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Salon's Creepy Marcotte Stalks Random Woman Because She Overheard Her Criticize Kamala

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 21st 2024 at 16:51
You can’t get creepier than a vindictive Leftist. A “journalist” for the rag, Salon wrote an essay congratulating herself for stalking a complete stranger because she overheard her complaining about Kamala Harris.  In a piece entitled, “Trying to dance under the cloud of election anxiety,” Amanda Marcotte whined that her entire outing at a queer music festival was ruined because she and her partner “were subject” to the political ramblings of a “drunk woman.” “We were emersed [sic] in (pop star Dua Lipa’s) curated world for over an hour, dancing and singing with an eclectic crowd of all races and sexual identities,” began Marcotte. (sounds more like an orgy.)  That was until she was “hit with a reality check” by a “fellow concertgoer who loudly denounced her friend for voting for Vice President Kamala Harris.” She reportedly complained how there are other issues to worry about than the right to kill pre-born babies, for example, our failing economy. A high thought crime in Salon’s Commietopia. Marcotte wasn’t even a part of the conversation. Nor did the random lady seem to notice or care about what Marcotte called “unwilling eavesdropping” (quite the oxymoron.)  She, in fact, had the free will to simply walk away. But Marcotte was a victim of overhearing speech she didn’t like in a country that grants her the freedoms she ironically charges the other side with attempting to “snatch” “away.” In the name of “protecting democracy,” her authoritarian ilk wants to police the opinions of others. So instead of scraping this off and moving on, Marcotte kept a giant stick up her tuchus for the rest of the weekend, hopped in her car and proceeded to follow the lady all the way home. “My suspicions about her true levels of economic anxiety were confirmed when she turned off the road into her home, in a neighborhood where houses frequently sell for over a million dollars,” wrote Marcotte, in an obsessive effort to prove some theory about a stranger she had never met before. Apparently, nobody who makes more than the average dollar is allowed to worry about their future. According to Marcotte’s Marxist ideology, nobody should be allowed to own nice things in the first place.  That is unless you’re a Hollywood elitist or billionaire politician flying a private jet to Davos, Switzerland to lecture the rest of us plebs about scaling down our own lives.   “I joked to my partner, whatever actual words came out of this woman's mouth, all I could hear was, "I think complicity will save me,” Marcotte added.  “But as more Republican women find out all the time, it really won't.”  According to her brand of feminism, women having their own opinions means they can’t think for themselves  - of course!
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Childless Chelsea Handler Calls Herself A 'Threat' to Men

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 18th 2024 at 14:55
Childless dog lady Chelsea Handler insists she’s a "threat" to men. Ah yes. It’s not because she’s a whiny, admittedly “selfish” femcel that no man wants to be around. It must be that she’s a “threat to a lot of straight men who don’t have enough self-confidence,” the late-night talk show host proclaimed in an interview on Kelly Ripa’s “Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast.  “You shouldn’t find it threatening, you should find it empowering that I’m spreading this message to other women; if you want to have a baby, for sure get one, but if you don’t want to have a baby that’s valid, too,” the "comedian" said. “Your value is not dependent on whether or not you’re married and your value is not dependent on whether you procreate,” Handler continued in a defense of her choices. “I want to spread joy and positivity and I want women to feel valued,” Handler continued. So much for that “joy” feminists keep preaching about: Handler complained that having a family would mean she’d have to be “focused on them” (instead of herself). She told Ripa it would give her a “set of responsibilities” that she “never wanted in the first place.” God forbid, she’d ever have to grow up and look after others! But Handler twisted her self-serving lifestyle, claiming it gives her more time to help the lives of others. After all, she insists, being alone and childless provides her with “extra spending cash” to “generously” “give away.’ Like on $5 million estates and private jets for her pets.  Having no family is “f*cking awesome,” she told Ripa. To prove how much “joy” it brings her, she recently posted this totally not depressing video on TikTok, entitled “Day In the Life of A Childless Woman.”  “I wake up at 6 AM. I remember that I have no kids to take to school, so I take an edible, masturbate, and go back to sleep,” she began in the clip.  Just another day for child-free @chelseahandler #DayInTheLife — The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) February 10, 2023 The lady doth protest too much.
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CBS Promotes Radical LGBTQ Activist Who Claims Her 13-Year-Old Daughter is Trans

