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☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Ex-Marine Shot in Terrorist Attack in Israel, Returns Fire

By: Daniel Greenfield — March 21st 2023 at 11:00
Ex-Marine Shot in Terrorist Attack in Israel, Returns Fire
“He is a firearms instructor, and trained people exactly for these moments.” The Taylor Force Act, which banned further funding to the PLO until it stops paying terrorists to kill, was named after Taylor Force, a former Army officer who was stabbed to death in Jerusalem, whose family is now suing the Biden administration for […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

‘Palestinian’ Muslims attack German tourists who ventured into their city in Israeli car

By: Robert Spencer — March 20th 2023 at 14:00
‘Palestinian’ Muslims attack German tourists who ventured into their city in Israeli car
These Germans say they just wanted a cup of coffee, but they could have gotten that in Tel Aviv. They probably wanted to show their solidarity to their “Palestinian” friends, and they sure good a strong taste of “Palestinian” solidarity. شبان يحطمون مركبة تحمل لوحات تسجيل "إسرائيلية" وسط #نابلس بعد الاشتباه بوجود مستوطنين بداخلها ووجود […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

A Palestinian Visits A Holocaust Museum

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — March 20th 2023 at 09:00
A Palestinian Visits A Holocaust Museum
Rasha Abdullah Salameh, a Jordanian of Palestinian descent, describes her anger after her visit, in 2017, to a Holocaust museum in Skokie, Illinois, and how she came away in a state of fury, because the museum did not include anything about the far greater tragedy that the Palestinians, she claims, have endured at the hands […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 08:00
#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel
This was no oversight. The UK, like other Western countries, remains willfully blind regarding the “Palestinian” determination to destroy Israel utterly, and blandly complacent even when that imperative is staring them in the face. #TeamUK joined thousands of Palestinian and international runners in the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians🇵🇸. Great energy […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan

By: Vijeta Uniyal — March 16th 2023 at 16:00
Hamas threatens Israel with suicide bombings ahead of Ramadan
The Islamic terrorist group Hamas has threatened Israel with more terror attacks and suicide bombings ahead of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan that begins March 23. “The desire to commit suicide among the residents of the West Bank is unprecedented,” the deputy commander of Hamas’ military wing, Marwan Issa, declared in an interview published […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 12:00
Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel
The Palestinian “resistance” is a war against the very existence of a Jewish state. This war began with violent opposition to Jews settling in their ancient homeland, long before the modern state of Israel was established. The ultimate ambition of the “resistance” is to obliterate  Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea. The […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 07:00
Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves
Back in December, when he visited an historic site dating back to the First Temple period, where pillars still stand and the remains of King Herod’s “giant theater from the Second Temple period” can be seen, MK Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, who is now Israel’s Heritage Minister, warned that Arabs were “erasing history” in ancient Samaria […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — March 15th 2023 at 09:00
92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire
Adin Haykin is an Israeli who – just as he did last year – has been documenting every single Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank this year, and identifying their terrorist affiliations or, absent any, their participation in attacks. Elder of Ziyon put Haykin’s current thread on a Twitter Thread Reader post. […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: The AIPAC Boycott and Obama

By: Pamela Geller — March 24th 2019 at 13:30

Read my latest article over at The American Thinker:

The AIPAC Boycott and Obama

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker, March 23, 2019:

NBC News reported Thursday that “several Democratic presidential candidates will skip the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference this year after a prominent progressive group called on them to boycott the event.” This has been a rapid descent. In 2017, Kamala Harris said it was “an honor” to speak before AIPAC. But as quickly as the Democrats’ Jew-hatred is being normalized now, it has also been a long time coming. I warned about it over ten years ago.

The candidates who are boycotting AIPAC include senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders, as well as Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, and Howard Schultz. According to NBC, “the candidates’ decisions to skip the prominent pro-Israel lobbying group’s conference come one day after liberal group called on all 2020 presidential candidates to steer clear of the event.”

The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. It was Obama, with his consistently shabby treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu and relentless demonization of Israel, who mainstreamed and normalized anti-Semitism among the Democrats.

I warned about it all. In May 2008, before Obama was elected, a reader invited me to a senior-level AIPAC event at Cipriani’s. I went up to the Executive Director, Howard Kohr, and said that I understood AIPAC was “nonpartisan, but Obama will be lethal for the Jews.” Kohr scoffed. I went on to relate all that I had unearthed in my two years of relentless investigation of Obama, and I laid it out, point by point, fact by fact, with as little hyperbole as possible. Kohr shook his head. He would have none of it. We are nonpartisan, he insisted. To what point are you nonpartisan? If there is a candidate, a party, an official that is a Jew-hater, do you maintain neutrality, like Switzerland? He just smiled and walked away.

