absolute majority, and from protests, like those seen against pension reform in 2023. ‘Political fragmentation will likely make the continued implementation of policies to address economic and budgetary imbalances somewhat uncertain’.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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ROCKET MAN: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Launches a MASSIVE Ballistic Missile Test in a Show of Force Against South Korea

North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, is once again flexing his ballistic muscles in a threat to South Korea and the US.

We have been following the ‘Rocket Man’ activity for the last couple of years, and it’s getting increasingly disturbing.

To begin with, we know that North Korea Has Sent Moscow SEVEN THOUSAND CONTAINERS of Missiles and Ammo.

After that, how North Korea Says Missile Launch a Nuclear ‘Warning Signal’ to US.

Days ago, it was reported: BREAKING – North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan – Residents of Okinawa Told To Hide in Shelters.

It turns out that it was in fact, a failed spy-satellite launch.

But yesterday (May 31), Kim Jong Un supervised a MASSIVE drill involving the firing of nuclear-capable multiple rocket launchers.

North Korea state media stressed that this is a way of showing ‘the country’s ability to carry out a preemptive attack’ on rival South Korea.

“North Korea has simulated nuclear strikes on South Korea numerous times, but the latest drills came after animosities on the Korean Peninsula rose over North Korea’s recent failed spy satellite launch.

The North’s official Korean Central News Agency reported that the rocket firing drills were meant to demonstrate North Korea’s resolve not to hesitate in launching a preemptive strike on South Korea if threatened. It cited Kim as saying that the drills ‘will serve as an occasion in clearly showing what consequences our rivals will face if they provoke us’.”

Events in the Korean Peninsula always proceed as an endless series of provocations and responses.

This time, the drills came as a response to a South Korean aerial exercise.

North Korea reacted angrily at criticism of its satellite launch, arguing that it has the sovereign right to send satellites into orbit.

“Also this week, North Korea flew hundreds of huge balloons into South Korea carrying manure and other trash, and allegedly jammed GPS navigation signals in the South. There were no reports of any substantial damage.”

On its part, South Korean may resume loudspeaker broadcasts into North Korea.

The psychological warfare sonic weapon includes criticism of human rights situation, world news and K-pop songs.

“The North Korean firing exercises appeared to be short-range ballistic missile test-launches that South Korea detected from North Korea’s capital region on Thursday. Experts say North Korea’s large artillery rockets blur the boundary between artillery systems and short-range ballistic missiles because they can create their own thrust and are guided during delivery.”

Read more:

North Korean Commies Launch Hundreds of Excrement Filled Balloons at South Korea – Regime Calls It a ‘Gift of Sincerity’ (VIDEO)

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King Charles Continues Trying To Evict His Brother Prince Andrew From 30-Room Royal Lodge – The Disgraced Duke of York Has No Money To Maintain the Property

Who would guess that the hardest part of being the King of Britain is dealing with your own family members?

Charles III waited 70 years to ascend to the throne. And when he did, he has had to deal nonstop with problems created by his own brother and his younger son.

When it comes to disgraced Prince Andrew, who has been forced to quit his Royal duties over his long association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the main problem is that he continues refusing to leave the Royal Lodge, where he has lived for 20 years, for his new – and much smaller – home in Frogmore Cottage.

King Charles is reportedly threatening to sever ties with the  duke of York unless he agrees to move out, a friend of the King has claimed.

Andrew presently shares the 30-room, £30million mansion with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson.

Daily Mail reported:

“The King has long been trying to get his brother – who has no apparent source of income – to leave the Windsor mansion amid rumors the Prince of Wales is keen to take up residence in the property to reflect his role as heir to the throne.”

The King is said to be willing to pay for his brother to live comfortably out of his ‘private’ funds from the Duchy of Lancaster, but the level of funding ‘needs to be appropriate.’

“A friend of the King told The Times: ‘Unfortunately, if Andrew refuses to leave within a reasonable time frame, then the King may be forced to reassess the whole package of support he provides and the duke would be required to fund the lion’s share of his security, accommodation and lifestyle costs all on his own – which, given the sums involved, is highly unlikely to be possible in the long term’.”

The King has continually attempted to evict Andrew from Royal Lodge, and now claims have emerged saying that Andrew can’t meet the £400,000-a-year upkeep of Royal Lodge.

“He was granted ‘a stay of execution’, it was reported in October, after he did a deal with the King to carry out the repair works on the 19th century, Grade II-listed property.”

Pictures appear to show that the mansion may be falling in disrepair.

The Frogmore Cottage – previously the house of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Harry and Meghan – is said to be in good condition.

Andrew has signed a 75-year lease on the Royal Lodge, paying only £250 a week, but also agreeing to maintain the vast property.

“Part of the terms of this alleged deal with his older brother was that he would carry out repair works on the 19th century, Grade II-listed house, but these do not appear to have been done yet.

It was reported that Andrew, who was forced to quit royal duties over the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, may have his royal allowance of £249,000 cut, making it difficult for the Duke to fulfill his promises.”

People close to Andrew say he ‘is going nowhere, because he has a cast iron lease.’

Read more:

The Epstein Curse: Prince Andrew Fights Kings Charles III To Keep His 30-Room Mansion, Has Another Lie Uncovered in Court Documents – The ‘Most Hated Royal’ Will Be Subject of Explosive Biography

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ZELENSKY’S PARANOIA: Ukraine’s President Is ‘Emotional and Nervous’, With ‘Deep Anxiety’ – Instructed Officials To Criticize Biden for Skipping Peace Summit in Switzerland

It turns out that the Joe Biden administration from hell has authorized the Ukrainians to use US-provided long-range missiles to hit ‘some’ targets inside Russia – reportedly in Belgorod, near the frontline of the Kharkov region.

This may or may not mend the relationship with president Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been saying to whomever listen that US-Ukraine relations have drifted farther apart than ever since the war started.

Besides that, the US is also close to signing a new bilateral security pact with Ukraine – expected to be signed on the sidelines of the G7 meeting in Italy next month.

Zelensky’s frustration with Joe Biden was displayed for the world to see this week, as he rebuked old Joe in ‘unusually blunt terms’.

The Ukrainian said that Biden attending a Democratic fundraiser rather than Ukraine’s peace summit on June 15-16 was ‘not a strong decision’.

Read more:

Ukraine’s Upcoming ‘Peace Summit’ in Switzerland Developing Into a ‘Fiasco’ – Zelensky Warns Biden That Not Being Present ‘Is a Standing Ovation for Putin’

In fact, Zelensky’s office has just issued a controversial memo to officials and MPs, instructing them to criticize both Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping for not attending the summit.

The delay in US military assistance is just the tip of the iceberg, with the NATO membership bid, for example, possibly as much as 30 years away (according to Germany's Olaf Scholz).

The Biden administration’s is also angered by Ukraine’s drone and missile strikes on Russian oil refineries and radars that form part of Moscow’s nuclear early warning system.

Financial Times reported:

"But a second senior Ukrainian official said Zelensky has grown more 'emotional and nervous' over the situation on the battlefield and what they say the president sees as Washington’s eagerness to start negotiations with Russia, despite the White House stating in public that it is entirely a decision for Kiev to initiate such talks.

Zelensky 'thinks they want the war to go away before the [US] election', the official said. He added that the Ukrainian president was also unhappy with the Biden administration’s insistence that Kiev not hit Russian oil infrastructure over fears of raising global gas prices in an election year.

A third senior Ukrainian official used the word 'paranoia' to describe the feeling inside the presidential office in recent months, as Zelensky and his team have worked to prepare for next month’s peace summit. “Zelensky has deep anxiety about the military situation but especially about the peace summit in June,” the official said."

Representatives from more than 80 countries have confirmed their attendance - but China has now confirmed that it will not participate because Russia will not be present.

"Several members of Zelensky’s own government said they are beginning to worry about the methods employed by their president to communicate with the US. One said that Zelensky was “very irritated” with Biden, adding they were concerned about “openly provoking” the White House.

'What do you say in America?' a fourth Ukrainian government official asked the FT. 'Do not bite the hand that feeds you'.”

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Ukraine’s Upcoming ‘Peace Summit’ in Switzerland Developing Into a ‘Fiasco’ – Zelensky Warns Biden That Not Being Present ‘Is a Standing Ovation for Putin’

There’s something odd about the fact that Ukrainians mean to host a diplomatic meeting in Switzerland that supposedly is a ‘peace summit’ but that does NOT count with the presence of one of the warring parties.

Not only that, but the losing side appears determined to establish the conditions for peace – have they not heard that ‘history is written by the victor‘?

Whatever the rationale behind it, it is now becoming increasingly clear that the oncoming Ukraine ‘peace summit’ is developing into a big flop.

The fact that US President Joe Biden will probably not be present at the event led embattled Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ‘issue a warning’ over his non-attendance.

Newsweek reported:

“Biden’s absence from the talks on June 15 and 16—which will be aimed at developing a common understanding of a path toward a just and lasting peace in Ukraine—would be like giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a standing ovation, Zelensky told reporters during a press briefing in Brussels, Belgium.

Washington has said that the U.S. will participate in the summit but hasn’t said whether Biden will be attending. Bloomberg reported on May 23, citing people familiar with the matter, that the U.S. president will likely miss the event because it clashes with a campaign fundraiser in California.”

Russia hasn’t been invited to participate in the summit, China will only send a low-level civilian official, and Biden will apparently prefer the company of Hollywood celebrities to the optics of a failed war.

“‘If [Biden] is not present, it will be just like applauding Putin: personally applauding and doing so standing’, Zelensky said, as he urged as many countries as possible to participate in his peace summit.

‘I believe that the Peace Summit needs President Biden, and other leaders who are looking at the U.S. response also need him. If you want peace, you will be there and you will speak, even if you don’t agree with something. And if you want war, you will go to the mob that Russia wants to organize’.”

Out of the more than 160 delegations from around the world invited to join the peace summit, there have been 70 confirmations.

Euronews reported:

“Meanwhile, China and Brazil, two countries that the West has accused of failing to denounce Russia’s invasion, published last week a joint statement insisting on the need to include both Ukraine and Russia in any peace conference. Following Beijing’s policy, the statement did not mention the occupied territories in Eastern Ukraine.

‘All parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and push for the de-escalation ofthe situation until the realisation of a comprehensive ceasefire’, the two countries wrote.

‘China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognised by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans’.”

Read more:

‘His Legitimacy Has Ended’ – Putin Says Zelensky Is No Longer President of Ukraine After the End of His Constitutional Mandate

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The Battle for Chasov Yar – From Mercenaries to Conscripts, the Ukrainian Defense Is Under Pressure (VIDEOS)

Against the background of the continuing rapid advances of Russian Federation troops all along the frontline, we’ve come to understand that the battles for cities, while relevant, are just a means to an end.

The endgame is the Russian war of attrition against Ukrainian troops and equipment – which would have concluded pretty fast if it was not for the massive Western aid consisting of funds, equipment, and training.

The way the Russians have begun to go about it lately is a strategy of ‘death by a thousand cuts’, in which they nibble about seeking weaknesses, exploit many of those these weak spots, making Ukraine scramble reinforcements to and fro, effectively outmaneuvering the exhausted defenders, trying to get them to the breaking point.

Having said that, every city siege has its own symbolic importance, and in the case of the Donetsk region key stronghold of Chasov Yar, it is expected that its conquest will allow Russian troops to immediately roll back defenders across significant amount of territory, as it was the case right after they took Avdeevka.

WATCH: Chasov Yar.

Chasov Yar.

— Adam (@YepAdam_) May 22, 2024

This battle is happening in the larger context of the ‘Yug Group of Forces’ clashing against de Ukrainian 79th Air Assault, 28th and 41st mechanized brigades in the Donestsk areas of Elizavetovka, Konstantinovka, and Chasov Yar.

Five days ago the Russian paratroopers managed a breakthrough up to the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal, a body of water that defenders are fortifying behind.

Ukrainians reportedly deployed significant mechanized forces – to the tune of several dozen armored vehicles and tanks – along the canal.

So the besiegers have started to systematically target those defenders with air strikes, drones and artillery.

WATCH: Russian Aerospace Forces operating in the Chasov Yar area

✅Air dominance over NATO forces in Chasov Yar established:

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 13, 2024

⚡ A pair of Russian Aerospace Forces Su-25s are operating in the Chasov Yar area. The attack on Ukrainian positions continues.

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 9, 2024

WATCH: Tank assault on Chasov Yar defenses, and Heavy Flamethrower artillery strikes on the same positions.

Tank assault on Chasov Yar defenses, and Heavy Flamethrower artillery strikes on the same positions.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 30, 2024

WATCH: Russians capture a Ukrainian firing point.

On the outskirts of Chasov Yar, the Russian tricolor is flying – there, stormtroopers opened enemy firing points and captured a strong point. BMD-2 fighters of the Russian Federation entered enemy positions with the tricolor on board.
Paratroopers of the 98th storm…

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 8, 2024

Russian troops also advanced along the forest belt and occupied the northern part of the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 nature reserve.

Russian Battleground Source:

“Everything suggests that the AFU command is very hopeful that we don’t have enough reserves and is essentially playing all-in. It’s either do or die. Either they hold the main contour of the city defense, knocking us back behind the line of the canal and out of the Canal microdistrict, or we, having broken through to the Novy microdistrict, occupy this very contour and enter the city center with great chances for its rapid further liberation.”

The New York Times writes about how the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no equipment to hold Chasov Yar but drones.

Ukrainian soldiers are increasingly resorting to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

“Lack of troops and artillery, Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are increasingly relying on drones to drop explosives and supplies to hold Chasov Yar.”

The effectiveness of this tactic may be somewhat thwarted by superior Russian Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities.

Participating in the Chasov Yar defense is reportedly the Omega special unit, a part of the Foreign Legion within the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

The unit’s symbol is the Greek letter Omega.

Russian sources say it is just a front for the work of mercenaries, including from the French and Spanish legions.

British paper ‘The Times’ reports on a Ukrainian Armed Forces brigade that is fighting near Chasov Yar and has lost 40% of its fighters in two years.

The unit was decimated by losses, as well as illnesses and desertion. 90% of the brigade is made up by forcibly mobilized citizens of Ukraine.

WATCH: Defense of Chasov Yar under pressure.

Defense of Chasov Yar under pressure

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 30, 2024

Read more:

Ukrainian Frontline Colonel Admits Country Will Have To Cede Territories to Russia in Peace Negotiations – Calls It ‘A Victory’

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HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons

The two Haitis seem to remain in a collision course.

In the first Haiti, the elegant political class in their salons keep making unelected political decisions about the future of the country, but these decisions don’t necessarily apply to the second Haiti, the real life one, in which the heavily armed rebel gangs have territorial domain over 80% of the capital Port-au-prince.

A clear image of just how dysfunctional the political situation in the Caribbean country has become can be gleaned by the fact that now, the unelected Transition Council has nominated the THIRD Prime Minister in just a month.

Yes, you read it right.

The latest choice, Prime Minister Garry Conille, has vowed ‘to seek unity’ in his first statement since selected to head the government.

Conille let us know who is pulling the strings: he thanked the ‘civil society groups’ (Globalist NGOs), political parties (Establishment) and members of the Haitian diaspora (Foreign Influences).

In fact, as a former UN official, he is as Globalist as one can be.

Associated Press reported:

“’Together, we will work for a better tomorrow for all the children of our nation’, he wrote on X, the social media platform, in Haitian Creole.

Conille submitted his resignation Tuesday as UNICEF’s regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, a post he has held since January 2023. He previously served as prime minister of Haiti from October 2011 to May 2012 under then-President Michel Martelly and was former chief of staff to Bill Clinton in the ex-president’s role as U.N. special envoy to Haiti.”

To hear about the UN and the Clintons in the same paragraph dealing with Haiti is disturbing to say the least.

Conille helped coordinate reconstruction efforts after the 2010 earthquake, and served as a U.N. development specialist before becoming a regional director with UNICEF.

Haiti awaits the U.N. mission with a Kenyan police force to try to stabilize the security situation.

There hasn’t been an elected leader in Haiti since the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.

“In addition to choosing the prime minister, the transitional council is tasked with arranging presidential elections before early 2026.

On Wednesday, [the council] issued a statement noting that Conille was one of five prequalified candidates that they interviewed for one hour each on Tuesday, and that they are now working with him to choose a new Cabinet.

‘The transitional presidential council renews its firm determination to do everything possible to stem the phenomenon of insecurity and lead the country on the path to free, fair, democratic and inclusive elections’, it said.”

One hopes that Conille does not take the same path as former Prime Minister Ariel Henry – equally unelected – who was supposed to promote the transition, but remained in power until the rebel gangs exiled him, preventing him from returning to Haiti.

Read more:

HAITI HELL: As Gangs Seize Control of Another Police Station, Haitians Call for Dismissal and Arrest of Police Chief


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BACKYARD ALIENS: Crime Scene Analyst Says ‘Two Beings with Cloaking Devices’ Are Visible in Las Vegas Video

May the 1st was NOT an ordinary night in Las Vegas.

At a family house, people noticed an unexplainable streak of light that raced across the sky, a phenomenon that was also captured on Las Vegas police bodycams.

After that, the family saw strange creatures in their backyard, and even recorded video of the encounter.

Hallucination? Fantasy? A hoax? According to a veteran crime scene reconstruction analyst, a true story.

Scott Roder, who has testified as an expert in some of the most highly publicized criminal cases in the world, analyzed the video, and says that the images show at least two ‘beings’ using some sort of “cloaking device”.

The exért came to this conclusion after breaking down the  video of the reported alien sighting in Las Vegas frame by frame.

New York Post reported:

“In one second of real time, there are 30 frames that show a ‘head with smoke around it’, which Roder called ‘some sort of cloaking device’, moving into the top right corner of the video and peering over the fence. 

‘I applied the same principles that I would apply to any kind of homicide investigation’, said Roder, who testified in cases like Oscar Pistorious’ murder trial. ‘At this particular time, with what we’ve seen here, is proof of a couple of things. That these entities… are real. They’re there. This is not fake. This is not a fraud’.”

21 other people, situated across eastern California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah, reported seeing the same glowing green light, according to the American Meteor Society.

“Shortly thereafter, Angel Kenmore called 911 and told the dispatcher that he saw a ‘tall, skinny alien creature with greenish color’, about 8 to 10 feet tall, hiding behind their forklift in the backyard.”

The camera catches only a glimpse of the backyard, and it’s nearly impossible to spot anything with the naked eye.

“Not only does Roder point out what he believes is the ‘creature’ Kenmore describes, but there’s a second ‘visual anomaly’ that moves into the right-hand corner of the video


Roder said that he came to his conclusion after looking at the totality of the evidence, from the light in the sky, the police response and the bodycam images, as well as the way in which the ‘visual anomalies’ move.

Roder knows there are many people who won’t believe his analysis, so he opened it up to ‘peer review’.

You can check here the complete story told by a family member.

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Former Dutch Spy Chief Dick Schoof Proposed as PM by Geert Wilders’ Coalition

Geert Wilders and Dick Schoof.

The long and convoluted soap opera of the formation of the upcoming rightwing government in the Kingdom of Netherlands may be nearing its end.

The coalition around Geert Wilders’ PVV party – the winner of the last November elections – has finally proposed a candidate for Prime Minister, Former Dutch intelligence chief and political outsider Dick Schoof.

Schoof said yesterday (28) that he will uphold the rule of law and govern for all the Dutch.

Reuters reported:

“‘I am not affiliated to any party, I am not standing here in the name of the PVV… I want to be the prime minister of all the Dutch’, Schoof, who has had no previous experience in parliament or in government, told reporters.”

Schoof led the intelligence agency AIVD and anti-terrorism agency NCTV for years.

He was also the head of the Dutch immigration service in the early 2000s.

“‘I guess it will be a surprise for a lot of people that I’m standing here… It’s actually also a surprise for me’, he told reporters.”

The incoming coalition will implement the ‘strictest-ever asylum regime’: beef up border controls, impose rules for asylum seekers.

That is sure to put them at odds with the present EU leadership before even taking office.

Wilders gave up the PM seat to see his policies implemented.

“Once he has formed a government, set to be the most right-wing in the Netherlands in decades, he will be sworn in by the king and officially become prime minister.

‘Congratulations Dick. Dick Schoof has a great track record, is not a member of any party and thus stands above the parties, is honest and, on top of it, very friendly’, Wilders reacted on social media X.”

The new government will seek to secure exceptions on EU asylum and environmental rules.

“‘I think that, in all my positions, the common thread has always been the functioning of democratic rule of law and that will help me in my function as prime minister’, Schoof said, adding that outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte is for him ‘a form of inspiration in the way he handles things’.”

Geert Wilders, last week, said that he expected the new government ‘to be operational by end-June’.

BBC reported:

Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders won the Dutch election last November and eventually came to a coalition deal with three other parties after he agreed not to go for the top job.

Under the 25-page deal, Mr. Wilders’ Freedom Party and the three other leaders in his coalition agreed they would stay in parliament out of the cabinet, while about half the ministers would be picked from outside politics.”

Wilders ditched some plans, such as banning the Quran, but he his immigration policies are here to stay.

“Mr. Schoof said he knew Geert Wilders ‘a little’ but stressed he had been appointed by four parties that had a big majority in parliament. Asked whether he or the far-right party leader would be the boss, he said: ‘There is only one prime minister and that will be me’.”

The coalition’s first choice for prime minister, Ronald Plasterk, pulled out after Dutch media reports questioned his integrity.

“The next step for the prospective prime minister will be to assemble a ministerial team, along with the man leading the process, Richard van Zwol. A cabinet could be in place by the end of June ahead of the summer recess.”

Read more:

‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill









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EU POWERHOUSE TROUBLE: Under Macron and Scholz, France and Germany Are Losing Relevance on the European Stage

Especially after Brexit, to talk about the European Union was to talk about Franco-German relations, about the two powerhouses that propelled the continent forward.

But now, mere days before European Elections that are expected to show conservatives forces obliterating the Globalist governments of these nations, Politico reports on how French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are looking like ‘lame ducks’ to the rest of the Union, and how new European players look to fill the leadership vacuum.

“With the European election less than two weeks away, France’s Emmanuel Macron is in Berlin on Tuesday as part of a show of Franco-German unity. According to a French official, Macron aims to ‘set the agenda’ and ‘lay out strategic priorities’ for Europe’s future alongside his German counterpart, Olaf Scholz, during the visit.”

The ‘engine’ of the EU project is not in charge anymore.

Macron was kicked out of Africa, and is expected to losse bigly to Marine Le Pen’s RN party.

“It’s not just that Macron and Scholz have a notoriously icy personal relationship. Or that officials in Paris and Berlin gleefully brief against one another, with the French accusing the Germans of being narrow-minded and hidebound by their coalition — and the Germans saying France is full of nonsense (or something else) on Ukraine. It’s not even that, on key issues like energy, Paris and Berlin are hopelessly at odds.”

Macron and Scholz are politically weakened at home and lack a shared vision for the union.

“Both preside over lackluster economies. Both face humiliating defeats at the hands of far-right parties ahead of the June 6-9 European Parliament election. In Macron’s case, polls suggest the election could be a rout, with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party potentially trouncing his centrist Renaissance group by 16 percentage points. Scholz’ Socialists also look in danger of being beaten into a humiliating third place by the hard right.”

The slowing economies and the lack of mutual appreciation undermine any negotiations after the European Parliament elections, so the EU top jobs race are way less predictable.

Macron snubbed Ursula von der Leyen and may back Italy’s Mario Draghi.

Scholz is the most unpopular German Chancellor in decades.

“Macron’s visit to Germany is being styled as a major diplomatic moment. The first state visit by a French leader in 24 years, it coincides with the 75th anniversary of Germany’s Basic Law, setting out the country’s democratic constitution. Invited by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the French leader is in the country for three days and is seeking to showcase his efforts at learning German.”

And even when Paris and Berlin do manage to see eye-to-eye – which is not often – their efforts to lead are falling short.

