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Request A Favor?

By: Anonymous Conservative — May 6th 2024 at 12:44

If you can, please download this LibreOffice document and save it. It is where the book is now, or books, as the case may be,

It is nowhere near finished, just rough chapters, really, but if I cease writing, or disappear, obviously nobody is coming after anyone over copyright issues if you polish it up and get it published.

On the upside, we are striking a real nerve, but on the downside, we are probably going to see just how far the rabbit hole goes, because it is pretty clear God put us here for that reason.

Trust unto God and he will guide your path. Book2.odt

I should also add, I think the heat is turning up because I am looking at combining a flyer campaign with a chain-letter request, where everyone who sees the site and sees the surveillance agrees to spread it by mailing 20 or 50 letters, or hanging 20 or 50 door hangers promoting the material elsewhere.

I think they fear us leaving this internet they control. I almost think you could get in nearly as much trouble as me by promoting a modern luddite movement, devoted to meeting up in person and doing things together as a form of rebellion against the Cabals control.

Don’t let them trap you here.


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Thoughts On The 60 Minutes Havana Story

By: Anonymous Conservative — March 31st 2024 at 22:10

60 Minutes piece on Havana Syndrome is here.

The piece is filled with totally ridiculous assertions, which the people asserting should know are ridiculous, though it contains interesting details. The premise is that one FBI Agent hit in the US worked on a case involving a Russian immigrant, who though he was a professional chef, once did Russian military service as an electronics engineer. Ergo, they say, Havana Syndrome must be the Russians. The connection is so weak and tenuous it is laughable.

Then they roll out a Pentagon investigator saying he thinks it is the Russians. They add, he has started a company which is looking to get government money to help the Havana Syndrome victims. How much government money would be funneled to him if he exposed the domestic surveillance in America, pointed out there were thousands of cases of directed energy weapons used on innocent citizens, including my case, all of whom saw the domestic surveillance. Do you think he would get money for pointing out Bill Binney said it was the US government beaming innocent citizens, when he created, which the government forced to shut down, even before Havana was a phrase for the weapon? How much do you think this guy will get for saying it is Russia, Russia, Russia?

Let me explain for a moment how this FBI Agent’s case would work, since nobody seems to know how domestic intelligence would handle such a thing. American Agents, of CIA, FBI,  State, and White House Cabinet-level officials are being hit, some on White House grounds, by a foreign adversary using potentially lethal directed energy weapons, which could be used to kill the President since they were deployed on White House grounds. (And that itself, is a sign it is the US intelligence community. The weapon was deployed in the most heavily surveilled capitol of the most technologically sophisticated nation, within a zone even more surveilled by US Secret Service, and nobody knows how it was done? You cannot beam someone on White House grounds, unless you have the power to neuter the entire national security and law enforcement apparatus. Only the US Intelligence Community has that power.)

Now FBI has an agent, who reports being hit in their home, and a target of this hidden adversary.

Within a half hour, FBI will have multiple local mobile surveillance teams (MSTs) deployed to her neighborhood, driving through it at intervals with cars straight out of Star Trek, recording everything from thermal video, to radio-wave spectrums, as well as your usual mix of dog-walkers, bicyclists, and power walkers. There will be telephone pole tech deployed by guys who look like regular electric company linemen, listening and watching all over, from a central control center devoted to this op. There will be static positions established which look like road work crews, and their trucks by the side of the road will covertly scan everything going in and coming out. They would probably also assign aviation to overwatch from above, 24/7. They would set about procuring another home or ten, covertly, to install tech in, to get up on all rf emissions, for communications and otherwise. They will pull the database files on everyone in the neighborhood and be in the utilities, seeing electrical consumption, they will do cell phone geolocation data to see who is in the neighborhood and where they go, and they will be running EMF looking for anything unusual in the neighborhood. They will get ears in every house, sans warrant, with wave-form triangulating geophone/microphone arrays and backdoored tech like cell phones and Alexas,

She is now a tier one countersurveillance priority, and nothing is happening around her that is not getting the third degree in the file. Bump into her in the grocery aisle, and their people, also “shopping” in the aisle, will note it, follow you home, and by the end of the day they know who your first kiss was, and  who beat you up in kindergarten. This is not something FBI countersurveillance is untrained for, or has never done before. Their machinery is bigger than you can imagine.

