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Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About

By: Robert Spencer — April 13th 2023 at 05:00
Terrorists Are Crossing the Border, But Relax: ‘Experts’ Say It’s Nothing to Worry About
New in PJ Media: We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel

By: Robert Spencer — April 12th 2023 at 12:00
UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel
“But the Government is powerless to remove any of the 19, because they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment in their home countries.” This is a nation in its death throes. When it is more concerned about the rights and safety of people in other countries than of its own people, what future can […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

By: Robert Spencer — April 12th 2023 at 11:00
Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing

By: Robert Spencer — April 10th 2023 at 16:00
Afghan Muslim migrants in US directed ‘racism, sexism’ at aid workers, were angry at inferior housing
Anyone who finds this surprising knows nothing of Afghan and Islamic culture, and its attitudes toward non-Muslims and women. It’s unlikely that anyone in these NGOs knows anything about the Islamic understanding of the Infidel obligation to support Muslims financially, either. NGOs would have dismissed any warnings about all this as “Islamophobic.” But although they’ll […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’

By: Robert Spencer — April 10th 2023 at 11:00
France: Muslim migrant writes to colleges, synagogue: ‘I’m going to make you like Samuel Paty. I will behead you.’
Diversity is our strength! “‘I will make you like Samuel Paty’: an individual sentenced to five years in prison for letters threatening and apologizing for terrorism,” translated from ““Je vais vous faire comme Samuel Paty” : un individu condamné à cinq ans de prison pour des lettres de menaces et d’apologie du terrorisme,” Valeurs Actuelles, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women

By: Robert Spencer — April 9th 2023 at 16:00
Islamic scholar claims Muslim migrants only accepted in Europe if they say they’re Communists, have sex with women
In reality, all manner of Sharia-adherent Muslims are coming to Europe, and Europeans are bending over backwards to accommodate them. “Afghan Islamic Scholar Khalifa Deen Mohammad: Muslim Refugees In Europe Are Only Granted Asylum If They Conceal Their Faith, Have Sex With Women Sent By The Government To Test Them,” MEMRI, March 23, 2023: Afghan […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman

By: Robert Spencer — April 8th 2023 at 08:00
Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam

By: Robert Spencer — April 6th 2023 at 14:00
Denmark: Muslim migrant who murdered two people collects $1900 monthly pension, is training to be an imam
He’s mentally ill, you see, but healthy enough to become an imam. Lord, what fools these Infidels be. “​Double murderer and imam apprentice get an early pension,” translated from “Dobbeltmorder og imamlærling får førtidspension,” by Bertil B. Fruelund and James Kristoffer Miles, Ekstra Bladet, April 5, 2023 (thanks to L.): A 62-year-old Iraqi citizen who […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby

By: Robert Spencer — April 5th 2023 at 16:00
UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby
Posted by an Afghan illegal – a man proudly waving the Taliban flag in Derby. An example of what the government is allowing into our country. They’re even housing some of them on military bases where some of our armed forces and their families live nearby. It won't end well. — Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Greece signs contract to extend border fence with Turkey to keep out migrants

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — April 4th 2023 at 10:00
Greece signs contract to extend border fence with Turkey to keep out migrants
Any reliable leader knows that responsible immigration policies are imperative for national security. An open border amounts to an invitation to all manner of criminal and terrorist. Leaders who have implemented such policies have round-the-clock security, paid for by taxpayers. The economic future of these irresponsible “public servants” is also guaranteed, courtesy of taxpayers. Greek […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 13:00
Italy: Albanian woman murdered by her husband as she asks son for help on phone — ‘Dad wants to kill me’
Was this an honor killing? Whether it was or wasn’t, would it have been simply responsible journalism to report on the fact, so that people could be informed accordingly about what exactly is going on here? Albania is nearly 60% Muslim. In the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 12:00
Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

About Those Six Muslims Charged In Vienna with Cruelty to Animals

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — April 3rd 2023 at 09:00
About Those Six Muslims Charged In Vienna with Cruelty to Animals
It was in 1683 that the Muslim Turks, in their invasion of south and central Europe, lay siege to Vienna for the second and last time. They did not obtain their objective; the Viennese withstood the attack. That unsuccessful siege was the high water mark of the Ottoman entry into Europe. Now, in 2023, there are […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon

By: Robert Spencer — April 2nd 2023 at 16:00
France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon
Celebrate diversity! What happens when you bring in a large number of people who believe that violence can be holy under the right circumstances, and have contempt for the legal system of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? “Lyon: three stabbings since Friday at Guillotière, at least 6 injured to deplore,” translated from […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals

By: Robert Spencer — April 2nd 2023 at 15:00
Austria: Six Muslims in court for illegally slaughtering 213 sheep for Islamic rituals
“According to the public prosecutor’s office, 213 sheep were slaughtered without the prescribed stunning.” That’s just standard halal butchering practice. Soon the Austrian authorities will back down, release these men, and apologize for their “Islamophobia.” “213 sheep illegally slaughtered: Six Viennese Muslims in court,” translated from “213 Schafe illegal geschächtet: Sechs Wiener Muslime vor Gericht,” […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them

By: Robert Spencer — April 1st 2023 at 16:00
Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them
All too often, virtue in a Sharia context is not actually the free choice of the good, but a shallow conformism based on fear. “He drinks during Ramadan and is stabbed: more blood in Central Station,” translated from “Beve durante il Ramadan e viene accoltellato: ancora sangue in stazione Centrale,” by Francesca Galici, Il Giornale, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”

By: Robert Spencer — April 1st 2023 at 14:00
Sweden: “At school, the students say I’m dirty. By ‘dirty’ they mean that I am white and Christian.”
“O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28) What? The Qur’an considers Christians to be idolaters? Certainly: “It is not fitting for Allah that he should take to himself a son. Glory be to him, when he decrees a thing, he says to it only, Be, and it is.” (Qur’an 19:35) “They […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’

By: Robert Spencer — March 31st 2023 at 15:00
Sweden: Court seals photos of Muslim migrant rapists so they won’t be ‘exposed to the disrespect of others’
What is Sweden going to be like in five years? Ten? “Court of Appeal: Rapists ‘become exposed to the disrespect of others,'” translated from “Hovrätten: Våldtäktsmän ”blir utsatta för andras missaktning,” Samnytt, March 27, 2023: The three men who earlier this month were convicted of robbing and raping prostitutes in Malmö risk being exposed to […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries

By: Vijeta Uniyal — March 31st 2023 at 11:00
Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries
With unchecked mass migration from Muslim-majority North Africa and Middle East, the German authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in child marriages across the country. Germany’s top constitutional court on Wednesday urged the government to ease the child marriage law which nullifies such marital unions, and requires the separation of child brides from […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered

By: Robert Spencer — March 29th 2023 at 14:00
Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered
Celebrate diversity! This plot was a direct result of mass Muslim migration into Europe. You know, the mass migration that only “racists” and “Islamophobes” oppose. The Left is forcing “diversity” upon Europe in a sea of blood. “Greek police uncover Pakistani plot to attack Jewish synagogue in Athens – ‘€15,000 per dead,'” Greek City Times, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 29th 2023 at 07:00
UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country
Earlier this month, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman was condemned “for suggesting that 100 million asylum seekers could come to the UK without her planned immigration crackdown.” Now, “UK Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has reportedly launched a probe into visas given to hostile Islamist clerics from Iran amid fears that they could be using ‘backdoor’ […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’

By: Robert Spencer — March 28th 2023 at 13:00
UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’
They’re upset about the quality of the accommodations and food, also. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’

By: Robert Spencer — March 28th 2023 at 12:00
Sweden: Muslim migrants send their son back to Somalia, where he is chained and beaten to make him a ‘true Muslim’
“They thought that it is better that their son was there than in a destructive environment here,” says Mohamed Hassan Alim, who clearly agrees. Now, it is certainly true that no good would have come from Mohamed Hassan Alim turning to a life of crime. But what is the likelihood that he will grow up […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center

