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Roger Waters Claims His ‘Free Speech’ is Being Denied, Promises to Sue German Cities

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — March 18th 2023 at 09:00
Roger Waters Claims His ‘Free Speech’ is Being Denied, Promises to Sue German Cities
Roger Waters is the world’s best-known antisemite. He hates Israel with a passion, despises every aspect of the Jewish state, a wicked country that he claims – despite all the evidence to the contrary — practices apartheid, is a “colonial-settler” enterprise erected on “stolen Palestinian land,” and kills Palestinians in a “genocide.” He’s been a […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Muslim sprays buildings with Islamic State slogans, ‘Islam will win with or without you’

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 14:00
Austria: Muslim sprays buildings with Islamic State slogans, ‘Islam will win with or without you’
Doesn’t this pint-sized jihadi know what every non-Muslim politician and religious leader in the West knows with absolute certainty, that the Islamic State (ISIS) has nothing to do with Islam? How did this fellow miss that memo? “State security determines: buildings in St. Pölten daubed with IS slogans,” translated from “Staatsschutz ermittelt: Gebäude in St. […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 12:00
UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas
A few years back, some fake ex-Muslims harshly criticized me for criticizing Maajid Nawaz. The British supermarket chain Tesco had run an ad featuring hijabbed Muslims celebrating Christmas, and Nawaz had said that anyone who looked askance at this was “Islamophobic.” I pointed out that the number of observant, Sharia-adherent Muslims who celebrated Christmas was […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Massachusetts bill ‘an unprecedented and unconstitutional effort to promote one religion, Islam, over all others’

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 10:00
Massachusetts bill ‘an unprecedented and unconstitutional effort to promote one religion, Islam, over all others’
“Diversity, equity and inclusion” is inherently and in always and every case a gateway to the preferential treatment of the Left’s favored groups. I joined Muslim leaders from across Mass. at the State House office of Sen Eldridge to enthusiastically discuss his bill establish a Muslim American Commission, SD.2376An Act promoting the civil rights and […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — March 17th 2023 at 09:00
France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service
The Arabic Service of international broadcaster France 24 has had problems with its staff similar to those experienced by the BBC’s Arabic Service in 2021. It has suspended four of its journalists over their antisemitic social media posts. A preliminary Jihad Watch report is here, and more on the staffing problems of France 24’s Arabic […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 08:00
#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel
This was no oversight. The UK, like other Western countries, remains willfully blind regarding the “Palestinian” determination to destroy Israel utterly, and blandly complacent even when that imperative is staring them in the face. #TeamUK joined thousands of Palestinian and international runners in the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians🇵🇸. Great energy […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany: Muslims call for ‘Islamophobia commissioner’ and ‘determined stance’ to stop criticism of Islam

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 17th 2023 at 07:00
Germany: Muslims call for ‘Islamophobia commissioner’ and ‘determined stance’ to stop criticism of Islam
Marking the four-year anniversary of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand in which 51 people were killed and 40  injured, Germany’s Muslim community is doubling down on its determination to combat  “Islamophobia,” which includes criticism of Islam. The Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) “called for a more determined stance against Islamophobia, saying Muslims continue to […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UN Secretary-General: ‘For Well Over a Millennium, Islam’s Message of Peace Has Inspired People’

By: Robert Spencer — March 16th 2023 at 17:00
UN Secretary-General: ‘For Well Over a Millennium, Islam’s Message of Peace Has Inspired People’
New in PJ Media: Wednesday, March 15, is the United Nations’ “International Day to Combat Islamophobia,” and while my family is planning just a quiet celebration at home, at the UN they’re going all-out with the festivities. Secretary-General António Guterres kicked things off in style with a fawning address in which he lauded the multifaceted […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 15:00
France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages
Any guesses on what the angle might have been when these now suspended journalists covered any topic related to Israel? Laila Odeh celebrated murderers as “martyrs.” Lebanese journalist Joelle Maroun tweeted: “If Only Hitler Was Lebanese.’” Dina Abi-Saab celebrated Hamas rocket fire upon Israel, and Sharif Bibi declared “We will eradicate you, Israel.” CAMERA said […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Iraq bans import, production, and sale of alcoholic beverages, protesters chant ‘Iraq is not an Islamic country’

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 13:00
Iraq bans import, production, and sale of alcoholic beverages, protesters chant ‘Iraq is not an Islamic country’
Although the Iraqi constitution “guarantees personal, religious and cultural freedom,” the aggressively expansionist aspect of Islam is no secret. Protestors called the alcohol ban “ethnic discrimination,” since there are in Iraq “sizable communities of Christians, Yazidis, Zorastrians, Mandaeans and others.” But since when do Islamic supremacists care about kaffirs? “Some analysts believe the law is […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 12:00
Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for third intifada against Israel
The Palestinian “resistance” is a war against the very existence of a Jewish state. This war began with violent opposition to Jews settling in their ancient homeland, long before the modern state of Israel was established. The ultimate ambition of the “resistance” is to obliterate  Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea. The […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 11:00
Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony
No one claimed responsibility for the attack during the awards ceremony for journalists at the Tabian Farhang Centre in Mazar-e Sharif, but the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) is the primary suspect, since it is a key rival of the Taliban and has intensified its attacks of late. ISIS-K seeks to regain control over […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Iran warns Europe: Designating Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group ‘declaration of war’

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 16th 2023 at 08:00
Iran warns Europe: Designating Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group ‘declaration of war’
Iran’s threat presents a big dilemma for Western leaders, as Iran is the most powerful Shia country in the world, and Western leaders are still willfully blind to the fact that one cannot separate politics from mainstream Islam. The Sharia is divine law. For mainstream Muslims, no law in the world transcends it. The Sharia […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

‘Salman Rushdie Had It Coming and 11 Other Songs’? Cat Stevens Has a New Album

By: Robert Spencer — March 16th 2023 at 05:00
‘Salman Rushdie Had It Coming and 11 Other Songs’? Cat Stevens Has a New Album
New in PJ Media: Here’s some good news for aging hippies. It’s time to replenish your stocks of patchouli oil and weed; you’ll want to be celebrating, because Cat Stevens has a new album coming out this summer! According to an Associated Press report Wednesday, “the ‘Peace Train’ hitmaker worked for years on the 12 new songs, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UN top dog António Guterres: ‘For well over a millennium, Islam’s message of peace has inspired people’

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 16:00
UN top dog António Guterres: ‘For well over a millennium, Islam’s message of peace has inspired people’
For the reality of the fourteen centuries of Islam, see here. It would have been refreshing if Guterres had read out a bit more of Surah Al-Tawbah of the Qur’an, such as these verses: “Then, when the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and besiege them, and […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Hijabbed Biden State Department official and Tlaib participated in event featuring anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 14:00
Hijabbed Biden State Department official and Tlaib participated in event featuring anti-Semite Linda Sarsour
On Sept. 22, 2011, Linda Sarsour tweeted: “shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics.” Her position didn’t change over time. On May 12, 2015, she tweeted: “If you are still paying interest than [sic] Sharia Law hasn’t taken over America. #justsaying.” And […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Kindergarten worker showed videos of little girls beheading dolls and screaming Islamic State slogans

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 13:00
Austria: Kindergarten worker showed videos of little girls beheading dolls and screaming Islamic State slogans
The kindergarten worker is 19 years old. Austria, and all of Europe, is whistling in the dark about its future. “Kindergarten worker fired: She sympathized with IS and was convicted,” translated from “Kindergartenhelferin gefeuert: Sie sympathisierte mit dem IS und wurde verurteilt,” by Martin Bauer, Exxpress, March 13, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A kindergarten worker […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 08:00
Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches
Apparently the jihadis wish to target Muslims who refused to join the jihad, and are planning on hiding out in churches. Welcome to the new, diverse Austria! “Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna,” translated from “Terroralarm: Anschlagsgefahr auf Kirchen in Wien,” Kronen Zeitung, March 15, 2023 (thanks to L.): Increased police presence […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Islamic Fatwa Council declares Hamas ‘inhumane’ for its mistreatment of ‘Palestinians’

By: Robert Spencer — March 14th 2023 at 13:00
Islamic Fatwa Council declares Hamas ‘inhumane’ for its mistreatment of ‘Palestinians’
This is likely to be construed in some circles in the West as confirmation that Islam teaches peace, and a welcome avowal by “moderates” that jihad is un-Islamic. But note that Hamas is not criticized for its jihad against Israel, only for its treatment of “Palestinians.” “In groundbreaking ruling, Middle Eastern Islamic council declares ‘fatwa’ […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel

By: Daniel Greenfield — March 14th 2023 at 12:00
Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel
Jewish Dems show support for Israel by protesting against it. The Jewish Democratic Council of America is showing its support for Israel by joining protests outside the Israel Bonds conference. After staging a virtual event about democratic judicial reform consisting entirely of opponents of the measure to restore checks and balances to Israel’s political system, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Syria: Muslims murder three truffle hunters, kidnap 26 others

By: Robert Spencer — March 14th 2023 at 07:00
Syria: Muslims murder three truffle hunters, kidnap 26 others
Why the truffle hunters are being targeted remains unclear. It could be because the hunting involves dogs, which are unclean in Islam, although an exception is made in the relevant hadith for hunting dogs: “Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: After Ten Years, Court Strikes Down Ruling Banning Ads Offering Help to Those Leaving Islam

By: Pamela Geller — October 31st 2020 at 10:00

Background: In 2008, I was in Florida covering Rifqa Bary’s court hearings to return her to her devout family who promised to kill to her because the teen had left Islam and converted to Christianity.

I was waiting on my ride to the courthouse when I saw this ad on a bus:

Thus began the very first of my many bus ad campaigns. I responded with this ad and the greatest putsch against free speech commenced:


Check out my latest at The Thinker:

After Ten Years, Court Strikes Down Ruling Banning Ads Offering Help to Those Leaving Islam

It took nearly twelve years, but we did it.  My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has just won an important victory for the freedom of speech.

Back in 2009, the Detroit area’s SMART transit refused to run our AFDI ads offering help to people who were in fear for their lives for wanting to leave Islam or having left it.  After an incredibly protracted court battle, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals just stood up for the First Amendment and completely reversed the judgment banning our ads.  It’s a total victory for freedom: we won our free speech lawsuit in Detroit by a unanimous decision.

Our ad read: “Leaving Islam?  Fatwa on your head?  Is your family or community threatening you?  Got Questions?  Get Answers!”  That’s all it said.  It offered a life-saver for those who were completely and utterly alone with no system of support or help.

