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Impact of Bidenomics on Your Memorial Day Weekend: Prices Skyrocket Since 2021

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 27th 2024 at 11:40

Americans will gather this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day in memory of those who gave their last full measure in service to this great nation. But each American will also find the costs for cookout staples soaring, thanks to the policies of President Joe Biden and his administration.

For those spending the day cooking at home, Americans are finding that the costs of supplies and foods have soared since Biden entered office thanks to his disastrous “Bidenomics” policies.

According to a report by Fox Business Network, prices are on the rise, jumping more than ten percent over the cost to feed an average family in 2023.

FBN added that, “Burgers jumped from $7.04 in 2023 to $8.07 in 2024, or a change of 14.63% in cost. Hamburger buns cost two cents more, from $3.04 on average to $3.06.”

The news outlet added that ketchup costs ten cents more than 2023, mustard is up eight cents, and pickle relish soared 50 percent over a year ago.

FBN also noted that Americans are being socked with a 20 percent rise for their average trip to the grocery since 2023.

As it was, the costs of a Memorial Day barbecue in 2023 was itself a jump over the previous years. At the time, Politico reported that the Consumer Price Index found food prices were up 7.7 percent.

Even more concerning, The Western Journal actually went in and crunched some numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and found stark price increases for two key Memorial Day staples.

Looking at the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers data provided, uncooked ground beef rose in price by 22 percent since 2021, while hot dogs shot up by 20 percent since 2021.

Those are not insignificant figures, especially as many Americans already feel suffocated by Bidenomics.

This is far from the first time that holiday costs are swamping us all, forcing us to pay more for less.

During the Fourth of July last year, for instance, the costs of our Independence Day also soared.

For instance, The American Farm Bureau Federation reported that the average cost to feed 10 people rose to $67.73 last year. In fairness, that was down three percent from the $69.68 seen in 2022, when inflation peaked at 9.1 percent in June 2022. Still, both 2022 and 2022 were up significantly up from 2021.

At the time, Wells Fargo reported that the cost of beer was up 8 percent; soft drinks, up 14 percent; bread, up 22 percent; ice cream, up 9 percent; processed cheese, up 10 percent; and potato chips were up 15 percent that year.

Later that year, the costs of Thanksgiving were also seen to cost far more under Biden than it had under Donald Trump.

The American Farm Bureau Federation recorded higher prices in 2023 over those seen in 2019 when Donald Trump was in office. The organization reported at the time that the cost of Thanksgiving prices soared by 25 percent under Biden.

The costs of buying candy for the costumed kiddies during last Halloween also scared Americans.

Costs soared 7.5 percent between Sept. of 2022 to Sept. 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as KOMU-TV reported last year.

Of course, it isn’t just the costs of our holidays we are seeing on the rise. Everything we do, buy, and need is soaring under Biden. After all, Democrats ruin everything they touch.

Unfortunately, it does not seem that Joe Biden has much of a handle on what inflation is or what it is doing to us all. In fact, he keeps going around saying that the inflation rate was at 9 percent when he took over from Donald Trump, even though his absurd claim has been debunked time and again. It was actually only 1. 4 percent when he took office.

Even Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has admitted that his confidence has been shaken by the persistent inflation that is dogging the economy.

Biden has been costing us all more every year since he took office, but we do have a chance in Nov. to put an end to the soaring costs of everyday life.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Rep. Crockett Tries to Cash In on Feud with MTG, Fails to Notice a Big Problem with New Merchandise

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 19th 2024 at 21:00

Last week, Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas had a little go ’round with Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene as the two exchanged words during a House committee hearing. Now, Crockett is raising campaign funds off the feud with a t-shirt sale, only she missed one (major) problem with her shirt design.

Crockett claims that Greene is a “racist” for a snide comment tossed off referring to the Texan’s false eyelashes during Thursday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on a contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland.

It all started when Rep. Crockett interjected during Greene’s time at the mic when she asked Greene why she brought up liberal New York Judge and Democrat donor Juan Merchan and his daughter during her comments about Garland. Merchan is the judge currently overseeing the Donald Trump business records trial in New York City.

Greene shot back at Crockett, saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

That retort sparked several minutes of back and forth between the Georgia Republican and Democrat Reps Crockett and New York “squad” member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during which the three traded barbs.

