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Sandy Hook Families Ask Judge To Liquidate Alex Jones’ Media Company After Feds Attempt To Shut Down Infowars

By: Alicia Powe — June 3rd 2024 at 17:15

Families of those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting asked a judge to liquidate  Alex Jones’ media company, including Infowars, immediately after the legendary talk show host announced the federal government is orchestrating a forceful takeover of his broadcasting studios.

Jones previously asked the judge to provide time to reorganize his business as the Sandy Hook families demanded the collection of $1.5 billion they were awarded in their outlandish verdicts against him.

On Sunday, lawyers for families filed an emergency motion in Bankruptcy Court in Houston, doubling down on the concerted effort to shut down Infowars.

Free Speech Systems,  Alex Jones’ parent company, has “no prospect” of developing a reorganization plan that would be approved by the court and has “failed to demonstrate any hope of beginning to satisfy” their legal claims, attorneys for the Sandy Hook families wrote.

A hearing in Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy case was slated for Monday to address the plaintiff’s dispute over the company’s finances.

Jones warned on a live emergency broadcast on Saturday that federal agents could put locks on the studio’s doors and liquidate all broadcasting assets amid the families’ bankruptcy court filings.

FEDS ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS TONIGHT – Alex Jones Breaks Down in Tears on Live Show – Heartbreaking Video – Steve Bannon Urges Alex to Take Them to the Mattresses!

The Infowars host said he even spent the night in his studio and is prepared to involve local law enforcement to prevent what he described as an unlawful raid on his property.

In a video posted Friday with the caption, “BREAKING! INFOWARS May Be Shutdown in 48 Hours,” Jones said, “The deep state thinks they’re taking down Trump. And hours after they have their false conviction, they’re making their move to shut down InfoWars right now.”

Jones has been vocal about the attacks on his platform over the past six years, including de-platforming, deep state interference, and rigged trials. Despite these challenges, InfoWars has managed to survive due to overwhelming public support. However, Jones warns that this latest assault could be the final blow.

“I learned at 4:00 PM today, just a few hours ago, that Infowars was going to be shut and closed tonight. We have hired security here, a private contractor. They were told, ‘Get ready to close the doors, change the locks, and InfoWars is going to be shut down,'” Jones said Friday.

“I learned about this and said, ‘Well, I’m going to go expose this. I’m going to talk about this. This is all having the bankruptcy. It’s not the court doing it.’ I’ll reveal who’s behind it soon. And so I made some phone calls and did some things. They said, ‘Okay, we’ll back off for now if you do X, Y, and Z.’ I don’t believe anything I’m being told. So when I tell you that this could be the last show I ever do from Infowars, 50% chance. There’s a 50% chance this has what’s happening right now,” he added.

Liquidation would require Jones to surrender his company, its assets and most of what he owns to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families.

Bill Sherlach, husband of Mary, one of the Sandy Hook shooting victims.


His home and personal belongings would be exempt from bankruptcy liquidation.

The court has not yet ruled on liquidation stipulations in Jones' cases.

On Dec. 14, 2012 a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut resulted in the death of 20 children and six staffers. Adam Lanza killed the children at Sandy Hook school. The Lanza estate paid the Sandy Hook families $1.5 million total in its lawsuit.

Jones surmised at the time on-air that the US government may have falsified or concealed information about the shooting and speculated the massacre could have been staged to serve as a pretext or gun control.

Many of the families of the Sandy Hook victims sued Jones and won the two trials in Connecticut and Texas. The relatives contend they were traumatized by Jones’ remarks and that his fans harassed and threatened them with death threats for years.

Jones' defense was his right to free speech and that he was not responsible for the harassment. He lost.

Jones “in many instances never mentioned the names of many of the plaintiffs who sued him,” Infowars reports. “In the second highest payout amount to the plaintiffs, the jury awarded FBI agent William Aldenberg – who Jones never mentioned by name – $90 million in compensatory damages, despite the fact he had no connection to any children or staff who died in the mass shooting.”

Last year, Jones resigned to filing for bankruptcy for himself and Free Speech Systems after a Connecticut jury ordered him to pay $965 million in damages to 15 relatives of the victims and an additional $473 million to the judgment in attorney’s fees for spreading “misinformation.”

In October, Texas U.S. District Judge Christopher Lopez ruled Jones could not use bankruptcy protections to avoid paying money to the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.

As Daily Mail reports:

If the cases are withdrawn, it would put Jones back in the same position he was in after the $1.5 billion was awarded in the lawsuits and it would send efforts to collect the damages back to the state courts where the verdicts were reached.


According to the most recent financial statements filed in the bankruptcy court, Jones personally has about $9 million in assets including his $2.6 million Austin-area home and other real estate. He also listed his living expenses at about $69,000 for April alone, including about $16,500 for expenses on his home including maintenance, housekeeping and insurance.

Infowars’ parent company, Free Speech Systems, which employs 44 people, had nearly $4 million in cash on hand at the end of April. The business made nearly $3.2 million in April, including from selling the dietary supplements, clothing and other items that Jones promotes on his show, while listing $1.9 million in expenses.

Jones and the Sandy Hook families have offered different proposals to settle the $1.5 billion he owes them. Last year, Free Speech Systems filed a plan that would leave $7 million to $10 million a year to pay off creditors.

The families later countered with their own proposal: either liquidate Jones’ estate and give the proceeds to creditors, or pay them at least $8.5 million a year for 10 years — plus 50 percent of any income over $9 million per year.

Fascists are in a war to make obsolete all dissenting voices. But,  don't worry. The Republicans in Congress will write a nasty letter Monday morning.

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US Prison HELL: J6 Defense Attorney Stanley Woodward Refuses To Answer J6 Hostage Ryan Samsel’s Call For Emergency Surgery To Remove Deadly Blood Clots

By: Alicia Powe — May 31st 2024 at 13:00

J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel needs to get to the emergency room immediately.

Instead, he is perpetually locked in a cell of the New York prison system where inmates including Jefferey Epstein are known to mysteriously kill themselves or beg for medical care, for days before they die.

After languishing for over a month in solitary confinement on the roof of the Metropolitan Detention Center Brooklyn, a prison notorious for its horrific conditions, Samsel called The Gateway Pundit in duress on Friday.

“I can’t walk. I’m in so much pain. It’s so fucked up here. My leg is swollen, where I had the blood clot — it’s real stiff, where my ankle is,” Samsel explained on the recorded line at the federal prison. “You can feel there is something in there. When I walk it hurts. I filed a medical grievance and Sam told me he’s going to get me to see a medical doctor.”

For protesting on Jan. 6, 2021, Ryan Samsel is caged in a filthy cell enduring the stench of sewage leaking through the ceiling, the sound of non-stop screaming and fighting among the other inmates who have lost their minds from constant lockdown, being housed on a block with child predators and trannies, starving rather than eating the rotten food he is served — which we now know is infested with maggots — and the uncertainty of whether he’ll survive incarceration without surgery.

The Brooklyn prison is so dangerous federal judges in New York are in a legal battle with the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Prisons over the cruel and unusual treatment ongoing in the notorious correctional facility. Staffers at the Sunset Park federal prison are under fire for depriving inmates of court-ordered medical treatment.

For weeks, the jail has canceled Samsel’s legal calls. But allegedly his attorney Stanley Woodward and mitigation expert Sam Mangel, whom Samsel just paid a whopping $45,000 to retain, were told he canceled their calls.

Samsel’s family tried reaching Woodward numerous times to no avail when Samsel went missing in the hole barred from communication. 

Finally, Woodward responded with a text, claiming, “He refused three calls with me this week.”

Now, in a life-or-death medical emergency Woodward, is still M.I.A., out of pocket and out to lunch. 

In Woodward’s absence, this reporter found another attorney willing to immediately assist Samsel. Attorney Jon Gross agreed Thursday to file an emergency complaint that would persuade a judge to allow him to go to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Woodward asked Samsel’s family to let him know he must simply “file a medical slip” to see a doctor.

“You know I’ve been scheduling legal calls with him,” the attorney for several high-profile defendants wrote to Samsel’s family in a text after ignoring several of their calls. “The best thing for him to do is submit a medical call slip. Please ask him to do that.”

“If he has not written one today, they will not give him medical today.”

If only it were that easy while incarcerated.


Over time if not treated, the clots become muscular tumors or fibroids. Samsel now lives with golf-ball-sized lumps on his body as he continues to develop more blood clots.

Samsel had already asked guards for help on Monday and submitted a medical slip when he realized bizarre lumps surfaced on the back of his neck. But prison guards have yet to escort him to medical.

Judges Investigate MDC Brooklyn Prison Abuse Where Inmates Die Begging For Help As J6 Political Hostage Pleads For Emergency Surgery

“We trusted him in the beginning. Now, he just literally changed his tune. He is not advocating for his own client’s medical treatment,” the concerned family member told TGP in an exclusive interview. “This has been going on for years, went to hearings, and told the judge — nothing got resolved. Stanley is just not doing anything to push things along for him to get medical treatment. It’s like he’s just leaving him in the dust letting him sit there and rot in the jail. Ryan’s life is in his hands at this point. These attorneys would not be called out, if they would just fight. Stanley is not doing his job, advocating for his client’s dire medical conditions.”

Samsel’s family member shot back at Woodward’s inept response, warning “He needs to go to the emergency room and has a blood clot and what are you going to do about it right now?!”

Woodward has yet to respond.