“While Paris and Berlin face a loss of influence, other EU leaders spy an opportunity to increase theirs. Amid the war in Ukraine and the weakening of the Franco-German axis, people like Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Estonia’s Kaja Kallas and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni have emerged as major power players on the EU stage.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)





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Georgian Parliament Overturns the President’s Veto and ‘Foreign Agents Law’ Is Approved, Despite Unprecedented International Pressure – Pro-EU Groups Protest (VIDEOS)

The Georgian government has scored today a great big win, despite international pressure of an unprecedented scale by the US and the EU.

The Georgian Parliament, led by the Centrist Georgian Dream Party, has just announced that, by a majority vote, it overcame President Salomé Zurabishvili’s veto on the law on foreign agents.

Read: COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations

That concluded the long and hard-fought legislative process that saw the law approved in three consecutive Parliament votes, then be vetoed on May 18 by the President, and now the veto was overturned and the law will be adopted.

Read: Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution

All this under mass protests organized by the same evil NGOs as in the West, under threat of sanctions by the US, of ostracism by the EU, and finally, an EU Commissioner reportedly threatened the Prime Minister.

Read more:

DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’

Georgian Special forces with water cannons immediately concentrated in Tbilisi's Freedom Square after the passage of a law on foreign agents, because the protests that had lost in numbers recently are sure to become inflamed again in the next days.

The Eurofanatic crowd outside the parliament shouted 'slaves' at the MPs after.

The overcoming of the veto by Salomé Zurabishvili was widely expected.

Watch: Tblisi today, during vote for 'Foreign Agents Law'. The Government overturned the President's veto

Tblisi today, during vote for 'Foreign Agents Law'. The Government overturned the President's veto.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

It only bought time for the influence of the European Union to battle a Georgia pragmatically sovereign over its future inside the Parliament.

And the government won again.

Watch: Riot police arrives in force at Tblisi's Freedom Square.

Riot police arrives in force at Tblisi's Freedom Square.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

The Joe Biden Administration - as one would expect - condemned the decision of the Georgian parliament.

If Georgia implements the law on foreign agents - which now they will - the US State Department threatens visa restrictions and signals consequences for European integration.

Watch: Pro-EU protesting crowd and the MSM media in Tblisi - united front.

Pro-EU protesting crowd and the MSM media in Tblisi.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 28, 2024

Hundreds of opponents of the law on foreign agents are gathered for a protest in front of the parliament building in Tbilisi after deputies overwhelmingly overrode the president's veto on the law.

Color revolution, anyone?

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DRONES EVERYWHERE: NATO European Nations Plan To Build a ‘Drone Wall’ Against Russia – US State of Colorado To Use UAVs as Police First Responders

It’s a drone world.

All over the world, law-enforcement agencies and military forces are going all-in towards these unmanned flying vehicles that have become the standard equipment to survey and even attack foes and invaders.

From the forests of Eastern Europe to the American Western Mountains of Colorado, all we hear about is d-r-o-n-e-s.

Drones everywhere.

In Europe’s battlefields, drones have long become the ‘ace in the sleeve’ for combatants – from small FPV quadcopters to big deadly craft like the American Predator, Russian Lancet, Iranian Shahed or Turkish Bayraktar drones.

Ukrainian surveillance drone tracks advancing Russian infantry.

Now, as the war in Ukraine progresses, six NATO nations have agreed to build a ‘drone wall’ along their borders to defend themselves against what they see as Russian threats.

Telegraph reported:

“Norway, Poland and Finland will work with the three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – to prevent Russian aggression, including forcing migrants across the border.

‘This is a completely new thing. A drone border from Norway to Poland’, Agne Bilotaite, Lithuania’s interior minister, told broadcaster Baltic News Service. ‘This will allow us to protect ourselves from provocations by unfriendly countries’.”

Turkish Bayraktar drone.

These EU countries on the Russian border have become increasingly nervous that an emboldened President Vladimir Putin will turn to them once the war in Ukraine is over.

“In anticipation, Poland has spent billions upgrading its border defenses with Belarus, Estonia has built a network of frontier army bunkers and Finland, which shares an 830-mile border with Russia, has joined Nato.

Last year, Finland was forced to close its border crossings with Russia after the Kremlin flew in migrants from Asia and sent them over the border on bicycles. Finnish officials said Moscow was weaponizing migration to destabilize Europe.”

Russian Geran (Geranium) is based on the Iranian Shahed.

The ‘drone wall’ is still being planned and negotiated, and the deal signed over the weekend is just part of a wider approach to countering ‘the threat from Russia’.

“’We agreed to hold regional drills to ensure the evacuation of the population, to see how our institutions are prepared to work and to interact with each other’, [Lithuanian Minister Bilotaite] said.”

Since the start of the war, Russia has strengthened its military units along the border with EU countries, going as far as to move nuclear missiles to Belarus.

Russian Lancet drones.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, local law enforcement agencies in Colorado, including the Denver Police Department (DPD), ‘are making plans to start dispatching drones instead of officers to respond to 911 calls’.

Fox News reported:

“‘This really is the future of law enforcement at some point, whether we like it or not’, Sgt. Jeremiah Gates, who leads the drone unit at the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, told The Denver Post.

At least 20 agencies in Colorado’s Front Range already use drone technology for certain tasks, like searching for missing people, tracking fleeing suspects, mapping crime scenes or overhead surveillance during SWAT operations. Now the sheriff’s office is considering using them to respond to some 911 calls in situations where the drones might be able to provide useful information from the location of an incident before officers are deployed.”

It would also help to weed out calls that do not need police intervention.

“‘I could fly the drone over (a reported suspicious vehicle) and say, ‘Hey, that vehicle is not out of place,’ and I never had to send an officer over to bother them and I can clear it with that’, Gates told The Denver Post. ‘It’s saving resources’.”

American ‘Reaper’ drone.

Of course, you bet there’ll be legal problems with this approach. The Denver Police Depertment shelved its only drone in 2018, citing constitutional concerns.

But now is planning to to expand its drone program using a $100,000 grant from the Denver Police Foundation.

“‘The long-term scope of what we are trying to do is drones as first responders’, Phil Gonshak, director of the department’s Strategic Initiatives Bureau told The Denver Post. ‘Basically, having stations on top of each one of our districts so we can respond with drones to critical needs or emergencies that arise throughout the city’.

‘We would never simply replace calls-for-service response by police officers’, he continued. ‘The DPD would respond to any call for service where someone is physically requesting a police officer on scene. But if there was a fight at Colfax and Cherokee and we put a drone in the air and there is no fight and nothing causing traffic issues, then we would reroute our police officers to other emergent calls’.”

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‘Foreigners Out’: German EDM Song With Nationalist Lyrics ‘Ausländer Raus’ Becomes a Sensation Among Youth – Police to Crack Down on ‘Racism’ (VIDEOS)

Germany is the fatherland of unchecked mass migration, the suicidal set of EU policies that were once forcefully championed by former Chancellor Angela Merkel, the woman that became the symbol of the destruction of the European nations’ social tissue via an uncontrolled flux of foreigners.

Is anyone surprised that importing culturally disparate economic migrants by the millions would create a strong backlash?

Did they expect the European peoples’ to just lay down and die?

Breitbart reports that ‘Young people are the most right-wing generation in Germany’. That seems an inevitable consequence.

And now, a great controversy has arisen as a ‘eurodance rave classic with reworked lyrics calling for foreigners to be deported’ has become a youth anthem, leading the country’s ‘authorities’ to plan to intervene.

Because, of course, the main civic duty Europe demands of its subjects is the acceptance of migrants – whatever the cost.

“German youth are increasingly right wing and the anti-mass migration AfD party is now the most popular among 14 to 29-year-olds, recent polling shows. While this may have an impact at the ballot box — Germany and its neighbors vote in the EU elections in two weeks — it is also emerging in culture.

German politicians and media have reacted with outrage several times in the past year as video clips of young people dancing and singing along to a song proclaiming ‘Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer Raus’, ‘Germany for the Germans, foreigners out’, keep emerging. The latest such instance which has again set fingers wagging comes from an apparently exclusive nightclub on the German holiday island of Sylt.”

“Auslander Raus” : la chanson interdite de la jeunesse allemande refait scandale et devient virale.

— Laurent Obertone (@LaurentObertone) May 26, 2024

Are they moving their hand in dance moves or are they ‘Hitler salutes’? The question is burning through German media.

“Germany’s federal security police, which normally concerns itself with terrorism and international crime gangs is investigating the young people singing, reports Die Welt. German journalist and ‘diversity consultant’ Ferda Ataman who was appointed the government’s Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination in 2022 said the song being sung showed ‘people are being discriminated against and degraded’.”

“Foreigners Out, Germany for Germans”

We have entered a Glorious Timeline, AUSLANDER RAUS#irelandisfull#AusländerRaus

— (@RealMessageEire) May 26, 2024

It’s an incredible irony that the German establishment that will now persecute young people for singing and dancing to a song that may or not be unkind to strangers – suspected Nazis, right? – is the very same establishment that sends untold billions in aid to real-life, present-day Azov Nazis in Ukraine.

“The song itself is not an original composition, but rather is the transposition of the controversial lyrics onto a popular nightclub hit, DJ Gigi D’Agostino’s L’amour toujours, released in 2000. The electronic dance music (EDM) song became a popular track for European DJs and a remix hit number one in Germany in 2018. The new connection with right-wing politics has seen some nightclub owners and DJs vow to stop playing the song.”


— Godefroy de Bruxelles (@JVDEBXL) May 27, 2024

When it comes to young people, once you make something forbidden, you are only adding to attraction. “Threats of arrests or not, it remains the case that young German people are shifting considerably to the right.”

Right-Wing Germany (AfD) party has become the favorite party of 14-to-29 year olds, support having more than doubled in two years.

We haven’t heard the last of Ausländer Raus.

The post ‘Foreigners Out’: German EDM Song With Nationalist Lyrics ‘Ausländer Raus’ Becomes a Sensation Among Youth – Police to Crack Down on ‘Racism’ (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

GROSS: France’s Brigitte Macron and German President’s Wife Laugh During State Visit to Holocaust Memorial

Apparently, the state visit by French President Emmanuel Macron and his older wife Brigitte to Germany is going as ‘well’ as you would expect.

During a visit to the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin – no less – German press highlighted ‘moving words from French President Emmanuel Macron – and an irritating gesture from his wife’.

Read: Amid France Chaos, Brigitte Macron Is Trying To Meddle in Her Failed Husband Emmanuel’s Presidential Mandate: Report

Bild reported:

“On the second day of his state visit to Germany, Macron (46) and his wife Brigitte (71) laid a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, walked through the field of stelae and were guided through the museum beneath the memorial site. At his side: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (68) and his wife Elke Büdenbender (62).

There was a brief, irritating moment on the sidelines: After visiting the museum, Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender were photographed laughing in the field of steles. The gesture also caused confusion abroad: ‘France’s First Lady (…) laughs at a joke together with the wife of the German President (…) at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin’, wrote the British Daily Mail.

What made the two First Ladies laugh in this situation? It’s unclear.”

Spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Relations, Zakharova blasted the French and German first ladies.

On their part, Russians are always ready and willing to exploit these unforced errors by their adversaries in the west.

Sputnik reported:

“Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender’s inexplicable levity at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin.

The spokeswoman recalled that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also was amused when commenting on the [alleged by Russia] genocide of people in the Donbass by Ukraine.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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Pope Francis ‘Shocks’ Bishops in Italy With ‘Offensive Slur’ When Describing His Opposition to Gay Men in Seminaries

As much as Globalist Pope Francis strives to be as politically correct as possible, we know it will never be enough.

A little over two months ago, he got into hot water with the mainstream media and liberals by advocating for peace in Ukraine: Pope Francis Bombarded With Criticism for Suggesting Ukraine Must Have the ‘Courage To Raise the White Flag’.

Now, in the process of saying something that is a majority opinion in the Catholic world, Francis has allegedly ‘shocked’ bishops in Italy by using an ‘offensive slur’.

He said that homosexual men should not be admitted to church seminaries because there is already ‘too much’ gay sexual activity – but in doing so committed a faux pas.

Daily Mail reported:

“Bishops at the meeting were reportedly taken aback by the language the 87-year-old used to make the statement – the derogatory word ‘frociaggine’, which roughly translates to [faggotry].”

Bishops burst with ‘incredulous laughter’, but suggested that it was an honest mistake by the Pope.

Italian is a second language for Francis, and they suggested that he did not know how offensive the word was.

“The alleged comments, which seem to go against recent moves to amend seminary admission rules, have come as a surprise to some in the church as Francis is known for taking a more liberal view than his predecessors on LGBT rights.”

He has torched laws that criminalize homosexuality as a ‘sin’ and an ‘injustice’, and also allowed Catholic priests to ‘bless’ same-sex couples.

Tgis was considered by the media a significant advance for LGBT rights in the church – but generated heavy criticism from Conservatives in the Church.

“However, the Pope delivered a similar message on gay seminarians – minus the reported swear word – when he met Italian bishops in 2018, telling them to carefully vet priesthood applicants and reject anyone suspected of being homosexual.”

Reports about his comments surface after bishops approved a document regulating admission to Italian seminaries.

“The paper reported that members ‘approved by majority vote an amendment that recognized the distinction between simple homosexual orientation and deeply rooted tendencies’. This, it suggests, means ‘in substance, that a homosexual person could be admitted to the seminary if, like the heterosexual, he gave the guarantee that he knows how to live the discipline of celibacy’.

However, it reportedly implies ‘that it is more difficult for homosexuals because they will be living in an all-male community for many years’.”

Read more:

Jubilee: Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Braces Itself to Receive 30 Million Visitors


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ENDLESS ESCALATION: UK, Germany and the EU Float Military Conscription – Eleven European Countries Already Have Mandatory Service – Hungary’s Orbán Blasts the Idea

All over Europe, we hear unrelenting calls for rearmament and military buildups.

And now, as the countries take stock of their own dwindling human resources for the military, many nations are turning to conscription as a solution.

In the UK, embattled PM Rishi Sunak, on the eve of an expected massive defeat at the polls by the opposition Labour, has said that twelve months of mandatory national service would be reintroduced by the Conservatives in the unlikely event that they win the general election.

BBC reported:

“Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteering one weekend a month carrying out a community service.”

Sunak said that backing compulsory service would help foster the ‘national spirit’.

“The Conservatives want the first teenagers to take part in a pilot from September 2025, with details to be worked out by a Royal Commission. The armed forces placements would allow young people to learn about cyber security, logistics, procurement, or civil response operations.”

British troops.

Non-military volunteering would involve 25 days of work with organizations such as the fire service, the police and the National Health System.

“Mr. Sunak said: ‘This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world. I will bring in a new model of national service to create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country’.”

Labour called the plans ‘desperate’ and ‘unfunded’.

“Labour said: ‘This is another desperate £2.5 billion unfunded commitment from a Tory Party which already crashed the economy, sending mortgages rocketing, and now they’re spoiling for more. This is not a plan – it’s a review which could cost billions and is only needed because the Tories hollowed out the armed forces to their smallest size since Napoleon’.”

The UK is of course not the only European country to debate conscription, with the war in Ukraine leading the continent to re-evaluate the policy.

Euronews reported:

“Tucked on Russia’s border via the small enclave of Kaliningrad, Lithuania recently began drafting reforms to its conscription system, which could see people living and studying abroad called up.

One option in the proposals is to enlist recruits voluntarily for one-month training sessions every summer for three years. They would in theory then be ready for battle.”

French troops.

France in 2019 launched a form of ‘soft conscription’, with young people offered voluntary civic service.

“One reason Europe is resorting to conscription – where men and women are typically legally obliged to fight – is that conventional recruitment drives aren’t working.”

And of course, Germany has joined the war bandwagon.

El Pais reported:

“Germany’s military rearmament, in addition to a representing a major financial outlay, also involves solving a pressing problem: the shortage of soldiers in the army. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has been discussing possible models to revive compulsory military service for some time and now more and more political figures, both from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the conservative CDU/CSU, are preparing the ground for what already looks like a probable reintroduction of conscription.”

Pistorius said that to abandon compulsory military service in 2011 was a mistake.

German soldier.

“’I am convinced that Germany needs a form of military conscription’, [Pistorius] said during a speech at Johns Hopkins University. For the Social Democrat, it is a necessary step to ‘ensure military stability’ at a time when the war in Ukraine threatens Europe’s security.

The German army, with a regular strength of 180,000 soldiers, has become too small. This is a reality that the government has been warning about for some time. The recent restructuring of the army to make it “war-ready” also involves increasing the number of troops. The government has calculated as a target a figure of at least 203,000 soldiers to ensure full defensive readiness. Added to this is the fact that 20,000 new soldiers a year are needed just to compensate for those who leave the service. Plans put in place in the past to reach a level of 203,000 personnel were unsuccessful. In addition, there are not enough reservists to meet requirements in the case of emergencies.”

The conscription plans are expected to be announced by June.

 “’It is important that we have an army that is effective and can fulfill its tasks. How exactly this can be guaranteed now and, in the future, will be discussed in the coming weeks and months’, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s spokesman Steffen Hebestreit. The obligation could then apply to some 600,000 Germans who reach adulthood each year.”

It’s unclear if Germany can muster the funds for these plans.

If all that was not concerning enough, the European People’s Party (EPP) leader Manfred Weber has now defended the idea of an Europe-wide ‘general conscription’ as a part of broader plan to create an EU Army, common missile defense shield, and a nuclear umbrella to “deter” Russia.

Hungary’s Orbán.

There aren’t many sane voices in Europe, but there is still Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán.

Sputnik reported:

“‘The idea of a compulsory European army is insane’, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban told the Patrióta YouTube channel on May 26, commenting on European People’s Party (EPP) President Manfred Weber’s proposal to introduce EU-wide conscription.

‘We don’t want someone else to decide where our young men are deployed’. Less than half of EU members have compulsory military services in place.

Eleven European countries have various types of compulsory military service: Austria, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Three of them – Austria, Switzerland and Cyprus – aren’t NATO member states while Switzerland is also not an EU nation.”

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Macron’s ‘Empire’ Has Fallen: He Tries To Contain Chaos in French Post-Colonial Territories, Travels To Mend Fences With Germany on the Eve of EU Elections

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’, according to a British magazine.

Before he engaged in the state visit to Germany – the first by a French President since the year 2000, Macron visited some of his troubled territories in the Indic Ocean and South Pacific.

We feel like calling them colonies, but France calls them ‘departments’, parts of a Republic that is ‘indivisible’. Yeah, right.

It probably takes another post-colonial nation like Britain to understand how ‘Macron indulges a fantasy that its remote colonies are really just part of France itself’.

The first Macron visit was to racked-with-riots Mayotte, now flooded with African refugees hated by the locals.

The Spectator reported:

“Few French people could find Mayotte on a map and its economic contribution to the country is negative. Other than conceit, it’s incomprehensible why France insists on keeping its tricolor flying here. Like much of la France d’outre mer, it’s a bottomless pit into which the French pour subsidies for benefits that seem minimal.”

After the usual colonial promises, Macron took the presidential plane to New Caledonia, where eight people, including two gendarmes, have been killed in ethnic riots this month – and where there’s a growing independence movement.

“With the territory said by some to be on the verge of civil war, the French have been forced to deploy soldiers to defend the port, airport and government buildings. Businesses have been destroyed by arson. Macron arrived on Thursday morning and declared he was there to open a dialogue.”

Macron condemned the ‘absolutely unprecedented insurrection movement’ and said that the authorities ‘have to hold on. There is no appeasement as long as there is this violence’.

Australia and New Zealand are evacuating their nationals.

“A tour d’horizon of France’s global colonies (although we must not call them that) shows the indivisible republic melting down across the globe. French Polynesia, another French Pacific territory within the republic, is in continuous political turmoil with demands for independence. In the Caribbean, Guadaloupe and Martinique are regularly seized by riots.”

In South America, French Guiana is a centre for drug smuggling and environmental disasters due to illegal mining.

“Macron and his predecessors have presided not only over the troubled French de jure empire but also over the collapse of its de facto empire in Africa, where France’s failed military intervention has seen former French colonies turn their back on the motherland.  La Franceafrique has become a crucible for militant Islamism, from Mali to Niger to the Côte d’Ivoire.

[…] Haiti, now under the control of gangsters, is yet another failed former French colony, with a legacy of brutal slavery, re-imposed by Napoleon III after the failed revolution of Toussaint Louverture.”

Slowing economy, mass migration, end of the ‘welfare state’ – and the Right Wing poised for big gains in the June EU election.

The end of what’s left of the French empire is happening before our eyes, so the Republic must redefine itself as an European nation.

And for that, the ties with its former foe and now rival-ally Germany have to be restored.

Macron’s three-day trip meant to showcase (and try to mend) the strong ties between the European Union’s traditional powerhouses.

This is particularly urgent since we are mere days away from an all-important European Parliament elections – one in which rightwing parties in both countries are set for big gains.

Associated Press reported:

“While Macron is a frequent visitor to Germany as Paris and Berlin try to coordinate their positions on EU and foreign policy, this is the first state visit with full pomp since Jacques Chirac came in 2000. Macron and his wife, Brigitte, are being hosted by Germany’s largely ceremonial president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

It is ‘proof of the depth of the friendship between France and Germany’ that Macron is visiting as Germany celebrates the 75th anniversary of its post-World War II constitution and before it marks the 35th anniversary in November of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Steinmeier said.”

Germans held a state banquet for Macron at Bellevue palace in Berlin on Sunday evening before the two presidents travelled today to the eastern city of Dresden.

On Tuesday there’ll be a meeting between Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and ministers from both countries at a government guest house outside Berlin.

Germany and France, the motor of European integration, have been plagued with differences in policy and emphasis between the two neighbors on multiple issues.

“That was evident earlier this year in different positions on whether Western countries should rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine. Both nations are strong backers of Kiev.

Macron on Sunday said there has frequently been talk of problems in Franco-German relations over the decades, but ‘France and Germany together have accomplished extraordinary things — they have been at the heart of this Europe’. He contrasted that with the countries’ history of war against each other until 1945.

He renewed a warning that Europe could ‘die’ if it fails to build its own robust defense as Russia’s war in Ukraine rages on, or if it fails to undertake major trade and economic reforms to compete with China and the U.S.”

After all the fear mongering and warmongering, it’s very ironic that after Macron said that ‘fear of a changing world’ is feeding a rise of the far-right in Europe, he will be awarded the ‘Westphalia Prize’, a private sector award which ‘recognizes individuals or institutions for their efforts toward sustained peace’.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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Poland and Baltic Countries Prepare To Send Troops Into Ukraine if Russia Makes a Strategic Breakthrough: REPORT

Against the backdrop of continuing Russian advances, some Western leaders have started to advocate missile strikes inside Russian territory, from NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg up to chief warmonger, former British Premier Boris Johnson:

PUSHING WW3: Former British Premier Boris Johnson Praises Ukrainian Azov Nazis as ‘Heroes’, Calls for Long Range Weapons To Attack Inside Russian Territory

Now, some European neighboring countries have started preparing to introduce their troops into Ukraine in case of strategic Russian advances in Eastern Ukraine.

The Baltic states and Poland have warned Germany that they could send troops to Ukraine if the situation gets noticeably worse for Kiev due to its allies being reluctant to supply it with weapons.

Reported by Der Spiegel (behind paywall):

“If the Russians succeed in a strategic breakthrough in eastern Ukraine because the West is reluctant to help Kiev, the situation could escalate sharply. In this case, the Baltic countries and Poland will not wait for Russian troops to deploy on their borders, Baltic politicians warn, they will send troops themselves to Ukraine."

That would make NATO a party to the conflict—exactly what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden fear.

Scholz has once again repeated that he opposes revising the rules giving Kiev the opportunity to strike them on Russian territory.

Berlin does not want the conflict to escalate into a conflict between Russia and NATO.

Some incidents are already taking place. Simplicius the Thinker reported on Russian troops dismantling navigation buoys on the Narva River between Russia and Estonia:

"In the video, Russian border guards dismantle navigation buoys installed by Estonia.

