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☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Sweden's defense chief voices concern over Bejing's 'aggressive' maneuvers in South China Sea

— June 7th 2024 at 08:30
Sweden's Defense Chief, Pål Jonson, has voiced his concern over Beijing's repeated aggressive actions against Philippine vessels in the South China Sea.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Royal Swedish Opera hit with $300K fine after stage technician dies from 40-foot fall

— June 7th 2024 at 06:38
The Stockholm-based Royal Swedish Opera has been fined after a stage technician died last year when he fell more than 40 feet from a balcony, officials say.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Sweden travel guide for an exciting Nordic vacation

By: Breana Scheckwitz — June 6th 2024 at 06:13
This travel guide details some of the must-see places in Sweden, highlighting its breathtaking views, innovative cities and deep-rooted cultural traditions.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Sweden to Send $1.2 Billion to Ukraine in Military Aid

By: Breitbart London · Breitbart London — May 29th 2024 at 06:31

The Swedish government said Wednesday that it will donate 13 billion kronor ($1.23 billion) in military aid to Ukraine, in the largest package of assistance Sweden has so far donated.

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☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Sweden pledges record $1.2B in military aid to Ukraine, including advanced air defense

— May 29th 2024 at 05:35
Sweden has agreed to donate $1.23 billion in military aid to Ukraine. It includes air defense, artillery ammunition and armored vehicles, officials say.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fatal fire at popular Swedish theme park was caused by welding operation, report says

— May 15th 2024 at 07:44
A welding operation at a water park under construction in Sweden's Goteborg led to a massive fire in February, resulting in one fatality, according to a report.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Israel's Eurovision Singer Eden Golan Comes Home to Cheers: 'I Was a Voice' for the Hostages

By: Frances Martel · Frances Martel — May 13th 2024 at 13:48

Israeli singer Eden Golan landed home on Sunday after a tumultuous participation at this year's Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, Sweden, where she faced hostility from fellow competitors, a booing audience, and a thousands-strong pro-Hamas mob outside of the venue.

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☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Swedish Police: Joost Klein, Dutch Artist Expelled from Eurovision Contest, Is Likely to Face Charges

By: Breitbart News · Breitbart News — May 13th 2024 at 11:35

The Netherlands’ contestant in the Eurovision Song Contest who was dramatically expelled from the competition hours before the grand finale will likely be charged for making illegal threats, Swedish police said Monday.

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☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

The Breitbart Guide to the Best and Worst of Eurovision 2024

By: Frances Martel · Frances Martel — May 10th 2024 at 09:47

The Eurovision Song Contest, the most flamboyant attempt to prevent World War III ever conceived, will hold its annual Grand Final on Saturday in the most emotionally charged political atmosphere in recent memory.

The post The Breitbart Guide to the Best and Worst of Eurovision 2024 appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Eden Golan, Israeli Eurovision contestant, surrounded by boos, applause and tight security ahead of finals

— May 10th 2024 at 09:17
Eden Golan, Israel's Eurovision contestant, faces both boos and cheers on stage. Her security team doesn't let her travel as the city of Malmö roils with more than 10,000 protestors.

☑ ☆ ✇ Power LinePower Line

Sweden Seeing the Reality of “Diversity”

By: Steven Hayward — February 25th 2024 at 11:13
(Steven Hayward)

This morning I stumbled across a Tweet linking to an Australian “60 Minutes” segment about the unassimilable migrants that are causing the crime rate and other social dysfunctions to soar in Sweden. Turns out the episode is seven years old, but since we don’t see Australia’s “60 Minutes” here (and our CBS “60 Minutes” won’t touch this subject with a ten meter pole), I doubt little has changed in the last seven years, so here’s the complete seven minute segment—watch to the very end:

I still contend that sooner or later, European nations are going to institute mass deportations of migrants. (If it wants to survive, anyway. It may not have the will to do so any more.) Germany has already said it is going to step up deportation proceedings against recent migrants whose asylum claims are unfounded, but look for other countries to ratchet up from there.

☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned

By: Robert Spencer — April 9th 2023 at 15:00
Sweden: Police dispute court’s ruling allowing for Qur’an burning, want such burnings banned
I’m no fan of book burnings, but they are a matter of free expression. If the police prevail in this and Qur’an-burning is banned, the door will be opened to all manner of violent intimidation in other areas. Jihadis will have seen that it worked, and be encouraged to employ the tactic more liberally. “The […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning

By: Robert Spencer — April 4th 2023 at 07:00
Ramadan in Sweden: Five Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacre in revenge for Qur’an-burning
How long before Sweden jettisons the idea of freedom of expression and outlaws blasphemy against Islam altogether? “Terror expert: Sweden a priority target,” translated from “Terrorexpert: Sverige en prioriterad måltavla,” Nyheter 24, April 4, 2023: Five people have been arrested on suspicion of having planned a terrorist crime in Sweden. That the plans are linked […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 12:00
Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslima gets three months prison for sharing photos of dead bodies of people ISIS killed and gloating