Greene eventually agreed to have her comments stricken from the record, but even with that, Crockett interjected a personal attack, and said, “I’m just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?”

Now, Crockett is trying to raise campaign funds off that last personal attack on Greene.

Crockett is peddling a new t-shirt design reading “bleached blonde, bad built, butch body” and ending with a pseudo signature from the Rep.

So we are going to drop “A Crockett Clapback Collection.” This collection will feature various swag that includes random things I’ve said. The money will go to ensuring that we have a Democratic House! Give me a little time to really get the swag online etc., but B6 will drop…

— Jasmine Crockett (@JasmineForUS) May 18, 2024

Only there is one tiny little problem with that t-shirt design she is advertising in the wake of the heated exchange on the Hill.

Her own name is misspelled. Somehow an extra “r” was inserted instead of an “e” in her last name.

Who’s Crockrtt???

— Bryan McNally (@BryanDMcNally) May 18, 2024

Many others noticed the same tiny little problem.

You might wanna start by spelling your own name right, dumbass.

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 18, 2024

This is why nobody will ever take you seriously.

The left may applaud you, but inside, nobody considers you a serious lawmaker.

— Abel (@BangerangRufio2) May 18, 2024

Another X user pointed out hypocrisy of Crockett using a homophobic slur (butch) to attack someone, given that most far-leftists call that a sin.

Body shaming & using “butch” as an insult. Homophobic much?
This is verboten by woke libs. Jasmine may be cancelled by her own people.
And to put it on a shirt. This is the very epitome of hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me.
Carry on baby girl. It shows the world what…

— Dale Plemons (@DalePlemons) May 18, 2024

In the end, many X users are accusing Crockett of doing the same thing she is accusing Rep. Greene of doing — identity politics-based discrimination.

Ultimately, regardless of whether you think Greene or Crockett was “more” in the wrong for the exchange, you can’t argue that misspelling your own name is a rather egregious error for the Texas representative.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Rep. Crockett Tries to Cash In on Feud with MTG, Fails to Notice a Big Problem with New Merchandise appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Are NeverTrump Donors Having a Change of Heart and Becoming Never Biden Voters?

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 16th 2024 at 13:40

As the 2024 election nears and the destruction Joe Biden is visiting on the country gets worse, some who may have felt they were NeverTrumpers are now finding themselves becoming Never Bidens instead.

The first ripple in this wave of Never Bidens is of Joe Biden’s own doing, according to Eli Lake of The Free Press.

Many who may have found their way clear to vote for Biden are now reconsidering their support in the wake of his sudden turn against helping Israel in its fight against Hamas.

Last week, news broke that Biden was working quietly to prevent the shipment of planned aid and weapons that had already been approved for the Jewish nation.

With this hanging over him, many otherwise NeverTrumpers and erstwhile Biden supporters are turning against him. As Lake noted, some of these virulent NeverTrumpers are now seeing Biden as the bigger threat to both America and Israel.

Former Nikki Haley supporter Cliff Asness, the co-founder of AQR Capital Management, told the paper that things have changed. “My ‘Never Again’ is trumping my ‘Never Trump’ these days,” he said.

Biden is a huge disappointment, really a moral outrage with this arms embargo being only the latest and greatest outrage,” he continued.

“Despite my long opposition to him, this makes me more likely, though I haven’t quite gotten there yet, to see Trump as the better of two bad alternatives.”

Democratic supporters are also turning against Biden. Democrat and hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, jumped to X to blast Biden’s recent CNN interview, saying, it was “crazy,” and adding, “This is one of the worst acts against an ally of a sitting president ever. Hopefully, this means he won’t be sitting for much longer.”

Crazy. This is one of the worst acts against an ally of a sitting president ever. Hopefully, this means he won’t be sitting for much longer.

— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) May 9, 2024

Ackman donated cash to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Al Gore, but Lake noted that Ackman recently reposted a message from Donald Trump, who was blasting Biden as “crooked” for helping Hamas instead of Israel. The fact that Ackman would repost anything written by Trump is notable.

Michael Granoff, a managing partner of venture capital firm Maniv, told the Free Press that he voted for Biden in 2020, but the president’s anti-Israel policies are forcing him to reconsider. “I am not voting for Biden. I’m not saying I’m voting for Trump, but it’s a nonzero chance now,” he said.