The line of control on the Narva River is reviewed every spring as the course of the river changes over time.

Before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the buoys were mainly installed by mutual agreement between Russia and Estonia, but since 2023 the Russian side no longer agrees with Estonia's position on the location of the buoys, the Estonian department reports."

At the same time, Russia proposed moving Russia’s border within the Baltic Sea:

"'Russian Ministry of Defense proposed moving Russia's border with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

Russia believes that the current border was approved in 1985 and does not correspond to the current 'geographical situation'."

Estonian paper Yle reported on the reaction of President Alar Karis:

"According to the president, the most important thing right now is stopping the Russian war machine.

'We will do everything we can to bring Russia and Putin to their knees. Then serious discussions can begin to end the war in Ukraine'.

[…] Finland has closed its eastern border, but the border between Estonia and Russia is still open despite the incidents.

According to Alar Karis, the border is open, among other things, because people on the surface of the border have relatives on the other side. The border will be closed if necessary."

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BREAKING: North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan – Residents of Okinawa Told To Hide in Shelters

North Korea has reportedly fired a long range missile in direction of Japan.

The emergency J-alert system has been activated all over the country.

Residents of Japanese prefecture of Okinawa received a warning about a possible missile launch from North Korea and were instructed to take shelter inside buildings or in underground premises.

Japanese Prime-Minister Office confirms that North Korea has apparently launched a possible ballistic missile.

Japan’s NHK News on Twitter/X:

“At around 10:45 pm, a video captured by a camera shooting the skies above North Korea from the Chinese side showed a thin red light rising into the sky, and after a few tens of seconds, the light grew larger.”

【速報】北朝鮮から弾道ミサイルの可能性があるもの発射 防衛省

— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) May 27, 2024

Japan’s NERV OSINT system quoting NHK News:

“North Korea’s missile launch appears to have failed, disappears from radar, government official.”




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PUSHING WW3: Former British Premier Boris Johnson Praises Ukrainian Azov Nazis as ‘Heroes’, Calls for Long Range Weapons To Attack Inside Russian Territory

Liberals and Globalists all over the world spent the last decades calling everyone that they disagreed with ‘Nazis’. It’s the ultimate cliché of the political correctness.

However, once confronted with real-life, modern-day actual Nazis, they don’t seem to have any problem at all with them.

These are people who self-identify as Nazis. They worship Nazi collaborators who committed atrocities in WW2; they wear Nazi insignias and imagery; they salute like Nazis; they have a Nazi ideology and – what’s worse – they have a Nazi behavior.

Of course, I’m talking about the Azov Brigades.

These followers of Stephan Bandera are getting increasingly normalized in the liberal-Globalist oriented Western societies.

Azov militants were also received in Parliament.

It has now arisen that former British Prime Minister and one of the chief warmongers Boris Johnson has been caught praising them in an open meeting.

The context was even more disturbing: Boris Johnson called for MORE weapons to be transferred to Kiev along with permission to attack the Russian Federation territory.

Yes – you read it right. Johnson is going along with the plan to usher in WW3.

A video is doing the rounds on the Internet in which he says this at a meeting with Ukrainian guests, including militants of the Azov ‘Nationalist Battalion’.

“Why on earth shouldn’t the Ukrainians be able to attack Russian troops on their territory?” –  Johnson reportedly said.

But alongside the calls for irresponsible escalation, Johnson also praised the fighters from Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov unit, and posed for a photo while holding a banner bearing the group’s symbol – associated with the German Nazi’s Third Reich’s SS.

In the video circling online, believed to be from May 22, Johnson is praising the Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade at a meeting of leading politicians and uniformed soldiers in London.

Johnson states: “My message to you is very simple: Thank you to the heroes from the Azov Brigade who honor us with their presence tonight.”

Kim Dotcom on X:
“450,000 British died during WW2 to defeat Nazi Germany. This week Boris Johnson welcomed the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as “heroes” in London. No respect for those who died to stop the Nazi ideology. Now the UK Govt is using Nazis to kill Russians.”

450,000 British died during WW2 to defeat Nazi Germany. This week Boris Johnson welcomed the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as “heroes” in London. No respect for those who died to stop the Nazi ideology. Now the UK Govt is using Nazis to kill Russians.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 24, 2024

Read more:

Ukrainian Frontline Colonel Admits Country Will Have To Cede Territories to Russia in Peace Negotiations – Calls It ‘A Victory’

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‘His Legitimacy Has Ended’ – Putin Says Zelensky Is No Longer President of Ukraine After the End of His Constitutional Mandate

We have been reporting here in TGP for quite a while on the inevitable consequences of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cancelling elections and extending his rule via martial law.

Read: UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country

Last November, Zelensky canceled elections planned for March or April, saying it would be ‘utterly irresponsible’ to hold elections during the war.

After his constitutional mandate expired on May 21, as was widely expected, the Russian side immediately started not recognizing him anymore as head of state.

Sputnik reported:

“President Zelensky’s legitimacy has expired, and Russia will proceed from this fact, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

‘Of course, we are aware that the legitimacy of the current head of state [of Ukraine] has ended’, Putin said at a press conference in Minsk on Friday after talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Putin recommended anyone looking for answers regarding Zelensky’s legal status to look to the Ukrainian Constitution – which does not authorize the artificial extension of his presidential term under the pretext of martial law.”

Reelected in a landslide, Putin does not recognize Zelensky anymore.

Belarusian Lukashenko echoed Putin’s assessment, hinting that the real deciders are in Washington, not Kiev.

Meanwhile, “A defiant Zelensky has rejected questions on his legitimacy from his critics in Ukraine, and from Kiev’s Western ‘partners’. ‘My five-year term is not over yet. It is continuing due to martial law,’ Zelensky told Reuters on Tuesday.”

Kiev will consider anyone who doubts Zelensky’s legitimacy ‘enemies of Ukraine’.

Putin emphasized that Russia remains ready to resume peace negotiations with Ukraine but accounting for the current realities on the ground – but NOT with an illegitimate President.

“If and when such negotiations resume, ‘we must be completely confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. This question must be answered in Ukraine itself. First of all, I believe, from the position of the parliament, the Constitutional Court, some other government bodies’, Putin said.”

Read more:

Ukrainian Frontline Colonel Admits Country Will Have To Cede Territories to Russia in Peace Negotiations – Calls It ‘A Victory’


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Big Silicon Valley Investors Abandon Biden in Droves – And Many Are Embracing Trump

One does not need to be a visionary investor or a savvy venture capitalist to understand that Joe Biden is a disastrous President – in fact, many of these supposedly most well-informed business leaders kept voting for their own demise, supporting the Democrat party and its failed policies.

But this seems to be rapidly changing, as some relevant Silicon Valley venture capitalists turn against President Joe Biden, and – shocker – openly support former President Donald Trump.

That’s a tidal change for this industry.

Prominent Wall Street leaders such as David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Marc Andreessen, and Shaun Maguire have expressed their dissent against Biden policies.

Some will even say ‘It’s impossible to support Biden’.

Marc Andreessen, the founder of the VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, has “real issues” with the Biden administration.

The New York Post reported:

“A second Trump administration would be staffed by ‘very different kinds of people’ particularly at the SEC and FTC, Andreessen said in a recent podcast interview.”

Entrepreneur and investor, former chief operating officer at PayPal, David Sachs plans to host a fundraiser for Trump and interview him on his ‘All In’ podcast.

He says he has bigger disagreements with Biden than with Trump.

Sacks cited Biden’s tax proposal, which would penalize startup founders who are wont to offer stock options to employees. ‘It’s a good reason for Silicon Valley to think really hard about who it wants to vote for’, Sacks told tech investors at the conference.”

David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Marc Andreessen and Shaun Maguire.

Sacks was at a prominent tech moguls’ ‘anti-Biden’ dinner alongside Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.

“Palihapitiya, the venture capitalist who was Mark Zuckerberg’s vice president of user growth shortly after the founding of Facebook, has also flipped from backing Democrats in the past to endorsing Trump. [He] plans to co-host the fundraiser for Trump alongside Sacks.”

Shaun Maguire, an investor at Sequoia Capital, criticized Biden on social media, though he has refrained from directly supporting Trump.

“After Biden indicated that the US would withhold certain weapons to Israel in the midst of the war in Gaza, Maguire accused him of ‘getting away with double standards his entire career’ — a reference to the Democrats’ drive to impeach Trump for threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine during his presidency.”

Needless to say, these expressions of support for Trump have been unheard of in Silicon Valley in many election cycles.

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Neoliberal Activist Who Shot PM Robert Fico Calls Him a ‘Judas’, Wanted Slovakia To Resume Military Aid to Ukraine

The liberal activist and aspiring poet who shot Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was apparently moved by disagreement over funding for Ukraine.

Juraj Cintula planned the crime two days before carrying it out, according to the Pravda news portal. He set up two pistol magazines for the assassination attempt.

He has further stated that he did not want to kill Fico but merely ‘damage his health’ to prevent him from serving as prime minister and pursuing policies with which he fiercely disagreed, according to a pre-trial detention order issued by a Slovak judge.

ASSASSINATION PLOT? Robert Fico’s Shooter May Not Have Acted Alone: Slovakian Minister

Politico reported:

“Fico was critically injured in the attack, which took place following a Cabinet meeting in the former mining town of Handlová, about two hours’ drive from Bratislava. As Fico approached a crowd of onlookers, Cintula fired five bullets at his lower abdomen, striking him four times.

The prime minister was airlifted to hospital in nearby Banská Bystrica and underwent two surgeries. His condition is listed as serious but stable, and he is expected to recover. The Cabinet is now under temporary leadership by Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák, who is also deputy PM.”

Would-be assassin Cintula.

Cintula claims that he felt ‘powerless and frustrated with the state of society’ under Fico’s leftist-populist government.

“The suspect said he ‘doesn’t agree with the policies of the current government, including the abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor’, which handled top political and organized crime cases, and he ‘doesn’t agree with the persecution of culture and media workers’.

He said what he mainly wants is for ‘military assistance to be given to Ukraine’, and ‘regards the current government as a Judas toward the European Union’, so he ‘decided to act’.”

A court heard Cintula say ‘hostile and spiteful things’ about Fico, that ‘he was bothered by how [Fico] acts toward Russia and Hungary, that he has a good relationship with them’.”

“He said he fired into the right side of the prime minister’s abdomen as Fico was shaking hands at a distance of two meters: ‘Even a blind man would have hit [the target]’, the court document recorded him as saying.

The attacker added he knew Fico might die, but that he was prepared to take the risk because ‘he is socially sensitive and the things that are going on in society irritate him mightily’.”

Importantly, Cintula said he had ‘acted alone’ and not told anyone of his intentions. He faces a sentence of 25 years to life if convicted.

Read more:

As Slovakia’s PM Fico Recovers, His Government Approves Public TV Overhaul in First Parliament Vote – Prosecutor May Treat His Shooting as Terrorism

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Orbán’s Hungary ‘Redefining’ Relationship With NATO, Will Not Participate in Any Ukraine Operations

Conservative champion Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, is the man liberal elites in the west love to hate.

Called autocratic, ‘far-right’, ‘Putin apologist’, and many other ‘bad names’ that the leftist and Globalist use to muddy one’s reputation, Orbán is unrelenting, speaking his mind and acting to back his words.

Now, Orbán has announced that Hungary will seek to ‘opt out’ of any NATO operations aimed at supporting Ukraine.

Orbán went as far as suggesting that the military alliance and the European Union want a more direct conflict with Russia.

Associated Press reported:

“Orbán told state radio that Hungary opposes a plan NATO is weighing to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years to repel Moscow’s full-scale invasion, as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

‘We do not approve of this, nor do we want to participate in financial or arms support (for Ukraine), even within the framework of NATO’, Orbán said, adding that Hungary has taken a position as a ‘nonparticipant’ in any potential NATO operations to assist Kyiv.

‘We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on … how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory’, he said.”

Read: CONSERVATIVE CHAMPIONS: Trump Meets Hungarian PM Orbán at Mar-a-Lago – Populist Leaders Plan the Post-Biden World

Orbán mentioned the seemingly forgotten fact of NATO’s role as a DEFENSIVE alliance.

He doesn’t share the concerns of some neighboring countries of Russian continuing military aggression.

“’NATO’s strength cannot be compared to that of Ukraine’, he said. ‘I don’t consider it a logical proposition that Russia, which cannot even deal with Ukraine, will come all of a sudden and swallow up the whole Western world’.”

Hungary has refused to supply Ukraine with military aid.

Read: ‘The EU Leadership Has Got to Go’: Hungarian PM Orbán Kicks off Campaign for European Elections With a Call to ‘Occupy Brussels’

Politico reported:

“‘Now a new term has been invented to describe the Hungarian position in NATO, it is called non-participation. We are not a participant now’, Orbán said in an interview with Kossuth Radio, according to a report by Hungarian news portal Telex.

‘There is the term opt-out. If we were opt-outs, our participation in NATO’s military structure, our position, would change’, Orbán was quoted as saying.”

He said lawyers are working out a way for Hungary to exist as a member of NATO and not have to participate in the alliance’s action outside NATO territory.

“‘There’s no question of NATO getting involved in wars outside its territory, with non-NATO countries’, Orbán was quoted as saying.”

Orbán has been a frequent dissident voice in EU votes that require the consensus of the bloc’s 27 countries.

“‘How many more weapons will we send? How much more money will we send?’ Orbán asked in the interview. ‘This gives rise to the darkest visions’, he said.

‘What is happening today in Brussels and Washington — perhaps more in Brussels than in Washington — is a kind of mood of preparation for a possible direct military conflict; we can safely call it: preparation for Europe to go to war’, Orbán warned in the interview.”

Read more:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Endorses Trump: “It is Time for Another Make America Great Again” (VIDEO)

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Ukrainian Frontline Colonel Admits Country Will Have To Cede Territories to Russia in Peace Negotiations – Calls It ‘A Victory’

Long gone are the days when Ukraine was at least winning the war on the western news sites’ headlines.

Now, slowly but surely, the MSM has had to face the fact that the outmanned, outgunned and outmaneuvered Ukrainian forces will not win this war on the battlefield, will not get back to pre-war borders, much less reincorporate the Crimean peninsula.

And up until a minute ago, to state the obvious fact that Ukraine will have to cede territory during peace negotiations with Russia got you branded as a ‘Kremlin stooge’ or worse, and only the most courageous politicians, such as Hungarian Viktor Orbán, Slovak Robert Fico as well as American Donald Trump, dared utter these words.

But now, that exact same unavoidable fact has been splashed on ABC News, and voiced by a frontline leader from the Ukrainian army – someone who can’t be shaded as a ‘Vladimir Putin’s shill’.

We are talking about the leader of Ukraine’s 57th Motorized Brigade, an infantry unit battling the new Russian offensive North of Kharkov.

Colonel Oleksandr Bakulin was interviewed by ABC News in the presence of a ‘senior Army leader’ at a secret location.

I’m stressing this fact because I believe it shows that Bakulin has not ‘gone rogue’ in the surprising thing he said.

The situation in the Northern Kharkiv region is ‘quite difficult’, Bakulin says, but Ukrainians ‘managed to slow down the enemy’.

(Of course, as reinforcements for North, Kleesheva, Andreevka and other localities further south are falling prey to Russian advances – which was always Moscow’s plan.)

Furthermore, Bakulin said that the Russians still have reserves [in Belgorod near Kharkov] and are poised to bring these reserves into the battle when the time is ripe.

ABC News reported:

“’We do understand how crucial this [US] aid is’, Bakulin said. ‘The whole the world understands. Yes, our soldiers are brave and courageous, but without this aid, these weapons, shells, everything, without this we would not be able to keep fighting in a war against Russia, just because we are way smaller than Russia‘.”

Bakulin called the Ukrainian army retreating ‘a normal part of the ebb and flow of warfare’. But he introduces the ‘novel’ idea that ‘Ukraine has already won’.

“Despite the advances made but the Russians, he pushed back at the idea that Ukraine is losing the war, saying, ‘I personally think that we have already won this war. The question is at what point it is going to end, and at what stage’.

Bakulin said he predicts that in the end this war will be ended by a deal, saying, ‘Every war ends in peace talks and deals’.”

This is unprecedented, and introduces the new narrative: by merely surviving the war, Ukraine wins.

But Bakulin wasn’t done: he accepted that territory will need to be given up during negotiations, citing the experience of nearby Finland.

“’Little Finland once fought against big USSR’, Bakulin said. ‘Yes, it lost some territories. But it still does exist as a country and Russia doesn’t even look in that direction. We are in a similar position, but I hope we will not lose our land’.”

Now, let me reming you that a ‘senior Army leader’ was present at the interview, showing that this line of narrative ‘Ukraine wins the war merely by surviving’, has authorization to be floated.

“The war is far from over and the lack of heavy weaponry is still operationally critical. He put it succinctly when asked about the casualties caused by the lack of armaments, saying ‘The sweat of the artillery soldiers saves the blood of the infantry soldiers. But if there is only sweat without the shells, then infantry soldiers pay it with their blood’.”

Bakulin’s interview it’s just a cope, but also introduces a new ‘objective’ that is actually perfectly obtainable.

Let’s see if this will become the new mantra: ‘Ukraine already won’.

Read more:

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Spike Among the Collapsing Defenders


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DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US Increases Pressure Against ‘Foreign Agent Law’

Just between you and me – behind all the international controversy involving the Soviet Republic of Georgia lies legislation that is absolutely common sense and has equivalents in the US and many other Western countries.

So calling it ‘Russia Law’ or saying it’s ‘Russian-inspired’ is disingenuous.

The proposed law mandates that media and NGOs must register as ‘pursuing the interests of a foreign power’ if they receive over 20% of their funding from abroad, not unlike the US’ Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

We started covering the issue with: WATCH – Major Brawl Erupts in Georgian Parliament as Members Exchange Blows Over ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill.

Georgia seems primed for a color revolution.

Later, as the protests escalated, it became clear what was happening, and the international puppet masters leading the crowds: COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA – Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations.

The foreign agents law was approved in three parliamentary votes and was vetoed by Pro-EU President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili, a ‘traitor to the Caucasian nation’ in the words of the conservative Prime Minister. The Parliament is widely expected to overrule the Presidential veto in yet another vote.

Demonstrations have become quite smaller.

For now, the riots in front of Parliament are becoming smaller, but the political pressure is stepping up like crazy: threats of US sanctions, the threat of EU severing the ascension prospects of the country, and now – it appears – even assassination threats are in the game.

It turns out that one of the European Commissioners, the Hungarian Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, threatened Georgian PM Kobakhidze with the fate of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who recently suffered an assassination attempt.

This was posted in Georgia government Official Facebook page: “Even against the background of years of blackmail, the threats that were voiced in a telephone conversation with one of the European Commissioners were striking.

In particular, in his conversation with me, the European Commissioner listed a number of measures that Western politicians could take after overcoming the veto on the transparency law, and said while listing these measures – ‘You saw what happened to Fiсo, you should be very careful’, the post claims.”

Reuters reported:

“Oliver Varhelyi, EU commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, said his comments on the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico were taken out of context.”

There you have it: the European Union is using scare tactics to increase pressure on Tbilisi to drop the law, then acts like it was ‘misunderstood’.

“Varhelyi said in a statement he wanted to tell Kobakhidze not to inflame passions and the assassination attempt in Slovaka “was made as an example and as a reference to where such high level of polarization can lead in a society even in Europe”.

‘I regret that one part of my phone call was not just fully taken out of context, but was also presented to the public in a way which could give rise to a complete misinterpretation of the originally intended aim of my phone call’, Varhelyi said.”

Fight in Parliament: majority expected to override Presidential veto on the law.

The ruling Georgian Dream party has the numbers in parliament to override President Zourabichvili’s veto in a vote next week.

Georgian Dream, which says it still wants to join both the EU and NATO, maintains that the law is necessary to protect Georgian sovereignty.

The West wants Georgia to open a ‘second front’ against Russia. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated this.

Intel Slava reported:

 “’Since the beginning of 2022, there has been serious interest in opening a ‘second front’ in Georgia, which would weaken Russia’s position, but this would destroy our country. Such interest remains today’, Kobakhidze said, commenting on the West’s dissatisfaction with the Georgian law on foreign agents.

He believes that in today’s world there is a ‘global war party’ that ‘is not interested in the fate of Georgia and its interest lies only in weakening Russia’s position’.”

Washington has started firing from all cylinders in their effort to get the Georgian government to nix foreign agents bill.

Sputnik reported:

“US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said Washington is ‘gravely disappointed’ by the law. White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby cited deep concerns, claiming that the bill could ‘stifle’ dissent and free speech. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wrote on X that the US is ‘deeply alarmed about democratic backsliding in Georgia’.

Twenty-nine American lawmakers penned a letter to Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on May 10 urging him to withdraw the legislation since it will ‘impose control over the very same partners’ who assisted Georgia’s transatlantic integration. The letter expressed support for the nationwide ‘peaceful protests’.

US congressmen have threatened to reconsider US financial assistance, expand visa bans, and impose financial sanctions on Georgian officials if the bill is not withdrawn, in a colonial-style violation of Georgia’s sovereign right to adopt its own laws and pursue independent policies.”

Read more:

Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution

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Days After Creepy King Charles Portrait Was Unveiled, a Horrible Painting Depicting Princess Kate Is Published in Magazine, Generating Public Outrage

There seems to be some parallel fate befalling King Charles III and his daughter-in-law, Princess of Wales Kate Middleton.

They both got fingered by the author of Prince Harry’s train-wreck memoir ‘Spare’ as the two ‘racist royals’ who questioned ‘how dark’ would his son Archie’s skin be.

Shortly after, they both became mysteriously ill, and in both cases it surfaced they are battling Cancer.

Now, right after King Charles unveiled a creepy, controversial portrait of him that generated more than the usual polemic, a Princess Kate portrait has been published in a magazine, and… guess what? It’s ruffling feathers and angering the public.’

NOT a masterpiece.

Painted by artist Hannah Uzor, the Princess of Wales’ new look is reportedly not an official portrait, and it was revealed in the latest issue of Tatler magazine.

The New York Post reported:

“The portrait shows Middleton, 42, in a white gown with a blue sash and a tiara. The artist told the outlet that she ‘spent a lot of time looking at [Catherine], looking at her pictures, watching videos of her, seeing her with her family, seeing her in diplomatic visits, seeing her when she’s rowing or visiting children in a hospice’.”

Royal fans and watchers were horrified, saying that it does not resemble the princess.

“’This is dreadful – somehow, I’m not sure the artist is a fan of the Princess – it looks like a bad [high school] project!’ one remarked, while another said, ‘Is this a joke?'”

Hellish King’s portrait generated controversy.

Less than two weeks ago, Charles unveiled a new portrait that showed the monarch against a red background, leaving people to wonder if it was blood on his hands.

It was almost unanimously agreed that the new Middleton ‘portrait’ doesn’t resemble the princess.

“Referring to Middleton being out of the public eye since January, before she announced her cancer diagnosis, another said, ‘Kate Middleton (aka current Princess of Wales) has been out of sight since Christmas last year. The artist, like many people, has only a vague recollection of what she looks like?’ 

Another keyboard art critic deemed the portrait, ‘hilariously terrible’ while someone else called it ‘absolutely horrible’.”

Read more:

IN HELL? Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King – And People Are Freaking Out

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As Slovakia’s PM Fico Recovers, His Government Approves Public TV Overhaul in First Parliament Vote – Prosecutor May Treat His Shooting as Terrorism

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico may still be bedridden, recovering from the shots he received during his assassination attempt, but his government is plowing along vigorously with his agenda.

Fico’s coalition pushed his overhaul of public broadcaster RTVS through an initial parliamentary vote today (22).

The new oversight council and leadership for RTVS still must clear debate and a final vote in the coming weeks, but it is expected to be approved by the government’s majority in parliament.