The female FBI agent says she was hit at her home in Florida, and while traveling in California. You have seen the ground surveillance in America. Regular citizens like me have 24/7 coverage, watching us always. There is no way you have a mobile Russian unit, which is running coverage ON AN FBI AGENT closely enough to target her in her home, and know her travel schedule, and where she will be, and lug a big, power-intensive directed energy weapon around across the country to set up on her in a mobile, public environment, while evading the notice of any FBI or American Stasi surveillance which is looking for it.

There is no way they get close enough to hit her in California, and not have her immediately call her contact and note she was just hit, and not have the MSTs flooded around her told she was just hit, and they scour the environment around her for anything, and are unable to find anything. It does not work that way. You cannot operate in the US right now, against the American Stasi. I go out into it every day.

They would have put her in a bubble when they took her out to California. There would be nobody in the hotel they didn’t go over, nobody coming and going they don’t know who they are, where they just came from (from the local neighborhood Stasi operations which tracked them departing), and what their story is going back to when they were kids.

There are interesting tidbits in the piece. There are dozens of CIA cases which have happened domestically. Again, that is the American Stasi. It is the only player, because it is so big it has made itself the only player.

And there are electronic anomalies in computers, which glitch during incidents. I have long said on this site, I get computer glitches during vehicle driveby’s.

I had hypothesized they were scanning houses, and that there were vehicles which beamed microwaves 24/7 out the side as they drove around, scanning homes to create a model of inside everyone’s house. Now I am wondering if those are mobile, physical degradation platforms, programmed to hit the houses of people who the machine wants worn down somewhat, and the drivers just drive around all the time, maybe guided by GPS, and the machines in the cars hit houses as they pass them. It might not be scans. It could be like the planes and heart attacks.

The Pentagon official noted these attacks only target the top 5-10% performing officers across their agencies. They are trying to degrade the US national security apparatus, and disable those 5-10% of our best operators, who should rise to the top of their organizations, so they can replace them with their controlled mid-wit plants. The meritocracy is the biggest enemy of Cabal.

Clearly this is the foreign-funded and controlled Stasi-like intelligence operation we describe on our surveillance page, created by global elites so rich we do not know who they are, diffused throughout American society. It runs the Stasi-like domestic surveillance networks in each and every neighborhood, as well as the massive civilian informant network which periodically makes the news over some gangstalking incident, and which you can see hundreds of cases from on twitter, of people being assaulted with directed energy weapons. It is the same people blowing holes in Bill Binney’s steel shielding in his home (video of Bill talking about it here). I can show you videos of them running street theater in front of my house right after the recordings I made of being hit by the impulse weapon. They were not Russians. These are American Quislings, who have sold all of us out to foreigners for their thirty pieces of silver.

This is the second time a sensitive case involving the American Stasi has been taken by Pelley and covered up. The first was Brain Mancini, the Veteran who ran the Honor House charity, who was gangstalked into committing suicide. You can see unmistakable video of gangstalking like this one, on my surveillance page. It is real, and Brian was harassed so constantly by it, he killed himself (assuming they did not kill him, and make it look that way). Pelley did a whole piece on how Brian must have gone crazy from his service injuries, and it ridiculous to think you could be gangstalked.

Still interesting is they are talking about it at all. Until now the American Stasi’s policy on Directed Energy Weapons was to deny they could ever exist, because they did not want Americans realizing they were being deployed in the US on fellow citizens by a psychotic intelligence community which had compromised everything in the government for a foreign master. Something has changed, or something is coming, which has led them to change tack, and try to blame it all on Russia. As I have said, we real American patriots have a potent potential ally in Russia, as the enemy of our enemy.

It makes me think they fear there will be a reveal soon, and they are trying to get ahead of it.

Nevertheless, don’t let anything in the piece fool you.

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Gently Rapping At My Chamber Door

By: Anonymous Conservative — January 1st 2024 at 14:53

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

So I have been sleeping under the lead dental blanket to attenuate the vibrations. It stops your body from vibrating, however as you lay there, you could feel the blanket vibrating. I noted this to others, who reported the same thing. It appears surveillance was able to use this, to create targeted pulses to the lead blanket. I first thought it was some sort of particle beam spattering particles onto the blanket. I recorded what is sounded like here, in this recording:

I was vaguely worried the particles might be making it through the blanket and taking out some brain matter. Then things accelerated.