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 17th 2024 at 15:06
CBS is turning more Orwellian by the day. Last month, the network reprimanded their own journalist for being a journalist. This week, they’re re-defining gender. To celebrate “Trans Empowerment Month,” "CBS Mornings" invited leaders of the “support” group, “Stand with Trans” on their show to air their gender delusions. The group's founder is a mother who transitioned her 13-year-old biological daughter. Joining her on the panel was her “non-binary” “trans-empowerment month program coordinator.” The program’s trio of hosts began their segment by asking the mother, Roz Keith, “what” she was “looking for back then” in 2013, when her daughter “came out as transgender.” “Some validation for me as a parent,” admitted Keith. That’s where the trouble always begins. To “validate” herself, she therefore validated her daughter’s identity crisis. After “hitting a brick wall” calling up medical professionals who all thought she was crazy, Keith said she had finally found a “doctor” who agreed to Frankenstein her daughter, what CBS host Vladimir Duthiers described as “gender affirming care.” Then the cameras panned over to her co-panelist Dubbs Weinblatt, a “nonbinary trans person." “For folks who don’t know what that is… When I was born, I was assigned female at birth,” said Weinblatt, donning a beard and a T-shirt that reads “Protect Trans Kids.” “As I grew up and I understood myself more and more, I realized that my gender identity, how I knew myself on the inside, did not align,” she insisted. Weinblatt says she came to this conclusion because her crushes “were not heterosexual.” In other words… she’s actually just a Lesbian.  She complained she grew up in the 1980’s where there were “no resources,” meaning adults weren’t forced yet to go along with the delusions of the mentally ill.  Now, 40 years later, Weinblatt’s distortion of reality landed her a prime TV spot with three virtue-signaling hosts tripping over themselves to praise her.  Nodding along was co-host Tony Dokoupil, fresh out of the re-education session CBS recently forced him to attend. It seems he learned his lesson not to ask any questions, after the network punished him for questioning a Hamas supporter in September. 
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INTERVIEW: 'He Named Him Adam' Pro-Life Producers Fundraise To Share Story Hollywood Won't Tell

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 16th 2024 at 10:27
After a doctor convinced her that killing her pre-born baby was the only option, Regina Block’s crippling guilt took her life down a near decade-long spiral. That's until a stunning revelation by her four year old daughter saved her life. Block's incredibly moving story reflects the millions of mothers who have regretted their abortions. Hollywood will never let their voices be heard. That is why independent producers Marc Aramian and Veronica DiPippo are crowdfunding to turn Regina’s story into a movie entitled “He Named Him Adam.” The pro-life duo joined me in-studio to share how they are making their idea a reality and what they hope audience members will take away from the future film.  To learn more about the movie in the making, click on this link. Watch the full interview here:
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Woke of the Weak: Dear Professional Victims....

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 16th 2024 at 09:25
It’s beyond time for an open letter to all the professional victims and virtue signalers who dominate our culture. I would start it like this: Dear media pundits, politicians, pop-stars, the P-Diddy types, you overpaid “academic” types, the 20 year old he-shes and  “whores” for Hamas who have all appointed yourselves as our moral leaders… Your constant lecturing and desperate search for oppression say more about your pathetic victimhood feitsh and guilt complex than it does about an entire society of people you think owes you something. Listen to the full letter in this week’s episode of MRCTV's Woke of the Weak: Sincerely,  Your host, Justine Brooke Murray and all other Americans who are sick of the Left’s divisive crap. 
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DEI Trainer Gets Oregon Employee Placed On Leave For Hiring 'Candidates Most Qualified' - Not Minority Status

