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Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas
“‘Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: ‘In this Ummah there shall be collapsing of the earth, transformation and Qadhf.’ A man among the Muslims said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! When is that?’ He said: ‘When singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2212) “It was narrated from Abu Malik […]

Ramadan in India: Muslims leave iftar party, attack Hindu temple

Ramadan in India: Muslims leave iftar party, attack Hindu temple
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “‘Masked mob coming out of Iftar party targeted temple’: VHP over clashes in Jamshedpur, accuses the administration of inaction against accused,” OpIndia, April 10, […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations
Just in case there was any doubt about where the Nigerian government stands regarding the ongoing jihad in that country. “EXCLUSIVE: Nigerian Army Personnel Resume Invasion Of Communities In Imo State, Burn Markets, Loot Several Shops During Easter,” Sahara Reporters, April 11, 2023: SaharaReporters reliably gathered that troops of the Nigerian military on Sunday, during […]

Biden’s DOJ Goes Easy on Trans Lunatic Who Vandalized Church

Biden’s DOJ Goes Easy on Trans Lunatic Who Vandalized Church
New in PJ Media: While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted […]

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About

Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About
New in PJ Media: We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing […]

Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle

Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle
New in PJ Media: When you’re a Leftist politician and you’ve lost the Washington Post, what’s left? The Post editorial board chided Old Joe Biden and his henchmen on Tuesday for blaming their catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan on their all-purpose whipping boy, Donald Trump. “Instead of admitting errors,” the Post wrote about the White House assessment of the withdrawal, “the […]

Today’s Trans Madness Isn’t New. It’s Rooted in an Ancient Belief That’s Combated in the New Testament.

Today’s Trans Madness Isn’t New. It’s Rooted in an Ancient Belief That’s Combated in the New Testament.
New in PJ Media: “There is nothing new under the sun,” says the Book of Ecclesiastes (1:9), and that includes today’s fashionable trans madness. While men mutilating themselves and taking hormones and calling themselves women may be a new aspect of this phenomenon, men have been donning dresses and prancing around pretending to be women […]

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery
“Bangladesh has a secular legal system and applying Sharia in criminal cases is illegal.” The stoning was certainly in accord with Sharia. Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an: ‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after […]

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules
The Islamic Republic continues to try to frighten people into submission. This is the only tool they’ve got, as per the Qur’an: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Iran Vows […]

Former Islamic State commander says the jihad group was financed from Pakistan

Former Islamic State commander says the jihad group was financed from Pakistan
This wouldn’t be in the least surprising. There are many in Pakistan, even in the government, who share the same outlook and goals as those of the Islamic State. “Former Islamic State Commander Says Terrorist Group Financed from Pakistan,” by Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter, March 23, 2023: A former senior Islamic State leader has publicly […]

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel
“But the Government is powerless to remove any of the 19, because they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment in their home countries.” This is a nation in its death throes. When it is more concerned about the rights and safety of people in other countries than of its own people, what future can […]

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]

So Is the Public Flocking to Buy Bud Light Because of Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney? Well…

So Is the Public Flocking to Buy Bud Light Because of Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney? Well…
New in PJ Media: It has now been nearly two weeks since Dylan Mulvaney, a dude who claims to be a woman and demands that we all play along, became the face of Bud Light solely because of his delusions and fantasies. Bud Light Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid has explained that she took this advertising […]

Okay, You’ll Never Believe Which City Is Hosting the 2024 Democratic Convention

Okay, You’ll Never Believe Which City Is Hosting the 2024 Democratic Convention
New in PJ Media: Imagine you’re a Democrat. That’s right: if you’re a man, start imagining that you’re really a woman, or vice versa, and imagine actually believing that Old Joe Biden is a competent, capable president and not a dementia-ridden kleptocratic figurehead. You want to put the party’s best face forward for 2024, and […]

Story of ‘Islamophobic’ Attack on New Jersey Imam Takes a Surprising Twist

Story of ‘Islamophobic’ Attack on New Jersey Imam Takes a Surprising Twist
New in PJ Media: It happened early on Sunday morning. The imam Sayed Elnakib was leading the pre-sunrise fajr prayer at Omar Mosque in South Paterson, N.J., when suddenly everything went tragically wrong. According to a Sunday CNN report, mosque spokesperson Abdul Hamdan recounted that in the middle of the prayers, a man “lunged forward with a knife […]

Canada brings back four Islamic State brides and their ten children from Syria

Canada brings back four Islamic State brides and their ten children from Syria
What could possibly go wrong? Well, many of these Islamic State women were just as convinced jihadis as their husbands. Many shared in their crimes. Do woke Canadian authorities have any idea what to look for in trying to determine if any of the people they’re bringing back are jihadis or will raise their children […]

Ramadan in Pakistan: Police destroy minarets and dome of local Ahmadiyya mosque

Ramadan in Pakistan: Police destroy minarets and dome of local Ahmadiyya mosque
Ahmadis are considered heretics; they aren’t even allowed by law to call themselves Muslims in Pakistan. So while Bitter Winter is shocked that this sort of thing would happen in Ramadan, from the point of view of the perpetrators it’s actually a quintessential Ramadan, purifying the community as one is supposed to purify one’s soul […]

Steven Van Zandt Is Bruce Springsteen’s Guitarist. He Hates You. He Wants You Dead.

Steven Van Zandt Is Bruce Springsteen’s Guitarist. He Hates You. He Wants You Dead.
New in PJ Media: Steven Van Zandt is a longtime guitarist with Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. He also played Silvio Dante in The Sopranos, as well as a number of other mobsters. Apparently, he has taken both Springsteen’s fanatical and unreflective Leftism and mob thuggishness deeply to heart and combined the two together; on Sunday, […]

Washington State Democrats Plan to Confiscate Your Money if They Think You’re Making Too Much

Washington State Democrats Plan to Confiscate Your Money if They Think You’re Making Too Much
New in PJ Media: The time is coming, if Leftists get their way, when a government official can decide that you’re making too much money and confiscate all except what he, she, or xe decides you need. This is already happening, in effect, with federal, state, and municipal income taxes, but a new bill in […]

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’
New in PJ Media: A few weeks ago, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, “Are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin Mass parishes and other Catholic parishes around the country?” Garland pleaded innocent, insisting, “No, the Justice Department does not do that and does not, uh, um, do investigations based on religion.” But […]

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing
Anyone who finds this surprising knows nothing of Afghan and Islamic culture, and its attitudes toward non-Muslims and women. It’s unlikely that anyone in these NGOs knows anything about the Islamic understanding of the Infidel obligation to support Muslims financially, either. NGOs would have dismissed any warnings about all this as “Islamophobic.” But although they’ll […]

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation
Nusrat Ghani said: “The impact of being told this was devastating and my motivation in pursuing the complaint was to ensure it wasn’t buried, but that it ended with me so that no other colleague would have to endure anything similar.” Oh, no worries, Ms. Ghani! Even though Mark Spencer was cleared, the purpose this […]

Iran’s Supremo: ‘I said that Israel will not get to see the next 25 years, but they seem to be in a hurry’

Iran’s Supremo: ‘I said that Israel will not get to see the next 25 years, but they seem to be in a hurry’
Khamenei sees the end of Israel in its political instability. Actually, whatever else it is, that instability is a manifestation of general confidence and the lessening of the idea among Israelis that the country is in imminent danger of being destroyed. There is no doubt, however, that the instability is also encouraging and emboldening Israel’s […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims raid displaced persons camp, murder 38 people, injure 51 others

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims raid displaced persons camp, murder 38 people, injure 51 others
This is reminiscent of the Khaybar raid. According to Islamic tradition. Muhammad exiled two of the three Jewish tribes of Medina, the Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir, to Khaybar. Then later, he raided Khaybar and massacred those he had previously exiled. In this case, these people were in the displaced persons camp after previous jihad […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct 80 children in Zamfara state

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct 80 children in Zamfara state
My contact in Nigeria informs me that the “bandits” in this case are Fulani herdsmen, who are dedicated to Islamic jihad activity in order to establish a caliphate in West Africa. The taking of hostages is primarily for money-making purposes, though some captives may be enslaved. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the […]

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’
Diversity is our strength! “‘I will make you like Samuel Paty’: an individual sentenced to five years in prison for letters threatening and apologizing for terrorism,” translated from ““Je vais vous faire comme Samuel Paty” : un individu condamné à cinq ans de prison pour des lettres de menaces et d’apologie du terrorisme,” Valeurs Actuelles, […]

Hate crime fizzle: NJ man who stabbed imam in back during prayers at mosque turns out to be another Muslim

Hate crime fizzle: NJ man who stabbed imam in back during prayers at mosque turns out to be another Muslim
Serif Zorba’s motive is unclear but he was “not a regular member of the mosque’s congregation,” although “he has been seen there before.” The name “Serif” is a variant of “Sharif,” which means “eminent” in Arabic and is used in some areas to refer to people who claim to be descendants of Muhammad. Thus Islamic […]

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’
Police received twenty reports about this fellow before he was arrested. Why was anyone concerned? The establishment media a few years ago made a full-court press to convince Americans that “Allahu akbar” was a benign phrase that only greasy Islamophobes could possibly be concerned about. In the New York Daily News, Zainab Chaudry of the Hamas-linked […]