Islamic law mandates death for those who leave Islam; even in the United States, those who leave the religion live in fear that a devout Muslim might decide to apply this penalty.  So we were offering help.  That is all.  But as Eugene Volokh explains at The Volokh Conspiracy, “Michigan’s Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) rejected this ad under two of its speech restrictions.  The first prohibits ‘political’ ads; the second prohibits ads that would hold up a group of people to ‘scorn or ridicule.'”

Our ad was not political and didn’t scorn or ridicule anyone.  It’s ridiculous to say saving lives is a political act, and so of course we won the initial case.  The first judge who ruled on this case, Judge Denise Page Hood, understood the law and so ruled in favor of our free speech rights.  She understood the First Amendment.  Therefore, although she was clearly not sympathetic to us, she had to rule for us.

But then SMART appealed.  SMART adamantly refused to run outreach ads that might have helped Muslims living in dangerous households and appealed to the notoriously leftist Sixth Circuit.  You might have thought the Muslim Brotherhood was running SMART.  It was astounding.  And consider the fact that Detroit was bankrupt around this same time.  Sharia adherence was still more important to the broken city’s failed leaders than were the freedom of speech and fiscal responsibility.

And so SMART continued to refuse our ads and appealed in the notoriously leftist Sixth Circuit.  The court called our religious ads political and created a new narrative out of whole cloth.  Our ads were never actually rejected on political grounds.  Individually and in her official capacity, Beth Gibbons, marketing program manager of SMART, said our ads were rejected because they were controversial — not because they were political.  It was always understood that these were religious ads.  Gibbons testified that she saw “nothing about [the advertisement] itself that was political[.] … I knew that [the fatwa advertisement] was of concern in that there is controversy on both sides of the issue on whether they should be posted.”  That was the position of SMART.  In fact, that was the agency’s official testimony.

We in turn appealed.  In 2013, I was deposed and harassed for six hours by a small, profane blowhard attorney — all billable hours to fight an ad created to help Muslim girls escape honor violence.  And the deposition was so hostile that you would think I had committed a heinous crime.  Apparently, blasphemy in America is.

The case dragged on and on.  But now, in American Freedom Defensive Initiative v. Suburban Mobility Auth. for Regional Transp. (6th Cir.), the court makes the correct ruling, noting that “the Free Speech Clause limits the government’s power to regulate speech on public property.  The government has little leeway to restrict speech in ‘public forums.'”  Accordingly, “SMART’s ban on ‘political’ ads is unreasonable for the same reason that a state’s ban on ‘political’ apparel at polling places is unreasonable: SMART offers no ‘sensible basis for distinguishing what may come in from what must stay out.’  Likewise, SMART’s ban on ads that engage in ‘scorn or ridicule’ is not viewpoint neutral for the same reason that a ban on trademarks that disparage people is not viewpoint neutral: For any group, ‘an applicant may [display] a positive or benign [ad] but not a derogatory one.'”  Consequently, the court declared: “We thus reverse the district court’s decision rejecting the First Amendment challenge to these two restrictions.”

This is all common-sensical and clear even to those with no legal training or experience, but it has taken an incredibly long time to get here.  The American Freedom Law Center, whose ace lawyers David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise fought long and hard to win this case, noted: “AFDI’s religious freedom advertisement was rejected even though SMART had no problem accepting and running an anti-religion ad sponsored by an atheist organization.  That approved ad stated, ‘Don’t Believe in God?  You are not alone.'”  However, now “the Sixth Circuit ruled unanimously in favor of AFLC, finding that SMART’s rejection of the ad was unreasonable and [a] viewpoint based in violation of the First Amendment.  This is a final ruling.”

Bottom line: Everyone has the same right to a free life.  The Sixth Circuit agreed.

If you weren’t reading this, you would likely never know that it had happened at all.  No media covered it.  If we had lost, then you would have heard about it, because the media would have been popping open bottles of champagne and running huge pieces on how sharia restrictions on speech are altogether reasonable — as heads roll (literally).

Jessica Mokdad, an honor killing victim living in that area at the time, might have been saved.  We know that the ads have helped Muslims — they told us.  The ads save lives.  Contribute here.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report, and author of the bestselling book FATWA: Hunted in America as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Mom Protests Supremacist All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By: Pamela Geller — October 30th 2019 at 10:00

This is Islamic supremacism over non-Muslim public school students.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.”

Pamela Geller: Mom Protests All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, October 30, 2019:

A concerned mother is challenging an all halal-certified meat policy imposed by the Michigan public school district that includes the Dearborn region, dubbed the “Arab capital of North America,” Breitbart News learned from conservative commentator Pamela Geller.

According to the school district’s official website, “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified halal.”

Halal, which translates to “permissible” in Arabic, refers to a Muslim practice governed by sharia law that completely bans pork and follows Islamic requirements on the preparation of other meat.

The school district’s policy is in accordance with “Islamic Rites,” the halal certificate of the processing plant that provides the meat, it declared, noting, “We certify that the processing facilities … have been inspected and approved by our Islamic organization for processing, packing, and labeling of Halal Beef Products by applying our procedures according to the Islamic Rites.”

A mother of one of the district’s students has taken issue with the all-halal meat policy.

“One courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this, and to provide options for students who object to halal food,” Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), revealed in an article published by American Thinker on Monday.

The mother reportedly sent a letter to Dearborn schools Superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs. If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

In responding, Maleyko described the policy as a cost-cutting measure.

“The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion. By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving….It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat,” he said.

Geller called on the district to rescind its policy. The measure amounts to a capitulation to “Islamic supremacism” and sets a dangerous precedent, she argued.

“Dearborn Public School officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion. They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive population,” she also said.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students,” she pointed out.

Nevertheless, Geller pointed out that Dearborn is “unlikely” to rescind its all-halal meat policy, adding:

This initiative is already very far advanced. If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal unless you’re keeping kosher. In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous, and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

The Dearborn region is reportedly home to the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.

Read the whole thing here.

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

American Thinker: Pamela Geller’s ISIS Beheading Plotter’s Conviction Overturned by Obama-Appointed Judge

By: Pamela Geller — August 30th 2019 at 15:00

Read this:

ISIS Beheading Plotter’s Conviction Overturned by Obama-Appointed Judge

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker, August 29, 2019:

Daoud Wright is a former Islamic State (ISIS) operative in Boston who was the ringleader of a plot to behead me. In December 2017, he was found guilty on five counts in this terrorist plot against me, which involved Wright maintaining close contact with and even financing a major American ISIS leader, Zulfi Hoxha. Yet late Wednesday afternoon, one of those convictions was overturned. Federal Appeals Court Justice David J. Barron said Wright “could have been simply been ‘role-playing’ with respect to following ISIS’s direction.”

Back when Wright was convicted, the jury didn’t think Wright was just “role-playing.” They brought the verdict in swiftly: according to WBUR, they “reached five verdicts in six hours.” Acting U.S. Attorney William Weinreb said: “Mr. Wright is a terrorist, an ISIS supporter and recruiter who intended to wage war against the United States by beheading people and killing Americans.”

Barron, in contrast, clearly has embraced the claim of the defense during the trial, that Wright was just a fat fantasist sitting in his mother’s basement playing video games and dreaming of glory. But in an extraordinary article that appeared in the left-wing Atlantic in January 2018 entitled “A New American Leader Rises in ISIS,” Seamus Hughes, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, and Bennett Clifford revealed that a “shared interest in video games may have been one of the first things that brought Hoxha together with David Wright.” The video games were not an idle pastime:

Islamic State’s 2015 instructional manual for its Western supporters, “How to Survive in the West,” includes references to video games as a method of training to join the group. More importantly, it may have brought together Wright and Hoxha, who unlike Wright successfully followed through on his intentions to support the Islamic State using violence… During Wright’s trial, prosecutors argued that he used several video games, including Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and other titles to “virtually prepare” for jihad. His defense attorneys, however, painted Wright, who weighed over 400 pounds at the time of the conspiracy, as a “fat, failed loser” who used video games as a substitute for real-life violent activity, according to the trial transcript. Unfortunately, one can be both a gamer who veers towards violence and weigh in at 400 pounds of loneliness and isolation…..

Read the rest here.


☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

By: Pamela Geller — October 9th 2018 at 10:22

The islamization of the Ivys: Historic revisionism and Jew-hatred:

Pamela Geller: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Last week, Brown University’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs sent out greeting for “Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend,” which has replaced Fall Weekend — Columbus Day weekend — in the uber-politically correct academic environment. Brown’s action is part of the larger effort by the academic left to cast Columbus as a villain and focus on Native Americans as sainted martyrs.

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, October 8, 2018:

But as if this celebration weren’t politicized enough, Brown made it poisonously so by including the “Palestinians” among the “indigenous people” whose plight was being observed. But what makes this story extra insidious is the fact that the school took this anti-American movement and attempted to turn it into an anti-Israel day as well. The left is so desperate to attack Israel that they twisted their own attack on the U.S. to do so.

“Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD),” explained the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, “celebrates the resilience and accomplishments of Indigenous people and acknowledges the contemporary struggles indigenous communities face today. Further, IPD is an intervention against erasure, a principle barrier to the improvement of indigenous sovereignty and health status.”

The struggling indigenous people in question, according to the Diversity Office, included “567 Federally Recognized tribes, 61 State Recognized tribes,” as well as “Hawaiians and the people indigenous to its territories in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans.” Many of these groups, the announcement went on, “experience profound disparities in health care access and health status compared to the general population, resulting in elevated rates of diabetes, liver disease, and other chronic diseases,” which are “exacerbated by a significant shortage of primary care physicians in Indigenous communities and a long-standing mistrust of the American health care system rooted in a history of genocide and forced assimilation.”

After speaking exclusively of the difficulties of indigenous people in the United States and its territories, however, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs suddenly included an oblique and gratuitous swipe at Israel: “From Standing Rock to Palestine, Indigenous communities across the world continue to experience the pernicious effects of settler-colonialism on their sovereignty, their health, and their access to their traditional lands and practices.”

Read the rest.




☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Unmasking the Creation of ‘Islamophobia’

By: Pamela Geller — August 3rd 2018 at 13:00

Things don’t just happen. They are made to happen. There is a network of linked actors promoting this “far right/Islamophobia” discourse.

Not only has “islamophobia” become the default argument for any criticism of jihad slaughter and sharia brutality but Islamic terror attacks have become welcome windows of opportunities for Islamic supremacists to stage mass media islamophobia attacks in the press in concert with dawah proselytizing.

Read it all.

August 3, 2018

Unmasking the Creation of ‘Islamophobia’ in the Academy

Conservative individuals and groups frequently report that they are banned, blocked, or shadowbanned from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Many of these people frequently complain that they are labelled “far right” when in fact, they are not even right-wing, let alone “far right.” It is increasingly being realized that there is a serious problem here. So let’s look at some details of how this is achieved, and how deep the problem goes. Many in academia are fully in collusion with this.

An article published this month demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt how deeply embedded the lazy and erroneous ideological assumptions of many academics are. “The transnationalisation of far right discourse on Twitter: Issues and actors that cross borders in Western European democracies is typical of many such articles. It could well pass unnoticed by all but a few scholars, especially since it’s locked behind an expensive paywall, written in academic gobbledygook, and littered with mysterious diagrams reminiscent of the work of the alchemists. Yet this article is worth scrutiny, for it’s one piece of the puzzle of how the trick of labelling people as “far right” and as “Islamophobic” is pulled off by the “intelligentsia” and the establishment. It’s easy to assume “academics are locked in their Ivory Towers doing little other than talking to each other, so let’s ignore them.” But not all are. Some are talking to governments and some are talking to tech companies, and there are consequences.

Read  the rest, read it all here – required reading

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By: Pamela Geller — May 23rd 2018 at 12:45

While shocking, what is happening in West Virginia is happening is not the exception, but the rule.

May 23, 2018

Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker: 
This is an outrage, but it is common nationwide: the Daily Caller News Foundation reports that Mountain Ridge Middle School in West Virginia is “instructing junior high students to write the Islamic profession of faith ostensibly to practice calligraphy.”  Students are made to write out the Shahada, which states: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”This is exactly what I warned about in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, in the chapter “The Mosqueing of the Public Schools.”In order to convert to Islam, one says the shahada.  Saying the shahada makes you a Muslim.  The shahada is what is on the black flag of jihad.

No non-Muslim student should be forced to write or say the shahada without the qualifier “Muslims believe that…”  This is because it is a statement of faith.  If the school exercise is requiring students to write it, it should be clear from the wording of the exercise that this is Islamic faith, not the student’s faith.  That distinction has been glossed over in many, many school textbook presentations.

This is in West Virginia, not Baghdad.  And it’s a problem not just in West Virginia – it’s a national problem.

Rich Penkoski, the father of a Mountain Ridge student, contacted me and explained the situation further.  He sent me the packets the school gave out for the Jewish and the Christian lessons and commented:

Notice no bible verses, no reciting the 10 commandments or the Lord’s prayer.  No practicing writing in Hebrew (not even the 10 commandments) as compared to the Islamic packet.

There are no statements of faith, nothing asking the students to write it or practice in any of the Jewish or Christian rituals.

Furthermore the principal of Mountain Ridge Middle School Dr. Branch has used my words against me by saying the teacher did tell the students about the Lord’s prayer (my daughter as well as 1 other said this is false)[.]  He is using my arguments I made to him yesterday to protect the teacher.

The teacher today told the students the assignment was optional.  My daughter as well as other students were under the impression all the packet assignments were mandatory (the Jewish one and the Christian ones were mandatory).

I wrote to Dr. Branch to share with him the resource that Miss Hinson used and point out that the material she gave the students did not include all the faith aspects for Christianity.  The students received 2 pages for Christianity from this resource while all the Islamic sections were left intact.

Here’s the link for you to review.  You will notice all the faith elements were left out for Judaism and Christianity while the Islamic section was left the way it’s presented.

So she decided to use the extra resources for Islam and the school is saying that’s not indoctrination or proselytizing?  The faith aspects and the same considerations were not given to the others as they were for Islam.  This actually further proves my point that Islam was afforded special privilege over the others.

The school is backtracking and being deceptive to try and weasel out of this.  The teacher today clarified things for the students but that still does not excuse the fact that they are teaching the Islamic faith and asking the kids to participate in Sharia.  Look at the Islamic packet again.  They are asking the kids to write the beginning of Surahs.  The teacher still has not corrected the error that calligraphy was started by the arabs.

They are doubling down and only after being called on it are they trying to backtrack.

Rich Penkoski is hardly the first to protest this egregious submission to the most vicious and brutal ideology on the face of the Earth.  In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their  “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook.

With an entire chapter dedicated to the virtues of Islam and not a single chapter for Christianity, the textbook had Floridians in a frenzy.  And who is the biggest pusher of Common Core besides leftist progressives?  The Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, along with the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  In Florida, CAIR is on the offensive (more here).

We have seen the increasing Islamization of the public-school curriculum.  History lessons in Islam are dawah – proselytizing for Islam.  Large public-school publishers have been bought by the Saudis.

In West Virginia, it gets even worse.  Rich Penkoski has alerted me to the latest development in the forced Islamization of his children’s school curriculum: after the Daily Caller and Geller Report exposed what was happening, Mountain Ridge administrators and teachers began messaging parents who were sharing the story, asking them to remove their posts.

What do they have to hide?  Apparently, a great deal.

Worse still, Penkoski is now being threatened by students who attend the school with his daughter.  (And who is behind them?  Unidentified “adult friends.”)

He sent this message to me:

A student in the school threatened to get her adult friends to come to my home and kill me by stabbing me in the chest and ripping my organs out.  They told my daughter “we are gonna get some people and kill your dad.”  This student, who is known to me but whom I cannot name because she is a minor, has given students our address and is encouraging them to come to my home over this whole thing.  Another student told my daughter that she and the first student and her adult friends are going to kill me and carve a satanic star in my chest and rip out my organs.

They then threatened to hang my 3-year-old and 1-year-old and kidnap my 14-year-old.

All this in school today because of the articles.

This is not a joke and needs to be investigated.  I have contacted the school’s principal, Dr. Branch, and I trust that he will take this matter seriously and deal with it appropriately.

Is the principal acting on this?  And do the police have any interest in this?  Or would that be “islamofauxbic”?

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Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: New York Times Asks, ‘Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?’ or ‘The West is Wrong to Resist’

By: Pamela Geller — April 1st 2018 at 18:30

New York Times “journalism” — emotional, fact-free propaganda.

Geller: New York Times Asks, ‘Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?’ or ‘The West is Wrong to Resist’

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, April 1, 2018:

The New York Times published a piece Thursday, “Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?” and it is incredible (as in beyond belief, hard to believe, far-fetched, implausible).

The headline leads you to believe that, finally, maybe there might be a discussion of this existential question with a (sadly) obvious answer, but that would be delusional. In reality, the Times is not asking the question. It mocks you into thinking the question is a legitimate one. The real title should be: “Muslim Grievances, Why We Are Right to Whine After Jihadis Attack.”

The piece is not written by a legitimate, reasoned, and brilliant scholar of Islam like, say, Ibn Waraq, Bat Ye’or, or Robert Spencer. No, this absurd propaganda is by one of the Times’ resident shills for Islam, Atossa Araxia Abrahmian, coming in form of a review of Journey Into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity, the latest installment in Islamic studies professor Akbar Ahmed’s series on Muslims around the world.

The finger-pointing at the infidel for the violence and holy wars of devout Muslims is at its apex in this indictment of Western compassion and open borders. And Muslims, of course, are the real victims:

The bulk of Ahmed’s research comes from a listening tour he embarked on with a team of researchers between 2013 and 2017. They interviewed imams, community leaders, activists and ordinary people across the continent about the challenges European Muslims face today. Their findings are predictably grim. Across the board, interviewees reported feeling marginalized, stereotyped and prevented from professional advancement because of their background. Despite their multitude of experiences, they ended up lumped into the crude categories that conflate terrorists, Muslims and refugees; Arabs, Persians and Africans; recent immigrants with no facility in the local language and second-generation doctoral students fluent at the highest level.

“Many patterns of discrimination,” Ahmed notes, “are rooted in colonial legacies that vary by country[.]”

Ah, yes colonial legacies – nothing about Islamic imperialism and annihilationism. Nothing about the centuries of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, and enslavements. Robert Spencer’s much anticipated tome on Islamic history, The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, details this very thing and should be part of every school curriculum in the country.

This whole piece is an extraordinary lie, and the Left’s relentless promotion of the big lies have rendered us ill-prepared for what’s coming.

In this “book review,” Abrahamian tells us that the author was invited to speak at a mosque in Athens.

What he saw there took him aback. The facility was less a house of God than an underground parking lot “of a particularly sinister aspect[.]”

“These men had nothing to lose, and I could imagine the most desperate among them prepared to lash out in an unpredictable and even murderous manner,” Ahmed writes in Journey Into Europe. “This, I felt, was Europe’s ticking time bomb.”

Oh yes, because the mosque in Athens, Greece — a country whose suffering at the hands of Muslim invaders is incalculable and little spoken of (like the Armenians) — is not pretty, it only makes sense that the Muslims destroy Europe. Are we to believe that if the Greeks built shrines to their executioners, all would be well?

So the jihad in Europe is the Greeks’ fault, but Christians in Muslim countries who can’t pray and whose houses of worship are systematically destroyed have no recourse, no voice, no New York Times article that speaks the truth of their oppression and destruction. On the contrary, in the view of the New York Times, the Christians are the problem.

The complaining and the whining continues. Ahmed, in this book, says:

Pakistanis in Britain are better integrated than, say, French citizens of Algerian and Moroccan descent. But even absent empire, many of the Muslims he speaks to find it hard, if not impossible, to fit in. “In Denmark they strangle you slowly, slowly,” one interviewee proclaims.

Pakistanis in the UK are better integrated? Thousands of English girls are groomed by Muslim rape gangs which the police never pursued for fear of being perceived as “islamophobic.” Daily acts of jihad written off as some generic form of extremism. This passes for integration?

Ahmed “hopes Europeans can form new, hybrid identities that broaden the criteria for who belongs.” Where have Muslim societies ever allowed a hybrid of identity? What he is saying is, he hopes that Europeans will go quietly into the cold Islamic night.