TGP attended Samsel’s Feb. 2 verdict hearing the last time he was in court, when he was found guilty by Judge Jia Cobb. Attorneys representing Samsel’s co-defendants argued on behalf of their client’s presentencing release, asking the judge to allow them to remain free ahead of sentencing in June.

Judge Cobb granted their request, permitting J6 defendants Paul Johnson, Steven Randolph and Jason Blythe to return home after court. Woodard uttered only a few words for the duration of the proceeding.

Samsel asked the judge if he could approach the bench and then plead with her for the 15 minutes she permitted him to speak to “please” authorize him the vascular surgery to safely live through incarceration without blood clots or reliance on blood thinners. 

Woodward interrupted Samsel, only to contend, “He can wait until he goes to prison.”

Trump co-defendant in classified records case says he wants to keep lawyer despite possible conflict | ABC27
Criminal defense attorney Stanley Woodward.

After Woodward refused to answer a dozen of Samsel and TGP’s calls in December, this reporter found another attorney, Brad Geyer, who was willing to file a lawsuit in Samsel’s medical battle with the Bureau of Prisons.

But Woodward refused to avail Samsel’s medical records to Geyer’s team.

Samsel requested that Woodward be removed from his case, but was informed by Judge Cobb that she would not grant his request ahead of his sentencing which was slated for June 13, but postponed to Sept. 3, Samsel’s birthday.

It remains unclear why Woodward, refuses to advocate for the J6 political prisoner’s medical treatment.

Mysteriously, Samsel was transferred from the DC Gulag to the Sunset Park Brooklyn prison in February while awaiting sentencing in the DC court.

J6 defendants regularly complain about inadequate defense counsel, with a limited pool of attorneys willing to take their cases. In February, Samsel pursued representation from Amy Collins to file a complaint for medical treatment. After a discussion with prosecutors, Collins allegedly offered Samsel home detention in exchange for his testimony against President Donald Trump during Trump’s J6 trial.  

One defense who asked his name be withheld suggested we file a FOIA request to uncover whether prosecutors are getting bonuses for securing convictions against J6 defendants. Samsel’s family fears Woodward has a backdoor deal with prosecutors as well.

Former criminal defense attorney Jonathon Moseley is assisting the non-profit Condemned USA with drafting litigation for several J6 defendants including the former president.

Condemned USA is also assisting J6 political hostage, Marine Corp veteran Dominic Pezzola with forging a complaint that will allow him treatment for cancer while serving a 10-year-prison sentence in FCI Butner in North Carolina for protesting at the US Capitol on Jan. 6.

Samsel and Pezolla were both detained in a Virginia prison when the FBI offered them plea deals that entailed lying about Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs having a gun during the Capitol riot.  Samsel offered to testify about the nefarious plea offer during the Proud Boys trial, while Pezzola admitted on the stand during the trial that the government told him they would let he would go home if he advanced the fictitious seditious conspiracy narrative, but he refused.

Moseley wonders whether Woodward’s reluctance to get Samsel to a doctor is strategic.

Former criminal defense attorney Jonathon Moseley.

“Maybe, like many attorneys, he thinks if he can just make friends with the prosecutor he’ll get a better deal,” Moseley, told TGP in an exclusive interview. “It’s inadequate to say, ‘Fill out a medical slip’ when Ryan’s movement is restricted. He can’t just wander over to an office and fill out a medical slip, like in high school. He’s locked down.

“There are forms he has to request, that they will ignore, and I assume he’s already done that to the extent that he can. But this is not just a high school campus. It’s a prison. So, somebody on the outside needs to do that,” he continued. “I can only imagine that Stanley doesn’t want to ‘rock the boat’ before sentencing. I have no idea.”

Moseley, a criminal defense attorney for 22 years, was prepared months ago to assist the Geyer with drafting a habeas corpus lawsuit documenting the medical deprivation and how the assaults Samsel has endured while detained have worsened his blood-clotting condition.

“We were going to help make sure something was filed back in December. Stan interfered with it and still hasn’t done anything,” Moseley admonished. “It’s almost June.”

Moseley warns the government has repeatedly assaulted and tortured Samsel to shut him up.

“The assaults on Ryan Samsel are real.” Moseley told previously told TGP. “Ryan Samsel can testify about Ray Epps, so, they have either got to flip him or they’ve got to disappear him.”

Three January 6 defendants have killed themselves while being prosecuted by the United States government for protesting.

Mark Roderick Aungst, a Pennsylvania man who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor related to the Capitol riot, died by suicide while awaiting sentencing for his involvement in the events of that day. Matthew Perna, pleaded guilty to multiple trespassing-related charges before he committed suicide. Christopher Stanton Georgia of Georgia died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound days after the Capitol siege.

Democrats and their henchmen in the Department of Justice have blood on their hands.



The post US Prison HELL: J6 Defense Attorney Stanley Woodward Refuses To Answer J6 Hostage Ryan Samsel’s Call For Emergency Surgery To Remove Deadly Blood Clots appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Judges Investigate ‘Dreadful’ MDC Brooklyn Prison Abuse Where Inmates Die Begging For Help As J6 Political Hostage Pleads For Emergency Surgery: ‘They Sent Me To Here to Set Me Up’

By: Alicia Powe — May 31st 2024 at 10:30

J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel is pleading for assistance from prison guards, his attorney, and the American public to get to an emergency room immediately after strange lumps surfaced on the back of his neck while the blood clots in his leg and foot that he developed months ago remain dangerously untreated.

The new lumps may be malignant tumors or blood clots, but getting to a doctor or the life-saving surgery he was prescribed over three years ago, before his arrest for protesting at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, is an ongoing and uphill battle.

If Samsel suffers a medical emergency, it could take hours or days before anyone even notices while detained in perpetual lockdown in MDC Brooklyn, the jail system where Jeffrey Epstein allegedly killed himself, and inmates are known to die while begging for help from lazy, abusive prison staff.

And he suspects the notorious medical negligence within the understaffed correctional facility is exactly why the prosecutors and US District Judge Jia Cobb transferred him to the dangerous prison, “to set him up” to die or endure assaults while living on blood thinners.

“I’m on the eighth floor in a high-rise building in the back corner cell and literally in a corner and there is no call button. If I get sick, I might not see a CO for a full day. It’s dangerous here. It’s literally dangerous,” Samsel told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview Wednesday.“ This place is as harsh as where Jeffrey Epstein died.

“They should not put this many inmates in the prison because they are understaffed, and we are constantly locked down. Judge Cobb knew how bad the conditions were in this jail a year and a half ago when she first sent me here.”

Mysterious lump on J6 political hostage Ryan Samsel’s leg.

The 40-year-old former MMA fighter has a history of bilateral thoracic outlet syndrome, a condition that causes him to develop blood clots. Over time if not treated, the clots become muscular tumors or fibroids. Samsel now lives with golf-ball-sized lumps on his body as he continues to develop more mysterious tumors.

A glandsectomy, a simple vascular procedure, would prevent his blood from clotting and save his life. But Judge Cobb refuses to grant him the surgery and his attorney Stanley Woodward refuses to fight for his medical rights.

“The plastic surgeon said, ‘You need a glandsectomy and we need a biopsy,’ before you start to get more lumps. Today, I have four more lumps, like he said I would. Judge Cobb and the prosecutor are the ones who recommended that I come to MDC Brooklyn, that ‘The medical here is good.’

“The prosecutors and the judge sent me to New York to set me up.”

“No human being should have to go through this. Where is Jim Jordan? How can Jim Jordan sit there and totally ignore what is happening to me? MTG promised she was going to do something. What is she doing? I need help! I got new lumps in my neck.”

Samsel called attention to the ongoing dispute between federal judges and the Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons over the abuse of inmates detained in the dilapidated Brooklyn prison.

“The medical staff here have lied to the judges,” he explained. “The judges here in New York, because the conditions are so horrible, the inmates here are [serving] three days for every one day spent in jail. And they really are violent offenders, some of them. If that’s the case, we all should go home.”

The main entrance of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.


New York judges are indeed cutting down the sentences of inmates detained in MDC Brooklyn for being served maggot-infested meals amid illegal perpetual lockdowns, lack of proper medical treatment by cruel correction officers, short-staffing and a host of other miserable conditions that have gone unchecked for decades.

The corruption in MDC Brooklyn most recently boiled over in January when Manhattan Federal Court Judge Jesse Furman issued a blistering 19-page ruling laying out why the Brooklyn prison, which handles pre-trial detention for the Manhattan and Brooklyn federal courts, should shut down, particularly after the jail lost power for eight days in 2019 during a polar vortex.

“It has gotten to the point that it is routine for judges in both this District and the Eastern District [Brooklyn] to give reduced sentences to defendants based on the conditions of confinement in the MDC,” Furman wrote. “Prosecutors no longer even put up a fight, let alone dispute that the state of affairs is unacceptable.”

“When I ask my lawyers, what about me, they say, ‘Judge Cobb is not going to do that. She disagrees with these judges,'” Samsel continued. “How is that not selective prosecution? How come these guys get the medical? How come one guy got $120,000 for his stitches being left in too long? I don’t know what to do. Judge Cobb, I wrote her. I’ve sent her everything and she does nothing.”

Samsel said he spoke with Furman last week as the federal judge inspected the prison. Furman reportedly notified Judge Cobb about the detriments of the deplorable conditions of the jail.  Evidently, Cobb couldn’t care less.