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’
Not that this has anything to do with… “Carcassonne. ‘I swear on the Koran and the baby I lost because of you!,'” translated from “Carcassonne. “Je vous jure sur le Coran et le bébé que j’ai perdu à cause de vous !”,” La Depeche, April 7, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Yesterday afternoon, an 18-year-old young […]

University That Let Trans Fascists Menace Women’s Sports Advocate Now Goes After Prof for Muhammad Art

University That Let Trans Fascists Menace Women’s Sports Advocate Now Goes After Prof for Muhammad Art
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. San Francisco State University (SFSU) was just in the headlines for allowing fascist proponents of trans madness to chase and […]

SFSU Claims Pro-Insanity Protest Against Women’s Sports Advocate Was Peaceful, But She Says ‘I Was Assaulted’

SFSU Claims Pro-Insanity Protest Against Women’s Sports Advocate Was Peaceful, But She Says ‘I Was Assaulted’
New in PJ Media: As PJM’s Rick Moran reported Friday, “the scene at San Francisco State University [SFSU] was surreal. A champion female athlete speaking about maintaining the integrity of women’s sports was shouted down, assaulted, and chased from a speaking engagement sponsored by Turning Point USA.” But that was just the beginning of the surrealism. After […]

Buyer’s Remorse? Bud Light Goes Quiet, Hasn’t Posted on Social Media Since Making Dylan Mulvaney Its Spokestrans

Buyer’s Remorse? Bud Light Goes Quiet, Hasn’t Posted on Social Media Since Making Dylan Mulvaney Its Spokestrans
New in PJ Media: Cat got your tongue, Bud Light? The giant beer corporation has been silent for over a week, ever since it came to light that pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney was the pretend beer’s new spokesman. Since then, silence. Gee, Bud Light, aren’t you proud of your front guy? Bud Light operates one […]

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women
In reality, all manner of Sharia-adherent Muslims are coming to Europe, and Europeans are bending over backwards to accommodate them. “Afghan Islamic Scholar Khalifa Deen Mohammad: Muslim Refugees In Europe Are Only Granted Asylum If They Conceal Their Faith, Have Sex With Women Sent By The Government To Test Them,” MEMRI, March 23, 2023: Afghan […]

Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned

Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned
I’m no fan of book burnings, but they are a matter of free expression. If the police prevail in this and Qur’an-burning is banned, the door will be opened to all manner of violent intimidation in other areas. Jihadis will have seen that it worked, and be encouraged to employ the tactic more liberally. “The […]

Austria: Government financed ‘Islamist associations’ with COVID aid money

Austria: Government financed ‘Islamist associations’ with COVID aid money
Lenin said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” “​FPÖ criticizes: Five million euros in Corona aid money went to Islamist associations,” translated from “FPÖ kritisiert: Fünf Millionen Euro an Corona-Hilfsgeldern flossen an islamistische Vereine,” Exxpress, April 5, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): During the corona pandemic, the state spent […]

Erdogan to Raisi: ‘Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine’

Erdogan to Raisi: ‘Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine’
One would think that in light of the constant Islamic rhetoric relating to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, that there would be an office in the State Department dedicated to understanding Islam and how Islamic teaching relates to the Muslim animus against Israel. One would think wrong. There isn’t even one person in the State Department who […]

Ramadan in Israel: Hamas calls jihad murder of two sisters ‘an act of heroism’

Ramadan in Israel: Hamas calls jihad murder of two sisters ‘an act of heroism’
In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad. An update on this story. “Hamas, Islamic Jihad praise Jordan Valley shooting,” Israel National News, April 7, 2023: Abdel-Latif al-Kanou, a spokesman for the Hamas movement, calls the shooting attack in the Jordan Valley, in which two […]

Ramadan in Israel: Muslim murders Italian tourist and injures seven other people in vehicular jihad attack

Ramadan in Israel: Muslim murders Italian tourist and injures seven other people in vehicular jihad attack
A billboard in Nazareth actually called for attacks of this kind. “Moderate” Fatah also called for such attacks. And the Islamic State issued this call in September 2014: So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and […]

Ramadan in DR Congo: Muslims murder over 30 people in jihad massacres in northeast

Ramadan in DR Congo: Muslims murder over 30 people in jihad massacres in northeast
Ramadan is “the month of jihad.” “DRC: UN says more than 30 killed in new ADF attacks,” Africa News, April 7, 2023: The United Nations said on Thursday that more than 30 people had been killed in new killings attributed to the ADF, a rebel group affiliated with the Islamic State group, in Ituri in […]

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’
Building a Sharia paradise through terror. And why not? Muhammad is depicted in a hadith as having said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4:52.220). “Taliban puts bounty on Afghan Christians,” Mission Network News, April 3, 2023: Afghanistan (MNN) — Famine fears loom in Afghanistan. Multibillion-dollar aid packages have kept 20 million Afghans alive – […]

Floridians Incurs Left’s Wrath by Resisting Anne Frank P0rn

Floridians Incurs Left’s Wrath by Resisting Anne Frank P0rn
New in PJ Media: Leftists will tell you: patriots are a bunch of book-burning neo-Nazis who are busy even now trying to control what people think by taking books out of the hands of our young people who are thirsting for knowledge. And so the headline of the Wednesday report from Tampa Bay’s WFLA was downright ominous: […]

REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere

REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere
New in PJ Media: At last we know why the corporate world has fallen in love with pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney. As I noted Thursday, he seems to be everywhere all at once, and it seems unlikely that corporate giants are suddenly so taken with Dylan’s charm and wit that they are spontaneously all at once falling […]

Prosecutors Think Colorado Supermarket Shooter Is Faking the Crazy

Prosecutors Think Colorado Supermarket Shooter Is Faking the Crazy
New in PJ Media: Back in March 2021, a man named Ahmad Al Issa walked into a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, Colo., and murdered ten people. Ever since then, he has been in a mental hospital, having been judged incompetent to stand trial. Now, however, prosecutors are planning to make the case that Al […]

France: ‘Transgender’ threats force halt to symposium defending Afghan and Iranian women

France: ‘Transgender’ threats force halt to symposium defending Afghan and Iranian women
You cannot defend Afghan and Iranian women from Islamic misogyny unless you agree to pretend that men can become women and vice versa. Otherwise, you may be murdered by “transgender” activists. If they don’t get you, their Islamic jihadi friends will get you for standing for Afghan and Iranian women against the suffering they must […]

India: Muslims plotted to set off nuclear bomb in a town after evacuating Muslims from the area

India: Muslims plotted to set off nuclear bomb in a town after evacuating Muslims from the area
This is reminiscent of other incidents, including when a Muslim in Minnesota in 2016 asked mall shoppers if they were Muslim and then stabbed non-Muslims. In April 2022 in Nigeria, Muslims stormed a brothel, telling people to recite the Qur’an, and murdering ten people who could not do. Also in Nigeria, in January 2022, a man recounted that Fulani jihadis […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims attack bus, murder passenger, abduct eight others

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims attack bus, murder passenger, abduct eight others
The “herdsmen” are Fulani, who are Islamic jihadis endeavoring to establish a caliphate in West Africa. “Herdsmen attack bus, kill passenger, abduct 8 others in Delta,” by Ochuko Akuopha, Vanguard, April 6, 2023: HOODLUMS, suspected to be herdsmen have attacked a Toyota Siena bus, killing one passenger and abducting eight others between Ndemili and Oliogo […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder young boy, kidnap three people at church on Western Palm Sunday

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder young boy, kidnap three people at church on Western Palm Sunday
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Young boy killed and three kidnapped in Palm Sunday attack in Nigeria,” Open Doors, April 2, 2023: A young boy has been killed and at least three people kidnapped, including a pastor, in an attack on a church in northern Nigeria on Palm Sunday (2 April) by suspected Fulani militants.  […]

Pakistan: Discrimination against Christians ‘supported by the constitution, law, and policies designed by the state’

Pakistan: Discrimination against Christians ‘supported by the constitution, law, and policies designed by the state’
“Indeed, the unbelievers among the people of the book and the idolaters will remain in the fire of Gehenna. They are the most vile of created beings.” (Qur’an 98:6) “On the Ground: Persecution as a Christian Woman in Pakistan,” International Christian Concern, March 30, 2023: 03/30/2023 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – We interviewed one of our […]

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization
It’s the same story the world order: so many Muslims, like Leftists, are desperately insecure and fearful of any kind of challenge. Thus they move to crush free speech regarding Islam as well as proselytizing for any other religion. Indeed, proselytizing for any other religion among Muslims is a Sharia offense. “Kyrgyz police fine Catholic […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder nine Christians in Plateau State

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder nine Christians in Plateau State
Ramadan is the month in which Muslims redouble their efforts to please Allah. So Ramadan would be the ideal time for jihad attacks against non-Muslims, as it is the month in which observant Muslims try to do more of what Allah wants them to do. “Kill them wherever you find them,” says the Qur’an (2:191, […]

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

Bargain Basement Influence Peddling: Now You Can Get a Hunter Biden Painting for Only $85,000!