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 11th 2024 at 17:15
The cult of intersectionality is claiming more of its victims in the workplace. Oregon recently placed their deputy state forester, Mike Shaw on leave after their purple-haired DEI trainer filed a complaint that he sought “candidates most qualified for the job,” rather than race and gender, reports the Daily Mail. Who would’ve thought in 2024 you'd be punished for discrimination for refusing to discriminate against applicants? But Megan Donecker, the forestry department’s former Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chief says hiring should be done through an “intersectional lens,” which means their process should be a victimhood contest determining whose ancestors were more oppressed. Donecker also whined that six queer staffers didn't “feel safe or comfortable” at work because they could not have a “conversation around pronouns.”  In other words, discrimination also means refusing to comply with a re- write of truth. The department didn’t seem to have time for her ideology, which is apparently why they’re in hot water.  The DEI radical, a white woman who describes herself as an “accomplice to marginalized communities,” wrote in her complaint that she was “cut” from leadership meetings for her efforts to re-educate them.  She lambasted Shaw for comparing identity-based hiring to a “speeding car on an icy road.” “We don't go 60 (mph) out of the gate, or we're gonna crash the car,” Shaw allegedly told Donecker during a one-on-one meeting. Feeling defeated, Donecker has since quit her job. She is now working with Oregon's children, as the "Equity Trainer" and "Education Coordinator" for the state's department of Early Learning and Care. “I cannot emphasize enough how far back this is going to set myself and the work that I am trying to do,” she wrote in her complaint.
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'Every Life: #WhyWeMarch' - March For Life Unveils New Theme

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 11th 2024 at 11:41
As our abortionist mainstream media exploit the stories of pregnant mothers in need, the March for Life movement is aiming to amplify the voices of women who chose life. That is why the theme for their upcoming 52nd rally is “Every Life: #WhyWeMarch.”  MRC spoke behind the scenes with March for Life’s organizers who countered common media myths and shared why fighting for the unborn is more important than ever after the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade. Watch the video below.
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Track Coach Sues To Get His Job Back After Being Fired for Defending Women's Sports

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 9th 2024 at 11:59
A high school track coach who was fired for defending women’s sports is taking his employer to court to get his job back.  John Parks, who's been a track and field coach in Oregon for 40 years, wrote an open letter proposing a separate division for gender-confused athletes so they wouldn’t have an unfair advantage in girls’ state track and field competitions. But despite his attempt to remain inclusive to “transgender” players, the leftists running Lake Oswego’s School board didn’t like his nuanced idea. Out of retaliation, they fired him in July for “harassing transgender athletes at recent track meets,” an accusation that Parks denies, according to the Daily Wire.  But the coach wasn’t just going to sit down and surrender the sport he loves. Related: Fourth School's Girls' Volleyball Team Forfeits to San Jose State Rather Than Play Against a Boy With the help of the Liberty Justice Center, Parks is now suing the school district for violating his First Amendment rights.  “School employees do not lose their constitutional right to free speech when they step onto school grounds,” Buck Dougherty, Senior Counsel at the Liberty Justice Center, wrote, adding, “Coach Parks faced unjust and unconstitutional retaliation at the hands of the Lake Oswego School District and School Board. We urge the court to grant a preliminary injunction to uphold his First Amendment rights.” The center filed a motion on Monday, demanding the district rehires Parks. They included declarations from multiple parents whose children he coached in 2024, reiterating the motion’s demand.  Follow MRCTV on X! Horrific! Nearly 14,000 minors nationwide have had gender reassignment procedures performed on them in the past four years according to new database. — MRCTV (@mrctv) October 9, 202  
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Woke of the Weak: From Woke to Jihad

