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Today — June 27th 2024NB Blog Feed

The View, Pre-Debate: Whoopi Goldberg's MAD at Republicans Saying 'President Trump'

On Thursday, ABC’s The View decided to hoist the Biden campaign up one last time before the upcoming debate. The show included Whoopi Goldberg unsurprisingly angry towards Republicans who say "President Trump," and Joy Behar asking people to leave Joe Biden alone. Goldberg began the segment with a fiery rant aimed towards Republicans that refer to Donald Trump as president. “Can I say something that's been bothering me and its been bothering me and bothering me? I would like every Republican out there to stop referring to this man as the president. He is not the president” she professed. She can't even stand to say his name most days.     As the audience cheered, Goldberg stated that her reason for this demand was because Trump is the “former president” but what she seemed to forget was that her and her co-hosts have previously referred to past presidents as just presidents. Sunny Hostin has referred to former President Obama as “President Obama” although he was not in office anymore at that time. Goldberg wasn’t finished as she went on to say “you know, nobody can see the future. And the same with the donors. You know, you cannot buy the presidency. You can put as much money as you want to, but it's not for sale so stop calling him the president.” Goldberg finally concluded that Trump is a “former president with all the other things attached.” Later in the segment, Behar made sure she took her jab at Trump as she suggested the debate moderators introduce Trump and say “will the defendant please rise?" – her co-hosts and the audience laughed and cheered her on. But Behar then began to complain about the debate: “Now, this idea that there's sound -- that when Trump keeps talking, his mic is shut, that's not enough because Joe Biden can still hear him.” Afraid Biden may get annoyed with Trump, she came up with the brilliant idea to have the debate in “one of those quiz-show isolation booths.” Behar then encouraged Biden to “fact-check” Trump during the debate. She noted that “when he says something stupid and lying then it's up to Joe.” But Behar wanted to defend Biden’s “senior moments” as she claimed that “everybody has a senior moment.” Behar then urged everyone to give Biden a break and leave him alone. She concluded “It's not fair to the guy if he's thinking and he stutters. He's overcome a lot of disabilities, the poor guy, in his life, you know, and leave him alone.” ABC The View 6/27/2024 11:04:51 – 11:05:27 AM ET WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Can I say something that's been bothering me and its been bothering me and bothering me? I would like every Republican out there to stop referring to this man as the president. He is not the president. SUNNY HOSTIN: He's the former president. GOLDBERG: He is the former president. And, you know, nobody can see the future. And the same with the donors. You know, you cannot buy the presidency. You can put as much money as you want to, but it's not for sale so stop calling him the president. He is not the president, yet. He's the former president with all the other things attached. (...) 11:06:51 – 11:07:52 JOY BEHAR: I think that they should introduce Trump and say “will the defendant please rise?” SARA HAINES: Yes. Yes. GOLDBERG: That works. BEHAR: Now, this idea that there's sound -- that when Trump keeps talking, his mic is shut, that's not enough because Joe Biden can still hear him. HAINES: Yeah. Yeah. BEHAR: He's like -- where you are to me, if you keep yammering, I can still hear you. They need to be in like one of those quiz show isolation booths – HAINES: Yeah, that would help. It wouldn't be bad BEHAR: -- like on $64 Question. You know, but also Joe Biden should fact-check him. That's how it works and he has a minute to rebut, I believe. HOSTIN: Yeah. BEHAR: So when he says something stupid and lying then Joe, it's up to Joe, and this senior moment business, everybody has a senior moment. GOLDBERG: That's why -- ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: I agree. It's just how it will be perceived. BEHAR: It's not fair to the guy if he's thinking and he stutters. He's overcome a lot of disabilities, the poor guy, in his life, you know, and leave him alone. (...)

Eyeroll: ABC Cheers Biden Debate Prep, Hails Kinzinger Endorsement

On Wednesday, ABC’s Good Morning America decided to show their unwavering support for President Biden once again before the presidential debate on Thursday. Chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce also expressed her strong appreciation for former republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger endorsing Biden. Meanwhile, senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott seemed amused by former President Trump’s frustration with a gag order. Bruce began the segment by stating that Biden was doing “90-minute mock debates at Camp David” this week. Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal attorney, is supposedly playing the role of Trump for Biden’s debate preparation. Unsurprisingly, Bruce declared that the Biden team will hammer Trump “where they feel he is most vulnerable” and that he’s “a danger to democracy.”     Continuing to advocate for the Biden campaign, Bruce noted that “they're now getting some backup from a Republican former Congressman Adam Kinzinger” who had endorsed President Biden. Bruce went on to say that he “is now officially endorsing the president citing Trump's role and inciting the January 6th attack on the Capitol.” Bruce emphasized how Kinzinger was a “lifelong conservative” but has recently been a “vocal critic” of Trump. Bruce stated that his reasons for endorsing Biden was because “the stakes are simply too high in this race” and because Biden has “unwavering support for democracy.” Once she finished praising Kinzinger, she quickly noted that Biden may bring up “his actions on immigration” at the debate. Looking to boost the Biden campaign once more before concluding, she added “the president's recent executive action on asylum has cut border encounters by more than 40 percent while they say Republicans continue to block border security measures.” Co-anchor Linsey Davis asked Scott about Trump's judge partially lifting his gag order before the debate. Scott stated “the timing here is critical because we know that Donald Trump has been speaking with his advisers about how he should handle questions about his conviction.” She was seemingly amused by Trump’s frustration about the gag order: “Trump though still not happy about this, calling it ridiculous, insisting that the gag order needs to be lifted entirely. He is still barred from going after prosecutors and their families ahead of his sentencing.” Scott ended by sharing that “Something the former president is also frustrated about -- that there will be no live studio audience at that debate. He says it will be harder for him to gauge how he's doing, though aides and allies think it might keep him more on message.” Click "Expand" to view the transcript: ABC Good Morning America 6/26/2024 7:05:01 – 7:07:25 a.m. Eastern LINSEY DAVIS: Now to the countdown to the first presidential debate set for tomorrow night. Our chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce and Rachel Scott, who's following the Trump campaign, are tracking the very latest. Mary, we'll start with you. President Biden has been hunkered down at Camp David practicing for the big showdown. What can you tell us? MARY BRUCE (CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT): Well that intense prep continues today. The final day for him to prepare. The president is doing 90-minute mock debates at Camp David. His personal attorney, Bob Bauer, filling in, playing the role of Donald Trump. And while the president remains behind closed doors publicly, his campaign is continuing to give us a preview of what's to come tomorrow night. They are hammering Trump where they feel he is most vulnerable. Today, arguing that he is a danger to democracy and today they're now getting some backup from a Republican former Congressman Adam Kinzinger is now officially endorsing the president citing Trumps role and inciting the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Now Kinzinger has been a vocal critic of the former president and he says that while he certainly doesn't agree with President Biden on everything and that as a lifelong conservative he never thought he would see himself endorsing a Democrat, but he says that the stakes are simply too high in this race saying he is backing Biden because of his, quote, “unwavering support for democracy.” And another issue that the president is likely to tout tomorrow night, his actions on immigration. The White House this morning says that the president's recent executive action on asylum has cut border encounters by more than 40 percent while they say Republicans continue to block border security measures, Linsey. DAVIS: Mary, we will be watching that debate together, thank you. Rachel, wanna bring you in here. We know Donald Trump has been holding policy sessions with his advisers and now we're learning that the judge in his hush money trial has partially lifted the gag order ahead of the debate. What will that mean? RACHEL SCOTT (SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT): Yeah and the timing here is critical because we know that Donald Trump has been speaking with his advisers about how he should handle questions about his conviction and so now the judge partially lifting this gag order, which will allow the former president to talk about the witnesses in the case including his former fixer Michael Cohen, and also about the jurors who found him guilty on those 34 counts of falsifying business records. Trump though still not happy about this, calling it ridiculous, insisting that the gag order needs to be lifted entirely. He is still barred from going after prosecutors and their families ahead of his sentencing. Something the former president is also frustrated about, that there will be no live studio audience at that debate. He says it will be harder for him to gauge how he's doing, though aides and allies think it might keep him more on message, Linsey. DAVIS: We will be watching intently tomorrow, Rachel thank you so much and Mary as well. (...) 
Before yesterdayNB Blog Feed

ABC Aids Biden Campaign Messaging, Claims Trump Taking Away Rights

On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America essentially gave an in-kind donation to the Biden campaign ahead of Thursday’s debate. They highlighted a Biden Campaign ad while parroting talking points about how former President Trump was going to take away people’s right, while also decrying attacks against President Biden and calling them conspiracy theories. Chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce began by claiming that President Biden was “hoping that he can hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions in office.” She goes on to state that abortion rights will be “front and center” in the upcoming debate and, as expected, declared that Trump was to blame.     Bruce continued her Trump-abortion rant as she professed that “Twenty-one states have now banned or severely restricted abortion and Trump has bragged about appointing three of the justices who overturned Roe.” She described abortion as a “winning issue for Democrats” and concluded that “the Biden team is hoping it will continue to drive voters to the polls in November.” Video from the Biden ad played as Bruce reported: We are now getting a bit of a preview of what is to come on the debate stage on Thursday night. The President is hoping that he can hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions in office and he is trying to put abortion rights front and center, marking the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The Biden team is saying Donald Trump is to blame. Co-anchor George Stephanopoulos turned to senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott and asked her about the “wild and unsubstantiated allegation about President Biden” -- referring to Trump's request for Biden to take a drug test before the debate. Trump has made it clear that he was willing to take the drug test if it means that Biden will as well. Scott called Trump's request “a page straight out” of his “playbook.” She proclaimed that “Donald Trump has done everything, from questioning President Biden's mental fitness to mock his debate preparations.” Continuing to portray Biden as the victim, Scott noted that Trump was “calling on the President to get a drug test before he gets on the debate stage and he's fundraising off of that point.” In regards to Trump suggesting that Biden was “jacked up” on supplements, Scott wanted to make it exceptionally clear that she did not agree: “To be absolutely clear here, there is no evidence of that. These are baseless and unfounded claims and it's not the first time that we have heard Donald Trump use these claims.” Scott concluded that “the Biden campaign insists that Donald Trump is resorting to baseless and obviously false lies.” Unsurprisingly, throughout this segment there were no negative words said in regards to Biden or his campaign.  Click "Expand" to view the transcript: ABC's Good Morning America 6/25/2024 7:07:27 – 7:09:25 GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And the race for the White House now -- I want to thank Matt Gutman for that. The first presidential debate is just two days away. Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce and Rachel Scott, who's following the Trump campaign are tracking the latest on all that and Mary let me start with you: Biden campaign focused on abortion. MARY BRUCE (CHIEF WHITEHOUSE CORRESPONDENT): Yeah, George. We are now getting a bit of a preview of what is to come on the debate stage on Thursday night. The President is hoping that he can hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions in office and he is trying to put abortion rights front and center, marking the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The Biden team is saying Donald Trump is to blame. Out on the campaign trail, the Vice President saying Trump is “guilty of stealing reproductive freedom from the women of America.” Twenty-one states have now banned or severely restricted abortion and Trump has bragged about appointing three of the justices who overturned Roe. He says abortion laws should be up to the states but Biden has said that he will go even further if he is re-elected and of course, abortion has been a winning issue for Democrats in recent years. The Biden team is hoping it will continue to drive voters to the polls in November, George. STEPHANOPOULOS: And Rachel -- thank you, Mary and, Rachel, the Trump campaign, Donald Trump following a familiar playbook, making a wild and unsubstantiated allegation about President Biden. RACHEL SCOTT (Senior Congressional Correspondent): Yeah, this is a page straight out of Donald Trump's playbook, George. Donald Trump has done everything, from question President Biden's mental fitness to mock his debate preparations. Now, he's calling on the President to get a drug test before he gets on the debate stage and he's fundraising off of that point. Over the weekend, the former president suggested that President Biden was using supplements to get “jacked up” before his public appearances. To be absolutely clear here, there is no evidence of that. These are baseless and unfounded claims and it's not the first time that we have heard Donald Trump use these claims. He once called on Hillary Clinton to get a drug test before they faced off during the 2016 debate. This morning, the Biden campaign insists Donald Trump is resorting to baseless and obviously false lies, but George, this is a sign of just how nasty things could get on the debate stage in 48 hours. STEPHANOPOULOS: Okay Rachel, Mary thanks very much. (…)

