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SOTU Response, By the Numbers

(John Hinderaker)

Earlier today, I posted the official GOP response to Joe Biden’s SOTU hate-fest, by Senator Katie Britt. Britt’s speech was an impressive performance in its own way; if I were a Democrat, I think she would scare me.

But for us data guys, Stephen Moore’s Unleash Prosperity Hotline has the numbers:

A lot of tall tales and a few outright fabrications in the Biden speech last night – and far too many to enumerate here. But we will revisit three here.

“My administration cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion.”

This isn’t just a little bit false, it’s an extraordinary and audacious misstatement of fact. The baseline deficit over 10 years, as measured when Biden came into office versus the latest forecast, shows nearly $6 trillion added to the debt since Biden arrived on the scene.

So how does a $6 trillion addition of red ink possibly equate to a $1.7 trillion reduction in the deficit. Someone didn’t pass his basic math exam in high school.

“We will make the rich pay their fair share.”

The top 1% of American tax filers now pay an all-time record high 46% of taxes. This is according to Biden’s own IRS. Does he think the rich should pay ALL the taxes?

That is actually a good question. I think that for many Democrats, the answer may be Yes. But within reason, experience shows that lower rates mean higher collections, especially from high earners.

“I inherited an economy [from Trump] that was on the brink…”

Actually, the economy grew by – ready for this? 33% in the third quarter of 2020 and 4.1% in the 4th quarter of 2020. The economy was in a full-scale COVID recovery when Biden came into office.

Oh, and Inflation was 1.4%.

Gas prices were $2.39 per gallon.

If you think of it as a relay race, Trump handed the baton to Biden in first place, with a rapidly growing lead. But Biden tripped over his own feet–both literally and figuratively–and turned the strong position that he inherited (and not only economically) into a fiasco. That I why I don’t see how he can be re-elected, despite Trump’s manifest flaws.

If you don’t get the Unleash Prosperity Hotline, you should. You can sign up for its frequent and always informative emails here.

How to Beat Biden

(John Hinderaker)

Joe Biden is a pitifully weak presidential candidate, but elections don’t win themselves. Economic malaise ought to make any Republican challenger the favorite, but the issue that will clinch the election is illegal immigration. And the gloves need to come off. Like this:

I am told that CNN is refusing to air this. They ran out the clock on a pre-SOTU ad buy — then rejected it, calling several of its claims unsubstantiated. Fox and MNSBC aired it. In case you missed it:

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 8, 2024


(Lloyd Billingsley)

As Scott notes, while Biden delivered the “SOTU from Hell,” Turner Classic Movies ran Casablanca. Those who tuned in witnessed fearful symmetry on the current state of America, with Joe Biden starring in the role of Philippe Pétain.

Back in 1940, the French WWI veteran, already in his 80s, struck an armistice with the German National Socialist invaders, then in alliance with Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Nazis made Pétain head of their puppet government in Vichy, allowing him to govern parts of France under their supervision. Casablanca shows a mural of Pétain, with his famous slogan, “Je tiens mes promesses, meme celles des autres,” – “I keep my promises, even those of others.” That’s Joe Biden all over.

The Delaware Democrat is the puppet of a globalist-leftist-woke axis, and their every wish is Biden’s command. As he showed in his September 1, 2022 speech, like something staged by Leni Riefenstahl, Biden regards those who want the nation to be great as the enemy. In the openly partisan FBI, Biden deploys his own Gestapo.

In Casablanca, Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) asks Louis Renault (Claude Rains) if he’s pro-Vichy or Free French. In similar style, Americans must decide if they support the constitutional republic they have known or its steady demolition by the Biden Junta. In Casablanca, Resistance leader Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) welcomes Rick back to the fight, and Laszlo is sure “our side will win.” In America, things aren’t so clear.

“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” said Joe Biden in 2020. That includes mail ballots, election laws changed by judges instead of legislators, elimination of ID requirements, ballot harvesting,  massive voting by illegals, and so forth. That extensive organization remains in place for access by the eight million settlers Biden has brought into the country, with no criminal background checks, health records or job skills.  In 2014, vice president Biden said those who enter the country illegally are “already American citizens.” All they want is a chance to contribute so “let people vote.”

As David Horowitz (Radical Son) has often noted, Democrats are good at voter fraud and Republicans are poor at preventing it. If that doesn’t change, as Rick told Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), “you’ll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.”

The Daily Chart: Sick Transit Gloria Mundi?

(Steven Hayward)

I am sure many readers have noticed how bike lanes are taking over American urban roadways, especially downtowns, often killing a lane for cars, and reducing streetside parking. And I almost never see anyone biking in the lanes. How did this come about? Has there been a massive populist campaign for bike lanes? Has “we need more bike lanes everywhere” been popping up in public opinion polls of top issues and citizen concern?

Of course not. It is an elite preoccupation, crammed down our throat by what I am calling Bike Lane Tyranny. At some point, many cities will reverse course and restore old car lanes. Though it may take a while.

It is the same mentality that has been certain that what America’s cities and suburbs need is more mass transit. Billions have been spent especially on rail lines (when busses would actually be more effective) that are lightly used. And here is the result:

The Republican Rejoinder

(John Hinderaker)

Senator Katie Britt of Alabama delivered the Republican response to Joe Biden’s SOTU speech. Not many people watch these rejoinders–for that matter, not too many watch the SOTU–but Britt’s response is getting a fair amount of buzz. She likely was chosen to contrast with Biden’s angry, more or less demented persona; if so, she played that contrast to the hilt.

Her speech was really a thespian performance, and not my style at all. But she prioritized illegal immigration, and was highly effective on that issue. Her appeal was directed to swing voters, especially women. And as performances go, it was very skillful. Check it out:

A Best-Case SOTU

(John Hinderaker)

Whatever Doctor Feelgood is operating in the White House these days injected Joe Biden with whatever cocktail that enabled him to yell nonstop for over an hour last night. And that is a good thing.

Before the speech, my wife, with her usual knack for getting at the heart of things, said that we should be rooting for Biden to get through the speech. Because if he collapsed midway in, the Democrats would be able to replace him on the ticket. And in truth, the only question last night was not whether Biden would give a good speech, or whether he would convince anyone not already committed to voting against Donald Trump, but whether he would remain upright.

We conservatives should be glad that he did, as he now continues his march toward the nomination as one of the very few Democrats Donald Trump might actually beat. So thanks, Doc.

News Briefs – 03/08/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Tissue analysis on the remains of Robert Card III, the Maine Mass Shooter, revealed that he “had evidence of a traumatic brain injury,” according to the findings released Wednesday by his family in conjunction with the Boston University Concussion Legacy Foundation. His house was under surveillance on Google and he was hearing voices. And I can say, 100%, this thing can cause what appears to be a traumatic brain injury, doing it slowly over months, all night long, using its technology to damage specific points in the brain with physical trauma. The family is saying it must have been from his time as a grenade instructor, as that is the only place they could see it happening, but again, as with Muhammed Ali, how many others followed that path, and did not suffer from that? From the article:

“In the white matter, the nerve fibers that allow for communication between different areas of the brain, there was significant degeneration, axonal and myelin loss, inflammation, and small blood vessel injury,” Dr. Ann McKee wrote in the statement.

From here, on Havana Syndrome:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings
Both US and Canadian participants had neuroimaging abnormalities associated with their existence in Havana. In the United States, researchers discovered variances in grey and white matter (WM) volume, cerebellar diffusion properties, and functional network connectivity.

Democrats’ bill would give the DOJ veto power over state and local election laws. And of course, DOJ is penetrated and run by the assets of a foreign intel op. Could it be any more ominous?

Majority of American voters believe CIA-FBI are seeking to control outcome of 2024 election.

The federal government has been illegally surveilling and building profiles for Americans in secret portal called DSAC for those who oppose firearm restrictions, lockdowns & vaccine mandates, and or support border security.

Biden will urge Congress to give $10,000 to first-time home buyers and $25,000 to help with down payments. Probably will expand it to include illegals and then give them preference.

President Biden will have the U.S. military build a port on the Gaza coast at US expense, to bring relief to the population there. Reportedly, it will be ” a project of stupendous scale involving hundreds of thousands of American military personnel, the participation of several other nations in the region, and possibly even Israeli assistance.”

The emergence of new technologies means demand is soaring for power across the country; in Georgia, “demand for industrial power is surging to record highs, with the projection of electricity use for the next decade now 17 times what it was only recently.”

Trump ordered to pay six-figure legal costs to ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele’s company after suing over ‘dirty dossier’ which claimed he took part in ‘sex parties’ and gave bribes to Russian officials.

Donald Trump has just three days to pay rape accuser E. Jean Carroll up to $83.3 million after judge rejected his request to delay the payments. This movie sucks.

A new book from Mike Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman reveals that a widely misunderstood phone call, on which Willis’ political prosecution rests, was illegally recorded, so the entire case may fall apart at any moment.

Letitia James booed at firefighters ceremony. She won’t care, as she is secret society, and they are not, so they were enemies to begin with.

Rupert Murdoch is engaged, planning a June wedding. Mainly interesting in that she is a Russian Jewish molecular biologist, whose daughter is the former-wife of Roman Abramovich, the Russian billionaire-tycoon with the massive yacht. The daughter is also presently married to yet another billionaire, shipping tycoon/heir. So Jewish mom is marrying a billionaire media tycoon, while Jewish daughter is on her second billionaire. Granted the daughter is pretty, but I do not think you end up married to two billionaires, let alone have mom married to a third. Statistical probabilities are beginning to stretch, especially given how many women must be competing for those slots. It is feeling like there is some intel backing guiding these meetups into relationships, and these women may be the classic Jewish art-student girlfriends you hear about, sent in to monitor some high-value asset to make sure they stay on track. Of course Murdoch was steered to this one supposedly by his former wife, Wendy Deng, who has always had the air of an intelligence asset about her. Her command may have told her to steer another watcher/asset to Rupert to keep him under full monitoring.