“Judge Cobb told him to stop reaching out to other judges,” Samsel said. “Now, I haven’t gotten any medical. They just gave me Statin, for blood vessels. It took them 3 years to do that. I want a status hearing and I want that status hearing to be public. We are tired of being treated like this. This is not fair.”

Throughout 40 months of incarceration in pretrial detention, Samsel has been transferred to 19 different correctional facilities 26 times. When he finally gets to a doctor in jail, they prescribe him surgery. Then he is transferred to another jail and never sees his way to the operating table.

In April, hours after TGP published Ray Epps’ interviews with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in which the suspected government plant is repeatedly heard lying to authorities in violation of federal law, prison guards dragged J6 political hostage Ryan Samsel’ to solitary confinement.

Samsel was detained in the hole, a small cage on the rooftop of the dilapidated MDC Brooklyn prison, for weeks. Prison guards finally released Samsel back to the general population of the prison on May 18. This time, they housed him in a unit with convicted child sex offenders and trannies.

“I don’t care. If I have to lay my life down for people to know the truth, then I will,” Samsel said. “No human being — you’re never going to change the crime rate on the outside if you treat people like this. There is no reform. It’s sad. You have to reform people physically, mentally, and spiritually. You can’t bring people in here and break them.”

The J6 political prisoner is now barred from visitation for a year and prohibited from purchasing a commissary.

And he might as well starve than eat the rotten food that is regularly served in the New York prison. The general population of the federal prison is almost as bad as the hole. Inmates are perpetually locked in their cells for days and even weeks at a time, where dirty water from the toilets above leaks from the ceilings.

Defense lawyers have confirmed MDC Brooklyn is serving maggot-infested food to inmates.

“We actually get maggots here. There are maggots in our food,” Samsel said. That dust that you see on the air vent — there was a tuberculosis outbreak and they never cleaned the air vents. There are people that die here, constantly, I swear to God. There is no emergency call button. You are literally locked in a cell here, with thousands of people, and left in a room.”

“I’m not allowed to get visits for a whole year. I’m not allowed commissary. And they still haven’t given me medical. I wish that people would come here and help stand up for me.”


Last week, Samsel sent TGP photographs an investigator obtained from inside MDC Brooklyn, showcasing the unsanitary conditions of the correctional facility and the barf-inducing, rotten trays of food inmates are regularly served.

TGP has tried reaching Woodward numerous times about the status of Samsel’s health. Woodward has yet to respond.

Samsel warns prison guards have been canceling his legal calls, but Woodward and mitigation expert Sam Mangel, whom Samsel just invested $45,000 to retain, contend to Samsel’s family they have been repeatedly told by the prison that Samsel has canceled the calls.

Samsel was scheduled to be sentenced on June 13, but Judge Cobb postponed his sentencing to Sept. 3, on Samsel’s birthday.

Judge Cobb “is such a nasty person to me, she purposely set my sentencing to my birthday,” he noted.

Last year, when Samsel was detained in a Philadelphia jail, a doctor issued are report to the government outlining Samsel’s immediate need for surgery. The jail staff locked then him in the broom closet, which they substituted for a “hard cell,” for over five months with the light on. Correctional officers also forced him to use a bucket for a toilet to prevent him from communicating and “fishing” through the toilet for food.

“Instead of giving me physical rehab, I sat in a broom closet.  Congress has yet to do anything about it. I don’t know why they are not investigating my assaults,” he said.

Samsel rendered aid to Josh Black, another demonstrator who was shot in the face by cops at the J6 Save America rally.

Police attempted to arrest Black as Samsel attempted to provide him aid, but Samsel fended the cops away.

The cops then fired another munition that ignited inches away from Samsel’s face.

For shielding Black from the cops, federal district Judge Jia Cobb convicted Samsel of felony assault.

Judges are treating hardened criminals more humanely than J6 protesters.

On May 22, Brooklyn Federal Court Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall scolded a Bureau of Prison attorney who “lied” about whether MDC inmate Jonathan Goulbourne received his antibiotic regimen. Goulbourne’s appendix burst on April 14, and jail staff ignored him for more than several hours before sending him to the hospital. Hall is demanding the MDC staffers get private defense attorneys to replace their DOJ lawyers who shield them from criminal exposure.

Goulbourne, who is charged with causing death through the use of firearms in connection with a murder, “returned to the hospital with prescriptions for painkillers and antibiotics, but a weekend lockdown and a problem with a missing ID cut him off from his painkillers,” New York Daily News reports. “After the lockdown ended, Goulbourne was thrown into the jail’s segregated housing unit after an encounter with a nurse and lost access to the last few doses of his antibiotic regimen.”

In December, Brooklyn Federal Court Judge Dora Irizarry threatened to hold an assistant US attorney in contempt for ignoring her order to send MDC Brooklyn detainee James Young to a medical facility. Instead, they housed Young, accused in a string of gunpoint store robberies, among the general population despite open wounds and a highly contagious MRSA infection and forced by prison staff to wear a yellow jumpsuit to signify infection.

Samsel has been repeatedly assaulted for refusing to cooperate with the government in a plea deal that entailed lying about Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs having a gun at the Capitol riot and testifying against former President Donald Trump. The assaults have left him with lifelong injuries including a broken jaw and brain damage that has resulted in the loss of vision in his right eye.

“I refused to turn on the Proud Boys. I refused to turn on Donald Trump. I stood my ground. I went to trial. I didn’t take a plea deal. I ask the public to stand for me, when I need you,” he said. “I need help. If there is an organization at this point that can help me, please help.”

This reporter is assisting Samsel with retaining an attorney who will fight for his medical rights so that he may finally undergo surgery that may save his life.




The post Judges Investigate ‘Dreadful’ MDC Brooklyn Prison Abuse Where Inmates Die Begging For Help As J6 Political Hostage Pleads For Emergency Surgery: ‘They Sent Me To Here to Set Me Up’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Biden Regime Outpaces Trump In Judicial Confirmations

By: Alicia Powe — May 27th 2024 at 08:30

As the most consequential presidential election in US history looms, the installed Biden regime is outpacing former President Donald Trump in terms of judicial confirmations.

This week, the US Senate confirmed Joe Biden’s 200th judge to the federal bench, surpassing the number appointed by Trump in less time.

Pandering in tandem with its woke Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Biden administration is touting its qualification of lifetime federal judges based on race, gender and sexual orientation. Biden has put more women, people of color, LGBTQ= and “diverse” people into judgeships than any of his predecessors and in some cases more than any of them combined.

“Today, we reached another milestone in the effort to protect the freedoms and liberties of all Americans: The confirmation of the 200th federal judge since I took office,” feeble Biden’s handler announced on X Wednesday following the Senate’s confirmation of Angela Martinez to a U.S. district court in Arizona.

As the White House reports:

  • 64% of the federal judges confirmed under Biden are women – with 127 women judges.
  • 62 % are “people of color.
  • more Black women have been confirmed to circuit court judgeships (13) than all other presidential administrations combined (8).
  • More Hispanic judges have been confirmed to circuit court judgeships (7) than any other individual administration.
  • More AANHPI judges have been confirmed (35) than any other administration, including 23 AANHPI women.
  • More Native American judges have been appointed (4, all women) than any other administration.
  • Biden ties the record for confirming openly LGBTQ+ judges appointed (11) alongside President Obama’s total over eight years.
  •  appointed Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson,  the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

Trump made judicial confirmations a major focus of his presidency, confirming 196 judges, surpassing, Obama, W. Bush, Clinton and H.W. Bush, per the Heritage Foundation’s judicial tracker.

Democrat lawmakers are celebrating the milestone assuring the public that the administration’s focus on diversity will sway the fate of American jurisprudence for a generation.

Biden’s unprecedented confirmation of judges was “not an easy accomplishment with a narrow majority in the Senate. And more than half are women and color,” Obama boasted on X.

The Biden administration is also gutting the US military and US intelligence agencies with the soft bigotry of low expectations.

DEI practices within the US armed forces have resulted in record-low recruitment.

FBI recruitment is sinking to new lows. As the Biden administration employs discriminatory racial and gender quotas, the bureau is increasingly hiring underqualified, obese and mentally ill recruits.

Despite desperate clinging to the race card, Joe “You ain’t Black if you don’t vote for me” Biden’s support among Black and Hispanic voters is precipitously dwindling.

Recent polling shows Trump is slated for a historic boost from Black voters in November.

The former president’s support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020 when it stood at 9%, as CNN reports. If he maintains this support in November, Trump would win a larger margin of Black voters than any GOP candidate since 1960.  No Democratic presidential candidate since the civil rights era has earned less than 80 percent of the Black vote and Democrats face perpetual electoral jeopardy without it.

NBC News Reporter Stunned by Support for Trump From Black and Latino Voters at Bronx Rally (VIDEO)

And as we saw in the South Bronx Thursday, the DEI advancement isn't winning over American voters who can't afford groceries, gas, another booster shot or four more years of creepy Joe.

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Lady Gaga Brags About Performing At 5 Concerts While Sick With COVID After Warning ‘Masks Are A Sign Of Respect’: ‘I Shared It With Everyone On My Team’

By: Alicia Powe — May 26th 2024 at 11:00

Singer Lady Gaga urged the peasants to “wear a mask” as a “sign of respect” as governments around the world exploited the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic to install tyranny.

Now the pop icon is gloating and laughing about how she performed five concerts while she was sick with Covid, wore no mask and “shared it with everyone on her team.”

Her fans gave her a round of applause when she admitted to exposing them all to the virus.