Whoopi: We Don’t Allow Lies on The View

On Monday, Whoopi Goldberg had the gall to claim without evidence on ABC’s The View that she and her co-hosts were unbiased. The View, which has been previously caught spreading misinformation, attempted to identify as a source of factual information. Sunny began the segment by quoting Dan Rather, who was fired by CBS in 2006 for presenting unauthenticated documents in a news report: “Enough with both sides-ism. When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt.”     Goldberg weighed in saying that a journalist’s main job is to make sure the facts are clear to the people watching. She acknowledged that there are some people that have doubts about networks spreading true information, but she was not one of them. “The media has pretty much always been fair to each side,” Whoopi drastically professed. She stated there is no bias in The View, “we have to tell you both sides.” But The View has been known to make back-breaking contortions to defend Democrats at any given chance. Whoopi continued to dig a hole “You all don't think the same way so you want to hear what other people say, but when they're lying, we can't have it.” Her sufficient support for The View being unbiased was because “Alyssa [Farah Griffin]’s here” and “Ana [Navarro]’s here.” Both are ardent Democrats, not just Biden voters. “We can't allow, on this show, to have things said that we know for a fact are not true” Whoopi confidently asserted despite the numerous times The View has been caught lying. The View, classified as “news” under ABC, was forced to issue three dozen legal notes in 2022 alone. Whoopi concluded by encouraging the audience to “Demand folk’s fact check what they're telling you because what they’re telling you is important.” Click "Expand" to view the transcript: ABC The View 6/24/2024 11:10:03 – 11:11:50 (…) SUNNY HOSTIN: Can I just add one last thing? What was interesting to me is Dan Rather weighed in on X and he said -- he compared our time now to the Nixon era which was a little scary for me, but he said, “Enough with both sides-ism. When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt.” WHOOPI GOLDBERG: And we should keep in mind, too, that the people that need to hear this are the people who are running the networks that are okaying this because this idea -- it's like they say to you now, you can only work within this perimeter, but if the facts don't -- if the facts are not clear to people, that was what a journalist was there to do, to say, in fact, this is what went on, and this is how we checked. Now we all have -- we have been given doubts that people don't know how to do this. The media has pretty much always been fair to each side, and now when we've gone to this place where you only hear this -- see, we have to tell you both sides. That's why Alyssa's here. That's why Ana's here, because we don't all think the same way, and it's like you all. You all don't think the same way so you want to hear what other people say, but when they're lying, we can't have it. We can't allow on this show to have things said that we know for a fact are not true. That's what it used to be. That's what it needs to go back to being, and that's where y'all come in. It's okay to feel how you feel, but demand the truth. Demand folk’s fact check what they're telling you because what they’re telling you is important. (…)

The View: Biden Needs to Show ‘Vitality’ at Debate, Trump Must Be Sane

On Friday, ABC’s The View shared their expectations for the upcoming presidential debate between President Joseph Biden and Former President Donald Trump. They strongly encouraged Biden to “mock him” and “get under his skin.” Moderator Joy Behar began by identifying Biden as the “oldest living president” and Trump, unsurprisingly, as “the oldest living convicted felon.” Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin tagged on by indicating that Biden needs to “take head on the issue of age and vitality” whereas Trump needs to just “appear not crazy.”     As Farah Griffin continued her Trump rant, she declared, “But on the other side he might shout out a domestic terrorism organization like he did in the last first debate” in regards to Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back, and by.” But Griffin concluded that what will matter the most at the end of this debate would be what moments go viral. Despite the numerous videos of Biden falling, freezing, or forgetting what to say, co-host Ava Navarro decided to condemn these videos as fake by declaring, “But you know I think Republicans and Trump and his minions have done themselves such a disservice with all of these edited cut and spliced videos that they’re spreading around of Biden seeming lost and decrepit.” Navarro went on to claim that Republicans have set the bar so low that all Biden has to do is show up and not “keel over on his way to the podium.” On a roll, she professed, “I also think that it's part of the reason that you now see Trump saying, oh, he's on drugs. Which, by the way, I can't believe we have to say this, but it's patently false.”  Trump requested that Biden take a drug test before the debate which, expectedly, the Biden administration has made no comment on. She wanted Biden “to mock him, get under his skin, he needs to cure Trump amnesia that this country has and remind us of the horror of the four years, he needs to tout and take credit for all the things his administration has done.” Some accomplishments the Biden administration have were raising gas prices by 40 percent and watching the inflation rate go up by 3.8 percent compared to under Trump’s administration. But Haines wanted to weigh in by giving her strong opinion of Trump, “he is a highly emotionally reactive human being.” She suggested that Biden ask Trump who won the last election as a way to get under his skin. Haines encouraged Biden to “Beat him on the small topics that will just make him lose his mind.” Click "Expand" to view the transcript: ABC The View 6/21/2024 11:03:11 – 11:06:04 JOY BEHAR: So Joe Biden is the oldest -- he would be the oldest living president and Trump would be the oldest living convicted felon. So, who -- who has got more to prove here? ALYSSA GRIFFIN: I think the stakes are incredibly high for both. I think it's important that's happening for democracy, seeing them side by side, seeing the contrast and the juxtaposition. For Biden, I think he needs to take head on the issue of age and vitality. He needs to show up. He needs to look forceful and commands of facts. Donald Trump needs to appear not crazy and they’re gonna have to -- SARAH HAINES: That's gonna be hard, Alyssa. GRIFFIN: There is a world in which he could get through 90 minutes, keep it substantive, focus on policy. I've seen him do it. They shouldn’t dismiss that he can. But on the other side he might shout out a domestic terrorism organization like he did in the last first debate so we don’t know but I think a record number of people will tune in to this, but also what matters is what ends up on TikTok. What are the viral moments? What are the pull quotes that people see? People -- six in ten Americans didn't want this rematch but here we are, and they're gonna tune in to see who the best option is. ANA NAVARRO: But you know I think Republicans and Trump and his minions have done themselves such a disservice with all of these edited cut and spliced videos that they’re spreading around of Biden seeming lost and decrepit. Because it’s -- they've made it so they've lowered the bar so that if Joe Biden shows up, and doesn't keel over on his way to the podium, he's had a good night. And, you know, and I also think that it's part of the reason that you now see Trump saying, oh, he's on drugs. Which, by the way, I can't believe we have to say this, but it's patently false. Everything you just saw in that video, there is no evidence for, it's absolutely false. He's making it up. I think Joe Biden needs to get under his skin. I think he needs to mock him, get under his skin, he needs to cure Trump amnesia that this country has and remind us of the horror of the four years, he needs to tout and take credit for all the things his administration has done, but also be forward looking. SARAH HAINES: He doesn't need to mock him, though. I think it’s so easy to rattle him and you could stay -- BEHAR: Rattle who? Trump? HAINES: Donald Trump. You could stay the more like regular person and be the contrast to his crazy, just by talking about things that enrage him. Start by talking about who won the election, go from there. Like you can literally -- he is a highly emotional reactive human being. It's not response. Responding to someone takes thought and is usually careful. He is only reactive. So I think he just has to start slow, and I would prefer he doesn't mock him because mocking is Donald Trump's weapon. He does it well. Let him do that. Beat him on calm topics that will just make him lose his mind. BEHAR: What if Trump says something about his son, Biden's son, that's a trigger point I think? SUNNY HOSTIN: I think Biden is a real statesman, and I think he will rise to that occasion right? And we know who Trump is: he's a convicted felon. 34 counts. BEHAR: 34 times. (…)

MSNBC Downplays Border Crisis, Claims Immigration Will Boost Economy

On Wednesday, Stephanie Ruhle, host of MSNBC’s the 11th Hour, encouraged illegal immigration because it will “better our economy.” Ruhle, who has previously proclaimed “we are in an economic recovery,” attempted to glorify it once again. Ruhle started the segment by playing a clip of Republican politicians decrying the border being “open,” Ruhle downplayed the crisis at the border “Lies. We do not have open borders.”     She also cited data from the Congressional Budget Office, which observed that “increased immigration to the U.S. is expected to drive economic growth, boost federal revenues, and shrink deficits over the next decade.” She noted this is something that “Republicans traditionally would like.” Ruhle asked Victoria DeFrancesco Soto, dean of the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas, if the Biden campaign should “be using this report to turn the conversation to immigration is good, but can we fix it?” Soto answered by claiming there have been “hundreds” of other reports that have the exact same conclusion. She also asserted that if it was not for immigration the economy would not be “cooling down” like it is.  She further mentioned that the United States fertility rate has been declining despite a “slight bump during the pandemic.” Soto exclaimed that “we’re not replacing ourselves” and declared that “every family needs to have two children to replace themselves.” There, Sotos calmly stated that we should have a better attitude towards those who are entering the country illegally. “It's not one about, oh no – they’re at the border. It's like, oh my God thank you, please we need to incorporate you to bring new life and blood into our economy” she emphasized. Ruhle turned to Tim Miller, former communications director to Jeb Bush (R-FL), and asked him if Democrats should take this opportunity to change the narrative on illegal immigration and instead support it. Miller replied, “The Democrats need to divide the Republicans about this and need to gain ground.” Miller contrasted Republicans who only say “immigration bad -- you know -- migrants are violent -- you know-- the border is open” to Joe Biden, who he portrayed as a calm and rational president: “The Joe Biden message of saying, yes we need reasonable restrictions at the border, yes we also need to be decent to the dreamers who came to this country at age 3. We’re not going to put them in camps or deport them like Donald Trump wants to do. And yes, also legal immigration and – you know even loosening some of the rules at the border, helps our economy.” Miller concluded by complaining about how he used to be Republican and asked where the Republicans are at who believe that illegal immigrants “help our country grow” and are “good for our economy.” Ruhle, who claimed last month that inflation is high but the economy is great, nodded and smiled as she agreed with her guests. Click "Expand" to view the transcript: MSNBC The 11th Hour 6/19/2024 11:21:55 – 11:26:09 PM ET STEPHANIE RUHLE: Lies. We do not have open borders. Donald Trump, though, he is not the only Republican spreading fear about immigration at the border. Right there, his allies are wasting no time echoing the former president. But there is a new report out, they’re not talking about it and it tells a very different story about immigration and most specifically our economy. According to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office, increased immigration to the U.S. is expected to drive economic growth, boost federal revenues and shrink deficits over the next decade. Something Republicans traditionally would like. So let's discuss. I wanna bring in Victoria DeFrancesco Soto, dean of the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas and an MSNBC Political Analyst and Tim Miller, host of the Bulwark podcast and the former communications director for Republican Jeb Bush. Victoria, immigration has become a lightning rod issue. Americans across the political spectrum are angry about illegal immigration. Should the Biden campaign be using this report to turn the conversation to immigration is good, but we have to fix it? VICTORIA DEFRANCESCO SOTO (DEAN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS): Stephanie, this report and hundreds of other reports -- just last month the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City came out with pretty much an identical report that had it not been for immigration, we would have not seen a cooling down that light cooling down we’ve seen within the economy, right? So this is critical to seeing that recovery and beyond that Stephanie, I want to take a step back and paint a demographic picture. Since 1971, the United States fertility rate has been going down and it is currently at a record low. There was a slight bump during the pandemic but we’re back to that downward spiral. We’re to the point where we’re not replacing ourselves. We are at a 1.6 replacement rate. You need, two. So, essentially every family needs to have two children to replace themselves. We are not doing that. What does that look like in our job market? What does that look like in terms of the folks who are going to be paying into social security, to Medicare, to Medicaid? What is it going to look like in terms of people who are taking care of us when we age because we are living really long? So I think, when you bring this frame to immigration it’s a whole different story. It's not one about, oh no – they’re at the border. It's like, oh my God thank you, please we need to incorporate you to bring new life and blood into our economy. RUHLE: Tim, do you think this is an opportunity for Democrats to try and shift the narrative on the issue, and make a case for expanding legal immigration? TIM MILLER (FORMER COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR TO JEB BUSH R-FL): Well, look, the Democrats need to divide the Republicans about this – on this and need to gain ground. I do think it's more of a challenging issue for Democrats because they have to have more nuanced message, right? These Republican nativists can just say immigration bad -- you know -- migrants are violent -- you know -- the border is open. That’s an easy and simple message. The Joe Biden message of saying, yes we need reasonable restrictions at the border, yes we also need to be decent to the Dreamers who came to this country at age three. We’re not going to put them in camps or deport them like Donald Trump wants to do. And yes, also legal immigration and – you know even loosening some of the rules at the border, helps our economy. You know, I think ever since I left the Republican Party on some issues I think oh man I really could have changed my view on that. On other issues I’m like no, it’s you guys who have gone crazy. I mean, where are the pro-growth Republicans? Where are the Chamber of Commerce Republicans? There were always nativists to the party but there were other people that were like, we need immigrants to help our country grow. They are good for our country. They are good for our demographics. But they’re also just good for the economy. As Victoria said, you know this is not the first study that demonstrated this.  (…)

