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Before yesterdayPolitics – The Daily Signal

When Lady Justice Lifts Blindfold From Only Her Left Eye

Many things human come in pairs. Eyes, ears, hands, feet, and lungs appear in twos. Even a single nose features two nostrils. Similar examples should be easy to ponder.

In this context, America’s new, two-track justice system might be perfectly natural: One for the Left—in which they suffer few consequences, if any, for their misdeeds—and one for the Right, in which arrests, trials, and prison sentences are routine.

After the Supreme Court’s current term ends later this month, masons should spend this summer re-chiseling the marble above its columns. Out with “Equal Justice Under Law.” In with “Bipolar Justice for All!”

Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs on the Left spent the summer of 2020 yanking statues from pedestals, torching police precincts, and otherwise unleashing total mayhem. Then-Sen. Kamala Harris promoted a legal-defense fund to free arrestees. Few paid any price for the “fiery but mostly peaceful” George Floyd riots.

A peaceful demonstrator shares his opinion at a Black Lives Matter march on June 14, 2020, in Los Angeles. Few, if any, of his more violent BLM compatriots suffered any legal consequences for their anything but “mostly peaceful” actions after the killing of George Floyd less than three weeks earlier. (Photo: Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

The Jan. 6 hoodlums on the Right who shattered windows and smashed doors to breach the U.S. Capitol deserve serious prison time. But other protesters naively entered after Capitol Police waved them in.

“Hey, look. It’s open house!” some might have thought.

Many of these accidental tourists are in huge trouble. Arkansas’ Daniel Hatcher entered the Capitol, snapped some photos for two minutes, and walked out. The FBI arrested Hatcher in Little Rock last Feb. 13. He now faces federal charges.

Left-wing Deep State functionaries John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew Weissmann advanced the Russia Hoax, which bedeviled the Trump administration and divided America for three years. Each of these men scored a book contract and a TV deal. Literally.

On the Right, Russiagate ensnared Trump aides Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Gen. Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone. All were sentenced to prison. Trump pardoned Flynn and Stone. Gates served house arrest. Manafort and Papadopoulos went to the slammer.

The quintessence of these two systems involves 2016’s presidential nominees and how they separately tried to influence that election.

On the Left, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign paid $175,000 to Democratic law firm Perkins Coie, which engaged opposition-research shop Fusion GPS. It hired former British spy Christopher Steele. He wrote a baseless “Dirty Dossier” that hallucinated ties between Trump and the Kremlin. Team Clinton leaked this fraudulent report, which BuzzFeed published. And the Russia Hoax was off to the races.

On the Right, Trump was accused of reimbursing his then-attorney, Michael Cohen, for paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to clam up about an alleged affair with Trump that both of them have denied.

As former Justice Department official John B. Daukas wrote in the American Spectator: “So, Hillary Clinton is found to be liable for mislabeling payments for the Steele Dossier as legal fees and gets an $8,000 civil fine; Trump has been found guilty of mislabeling nondisclosure payments as legal fees and is a convicted felon.”

As Yogi Berra might have said: “Only in America.”

Clinton went on to write books, deliver lectures, and whine loudly about why she lost to a real-estate magnate and TV personality on his first political campaign. Notwithstanding emotional scars, she is out a whopping eight grand.

Trump, meanwhile, endured a six-week trial that kept him off the campaign trail for four days each week, cost him undisclosed millions in—to coin a phrase—legal expenses, and added abundant stress to his already high-pressure life. He awaits sentencing on July 11 and could receive four years for each of the 34 counts on which he was convicted. Total: 136 years in the big house.

But is this really so wrong?

If good things come in pairs, perhaps this applies to justice.

Rather than complain about two paths to justice, one Left and one Right, maybe conservatives should celebrate this development. After all, the truth about sculpted pecs also might apply to justice systems: “One is not enough, and three are too many.”

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

The post When Lady Justice Lifts Blindfold From Only Her Left Eye appeared first on The Daily Signal.

‘Badfellas’: Joe Biden and Robert De Niro, 2 Raging Peas in a Pod

“I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Donald Trump turn America into a place that is filled with anger, resentment, and hate,” President Joe Biden said May 29 in Philadelphia.

So, why did America’s self-styled uniter-in-chief decide to “stop the shouting and lower the temperature”—as he promised in his inaugural address—by recruiting Robert De Niro, one of Hollywood’s loudest hotheads?

“Trump wants revenge, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it,” the veteran actor said as narrator of a Biden campaign ad released May 24. De Niro’s overheated audio track continues: “Now, he’s running again, this time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.” 

