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Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 1, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — March 1st 2024 at 07:58
It’s Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday
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Winners Wizbang Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 25th 2024 at 19:26
This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that aging gracefully only applies to some people. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (guido81_MA) – “A bit long in the tooth, but only 29 in silicone years.” AND (Joe_Miller) – “Pamela Anderson joins Madonna onstage for the So Far Past My Prime Tour.” 2) (Codebanger) – “Serving number 10. Number 10.” 3) (Par4Course) – “How many women did Bill Clinton have last week?” 4)(RockThisTown) – “Sadly, Bill Post, 96, inventor of Pop-Tarts, passed away Feb. 10. But, as shown here, his legacy
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Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 22nd 2024 at 21:07
It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday
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Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 18th 2024 at 20:09
This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that people are capable of stupid ANYWHERE The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Mary Gehman) – “Kinda makes you wish you were snow-blind…” (Retired military) – “What you see after hearing “here hold my beer”” 2) (RadiCalMan) – “Welcome to 2024! Where everything wrong, is right in your face!” (Rick Adams) – “*record scratch* “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here…”” 3) (ulley) – “We told him it would be all downhill if he carried on drinking” (vern bachman) –
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Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 15th 2024 at 21:33
It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday
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Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 7, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 11th 2024 at 19:24
This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ was brought to you by “Anything not showing the Super Bowl or Taylor Swift.” The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Joe_Miller) – ““Go talk to them.” “No, you go.”” AND (ulley) – “This new masked swingers show will never take off.” 2) (McGeehee) – “After the masks come off.” 3) (Retired military) – “To explain Biden’s appearance in blackface KJP described him as a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with memory problems”” 4)(Rick Adams) – ““How dare you, sir. My pronouns are who/what/Idon’tknow.”” 5) (Mary
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Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 9, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 8th 2024 at 21:33
It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday!
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Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 2, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 4th 2024 at 19:49
This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ celebrates the realities of climate science. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Brian Brandt) – “He also predicted another six weeks of Nikki Haley thinking she can win the Republican nomination.” 2) (guido81_MA) – “Knows more about the climate than Algore & John Lurch Kerry combined.” 3) (Porkopolis) – “♫ I’m alright…Nobody worry ’bout me… ♫” 4) (Joe_Miller) – ““Please tell me you’re not Bill de Blasio!”” 5) (Codebanger) – “Quiet! Or I’ll put this b!@#$d down and then you’ll be sorry.” 6) (Rick Adams)
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Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 2, 2024

By: Sarahconner2 — February 2nd 2024 at 08:37
It’s Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday!
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Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of January 26, 224

By: Sarahconner2 — January 29th 2024 at 09:58
This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ demonstrates the perils of unexpected video cameras. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (yetanotherjohn) – “See, this is why rectal joy buzzers are such a great practical joke.” (rodney dill) – “Joe Biden: “Toldya not to say her name three times.”” (cathymv) – “What we need here… is more cow bell!!!” 2) (McGeehee) – “God: “Hillary Rodham Clinton, you have come to the end of your mortal existence and will now be Judged. Do you have any questions before we proceed?” Hillary: “Why are you