CNN’s Acosta Tosses Softballs at Mayorkas to Downplay Terror, Crime

On Tuesday, Jim Acosta filled in for Laura Coates Live and hardly pressed any intriguing questions on to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Instead, Acosta let the much criticized DHS chief downplay serious questions about terrorists coming over the border and murders being carried out by illegal immigrants under President Biden’s watch. Biden recently announced new federal action that will give undocumented spouses permanent residency and, in time, legal citizenship. Acosta began the interview with a recent poll which showed “62 percent of voters think all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. should be deported. That is up from 39 percent in 2016.”     “What do you say to those Americans who think today's move is a step in the wrong direction and who are shouting things like ‘send them back’ at Trump rallies?” Acosta wondered. He effectively teed up a nonchalant Mayorkas to react to the poll by oddly comparing illegal immigrant’s spouses to U.S. service member’s spouses: “Jim, let's take a look a few years back when we provided this relief for spouses of U.S. service members, men and women who have served our country in uniform and have been willing to risk their lives and too many have indeed made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country.” But Mayorkas decided to be more unpatriotic as he continued, “We will keep families together, families, including the undocumented spouses who have contributed so much to this country in so many different ways.” Acosta then brought up the recent arrest of eight Tajik individuals who crossed the southern border and where later discovered to have ties to ISIS. He asked Mayorkas, “Do you share the assessment that ISIS could be exploiting vulnerabilities down at the border to attack the United States?” But Mayorkas did not seem to care as he shrugged off the question and asserted that those in the law enforcement and intelligence community have already been talking about a “heightened threat environment.” Unsurprisingly, Mayorkas found another way to bash Americans as he exclaimed, “We've been speaking about the threat of domestic violent extremism, individuals already resident in the United States who are radicalized by foreign terrorist ideologies, false narratives, anti-government sentiments, personal grievances and other phenomenon.” Finally answering Acosta’s question concerning the Tajik individuals, Mayorkas said they "made determinations" when they openly let the eight ISIS members into the country. But he continued to claim that it wasn’t their fault since there wasn’t any “derogatory information when first encountered at the border.” He concluded that his “highest priority” was to keep the American people safe and to “take immigration enforcement action.” Acosta did not follow up on the issue, but he did lightly ask the Secretary about the incident in Maryland where a mother was killed by an illegal immigrant. Despite the murder, he threw in the liberal media’s usual argument: “Obviously, you know, we know that studies show that undocumented immigrants don't commit more crimes statistically than native born U.S. citizens.” He then asked Mayorkas to knock his and Biden’s critics. Click "Expand" to view the transcript: CNN Laura Coates Live 6/19/2024 11:36:56-11:38:54 JIM ACOSTA: Yeah, Mr. Secretary, I do want to ask you a little bit about some of that sound we heard at the beginning of this segment. Recent polling shows 62 percent of voters think all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. should be deported. That is up from 39 percent in 2016. That's a pretty sharp spike. What do you say to those Americans who think today's move is a step in the wrong direction and who are shouting things like "send them back" at Trump rallies? ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS (HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY): Jim, let's take a look a few years back when we provided this relief for spouses of U.S. service members, men and women who have served our country in uniform and have been willing to risk their lives and too many have indeed made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country. That is what we have expanded upon today. This path for status in the United States is available to the undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens now. But right now, before today, they have to have left the country and applied for that benefit with uncertainty and fear as to when they would be able to enter the United States, when their paperwork would be processed, and so they would be separated from their U.S. citizen spouse and so very often from their children, including U.S. citizen children. Now what the president has done is enable these people to access that path without having to leave the United States to be able to stay with their family members. It is about family unity. That is an ethic and a value of this country. And we will benefit significantly from it. We will keep families together, families, including the undocumented spouses who have contributed so much to this country in so many different ways. 11:41:34-11:44:29 ACOSTA: And Mr. Secretary, I do want to ask you about the recent arrests of eight Tajik nationals with alleged ties to ISIS who crossed the southern border requesting asylum. The former CIA director, Leon Panetta, told CNN this is a -- quote -- "9/11 wake up call." Do you share the assessment that ISIS could be exploiting vulnerabilities down at the border to attack the United States? What's your sense of that? MAYORKAS: Jim, we in the law enforcement community and the intelligence community have been speaking of a heightened threat environment, certainly exacerbated in the wake of the October 7th terrorist attacks against Israel. We've been speaking about the threat of domestic violent extremism, individuals already resident in the United States who are radicalized by foreign terrorist ideologies, false narratives, anti-government sentiments, personal grievances and other phenomenon.   We also have seen a growth in the foreign terrorist threat, and we have enhanced our screening and vetting accordingly. We had eight individuals of concern as to whom we did not have derogatory information when first encountered at the border. We made determinations in the service of our law enforcement objectives, in the service of our highest priority to keep the American people safe and secure, to take immigration enforcement action. And that is indeed what we did. ACOSTA: And, Mr. Secretary, I do want to ask you about the murder of this Maryland mother that has been in the news. It's gotten a lot of attention. She was killed last year. An undocumented immigrant was just arrested in her death last week. He's suspected of multiple crimes since he crossed the border illegally in early 2023.   Obviously, you know, we know that studies show that undocumented immigrants don't commit more crimes statistically than native born U.S. citizens. But what do you say to critics who blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen? Obviously, this is something that you hear in right-wing media all the time.   MAYORKAS: Jim, first and foremost, of course, our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friends of the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother. Jim, a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so. That is my response.   ACOSTA: All right. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, thank you very much for your time tonight. We appreciate it. MAYORKAS: Thank you, Jim.

CNN Cries Foul on Biden Vids, Gets SCHOOLED on Deceptive Coverage

On Monday, Jim Acosta filled in for Laura Coates Live and got into a heated debate about President Biden’s cognitive decline with Bryan Lanza, former Deputy Communications Director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, who called out the network for their “selective edit” and deceptive reporting on then-President Trump’s visit to Japan. Acosta played a clip of former President Trump accidentally saying “Dr. Ronny Johnson” instead of “Dr. Ronny Jackson” at an event in Detroit on Saturday and, unsurprisingly, attempted to make this one-word slip up from Trump equivalent to Biden’s many flubs.      Lanza reacted to the clip by stating that Biden’s age was not the problem but rather his cognitive decline. “And it's not misspeaking because everybody misspeaks on television. It's the fact that he can't find a door becomes a problem. Like he goes to the podium and he has to be told where to go. He's going to the wrong doors,” he exclaimed. Far from done, Lanza continued, “You don't think they've seen the cognitive decline? We're being dishonest by saying it doesn't exist. It's dangerous.” Acosta attempted to brush off Biden’s cognitive state by comparing him to Trump and asking Lanza if Trump was “the same guy he was in 2016.” Lanza did not hesitate as he responded, “Sure, but he's not going through the wrong doors. He doesn't need help to get off the stage.” Ashley Allison, National Coalitions Director for the 2020 Biden-Harris Campaign, chimed in as she referred to the recent video of Biden at his fundraiser needing Obama’s help to get off the stage: “President Obama is someone who follows the schedule to the T. When they say go off at 3:01, he's off at 3:01. Joe Biden, when they say go off at 3:01, no matter what age he is, he always runs late, he would have stayed out there until every single person left that.” Lanza rebutted, “It's not one video, it's not one clip, it's not this weekend. It's three and a half years of his entire administration where he looks lost on stage, where somebody has to show him where to go, where the door is.” But of course, Acosta claimed that those videos of Biden messing up are “deceptively edited.” On a roll, Lanza referenced the video of Trump feeding koi fish alongside late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, following the PM’s lead in dumping the box of food into the pond. CNN blew out of proportion calling Trump’s casual actions “disrespectful” and “out of protocol.” Lanza described it as a “selective edit” and noted that CNN, Fox, and MSNBC all play this editing “game.” Out of words, Allison suggested they “call it truce” while Acosta concluded “We’re covering both. They don’t.” Click "Expand" to view the transcript: CNN Laura Coates Live 6/17/2024 11:13:34-11:16:22 [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: TRUMP FLUBS HIS DOCTOR’S NAME AS HE BOASTS ABOUT COGNITIVE TEST] JIM ACOSTA: Yeah, I mean, Bryan, I mean, we could do this all night. We go back and forth. I've got my clips, you've got your clips, and just do that all night. Does it get us anywhere? BRYAN LANZA (FORMER DEPUTY COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, TRUMP 2016 CAMPAIGN): I would say this. I think here's the challenge. It's not Joe Biden's age. It really is his cognitive decline. And it's not misspeaking because everybody misspeaks on television. I do, you have, you have. People get nervous. And they even conflate decades. I'll give those things to Joe Biden. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: BIDEN & TRUMPS AGES IN POLITICAL SPOTLIGHT AHEAD OF DEBATE] It's the fact that he can't find a door becomes a problem. Like he goes to the podium and he has to be told where to go. He's going to the wrong doors. I'm sorry. You know, maybe Obama and Biden do have this friendship, but to the average person looking at this, seeing this weekend's image of Obama having to guide him out, it reinforces what we already see. It's not that he misspeaks. It's that he appears lost on the national stage and lost on the international stage. And that's the challenge here. I mean, these people in the international stage have known Joe Biden for 40 years. You don't think they've seen the cognitive decline. We're being dishonest by saying it doesn't exist. It's dangerous. ACOSTA: Is Donald Trump the same guy he was in 2016? LANZA: Sure, but he's not going through the wrong doors. He doesn't need help to get off the stage. That event that you saw took place -- ASHLEY ALLISON (NATIONAL COALITION’S DIRECTOR FOR THE BIDEN-HARRIS 2020 CAMPAIGN): That -- LANZA: Hold on. Let me say, that event that took place this weekend, somebody was telling him minutes before he went on stage exactly what to do and exactly what to do to get off. It didn't happen. That's a cognitive issue. ALLISON: No. Let me tell you, as someone who worked for both of them, I read that event, exactly what happened. President Obama is someone who follows the schedule to the T. When they say go off at 3:01, he's off at 3:01. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: WH OFFICIALS PUSH BACK AGAINST CLAIM BIDEN “FROZE” AT EVENT] Joe Biden, when they say go off at 3:01, no matter what age he is, he always runs late, he would have stayed out there until every single person left that. And Biden and Obama, that's the role they've always played. And Obama was like, come on, Joe, it's time to go. LANZA: Yeah -- ALLISON: It wasn't he couldn't find -- LANZA: It looks bad, guys. It's not one video, it's not one clip, it's not this weekend. It's three and a half years of his entire administration where he looks lost on stage, where somebody has to show him where to go, where the door is. I'm sorry, guys. It looks bad. ACOSTA: Come on, you have to admit, I mean, some of these videos have been deceptively edited. LANZA: But listen -- ACOSTA: Howie Kurtz over on Fox this past weekend is calling it out. LANZA: Hold on a second. I remember -- I remember during Trump's term when CNN showed President Trump dumping a bunch of, you know, fish food to the koi ponds with the prime minister of Japan saying that was disrespectful, that was out of protocol. That was a selective edit. And, you know, the Trump people complained, and the Biden people are going to complain, too. Nobody is sort of -- nobody is free of that game. CNN plays it, Fox plays it, MSNBC plays it. But you can't say it's -- ACOSTA: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, CNN and Fox are nowhere -- LANZA: Excuse me? You guys -- ACOSTA: -- nowhere -- LANZA: -- let's go back to that coverage. We should -- ACOSTA: -- barely in the same category. LANZA: -- hours dedicated. ACOSTA: Come on. LANZA: -- hours dedicated. ALLISON: So then, how come Fox didn't acknowledge that Donald Trump made a mispoke-mispeak about the Ronny Jackson? LANZA: I can't -- I can't tell you why Fox doesn't acknowledge these things, but I just said minutes ago that both politicians misspeak. That's a normal thing. ALLISON: So why don't -- why don't we call it truce -- ACOSTA: We're covering both. They don't. But anyway… (…)

Networks Promote Biden Fundraiser But Omit Him Seemingly Freezing Up

During their Monday morning newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC jumped at the opportunity to cover and support the Biden campaign's latest fundraiser. On Saturday, President Biden attended his fundraiser which was aimed towards an audience of celebrities and netted a $30 million haul. But while the networks hyped the dollar figure, they ignored Biden seemingly freezing on staged and needing to be led away by former President Obama. NBC’s Today featured senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson described the “star-studded” fundraiser as a “night with many celebrities but the biggest spotlight on warnings about what could happen if Mr. Trump wins again.” A clip was played from the fundraiser of Biden as he attempted to caution the audience “The idea that if he’s re-elected, he’s going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really – I really mean it.”     Host of the fundraiser, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, asked Biden if the “scariest part” of Trump's possible re-election was what could happen to the Supreme Court. Biden agreed that was one of the scariest parts but declared that “the Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today.” Former President Obama weighed in as he shared “part of what has happened over the last several years is we’ve normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying.” Jackson concluded as she noted that “the fundraiser hosted by Hollywood heavy weights Julia Roberts and George Clooney netting a hefty haul with the Biden campaign saying it raised more than $30 million.” With less than 5 months from the presidential election, both sides are competing to raise the most money for their campaign. On CBS Mornings, chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes reported that the president raised “more than $30 million” at his fundraiser which was a “record for a single democratic event.” But Cordes did not mention the Trump campaign's financial status but rather exclaimed, “This adds to his significant cash advantage over former President Trump.” Trump raised $141 million following his verdict in May which financially boosted his campaign significantly. Cordes stated that “tickets to President Biden’s star-studded fundraiser ranged from $250 to half a million.” The high price of the tickets is not surprising since the guest list included “Hollywood A-listers” like Julia Roberts and George Clooney. CBS ended their segment by hyping up the new Biden campaign ad. The ad described Trump as a “convicted criminal whose only out for himself.” And Biden, of course, portrayed as the hero who “is fighting for your family.” ABC’s Good Morning America made little comment about the Biden fundraiser as they instead focused on attacking Trump for speaking at “a black church in Detroit” and at a “conservative political event hosted by the right winged group Turning Point Action.” Although all of the networks mentioned Biden’s fundraiser, they seemingly forgot to mention another one of Biden’s slip-ups. At the end of the night, Biden seemingly froze as he attempted to leave the stage. He stared at the audience for a full ten seconds before Obama took his hand and led him offstage.   That’s a wrap on record-setting Democratic fundraiser for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign (netting $28M). Former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden offer final waves to Peacock Theater crowd as Obama then grabs Biden’s hand to lead him offstage following 40-minute… — Chris Gardner (@chrissgardner) June 16, 2024   Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: NBC's Today 6/17/2024 7:07:29 - 7:09:08 SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Also heating up this morning, the 2024 Presidential Race. President Biden and former President Trump in full campaign mode over the weekend. Biden hosted a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. Trump campaigned in the battleground state of Michigan. NBC's senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson joins us with all the details. Hallie, good morning. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: BIDEN AND TRUMP HIT THE TRAIL] HALLIE JACKSON (NBC SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT): Hey, Savannah, good morning. A lot going on as former President Trump focuses on a key swing state and President Biden looks for an infusion of campaign cash on a night with many celebrities, but the biggest spotlight on warnings about what could happen if Mr. Trump wins again. [Cuts to video] At a star studded L.A. Fundraiser, President Biden laying out the stakes of a potential second Trump term. [cut to clip] JOE BIDEN: The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more. [Transition] The idea that if he's re-elected he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really -- I really mean it. [Transition] JIMMY KIMMEL: Could this be the scariest part of all of it? BIDEN: Well, I think it is one of the scariest parts of it. Look, the Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. JACKSON: In a Q&A, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, also asking about so-called Trump amnesia, “Remember the pandemic,” Mr. Biden responded. He said, “Just don't worry, just inject a little bleach in your body.” Former President Obama also on hand warning “part of what has happened over the last several years is we've normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying.” The fundraiser hosted by Hollywood heavy weights Julia Roberts and George Clooney netting a hefty haul with the Biden campaign saying it raised more than $30 million. The race for the White House effectively deadlocked less than five months from Election Day. (…) CBS Mornings 6/17/2024 7:11:32 - 7:12:43 TONY DOKOUPIL: Back in this country, Father's Day weekend was full of presidential politics from both presumptive nominees. Former President Donald Trump campaigned in the battleground state of Michigan, while President Biden traveled to California where he joined former President Barack Obama at a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser. Nancy Cordes has more now from the White House. She's been following it. Nancy, good morning. [ON-SCREEN HEADLING: CAMPAIGNS IN FULL SWING] NANCY CORDES: Tony, good morning to you. Happy day after Father's Day. The Biden campaign says the president raised more than $30 million at this weekend's L.A. Fundraiser, that would be a record for a single Democratic Party event. This adds to his significant cash advantage over former President Trump with four and a half months to go before Election Day. [Cut to video] JOE BIDEN: Not on my watch. Not on my watch. NANCY CORDES: Tickets to President Biden's star-studded fundraiser ranged from $250 to half a million. On stage, he warned the Hollywood A-listers in the audience about what he thinks a second Trump term could mean for the nation's highest court. JOE BIDEN: The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more. The Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. (…) ABC’s Good Morning America 6/17/2024 7:11:17 AM [NEWS HEADLINE Trump on the Trail] RACHEL SCOTT: The former President speaking at a black church in Detroit continued his attacks on immigrants insisting that the black community is being hurt by those who are entering the country illegally... Trump then speaking at a conservative political event hosted by the right winged group Turning Point Action. (...) [NEWS HEADLINE Biden's Star-Studded Fundraiser: President raises $30 million at Los Angeles Event] SCOTT: As for President Biden, well he spent the weekend at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles with former President Barack Obama and comedian Jimmy Kimmel. Biden warning that one of the scariest things, he says, about a possible Trump term is that he would be able to appoint even more Supreme Court Justices to the bench. We’re told that the fundraiser brought in about 30 million dollars. Whit? WHIT JOHNSON: Alright Rachel Scott for us. Thank you so much.

Joy Behar Attacks Supreme Court: ‘I Don’t Trust It! … I Don’t Trust Them!’

On Thursday, ABC’s The View’s Joy Behar responded to the recent Supreme Court decision to not restrict access to the abortion drug Mifepristone by attacking the institution itself, proclaiming: “I don't trust it. But I don’t trust them!” Surprisingly, co-host Sunny Hostin initiated the segment as she expressed that the Supreme Court’s decision “does restore a little bit of my faith in the court.” Her support for this was the fact that not everyone can “bring a case in front of the Supreme Court.” Hostin alluded to Justice Clarence Thomas opinion on the decision and concluded that this was “black-letter law and they stuck to it.”     Co-host Ana Navarro did not hesitate as she exclaimed, “Well I just have to wonder what flag Mrs. Alito is going to fly today.” The audience cheered and laughed like usual. Later in the segment, Joy Behar noted that you can get this medication in the mail “just like women have been doing.” But she made it evident that even though decision was 9-0 in her favor, she did not approve of the Supreme Court’s decision as she interrupted Hostin and declared: “I don't trust it. But I don’t trust them – if Donald Trump gets in, don’t trust this.” Sarah Haines chimed in as she remarked “Some people don’t remember that justices have to prove their case. It's not like math where you put in an answer. You have to show us how you got there through the letter of the law so it's not as simple to have just corrupt judges running around in the Supreme Court.” She emphasized that this case decision was a reminder that judges “can’t just decide based on their beliefs.” But Behar interjected with the same comment: “I don’t trust the whole thing. I don’t trust them.” Hostin, who even seemed to be surprised by her continued reaction, asked Behar “you don’t trust the whole thing?” Behar simply responded “No.” Navarro agreed with Behar as she asserted “Well neither do most Americans right now, unfortunately. Which is don’t trust the Supreme Court.” Hostin, still a little confused by Behar’s comments, asked her if she found any comfort in this case decision. This is when Behar decided to lay it all out on the table as she concluded: “I don't trust the extreme religious right because they're very adamant about this and they're gonna do their best to change everything around and women need to be very vigilant. They want us in the kitchen with ten kids that we can't feed. Just remember that.” Navarro quickly contributed to Behar’s statement as she declared that “Women need to vote.” Click "Expand" to view the transcripts:   ABC The View 6/13/2024 11:03:03-11:04:05 SUNNY HOSTIN: It does restore a little of my faith in the court because the legal standard is: do you have standing to bring a case. Like can anybody bring a case in front of the Supreme Court? No. You have to have to prove that you have injuries resulting from it and so you've got a group of doctors and group of citizens and all of these people bring this challenge to the FDA and say, we don't want this – this – pill. And what Kavanaugh, he was the one that wrote it, said they do not -- what's called standing, in legalese and Justice Thomas in a concurring opinion and it's only 25 pages, it was pretty -- it's really easy to go through. He says, “I join the court's opinion in fault because it currently applies our precedents” -- we didn't know he stuck to those -- “to conclude that the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and other plaintiffs lacks standing.” That is black-letter law and they stuck to it. ANA NAVARRO: Well I just have to wonder what flag Mrs. Alito is going to fly today. [Laughing and applause]   11:07:54-11:09:41 (…) JOY BEHAR: So you can get this medication in the mail now? Right? SUNNY HOSTIN: You can get it in the mail -- BEHAR: -- Just like women have been doing. HOSTIN: And one thing I want to mention that I thought was very important - Kavanaugh says opponents of the pill have other avenues - as Alyssa just mentioned - to object. They can always take their concerns to the executive and legislative branches and seek greater regulatory or legislative restrictions on certain activities. BEHAR: Translation? SARAH HAINES: Please. HOSTIN: So the translation is states' rights. Translation, it is a little bit of a dog whistle to Congress. It is a little bit of a dog whistle to different governors, say, listen, if you in your 14 states want to keep abortion even from this pill being used then you need to legislate for it, and, quite frankly, that's why we have three branches of government -- BEHAR: -- I don't trust it. But I don’t trust them – ANA NAVARRO: And you shouldn’t because if -- BEHAR: -- if Donald Trump gets in, don't trust this. NAVARRO: I mean what are -- we’re kinda like celebrating that it was 9-0 but it was on standing which is like a -- it's a very -- it's an easy one. [Crosstalk] HOSTIN: It’s black and white law. NAVARRO: If this had been -- if these had been plaintiffs that had standing and the issue had been in front of the Supreme Court, God only knows. HAINES: Yeah but it's a reminder they can't just decide based on their beliefs. Some people don’t remember that justices have to prove their case. It's not like math where you put in an answer. You have to show us how you got there through the letter of the law so it's not as simple to have just corrupt judges running around in the Supreme Court. BEHAR: I don't trust the whole thing. I don't. I don’t trust them. HOSTIN: You don't trust the whole thing? BEHAR: No. HOSTIN: This doesn't give you any -- BEHAR: I mean -- NAVARRO: Well neither do most Americans right now, unfortunately. Which is don’t trust the Supreme Court. Which I think is a terrible thing. BEHAR: I don't trust the courts. HOSTIN: This decision though, doesn’t give you comfort? BEHAR: I don't trust the extreme religious right because they're very adamant about this and they're gonna do their best to change everything around and women need to be very vigilant. They want us in the kitchen with ten kids that we can't feed. Just remember that. NAVARRO: Women need to vote. BEHAR: We'll be right back.

