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MUST SEE VIDEO: Bronx Teens CHEER TRUMP – MOCK JOE BIDEN – Here Is the Bronx Trump Rally Video the Media WILL NOT SHOW YOU!

By: Cara Castronuova — May 29th 2024 at 08:00

New York City kids are catching MAGA fever!

It is impossible to get enough of these viral Trump Bronx rally videos, and we just found more clips to make your day.

“Let me catch you, Joe Biden,” said a young man from the Bronx. “I’m gonna give you a wedgie.”

See the full video here:

NYC KIDS are catching #MAGA fever!

It was pretty freaking surreal to hear city kids from the Bronx shouting “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” , “Trump 2024” and threatening joe biden with wedgies.

(To the sick pups in the DOJ that we know are freaking out watching- they were clearly…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) May 28, 2024

It will be interesting to see how many young minority voters the Democrats will be interested in registering once they figure out those kids will vote for Trump.

Unfortunately, Trump’s speech ended before more than half the line was allowed in. Allegedly, the NYPD had a hard time getting everyone in to hear Trump speak.


“This is suspicious, given that the NYPD take orders from Democrat politicians,” said a rally-goer with children. “They made us wait hours on end and we didn’t even get inside in time to see Mr. Trump. My son was so disappointed.”

Regardless, kids had a great time outside waiting on line and dancing in the streets “jooking for Trump”.

Bronx kids “Jookin” (dancing) for Trump.
Here is more video footage of some smart kids from the Bronx:

See more of our great interviews here:

EPIC Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx! “TRUMP VIENTE VIENTICUATRO!”

The atmosphere in the Bronx was surreal yesterday as #MAGA hat wearing Bronx residents attended a rally by the first Republican President to visit there since Ronald Reagan!

Word on…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) May 24, 2024

Remember, in the end, God wins!

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post MUST SEE VIDEO: Bronx Teens CHEER TRUMP – MOCK JOE BIDEN – Here Is the Bronx Trump Rally Video the Media WILL NOT SHOW YOU! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Cara Castronuova — May 24th 2024 at 16:40

There was magic in the air last evening when President Trump descended on the South Bronx for a historic rally.

Please see more of our coverage of real Bronx residents reacting to President Trump’s visit!

EPIC Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx! “TRUMP VIENTE VIENTICUATRO!”

The atmosphere in the Bronx was surreal yesterday as #MAGA hat wearing Bronx residents attended a rally by the first Republican President to visit there since Ronald Reagan!

Word on…

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) May 24, 2024

This reporter broke this story for Newsmax back in November, highlighting Trump’s surprising support in the bluest of New York City’s boroughs.

It was incredible to witness the streets of the Bronx light up and the palpable excitement during the day leading up to a rally where tens of thousands waited on line to get in.

BREAKING: Billboard charting rapper Sheff G arrived to Donald Trump’s New York Rally. This is culture

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) May 23, 2024

Red Maga hats dotted the streets as a colorful rainbow of people gathered around Crotona Park in the South Bronx. Vendors on street corners sold Trump flags, tee shirts and hats to passerby. It was absolutely surreal.

Missing were the counterprotestors of 2020. Only a few anti-trumpers showed up and were generally disregarded by the open-minded crowd- many seemingly touched that a republican president would take the time to come to their hometown.

“I am so happy that he showed up to the Bronx and showed us love,” said a Bronx rally-goer. “Now we are going to show love to him in November, for sure.”

Hispanic Trump supporters in the South Bronx, New York.

Many waited on line for over seven hours and did not get in. As to be expected, the fake news did not report on this. *We at the Gateway Pundit will post video of the crowd that did not get in shortly.

Sadly, the police were unable to process more than half the crowd- many of them high school and college age students curious to see what the “Trump hype” was about.

“I’m here to see what all the hype is about,” said a young mother with her daughter that did not get in the rally due to holdups at entranceway.

“I’m open minded to what Trump has to say,” said another teenaged boy with a group of friends.

Please check back with the Gateway Pundit soon for another solid package of the Bronx kids and young adults on the street outside the rally all shouting “Trump 2024 and F Joe Biden”!

In the end God wins, even in the Bronx.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.



The post BEST BRONX VIDEO EVER! “Trump Veinte Veinticuatro!” – MORE INCREDIBLE REACTION VIDEO FROM HISTORIC TRUMP BRONX RALLY! Rally-Goers LOVE TRUMP! – VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

☑ ☆ ✇ The Gateway Pundit

Watch General Flynn’s Epic New Movie “FLYNN- DELIVER THE TRUTH WHATEVER THE COST” Today! – And See TGP’s Cara Castronuova’s Video Interview with General Flynn!

By: Cara Castronuova — May 19th 2024 at 08:15

General Michael Flynn’s movie is making waves across the nation.