The pace of FBI arrests and the opening of new Jan. 6 criminal cases quickened so much in late 2023 and early 2024 that District of Columbia federal courts could bend under the weight.

The Biden regime is flying trafficked illegal aliens in the sex industry across the United States for free, allowing them to fly an unlimited amount of times for free as you get to pay for it.

Biden administration flouts federal law, does not collect DNA from detained illegal migrants.

Rampant homelessness among veterans in the United States has exploded as the government prioritizes spending billions of dollars on housing and providing free medical care for illegal immigrants.

Denver pleads with property owners to rent to migrant ‘newcomers.’

Security fence to go up at Capitol for State of the Union.

Joe Biden to propose massive tax raid on super rich and corporate America in tonight’s State of the Union address with sweeping hikes including minimum corporate tax up from 15% to 21% and a 25% rate for billionaires.

Joe Biden disapproval hits near-record high before State of the Union address.

Biden botches name of migrant-murdered ‘Lincoln’ Riley in Trump-bashing State of the Union speech.

Biden’s State of the Union speech was trashed by prominent political pundits for its political nature, with some likening it to more of a campaign speech than an overview of the state of the country.

New York Post – Joe Biden looks like a loser on the eve of his State of the Union.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Clarence Thomas skips Biden’s #SOTU.

Truth Social, other websites experience unexplained outages during divisive SOTU speech.

Wall Street Apes

No One Is Safe In Joe Biden’s America

– ICE has more sex trafficking investigations in women and children this year than the last 6 years combined. A record number of women and children being sex trafficked

– Over 100,000 Children Missing

– They’re Admitting They’re Not Vetting The Sponsors They’re Releasing Children To

“How dare you talk about our inhumane policies under the Donald Trump administer when the Biden administration can’t find a 100,000 children — you’re not vetting the sponsors, and now you can’t find a 100,000 children. I’m telling you folks, I’ve done this for 35 years.”

— “Based on my years experience in investigating traffic trafficking cartels, some of these children are gonna be in pornographic movies, some of these children are living with ped**, and some of these children are in forced labor. ICE already done 4 different investigation. They found children as young as 9 years old cleaning up entrails at a meat packing plant and a midnight shift not getting paid. Why would you release 5 or 6 female children to 1 male sponsor”

– Over 1700 migrants have died on US soil since Joe Biden’s been president. 1700 migrants have died on US soil, a record

– Over a 100,000 Americans have died from Fentanyl overdoses. A record

– The thing that bothers me the most, on top of all those terrible things, a record number of known suspected terrorists have been arrested trying to enter this country.

– Their 1st year in Biden administration, 1,700,000 illegal immigrants, an historic record. This country never saw that many people before. 1.7. Million

– And you know what? He broke his own record the 2nd year with 2,400,000. Another historic record.

— “You’re putting children at risk. Record number Americans are dying. Record numbers of migrants are dying. There’s one guy who can fix this shit and it’s Donald Trump.”

Harmeet Dhillon’s partner at the RNC, Henry Barbour, fails to get resolution passed to ban paying Trump legal fees.

If you like the Second Amendment, you don’t want John Cornyn anywhere near Senate leadership. Whenever gun control comes up, he wants to make a compromise gun control bill with the Democrats.

Embattled New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez will not run for re-election in November, although he still refuses to hand in his resignation.

The four people arrested in connection with human remains found scattered across Long Island are out on supervised release.

Teachers unions have ‘quietly’ spent millions on GOP primaries in 32 states to support RINOs who oppose school choice and vouchers. Most comments on this imply the unions are buying off corrupt Republicans. But I think the Republicans and the unions are both already on the same page, because both are elements of the conspiracy which has, as a mission priority, control of education. I think the unions are just laundering money to the Republicans of the conspiracy, and making it look like buying them off.

Republicans who blocked school choice won’t return to Texas legislature after primary upsets.

CCTV video shows Kamala Harris exiting US Capitol at 11:21 AM on Jan. 6 – DOJ later lied and said she was in the building during riot and used this lie to persecute hundreds of Trump supporters.

‘Clearly overlooked this’: Probe finds strange communication devices on Chinese cranes in US ports.

Jury convicts Portland woman of bias crime for misgendering individual in woman’s bathroom.

Study here courtesy of Epoch Times, though obviously there is not much to see.

Rand Paul’s new bill would require NIH scientists to disclose royalties they receive from drug companies.

Was it the Jabs? 32-year-old BBC journalist passes away after collapsing during run.

NewsGuard announced last week it’s using AI to automatically prevent American citizens from seeing information online that challenges government and corporate media claims about elections ahead of the 2024 voting season. So platforms and search engines sign up with News Guard to “remove disinformation” and it removes all the icky sites “they” don’t want you to see. Who do you think is behind News Guard? Did you think you could start a business like that, and have it work this easily for you, and have everyone rush to hire you? Everything is the intel op.

Disney is astroturfing popularity using AI-crafted bot accounts online. I think most stuff you see is like that. From conservative influencers, to companies people online buy from. The stuff you see over and over is them posting about it, trying to make it look organic.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Thursday he expects to see some banks fail due to their exposure to the commercial real estate sector.

I wonder how they got such a good picture? Who took that?

Flames seen shooting from engine of United Airlines flight before emergency landing. “The plane was a Boeing 737-900, according to flight tracking website FlightAware.

FAA discovers more faults with Boeing planes, issues new safety guidelines.

ANOTHER Boeing 737 Max fiasco? Plane landing at Newark Airport had ‘stuck’ rudder pedal issue – following a litany of safety failings that sparked $30BILLION market selloff. Now I am wondering if these are all staged, to manipulate the market, driving the stock artificially low, maybe just before some big contract is scheduled to hit in six months. Cabal buys the dip, and then cleans up later.

Two women laughing and smiling in a viral video with hair standing straight up from static electricity were likely in the path of an imminent lightning strike and are lucky they weren’t fried. Crazy video.

Iron Mike Tyson to fight Jake Paul.

George Santos is running for congress again.

Pope urges the prideful not to judge.

Chinese Coast Guard shatters wind shield of Philippine vessel with water cannon in vicinity of disputed Second Thomas Shoal, South China Sea.

JK Rowling reported to UK Police for ‘Misgendering’ trans broadcaster as a ‘man.’ The British government are psychos. They’ll arrest her and lock her up, assuming she is not super-plugged in somehow. And if they don’t it will demonstrate a two-tiered system of justice.

German police conduct raids against people suspected of posting misogynistic hate speech online.

Germany explores the revival of compulsory military service.

Sweden officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Thursday.

France and Moldova to sign defence pact amid fears of Russian destabilisation.

‘Upgraded’ T-72B3 destroyed the M1 Abrams with its first shot. They say we pulled the best stuff off it before shipping it to Ukraine because we did not trust the Ukrainians, but then  again, they lie about everything.

South Carolina lawmakers pass permitless gun-carry.

A shaken Texas House prepares for rightward shift after record GOP primary upsets.

Donald Trump will tighten his grip on the GOP on Friday when his allies are poised to take control of the Republican National Committee at a meeting in Houston, Texas.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are walking through the hall of mirrors right now

Thoughts from the ammo line

(Scott Johnson)

Nietzsche may have been on to something with THE WILL TO POWER! Thus spake Ammo Grrrll:

This may come as a shock to my faithful readers, but I am no student of Philosophy. For some survey course, I was forced to read Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. I went to the used bookstore on campus and found a copy. When I got back to the dorm, I found that the previous owner of the volume – a girl named Kathy, the flyleaf said — had used a pink marker to highlight the parts that she didn’t understand. Initially, I thought that this could come in handy for me if she had already sussed out the salient points.

Sadly, however, it soon became clear that every single page was solid pink. Not that I disagreed with Kathy. It could not have been less clear to me or any less useful had it been written in Sanskrit. I also noticed that in the final third of the book there was no more highlighter – Kathy had clearly just given up. Krikey, not a single picture or even a whimsical little joke illustrating a point, as Einstein allegedly did with his definition of “relativity.”

“When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity.” Sometimes the putative quote says “pretty girl” and sometimes it’s attributed to something he said to his secretary, but in any event, it’s clear and mildly humorous, when ol’ Immanuel was neither. Being of a logical and practical bent, I questioned whether anyone could sit on a hot stove for even a SECOND, let alone a whole minute without a trip to the ER, but I took his point.

I believe I also signed up for some course that covered Friedrich Nietzsche’s “will to power” vs. Sigmund Freud’s “pleasure principle” vs. Viktor Frankl’s “will to (or search for) meaning.” But, if that was after I met my beshert – my fated lifetime love – a future novelist named Joe/Max who was not an enthusiastic or even frequent class-attender, I may not have gone to the class very often.

Joe/Max and I knew a couple of Philosophy majors in college and kidded those friends about looking in the newspaper near graduation for Help Wanted ads down at the Philosophy Factory. Well, the joke might have been on us because both Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Martin were Philosophy majors and look where it took THEM!

Anyway, though I thought a lot of Freud’s insights were poppycock, I was more attracted to his “pleasure principle” than to the “will to power” or “the search for meaning.” Almost all the men I knew growing up – hard-working farmers or small businessmen who put in 90-hour weeks lacked the luxury of free time for philosophizing.

And then there were the ladies. Heavens to Betsy, the mother of my sister’s boyfriend had EIGHT kids, all of whom were boys. Early on, the neighbors across the street in South Dakota had nine kids and both parents worked! My experience with housewives and mothers was they literally NEVER stopped working. So for both men and women, “meaning” came from doing their jobs. Almost everybody went to church, so we also learned that “meaning” came from serving God and being kind and helpful to our Fellow Man. Works for me.

Now, in my dotage, the more I observe the behavior of Leftists and bureaucrats of any stripe, the more I think that Nietzsche and his “will to power” may have been on to something. Lordy, how Leftists LOVE to control others!