Bargain Basement Influence Peddling: Now You Can Get a Hunter Biden Painting for Only $85,000!
New in PJ Media: If you’ve been waiting for the prices to come down on work from that hottest of new artists, Hunter Biden, now’s your chance: while the groundbreaking paintings of this new Picasso quite recently went for a cool half a million dollars, now you can get your very own Hunter Biden original, suitable […]

Just How Many Feds Were Among the Jan. 6 ‘Insurrectionists’?

Just How Many Feds Were Among the Jan. 6 ‘Insurrectionists’?
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Many people have charged that the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” if any such thing took place at all, was […]

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead
New in PJ Media: There are around four million Muslims in Britain, and with that rapidly growing population come societal changes. Oxford’s Magdalen College has in the past celebrated St. George’s Day on April 23 with a ceremonial dinner; this year, however, St. George’s Day plans have been deep-sixed, and Magdalen will instead host a […]

Colorado: Prosecutors to argue that Muslim who murdered 10 people in supermarket is competent to stand trial

Colorado: Prosecutors to argue that Muslim who murdered 10 people in supermarket is competent to stand trial
Al Issa (which is how he himself spells his name, not “Alissa” as the establishment media persists in calling him, apparently so as to obscure his Arabic and Islamic identity), is now accused of “feigning” his mental illness. That may well be what he is doing. He had, after all, stripped down to his shorts […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder 45 people in Benue state, injure many others

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder 45 people in Benue state, injure many others
The month of jihad is proving to be especially bloody in Nigeria this year. “Suspected herdsmen kill 45 persons in Benue, many injured,” by Abdulrasheed Yakub, Peoples Gazette, April 5, 2023: In fresh attacks on Benue communities, suspected herdsmen have killed many locals in Apa Local Government Area, Peoples Gazette has learnt. The attack which […]

Egypt: Muslim authorities deny Coptic Christian couple custody in adoption case

Egypt: Muslim authorities deny Coptic Christian couple custody in adoption case
The Christian family is being denied custody because every child is born Muslim. “Abu Huraira, narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, ‘Every child is born with a true faith (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) but his parents convert him to Judaism or to Christianity or to Magainism, as an animal delivers a perfect […]

Norway: Principal says Muslim high school students shouldn’t skip classes to pray, they threaten to lynch her

Norway: Principal says Muslim high school students shouldn’t skip classes to pray, they threaten to lynch her
Diversity is our strength! Imagine what Norway will be like in ten or twenty years! “The principal refused Muslim prayer during school hours, threatened with lynching,” translated from “Rektor sagde nej til muslimsk bøn i skoletiden, truet med lynchning,” by Erling Marthinsen, Document, April 1, 2023: The principal at Drammen high school outside Oslo did […]

‘Palestinians’ scream ‘A nation led by Muhammad will not kneel,’ throw stones on Temple Mount

‘Palestinians’ scream ‘A nation led by Muhammad will not kneel,’ throw stones on Temple Mount
The “Palestinians” routinely invoke Islam to explain their actions. Western analysts of their conflict with Israel routinely and unanimously ignore that aspect of the conflict. Find out why that is so foolish and dangerous in The Palestinian Delusion. “Palestinians throw stones on Temple Mount on 3rd Friday of Ramadan,” by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, April […]

Ramadan in Israel: Muslims fire on car, murder two Israeli sisters, severely injure their mother on Passover

Ramadan in Israel: Muslims fire on car, murder two Israeli sisters, severely injure their mother on Passover
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “2 Israelis murdered, 1 seriously wounded in Jordan Valley shooting,” by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, April 7, 2023: Two Israelis from Efrat were murdered […]

Muslims bombard Israel with rockets from Lebanon and Gaza on Passover

Muslims bombard Israel with rockets from Lebanon and Gaza on Passover
The world “human rights” bodies will continue to behave as if Israel is the aggressor, but this is in open defiance of the obvious facts. “Massive rocket barrage fired from Lebanon into Israel on Passover,” by Yonah Jeremy Bob, Tal Spungin, and Hanan Lischinsky, Jerusalem Post, April 6, 2023: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concluded his […]

Lutheran Pastor Likens Nashville Shooter Who Killed Six Christians to Jesus

Lutheran Pastor Likens Nashville Shooter Who Killed Six Christians to Jesus
New in PJ Media: After Audrey Hale, a woman who thought she was a man, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, Tenn., Leftists hastened to tell us how victimized and marginalized people who are deluded or confused about their gender really are. It would have been easy to get the impression that a Christian […]

The New Nike Spokesperson for Sports Bras Is… Yeah, That Guy Again

The New Nike Spokesperson for Sports Bras Is… Yeah, That Guy Again
New in PJ Media: Suddenly Dylan Mulvaney, the fellow who would once have been known as a “flamboyant” homosexual and is in today’s society known as a “trans woman,” is everywhere. He’s advertising Bud Light. He’s also currently the pitchman for Ole Henrikson, Urban Decay, Ulta Beauty, Charlotte Tilbury, and Mac cosmetics; the Plaza Hotel; Tampax; Crest toothpaste; […]

Now This Is Getting Interesting: Joe Biden Gets Another Challenger for 2024, and He’s Not Your Average Democrat

Now This Is Getting Interesting: Joe Biden Gets Another Challenger for 2024, and He’s Not Your Average Democrat
New in PJ Media: When I first heard that Kennedy was running for president, I was hoping it was John Kennedy, that is, John Neely Kennedy, the sharp-tongued senator from Louisiana who has skewered the Left with his acid wit on the Senate floor more than once. But alas, JNK’s hat isn’t in the ring. […]

Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested

Another Would-Be Trans Mass Shooter Arrested
New in PJ Media: William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools. Whitworth has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, as well as criminal mischief, menacing, […]

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead
“Magdalen College denies it has a tradition of designated St George’s Day dinners. However, the newspaper cited proof of such events, including a formal invite in 2018 from the then college vice-president for lecturers to ‘celebrate St George’s Day’ with ‘a formal hall and high table at 7.30pm with a special English menu.'” They have […]

Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam

Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam
He’s mentally ill, you see, but healthy enough to become an imam. Lord, what fools these Infidels be. “​Double murderer and imam apprentice get an early pension,” translated from “Dobbeltmorder og imamlærling får førtidspension,” by Bertil B. Fruelund and James Kristoffer Miles, Ekstra Bladet, April 5, 2023 (thanks to L.): A 62-year-old Iraqi citizen who […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct ten Christian students in jihad raid on secondary school

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims abduct ten Christian students in jihad raid on secondary school
My contact in Nigeria informs me that as this was Southern Kaduna, where Christians predominate, this was a Muslim-on-Christian attack. The taking of hostages is for money-making purposes. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by […]

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslim raid town, attack church service, murder Christian pastor

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslim raid town, attack church service, murder Christian pastor
“Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for […]

India: Influential Muslim cleric holds Ramadan iftar on a road

India: Influential Muslim cleric holds Ramadan iftar on a road
The photos make it clear that there was plenty of room beside the road, and of course Toha Siddiqui could have waited until he got home, or broken his fast in his car. Instead, he chose to make a declaration of supremacism. Should anyone have remonstrated with him for blocking traffic, he would have been […]

Ramadan in India: Two Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre, had enough explosives to level a city

Ramadan in India: Two Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre, had enough explosives to level a city
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Mohammad Nurujjaman, Seikh Miraj Uddin arrested in detonator consignment case, 27,000 kgs of ammonium nitrate, enough to flatten a city, recovered,” OpIndia, April 1, […]

Conflict of Interest: Trump Judge Is Biden Donor, Daughter Worked on Biden-Harris Campaign

Conflict of Interest: Trump Judge Is Biden Donor, Daughter Worked on Biden-Harris Campaign
New in PJ Media: Back in the days when there was equal justice for all in the United States, there was this concept known as “conflict of interest”: if someone involved in, say, a legal case had shown clear evidence of favoring one side or another, that was considered to be a disqualifying factor. Now, […]

Great Idea! Trump Calls for Defunding the FBI and DOJ

Great Idea! Trump Calls for Defunding the FBI and DOJ

Oh, By the Way, Nobody Likes Joe: New Poll Shows Biden Near Record Low Approval

Oh, By the Way, Nobody Likes Joe: New Poll Shows Biden Near Record Low Approval
New at PJ Media: Amid all the excitement over the arrest of Donald Trump and the destruction of our republic, once again the public’s attention has been diverted away from just how badly the Biden regime is doing its job. Unless, of course, its primary job has been demonizing and destroying the possibility of political […]

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby
Posted by an Afghan illegal – a man proudly waving the Taliban flag in Derby. An example of what the government is allowing into our country. They’re even housing some of them on military bases where some of our armed forces and their families live nearby. It won't end well. — Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) […]

Uganda: Muslims attack pastor and his son as they were preparing for all-night prayer vigil

Uganda: Muslims attack pastor and his son as they were preparing for all-night prayer vigil
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Muslim Extremists Attack Pastor, Son in Uganda,” Morning Star News, March 22, 2023: NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on March 15 […]