MSNBC Lets Pelosi Dodge Vid Taking ‘Responsibility’ for January 6 Security

On Monday, MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, host of Deadline: White House, interviewed Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (CA) after bombshell never-before-seen footage from her daughter Alexandra’s January 6 documentary was released. But while the video showed Pelosi in the back a vehicle taking “responsibility” for the Capitol’s security, the intent of the interview was to let her dodge that accountability. MSNBC played a clip recently released by congressional Republicans of Pelosi from January 6th, but decided to cut some very important parts out of the video. In the clip they shared, Pelosi asked why the National Guard was not at the Capitol. In the whole, unedited version of the clip she openly admitted “I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”   🚨 Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump. NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED: "I take responsibility." WATCH: — Oversight Subcommittee (@OversightAdmn) June 10, 2024   Wallace began as she asked Pelosi why she thought this video had “stirred up and a brouhaha on the right and in some corners of the media today?” Pelosi claimed it was because Trump and his “toadies” were attempting to “do revisionist history on January 6th.” She declared that “we cannot let us be dragged into their, again, false impression of what happened that day.” Pelosi very briefly mentioned the National Guard's absence from the Capitol as she exclaimed, “And yet this president who incited -- this former president who incited this insurrection would not send the National Guard for hours.” Unsurprisingly, Pelosi did not mention how she took responsibility for the National Guard's absence in the video, but instead she compared herself to President Abraham Lincoln:     PELOSI: Last night I received the Lincoln award. I was so proud of receiving that. And I said in my remarks, Lincoln built the dome on the Capitol. He insisted that it be built during the Civil War so that it could show the resilience of America. Wallace decided to praise Pelosi calling her a “tip of the spear figure in our politics.” But did not stop there as she professed that some Republicans she used to work for “have immense respect for your love of country and your patriotism.” Still not mentioning anything about the guilty confession clip. Instead, Wallace asked Pelosi how she thinks the upcoming campaigns will be perceived by the American people and allowed her guest to nearly four, uninterrupted minutes to bash Republicans and praised President Biden. “Well, let me just say that Republicans have always tried to wrap themselves in the flag while they denigrate it,” Pelosi chided. At no point did Wallace ask Pelosi for context or clarity regarding the video throughout this entire interview. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts:  MSNBC Deadline: White House 6/10/2024 5:27:18-5:31:54 PM [VIDEO CLIP] NANCY PELOSI: You gonna ask me in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the inaugural stuff that should we call the Capitol Police -- I mean the National Guard? Why weren't the National Guard there to begin with? [END CLIP] NICOLE WALLACE: Joining our coverage, California Democratic congresswoman, the Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi. Madam Speaker, nice to see you. Thank you for being here. PELOSI: A pleasure to be here. Thank you, Nicolle. WALLACE: Why do you think this has stirred up and a brouhaha on the right and in some corners of the media today? PELOSI: Well, because the fact is that the president of the United States, the former president, and his toadies do not want to face the facts. They're trying to do revisionist history on January 6th. But we cannot let us be dragged into their, again, false impression of what happened that day. They know what happened that day. They know how serious it is and was and continues to have an impact on our country. And yet they want to call the people who were in there hostages. Last night I received the Lincoln award. I was so proud of receiving that. And I said in my remarks, Lincoln built the dome on the Capitol. He insisted that it be built during the Civil War so that it could show the resilience of America. And to see these people coming through the Capitol with their foul deeds and foul actions, waving Confederate flags and Nazi flags under Lincoln's dome was so shameful. And yet this president who incited -- this former president who incited this insurrection would not send the National Guard for hours. People were harmed. People were killed. That died one way or another. And what did he do but try to deny that any of it happened. This is a terrible thing. But let us not take away the attention of what we need to do to go forward. We have to unify our country. We have to bring people together in a way, in a way that honors the vision of our founders. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform as well as the aspirations of our children. I just came back from D-Day in Normandy to see our veterans there who -- the 80th anniversary of it – WALLACE: -- Yeah -- PELOSI: -- some of the youngest of them were 97, some over 100. They fought for our freedom. And yet you see how it is being denigrated by the former president and his Republican toadies. WALLACE: Madam speaker, you've always been sort of a tip of the spear figure in our politics. And you’ve always and I don't know that people know this, I don't know how much you like this said on TV. Republicans, my old boss included, have not even grudging respect, have immense respect for your love of country and your patriotism. Stuart Stevens made the point in the last hour that if this campaign is waged around big things like the flag, which Trump supporters denigrated on the day of the insurrection when they held it upside down, an upside down flag also on the property, the Virginia property of Supreme Court Justice Alito, also according to journalist Vaughn Hillyard showing up all around the country, leading to this movement of denigrating the flag, showing it in a sign of distress as a political statement, describing veterans as losers and suckers, something General Kelly had to come out and confirm on the record and say it was definitely true. I mean, if the campaign is waged around the flag, around whether men and women who die serving the country are losers or suckers or not, what do you think that campaign looks and feels like for the American people? PELOSI: Well, let me just say that Republicans have always tried to wrap themselves in the flag while they denigrate it. I come from Baltimore, Maryland originally, where the national anthem was written, and in the national anthem my favorite line is "Proof through the night that our flag was still there." We have to prove through the night of this activity that they're putting on that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for all. But we have to run a campaign around the kitchen table issues, about jobs and access to health care and education and what it means for America's working families. That is how they make their decisions. The kitchen table is more important than the corporate boardroom table, around the cabinet table, anything. It is the most important place where decisions are made about the future. (…)

‘Lucky or Unlucky’? Networks Tout Trump’s Hearing With Parole Officer

The “Big Three” morning newscasts (ABC, CBS, NBC) on Monday, weighed in on former President Donald Trump’s upcoming pre-sentencing probation hearing. The former president was scheduled to meet virtually with his probation officer from his Mar-a-Lago estate and liberal media couldn’t hide their excitement; speculating prison time. On NBC’s Today, Laura Jarrett, NBC’s senior legal correspondent and daughter of former Obama advisor Valerie Jarett, hinted that the virtual hearing could be seen as special treatment for Trump since it was “highly unusual.”     She did admit that it would be better for Trump to meet his probation officer virtually rather than in person because his presence has been “disruptive” in New York. Co-host Savanah Guthrie asked about the possible sentence recommendation Trump may receive on Monday from the probation officer. Jarrett responded: “We've talked about given his age and no other criminal history, no other convictions he's likely to get probation in this case but there's a lot of debate among a lot of legal voices about whether jail times on the table of course.” But Guthrie wanted to speak for the many individuals who believe Judge Merchan will sentence Trump to prison time because “he violated gag order, you know, ten times during the trial.” Jarrett argued that in comparison to those who have previously been convicted of this exact crime “only one in like the past five years has gone to prison when this is the highest level crime they’ve committed.” On ABC’s Good Morning America, Rachel Scott said Trump was now facing the “stark reality of now having to campaign as a convicted felon.” Since his conviction, the former president held his first campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sunday. A clip was played from the rally of Trump as he declared that he got “indicted again and again and again.” Scotts summary of the rally was a different take. “Once again bashing the four criminal cases against him and escalating his verbal attacks on prosecutors” she stated. On CBS Mornings, Tony Dokoupil quipped that it was arguable that Trump's New York probation officer “a lucky or unlucky” individual. In regards to the probation officer, chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa observed “they will just be doing their job.”      Click "Expand" to view the transcripts:  ABC Good Morning America 6/10/2024 7:07:20 - 7:08:21 PM GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: We’re getting the latest now on Donald Trump. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: TRUMP TO UNDERGO PROBATION INTERVIEW] The former president set to meet virtually with a probation officer for sentencing interview after holding his first major campaign rally over the weekend since his criminal conviction. Rachel Scott has the story. Good morning, Rachel. RACHEL SCOTT: Hey George, good morning to you. And Donald Trump did not talk much about that guilty verdict at all, but he is faced with the stark reality of now having to campaign as a convicted felon. The former president wrapping up a rally here in Las Vegas this morning preparing for his probation interview. This morning Donald Trump fresh off holding his first campaign rally since his conviction now preparing to meet virtually with probation officers from his Mar-a-Lago estate. DONALD TRUMP: I got indicted again and again and again. I was never indicted. It appeared as little tiny period of time I was like a -- I was like a ping pong ball. [END CLIP] SCOTT: Over the weekend the former president rallying supporters in Las Vegas. Once again bashing the four criminal cases against him and escalating his verbal attacks on prosecutors -- using profanity to lash out at Special Counsel Jack Smith. (…) 7:10:18 - 7:10:36 PM [Cuts back to live] SCOTT: Back to that probation interview, we are told that the former president will sit for that virtually from his Mar-a-Lago estate. All of that will be included in a report that will be submitted to Judge Juan Merchan as he considers what the former president should be sentenced with on July 11. Michael? MICHAEL STRAHAN: Yeah, we’ll all be looking for that Rachel. Thank you so much.             CBS Mornings 6/10/2-24 7:08:12 - 7:08:43 [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: PRESIDENTIAL RACE TOO CLOSE TO CALL] TONY DOKOUPIL: Also notable, Bob, CBS news has confirmed that Donald Trump is scheduled for a presentencing interview with a lucky or unlucky New York probation officer today after his hush-money trial conviction last month. What do you know about that? ROBERT COSTA (CBS CHIEF ELECTION AND CAMPAIGN CORRESPONDENT): They will just be doing their job. It's a routine measure coming after a conviction. It will take place today virtually. Trump will be in Florida with his lawyer, Todd Blanche. And after this meeting, Judge Juan Merchan will start to think through the sentencing for Trump which will take place on July 11th. DOKOUPIL: All right, Bob. Thank you very much.                                     NBC Today 6/10/2024 7:10:46 - 7:12:30 SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Now to the former president’s legal troubles as he awaits sentencing for his conviction in his hush money case in New York. He’s scheduled to meet virtually today with his probation officer. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: TRUMP PROBATION INTERVIEW TODAY] Let's bring in NBC’s Senior Legal Correspondent Laura Jarrett. Laura, good morning -- LAURA JARRETT (NBC SENIOR LEGAL CORRESPONDENT): Hi. GUTHRIE -- this is typical in any criminal case and yet this case is so atypical. Tell us what we expect today. JARRETT: Yes, anything but typical to have the former president obviously facing this. He's going to be asked a series of questions by a probation officer, a female probation officer that we've learned, he's going to have his attorney by his side, it's being done virtually. That's highly unusual but it would also be highly unusual to haul him up to the probation office and obviously it's been so disruptive to have his presence down there for court so they're trying to avoid that so he's gonna to do it from Mar-a-Lago virtually asked a series of questions. Things like tell me what led up to the crime, tell me about your finances -- all of these types of questions just, again, sort of unprecedented in the situation like this. The judge does not have to take the probations department's recommendation, but he can use it as one of any number of factors. GUTHRIE: Does the probation department recommend a particular sentence? JARRETT: Yes, they're going to actually recommend anywhere from probation up to four years in prison. That's what he's facing although, again, we've talked about given his age and no other criminal history, no other convictions he's likely to get probation in this case but there's a lot of debate among a lot of legal voices about whether jail times on the table of course. GUTHRIE: Because some people think that Judge Merchan may well do so because this the underlying issues in this case in terms of election interference, the fact that he violated gag order, you know, ten times during the trial. JARRETT: Well and if you look at past practices and that’s what the judge is going to look at- past cases of people who have been convicted of this crime, only one in like the past five years has gone to prison when this is the highest level crime they’ve committed.

Leave it to Behar to Make Remembering D-Day All About Trump, Election

On Thursday, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the ladies on ABC’s The View took attention away from the memory of the brave men and boys who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and made it about former President Trump and their fears of him winning in November. There was also the ironic rant by moderator Whoopi Goldberg about young people needing to learn their World War II history. Co-host Joy Behar contributed to the discussion as she relayed a story regarding a trip she took to Normandy. “I had a guide who was French, and I said to him, ‘we saved France,’ and he said, ‘you saved the world.’” Goldberg, with her vast understanding of history, quickly added “That’s what America used to do!”   Behar explained that what the guide said to her was “the most touching thing anybody has ever said to me about this country.” But her almost patriotic sentence took a turn when she made the moment about Trump: “and for us to be throwing it down the toilet to a convicted felon, to somebody who is liable for rape, who lies and cheats.” But she wasn’t done: John Kelly, his former chief of staff, said Trump said U.S. service members were suckers and losers for risking their lives. There's nothing in it for them. He refused to visit the graves in France. He didn't want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because, quote, it doesn't look good for me. He criticized Gold Star families. Trump has denied making any disparaging remarks about U.S. service members. Behar concluded with: “Today is the day to reflect on what we have in this country and what we could lose very easily if we don't watch it.” Goldberg kicked off the segment by mentioning that Biden was in Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day visiting the grounds where “allied forces stormed the beaches to fight back against fascism and to turn the tide of World War II.” She noted “the craziest thing is that we've had to tell an entire new generation that it actually happened.” Goldberg placed great emphasis on the idea that everyone should know and understand history as a whole. Interestingly, in 2022 Goldberg boldly proclaimed, “Well also, if we're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn't about race.” She attempted to validate her point by adding that the Holocaust only concerned “two groups of white people.” Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: ABC The View 6/6/2024 11:14:51-11:15:32 WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Well President Biden is in Normandy right now to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when allied forces stormed the beaches to fight back against fascism and to turn the tide of World War II. The craziest thing is that we've had to tell an entire new generation that it actually happened. JOY BEHAR: Yeah. SUNNY HOSTIN: Yeah. GOLDBERG: You know, we are losing so much ground because people don't realize what the blood and sweat that people put in, you know, and to save other people. And how everybody is involved in this. (…) 11:16:19-11:17:38 BEHAR: So, when I was there, I had a guide who was French and I said to him, “we saved France,” and he said “you saved the world.” “You saved the world.” GOLDBERG: That’s what America used to do. BEHAR: And that is the most touching thing anybody has ever said to me about this country and for us to be throwing it down the toilet to a convicted felon to somebody who is liable for rape, who lies and cheats, who calls- HOSTIN: -Liable for sexual abuse- BEHAR: Sexual harassment whatever it is. John Kelly, John Kelly his former chief of staff said Trump said U.S. service members were suckers and losers for risking their lives. There's nothing in it for them. He refused to visit the graves in France. He didn't want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because, quote, it doesn't look good for me. He criticized gold star families. He went against John McCain who was a hero. [Applause]  And this guy is neck and neck with Biden? Today is the day to reflect on what we have in this country and what we could lose very easily if we don't watch it. ALYSSA GRIFFIN: If I could just add – BEHAR: End of speech and by the way, if you want to learn about this and you don't feel like reading about it watch Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. Two movies about this. (…)  