Using Islamic historic lies, Abrahmian bolsters his argument:

Europe happens to have a homegrown example of this philosophy in medieval Andalusia, when people of multiple faiths in parts of modern-day Portugal and Spain enjoyed convivencia, a state of relative pluralism, peace and prosperity under Muslim rule. “The answer to the violence and tensions between religions in Europe today and the sense of alienation and confusion in Muslim youth is to revive and strengthen the Andalusian model as an alternative to that of a monolithic tribal society,” Ahmed writes.

Andalusia was hardly golden for the Christians and Jews living under Islamic rule:

Islamic Spain was far from being a paradise. Cordoba was no “ornament of the world.” Maimonides had to flee the city because of the persecution of the Almohads, but even before the Alhomads the treatment of non-Muslims was dismal. When the Jewish viziers Samuel ibn Naghrela and his son Joseph were both murdered, and then the entire Jewish community of Grenada was massacred as well – yes, in Grenada, home of the “Alhambra” of which Washington Irving sung — it was not something without deep Islamic roots. (more here)

Abrahmian closes with this pearl:

The fundamental message of “Journey Into Europe” is that throughout history, Islamic and European civilizations have often been not just compatible, but complementary. It’s crucial to acknowledge their shared past to reject today’s resurgent tribalism. The stakes, as Ahmed puts it, are “Andalusia or dystopia.”

Intellectually, his conclusion is hard to argue with. But since 9/11, popular perceptions of Islam in the West have been informed by emotion, not facts or reason.

That’s true. And this New York Times article is more of that emotional, fact-free propaganda.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Hijab Hypocrisy

By: Pamela Geller — February 3rd 2018 at 14:24

Geller: Iran Arrests 29 Women for Appearing in Public Without a Hijab While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, February 3, 2018:

The Daily Mail reported Thursday that “Tehran police have arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf as protests against the dress code in force since the Islamic revolution of 1979 intensify,” citing Iranian police.

“Those arrested were accused of public order offences and referred to the state prosecutor’s office, Iranian nnews [sic] agencies reported without elaborating,” the report noted.

Thursday was also “World Hijab Day,” which its organizers say is designed to “fight discrimination against Muslim women through awareness and education. It is a day on which women of diverse backgrounds and persuasions are encouraged to wear the Islamic head veil in solidarity with Muslim women.”

And so under the hashtag #StrongInHijab, Islamic supremacists and their willing gophers on the left – middle-class Western feminists – observed the first annual “World Hijab Day” yesterday. In one of the most pathetic and destructive shows of “virtue signaling,” non-Muslim women were urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation, and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights in countries ruled under Islamic law, left-wing goons in the West are working to impose the misogyny of the sharia.

Look, no cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. But what about the women forced to wear the hijab. American girls like Jessica Mokdad, Amina Said, Sarah Said, Noor Almaleki, and so many others who were honor murdered for not wearing the hijab, for wanting to live free. Who speaks for them? The real world recognition day should be in tribute to women who are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t.

One campaign fighting against the enforced hijab in Iran set up by Ms. Masih Alinejad is My Stealthy Freedom. It is “dedicated to Iranian women inside the country who want to share their ‘stealthily’ taken photos without the veil,” and aims to be a “living archive” of their fight.

For years, my work in defense of Muslim women wanting to live free, be free, out from under the boot of sharia misogyny, was smeared, mocked, labeled “Islamophobic.” Girls such as Rifqa Bary and the now-dead girls, including Aqsa Parvez, Amina and Sarah Said, Jessica Mokdad, Noor Almaleki, et al, wanted to be free not to wear the hijab – in America. Our calls for such an elemental freedom were viciously attacked amid the constant cries of “racism” (Islam is not a race) and absurd claims that we were making it hard for Muslim women to wear the hijab. That was laughable, of course, because I never so much as addressed Muslim women and their choices, no matter how submissive and subdued, but this was uniformly repeated and chanted by Islamic supremacists and their leftwing lapdogs, most especially in the “feminist movement.”

And now we see an entire nation of women, Muslim women, standing up against the hijab. Are they, too, “Islamophobes”?

Remember: the Islamic Republic of Iran is the country that the Democrats are fighting for today, opposing President Trump’s efforts to stop Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons.

As David Kurten in Breitbart News points out, punishments for removing a hijab can be brutal – Islamic regimes are known to physically beat women for non-compliance with their dress codes. This is true not only in the Middle East, but increasingly on a local level in the West.

A brave headteacher in a London primary school recently took action to ban children under the age of eight from wearing hijabs in her school. The school is in an area of east London that has undergone almost total population replacement of the white working-class there 50 years ago to mostly people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim origin today. The response of the local community was to organize a campaign of intimidation against her until she backed down.

World Hijab Day is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left as much as choosing the sharia-promoting, forced marriage advocate Linda Sarsour for their leader. The real “feminists” are the women who are fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.


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Pamela Geller, American Thinker: After Ten Years, Court Strikes Down Ruling Banning Ads Offering Help to Those Leaving Islam

By: Pamela Geller — October 31st 2020 at 10:00

Background: In 2008, I was in Florida covering Rifqa Bary’s court hearings to return her to her devout family who promised to kill to her because the teen had left Islam and converted to Christianity.

I was waiting on my ride to the courthouse when I saw this ad on a bus:

Thus began the very first of my many bus ad campaigns. I responded with this ad and the greatest putsch against free speech commenced:


Check out my latest at The Thinker:

After Ten Years, Court Strikes Down Ruling Banning Ads Offering Help to Those Leaving Islam

It took nearly twelve years, but we did it.  My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has just won an important victory for the freedom of speech.

Back in 2009, the Detroit area’s SMART transit refused to run our AFDI ads offering help to people who were in fear for their lives for wanting to leave Islam or having left it.  After an incredibly protracted court battle, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals just stood up for the First Amendment and completely reversed the judgment banning our ads.  It’s a total victory for freedom: we won our free speech lawsuit in Detroit by a unanimous decision.

Our ad read: “Leaving Islam?  Fatwa on your head?  Is your family or community threatening you?  Got Questions?  Get Answers!”  That’s all it said.  It offered a life-saver for those who were completely and utterly alone with no system of support or help.

Islamic law mandates death for those who leave Islam; even in the United States, those who leave the religion live in fear that a devout Muslim might decide to apply this penalty.  So we were offering help.  That is all.  But as Eugene Volokh explains at The Volokh Conspiracy, “Michigan’s Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) rejected this ad under two of its speech restrictions.  The first prohibits ‘political’ ads; the second prohibits ads that would hold up a group of people to ‘scorn or ridicule.'”

Our ad was not political and didn’t scorn or ridicule anyone.  It’s ridiculous to say saving lives is a political act, and so of course we won the initial case.  The first judge who ruled on this case, Judge Denise Page Hood, understood the law and so ruled in favor of our free speech rights.  She understood the First Amendment.  Therefore, although she was clearly not sympathetic to us, she had to rule for us.

But then SMART appealed.  SMART adamantly refused to run outreach ads that might have helped Muslims living in dangerous households and appealed to the notoriously leftist Sixth Circuit.  You might have thought the Muslim Brotherhood was running SMART.  It was astounding.  And consider the fact that Detroit was bankrupt around this same time.  Sharia adherence was still more important to the broken city’s failed leaders than were the freedom of speech and fiscal responsibility.

And so SMART continued to refuse our ads and appealed in the notoriously leftist Sixth Circuit.  The court called our religious ads political and created a new narrative out of whole cloth.  Our ads were never actually rejected on political grounds.  Individually and in her official capacity, Beth Gibbons, marketing program manager of SMART, said our ads were rejected because they were controversial — not because they were political.  It was always understood that these were religious ads.  Gibbons testified that she saw “nothing about [the advertisement] itself that was political[.] … I knew that [the fatwa advertisement] was of concern in that there is controversy on both sides of the issue on whether they should be posted.”  That was the position of SMART.  In fact, that was the agency’s official testimony.

We in turn appealed.  In 2013, I was deposed and harassed for six hours by a small, profane blowhard attorney — all billable hours to fight an ad created to help Muslim girls escape honor violence.  And the deposition was so hostile that you would think I had committed a heinous crime.  Apparently, blasphemy in America is.

The case dragged on and on.  But now, in American Freedom Defensive Initiative v. Suburban Mobility Auth. for Regional Transp. (6th Cir.), the court makes the correct ruling, noting that “the Free Speech Clause limits the government’s power to regulate speech on public property.  The government has little leeway to restrict speech in ‘public forums.'”  Accordingly, “SMART’s ban on ‘political’ ads is unreasonable for the same reason that a state’s ban on ‘political’ apparel at polling places is unreasonable: SMART offers no ‘sensible basis for distinguishing what may come in from what must stay out.’  Likewise, SMART’s ban on ads that engage in ‘scorn or ridicule’ is not viewpoint neutral for the same reason that a ban on trademarks that disparage people is not viewpoint neutral: For any group, ‘an applicant may [display] a positive or benign [ad] but not a derogatory one.'”  Consequently, the court declared: “We thus reverse the district court’s decision rejecting the First Amendment challenge to these two restrictions.”

This is all common-sensical and clear even to those with no legal training or experience, but it has taken an incredibly long time to get here.  The American Freedom Law Center, whose ace lawyers David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise fought long and hard to win this case, noted: “AFDI’s religious freedom advertisement was rejected even though SMART had no problem accepting and running an anti-religion ad sponsored by an atheist organization.  That approved ad stated, ‘Don’t Believe in God?  You are not alone.'”  However, now “the Sixth Circuit ruled unanimously in favor of AFLC, finding that SMART’s rejection of the ad was unreasonable and [a] viewpoint based in violation of the First Amendment.  This is a final ruling.”

Bottom line: Everyone has the same right to a free life.  The Sixth Circuit agreed.

If you weren’t reading this, you would likely never know that it had happened at all.  No media covered it.  If we had lost, then you would have heard about it, because the media would have been popping open bottles of champagne and running huge pieces on how sharia restrictions on speech are altogether reasonable — as heads roll (literally).

Jessica Mokdad, an honor killing victim living in that area at the time, might have been saved.  We know that the ads have helped Muslims — they told us.  The ads save lives.  Contribute here.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report, and author of the bestselling book FATWA: Hunted in America as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

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Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Mom Protests Supremacist All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By: Pamela Geller — October 30th 2019 at 10:00

This is Islamic supremacism over non-Muslim public school students.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.”

Pamela Geller: Mom Protests All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, October 30, 2019:

A concerned mother is challenging an all halal-certified meat policy imposed by the Michigan public school district that includes the Dearborn region, dubbed the “Arab capital of North America,” Breitbart News learned from conservative commentator Pamela Geller.

