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Before yesterdayJihad Watch

Muslims bombard Israel with rockets from Lebanon and Gaza on Passover

Muslims bombard Israel with rockets from Lebanon and Gaza on Passover
The world “human rights” bodies will continue to behave as if Israel is the aggressor, but this is in open defiance of the obvious facts. “Massive rocket barrage fired from Lebanon into Israel on Passover,” by Yonah Jeremy Bob, Tal Spungin, and Hanan Lischinsky, Jerusalem Post, April 6, 2023: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concluded his […]

Israel hits Hamas weapons factories and jihad terror training camps after rocket barrage from Gaza

Israel hits Hamas weapons factories and jihad terror training camps after rocket barrage from Gaza
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) destroyed Hamas weapons factories and other terrorist targets inside Gaza after barrage of rockets were fired into southern Israel. The targets belonging to the Islamic terror organization Hamas included weapons facilities and terrorist training camps. “Hamas Radio said the Israeli strikes hit two training camps,” the Israel Hayom newspaper reported […]

Hamas sentences two Gazans to firing squad and hanging for collaborating with Israel

Hamas sentences two Gazans to firing squad and hanging for collaborating with Israel
Hamas is a jihad group that kills innocent people “in the way of Allah,” as do all jihadists. It is stated in Hamas’ “Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement” that Israel must be obliterated. That’s because Israel remains the single unconquered nation in the vast Middle East, the rest of which was conquered by means […]

In Gaza, 70% Youth Unemployment Leads to Despair

In Gaza, 70% Youth Unemployment Leads to Despair
For young Gazan Arabs, life is terrible. There are scarcely any jobs, even for those with higher degrees. Positions are filled not on merit, but on the applicant’s connections to Hamas, or Fatah, or to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Corruption is colossal, siphoning off billions that ought to have gone to all of the people, […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad meets with Hizballah head to ‘strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy’

Palestinian Islamic Jihad meets with Hizballah head to ‘strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy’
Palestinian jihadists are regrouping to plan more jihad attacks on Israelis, while America aids their cause, assisting in the undermining of the Israeli government and exacerbating tensions. To illustrate just how menacing this meeting between Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizballah really was: recently, PIJ called for a third intifada, while Hassan Nasrallah’s reputation precedes him […]

Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan

Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan
The Islamic terrorist group Hamas has threatened Israel with more terror attacks and suicide bombings ahead of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan that begins March 23. “The desire to commit suicide among the residents of the West Bank is unprecedented,” the deputy commander of Hamas’ military wing, Marwan Issa, declared in an interview published […]