CNN Argues Hunter Biden’s Addiction Is the Best Defense in Gun Case

On Wednesday, The Lead with Jake Tapper tried to argue that Hunter Biden held no liability for lying on his federal Firearm Transaction Record form because of how far “gone” on drugs he allegedly was when he bought his gun in 2018. Victoria Nourse, former Chief Counsel for the then-Vice President Joe Biden, leaned on two statutes which would lead to the same outcome where Hunter Biden is found not guilty. Nourse alluded to the Fifth Circuit which concluded that disarming a sober citizen based primarily on past drug usage violated the Second Amendment.     In Biden’s memoir, he wrote about his addiction to crack cocaine and alcohol which indicates that he may have lied about his eligibility to own a firearm. Prosecutor Derek Hines told the jury on Tuesday that all of the evidence for this case was primarily in Biden’s book as he observed, “The book will show he was addicted to crack before, during and after his possession of the gun.” Biden’s own family members feared the gun being in his possession. Tapper noted how members of the jury have stated that they or somebody they know has been affected by addiction. He asked Tim Parlatore, CNN Legal Commentator, if these jurors could be effective when it comes to Biden’s defense. He answered, “I think it is going to be very effective. They may have personal experience with understanding this.” In regards to the prosecution, Tapper noted that they were trying to so how cognitively incapable he was to possess a firearm. “He didn't even get his private dance that obviously the prosecution is trying to make that point, like, look at how messed up he was or whatever,” he said. Parlatore warned that “if they lean too hard into all of his drug use and everything else, they undermine whether he was able to form the requisite criminal intent at the time.” But criminal intent is not always needed. Drunk drivers often don’t have the ability to think clearly before they get behind the wheel, and they’re still held liable for driving under the influence. And as CNN has previously reported, the prosecution was accusing Biden of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: CNN's The Lead With Jake Tapper 6/5/2024 4:13:01 p.m. Eastern JAKE TAPPER: Let's turn to the Hunter Biden case. [HUNTER BIDEN’S EXES DETAIL HIS PAST DRUG USE] The defense from Hunter Biden's lawyer today appear to be, yes, he is an addict and, yes, he did drugs that year in 2018. But they say the prosecution has not proved that Hunter was on drugs when he bought the gun and filled out that paperwork saying that he was not using drugs. Is that an effective defense, you think? VICTORIA NOURSE (FORMER CHIEF COUNSEL FOR THEN-VP JOE BIDEN): Well, yeah. I mean, there are two different statutes here, and one of them says that you know this is the one that was struck down in the Fifth Circuit, says, you know, it doesn't matter what he what he thinks. But the other statute says you have to know that you're deceiving the gun dealer, and on that, it will matter as to what whether he said at the time “oh, yes, did I know that I was using drugs,” et cetera. I think they say he was misusing alcohol at the time. And just in the Fifth Circuit case, that individual confessed, I've used marijuana 14 times, then that court struck down the law is unconstitutional because you can't prevent someone from possessing a gun under the Second Amendment, just because they have used alcohol or drugs in the past. TAPPER: And the -- apparently, I'm not in the courtroom, but apparently, there are members of the jury who have been touched by addiction. I guess most of us probably know somebody, either a friend or family member who's been -- who's been affected by addiction, could that be effective when it comes to his defense, Hunter Biden's defense? TIM PARLATORE (CNN LEGAL COMMENTATOR): I think it is going to be very effective. And you're right, you know, today there are very few people to find 12 jurors who haven't been touched by addiction. It, it -- that would not be a jury of your peers. Yeah, that'd be a highly selected. TAPPER: Right. PARLATORE: And so, you know, these jurors will understand the type of struggles that Hunter Biden went through. They may have personal experience with understanding this. And the problem the prosecution has is if they lean too hard into all of his drug use and everything else, they undermine whether he was able to form the requisite criminal intent at the time. So, you know, the prosecution I think needs to in some ways, throttle back because they're kind of playing into the idea of, you know, they can't prove it that he was doing it at this time. So they're piling it on before the piling-- TAPPER: So, there's an intent? PARLATORE: There is. NOURSE: Yes. TAPPER: So there is an intent. So that's interesting. So when the stripper -- I forget her name, I apologize -- but went the stripper testifies that he was so addicted to crack, he didn't even get his lap dance. I'm sorry. This is salacious, but this was the testimony today. He didn't even get his private dance that obviously the prosecution is trying to make that point, like, look at how messed up he was or whatever but -- NOURSE: That's not a criminal offense and you can't criminalize just mere -- being an addict. Supreme Court decided that case a long time. TAPPER: Right, but the point you guys are both making, which is like if he is that gone, although I don't know the defenses arguing that he doesn't even know he's deceiving the government when he lies on that form. NOURSE: That's one -- that's one argument. The other argument is that maybe it wasn't crack. It with some other outcome, alcoholism. TAPPER: Or it was alcohol. NOURSE: Which was not covered by the statute. PARLATORE: It makes it very difficult and then a lot of -- a lot of dealers, gun dealers, that is, when they give you the form, they say, hey, fill out your information at the top and check note all these things. TAPPER: Right. PARLATORE: Because I've seen plenty of people that they just go and check and they don't even read it. If you're an addict or somebody who's using drugs, that increase the likelihood that you did that. So, only goes to further undermine that he intentionally violated the law here. TAPPER: I've heard Republicans say that this is not a good case, even Republicans, that the tax case might be a better case in California. But this one -- NOURSE: Well, even Congressman Gowdy said that if you're an ordinary person, you would never be charged in a federal court with this. There are 37 million, you know, gun owners. PARLATORE: Yes. NOURSE: And they've all filed these forums, and are we going to go back and try to investigate all 37 billion of them? No. So I do think that this is not the kind of strong case that you would ever expect to be brought. But, of course, he is the president's son. TAPPER: Indeed. (...)

CNN Tries To Hype Biden as a Moderate On The Border

On Tuesday, CNN’s host of OutFront, Erin Burnett, lamented President Joe Biden is being slammed by his own party for  his immigration executive order and took the opportunity to hype him as a moderate on the issue. Burnett noted that immigration is an important issue to the American people and reminded viewers that “Biden consistently polls far below Trump on the issue and asked Ron Brownstein, CNN’s senior political analyst, if he thought this attention would help Biden as he campaigned. Brownstein answered that the public opinion on immigration and immigration policy always move in different directions, “from my experience writing about this since the early 1990s when Republicans are in, when Trump was in, there was pretty broad resistance to a lot of the hardline measures that he pursued…”     then compared Biden to Trump's administration. He observed that “there is now much more support from any of the harsher things that Trump wanted to do. I don't think Biden can close that gap given all that’s happened in the last few years, but I do think that adopting this, which was kind of the sharpest tool in the armory of that bipartisan Senate bill gives him more ground to stand on to say, look, I'm taking reasonable steps to secure the border, and this allows him I think also a stronger position to criticize some of the things that Trump wants to do in a second term.” Burnett turned to commentator and former Obama official Van Jones and asked him if the public would give him credit for doing something on the border or still blame him for the chaos. He confidently answered, “I think now he's being accused of playing politics with immigration when the problem is that the Republicans have been playing politics with immigration.” He continued to defend the Biden as he noted that he “is not somebody who likes to do executive orders that he thinks the courts aren't going to approve. That's why he waited so long.” Not only did Jones ignore all of Biden’s student loan executive orders, he was not going to stop there. He decided to target Republicans a little more as he added “The reality is Republicans have a strategy here. They scream ‘fire’ at the border, they spread the fire around by shipping migrants all over to blue cities, and then when somebody tries to bring a firehose, like Biden, they step on the firehose.” To bolster Biden’s supposed moderate credentials, Burnett played two soundbites from progressive Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA). Biden waited until five months before the election to finally do something about the border and now CNN is helping him portray himself as a centrist. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts:  [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: NEW BORDER RESTRICTYIONS TAKE EFFECT AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT] (...) ERIN BURNETT: And, Ron, this is consistently one of the top -- if not the top issues as Americans rank them of what they care about for the election, Biden consistently polls far below Trump on the issue of immigration. But you just heard Ayanna Presley, even from the left of his own party, he's being slammed for this. Is this going to help him? [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: “DISAPPOINTED” DEMS COMPARE BIDEN BORDER ACTION TO TRUMP WH] RON BROWNSTEIN (CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST): I think it will actually. Some immigration public opinion tends to move in the opposite direction from immigration policy. That's from my experience writing about this since the early 1990s when Republicans are in, when Trump was in, there was pretty broad resistance to a lot of the hard-line measures that he pursued, separation, obviously, of kids and their parents at the border, remain in Mexico. Under Biden, there's a broad sense that it's too tolerant. And there is now much more support from any of the harsher things that Trump wanted to do. I don't think Biden can close that gap -- BURNETT: Yeah. BROWNSTEIN: -- entirely in -- given all that’s happened in the last few years, but I do think that adopting this, which was kind of the sharpest tool in the armory of that bipartisan Senate bill gives him more ground to stand on to say, look, I'm taking reasonable steps to secure the border, and this allows him I think also a stronger position to criticize some of the things that Trump wants to do in a second term- BURNETT: Yeah. BROWNSTEIN: -particularly mass deportations. BURNETT: Yeah. And we'll see what it does, especially with -- I mean, this is obviously not targeted as the base of his party. It's targeted at moderates that he needs to win. But, Van, you know, while Biden says he's doing this because Republicans wouldn't, as I pointed out, there's been what more than 400,000 people cross the border since that bipartisan bill failed, 200,000 migrants have come into New York City since the spring of 2020 -- of 2022, 200,000, Van. I mean, I've just curious and as I said, nearly seven million since he's taken office, do you think, Van, that people are going to see this the way Biden wants them to, or are they going to say, look, all these people come in and -- came in under Biden's leadership and he owns that 7 million. VAN JONES (CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR): Look, it's hard to know how the public is going to see it. But I think now he's being accused of playing politics with immigration when the problem is that the Republicans have been playing politics with immigration. The last thing Biden wanted to do was to move on his own and to use executive authority that the courts have raised an eyebrow at. Biden is not somebody who likes to do executive orders that he thinks the courts aren't going to approve. That's why he waited so long. BURNETT: Right. JONES: The reality is, Republican to have a strategy here. They scream fire at the border, they spread the fire around by shipping migrants all over to blue cities, and then when somebody tries to bring a fire hose, like Biden, they step on the fire hose. They don't let Congress act. And so, he's got a little pail of water on his desk. He's trying to throw it on the fire because all that's left to him. But it’s Republicans who should own this last chunk because Republicans had a chance to do something, they had a chance to solve the problem. They wouldn't even support their own bill because they would rather hurt Biden and help the country. And that's the real problem here. That's real politics here. BURNETT: Ron, though, when you look at Democrats, I mean, you've got some that are happy that Biden's doing this, you know? But you have some who are slamming it. In fact, for what you say, because they're saying, oh, it's like Trump did and they actually aren't okay with that. I mean, here's just two today. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) REP. PRAMILA JAYAPAL (D-WA): I'm disappointed that the president has, you know, has sort of gone into the same frame as Donald Trump at a very time when we need to make a distinction between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. SEN. ALEX PADILLA (D-CA): It's disappointing to see an attempt to return to the same policies that were proven to fail in the Trump administration. (...)