I can understand how attractive “power” is when we all start out with absolutely no power at all. None. Nada. Bupkiss. In fact, so little power that two yuge giants (and any of their friends and relatives) can pick us up and just PUT us anywhere they want us to be! In a little bathtub, in a crib when we aren’t even sleepy, in an alleged “playpen” with boring toys when we would prefer to be carried around like a pasha instead.

Plus, if you had siblings – and in the ’50s almost EVERYBODY did! – you were a prisoner to some extent of the birth order. As a First-Born, I was definitely in charge. Poor Joe/Max had four older brothers and had to form shifting alliances with some to protect himself from others.

And it only gets marginally better for YEARS. Once we get to a size where the giants no longer pick us up, or the siblings no longer immiserate us, we still have no money, no jobs, no prospects, little knowledge, no transportation, and no ability to live independently. If the slightly less scary giant tells us that we are eating Liver and Lima Beans for supper, it’s not like we can just go down to the Automat and get a burger instead. Not that Alexandria, MN or any previous even smaller towns I lived in had an Automat. Heck, we didn’t even get a fast-food hamburger joint until I was in high school.

I have known many persons of the male persuasion who so deeply resented that lack of independence that they were looking for jobs (shoveling, raking, sweeping out stores, paper boy) at a very young age. They figured out that money was a kind of power and especially if you could accumulate enough to get that Grand Prize of Independence – a vehicle!! A bicycle was a welcome miracle that allowed you to get quite far, but a car was the pinnacle, not only because it could go REALLY far (especially at nineteen cents a gallon), but it allowed you to have a female passenger.

Being a girl person, I did not covet a car so much, but I did have a pretty strong “will to autonomy.” I have never wanted to boss around another human being – and resisted all managerial jobs my whole life – but I really really really didn’t want to be bossed around myself. There were times in my working life when employers made a whole separate shift just for me so I didn’t have any supervisory responsibility. That is the truth, my hand to God.

After feminism reared its ugly Betty Friedan-like head, I noticed that a great many women LOVED to boss people around. They were devoted to status and lording any small area of power over others. Any encroachment on what they perceived as their turf worked out as well as a Crip trying to take over a busy corner of a Blood’s drug trade.

As it happened, when I was an antiwar activist, the real actual Lieutenant Governor of the State of Minnesota was a very nice Democrat named Rudy Perpich (PBUH). He and I were on a radio show about the war once, we hit it off, and when we both left ‘CCO Radio Station at the same time, he gave me a card with his personal number on it and said to call him if I ever needed help with something. He even joked that his job as Lieutenant Governor wasn’t very taxing and he could stuff envelopes.

A few months later, when our group needed a permit for a (genuinely) peaceful demonstration, and also his endorsement, I sauntered on into the Lieutenant Governor’s Office where I was met by an arrogant gaggle of gatekeepers – all women – who tried to insist that I go, one by one, THROUGH them in order to gain access to Mr. Perpich. This really mattered to them, because if a nobody like me could just waltz right in, then, what was the use of THEM?

The women pointed me from one gauntlet to another that I was going to have to run. When Rudy himself came out of his office, he saw me and said, “Well, hi, Susan,” and to the chagrin of the gatekeepers he ushered me right into his office. He signed the Permit, said sure, use his name on the list of endorsers, and bid me adieu. He was like that. If looks could have killed when I came back out, it would have been another Jonestown in there.

I miss approachable leaders like that. His father was a Croatian immigrant and miner in northern Minnesota. He himself was a dentist before he got into politics. Later he served two non-consecutive terms as governor and dedicated one entire $25,000 pay raise to the promotion of – wait for it — bocce ball. You had to love a guy like that.

The women gatekeepers who were so jealously guarding their little fiefdoms seemed addicted to power. I would imagine that it is only about fifty times worse today. People prize their spot on the Organizational Chart, commensurate with money and the ability to boss underlings around. Plus, now, you have to be mindful of Diversity, Incompetence, and Entropy – or whatever those DEI letters stand for.

And so we find ourselves in an era when legions, hordes, whole divisions of Entitled Groups and a few regular old Lazy Incompetent White Male Guys simply LIVE to tell the rest of us what to eat, what to drink, what to drive, when to get inoculated, where to live and, worst of all, what to think. Soon with the brilliance of Google Gemini we will not even be able to research something to think for ourselves. We will only be spoon-fed the thin DEI gruel that Big Brother or Obese Sister want us to ingest.

I do think “The Will to Power” (“der Wille zur Macht” in German) debate is over and it has won the day. But, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We will combine the other two motor forces in human behavior and find “meaning” in having “pleasure”: through love, beautiful friends, music, comedy, art, babies, obliterating the bulls-eye, a peaceful Shabbat, and a medium-rare steak.

The Coffeehouse in which Max Cossack works most days on his ninth novel has a new treat – a combination Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Brownie. A delight I call a Brookie. Always inspired by Theodor Herzl’s motto in the face of the difficulties of finding a safe Jewish homeland – “If you will it, it is no dream” — yesterday, I “willed” Max to bring a Brookie home to me. And he did.

The SOTU from hell

(Scott Johnson)

The comedian Richard Lewis, of blessed memory, is credited with the formulation “the x from hell.” Having watched President Biden’s State of the Union Address last night in order to comment on it this morning, I found it to be the SOTU from hell. Thank you, Mr. Lewis.

The White House has posted the text of the speech “as prepared for delivery.” That isn’t exactly how he gave it. You have to see it to get the full flavor. I have posted the White House video at the bottom.

Herewith are my impressions of Biden’s delivery and my observations on the speech in the form of bullet points:

• The Democrats in the audience broke out in cheers of “Four more years.” You have got to be kidding. Let me begin with a prediction. Even if Biden wins reelection to another term this coming November, he will not be giving four more State of the Union addresses. No way no how.

• Esquire used to pose a rhetorical question as a caption on a photograph of Richard Nixon that it published in its annual Dubious Achievement Awards edition: Why is this man laughing? The question to be posed for this speech is Why is this man shouting? He is an angry old man.

• This was a terrible speech terribly delivered. It’s a good thing no drug test was required before the address. Biden sounded hopped up. He spoke too fast. He slurred his words. He was frequently difficult to understand. He shouted a variety of clichés and shibboleths as though we might otherwise miss their depth and meaning. The disparity between the shibboleths and the shouting was almost funny.

• Biden sounded like a 45 rpm record playing at 78. It was an old record — it had scratches at several places that caused it to skip the groove.

• To whom was this speech addressed? The opening reflected the poor judgment of Biden’s daycare minders in the White House. As I heard it, the country needs to be protected from two threats: Russia and Donald Trump (“my predecessor”).

• This SOTU was a nakedly partisan campaign speech. I have to think that viewers lacking the persuasion of Democratic partisans were quickly turned off. In any event, the speech was a disgrace.

• And that’s not all. The speech was also disjointed and telegraphic. It covered everything from potato chips to computer chips. If it conformed to the laundry list mode of bad State of the Union addresses, this was a laundry list in Morse Code. You had to know the lingo of the proposed laws on Biden’s list. I had no idea what he was talking about when he got to his list.

• TCM counterprogrammed last night’s SOTU in part with Casablanca. You may recall that Humphrey Bogart responds to a comment with one of the movie’s many great lines: “I was misinformed.” Despite its thematic incoherence, anyone who took Biden’s speech at face value last night was misinformed. The misinformation gave it the thematic unity it otherwise lacked. A serious student of politics and the economy could write a dissertation exposing the misinformation conveyed in the speech.

• In his Russia/Ukraine remarks at the top of his speech Biden vowed, “We will not walk away.” Trisha Yearwood, call your office. Walk away, Joe — please. (I’m referring to Biden himself, not Ukraine.)

• The justices of the Supreme Court who chose to attend must have been thrilled to find themselves the villain of Biden’s condemnation of the Dobbs decision. The Supreme Court has returned the legality of abortion to the states. Biden both condemned the decision and celebrated its electoral impact. Abortion is not only a positive good on its own terms, it’s good for Democrats on the hustings. Wrapping it in the mantle of IVF, as he did last night, seemed to me a cruel joke.

• Biden wants to raise taxes on those not paying paying their “fair share.” Who isn’t paying his “fair share”? Billionaires aren’t. Corporations aren’t. That’s the bad news. We must be paying our “fair share.” That’s the good news, assuming we can draw that inference. Maybe someone can ask Karine Jean-Pierre about it at the next White House press conference.

• Biden wants more price controls on pharmaceutical products. When the AMA opposed the dangers of socialized medicine in days of yore, they were on to something.

• “Trickle down economics” came in for a beating. Does anyone who didn’t live through the Age of Reagan know what he was talking about? It was what Democrats condemned as “trickle down economics” that gave us the seven fat years of the Reagan boom. It was “trickle down economics’ that gave us the Trump boom — the boom for which so many voters are nostalgic today.

• Biden actually decried “shrinkflation” in the potato chips portion of his remarks. Some translation is required. “Shrinkflation” = inflation = Bidenomics.

• Biden implied that corporate shenanigans account for “shrinkflation.” Does anyone not understand why “shrinkflation” has broken out under the Biden administration?

• Biden decried “junk fees” and proclaimed his good works in saving us from them. This is “junk politics.”

• Biden reiterated his claims to have “cut the deficit.” He failed to mention that the decline occurred because pandemic spending from President Donald Trump’s tenure expired as scheduled. Biden didn’t do a damn thing. As CNN puts it, “Biden’s own actions, including laws he has signed and executive orders he has issued, have had the overall effect of worsening annual deficits, not reducing them.”

• By the way, in fiscal year 2023 total government spending amounted to $6.13 trillion and total revenue to $4.44 trillion. The resulting deficit amounts to $1.70 trillion, an increase of $320 billion from the previous fiscal year.

