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Nancy Pelosi, Fresh Off Her Own Debate Humiliation, Is Not Happy with Biden’s Debate Decision

After her verbal lashing courtesy of Mumford & Sons banjo player Winston Marshall in April at Oxford, Rep. Nancy Pelosi is not excited about President Joe Biden’s decision to debate former President Donald Trump before the two square off in November.

In an interview with CNN‘s Manu Raju posted to X on Wednesday, Pelosi explained her disapproval of Biden’s choice to debate.

“I myself would never recommend going on stage with Donald Trump, but the president has decided that’s what he wants to do,” Pelosi began before proceeding to offer her own method for how CNN should spotlight the two candidates, albeit in a format where they aren’t in the same room.

“I think you all [CNN] should have separate townhall meetings with them. Let them, challenge them with questions about the future, and let the public make its decision.”

Nancy Pelosi on Biden-Trump debates: ‘I myself would never recommend going on stage with Donald Trump.’

— Manu Raju (@mkraju) May 15, 2024

You couldn’t blame Pelosi for her cynicism for Democrats taking the debate stage.

Just last month, Pelosi debated Marshall at Oxford University where she took the stance that “populism is a threat to democracy” and Marshall argued the contrary.

Although her side received a favorable vote of 177-68, it was Marshall who made the most memorable quotes while she appeared to babble with the usual left-wing rhetoric.

Marshall told the audience, “Mainstream media elites are part of a class who don’t just disdain populism, they disdain the people,” while Pelosi countered, that populism is “the misrepresentation of people who exploit the populist attitude of ‘I want to have my say’ and then use it to get elected and then hurt those people the most.”

Such dialogues prove that Pelosi is not equipped to handle discussions of political theory, and that the Democrats don’t really have much ground to stand on when it comes to views on democracy — considering their suppression of it.

That all being said, you can see why Pelosi would not be elated with Biden’s choice of taking the debate stage.

Putting her recent experience aside, there are two more explanations for her apprehension towards Biden’s decision.

Obviously, the president is in a state of severe cognitive decline.

He did not handle his debates with Trump in 2020 well. Four years later, his state continues to worsen as countless examples show a man who repeats easily disproven lies, slurs his words together, wanders around aimlessly, and appears lost, tired, and totally incapable of the nation’s highest office.

While even sympathetic voices would not accuse Trump of being the most eloquent speaker, his energy is even higher now for the executive officer than it was in his first re-election bid.

Trump has plenty to attack Biden for during the last four years, and the president will surely struggle to keep pace.

This leads to the other reason why Pelosi does not want a Biden-Trump debate.

Biden’s presidential record has been absolutely abysmal by every measure. The border crisis continues while rampant inflation and reckless spending hamstring the American voter. The list of Biden’s problems — the problems the Democratic party must juggle before November — seem endless.

If Democrats hope to hold their own in November, Biden must not debate. The American people are already familiar with his many shortcomings in office, but Biden trying to defend that record is only going to salt the wound.

Pelosi knows this and couldn’t be more worried about Biden’s decision.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Nancy Pelosi, Fresh Off Her Own Debate Humiliation, Is Not Happy with Biden’s Debate Decision appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

NBA Star Learns Punishment for On-Court Tantrum

The NBA has fined Jamal Murray $100,000 for his antics during Monday’s game against the Minnesota Timberwolves in Game 1 of the Western Conference semifinals.

Murray — a talented guard for the Denver Nuggets — received the fine for “throwing multiple objects in the direction of a game official during live play,” according to the NBA on Tuesday.

The objects in question were a towel and heat pack tossed on the court late in the second quarter as Denver was on its way to a lopsided 106-80 home loss against the Timberwolves.

Officiating crew chief Marc Davis stated post-game that officials were unaware anything was thrown from the bench, had they known, “we could have reviewed it under the hostile act trigger. The penalty would have been a technical foul.”

The incidents swiftly went viral:

Jamal Murray throws a heat pack

— Rob Perez (@WorldWideWob) May 7, 2024

Jamal Murray threw a towel onto the court during Game 2

— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) May 7, 2024

After Murray threw the heat pack, he was seen throwing the towel in Davis’s direction which landed at his heels. Luckily for Murray, fellow Nuggets guard Kentavious Caldwell-Pope retrieved the heat pack and someone else swept the towel aside before Davis noticed.

Wolves coach Chris Finch said after the game, “We tried to impress upon (the officials) that there’s probably not many fans in the building that have a heat pack. So, it probably had to come from the bench,” before further calling Murray’s actions, “inexcusable and dangerous.”

While Murray left after the game without commenting, it’s hard to disagree with Finch as there is no justification for throwing a temper tantrum, no matter how badly you are losing (if anything, that makes it even worse). These are professional athletes with the eyes of millions on them closely observing their conduct.

