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What a Load of Crap: Paul Krugman Dry Heaves Over ‘Stench of Climate Change Denial’

By: Joseph Vazquez — May 29th 2024 at 09:22
The New York Times Bidenomics apologist Paul Krugman took a detour from regurgitating his usual awful economic takes — AGAIN — to throw another fit over climate change “denial.” Krugman decried the “Stench of Climate Change Denial” in his latest May 27 screed. Krugman drummed up scare-porn over an alleged “emerging sewage crisis” along the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts and claimed it was due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. “In short, it’s not hard to see some terrible outcomes in the not-too-distant future, even before full global catastrophe arrives. Bad stuff is coming, and we’re already starting to smell it,” Krugman decried.  Yes, complaining about overwhelmed, smelly sewers and blaming climate change is what Krugman’s been reduced to, and as usual he plays loose with the facts. As founder Steve Milloy told MRC Business, “As usual, Paul Krugman gets his facts wrong on climate.” The credibility-challenged economist just can’t seem to quit making himself look more foolish than he already has. After all, this is the same Krugman who absurdly advocated that Americans should “politicize the weather.” Milloy wasn’t having it. “The East Coast is not experiencing sea level rise from ‘climate change,’” Milloy noted. Rather, the coast “ is sinking from natural subsidence as exacerbated by groundwater withdrawal. Sea level rise itself is natural and has been constant for the past 150 years.” Krugman then used his climate change nonsense as a predicate to justify — you guessed it — massive government spending. “Now imagine the collision between that kind of politics and the urgent need for substantial public spending, on everything from sea walls to sewer systems, to limit climate damage.” Krugman perhaps sensed that his proposition was pure idiocy, as he tried to anticipate the incoming backlash as just a right-wing onslaught: Spending on that scale will almost surely require new tax revenue. How quickly do you think right-wing culture warriors will agree to that? Krugman spends most of his time gaslighting readers about how Biden’s supposed economic genius is defeating America’s inflation crisis (Newsflash: it isn’t), but then apparently doesn’t sense the lunacy in shifting gears at a whim to advocate for the very government spending that stimulated that crisis in the first place. Krugman even propagandized about the risk of “tens of millions of climate refugees” if drastic mitigation measures aren’t implemented to stem the tide of climate change. He also warned of an impending eco-Armageddon if former President Donald Trump is reelected in November: “So I’m very worried about the climate future. We probably won’t do enough to limit emissions; President Biden has done far more than any of his predecessors, but it’s still not enough, and Donald Trump has promised oil executives that if he wins, he will reverse much of what Biden has done. Beyond that, we’re unlikely to do enough to limit the damage.” Unimpressed, Milloy ripped Krugman for once again misinforming readers — this time on the cause of rising sea levels. “There is no fingerprint of emissions on sea level rise or anything else,” Milloy stated. “These facts are easily discoverable on the Internet, but Krugman, whose background includes advising the criminal enterprise known as Enron, would rather promote the climate hoax and its totalitarian political agenda than educate his readers.” Conservatives are under attack. Contact The New York Times at 800-698-4637 and demand it distance itself from Krugman’s climate propaganda.
