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☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — April 10th 2023 at 09:00
Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’
At the age of six, a Turkish girl — identified only by her initials HKG — was married off to 29-year-old Kadir Istekli, a friend of her family, by her father. Why at the age of six? That was the age at which little Aisha was called in from playing on her swing to be […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman

By: Robert Spencer — April 8th 2023 at 08:00
Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Glazov Gang: Punishment for Discussing Islam and Child Marriage

By: Jamie Glazov — April 7th 2023 at 02:00
Glazov Gang: Punishment for Discussing Islam and Child Marriage
This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a free-speech champion, author of The Truth is No Defense and host of her own weekly show on Elisabeth discusses Punishment for Discussing Islam and Child Marriage, reflecting on Why you shouldn’t dare even mention what the Qur’an and Hadiths […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — April 6th 2023 at 11:00
Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs
Pakistan’s foreign office is now criticizing British Home Secretary Suella Braverman for “’discriminatory and xenophobic’ comments after she said that British Pakistani men ‘hold cultural values at odds with British values’….Braverman also alleged British Pakistani men worked in child abuse rings or networks that targeted ‘vulnerable white English girls.'” Braverman is absolutely correct, but one […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Ramadan in Israel: Six Muslims drug, gang-rape 13-year-old Israeli girl

By: Robert Spencer — April 4th 2023 at 15:00
Ramadan in Israel: Six Muslims drug, gang-rape 13-year-old Israeli girl
“We call this phenomenon ‘sexual terrorism’ – the sex crimes Arab men commit against Jewish women out of nationalistic motives.” Not quite “nationalistic,” although that is Israel’s euphemism of choice for Islamic jihad activity. Every non-Muslim nation has one. The reality of the situation is this: In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are

By: Robert Spencer — April 4th 2023 at 13:00
UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are
These “sex-grooming gangs” get their justification from Islamic theology, but no one in Britain dares to admit that, and so this promise of a new crackdown will end up like all the other promises, proven to be useless verbiage. Neither Sunak nor anyone around him will ever admit the fact that while sexual molestation happens […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days

By: Robert Spencer — April 3rd 2023 at 12:00
Sweden: Muslim migrants lure 13-year-old girl, hold and rape her for several days
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries

By: Vijeta Uniyal — March 31st 2023 at 11:00
Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries
With unchecked mass migration from Muslim-majority North Africa and Middle East, the German authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in child marriages across the country. Germany’s top constitutional court on Wednesday urged the government to ease the child marriage law which nullifies such marital unions, and requires the separation of child brides from […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Egypt: Cops use apps Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to find and arrest homosexuals

By: Robert Spencer — March 27th 2023 at 14:00
Egypt: Cops use apps Tinder, Bumble and Grindr to find and arrest homosexuals
Twenty-first century Sharia enforcement. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab

By: Robert Spencer — March 26th 2023 at 15:00
Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab
There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Belgium: Antwerp venue cancels ‘Queer Iftar’ after threats from Muslims

By: Robert Spencer — March 25th 2023 at 12:00
Belgium: Antwerp venue cancels ‘Queer Iftar’ after threats from Muslims
These attempts to appropriate and recast religious traditions on the basis of contemporary cultural fads are offensive to many people. Only one group, however, threatens the safety of participants and forces the cancellation of the event. The venue, by canceling, has just reinforced the proposition that terrorism works and that jihadis can get what they […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran

By: Christine Douglass-Williams — March 22nd 2023 at 12:00
UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran
Something is very wrong in the UK, which on top of everything else is now serving as a haven for an Iranian rapist whose fear of having to return to Iran didn’t stop him from committing his crime in the first place. If the victim were a relative of Judge John Keith, Keith would likely […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 03:00
New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. As Leftists go about reshaping reality to suit themselves or deceiving themselves into thinking they’re doing so, they’re […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

UK: Christian lecturer fired for saying ‘homosexuality is invading the church’

By: Robert Spencer — March 20th 2023 at 13:00
UK: Christian lecturer fired for saying ‘homosexuality is invading the church’
Here is more evidence that the Left is at war with reality. Homosexuality is invading the Church; just look at what has been going on in the Roman Catholic Church, with the endless molestation scandals, and the Orthodox and others have their own problems of a similar kind. So Aaron Edwards was fired for telling […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese

By: Robert Spencer — March 20th 2023 at 12:00
Germany: Huge increase in knife attacks and rapes, most perpetrators are foreigners, including Turks and Lebanese
Turks and Lebanese; what might they have in common? Could this spike in knife attacks and rapes have to do with admitting large numbers of people from cultures that teach that violence is acceptable and even holy in certain circumstances, and that non-Muslim women can in certain circumstances be taken for sexual use? And where […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 14:00
France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality

By: Robert Spencer — March 19th 2023 at 11:00
France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality
No one in this case seems to be in the least concerned with whether or not what this fellow said was true. Imagine the embarrassment of French authorities when they discover that he was simply enunciating a mainstream Sharia position. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace […]