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MRC UnCensored: Rachel Bovard Calls Weak Congressional Section 230 Hearing a ‘Slap in the Face’

Conservative Partnership Institute Senior Director of Policy Rachel Bovard dressed down Members of Congress and thinkers on the right who are wedded to an outdated mindset that allows for Big Tech censorship, debanking and ultimately the death of the free market.  MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider asked Bovard about the free market and a recent congressional hearing on Section 230 that largely ignored free speech concerns during the May 31 edition of MRC UnCensored,. Bovard called the hearing and the choice of witnesses “disappointing,” “insulting,” “an unserious effort” and a “slap in the face.” When Schneider mentioned his frustration that the hearing almost entirely ignored free speech concerns and actually pushed companies to censor more, Bovard did not hold back.  “It’s kind of insane to me that years into this debate, reams of evidence into how these companies actually do censor certain types of speech, how they work with the government to do it, we now have the receipts of all this happening, that we’re still, that we could have a hearing run by republicans that doesn’t talk about this issue,” said Bovard. She added that the “unserious effort” was even more absurd “given how far down the road we are.”  Schneider and Bovard both heavily criticized the House Energy and Commerce Committee for inviting three left-wing pro-censorship witnesses. Schneider also condemned the bill under consideration during the hearing, calling it “political suicide.” The bill called for the sunsetting of Section 230 at the end of 2025, which the Media Research Center-led Free Speech Alliance called “insufficient to address the underlying issues” surrounding Big Tech. Bovard lamented the wasted opportunity. “The stakes couldn’t be higher, this is like an integral aspect of our electoral democracy, you know, speech rights, market access rights, not to mention all the harms facilitated online and none of this was addressed, it was just a very narrow slice of 230,” she said, before ripping the committee for inviting a witness connected to Google.  Schneider credited Bovard with helping him see the way forward on fighting Big Tech censorship. “If you just have this truly, completely hands-off approach to the market,” Schneider reasoned, it can stop being free. Big bad actors can actually prevent free market forces from working appropriately.” Bovard agreed, making the point that increasingly companies have prioritized ideology rather than profit and have “set up barriers to access to the market itself.” In light of these conditions, Bovard suggested that these Big Tech corporations had upended the old system where businesses prioritized finding as many customers as possible and where they were “going to allow all comers.” She followed with a call to action for how conservatives should act in light of the changing circumstances, including in response to censorship like debanking. “And I think when that happens, you’re absolutely right, it is incumbent on us and the government in particular to ensure that the market is fair. You have to exert a certain amount of vigilance in the market place to just ensure that the market has access to it. And it’s crazy to me that this is where we are," Bovard said. She pointed out how “you have international banks, like Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan, shutting down accounts of people because they don’t like their politics. That is crazy to me. When you can’t access the levers of capitalism, you can’t have a functioning free market. So I do think that there is a role for the government when that happens.” Conservatives are under attack! Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency and an equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

Michael Knowles Mocks Pete Buttigieg’s Absurdly Expensive Electric Vehicle Rollout

Daily Wire host Michael Knowles applauded CBS Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan for laying bare the absurdity of a Biden administration initiative.  When questioned on CBS, Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had no good defense for the absurdly slow and expensive rollout of electric vehicle (EV) chargers across the country. Buttigieg made a sad attempt to try to explain away why his department has built only 7 or 8 charging stations since 2022 with a budget of $7.5 billion: “It's more than just plunking a small device into the ground, there’s utility work.” During the May 28 edition of The Michael Knowles Show, Knowles pointed out just how significant it is that even the legacy media is calling out Biden’s disastrous energy policies.  “I love that this woman laughs at Pete,” Knowles said referring to Brennan. “This woman on a liberal news network–they exist to be the propaganda arm for the liberal establishment–and she goes ‘huh, $7.5 billion and you built 7 or 8 charging stations.’ So by my math, I didn’t really get far out of calculus, that would be about a billion dollars per charging station.”     Earlier in the segment, Knowles pointed out the absurdity of Biden’s antagonistic relationship with Tesla owner Elon Musk during a supposed transition to EVs. Knowles also cited the slow rollout of EV chargers as proof of the unseriousness of Biden’s push. “[Brennan] laughs because it’s a total joke, because its proof that the whole electric vehicle craze from the government is just patronage for Democrats,” Knowles said. “Billion dollars per charging station, that’s pretty good, that’s a pretty good payoff if you’re a Democrat flak.”  Knowles compared the money wasted on the EV charger rollout to the Obama Administration’s green energy Solyndra scandal, a “green energy company” that he described as a “patronage slush fund for Dems to send federal dollars to pay off their cronies.” As the Biden Administration inches forward on expensive EV chargers, the EPA has stepped back from an absurd and authoritarian plan to push for 67% of new vehicles sold to be EVs, but is still pushing for a draconian 35%.  California, on the other hand, has enacted a regulation that mandates “all new passenger cars, trucks and SUVs sold in California will be zero emissions” by 2035. Sixteen states, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington — have adopted California’s emission standards.  [WATCH: Pete Buttigieg Squirm Over Practically Non-Existent EV Charger Rollout on Face the Nation]  Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at 818-460-7477 and NBC News at 212-664-6192 and demand they hold Biden and his cronies accountable for attempting to restrict fossil fuel production and Americans’ choices.

WATCH: MRC VP Dan Schneider Offers Solution to Big Tech Censorship Problem

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider called out Big Tech for censorship, discrimination and election interference during a hearing at the Texas Capitol.  During a May 29 hearing of the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs, committee members heard from several witnesses, including Schneider, about Big Tech censorship and election interference. During the hearing, Schneider touched on Facebook’s outright discrimination against certain users, undeniable election interference efforts and upcoming free speech cases that are currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.  During his opening remarks, Schneider presented work done by MRC Free Speech America and blistered Big Tech companies such as Facebook for their bias and discrimination.   MRC's @Schneider_DC testifies before the Texas Senate about our unique database which tracks Big Tech censorship of free speech. — Free Speech America (@FreeSpeechAmer) May 29, 2024 Schneider warned that the future of free speech in many ways lies in the hands of three cases soon to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. “[W]e are at risk of losing the First Amendment entirely,” he said. “The Google/Facebook attorney has argued that our individual rights to free speech are nothing compared to the government’s right to free speech to coordinate with Big Tech to silence individuals, which of course turns the First Amendment upside down.”  Schneider also shredded Big Tech for its bias and outright discrimination. “It’s important for you all to know that Google and Facebook, and these other Big Tech firms, they’ve resurrected the Plessy v. Ferguson standard,” Schneider said. “They believe that not only can they discriminate against people based on political viewpoint, they can, and in fact do, discriminate against people based on race and religion,” he added referring to a case in which Facebook argued that it could discriminate against a Sikh religious group. When Texas State Senator Tan Parker asked Schneider about how social media algorithms drive bias, Schneider pointed out that algorithms are written by people who often have biases. “What we know is that those algorithms are drafted in a way specifically to achieve outcomes. These outcomes, oftentimes, are articulated by the corporate leadership.”  He gave the example of a meeting at Google following the 2016 election. “[Y]ou had the most senior Google employees, specifically at an all-hands-on meeting, vowing that this would never be allowed to happen again their resources were put into altering future election outcomes and it's gone on to this day.”   Schneider added that the Big Tech companies, “Collude with advertisers and media ratings firms like NewsGuard and Ad Fontes and then other organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL, that used to care about the rights of individuals, but now they’re just politicized, radical left-wing organizations that exist to silence everyday Americans.”  The MRC Free Speech America Vice President also offered a solution. “This collusion, I believe, is in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and then similar laws at the state level that prohibit illegal restraint on trade. So, I think that that could be a very good avenue for this committee and for the attorney general to explore.”  Following the hearing, Senate Committee on State Affairs Chair Bryan Hughes announced that the committee had unanimously voted to authorize subpoenas against Big Tech companies. In a post on X, Hughes wrote, “There is strong evidence that big tech imposes their own biases to manipulate and stifle dissenting voices, undermining election integrity. Texas will not stand for that.” Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency and an equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

MSNBC Legal Analyst Makes Wildly Misleading Defense of DEI

An MSNBC legal analyst offered a wildly misleading defense of discriminatory diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.  MSNBC Legal Analyst Charles Coleman Jr. lamented pushback against DEI in education and business during the May 26 edition of Velshi. Coleman ignored the discriminatory, racist and anti-Semitic nature of DEI and instead mourned that DEI would be replaced with equality and non-discrimination at North Carolina public universities.  “The Republican crusade against diversity, equity, and inclusion or DEI for short, continues with the latest casualty being the entire state of North Carolina's public university system,” Coleman bemoaned. “The University of North Carolina's board of governors just this week moved to eliminate DEI initiatives across all 17 of its campuses.” He then proceeded to whitewash racial discrimination in hiring and admissions. “This move follows a growing number of schools and state legislatures gutting programs intended to boost representation for historically underrepresented groups,” he added.  This is nothing new for Coleman who has repeatedly demonstrated racist tendencies towards Caucasian men. The DEI evangelist has gone after white evangelicals, criticizing both their race and religion. Furthermore, Coleman has repeatedly posted  that America has a “[w]hite male problem” and even a “[w]hite male domestic terrorism problem.”  During the segment, Coleman went all out to defend DEI, even referencing a debunked McKinsey study purporting to show a business case for diversity. “There is research that shows that diverse teams lead to better outcomes in a number of fields, all the way from business to healthcare,” Coleman claimed, before asking his guest, Daily Beast Contributor Ameshia Cross, “What do you think about rolling back DEI and how that affects America's overall ability to innovate? And to progress?”  Dominik Whitehead, NAACP Vice President of Campaigns, and Cross both ignored the racism and the discriminatory nature of DEI. Cross even went so far as to flatly deny that DEI initiatives prioritized background over talent.  That is precisely what DEI means. It is racial discrimination in hiring and admissions rather than simply choosing the most qualified candidate or applicant. Even the liberal media has occasionally acknowledged this. A report by Bloomberg News, owned by leftist billionaire Michael Bloomberg, laid out how this worked in 2021. According to the media outlet, a mere 6 percent of jobs at major companies they analyzed went to white individuals in 2021. Simultaneously, white people made up 68.5% of layoffs at studied companies that shrank in 2021.  DEI has also been condemned as a source of anti-Semitism by a number of voices, including by a former DEI director at De Anza College, Tabia Lee. Lee said that she may have been fired for pushing back against anti-Semitism on campus and relayed this disturbing anecdote: “I was told in no uncertain terms that Jews are ‘white oppressors’ and our job as faculty and staff members was to ‘decenter whiteness.’” During the explosion of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel campus activity, several others noted the link between this ideology’s oppressor narratives and anti-Semitism. X owner Elon Musk labeled DEI as “fundamentally anti-Semitic.” Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has publicly said that DEI teaches students to label Jews as “oppressors” and even lends itself to justifications of terrorism against Jews in Israel.  Billionaire hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman spoke up against both anti-white and anti-Semitic sentiment on campus at Harvard, blaming the DEI ideology for both. Ackman called DEI and an “oppressor/oppressed framework” the “intellectual bulwark” behind anti-Israel and anti-Semitic protests.  Ackman also denounced DEI as racist: “DEI is racist because reverse racism is racism, even if it is against white people (and it is remarkable that I even need to point this out). Racism against white people has become considered acceptable by many not to be racism, or alternatively, it is deemed acceptable racism. While this is, of course, absurd, it has become the prevailing view in many universities around the country.” Conservatives are under attack! Conservatives are under attack! Contact MSNBC at (800) 952-5210 and demand they report on the dangers of leftist DEI ideology infecting American companies.