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 07:00
Sweden: Muslima gets three months prison for sharing photos of dead bodies of people ISIS killed and gloating
In all the excitement, did anyone try to ascertain whether or not Fatosh Ibrahim has changed her views? If she still believes in the same way that she did back when she shared the photos, she could be a ticking time bomb in Swedish society. Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Or would such inquiries […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”

By: Robert Spencer — April 1st 2023 at 14:00
Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”
“O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28) What? The Qur’an considers Christians to be idolaters? Certainly: “It is not fitting for Allah that he should take to himself a son. Glory be to him, when he decrees a thing, he says to it only, Be, and it is.” (Qur’an 19:35) “They […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’

By: Robert Spencer — March 31st 2023 at 15:00
Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’
What is Sweden going to be like in five years? Ten? “Court of Appeal: Rapists ‘become exposed to the disrespect of others,'” translated from “Hovrätten: Våldtäktsmän ”blir utsatta för andras missaktning,” Samnytt, March 27, 2023: The three men who earlier this month were convicted of robbing and raping prostitutes in Malmö risk being exposed to […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’

By: Robert Spencer — March 28th 2023 at 12:00
Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’
“They thought that it is better that their son was there than in a destructive environment here,” says Mohamed Hassan Alim, who clearly agrees. Now, it is certainly true that no good would have come from Mohamed Hassan Alim turning to a life of crime. But what is the likelihood that he will grow up […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 16:00
Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria
Did the Security Police know he was wanted for war crimes and Syria and just didn’t care? Or did they not know, which is even worse? “Syrian migrant requested to be detained for serious war crimes in Syria,” translated from “Syrisk migrant begärs häktad för grova krigsbrott i Syrien,” by Mattias Albinsson, Samnytt, March 23, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Malmö police send Muslims good wishes for Ramadan, doesn’t recognize other holidays

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 14:00
Sweden: Malmö police send Muslims good wishes for Ramadan, doesn’t recognize other holidays
The Malmö police are just getting ahead of the curve. Before too long those other holidays won’t even be allowed in Sweden, and so why bother noting them now? “Malmö Police celebrates Muslim fasting month: ‘Ramadan Mubarak,'” translated from “Malmöpolisen firar muslimsk fastemånad: ‘Ramadan Mubarak,’” Samnytt, March 23, 2023: In a post on social media, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim enters soccer stadium, utters ‘religious’ threats, carries bag with ‘dangerous contents’

By: Robert Spencer — March 25th 2023 at 11:00
Sweden: Muslim enters soccer stadium, utters ‘religious’ threats, carries bag with ‘dangerous contents’
Note how careful this article is. It’s quite clear that this fellow was an Islamic jihadi wearing a djellaba and carrying Islamic literature, but all that we’re told is that he was uttering threats that had “religious indications” and was wearing “ankle-length clothing.” This unwillingness to come right out and state the obvious seems to […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Church of Sweden archbishop screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ says Muhammad is prophet, successor says Muslims welcome to join

By: Robert Spencer — March 24th 2023 at 13:00
Church of Sweden archbishop screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ says Muhammad is prophet, successor says Muslims welcome to join
This is the last gasp of a dying church (and a dying civilization). A culture that has no identity of its own and welcomes those who wish to conquer and subjugate it is a culture that will soon be a matter of history. These two archbishops are signposts on the way to the demise of […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim ‘Young Role Model of the Year’ is sentenced for throwing stones at police

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 16:00
Sweden: Muslim ‘Young Role Model of the Year’ is sentenced for throwing stones at police
Was Hani Bilal Madi practicing Muhammad’s adage of “war is deceit” when he insisted that his involvement in the Qur’an riots was only to “prevent more serious crime”? Were non-Muslim authorities so anxious to find a Muslim role model who appeared to be “moderate” that they didn’t investigate Hani Bilal Madi as thoroughly as they […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Appeals court overrules cops, says burning the Qur’an is allowed by law

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 15:00
Sweden: Appeals court overrules cops, says burning the Qur’an is allowed by law
A rare victory for freedom and common sense. If Sweden disallowed Qur’an-burning because Muslims would riot, they would only be ensuring that Muslims will riot again the next time they want something. But given Sweden’s demographics, this permission is not likely to last long. “Paludan had the right to burn the Koran – court overturns […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’

By: Robert Spencer — March 18th 2023 at 13:00
ISIS calls on Muslims in Sweden and all of Europe to attack the ‘Crusaders with bloodshed and rent off body parts’
Yes, they said “rent,” not “rend.” By “Crusaders,” they mean all non-Muslims. The resulting jihad massacres will arouse resentment among some non-Muslims, some of whom will express this by burning or otherwise desecrating the Qur’an. Then some Muslims, enraged by the desecration, will call for jihad massacres. And the cycle will continue, until it is […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: In response to rising violence, churches give out free pancakes

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 15:00
Sweden: In response to rising violence, churches give out free pancakes
This is awfully sweet, but will any of the Muslim migrants who are responsible for the violence say, “I was going to go jihad, but they gave me pancakes”? Unlikely. Muslims who are well-versed in the Qur’an may see it all as a ploy: “And the Jews will not be pleased with you, neither will […]