• Biden promoted many more federal spending programs I had never heard of. He apparently means to “cut the deficit” even faster and deeper.

• Biden bragged about his continuing student loan giveaways in the face of the Supreme Court ruling that found him to have exceeded his authority (in Biden v. Nebraska). One would like to see the thought bubbles over the heads of the Supreme Court justices.

• Biden talked about illegal immigration. He campaigned in support of it last time around. He invited it during the 2020 campaign. He facilitated it from his first day in office. Yet it’s not his fault. When it comes to the flood of illegal immigrants and related burdens, his theme song is Bob Dylan’s “It ain’t me, babe.”

• Biden saved his remarks on Israel and Hamas for the end of his speech. He won’t walk away from Ukraine, but he will walk away from Israel. He announced his Gaza rescue plan as advertised. It’s his plan to rescue himself in Michigan and rescue himself from his party’s pro-Hamas wing.

• Biden acknowledged: “Israel has a right to go after Hamas.” Thanks, big guy.

• Biden also toed the Hamas line in implicitly attributing responsibility to Israel and omitting the relevant facts: “More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Most of whom are not Hamas. Thousands and thousands are innocent women and children. Girls and boys also orphaned.” See Abraham Wyner’s Tablet column “How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers.”

• Biden peddled “the two-state solution.” What’s wrong with this picture? As Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer puts it: “Anybody talking about Palestinian state right now is living on another planet.”

• I enjoyed and appreciated Speaker Mike Johnson’s slight shakes of his head to express his disagreement with Biden’s misinformation. He did it just right.

• Although I could say more, these observations are already too long. I will conclude here. The competition is stiff, but this must have been the worst SOTU of all time.

Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 8, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Mean-Spirited Joe

(John Hinderaker)

Joe Biden is delivering his State of the Union speech tonight. Apparently he will chide Americans for not appreciating his wonderful economy; declining real wages will not be mentioned. He will denounce “shrinkflation,” as though people are too stupid to know inflation when they see it. Nor will Biden mention the eight million or so illegals who have streamed across the border, wreaking havoc, since he opened it.

Biden has always been mean-spirited. He is a nasty person, and always has been. Take, for example, his recent interview in the New Yorker. The interview is replete with Biden’s trademark classlessness, but take just one example: his smearing of Justice Thomas:

In a concurring opinion on Dobbs, Justice Clarence Thomas argued that the legal rationale for overturning Roe could be applied to “correct the error” in cases on same-sex marriage, the decriminalization of homosexuality, and access to contraception. I asked Biden if he thought that the Justices would undo those protections. “I don’t think there’s a majority to go there,” he said, but added, “I think that a couple on the Court would go considerably further”—specifically “the guy who likes to spend a lot of time on yachts.”

“Thomas?” I asked.

Biden grinned.

Those familiar with Thomas’s history will appreciate the absurdity of describing him as a yachtsman. He is better known for driving around America in an RV. But in any event, it is Biden–not Thomas–who has enriched himself and his family to the tune of many millions of dollars through influence peddling. Worst of all, he peddled his influence to powers hostile to America. It takes a lot of nerve for Joe Biden to sneer at the Court’s foremost intellectual for accepting a ride on a boat.

But that is Joe Biden: mean-spirited, through and through.

Oh, yeah: The Samizdat Prize

(Scott Johnson)

RealClearFoundation president David DesRosiers has announced the inaugural winners of of its Samizdat Prize. Tonight’s the night. The Samizdat Prize is intended to honor the most important users of the First Amendment in the United States. The prize aspires to confer the honor that various of the Pulitzer Prizes bestow and should replace them in the mind of right-thinking men and women. In the words of DesRosiers, the award that is given by Real Clear to journalists, scholars, and public figures who have fought censorship and stood for truth, whatever the cost.

The first three recipients of the Samizdat Prize could not be more worthy: Miranda Devine (for her work on the Biden family business), Jay Bhattacharya (the anti-Fauci), and Matt Taibbi (for his work on the Twitter Files). I have written about all three many times on Power Line. DesRosiers talked about the prize with Buck Sexton here in a discussion posted at RCP.

Dr. Bhattacharya received the prize this past September. His remarks are posted here at RCP. Matt Taibbi has just posted “America enters the samizadat era” at his Racket News site. He looks back on his career in acknowledging the honor he receives tonight. Thanks to John Hinderaker, I met Matt last year. Politics aside, we have cheered him on and sought to follow his path in our own way.

Miranda Devine wrote in her New York Post Devine Online newsletter this morning:

I am thrilled to be in Palm Beach tonight to receive the inaugural Samizdat award from RealClearPolitics, alongside pandemic refusenik Dr Jay Battacharya and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi.

It’s an honor to be part of this grassroots movement to reclaim honest journalism in an era of lies.

“Samizdat” was the name of the underground press resisting the tyranny of the former Soviet Union.

It means ‘We publish ourselves” and was the inspiration for David DesRosiers, publisher and president of RealClear Foundation, to set up a rival journalism award to the Pulitzers.

Bravo to RealClear for bucking the establishment.

I couldn’t agree more. I would only add our congratulations to the inaugural recipients of the Samizdat Prize.

Biden to open Gaza port

(Scott Johnson)

Politico reports that President Biden has a big announcement to make tonight. During his State of the Union address, he will order the military to establish a temporary port in Gaza so more humanitarian aid can get to Palestinians in need. Enough with the airdrops, or to supplement the airdrops. We’re going in big time to keep Hamas in business.

It’s not clear to me if this slam comes from the administration sources briefing Politico, but it sounds like it: “The U.S. is resorting to this military mission because Israel isn’t letting in enough aid to alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the Israel-Hamas war plaguing 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza.”

And then we have this: “Planning for the maritime corridor [to supply the port] still faces many execution challenges, namely how to offload, secure and distribute the aid.” Hamas will lend a hand. Of that we can be sure.

They are still working out the details, but you can’t be too cynical: “Arguably the hardest part is dispersing the aid throughout the whole of Gaza. The multinational coalition will rely on the United Nations, non-governmental organizations and other groups to ensure the assistance gets to the right places.” It’s good to know they will have the friends of Hamas within the UN on board with the plan. It only makes sense.

How do you say gag me with a spoon in Arabic?

The Daily Chart: SF Voters Say Poop to This

(Steven Hayward)

As you may have heard, San Francisco voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed initiative measures to make policing easier and require drug testing for welfare. The horrors! Too bad they didn’t put reparations in the ballot, as I have a hunch how the vote would have turned out. In any case, even progressives, naturally slow learners, are finally figuring it out.

And I know everyone has seen San Francisco’s famous “poop map.” Equally important is the map of the number of businesses in the central core of the city that had enough of the madness. These are all the businesses and retail outlets that closed up and left downtown near Union Square the last three years. Most of the spaces they vacated are still empty.

Life of Brian

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Brian Deese is “an MIT Innovation Fellow, focusing on the impact of economic policies that strengthen the United States’ industrial capacity and on accelerating climate investment and innovation.” Before that, Deese assisted Joe Biden as Director of the National Economic Council. Asked in 2022 how American families could cope with surging gasoline prices, the NEC boss said, “this is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm.” As Sir Bedevere(Terry Jones) might say, who is this who is so wise in the ways of economics?

Deese is the son of Boston College political science professor David Deese, who “researches the international and comparative politics of energy and climate policies worldwide.” Brian’s mother, Patricia Stanton, served as deputy commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources and assistant commissioner of waste prevention at the state Department of Environmental Protection.

At Middlebury College Deese earned an undergraduate degree in international politics and economics. He got into Yale Law School but left a few credits short of graduation to work for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Composite character president Obama tapped him to help out with climate change.

In a 2016 interview with Rolling Stone, Obama touted the “amazing” Brian Deese, who “engineered the Paris Agreement,  the Aviation Agreement,” and “may have helped save the planet.” The auto industry was also in trouble.

“The wunderkind in charge of saving our auto industry is a 31-year-old with about as much experience as a summer intern,” noted Glenn Beck. “Despite having no formal business education, no business experience and no auto industry experience, 31-year-old Brian Deese is now in charge of dismantling General Motors.” David Sanger of the New York Times also weighed in with, “Meet the 31-Year Old in Charge of Dismantling GM.”

In 2017, Deese became a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. From there it was on to BlackRock, where Deese headed the sustainable investing division, advising clients on meeting environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Deese was reportedly bagging some $2.8 million a year, and building a net worth of $4 million.

In June of 2021, the amazing Deese outline his vision for a “new industrial strategy,” an “activist government,” approach including “targeted public investment, public procurement, climate resilience and equity.”  As Deese contends, “markets on their own will not make investments in technologies and in infrastructure that benefit an entire industry.”

And so on, in what Olson Johnson of Blazing Saddles might call “authentic statist gibberish.” Or, in the style of Monty Python, the wealthy MIT Innovation Fellow could qualify for “upper class twit of the year.”

Biden Plays to His Base

(Steven Hayward)

Tonight is the State of the Union speech. I know it’s hard to contain your excitement. Many Bingo and drinking games suggest themselves.

We all know that Joe Biden is a pretend president, so just who in the White House thought it was a good idea to have him have a Zoom call with actual pretend presidents—Hollywood actors who have played the president, soliciting their advice on how to approach his speech tonight. And what we get it this:

You may’ve heard I’ve got a big speech coming up.

So, I thought I would hear from some folks who have done the job before – sort of.

— President Biden (@POTUS) March 7, 2024

Maybe Biden’s staff came up with this exercise just to distract him from doing anything today. Or to make him feel good about himself. If all these Hollywood pretenders say he’s doing a great job, it must be true.

Missing from this roster: Dave. Kevin Kline, that is. Maybe they didn’t want the subtle reminder of an imposter in the Oval Office. Too close to the current truth.

John Kerry—GOP Double Agent?