Civil War 2? CBS’s Koppel Warns of Consequences of Another Trump Loss

On CBS News Sunday Morning, Ted Koppel visited the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg and urged Trump critics to “consider the consequences of another Trump defeat” rather than only fearing his win. He compared the celebrations following Fort Sumter being surrendered to Trump rallies and not-so subtly suggested another civil war was on the horizon. Seemingly walking back some of the media’s hyperbole, Koppel described January 6 as a “mini insurrection” and noted there has never been one that was “more recorded.” He asked Chris Gwinn, Gettysburg Chief of Interpretation and Education, if he had seen some similarities between what happened in Gettysburg and what has happened up to today. Gwinn answered that seeing the Confederate flag in the halls of Congress was something he thought would never happen.     Wanting more details, Koppel asked the park service official if that bothered him. Gwinn responded that “to see that symbol, that flag, utilized in that way, and to see it in that building was something that I think if you could go and reincarnate some of these union soldiers, these United States soldiers buried in that cemetery, they would be aghast at the sight of that.” Koppel compared this to the beginning of the Civil War when Fort Sumter was surrendered. “And yet, when the Civil War began with the surrender of Fort Sumter in 1861, there was throughout much of the land wild celebration and no inkling of the price to be paid. Wars rarely begin in a climate of foresight,” he remarked. He went into further detail as he noted that “there was throughout much of the land wild celebration and no inkling of the price to be paid.” Seemingly looking to stoke fear, Koppel hinted that the “chest beating” at Trump's rallies could be an indication of what could follow a potential Trump defeat. He showed clips from these rallies as people cheered “we love Trump” and participants shared what they would do if Trump were to lose his reelection. Koppel noted that “President Trump`s critics and their legion are fearful of what his victory in the election might mean for the country. And he might do well to consider the consequences of another Trump defeat.” The segment concluded with cherry-picked and ominous soundbites of just a couple of men in the crowd: MAN #2: We will not go another four years at the pace we`re going. Our side will fight back then. TED KOPPEL: Tell me what that means. MAN #2: It means our freedom will not be stolen anymore. TED KOPPEL: What if it happens again? MAN #3: Be ready. Just be ready for war. KOPPEL: Really? MAN #3: I think some of us are going to go and be a little nuts over it. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: ​​​​​​CBS NEWS SUNDAY MORNING 06/02/2024 9:58:18 a.m. Eastern TED KOPPEL: I don`t think there has ever been a more recorded mini- insurrection, than what happened on January 6th, and yet we`re still arguing about what happened. Are you seeing some of the same similarities that I`m seeing in what`s happening today? CHRIS GWINN (GETTYSBURG CHIEF OF INTERPRETATION AND EDUCATION): To a degree. KOPPEL: I mean, you don`t have to, if it`s too hot a potato. GWINN: It`s a little hot. It`s a little hot for the park service. What I remember from the January 6th riot, insurrection, is I saw Confederate battle flags in the halls of Congress for the first time. They achieved something that Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia never even got close to. They`re physically in the halls of Congress with the same battle flag that Virginia units on this battlefield carried. And that`s something I never thought I`d see. KOPPEL: Does it bother you? GWINN: Deeply. Profoundly. KOPPEL: Because? GWINN: We fought a four-year war that cost 700,000 lives. And to see that symbol, that flag, utilized in that way, and to see it in that building was something that I think if you could go and reincarnate some of these union soldiers, these United States soldiers buried in that cemetery, they would be aghast at the sight of that. KOPPEL: And yet, when the Civil War began with the surrender of Fort Sumter in 1861, there was throughout much of the land wild celebration and no inkling of the price to be paid. Wars rarely begin in a climate of foresight. ALL: We love Trump. KOPPEL: So could the chest beating at a political rally provide real insight as to what could happen in the event of another Trump defeat? DONALD TRUMP: We have to get Biden the hell out of office and send him back to wherever he comes from. MAN #1: Condition one, be ready. KOPPEL: Which is what -- MAN #1: I don`t know. I think there`s going to be some real unrest in this country. I think everybody will step up now. In condition one, be ready. Just be ready. That`s why, sir. KOPPEL: Condition one refers to a firearm with the safety on -- ALL: We love Trump. We love Trump KOPPEL: -- a live round in the chamber and the hammer cocked. MAN #1: Condition one. TRUMP: We will never, ever, ever, ever back down. KOPPEL: President Trump`s critics and their legion are fearful of what his victory in the election might mean for the country. And he might do well to consider the consequences of another Trump defeat. DONALD TRUMP: He`s the most corrupt president -- MAN #2: We will not go another four years at the pace we`re going. Our side will fight back then. KOPPEL: Tell me what that means. MAN #2: It means our freedom will not be stolen anymore. KOPPEL: What if it happens again? MAN #3: Be ready. Just be ready for war. KOPPEL: Really? MAN #3: I think some of us are going to go and be a little nuts over it.

Rep. Byron Donalds Schools CNN's Coates on Bragg's Political Motivations

On Thursday, CNN’s Laura Coates defended Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the outcome of the Trump trial. In response to those opposing the verdict, Coates argued: “you can't pick and choose whether the system is fair based on the particular outcome of somebody you're aligned with.” Congressman Byron Donald reminded Coates that Bragg had campaigned primarily on “getting Trump.” Coates claimed that Bragg had no political intentions in bringing the case against Trump. She noted that although Trump and Biden were political opponents, Bragg was “not under the purview of the Department of Justice.” Donalds countered by pointing out why Bragg had run for District Attorney of Manhattan in the first place: “His entire campaign was focused on getting Donald Trump.” Donalds was correct; Bragg often had mentioned litigation against the former president during his campaign.     “That's why he's coming under scrutiny, because this is political, not actually about following the law” He continued. Coates stated she had “concerns” that people would “lose faith in the entire system” if they believed that this jury trial was rigged. Rather than responding to Donalds's valid critique of Bragg, she accused him of “undermining people’s confidence overall in our system,” for daring to raise objections about the trial. But Donalds answered: “Now, I'm looking at this through the lens of an American citizen and a member of Congress who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. I've watched the Biden administration spy on the American people and suppress their First Amendment rights.” He went on to give many examples of how the Biden administration appeared to have violated federal law. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: REP. BYRON ON TRUMP TRIAL VERDICT: “TRAVESTY”] LAURA COATES: I want to focus in particular on the point about who it is that was bringing in this case, and that's Alvin Bragg. I've heard a number of your colleagues talk about this being the weaponization of the government and because Donald Trump is the political opponent of Biden. But Alvin Bragg is a state level prosecutor. He is not under the purview of the Department of Justice. Why do you assign that fault to him? CONGRESSMAN BYRON DONALDS: Well, two things. Let's go back. First of all, the judge did tell the jury that they can decide amongst multiple different federal crimes to adjudicate guilt on this misdemeanor that they elevated to a felony in state court. So, if you're gonna do that, first of all, you have to bring expert testimony from somebody with the federal background on those charges. They did not allow that to be brought forward. Now, specific to Alvin Bragg, the issue here is that he ran on the entire position of getting Donald Trump. That was one of the core pillars of his campaign to become the district attorney in Manhattan. And so now you have somebody who basically said, I'm going to go get somebody, regardless of what the charges might be, regardless of what you might think a potential crime might be. His entire campaign was focused on getting Donald Trump. That's why he's coming under scrutiny, because this is political, not actually about following the law. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: TRUMP CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISING OFF GUILTY VERDICT] And I go back to not identifying a crime. The FEC looked at this. They said there's nothing to see here. They are the arbiters of what is a campaign finance violation. So, for Alvin Bragg to go out there now and say, well, this is interfering with the 2016 election, he's a state level prosecutor. It's not even his jurisdiction. How can he make that claim when the FEC said there is nothing to see here and the U.S. attorney's office said there's nothing to see here? COATES: Clearly, this will be an issue on appeal, as is the different theories that the jury was able to look at. The judge did hear the concerns from the Defense Council about allowing the jury to have that very notion, and he did offer to have the campaign expert actually testify. But you're right, it would not have been a substantive testimony. I wonder what the appellate court will ultimately see. But I have concerns, congressmen, more broadly about our system, not just of justice, but in terms of our democracy. When there is this perception or there is a narrative to suggest that our legal system or our courts or a jury trial is somehow so rigged and unfair, people ultimately lose faith in the entire system. And I've sat through enough trials and heard enough verdicts as has our nation to know that you can't pick and choose whether the system is fair based on the particular outcome of somebody you're aligned with. Do you have concerns that by talking about this through the lens you are, that you are undermining people's confidence overall in our system? DONALDS: No, I don't. I don't have those concerns at all. I think that’s been undermined by Alvin Bragg, by Judge Merchan who, frankly, has been very clear about his support for Joe Biden. He should have recused himself based upon that if he was concerned about our institutions. He was not. Now, I'm looking at this through the lens of an American citizen and a member of Congress who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: DONALD TRUM GUILTY ON ALL 34 FELONY CHARGES] I've watched the Biden administration spy on the American people and suppress their First Amendment rights. I've watched the Biden administration ignore Supreme Court ruling when it comes to student loan bailouts, which is unconstitutional, a violation of separation of powers. I've watched the Biden administration ignore people's personal health and make them take vaccines against their own will because they wanted to eradicate COVID-19, another violation of federal law. (...)

CNN’s Coates: Supreme Court Justices Lack Legitimacy

On Thursday, CNN’s Laura Coates mocked Supreme Court justices by declaring, “at the end of the day, if I hold my breath long enough and bite my tongue long enough, you'll call me justice.” Meanwhile, former Obama White House senior director Nayyera Haq and GOP Rep. Joe Walsh made it evident that they believe the Supreme Court could use some upgrades. Coates began by playing a clip of First Lady Jill Biden on The View. In the clip, Biden started out by warning, “Think of the Supreme Court. For God's sake, talk about things getting worse! Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?” As the clip continued, Jill Biden confidently stated that, “We will lose all of our rights! We’re talking about women’s rights, gay rights” if Donald Trump gets reelected.     Afterward, Coates asked, “Should they be leaning into this messaging more about the Supreme Court composition?” Walsh agreed with what Biden had to say. After stating that he is a “political conservative,” he noted that “It's perfectly okay to use the Supreme Court to your political advantage.” Although Walsh supported her statements, he continued, “I just worry. I don't want anyone to question the legitimacy of the Court,” but as this interview would prove, people were already questioning the legitimacy of the justices. Walsh seemed to be unsure of whether or not he should be in favor of what Biden stated. He refers to what she said as “perfectly okay” but then acknowledges that he worries about the perspective people will have in regards to the Supreme Court. Right after he shared his concern, he stated, “But yeah, call them out politically all day long.” While Walsh tried to portray himself as the reasonable conservative Haq was quick to illustrate that, for the left, the Court’s legitimacy is directly tied to its rulings, “the Court is questioning its own legitimacy and providing fodder for these conversations by acting and behaving in unethical ways.” While Haq claims that the Court is questioning its own legitimacy, it is evident that the media, rather than the justices themselves, is questioning the court's legitimacy. Haq called the lifetime appointment of justices “unique in the modern landscape.” She also tried to argue we should reconsider this because of “how long people are living these days” as if her problem with conservative justices is their age and not their rulings. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: CNN Laura Coates Live 5/29/24 11:46:58-11:49:12 (…) LAURA COATES: And, of course, we talk about the Supreme Court more broadly. Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, this was a very big election issue. There were many Republicans who said they're going to compartmentalize their feelings about Donald Trump and their visceral reactions to him personally because of the promise of being able to overturn Roe v. Wade. And really, it remains a campaign issue, the composition of the court and who might decide who's on it. Just ask the former leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell. But the first lady, Jill Biden, was talking about how the election could actually impact the court. Listen to this. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: JILL BIDEN: “WE WILL LOSE” RIGHTS IF TRUMP APPOINTS ANOTHER JUSTICE] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. JILL BIDEN: Think of the Supreme Court. For God's sake, talk about things getting worse! Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? SUNNY HOSTIN. No, no. BIDEN: No! JOY BEHAR: We’re finished. BIDEN: We will lose all of our rights! So, we're talking about women's rights, gay rights. (END VIDEO CLIP) COATES: Should they be leaning into this messaging more about the Supreme Court composition? JOE WALSH (FORMER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE): Yes, and I say this as a political conservative. It's perfectly okay to use the Supreme Court to your political advantage. I just worry. I don't want anyone to question the legitimacy of the court. But yeah, call them out politically all day long. NAYYERA HAQ (FORMER WHITEHOUSE SENIOR DIRECTOR): That's part of the challenge, right? That the court is questioning its own legitimacy and providing fodder for these conversations by acting and behaving in unethical ways, by making decisions that go contrary to what they said they would do in their confirmation hearings. That's part of the challenge of there being no check on the Supreme Court. And listen, we didn't start with the Constitution that had nine Supreme Court justices. The court has been expanded. And it will be interesting to see if there is another Biden term, how they address this challenge of the imbalance in the court. WALSH: We've got one side, Laura, that has been talking about rigged elections. I don't want the Democrats to be the party that talks about rigged rulings, but go after them politically. HAQ: The challenge we have with the Supreme Court is they're not elected at the end of the day. WALSH: Yeah. HAQ: And that lifetime appointment is something very unique in the modern landscape, considering how long people are living these days. COATES: And they are very savvy about how to answer the questions to get at the end of the day, if I hold my breath long enough and bite my tongue long enough, you'll call me justice.  