At a Q&A ahead of a screening of her new HBO concert special, Gaga Chromatica Ball, on Thursday, the mask Nazis revealed her COVID-19 infection didn’t stop her from performing and getting up close and personal with her fans in the audience.

“If you wouldn’t mind sharing something you’ve never shared before about the creating of this project, the execution of this project and…of this tour, something that you’ve never said aloud before, what you’d be willing to share today?”

“I did five shows with Covid,” Lady Gaga admitted.

The host’s jaw dropped and he jumped to his feet as the singer’s supporters cheered the hypocrisy.

“You ever be like, ‘You better get a friend?’ the host muttered incoherently bursting into laughter.

“I shared it with everyone on my team,” Gaga said. “I said, ‘I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable at work and you don’t have to perform and you don’t have to work that day, but, I’m going to the show because I just didn’t want to let all the fans down.”

“And the way that I saw it also is that the fans were all putting themselves in harm’s way every day, coming to the show. So, you know,” she added before began cracking up laughing.

“Hahahah. Somebody said, ‘Better than lying,” the host shot back.


@valentineinthemorning #ladygaga spilled the TEA at her Gaga #chromatica Ball Premiere ⭐✨#gaga #littlemonsters #chromaticaball #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypage #foryoupage #trending #fypp #foru #ladygagavideos ♬ Poker Face – Lady Gaga

Flashback to the height of the pandemic, when Gaga threatened people to mask up.


Satanist Lady Gaga told the peasants to “wear a mask — it’s a sign of respect” in 2020.

Now the hypocrite singer admits she performed five concerts with COVID, wearing no mask and got up close and personal with fans in the audience exposing them all to the virus.

Rules for…

— LIZ CROKIN (@LizCrokin) May 25, 2024

“I might sound like a broken record but wear a mask. It’s a sign of respect,” she obediently proselytized back then, donning her usual demonic garb.”

Conspicuously, mainstream media outlets including Rolling Stone, NTNews, New York Magazine’s The Cut, Bang Showbiz, Huffington Post and New York Post’s Page Six, covered Gaga’s Covid confession but not a single outlet included the footage of the Q&A showcasing the hypocrisy in their reports.

Lady Gaga has received 36 Grammy nominations, won 13 Grammy Awards, 2 Golden Globe Awards, and 18 MTV Music Awards, to date. She has also received awards from the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Council of Fashion Designers of America. In 2010, Billboard name her Artist of the Year and in 2015 named her Woman of the Year, according to IMDb.


Of course, Lady Gaga is an ardent Biden supporter.

Lady Gaga to Sing National Anthem for Biden-Harris Inauguration

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‘Woke’ FBI Signs Agreement With Blacks In Government As House GOP Investigates Rampant DEI Hires

By: Alicia Powe — May 25th 2024 at 20:20

The Biden administration’s weaponized Federal Bureau of Investigation is targeting black Americans to do its bidding while lowering its standards for recruitment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws hiring anyone based on their race or sex.

But as we all know by now, the FBI doesn’t uphold or abide by the law.

On the heels of a congressional investigation of the FBI’s “hyper-fixation” with discriminatorily hiring based on skin color, the FBI signed an agreement with the non-profit Blacks In Government on Friday.

“[BIG’s Future Leaders in America’s Government program] will disseminate FBI materials and communications related to the collegiate academy and job opportunities, partner with the FBI in establishing outreach opportunities with BIG FLAG members to increase awareness of the FBI and its mission, and invite the FBI to public policy forums, conferences and trainings,” the FBI wrote in a press release announcing the partnership.

FBI Signs Agreement with Blacks In Government

— FBI (@FBI) May 24, 2024

Seems a bit racist.

The FBI broadcasts that its on the “lookout” for minority recruits daily.

#FBINewOrleans is on the lookout for minority and female professionals who have what it takes to become a #SpecialAgent with the FBI. Agents and FBI executives will provide first hand information. Apply now for the July 17th event in Metairie, LA here:

— FBI New Orleans (@FBINewOrleans) May 23, 2024

The FBI’s partnership with BIG comes as Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee demand answers from Director Chris Wray over the FBI’s woke recruitment practices, warning the bureau’s diversity, equity and inclusion requirements jeopardize American lives and liberty.

The FBI has been impeded in hiring qualified applicants since Joe Biden issued his first executive order on Inauguration Day promulgating DEI programs across the administration, Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan warned in a May 6 letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“A few months later, on April 21, 2021, you announced the hiring of the FBI’s first Chief Diversity Officer, Scott McMillon [and] the FBI [re-focused] its recruitment efforts on DEI statistics,” Jordan wrote. “The FBI’s hyper-fixation on hitting Biden Administration-imposed DEI initiatives, rather than qualifications that make the best federal law enforcement candidates and officers, has created a climate within the FBI that puts the American public and American civil liberties at risk.”

Jordan gave Wray a May 20, 5 p.m. deadline to provide the Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government documents documentation of how many FBI staff are employed in DEI roles, recruitment data spanning the past 10 years, a list of incentives for meeting DEI goals and all documents “referring or relating to the FBI’s implementation of the Biden Administration’s DEI Executive Orders.”

Wray has yet to adhere to the congressional request. Instead, the FBI doubled down on its discriminatory practice announcing the partnership with Blacks In Government.

In January, an alliance of anonymous FBI reformers, including retired and active duty executives and agents from the counterintelligence and counterterrorism branches, delivered a report to the House Judiciary Committee warning the bureau’s recruits during the Biden administration are underqualified, obese and mentally ill, leaving current FBI lacking “the fortitude and skills warranted to defeat [existential] threats.”

Report on FBI Special Agent Recruitment and Selection

According to the report, Wray has deteriorated all bureau recruitment standards particularly “physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities, mental health, full-time work experience and integrity.”

The report cites instances of new agents who are so overweight they cannot pass the new relaxed fitness standards.

A high percentage of candidates fail the mandatory fitness test and to “simply quit in the middle of a 1.5 mile run,” veteran supervisor special agents state in the report.

New agents are so fat and unfit, they can’t even pass the new relaxed standards for fitness, according to the report, authored by anonymous retired and active-duty agents and analysts.

Many of the new agents are also illiterate and need remedial English lessons, don’t want to work weekends or after hours; have serious disabilities or mental health issues and “created drama,” the group of FBI insiders contend.

FBI recruiters are required to host “Diversity Applicant Recruitment” events in which, “Straight white males may not attend,” the report states. “If a recruiter chose not to attend a Pride Parade or fly the Pride flag . . . the recruiter would most likely be removed immediately.”


The FBI keeps tracks of the its employee’s demographics on its website.


In the past year, the bureau has steadily increased its employment of racial minorities, females and agents who identify as LGBTQ+

Females comprise nearly 60 percent of the bureau’s workforce.

Taxpayers are also footing the expense of lavish trips abroad for FBI executives, notes FBI whistleblower Steve Friend

Taxpayer funded European vacations for @FBI executives. The @HouseGOP fully funded this agency.

— Steve Friend (@RealStevefriend) May 24, 2024

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Wife Of J6 Hostage Reveals Exactly How The Government Stalks, Harrasses And Intimidates Families While Psychos Send Death Threats – Merrick Garland Continues to Arrest One J6 Attendee Per Day

By: Alicia Powe — May 25th 2024 at 12:00

GUEST POST: Condemned USA reporter Jenn Baker

As US Attorney General Merrick Garland continues to arrest Americans at the rate of one per day for attending the January 6th rally, more families are being torn apart, and in some cases, destroyed.

There are defendants who are about to or have already lost their homes.

Many have seen divorce or abandonment by friends and family. Some have missed the birth of their child, the death of a parent or loved one, graduations, weddings and many other milestones.

While many men and women sit in jails and prisons around the country, our weaponized government continues to wreak havoc on their families and even their friends. As The Gateway Pundit has reported, J6 defendant AJ Fischer learned while traveling that the government placed him and his family on a terrorist watchlist.

Fischer, his fiancé, and their 8-week-old infant son were all put on what is known as the QUAD S list.

Their tickets were marked “SSSS,” instructing TSA to invasively thoroughly search their person, their luggage, and in AJ’s case, even his baby. This process that every J6 defendant must go through to fly has now become “the norm”. However, to have one’s family having to endure this, especially an infant, is truly disgraceful.

Many of the political hostages have no idea what their families are having to go through. Many spouses, children, and parents do not tell the prisoners of the hardships.

Dominic Pezzola’s wife, Lisa, recently spoke to me about what she and her children have experienced over the last 3 ½ years.

“No, no way would I tell him any of this,” she said. “The guilt would eat him alive. It’d kill him. It would make him more paranoid about our safety than he already is. It would hurt him so badly that he couldn’t protect us from this.”

Pezzola was stripped of his military benefits before he even went to trial. This left the family without medical insurance and all the benefits Pezzola earned as a veteran. Lisa has a master’s degree and can’t get a job in her field. When asked why she thinks she hasn’t been able to find work in her field, she responded, “What do companies do nowadays? They google the applicants. First thing that comes up is that my husband is a Domestic Terrorist. Then I don’t hear back or we’re going to pass.”

So, she has taken a job bartending. She makes enough to get by in an ordinary situation. But with Dominic’s looming attorney fees, a child in college, another in high school, and unexpected bills, it would be nice if she could work in the field and make the kind of money she deserves and worked so hard for.

Recently Lisa, her kids, and a friend shopped at a plaza, she noticed that a Sheriff was following her through the parking lot. Once she left the lot the Sheriff pulled her over. The next thing she knew, her car was surrounded by 6 Sheriffs, hands on their guns and yelling at her to open ALL her windows in which she complied.