(Steven Hayward)

I think it was Glenn Reynolds who posited that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is actually a Karl Rove plant inside the Democratic Party, but it seems equally plausible that this is the case for John Kerry. He has always been so pompously preposterous that you can’t take him seriously. And now he says we might “feel better” about Russia and the Ukrainian situation if only Russia would get on board with cutting emissions.

UNREAL: John Kerry says people would 'feel better' about the war in Ukraine if Russia would 'make a greater effort to reduce emissions'

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 6, 2024

Please, Democrats—if you manage to sideline Slow Joe, can you nominate this man again? Pretty please?

Life of Loretta

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Monty Python veteran John Cleese has been planning a stage production of Life of Brian, and several American actors advised him to cut the “Loretta scene.” Cleese said he had “no intention” of cutting the scene, which involves the Grumpy People’s Front of Judea:

JUDITH: (Sue Jones-Davies): I do feel, Reg (John Cleese) that any anti-imperialist group like ours must reflect such a divergence of interests within its power-base.

REG: Agreed. Francis? (Michael Palin)

FRANCIS: Yeah. I think Judith’s point of view is very valid, Reg, provided the movement never forgets that it is the inalienable right of every man . . .

STAN (Eric Idle): Or woman. . .

FRANCIS: Or woman . . . to rid himself. .  .

STAN: Or herself.

FRANCIS: Or herself.

REG: Agreed.

FRANCIS: Thank you, brother.

STAN: Or sister.

FRANCIS: Or sister. Where was I?

REG: I think you’d finished.

FRANCIS: Oh right.

REG: Furthermore, it is the birthright of every man . . .

STAN: Or woman.

REG: Why don’t you shut up about women, Stan. You’re putting us off.

STAN: Women have a perfect right to play a part in our movement, Reg.

FRANCIS: Why are you always on about women, Stan?

STAN: I want to be one.

REG: What?

STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me “Loretta.”

REG: What?

STAN: It’s my right as a man.

JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?

STAN:  I want to have babies.

REG: You want to have babies?!

STAN: It’s every man’s right to have babies if he wants them.

REG: But. . . you can’t have babies.

STAN: Don’t you oppress me.

REG: I’m not oppressing you, Stan. You haven’t got a womb! Where’s the fetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!

JUDITH: Here! I’ve got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can’t actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans, but that he can have the right to have babies.

FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry.

REG: What’s the point?


REG: What’s the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can’t have babies?!

FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality.

As Bruce Bawer explains, the current trans movement is a “revolution against reality itself.” Hats off to John Cleese for resisting the Grumpy Woke Front of America.

STEVE adds: Add this scene to Blazing Saddles as something you can’t show on a college campus without risking expulsion.

The price of inflation

(Scott Johnson)

Jeffrey Anderson presents a comparative analysis of presidents and inflation. The mainstream press to the contrary notwithstanding, he explains what Biden has done to make us feel so black and blue. It’s not our imagination. It’s the inflation, stupid! See his City Journal column “No great mystery.” Anderson manages to review the data and perform the analysis with a sense of humor.

The daycare minders at the White House have persuaded Biden to single out “shrinkflation” as the villain. However, “shrinkflation” reflects “inflation.” It is a manifestation of rising prices. Sentient observers understand that Biden economic policies have triggered the inflation that we have suffered, just as they understand that Biden’s senescence has slowed the windmills of his mind. Biden trusts we won’t notice he indicts himself when he decries “shrinkflation.”

Biden’s daycare minders take us for fools. Thus the administration’s critique of Republicans for causing the invasion of illegals that Biden invited, facilitated, and denied. They think we are stupid.

We hear that Biden threatens to point the finger at alleged corporate wrongdoing as the source of our pain in tonight’s State of the Union address. For some reason or other this wave of alleged wrongdoing has run riot under the regime of…Joe Biden. It was somehow held in check under the regime of…Donald Trump. James Bovard seeks to immunize us against the foolishness of the Biden party line in his New York Post column “Joe Biden’s State of the Union ‘shrinkflation’ swindle.”

News Briefs – 03/07/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Brett Weinstein reading from the new script, in an interview with Dr Drew is worth watching the whole thing for 3 minutes and 45 seconds, as you see what we have said here for years, now beginning to come out in the mainstream, via Cabal mouthpieces:

“In reading Bobby Kennedy’s new book ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up’ it is increasingly clear that there is something about the Clandestine Services that has taken over entities, that we do not think of in those terms. What their purpose is, I can’t say, but It does appear that it is necessary that the public not know what is going on, and therefore it is not simply important that they have propaganda outlets, what they need is for there to be no exception  there is no place for you to go to even figure out the basic facts …We look at a map, and we think that we understand what those things that we call nations are, and that they predict something about who is on our team and who is not. Increasingly I think that is more of a distraction than in insight, and that something is partnering across national boundaries.”

An explosive new congressional report unveiled financial institutions are partnering with government to surveil citizens’ private transactions.

3 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals judges fall to Ken Paxton-backed candidates on Super Tuesday. These three supposedly tried to stymie investigations of voter fraud and election rigging.

Judicial Watch sues Illinois to force clean up of voting rolls.

Fani Willis paid Nathan Wade from confiscated property fund.

On Twitter:

During her testimony, Fani Willis SPECIFICALLY and CATEGORICALLY denied having visited the White House when she was in DC.

Today, Ashleigh Merchant provided receipts PROVING that Fani did in fact visit the White House.

This means that Fani not only lied under oath, but lied about having visited the White House because she was clearly colluding with the Biden administration in the political persecution of Trump et al.

This is beyond disqualification for conflict of interest.

This is government election interference.

This is lightyears beyond the Russia-gate hoax.

This is pure criminality that attacks the very fabric of these United States of America.

The irony is that Fani didn’t even have to answer the question because there was an objection. But she was too eager to lie to cover up not only her wrongdoing, but that of @potus

and @vp

as well.

This is a scandal of astonishing proportions.

Unless I have misunderstood something…

Nikki Haley spent more than $114 million to only win VT, D.C.

Political commentator James Carville said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that President Joe Biden had a “huge issue to overcome in terms of his age.”

Hillary Clinton tells voters to ‘accept the reality’ Biden is ‘old’ and re-elect him anyway.

Former SPLC staffer and Secretary of State of Michigan Jocelyn Benson announces she is ‘coordinating’ with 6 battleground secretaries of state, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada to fight a ‘common adversary.’

Centrist extinction looms as Sinema, Manchin, Romney call it quits.

Gang members outnumber Police 22 to 1 in Democrat hellhole Chicago and the ratio just keeps getting worse. That is gang members drawn from a small population of younger male minorities willing to risk prison. How much bigger could the ratio be, if you were recruiting a domestic surveillance force from the entirety of the population, and promising them your agency was too big for any of them to ever have to risk going to prison?

Flood of migrant children to put estimated $2 billion strain on public school system.

Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoes bill authorizing Arizona Police to arrest illegal aliens.

Plasmid replication in vaccinated cell lines. The field is too unexplored to know what is posssible or not.

Five Europeans have died in an avian chlamydia outbreak that has spooked health chiefs. Is this going to be “Disease X”?

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy testified to Congress Wednesday that a controlled burn and explosion weren’t necessary after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio in February 2023. “This town very well may have been poisoned to facilitate the rapid movement of freight, or at the very least, it was poisoned for reasons that we can’t identify. That should really concern every single person on this committee.”

Three corporations own 19,000 homes in the metro Atlanta area.

University of Virginia spends $20 million on 235 DEI employees, with some making $587,340 per year.

Jury finds ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter The New Mexico jury deliberated for about 2.5 hours, she faces up to three years in prison.

Republican AGs demand Wells Fargo answer for abruptly closing gun dealer’s account, other woke policies.

New York Governor Hochul deploys 1,000 National Guard and State Police to patrol New York City subways.

NY mulls bill to give inmates $2.6K in taxpayer-funded pocket money when they leave state prison.

Ultra-conservative Republicans are railing against the 605 pages of earmarks that will be included in a $460 billion spending package to fund six agencies of government to avoid a government shutdown in three days.

Study: EVs release 1,850x more particle pollution than gas-powered cars.

Migrants storm the Icelandic parliament as they debated tougher immigration laws, to demand residency permits, housing, and to be allowed to bring all their family to the country.

Three sailors dead after Houthis strike ship in Gulf of Aden, US says.

Russia bombs a maritime drone facility while Zelensky and Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis are right nearby.

Video shows first confirmed destruction of HIMARS MLRS in Ukraine.

Ukraine poll: Zelenskyy would lose election if he didn’t cancel it due to war.

San Francisco passes law-and-order measures by large margins, including drug screening for welfare recipients.

A Louisiana state representative will introduce a bill before the Louisiana Legislature that could establish gold and silver as the state’s currency.

In Texas, “incumbent state House members, judges and other state leaders were forced into runoffs or defeated outright Texas voters on Tuesday handed more power to the insurgent wing of the Republican Party in an expensive and vengeful primary election, punishing GOP lawmakers, judges and a House speaker who defied hard-right state leaders and their supporters in recent years.”

An unexpectedly high number of soldiers from the Tennessee National Guard have volunteered to deploy to Texas to assist the Lone Star State as they continue to battle the Biden regime in their efforts to secure the southern border.

Congressional leaders said this week that they plan to lower annual funding for the FBI in the newest spending bill by about 6% to reduce the political weaponization of the Bureau.

If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves. Article says this time is different, and you will see an exodus. Cabal assets, fleeing justice?

Spread r/K Theory, because an exodus of evil is a good thing.

Woeful Wokery Whacked Again

(Steven Hayward)

You may recall a few weeks ago the Biden Administration backed down in the face of public outrage when it emerged that one of its wokesters in the Department of the Interior proposed to remove a statue of William Penn from federal property in Philadelphia in favor of some kind of statue or public art that would be more “welcoming.”

Well, they done it again. A wokester in the Veterans Administration proposed in a memo to remove and ban any display of the famous Alfred Eisenstaedt photo of the jubilant sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square on V-J day in 1945. Because this photo depicts “a non-consensual act,” it has to be banned because it might constitute a hostile environment or cause snowflakes to melt or something. Some people thought the memo must be parody, but it was real:

The head of the VA has reversed this stupidity. However, I propose that if Trump is indeed elected again and allowed to take office next January 20, one of his first executive orders should be to require that “Baby It’s Cold Outside” be played at least once every day, or perhaps at shift change, in every VA hospital.

P.S. Now, if someone proposes expunging every picture of Joe Biden creeping on a child or grown woman, I’d be down for that.


New Frontier In Woke Capitalism

(John Hinderaker)

North Face is a left-wing clothing company that is breaking new ground in wokeness. It now has a program, where anyone who completes its “allyship” training module can get a 20% discount on North Face products. This is truly a new frontier: a company is actually engaging in price discrimination, offering lower prices to people who share (or pretend to share) its political views.

Intrigued by news stories about North Face’s left-wing discount, I signed up to take the “Allyship in the Outdoors” course. For reasons stated below, I didn’t complete it. But this is what I saw, starting with how North Face introduces its course:

It is all about race. There is, you see, a problem. Not enough POCs are venturing into the outdoors:

The statistics are grim, especially in England. Hey, North Face is international:

But let’s pause here for a moment. There is not a single human activity that is engaged in by equal proportions of members of different ethnic groups. Not one. In the U.S., blacks live mostly in cities. Urban populations do not hike and camp as often as rural populations. So what? Rural populations do not play basketball as much as urban populations. Should North Face offer discounts to rural whites for that reason?

Of course, North Face is on board with the Black Lives Matter Movement, even though the Black Lives Matter organization turned out to be a criminal fraud. Should someone tell them?

North Face thinks it is really important that women in full head coverings participate equally in the great outdoors:

Here’s the thing: I haven’t done so much hiking and camping in recent years, but I did quite a bit when I was younger, as well as skiing, fishing and other outdoor activities. There is no “barrier” to anyone doing any of these things. The national and state parks are open to all. Anyone can hunt or fish. Just buy a shotgun or a fishing rod. You don’t have to be a left-wing “ally” to encourage anyone who feels the urge to get outdoors. Maybe by joining the Boy Scouts, although I don’t suppose North Face would approve of that.

One thing about a far-left outfit like North Face, they lay it on the line. “Equity” means equal outcomes, i.e., exactly equal percentages of all ethnic groups engaging in all outdoor activities:

Let me know when all ethnic groups are equally represented in the NFL, and then I will get back to you.

Before getting too far into the “allyship” lesson, I had to take a quiz:

I clicked on f), but that turned out to be a thought crime:

So that was the end of the road for me. I had to either sign on with North Face’s rightthink, or forgo my opportunity for a 20% discount. Since I would not, under any circumstances, consider buying a product from North Face, it was an easy decision.

What to make of this? North Face has ventured beyond any other “woke” company, to my knowledge, in offering discounts to people with stupid political beliefs. Can that possibly work? I don’t know. The adage “Get woke, go broke” sometimes holds with regard to companies that rely on American sales, like Bud Light, but it generally doesn’t with regard to companies whose sales are mostly international, like Nike. I am not sure where North Face falls on that continuum.

I do suspect that North Face, which pretends to be “green,” is embarrassed by the fact that its products are made mostly from petroleum, and that may partly account for its insistent leftism.

So, is there an opportunity here for conservative companies? Should conservative companies (assuming there are some) offer discounts to customers who assert belief in values like patriotism and free speech?

It isn’t going to happen. Why? Because conservatives believe in inclusion and equality.

Arizona Cranks Up More Criminal Charges

(John Hinderaker)

Politico reports that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (a Democrat, of course) is accelerating an investigation that may lead to prosecutions of people close to President Trump’s 2020 campaign. Which is odd on its face, since the events that are the basis for the investigation happened more than three years ago. Why the sudden hurry? Obviously, Democrats see that Joe Biden is losing, and are throwing the kitchen sink at Trump:

Arizona prosecutors in recent weeks issued grand jury subpoenas to multiple people linked to Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, a sharp acceleration of their criminal investigation into efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

The new steps, first reported here, are a sign that Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, is nearing a decision on whether to charge Trump’s allies in the state, including GOP activists who falsely posed as presidential electors in December 2020.

“Falsely posed as electors.” What an absurd characterization! In a number of states, Trump’s campaign had people lined up to be electors on his behalf in the event that his various legal challenges might succeed before the Electoral College met. There is nothing wrong with this, let alone illegal. The same thing happened in Hawaii in 1960, and would have happened in Florida in 2000 if the Supreme Court hadn’t first put the matter to rest.

The “fake elector” theory is one of several ways in which the Democrats have tried to criminalize making claims of voter fraud. In the wake of the 2020 election, Donald Trump and many others believed that the election had been stolen by the Biden campaign. Were they right? I doubt it, but we will never know for sure. There wasn’t enough time between the election and Biden’s inauguration for claims of voter fraud to be litigated on the merits, and in no case did any court ever permit the necessary discovery, conduct a trial and make findings on the extent of voter fraud by the Democrats.

In multiple criminal proceedings, Trump is accused of “trying to overturn” — or “plotting to overturn” — the result of the 2020 election. Again, there is nothing wrong with this. Al Gore tried to overturn the result of the 2000 election, and Al Franken got into the U.S. Senate by overturning the result of an election. There is nothing wrong with pursuing legal election remedies. And where extensive voter fraud is suspected, an attempt to investigate, litigate and overturn a fraudulent result is commendable, not criminal. But the reality is that voter fraud can only be prevented; it can’t be litigated and corrected after the fact. The Democrats have blocked common-sense ballot security measures at every opportunity, and they have no one but themselves to blame if the public widely suspects that our elections are rigged.

Sadly, it appears that some Trump associates have been bullied into guilty pleas in shameful criminal proceedings alleging that they were “fake electors.” This reflects the reality that government at either the federal or the state level can destroy your life at will. At some point, nearly everyone will surrender rather than go through bankruptcy and see his or her life destroyed.

The misuse of criminal proceedings by the Democratic Party to punish its political opponents is the most vicious legacy of our current political crisis.

The Daily Chart: Deaths of Despair

(Steven Hayward)

The term “deaths of despair” has caught on in recent years, brought out into the mainstream from academic and specialized literature such as Anne Case and Angus Deaton’s Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. And the problem of drug overdose deaths was already becoming an issue on the campaign trail as far back as the Obama years. And yet the problem has only gotten worse:

When Oscar Met Monty

(Lloyd Billingsley)

The annual Academy Awards show, coming up on March 10, has defied satire for decades. Back in 1973, the Monty Python players had a go with “The British Showbiz Awards,” hosted by “Dickie” Attenborough, wonderfully played by Eric Idle:

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chairman, friends of the society, your dummy Royal Highness. Once again, the year has come full circle, and for me there can be no greater privilege, and honor, than to that to which it is my lot to have befallen this evening. There can be no finer honor than to welcome into our midst tonight a guest who has not only done only more than not anyone for our Society, but nonetheless has only done more.

Ladies and gentlemen, seldom can it have been a greater pleasure and privilege than it is for me now to announce that the next award gave me the great pleasure and privilege of asking a man without whose ceaseless energy and tireless skill the British Film Industry would be today. I refer of course to my friend and colleague, Mr. David Niven. Sadly, David Niven cannot be with us tonight, but he has sent his fridge. This is the fridge in which David keeps most of his milk, butter and eggs. What a typically selfless gesture, that he should send this fridge, of all his fridges, to be with us tonight.

David Niven’s fridge then proclaims the nominees for best foreign film, including Pasolini’s “The Third Test Match,” which came in sixth. Contenders for the big prize include the Oscar Wilde sketch but the winner must wait until the end. Dickie brings it on in fine style:

That moment is coming in a moment. The moment I’m talking about is the moment when we present the award for the cast with the most awards award, and this year is no exception. Ladies and gentlemen will you join me and welcome please, the winners of this year’s Mountbatten trophy, showbusiness’s highest accolade, the cast of the Dirty Vicar Sketch.

Dickie greets the cast, including Ronald Simms, the Dirty Vicar of St. Michaels, played by Terry Jones.

Well now, let us see the performances which brought them this award. Let us see The Dirty Vicar sketch.

Monty Python gets the nomination for best satire of the Oscars, but don’t forget Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Hear the peasant Dennis (Michael Palin) tell King Arthur (Graham Chapman) that “supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses.” There’s a lesson for America in 2024.

After last night

(Scott Johnson)

Digging deep into the Super Tuesday primary results, I foresee President Biden facing off for a rematch against President Trump. Can you feel the excitement? The two candidates represent juggernauts within their respective parties.

Let’s take the Democrats first, courtesy of RealClearPolitics. What we have here is one full boatload of results. They raise the question: who is Marianne Williamson and what is she doing here? She is the best-selling author of a variety of books including A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course In Miracles, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, The Healing of America, and Illuminated Prayers. Her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Williamson continues to inspire audiences on a global scale as she lectures internationally in the fields of spirituality and new thought.

I infer from the results that Democrats resist the light. They resist new thought. Also, we don’t have a prayer. We need a miracle.

Biden’s presents himself as a throwback to the old-fashioned Democratic Party, yet he has adopted the policies of party’s far left. Most prominent among these policies is the opening of our borders and the implicit rejection of the sovereignty of the United States. Over the past three-plus years these policies have wrought great damage. Biden wants to test the outer limits of Adam Smith’s proposition that “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” One can’t help but wonder if we can put ourselves back on track.

It’s not Joe Biden’s Democratic Party. It’s the woke left’s Democratic Party. It’s the party of those who say the things which are not.

Biden made an appearance during the narrow window of his waking hours yesterday. He appeared to have dropped in from outer space. He sounded like he had not been briefed since he blasted off from his homeworld. J.B., phone home.


