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Yesterday β€” June 8th 2024Breitbart News

Border Patrol Reports 2,600 Migrant Apprehensions per Day -- Just in 3 Sectors

By: Bob Price Β·Β Bob Price

Border Patrol chiefs in three sectors of the southwest border with Mexico report a daily apprehension rate of more than 2,600 per day during their most recent weekly recaps. The reports from these three of the nine southwest border sectors exceed President Joe Biden's new executive order imposing a cap of 2,500 migrants per day on a seven-day average.Β 

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Before yesterdayBreitbart News

Tucson Reclaims Position as Busiest Migrant Border Crossing Sector

By: Bob Price Β·Β Bob Price

After a short reprieve from the earlier migrant surge, the Tucson Sector has reclaimed the number-one spot for migrant encounters along the southwest border with Mexico. Apprehensions of migrants illegally crossing the border between ports of entry surged this week to approximately 7,400. San Diego Sector apprehensions fell to just over 6,000.

The post Tucson Reclaims Position as Busiest Migrant Border Crossing Sector appeared first on Breitbart.

WATCH: Biden Admin's Secret Border Deal with Mexico Turns Arizona’s Once Busiest Crossing Point into Ghost Town

Once the busiest crossing point on the southwest border, migrant crossings in Lukeville have slowed significantly since an election-year deal was struck with Mexico in December. A once constantly busy transportation rally point used by the Border Patrol to stage migrants in the Organ Pipe National Monument now sits empty on most days. Where thousands of migrants once crossed each day, now, a few hundred migrants cross and are swiftly transported away from the border wall area.

The post WATCH: Biden Admin’s Secret Border Deal with Mexico Turns Arizona’s Once Busiest Crossing Point into Ghost Town appeared first on Breitbart.