Even as far back as October, NeverTrump leader Bill Kristol noted how alarmed he was over the enthusiasm gap between the popular Trump and the floundering Biden, Breitbart News reported.

Lake quoted several other high-profile Democrats and Republican NeverTrumpers, but Lake is not the only one noting that Biden is in deep trouble only six months ahead of the election. The Washington Examiner’s Byron York noted that as things stand today, Biden’s campaign is “dead in the water.”

York added that the campaign is already entering into the stage where voters are hardening their feelings on the candidates — “particularly with respect to the economy” — and with polls still showing that Biden is in trouble on so many metrics, it is less and less likely that he will be able to regain their confidence in him.

Donald Trump should keep his nose to the grindstone on the issues that are cleaving Biden’s voters away from him. He should focus on Israel, the economy, and illegal immigration — all areas where the president is extremely vulnerable. Forget the personal vendettas for now. Stay laser focused on these issues, and he will both continue to pull voters away from Biden and maintain his own base.

If Trump can keep the campaign discipline he has shown so far, we might just be able to see him make a triumphant return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Are NeverTrump Donors Having a Change of Heart and Becoming Never Biden Voters? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Trump Could Get Major Award After Republican Congresswoman Introduces Huge Resolution

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 16th 2024 at 07:45

Donald Trump may be in line to receive a major congressional award, and the Democrats will likely not be very happy if it comes to pass.

Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is hoping to give former President Donald Trump a major congressional award “in recognition of his exceptional leadership and dedication to strengthening America’s diplomatic relations during his presidency,” Fox News reported.

Rep. Luna is leading a group of other GOP representatives who want to give Trump the Congressional Gold Medal. Joining the Florida congresswoman is fellow Floridian Mike Waltz, Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, and Randy Weber of Texas.

“President Trump’s fearless leadership reestablished America as a respected and admired global power,” Luna said.

“It is time we recognize a president who put our country first and secured global peace through bold diplomacy,” she added.

“Despite the liberal media’s attempts to spread fear, America and the world were undoubtedly safer under President Donald Trump. One of our duties in Congress is to honor those who have contributed significantly to our nation, and that’s why I’m introducing this legislation,” she said.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal are the two highest civilian awards in the U.S.

Despite endorsing Ron DeSantis earlier this year, Republican and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good is also supporting Luna’s proposal.

“President Trump did more in four years on behalf of the American people than any president in my lifetime. He secured our border, achieved historic peace in the Middle East, and implemented policies that helped our economy prosper,” Good said of the medal proposal.

“The last three years of a failed Biden administration have only served as a stark contrast to President Trump’s record,” he added.

Other recipients have included the Dalai Lama, members of the Tuskegee Airmen, golfer Jack Nicklaus, and many others, Politico added.

If Trump were to be awarded the medal, he would be the first former president to receive the award since Ronald Reagan was honored in 2000, the Washington Examiner wrote.

Before Reagan, other presidents honored by the medal include George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Harry Truman, and Gerald Ford.

Still, it seems unlikely that Trump will receive the honor. While it is likely the House of Representatives could agree to the measure and pass it onto the Senate, it seems far less likely that the upper chamber will agree and add their imprimatur to the proposal.

GOP House members have tried a number of ways to show their support for the former president. Rep. Reschenthaler, for instance, proposed that Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia be renamed as the Donald J. Trump International Airport.

Embattled House Speaker Mike Johnson also showed up to support Trump when he appeared in Manhattan during the former president’s corporate records trial.

Donald Trump most certainly deserves an award such as this, far more than the man currently occupying the White House. As every move Biden makes seems to make life more difficult — and even more dangerous — for Americans, Trump is trying to put America back on the right track.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Trump Could Get Major Award After Republican Congresswoman Introduces Huge Resolution appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Pfizer to Settle 10K Lawsuits Over Drug Linked to Cancer, Costing Company Millions

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 9th 2024 at 10:00

Big Pharma giant Pfizer confirmed on Wednesday that it will settle more than 10,000 lawsuits over allegations that the company failed to warn people about possible cancer risks caused by their Zantac product.