Massachusetts School Official’s Job Offer Rescinded Because He Called Two Women ‘Ladies’

Massachusetts School Official’s Job Offer Rescinded Because He Called Two Women ‘Ladies’
New in PJ Media: The good little Maoist conformists of the Easthampton Public School District in Western Massachusetts dodged a bullet Thursday: they had very nearly hired a wrongthinker, an unenlightened, non-woke individual who was even a cis white male as their new superintendent. But just in time, the school district was saved: the sinister […]

Darkness Descending Upon America as Biden Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs

Darkness Descending Upon America as Biden Bans Incandescent Light Bulbs
New in PJ Media: Old Joe Biden and his sinister handlers are doing just what they threatened to do. On July 5, 2020, Old Joe’s Twitter ghostwriter tweeted: “We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.” They have done so. They have transformed the […]

Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies

Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies
From PJ Media, a piece that was written before Trump’s court appearance Tuesday: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has apparently decided that as long as he is going to drive us into banana republic territory, he might as well put the pedal to the metal: he is reportedly planning to charge Donald Trump with not one, but […]

Vatican repudiates papal bulls calling for resistance to jihad violence

Vatican repudiates papal bulls calling for resistance to jihad violence
They might harm the “dialogue.” “Rome Cancels Anti-Muslim Papal Bulls As Uncatholic,” by Jules Gomes,, April 4, 2023: VATICAN CITY ( – The Vatican has abrogated three papal bulls claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples and “have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith.” The bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493) contain the […]

Ramadan in Israel: Six Muslims drug, gang-rape 13-year-old Israeli girl

Ramadan in Israel: Six Muslims drug, gang-rape 13-year-old Israeli girl
“We call this phenomenon ‘sexual terrorism’ – the sex crimes Arab men commit against Jewish women out of nationalistic motives.” Not quite “nationalistic,” although that is Israel’s euphemism of choice for Islamic jihad activity. Every non-Muslim nation has one. The reality of the situation is this: In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A […]

Ramadan in Pakistan: Muslims murder a Hindu, a Christian and a Sikh in targeting of religious minorities

Ramadan in Pakistan: Muslims murder a Hindu, a Christian and a Sikh in targeting of religious minorities
“Kill them wherever you find them…” (Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5) “Christian man shot dead in ‘targeted’ attack,” The Nation (Pakistan), April 2, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): PESHAWAR – Unknown motorcyclists killed a member of the Christian community in Sufaid Dheri area, police said on Saturday. Kashif Maseeh was an employee in […]

UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are

UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are
These “sex-grooming gangs” get their justification from Islamic theology, but no one in Britain dares to admit that, and so this promise of a new crackdown will end up like all the other promises, proven to be useless verbiage. Neither Sunak nor anyone around him will ever admit the fact that while sexual molestation happens […]

Iraq: Christian population declines by 80% since 2003

Iraq: Christian population declines by 80% since 2003
The U.S. invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein was disastrously ill-conceived, as I explained before it started back in 2003. The resulting vacuum was filled by jihad groups who targeted the Christians, which they associated with the U.S. even though there has been a Christian presence in Iraq for 2000 years. “Two Decades […]

Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning

Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning
How long before Sweden jettisons the idea of freedom of expression and outlaws blasphemy against Islam altogether? “Terror expert: Sweden a priority target,” translated from “Terrorexpert: Sverige en prioriterad måltavla,” Nyheter 24, April 4, 2023: Five people have been arrested on suspicion of having planned a terrorist crime in Sweden. That the plans are linked […]

Move Over, Pierre Delecto: It Looks as If AOC Has a Burner Account, and It’s a Doozy

Move Over, Pierre Delecto: It Looks as If AOC Has a Burner Account, and It’s a Doozy
New in PJ Media: A burner account, kids, is an anonymous account that a person, often a public figure, uses in order to have the freedom to say things that the public figure in question wouldn’t dare say if they could be attributed to him or her. One of the most notorious burner accounts was […]

Well, They Didn’t Give Us a Woke Edition of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ But This Is Just as Bad

Well, They Didn’t Give Us a Woke Edition of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ But This Is Just as Bad
New in PJ Media: Leftist publishers have recently taken it upon themselves to rewrite the works of Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, and Agatha Christie to bring them into line with contemporary woke sensibilities. The good news today is that the publishers of Gone With the Wind have not given us a similar bowdlerization of Margaret Mitchell’s much-beloved 1936 novel. You can […]

Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest

Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest
New in PJ Media: Ever since the news broke about his indictment, Donald Trump has been rising in the polls and getting a big boost in campaign donations, demonstrating that the whole banana-republic endeavor is backfiring spectacularly on the Leftist establishment that is determined to find something, anything, it can use to destroy Trump. So […]

Vatican Tackles the Big Problem, Repudiates 600-year-old Papal Bulls Justifying Colonialism

Vatican Tackles the Big Problem, Repudiates 600-year-old Papal Bulls Justifying Colonialism
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Pope Francis is nothing if not consistent. He never seems to miss an opportunity to garland the Left’s […]

ISIS Attack in Vancouver

ISIS Attack in Vancouver
New in PJ Media: With everyone distracted by China, skyrocketing crime and inflation, a nonexistent Southern border, and rapidly increasing authoritarianism in Washington, the Islamic State (ISIS) has taken the opportunity to strike again in North America. Yes, that’s right: ISIS, the group that everyone has forgotten about amid worries about “Islamophobia” and hysteria over […]

Video: Robert Spencer on the CVS podcast

Video: Robert Spencer on the CVS podcast
CVS is short for “Catholic vs.,” and has nothing to do with the pharmacy. This was a genial and wide-ranging personal conversation with a man with whom I disagree on a great deal, but we were still able to be civil, which is rare these days. Get The Church and the Pope here.

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 60 Christians, at least one in jihad attack on worship service

Nigeria: Muslims murder over 60 Christians, at least one in jihad attack on worship service
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Terrorists Kill More than 60 Christians in Benue State, Nigeria,” Morning Star News, April 3, 2023: ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen […]

Ramadan in Canada: Muslim slashes passenger’s throat on a bus

Ramadan in Canada: Muslim slashes passenger’s throat on a bus
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4) Will this serve as a dose of realism that will end the “Islamophobia” hysteria in Canada, and restore respect for the freedom of speech? Not on your life. “Weekend knife attack on B.C. bus was ISIS terrorism, RCMP alleges,” by Stewart Bell, Global News, April […]

Islamic Republic of Iran: Judiciary top dog vows that unveiled women will be ‘prosecuted without mercy’

Islamic Republic of Iran: Judiciary top dog vows that unveiled women will be ‘prosecuted without mercy’
Mercy is not part of Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei’s world view or modus operandi. He works according to this principle: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Iran’s judiciary chief threatens to […]

Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’

Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’
Was this an honor killing? Whether it was or wasn’t, would it have been simply responsible journalism to report on the fact, so that people could be informed accordingly about what exactly is going on here? Albania is nearly 60% Muslim. In the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a […]

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

France: Muslim who screamed ‘Allahu akbar’ and attacked cop is released with an electronic bracelet

France: Muslim who screamed ‘Allahu akbar’ and attacked cop is released with an electronic bracelet
What could possibly go wrong? “​An individual suspected of Islamist terrorism released with an electronic bracelet,” translated from “Un individu soupçonné de terrorisme islamiste remis en liberté sous bracelet électronique,” Valeurs Actuelles, March 31, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A questionable decision. On Monday March 27, a man suspected of an Islamist terrorist act was released […]

Denmark: ‘Militant Islamism’ continues to pose the greatest threat to the country

Denmark: ‘Militant Islamism’ continues to pose the greatest threat to the country
There is no doubt that PET’s Center for Terror Analysis (CTA) would explain, if asked, that “militant Islamism” was something quite different from the benign and cuddly religion of Islam itself. But if you asked it to provide specifics about the differences between the two, it would change the subject. “Militant Islamism continues to pose […]

African nations call on the world to pay attention to how jihad terrorism has targeted their continent

African nations call on the world to pay attention to how jihad terrorism has targeted their continent
The world is too busy with other matters. Besides, too much attention to this would be “Islamophobic.” “At UN, African Leaders Say Terrorists Target Continent, Especially Sahel,” Associated Press, March 28, 2023: African nations called on the world Tuesday to pay attention to how terrorism targeted their continent, particularly its Sahel region, telling the United […]

Sweden: Muslima gets three months prison for sharing photos of dead bodies of people ISIS killed and gloating

Sweden: Muslima gets three months prison for sharing photos of dead bodies of people ISIS killed and gloating
In all the excitement, did anyone try to ascertain whether or not Fatosh Ibrahim has changed her views? If she still believes in the same way that she did back when she shared the photos, she could be a ticking time bomb in Swedish society. Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Or would such inquiries […]

Parade of Mediocrities Gets Longer: Somebody Named Asa Hutchinson Is Running For President

Parade of Mediocrities Gets Longer: Somebody Named Asa Hutchinson Is Running For President
New in PJ Media: It’s very likely that the first time many people heard of Asa Hutchinson was when he announced that he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States. But Hutch used to be governor of Arkansas, and presidential lightning has struck the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion before. So […]