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SHOW YOUR WORK: Media Bias/Fact Check Makes Sloppy Attempt to Smear MRC

By: Joseph Vazquez — May 21st 2024 at 21:50
Another ministry of truth operation tried to go after MRC Free Speech America’s credibility with a big swing and a miss. Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) bills itself as an “independent website that has promoted awareness of media bias and misinformation by rating the bias, factual accuracy, and credibility of media sources, large and small.” The website traffic cop went after MRC Free Speech America’s new website on May 17. It rated MRC Free Speech America’s “Factual Reporting” as “MIXED,” citing without any specific evidence that MRC Free Speech America promotes “propaganda,” “some conspiracy theories,” and uses “sources that fail fact checks.” The ratings website did link out to two reports: one on leftist billionaire George Soros and the other on Facebook’s sordid election interference since 2008. However, the so-called ratings website provided no evidence where MRC got the facts wrong in either report. Furthermore, none of the MRC Free Speech America staff are aware of any attempt to be reached for comment by MBFC. The so-called ratings website also targeted MRC Free Speech America, not for work we have done, but for the comments and works of one of our advisory board members, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. Pointing to Kirk's association with the Media Research Center, MBFC alleged that Kirk promoted “various conspiracy theories” about Soros and the “Great Reset.” MBFC made a strawman argument, claiming that Kirk depicted Soros “as a puppet master behind global events, such as funding migrant caravans to influence U.S. elections.” But the example from Kirk’s webpage that MBFC links out to had nothing to do with Soros funding the migrant caravans. Rather, the website article correctly referenced how an “open border” advocacy group financed by Soros, United We Dream, created an app to help illegal immigrants “with the click of a button, to alert family, friends and attorneys of encounters with federal authorities.” The article referenced by MBFC only made mention that a Soros group was doing this amidst the “migrant caravan,” not that Soros was specifically funding the caravan itself. Soros doled out no fewer than $5,800,000 between United We Dream and its sister organization United We Dream Action, according to Open Society Foundations records.  MBFC also classified Kirk’s promotion of the “Great Reset” theory as a conspiracy theory, despite the globalist World Economic Forum having been on record making the concept a focal point of its organization and exploiting the COVID–19 pandemic to do it. WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab even wrote a column in July 2020 headlined: “Now is the time for a 'great reset.’” He wrote in the piece: “Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need.” In fact, the video MBFC links to of Kirk discussing the Great Reset pulls content from Schwab’s book COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020)” to back up his arguments. Whether MBFC disagrees with the characterization of the concept is its own affair, but the Orwellian idea is most definitely not a conspiracy theory.  Ostensibly treating it as a standalone website, MBFC even attempted to undermine MRC Free Speech America’s database the same day (May17) it targeted MRC Free Speech America’s webpage. It did so, apparently not realizing that the database is now a part of the same website with multiple URLs: and That mistake led MBFC to cherry pick an old highlight from, “CensorTrack Database Surpasses 6,000 Documented Cases of Big Tech Censorship,” to claim that an issue regarding a single broken link — now fixed — “could impact the report’s credibility and the overall reliability of the database.” Absurd. Nevertheless, had MBFC done its due diligence and realized that the two URLs were merged, leading to the same web domain, it could have easily found the report in question. While criticizing MRC Free Speech America and one of its advisory board members for statements concerning Soros, it should come as little surprise that MBFC claims to “primarily” rely on fact-checkers affiliated with the Soros-funded International Fact Checking Network at the liberal Poynter Institute for Media Studies for its “methodology.” In fact, the ratings website even admits that it “rarely conducts original fact checks as many other sources are faster and do a better job.” But here’s the kicker: The alleged ratings website notes that MRC Free Speech America hasn’t failed any IFCN fact checks to date, but it still managed to label the MRC Free Speech America website as being “MIXED” on factual reporting and “MEDIUM” on credibility.  Meanwhile, for comparison, MBFC rated leftist CNN as being “MOSTLY FACTUAL” and having “HIGH CREDIBILITY.” Yes, you read that right. MBFC listed two failed fact-checks by CNN in its analysis of the leftist outlet’s so-called “HIGH CREDIBILITY,” but apparently didn’t see the double standard in demoting MRC Free Speech America’s website, which has no documented failed fact checks. This is the same CNN that spent months trying to shove Bidenomics down the American people’s throats, despite the continued growth of inflation nationwide.  MBFC’s write-up took particular issue with MRC’s recent study illustrating how Soros groups joined an open letter to jawbone Big Tech into upping the ante on their censorship operations prior to the 2024 elections in the U.S. and abroad. At least 45 of the 200 signatories to the letter were financed by Soros to the tune of over $80 million between 2016 and 2022 alone. “The headline itself is loaded with negative connotations toward Soros and suggests a deliberate and sinister agenda against conservatives,” MBFC claimed. But none of the facts or arguments asserted in the report were disputed by MBFC. But that’s not all. MBFC apparently also had a problem with MRC’s most recent Big Tech study, “39 Times Facebook Interfered in US Elections Since 2008.” Specifically, MBFC complained that the “language used in these articles often includes charged terms such as ‘censorship,’ ‘interference,’ and ‘anti-Americanism,’ which are intended to evoke strong reactions from a conservative audience.” Again, MBFC complained, but none of the facts within MRC’s research into Facebook were disputed.  Finally, as though suggesting the fox should guard the hen house, MBFC ridiculously claimed that MRC Free Speech America has “limited engagement with the least biased or liberal sources, which could affect the overall credibility.” And it even dinged MRC Free Speech America for daring to cite from “conservative sources or other divisions of the MRC, such as NewsBusters,” because it “could lead to an echo chamber effect where information is repeatedly reinforced without external verification.” MBFC is seemingly oblivious to the fact that MRC Free Speech America also publishes its stories on NewsBusters where most of its past research appeared for years prior to the launch of its new website. It’s also worth noting that news outlets routinely do this as a matter of course as a common tactic to boost search engine optimization (SEO). MBFC made much ado about nothing.  Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on so-called “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using MRC Free Speech America’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.  