Zantac is the company’s once-popular anti-heartburn medication featured in a multitude of television commercials, many of which featured an animated fireman character.

But in 2020, the Food and Drug Administration warned that Zantac and its generic version, called ranitidine, should be pulled from the shelves after a cancer-causing substance called NDMA was discovered as a contaminant linked to the medication.

Now, the company has agreed to settle the thousands of cases filed in state courts all across the nation over the substance, according to Bloomberg News.

Terms of the Pfizer settlements have not been disclosed.

“Pfizer has explored and will continue to explore opportunistic settlements of certain cases if appropriate, and has settled certain cases,” the company said in a statement.

Pfizer and other companies began developing the generic version of ranitidine in 1997 once Glaxo’s patent for the ingredient expired, according to the New York Post.

“The company has not sold a Zantac product in more than 15 years and did so only for a limited period of time,” the statement from Pfizer added.

After the FDA made its recommendation to pull the product, thousands of lawsuits were filed against pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim.

Sanofi already settled about 4,000 lawsuits last month.

Bloomberg reported that Sanofi will pay $100 million in its settlement, marking an average of $25,000 for each plaintiff.

But Sanofi still faces more than 20,000 lawsuits in the state of Delaware.

Indeed, there are up to 70,000 cases in Delaware courts against Sanofi and the other Big Pharma companies.

“Sanofi is settling these cases, not because we believe the claims have any merit, but rather to avoid the expense and ongoing distraction of the litigation,” the company said in a statement.

Like Sanofi, GSK has settled some of the suits leveled against the firm.

According to the Daily Mail, NDMA is a common byproduct of many industrial processes, including the making of rocket fuel.

“NDMA is a ‘‘forever chemical,’ meaning that it doesn’t degrade, or break down, naturally in our bodies and is believed to cause DNA damage,” the outlet reported.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Billy Graham to Be Permanently Commemorated in US Capitol in ‘Rare Honor’

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 7th 2024 at 20:40

The Rev. Billy Graham, famed evangelist and minister to presidents, is set to receive a great accolade next week as a 7-foot-tall statue will be dedicated in his honor at the U.S. Capitol, according to reports.

The state of North Carolina approved a measure back in 2015 to replace its statue of former Gov. Charles Aycock in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall with one dedicated to Graham, who was born in the city of Charlotte in the Tar Heel State. But the plans have been stalled for years, The Charlotte Observer reported last year.

Graham died in 2018.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association told Fox News on Monday that the long-awaited statue will finally be placed in the Capitol.

“It’s a rare honor,” the organization said.

The outlet reported the statue will be unveiled on the morning of May 16.

The commanding sculpture was created by North Carolina artist Chas Fagan and portrays Graham gesturing toward an open Bible, according to Fox News.

The bronze was cast at Carolina Bronze Sculpture, a foundry in Seagrove, North Carolina, while the base was made of Salisbury granite cut from a quarry in Rowan County.

The base of the statue contains Bible verses to “highlight Graham’s lifelong commitment to sharing the Gospel,” the association said.

They include John 3:16 (“God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”) and John 14:6 (“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me'”), Fox News reported.

The Rev. Franklin Graham celebrated the statue being raised in his famous father’s honor.

“This isn’t just a statue of my father — it represents the One that he surrendered his life to and the message that he preached for more than 80 years, that God loves us and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins,” he told Fox News via email.

“What I appreciate most is that this is an opportunity for everyone in future generations who sees the statue to be reminded of God’s love, grace and forgiveness,” Graham continued.

“This is a great honor and my father would be humbled and grateful,” he added. “At the same time, he would not want the attention on himself but on God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Billy Graham, who died at 99 years of age, dedicated some 80 years of his life to his ministry and preached the Gospel to more than 215 million people across six continents — the most ever reached by a single Christian minister.

He also counseled 12 sitting U.S. presidents, starting with Harry Truman, as well as many world leaders.

“The legacy of Rev. Billy Graham is based on his simple message of forgiveness based on John 3:16,” Republican North Carolina Sen. Ted Budd told Fox News.

“He was the first private citizen from North Carolina to lie in honor in the United States Capitol and his likeness should stand in the U.S. Capitol forever,” Budd said.

Graham has received several honors from the federal government.