Background. I am laying behind a stone fireplace, on the floor, on couch cushions. About a foot and a half over me is the steel door of an old freezer, thick as fuck, laid horizontal on supports, to degrade any particle beam coming from above somehow. Over it, a lead dental blanket. over that, another floor of a house. Under the freezer door, I lay, one lead dental blanket, doubled, over my head. I am on my side. Over that, a Diamond Craft, large fry pan, Stainless Steel, bottom up, probably 14 inches across. Thick as can be, as I am concerned some particles from what I thought was a particle beam might be making it through the lead blanket.

It sounds ridiculous, I know. I once led a “normal” blind life like you. But when in this situation, you do what you have to.

Two more dental blankets covering me entirely over that, single layer thick, one high one low. Over the fry pan, below the top lead dental blanket sheet, a smart phone, recording.

I felt the taps which were captured on the frypan, and went no deeper. You could hear them clearly. (There is a video here by Dr Katherine Horton, an Oxford Trained PhD in particle physics, where at 7:28 you can hear the sound of an impact from this exact weapon on a baking pan she is trying to shield herself with), Maybe they were tapping the pan instead of me purposely, maybe even laughing, I do not know if they could have gotten through it. I was laughing inside, as I could feel frustration in the taps as I ignored them. The taps increased, the very last one was a surprise, as it felt like about twenty pounds of pressure, pressing, (not slamming) my head into the pillow, and sliding the fry pan and doubled lead blanket off my face somewhat. I think the first swoosh you hear is actually it, or some field effect acting on the phone.

I exploded up throwing everything off with an almost instinctual feeling someone was on top of me, and we were about to fight. Nobody was there. The reverberations early on are the scanning vibrations/electricity. I think they are mapping out exactly where I am. It was silent in the room for me at that point, though my whole body was bathed in an electricity sensation. Best listened to with headphones. It gets loud at the end as I throw everything, including the frypan off, to fight:


I wish I had not jumped up, to see where it was going next, and how hard the tech could have pushed, but between the demon-like feeling of a poltergeist, the possibility this might not be human tech with the UAP/CIA phenomenon lately, and the possibility somebody had actually snuck in while I was under all that shit, I did break first. I mean it was like seeing a ghost. It could even have been demonic, and demonic is interdimensional alien tech. Even though it is only humans using some kind of advanced harassment technology, it feels like that, and in the moment, it was exhilarating.

Bonus footage, the end of a nap on Christmas eve afternoon, on a recliner, recorded in Thermal. my head is up and to the right under a lead dental blanket,  which comes up over my head, and back under it. I am on my side, facing the right. Another blanket is over my legs. Over the lead dental blanket I have taped a sheet of aluminum foil, on top of seven or eight paper towels, to insulate it from the heat of the lead dental blanket. The heat is down in the house to make the whole thing tolerable, so the aluminum foil is cooler. I was hit with the spattering, which is rapid tapping, for the last few seconds, right over the foil. Since I had no hard metal under the tapping/spattering, I got up immediately. You will see the energy heat the foil.

Watch the foil, starting at about 8:20 (I made it that long so you could see how long it was static, and cool, and that the heating was unusual) The video went longer, I threw the blanket off, but I cut it there, for obvious reasons:

This was cool as fuck to see something so unique. The bad news is, they are doing it every day now, in ever-increasing quantities, and I do not think it matters what I do. I am thinking we are at the phase where they fuck with me for a bit, and probably kill me at some point. So our journey here is probably going to end at some point, maybe soon, It was a trip.

I will tell you now, if they punched through steel sheeting with Bill Binney, and I have no doubt they did, you have some entity which can move anywhere undetected, and drop a death blow on anyone, including the President. And there is really nothing you can do. I have thermal on the outside of the house, and I do not see anything. For all I know, they could be in another dimension, walking through the room I’m in. It makes me wonder how exactly Q intends to fight that.

The bright side is, by the fact they haven’t done this to me until now, I am thinking they don’t have many alien pulse beam cloaking ships.

Final observations for those who come after. The little taps happen fast. I would believe it is a high energy particle moving at near light speed. As they hit harder though, it slows down. “Put”s feel like a particle at light speed. Tapping feels like it is being done with fingers, slightly slowly, with a push at the end. The push of my face into the pillow felt like an older brother putting his hand on my chin and pushing my face into the pillow. Maybe they can adjust all of it, and were trying to not kill me, but were just fucking with me, I do not know.

There is also a strange feel to the impact as if gets bigger, like a blob of gravity molasses, almost a field effect, like a big blob of force dropping like molasses, and it extended through the frying pan and I could feel it in my cheek, separate from the impact, like a wave. It did not feel like a particle or object impact. My jaw felt odd for a few hours after it, on that side, like it had inflamed the bone. But after a few hours it was gone.

It was also extraordinarily precise, like this time, maybe half-inch groups, if that.

I knew it could end like this when it all started. Though, admittedly, the invisible alien pulse-beam deathblow was kind of not on my radar. I suspect this si often used as assassination tech, applied to hearts or brains. I have already felt the impacts inside my abdomen in one instance, so it turns out they can make those pops inside the body.

If you like the site, I would start copying shit. I have made arrangements for Vox and Farce to get my ID, because I want a record this thing took me out. Once we go down here, you are free to stick any material wherever you like, and monetize it however. I do not want all this work lost, especially the surveillance stuff.

As for me, this is what I was designed for. It is honestly better than leading the life of a cubicle-blinded normie.

UPDATE: One of our commenters, who does analysis of radio frequency emissions, analyzed the files, and had the following to say in our comments:

Is it possible to get copies of these sound recordings?
I have a technical background and it would be interesting to see the waveforms in time and their spectral content.
I understand remaining anonymous. And I understand if that makes it impossible to share data.

This is interesting and a bit surprising.
Here is the time series of your first recording.
You’re sampling at 44.1 kHz.
I didn’t play individual segments of interest to try to isolate anything. It’s just something to look at to get an idea of these pulses.



Here is the power spectrum (power of different frequencies in the signal).
Look at that structure there. That’s very very unusual in my experience. You have a very regular evenly spaced spikes across the frequency band, up to practically 20 kHz. That’s not natural. It’s what you see in spread spectrum communications or radar/sonar playing clever being just single “pings”.
I don’t want to read more than just initial surprise here because very often once you dig into things more there is a good explanation. But this is genuinely unusual.
It could be an artefact of how I’m generating the spectrum, but I’m using a standard and robust Welch method. The time series is divided into eight sections with 50% overlap, the Fourier transform taken of each of the sections and then averaging them. This gives reasonable noise averaging.
Also, the 44.1 kHz sampling gives you a frequency range up to 22.05 kHz (Nyquist rate) but I don’t know if your microphone can do that. The drop off at 20 kHz is suggestive of the mic cutting off but even that seems high.
But that regular pulse train … in frequency! Across the whole band practically.



Here’s the second time series.



And it’s power spectrum.
This is a bit more typical, but you’ve still got that pulse train in frequency between 5 and 10 kHz. And they seem to align with the train from the first time series.
But you’ve also got some interesting peaks between 10 and 20 kHz. And funny how they seem to double pair at the end between 15 and 20 kHz.
You’ve got the same drop off at 20 kHz, which is a nice consistency with the first time series.



This is a bit more involved than I think I’d be able to give useful results.
I checked the peaks in the power spectrum between 5 and 11 Hz of the two and the ones that match match exactly. That’s very surprising from two different recordings.
Now this could be genuine sound that the mics are picking up but I wouldn’t expect those peaks to be absolute delta functions like that. That’s off. Too perfect. Or it’s EM driving the mics signals directly. That could be a possibility.
Honestly, if I had to pick odds, in my experience it’s something subtle but not obvious. Just just a lot of years of practical experience speaking. It could be in the power spectral calculation.
You would have to set it up more as a science experiment. Three or four identical mics, maybe in a square formation. Facing the same direction, or all out or all in. Something symmetric. Hitting a sharp triple tap on something hard for them to pick up and establish an absolute time base.
But those peaks in the spectrum are genuinely odd. If there’s something there it’s really there.
Maybe contact an college nearby or someone you know personally that could look at this professionally. It’s an interesting problem.

UPDATE: Here, a Twitter poster video’d the application of the “voice in the head” tech to them, and you can hear the background hum, as well as tapping on the microphone which sounds just like this. There is a backup of the video here.