Mark Levin: ‘Bidenomics’ Making Fast Food Unaffordable

Syndicated radio host Mark Levin excoriated President Joe Biden for presiding over an economy so bad that even fast food is increasingly unaffordable.  During the May 22 edition of The Mark Levin Show, Levin tied steep prices hikes at formerly affordable fast food chains to out-of-control spending in D.C. Levin addressed the historical importance of cheap, processed food in America, before tackling a Breitbart report that detailed major price increases at chains such as Chick-fil-A, Popeyes, Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Chipotle and Starbucks.   After addressing how many Americans have long relied on processed food or fast food, Levin pointed out that Americans need cheap food prices more than ever. “Now when you have an economy where the interest rates are through the roof, where the inflation is through the roof and you have a husband and a wife and two or three or four kids or a single parent with two or three kids it is tough going,” Levin said. He added: “I’m sure those kids would love to have fresh beef or chicken or fish or turkey. I’m sure they would love to have fresh vegetables. I’m sure they’d love it. But they can’t afford it, not with Bidenomics!” Levin didn’t mince words on the reason for these higher prices. “This is what happens when you have massive government spending, massive government debt, massive government borrowing. I’ve said it here for 22 d*mn years, inflation, inflation, inflation, it is a killer,” Levin said. “It destroys the market system. It distorts the value of the dollar.” The radio host also ripped Biden for being deceptive about inheriting 9% inflation from former President Donald Trump (Inflation was 1.4% in Jan 2021). Levin called out another Biden attempt to deflect blame onto the fast food companies. “So he blamed the businesses that are trying desperately to cope with the economic conditions he created, with the minimum wage conditions that he and others have created, with the supply chain problems he has created,” Levin said.  Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about the Bidenomics disaster.

WATCH: Anti-Fossil Fuel PBS Pushed Raskin to Attack American Energy Industry

PBS was more than willing to help Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) harass an important American industry during a critical time in the inflation-rattled economy.  During the May 22 edition of PBS NewsHour, PBS correspondent Lisa Desjardins egged on Raskin to compare fossil fuel companies to the tobacco industry for supposedly hiding the impact of their emissions on “climate change.” Raskin called for the Department of Justice to investigate them for “costing humanity hundreds of billions of dollars,” leaving the door open to both possible criminal and civil liability. Desjardins not only pushed this tobacco analogy but also took four and a half minutes to briefly mention the elephant in the room: America still needs fossil fuels.  The U.S. gets the vast majority of its energy from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Fossil fuels are also critical for the production of fertilizer, plastic, cement, steel and other much-needed products, but this was apparently lost on PBS. Desjardins did eventually read a statement by the American Petroleum Institute (API) Senior Media Relations Manager Andrea Woods. “This is another unfounded political charade to distract from persistent inflation and America’s need for more energy, including oil and natural gas. U.S. energy workers are focused on delivering the reliable, affordable oil and natural gas Americans demand and any suggestion to the contrary is false,” Desjardins read.  Desjardins then asked Raskin for his response to the API statement given that “obviously moving to renewable fuels can’t happen immediately.”  “Well we’re at levels of gas and oil production higher than we’ve seen before and the economy remains deeply invested and engaged in carbon production,” Raskin stammered out before returning to bashing the industry.  But this was misleading, and PBS didn’t bother pushing back.  Americans have paid the price for Biden’s eco-extremist policies by suffering stubbornly higher gas prices. Average gas prices have risen to $3.73/gallon under Biden in April 2024 from $2.24/gallon under Trump in Jan 2021. This is even though Biden massively drained the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve starting in 2021. The president just recently sold off even more oil designated for emergencies, a million barrels from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. President Joe Biden has repeatedly restricted oil and gas production and discouraged future investments. In addition, Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency recently passed a rule that CNN Climate Correspondent Bill Wehr said is designed to not only shutter existing coal plants, but also to place new burdens on new natural gas plants. The Biden Administration has also announced a “pause” on new liquified natural gas projects, restricted drilling in Alaska, and reversed several of former President Donald Trump’s pro-energy executive orders.  [WATCH: Senator Mike Lee Confronts Jennifer Granholm on Anti-Energy Policies] Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at 818-460-7477, CBS News at 212-975-3247 and NBC News at 212-664-6192 and demand they hold Biden and his cronies accountable for attempting to restrict fossil fuel production and Americans’ choices.

WATCH: Guess Which Lawmakers Stood Up for Free Speech at Big Tech Hearing

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing supposedly to discuss sunsetting Big Tech’s tightly clutched liability shield that allows for censorship. But free speech and Big Tech censorship were hardly part of the discussion. During the May 22 hearing the Committee heard from three left-wing witnesses, a plaintiff’s lawyer, a former Democrat committee staffer and the Director of Engine Executive, which is funded by Google. But despite the fact that Big Tech censors justify silencing their users under the protection of Section 230, the Committee did not manage to bring in a single witness who showed up in support of free speech. In the three-hour hearing, only four members of the Committee even asked questions about Big Tech censorship and free speech. MRC Free Speech Vice President Dan Schneider, who attended the hearing, criticized the witnesses and most of the members for focusing on prohibiting already illegal content rather than promoting free speech. “It is fine for the Committee to be angry that Big Tech fails to remove illegal content. Nobody should tolerate illicit drug sales, human trafficking and other illegal practices, but those things are already illegal online,” Schneider said, before adding, “We don’t need to make online crimes doubly illegal. The laws just need to be enforced. The systemic harm that must be addressed in any Section 230 reform legislation is the abuse by Big Tech in how they discriminate based on political disagreements.” Representatives Jay Obernolte (R-CA), Diana Harshbarger (R-TN), Russ Fulcher (R-ID) and Neal Dunn (R-FL) were the only members on the Committee who thought to address this discrimination.  Rep. Obernolte pushed a witness and former Democratic staffer, Organization for Social Media Safety CEO Marc Berkman, to address free speech concerns. [See More: Rep. Jay Obernolte Presses Witnesses Tummarello and Berman on Free Speech] Rep. Harshbarger asked Berkman about expanding “the rights of individuals to express views that often get conservatives kicked off of left-wing companies like Facebook.” Berkman ridiculously responded, “We do believe that’s a red herring.” But Berkman’s retort is contrary to the 6,816 cases of documented Big Tech censorship found on MRC Free Speech America’s exclusive CensorTrack database, including 187 against former President of the United States Donald Trump. Despite calling censorship a red herring, Berkman was unwilling to condemn discriminatory conduct by social media companies when Rep. Harshbarger provided him with a hypothetical case of a social media company shutting off comments on some posts but not others.  Rep. Dunn, to his credit, emphasized censorship when he spoke to the witnesses. “Today our internet is under attack. The American public gets very little insight into decision-making processes when content is moderated, and users have little recourse when they are censored or restricted. Recently, Americans have experienced a great deal of online politicizing from Big Tech during the last presidential election,” Dunn said. He followed with a reminder of the absurd Big Tech-government collusion in violation of Americans’ rights. “For example, you saw platforms like Twitter and Facebook immediately cut stories from being shared or talked about by the users on their platforms at the request of our government.”  The Organization for Social Media Safety CEO didn’t appear to care. When Dunn asked Berkman about how his proposal would impact free speech on the internet, Berkman claimed, “We believe the fears are really overblown in terms of impact on free speech that is happening over social media.”  Rep. Fulcher also spoke up for free speech, bringing up the important questions of whether users deserve transparency and accountability from the social media companies that censor them. Fulcher asked a witness, “When social media companies flag or remove content, is there any reporting requirement whatsoever necessary for that?”    Schneider panned the hearing, noting that all the witnesses and most of the members showed no concern for free speech. He even called out House Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) for arguing that the “tech oligarchs have not censored enough bad stuff,” instead of addressing the censorship of conservatives.  “The so-called free speech hearing left me speechless,” Schneider said, before adding, “This hearing intentionally hid the ball. The biggest problem facing America and the continuity of our system of government is Big Tech's silencing of viewpoints they disagree with. But for a couple of exceptions, all the questions focused on how there needs to be more censorship, not less.” Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on hate speech and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

WATCH: Former Home Depot CEO Shreds Biden’s Atrocious ‘Wrecking Ball’ Economic Policies

Former CEO of Home Depot Bob Nardelli made clear how the policies of President Joe Biden will continue to damage the American economy in the near future. During the May 20 edition of Fox Business’s Mornings with Maria Bartiromo, Nardelli agreed that further inflation was ahead due to Biden’s policies, especially his climate change-obsessed energy policy. “Day one of this administration they started the war on fossil fuel. And what I've seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that there's a series of debacles and missteps have created a tremendous pressure on the fault lines, if you will, of our economy and they're about ready to crack,” Nardelli said. He effectively suggested that the dismal American economic situation is teetering on being an irreparable catastrophe, regardless of who wins the U.S. presidential election in November: “Whoever gets the next stint in the White House is going to be hit with a wrecking ball in trying to correct the missteps and the overspending of this current administration, Maria, so we’re in for a rough time I would say.”  Nardelli and Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo were responding to a brutal report from The Wall Street Journal that highlighted an embarrassing factoid for Biden: “Adjusted for inflation, net worth was up just 0.7% through Biden’s first three years, compared with 16% through Trump’s first three years.” Biden has also presided over the devastation of Americans’ savings and declining wages, while prices continue to spike.  Nardelli also went after Biden’s absurd regulatory warfare on the American auto industry, warning that Biden’s eco-extremist energy policies would ultimately strain the grid. “They've been shutting down coal plants because of this war on fossil fuel and the grid is in a very very fragile state. And it will take years to improve the sustainability and durability of this grid,” Nardelli said.  He went on to criticize the president for pushing for electric vehicles, adding to electrical grid demand even as Biden’s regulations threaten the coal and natural gas that fuel the grid. Nardelli didn’t mince words about how “the hypocrisy and the ambiguity of this administration challenges common sense.” Conservatives are under attack! Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about the Bidenomics disaster.

WATCH: CNBC’s Joe Kernen Warns of ‘Stagflation’ in Joe Biden’s America

A restaurant owner minced no words on the immense costs that are devastating his business as inflation continues to harm both owners and customers under President Joe Biden.  During the May 20 edition of Squawk Box, co-anchor Joe Kernen pointed to a specific case succinctly illustrating inflation’s devastating impact on Americans’ wallets. He prefaced his point by saying his guest Will Restaurants Investments Group Founder Brian Will’s “food costs have increased by more than 20% since 2023 and he has had to raise menu prices three times in the last year.” Will noted that the inflation crisis spurred a 24 percent rise in his food costs, a 20 percent rise in his labor costs and a whopping 50 percent rise in maintenance costs. Kernen responded, “You’re like a microcosm. So costs are up and revenues down. It sounds like, it almost sounds like stagflation.”     In fact, this inflation isn’t just hitting restaurant owners. Americans are paying far more when they go out to eat. Compared to last year, eating out cost 4.1% more in April.  Overall, Americans have dealt with a horrifying average of 5.5% inflation over the last 39 months of Biden’s presidency, compared to an average of 1.9% inflation under former President Donald Trump.  During the interview, Will made clear that raising prices three times in the last year was a very necessary choice: “Overall revenues are down 11% even after raising prices 20%. So if we hadn't raced the prices the revenues would be down even more.” Will emphasized just how hard the higher costs were hitting him, saying that repairing a restaurant fryer with current maintenance prices was more costly than replacing it. Will stated that it would take “111 tables just to pay to replace the first fryer.”  Conservatives are under attack! Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about the Bidenomics disaster.

Not Okay: Biden’s Demonstrably False Claim in Softball Yahoo! Finance Interview

Despite receiving a flattering question from an interviewer, President Joe Biden still faceplanted in his response.  During a May 14 interview with Yahoo! Finance, Biden falsely claimed that inflation had been wildly higher under his predecessor. His interviewer, who had promoted Bidenomics in his question, did not correct Biden. “I think inflation has gone slightly up. This was at 9% when I came in and it's now down about 3%,” Biden astonishingly said.  But it was not. In fact, inflation in January 2021 stood at only 1.4% but skyrocketed under Biden’s watch, reaching an average of 5.5% from February 2021 to April 2024. To make matters more absurd, Biden made this demonstrably false statement in response to a misleading question flattering his economic record.  The interviewer, Yahoo Finance Executive Editor Brian Sozzi, entirely failed to mention the impact of COVID-19 shutdowns while giving Biden credit for creating 15 million jobs: “Mr. President, over 15 million jobs have been created under your watch, the unemployment rate under 4% for 27 straight months, the stock market at a record high. Why don't households feel wealthy right now?” While Biden chose to lie about inflation in response to this easy question, the fibs didn’t stop there.  The 81-year-old president also told Yahoo! Finance that wages were outpacing inflation, claiming, “But the fact is that I think people are just uncertain and that's why we got to be steady, stay the course and continue to produce these incredible jobs and the job—and by the way the pay for the jobs are, are outpacing the inflation rate they pay.” Real wages have actually fallen under Biden. Americans’ median weekly real earnings have declined from $373 in the first quarter of 2021 to $365 in the first quarter of 2024.   ICYMI: Bidenomics after 39 Months: Six Charts the Media Don’t Want You to See The White House has struggled to spin the president’s ludicrous statements as more and more bad economic news comes in.  During the May 16 edition of Your World with Neil Cavuto, White House Economic Adviser Jared Bernstein wildly ducked and dodged when confronted with Biden’s claims of taming 9% inflation.  See More: White House Economic Adviser Jared Bernstein Can’t Defend Biden Biden’s brief but disastrous Yahoo! Finance interview came the same day as the news that inflation had increased 0.5% in April, exceeding expectations.   Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about the Bidenomics disaster. 

Michael Knowles Mauls Biden’s Ridiculous Defense of Bidenomics on CNN

The Daily Wire host Michael Knowles attacked President Joe Biden for his incoherent response to questions from a CNN anchor.  During the May 10 edition of The Michael Knowles Show, Knowles responded to President Biden’s befuddled defense of Bidenomics, noting that Biden’s “failures on the economy were most likely to destroy Democrats in November.” To emphasize just how bad things are for Biden, Knowles played a clip of “Erin Burnett of CNN grilling Biden for his economic failures” during which Biden made a vain attempt to save face.  On May 8, CNN Anchor Erin Burnett, to her credit, confronted President Biden with both his low polling on economic issues and bad economic statistics. “Voters by a wide margin, trust Trump more on the economy,” Burnett told Biden. She went on to cite polls and statistics that spell out Biden’s devastating failures:  “The cost of buying a home in the United States is double what it was when you look at your monthly costs from before the pandemic. Real income, when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office, economic growth last week, far short of expectations. Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two-year low. With less than six months to go to election day are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around?” Absurdly, Biden responded, “We’ve already turned it around.” Biden referenced a poll to support this point before veering off in a very different direction. “The polling data has been wrong all along. You guys do a poll at CNN, how many folks do you have to call to get one response?”  Knowles roasted the president for his incoherent response. “Biden is not as swift as he used to be and he just gave two answers that contradict each other,” Knowles said.  He ripped Biden for simultaneously questioning the bias of unfavorable polls while also pointing to one solitary favorable poll. Knowles pointed out the absurdity of anyone on the left arguing that the polls or the media are biased against them.  “Democrats have the media on their side. So when a Republican says ‘the fake news coverage is slanted against us’, that’s different from the Democrats saying that because Republicans don't really have news outlets and Democrats have all of the news outlets, same goes for polling, same goes for any aspect of American political propaganda,” Knowles said.  The Daily Wire host went on to say that when polls are actually wrong, they tend to overestimate Democrats rather than Republicans. “So when you’ve got polls coming out, economic indicators coming out, statistics from all the social scientists coming out that do not look good for Democrats and you hear this being reported by Democrat liberal news outlets, you know these people are really, really in trouble,” he said. He added that the media “have every single incentive to paint the Democrats in as good a light as possible and that’s just not going to cut it these days because everyone knows that the economy is in the doldrums.”  The economy is in the doldrums. While the devastating statistics listed by Burnett proved too much for Biden to address, they aren’t the only bad numbers. Burnett also could have mentioned that Americans have dealt with 5.5% average monthly inflation under the Biden administration. She also could’ve addressed how gas prices have skyrocketed from $2.42 a gallon in Jan. 2021 (when Biden took office) to $3.54 in March. Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at (818) 460-7477, CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and NBC News at (212) 664-6192 and demand they tell the truth about the Bidenomics disaster.

Heritage Economist on Target Pride: DOJ Should be ‘Suing Them Into Oblivion’

Heritage Economist E.J. Antoni saw right through retailer Target’s attempt to once again push summer LGBT propaganda while avoiding a repeat of the backlash they faced in 2023.  During the May 10 edition of Newsmax’s The National Report, Antoni ripped Target, which made headlines in 2023 for selling “pride” apparel from a Satanic designer and “pride” gear for children. On May 9, Target published a statement on its 2024 “pride” collection, which the retailer said, “Will be available on and in select stores, based on historical sales performance.” While some celebrated that Target would place LGBT propaganda in fewer stores, Antoni was not appeased.  “Well, let's be perfectly frank here, what Target has done and is continuing to do is nothing less than the sexualization of children,” he said. “It's a disgrace. If we had a DOJ in this country that was more concerned with protecting the innocent than prosecuting them, then they would be all over Target and would be suing them into oblivion.” Related: ROUNDUP: Media Shill for Target Bending Knee to Satanic Wokeism In its statement, Target also promised to “continue to support LGBTQIA+ organizations year-round, including Human Rights Campaign, Family Equality and more.” Strikingly, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a radical organization that applies ESG ratings to companies based on their willingness to embrace radical gender theory.  The HRC’s “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) judges companies based on factors such as whether they included “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” in their nondiscrimination policies. It also questions whether companies have “trans-inclusive” bathrooms and “health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion for medically necessary care.” In 2022, the HRC gave Target a perfect CEI score of 100 but downgraded its perfect score to 95 for 2023. On their website, the HRC thanks Target and a number of other companies “for their generous support of the work of the Human Rights Campaign.” The HRC refers to Target as a “National Corporate Partner” and a “platinum partner,” the highest possible level of supporter.  According to the anti-woke non-profit 1792 Exchange, “Target forces employees to undergo multiple ideological trainings and uses its reputation, corporate funds, and political influence to support controversial sex and gender ideologies, organizations, and legislation.”  Target also uses “sex and gender ideology criteria” for hiring, choosing vendors and marketing. The 1792 Exchange also states that Target horrifically covers “transgender medical procedures for covered employees and dependents, including children.” Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they cover Target’s continued support for the radical HRC.

Can’t Make This Up: WashPost Cites Debunked Study to Push DEI

Two writers for The Washington Post tried to make the case for discriminatory diversity equity and inclusion initiatives (DEI) in an article about DEI’s rebranding. However, they relied on debunked research to do it.  A May 5 article by The Post referenced a pro-DEI study by management consulting firm McKinsey & Company on the “business case for DEI” in response to the increased condemnation aimed at the infamous leftist acronym.  Strikingly, these studies, which linked greater diversity to profitability, had already been ripped to shreds long before May 5. In March 2024, UNC-Chapel Hill Professor of Accounting John R. M. Hand and Texas A&M Associate Professor of Accounting Jeremiah Green exposed these studies, noting that they could not replicate McKinsey’s work.  Green and Hand wrote that their “inability to quasi-replicate [McKinsey’s] results suggests that despite the imprimatur given to McKinsey’s studies, they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives." The Post reporters Taylor Telford and Julian Mark not only ignored Green and Hand’s research but went ahead and cited McKinsey anyway.  “Many large companies see a correlation between a diverse workforce and financial success, and routinely tout the ‘business case’ for DEI,” they wrote. “Companies with the highest racial, ethnic and gender representation are 39 percent more likely to financially outperform, according to a 2023 study by McKinsey & Co. involving more than 1,200 firms worldwide.” Telford and Mark went on to mention that, “In his annual letter to shareholders this year, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon emphasized that DEI ‘initiatives make us a more inclusive company and lead to more innovation, smarter decisions and better financial results for us and for the economy overall.’” But where did Dimon get that idea? McKinsey—of course. JPMorgan leaned on McKinsey’s published fig leaves for discrimination. To this day, JPMorgan cites one of these McKinsey studies “Diversity Matters” on their website: “According to a study conducted by McKinsey & Company diversity creates increased client orientation and a diverse talent pool, which fosters creativity, improves collaboration and results in enhanced employee performance.” When JPMorgan Asset Management CEO George Gatch called diversity, equity and inclusion “critical to our success” in a video, McKinsey once again showed up in the footnotes.  Telford and Mark are correct that many corporate leaders embraced McKinsey’s DEI propaganda. The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh recently went after the former CEO of Intel and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban for using McKinsey as an excuse to push DEI.  Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report on the dangers of leftist DEI ideology infecting corporate America.

PLOT TWIST: Soros Comrade Condemns Bidenomics: ‘I’d Give Them an F’

The former managing director at Soros Fund Management panned President Joe Biden’s management of the economy during a CNBC appearance.  During the May 7 edition of Squawk Box,  Stanley Druckenmiller, billionaire investor and former chairman and president of Duquesne Capital, gave his frank assessment of Bidenomics — and it was not positive, to say the least. In the interview, CNBC anchor Joe Kernen asked Druckenmiller about the nation’s overspending under President Biden. In response, Druckenmiller seemed overcome by disgust before telling Kernen, “If I was a professor, I would give [Biden] an F." This is an incredible election-year statement coming from a man who once managed money for leftist billionaire George Soros. Earlier in the interview, Druckenmiller criticized Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and the Biden administration for the state of the economy. He said, “The day Powell pivoted, gasoline was $2. It went to $2.80. It's now at $2.55.” Druckenmiller also suggested that the current state of affairs would be politically damaging for Biden, adding, “the average American cares more about gasoline prices than they do about stock prices and they are getting hurt.” He went on to mention economic difficulties previously highlighted by CNBC: “There was an interview earlier on your show about people being priced out of the housing market.” This is true,  Biden’s policies are taking a toll on the average American. Since January 2021 (when Biden took office), the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate has risen from 2.77% to 6.8% on April 4, 2024.  Druckenmiller also mentioned that “Inflation is 21% higher than it was in 2019. To me, even politically, that's more consequential than keeping the markets up than trying to nail the soft landing and not having a recession.”   Indeed, Americans have been brutalized by 5.5% average monthly inflation under the Biden administration.  The former Duquesne Capital president went beyond the impact of Bidenomics on struggling Americans, suggesting that Biden’s missteps would have horrible ramifications for the future.  “All government needed to do was get out of their way and let them innovate. Instead, they have spent and spent and spent,” Druckenmiller said. “And my new fear now is that spending and the resulting interest rates on the debt that’s been created are gonna crowd out some of the innovation that otherwise would have taken place. We’ve got a 7% budget deficit at full employment. It’s just unheard of.” Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report fairly on how Bidenomics is crippling the American economy.

Is Soros Buying Universities’ Silence on Anti-Semitic Agitators?

First on MRC Business: George Soros’ Open Society Foundations sunk massive amounts of cash into several universities—most of which have been a breeding ground for radical anti-Israel students and whose administrations responded poorly to protestors, agitators and rioters trespassing, breaking into and occupying buildings and harassing Jewish students. Both the New York Post and Politico have reported on Soros’ connections to the groups leading the anti-Israel protests. And now, an MRC Business investigation exposed how Soros has also given at least $34,638,060 to the nine universities that have made headlines for their slow response to anti-Semitic protests and riots, as well as their ineffectual or possibly even sympathetic administrators. Among the recipients of Soros funding connections were Columbia University, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of North Carolina (UNC), University of Southern California (USC), City University of New York (CUNY), the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and, of course, the University of California Berkeley from 2016 to 2022. Soros also poured money into media and journalism-related initiatives at several of these schools, including $2,399,360 to Harvard, $1,827,560 to Columbia, $366,369 to UNC and $125,000 to CUNY.  The accusations of anti-Semitic sentiments at Harvard, MIT, UPenn and Columbia were so severe that all four presidents of these universities have been called to testify before Congress. The presidents of UPenn and Harvard resigned in disgrace due to their failure to address campus anti-Semitism. Former Harvard President Claudine Gay also failed to clearly condemn the anti-Semitic phrase “From the River to the Sea,” which calls for the genocide of the Jewish people. The president of Columbia only allowed police to clear out trespassing anti-Israel agitators after they barricaded themselves inside a building, trashed it and prevented people from going in or out.  At CUNY and UNC, anti-Israel hecklers tore down the American flag while raising the Palestinian flag above the campus. Students have occupied and attempted to occupy buildings, trashed their campuses with garbage and graffiti, and acted with basic impunity due to a lack of decisive actions from their university administrations.  Other universities have taken anti-Semitism more seriously. University of Florida president Ben Sasse famously stood his ground against violations of campus policy on campus and in the pages of The Wall Street Journal.   At Florida State, the administration cleared out a prohibited encampment in five minutes, faster than former President Harry Truman recognized the restoration of Israel. The University of Notre Dame chose to have anti-Israel protestors arrested after their event continued after its allotted time. The University of South Florida has also enforced its policies against anti-Israel protesters.  Princeton University took action against students occupying a campus building, having 13 arrested for this incident while having two other students arrested to enforce a policy against tents.   Of five universities that acted swiftly to condemn unlawful behavior by anti-Israel agitators, Soros gave a total of $1,685,040 from 2016 to 2022. That’s a lot less than $34 million.  MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider asked why these universities have tolerated this behavior for so long. “This draws into question whether the Hamas nine are allowing these agitators to run amok so as to keep the gravy train flowing. Columbia seems addicted to the Soros cash. Will the Hamas nine universities do anything to keep the money flowing?” Schneider asked.  Not all the anti-Israel agitators have been students, according to the New York Post. The Post, citing law enforcement sources, stated that 134 of 282 people arrested during recent violent protests at New York universities had no connection to the schools they were arrested at. New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) backed the idea that campus protests were being inflated or even led by “outside agitators” during a May 1 press conference.  The Post also reported in an April 27 article that some of “the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are ‘fellows’ of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR),” which pays them up to $7,800 and trains them to organize pro-Palestinian campaigns.  Disturbingly, Soros has a long record of funding anti-Israel groups. Soros gave $525,000 to Jewish Voice for Peace between 2017 and 2022, a group that has figured prominently in campus protests.  Even POLITICO, far from a conservative media outlet, recently reported that Soros has funded three anti-Israel groups involved in the campus protests: Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow and the Adalah Justice Project. As noted by the New York Post, all three of these radical groups have been involved in anti-Israel protests since Hamas launched a terror attack against Israel last fall.  During the aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack, MRC President Brent Bozell and Schneider pointed out that Soros had heavily funded seven of the groups that spoke up in defense of acts of Hamas terrorism. This included $550,000 in donations for the pro-Hamas group Al-Shabaka, which issued a horrifying statement papering over murder and rape with the phrase “decolonization is not a metaphor.” The leftist billionaire also made an absurd comment about the terrorist group, saying that America and Israel “must open the door to Hamas.” The president of Soros’ Open Society Foundations Lord Mark Malloch-Brown has also advocated in favor of Hamas, arguing that “Hamas must be a party to a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian problem.” Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report on Soros’s funding of anti-Israel causes. Note: The author of this article graduated from the University of Notre Dame. 