Biden could have tapped the suave and even-keeled George Clooney or the widely admired Julia Roberts, both talented supporters. Instead, Biden picked the boisterous, unhinged De Niro, whose comments about Trump slide from the vulgar to the violent.

On May 28, the Biden campaign staged a press conference outside the Manhattan Criminal Courts Building. Inside Room 1530 that morning, I was among those witnessing closing arguments in New York State vs. Donald J. Trump. Confirming suspicions that this bookkeeping-entry trial was a Democratic election-interference operation, like Trump’s other persecutions, De Niro and Biden-Harris 2024 Communications Director Michael Tyler stood before microphones and taunted Trump on one of the toughest days of his life.

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you,” De Niro said. “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted … And elections. Forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in. I can tell you right now. He will never leave.”

De Niro added, “Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country, and, eventually, he could destroy the world.” (Funny: After Trump left office in January 2021, Americans’ freedoms and elections remained, and the rest of the Earth is still there.)

This disastrously misconceived stunt then melted down as local Trump fans defended the presumptive GOP presidential nominee and swapped insults with the two-time Academy Award winner, whose screen credits include “Goodfellas” and “Raging Bull.”

You’re trash! You’re done!” one man yelled at De Niro. Another screamed: “You ruined Leo DiCaprio!” 

“You are gangsters,” De Niro hollered back. “You are gangsters!”

This was not the first time that Biden’s new spokesman devolved into what the president decries as “anger, resentment, and hate.”

  • “He’s so f—ing stupid,” De Niro told ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel in March. “He’s a f—ing moron.”
  • While hosting the June 2018 Tony Awards, De Niro declared: “F— Trump.”
  • “He’s a punk. He’s a dog. He’s a pig,” De Niro ranted about Trump in a 2016 video for #VoteYourFuture. De Niro notoriously added: “I’d like to punch him in the face.”

But De Niro and Biden are not so far apart.

The warm, lovable Grandpa Lunchbucket Joe from Scranton, Pennsylvania, who Democrats showcased in 2020 was a mirage. Americans have learned the hard way that Biden is a nasty, vindictive man who lusts to imprison the leader of the opposition. Asked Friday at the White House about Trump’s charge that Biden had made him a political prisoner, Biden displayed an Arctic smile that seemed chilled by ice water in his arteries.

???Exclusive !!! The face of corruption.

— Chris LaCivita (@LaCivitaC) May 31, 2024
  • Biden led a chaotic and deadly U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and left thousands of pro-American translators and other local allies to the Taliban’s tender mercies.
  • When the remains of 13 Americans killed in a suicide bombing returned home from Kabul, Biden repeatedly and coldly checked his watch, rather than focus exclusively on those fallen GIs’ flag-draped caskets.
  • After a massive train derailment, chemical spill, and conflagration plagued East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, 2023, residents waited for Biden to visit. And waited. And waited. The East Palestinians finally saw Biden last Feb. 16—fully 54 weeks into their long local nightmare. In contrast, Trump flew in to feel their pain just 19 days after their toxic hell exploded. 
  • Biden blames ongoing inflation not on his own reckless spend-aholism, but on “corporate greed.” So, U.S. companies generously kept inflation at 1.4% as Trump left office. But then they suddenly became gluttons and boosted overall prices by 19.87% over Biden’s first 39 months versus 5.58% for Trump’s equivalent interval?


  • Unlike De Niro, Biden keeps his mouth clean in public. But off-camera, he is a bully who pummels staffers with foul language. In an article headlined, “Old Yeller: Biden’s Private Fury,” Axios’ Alex Thompson reported that the president explodes at White House aides. “G– d— it, how the f–k don’t you know this?” Biden demands. To others, he screams, “Get the f–k out of here!” 
  • Despite multiple death threats, two home-trespassing incidents, and an armed impostor’s arrest at a campaign event, Biden has rejected Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s five requests for Secret Service protection. Never mind that his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1963, nor that his father was fatally shot in 1968 by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian-Jordanian infuriated by RFK’s “sole support of Israel,” as Sirhan told British newsman David Frost. (Sound familiar?) Nice guys don’t expose their competitors to the risk of killing in cold blood.

Biden, 81, and De Niro, 80, deserve each other. They are a pair of mean, cranky, decaying leftists who gush anger, resentment, and hate at their political opponents.

In a word: Badfellas.  

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

The post ‘Badfellas’: Joe Biden and Robert De Niro, 2 Raging Peas in a Pod appeared first on The Daily Signal.