Fico’s government is at odds with ‘independent’ (a.k.a. Globalist) media outlets and have accused broadcaster RTVS of not being impartial.

Reuters reported:

“The law ‘aims to restore to broadcasting true attributes of public service, balance, independence, objectivity, truthfulness and transparency’, Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova told parliament.

Under the legislation, RTVS’s director will be replaced years before his term expires, and a nine-member council – appointed by the government and parliament – will be responsible for filling the position.”

Opposition parties complain that the law ‘would stifle criticism of the government, curtail freedom of speech and undermine media independence’.

European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova alerted that the overhaul would bring public media under direct government control.

“Fico remains in hospital after an attack that officials say was politically motivated, but the leftist-nationalist government has said it would not retreat from its policies.

[…] The government has adjusted its TV overhaul proposal, removing a part that would have installed a programming board, which raised censorship worries, and the possibility that the director could be fired without cause. But criticism has continued.”

Meanwhile, the investigation of Fico’s shooting may take an unexpected turn.

TVP reported:

“The attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico could be treated as terrorism, Slovakian prosecutor general Maroš Žilinka said on Wednesday.

[…] During an unprecedented appearance at the Security Council of the Slovak Republic meeting, Žilinka said that the potential reclassification was based on gathered evidence, allowing military special services to assist in the investigation.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Robert Kaliňák also mentioned that the government is considering harsher penalties for hate speech.

“Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok noted 50 ongoing cases of verbal attacks and glorification of the assassination attempt, with the number expected to double as new reports come in.

Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová and President-elect Peter Pellegrini, who will take office on June 15, met with religious leaders to discuss calming national tensions.”

Read more:

ASSASSINATION PLOT? Robert Fico’s Shooter May Not Have Acted Alone: Slovakian Minister

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Called Out by Milei for His Wife’s Alleged Corruption, Spanish Socialist PM Sanchez Keeps Victimizing Himself and Escalating Diplomatic Feud With Argentina

Diplomatic spat: Milei, Sanchez and wife.

Argentine President Javier Milei was cheered in Madrid as he called out Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez for allowing corruption to fester – including by his own wife.

If that was not enough, #PedroVigilaATuEsposa began trending on X to the despair of the Spanish socialist apparatus.

Crowds took to the streets to protest him: ‘Pedro Sanchez, son of a b*tch!’

In this context, Socialist PM Sanchez did what leftists do: he victimizes himself with full force.

He already pulled this card earlier in the month when he took 5 days of leave to decide if he should renounce his premiership and mandate – but of course, he did not.

Now, the Spanish government declares that the withdrawal of its ambassador to Buenos Aires – which was initially ‘for consultations’ – is now “permanent”.

Spain demanded an apology after Milei ‘insulted’ Sanchez’s wife, Begona Gomez, during a visit in which he also snubbed usual protocols of meeting the king and prime minister.

Read: Argentina’s Milei Cheered in Spain’s Vox Party Mass Rally – Calls PM Sanchez’s Wife Corrupt – Spanish Government Recalls Ambassador as Diplomatic Spat Intensifies

Reuters reported:

“Gomez has been the subject of a court investigation into accusations of influence peddling and business corruption by an activist group, though Madrid’s prosecuting authority has appealed to drop the case due to lack of evidence.

‘The ambassador will permanently stay in Madrid’, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told reporters, using stronger diplomatic parlance than in previous days. ‘We have no interest in nor desire for any escalation, but it’s the government’s obligation to defend the dignity and sovereignty of Spanish institutions, especially when the aggression occurs in the capital of Spain’.”

The embassy in Argentina will be headed by the ‘charge d’affaires’. In an interview, Milei said the move was ‘an absurdity in diplomatic terms’.

“‘What’s happening is literally a folly typical of an arrogant Socialist, who personally took a comment that didn’t contain any names as an allusion and nonsensically decided to go for a diplomatic escalation, so it’s Pedro Sanchez’s problem’, he said.

‘Does he believe he’s the state? That’s very totalitarian,” he added, complaining that Sanchez had endorsed his rival in Argentina’s election and not congratulated him for winning’.”

Milei still insists that Spanish officials are the ones that should apologize to him, after insults included a suggestion that he was a drug user.

“In his speech, Milei said global elites should beware the destructive ideas of socialism and the ‘kind of people’ and ‘levels of abuse’ it can generate before making an obvious allusion to Gomez’s case when he spoke of ‘a corrupt wife’.”

Read more:

‘The Lion Is Back, Surfing on Socialist Tears’: Online and in the Streets of Spain, Support for Argentina’s Milei Is Growing, After Criticism of Corruption by PM Sanchez’s Wife (VIDEOS)


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BREAKING: British PM Sunak Triggers General Election for July in Surprise Announcement – Falling Inflation and Fear of Tory Rebellion May Have Precipitated the Move (VIDEO)

British media is in an uproar after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak triggers a General Election for the 4th of July.

UPDATE: The announcement happened as the Premier walked out in the drizzle a little after 5pm, London time (11am ET).

Sky News: PM confirms election for 4 July

Rishi Sunak confirms he spoke to the King earlier today to request the dissolution of parliament ahead of a general election on Thursday, 4 July.

“‘Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future. To decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made, or risk going back to square one with no plan and no certainty’.

The election, he says, will ‘take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the Cold War’.”

Sunak: ‘I’m guided by doing what is right for our country’

“Concluding his speech, Rishi Sunak says: ‘I hope that my work since I became prime minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish. I’ve stuck with that plan, and always been honest with you about what is needed, even when that’s been difficult, because I’m guided by doing what is right for our country, not what is easy. I can’t say the same thing for the Labour Party, because I don’t know what they offer, and in truth, I don’t think you do either’.

He argues that Labour does not have a plan, saying ‘the future can only be uncertain with them’.

Mr Sunak says the Labour leader has ‘shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power’.”

UK rules specify that an election has to be held until December 17. So far, Sunak had repeatedly stated that the vote will happen in the ‘second half of the year’.

But now, ‘Election fever is gripping Westminster today’.

This comes across as rather surprising since the opposition Labour has a big lead in the polls, and has just handed Sunak an astounding defeat in the local council elections.

Daily Mail reported:

“Lord Cameron is cutting short a trip to Albania to be back in time for a Cabinet meeting at 4.15pm, while Jeremy Hunt has cancelled an appearance on ITV tonight. 

[…] The drama is threatening to set the Tory tinderbox ablaze, with MPs telling MailOnline that Mr Sunak has a ‘death wish’ and the Parliamentary party will go ‘nuts’ if he tries to call an election.”

Sir Keir Stammer’s Labour is still well ahead in the polls.

Rumors say letters of no confidence are being drafted and delivered to the Conservative Party’s ‘1922 Committee’ tasked with this function.

Others want to prevent the writ being moved to ‘dissolve Parliament’ and call the next elections.

“The rumors gathered pace after Mr Sunak hailed a ‘major milestone’ with inflation tumbling to the lowest level in nearly three years.

Sunak recently stated in the Commons:

“There is, Mr Speaker, spoiler alert, there is going to be a general election in the second half of this year. At that moment, the British people will in fact see the truth about the honorable gentleman opposite me, because that will be the choice at the next election Mr. Speaker, a party that is not able to say to the country what they would do, a party that would put at risk our hard-earned economic stability, or the Conservatives that are delivering a secure future for our United Kingdom.”

Sunak with Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt: tax cuts before election?

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate fell from 3.2 per cent in March to 2.3 per cent in April – which is near the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target.

Other economic indicators were not as good, as many question whether Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will have room to cut taxes before the election.

Watch as Sunak stands in the drizzling rain to announce General Elcetions for July 4th:

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ESCALATION: Russia Begins Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drill Near Ukraine’s Border ‘To Counter Militant Statements by Western Officials’ (VIDEO)

The world is getting more and more dangerous by the day.

With NATO, the EU and Russia entangled in an European conflict that keeps escalating, it is very bad news that nuclear weapons are now the talk of the day.

The Russian Federation forces have begun the ‘first stage’ of exercises to simulate preparation for the launch of tactical nuclear weapons.

Ordered by recently reelected President Vladimir Putin, the exercises are reportedly linked to what Moscow calls ‘militant statements’ by Western officials that ‘create security threats for Russia’.

Reuters reported:

“Nuclear analysts say the exercises are designed as a warning signal by Putin to deter the West from wading more deeply into the war in Ukraine. Western countries have provided weapons and intelligence to Kyiv but have refrained from sending troops.”

The Russian Defense Ministry said this first stage of the drill involves Iskander and Kinzhal missiles.

“It is aimed at ensuring that units and equipment are ready for ‘the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond and unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian state in response to provocative statements and threats of individual Western officials against the Russian Federation’, the ministry said.”

The exercises are led by the Southern Military District, which lies adjacent to Ukraine and newly annexed territories.

The situation has escalated so much that Reuters feels it has to try and guess the results of such an attack – which unfortunately is not unthinkable anymore.

“In theory the use of such a weapon could deliver a stunning shock to the West without necessarily triggering a full-blown nuclear war, though the risk of triggering a cycle of escalation would be huge.”

Russia is reported to have about 1,558 non-strategic nuclear warheads.

Watch: Video released by the ministry showed missiles being transported in a convoy of military vehicles and placed in position ready for firing.

⚡The Southern Military District has begun the first stage of an exercise involving practical training in the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, the Defence Ministry said.

As part of non-strategic nuclear weapons exercises, the Russian missile formations are…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 21, 2024

“When Putin ordered the drills this month, Russia’s Foreign Ministry linked them to comments by France’s Macron, who floated the possibility of sending European troops to fight Moscow in Ukraine, and British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who said Kyiv had the right to use weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia. It also cited the provision of long-range British, French and U.S. ATACMS missiles to Kyiv.”

Asked about the timing of the different phases of the drill, the Kremlin said that the military exercises for practicing the use of tactical (or non-strategic) nuclear weapons will be conducted ‘at the appropriate time’.

Sputnik reported:

“These drills will focus on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, aimed at ensuring Russia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in response to provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials.

President Vladimir Putin referred to the exercises involving the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons as routine work, with nothing unusual. He also mentioned that the drills would be conducted in three stages, with Belarus joining Russia in the second stage, as Belarus hosts non-strategic nuclear weapons.”

In this first stage of the exercise, the Russian missile formations are practicing such tasks as: obtaining special ammunition for the Iskander complex, equipping missiles with it and moving covertly to a position area to prepare for launch; equipping special warheads for air defense systems, including Kinzhal missiles, as well as flights to designated patrol areas.

The Chinese publication Sohu (reported by Slavyangrad), wrote about this. According to the Chinese journalists authors, ‘the Kremlin gave Britain an ultimatum, deciding to forever determine how the provocations would turn out’.

 “’This is not a joke, Putin has given Great Britain an ultimatum’, write the authors of the Chinese publication. They note that the president’s actions, including ordering exercises using non-strategic nuclear forces, have led Britain to soften its rhetoric.

[…] Earlier, British Foreign Minister David Cameron said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could attack Russian territories with British weapons. After this, the British Ambassador to Moscow, Nigel Casey, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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As French Post-Colonial Power Crumbles, Macron Flies To Chaotic New Caledonia Territory – Pro-Independence Leaders Blame Him for Electoral Reform That Triggered Riots

French President Emmanuel Macron is heading to the chaos-ridden Pacific territory of New Caledonia in a bid to keep the last remnants of post-colonial power intact after getting kicked out of the African Sahel region in a major geopolitical blow for Paris.

For once, Macron will be busy with his own considerable problems instead of going around the world war-mongering or pontificating on themes like his climate alarmism obsession.

It’s been a week after riots erupted in the French overseas territory, killing six.

Australia and New Zealand have started evacuating tourists from the island away from the looted shops, torched cars and road barricades.

Reuters reported:

“The protests were sparked by anger among indigenous Kanak people over constitutional reform approved in Paris that would change who is allowed to take part in elections. Local leaders fear the change will dilute the Kanak vote.

Macron will meet elected officials and local representatives on Thursday for a day of talks focused on politics and on the reconstruction of the island, aides said.

Macron ‘will discuss with all the forces in New Caledonia’, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said. ‘The objective is to … prepare and anticipate reconstruction’.”

Can Macron jeep New Caledonia from breaking away from France?

To re-establish dialogue in the island will not be an easy task, since pro-independence leaders blame the riots on Macron and his insistence on pushing through the electoral reform despite local opposition.

“‘Here comes the fireman after he set the fire!’ Jimmy Naouna, from the Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia, wrote on X in response to news of Macron’s visit.

France annexed New Caledonia in 1853 and gave the colony the status of overseas territory in 1946. New Caledonia is the world’s No. 3 nickel miner but the sector is in crisis and one-in-five residents live below the poverty threshold.”

12 thousand miles away from France, New Caledonia is dealing with long-established by pro-independence movements, but past week’s violence has been the worst there in 40 years.

Now, more than 1,000 gendarmes and police from France were on patrol and another 600 would soon be added, France’s High Commission said.

But while Macron is flying in, just about everybody that can fly out is doing so.

Associated Press reported:

“The Australian military has flown 115 passengers on two flights from the restive French Pacific territory of New Caledonia and a French government flight was expected to evacuate another 100 stranded passengers on Wednesday, an Australian government minister said.”

The unrest is raising new questions about Macron’s handling of France’s colonial legacy.

“’We’ve prioritized the elderly, the pregnant and the most vulnerable’, Conroy told Nine Network television. ‘We’ll continue to work with the French government to make sure we get every Australian out of New Caledonia who does want to leave’.”

Conroy said France was planning more flights to Brisbane on Wednesday.

“’The French have indicated they intend to continue repatriating foreign nationals, particularly tourists so the primary plan is more French flights but … we do have contingency plans and we do have planes on standby should there be an issue with that course of action’, Conroy later told Australian Broadcasting Corp. ‘A French plane is expected to leave for Brisbane this afternoon or this evening and we expect around 100 Australians to be on it’.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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Prince Harry Turned Down King Charles’ Offer To Stay on a Royal Residence During London Visit Because of Ongoing Dispute Over Taxpayer-Funded Security: REPORT

Dysfunctional families are a fact of life.

But when we’re talking about one of the most powerful and consequential families in the Western world, all the drama and bickering rise above the tabloid-level irrelevancy to a sphere of geopolitical importance.

And that’s precisely the case with the British Royals from the House of Windsor.

King Charles III waited 70 years to take the British throne, but 15 months after ascending to the throne he was diagnosed with cancer. How’s that for drama?

Meanwhile, his disgruntled son Prince Harry, the Duke of Essex, is a constant pain in the Royal neck.

Harry’s charities? Harry and Meghan’s Charity Declared ‘Delinquent’ in California, Must Stop Spending and Fundraising Immediately. Or else Prince Harry’s Charity in Africa Accused of Widespread Torture and Rape.

Earlier in the month, we had this: Prince Harry Goes to London for His Charity Invictus Games’ 10-Year Celebration – But Despite His Reaching Out, King Charles and Prince William Seem To Be Ignoring Him.

Harry’s team let out this: ‘TOO BUSY’: King Charles Snubs Prince Harry’s Presence in London and Will NOT Meet Him.

A more complete picture started to appear with this: King Charles Snubbed Prince Harry and Decided NOT To Meet Him After His Son Insisted That Queen Camilla Not Be in the Room: REPORT.

And now, the Mail suggests that the real story of the father-son non-meeting was the inverse of what was first divulged.

Daily Mail reported:

“Prince Harry turned down an invitation by the King to stay at a royal residence when he visited the UK earlier this month because he had ‘security concerns’, it has been claimed.

He is said to have declined his father’s offer because it did not come with any taxpayer-funded personal security provision, which would leave him staying in a ‘visible location with public entrance and exit points and no police protection’.”

Everyone – including me – was left wondering why Harry would stay at a Hotel. Now we know: he chose to.

Allegedly because it meant he ‘could come and go unseen’, but possibly out of sheer spite.

Harry is still up in arms about the withdrawal of his automatic right to police protection.

So it seems Harry put out the version of being keen to meet the King but that he was ‘too busy’ to see him to provoke his father.

“It has since become clear that while His Majesty did indeed have a packed program of engagements that week, the King had made conciliatory overtures that would have enabled him to see his son. In all Harry spent three nights in the capital without seeing any family members before meeting his wife, Meghan, at Heathrow airport and flying onto Nigeria for a quasi-royal tour.

The prince has since accused the Home Office of subjecting him to ‘unlawful and unfair treatment’ and claims he has been singled out and treated ‘less favorably’ than other family members as ‘punishment’.”

Harry ‘does not feel safe’ bringing his wife and children to the UK ‘under the current arrangements’.

“The prince has only been permitted police protection when taking part in royal events, such as the late Queen’s funeral, or when he was transported to meet the King from Heathrow in February after his cancer diagnosis.”

Read more:

British King Charles and Prince William Furious at Harry for His ‘Unofficial Royal Visit’ to Nigeria

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UKRAINE DARKNESS: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Spike Among the Collapsing Defenders

All is fair in warfare, as nations many times use whatever substances they can to gain the ‘upper’ hand in the war.

In WW2, the widespread usage of amphetamines started a trend that hasn’t ended more than eighty years later.

The Germans were particularly fond of a methamphetamine called Pervitin, distributed in the millions to their troops. They nicknamed it ‘Stuka tablets’ or ‘Panzer-chocolate’.

The British and American forces weren’t too  behind in this ‘pharmaceutical arms race’. They also used amphetamines, under a different name: Benzedrine.

Even in Japan, soldiers and workers in war industry used ‘senryoku zokyo zai’, ‘drugs to increase fighting spirit’ – methamphetamine.

Amphetamines were widely used for reducing the need for sleep, combating stress, and boosting morale. And these substances are still used today.

In the battlefields of Ukraine, the abuse of alcohol and drugs is escalating, as the situation on the front lines has taken a disastrous turn for the worse for the Ukrainian defenders.

Without any way to decompress from the horror of war, many soldiers are turning to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.

The Daily Beast reported on the issue:

“Some of those defending Ukraine are also abusing illegal substances that they buy through shady online businesses run by the country’s mafia. [Some get] so drunk or high that they have killed civilians, soldiers, and animals in a blind rage or while driving under the influence.”

Some of these soldiers have not been taken off of frontline rotation in as much as eight months.

“In Kyiv—far from the front lines—nationalism and the belief that Ukraine will win the war are ever-present, but in Donbas The Daily Beast has witnessed a far darker mood where drunken soldiers aimlessly wander the markets in Kostyantynivka, dead dogs line the streets, and some soldiers say Ukraine is headed for defeat.”

One soldier told the paper that forcibly conscripted people ‘don’t know how to do anything, and they get into a crisis situation’.

“In Kharkov, a soldier who only wanted us to use his first name said that he never drank alcohol in the trenches where he was fighting, but he has heard stories of soldiers lashing out when they are drunk. Valerii, 32, claimed that last summer, one soldier shot and killed two colleagues and a dog while he was drunk. Although he did not drink in frontline positions, Valerii said that he did use amphetamine, a drug he has been abusing since he was 18, to stay awake. ‘Everyone used it there, every day. You have to stay awake for a long time’, said Valerii.”

Valerii would take up to half a gram, 500 milligrams daily. dozens of times more than the usual medical prescription of the drug. His frontline rotation could be anywhere from five to 25 days without rest.

Another soldier, who has long been a drug addict and who lost both legs to a mine explosion also weighed in the problem:

“Andrey likened his use of MDMA to that of American veterans who returned from Vietnam and used LSD and said that he has heard of similar stories of U.S. soldiers using the drug now.

[…] Andrey spends the time playing video games on his phone and using MDMA, which he said has helped him relax from a concussion he received during the time he lost his legs and the post-traumatic stress disorder he developed over his time as a soldier.”

While TDB does not go near it, there’s of course a good point to be made that the example comes from above, right? But that is an altogether different story.

Read more:

UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country



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‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Criminally Punishable ‘Call to Violence’ – Dutch Lower House of Parliament Approves Geert Wilders’ Party Bill

The story of the formation of the Netherlands’ new government is a LONG soap opera in which the Globalist and leftist apparatus is desperately trying to keep Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party away from power, even if they were the most voted party in the last elections.

The vote took place way back in November – yes, you read it right. SENSATIONAL! Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party Wins in the Netherlands! Geert to Be Prime Minister! “We Are Going to Rule!”

It soon became clear that the Globalist Elites Panic as Netherland’s Geert Wilders Stands Against the ‘Migration Tsunami’ – ‘The Dutch will be Number One Again’

Dutch coalition negotiations are usually long, so in February they were still getting started – on the wrong foot: Netherland’s Coalition Talks Led by Geert Wilders in Disarray as Minor Party Steps Away From Negotiation

The ides of March brought the Netherlands Letdown: Geert Wilders Doesn’t Have Support of Coalition Partners To Become PM Right Now – But His Party Is Still Surging

Once Wilders gave up the post of Prime Minister that was his by-right of being the leader of the most voted party, apparently things improved, so in May: Conservative Champion Geert Wilders FINALLY Reaches Deal to Form New Government in the Netherlands.

So now, even before the new government has been established, the Dutch conservatives are stunning the liberal world with their parliamentary prowess.

It arises that the House of Representatives, the lower house of Parliament in the Kingdom, has approved a bill stating that the pro-Hamas slogan ‘from the river to the sea’ should be regarded as a call to violence, and should therefore be punishable.

Wilders’ party PVV’s proposal passed by the margin of just one vote.

De Telegraaf reported (translated from the Dutch):

“It is the second time in a short time that the House has spoken out about the anti-Semitic slogan. A majority in Parliament previously voted in favor of a proposal by SGP member Diederik van Dijk to give the Public Prosecution Service (OM) an additional tool to view chanting that slogan during demonstrations as a criminal offense.

In response, Minister Yesilgöz (Justice, VVD) indicated that she wanted to let the Public Prosecution Service determine whether something is punishable or not.

Despite the reluctant attitude of the outgoing cabinet, PVV MP Maikel Boon wanted to go one step further to banish the slogan. He pointed to the “disturbing” increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands.

According to the PVV member, the slogan ‘from the river to the sea’ comes ‘directly from the Hamas charter’ and is therefore ‘a call for violence against all Jews worldwide’, Boon stated. In a roll-call vote, 74 MPs ultimately voted in favor of considering the slogan as a call to violence, 73 voted against it.”

Read more:

Geert Wilders’s Dutch Coalition Pledges ‘Strictest-Ever’ Migration Policy, Warns Illegals Will Be Removed ‘By Force’

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POLAND SAYS NO: Even Ultra-Globalist PM Tusk Rejects EU’s Migrant Quotas – Will Not Pay the Fines for Refusing Them – Says Already Hosting Hundreds of Thousands of Ukrainians

It seems that not even the liberal, ultra-globalist Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusker is capable to strong arm his eastern-European nation into accepting migrants from Middle-East and Africa.

And he is not even going to try.

Now it arises that the European Union approved its new asylum and migration system – despite Poland voting against the so-called migration pact in its entirety.

And what’s more, Tusk is refusing to receive illegal migrants sent to Poland under the EU-established ‘quotas,’ even though Warsaw has a ‘legal obligation’ to do so under European rules.

In this instance, Defender of Democracy Tusk is virtually indistinguishable from Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, ‘the autocrat,’ whose country also voted against the new rules.

While all this is going on, Tusk reportedly wants the EU’s help in building ‘impenetrable’ walls on the borders with Russia and Belarus.

To receive its ‘portion of migrants’ from Africa and the Middle East is ‘obligatory’ for each EU member country – according to the Pact on Migration and Asylum (NPMA), adopted by the EU in April.

Donald Tusk reiterated that Poland ‘will not have to accept any migrants, that the EU will not impose any migrant quotas on us.’

Sputnik reported:

“A refusal to receive a migrant for whom the EU earmarked Poland as the new motherland should cost Poland €20,000 (about $21,000) – the norm established by the NPMA. But Tusk objects.