By: Robert Spencer — March 28th 2023 at 11:00
Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center
We’re told that the attacker has “psychological problems.” That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation were it not for the fact that it is so often used even in obvious cases of jihad violence. As this took place at an Ismaili Shia center, is it possible that the perpetrator was Sunni? Certainly the fact that […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader

By: Robert Spencer — March 27th 2023 at 13:00
UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader
Leftists everywhere, as drunk as ever on identity politics, are celebrating this, and that’s fine. There will certainly be many, many more Muslim officials in the UK after Hamza Yousaf, and eventually there will be only Muslim officials. But Yousaf himself is likely only to exacerbate divisions in Britain, and certainly nothing will be done […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years

By: Robert Spencer — March 27th 2023 at 12:00
Spain: Muslim population increases ten times in the last 30 years
What could possibly go wrong? Sure none of the new Muslim arrivals in Spain hold to Hassan al-Banna’s adage that “Islam must dominate, and not be dominated,” right? Any concern about them is solely “Islamophobia,” right? “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah; then if they give over, surely […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years

By: Robert Spencer — March 27th 2023 at 10:00
Germany: Islamic State executioner becomes ‘asylum seeker,’ hides in Essen for several years
And he had no trouble getting into Germany. To have scrutinized his background too closely would have been “Islamophobic.” “ISIS executioner hid in Essen for several years,” translated from “ISIS-Henker versteckte sich seit mehreren Jahren in Essen,” by Frank Schneider, Bild, March 22, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A Syrian has been arrested in Essen who […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 16:00
Swedish Security Police help Muslim get to the country, but he’s wanted for serious war crimes in Syria
Did the Security Police know he was wanted for war crimes and Syria and just didn’t care? Or did they not know, which is even worse? “Syrian migrant requested to be detained for serious war crimes in Syria,” translated from “Syrisk migrant begärs häktad för grova krigsbrott i Syrien,” by Mattias Albinsson, Samnytt, March 23, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 15:00
Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab
There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 10:00
Austria: Leader of migrant party demands that streets be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan
London has set a precedent that cities all over Europe will soon follow. “Migrants demand: streets should be ‘appropriately’ decorated for Ramadan,” translated from “Migranten fordern: Straßen sollen zum Ramadan „angemessen“ geschmückt werden,” Unzensuriert, March 24, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): This year, from March 23 to April 21, Muslims will celebrate their month of fasting, […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship

By: Robert Spencer — March 25th 2023 at 15:00
Denmark: Supreme Court rules that it’s illegal to deprive an Islamic State Muslima of her citizenship
She may have explicitly renounced her citizenship, and certainly renounced it implicitly, when she joined an entity that is at war with Denmark and other Western states, but who cares? Celebrate diversity! What could possibly go wrong? “The Supreme Court: It is illegal to deprive an IS woman of her citizenship,” translated from “Højesteret: Ulovligt […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten

By: Robert Spencer — March 25th 2023 at 14:00
Austria: Muslim responsible for ISIS graffiti was part of group plotting jihad massacres in Vienna and St. Pölten
Come on, man! Celebrate diversity! An update on this story. “IS supporters arrested: Macedonians (19) are said to have planned terrorist attacks in Vienna,” translated from “IS-Anhänger gefasst: Mazedonier (19) soll Terror-Anschläge in Wien geplant haben,” by Michael Koch, Exxpress, March 21, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Twelve graffiti with IS slogans were discovered in St. […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Muslim migrant arrested for stabbing Italian soldier in the neck, killing him, ‘motive still unclear’

By: Robert Spencer — March 23rd 2023 at 11:00
Muslim migrant arrested for stabbing Italian soldier in the neck, killing him, ‘motive still unclear’
Might the motive have something to do with this injunction? “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4) “Various facts: The dangerous murderer of an Italian military nurse arrested in the TGV between Perpignan and Figuères,” translated from “Faits divers: Le dangereux meurtrier d’un infirmier militaire italien arrêté dans le TGV entre Perpignan […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 22nd 2023 at 12:00
UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran
Something is very wrong in the UK, which on top of everything else is now serving as a haven for an Iranian rapist whose fear of having to return to Iran didn’t stop him from committing his crime in the first place. If the victim were a relative of Judge John Keith, Keith would likely […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 07:00
UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an
Britain has long ago capitulated on issues of this kind, so this is no surprise. Pamela Geller and I were banned from Britain ten years ago for the crime of planning to lay a wreath at a memorial to Drummer Lee Rigby, who was murdered on a London street by an Islamic jihadi. Rasmus Paludan […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese

By: Robert Spencer — March 20th 2023 at 12:00
Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese
Turks and Lebanese; what might they have in common? Could this spike in knife attacks and rapes have to do with admitting large numbers of people from cultures that teach that violence is acceptable and even holy in certain circumstances, and that non-Muslim women can in certain circumstances be taken for sexual use? And where […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 15:00
France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones
Senegal is 97% Muslim. The cross is an affront to Islam. The Qur’an claims that Jesus was not crucified, although in somewhat equivocal language for what is supposed to be the perfect word of an omniscient god: “And because of their saying, We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the messenger of Allah, they […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 14:00
France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 13:00
France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle
There is violence against women in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is violence against women in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Had this Libyan internalized the idea that violence against women was justified in certain circumstances? Where did he get the idea […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Norway: Muslim migrants rape teen girls, only one journalist shows up for trial but is denied entry

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 12:00
Norway: Muslim migrants rape teen girls, only one journalist shows up for trial but is denied entry
The mass-migration endeavor must be protected at all costs. “Eritreans and Somalis raped a 13-year-old in Oslo after Snapchat grooming,” translated from “Eritreer og somalier voldtok 13-åring i Oslo etter Snapchat-grooming,” by Julie Dahle, Human Rights Service, March 16, 2023 (thanks to L.): The online newspaper Document was denied access to the courtroom when two […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’

By: Robert Spencer — March 18th 2023 at 12:00
Germany: In Düsseldorf, Leftist politicians put up Arabic street signs to ‘represent the diversity of our city’
This is marvelous. What a wonderful sign of welcoming and inclusion! But look at the relative ages of the people in the photo, and consider also the supremacist and expansionist aspects of Islam. How long will it be before the German-language sign is taken down? “Ellerstrasse and شارع إلَرْ,” translated from “Ellerstraße und شارع إلَرْ,” […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 18th 2023 at 10:00
European Union makes a U-turn, says it’s time to deport more illegals
The irrational leaders of the EU fought long and hard to defend their reckless open-door immigration policies, even calling countries such as Hungary, which opposed those policies, “undemocratic.” Smears including “anti-immigrant,” “racist” and “Islamophobe” were also levied at anyone who protested against the invasion of mostly Muslim economic migrants who entered Europe illegally in droves. […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’

By: Robert Spencer — March 18th 2023 at 07:00
NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’
He also called for “jihad” and “war against non-Muslims.” Why haven’t the multitudes of moderate Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. gone to Yonkers to explain to Ridon Kola how he is misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Meanwhile, where did Kola get this crucifixion idea? Could it have been from here? “The only reward for those […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator

By: Robert Spencer — March 17th 2023 at 15:00
Switzerland: Muslim migrant pushes mother and children in front of car, says he’s not violent, assaults translator
What happens when you bring people over from a culture that glorifies and sanctifies violence and make no attempt to require them to accept the mores of the welcoming country? “Afghan (26) pushes a mother with two small children in front of a moving car,” translated from “Afghane (26) stößt Mutter mit zwei kleinen Kindern […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah

By: Robert Spencer — March 15th 2023 at 12:00
NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah
After he murdered eight people for Allah, U.S. taxpayers will now pay for his upkeep for half a century. “NYC bike path attacker to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on death penalty,” by Marta Dhanis and Paul Best, Fox News, March 13, 2023: The convicted murderer who killed eight […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery

By: Robert Spencer — March 14th 2023 at 14:00
France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery
Investigators suspect that these weapons “were intended for Toulouse delinquents,” who are themselves largely Muslim migrants. For some of these, the overall goal is to destabilize the state and ultimately replace it with an Islamic state. “Tarbes: A large delivery of weapons intercepted in the parking lot of a hotel,” translated from “Tarbes : Une […]