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WATCH: MRC’s Dan Schneider Takes Blowtorch to Election-Interfering Big Tech Giants

By: Joseph Vazquez — May 15th 2024 at 12:54
MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider blew the lid off the gargantuan election interference that leftist Big Tech platforms have been engaging in for years. During the May 13 edition of The Unusual Suspects podcast, host Rob Garguilo asked Schneider which Big Tech companies are actively suppressing election-related speech. “Every single one of them,” replied Schneider. He added that the leftists in the C-Suites of these censorship-obsessed tech companies, “have the idea that anytime that we disagree with them, that that is disinformation or misinformation or mal-information and harmful to what they think is democracy so we have to be silenced.” Schneider concluded that the “biggest offender” was Google, which was shown through MRC Free Speech America research to have grossly interfered in US elections since 2008.  Schneider broke down some of the MRC’s past findings illustrating specifically how Google has manipulated the U.S. election process to serve its own left-wing political ends. “For about three months we ran about the same two sets of search queries [Republican presidential campaign websites and Democrat presidential campaign websites], and we ran them before each one of the Republican presidential campaign debates.” The results damningly showed that Google actively suppressed President Joe Biden’s political opponents, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But of course, as Schneider analyzed, this is just one of the many glaring examples of Google’s malfeasance. MRC Free Speech America counted no less than 41 times that Google has worked to ensure that its favored leftist candidates won their respective elections.  Schneider stressed that there are “very practical things” citizens could do to fight against Google’s bias. “If you have to use Google, don’t bother with the first page of search results. Go to the second or third page of search results, if you actually want a balanced view.” Schneider also suggested other search engine platforms like Tusk and DuckDuckGo as viable alternatives to the Google monopoly. Garguilo summarized MRC’s Big Tech research as “terrifying when you hear what’s going on with election interference.” He added that part of the problem is a lack of awareness of the issue. “We’ve traded freedoms for ease of convenience,” Garguilo said. “You know why people don’t use DuckDuckGo? It’s not as easy to use as Google. I never even knew Tusk existed. So I’m walking away knowing that now there is a different search engine.”   Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on so-called hate speech and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using MRC Free Speech America’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.  
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George Soros Fueled $80M Into Groups Calling for Big Tech Censorship in Lead-Up to 2024 Elections

By: Joseph Vazquez — May 15th 2024 at 08:52
A massive effort spearheaded by a censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to juice their censorship operations before the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Free Press, a Soros-funded media group that claimed responsibility for helping get former President Donald Trump banned from Twitter, is at the helm of a new push to restrict free speech online. “More Than 200 Groups Urge Leading Tech Platforms to Implement Election-Integrity Policies to Protect Democracy Worldwide,” Free Press blared in its Apr. 9 press release on a new co-signed letter by groups around the world.  In the letter, the anti-free speech groups raged at social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter (now X) and YouTube for reducing “interventions necessary to keep online platforms” allegedly “safe and healthy” and demanded “swift action” to protect so-called democracy. MRC research unveiled that at least 45 of the signatories have had their coffers packed with Soros cash to the tune of a whopping $80,757,329 between 2016 and 2022 alone.  The letter was distributed to top executives at Big Tech platforms at Discord, Google, Instagram, Meta, Pinterest, Reddit, Rumble, Snap, TikTok, Twitch, YouTube and X (formerly Twitter). The document attempted to justify that it was written with reducing “real-world harms” and “the rise of extremism and violent attempts to overthrow democratic governments” in mind. However, it appears that its true design is to pressure Big Tech companies to silence speech the left despises as 60 countries across the globe gear up for their elections in 2024. But even more disturbing was the letter’s implication that its primary target is interfering in the 2024 U.S. election. This development is directly in line with Soros’ brand, who has dedicated millions of his ungodly fortune to groups looking to interfere in elections by stifling online speech.  