“When I asked why they pulled me over, they said it was for my window tinting,” Lisa explained. “Then they asked me if I knew who the car belonged to, and I said yeah, my husband. Ten years ago, Dominic bought the car for me, and the title and registration are in his name.”

** Help Dominic and his Family Here

Lisa happened to know someone in the Sheriff’s office, and he told her she needed to get the registration and title out of Dominic’s name. Lisa ended up calling the FBI asking why there is an active warrant out for her husband when he had been incarcerated for 3 ½ years.  They told her this was a matter for the Department of Homeland Security and to reach out to them. When Lisa contacted DHS, they told her they would take the necessary steps to remove it. She waited 3 weeks and then saw a local Sheriff in a 7-11 parking lot.

She explained the situation and then asked him to run her plates. Lisa was told what came up on the officer’s screen “Do Not Stop. Do Not Apprehend. Call in Location to FBI. It is still active to this day; they have still not taken it off”, Lisa recalled. “So, if I want to remove it, I must switch my plates that I have had for 15 years. I will have to pay to change everything”.

“Every time there is a roadblock, I get sent to the side for inspection,” she added. “If I want to take my kids to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side, I can’t. It’s NON-STOP Harassment. It has gotten to the point that I don’t even want to go out for the day, in fear of being stopped, especially with my kids.”

These examples of what families endure are more than most people can handle. Lisa is dealing with keeping her family together and happy while having to overcome the major amounts of grief and pain of her husband being incarcerated and now being diagnosed with Cancer.

J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Discovers He Has Cancer While Serving Time in Prison – Please Help This Young Father, Veteran and Patriot Below

She is a rock for her family, and it is unconscionable what this corrupt government is doing to its people.

It’s bad enough that the government is making the lives of these families even harder, but it doesn’t end with only them.

Lisa also explained how she had to put a lock on her mailbox so her children would not see the hate mail that has come to her house.

** Help Dominic and his Family Here

“I have a bag full of hate mail. Full of hate mail calling me a stupid Trumptard B**ch, you should go F***ing Die. I hope your kids die in a car crash, so they won’t reproduce any republican babies. It’s disgusting what people say.” Not only what they say but also what they do. Lisa went on to tell me, "I had to put cameras all over my house because I caught some man videoing my house."

There are endless stories like Lisa’s where these families are being harassed by our government. Also, friends of the prisoners are being targeted. Last year one of the J6 advocates who is in contact with many of the J6ers, was mysteriously evicted from her home after she visited one of the prisoners and federal officers had paid a visit to the landlord.

Over the past year, I personally have taken 3 flights, checked a bag each flight and had the “random bag check” on all three flights. Now, these instances with the flights and the eviction could solely be coincidental but if anything, this movement has taught us that there are NO COINCIDENCES.

Keep these Political Hostages in your prayers and thoughts and their friends and families as well. Donate to these families if you can or at the very least start a conversation with someone who isn’t aware of these atrocities.

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George Conway Mocks Trump With ‘Psycho’ Billboard Placed Near Mar-A-Lago

By: Alicia Powe — May 24th 2024 at 15:20

Attorney George Conway is boasting about erecting a billboard in Florida deriding Donald Trump as a “psycho,” urging people to vote for Joe Biden over the former president.

Conway, whose former wife once worked for Trump, said he placed the billboard on Interstate 95 along West Palm Beach near Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida residence.

“So, just for kicks, I put up a billboard a few miles south of Palm Beach on I-95 South, perfect for anyone happening to travel from Mar-a-Lago to Doral to, say, play golf. Right around Exist 64, I believe,” Conway announced on X Thursday. “They’re going to send me better photos later.”

Conway’s tweet includes a photograph of the billboard which states in large white lettering, “Vote for Joe not the psycho,” and a screenshot of a map showcasing the billboard’s location.


So, just for kicks, I put up a billboard a few miles south of Palm Beach on I-95 South, perfect for anyone happening to travel from Mar-a-Lago to Doral to, say, play golf. Right around Exit 64, I believe. They’re going to send me better photos later.

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) May 23, 2024

Conway also shared a video of the sign.

“Turn the sound up,” he tweeted alongside the recording. “I think the chirping birds add a nice touch, don’t you?”

(Turn the sound up. I think the chirping birds add a nice touch, don’t you?)

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) May 23, 2024

The attorney was previously married to former Trump White Hosue advisor Kellyanne Conway for decades. The pair divorced last year.

While gloating to MSNBC about the billboard he decided to put up, Conway said the MAD Dog Pac, a group that has placed anti-Trump signs across the nation, inspired him to create the Biden ad.

“I’d been making some hats [with the slogan],” he said. “Kind of like the MAGA hats, except blue and white. This was a perfect location and I hope [Trump] sees it. And I hope it amuses him as much as it amuses me.”

He also warned the Republican Party has become a “cult” comprised of members who have “lost it” under Trump’s leadership.

“The person who has really lost it the most is Donald Trump, I mean, he’s the crazy one,” he said. “As Nikki Haley pointed out when she was telling the truth for a couple of weeks in the spring… he’s mentally unstable and he’s getting worse. I mean this guy, he is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

Trump 2024 campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung shot back blasting Conway for posting the billboard and devoting himself to attacking Trump.

“George Conway is a loser who clearly has some serious mental issues that he needs to address,” Cheung said.

Conway announced in April that he was donating $929,600 to Biden’s reelection campaign, the maximum amount. He then went on a tirade on CNN, arguing Trump and the GOP are “anti-American” and a “personality cult.”

“One of the things that attracted people to the Republican Party in 60s, 70s, and 80s was a feeling that the left had become anti, anti-American,” he told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “Right now, the people who are anti-American, other Marjorie Taylor Greene’s with the world and the people in the House of Representatives who were basically voting against who are voting and men trying to block aid to American allies because they want to help Donald Trump create an issue for the campaign.

“It doesn’t even make any sense and — it’s just I mean, this man, four years ago I voted in my tenth presidential election and for the first time, cast the vote for the Democrat, first time, first time out of ten. And I did that because I felt that Donald Trump was a threat to the country, a threat to democracy,” 0Conway added, “He doesn’t care a whit about the country. He doesn’t care a whit about the Constitution, about the rule of law and he wants to undermine the country and its rule of law for his own political purposes and that was before January 6.”

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Crazy Crockett To Trademark Grammatically Incorrect ‘Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body’

By: Alicia Powe — May 22nd 2024 at 09:30

Rep. Jasmine Crocket, D-Tx., is awaiting ownership of the insulting phrase she leveled against Rep. Marjorie Tayler Greene, R-Ga., in the notorious showdown during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing last week.

The Democrat lawmaker’s campaign filed a trademark application for the phrase “bleach blonde bad built butch body” on Sunday with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

The move will accompany the launch of the “Crockett Clapback Collection,” featuring accessories and clothing items with the alliterative jab she hurled at Greene in the heated exchange on the House floor.

USA Today broke the news of Crockett’s trademark application on Tuesday.

The House Oversight Committee hearing on Attorney General Merrick Garland’s contempt of Congress became raucous last Thursday night after Greene asked Democrat members of the House Oversight Committee whether any of them are employing the daughter of the judge overseeing former President Trump’s hush money case.

“Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland,” Crocket responded. “Do you know what we’re here for?”

Green shot back, blasting Crockett on her fake eyelashes.

“I don’t think you know what you’re here for,” Greene responded. “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) engaged in a vicious war of words with Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-Tex.), mocking her for wearing “fake eyelashes.”

The hearing then devolved into insults being slung across the chamber with Chairman James Comer unable to contain proceedings for nearly an hour.

Rep. Alexandria Cortez, D-NY, slammed Greene over the “disgusting” and “unacceptable” remarks about Crocket.

“How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person?” Cortez admonished.

Greene replied taunting Cortez, asking, “Are your feelings hurt?”

“Oh girl, oh baby girl, don’t even play,” Cortez retorted.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) adominishes Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) for mocking the appearance of Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-Tex.)

Comer ruled Greene’s insult did not breach congressional protocol, prompting Crockett to “clap back.”

“If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?” she asked the chairman.


Following the heated exchange, the 43-year-old Texas congresswoman did what we would expect of a Democrat and branded Greene’s “fake eyelashes” comment as racist.

“MAGA has historically been on social media doing the things where they’re saying, ‘Oh she’s black with lashes and nails and hair, and so she’s ghetto.’ And so, to me, this was [Greene] buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplify this for the MAGA crowd,” Crocket told CNN’s Jake Tapper Monday.

Crockett then announced the launch of her “Clapback Collection.”

So we are going to drop “A Crockett Clapback Collection.” This collection will feature various swag that includes random things I’ve said. The money will go to ensuring that we have a Democratic House! Give me a little time to really get the swag online etc., but B6 will drop…

— Jasmine Crockett (@JasmineForUS) May 18, 2024

Both Republicans and Democrats told Politico that some members had been drinking that evening but the publication did not disclose their names.

Greene responded to Crockett’s trademark application by posting a video of X working out.

“Yes my body is built and strong NOT with nips, tucks, plastic, or silicone, but through a healthy lifestyle,” the Georgia lawmaker wrote in the post. “Soon turning 50 years old, God willing, I will continue to lift, run, swim, play sports, surf, ski, climb and LIVE this life to the fullest and enjoy every single moment!”