CNN’s Coates: De Niro’s Appearance Was Not Political

On Tuesday, CNN’s Laura Coates failed to understand how actor Robert De Niro’s appearance in New York was a political move by the left. De Niro spoke outside the courthouse as closing arguments in Donald Trump’s trial began. The day before he appeared in New York, he starred in a new Biden Campaign released a new advertisement which criticized Trump. Coates began by playing two clips. The first was of De Niro claiming, “I love this city. I don't want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country. And eventually, he could destroy the world. That's the tyrant he's telling us he'll be. And believe me, he means it.” The second was of Donald Trump Jr., “This is a political persecution. That was evidenced today, today by the Biden campaign themselves holding a rally here. They bring in Robert De Niro.”     Despite his affiliation with the Biden Campaign, Coates did not see anything political about it, “But you also had Republicans having rallies outside the courthouse as well. And De Niro, last I checked, is actually not an elected official.” Though this may be accurate, he did narrate a Biden campaign advertisement the day before he spoke in New York. In the ad, De Niro said “Trump wants revenge and he will stop at nothing to get it.” This ad made De Niro’s political affiliation quite clear to anyone who saw it. She did not elaborate on how voters are being intimidated yet continued to show support to the Biden administration for sending De Niro to speak in New York. De Niro was not alone in New York. As Coates observed, he was “flanked by two police officers who helped defend the Capitol on January 6th, Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone.” Dunn spoke following De Niro’s speech saying “Americans need to wake up. This is not a drill.” Fanone stated that if Trump won, he would be an “authoritarian who answers to and serves only himself.” Later in the segment, Coates ended by reiterating that she does not understand how individuals see this as a political move. She finished by declaring, “I just wonder about the narrative that suggests that Robert De Niro's presence next to two officers from the January 6th Capitol events, that that justifies -- that says and confirms political viewpoints or politicization of the Justice Department. None of them are a part of it at all any longer. So, I failed to understand that connection, but there's always tomorrow.” Harry Dunn tried to become a politician by running unsuccessfully ran for Congress to represent Maryland’s 3rd district last year. He lost by 11.2 percent to Sarah Elfreth in the Democratic Primary. Fanone is a CNN analyst whose comparison of Trump to Osama Bin Laden made even Laura Coates herself uncomfortable. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: CNN’s Laura Coats LIve 5/28/2024 11:35:20-11:37:23 LAURA COATES: For weeks now, President Biden has barely had anything to say about Donald Trump facing criminal charges. His campaign taking his lead and staying quiet for the most part. Well today, that all changed. The Biden campaign holding a press conference right outside the courthouse featuring Robert De Niro. And he wasn't alone. He was flanked by two police officers who helped defend the Capitol on January 6th, Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone. Check this out. [Cuts to video] ROBERT DE NIRO: I love this city. I don't want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country. And eventually, he could destroy the world. [Transition] That's the tyrant he's telling us he'll be. And believe me, he means it. [Cuts back to live] COATES: Well, how was De Niro received? Well, things got ugly as he clashed with Trump supporters when he was leaving, and a classic New York dustup full of curses and insults. Trump's son making sure to give his opinion as well. Here's Don Jr. [Cuts to video] DONALD JOHN TRUMP JR: This is a political persecution. That was evidenced today, today by the Biden campaign themselves holding a rally here. They bring in Robert De Niro. [Cuts back to live] COATES: But you also had Republicans having rallies outside the courthouse as well. And De Niro, last I checked, is actually not an elected official. So, who's right and who's wrong in the conversations and the vantage point they bring? And more importantly, will either message win over voters or will it backfire? With me now, Leigh Ann Caldwell, anchor for Washington Post Live and co-author for Washington Post Early 202 newsletter, Shermichael Singleton, a senior political commentator, Mike Dubke, a former Trump White House communications director, and Alencia Johnson, a former senior advisor to the Biden 2020 campaign. All right, Alencia, you heard my take and both have done political rallies outside. One involves speaker of the House. One involves Robert De Niro. Not equal. ALENCIA JOHNSON (FORMER SENIOR ADVISER FOR THE BIDEN 2020 CAMPAIGN): Not quite equal. But I think the reality here is having Robert De Niro there actually gets under Donald Trump's skin, right? Because he used to be this big guy in Hollywood. He's supposed to be the king of New York. And Robert De Niro is a big guy in Hollywood, a mainstay of New York, and he's going directly after Donald Trump. And this was actually a really good move, I believe, on the Biden campaign's part because Democrats want to see a fight, and they want to see it coming from the Democratic side. And we don't want to have politicians involved in this and, you know, do the same thing that the Trump candidacy is doing and intimidating voters. But having Robert De Niro and surrogates out there making the case, that was a strong move from the Biden campaign. I applaud it. (…) 11:44:00-11:44:25 COATES: I just wonder about the narrative that suggests that Robert De Niro's presence next to two officers from the January 6th Capitol events, that that justifies -- that says and confirms political viewpoints or politicization of the Justice Department. None of them are a part of it at all any longer. So, I failed to understand that connection, but there's always tomorrow. Thank you so much, everyone.

15 Percent: CNN’s Hunt Worries RFK Is Dangerous to Biden’s Reelection

On Tuesday, CNN This Morning host Kasie Hunt asked former White House correspondent Margaret Talev which major party candidate would suffer the most damage if Robert Kennedy Jr. were on the ballot in November. With the presidential election drawing near, RFK Jr. Kennedy was at 15 percent in the polls. Hunt described RFK Jr. as “dangerous” for the Biden team after he reportedly met the requirements to get on the Michigan ballot, a critical state President Biden was faltering in. Former President Donald Trump and Kennedy attended the Libertarian Party’s convention last Saturday as they worked to potentially win over third-party voters. Talev noted that Trump “has made inroads into the Libertarian Party just as he has made some inroads into every facet of American politics” but followed that by saying Kennedy has the potential to be a “spoiler” in the upcoming presidential election.     When Hunt asked Talev which majority party candidate would suffer the most damage if Kennedy was on the ballot, her answer speculated that both candidates would be affected. Talev stated that he was seen, by swing voters, as a middle ground between Trump and Biden’s policies. Describing him as a “fascination to many” who may not know his policies or stances on certain issues outside of knowing the “Kennedy” family name. Hunt discusses how “dangerous” it would be for the Biden administration if RFK Jr. was to be on the Michigan ballot. “How dangerous is that for the Biden team considering that there are so many people there who are so unhappy with what's going on in terms of Gaza and Biden there?” she wondered. The RFK Jr. campaign announced last month that the Natural Law Party, a minor party with ballot access, nominated them in the state of Michigan. Michigan, typically a blue state, voted 50.6 percent for Biden in the 2020 presidential election. Michigan has the highest percentage of Arab Americans at 2.1 percent which is one of the reasons why Talev claims that Michigan is a crucial state to win in the election. Many young adults in Michigan are inclined to vote for the candidate who will assist the Palestinian civilians. The state also has the highest number of United Auto Workers in America rounding out at 600,000 individuals working in the manufacturing industry. Talev ends by saying, “But right now, the concern really is not just Arab American voters but younger voters and the fact that so many of the auto union workers that were once strongly affiliated with the Democratic Party could now be susceptible to at least a white male auto workers.” Hunt responded to this statement by claiming that “it happened in 2016” despite the UAW Union endorsing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Seemingly trying to have it both ways, they described Kennedy as both a “danger” and a “fascination” throughout this interview. Click "Expand" to view the transcripts: CNN This Morning 5/28/2024 5:45:53-5:52:20 DONALD TRUMP: Nominate Trump for president of the United States. Whoa, that's nice. That's nice. Only if you want to win. Only if you want to win. Maybe you don't want to win. Maybe you don't want to win. If you want to lose, don't do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years. KASIE HUNT: Wow, there is a lot going on there. Donald Trump getting heckled and booed at the Libertarian Party's convention on Saturday. His attempt to win over third-party voters clearly did not go as planned but it does show that his campaign is focused on critical third-party voters in November. And there is, of course, one third-party candidate in particular that both Trump and President Biden have voiced concern about, and that is Robert Kennedy Jr. It's worth noting neither Trump nor RFK Jr. won the Libertarian Party nomination over the weekend. Joining me now, Axios senior contributor, Margaret Talev. Margaret, good morning. MARGARET TALEV (SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR, AXIOS, DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY, JOURNALISM AND CITIZENSHIP, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY): Good morning. HUNT: Can we start with what we saw? TALEV: Oh. HUNT: I mean, Donald Trump is never on a stage where he gets booed like that. He clearly wasn't happy about it. TALEV: Yeah. I don't think that was the reception he thought he was going to get there. But the reality is that he has made inroads into the Libertarian Party just as he has made some inroads into every facet of American politics. And I think he thought if he can go there and court Libertarian voters who are sort of leaning more Trump, even if he was not going to capture a nomination, it would be worth courting those voters. I think another big part of what he was trying to do was just not cede that floor to RFK Jr., right, because this could be an important year where a third-party candidate could be a spoiler. RFK Jr. certainly has the potential to do that. And there was some thought that RFK Jr. would be very well-received there -- and he was certainly received differently than Donald Trump was. But, yeah. I mean, to your point, you see -- we do a lot of focus grouping with battleground voters and swing voters and at this point in the election, RFK Jr. is sort of a fascination or a maybe to many of them who don't actually know pretty much anything about his policies, and his stances, and his background. The ones who lean more Democratic know the Kennedy name. HUNT: Right. TALEV: The ones who lean more to the right like the idea that there could be someone who is not Biden or Trump and all of those things make him potentially potent if he can get on ballots or get on a debate stage. HUNT: Well, and that was kind of the interest, right? I mean, there was -- there were some conversations -- we had some reporting around RFK Jr. wanting to potentially be on the Libertarian ticket because they have ballot access -- TALEV: Yeah. HUNT: -- across the country. So, you mentioned how there are voters that are in either Trump or Biden -- I mean, this is the big question we've been trying to answer. With RFK on the ballot, which major party candidate suffers the most damage? Here's what RFK Jr. had to say about Donald Trump. I thought it was -- it's an interesting line of attack -- watch. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: With the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the travel restrictions, President Trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known. (END VIDEO CLIP) HUNT: I mean, that is -- it's obviously not a line of attack from President Biden. They attacked -- Democrats attacked Donald Trump for being irresponsible on how he fought the COVID pandemic. TALEV: Absolutely. HUNT: But this is not a record that Donald Trump likes to talk about either. TALEV: No. I mean, you're absolutely right, and that's why I think the idea was sort of go block and tackle. Don't let RFK just make his case alone. Interestingly, Donald Trump did not go out on that stage and pan RFK Jr. He ended up going out on the stage and panning the audience that was there to receive him. HUNT: Uh-huh. TALEV: But it's -- we, consistently from voters, hear -- we do not hear the idea from most voters that they're embracing him because of his anti-vax or critical of vaccines position, or critical of mandates. It's just the opposite. Voters at this stage -- a lot of those swing voters or persuadable voters are embracing this idea that RFK Jr. is sort of splitting the difference. That his politics are in the middle between Trump and Biden. They really don't know anything about him or his running mate. It's just sort of memes of superficial impressions, but that could be very powerful if he could harness it. HUNT: Yeah, it's really interesting and there is this big question about the debate stage, right, because right now, RFK Jr. is not supposed to be on the debate stage in June -- the first debate coming up June 27 here on CNN. The two big questions for him are ballot access and polling thresholds. The polling -- I mean, he seems to be around 15 percent, which is where he would need to be in four major polls. Ballot access is a trickier thing. What is your, sort of, expectation about whether we might see -- we haven't seen this since, you know, Ross Perot was on stage -- a third-party candidate on a debate state. TALEV: Yeah. Many of the -- really, it's that crucial bloc of younger voters right now wasn't even alive the last time that a third-party candidate was sort of in this position. I think it's been 32 or 33 years, and we've seen it three times in history. So, the odds are against him but he has moved very quickly to try to capture that ballot access in crucial states. So, I think it bears watching. And don't forget, there's a couple of debates -- but also, there's just name recognition, voters' awareness. Again, if it comes down to anywhere as close a race as the last one was, that vote and maybe the Libertarians' vote -- some of the folks who were at this convention -- could be pivotal. HUNT: One of the places where RFK Jr. claims to be on the ballot is Michigan. How dangerous is that for the Biden team considering that there are so many people there who are so unhappy with what's going on in terms of Gaza and Biden there? TALEV: Yeah. Michigan, obviously, is this really crucial state both because of the Arab American vote, some of the younger vote that's sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinian civilians. It was thought at one point that women's rights and abortion rights could sort of, like, help propel in Michigan. But right now, the concern really is not just Arab American voters but younger voters and the fact that so many of the auto union workers that were once strongly affiliated with the Democratic Party could now be susceptible to at least a white male auto workers.