This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him

This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him
New in PJ Media: With his indictment of Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg has secured his place in history. He could end up being remembered as the rogue, rabidly partisan prosecutor who administered the coup de grace to America’s staggering republic by indicting the chief opponent of the ruling regime on the flimsiest of charges. Even if he […]

Integrity: Notable Trump Critics Speak Out, Say Trump Indictment Is a Disgrace

Integrity: Notable Trump Critics Speak Out, Say Trump Indictment Is a Disgrace
New in PJ Media: You couldn’t find two more solid and stolid figures of the Republican establishment than Jeb Bush and William Barr. Both have also been harsh critics of Donald Trump, who has given it right back in spades. And so it was striking that both have come out strongly against the indictment of […]

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon
Celebrate diversity! What happens when you bring in a large number of people who believe that violence can be holy under the right circumstances, and have contempt for the legal system of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? “Lyon: three stabbings since Friday at Guillotière, at least 6 injured to deplore,” translated from […]

Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals

Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals
“According to the public prosecutor’s office, 213 sheep were slaughtered without the prescribed stunning.” That’s just standard halal butchering practice. Soon the Austrian authorities will back down, release these men, and apologize for their “Islamophobia.” “213 sheep illegally slaughtered: Six Viennese Muslims in court,” translated from “213 Schafe illegal geschächtet: Sechs Wiener Muslime vor Gericht,” […]

France: Catholic church to host Ramadan iftar during Easter octave

France: Catholic church to host Ramadan iftar during Easter octave
Isn’t this wonderful? Now: when is the Easter celebration at the local mosque? What’s that? Never? These expressions of generosity and outreach always and in every case only go in one direction, and are never reciprocated? Now, why is that? “Lille: during the Easter octave, we will celebrate iftar at the St-Pierre-St-Paul church,” translated from […]

UK: Anglican cathedral hosts iftar event to spread ‘the spirit of Ramadan’

UK: Anglican cathedral hosts iftar event to spread ‘the spirit of Ramadan’
This spirit? “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death […]

UK: Anglican cathedral to host Ramadan iftar during Easter season

UK: Anglican cathedral to host Ramadan iftar during Easter season
Once again, do these Christians really think that this will change what the Qur’an teaches about Christ and Christianity? Qur’an 98:4-6: “Nor were the people of the book divided until after the clear proof came to them. And they are not ordered to do anything else but serve Allah, keeping religion pure for him, as […]

Like A Dementia Fog: Biden Calls Tornado-Ravaged Rolling Fork ‘Rolling Stone’

Like A Dementia Fog: Biden Calls Tornado-Ravaged Rolling Fork ‘Rolling Stone’
New in PJ Media: Old Joe Biden went down to Mississippi last Friday, but oddly enough, he didn’t stop by the crossroads of Highways 49 and 61 in Clarksdale, where the legendary bluesman Robert Johnson is said to have sold his soul to the devil; in Joe’s case, that transaction was completed a long, long […]

OMAR Act Would Stop Ilhan From Paying Campaign Cash to Her Hubby

OMAR Act Would Stop Ilhan From Paying Campaign Cash to Her Hubby
New in PJ Media: The party of self-righteousness is also, not surprisingly, the party of corruption. Democrats routinely engage in the most flagrantly corrupt actions, apparently secure in the knowledge that Old Joe Biden’s resolutely corrupt “Justice” Department will not pause its terror investigations of parents protesting at school board meetings long enough to do […]

Saturday Is the Day of the Death of Twitter’s Blue Check

Saturday Is the Day of the Death of Twitter’s Blue Check
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Amid the death of the American republic, the death of Twitter’s blue check is comparatively trivial, but there are certain […]

Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them

Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them
All too often, virtue in a Sharia context is not actually the free choice of the good, but a shallow conformism based on fear. “He drinks during Ramadan and is stabbed: more blood in Central Station,” translated from “Beve durante il Ramadan e viene accoltellato: ancora sangue in stazione Centrale,” by Francesca Galici, Il Giornale, […]

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”
“O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28) What? The Qur’an considers Christians to be idolaters? Certainly: “It is not fitting for Allah that he should take to himself a son. Glory be to him, when he decrees a thing, he says to it only, Be, and it is.” (Qur’an 19:35) “They […]

Nigeria: Muslims storm mass mourning priest jihadis previously murdered, abduct 56 Christians

Nigeria: Muslims storm mass mourning priest jihadis previously murdered, abduct 56 Christians
Islamic jihadis burned Fr. Isaac Achi to death in January. The taking of hostages is for money-making purposes. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply […]

Germany: Leftist state government takes ‘clear stance against antisemitism’ while ignoring Islamic Jew-hatred

Germany: Leftist state government takes ‘clear stance against antisemitism’ while ignoring Islamic Jew-hatred
Of course they do. The Green Party is much more worried about appearing to be “Islamophobic” than it is about Islamic antisemitism. “German State Ignores Iranian, Palestinian, and Turkish Antisemitism,” by Benjamin Weinthal, Jewish Press, March 28, 2023: The chairman of the Jewish community in Bamberg, Bavaria, dispatched a scathing letter to a German Green […]

Muslim cleric says ‘Muslims of Bangladesh will unfurl the flag of Islam in Delhi’ as crowd screams ‘Allahu akbar’

Muslim cleric says ‘Muslims of Bangladesh will unfurl the flag of Islam in Delhi’ as crowd screams ‘Allahu akbar’
But…but…Pope Francis and every last politician in the Western world assures us that Islam is peaceful and benign and tolerant. They couldn’t possibly be wrong, could they? “‘Islamic flag will be hoisted in Delhi, every madarsa will become armed camp’: Bangladeshi Maulana’s video goes viral, ‘Allahu Akbar’ echoes after declaration of ‘Jihad,’” OpIndia, March 27, 2023: […]

Viennese mosques promote Islamic separatism and actively obstruct integration of Muslims into Austrian society

Viennese mosques promote Islamic separatism and actively obstruct integration of Muslims into Austrian society
Anyone who is surprised by this is naive. The Qur’an teaches that non-Muslims are the “most vile of created beings” (98:6) and that Muslims are the “best of people” (3:110). Did anyone really expect that the best of people would adopt the laws and mores of the most vile of created beings? Only the willfully […]

Just Four Days After Christian School Murders, Biden Goes Full-Throttle on Trans Madness

Just Four Days After Christian School Murders, Biden Goes Full-Throttle on Trans Madness
New in PJ Media: On the same day that his principal opponent was indicted on the most dubious of charges, our Supreme Leader Joseph R. Biden Jr. proclaimed Friday to be the Transgender Day of Visibility, complete with a presidential proclamation. With six people dead in Nashville at the hands of a “transgender American” just four […]

Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says ‘So What?’

Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says ‘So What?’
New in PJ Media: Donald Trump was indicted Thursday and the sun came up as usual on Friday; all this business about the United States descending to banana-republic status is just right-wing hysteria, right? Wrong. The far-Left flagship Politico thumbed its nose at patriots on Thursday, cheerfully admitting that the case against Trump is a farrago of […]

Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme

Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme
New in PJ Media: Donald Trump has been indicted, essentially for the crime of being Donald Trump and opposing the Left’s total hegemony over everything. But as Trump himself has often warned, they’re not really after him, they’re after us, and he is just in the way. A 33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey discovered the truth […]

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Indictment Is About Preventing Trump From Running Again

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Indictment Is About Preventing Trump From Running Again
New in PJ Media: Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-Mad Rage), fresh from his hissy fit over the prospect of law-abiding Americans being armed and able to defend themselves, has confirmed what everyone suspected about the Trump indictment: it’s all designed to prevent him from being able to run for president again in 2024. The entire weak case that […]

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?
New in PJ Media: Back in 2016, it was a feature of Trump rallies: the candidate would mention Hillary Clinton, and the crowd would start chanting “Lock her up!” In Oct. 2016, at their second presidential debate, Trump himself said it to Hillary: “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a […]

Georgia: Hamas-linked CAIR lobbies against and kills antisemitism bill

Georgia: Hamas-linked CAIR lobbies against and kills antisemitism bill
Murtaza Khwaja said that the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) opposed the bill because it would restrict criticism of (and no doubt propaganda against) Israel, but there is also this: the Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe […]

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’
What is Sweden going to be like in five years? Ten? “Court of Appeal: Rapists ‘become exposed to the disrespect of others,'” translated from “Hovrätten: Våldtäktsmän ”blir utsatta för andras missaktning,” Samnytt, March 27, 2023: The three men who earlier this month were convicted of robbing and raping prostitutes in Malmö risk being exposed to […]

Belgium: Leftist Brussels official says city should imitate London and decorate for Ramadan

Belgium: Leftist Brussels official says city should imitate London and decorate for Ramadan
💡Very nice concept in London. It adds cosiness to the city and brings people closer together. A nice idea for Brussels @PhilippeClose @AnsPersoons ?! 😉#BrusselsForPeople — Pascal Smet (@SmetPascal) March 27, 2023 Why not? Celebrate diversity! What could possibly go wrong? “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, […]