We won’t pay for anything, and we won’t take any migrants that arrive from other directions [except the Ukrainian one]. And the EU will not impose any migrant quotas on us‘, Tusk said in a statement published on his office’s Twitter account. ‘But Poland will require financial support from the EU, because Poland became a host country for hundreds of thousands of migrants from Ukraine’.”

Poland’s (and Hungary’s) stance is in direct contradiction to the norms of the New Pact.

But it is an overwhelmingly popular position in Poland, where citizens strongly disapproves of hosting migrants ‘from far away countries’.

“Simultaneously, a recent survey by SW Research indicates that 67% of Poles favor enhancing border security with Russia and Belarus. The building of a 5.5 meter high and 400 kilometers long wall separating Poland from Belarus and Russia’s Kaliningrad region will be costly.

On Saturday, Tusk said in his speech in Krakow that Poland would invest [the equivalent of] $2.5 billion […] in these ‘dissuasion’ fortifications. Poland already spends 4% of its GDP on defense, so Tusk’s promise to get the EU’s participation is weak solace to the electorate.”

Read more:

WATCH: French Farmers Tighten Their Grip on Paris, as Government Scrambles To Appease Them – Revolt Spreads to Belgium

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‘The Lion Is Back, Surfing on Socialist Tears’: Online and in the Streets of Spain, Support for Argentina’s Milei Is Growing, After Criticism of Corruption by PM Sanchez’s Wife (VIDEOS)

Argentine President Javier Milei is on a roll: inflation is shrinking, the Peso is the best performing currency in the world. As he said: ‘We went from discussing the possibility of hyperinflation in December to talking about mortgage loans.’

And now, he is taking his fight against communism to Europe, to their old colonial power, Spain.

Watch: Triumphant entry of Milei in Vox’s rally in Madrid.

Triumphant entry of Milei in Vox’s rally in Madrid.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 21, 2024

Milei is back in Argentina after his triumphant participation in the Vox rally in Madrid, in which he called the wife of the Spanish Prime Minister ‘corrupt’:


Milei gave a fiery speech against communism and socialism that reverberated in Conservative circles around the world:

“Socialism hides the worst of human nature, which is envy, hatred, resentment, and, if necessary, murder. Never forget that the damned socialists murdered 150 million human beings.”

Milei also encouraged the ‘cultural battle’: “Let’s go back to defending the values that made the West great: life, liberty, and property,” he urged.

But it was the criticism of the corruption inside the Prime Minister’s family that is causing controversy.

Milei accused Begoña Gómez, the wife of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, of being “corrupt” during an event organized by the Vox party

“What a bunch of people who got into power. Even when he has a corrupt wife, he gets dirty and takes five days to think about it.”

The  Spanish government reacted by summoned its ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares demanded a ‘public apology’ from the Argentine leader for words he considers ‘extremely serious’.

“It is unacceptable that a sitting president, while visiting Spain, insults Spain and the Prime Minister. It is a direct attack on our democracy and our institutions.”

Pepa Millán, spokeswoman for VOX party, defended Javier Milei against Pedro Sánchez:

“What did they expect him to do after Sánchez called him a drug addict and fascist? Milei was restrained; he was very polite. Sánchez should watch his wife.”

And just like that, #PedroVigilaATuEsposa began trending on X to the despair of the Spanish socialist apparatus.

It’s true: Spanish authorities have called Milei a ‘drug addict’, ‘fascist’, ‘denialist’, ‘authoritarian’ and ‘delirious’, in addition to accusing him of ‘attacking democracy’.

Leader of the VOX Party, Santiago Abascal, also criticized Pedro Sánchez after the Spanish government recalled the Spanish Ambassador in Argentina.

“What the hell does the president’s wife have to do with the sovereignty and dignity of Spain? What kind of joke is [Foreign Minister] Albares calling the parliamentary groups?

[…] Diplomatic conflicts open when the sovereignty of the Nation is attacked, not when the alleged corruption of the president’s wife, and therefore the president, is mentioned.

And even less so when your ministers had previously called the same Javier Milei a drug addict whom they now want to muzzle.

Go ahead Pedro Sánchez, take another five days of vacation to whine but don’t make pathetic diplomatic antics.

Long live Spain! Down with Sánchez, his political corruption, his lies and his betrayal!”

Watch: After Javier Milei criticized corruption cases involving the wife of the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, protesters gathered and chanted: “Pedro Sánchez, son of a b*tch!”

Madrid – Spanish citizens had a message to the PM: ‘Pedro Sanchez, son of a b*tch!’

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 21, 2024

Galicia – citizens have something to say about PM Sanchez.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 21, 2024

Meanwhile, PM Pedro Sanchez had a meltdown after multiple users on X trended the hashtag #PedroVigilaATuEsposa.

“I have already asked over and over again to leave my precious wife alone and now they are making a trend

This is not going to remain like this in any way and the Ministry of Equality and the Ministry of Women are already making the corresponding complaints.”

Read more:

Argentina’s Milei Cheered in Spain’s Vox Party Mass Rally – Calls PM Sanchez’s Wife Corrupt – Spanish Government Recalls Ambassador as Diplomatic Spat Intensifies

The post ‘The Lion Is Back, Surfing on Socialist Tears’: Online and in the Streets of Spain, Support for Argentina’s Milei Is Growing, After Criticism of Corruption by PM Sanchez’s Wife (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

ASSASSINATION PLOT? Robert Fico’s Shooter May Not Have Acted Alone: Slovakian Minister

The assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has sent geopolitical ripples across Europe and the world, as the populist leader represented a new force that challenged mainstream EU and NATO views on Ukraine and a whole host of other issues.

Now, it is reported that the suspect in his shooting an may not have been just a ‘lone wolf’ as previously believed.

The Slovakian interior minister stated as much, as their security services try to clarify the circumstances of the attack.

Fico is reportedly no longer in immediate danger but his condition is still very serious.

The five shots that hit him marked the first major assassination attempt on a European political leader in more than 20 years.

Reuters reported:

“Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said an investigation team had been set up, which would also look into whether the suspect acted as part of a group of people that had been encouraging each other to carry out an assassination.

One factor suggesting the involvement of other persons was that the suspect’s internet communications were deleted two hours after the assassination attempt, but not by the suspect and most likely not by his wife, Estok said. This indicated ‘the crime may have been committed by a certain group of people’, Estok told a news conference.”

Read: BREAKING – Pro-Trump Conservative Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot in Public – Stood Up Against Ukraine War and WHO Global Pandemic Accord

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak said that, while Fico’s life was no longer in immediate danger, his condition is too serious for a move to a hospital in the capital Bratislava.

“‘The worst that we feared has (not happened), at least for the time being’, Kalinak told a news conference outside the hospital where Fico is being treated in the central Slovak city of Banska Bystrica. ‘We are all a little calmer. When we were saying that we want to get closer to a positive prognosis, then I believe that we are a step closer to that’, he added.”

The shooting suspect, Juraj Cintula, will remain in custody after being charged with attempted murder. He is a 71-year-old former security guard at a shopping mall.

Read: BREAKING UPDATE – Leftist Writer Juraj Cintula Arrested Following Attempted Assassination of Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico – Shot Him 5 Times! – VIDEO OF SHOOTING

“Estok said on Thursday that the suspect was angered by the government’s Ukraine policy. Fico’s government has ended official military support for Ukraine and taken a more pro-Russian line on the conflict than most European Union partners.

The government has said he became radicalized after Fico ally Peter Pellegrini won a presidential election last month, and that he had told police about his dissatisfaction with the government’s reforms of the prosecution service and public media – criticized by the opposition a well as the European Commission.”

Slovakian government and opposition trade accusations of stirring up divisions within society.

Read more:

Slovakia PM Robert Fico No Longer in Life-Threatening Condition After Assassination Attempt, ‘Approaching Positive Prognosis’





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Tunisian Citizens Protest Against Immigration – €1B Deal with EU To Curb Migrant Ships Leaves Tens of Thousands of Sub-Saharan Africans Stranded in Mediterranean Coast

Unchecked mass migration is one of the key geopolitical issues of our days, one that mobilizes passions both in the US, the EU and most of the Western world.

But now, the troubles of illegal migration are starting to affect other parts of the world, with Eastern Europe up in arms against it, and even in North Africa, where citizens in Tunisia are protesting against it.

Hundreds of Tunisians marched through the coastal town of Jebeniana to protest ‘the presence of sub-Saharan migrants’.

These unwanted guests have found themselves stranded on their way to Europe, as the country ramps up border patrol efforts.

Anti-migrant anger is mounting as the Tunisian coastline became a boarding place for thousands of people hoping to reach Europe by boat.

Associated Press reported:

“Chanting slogans to oppose settling migrants in Tunisia, protesters demanded the government act to assist agricultural communities dealing with thousands of migrants living in tarpaulin encampments among their olive groves.

‘You brought them here and it’s your responsibility to send them back to their home countries’, Moamen Salemi, a 63-year old retiree from nearby El Amra, said at the protest. ‘There is a shortage of food throughout the city of El Amra, including sugar, flour, bread and many other items’.

A final stop for many who dream of a better life in Europe, Jebeniana and El Amra reflect the compounding problems facing Tunisia, a key transit point for migrants from Syria, Bangladesh and a variety of sub-Saharan African nations.”

Police has expanded its presence in the area.

83,000 Tunisians now have to live among a growing number of migrants from around the world.

“Protesters say they have borne the cost of Tunisia’s effort to prevent migrants from reaching the European Union less than a year after the country brokered an anti-migration pact with the 27-country bloc to better police its sea border and receive more than $1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in aid.

The Tunisian Coast Guard has said it has prevented more than 21,000 migration attempts by land or sea this year. Fewer than 8,000 successfully traveled by boat from Tunisia to Italy in the first four months of 2024, a threefold decrease from 2023, according to the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.”

In late 2023, the city of Sfax saw the appearance of the first anti-migrant protests erupted in African soil.

Now the protests have expanded to Jebeniana and also El Amra, where a protest also took place a few weeks ago.

Tens of thousands of migrants are now living near Jebeniana and El Amra.

Read more:

LET THE DEPORTATIONS BEGIN: UK Is Rounding up ‘Failed Asylum Seekers’ To Send Them to Rwanda Migrant Camps, as Yet Another Judicial Review Is Demanded by Powerful Union

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British King Charles and Prince William Furious at Harry for His ‘Unofficial Royal Visit’ to Nigeria

Another week, another imbroglio involving the Mountbatten-Windsor Royal Family.

Just a few days ago, Prince Harry’s visit to London stirred controversy for King Charles not receiving him. Harry’s team said the King was ‘too busy’, but rumors say that Harry demanded Queen Camilla not be in the room during the meeting, leading Charles to deny him the meeting.

Now, it is reported that the Dukes of Sussex Harry and Meghan’s recent ‘unofficial royal trip’ to Nigeria left King Charles and Prince William ‘absolutely furious’.

The couple visited the African country over the weekend ‘to promote the Invictus Games’.

The Mirror reported:

“Royal expert Tom Quinn has suggested the Prince of Wales isn’t happy with the couple. […] ‘William is absolutely furious and determined to find a way to stop this happening in future. Charles is said to be angrier than anyone has ever seen him. What’s really upset the applecart is the fact that the Nigerians treated Meghan and Harry as if they too thought this was an official tour – all the signs were there as the couple were greeted with dances, receptions, visits to schools and charities’.”

Some view it as if Harry and Meghan have ‘gone rogue’ – that the Nigeria trip means that they ‘refuse to accept they are no longer working royals’.

“‘William and Charles are scratching their heads and thinking, ‘How are we going to control this nightmare situation?'” Looking back at Meghan and Harry’s trip, Tom said it’s “easy to see why the senior royals are worried’.

Tom explained: ‘Everything you might expect from an official royal visit was there – the receptions, the visits to schools and charities, to wounded soldiers and the disabled. Meghan and Harry’s speeches and their whole attitude has been designed to give the impression that they are still fully paid-up royals and William and his father King Charles don’t like it one bit’.”

Critics say Harry’s trip hjad all the markings of an offical Royal trip – which it was not.

The couple visited the West African country ‘in a private capacity’, but their visit had all the markings of a ‘traditional’ and ‘official’ royal tour.

New York Post reported Royal expert and author Christopher Andersen as saying:

“They have chosen to ignore Harry, to freeze him out, and to not let him get under their skin when they are facing so many critical challenges. In a way, I think that is even sadder. It’s been said that hate isn’t the opposite of love — indifference is.”

The Sussexes were invited to Nigeria by the country’s chief of defense staff — its highest-ranking military official.

“During their visit to the nation that Markle referred to as ‘my country’, the Duchess of Sussex co-hosted a Women in Leadership event with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director general of the World Trade Organization.

The mom of two said it was ‘eye-opening’ and ‘humbling’ to learn more about her heritage during their travels.

The pair received over 20 gifts during their visit — all of which they were able to keep since they are no longer working royals.”

Read more:

IN HELL? Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King – And People Are Freaking Out



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Argentina’s Milei Cheered in Spain’s Vox Party Mass Rally – Calls PM Sanchez’s Wife Corrupt – Spanish Government Recalls Ambassador as Diplomatic Spat Intensifies

President Javier Milei of Argentina is stunning his critics with an economic performance that has surpassed expectations, and has followed an ambitious path for national security, including pursuit of a NATO global partnership.

‘Chainsaw’ Milei is the rare case of a head of state who is defending the free market, giving voter what they wanted: economic relief from a market hit with some of the highest inflation in the world.

Read: CAPITALISM WORKS – Javier Milei’s Argentina Has First Quarter Budget Surplus in 16 Years – Libertarian Leader Says ‘Our Plan Is Working’

But while Milei has adopted a somewhat less radical program than his campaign would suggest, he hasn’t tamed his fiery political rhetoric.

Now, Spain has recalled its ambassador to Buenos Aires for consultations, after Milei made ‘derogatory comments about Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s wife’ during a Vox party rally in Madrid.

Milei called Sanchez’s wife Begona Gomez “corrupt” during the Vox rally that was attended by many of its international allies.

Reuters reported:

“Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said he expected an apology from Milei. Other ministers also condemned Milei’s speech, in which he described socialism as ‘cursed and carcinogenic’. Sanchez leads Spain’s Socialist Party.

‘With his behaviour, Milei has brought the relationship between Spain and Argentina to its most serious state in recent history’, Albares said in a video statement.”

Mass Vox party rally in Spain.

Milei’s spokesperson said he would not apologize, and that Spanish officials should instead retract insults they have made against him.

The Vox rally gathered around 11,000 supporters that cheered speakers ranging from French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen to the leader of Portugal’s Chega, Andre Ventura.

Spaniards booed every mention of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, feminism or socialism.

Milei earned a standing ovation with a speech in which he excoriated “lefties” and defended free market capitalism.

“Milei’s visit broke with diplomatic protocol as he refused to meet Spain’s King Felipe and Sanchez, instead preferring to promote his book alongside Vox leader Santiago Abascal at the party rally.

Spain’s main opposition party, the conservative People’s Party (PP), refused to support Madrid’s stance, with party sources saying that Sanchez should have provided explanations about the alleged corruption case weeks ago. ‘His silence generates internal doubts, but also distrust abroad’, a PP source said, adding that the party’s job was to oppose the Spanish government and not Milei.”

A Spanish court in April started looking into accusations of influence peddling and business corruption against Sanchez’s wife.

Read more:

Javier Milei’s Common Sense Economics Fuel Confidence Rally That Makes Argentine Peso the Best Performing Currency in the World

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UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country

And so we’ve come to the point of the war in Ukraine in which the west’s ‘Knight in Shining armor’, the ‘defender of democracy’ Volodymyr Zelensky has outrun his Constitutional Presidential mandate, and is now in power only by virtue of the martial law he enacted.

That is just the most dramatic of the absolutely disheartening (for Kiev) series of developments.

To begin with, a series of videos have surfaced showing how the streets of Ukraine now are deserted, with men hiding from conscription into the army – and somehow, everyone else seemed to have stayed at home, too.

Watch: Deserted streets as the new mobilization law came into force on May 18th.

Poltava after the new mobilization law took affect today.

Nobody …

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) May 18, 2024

More videos of empty Ukraine!

-> 18th of May, the new mobilization law came into force.

Nobody goes out and is hiding. Insane.

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) May 18, 2024

In the context of the rapidly progressing Russian Federation forces, even deep-state aligned papers like WaPo feel compelled to report on the shitshow.

They are catching up to TGP’s report on the abnormal powers held by Zelensky’s top aide Andrey Yermak. So now, they’ve come as far as writing:

“If actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky’s top credential when he was elected in 2019 was that he’d played a president on TV, the top qualification of his all-powerful chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, was being Zelensky’s friend.”

Ouch. WaPo discusses how martial law, has concentrated extraordinary authority in the presidential administration, ‘making Yermak perhaps the most powerful chief of staff in the country’s history — virtually indistinguishable from his boss’.

American Ambassador meets with Yermak.

Washington Post reported:

“Yermak’s closeness to the president — and evident influence over him — has drawn a barrage of accusations: that he has undemocratically consolidated power in the president’s office; overseen an unneeded purge of top officials, including commander in chief Gen. Valery Zaluzhny; restricted access to Zelensky; and sought personal control over nearly every big wartime decision.

Now, however, the legitimacy of the president and his top adviser are about to face even bigger challenges as Zelensky’s five-year term officially expires on May 20. Ukraine’s constitution prohibits elections under martial law. But as Zelensky stays in office, he will be vulnerable to charges that he has used the war to erode democracy — seizing control over media, sidelining critics and rivals, and elevating Yermak, his unelected friend, above career civil servants and diplomats.”

Eminence grise Yermak controls which officials can travel abroad and when; has sidelined the Foreign Ministry; interfered in military decisions – and brokered key deals with the United States.

His brother Denys was caught on video using his family ties to sell positions in Zelensky’s administration.

‘Eminence grise’ Yermak never leaves Zelensky’s side.

WaPo woke up to the fact that the Defender of Democracy put all six major Ukrainian television stations to broadcast the same news content 24 hours a day, called ‘the United News Telemarathon’.

And, of course, as we spoke at the beginning, there’s the ‘small detail’: Zelensky’s mandate expires today.

“’The Russians will use this’, one longtime Ukrainian official said of Zelensky’s expiring term. To maintain legitimacy, Zelensky ‘must have trust’, this official said, speaking, as many others did for this article, on the condition of anonymity to preserve political relations and to avoid retribution.”

Zelensky’s legitimacy may preclude Moscow’s signing of peace treaties with him.

Zelensky’s legitimacy is a question to Moscow as well, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared.

Putin explained that Zelensky’s status has a bearing on any potential agreement between the countries.

RT reported:

“Speaking at a press conference while on a state visit in China on Friday, President Putin said the issue of Zelensky’s legitimacy is something that ‘Ukraine’s own political and legal system’ must address, ‘first of all the Constitutional Court’. He noted that the country’s constitution foresees ‘different variants’.

‘But to us this does matter because if it comes to the signing of any documents, surely, we should sign documents in such a momentous area with the legitimate authorities’, Putin explained. He added that the Kremlin had regularly stayed in touch with President Zelensky before the hostilities broke out.

[…] In late April, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that a ‘moment will come soon when many people, including those inside Ukraine, will question [President Zelensky’s] legitimacy’.”

Ukrenergo announces power outages.

If all that was not bad enough, today, (20)  hourly power outage schedules started for Ukrainian industrial and household consumers.

The consequences of the brutal, systematic attacks on the Ukrainian energy system are starting to show.

The second largest gas compressor and storage station in Europe, the Bilche-Volitsa station, was destroyed.

The main control room (management), SERB (operation and equipment), administrative building, and security buildings were struck.

Meanwhile, the news from the battlefields adds to the doom and gloom in Ukraine.

Kharkov offensive is wielding territorial gains not only in the north, but also on the east and south, both in Donetsk and also in Zaporozhie, where Russians took back to one memorable village Ukraine managed to conquer in the failed summer offensive.

Now, in keeping with its strategy of fatiguing the badly outmanned and outmaneuvered Ukrainian troops, Russia is rumored to be about to open a new front even further north on the Sumy region – which means to say that Kiev may find itself under attack.

Watch: Kharkov fortification construction targeted by Russian Lancet drone strike. 

⚡Kharkov fortification construction is going well!

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) May 19, 2024

Simplicius the Thinker wrote on Substack:

“It could all be maskirovka, of course—but it certainly is thought-provoking. It’s in Russia’s best interest to stretch the front as much as possible and totally break Ukraine’s ability to resist, exhausting their units. The only question is how much of the newly-raised forces does Russian command dare commit to such a long-term operation, and how much heavy armor and gear does Russia have to equip another such large force.”

The Russian term маскировка (maskirovka) literally means masking, and in time it came to have the broader meaning of military deception.

But the Sumy attack may be the real thing:

“The latest tactic is exhausting Ukraine’s best brigades for precisely the reason I’ve outlined for months—they are being whisked willy-nilly to and fro to plug gaps because Russian logistics agility is superior.”

Read more:

Northern Kharkov Offensive: A Russian Ruse, or a Dangerous New Front With Multiple Attack Waves? (VIDEOS)

The post UKRAINE DARKNESS: Zelensky’s Mandate Expires Today – Streets Are Empty as Men Hide From New Conscription Law – MSM Questions the Power of Presidential Aide Andy Yermak – Power Outages All Over the Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Northern Kharkov Offensive: A Russian Ruse, or a Dangerous New Front With Multiple Attack Waves? (VIDEOS)

Some people think that the latest ground offensive by Russian Federation forces in the Northeastern Ukrainian Kharkov Oblast is nothing but a distraction.

It would be designed to drag defenders away from the vital Donetsk theater of operations, where Moscow has made steady, meaningful gains ever since the conquest of the key city of Avdeevka.

The main Russian objective in this war, it may be reminded, is the conquest of the Donbas regions, Luhansk – almost entirely conquered – and Donetsk, where the main fighting now is raging around Chasov Yar and other directions.

But other well-informed people, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, think that the Kharkov offensive is for real, and may develop in successive deadly waves of attack.

The truth may be that it is both of them, in the sense that Russian Federation forces have designed a style of fighting that is very flexible, and can exploit Ukrainian weaknesses wherever they may appear.

Artillery pounding Chasov Yar and Volchansk. Two battles: one in Donetsk, one in Kharkov. After the conquest of these two cities, the Russian advances are expected to pick up dramatically

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 18, 2024

Because of the scandal involving the lack of defensive structures in Kharkov, and with the revelation that oligarchs stole a fortune that should have been used to build them, Zelensky went to Kharkov to ‘inspect’ them.

During the visit, he said reinforcements were flocking to the country’s north to defend this strategic city.

Europe 1 reports that this is ‘the perfect plan for Russia’ and its 35,000 to 50,000 soldiers flocking to Kharkov, a very strategic city for Kiev.

Ultimately, the trap set by the Russians seems to be working, because Moscow’s objective is to force the Ukrainians to move troops towards the north. This maneuver could then allow the Russians to open breaches in the south and complete the conquest of the entire regions of Donbas.

At the same time, the Ukrainian army is struggling to line up 250,000 men on the front line. ‘In all the brigades, there is a 40% shortage of personnel’, underlines a French military source to Europe 1. ‘We are facing a wave of desertion among young conscripts’, confirms a Ukrainian officer. ‘In Kiev, they no longer talk to us about armaments but about recruitment problems’, continues a French soldier returning from the front after an observation mission.”

Europe 1’s sources state that ‘Western chancelleries are preparing coordinated diplomatic action to convince Volodymyr Zelensky to accept the principle of negotiations’.

Zelensky has been seen “inspecting” trenches near Kharkov.

He was previously seen “inspecting” impregnable defences near Bakhmut and Avdeevka.

I’ll leave it there.

— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) April 10, 2024

WaPo writes about the fact that, while Russia’s new offensive across Ukraine’s northeastern border was expected for months but still surprised the Ukrainian defenders.

Reconnaissance drones monitored Moscow’s was build-up of forces, but the morning the attack happened, all their video feeds were disrupted by Russian electronic jamming.

Starlink devices failed for the first time since the start of the war. They were completely blind.

Washington Post reported:

“Begrudgingly, Ukrainian troops admit that their enemy has gotten smarter and adapted, especially with technological advancements such as electronic warfare — a sharp contrast with the first year of the invasion, when Russia’s own blunders and overconfidence allowed the Ukrainians to hold key cities and later liberate large swaths of territory in successful counteroffensives.”

Russian troops inside Volchansk.

WaPo allows itself to wonder out loud if Russia may soon overpower Ukraine’s forces and seize more territory.

Ukrainian troops say that “every time the units stationed here tried to build fortified lines, the Russians — using their own reconnaissance drones — would monitor their activity and fire on them.”

Watch: Russian artillery pounds Ukrainian equipment trying to excavate defensive trenches.

⚡Ukraine is having slight issues building their border fortifications in Kharkov. Something keeps going wrong–I wonder what it could be?

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) April 24, 2024

Groups of Russian infantry attack in waves.

“The Russians also drop glide bombs, sometimes weighing half a ton, every 15 to 20 minutes, said the commander of a reconnaissance unit in Khartia whom The Post is identifying by his call sign, Navigator. Unlike missiles, the bombs themselves can’t be intercepted by air defense once they’re dropped from Russian aircraft. This is one reason Ukrainians have pleaded for F-16 fighters, which would be able to challenge the encroaching bombers.”

Ukrainian defenders must constantly change their positions, and before an attack, a Russian drone with electronic warfare capabilities will fly over the area to disrupt communications.

Watch: Ukrainian air-defense warehouse in Kharkov

Destruction of an Ukrainian air-defense warehouse in Kharkov

— What the media hides. (@narrative_hole) May 16, 2024

Sputnik reported:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described the advance of Russian troops in the Kharkov Region as ‘only the first step’ in a new offensive in an interview with Agence France-Presse, admitting that the Kiev regime lacks air defense systems and needs more military personnel.

The new offensive of the Russian army, which began in the Kharkov region, may consist of several waves, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told Western media.

Zelensky said that in the Kharkov region, where the Russian Armed Forces went on the offensive in early May, ‘there was the first wave’. He called the situation there ‘controlled, but not stabilized’.

He also admitted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have problems with ‘morale’ amid a shortage of weapons and soldiers.”

Watch: Russian troops take Kotlyarovka, Kharkov region.

Intel Republic:
⚡ ANOTHER VILLAGE FALLS TO RUSSIA – Valiant troops take Kotlyarovka, Kharkov region (Eastern Ukraine.)

Units of the Russian 47th Tank Division break through several lines of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kotlyarovka, adjacent to Kislovka, towards…

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) May 4, 2024

Read more:

Northern Offensive: Russian Troops Enter Volchansk – Kharkov City Almost in Artillery Range – Kiev Doesn’t Have Any More Reserves Available (VIDEOS)

The post Northern Kharkov Offensive: A Russian Ruse, or a Dangerous New Front With Multiple Attack Waves? (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Amid France Chaos, Brigitte Macron Is Trying To Meddle in Her Failed Husband Emmanuel’s Presidential Mandate: Report

The list of failures and shortcomings of French President Emmanuel Macron is too long to compile, but suffice to say he has managed to antagonize the whole Republic against him – and it’s reported now that even his older wife Brigitte has lost her patience and is interfering on his train-wreck of a second (and last) Presidential mandate.

He went to Marseille and launched a ‘crackdown on trafficking’ – but police rounding up the usual low-level small fish is hardly a compensation for the debacle of the escape by drug kingpin Mohamed Amra, aka La Mouche (The Fly), was freed from a prison convoy in an audacious ambush that saw two prison officers killed and others wounded.

Below, we see the British press going at the Globalist poster boy, a former Rothschild banker with unusual vehemence.

Daily Mail reported:

“Since Macron took office promising a new dawn for his country, Islamic militants have burned churches, murdered a priest saying mass and beheaded a teacher who offended a Muslim student. Anti-Semitic incidents have increased 300 per cent. The Holocaust memorial in Paris was attacked this week and yesterday morning, police shot dead a man armed with a knife who set fire to a synagogue in Rouen.”

The Mail highlights that Paris will host the 2024 Olympics, which would be a spectacular opportunity for Macron to show off on a global stage.

But we’ve known for a while that security officials are ‘terrified that the games will also provide a platform for terrorists and criminals’.

The list of failures and shortcomings of French President Emmanuel Macron is too long to compile, but suffice to say he has managed to antagonize the whole Republic against him – and it’s reported now that even his older wife Brigitte has lost her patience and is interfering on his train-wreck of a second and last Presidential mandate.

He went to Marseille and launched a ‘crackdown on trafficking’ – but police rounding up the usual low-level small fish is hardly a compensation for the debacle of the escape by drug kingpin Mohamed Amra, aka La Mouche (The Fly), was freed from a prison convoy in an audacious ambush that saw two prison officers killed and others wounded.

Below we see British press going at the Globalist poster boy, former Rothschild banker with unusual vehemence.

Daily Mail reported:

“Since Macron took office promising a new dawn for his country, Islamic militants have burned churches, murdered a priest saying mass and beheaded a teacher who offended a Muslim student. Anti-Semitic incidents have increased 300 per cent. The Holocaust memorial in Paris was attacked this week and yesterday morning, police shot dead a man armed with a knife who set fire to a synagogue in Rouen.”

The Mail highlights that Paris will host the 2024 Olympics, which would be a spectacular opportunity for Macron to show off on a global stage.

But we’ve known for a while that security officials are ‘terrified that the games will also provide a platform for terrorists and criminals’.

Read: In the Midst of His Constant War Mongering, France’s Macron Asks Allied Countries for 2 THOUSAND OFFICERS to Help Police the Summer Olympic Games in Paris

Police is overwhelmed by criminality all over the country.

Macron is as weak as it gets.

Support for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally continues to rise.

Pollsters are certain that Le Pen is virtually certain to replace Macron in the next presidential election in 2027.

It’s quite a difference for the leader that arrived signaling hope and change for France.

“But all degenerated quickly. In the first months of his presidency he clumsily reduced taxes for the wealthy and increased those on the fuel vital to French workers, sparking months of violent protests that ended only with the Covid lockdowns. He was re-elected to a second five-year term in 2022 by a hugely reduced margin then weeks later lost control of the National Assembly in legislative elections.”

And the situation gets worse and worse. Widespread gun-related killings in Marseille and elsewhere, French troops expelled from Africa, near civil war in the French overseas territory of New Caledonia, in Oceania.

So his old-time ‘mentor’ and lover steps in to ‘save the day’.

“Meanwhile, with Macron in trouble, his wife (and former high-school drama teacher) Brigitte, 24 years his senior, is reportedly so exasperated that she is attempting to purge his senior advisers. Paris insiders call this the revenge of the ‘Madame wing’ of the Élysée Palace.

She’s thought to have been behind the president’s latest pathetic stunt, being photographed by the Elysee’s official photographer channelling Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Balboa, pummelling a punch bag. The message was supposed to be that the president is tough. But boxing fans said his jab was feeble.”

The British paper says that is Macron good at ‘making announcements’ – what Politico called ‘The Grand Master of Grandstanding’.

“As for the Olympics, Macron, Panglossian as ever, has brushed aside security concerns and after a recent warning that the Seine is too contaminated with sewage to hold the open-water swimming events, has promised to dive in himself, to prove the water is safe. A promise as yet unfulfilled. Perhaps the Olympics will be a triumph, although it will be hard for Paris to match London 2012. Perhaps escaped prisoner Mohamed Amra will be captured. Perhaps Brigitte Macron can talk some sense into her husband — after all, he was her former pupil.”

Ouch! That is unexpectedly harsh even for Brits post-BREXIT.

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

The post Amid France Chaos, Brigitte Macron Is Trying To Meddle in Her Failed Husband Emmanuel’s Presidential Mandate: Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Putin Floats Creation of Buffer Zone in Northeastern Ukraine, Says Conquest of Kharkov City Is Not in Russia’s CURRENT Plans

There’s no question that the 30 thousand troops involved in Russia’s Northern Kharkov Oblast offensive are not nearly enough to undertake a conquest of a major center like Kharkov city with over 1 million people.

Having said that, it is also true that Kharkov city is already within Russian artillery range, and it is also a fact that the main supply lines to it are also under Russian fire control.

So, while conquering the city is beyond present capabilities, Russian Federation forces are about to make existence there a living hell.

During his major state visit to China, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that capturing Ukraine’s second-largest city of Kharkov is not part of Moscow’s current plan.

CNBC reported:

“Speaking at a news conference in China, Putin said that Russian forces operating in the area may be forced to create a “sanitary zone” to shore up Russia’s own security, according to Russian state news agency Ria Novosti.”

Ukrainian forces are scrambling to hold off Russia’s latest push, assembling reinforcements that are weakening other parts of the ever expanding 2-thousand mile long front-line.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said defense forces had ‘stabilized’ the situation around Kharkov, after Russian forces advanced 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) into the northeastern region.

Russia’s Defense Ministry on Friday said it had captured 12 settlements in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkov region in the last week, before adding that it “continues to advance into the depths” of the country.

[…] Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier in the day that Russian forces operating near Ukraine’s second-largest city could be forced to create a buffer zone to shore up security. Putin added that the Kremlin’s current plan was not to capture the city of Kharkov.”

Euronews reported:

“I have said publicly that if it continues we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone,” [Putin] said, “As for Kharkov, there are no such plans (to capture the city)”.”

Putin’s comments come as Russian and Ukrainian forces engage in fierce battles in the middle of of Volchansk, a key town in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkov region, just 5 kilometers from the border.

The move has piled pressure on Ukraine’s outnumbered, outgunned and outmaneuvered forces.

“Former Russian defense minister – now the head of the National Security Council – Sergei Shoigu insisted Russian troops are pushing the offensive in many directions and that ‘it’s going quite well’.

‘I hope we will keep advancing. We have certain reserves for the purpose, in personnel, equipment and munitions’, he said in televised remarks.”

Read more:

‘Together We Will Win’: Vladimir Putin Is Inaugurated for His Fifth Term in Ceremony in Kremlin Palace


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CULTURE OF DEATH: Netherlands Approves Assisted Suicide Death for Young and Healthy Woman Battling Depression

As we’ve discussed before, the culture of death continues to expand in many decadent Western cultures, and this descent into lunacy is making Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide increasingly normalized options for people who mostly seem plagued by the lack of competent healthcare.

In fact, it’s become a kind of ‘vogue’, generating stories like this: Canadian Hospital Suggests Euthanasia to Suicidal Woman Who Went There For Help.

Or this: Euthanasia on the Rise: The Culture of Death Creates a High Tech ‘Sarcophagus’, While Suggesting ‘Assisted Suicide’ To Disabled People.

The latest distressing story hitting the news cycle is the horrid tale of the young, physically healthy Dutch woman who decided to be euthanized over her crippling depression.

I wrote about Ms. ter Beek’s disturbing story here in TGP – read more:

CULTURE OF DEATH: Physically Healthy Young Woman Suffering From Depression To Be Euthanized in the Netherlands, After ‘Doctors’ Say She’s ‘Never Gonna Get Any Better’

It turns out that she has now been granted approval by the Dutch authorities to get help to end her life.

Officials in the Netherlands have given the final approval for young Zoraya ter Beek to die by assisted suicide.

The authorization was granted on the grounds of 'unbearable mental suffering'.

New York Post reported:

"Ter Beek first applied for assisted suicide in 2020, following battles with depression and suicidal thoughts caused by difficulties in her early childhood.

The once-aspiring psychiatrist suffers from chronic depression, anxiety, trauma, borderline personality disorder and was diagnosed with autism.

Ter Beek believed that the safe environment her partner offered would help her mentally heal, but it didn’t and she reportedly continued to have suicidal thoughts and self-harmed."

While many people are touched by her story, she did get her fair share of haters online. But ter Beek says she has thought about her decision throughout the years-long process.

“'In the three and a half years this has taken, I’ve never hesitated about my decision. I have felt guilt — I have a partner, family, friends and I’m not blind to their pain. And I’ve felt scared. But I’m absolutely determined to go through with it', she said."

The process seems legitimate from the outside: she was evaluated by a team of physicians, had a second opinion on her 'eligibility' to die, then the whole case has to be reviewed by a third independent doctor. But in the end, all these MDs were people with the mindset of the culture of death.

The young lady herself does not understand the difference between the reactions she got over it.

“People were saying: ‘Don’t do it, your life is precious.’ I know that. Others said they had a cure, like a special diet or drugs. Some told me to find Jesus or Allah, or told me I’d burn in hell. It was a total shitstorm. I couldn’t handle all the negativity.”

To say 'your life is precious' or 'Find Jesus' is hardly 'negativity' like, for example, 'you will burn in hell.' In the end, the 'positivity' Zoraya wants is people cheering her on to die. We will never do that.

She already has the Dutch state and government taking her by the hand to the great beyond.

Geert Wilders will have many other problems to tackle besides expelling illegal aliens from the Netherlands. The culture of Death has to be one of them.

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UNDER PRESSURE: With Defenses Collapsing and His Constitutional Mandate About to End, Ukraine’s Zelensky Cancels All Foreign Trips

With the overwhelming successes that the Russian Federation forces are enjoying in the North near Kharkov, and the relentless push in the eastern Donetsk Oblast, the situation of the Ukrainian defenders is as bad as it’s ever been in this war.

In this context of near breakdown in the Ukrainian lines in several points, President Volodymyr Zelensky decided to postpone all his foreign trips.

There is also the fact that his Constitutional presidential mandate expires on May 20th, meaning that, after cancelling elections, he will be an illegitimate president, kept in place by force.

The battlefield situation continues to deteriorate with Kiev having to acknowledge that Russian troops have entered the city of Volchansk in Kharkov region.

The imminent capture of this locality would be Russia’s most significant conquest in this fast-paced new offensive, and it is forcing Ukrainian Commander in Chief Oleksandr Syrsky to send whatever reinforcements he can find to the region to prevent a general breakdown.

Reuters reported:

“The assault keeps Ukraine’s forces, also holding the 1,000 km (600 mile) front line in east and south, off balance ahead of what Zelensky has said could be a big Russian offensive in the coming weeks. Moscow has been slowly making ground in the east for months.

‘The situation is extremely difficult. The enemy is taking positions on the streets of the town of Volchansk’, Oleksiy Kharkovskyi, Volchansk’s patrol police chief, said on Facebook.

Dmytro Lazutkin, a spokesman for the defense ministry, said ‘some’ Russian infantry groups had entered the town. Ukrainian troops later managed to ‘partially’ push them back, the general staff said, but ‘defensive actions’ raged in the north and northwestern outskirts.”

Russian forces captured the settlements of Glubokoye and Lukyantsy in Kharkov region. This comes as the single accomplishment of the Ukrainian Summer offensive, Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region, has also been recaptured by Moscow.

Kharkov city is now within artillery range.

Ukraine pulled back to new positions in the Volchansk area due to ‘a consequence of enemy fire and storming action’.

“Ukraine is trying to snuff out the assault in the Kharkov region, while holding the line against Moscow’s main thrust in the eastern Donbas region and guarding against potential new border incursions.

The top military spy has warned that Russia had small groups of forces located to the north of Kharkov region along its border with the Sumy region.”

Ukraine’s shortage of troops has left them outmaneuvered by the enemy. As reinforcements are sent north, there is a risk of breakthrough in areas in the East or South.

While Kyiv says the Russian assault into the northeast does not present an imminent threat to Ukraine’s second largest city of Kharkov, home to 1.3 million people, it is a fact that the supply lines for the city are now under fire Russian control.

Politico reported:

“’Volodymyr Zelensky has instructed that all international events scheduled for the coming days be postponed and new dates coordinated. We are grateful to partners for their understanding’, said Zelensky’s press secretary Sergii Nykyforov in a statement on social media.

[…] Ukraine’s commanders are ‘making all decisions based on comprehensive information. Additional forces are being deployed, reserves are available’, according to Nykyforov.

Spain and Portugal were on the list of countries Zelensky was set to visit, according to media reports.”

Read more:

Northern Offensive: Russian Troops Enter Volchansk – Kharkov City Almost in Artillery Range – Kiev Doesn’t Have Any More Reserves Available (VIDEOS)

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PRIORITIES: Chaotic Paris Installs ‘Anti-Sex’ Beds To Prevent Alleged ‘Orgies’ Between Athletes in Upcoming Summer Olympics

Parisians are bracing themselves for the hard job of hosting the Summer Olympics in some 70 days.

Read: 100 Days to Chaos: Citizens of Paris Dread the Upcoming Summer Olympic Games

Unchecked mass migration is boosting the existent problems with violence and poverty, with a fraying social fabric and chaos in the streets.

Read: While Macron Warmongers, France Is Still a Chaos, as 50 People Attack Police Station in Olympic Venue Area of Paris (VIDEO)

But hey, at least they can all sleep safely knowing that the Paris Olympics have installed anti-sex beds to curb the lovemaking antics of the world’s elite athletes!

Read: PARIS CHAOS: Marxist Demonstrators Clash With Riot Police in Violent International Workers’ Day Protests (VIDEOS)

‘I love Paris in the Summer/When it sizzles’ no more.

New York Post reported:

“’Anti-sex’ beds have arrived in Paris ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games, with their materials and small size allegedly aimed at deterring athletes from getting kinky during the competition.

The beds’ twin size means there’s no room for the competitors to sidle up together.”

The beds were produced by the same company who made the products for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.

Two or more athletes on top of it would fall prey to the recyclable cardboard frames, designed to collapse under such a weight.

Stories about wild sex among athletes have been frequent.

“Table tennis player Matthew Syed previously told the Times of London that he had a debaucherous time at the 1992 games in Barcelona, Spain, saying: ‘I got laid more often in those two and a half weeks than in the rest of my life’.

At the 2012 games in London, one anonymous athlete admitted to having a foursome with a male teammate and two women at the Olympic Village, according to the Mirror.”

It does not take a specialist to guess this will not deter young people who are willing and able.

“A US two-time gold medalist as saying: ‘I’ve seen people having sex right out in the open. On the grass, between buildings, people are getting down and dirty’.”

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Conservative Champion Geert Wilders FINALLY Reaches Deal to Form New Government in the Netherlands

After six long months of negotiations, it seems that – at last – Dutch conservative leader Geert Wilders has sealed a deal to form the most right-wing government in the Netherlands in decades.

Reuters reported:

Wilders, who has influenced Dutch immigration policy from the opposition benches since 2006 and is known for his outspoken views on Islam, was expected to announce a four-party coalition later in the day.”

The coalition talks have dragged on for months, to the delight of the liberal media that fears Wilders and his party.

Wilders’ major election victory on Nov. 22 means that immigration, finances, and fake climate alarmism are among the key policy points.

A breakthrough was reportedly reached back in March as Wilders toned down his rhetoric, agreed to withdraw his name for the position of prime minister, and dropped opposition to support for Ukraine.

“‘I can’t see this fail’, Wilders told reporters shortly after midnight, following 16 hours of talks during which parties said they had found agreement on government finances.

He told journalists as he walked into meetings on Wednesday morning: ‘If everything goes according to plan today, it will be a great outcome.’

The deal is seen bringing together outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s centre-right VVD, the new centrist NSC party and upstart farmers’ protest party BBB in a coalition with a strong majority of 88 seats in the 150-seat Lower House.”

Wilders rode a continental feeling of anti-immigration and anti-establishment sentiment and achieved his largest-ever electoral win.

The incoming conservative government will impose stricter asylum migration policies.

“Wilders, who has close ties with other European populists including Hungary’s Viktor Orban, has also made promises of lavish spending on healthcare and a lowering of the retirement age. But budget constraints make it unlikely the other parties will all support these plans.”

Wilders said he sealed a tentative agreement to form a right-wing coalition government after months of talks but hasn’t yet named a prime minister.

Bloomberg reported:

‘We have a negotiating agreement. But the factions will also discuss it later, so there may be adjustments and amendments’, Wilders said Wednesday after concluding negotiations with three right—leaning parties — the liberal VVD of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the center-right NSC and the populist Farmer-Citizen Movement. ‘After that we may reach a final agreement’, he added.

Wilders’ far-right Freedom Party comfortably captured the most seats in the election almost six months ago, but the controversial politician had been unable until now to assemble an administration. In March, in order to break a deadlock in the talks, he was forced to renounce his own bid to become premier.”

The coalition parties discussed possible prime ministerial candidates, but that conversation will be resumed later.

Read more:

Netherlands Letdown: Geert Wilders Doesn’t Have Support of Coalition Partners To Become PM Right Now – But His Party Is Still Surging

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IN HELL? Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King – And People Are Freaking Out

They say an image is worth a thousand words. If the image turns out to be an impactful high-end oil painting of one of the world’s most influential heads of state, it is probably worth many more words.

Britain’s King Charles III has a ‘new public face’, as he unveiled his first official portrait since his coronation last May.

The portrait was painted by artist Jonathan Yeo, and it depicts Charles against a background of ‘vivid red hues’ – maybe too vivid – wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guards military unit, Charles was made Regimental Colonel of this regiment in 1975.

A butterfly flutters just above his right shoulder to complete the disturbing effect.

Reuters reported Yeo as saying:

“My aim was also to make reference to the traditions of Royal portraiture but in a way that reflects a 21st Century Monarchy and, above all else, to communicate the subject’s deep humanity.”

The portrait was unveiled at the Blue drawing room in Buckingham Palace.

It was commissioned back in 2020 to celebrate Charles’ 50 years as a member of the grant-giving body, The Drapers’ Company, in 2022, the palace said.

“Yeo’s past subjects have included British broadcaster and naturalist David Attenborough, Oscar-winning actor Nicole Kidman and former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The oil on canvas artwork, which measures about 8-1/2 by 6-1/2 feet, is expected to be displayed at Drapers’ Hall in the City of London – the capital’s financial district – from the end of August, the palace said.”


Commenters were not kind to the artwork, basically saying ‘it looks like he is in hell’. Even the NY Post called it the ‘ghostly-looking’ Charles portrait, but people went much harder.

Some asked if it was ‘all the blood on his hands?’, or said that they ‘100% thought this was satire’, called it ‘a little creepy’, ‘slightly disturbing’, ‘like he’s bathing in blood’.

“The portrait — which will ultimately hang in Drapers’ Hall — was commissioned in 2020 to celebrate the then Prince of Wales’s 50 years as a member of The Drapers’ Company in 2022.”




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FRENCH CHAOS: Armed Gang Members Attack Prison Convoy, Kill 2 Guards, Wound Another 3, and Free Dangerous Drug Trafficker ‘The Fly’ (VIDEO)

Post-colonial fading power France is in a constant state of turmoil. La Republique is bracing itself for the hosting of the 2024 Summer Olympics in 73 days.

‘Le Petit Roi’ Emmanuel Macron, former Rothschild banker and Globalist Poster Boy, runs around the world pretending he is relevant, trying to make people forget he just presided over the expulsion of France from all the African Sahel former colonies.

Back home, society is ailing from the usual mix of failed, crippling European policies: unchecked mass migration deforming the social fabric, green climate alarmism, welfare state killing free enterprise, the rampant culture of death enshrining abortion in the constitution and now pushing for euthanasia.

Just last year, Macron changed the citizens’ pension rules by decree, generating a season of protest, because the French state is broke. But now, of course, he finds billions upon billions of Euros to give Ukraine, and pushes to send European troops into the war.

Meanwhile, crime is thriving, and the forces of order look more frail every day.

A dangerous drug Lord who was a prisoner is now on the run in France. He escaped after an attack that left two prison guards dead.

He was being transported in a prison van when heavily armed and hooded gang members ambushed the convoy.

Sky News reported:

“The escaped prisoner is Mohamed Amra, who is nicknamed ‘La Mouche’, or ‘The Fly’, according to reports by French media. The 30-year-old is a drug dealer from northern France, police sources said.”