According to the school district’s official website, “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified halal.”

Halal, which translates to “permissible” in Arabic, refers to a Muslim practice governed by sharia law that completely bans pork and follows Islamic requirements on the preparation of other meat.

The school district’s policy is in accordance with “Islamic Rites,” the halal certificate of the processing plant that provides the meat, it declared, noting, “We certify that the processing facilities … have been inspected and approved by our Islamic organization for processing, packing, and labeling of Halal Beef Products by applying our procedures according to the Islamic Rites.”

A mother of one of the district’s students has taken issue with the all-halal meat policy.

“One courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this, and to provide options for students who object to halal food,” Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), revealed in an article published by American Thinker on Monday.

The mother reportedly sent a letter to Dearborn schools Superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs. If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

In responding, Maleyko described the policy as a cost-cutting measure.

“The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion. By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving….It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat,” he said.

Geller called on the district to rescind its policy. The measure amounts to a capitulation to “Islamic supremacism” and sets a dangerous precedent, she argued.

“Dearborn Public School officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion. They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive population,” she also said.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students,” she pointed out.

Nevertheless, Geller pointed out that Dearborn is “unlikely” to rescind its all-halal meat policy, adding:

This initiative is already very far advanced. If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal unless you’re keeping kosher. In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous, and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

The Dearborn region is reportedly home to the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.

Read the whole thing here.

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American Thinker: Pamela Geller’s ISIS Beheading Plotter’s Conviction Overturned by Obama-Appointed Judge

By: Pamela Geller — August 30th 2019 at 15:00

Read this:

ISIS Beheading Plotter’s Conviction Overturned by Obama-Appointed Judge

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker, August 29, 2019:

Daoud Wright is a former Islamic State (ISIS) operative in Boston who was the ringleader of a plot to behead me. In December 2017, he was found guilty on five counts in this terrorist plot against me, which involved Wright maintaining close contact with and even financing a major American ISIS leader, Zulfi Hoxha. Yet late Wednesday afternoon, one of those convictions was overturned. Federal Appeals Court Justice David J. Barron said Wright “could have been simply been ‘role-playing’ with respect to following ISIS’s direction.”

Back when Wright was convicted, the jury didn’t think Wright was just “role-playing.” They brought the verdict in swiftly: according to WBUR, they “reached five verdicts in six hours.” Acting U.S. Attorney William Weinreb said: “Mr. Wright is a terrorist, an ISIS supporter and recruiter who intended to wage war against the United States by beheading people and killing Americans.”

Barron, in contrast, clearly has embraced the claim of the defense during the trial, that Wright was just a fat fantasist sitting in his mother’s basement playing video games and dreaming of glory. But in an extraordinary article that appeared in the left-wing Atlantic in January 2018 entitled “A New American Leader Rises in ISIS,” Seamus Hughes, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens, and Bennett Clifford revealed that a “shared interest in video games may have been one of the first things that brought Hoxha together with David Wright.” The video games were not an idle pastime:

Islamic State’s 2015 instructional manual for its Western supporters, “How to Survive in the West,” includes references to video games as a method of training to join the group. More importantly, it may have brought together Wright and Hoxha, who unlike Wright successfully followed through on his intentions to support the Islamic State using violence… During Wright’s trial, prosecutors argued that he used several video games, including Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and other titles to “virtually prepare” for jihad. His defense attorneys, however, painted Wright, who weighed over 400 pounds at the time of the conspiracy, as a “fat, failed loser” who used video games as a substitute for real-life violent activity, according to the trial transcript. Unfortunately, one can be both a gamer who veers towards violence and weigh in at 400 pounds of loneliness and isolation…..

Read the rest here.


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Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

By: Pamela Geller — October 9th 2018 at 10:22

The islamization of the Ivys: Historic revisionism and Jew-hatred:

Pamela Geller: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Last week, Brown University’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs sent out greeting for “Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend,” which has replaced Fall Weekend — Columbus Day weekend — in the uber-politically correct academic environment. Brown’s action is part of the larger effort by the academic left to cast Columbus as a villain and focus on Native Americans as sainted martyrs.

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, October 8, 2018:

But as if this celebration weren’t politicized enough, Brown made it poisonously so by including the “Palestinians” among the “indigenous people” whose plight was being observed. But what makes this story extra insidious is the fact that the school took this anti-American movement and attempted to turn it into an anti-Israel day as well. The left is so desperate to attack Israel that they twisted their own attack on the U.S. to do so.

“Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD),” explained the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, “celebrates the resilience and accomplishments of Indigenous people and acknowledges the contemporary struggles indigenous communities face today. Further, IPD is an intervention against erasure, a principle barrier to the improvement of indigenous sovereignty and health status.”

The struggling indigenous people in question, according to the Diversity Office, included “567 Federally Recognized tribes, 61 State Recognized tribes,” as well as “Hawaiians and the people indigenous to its territories in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans.” Many of these groups, the announcement went on, “experience profound disparities in health care access and health status compared to the general population, resulting in elevated rates of diabetes, liver disease, and other chronic diseases,” which are “exacerbated by a significant shortage of primary care physicians in Indigenous communities and a long-standing mistrust of the American health care system rooted in a history of genocide and forced assimilation.”

After speaking exclusively of the difficulties of indigenous people in the United States and its territories, however, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs suddenly included an oblique and gratuitous swipe at Israel: “From Standing Rock to Palestine, Indigenous communities across the world continue to experience the pernicious effects of settler-colonialism on their sovereignty, their health, and their access to their traditional lands and practices.”

Read the rest.




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Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Unmasking the Creation of ‘Islamophobia’

By: Pamela Geller — August 3rd 2018 at 13:00

Things don’t just happen. They are made to happen. There is a network of linked actors promoting this “far right/Islamophobia” discourse.

Not only has “islamophobia” become the default argument for any criticism of jihad slaughter and sharia brutality but Islamic terror attacks have become welcome windows of opportunities for Islamic supremacists to stage mass media islamophobia attacks in the press in concert with dawah proselytizing.

Read it all.

August 3, 2018

Unmasking the Creation of ‘Islamophobia’ in the Academy

Conservative individuals and groups frequently report that they are banned, blocked, or shadowbanned from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Many of these people frequently complain that they are labelled “far right” when in fact, they are not even right-wing, let alone “far right.” It is increasingly being realized that there is a serious problem here. So let’s look at some details of how this is achieved, and how deep the problem goes. Many in academia are fully in collusion with this.

An article published this month demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt how deeply embedded the lazy and erroneous ideological assumptions of many academics are. “The transnationalisation of far right discourse on Twitter: Issues and actors that cross borders in Western European democracies is typical of many such articles. It could well pass unnoticed by all but a few scholars, especially since it’s locked behind an expensive paywall, written in academic gobbledygook, and littered with mysterious diagrams reminiscent of the work of the alchemists. Yet this article is worth scrutiny, for it’s one piece of the puzzle of how the trick of labelling people as “far right” and as “Islamophobic” is pulled off by the “intelligentsia” and the establishment. It’s easy to assume “academics are locked in their Ivory Towers doing little other than talking to each other, so let’s ignore them.” But not all are. Some are talking to governments and some are talking to tech companies, and there are consequences.

Read  the rest, read it all here – required reading

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Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By: Pamela Geller — May 23rd 2018 at 12:45

While shocking, what is happening in West Virginia is happening is not the exception, but the rule.

May 23, 2018

Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker: 
This is an outrage, but it is common nationwide: the Daily Caller News Foundation reports that Mountain Ridge Middle School in West Virginia is “instructing junior high students to write the Islamic profession of faith ostensibly to practice calligraphy.”  Students are made to write out the Shahada, which states: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”This is exactly what I warned about in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, in the chapter “The Mosqueing of the Public Schools.”In order to convert to Islam, one says the shahada.  Saying the shahada makes you a Muslim.  The shahada is what is on the black flag of jihad.

No non-Muslim student should be forced to write or say the shahada without the qualifier “Muslims believe that…”  This is because it is a statement of faith.  If the school exercise is requiring students to write it, it should be clear from the wording of the exercise that this is Islamic faith, not the student’s faith.  That distinction has been glossed over in many, many school textbook presentations.

This is in West Virginia, not Baghdad.  And it’s a problem not just in West Virginia – it’s a national problem.

Rich Penkoski, the father of a Mountain Ridge student, contacted me and explained the situation further.  He sent me the packets the school gave out for the Jewish and the Christian lessons and commented:

Notice no bible verses, no reciting the 10 commandments or the Lord’s prayer.  No practicing writing in Hebrew (not even the 10 commandments) as compared to the Islamic packet.

There are no statements of faith, nothing asking the students to write it or practice in any of the Jewish or Christian rituals.

Furthermore the principal of Mountain Ridge Middle School Dr. Branch has used my words against me by saying the teacher did tell the students about the Lord’s prayer (my daughter as well as 1 other said this is false)[.]  He is using my arguments I made to him yesterday to protect the teacher.

The teacher today told the students the assignment was optional.  My daughter as well as other students were under the impression all the packet assignments were mandatory (the Jewish one and the Christian ones were mandatory).

I wrote to Dr. Branch to share with him the resource that Miss Hinson used and point out that the material she gave the students did not include all the faith aspects for Christianity.  The students received 2 pages for Christianity from this resource while all the Islamic sections were left intact.

Here’s the link for you to review.  You will notice all the faith elements were left out for Judaism and Christianity while the Islamic section was left the way it’s presented.

So she decided to use the extra resources for Islam and the school is saying that’s not indoctrination or proselytizing?  The faith aspects and the same considerations were not given to the others as they were for Islam.  This actually further proves my point that Islam was afforded special privilege over the others.

The school is backtracking and being deceptive to try and weasel out of this.  The teacher today clarified things for the students but that still does not excuse the fact that they are teaching the Islamic faith and asking the kids to participate in Sharia.  Look at the Islamic packet again.  They are asking the kids to write the beginning of Surahs.  The teacher still has not corrected the error that calligraphy was started by the arabs.

They are doubling down and only after being called on it are they trying to backtrack.

Rich Penkoski is hardly the first to protest this egregious submission to the most vicious and brutal ideology on the face of the Earth.  In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their  “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook.

With an entire chapter dedicated to the virtues of Islam and not a single chapter for Christianity, the textbook had Floridians in a frenzy.  And who is the biggest pusher of Common Core besides leftist progressives?  The Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, along with the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  In Florida, CAIR is on the offensive (more here).