I meticulously documented Obama’s Jew-hatred, and his entourage of Jew-haters, in my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America. I noted in that book that the American Jews who voted so overwhelmingly for Obama could have and should have seen his anti-Semitism and how he would normalize Jew-hatred in the Democrat Party. Take, for example, of a March 2007 account by the pro-Palestinian blogger Ali Abunimah at the the Electronic Intifadah website. Abunimah recounted how Obama had adopted a pro-Israel position as a matter of political expediency as his national aspirations developed. “The last time I spoke to Obama,” Abunimah recalled, “was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. But at that time polls showed him trailing.”

When Abunimah greeted him, Obama “responded warmly,” and volunteered an apology for not being more outspoken against Israel: “Hey,” said the candidate to Abunimah, “I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.” Abunimah added: “He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, ‘Keep up the good work!’”

Abunimah’s piece — and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations — got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.

It may be an old cliché, but it’s true: show me your friends, and I’ll show you who and what you are.

American Jews should have noted this, and noted it well. Instead, they fell for Obama’s smooth talk. But when Obama became president, he was true to his word to Abunimah, and turned viciously against Israel. And the whole world should have seen it coming.

Everything that is happening now in the Democratic Party — the relentless pandering to the Jew-haters Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the abject failure and collapse of the effort to rebuke Omar for her Jew-hatred, even indirectly, the boycott of AIPAC by the presidential candidates — I predicted and warned about. All my warnings are coming true. What does Howard Kohr have to say now?

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: The AIPAC Boycott and Obama

By: Pamela Geller — March 24th 2019 at 13:30

Read my latest article over at The American Thinker:

The AIPAC Boycott and Obama

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker, March 23, 2019:

NBC News reported Thursday that “several Democratic presidential candidates will skip the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference this year after a prominent progressive group called on them to boycott the event.” This has been a rapid descent. In 2017, Kamala Harris said it was “an honor” to speak before AIPAC. But as quickly as the Democrats’ Jew-hatred is being normalized now, it has also been a long time coming. I warned about it over ten years ago.

The candidates who are boycotting AIPAC include senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders, as well as Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, and Howard Schultz. According to NBC, “the candidates’ decisions to skip the prominent pro-Israel lobbying group’s conference come one day after liberal group called on all 2020 presidential candidates to steer clear of the event.”

The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. It was Obama, with his consistently shabby treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu and relentless demonization of Israel, who mainstreamed and normalized anti-Semitism among the Democrats.

I warned about it all. In May 2008, before Obama was elected, a reader invited me to a senior-level AIPAC event at Cipriani’s. I went up to the Executive Director, Howard Kohr, and said that I understood AIPAC was “nonpartisan, but Obama will be lethal for the Jews.” Kohr scoffed. I went on to relate all that I had unearthed in my two years of relentless investigation of Obama, and I laid it out, point by point, fact by fact, with as little hyperbole as possible. Kohr shook his head. He would have none of it. We are nonpartisan, he insisted. To what point are you nonpartisan? If there is a candidate, a party, an official that is a Jew-hater, do you maintain neutrality, like Switzerland? He just smiled and walked away.

I meticulously documented Obama’s Jew-hatred, and his entourage of Jew-haters, in my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America. I noted in that book that the American Jews who voted so overwhelmingly for Obama could have and should have seen his anti-Semitism and how he would normalize Jew-hatred in the Democrat Party. Take, for example, of a March 2007 account by the pro-Palestinian blogger Ali Abunimah at the the Electronic Intifadah website. Abunimah recounted how Obama had adopted a pro-Israel position as a matter of political expediency as his national aspirations developed. “The last time I spoke to Obama,” Abunimah recalled, “was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. But at that time polls showed him trailing.”

When Abunimah greeted him, Obama “responded warmly,” and volunteered an apology for not being more outspoken against Israel: “Hey,” said the candidate to Abunimah, “I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.” Abunimah added: “He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, ‘Keep up the good work!’”

Abunimah’s piece — and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations — got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.

It may be an old cliché, but it’s true: show me your friends, and I’ll show you who and what you are.

American Jews should have noted this, and noted it well. Instead, they fell for Obama’s smooth talk. But when Obama became president, he was true to his word to Abunimah, and turned viciously against Israel. And the whole world should have seen it coming.

Everything that is happening now in the Democratic Party — the relentless pandering to the Jew-haters Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the abject failure and collapse of the effort to rebuke Omar for her Jew-hatred, even indirectly, the boycott of AIPAC by the presidential candidates — I predicted and warned about. All my warnings are coming true. What does Howard Kohr have to say now?
