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Why the CNN Debate Could Change Everything

The president takes a risk in proposing a face-off so early in the cycle. He also has some advantages.

Why the CNN Debate Could Change Everything

Gagging Trump Violates Your Freedom of Speech

The First Amendment protects the right to hear speech, including his criticisms of the trial.

Gagging Trump Violates Your Freedom of Speech

Will Debt Sink the American Empire?

After growing for decades, this year the U.S. debt will roughly match its GDP. Throughout history, nations that blithely piled up their obligations have eventually met unhappy ends.

Will Debt Sink the American Empire?

Why Biden Is Pouring Millions Into North Carolina

Democratic incumbent faces steep challenges in North Carolina, but seeks alternative paths to 270 Electoral College votes

Why Biden Is Pouring Millions Into North Carolina

The Purpose of Journalism Is To Get the Story

People love and need real reporting, but reporters have decided their job is something else entirely.

The Purpose of Journalism Is To Get the Story

Biden's Shaky Presidency Probably Can't Recover

Trump is peeling off layers of a Democratic coalition that lost its common identity.

Biden's Shaky Presidency Probably Can't Recover

The Real Covid Failure

Its superfast spread told us early the virus was unstoppable and likely lab-modified.

The Real Covid Failure

If Biden Loses PA, He'll Likely Lose the Election

Pennsylvania's nickname, the Keystone State, is fitting this year, when the state will play a pivotal role in the presidential election. If Joe Biden loses Pennsylvania, Donald Trump will almost certainly win the election. An analysis of the seven swing states shows why this is the case.

If Biden Loses PA, He'll Likely Lose the Election

U.S. Foreign Policy Wanders Aimlessly

Washington assumes erroneously that China, Russia and Iran want ‘stability.'

U.S. Foreign Policy Wanders Aimlessly

Is Virginia About To Flip?

Early polls show Trump is gaining in the non-battleground state, an ominous sign for the Democratic president

Is Virginia About To Flip?

The Dishonorable Attack on the Alitos

A left-wing activist impressed her comrades, hardened her foes, and got attention. So what?

The Dishonorable Attack on the Alitos

Can America Stop Biden's Partisan Lawfare?

The unprecedented targeting of the former president and his allies invites partisan retaliation.

Can America Stop Biden's Partisan Lawfare?

European Voters Stun the Elite Establishment

The continent's elites worry about America's election, but the problem has hit closer to home.

European Voters Stun the Elite Establishment

The Sliming of Byron Donalds

Twisting a black Republican's words about the black family during Jim Crow.

The Sliming of Byron Donalds

The ICC's Brazen Anti-Israel Bias

Prosecutor Karim Khan selects advisers and experts who are openly hostile to the Jewish state.

The ICC's Brazen Anti-Israel Bias

Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

June 1984 was a tense and dangerous time in the Cold War, but domestic politics were sweeter than today.

Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

Ike Returns to Normandy

In the 1964 anniversary film, Eisenhower recounts the D-Day invasion for CBS's Walter Cronkite.

Ike Returns to Normandy

Trump's Trial Violated Due Process

He was denied notice of the charges, meaningful opportunity to respond, and proof of all elements.

Trump’s Trial Violated Due Process

Phony Claims From 2020 Return To Haunt Biden

Democrats eager for a guilty ruling that would allow them to call Donald Trump a "convicted felon" for the remainder of the 2024 campaign got their wish Thursday in a New York court. Mr. Trump became the first former president convicted of a crime.

Phony Claims From 2020 Return To Haunt Biden

Libertarians Should Vote for Trump

He isn't one of us, but he promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht-and he's a lot better than Joe Biden.

Libertarians Should Vote for Trump

I'm a Crime Victim--ProPublica Has My Tax Returns

Many such crimes could be avoided if the government collected and stored less confidential data.

I'm a Crime Victim--ProPublica Has My Tax Returns

Will Biden Drag Senate Democrats Down With Him?

So far at least, his party's swing-state incumbents are polling ahead of the unpopular president.

Will Biden Drag Senate Democrats Down With Him?

What Was Anthony Fauci's Top Aide Hiding?

‘I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear,' David Morens wrote in one email.

What Was Anthony Fauci’s Top Aide Hiding?