In 1996, he and his wife, Ruth, received a Congressional Gold Medal.

When he died in 2018, he became one of only four private citizens to be laid in state at the Capitol.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Billy Graham to Be Permanently Commemorated in US Capitol in ‘Rare Honor’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Judge Hands NY Democrats Massive Loss, Axes Abortion Rights Measure

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 7th 2024 at 18:40

A state judge in New York has shot down a pro-abortion ballot measure just ahead of the November election, dealing a blow to Democrats who hoped to use the initiative as a top campaign issue this fall.

A judge in Livingston County ruled on Tuesday that Democratic legislators did not follow the constitutionally required steps to place the measure on the ballot, according to the New York Post.

State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Doyle found that they approved the measure before obtaining a legal opinion from state Attorney General Letitia James’ office, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported.

New York already has some of the strongest protections for abortion and abortionists in the country, yet Democrats in the Empire State have been trying to make abortion a central issue in this year’s election with absurd claims that it is endangered in a deep-blue state that is fully controlled by Democrats.

The Democratic Party hopes to use the initiative to boost voter turnout.

“Our decades-long fight to protect equality and reproductive freedom will not be thrown off track by one extremist judge and I look forward to casting my ballot for the Equal Rights Amendment in November,” Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a statement.

Critics of the ballot measure said the language is an attack on parental rights because it would make it illegal to deny a minor’s request for an abortion — or other “health” services, such as “transgender” procedures.

The measure would ask New York voters if they support adding language to the state constitution saying that people cannot be denied rights based on their “ethnicity, national origin, age, and disability” or “sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy.”

Detractors said that not only would parents be prohibited from having a say in abortions for their children, but the measure also would force schools to adopt the “transgender” agenda.

“Schools would be required to permit biological males to compete on girls’ sports teams if voters approve this amendment,” the Coalition to Protect Kids said in a statement last month, according to the Post.

Critics blasted the measure as “the Parent Replacement Act,” with the Coalition to Protect Kids saying it “opens the floodgates” for government interference in families.

“This ballot initiative is written so broadly and so poorly that it could cause irreparable harm to children and families,” said Greg Garvey, New York executive director of the coalition.

Opponents — including Republican Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes of Livingston County — went to court to prevent the measure from being placed on the ballot.

Byrnes told the Post she was pleased with the judge’s decision to block the measure.

“While the state is controlled by one party, our constitution and our laws must be honored. I am pleased with Justice Doyle’s decision which upholds the plain meaning and integrity of the constitution of our state,” she said.

A recent poll found that a supermajority of American voters oppose abortions after the third month of pregnancy, but the New York ballot measure would go against that sentiment by approving unrestricted abortion.

New York state law currently guarantees a right to abortion up to 24 weeks — or six months — and also protects abortion until birth if the fetus is unviable or if the mother’s life is endangered by the pregnancy.

Shockingly, the law includes “mental health” as a reason for abortion up until birth.

Naturally, Democrats plan to appeal the judge’s ruling, so this measure might yet end up on the ballot.

But it all just goes to show how Democrats use abortion as a political wedge even when the “right” they claim to be worried about isn’t in danger in the least bit.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Judge Hands NY Democrats Massive Loss, Axes Abortion Rights Measure appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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GOP Governor Declares War on Lab-Grown Meat, Signs Law Making Distribution, Sale, Manufacture Illegal

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 5th 2024 at 12:00

Some Americans are merely disgusted by the idea of lab-grown meats, but many others are actually alarmed at the prospect of eating synthetic foods.

One state is now taking the lead by banning lab-grown meat from even being sold inside its borders.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that actually outlaws the sale of lab-grown meat in Florida making the Sunshine State the first to enact such a law.

DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1084 into law on May 1 during a visit to Wauchula, Florida.

Speaking at the Hardee County Cattleman’s Arena in Wauchula, DeSantis said that Florida stands with agriculture.

“In the State of Florida, we’ve put down the marker very clearly: We stand with agriculture,” DeSantis said, according to WTVT-TV. “We stand with the cattle ranchers. We stand with our farmers. Because we understand it’s important for the backbone of the state, it’s important for the culture, it’s important for our heritage.”