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes
The herdsmen are Fulanis, who are Islamic jihadis waging jihad to establish a caliphate in West Africa. The victims here, as you can see from the names “Paul” and “Grace,” are Chrisians. “Suspected herdsmen injure students, teachers in Oyo school,” by Adeola Badru, Vanguard, March 30, 2023: Suspected herdsmen, on Thursday morning, allegedly invaded one […]

UK: Muslim financial analyst was bomb-making jihadi, plotted jihad massacre

UK: Muslim financial analyst was bomb-making jihadi, plotted jihad massacre
“The Prophet said, ‘War is deceit.’” (Bukhari 4.52.269) “The respectable businessman by day who was a bomb-making jihadi by night… and how his mass-murder terror plot was foiled by two IT guys,” by Dan Sales, Mailonline, March 26, 2023: For families in the playground opposite Asad Bhatti’s home, the financial analyst working at Legal & […]

Is the Tide Turning? NHL Mulls Dropping Pride Nights

Is the Tide Turning? NHL Mulls Dropping Pride Nights
New in PJ Media: Could our society-wide obeisance to the Left’s pet causes finally be ending? It’s early yet to identify any trends, but there are tantalizing signs that a springtime of sanity could be on the horizon. National Hockey League (NHL) commissioner Gary Bettman has revealed that the league is actually considering dropping Pride […]

Adults In Charge: Iran Has Attacked American Forces 83 Times Since Biden Regime Took Power

Adults In Charge: Iran Has Attacked American Forces 83 Times Since Biden Regime Took Power
New in PJ Media: During the Trump administration, the Islamic Republic of Iran was feeling the effects of global sanctions and was severely restricted in its abilities to pursue its longstanding practice of engaging in and funding terrorism, either directly or through its proxies, such as Hamas and Hizballah. That was, however, a long time […]

A Trans Person Just Murdered Christians. How Did Trans People Become the Victims?

A Trans Person Just Murdered Christians. How Did Trans People Become the Victims?
New in PJ Media: From the looks of the media coverage and some of the reactions on Twitter, you’d think a Christian had just murdered six transgender people, instead of the other way around. As Matt Margolis noted Wednesday, NBC News portrayed the transgender community as the real victim of the shooting. NBC was by no means […]

Trump Speaks Out on Indictment: The Democrats ‘Have Done the Unthinkable’

Trump Speaks Out on Indictment: The Democrats ‘Have Done the Unthinkable’
New in PJ Media: When he’s right, he’s right. Donald Trump issued a statement on Thursday evening after the United States of America completed its descent to banana-republic status, saying: “This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.” He then recalled some of the Left’s earlier attempts to frame and destroy […]

Released jihad terrorist says jihadis ‘carried out the orders of the leadership’ of the Palestinian Authority

Released jihad terrorist says jihadis ‘carried out the orders of the leadership’ of the Palestinian Authority
That’s right, the same leadership that the Biden regime is funding, and pressuring Israel to appease and accommodate. “Released terrorist confirms: Terrorists ‘carried out the orders of the [PA] leadership,’” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, March 29, 2023: Senior PA official and terrorist Fuad Al-Shubaki has confirmed Palestinian Media Watch’s findings that Palestinian terrorists are seen […]

US boasts about rolling back territory of Somali jihadis as Somali government warns against underestimating them

US boasts about rolling back territory of Somali jihadis as Somali government warns against underestimating them
Because the U.S. government refuses to understand Islam or the jihad imperative, it keeps on making the same mistakes over and over again. This boast regarding Somalia is akin to the “surges” in Iraq and Afghanistan ten or so years ago. The Americans thought they would push the jihadis back, and that would neutralize the […]

The Riots in France Contain an Important Lesson for Americans

The Riots in France Contain an Important Lesson for Americans
New in PJ Media: The ongoing protests in France ramped up Tuesday. Thousands of people took to the streets, the Eiffel Tower was closed, and the French government warned that the protesters wanted “to destroy, to injure and to kill.” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin took the unprecedented step of putting 13,000 officers in place to face the […]

What Are They Hiding? A Year Later, DHS STILL Won’t Come Clean About Its Disinformation Board

What Are They Hiding? A Year Later, DHS STILL Won’t Come Clean About Its Disinformation Board
New in PJ Media: The Biden regime’s abortive Disinformation Governance Board was a sinister initiative from the beginning. The board’s chief public proponents, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the board’s head, Nina Jankowicz, set off alarm bells when they were never entirely forthright or clear about what the board intended to do. Even now, long after the whole […]

Now That the FBI Is Just the Left’s Enforcement Arm, House GOP Threatens to Hold up Funding for Its Massive New HQ

Now That the FBI Is Just the Left’s Enforcement Arm, House GOP Threatens to Hold up Funding for Its Massive New HQ
New in PJ Media: You can see it in the classic movie The Godfather: the Mafia chieftain, Don Corleone, reluctantly agrees to meet with his chief enforcer, Luca Brasi, because he is aware of a cardinal law of the underworld: keep your muscle happy, or your muscle could turn on you. In the same spirit, the […]

Ilhan Omar claims ‘there’s going to be a genocide of 200 million Muslims in India’

Ilhan Omar claims ‘there’s going to be a genocide of 200 million Muslims in India’
Ilhan Omar: “There’s going to be a genocide of 200 million Muslims in India” India should register a sharp public protest & summon the new US amb. These unprovoked attacks, outright lies & instigation are a direct security threat. US should come — Shubhangi Sharma (@ItsShubhangi) March 29, 2023 Ilhan Omar has it backwards. […]

France: ‘Each year, during Ramadan, the fights are numerous’

France: ‘Each year, during Ramadan, the fights are numerous’
Why would there be more fights during Ramadan than in other times? “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud […]

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered
Celebrate diversity! This plot was a direct result of mass Muslim migration into Europe. You know, the mass migration that only “racists” and “Islamophobes” oppose. The Left is forcing “diversity” upon Europe in a sea of blood. “Greek police uncover Pakistani plot to attack Jewish synagogue in Athens – ‘€15,000 per dead,'” Greek City Times, […]

Nigeria: Muslims hack non-Muslims to death with machetes, kidnap others in jihad raid in Ondo State

Nigeria: Muslims hack non-Muslims to death with machetes, kidnap others in jihad raid in Ondo State
“When your Lord inspired the angels, I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then strike the necks and strike their fingertips.” (Qur’an 8:12) “Armed Herdsmen Attack Ondo State Community, Abduct Residents, Brutalise Others,” Sahara Reporters, March 25, 2023: SaharaReporters learnt […]

Nigeria: Muslims murder five people, youth leader missing after jihad raid in Benue State

Nigeria: Muslims murder five people, youth leader missing after jihad raid in Benue State
The youth leader may have been taken hostage. “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the […]

Nigeria: Muslims storm fishing settlement, murder traditional chief in Bayelsa State

Nigeria: Muslims storm fishing settlement, murder traditional chief in Bayelsa State
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Herdsmen Attack Bayelsa State Community, Kill Traditional Chief,” Sahara Reporters, March 22, 2023: The invasion on Monday night was over a fishing settlement popularly […]

Real Female Swimmer Blasts ESPN for Profiling Fake Female Swimmer for Women’s History Month

Real Female Swimmer Blasts ESPN for Profiling Fake Female Swimmer for Women’s History Month
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Disney owns 80% of ESPN, and that may explain why the sports network is not really the sports […]

ATF and IRS Show How the Biden Regime Has Weaponized Government Agencies

ATF and IRS Show How the Biden Regime Has Weaponized Government Agencies
New in PJ Media: The days when it could be taken for granted that government agencies were impartial, nonpartisan, and dedicated to carrying out their responsibilities in a fair and even-handed manner are long gone. As Stephen Green pointed out Tuesday, on the very same day that journalist Matt Taibbi of Twitter Files fame was testifying before […]

‘It’s Not Going to End Nicely’: Chris Christie Thinks He Will Be the One to Take Down Donald Trump In 2024

‘It’s Not Going to End Nicely’: Chris Christie Thinks He Will Be the One to Take Down Donald Trump In 2024
New in PJ Media: Remember Chris Christie? He thinks you do. He even thinks you want to. Christie spoke in New Hampshire on Monday, and you know what that means. The former New Jersey governor thinks he will be the one Republican presidential hopeful to take down Donald Trump in 2024 and ride to the […]

Family of Marine killed In Afghanistan stunned to learn snipers were ordered not to take out jihad suicide bomber

Family of Marine killed In Afghanistan stunned to learn snipers were ordered not to take out jihad suicide bomber
Old Joe Biden’s woke and desperately corrupt military actively misled the family of one of the soldiers who was killed in the jihad attack. An update on this story. “Family Of Marine Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal Stunned To Learn Snipers Could Have Taken Out Suicide Bomber,” by Micaela Burrow, Daily Caller, March 26, 2023: A […]

France: Half of the bestselling children’s books are about Islam

France: Half of the bestselling children’s books are about Islam
What will France be like in ten years? Twenty? Thirty? The answer is quite obvious. “Among the 8 bestselling ‘children’s books’ from Amazon France, 4 books are on Islam,” translated from “Dans les 8 meilleurs ventes “livres pour enfants” d’Amazon France, 4 livres sur l’islam,” Fdesouche, March 24, 2023 (thanks to the RAIR Foundation): Bestselling […]

