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Democrat Denialists

By: John Hinderaker — February 24th 2024 at 12:47
(John Hinderaker)

In 2001, 2005 and 2017, some Democrat House members objected to the certification of electoral votes for the winning Republican presidential candidate. Those objections, while “denialist,” were only symbolic. But Democrat leaders in the House are now suggesting that if they control that body following November’s election–as they well might–they may refuse to allow a victorious Donald Trump to take office.

The Atlantic did the original reporting, behind a paywall. This is from the Election Law Blog:

Murray and other legal scholars say that, absent clear guidance from the Supreme Court, a Trump win could lead to a constitutional crisis in Congress. Democrats would have to choose between confirming a winner many of them believe is ineligible and defying the will of voters who elected him. …

In interviews, senior House Democrats would not commit to certifying a Trump win, saying they would do so only if the Supreme Court affirms his eligibility. But during oral arguments, liberal and conservative justices alike seemed inclined to dodge the question of his eligibility altogether and throw the decision to Congress.

“That would be a colossal disaster,” Representative Adam Schiff of California told me. “We already had one horrendous January 6. We don’t need another.” …

The choice that Democrats would face if Trump won without a definitive ruling on his eligibility was almost too fraught for Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland to contemplate. He told me he didn’t know how he’d vote in that scenario. As we spoke about what might happen, he recalled the brutality of January 6. “There was blood all over the Capitol in the hypothetical you posit,” Raskin, who served on the January 6 committee with Schiff, told me….

The Democrats have become so insane on the subject of Donald Trump that it is hard to know which of their mutterings to take seriously. But if Trump wins the election and a Democrat-controlled House refuses to certify his election on the ground that he is an “insurrectionist” under the 14th Amendment, we will be past the point of a constitutional crisis. If that happens, the only realistic path forward will be disunion, possibly accompanied by civil war, but preferably not.

This is one reason why the Supreme Court should put the 14th Amendment theory out of its misery, once and for all. It is obvious that the drafters of that amendment meant the just-concluded Civil War, in which 600,000 Americans lost their lives, when they referred to “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. In contrast, the January 6 protest was not one of the 50 most destructive riots of the last few years, and the only person killed was Ashli Babbitt. Not a single participant in the protest was arrested in possession of a firearm. Some insurrection!

In the interest of preserving the Republic, the Supreme Court should rule definitively that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply to Donald Trump.

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Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle

By: Robert Spencer — April 13th 2023 at 04:00
Even the Washington Post Isn’t Buying Biden Blaming Trump for Afghanistan Debacle
New in PJ Media: When you’re a Leftist politician and you’ve lost the Washington Post, what’s left? The Post editorial board chided Old Joe Biden and his henchmen on Tuesday for blaming their catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan on their all-purpose whipping boy, Donald Trump. “Instead of admitting errors,” the Post wrote about the White House assessment of the withdrawal, “the […]
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Conflict of Interest: Trump Judge Is Biden Donor, Daughter Worked on Biden-Harris Campaign

By: Robert Spencer — April 6th 2023 at 06:00
Conflict of Interest: Trump Judge Is Biden Donor, Daughter Worked on Biden-Harris Campaign
New in PJ Media: Back in the days when there was equal justice for all in the United States, there was this concept known as “conflict of interest”: if someone involved in, say, a legal case had shown clear evidence of favoring one side or another, that was considered to be a disqualifying factor. Now, […]
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Great Idea! Trump Calls for Defunding the FBI and DOJ

By: Robert Spencer — April 6th 2023 at 05:00
Great Idea! Trump Calls for Defunding the FBI and DOJ
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Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies

By: Robert Spencer — April 5th 2023 at 04:00
Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies
From PJ Media, a piece that was written before Trump’s court appearance Tuesday: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has apparently decided that as long as he is going to drive us into banana republic territory, he might as well put the pedal to the metal: he is reportedly planning to charge Donald Trump with not one, but […]
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Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest

By: Robert Spencer — April 4th 2023 at 04:00
Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest
New in PJ Media: Ever since the news broke about his indictment, Donald Trump has been rising in the polls and getting a big boost in campaign donations, demonstrating that the whole banana-republic endeavor is backfiring spectacularly on the Leftist establishment that is determined to find something, anything, it can use to destroy Trump. So […]
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This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 05:00
This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him
New in PJ Media: With his indictment of Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg has secured his place in history. He could end up being remembered as the rogue, rabidly partisan prosecutor who administered the coup de grace to America’s staggering republic by indicting the chief opponent of the ruling regime on the flimsiest of charges. Even if he […]
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Integrity: Notable Trump Critics Speak Out, Say Trump Indictment Is a Disgrace

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 04:00
Integrity: Notable Trump Critics Speak Out, Say Trump Indictment Is a Disgrace
New in PJ Media: You couldn’t find two more solid and stolid figures of the Republican establishment than Jeb Bush and William Barr. Both have also been harsh critics of Donald Trump, who has given it right back in spades. And so it was striking that both have come out strongly against the indictment of […]
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Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says ‘So What?’