Yes my body is built and strong NOT with nips, tucks, plastic, or silicone, but through a healthy lifestyle. Soon turning 50 years old, God willing, I will continue to lift, run, swim, play sports, surf, ski, climb and LIVE this life to the fullest and enjoy every single…

— Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) May 20, 2024

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‘Commander Creep’: Joe Biden Advises Young Men To ‘Marry Into A Family With Five Or More Daughters…One of Them Will Always Love You’

By: Alicia Powe — May 21st 2024 at 16:20

Joe Biden may be the biggest embarrassment to the executive office in US history.

The installed commander-in-chief traveled to Nashua, New Hampshire on Tuesday to sell his legislative accomplishment this election year.

While discussing the impact of the PACT Act, a law that helps veterans receive benefits for toxic exposure during their service, Biden went on a tangent offering his supporters marital advice.

“And by the way,” Biden said. “I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters. I did. My wife’s the oldest of five sisters.”

“You know why? One of them will always love ya,” he continued. “Not the same one. One of them is always going to be on your side. That’s the biggest advantage of marrying into five daughters.”



— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 21, 2024

Imagine if a sane person like Donald Trump, who Democrats routinely tried to remove from office with claims of mental illness, said such a thing.

Joe Biden’s cringe, deranged behavior is so frequent, the public has come to expect embarrassment and shame from the sitting president daily.

At every turn, the man brings shame to America.

People have had enough of the debauchery.

Biden’s mishaps would be comical if it weren’t dangerous, posing an existential threat to the United States and putting our lives and freedom at risk.

Biden’s remarks encouraging men to seek affection from their wives’ sisters comes on the heels of his daughter Ashley Biden confirming ownership of the diary in which she grapples with the emotional damage of “inappropriate showers” with her father as a child.

Biden has repeatedly advised young men to swap their wives for their sisters-in-law.

“I tell every young man that tells me, ‘I’m thinking of getting married,’ or something like that,” Biden said in a heavily slurred speech in the White House in January. ‘Uh, you have any advice?’ I say, ‘Yeah. Pick a family of five sisters or more.’ And they look at me, ‘What the hell is that all about?’ I

“I said, ‘It’s really simple. That way one of them always loves you, not the same one. You always have somebody on yourside.'”


In fact, Biden told his supporters to marry into a family of five or more sisters on the campaign trail in 2020.

“You ought to marry into a family of 5 or more sisters… You know why that’s the reason? One of them always loves you,” he said


Joe Biden: “You ought to marry into a family of 5 or more sisters… You know why that’s the reason? One of them always loves you.”

— The Hill (@thehill) June 18, 2020

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Benny Johnson Exposes Democrats’ Ghettoization Of America In The ‘Most Dangerous’ TARGET Store *This Is Absurd* (VIDEO)

By: Alicia Powe — May 21st 2024 at 10:15
Screenshot: Benny Johnson

Muggingsvehicle break-inscarjackings, and homicides continue to surge in blue cities nationwide following the Democrat-led institution of bail-reform laws that keep violent offenders out of jail and legislative measures that put the burden of liability on police officers while emboldening criminals.

Screenshot: Benny Johnson

In San Francisco, Prop 47 prevents police officers from arresting or even intervening with anyone shoplifting up to $950 of merchandise.

As a result, thieves have been getting away with robbing and looting stores in broad daylight for the past three years in Biden’s America. 

Flagrant shoplifting has become such a regular occurrence in the Democrat-run that convenience store chains like Target, Walgreens, and CVS have resigned to shutting down operations.

Footage from inside a Target store in San Francisco showcased by journalist Benny Johnson in an “investigation of the most dangerous Target in America” could be mistaken for images from a communist third-world hellhole in South America or Akistan or dystopian satire from the movie Idiocracy.

Unfortunately, it’s the Biden regime’s ghettoization of America.

“Target is one of America’s most successful retailers. They’re typically in the business of opening up stores, not closing them down. Every single Target in San Francisco has been closed down except one in this location. This Target in the Tenderloin district is suffering, severely,” Johnson explains as he walks into one of the only remaining Target stores in the city. “And why would that be? Typically when you open up a store you want to sell items, not have them stolen.”

“Because San Francisco refuses to criminalize homelessness or robberies, the robberies within the neighborhood this Target is located are up 44 percent this year. Not just robberies. The homicides are up 33 percent; rape is up 20 percent; assault is up 17 percent; and arson is up 21 percent.”

“Also, motor vehicle theft, which we nearly experienced when we were in San Francisco, is up 50 percent.”

Even the glass door to the entry of the store was shattered and broken, the popular conservative talk show host noted.

Johnson and his film crew also witnessed a robbery the second he entered the building. He then watched an armed security that “looks like special forces” bust the shoplifter.

Oh, and Johnson’s car was vandalized while parking in the Democrat-created slum.

At least the store shelves in the San Francisco Target are stocked, not empty as they had been throughout the manufactured Covid-1984 takeover. But nearly every item in the store is locked in, behind glass or in a plastic box or tied to the shelf with metal detectors to prevent theft.

“Does your Target have to lock up, in plastic boxes, literally every item?” Johnson quipped. “As soon as you get in the shopping area, you notice that everything, I mean everything, is locked up inside of little plastic containers that would be very, very hard to steal.

“This is what a zero-trust society looks like.”

Screenshot: Benny Johnson

“To buy something at this store you need a personal shopper, [sales assistant] as everything is behind glass, or has a tag attached to it that alarms if you move the item — everything from underwear, to chapstick to lotion has a security tag and box,” he continued. “Need a pair of pants? You’re going to need to call somebody because everything has been locked up.”


I Investigated Most Dangerous TARGET in America | You Will NOT Believe This

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 19, 2024

While the political party that led efforts to defund the police allows robbers, rapists, pedophiles, and killers back into the streets without posting bond or bail and welcomes the influx of illegal aliens with open arms, Americans who protested the tyranny and installation of a dictatorship in the nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 continue to get handed long prison sentences, even decades behind bars, for non-violent misdemeanor offenses, like cavalierly strolling around the US Capitol building while taking selfies.

Hundreds of J6 political prisoners languish in jails across America for 3-plus years in pretrial detention.

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Model Amber Rose Endorses Trump – Sends Leftists into Total Meltdown: ‘Ya’ll think Biden cares about black ppl… Stop being Brainwashed’

By: Alicia Powe — May 21st 2024 at 07:15

As the Deep State precipitously implements the Biden administration’s fascistic agenda, more and more Democrats are waking up.

It’s increasingly clear to traditional Democrat voters that the United States is hanging on by a string if we don’t get Trump back in office.

Even celebrities in the “Illuminati”– ridden entertainment industry are starting to see the light.

Trump just picked up another unexpected celebrity endorsement as Americans on both sides of the political aisle abandon support for the satanic globalist cabal.

Model Amber Rose posted a photograph standing alongside Trump and Melania at a black tie event on Instagram Monday.


“Trump 2024 USUS,” she wrote in support of Trump’s campaign in the message to her 24 million IG followers.

Rose, wife of rapper Wiz Khalifa, urged detractors to reevaluate their loyal support of the Democrat Party.

“Lmaooo yall think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do ur research. I did,” she wrote. “I’ll ALWAYS put women first.”

The model slammed the left’s stance on reproductive rights and transgender athletes competing against females.

“Y’all want biological men in women’s sports,” Rose continued. “Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed cuz WE’RE ppl people of color. Make your own decisions.”


Most forms of popular culture become nothing more than commercials for the Democrat party.

Movies, television, and music focus more on influencing the next election than entertainment.

Artists, writers, and musicians subordinate their craft to present an endless Democrat commercial.

So, of course, Rose’s endorsement of Trump is sparking backlash.

As TMZ reports:

It didn’t take long for Amber’s followers to sound off in the comments… with many calling out how Trump’s political stances directly contradict her own beliefs — at least ones she’s been open about anyway.

One fan responded … ‘He’s against LGBTQ+ community & supports State’s rights to choose women’s reproductive health. What??????’

A second follower weighed in … ‘Lol I better never see you speak on women’s rights again!! ✌✌✌” A third wrote, “He’s against everything I thought YOU believed in?! LGBTQA Women’s rights! The lists goes on super disappointing.’

Several others declared they were unfollowing Amber over the update … and since then, AR has disabled comments on her IG post.


Amber Rose Comments

Amber Rose Comments

Amber Rose Comments

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JUST IN: Environmental Protection Agency Warns Of Major Cyberattacks To U.S. Water Systems

By: Alicia Powe — May 20th 2024 at 19:30

The national security of the United States will remain in perpetual jeopardy until the installed administration is out of office. Joe Biden is the laughing stock of the world as America’s enemies are ramping up the attacks.

The Environmental Protection Agency has issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate action to protect the nation’s drinking water from foreign cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and severe, the agency announced Monday.

EPA officials warn approximately 70 percent of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards designed to mitigate cyber threats.

As nation-states including Russia and Iran have impacted water systems of all sizes, even smaller water systems are being urged to improve protection against cyber attacks.

Water systems typically rely heavily on computer software to operate treatment plants and distribution systems.

The cybersecurity waters are deficient, as those running the systems failed to change default passwords or bar system access to former employees, the EPA states in the alert.

The agency notes that a cyber attack on US water systems could result in damage to pumps and valves, interruptions to water treatment and storage, and alteration of chemical levels to hazardous amounts.


EPA Deputy Administer Janet McCabe blasted water providers for the lackadaisical upkeep of cyber integrity.