These types of outburst only tell fans — especially young ones — that at the height of the sport, raw outbursts towards officials are fine.

A fine of $100,000 is pocket change to Murray, whose salary — According to Sporting News — for the 2023 – 24 season amounts to $33.8 million.

Perhaps adding to the consternation, many fans and pundits expected Murray to be suspended for at least one game for his actions. Murray was not suspended, and scored 24 points in the Nuggets’ big 117-90 road win against the Timberwolves.

Additionally, there is a real worry that the young and impressionable fans who will never make it as professional athletes — the kids who will grow up and try to find actual jobs to earn a living — will still glean something from this tantrum.

In seeing that type of behavior, they’re led to believe this is what success looks like.

Don’t bother getting along with the people who make the rules. Act out when you feel slighted, take the hit, and move on.

Murray’s overall message here is blaming someone else for your shortcomings. In Denver’s loss, players should’ve look inward with a sense of responsibility, instead of lashing out like a toddler.

Murray is by no means alone. This mentality exists broadly in our culture.

To no surprise, people who think like this don’t go far in life.

Murray and the Nuggets will try to even up their second round series when they play the Timberwolves in Minnesota tonight.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post NBA Star Learns Punishment for On-Court Tantrum appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Race to the Bottom: The State Competing with California to be the ‘Left’s Progressive Utopia’

When hearing about the woes of blue states, names like California and New York immediately come to mind, but we may need to add a new name to the list of places Democratic officials are ruining: Illinois.

The Daily Caller reported on Thursday that new data indicates the state our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, once called home is in a downward spiral.

While California is still leading the nation with the worst unemployment rate in the country at 5.3 percent, Illionois is not far behind in fifth with 4.8 percent.

The comparisons don’t stop there. With the 8th highest tax burden and high crime rates, many Illinoisans are opting to simply leave the state for greener pastures — as Californians have been doing.

Bryce Hill, director of fiscal and economic research at the Illinois Policy Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation, “The Census Bureau has reported that residents are leaving the state en masse to the tune of hundreds of thousands every single year, so much so that the state’s population has actually been declining for the past 10 years.”

As of July 2023, Illinois population was 12,549,689. That number was down 32,826 from 2022. Census data showed this fall has been steady, as the population as of April 1, 2020, was 12,813,469.

Heartland Institute Senior Fellow S.T. Karnick cited a few reasons for this decline. “Opinion polls cite high taxes as the top reason people want to leave Illinois, with crime and safety second. Illinois has the fourth-most regulations among the 50 states, which raises prices and kills jobs.”

Violent crime in Chicago went up 18 percent in 2023 compared to ten years prior, with arrests dropping 33 percent over the same time.

Central to Illinois problems is its ballooning pension cost. The state pension debt currently sits at $142.3 billion. Since the 2000 fiscal year, inflation adjusted spending for pensions has gone up 584 percent.

Illinois adopted a new constitution in 1970. Article XIII, Section 5 states pension benefits cannot be “diminished or impaired.” Couple this with Senate Bill 95 in 1989, which created a 3 percent compounding benefit increase for retired Illinoisans in the pension system, and you’ve found the root of the problem.

Hill highlighted the damage in declining population and the pension problem saying, “Migrants take over $10 billion worth of income with them out of state when we lose people due to domestic migration,” but included that the pension is draining the budget and “taking up large sources of revenue.”

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker attempted to take an optimistic view in his State of the State address in February. “We’ve also grown Illinois’ economy to over $1 trillion. … We attracted billions of dollars in new business investments and created tens of thousands of new jobs.”

Illinois GDP grew 2.3 percent year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2023. This is lower than the national total of 3.4 percent in the same quarter. Numerous businesses have announced downsizing plans in recent years.

While something is clearly amiss, it is amazing how one-size-fits-all the solution is to the catastrophe that plagues blue states.

Firstly, violent crime, and all crime must be dealt with. Declining arrests and increasing crime rates make Illinoisans feel unsafe. Blue state policies invoking leniency on crime must end in Illinois.

Ballooning pensions must cease as it creates a burden on the taxpayer. Illinois has become pro-government and anti-business. Government employees retire to an out-of-control pension fund while the taxpayer foots the bill causing job loss.

Why take your business to Illinois when your taxes are going towards paying a bloated government that can’t even keep you safe?

Pritzker admitted in his SOTS address that Illinois is also being burdened by an influx of illegal immigrants. This will certainly burden the taxpayer further.

If your keeping count, that’s three basic solutions to keep Illinois from becoming another one of the left’s progressive utopias.

Illinoisans need law and order, tax cuts, and a secure border.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Race to the Bottom: The State Competing with California to be the ‘Left’s Progressive Utopia’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