The first of six so-called “interventions” called for by the coalition involve investment “in greater platform integrity by reinstating election-integrity policies, inclusive of moderating content around the Big Lie,” which the Soros-funded co-signatory William J. Brennan Center for Justice defined as the idea that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. The letter also condescended how in “2020, Black people and other people of color, women, and non-English speakers were — and continue to be — disproportionately targeted with online election lies.” The statement linked out to an Associated Press article pertaining specifically to so-called 2020 election “disinformation” in the U.S. election and how 2024 will be allegedly “worse.”  Nora Benavidez, the senior counsel and director of Digital Justice and Civil Rights at Free Speech, railed in a statement, “‘The tech industry’s refusal to safeguard their platforms is already having a dangerous impact on democracies around the world.’” Her disingenuous pontificating ended in hyperbole: “‘Today, hundreds of civil-society groups are putting these companies on notice: Failure to uphold and enforce sound election-integrity policies and expand non-English staffing to monitor disinformation, political deepfakes and other harmful content will be catastrophic to free and fair elections worldwide.’”  The explicit push for speech controls is especially disturbing in light of the stated vision of one of Free Press’s founders. Leftist Free Press co-founder Robert W. McChesney once made a Marxist call to action in 2000 to “overhaul” the American press: “Our job is to make media reform part of our broader struggle for democracy, social justice, and, dare we say it, socialism.” He published his comments in the Monthly Review, a self-described “independent socialist magazine.” It appears Free Press is living up to its founder’s principles.  The signatory that received the most Soros funding in MRC’s tally was none other than the climate change-obsessed Global Witness, which is already on record pressuring Facebook and TikTok to increase censorship operations before the 2022 midterm elections. The Soros empire funded the group with a massive $20,338,270 between 2016 and 2022. The group’s “digital threats” campaign, for example, is specifically focused on pressuring governments to regulate speech on social media. “The Big Tech companies are not too big to be made to change, and change does not rely on significant numbers of us having to stop using the digital products these companies provide,” Global Witness claimed.   Another one of the more dangerous groups listed in the letter is the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), which received $3,149,863 from Soros between 2017 and 2022. The leftist group was recently exposed in a House Judiciary Committee investigation for co-authoring a “hate groups” blacklist with the Soros-funded Global Disinformation Index (GDI) targeting “conservative” and faith-based organizations. This list was later disseminated by law enforcement to several financial institutions. The discovery was part of a broader congressional investigation that uncovered federal law enforcement circulating documents to private financial institutions to jawbone them into giving up sensitive customer data. The customers caught up in the federal dragnet didn’t even necessarily have to be suspected of committing any crimes. ISD disturbingly lists the U.S. Department of State and Department of Homeland Security as funders. The fact that Free Press is at the tip of this Soros-tied spear should concern every American. Free Press’s obsession with censorship and gaining control of the Internet cannot be overstated. This is the same group that boasted how it was “involved in direct talks that pressured Google and Amazon to boot the dangerous” pro-free speech platform Parler from their platforms because of so-called “election lies.”  Free Press’s 2015 annual report celebrated how it was also responsible for influencing the Obama-era FCC into adopting draconian “Net Neutrality” rules that arbitrarily sanctioned massive government regulation of the Internet. Free Press praised how the FCC reportedly cited the Soros-funded organization “close to 70 times” in its final order on the matter. The adopted FCC rules empowered government officials to review, approve or reject Internet service provider rates. What they actually did, according to the Cato Institute, was guarantee “ISPs government enforced market protection and profitability, in exchange for regulators ensuring that ISPs won’t be too profitable.” In other words, the FCC rules proposed by former President Barack Obama and Free Press in 2015 sought to regulate the Internet as a public utility. Then-FCC commissioner Ajit Pai stated that the move gave the agency “broad and unprecedented discretion to micromanage the Internet,” in a 2015 press release on the proposed rules. Americans beware. The Soros network is coming after your free speech just in time for the U.S. elections — again. Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on so-called hate speech and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using MRC Free Speech America’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.  