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 9th 2024 at 05:47
Woke is a Marxist philosophy that insists there is no good or evil. It's proponents redefined injustice as justice and vice versa. While we chuckle every week over the circus freaks who represent the ideology, over the past year, we've seen Woke in its purest form AND it's a lot scarier than a man in a dress. On this episode of "Woke of the Weak," I recap how the ideology has devolved into support for terrorism.
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MSNBC Producer Admits They Are 'Democratic Party’s Mouthpiece' - They're 'Doing ALL They Can' to Help Harris

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 4th 2024 at 10:37
In case you couldn’t already tell, MSNBC (or more accurately, MSDNC) is trying to help Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump for President.  One producer now admits it’s the “Democratic party’s mouthpiece.” BREAKING: @MSNBC Producer Admits MSNBC Is 'Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign During an undercover date with an OMG journalist, Basel Hamdan (@BaselYHamdan), a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show “Ayman,” (@AymanMSNBC) was asked what the network has done to assist… — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 3, 2024 “Do you believe MSNBC is doing enough to help the Harris campaign?” an undercover OMG journalist asked Basel Hamdan, a writer and producer for MSNBC host, Ayman Mohyeldin.  “I mean… they’re doing all they can,” Hamdan, who thought he was on a Bumble date, responded.  “Which is what?” the journalist asked. “Amplify her (Kamala’s) message,” he answered. “What her message of the day is, is their message of the day,” Hamdan continued, calling MSNBC the “Democratic Party’s mouthpiece.” He even admits “they’ve made their viewers dumber over the years,” explaining that MSNBC is “too cozy with Democratic politicians.” “The anchor and the politician are in total agreement about everything,” Hamdan acknowledged, but anyone can watch them “finish each other's sentences” simply by turning on the network.  In fact, all you have to do is click on the latest segment posted to the X profile for Mohyeldin’s show, where you see him nodding in agreement as his guest claims she’d rather be “alone in a forest” with a bear than Trump. "If I had to choose between being alone in a forest with a bear or Donald Trump, I would choose the bear, every single time," says @feministabulous. "If there weren't men like Donald Trump in the world, women actually wouldn't require protection." — AYMAN (@AymanMSNBC) September 30, 2024 But it seems the people who work behind the scenes, as OMG founder James O’ Keefe claimed, don’t even “believe in their product.”  Hamdan even admitted MSNBC has “brainwashed” their viewers, making them “dumber.”
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WATCH: The Left Wants 'Certain' People to Drown | WOKE OF THE WEAK

By: Justine Brooke Murray — October 2nd 2024 at 04:25
Like the targets of a hurricane, nothing is safe from the left’s path of wrath. Our cultural and institutional overlords have ensured nothing and nobody is spared from getting caught up in their desperate attempt at mental gymnastics to achieve “social justice.” Not even an indiscriminate natural disaster will keep our race-baiting leaders and ivory tower “intellectuals” from blaming white people for its “disproportionate” effects.  That is until Hurricane Helene ravaged the rural south, drowning and destroying the livelihoods of its mostly white victims. Suddenly, the racial Marxists governing us seem to pretend the hurricane never happened, as their vitriolic “anti-racist” followers are taking to social media from the comfort of their dry homes to celebrate the death of an entire population whom they say deserved it.  On this episode of “Woke of the Weak,” I cover how the Left succeeded in turning even the weather woke.
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Campus Jihadis to Celebrate Anniversary of Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks

By: Justine Brooke Murray — September 26th 2024 at 14:40
If 9/11 occurred in our current climate, how many young Americans would be celebrating it as an annual holiday? Twenty three years ago, you’d seem crazy to imagine college students would cosplay as the terrorists who crashed commuter jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  Today, it appears nobody would bat an eye. Nearly a year has passed since Israel and the world’s Jewish diaspora experienced their own 9/11. October 7, 2023 was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. Islamic fundamentalists slaughtered at least 1,200 people in “cold blood,” as the Daily Wire accurately describes, burning their victims alive and sexually assaulting and butchering women.  Hamas terrorists and their “civilian” supporters chopped up babies in their cribs, murdered parents in front of their children and vice versa, and threw grenades into the homes of young families who were unaware of their fate that morning. Another 251 people were taken hostage, including 8 Americans. Most are either confirmed dead or are still missing. But before the bodies even cooled, many young Americans grabbed their keffiyehs and took to the streets to cheer on the enemy.  Now the terror-backed organization, Students for Justice in Palestine is planning a “Day of Rage” on college campuses across the nation, next Monday, to honor the one-year anniversary of Oct 7.            View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by National SJP (@nationalsjp) “Students across the country and the world will rise together for a week of rage on October 7-11 to mark” what they blame Israel for “a year of genocide in Gaza.” In reality, they’re marking a year of peddling antisemitic blood libels, terrorizing Jewish students and turning their campuses into Jihadi boot camps.  Related: UPenn Suspends JEWISH Professor for 'Hate Speech' After Coddling Antisemitic Faculty “During these 11 months, we, the students, have confronted the Zionist and imperialist forces in our OWN universities—fighting to end the financial, academic, and ideological ties that our institutions have to this ongoing genocide and colonial project,” the group’s add continues.  By these activities they mean setting up illegal autonomous zones on campuses and blocking Jews from getting to classes while chanting ‘Itbah El Yahud‘ (‘slaughter the Jews’ in Arabic).   Their other antics include stabbing Jewish students in the eye with flag poles, pummeling them to the ground, firebombing university buildings and taking underpaid janitors hostage.  “We will rise to end our universities’ complicity in this genocide, to fight for the end of the colonization of Palestine, and to fight for the complete liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea,” SJP promises.  It’s reasonable to assume university administrators will continue to ignore the problem until someone gets seriously injured… or worse. Follow MRCTV on X! A school in New Hampshire called the police on parents for wearing bracelets that had "XX" on them. Read more: — MRCTV (@mrctv) September 26, 2024
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Celebrities Need To Realize That We Don't Care | Woke of the Weak

By: Justine Brooke Murray — September 25th 2024 at 13:59
The expertise and opinions of celebrities are as valid as a drunk spewing politics as he’s falling off his stool at a local burp and fart bar. They’ve been lecturing us for years. When will they finally get the memo that Americans outside their elitist class are too busy trying to put food on the table to care about whatever woke cause they shove down our throats? Tune into this episode of “Woke of the Weak” to watch some of our celebrities’ most insufferable moments.
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Gender Deluded Man Wins Women's Fencing Tournament SIX Months After Taking Up the Sport

By: Justine Brooke Murray — September 24th 2024 at 16:07
Women’s Fencing is the latest sport to be corrupted by gender-deluded men snatching the win. A 39-year-old male named “Annika Rose” Suchoski has only been fencing for nine months, but still placed second in Ontario’s Fortune Fencing Regional Championships. He came out of left field, beating biological women who had been competing for years, according to the Daily Mail. This was Suchoski’s first tournament since taking up the sport. He reportedly began “transitioning” to a female in 2018, and underwent sex change surgery only two years ago. Fans online expressed outrage, describing how Suchoski’s height and features as a (still) biological male give him the advantages of longer reach and more upper body strength. Related: FX's 'English Teacher’ Brings Drag Queen to School to Teach Male Students How to Perform in Drag He was also called out as a “cheat” multiple times, the Daily Mail reports. But Suchoski merely called it a “tough competition,” patting himself on the back for winning a “difficult” tournament.  Perhaps he should ask all the experienced women he stepped on how “difficult” it was for them.  But Suchoski isn’t the first male to disrupt a women’s fencing competition. American fencer Liz Kocab won his eighth title as a man in a women’s competition last October. This comes after the sport's official organization, Fencing USA, vowed to support “transgender” and “nonbinary” athletes as both a “moral and ethical imperative.”  It appears no sport is safe anymore from the moral superiority of virtue-signalers who will place women at a disadvantage once again, all in the name of "social progress." Follow MRCTV on X! Judo athlete banned from competing for making the sign of the cross. — MRCTV (@mrctv) September 24, 2024  