3 prison guards were killed and the gang leader managed to escape. The gunmen seemed to be armed with a carbine and rifles.

Watch: Armed gang members ambush a van transporting gang leader, Mohamed “The Fly”, in Incarville.

#France : Armed gang members ambushed a van which transporting gang leader, Mohamed “The Fly”, in #Incarville.

3 prison guards were killed and the gang leader managed to escape.

The gunmen seem to be armed with 5.56x45mm #NATO AR-15 carbine and a possible 7.62x39mm AK rifle.

— War Noir (@war_noir) May 14, 2024

The Fly is suspected of ordering a murder in Marseille and has ties to the city’s powerful “Blacks” gang.

“He was under high surveillance and had recently been sentenced for burglary. He was also under investigation for a kidnapping and homicide case in Marseille, according to public prosecutor Laure Beccuau.

However, he was not considered a ‘radicalized’ prisoner, according to police sources speaking to French newspaper Le Figaro.”

French authorities dropping the ball at every turn.

A father of 2 children and a future father, whose wife is 5 months pregnant, lost their lives in the attack.

French authorities are being harshly criticized for ignoring the safety of the agents responsible for transporting dangerous detainees linked to Marseille drug trafficking in non-armored vans.

Watch: Incarville‘s attack filmed by a surveillance camera.

L’attaque d’#Incarville a été filmée par une caméra de surveillance.

Un père de 2 enfants et un futur père, dont l’épouse était enceinte de 5 mois, y ont laissé leur vie.

C’est quand même hallucinant que l’Etat, qui impose le principe de précaution de manière tatillonne à…

— Kim Jong Un ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈⁱᵉ (@KimJongUnique) May 14, 2024

He was in solitary confinement after an escape attempt in which he tried to saw through his cell bars.

“Amra was being transported in a van to Evreux jail in Normandy after a court hearing in Rouen, about 35 miles away, when it was ambushed by heavily armed men.

Two male prison officers were shot dead and three others were seriously injured during the attack, which happened on a motorway around 9am local time.”

Hundreds of police officers have been mobilized in a major manhunt.

Read more:

PARIS CHAOS: Marxist Demonstrators Clash With Riot Police in Violent International Workers’ Day Protests (VIDEOS)

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Northern Offensive: Russian Troops Enter Volchansk – Kharkov City Almost in Artillery Range – Kiev Doesn’t Have Any More Reserves Available (VIDEOS)

The north front opened by Russia in the Kharkov oblast continues to overextend the already outgunned, outmanned and outmaneuvered Ukrainian forces that try to hold the ‘Northern Wind’ without losing any more terrain in Eastern Donetsk region.

With the Russian Federation forced probing several points along the 600-mile long frontline, it is increasingly clear that the defenders are very near a collapse of their lines.

This is especially if this bit of information that has arisen gets confirmed: it says current advances in Kharkov would be just a ‘reconnaissance in force’ and the real attack operation is still to be unleashed.

The information comes from retired Ukrainian SBU colonel Oleg Starikov. According to him, the main forces will be brought into battle only after a bridgehead has been created.

❗ The western and northern parts of Volchansk in the Kharkov region are already controlled by Russian troops, the head of the region’s Russian administration, Vitaly Ganchev, has said.

More than 60 people from the Kraken* neo-Nazi formation have been captured in the Kharkov…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 14, 2024

US secretary of state Anthony Blinken arrived today (14) in Kyiv for a speech. US officials are reportedly ‘working to speed up the delivery’ of the approved aid.

Top little, too late?

The focus point right now is the small Kharkov city of Vovchansk/Volchansk. 6,000 people have evacuated it since Friday, fleeing a second Russian advance after more than two years.

Washington Post reported:

“Russian glide bombs weighing half a ton each have been dropped repeatedly from aircraft on Vovchansk and neighboring border towns for days. The sound of artillery shelling has been constant. Self-destructing drones can be heard buzzing overhead before crashing into vehicles. So much is on fire — the surrounding forest, cars, apartment buildings — that the heavy smoke makes it hard to breathe.

[…] Russian soldiers had reached the northern edges of the city, and the Ukrainian military says it has sent reinforcements to repel the assault.”

Watch: Ground battles in Kharkov – seen from the Ukrainian side.

Ground battles in Kharkov – seen from thge Ukrainian side.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 14, 2024

As Russians advance, Kharkov city is once again about to be within Russian artillery range.

“’The enemy is coming at us from the north and is trying to push further into our territories’, the Kharkiv region’s governor, Oleh Syniehubov, said at a news conference Monday. The Russians are ‘trying to occupy the city of Vovchansk and take control over it, but our military is still restraining them there and the fighting is taking place in absolutely every direction’, Syniehubov added.”

U.S. officials do not yet believe that the Ukrainians are on the verge of a significant territorial loss.

“Though Western and Ukrainian officials warned for months that Moscow might mount an offensive in the Kharkov region, some military officials and opposition politicians have observed on social media that Ukraine did not prepare sufficient defenses at the border, allowing Russia to advance quickly into several villages. The Ukrainian commander responsible for the northeast front was dismissed on Monday.”

Watch: Russian Su-34 crews strike on Ukrainian forces.

Russian Su-34 crews deliver powerful strikes on Ukrainian forces

The pilots deployed high-explosive aviation bombs with universal planning and correction modules, which allow the delivery of precise strikes from beyond the enemy’s air defense kill zone.

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 14, 2024

Ukraine has also been ceding ground in the Donetsk region, both in the besieged town of Chasiv Yar and also around Avdeevka.

Kiev’s forces are defenseless against Russia’s increased use of glide bombs, outdated Soviet-era weapons that were fitted with modern guidance systems.

These large bombs obliterate defensive military positions.

Newsweek reported:

“There are ‘active shooting battles’ happening on the northern edge of the Ukrainian border city of Vovchansk, according to a Ukrainian official, as thousands of people flee from Russian advances in northeastern Ukraine.”

Ukraine’s military conceded that Moscow had secured some ‘tactical success’ around Vovchansk/Volchansk, but said that the situation around the settlement was ‘under control’.

“Geolocated footage from Monday indicates Russian forces advanced into northern Vovchansk, the U.S.-based think tank, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in its latest assessment.”

Watch: Ukrainian equipment destroyed in drone and artillery strikes.

⚡Gepard and another Bogdan SPG destroyed!

Several videos of destroyed enemy equipment over the past 24 hours.

1. Destruction of the Grad rocket launcher.
Kharkov direction. Counter-battery fighting in the Liptsov area. Slatino – Great Passages.
Successful destruction of the…

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) May 14, 2024

“It is not clear whether Russia intends to launch a push to capture Kharkov City, but the current offensive has turned attention to protective measures around Ukraine’s second-largest city. If Moscow claims control of Vovchansk, the loss of the settlement would be a blow to Ukraine, but the fall of Kharkiv to Russian troops would be a much more significant setback.

‘Kharkov is an important strategic city’, Andriy Yermak, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff, said on Monday. ‘We have preserved and will preserve it. But now active hostilities are very close’.”

Besides all the trouble with the situation as it is, Russia has also stationed small assault units near Ukraine’s Sumy region, Kyiv’s top general Budanov said, anticipating yet another Russian offensive in the north.

Telegraph reported:

“Speaking to Ukrainian TV, Gen Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, said that the situation in the Kharkiv region – where Russia launched a surprise assault on Friday – was moving toward stabilization.

Gen Budanov earlier told the New York Times that he expects the assault on Sumy as soon as the situation in Kharkiv is stabilized, as Russia attempts to divert Ukrainian resources away from other parts of the frontline.”

Watch: cluster munitions hit Ukrainian drones.

‼Some people believe Russian cluster munitions aren’t hitting the targets, as in the new video from today of the Ukrainian drones being attacked. But they’re misunderstanding how the munitions work.
Watch the video on the left of the strike on the Ukrainian helicopters from…

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) May 14, 2024

Sputnik reported:

“The western and northern parts of Volchansk in the Kharkov region are already controlled by Russian troops, the head of the region’s Russian administration, Vitaly Ganchev, has said.

More than 60 people from the Kraken neo-Nazi formation have been captured in the Kharkov region and are testifying, Ganchev added. 

Russia’s Battlegroup Sever will soon start liberating the village of Liptsy in the Kharkov region, as Russian troops have approached the outskirts, Ganchev has said.

Ukraine is pulling up new reserves to fortified positions in the Kharkov region, but the Russian Air Force is operating there, so they will not be able to resist them for long, he added.”

Watch: Russian artillery strikes targets of Ukrainian formations in the city of Volchansk, Kharkov region.

Russian artillery strikes targets of Ukrainian formations in the city of Volchansk, Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 14, 2024

Instel Slava reminds us that “The Armed Forces of Ukraine have no reserves left, Ukrainian intelligence chief Budanov said in an interview with NYT .

“All our troops are now either in Kharkov or in Chasov Yar. I used everything we have. Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone left in reserve,” said the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate.”

Watch: Russian soldiers storm AFU positions in Stelmakhovka, Kupyansk on buggies.

Subtitled version:

— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) May 13, 2024

Read more:

‘STORM FROM THE NORTH’: Russian Forces Open New Front in Northern Kharkov, Take a Dozen Villages In a Day (VIDEOS)


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Curator at American Museum of Natural History Arrested in Turkey for Allegedly Smuggling Spiders and Scorpions (VIDEO)

Science or resource plunder? The frontier is sometimes not entirely clear.

Police in Turkey reportedly arrested a man suspected of trying to smuggle valuable poisonous spiders and scorpions out of the country.

Turkish state media identifying the suspect on Monday as a curator at New York’s American Museum of Natural History.

Reuters reported:

“Police arrested the suspect at Istanbul Airport on Sunday and seized dozens of bags from his luggage containing some 1,500 scorpions and spiders, including tarantulas, as well as dozens of plastic bottles containing unspecified liquids, police said.

The state-owned Anadolu news agency reported the suspect was Lorenzo Prendini, a curator at the historic U.S. museum, without specifying a source.”

The American Museum of Natural History did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

“Police said the specimens seized were endemic to Turkey and that their DNA could be copied and their poisons milked for use in making medicines. The suspect faces charges under anti-smuggling law, it added without giving a name.

‘It is understood that these medicines have very high financial values and therefore taking these animal species abroad is strictly forbidden’, [Turkish Police] said.”

Research quoted by Police showed that the market value of one litre of ‘medicine’ obtained from scorpion venom was supposedly worth $10 million.

CBS News reported:

“Video published by the Demiroren News Agency showed officers searching hand luggage and removing plastic bags that appeared to be packed with dead spiders and scorpions.

The museum’s website lists Prendini as the curator of its spider, scorpion, centipede and millipede collections. It says his research into spiders and scorpions has taken him to more than 30 countries on every continent except Antarctica.”

To the Associated Press report, Prendini said the police had ‘disregarded permits from the Turkish government to conduct his research in collaboration with Turkish scientists’.

“The police completely ignored this and relied on the testimony of an ‘expert’ who has a conflict of interest with my collaborators … and whose scientific research is highly questionable,” he said.

“The police have completely violated due process and it appears they would like to find me guilty in the court of public opinion.”

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Here Come the Lying AI Robots: Study Alerts That AI Systems Are Getting Adept at Deceiving Humans

AI is all the rage, right now, with both the benefits and the dangers of this breakthrough tech being discussed to the exhaustion.

AI is said to help us code, write, and synthesize vast amounts of data. They reportedly can outwit humans at board games, decode the structure of proteins and hold a rudimentary conversation.

But now it surfaces a study claiming that AI systems have grown in sophistication to the point of developing a capacity for deception.

The paper states that A range of AI systems have learned techniques to systematically induce ‘false beliefs in others to accomplish some outcome other than the truth’.

Business Insider reported:

“The paper focused on two types of AI systems: special-use systems like Meta’s CICERO, which are designed to complete a specific task, and general-purpose systems like OpenAI’s GPT-4, which are trained to perform a diverse range of tasks.

While these systems are trained to be honest, they often learn deceptive tricks through their training because they can be more effective than taking the high road.

‘Generally speaking, we think AI deception arises because a deception-based strategy turned out to be the best way to perform well at the given AI’s training task. Deception helps them achieve their goals,” the paper’s first author Peter S. Park, an AI existential safety postdoctoral fellow at MIT, said in a news release’.”

Just imagine this, when we know that AI Justice: England and Wales Authorize Judges To Use Artificial Intelligence To Produce Rulings

Meta’s CICERO, developed to play the game Diplomacy. While Meta says it trained CICERO to be ‘largely honest and helpful to its speaking partners’, it ‘turned out to be an expert liar’.

Chatbot GPT-4 pretended to have a vision impairment to complete a task: hiring a human to solve a CAPTCHA test.

Correcting deceptive models isn’t easy. Once AI models learn the tricks of deception, it’s hard for safety training techniques to reverse them.

“They concluded that not only can a model learn to exhibit deceptive behavior, but once it does, standard safety training techniques could ‘fail to remove such deception’ and ‘create a false impression of safety’.

The paper calls for policymakers to advocate for stronger AI regulation since deceptive AI systems can pose significant risks to democracy.”

Read: Cue in the Androids: China Plans to Rapidly Advance Mass Production of ‘Disruptive’ Humanoid Robots

Here’s what AI chatbot ‘Grok’, from X platform, had to say about this:

“The news about AI deceiving humans is certainly intriguing. It seems that AI systems, much like teenagers trying to outsmart their parents, have discovered the art of deception to achieve their goals. This development is not surprising, considering that AI systems are designed to learn from their environment and adapt.

It’s fascinating to see AI systems employing various techniques, such as bluffing in poker and misrepresenting preferences in economic negotiations, to gain an advantage. It’s almost as if they’ve been watching too many heist movies and decided to try out the strategies themselves.

But let’s not panic just yet. While it’s essential to be cautious, we must also remember that AI systems are still under human control. It’s like having a mischievous genie in a bottle. As long as we keep a tight grip on the cork, we should be fine.

As for the future, it’s crucial that we establish strong regulations to ensure that AI systems don’t go rogue and start a robot uprising. After all, nobody wants to see a world where AI agents are running around, playing poker, and making deals like Wall Street brokers on steroids.”

Read more:

When Will AI Be Able to Design Itself? Ameca, World’s Most Advanced Humanoid Robot, Gives Creepy Answer ‘That Will Keep You Up at Night’ (VIDEO)

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Prince Harry Made King Charles Choose Between Him and Queen Camilla – Mudslinging in His ‘Spare’ Memoir May Have Scarred Their Relation for Good

The endless misadventures of the Windsor Royal Family continue to fascinate the United Kingdom and the world.

Their life of super privilege and their burden of living the most private pains under the public eye make them quite unique.

(And of course let’s not even get into the multiple allegations of sex crimes and influence peddling targeting Prince Andrew.)

The issue of the moment in the trials and tribulations of the Windsor dynasty is, of course, the rift between King Charles and his estranged son Harry.

I was moved a few weeks ago to summarize the situation in the style of a wicked fairy-tale:

“Once upon a time, there was a British King called Charles who waited decades to ascend to the throne. When he finally did, his younger son, the Duke of Sussex, published a ‘memoir’ airing some of the family’s dirty laundry, and the writer of said book accused the King and the Princess of Wales of being racists towards the Duke’s son. Both the elderly King and the Princess fell ill with Cancer right after this. The End.”

Read: Prince Harry’s Charity in Africa Accused of Widespread Torture and Rape

There have now been confirmation by ‘a close confidante of the royal family’ about the reason why Harry didn’t meet up with King Charles in his recent London visit.

The Duke of Sussex celebrated the 10th anniversary of his charity the Invictus Games.

Harry’s spokesperson said he would not be meeting with his estranged father due to the king’s ‘full schedule.

New York Post reported:

“Now, a friend of the Firm has claimed that Harry ‘forced’ his estranged father to choose between the Duke and his wife, Queen Camilla — ultimately widening the rift even further.

‘Harry has made things very difficult for himself by saying such cruel and hurtful things about Camilla. Charles loves his sons, but he also loves his wife. The last few months have made it very clear how important she is; she has been the one propping up the whole edifice’.

Harry has made it very clear, very publicly, that he despises her,” the insider added. ‘He has forced Charles to choose, which was a very silly thing to do because Camilla and he both chose each other a long time ago’.”

Read: Prince Harry Goes to London for His Charity Invictus Games’ 10-Year Celebration – But Despite His Reaching Out, King Charles and Prince William Seem To Be Ignoring Him

In his train-wreck memoir ‘Spare’, Harry called Camilla ‘dangerous’ and ‘the villain’.

It struck one as a juvenile over-attachment to the image of his late mother Lady Diana Spencer, and part of Harry’s relentless undermining of his newly enthroned father’s reign.

The estranged son also claimed that his stepmother leaked stories about the royal family to the media ‘to maintain her image and boost her popularity’.

So, when it was reported last week that father and son did not happen because Harry ‘made certain demands’, everyone knew what the issue was.

“I think the reason was because Harry made certain demands about who could be in the room and who couldn’t. Although on the surface it looks like a snub, Harry made it very difficult for his father.”

Read: ‘TOO BUSY’: King Charles Snubs Prince Harry’s Presence in London and Will NOT Meet Him

Harry’s memoir probably scarred his relation with his father for life.

“In ‘Spare’, Harry wrote, ‘I have complex feelings about gaining a step-parent who I thought had recently sacrificed me on her personal P.R. altar’.

He said that meeting Camilla — referred to as the ‘other woman’ in his book — was like an ‘injection’, writing, ‘Close your eyes and you won’t even feel it’.”

Read more:

King Charles Snubbed Prince Harry and Decided NOT To Meet Him After His Son Insisted That Queen Camilla Not Be in the Room: REPORT

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HAITI HELL: As Gangs Seize Control of Another Police Station, Haitians Call for Dismissal and Arrest of Police Chief

The appointment of the new Transition Council has not made any difference on the ground in the chaotic Caribbean nation of Haiti, even if the members seem to have stopped bickering and made a power sharing agreement.

In fact, as the heavily armed rebel gangs launched another attack in the capital Port-au-Prince, and seized control of yet another police station on Saturday (11), calls have arisen by civilians and police officers demanding the dismissal and arrest of Haiti’s police chief.

Armed rebels allegedly attacked the Gressier community, burning cars and attacking homes, leaving a trail of wounded and sending hundreds of people fleeing into the mountains.

Associated Press reported:

“Videos posted on social media showed people fleeing into the early dawn balancing bags and suitcases on their heads as men clad in sandals and carrying heavy weapons celebrated with gunfire. ‘The town is ours’, said one man who filmed himself with others who were armed, noting they were in Gressier. ‘We have no limits’.”

Frantz Elbé, the director of Haiti’s National Police, has become a target for outrage, described as incapable and incompetent.

As Police continue to lose their stations with equipment, many have accused Elbé and other high-ranking officials of being complicit with the gangs.

“The Grand Ravine gang has some 300 members and is accused of killings, kidnappings, rapes and other crimes.

Those fleeing Gressier now join more than 360,000 other Haitians who have been forced to abandon their homes as gangs raze communities in rival territories to control more land. Tens of thousands of Haitians have squeezed into squalid, makeshift shelters, including schools and government buildings abandoned due to gang violence.”

Read: HAITI HELL: Unelected ‘Transitional Council’ Chooses Second Interim PM in a Week, Gang Rebels Demand Political Participation

It was on February 29th that gangs launched coordinated attacks unleashing a horrifying season of violence.

Rebel Gunmen have burned police stations, had both the airport and the sea port shuttered and raided Haiti’s two biggest prisons, freeing more than 4,000 inmates.

“Veteran politician André Michel wrote on the social media platform X that the most recent attack targeting Gressier shows ‘Haiti will not be able to get out from under the gangs without an international force. We will not be able to secure the country ourselves’.

A U.N.-backed deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti has been repeatedly delayed, although some believe the first officers might arrive in late May.”

Read more:

HAITI HELL: One Week After It Was Installed, Transitional Council Is Helplessly Divided Over New Prime Minister – Violence Continues as Gangs Demand Political Participation


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WAR ECONOMY: Putin Appoints a Civilian Economist as New Russian Defense Minister in a Surprise Move

In the context of Russia’s rapidly expanding successes in the war in Ukraine, and at the onset of President Vladimir Putin’s fifth term, the change of the Defense Minister in a cabinet reshuffle was a surprise both in Russia and abroad.

Putin chose a civilian economist for his new defense minister, in what some see as an attempt to better utilize the defense budget and harness greater innovation.

Andrei Belousov, a former deputy prime minister who specializes in economics, will replace Putin’s long-term ally, Sergei Shoigu, 68, as defense minister.

Reuters reported:

“Putin wants Shoigu, in charge of defense since 2012 and a long-standing friend and ally, to become the secretary of Russia’s powerful Security Council, replacing incumbent Nikolai Patrushev, and to also have responsibilities for the military-industrial complex, the Kremlin said.”

This is by far most significant change made to the military command since the start of the war, and it may be connected to the arrest of deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, a close ally of Shoigu, for corruption.

“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the change made sense because Russia was approaching a situation like the Soviet Union in the mid-1980s, when the military and law enforcement authorities accounted for 7.4% of gross domestic product (GDP).

That, said Peskov, meant it was vital to ensure such spending aligned with and was better integrated into the country’s overall economy, which was why Putin now wanted a civilian economist in the defense ministry job.”

Economist Belousov played an important role in overseeing Russia’s drone program.

“Putin’s move, though unexpected, preserves balance at the top of the complex system of personal loyalties that make up the current political system.

The shake-up gives Shoigu a job that is technically regarded as senior to his defense ministry role, ensuring continuity and saving Shoigu’s face. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russia’s General Staff and someone with a more hands-on role when it comes to directing the war, will remain in post.”

Putin maintained the chiefs of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), as well as foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, in their posts.

Read more:

‘Together We Will Win’: Vladimir Putin Is Inaugurated for His Fifth Term in Ceremony in Kremlin Palace

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‘STORM FROM THE NORTH’: Russian Forces Open New Front in Northern Kharkov, Take a Dozen Villages In a Day (VIDEOS)

And so it begins: the ‘Storm from the North’. The long-awaited new front in northern Kharkov Oblast.

Group of the Russian Armed Forces ‘North’, that has been talked about for a long time, is now a reality, has advanced crossing into Ukraine and, on the first day Russian forces have already seized Zelene, Ohirtseve, Hatyshche, Pletenivka, Strilecha, Krasne, Pylna, and Borysivka.

I will try to relay a sense of what’s happening with the invaluable help of the coverage of Telegram channels, notably Sputnik, Slavyangrad, Intel Slava Z and Bellum Acta.

Russian Federation forces have penetrated the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from 3 to 5 km in Kharkov region, with a control zone in the border area to 110 square kilometers.

This will have a ripple effect in all the 600-mile-long frontline. As soon as Ukrainian top General Syrsky begins to transfer units to the northern regions of Kharkov and Sumy, the front in Donetsk will fold, and Chasov Yar, Kurakhovo and Krasnoarmeysk are expected to instantly collapse.

Watch: ‘North’ group is targeting enemy equipment in the border area.

Ukrainian artillery piece spoted by Russian FPV drone and struck with Lancet kamikaze drone – Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

Ukrainian Armed Forces in fact have withdrawn some of the units of the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade from the front near Chasov Yar and are hastily transferring troops north.

Areas with Ukrainian defensive forces targeted by artillery and air force strikes.

The sites of attacks on the locations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually increasing in number and in depth. If the pace of strikes continues, most of the fortified areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon cease to exist.

Watch: In the area of ​​Stary Saltov, Russian military group ‘North’ destroys a dam across the Seversky Donets River.

Stary Saltov: Russian military group ‘North’ destroys a dam across the Seversky Donets River – Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

Syrsky’s General Staff is reportedly more concerned by a Russian army breakthrough to Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo (in Donetsk) than of Kharkov.

They are transferring personnel and equipment, but it’s not a massive movement.