“In many cases, systems are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is to have completed a risk assessment of their vulnerabilities that includes cybersecurity and to make sure that plan is available and informing the way they do business,” McCabe said.

Individuals and groups have targeted water provider’s networks for ages, often attacking websites. Now, attackers are targeting utilities’ operations and governments are intent on draining the supply of safe water to homes and businesses.


China, Russia and Iran are “actively seeking the capability to disable US critical infrastructure, including water and wastewater,” McCabe continued. “We want to make sure that we get the word out to people that ‘Hey, we are finding a lot of problems here.'”

In January, a hack linked to a Russian “hacktivist” group caused a small Texas town’s water system to overflow.

“Cyber Av3ngers,” a group linked to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, targeted multiple organizations including a small Pennsylvania town’s water provider late last year. The attack forced the water provider to switch from a remote pump to manual operations. The hackers were targeting a device produced by Israel and used by the utility on the heels of the latest Israel, Hamas war.

An estimated 150,000 community water providers serve small towns and cities nationwide.

On Monday, the White House sent a letter to US governors, warning that “disabling” cyberattacks targeting water systems are underway nationwide. The White House and the EPA invited state officials to a meeting slated for Thursday to address how to improve digital defense for the thousands of utilities.

The EPA is also establishing a waste sector cybersecurity task force to outline strategies to defend against the threat.

The letter also charged the Chinese-sponsored hacking group Volt Typhoon with targeting critical infrastructure sectors like drinking water in the U.S. as an example of the threat.

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More Than Half Of US Voters Want Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up And Kicked Out: New Poll

By: Alicia Powe — May 20th 2024 at 19:00

Democrats may have effectively convinced their base during the Trump administration that building a wall and securing a border is racist.

But the Biden regime’s open border policies, in which illegal aliens from around the world are given free housing, transportation, the opportunity to vote,  and get-out-of-jail cards to reside in the United States indefinitely, is outraging voters on both sides of the aisle.

A whopping 56 percent of registered voters said most or all illegal aliens in the US should be rounded up and kicked out of the country, according to a new Reuters/Ispos poll.

The poll shows 36 percent of voters support incarcerating illegal aliens in detention camps until they are deported.

Ten percent surveyed were unsure whether they should be detained in camps.

More than half of Americans want to see mass roundups and deportations of undocumented immigrants

“Voters’ views on immigration align more with [Biden’s] predecessor, Donald Trump, who vows to crack down on migrants if he beats Biden in the 2024 presidential contest,” Daily Mail reports.

Pressed on the possibility of building new migrant detention camps, Trump maintains the deportation process for illegals will be so swift when he returns to office there will not be a need for building additional detention centers.

“I would not rule anything out,” the former president told TIME Magazine in April. “There wouldn’t be that much of a need for them, because of the fact that we’re going to be moving them out. We’re going to bring them back from where they came.”

“It’s possible that we’ll do it to an extent but we shouldn’t have to do very much of it, because we’re going to be moving them out as soon as we get to it. And we’ll be obviously starting with the criminal element.”

A staggering 85 percent of Republican voters said most or all immigrants in the US illegally should be deported, compared to 26 percent of Democrats and 61 percent of independents.

Some 62 percent of registered Republicans agreed, compared to 12 percent of Democrats and 35 percent of Independents.

Reuters conducted the online poll which surveyed  3,208 registered voters nationwide.

Democrat voters are even more agitated by the migrant crisis in major cities like New York. Another recent poll shows 75 percent of Democrat voters see the migrant crisis as “very serious” following an influx of 130,000 illegal aliens in the past year.

Meanwhile, as Joe Biden’s mental faculties ostensibly decline, the 81-year-old has welcomed migrants from around the world with open arms.

As soon as Biden took office, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens were being provided yellow envelopes as they boarded planes to different states across the country.

Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer documented the massive influx of migrants and the illegal human trafficking operation at the southern border in March 2021, three months into the OBiden administration.


Military aged males comprise the plurality of migrants flooding into the United States.

In the run-up to the election, amid an outcry of traditionally Democrat voters over the rampant illegal immigrant influx, the Biden regime is desperately toughening its approach to the border, pandering for political advantage.

According to agency statistics, ICE began to deport some of the millions that now reside in the US at the end of last year, removing 66,000 people from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the most aggressive attempt to deport the illegals, upholding the rule of law, by the Biden administration yet.

It remains unclear how many people are in the United States illegally.

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President Trump Eviscerates Joe Biden In Hilarious ‘Keeps Falling’ Music Video On Truth Social

By: Alicia Powe — May 18th 2024 at 08:30

Former President Donald Trump is calling attention to Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive functioning by pinning a parody music video, featuring the ailing White House occupant falling over and wandering around, to his Truth Social account on Friday.

The video, a parody of rock artist Tom Petty’s famous tune “Free Fallin,” features Biden falling down on stage, tripping down the steps of Air Force One and aimlessly wandering around as the lyrics point out Biden “Keeps Fallin.’


OMG! Donald Trump just posted this video on Truth Social.

— Steve (@SteveLovesAmmo) May 17, 2024

The video, created by comedian and host of Fox News Saturday Night Jimmy Failla, is going viral as people across the mock the installed commander-in-chief’s embarrassing falls and gaffes.

Jimmy Failla attends 2022 FOX Nation Patriot Awards

The song is from Failla’s album, “The More You Joe” produced by “C’Mon Man Records.” 

The lyrics to the song read:

He’s an old guy

has dementia,

can’t lead us.

And the country is screwed.

Tells some big lies,

barely speaks English,

sniffs children,

and their mom’s hair, too,

Goes the wrong way.

When he leaves his speeches,

Gets lost each day.

In the White House yard,

All the Dems say

that we should reelect him.

How can he win?

When walking is hard?

And Joe Keeps, (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

Keeps falling (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

And Joe keeps (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

Keeps falling (keeps falling yeah he keeps falling)

In March 2021, Biden tripped and fell three times as he struggled to walk up the stairs boarding Air Force One.

In June 2022, Biden fell over while riding his bike as he stopped to take questions from reporters.

Joe Biden tips over on his bicycle in Rehoboth Beach

In June 2023, Biden toppled over on stage at a US Air  Force Academy graduation ceremony.

President Joe Biden falls on stage during the 2023 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

In Oct. 2023, he again tripped while walking upstairs to deliver a speech in Pennsylvania but caught himself.

US President Joe Biden trips on the stairs prior to his remarks on Israel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in October 2023.

In poll after poll, a plurality of Americans, including Democrat voters, agree Joe Biden does not have the physical fitness or mental capability for another term.

As tension rises with Iran, Joe Biden walks into the bushes. You see this from Alzheimers patients in nursing homes too by the way.

— Liberals Leaving (@LiberalsLeaving) April 14, 2024

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Newly Published Records Show FBI Officials Were Instructed To ‘Stand Down’ The Day Before Jan. 6 After Targeted Individuals From a Group They Had Infiltrated Decided Not to Come to DC

By: Alicia Powe — May 18th 2024 at 07:45

FBI agents arrive at Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021. The U.S. Capitol was placed under lockdown and Vice President Mike Pence left the floor of Congress as hundreds of protesters swarmed past barricades surrounding the building where lawmakers were debating Joe Biden's victory in the Electoral College.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to cover-up how the government entrapped Americans who demonstrated at the January 6 Save America rally.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the FBI released a trove of internal documents on May 7 on “The Vault” section of its website titled “United States Capitol Violence and related Events of January 6, 2021 Part 35.”

Email correspondence among FBI officials in the days leading up to Jan. 6, real-time reactions to violence at the fedsurrection, and guidance of the bureau’s response to the Capitol riot are among the 107 pages of newly released documents.

But the most interesting aspect of the FOIA drop is the information the bureau concealed. The increasingly lawless agency, that continues to surveil and terrorize Americans who protested that day, heavily redacted nearly every page of the records, hiding all evidence potentially indicating malfeasance.

Despite a frustrating number of the pages being redacted,  some interesting tidbits remain among the scraps.

An email thread with the subject line, “Stand down. See Below” was sent at 5:46 pm the day before the massive crowd of demonstrators was bombed, gassed and shot by police at the Capitol.

“We are standing down in [REDACTED]. The predicated subjects have been [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] is being informed. The only people from the group who are continuing to DC are non-subjects, who are not carrying weapons, and appear to be solely involved in legal First Amendment protesting,” states one of the emails from the thread.


Newly released FBI records include an email thread with the subject line, “Stand down. See Below” the day before Jan. 6
The vast majority of this email thread is redacted, so it’s unclear what the “stand down” order was in relation to.

— Ken Silva (@JD_Cashless) May 8, 2024

“Thank you all for quickly stepping up today!” an employee wrote back in response.

Recipients included in the email thread are not identified. Only one employee’s title was revealed: a supervisory intelligence analyst for the FBI’s DC office.

Here is an image of the email.

The dates on the batch of FBI emails obtained by leftwing activist group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics span from Jan. 2 to Jan 14, 2021.

The trove of redacted emails released by the FBI on May 7 includes correspondence between members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force forewarning violence.

“Hi all, [REDACTED] asked earlier about [REDACTED] subjects coming to the [National Capitol Region] this week who have been [REDACTED]. Per [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (cc’d), below is information regarding [REDACTED] subjects travelling to the NCR [REDACTED].”

In another heavily redacted email from Jan. 4, 2021, shows that the JTTF treating the upcoming Stop the Steal rally as a “usual” event.

