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β˜‘ β˜† βœ‡ Breitbart News

Anti-Trump Media Denounce 'Migrant Detention Camps'

By: Neil Munro Β·Β Neil Munro β€” May 2nd 2024 at 14:53

The establishment media are trying to scare swing voters away from President Donald Trump's popular, normal, and beneficial promise to guard the nation's borders.

The post Anti-Trump Media Denounce β€˜Migrant Detention Camps’ appeared first on Breitbart.

β˜‘ β˜† βœ‡ Jihad Watch

Glazov Gang: β€œMy Book β€˜Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon”

By: Jamie Glazov β€” April 10th 2023 at 03:00
Glazov Gang: β€œMy Book β€˜Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon”
This new Glazov Gang episode features Leo Hohmann, a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book Stealth Invasion is now banned by Amazon. Order it at Visit Leo at Leo discuss β€œMy Book β€˜Stealth Invasion’ Has Been Banned by Amazon,” revealing how his book has run into a problem with Amazon’s KGB Dept.Β  […]
β˜‘ β˜† βœ‡ Jihad Watch

Amazon Bans Another Book for the Crime of Opposing the Left

By: Robert Spencer β€” March 22nd 2023 at 06:00
Amazon Bans Another Book for the Crime of Opposing the Left
New in PJ Media: Remember bookstores? There used to be many in any good-sized city, and if one declined to carry a certain book, which was a rare thing in itself, you could likely find it in another. But now there is mostly just Amazon, which totally dominates the book market, with Barnes and Noble […]