Matt Walsh on Debunked Pro-DEI Studies: ‘The Fraud Is Officially Exposed’

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh reported on the immense damage caused by a recently discredited report used by many corporations to justify discriminatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.  During the May 1 edition of The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh applauded UNC-Chapel Hill Professor of Accounting John R. M. Hand and Texas A&M Associate Professor of Accounting Jeremiah Green for their work exposing a series of studies by management consultancy firm McKinsey & Company that claimed to show the so-called benefits of DEI initiatives. "They simply lied and because they lied a lot of people in this country have lost job opportunities on the basis of characteristics that they can’t control,” Walsh said, referring to McKinsey and their debunked studies. “Many companies have become less efficient and now finally the fraud is officially exposed, thanks to the work of a couple of business school professors who were brave enough to do their jobs, which is extremely rare now in academia.”  In 2015, 2018, 2020 and 2023, McKinsey — where Transportation Secretary Pete ‘Racist Roads’ Buttigieg used to work — published several studies arguing for the financial benefits of DEI, which Walsh called “evil” during the podcast.  Despite McKinsey & Company’s claims, Hand and Green were unable to replicate McKinsey’s results. They wrote that “Despite the imprimatur given to McKinsey’s studies, they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.” What this DEI consulting firm lied about is actually evil: — The Matt Walsh Show (@MattWalshShow) May 1, 2024 Earlier in the podcast, Walsh mentioned former Intel President Renée James and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban’s parroting of McKinsey’s propaganda. Walsh would go on to point out that the corporate world had been influenced by “bad data for nine years.” What this “bad data” promotes is racial discrimination. A report by Bloomberg News highlighted a disturbing trend in hiring throughout 2021. According to the media outlet, a mere 6% of jobs at major companies they analyzed went to white individuals in 2021. Simultaneously, white people made up 68.5% of layoffs at studied companies that shrank in 2021. Walsh mocked McKinsey’s silence in the face of this embarrassing revelation. “As of now, McKinsey hasn’t responded to this debunking, which tells you a lot, because if you have decades’ worth of research showing something and then some academics come along and they say that it’s all fraudulent, you’d think you would want to respond some way, but McKinsey hasn’t because of course all their research on this topic is fake.” Citing an American Conservative article, Walsh hammered the point that McKinsey shouldn’t be let off the hook for pushing discrimination. “What McKinsey pushed for was actually evil. It wasn’t some innocent lie,” he continued. “It wasn’t something where they had the best of intentions and it went wrong. It damaged the lives of a lot of people.” Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report on the dangers of leftist DEI ideology infecting corporate America.

Big Three Networks Ignore Hearing Exposing Biden Cabinet Member: She Did What?

After a brutal hearing exposed connections between activist groups and a Biden cabinet official, all three major networks ignored the revelations in their coverage.  During an April 30 hearing before the House Committee on Natural Resources, Capital Research Center President Scott Walter and The Daily Signal Managing Editor Tyler O’Neil hammered Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and her department over damning allegations. According to Walter, at the center of the allegations is that Haaland’s daughter Somah Haaland is a member of the radical environmentalist group Pueblo Action Alliance (PAA) which is plagued with communist connections. Even worse, Walter asserted that Deb Haaland has other connections to the PAA and that the group influences the policies of the Department of the Interior.  Echoing Walter’s sentiments, O’Neil addressed the negative impact that Deb Haaland’s policies have on American energy, urging Congress to get to the bottom  of the “far-left infiltration of the Department of the Interior under President Biden.” Tellingly, the big three networks entirely ignored this hearing in their evening coverage on April 31 and May 1, as ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News opted to cover other topics.  On April 30, NBC Nightly News had time to talk about malfunctioning iPhone alarms and fearmonger about Russians on social media. In lieu of Deb Haaland’s scandals, ABC World News Tonight brought its viewers the story of a car crashing into a store in New Mexico and a death in a bounce house. The latter story also made it into CBS Evening News coverage, alongside the news that online scammers are targeting seniors. Stop the presses!  Here’s What the Legacy Media Missed: Deb Haaland’s Damning Allegations After detailing the communist connections of the PAA, Walter brought up Deb Haaland’s daughter PAA media organizer Somah Haaland. He also ripped the Department of the Interior, saying, “It’s shocking the Interior Department not only treats Pueblo Action Alliance as a source of policy wisdom but also appears to have made official policy with bias toward the alliance and provided improper assistance to the alliance."  Walter went on to point out a case where Deb Haaland had put the concerns of such environmentalist groups first while ignoring the financial damage predicted by Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren. Walter also mentioned that “multiple meetings between the secretary and Pueblo Action Alliance officials” have taken place and excoriated Deb Haaland for promoting “PAA by having its insignia appear in public photographs beginning her first day in office.”  Moreover, Walter noted that PAA had posted these photographs on social media, later adding, “Activists have promoted Secretary Haaland’s involvement in a film produced by the director of PAA, which demands that oil, gas and mineral leasing outside of the Chaco National Historical Park be ended, a question on which the Secretary officially ruled in favor of PAA’s demand.”  A ‘Sue and Settle’ Plot?  When Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) mentioned a case of close cooperation between the Department of the Interior and leftist activists, O’Neil unearthed a disturbing pattern of collaboration.  “What we’ve seen over and over again, in this case in particular as well, this ‘sue and settle’ strategy, where an activist group that shares the broad policy preferences of the administration, sues an administrative agency for a change in the law, claiming that there’s a legal requirement,” O’Neil told Gosar.  “And then what the agency winds up doing is settling that lawsuit, agreeing to implement the legal requirement.” O’Neil alleged that the agency repeatedly used this duck process and transparency requirements.  Earlier in the hearing, O’Neil noted that the leftist Sierra Club successfully lobbied for a policy resulting in the “smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf in history.” He explained efforts by the leftist grant-making behemoth Arabella Advisors and the Soros-funded Tides Foundation to pour vast amounts of dark money into environmentalist groups.  To sum up the situation at the Department of Interior, O’Neil explained that “the left's dark money network is propping up radical environmentalist groups that help steer policy at Interior.” Disturbingly, the leftist media couldn’t have cared any less.  [WATCH MORE: Rep. Mike Collins Goes After Department of the Interior for Energy Policies That Benefit America’s Adversaries] Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News 818-460-7477, CBS News 212-975-3247 and NBC News 212-664-6192 and demand they report on Secretary Haaland’s scandalous behavior. 