REPORTER: "What's your message to Democrats who are concerned about your poll numbers?"

BIDEN: "My poll numbers? The last five polls you guys don't report. I'm winning — five! Five in a row!"

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 5, 2024

On the Republican side of Super Tuesday (also courtesy of RCP), President Trump wrapped up the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley will suspend her campaign later this morning.

This is Donald Trump’s Republican Party. If President Trump were to keel over and leave us with an open convention in Milwaukee next July, I assess the odds that the delegates would turn to Haley at zero. It would be a politician in the mold of Trump — probably Ron DeSantis, or perhaps J.D. Vance or Vivek the Mistake. Trump has transformed the Republican Party. By contrast with Biden and the Democrats, he has stamped the party in his image.

I am surprised by the not insubstantial fraction of votes that Haley pulled yesterday. Some portion of the Haley represents Democrats voting in open primaries. Haley won Vermont, but even if she were the nominee she would lose it in November. Vermont is a socialist state. I’m not talking about Vermont. Assuming Trump can survive the Democrats’ lawfare, he cannot win without a united Republican Party. He has some work to do to put the Republican house together. His choice for vice president could help.

It is difficult to project the state of play in the coming months. My crystal ball is cloudy. Much depends on the course of the Democrats’ lawfare against Trump and, to a lesser extent, the nature of the campaign Trump runs. I think he best serves his own interests at this point when he is out of the news and provides the alternative to Biden. If the election can be reduced to a binary choice, Biden should lose. The Democrats’ lawfare means to preclude that.

Yesterday brought more news of the illegal immigration that Biden has invited, inflicted, facilitated, fostered. Biden’s derelictions in office are historic in nature. The Daily Mail reports, for example, “Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security ‘vulnerabilities.'” The New York Post reports “Elon Musk says Biden flying 320K ‘unvetted’ migrants into the US sets stage ‘for something far worse than 9/11.’” Elon Musk — he’s no dummy.

The true numbers involved in the invasion that Biden invited are staggering, whatever they are, as are the secondary effects. As I say, we need a miracle, or something like it.

News Briefs – 03/06/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Just dropped, I have not had time to check it out yet:

Trump wins FOURTEEN STATES to Nikki Haley’s ONE in Super Tuesday steamrolling: Ex-President almost certain to face-off with Joe Biden in November – but GOP rival Haley has ‘NO plans’ to concede. Haley won Vermont, which saw a flood of Democrats cross over to vote in the Republican primary in the open primary state.

Trump says his Super Tuesday rout is the most ‘conclusive’ in Mar-a-Lago victory speech where he ignores Nikki Haley again and tears into Biden for his ‘secret migrant flights’ and going to the beach as he prepares for 2024 showdown.

Nikki Haley’s campaign has provided a clue that she might be about to drop out of the Republican primary race after suffering a series of losses on Super Tuesday. All events removed from her website.

Nikki Haley to suspend 2024 presidential campaign, ABC News confirms.

Mark Robinson WINS North Carolina Republican nomination for governor: MAGA loyalist who Trump called ‘Martin Luther King on steroids’ advances in the battleground state.

Three incumbent Texas judges on the state’s highest criminal court — all opposed by Attorney General Ken Paxton because they were against investigating election fraud — were behind in early returns in Tuesday’s Republican primary.

Biden LOSES the American Samoa caucus in embarrassing defeat: President is beaten by no-name candidate Jason Palmer in shock upset in the Pacific territory.

MSNBC anchors mock Virginia voters for calling immigration their top issue and laugh over concerns with flood of migrants into US.

Republican voters in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa believe Joe Biden did not win in 2020.

A second witness came forward with claims that Nathan Wade’s former law partner Terrence Bradley made statements in private conversations  about the relationship between Fani Willis and Nathan Wade that contradicted his testimony under oath.

A new witness says she could testify that Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade dates back to 2019 — and that he even had a garage door opener for their alleged love nest, according to a new court filing.

Trump demands new E. Jean Carroll trial, citing ‘restrictions’ on testimony.

Bumbling Joe Biden freezes for 15 seconds and AGAIN tells press he will ‘get in trouble’ for taking questions even though White House continues to say he is mentally fit for another term. He looked like he was having something medically wrong there. He looked even maybe a little afraid it was serious, whatever it was.

Prosecutors brought a dozen additional charges against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), including obstruction of justice and bribery, after one of the senator’s co-defendants took a plea deal and agreed to cooperate.

The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community worried he may weaponize the intelligence community.

Trump meets with Elon Musk, GOP donors in Florida.

Biden plans to ‘trigger Trump’ in new ‘aggressive’ election strategy“Biden is convinced he’ll rattle Trump if he taunts him daily” and “he thinks Trump is wobbly, both intellectually and emotionally, and will explode if Biden mercilessly gigs and goads him.” Biden’s mental model is so fascinating. Those are things which Biden, deep down, recognizes in himself. But at the conscious level he needs to deny them to take the pressure off his amygdala, and the best way these characters have found to do that is to accuse someone else of it. It is mind-blowing how when you deal with a narcissist, they will accuse everyone of being what they are. And they are all the same, like they came off an assembly line.

Whistleblower reveals DHS didn’t collect DNA from 60% of migrants. At this point, facilitating crimes against average American’s is the official government’s mission.

Retired Army colonel Douglas MacGregor warns against ‘courage to serve’ act that would allow migrants to obtain citizenship by joining the military amid shortage of ‘white Americans’ enlisting.

California proposes zero down, no payment home ‘loans’ for illegal immigrants, which require no payments until the home is sold. So basically the government buys you a house, and you live in it for free?

County public health officials are reporting a 17 percent increase in active tuberculosis (TB) cases in San Diego County.

WA Secretary of State Weaponizes AI to conduct surveillance of journalists, citizens. If you see it here, the real surveillance probably had it twenty years ago.

What appeared to be organic protests in the United States during the summer of 2020 in the wake of George Floyd’s death were actually in many cases organized by members of little-known radical organizations linked to China, according to a new book by Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer.

4x vaccinated UK youth 318% more likely to die than unvaxxed peers, Office for National Statistics confirms.

UK MP Andrew Bridgen was told by a Senior Minister in the tea room at the UK Parliament: “You can speak out all you want. It doesn’t matter. You are vaccinated. You will be dead of cancer soon.”

House Republicans subpoena Andrew Cuomo over COVID-19 nursing homes policy.

Meet the “Transableists”: Able-bodied men who identify as disabled women. And behind these mental illnesses like transgenderism may very well be teams of psychologists, and porn producers, and online content marketers, all from nations like China, looking to weaken us. The disabled part is even better than just the transgenderism, from the perspective of screwing up the country.

It took just 4 days for federal debt to go up by $100 billion.  Another trillion every 40 days? This is a hostile intel operation, which has completed the infiltration stage, and is now burning everything to the ground, from the position of the top of the government. And nobody can see it. You see the power of intel. What could never be done militarily, will be done completely effortlessly, using guile. If only we could reveal it, the utter killfest, targeting pure evil that it would set off…

Kyrsten Sinema: Independent senator won’t run for re-election.

Biden pledges $2 million to tackle HIV among ‘racially diverse transgenders in deep south.’

Canadian lab that handles world’s deadliest viruses tightens security after investigation finds researchers with connections to the Chinese government and military gained access and MAILED live Ebola virus to Wuhan.

Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels yesterday collided in the disputed South China Sea and four Filipino crewmembers were injured in high-seas confrontations.

Philippines relaxes rules for rifles to counter threats from China.

Argentine president Javier Milei bans gov’t from using pro-LGBT ‘inclusive language.’

Biden to apply new sanctions to Israeli individuals and firms as it faces pressure from left-wing activists to take a tougher stance against Israel for the 2024 election.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday his government would find a way to end exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews from Israeli military service in the face of political pressures that threaten his narrow coalition’s future.

There is growing trepidation in Israel as the Biden administration begins to interfere in Israeli domestic politics. LOL. Meanwhile we have everything from official lobbying groups, to dual citizens as political officials, to shadowy pedophile blackmail networks being run by Israel in the US.

Police in southern Sweden have called for a ban on civilians wearing bulletproof vests, which they say do not have a place outside war zones because they cause fear in communities.

UK government pressures Big Tech giants to censor ‘misinformation’ ahead of elections.

British Police fail to solve a single burglary in half of neighborhoods.

In all of Russia last year 400 people were arrested for what they said on social media. In Britain, 3,300 people were arrested for social media posts.

A Spanish priest is facing up to three years in prison on “hate crime” charges for his heated words about Islamic extremism.

Tesla factory in Berlin, Germany evacuated, multiple surrounding areas without power following apparent arson attack targeting energy infrastructure by environmentalists.

The Communists of Russia party has asked the FSB security service and top prosecutors to investigate the possible involvement of Western intelligence services in the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1953, RIA news agency reported on Tuesday.

Victoria Nuland, the architect of the disastrous US Ukraine policy since 2014, will be resigning “in the coming weeks” after Gateway Pundit filed a FOIA request to find out what her role was in the death of US journalist Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, an outspoken Nuland critic who was subsequently arrested and tortured in Ukraine.

The Washington Post reports that Kyiv told America that out of one million mobilized troops, it can only account for 300,000, and does not know where the other 700,000 are. Every one of those young patriotic guys is a tragedy, as are all the young Russian patriots killed in this thing. All of that horror, just because Globohomo cannot mind its own business and leave everyone else alone. You can see how a relatively few kills, by our kind on Globohomo, would be so vastly more moral of an option, and create such a beautiful world. But we are told that is wrong, we refrain, and this is the outcome.

French President Emmanuel Macron told expats in Prague on Tuesday it was time for Ukraine’s allies to step up, adding that a moment was being approached “in our Europe where it will be appropriate not to be a coward.” And he will watch all the young kids die, from his penthouse suite or his multimillion dollar chateau, while sipping chardonnay. Because that is what bravery looks like.