Ramadan in Belgium: Eight Muslims arrested as police foil jihad massacre plot

Ramadan in Belgium: Eight Muslims arrested as police foil jihad massacre plot
There is no mention of the identities of these terrorists in the article below, but Molenbeek is a heavily Muslim area, and besides, it’s Ramadan, the month of jihad. “Threat of terrorist attack in Belgium: eight people arrested,” translated from “Menace d’attentat terroriste en Belgique: huit personnes interpellées,” Le Soir, March 28, 2023 (thanks to […]

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’
They’re upset about the quality of the accommodations and food, also. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if […]

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’
“They thought that it is better that their son was there than in a destructive environment here,” says Mohamed Hassan Alim, who clearly agrees. Now, it is certainly true that no good would have come from Mohamed Hassan Alim turning to a life of crime. But what is the likelihood that he will grow up […]

Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center

Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center
We’re told that the attacker has “psychological problems.” That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation were it not for the fact that it is so often used even in obvious cases of jihad violence. As this took place at an Ismaili Shia center, is it possible that the perpetrator was Sunni? Certainly the fact that […]

And Then There Were None: Woke Censors Come for Mystery Writer Agatha Christie

And Then There Were None: Woke Censors Come for Mystery Writer Agatha Christie
New in PJ Media: When the woke bowdlerizers came for Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and Ian Fleming (James Bond), they became the recipients of a torrent of ridicule, but that didn’t stop them. On the contrary, they’re just getting started. Their latest target is mystery writer Agatha Christie, who has sold two billion copies of her […]

San Francisco Gets Tough on Crime

San Francisco Gets Tough on Crime
New in PJ Media: San Francisco, with its steep hills and streetcars and glorious vistas, was once a gorgeous little jewel of a city, but that was a long time ago. Leftist politicians, including but by no means limited to Nancy Pelosi, made it Exhibit A of how far-Left policies can destroy what was once […]

Now They Tell Us: New Study Shows That the ‘Population Explosion’ Was a Myth

Now They Tell Us: New Study Shows That the ‘Population Explosion’ Was a Myth
New in PJ Media: People in the United States and Europe have long taken for granted the idea that the world is in the midst of a “population explosion” that threatens to cause the starvation of millions and render the earth uninhabitable The world, we were told, would simply run out of food, and could […]

GHASTLY: Biden in Jocular Mood, Jokes About Ice Cream Before Statement on Nashville Shooting

GHASTLY: Biden in Jocular Mood, Jokes About Ice Cream Before Statement on Nashville Shooting
New in PJ Media: An extraordinarily strange scene unfolded at the White House on Monday after the news broke that a woman claiming to be a man had murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville. Old Joe Biden came out to address the Small Business Administration’s Women’s Business Summit, knowing that […]

UK: In England and Wales, Muslim rate of unemployment about twice that of Jews and Christians

UK: In England and Wales, Muslim rate of unemployment about twice that of Jews and Christians
The far-Left Guardian will likely ascribe this to “racism” and “Islamophobia.” It may have a different cause. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman pledges to cleanse ‘Palestine’ from ‘the filth of the plundering Zionists’

Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman pledges to cleanse ‘Palestine’ from ‘the filth of the plundering Zionists’
Abu Hamza’s desire to destroy Israel comes from his Islamic antisemitism, while most Western analysts would assume that he and others like him are antisemitic because they hate Israel. The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to […]

Egypt: Cops use apps Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to find and arrest homosexuals

Egypt: Cops use apps Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to find and arrest homosexuals
Twenty-first century Sharia enforcement. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud […]

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader
Leftists everywhere, as drunk as ever on identity politics, are celebrating this, and that’s fine. There will certainly be many, many more Muslim officials in the UK after Hamza Yousaf, and eventually there will be only Muslim officials. But Yousaf himself is likely only to exacerbate divisions in Britain, and certainly nothing will be done […]

Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years

Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years
What could possibly go wrong? Sure none of the new Muslim arrivals in Spain hold to Hassan al-Banna’s adage that “Islam must dominate, and not be dominated,” right? Any concern about them is solely “Islamophobia,” right? “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah; then if they give over, surely […]

New York City: Muslim cleric gets 18 years of prison dawah for encouraging violent jihad activity

New York City: Muslim cleric gets 18 years of prison dawah for encouraging violent jihad activity
Now that we know that Alvin Bragg is desperately corrupt and has politicized his office, this prosecution cannot be taken at face value. This is shaky enough in itself: “Mr. Faisal was not accused of planning violence in New York City and had not set foot there during the period covered by his indictment. But […]

Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years

Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years
And he had no trouble getting into Germany. To have scrutinized his background too closely would have been “Islamophobic.” “ISIS executioner hid in Essen for several years,” translated from “ISIS-Henker versteckte sich seit mehreren Jahren in Essen,” by Frank Schneider, Bild, March 22, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A Syrian has been arrested in Essen who […]

Syria: Islamic State jihadis cut the throats of fifteen more truffle hunters, killing them

Syria: Islamic State jihadis cut the throats of fifteen more truffle hunters, killing them
Why the truffle hunters are being targeted remains unclear. It could be because the hunting involves dogs, which are unclean in Islam, although an exception is made in the relevant hadith for hunting dogs: “Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, […]

Pakistan: Muslim cop roams streets with a stick, hits Hindus for not keeping Ramadan fast

Pakistan: Muslim cop roams streets with a stick, hits Hindus for not keeping Ramadan fast
We’re constantly told in the West that Sharia pertains only to Muslims, and that laws attempting to restrict it are unnecessary, as it will never impinge upon the rights of non-Muslims in any case. Here is the reality. “SHO suspended after assaulting Hindus for ‘violating’ Ramazan ordinance,” by Hafeez Tunio, Express Tribune, March 25, 2023 […]

What Are They Smoking? Vatican Says Ramadan Is Important for Christians, Too

What Are They Smoking? Vatican Says Ramadan Is Important for Christians, Too
New in PJ Media: Christians of all traditions were likely surprised on Friday when the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue issued a message to Muslims for Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting by day and gorging by night. The fact that such a message was sent was not a surprise, as interreligious dialogue has for many years […]

Prominent Hollywood Native American Turns Out Not to Be Native American at All

Prominent Hollywood Native American Turns Out Not to Be Native American at All
New in PJ Media: “My mom was Indian and my dad’s a cowboy,” says Heather Rae, who has parlayed her Cherokee heritage into becoming what the New York Post called “Hollywood’s top Native American producer.” She is a member of the Indigenous Alliance of the Academy of Motion Pictures and has previously led the Sundance Institute’s Native American […]

You’ll Never Guess Who Is Ripping the Investigations Into Trump as ‘All Politics’

You’ll Never Guess Who Is Ripping the Investigations Into Trump as ‘All Politics’
New in PJ Media: When you’ve lost Andrew Cuomo, you really should take it as a sign that you’ve gone way too far. But there was the randy former New York governor on Saturday, as Democrat as Democrats can possibly be, charging that the ongoing prosecutions-in-search-of-a-crime directed against the America-First president were nothing less than […]

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria
Did the Security Police know he was wanted for war crimes and Syria and just didn’t care? Or did they not know, which is even worse? “Syrian migrant requested to be detained for serious war crimes in Syria,” translated from “Syrisk migrant begärs häktad för grova krigsbrott i Syrien,” by Mattias Albinsson, Samnytt, March 23, […]

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab
There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The […]

Sweden: Malmö police send Muslims good wishes for Ramadan, doesn’t recognize other holidays

Sweden: Malmö police send Muslims good wishes for Ramadan, doesn’t recognize other holidays
The Malmö police are just getting ahead of the curve. Before too long those other holidays won’t even be allowed in Sweden, and so why bother noting them now? “Malmö Police celebrates Muslim fasting month: ‘Ramadan Mubarak,'” translated from “Malmöpolisen firar muslimsk fastemånad: ‘Ramadan Mubarak,’” Samnytt, March 23, 2023: In a post on social media, […]

Iran’s Foreign Minister: ‘We strongly condemn the repression of the peaceful demonstrations of the French people’

Iran’s Foreign Minister: ‘We strongly condemn the repression of the peaceful demonstrations of the French people’
It’s not that Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has no self-awareness or no information about the violent suppression of protests in Iran. It is an attempt to show that what the Islamic Republic has done with its protestors is not so out of the ordinary, and to deceive people into thinking that the Iranian regime has not actually […]

Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan

Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan
London has set a precedent that cities all over Europe will soon follow. “Migrants demand: streets should be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan,” translated from “Migranten fordern: Straßen sollen zum Ramadan „angemessen“ geschmückt werden,” Unzensuriert, March 24, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): This year, from March 23 to April 21, Muslims will celebrate their month of fasting, […]

Germany: Antisemitic Islamic association takes part in UN anti-racism event

Germany: Antisemitic Islamic association takes part in UN anti-racism event
Of course. The willful ignorance is pandemic. Anyone who tries to provide the correct information is smeared as “Islamophobic.” “A flagship event for tolerance – with Islamists on the list of speakers,” translated from “Ein Vorzeigeevent für Toleranz – mit Islamisten auf der Rednerliste,” Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 22, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Racism has many […]