We have seen the increasing Islamization of the public-school curriculum.  History lessons in Islam are dawah – proselytizing for Islam.  Large public-school publishers have been bought by the Saudis.

In West Virginia, it gets even worse.  Rich Penkoski has alerted me to the latest development in the forced Islamization of his children’s school curriculum: after the Daily Caller and Geller Report exposed what was happening, Mountain Ridge administrators and teachers began messaging parents who were sharing the story, asking them to remove their posts.

What do they have to hide?  Apparently, a great deal.

Worse still, Penkoski is now being threatened by students who attend the school with his daughter.  (And who is behind them?  Unidentified “adult friends.”)

He sent this message to me:

A student in the school threatened to get her adult friends to come to my home and kill me by stabbing me in the chest and ripping my organs out.  They told my daughter “we are gonna get some people and kill your dad.”  This student, who is known to me but whom I cannot name because she is a minor, has given students our address and is encouraging them to come to my home over this whole thing.  Another student told my daughter that she and the first student and her adult friends are going to kill me and carve a satanic star in my chest and rip out my organs.

They then threatened to hang my 3-year-old and 1-year-old and kidnap my 14-year-old.

All this in school today because of the articles.

This is not a joke and needs to be investigated.  I have contacted the school’s principal, Dr. Branch, and I trust that he will take this matter seriously and deal with it appropriately.

Is the principal acting on this?  And do the police have any interest in this?  Or would that be “islamofauxbic”?

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: New York Times Asks, ‘Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?’ or ‘The West is Wrong to Resist’

By: Pamela Geller — April 1st 2018 at 18:30

New York Times “journalism” — emotional, fact-free propaganda.

Geller: New York Times Asks, ‘Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?’ or ‘The West is Wrong to Resist’

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, April 1, 2018:

The New York Times published a piece Thursday, “Can Islamic and European Civilizations Coexist?” and it is incredible (as in beyond belief, hard to believe, far-fetched, implausible).

The headline leads you to believe that, finally, maybe there might be a discussion of this existential question with a (sadly) obvious answer, but that would be delusional. In reality, the Times is not asking the question. It mocks you into thinking the question is a legitimate one. The real title should be: “Muslim Grievances, Why We Are Right to Whine After Jihadis Attack.”

The piece is not written by a legitimate, reasoned, and brilliant scholar of Islam like, say, Ibn Waraq, Bat Ye’or, or Robert Spencer. No, this absurd propaganda is by one of the Times’ resident shills for Islam, Atossa Araxia Abrahmian, coming in form of a review of Journey Into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity, the latest installment in Islamic studies professor Akbar Ahmed’s series on Muslims around the world.

The finger-pointing at the infidel for the violence and holy wars of devout Muslims is at its apex in this indictment of Western compassion and open borders. And Muslims, of course, are the real victims:

The bulk of Ahmed’s research comes from a listening tour he embarked on with a team of researchers between 2013 and 2017. They interviewed imams, community leaders, activists and ordinary people across the continent about the challenges European Muslims face today. Their findings are predictably grim. Across the board, interviewees reported feeling marginalized, stereotyped and prevented from professional advancement because of their background. Despite their multitude of experiences, they ended up lumped into the crude categories that conflate terrorists, Muslims and refugees; Arabs, Persians and Africans; recent immigrants with no facility in the local language and second-generation doctoral students fluent at the highest level.

“Many patterns of discrimination,” Ahmed notes, “are rooted in colonial legacies that vary by country[.]”

Ah, yes colonial legacies – nothing about Islamic imperialism and annihilationism. Nothing about the centuries of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, and enslavements. Robert Spencer’s much anticipated tome on Islamic history, The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, details this very thing and should be part of every school curriculum in the country.

This whole piece is an extraordinary lie, and the Left’s relentless promotion of the big lies have rendered us ill-prepared for what’s coming.

In this “book review,” Abrahamian tells us that the author was invited to speak at a mosque in Athens.

What he saw there took him aback. The facility was less a house of God than an underground parking lot “of a particularly sinister aspect[.]”

“These men had nothing to lose, and I could imagine the most desperate among them prepared to lash out in an unpredictable and even murderous manner,” Ahmed writes in Journey Into Europe. “This, I felt, was Europe’s ticking time bomb.”

Oh yes, because the mosque in Athens, Greece — a country whose suffering at the hands of Muslim invaders is incalculable and little spoken of (like the Armenians) — is not pretty, it only makes sense that the Muslims destroy Europe. Are we to believe that if the Greeks built shrines to their executioners, all would be well?

So the jihad in Europe is the Greeks’ fault, but Christians in Muslim countries who can’t pray and whose houses of worship are systematically destroyed have no recourse, no voice, no New York Times article that speaks the truth of their oppression and destruction. On the contrary, in the view of the New York Times, the Christians are the problem.

The complaining and the whining continues. Ahmed, in this book, says:

Pakistanis in Britain are better integrated than, say, French citizens of Algerian and Moroccan descent. But even absent empire, many of the Muslims he speaks to find it hard, if not impossible, to fit in. “In Denmark they strangle you slowly, slowly,” one interviewee proclaims.

Pakistanis in the UK are better integrated? Thousands of English girls are groomed by Muslim rape gangs which the police never pursued for fear of being perceived as “islamophobic.” Daily acts of jihad written off as some generic form of extremism. This passes for integration?

Ahmed “hopes Europeans can form new, hybrid identities that broaden the criteria for who belongs.” Where have Muslim societies ever allowed a hybrid of identity? What he is saying is, he hopes that Europeans will go quietly into the cold Islamic night.

Using Islamic historic lies, Abrahmian bolsters his argument:

Europe happens to have a homegrown example of this philosophy in medieval Andalusia, when people of multiple faiths in parts of modern-day Portugal and Spain enjoyed convivencia, a state of relative pluralism, peace and prosperity under Muslim rule. “The answer to the violence and tensions between religions in Europe today and the sense of alienation and confusion in Muslim youth is to revive and strengthen the Andalusian model as an alternative to that of a monolithic tribal society,” Ahmed writes.

Andalusia was hardly golden for the Christians and Jews living under Islamic rule:

Islamic Spain was far from being a paradise. Cordoba was no “ornament of the world.” Maimonides had to flee the city because of the persecution of the Almohads, but even before the Alhomads the treatment of non-Muslims was dismal. When the Jewish viziers Samuel ibn Naghrela and his son Joseph were both murdered, and then the entire Jewish community of Grenada was massacred as well – yes, in Grenada, home of the “Alhambra” of which Washington Irving sung — it was not something without deep Islamic roots. (more here)

Abrahmian closes with this pearl:

The fundamental message of “Journey Into Europe” is that throughout history, Islamic and European civilizations have often been not just compatible, but complementary. It’s crucial to acknowledge their shared past to reject today’s resurgent tribalism. The stakes, as Ahmed puts it, are “Andalusia or dystopia.”

Intellectually, his conclusion is hard to argue with. But since 9/11, popular perceptions of Islam in the West have been informed by emotion, not facts or reason.

That’s true. And this New York Times article is more of that emotional, fact-free propaganda.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Hijab Hypocrisy

By: Pamela Geller — February 3rd 2018 at 14:24

Geller: Iran Arrests 29 Women for Appearing in Public Without a Hijab While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, February 3, 2018:

The Daily Mail reported Thursday that “Tehran police have arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf as protests against the dress code in force since the Islamic revolution of 1979 intensify,” citing Iranian police.

“Those arrested were accused of public order offences and referred to the state prosecutor’s office, Iranian nnews [sic] agencies reported without elaborating,” the report noted.

Thursday was also “World Hijab Day,” which its organizers say is designed to “fight discrimination against Muslim women through awareness and education. It is a day on which women of diverse backgrounds and persuasions are encouraged to wear the Islamic head veil in solidarity with Muslim women.”

And so under the hashtag #StrongInHijab, Islamic supremacists and their willing gophers on the left – middle-class Western feminists – observed the first annual “World Hijab Day” yesterday. In one of the most pathetic and destructive shows of “virtue signaling,” non-Muslim women were urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation, and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights in countries ruled under Islamic law, left-wing goons in the West are working to impose the misogyny of the sharia.

Look, no cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. But what about the women forced to wear the hijab. American girls like Jessica Mokdad, Amina Said, Sarah Said, Noor Almaleki, and so many others who were honor murdered for not wearing the hijab, for wanting to live free. Who speaks for them? The real world recognition day should be in tribute to women who are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t.

One campaign fighting against the enforced hijab in Iran set up by Ms. Masih Alinejad is My Stealthy Freedom. It is “dedicated to Iranian women inside the country who want to share their ‘stealthily’ taken photos without the veil,” and aims to be a “living archive” of their fight.

For years, my work in defense of Muslim women wanting to live free, be free, out from under the boot of sharia misogyny, was smeared, mocked, labeled “Islamophobic.” Girls such as Rifqa Bary and the now-dead girls, including Aqsa Parvez, Amina and Sarah Said, Jessica Mokdad, Noor Almaleki, et al, wanted to be free not to wear the hijab – in America. Our calls for such an elemental freedom were viciously attacked amid the constant cries of “racism” (Islam is not a race) and absurd claims that we were making it hard for Muslim women to wear the hijab. That was laughable, of course, because I never so much as addressed Muslim women and their choices, no matter how submissive and subdued, but this was uniformly repeated and chanted by Islamic supremacists and their leftwing lapdogs, most especially in the “feminist movement.”

And now we see an entire nation of women, Muslim women, standing up against the hijab. Are they, too, “Islamophobes”?

Remember: the Islamic Republic of Iran is the country that the Democrats are fighting for today, opposing President Trump’s efforts to stop Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons.

As David Kurten in Breitbart News points out, punishments for removing a hijab can be brutal – Islamic regimes are known to physically beat women for non-compliance with their dress codes. This is true not only in the Middle East, but increasingly on a local level in the West.

A brave headteacher in a London primary school recently took action to ban children under the age of eight from wearing hijabs in her school. The school is in an area of east London that has undergone almost total population replacement of the white working-class there 50 years ago to mostly people of Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim origin today. The response of the local community was to organize a campaign of intimidation against her until she backed down.

World Hijab Day is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left as much as choosing the sharia-promoting, forced marriage advocate Linda Sarsour for their leader. The real “feminists” are the women who are fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.


☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Hijab Hate Hoax … Again

By: Pamela Geller — January 16th 2018 at 09:54

Read my latest article over at Breitbart. Before this latest “hate crime” was even vetted or investigated to the slightest degree, the increasingly unfit Prime Minister Justin Trudeau exploited it to further the imposition of sharia in Canada. Trudeau ought to be apologizing today and exposing the whole “islamophobia” scam. But to do that would destroy a major part of his agenda. Instead, He called the fake hijab attack “a warning sign of increased intolerance.”

Geller: Another Hate Crime Hoax — Police Find No Evidence of Random Scissor Attack on 11-Year-Old’s Hijab

Another worldwide brouhaha over an “anti-Muslim hate crime” — and then the subsequent media silence after it is exposed as a fake incident.

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News:

CP24 reported Monday that “after investigating an incident where an 11-year-old girl alleged a man cut off her hijab on her way to school last week, police now say the event does not appear to have happened.”

The non-event, which made international news, supposedly took place last Friday, when “the girl told police that she was on her way to Pauline Johnson Public School in Scarborough when a man dressed in black came up behind her. She said the man pulled off the hood to her jacket and cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors before fleeing the area.”

The Guardian carried the girl’s lies without the slightest critical comment. It “reported” that “an assailant, in two attempts within 10 minutes, cut the girl’s hijab using scissors while she was walking to school with her brother on Friday, a Toronto police spokeswoman said. ‘I felt confused, scared, terrified,’ Khawlah Noman, who is in Grade 6, told reporters at her school on Friday. ‘I screamed. The man just ran away. We followed this crowd of people to be safe. He came again. He continued cutting my hijab again.’”

There’s a lot more. Read the rest here.


Another fake hate crime: Hamas-CAIR, Muslim father claim girl was attacked for being Muslim, but fight was really over a boy

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty

Muslim college student who lied about Trump supporter subway attack pleads guilty

More faked hate in Canada: Charges dropped in “hate” assault, Muslim “exaggerated interaction”

More faked hate crime: Muslima LIED about hijab attack in “race hate attack”

Florida Jury: Fired Muslim Deputy Made Up Anti-Muslim Claims

Police Report CONTRADICTS ‘Hate Crime’ Narrative In Milwaukee Attack On Muslim Woman

MUSLIM arrested for setting Iowa mosque on fire

NYC: Muslim college student lied to cops, claimed islamophobes abducted him in robbery

Manchester Jihad Bomber reported teacher for Islamophobia

North Chicago: Muslim cop fired for anti-Semitic remarks, claims “Islamophobic” harassment

 Muslim teacher forged letter from colleague saying “Don’t trust Muslim teachers”

Montreal Muslim charged with TERROR HOAX for bomb threat targeting Muslim university students

Ohio Muslim charged with painting anti-Arab graffiti on garage door of Muslim family

Another Islamophobia Hoax: Muslim Student at Wisconsin College Faked Vile Hate Crime

Austria: Teen Muslima who claimed she was called “terrorist” and pushed onto train tracks actually made it all up

YET ANOTHER FAKE HATE CRIME: Muslim College Student’s Murder Wasn’t A Trump-Related Hate Crime After All

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Tweets Out Fake News Video Of A Muslim Hate Crime Hoax

San Diego: ANOTHER faked Muslim hate crime, hijabi drops charges

Muslim “Islamophobia” Hoaxer: ‘The entire thing was planned’: Delta passengers refute YouTube prankster

Police: Univ of Michigan Muslim student LIED in claiming man threatened to light her on fire unless she removed hijab #islamofauxbia

Muslim college student made up Trump supporter subway attack story to avoid punishment for missing curfew

Texas: Muslim pleads guilty to mosque arson that terror-tied CAIR promoted as “hate incident”

FBI CANNOT confirm that hate letters sent to mosques came from outside Muslim community

Louisiana: Muslima MADE UP story of attack by Trump supporters

More faked hate: Investigators find no evidence Muslim child was attacked on school bus

Oklahoma City Muslim sent letter containing white powder to mosque, Imam implicated

FAKED HATE in Ontario: Perp of “Islamophobic hate crime” is Muslim

FBI Director Comey: Investigation into Orlando jihad mass murderer DROPPED after he claimed his co-workers were islamophobic

MUSLIM Arraigned in Attack on Louisville MOSQUE

Faked Hate: Cafe Owner Targeted In ‘Hoax’ Discrimination Lawsuit By Hijab-Wearing Women Is MUSLIM

More Faked Hate: Muslim Migrant Teen Caught Sending ‘Anonymous Hate Letters’ To Herself

“Islamophobic hate crime” is actually Muslims who MURDERED ‘deradicalization’ Imam

Muslim ‘refugee’ ADMITS TO SETTING ASYLUM CENTER ON FIRE, spray-paints SWASTIKAS to frame far-right

NYC Muslim admits she LIED about being slashed in face, called ‘terrorist’

Faked Hate in Dearborn: Muslima Drops Lawsuit Against Police After Video Proves She Was Lying When Claiming They Forced Her to Remove Hijab

More faked hate: UK imam’s killer is a Muslim

Houston: Man charged with setting Christmas Day mosque fire was DEVOUT MUSLIM regular attendee

UK Muslim Family Who Blamed Islamophobia and Trump for Disney Travel Ban Linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda

Suspect Charged in CAIR’s Anti-Muslim ‘Hate Crime’ Is Named … Mohamed

Muslim man kills wife; sets up her murder as an ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime

Racial Profiling Viral Video Staged

More stories here.


☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Dangerous Column: PAMELA GELLER’S YEAR IN REVIEW, Jihad in America

By: Pamela Geller — December 26th 2017 at 11:00

The jihad year in review. Read the whole thing here and share, correspondents.

PAMELA GELLER’S YEAR IN REVIEW: Every Single Domestic Jihadi Attack and Terror Plot of 2017

By Pamela Geller, December 24, 2017:

In each of the past few years, I have done an end-of-the-year summary on jihad activity and Islamization in the United States, so that people might better understand the overarching progress of the jihad in the U.S., and connect the dots.

After years of shouting into the wilderness, the message hit critical mass in November 2016, and Donald Trump, to the absolute shock of the totalitarian left elite, was elected President of the United States.

President Trump’s initiatives to stem jihad and sharia in America have been met with fierce resistance from the jihad-aligned left. Even just last Friday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yet again struck down his travel ban, despite earlier versions of the ban having been approved by the Supreme Court. This one will be approved by the Supreme Court as well, but the left is doing all it can to obstruct and delay President Trump’s attempts to defend Americans from Islamic jihad attacks.

Let’s review the catastrophic consequences of Obama’s Islamic policies in the U.S., so as to remember what kind of game the 9th Circuit Court is playing. According to the Sinclair Broadcast Group, “FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress Thursday that the agency currently has about 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states. He claimed hundreds of attacks have been prevented and cited 176 domestic terror-related arrests in the last year.”

It is obvious that the U.S. is under siege from jihadis. Just last week, a Muslim former D.C. area police officer was found guilty of trying to back the Islamic State. And in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a Muslim was killed after targeting cops in shooting rampage. Meanwhile, a Muslim plotted mass Christmas terror attack on San Francisco’s Pier 39, writing “There are no innocent Kuffar!” and “Allahu akbar!”

Also, a New York Muslim was sentenced to 15 years for plotting help the Islamic State. In Oklahoma, a devout Muslim who beheaded a woman at a food plant got the death penalty. A Houston Muslim was taken into custody on charges of Islamic terrorism. And in New York City, a devout Muslim named Akayed Ullah tried to set off a jihad homicide bomb in the Times Square subway station.

The two Muslims who plotted to behead me for violating sharia blasphemy laws were sentenced to only 28 years and 15 years in prison.

All that was just in December. In November, an Islamic threat was uncovered against the San Diego Mormon Temple. A ISIS recruiter in North Carolina was discovered to have lied and cheated to get U.S. citizenship. An armed ISIS murderer, Abu Bakar Hussain, was arrested at New York City’s Port Authority.

October ended with a jihad massacre in New York City on Halloween. Eight people were killed as a Muslim named Sayfullo Saipov, screaming “Allahu akbar,” drove a truck onto a bike path and mowed down as many people as he could. Also in October in South Dakota, a Muslim who brandished guns at a Christian event got a seven-month prison sentence with served time suspended. A New Jersey Muslim was found guilty on all eight counts in a 2016 New York City jihad bombing.

Also in New York City, a prominent Muslim surgeon was arrested for a jihad bomb plot to “create the next 9/11.” He planned attacks at concerts, as well as on subways and in Times Square. In Arkansas, a Muslim ex-cop threatened to blow up a law enforcement training academy. A Brooklyn Muslim was found guilty of aiding al-Qaeda and helping build a truck bomb in Afghanistan.

In September, another Muslim in Brooklyn pleaded guilty to promising to bankroll ISIS recruits. Again in New York City, a  22-year-old Muslim “sought to take up arms with violent terrorists who have killed numerous innocent victims, including Americans.”

August saw a terror investigation in Michigan nabbed a Muslim with a weapons cache in Ypsilanti. In Maryland, an imam was discovered to have bankrolled the purchase of weapons for a jihad massacre inside the U.S. In Virginia, a Muslim pleaded guilty to helping to buy a rocket-propelled grenade for ISIS.

Also in Michigan, a Muslim who stabbed a cop at the Flint airport called himself a “Soldier of Allah” and said his “sole purpose” was to kill police officers. An Ohio Muslim threatened a judge with the “punishment of Allah…through the hands of the Muslims.” In Kansas, a Muslim got 30 years for a jihad bomb plot at Fort Riley.

July was no different. In Minnesota, a Muslim threatened people with a knife, saying “I will kill whoever calls the police.” In California, an allegedly “naive” Oakland Muslim was indicted for aiding ISIS. In Ann Arbor, a Muslim was shot by a SWAT team after he lunged at officers with knife and a sword, and ordered police to “get on the ground and bow before Allah.”

A Muslim migrant employed at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport was discovered to have aided and armed ISIS; she wanted to “bury unbelievers alive” and bring death to infidels. In Minneapolis, a Muslim police officer, Mohamed Noor, shot an unarmed woman, Justine Damond, under mysterious circumstances, and has so far been able to evade prosecution simply by refusing to talk; the investigation has been perfunctory and inadequate.

In Hawaii, a Sergeant First Class pledged allegiance to ISIS and threatened to torture and “kill other soldiers and service members.” He also believed in the mass killing of Jews. An Ohio Muslim pleaded guilty to providing support for jihad terrorists and paying $15,000 to have a judge murdered. In Virginia, a Muslim applied to join the U.S. Army and Air Force, and was then arrested for trying to join ISIS. In New York, a resident of the notorious “Islamberg” compound was arrested in with a firearms stockpile.

In June, a Muslim made threats at a Wisconsin courthouse: “I’m gonna KILL YOU ALL. Allah. Bomb.” In New York, a Muslim home health care aide was arrested en route to join the Islamic State. An Alabama Muslim was charged with supporting an act of terrorism. Hizballah was discovered to be active in the U.S., with a Dearborn Muslim getting bomb-making training and another Muslim plotting jihad attacks in New York. Also in New York, a Muslim “sleeper” agent was busted spying for a jihad organization’s terror attack. A Muslim who served in the U.S. Air Force got 35 years for trying to join ISIS.

In Minneapolis, in May, Muslims discovered with an arsenal and bomb-making material got only a single felony weapons charge. In Tampa, a convert to Islam killed his roommates over what he perceived as their disrespect to his faith.

Fighter jets scrambled to escort a Hawaii-bound plane after a Muslim tried to break into the cockpit. A Muslim in Ohio was indicted for attempting to join ISIS. A Muslim who set multiple synagogues ablaze was arrested in Las Vegas. A Muslim ex-Marine in Washington, D.C. wanted to start a race war, and bought an AK-47.

More Muslim migrant gunmen were arrested in Minnesota. At the University of Iowa, a Muslim student was charged with making a threat of terrorism.

In Fresno, California, in April, a Muslim named Ali Muhammad opened fire at Catholic Charities while shouting “Allahu akbar,” killing three people. In Detroit, a Muslim who spoke of attacking a church and a hospital wanted to skin his victims “like sheep.” In South Carolina, a devout Muslim who was arrested for trying to join ISIS had a previous arrest in a 2015 jihad plot. And in Indiana, a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tried to strangle a store clerk and attacked a police officer.

In March, a Long Island Muslim named Elvis said he was “prepared to strap a bomb on and sacrifice for jihad.”

In February, a North Carolina Muslim threatened a jihad massacre of non-Muslims, and had an AK-47 and ammo. In Kansas City, a Missouri Muslim was charged with plotting a Presidents’ Day ISIS jihad terror attack on buses, trains, and a train station. A Muslim ex-Marine was arrested after bombs, guns, and knives were found in his Denver hotel room.

Two Muslims pleaded guilty to a jihad plot to set off a pressure-cooker bomb in New York City for ISIS. A Muslim member of the National Guard got eleven years for aiding ISIS and targeting me for death. A Pennsylvania Muslim was discovered to have an assassination list of U.S. military personnel. A teenager in Minnesota was stabbed by a Muslim migrant from Somalia.

An ISIS recruiter was convicted of sending New York City college students to Syria. And in Denver, a Muslim carrying “Islamic writings” shot and killed a transit security officer.

In January, a New York Muslim got 20 years for plotting a New Year’s machete attack and screamed out in court, “There will be more of us.” A Muslim allied with ISIS killed five people at the Fort Lauderdale airport.

Meanwhile, those who stand up and sound the alarm about all this are demonized, vilified, and excoriated. It is critical we support President Trump’s national security initiatives. On Monday, President Trump plans unveiled his “America First” national security strategy. This plan focuses on “protecting the homeland and way of life; promoting American prosperity; demonstrating peace through strength; and advancing American influence in an ever-competitive world.”

The more jihad terror escalates in America, the more the jihad-aligned left will become more unhinged (one shudders to think) and hell-bent on stopping Trump. He needs an army.

That’s us. This is the moment we have been working for. My book is the shocking tale of the war on the individual American standing in defense of freedom. It’s not just the story of what happened to me, it’s the story of what happens to every American, in large and small ways, that fights in defense of individual rights. It’s a must read:  FATWA: Hunted in America. Get the book, or audiobook, buy it for friends. Educate those around you.


Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of the Geller Report and author of the already bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

☑ ☆ ✇ Pamela Geller Articles – Geller Report

Dangerous Column: GELLER: Congrats to Me! 2017’s “World’s Top Islamophobe”

By: Pamela Geller — December 4th 2017 at 12:45

Check out my latest column for Dangerous:

GELLER: Congrats to Me! 2017’s ‘World’s Top Islamophobe,’ According to Leftist Hate Groups and Media

International Business Times reported Monday: “American blogger Pamela Geller named as world’s top Islamophobe.” What honors are bestowed upon me in my fight in defense of freedom. The more good you pursue in the era of evil, the more of a monster you’re portrayed as being.

Of note, though there were many media outlets covering this fake news, IBT was the only publication to mention that I have been the target of multiple Islamic assassination plots.

“A controversial American blogger has been accused of being the internet’s most virulent Islamphobe [sic] by researchers. Pamela Geller was named by not-for-profit Hope Not Hate as a major figure in a growing network of far-right social media influencers.” It’s all part of the ongoing attempt to destroy my platform and that of everyone who stands up against jihad terror.

It all started on Sunday, when this article in the Guardian, falsely claimed that I amplify my social media presence with bots. Twitter, along with the other social media giants, hound and delete and silence and scrub the presence of those who oppose jihad terror, and the Guardian article was a call for them to finish the job.

The Guardian piece is the very definition of fake news. They claim that my tweets are magnified by 102 bots that automatically tweet or retweet my content. Bots? What bots? These are my Twitter accounts: @pamelageller, @atlasshrugs, @sioamerica, @afdi,  @sionations. @myjihadUS, @GellerReport.

How highly they must think of me, that I know how to operate 102 bots! This false and defamatory article by the Guardian is simply a thinly-disguised call to Twitter to limit my platform even more than it already is.

Meanwhile, the claims in this article are just the opposite of reality. Newspapers such as the Guardian, the New York Times, and the Huffington Post would be out of business without the artificial stimulus provided by Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, which links to them in their newsfeeds and trending topics.

They literally get hundreds of thousands of referrals everyday. Mind you, if you search this Guardian article on Twitter, it has already been tweeted by bot accounts over 2 dozen times. There are over 48 million bots on Twitter. Twitter features them in their trending hashtags. My Twitter account, on the other hand, is shadow-banned.

My site, by contrast, is never ever given linkage by any of these social media giants. Whatever influence I have is due to the daily sweat of my brow. They have done everything in their power to shut me down — Facebook, Google search, Google Adsense, YouTube, and even Pinterest (!). My website and posts have been scrubbed from Google search. Fourteen years and over forty thousand posts, gone. Google Adsense has banned my account. Google is blacklisting and has admitted to working with alt-left smear groups to silence opposition. Facebook has blocked my news feed. I have been blocked from uploading videos to YouTube as punishment for a 2007 video on jihad (and YouTube demonetized all of my videos). PayPal suspended me until an outpouring of condemnation and outrage forced a reversal. And it’s not just me, it’s all criticism of jihad and sharia.

The Guardian attacks those of us who cover jihad terror, and go after people whose interest in piqued in the aftermath of jihad terror attacks, as if it were somehow wrong or strange to be interested in the ideology that incites people to bombings, car rampages, mass shootings, and stabbings in the cause of Allah. The Guardian seems to believe that we are supposed to ignore all that in order to show proper respect for Islam.

The Guardian says: “Many have recorded significant growth in their social media followings over the past year, co-ordinating to push the message that Islam is an ‘imminent threat’ to western society.” Yet what I report on every day at the Geller Report is true and accurate. If there is a threat, it is coming from the Muslims who scream “Allahu akbar” while murdering the kuffar, not from me. In reality, it is the Guardian trying to make sure people don’t have a sober and realistic understanding of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat and of what is happening all around them.

Almost immediately, the Guardian’s fallacious fake news report was picked up and wildly embellished upon by leftist, self-loathing Jewish media. They expanded the false premise even further. Monday’s front page article in the  Jewish News/Times of Israel is a whole other level of smear (the headline alone….“Researchers say Jewish blogger who’s banned from the UK is top Islamophobe”). Seriously? It is literally not what the article was even about.

The smear now takes on a life of its own — a “report” from the dangerous sharia police group “Hope Not Hate” is being given enormous respect and legitimacy by leftist and Jewish media, with absolutely no investigation into the “science” or mythology behind the report. It’s a smear job, and the media is lapping it up. But this piece, in the Times of Israel, no less, is particularly egregious.  They and their ilk are pathetically silent in the face of rampant Islamic Jew-hatred in the Muslim world and the vicious blood libels against the Jewish people invented by the invented “Palestinian” annihilationists.

Did the Jewish News contact me for comment on this story? Of course not. Did they even read my rebuttal? Of course not. If they had, they would not have run such specious, false trash.

The Jewish News/Times of Israel is now one of the worst of the Jewish left self-loathing publications. Their description of the notorious hate organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is comical, as is the description of my work and me.

The SPLC is a discredited, left-wing, political activist organization that seeks to silence its political opponents with a ‘hate group’ label of its own invention and application that is not only false and defamatory, but that also endangers the lives of those targeted with it. The Family Research Council, where an SPLC supporter attempted to carry out a massacre of conservatives, recently reminded us: “The fifth anniversary has just passed of the terrorist event for which the SPLC’s hate map and website were used to target its victims for political assassination.”

Yet the Jewish News euphemistically refers to these smear merchants as “researchers.” It’s to laugh, it’s to cry. “Researchers say Jewish blogger who’s banned from the UK is top Islamophobe.” What kind of calculations go into such a prestigious designation? They are using the ban as an indictment of me. It is an indictment of UK capitulation to Islam. I was banned because of my opposition to jihad terror and my support for Israel. Did this “Jewish” newspaper ever do a story on that? An unnamed Foreign and Commonwealth Office official wrote in a May 7, 2013 letter arguing for my ban, particularly citing my “pro-Israeli views.”

The UK is riddled with jihad terror and sharia-based violence, just as I predicted. The more right I am, the more vicious the self-loathing Jews.

My fervent prayer is that rational, clear thinking people will see through this fake news.

This kind of wholesale smear is detailed in my book FATWA: Hunted in America. This is what happens to every freedom-loving human being, in small and large ways, who stands against jihad terror and in defense of freedom.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America (published by Dangerous Books, a division of MILO, Inc), as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