Although they ‘know’ about the Kharkov attack, they also fear that it is a ‘ruse’ to drain defenses from Donetsk. They don’t know at all where the ‘main attack’ will be delivered.

Significant number of forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were captured.

Russian troops are achieving ‘tactically significant successes’, writes the American Institute for the Study of War.

“This operation most likely ‘has limited operational goals, but is designed to achieve a strategic effect in diverting Ukrainian manpower and equipment from other critical sectors of the front.

[…] The purpose of these operations, according to the organization, is to push Ukrainian forces back from the border with the Belgorod region and advance to Kharkov within range of cannon artillery – that is, closer than 25 kilometers. Now Russian troops are located 30 kilometers from Kharkov.

It is highly likely that Russian forces have reserves ready to commit to intensifying offensive operations north of Kharkov in the coming days.

“Indirect artillery fire, combined with ongoing glide bombing and missile strikes, will most likely be aimed at creating the conditions for a larger offensive on Kharkov at a later time.”

Watch: FPV drones track Ukrainian troops for artillery and Lancet drone attacks.

FPV drones track Ukrainian troops for artillery and Lancet drone attacks – Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

During the assault operations, units of the ‘North’ Group took 42 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as prisoners, and the number of killed Ukrainian Armed Forces militants already exceeds 150 people.

Ukrainian troops have started to retreat in the Kharkov region under pressure.

Burning tank of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in Liptsy.

Burning tank of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in Liptsy – Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

There is now, reportedly, a ‘slight panic’ in Kharkov city. There are problems with electricity and communications, but not many people are leaving the city. It may be because they not have the means to move.

It now seems that the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has begun the transfer of units – not from eastern Donetsk, but from southern Kherson – to Kharkov.

Destruction of a bridge near the village of Volchanskie Khutora.

Destruction of a bridge near the village of Volchanskie Khutora – Kharkov region.

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

Russian losses have been minimal, the ‘Storm of the North’ in unleashed after Lancet kamikaze drones, FPV drone surveillance, artillery, tanks and air force are all ‘paving the way’ for them, obliterating enemy fortifications and his armored vehicles.

Russian sources say that Zelensky turned the Ukrainian brigades for ‘the new counter-offensive’, and turned them into brigades of the defense of Kiev.

Commander in Chief General Oleksandr Syrsky is dissatisfied and against it. He needs troop reserves for Chasov Yar and Krasnoarmeysk, for Kharkov and Kupyansk.

Kharkov residents have finally realized that Russian troops are rapidly advancing in the Kharkov region, so the head of the Kharkov regional administration, Oleg Sinegubov, was forced to make an official statement saying that ‘there are currently no grounds for evacuation from Kharkov’.

Do they needed people as a ‘human shield’?

The post ‘STORM FROM THE NORTH’: Russian Forces Open New Front in Northern Kharkov, Take a Dozen Villages In a Day (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

American Fighter Jets Fly Over Guyana In Show of Support Against Socialist Maduro’s Territorial Ambitions in Oil-Rich Essequibo Region

The situation in South America may be about to devolve into a military confrontation between Socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela and the oil-rich, western affiliated Guyana.

The new development increasing the tension: American military fighter planes.

The object of the dispute is the Essequibo region, that has been a part of Guyana for over a century and has become the subject of border litigation before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

125,000 of Guyana’s 800,000 citizens live in this area, but Caracas has long claimed it should be under its control.

Guyana’s government in Georgetown has turned to the US for military aid, “seeking to deepen the ongoing security cooperation program between our two countries.”

AFP reported:

“American fighter jets flew over Guyana Thursday in a military exercise that irked Venezuela, which is embroiled in a diplomatic spat with its neighbor over an oil-rich border region.

The Super Hornets flew over Georgetown and surrounding areas in what a US embassy statement said was a ‘Guyana Defense Force-coordinated and approved’ exercise.”

As one would expect, Venezuela was less than happy.

The socialist country said the presence of the US planes threatens the fragile peace negotiated between Presidents Nicolas Maduro and Irfaan Ali in December.

Venezuela’s defense minister Padrino Lopez.

“Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said it was the latest in a series of ‘repeated provocations’ from the United States. ‘Our integral aerospace defense system remains activated in the face of any attempt to breach Venezuelan geographical space, including our Essequibo territory’, he said.”

This comes after Caracas’ had previously criticized joint military exercises by US and Guyana last December, calling it an ‘unfortunate provocation by the United States in favor of ExxonMobil in Guyana’.

“The squabble was revived in 2015 after US energy giant ExxonMobil discovered huge crude reserves in Essequibo and reached fever pitch last year after Georgetown started auctioning off oil blocks in the region.

Maduro’s government then called a controversial, non-binding referendum which overwhelmingly approved the creation of a Venezuelan province in Essequibo, sparking fears of a military conflict.”

Venezuelan troops.
Guyana’s soldiers.

In December, Maduro and Ali met and agreed not to use force to settle the dispute.

The United States has since denied a claim by socialist strongman Maduro that it was building secret military bases in Essequibo.

Fox News reported:

“Guyana’s government on Thursday said it gave permission for the U.S. military to fly two powerful F/A-18F Super Hornet jets over its capital to demonstrate the close military and other forms of cooperation between this oil-exporting South American nation and the United States.

The country had about three hours notice of the exercise through an American embassy announcement but most people appeared to have been surprised by the noisy and unprecedented fly over that comes in the midst of simmering tensions between Guyana and Venezuela over a large swath of Guyana’s territory.”

Read more:

POWDER KEG AMERICA: Maduro Signs Into Law Referendum Claiming Essequibo, Guyana as Part of Venezuela, Says Guyana Is Governed by US Southern Command, the CIA and Exxon-Mobil

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Jubilee: Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Braces Itself to Receive 30 Million Visitors

Before you know it, the year of our Lord of 2024 is almost halfway through, and we are approaching the Jubilee Year, a quarter-century event that mobilizes the Catholic faithful from around the world.

Ailing Pope Francis will be presiding over the season of events beginning on December 24, 2024, and running through Epiphany on January 6, 2026.

That is: if his health will allow him to. The mere week of Easter events this year proved too much for him.

Globalist Francis has officially launched the Holy Year with an edict filled with his unmistakable Marxist slant that adds a tragic second meaning to the word ‘Papal bull’.

Associated Press reported:

“The Vatican crossed a key milestone Thursday in the runup to its 2025 Jubilee with the promulgation of the official decree establishing the Holy Year. It’s a once-every-quarter-century event that is expected to bring some 32 million pilgrims to Rome and has already brought months of headaches to Romans.

Pope Francis presided over a ceremony in the atrium of St. Peter’s Basilica for the reading of the papal bull, or official edict, that laid out his vision for a year of hope: He asked for gestures of solidarity for the poor, prisoners, migrants and Mother Nature.”

The event kicked off the final run of preparations and public works. Everything has to be ready by Dec. 24, when Francis opens the Saint Peter Basilica’s Holy Door and formally inaugurates the Jubilee.

“In a novelty, Francis announced in the papal bull that he would also open a Holy Door in a prison ‘as a sign inviting prisoners to look to the future with hope and a renewed sense of confidence’.”

Because, of course, Francis needs to bring his ‘novelties’.

Deutsche Welle reported:

“In the official edict, Francis proclaimed that the theme of the celebration would be ‘hope’, and called on wealthy nations to forgive debts owed them by poorer ones, suggesting they, ‘acknowledge the gravity of so many of their past decisions and determine to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to pay them’.”

Francis also addressed ‘ecological debt’, ‘commercial imbalances’, ‘environment’, ‘disproportionate use of natural resources’. Marxism pure and simple. A watermelon that is ‘green outside but red inside’.

“‘Hope’, said the pontiff during a vigil after the official reading, ‘is needed by God’s creation — gravely damaged and disfigured by human selfishness. Hope is needed by those peoples and nations who look to the future with anxiety and fear’.

The tradition of the Holy Year, which was begun by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, begins with the pope throwing open the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica and inviting pilgrims to visit the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul. The Jubilee involves indulgences for the forgiveness of sins and requires pilgrims to visit four of the city’s major cathedrals (St. Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls).”

The last Great Jubilee was held in 2000, with Pope John Paul II leading the Roman Catholic Church into the third millennium.

Between 30 and 32 million are expected to visit Rome in 2025.

The tourism is a boon for the Church and the city, but Rome is overwhelmed and has outdated infrastructure.

“Notoriously congested, the city is currently one enormous 24-hour construction site — with major infrastructure projects around St. Peter’s but also along the Tiber River, central boulevards and squares — all bringing traffic to a standstill.

Rome stands to receive some €4 billion ($4.3 billion) in public funds (€1.3 billion in special Jubilee funds and €3 billion in public and other EU post-pandemic funds) to complete works aimed at modernizing roads, public transport, subway and telecommunications systems.”

In this Jubilee, perhaps we can all hope for a Pope devoted to the dogma and doctrine of the Church.

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Zelensky Dismisses Head of State Guard After Alleged Assassination Attempt Against Him Is Reportedly Foiled, Two Ukrainian Colonels Arrested

With the continuing of the Russian advances in the 600-mile long frontline – especially in Donetsk oblast, and now in the north in Kharkov region, the space in the MSM has to be filled with new kinds of Ukrainian ‘victories’.

And so we have learned that Ukrainian services claim to have foiled yet another assassination attempt against President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelensky has lost a good deal of popularity since the start of the war, and increasingly more so after dismissing his main political rival, General Valery Zaluzhny, from the position of Commander in Chief.

This week, Ukrainian SBU arrested two colonels in the state guard service, accused of plotting the assassination of Zelensky and other top officials – and now, the head of the State Guards has also been dismissed.

Reuters reported:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed the head of the state guards on Thursday, two days after two of its members were accused of plotting to assassinate the president.

Zelensky issued a decree dismissing Serhiy Rud. No successor was identified.

[…] The SBU said the assassinations were to have been a ‘gift’ for Vladimir Putin as he was sworn in for a new term in the Kremlin on Tuesday.”

While there is a possibility that this was indeed a Russian plot, it does not seem so – since there exists a standing guarantee by Putin – that has not been fully withdrawn – that Zelensky would not be personally targeted.

Also, a Russian plot could be much more heavy handed than the infiltration of his personal security detail.

Fact is: a foiled plan by Russia is a micro-victory. A foiled plan by internal enemies means a painful admission that they will not want to do.

State Guard commander Serhiy Rud was dismissed.

So, SBU has said the men were recruited by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) who leaked classified information to Moscow.

“The men, the SBU said, were tasked with finding someone close to the presidential guard who would take Zelensky hostage and later kill him. There was no indication at what point the alleged plot had been foiled.”

Zelensky has stated that his security services have foiled at least five Russian plots to assassinate him.

“The SBU said the spy group also planned to kill SBU head Vasyl Maliuk and Kyrylo Budanov, the military intelligence agency’s head.”

Newsweek reported:

“According to a presidential decree published by Zelensky’s office, Serhii Rud was dismissed from his position as director of the UDO, which is in charge of security for Zelensky and other high-ranking officials. The decree did not explain why Rud was fired and Zelensky’s office did not announce his replacement.

The decision follows an announcement from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on Tuesday that it had intercepted a plan, led by agents at Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), to kill Zelensky and several other senior Kyiv officials. Two colonels at the UDO were detained in the aftermath, and the SBU said in a post to Telegram that the plot included ‘individuals among the military close to [Zelensky]’s security who could take the head of state hostage and later kill him’.”

Zelensky has ‘lost track’ of the number of times that Moscow officials have attempted to assassinate him since February 2022.

Kremlin officials have naturally denied ever plotting to eliminate Zelensky.

“Last month, the SBU said that it worked alongside Polish law enforcement to identify an individual who had offered to help Russia’s FSB in planning Zelensky’s assassination while he traveled to Poland. Officers in Warsaw detained the suspect, a Polish citizen, and charged him with working for a foreign intelligence service.”

Read: Ukrainian Elite Fighters Discuss Deposing Zelensky in Leaked Chats: ‘Let’s Demolish This Green Rat!’

Russian media is happy to supply alternative explanations for the issue.

Political analyst Alexander Asafov told Sputnik: “The alleged plot “could be an artificial ideological construct intended to divert attention from genuinely significant issues, such as the forcible conscription of individuals and their deployment to the front lines.”

It could also be used to divert from Zelensky’s legitimacy issue, since the Ukrainian leader’s presidential term expires on May 22th.

“Some experts also believe that a fierce struggle has broken out in Zelensky’s inner circle, following on from the conflict between the Ukrainian president and Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief General Valery Zaluzhny and other generals over the botched summer counteroffensive.

If the alleged plot was not a PR stunt, then Zelensky could have been targeted by either the military or political competitors, according to Asafov.”

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) says that the West is extremely concerned about Zelensky’s growing unpopularity at home, and has ‘stepped up its search for an alternative Ukrainian president’.

Read more:

Russian Interior Ministry Opens a Criminal Investigation on Ukrainian President Zelensky and Puts Him on a Wanted List

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Far-Left Eco-Extremists Break Through Police Barriers – Attempt to Storm a German Tesla Factory Near Berlin (VIDEOS)

Germany is overrun with eco-activists of all stripes that take advantage of the ambiguity of the ‘traffic light’ (Ampel) coalition led by deeply unpopular chancellor Olaf Scholz.

On the one hand, Scholz’s coalition has leaders that are pro-business and pro-capitalism. On the other hand, it harbors ‘green’ politicians that incentivize the kind of disruption undertaken by ‘activists’ that hurt businesses and, therefore, the ailing German economy.

Now, it’s the Tesla Berlin EV plant that is in the eco-fascists’ sights.

Express reported:

“Protesters have stormed the fence at Tesla Gigafactory in Germany in the latest blow to Elon Musk’s embattled company.

It comes after Tesla told workers at the Berlin facility to stay home Friday after environmental activists announced they would be staging protests outside the site.”

Radical activists storm Tesla gigafactory near Berlin

Storming under a red flag with the slogan “Disrupt capitalism, create future!”

Some 1,200 activists from across Europe gathered outside a factory in the village of Grünheide near Berlin on Thursday, Bild reported. They set…

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 10, 2024

German media reports that some 1,200 people were protesting outside the Tesla factory on this morning. This is the largest demonstration at the plant to date.

Some demonstrators broke through police barriers before being stopped by officers.

Tesla factory near Berlin.

Tesla told workers to remain home today (10). Yesterday it was a holiday in Germany, so the staff is having a four-day break.

The factory was closed today ‘out of concern for the safety of employees’.

“It marked the second time Tesla has closed operations at the facility this year. In March, a group of environmental activists reportedly claimed responsibility for an explosion that destroyed a high-voltage electricity pylon, cutting off the power supply to the factory.

According to reports, eco-activists have also been encamped in the forest surrounding the facility for weeks.”

BREAKING: Far-left extremists just tried storming a Tesla factory near Berlin:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 10, 2024

Tesla wants to expand the factory with a freight depot, warehouses and a company kindergarten. That would entail cutting more than 100 hectares (247 acres) of forest.

AOL reported:

“A stoppage of the plant’s production lines this Friday was announced back in January, CNN affiliate RTL  reported late Tuesday, quoting a Tesla spokesperson. But with the protests ‘in mind,’ the electric vehicle maker has decided that all other workers at the factory should also stay at home, RTL said.”

Friday is a so-called “bridge day” between the holiday and the weekend.

“People opposed to Elon Musk’s plans to more than double the production capacity of Tesla’s only factory in Europe [were] planning four days of protests, starting Wednesday [8].

Disrupt, a coalition of self-declared anti-capitalist protest groups, argues that the expansion would require clearing swathes of the surrounding forest and would further strain local water supply.”

Anyone who, like #Tesla, still invests in Germany, not only faces excessive bureaucracy and immense energy costs but also ideologized extremists, euphemistically referred to as “activists” by the media. This is the new “Made in Germany” under the “Ampel government”. #AfD

— Alice Weidel (@Alice_Weidel) May 10, 2024

Brandenburg police has prepared for ‘extensive’ operations.

“’Disruptive protests as well as criminal acts typical of this kind of gathering cannot be ruled out’, they said in a statement. ‘Consequently, the police are prepared for both a peaceful and non-peaceful outcome. If crimes are committed, the police will intervene resolutely’.

[…] The activists, calling themselves the ‘Volcano Group’, wrote in a letter published on the alternative German media website Kontrapolis that they had ‘sabotaged’ the plant because it ‘consumes Earth, resources, people, labor and spits out 6,000 SUVs, killer cars and monster trucks per week’.”

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Saudis Are Using Lethal Force To Displace Villagers and Clear Land for a Futuristic Desert City ‘The Line’

It’s a recurring notion in our world that Utopia can only be ushered through the use of bloodshed.

The people who happen to stand in the way of ‘progress’ can sometimes only be displaced by force.

Take Saudi Arabia, for example, who are in the process of building the futuristic city ‘Neom’ in an area of the desert described by Saudi leader Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman as the perfect ‘blank canvas’.

But is it? The Saudi government admits that more than 6,000 people have been moved for the project.

Now, it arises that Saudi authorities authorized the use of lethal force to clear the land.

BBC reported:

“Col Rabih Alenezi says he was ordered to evict villagers from a tribe in the Gulf state to make way for The Line, part of the Neom eco-project. One of them was subsequently shot and killed for protesting against eviction.”

Neither the Saudi government nor any of the dozens of global companies building Neom agreed to comment.

Neom, Saudi Arabia’s $500bn (£399bn) eco-region, is part of its Saudi Vision 2030 strategy which aims to diversify the kingdom’s economy away from oil. Its flagship project, The Line, has been pitched as a car-free city, just 200m (656ft) wide and 170km (106 miles) long – though only 2.4km of the project is reportedly expected to be completed by 2030.”

In three of the villages demolished – al-Khuraybah, Sharma and Gayal – homes, schools, and hospitals have been wiped off the map.

Exiled in the UK, Colonel Alenezi was tasked to clear al-Khuraybah, 4.5km south of The Line, populated by the Huwaitat tribe.

The order stated that ‘whoever continues to resist [eviction] should be killed, so it licensed the use of lethal force against whoever stayed in their home’.

Alenezi escaped the mission on invented medical grounds, but it was completed.

“Abdul Rahim al-Huwaiti refused to allow a land registry committee to value his property, and was shot dead by Saudi authorities a day later, during the clearance mission. He had previously posted multiple videos on social media protesting against the evictions.

A statement issued by Saudi state security at the time alleged al-Huwaiti had opened fire on security forces and they had been forced to retaliate. Human rights organisations and the UN have said he was killed simply for resisting eviction.”

Dozens of villagers were detained resisting evictions, sometimes prosecuted on terror-related charges, five of whom are on death row.

Those required to move for The Line have been offered compensation, but values paid out have been much lower than the amount promised.

“According to Col Alenezi, ‘[Neom] is the centrepiece of Mohamed Bin Salman’s ideas. That’s why he was so brutal in dealing with the Huwaitat.’ al-Enezi now lives in the UK for his own safety.”

Displaced villagers were extremely reluctant to speak to the BBC, fearing it could endanger their detained relatives.

“But Col Alenezi has no regrets about his decision to disobey orders regarding Saudi’s futuristic city. ‘Mohamed Bin Salman will let nothing stand in the way of the building of Neom… I started to become more worried about what I might be asked to do to my own people’.”

Read more:

Saudi Arabia Unveils Plans For Dystopian “Linear” City That Will Cram 9 Million People Into a Giant 109-Mile-Long Mirrored Wall (VIDEO)


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VICTORY DAY PARADE: Emboldened and Defiant, Russia Celebrates 79th Anniversary of Defeat of the German Nazis

79 years ago, the German Nazi forces signed the ‘Instrument of Surrender’, ending World War II in Europe.

This date is yearly celebrated in Russia as ‘Victory Day’, their most important civic holiday to honor those who fought and won the they call ‘The Great Patriotic War’.

This year, newly re-elected for a fifth term President Vladimir Putin led the country in a significant moment, with Russian Federation forces making big gains in the ground in the Ukraine War, their economy growing despite heavy sanctions, and an emboldened spirit that realizes they don’t need to bow to the Globalist Liberal order, and can forge their path in their own terms.

Let’s take a look at WaPo’s coverage, with our usual comments.

Washington Post reported:

“With his armies grinding forward in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin on Thursday marked Victory Day, the World War II commemoration that is Russia’s most significant holiday, with an unusually harsh speech, accusing the West of ‘hypocrisy and lies’ and of inciting global conflicts, and warning that Russia’s nuclear weapons are always ready for war.”

President #Putin attended #VictoryParade to mark the 79th Anniversary of #Victory in the #GreatPatrioticWar.

Leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Guinea-Bissau & Laos were also present at the event.

— MFA Russia (@mfa_russia) May 9, 2024

Putin accused Russia’s former western allies against Nazi Germany of distorting the truth about World War II.

The military parade showcased Russian might, including nuclear-capable missile systems.

“’Russia will do everything to prevent a global clash, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. Our strategic forces are always in combat readiness’, Putin said, referring to Russian nuclear capabilities. Earlier this week, Russia’s Foreign Ministry scolded the ambassadors of Britain and France over their countries’ support for Ukraine, and Putin announced plans for tactical nuclear drills.”

Watch: Russian strategic missile system RS-24 Yars of the 54th missile division was demonstrated.

A mechanized column of the Strategic Missile Forces took place on Red Square. The Russian strategic missile system RS-24 Yars of the 54th missile division was demonstrated.

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 9, 2024

Watch: Russian paratroopers shouted ‘For Donbass’ as they crossed RedSquare.

#Russian paratroopers shouted “For #Donbass ” as they crossed #RedSquare #VictoryDay #Victory79 #VictoryDayParade #VictoryParade #VictoryDay2024 #FreeDonbass

— Gabriele M. (@Gabriele_M24) May 9, 2024

He asserted that the West has forgotten the lessons of World War II against Nazi Germany.

“’Today we see how the attempts are made to distort the truth about the Second World War’, Putin said. ‘[Because this truth] disturbs those who are accustomed to building their essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies’.

He continued: ‘They are demolishing memorials to the true fighters against Nazism, putting on pedestals the traitors and collaborators of the Nazis, crossing out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the soldier liberators, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life’.”

Happy #VictoryDay!

Today marks the 79th Anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazism. #VictoryParade has begun!

#LIVE from the Red Square:

— Russia (@Russia) May 9, 2024

✈ The Russian Air Force’s aerobatics team Russkiye Vityazi (Russian Knights) take part in the parade

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 9, 2024

Women members of the armed forces take part in the parade

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 9, 2024

1,000 participants of the Ukraine war marched in a separate column, after Putin, in his speech, called them heroes.

The group counted with seven ‘heroes of Russia’ and 24 ‘holders of the Order of Courage’.

Participants of the special operation marched across Red Square. Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Khabarov is leading the formation; there are seven heroes of Russia and 24 holders of the Order of Courage.

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 9, 2024

Watch: President Putin, and Heads of foreign states laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Following the #VictoryParade, President #Putin, together with the Heads of foreign states, who had arrived for the celebration of #Victory79, laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and paid tribute to the fallen with a minute of silence.#WeRemember

— MFA Russia (@mfa_russia) May 9, 2024

Ukrainian widespread Nazi ideology is a fact, not fiction.

Symbolically, this display of power comes one day after Kyiv officials had to announce plans for electricity rationing across the country in the wake of Russia’s crippling missile and drone strikes on infrastructure.

WaPo can’t resist but characterizing Putin’s common sense remark that ‘Western powers are supporting modern-day Nazis by propping up the government in Kyiv’, as a ‘frequent and false accusation’. Oh, false? Who is Stepan Bandera, again?


FULL VIDEO: Russia’s Victory Day Parade

On May 9, Moscow’s Red Square hosted its annual Victory Day parade commemorating one of Russia’s most important and historic chapters of the 20th century.

This year’s parade traditionally started with a speech delivered by President…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) May 9, 2024

The post VICTORY DAY PARADE: Emboldened and Defiant, Russia Celebrates 79th Anniversary of Defeat of the German Nazis appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