The Gateway Pundit had the opportunity to attend an exclusive screening of the FLYNN – Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost. We interviewed General Flynn at The America First Warehouse in Hauppauge, New York, one of the stops in his nationwide tour promoting the film. *See our review below.

Watch our interview here with General Flynn:

You can watch the movie today and support General Flynn’s inspiring message to America. It is available for purchase and rent on major streaming platforms including Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, and YouTube. It is $5.99 to rent and $19.99 to purchase.

Watch FLYNN – Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost.

General Flynn’s 48-day nationwide tour across the United States has significantly raised awareness about the federal government’s corruption and its unjust application of the law. This grassroots campaign has been enthusiastically supported by Americans nationwide who oppose the entrenched Uniparty politics and the deep-seated corruption within the federal bureaucracy and corporate media.

General Flynn’s tour bus, stopped on Long Island at The America First Warehouse.

This film has dominated the Amazon best-seller list for weeks, outperforming major films like Dune and Oppenheimer, and has trended on X multiple times since its early April premiere. Flynn has been promoting the film on prominent shows with hosts such as Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Brandon Tatum and Chris Cuomo.

Expect a beautifully made sentimental and hard-hitting biographical documentary showcasing the heroic general’s military career, his devoted family ties, and the relentless political witch hunt he faced at the hands of the corrupt Department of Justice.


General Flynn in FLYNN – Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost.

The documentary features commentary by General Flynn, his wife and siblings, and stars like Tucker Carlson, Devin Nunes, Investigative Journalist Tracy Beanz and Green Beret Ivan Raiklin.

Tucker Carlson appears and narrates in FLYNN – Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost.

“I think that General Flynn’s story is an inspiring story because he wasn’t broken,” said Tucker Carlson. “He would say readily he wasn’t broken because of the love of his family. Because of his faith. General Flynn found himself in a circumstance he did not anticipate at all. I know he never expected to find himself persecuted by his own government the he served for the course of his entire life. We can all wind up in a situation like that and all we can hope for is the strength to continue to tell the truth in the face of adversity…and to be surrounded by people we love who support us and come out on the other end whole. And he has achieved all of that. And so I see his story as a great victory- actually as a triumph. He is still whole. He is wounded by what happened to him- his family is wounded by what happened to him- but he is not broken. He still has dignity and he still has an unwavering commitment to tell the truth. If you come out of a situation like the one that he lived through with that intact, then you have won.”

General Flynn served as President Trump’s National Security Advisor before he was attacked by the Deep State.


There was a particularly poignant scene where General Flynn and his family spoke about the kindness the American people showed their family by generously donating to his legal fund so Flynn could defend himself against the weight of the weaponized federal government. The scene was narrated by his family over footage of General Flynn struggling under dark ocean waters and then finally coming up, breathing air and swimming to shore.

General Michael Flynn is a lifelong surfer.

Said General Flynn during the scene:

“There was a moment when I just felt like I was deep down under water and I felt like I was drowning. The American people started to come into my life and there was a moment where I just felt like air was being breathed into my lungs. Over time, instead of being pounded down below the surface of the ocean, I started to come up. It was like I am now above the surface and I am starting to swim to shore. I had the shore a long distance off- but I can see the shoreline. It is out there and I started to swim.”


The film candidly addresses General Flynn’s son Michael Flynn Jr.’s depression and thoughts of suicide after he too was raided and heavily targeted by the Feds in their sick attempt to pressure his father to take a plea deal. The father and son were only permitted to speak to each other through their attorneys. General Flynn eventually took a plea deal to save his son from the wrath of the Department of Justice.

The Dishonorable Judge Emmet Sullivan, appointed by Bill Clinton, politically persecuted General Michael Flynn.

“I went into a very deep depression going into 2018,” confessed Michael Flynn Junior. “I mean a suicidal depression. I don’t say that lightly because that is not a topic that is easy to discuss. The only thing that kept me alive was my son and thank God I had him in my life.”


This reporter loved the last line of the film, delivered by General Flynn.

“Is there any regret that I have in life? For what I experienced I should sit here and say I have a lot of them- I have a lot of regrets. But when I look back at my life and I understand the lives that were lost (gets emotional)…I mean I am sitting here with you…I’m here and I can tell my story.

Sometimes redemption can be as simple as telling your story.

If General Flynn can find redemption after tremendous adversity, so can you.

Because in the end GOD WINS.

General Michael Flynn and Gateway Pundit reporter Cara Castronuova.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post Watch General Flynn’s Epic New Movie “FLYNN- DELIVER THE TRUTH WHATEVER THE COST” Today! – And See TGP’s Cara Castronuova’s Video Interview with General Flynn! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