Venezuela: Hizballah-linked oil minister resigns in corruption probe

Venezuela: Hizballah-linked oil minister resigns in corruption probe
El Aissami is accused of being a drug kingpin, and he has ties to Hizballah. There have been other such connections established before. “Venezuela: Maduro Purges Hezbollah-Linked Oil Minister in ‘Corruption’ Probe,” by Christian K. Caruzo, Breitbart, March 21, 2023: CARACAS, Venezuela – Tareck El Aissami, one of the socialist regime’s most powerful figureheads, resigned […]

Biden Regime Even Wanted to Censor PRIVATE Text Messages

Biden Regime Even Wanted to Censor PRIVATE Text Messages
New in PJ Media: The Biden regime has already abundantly established that it has no patience for dissent. The Twitter Files show regime lackeys pressuring Twitter, along with other social media giants, to silence people who dared question, among other things, its COVID-19 narrative — yes, the one that has been shown to have been full of holes all along. But […]

Ilhan Omar Takes Aim at the REAL Problem Facing America Today

Ilhan Omar Takes Aim at the REAL Problem Facing America Today
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Another Ramadan is upon us, and the winsome Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) is already in the spirit of […]

Was He Looking for a Job From Biden? 65-year-old ‘Baby’ Busted for Stealing Diapers

Was He Looking for a Job From Biden? 65-year-old ‘Baby’ Busted for Stealing Diapers
New in PJ Media: How insane is our society today? How much does it encourage and even glorify what any other society would readily identify as mental illness? A recent case in the sleepy town of Clarkson, N.Y., gives an indication of how far we’ve fallen: a 65-year-old man has been arrested there for breaking […]

Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship

Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship
She may have explicitly renounced her citizenship, and certainly renounced it implicitly, when she joined an entity that is at war with Denmark and other Western states, but who cares? Celebrate diversity! What could possibly go wrong? “The Supreme Court: It is illegal to deprive an IS woman of her citizenship,” translated from “Højesteret: Ulovligt […]

Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten

Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten
Come on, man! Celebrate diversity! An update on this story. “IS supporters arrested: Macedonians (19) are said to have planned terrorist attacks in Vienna,” translated from “IS-Anhänger gefasst: Mazedonier (19) soll Terror-Anschläge in Wien geplant haben,” by Michael Koch, Exxpress, March 21, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Twelve graffiti with IS slogans were discovered in St. […]

UK: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at Justin Bieber concert

UK: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at Justin Bieber concert
Authorities remain completely indifferent to the recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam somehow falling prey to the crazy idea that their new religion commands violence against unbelievers. Interesting to see the hopeless “journalist” Lizzie Dearden at the Daily Mail. For years she has been with the Independent, covering jihad terrorists while steadfastly toeing the Leftist […]

Belgium: Antwerp venue cancels ‘Queer Iftar’ after threats from Muslims

Belgium: Antwerp venue cancels ‘Queer Iftar’ after threats from Muslims
These attempts to appropriate and recast religious traditions on the basis of contemporary cultural fads are offensive to many people. Only one group, however, threatens the safety of participants and forces the cancellation of the event. The venue, by canceling, has just reinforced the proposition that terrorism works and that jihadis can get what they […]

Sweden: Muslim enters soccer stadium, utters ‘religious’ threats, carries bag with ‘dangerous contents’

Sweden: Muslim enters soccer stadium, utters ‘religious’ threats, carries bag with ‘dangerous contents’
Note how careful this article is. It’s quite clear that this fellow was an Islamic jihadi wearing a djellaba and carrying Islamic literature, but all that we’re told is that he was uttering threats that had “religious indications” and was wearing “ankle-length clothing.” This unwillingness to come right out and state the obvious seems to […]

Biden’s Brain Fog Thicker Than Ever as He Babbles About Disarming His Advisors

Biden’s Brain Fog Thicker Than Ever as He Babbles About Disarming His Advisors
New in PJ Media: Practically every day, Old Joe Biden gives us new evidence that he should be relaxing in his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house and watching Matlock reruns – oh wait, that’s what he is doing most of the time. But nearly every day he shows the world anew that he shouldn’t be doing this while pretending […]

WATCH: Kamala Harris Tosses Yet Another Word Salad

WATCH: Kamala Harris Tosses Yet Another Word Salad
New in PJ Media: Up for lunch? Vice President Kamala Harris is serving her trademark word salads again, and this one is particularly delicious. On Wednesday, speaking before a gaggle of appreciative women, Harris said in ringing, anthemic tones, as if her ceremonial clichés actually had some heft: “So during Women’s History Month, we celebrate and we […]

Why Zelensky Is Cracking Down on the Church

Why Zelensky Is Cracking Down on the Church
New in PJ Media: The ruling body of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) appealed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Friday, asking that he reconsider his decision to evict it from its headquarters, the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery. Many outside Ukraine, including some who have admired Zelensky and hoped he would manage to defeat the Russians, […]

OnlyFans Superstar Finds God, Leaves It All Behind

OnlyFans Superstar Finds God, Leaves It All Behind
New in PJ Media: The world today seems to be inundated with craziness, but reality TV star and OnlyFans model Blac Chyna has made some dramatic changes in her life that show that all is not lost: the still, small voice can still break through in the noisiest life, and sanity can return even to […]

Malaysia: Sharia enforcers arrest seven men for wearing shorts

Malaysia: Sharia enforcers arrest seven men for wearing shorts
What fun the Sharia enforcers will have before too long in, say, the south of France. “Report: Kelantan Islamic law enforcers haul up seven men for wearing shorts baring thighs,” by Keertan Ayamany, Malay Mail, March 22, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 — Seven men who wore shorts exposing […]

India: Muslim pressures Hindu to convert, ‘By bringing a Brahmin Hindu girl into Islam, I am assured’ paradise

India: Muslim pressures Hindu to convert, ‘By bringing a Brahmin Hindu girl into Islam, I am assured’ paradise
These “love jihad” incidents stem from supremacist assumptions. Muslim women are forbidden to marry non-Muslim men: “Do not marry idolatresses until they believe, for indeed, a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress, even though she pleases you. And do not give your daughters in marriage to idolaters until they believe, for indeed, a […]

France: ‘I saw the man, in a djellaba, go after the driver without saying a word,’ also severely injures two women

France: ‘I saw the man, in a djellaba, go after the driver without saying a word,’ also severely injures two women
“The aggression against two women, a driver of the minibus of the medico-educational Institute of Vesoul, and a local resident – who is in serious condition – throws fear in the peaceful district of Pierres vives.” That’s the idea. “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by […]

Church of Sweden archbishop screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ says Muhammad is prophet, successor says Muslims welcome to join

Church of Sweden archbishop screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ says Muhammad is prophet, successor says Muslims welcome to join
This is the last gasp of a dying church (and a dying civilization). A culture that has no identity of its own and welcomes those who wish to conquer and subjugate it is a culture that will soon be a matter of history. These two archbishops are signposts on the way to the demise of […]

Syria: Iranian drone kills U.S. contractor

Syria: Iranian drone kills U.S. contractor
Why do we still have troops in Syria? What is their purpose, other than to line the pockets of the military-industrial complex? “American Contractor Killed in Drone Attack on Base in Syria,” by Eric Schmitt, New York Times, March 23, 2023: WASHINGTON — A U.S. contractor was killed and another contractor and five U.S. service […]

Catholic Joe Biden Wants to Force Pro-Lifers to Pay for Abortions

Catholic Joe Biden Wants to Force Pro-Lifers to Pay for Abortions
New in PJ Media: One of the most revolting aspects of the sinister corruptocrat Old Joe Biden’s carefully cultivated public persona as affable Lunchbucket Joe is his ostentatious false piety. “I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting,” Biden claimed in a 2020 campaign ad, and the establishment media […]

How Much Is Enough? Another Dude Wins Another Women’s Sporting Event

How Much Is Enough? Another Dude Wins Another Women’s Sporting Event
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. If this keeps up, before too long all the champion female athletes will be males, and women’s sports […]

Israel’s Finance Minister Tells the Truth, Enraging Biden’s Handlers

Israel’s Finance Minister Tells the Truth, Enraging Biden’s Handlers
New in PJ Media: Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has aroused the ire of all the worst people in the world by enunciating a simple truth that has been widely obscured and is frequently misunderstood or dismissed out of hand without looking at the evidence. Smotrich said Sunday: “There is no such thing as Palestinians because there […]

UK: ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime goes flat as man who set two Muslims on fire turns out to be a Muslim also

UK: ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime goes flat as man who set two Muslims on fire turns out to be a Muslim also
Two more “Islamophobic” hate crimes turn out to be something else altogether. One might almost get the impression that anti-Muslim hate crimes hardly ever occurred (and shouldn’t, of course), were it not for our moral superiors constantly assuring us otherwise. “UK police question suspect after elderly Muslim set alight,” Al Jazeera, March 22, 2023: …“The […]