“Usual early [warning order] for something brewing. There are a few people posting intent to come down to DC to do harm on the 6th. [REDACTED] are working in which [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] … and there are likely to be others … That is all I have. You should at least be [REDACTED] from here on out,” the Jan. 4 email said.

Obviously, the FBI has much to hide.

Rep. Clay Higgins, R. -LA, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee’s border subcommittee contends FBI agents entrapped demonstrators during the Capitol riot. Higgins insists “ghost busses” filled with FBI agent provocateurs incited violence among the protesters.

The four-term Louisana Republican predicts the federal prosecution of the January 6 protesters will fall apart when the House of Representatives finishes releasing the security tapes from that day.

Here’s more.

It seems possible, if not likely, to me that the emails could be referencing some of the groups entering DC on Jan. 5.
William Pope has a good thread on this

— Ken Silva (@JD_Cashless) May 8, 2024

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JUST IN: Trump Will Campaign in South Bronx After Successful New Jersey Rally

By: Alicia Powe — May 17th 2024 at 22:00
Then-President Donald Trump holds two thumbs up at a campaign rally for incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of Senate runoff in Dalton, Georgia on Jan. 4, 2021.
Then-President Donald Trump holds two thumbs up at a campaign rally for incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of Senate runoff in Dalton, Georgia on Jan. 4, 2021.
Then-President Donald Trump holds two thumbs up at a campaign rally for incumbent Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of Senate runoff in Dalton, Georgia on Jan. 4, 2021. (Mandel Ngan – AFP / Getty Images)

President Donald Trump will hold a rally in South Bronx, New York next week to “highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s presidency had had on our economy, according to a statement released by the former president’s campaign Friday.

President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx


— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 17, 2024

…“President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will visit the Bornx, New York on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM EDT to highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency has had on our economy.

President Trump will be visiting the South Bronx, New York on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00 PM EDT #truth #trump2020 #MAGA

— Lara #IStandWithTrump (@Lara_maga47) May 18, 2024

This announcement comes after President Trump delivered remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 100,000 supporters in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Earlier this year, President Trump announced that he would be holding a rally in the South Bronx. During his interview with Laura Ingraham on FOX News, Trump added that he is also planning a rally at Madison Square Garden.

New York is in play.

Laura Ingraham: Mr. President, I’ve long said that Republicans should have a no state or city left behind strategy. Ronald Reagan had that strategy in 1980 and 1984. And you told Maria Barteromo that you may campaign in the Bronx or at Madison Square Garden. When might that be happening?

President Trump: Very soon. Look, we have nine months yet, but I’m going to see about Madison Square Garden, and we’re going to go to the South Bronx, and we’re going to go to Queens and other areas, because if you look at what’s happened in New York, I’m not even blaming the mayor. I think the mayor has sort of been told to take a backseat a little bit because they came after him violently. You know, they came after him like they’re going to indict him when he started speaking up. And now he’s become quiet.

The Bronx is the bluest of New York City boroughs, with a majority of Spanish voters. Biden “won” 83% of the Bronx vote in 2020.

In early December, TGP contributor and Newsmax reporter Cara Castronuova went down to the Bronx to take their temperature on Joe Biden.

Cara was shocked by what she heard. There is huge support for President Donald Trump in the Bronx!

EVERYONE knows things were better under Trump – no matter what the media is pushing. EVERYTHING is worse under Joe Biden and the Marxist left. And it’s not likely to get any better.

Cara’s report went viral and was re-truthed by President Trump!

Cara went back to the Bronx later that month to ask residents if they would like Trump to hold a rally there and if they would attend.

Once again, the response was OVERWHELMING – The Bronx voters WANT TRUMP!

NEWSMAX correspondent Cara Castronuova takes to the streets of The Bronx to ask residents if they would attend a Donald Trump rally in the South Bronx.@CaraCastronuova

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) December 21, 2023

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Son of Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell Sentenced To Nearly 4 Years In Prison For Protesting On Jan. 6

By: Alicia Powe — May 17th 2024 at 20:30

The son of prominent conservative activist Brent Bozell was sentenced on Friday to nearly four years in prison for protesting in the Capitol building on Jan. 6.

Prosecutors argued Leo Brent Bozell IV leveled a “relentless” assault on the US Capitol, where he smashed a window and walked on the Senate floor.

Bozell was one of the first protesters to enter the building and one of the first to walk on the Senate floor during the Capitol riot.

Bozell’s father founded the Media Research Center, the Parents Television Council, Newsbusters and other leading conservative media organizations.

US District John Bates, a George W. Bush appointee, sentenced Bozell to three years and nine months behind bars. Bozell was convicted of 10 charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding.

Bozell apologized to his wife and parents during the sentencing hearing for putting “a stain on my family forever.”

“I don’t recognize that person in the videos,” he told the judge. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Bates scolded Bozell for premeditating violence ahead of Jan. 6.

“You had plenty of chances to stop doing what you were doing,” the judge said.

Bates is allowing Bozell to remain free until he reports to prison at a date to be determined.

Prosecutors sought 11 years and eight months in prison for Bozell and attempted to add a terror enhancement to his sentence, contending he led rioters in breaking through police lines and mounted “relentless and sustained attacks” on law enforcement.

“There are few rioters on January 6 who were involved in as many pivotal breaches as Bozell,” the government wrote in Bozell’s 60-page sentencing memorandum.

Bozell’s father submitted a letter to the court when he caught wind of the prosecutors’ intent to add a terrorism enhancement.

“I have remained silent for the past 3 1/2 years because I didn’t want to tip the apple cart of justice,” he wrote. “But given what I saw in the trial, and more importantly learning about this terror enhancement, I no longer can. I believe there is more at play here.

“I am not pleading my son’s innocence, only that his punishment match the crime. I am asking the Court to consider my son’s character that is sterling and is being defended by absolutely everyone around him. I ask that you consider their words as words of honest men and women speaking honest truth. Every single one would recoil in horror in your presence were they told he should now be considered a terrorist.”

Bozell’s attorney, former government prosecutor Bill Shipley, called the judge’s ruling in Bozell’s case a “win.”

“The Government initially prevailed on the Probation Office to calculate Leo’s “Guideline Range” under the US Sentencing Guidelines as 210 – 240 months because Leo was convicted of breaking two windows. Ultimately, the Government’s Sentencing Statement asked for ONLY a sentence of 140 months — just short of 11 years and 8 months,” Shipley wrote on X after his client was sentenced. “Probation recommended 60 months — 5 years. Co-counsel Eric Snyder and I suggested that an appropriate sentence should be no more than 30  months. Today Leo was sentenced to a period of 45 months — 95 months less than the DOJ wanted.

“Terrorism enhancement NOT applied. Only 15 more months than was suggested by the defense. Sometimes in these Jan 6 cases — this is what a “Win” looks like. Maybe not an A+ outcome — but not too far from where our hopes were.”

Bozell was apprehended by the FBI in February 2021. A sedition hunter identified him from the “Hershey Christian Academy” sweatshirt that he wore during the riot.

To date, 1,424 Americans are facing federal charges for protesting on January 6. Of the defendants charged, 820 have taken plea deals while 199 were convicted at trial.

Meanwhile, not a single Hamas supporter has been targeted by the Justice Department for storming the US Capitol or destroying the White House gate.

Let’s play a game called ‘if this happened on J6’…

This would be a felony punishable by 5 years in

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 3, 2024

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NYT Poll: Trump Trounces Biden In Key Battleground States, ‘Set To Make A Demographic Breakthrough’

By: Alicia Powe — May 17th 2024 at 07:00

Amid numerous legal battles, former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in key battleground states that will determine November’s election, according to a fresh poll from The New York Times.

Trump is trouncing Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania — five of six swing states.

Wisconsin is the lone battleground state where Biden is ahead.

The poll, conducted by the Times, Siena College, and The Philadelphia Inquirer, shows Trump leading Biden by 3 percentage points in Pennsylvania, 5 points in Michigan, points in Arizona, 10 points in Georgia, and 12 points in Nevada.

Biden is ahead of Trump by 2 points in Wisconsin.

According to the poll, Trump is slated to make “demographic breakthroughs.” Biden is still garnering more support than Trump among Black and Hispanic voters but significantly less than last cycle and his Democrat predecessors. Biden is leading Trump among Black voters 63 to 23 percent, plummeting from the 87 percent of Black voters who allegedly voted for Biden three and half years ago.

Democrats are downplaying Trump’s massive support among the traditionally Democrat voters, assuring it is just one poll that was conducted six months ahead of Election Day and is not reflective of what will happen in November.

But Biden supporters concede Biden’s dismal support in swing states is a sign the administration must immediately change course.

The New York Time polling data out of the the Sun Belt states, including Nevada and Arizona are “an absolute disaster,” warns CNN’s Harry Enten.

“It’s advantage Donald Trump, but he’s not over the 20 mark just yet,” Enten, a polling data specialist, said Monday.

The Biden regime must target “confused” constituents with new messaging, contends Democrat strategist Antjuan Seawright.

“Certainly there is a segment of the population out there, including in my community who are frustrated, some are angry, some are confused, and some of them don’t know,” Seawright said. “We have to make some adjustments in how we communicate, where we communicate, who we use to communicate, and what we communicate.”

“With the usual stipulations about polls six months out, Biden is behind,” said Jim Kessler, co-founder of the left-leaning think tank Third Way. “They need to be in a better place on the border, crime and inflation to win. They have a story to tell on each and further actions they can take, but need to get cracking.”

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