By: Robert Spencer — April 1st 2023 at 05:00
Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says ‘So What?’
New in PJ Media: Donald Trump was indicted Thursday and the sun came up as usual on Friday; all this business about the United States descending to banana-republic status is just right-wing hysteria, right? Wrong. The far-Left flagship Politico thumbed its nose at patriots on Thursday, cheerfully admitting that the case against Trump is a farrago of […]
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Trump Speaks Out on Indictment: The Democrats ‘Have Done the Unthinkable’

By: Robert Spencer — March 31st 2023 at 03:00
Trump Speaks Out on Indictment: The Democrats ‘Have Done the Unthinkable’
New in PJ Media: When he’s right, he’s right. Donald Trump issued a statement on Thursday evening after the United States of America completed its descent to banana-republic status, saying: “This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.” He then recalled some of the Left’s earlier attempts to frame and destroy […]
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‘It’s Not Going to End Nicely’: Chris Christie Thinks He Will Be the One to Take Down Donald Trump In 2024

By: Robert Spencer — March 29th 2023 at 04:00
‘It’s Not Going to End Nicely’: Chris Christie Thinks He Will Be the One to Take Down Donald Trump In 2024
New in PJ Media: Remember Chris Christie? He thinks you do. He even thinks you want to. Christie spoke in New Hampshire on Monday, and you know what that means. The former New Jersey governor thinks he will be the one Republican presidential hopeful to take down Donald Trump in 2024 and ride to the […]
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You’ll Never Guess Who Is Ripping the Investigations Into Trump as ‘All Politics’

By: Robert Spencer — March 27th 2023 at 04:00
You’ll Never Guess Who Is Ripping the Investigations Into Trump as ‘All Politics’
New in PJ Media: When you’ve lost Andrew Cuomo, you really should take it as a sign that you’ve gone way too far. But there was the randy former New York governor on Saturday, as Democrat as Democrats can possibly be, charging that the ongoing prosecutions-in-search-of-a-crime directed against the America-First president were nothing less than […]
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Ron DeSantis Explains the Difference Between Himself and Trump, Hits Trump Where He’s Most Vulnerable

By: Robert Spencer — March 23rd 2023 at 05:00
Ron DeSantis Explains the Difference Between Himself and Trump, Hits Trump Where He’s Most Vulnerable
New in PJ Media: Ron DeSantis has until recently remained silent as Donald Trump has been flailing away at him, but it appears that his studied silence is over. First there was the sidelong crack in his remarks about Alvin Bragg’s looming banana-republic indictment of Trump: “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money […]
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Audio: Robert Spencer on CJN Speaks on the looming Trump arrest and more

By: Robert Spencer — March 23rd 2023 at 03:00
Audio: Robert Spencer on CJN Speaks on the looming Trump arrest and more
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 3, Episode 9 Tuesday. Get The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment A Civil War here.
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Leftists Enraged at CNN’s Van Jones for Telling Alvin Bragg to Back Off of Trump

By: Robert Spencer — March 22nd 2023 at 05:00
Leftists Enraged at CNN’s Van Jones for Telling Alvin Bragg to Back Off of Trump
New in PJ Media: While most Leftists are hanging streamers, putting the champagne on ice, and handing out the party hats in anticipation of watching Donald Trump marched in handcuffs into the Manhattan district attorney’s office, CNN host Van Jones is not quite ready to join the festivities. And the Party of Groupthink is as enraged […]
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Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump

By: Robert Spencer — March 22nd 2023 at 04:00
Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump
New in PJ Media: As Matt Margolis noted on Sunday, “Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen,” was set to appear on Monday before the grand jury that is currently persecuting and railroading Donald Trump, “with the sole intention of undermining Cohen’s credibility.” That he did. Costello offered testimony that should explode […]
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It’s On: NYPD Is Putting Up Barricades, Expecting Riots When Trump Is Arrested

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 04:00
It’s On: NYPD Is Putting Up Barricades, Expecting Riots When Trump Is Arrested
New in PJ Media: America’s descent to banana republic status, with the ruling regime having its principal opponent arrested on bogus charges, may not happen on Tuesday, but it very much looks as if it is going to happen this week. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) was busy on Monday setting up steel barriers outside the […]
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Hold Everything: Now Trump Will Likely NOT Be Arrested, at Least on Tuesday

By: Robert Spencer — March 20th 2023 at 06:00
Hold Everything: Now Trump Will Likely NOT Be Arrested, at Least on Tuesday
New in PJ Media: Donald Trump announced on Saturday morning that he would be arrested on Tuesday, and the nation has been agog at the prospect of the Leftist establishment crossing the rubicon of arresting its principal opponent on flimsy charges and demonstrating before the entire world that the American republic is now the American banana republic, […]
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Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 06:00
Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest
New in PJ Media: On Saturday morning, Donald Trump acknowledged that he will indeed be arrested, saying that the fateful day will be this coming Tuesday. Trump wrote in all caps on Truth Social: OUR NATION IS NOW THIRD WORLD & DYING. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD! THE RADICAL LEFT ANARCHISTS HAVE STOLLEN [sic] OUR PRESIDENTIAL […]
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Mad Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Attempting to Organize His Domestic Terrorists’

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 05:00
Mad Maxine Waters Says Trump Is ‘Attempting to Organize His Domestic Terrorists’
New in PJ Media: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Rage, Race-Hate, and Insanity) is enraged over the fact that Donald Trump has called upon his supporters to protest when he is arrested. According to Mad Maxine, Trump was employing one of those “dog whistles” that Leftists so often like to accuse patriots of using. She claimed that what the […]
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It Looks as if Trump Will Be Arrested Next Week, and That’s Not Even the Worst of It

By: Robert Spencer — March 18th 2023 at 02:00
It Looks as if Trump Will Be Arrested Next Week, and That’s Not Even the Worst of It
New in PJ Media: It has been a long time coming, and now the final act appears to be in view. Donald Trump is about to be arrested, and the corrupt and politicized authorities who have brought matters to this point are preparing for the worst: the NYPD, the Secret Service, and even the FBI’s […]