The new law makes several alterations to rules from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services that now prohibits the manufacture, sale, holding or distribution of “cultivated meat” in Florida.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Wilton Simpson also celebrated the signing of SB 1084.

“Florida is making a tremendous step in the right direction by signing first-in-the-nation legislation banning lab-grown meat,” Simpson exclaimed. “Lab-grown meat is a disgraceful attempt to undermine our proud traditions and prosperity and is in direct opposition to authentic agriculture.”

“We must protect our incredible farmers and the integrity of American agriculture. Lab-grown meat is a disgraceful attempt to undermine our proud traditions and prosperity and is in direct opposition to authentic agriculture,” Simpson added, according to KXAN-TV.

One company that sells lab-created meat products said they were “disappointed” at the news and insisted, “We’re not going anywhere.”

“In a state that purportedly prides itself on being a land of freedom and individual liberty, its government is now telling consumers what meat they can or cannot purchase,” Good Meat said in an X post.

“The law is a setback for everyone: Floridians who deserve the right to eat whatever safe and approved meat they want; Florida’s technology sector, innovators and entrepreneurs; and all those working to stop the worst impacts of climate change,” the company added.

Some nutritionists have also sounded the alarm over products developed in labs over claims they lack essential nutrients.

Still, Florida is not the first jurisdiction to reject lab-grown meat products. In Europe, Italy has also turned against the products by banning lab-grown meats as a “health threat.”

Regardless, several large meat producers have begun investing large sums of money into the development of lab-grown food products.

And despite the wide-spread disgust many feel towards the whole idea of synthetic meat, many elites — including Bill Gates — are pushing world leaders to reduce animal-based food production and replace it with artificial products such as lab-grown meats.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post GOP Governor Declares War on Lab-Grown Meat, Signs Law Making Distribution, Sale, Manufacture Illegal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Bidenomics Is Killing the American Dream of Owning Your Own Home Nationwide – Study

By: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal — May 5th 2024 at 09:45

Joe Biden’s economy is having a serious negative impact all across the country and as prices on everything we need skyrocket, the dream of owning a home is slipping away.

A new study, for instance, finds that it is now cheaper to rent than it is to buy a home in the country’s 50 largest metro areas. And this is putting serious pressure on home builders and sales.

It is more cost effective to rent a place to live than to own a home, Bankrate said in a report it published at the end of April.

While the cost of rent soared over the last few years, the cost of buying and owning a home has not only caught up to that rise in rent but has eclipsed it as mortgage rates have begun rising and low home inventory have created higher prices, the report adds.

The personal finance resources company notes that owning a home now costs nearly 37 percent more than renting.

It was already so bad last year that Americans had to earn a record high annual income to be able to afford a home, as The Western Journal reported in October, but in the last year that problem has worsened.

Despite all this, 78 percent of Americans still feel that owning their own home is an integral part of the American dream, and they would like to be homeowners.

But a large number, 56 percent, also told the company that their income prevents them from fulfilling that dream, while 42 percent said home prices are too high.

Bankrate’s analysis found that in 50 metros, a mortgage for a median-priced home worth just over $400,000 costs $2,703 a month whereas rent only costs $1,979. That is a huge 36.6 percent difference.

Even worse, in 21 of those metro areas, the cost of a monthly mortgage is 50 percent higher than renting.

“Purchasing a home is a long-term commitment. Home price appreciation has slowed considerably and costs have risen dramatically since the days of 3 percent mortgage rates, so it’s going to take more time to break even on a purchase compared to renting.,” said Zillow chief economist Skylar Olsen.

It seems unlikely any of the elites at the World Economic Forum will shed a tear for the destruction of wealth this trend represents. For many families, a home is the largest investment they will make. Additionally, having the realistic potential of owning real property like a home is a cornerstone of a free society. It’s almost certain the WEF will be quite happy that Americans can’t afford the luxuries of investments and property.

That organization recently posted a video containing its “8 predictions for 2030” in which it noted that one of its top goals is to make sure the lowly common man will “own nothing” and will “be happy” about it.

The elites want to tear down the American dream, of course. The lofty ideas of ownership and controlling one’s own destiny is an impediment to their power grabbing and their authoritarian desires to rule over us all.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Bidenomics Is Killing the American Dream of Owning Your Own Home Nationwide – Study appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
