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American Stasi PDF

American Stasi – The Domestic Surveillance Targeting You And Your Children

This is pretty much the book as it will appear, with Front Matter and whatnot. The actual cover will have a shadowy person just around the corner, on the spine, spying on the Mom and her girl, but it did not make it to the PDF cover.

No more proofreading, Gee Whiz, or Chief, anyone else, or this thing will never go live. I could rewrite it five or ten more times, but it is going to have to be called here. That said I appreciate everyone who helped find the errors all throughout it. It was a mess before you jumped in, and this will help immensely.

I think it is still pretty good for its purpose. This is the preeminent criminal enterprise in the world, so it is not easy to come up with something fit to match that, but I think the take is interesting, and people will come away with some decent skills which will make the read worth the time. Of course if it publicizes it enough to destroy this thing, WOW. But we are a ways away from that for now.

Hard copies will come next. I have been trying to address some legal stuff with it, which was the delay.

Thank you again to all who helped. I really think it a decent chance, something is coming for which this will be perfectly timed and suited, and we will change the world.

Request A Favor?

If you can, please download this LibreOffice document and save it. It is where the book is now, or books, as the case may be,

It is nowhere near finished, just rough chapters, really, but if I cease writing, or disappear, obviously nobody is coming after anyone over copyright issues if you polish it up and get it published.

On the upside, we are striking a real nerve, but on the downside, we are probably going to see just how far the rabbit hole goes, because it is pretty clear God put us here for that reason.

Trust unto God and he will guide your path. Book2.odt

I should also add, I think the heat is turning up because I am looking at combining a flyer campaign with a chain-letter request, where everyone who sees the site and sees the surveillance agrees to spread it by mailing 20 or 50 letters, or hanging 20 or 50 door hangers promoting the material elsewhere.

I think they fear us leaving this internet they control. I almost think you could get in nearly as much trouble as me by promoting a modern luddite movement, devoted to meeting up in person and doing things together as a form of rebellion against the Cabals control.

Don’t let them trap you here.