Russia & China are considering delivering and installing nuclear power units on the moon’s surface by 2033.

Doritos FIRES trans activist ONE DAY after bringing her in as brand ambassador having been alerted to her sick tweets about doing ‘depraved things’ to a 12-year-old girl.

Louisiana becomes most recent state to pass Constitutional-Carry law. #28.

The New York Times is facing a subscriber revolt over a poll that shows Donald Trump beating Joe Biden.

Spread r/K Theory, because evil loses in the end

2024 plus 1972 Equals?

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As Steve notes, Joe Biden can’t even handle his cue cards and calls to dump the Delaware Democrat are surging by the day. That recalls events from the summer of 1972, another crucial election year.

The incumbent president was Richard Nixon, hated by the left for his role in exposing Stalinist spy Alger Hiss (see Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case). In 1972, the Soviet Union still controlled Eastern Europe under the Brezhnev Doctrine. For the American left, defense of the USSR was the primary task and in 1972 they had the candidate they wanted.

After WWII, George McGovern opposed President Truman’s “aggressive anti-Soviet policy,” which he considered “dangerous.” In 1948 McGovern supported Henry Wallace and the Progressive Party, a front for the Communist Party. In 1972, McGovern’s position on “arms control” was essentially the same as the Soviets. America is to blame for the Cold War, McGovern believed, so the Soviets must arm and America must limit.

Nixon retained vice president Spiro Agnew, former governor of Maryland. McGovern picked Sen. Thomas Eagleton, a Harvard law grad and devout Catholic who opposed abortion and the war in Vietnam. McGovern backed Eagleton “1000 percent,” but then came an anonymous call.

On three occasions during the 1960s, Eagleton had been hospitalized for depression and undergone electroshock treatment. After only 18 days, McGovern dumped Eagleton for Eunice Kennedy’s husband Sargent Shriver, who had never run for office. Nixon bagged 60.7 percent of the popular vote to McGovern’s 37.5 and in the electoral college Nixon topped McGovern 520-17. The South Dakota Democrat carried only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.

“McGovern would have lost anyway to an incumbent Nixon,” notes Victor Davis Hanson, “but the margin of defeat in one of the greatest landslides in presidential history was often attributable to the sheer chaos of changing a vice presidential candidate so late in the campaign.”

In 2024, with chaos on every hand, Democrats seek to dump the addled Biden. As this plays out, Kamala Harris proves capable of rivaling Biden in sheer incoherence. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.

Feel Good Story of the Day

(Steven Hayward)

Some things even the Babylon Bee can’t make up:

MSNBC staffers scatter after bed bugs found at Manhattan HQ ahead of Super Tuesday coverage: ‘They’re scrambling

Bed bugs found at MSNBC’s Manhattan headquarters caused staffers to scatter ahead of the left-leaning network’s Super Tuesday coverage, The Post has learned.

According to a memo obtained by The Post, an “unidentified insect” was spotted Sunday in the recently revamped studio 3A — home to special election coverage and “The Rachel Maddow Show” — at 30 Rock in Midtown.

Additional studios on the third floor were also shuttered “out of an abundance of caution.”

Now I know what you’re thinking. How can you tell the difference between a bed bug and an MSNBC news person? They are both repellant parasites. You’d think professional courtesy would make MSNBC welcome bed bugs.

Happy Death Day, You Miserable Son of a Bitch

(John Hinderaker)

Josef Stalin died on this day in 1953. In his sleep; so, like Lenin, Mao and Castro, and unlike Hitler, Mussolini and Ceausescu, he never paid a price for his crimes. The Victims of Communism remember:

Stalin died on this day in 1953.

He left behind a legacy of terror, famine, and mass murder.

Remember the victims.

— Victims of Communism (@VoCommunism) March 5, 2024

Stalin ranks second only to Mao among history’s worst mass murderers. Those who knew him best understood how evil he was: his wife committed suicide and his daughter defected to America. Stalin’s malignant legacy lives on, as Russia has never fully emerged from his dark shadow. It is unfortunate that he wasn’t strung up like Mussolini or shot like Ceausescu. At this point, all we can do is revile him.

Sinema Is Out

(John Hinderaker)

Kyrsten Sinema announced today that she will not seek reelection to her Arizona Senate seat:

Sinema’s move is significant but not unexpected. She raised only $595,000 in the final quarter of 2023, a fraction of the totals that Lake and Gallego each raised — although Sinema maintains nearly $11 million in her campaign account.

So it sounds like her mind was made up a while ago. Sinema’s withdrawal means the race will be between Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Representative Ruben Gallego. Gallego is a far leftist; this is how Lake describes him:

He votes with Joe Biden 100% of the time, supported the Iran Deal, sanctuary cities, defunding the police, and voting rights for everyone pouring across the border. He even called the border wall “stupid.”

Lake will now be a heavy favorite to flip the Senate seat, obviously a desirable outcome. But I am a little sorry to see Sinema go. She was an old-fashioned–i.e, sane–Democrat. A dinosaur, in other words. While she no doubt voted with the Dems most of the time, there were important instances, as for example the original “Build Back Better” disaster, when she stood in the breach on behalf of the Republic. And I have it on good authority that she couldn’t stand her Democratic colleagues, which perhaps contributed to her decision to walk away.

In any event, while Kari Lake will likely mark an important step toward restoring Republican control of the Senate, we owe Kyrsten Sinema a debt of gratitude.

Getting to know UNRWA

(Scott Johnson)

Israel’s war on Hamas has had several side effects. One such is the exposure of UNRWA a functional arm of Hamas. As Michael Rubin puts it:

The rot surrounding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East keeps accumulating. Not only did the UNRWA allow Hamas command posts under local hospitals and the UNRWA’s own headquarters, but UNRWA employees hid weaponry in their homes and then reportedly participated in the Oct. 7 kidnappings in Israel. Some employees held Israeli civilians hostage in the aftermath of the mass kidnapping. Israel alleges that 10% of UNRWA employees are Hamas members, a figure that, if anything, seems low.

Yesterday the IDF played a recording of an UNRWA employee boasting about kidnapping an Israeli woman on October 7. The UNRWA employee is only one of several hundred UNRWA employees in Gaza who are operatives in Gaza terrorist groups. Yesterday IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari held a press briefing to play the recording. Here is his introduction to it:

The information that I am about to share is distressing and some people may find it triggering, but we have an obligation to share the truth about what happened on October 7th, 150 days ago. We have a duty to expose the truth about those who took part in this brutal massacre.

Today, we are declassifying a call that we intercepted, made by Yusef Zidan Salimam Al-Khuairl, a Hamas terrorist who took part in the massacre of October 7th.

But he is not just a Hamas terrorist, he is also an UNRWA employee working as a teacher in a UN elementary school in Gaza.

The terrorist is heard speaking on the phone roughly 7 hours after Hamas began invading Israel:
Murdering; mutilating; massacring; kidnapping; raping; and burning entire families alive.

On the call, you can hear him bragging about the Sabaya is a female captive that he got his hands on.

He’s talking about one of our girls. He is talking about one of the women. The term “SABAYA” used by this UNRWA worker is an Arabic term, meaning ‘female captive’ with a possession, a possession of a captor.

“Sabaya” is exactly the same word used by ISIS to describe the Yazidi women they captured,
and did horrific things to.

I want you to listen to the conversation, I want you to hear the tone… how they brag…how they laugh…how they talk about women…How they call her a 
“noble horse”…


The IDF has posted text and video of the briefing here. Below is the video.

Below is the recording of the call Hagari plays in the briefing. “Listen.”

This is an @UNRWA teacher.
This is a proud @UN employee.
This man's paycheque is paid by YOUR taxes.
This is a man sharing his successes.
This is a man who sees women as #sabaya, the term ISIS used for slaves.
This is the terrorism of #October7massacre
This is UNRWA…

— Lt. Col. (R) Peter Lerner (@LTCPeterLerner) March 4, 2024

Via Richard Kemp/X.

JOHN adds: the UN is a hopelessly corrupt and immoral organization. We should get out.

The Daily Chart: White House Hypocrisy by the Numbers

(Steven Hayward)

One of the central totems of the modern left and its women’s auxiliary (the feminist movement) is the alleged “wage gap” between men and women. You know the cliche—women only earn 80 cents for every dollar a man earns. This cliche has been exploded countless times, but it refuses to die because it retains endless utility for grievance-junkies who run the Democratic Party. You know the Biden White House will continue to deploy it.

Which makes Mark Perry’s annual analysis of White House salaries under Democrats so much fun:

The Liberal Freakout Sweepstakes

(Steven Hayward)

Last week I observed in “Liberal Fragility” how liberal law professors supposedly break down in tears they are so depressed that the Supreme Court has taken a turn away from the palmy days of their beloved Warren Court (which, recall, Barack Obama once said did not go far enough in the direction of true “equality”). Just imagine how much Xanax is being ingested after yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling that leaves Trump on the ballot.

I expected something like this from Keith Olbermann:

Dissolve the Court! Remind me again who is the threat to democracy and trasher of “democratic norms”? Almost makes you long for the good old days of court-packing.

But I hadn’t expected that a supposed conservative could be equally idiotic, but then the side-effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome, for which there is no vaccine, appear to be even worse that I thought:

Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on, cont’d

(Scott Johnson)

Attorney Terrence Bradley testified last week in the hearing on the possible disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Counsel Nathan Wade in the “conspiracy so immense” charges against President Trump et al. pending in Georgia state court. Bradley is Wade’s former law partner and lawyer in his divorce proceeding. He knows when the Willis/Wade romance began because Wade told him.

Indeed, Bradley had previously stated in text messages to Ashleigh Merchant (attorney for defendant Michael Roman) that: (1) the relationship between Willis and Wade started before he was appointed special prosecutor, (2) the relationship started while they were both magistrate judges, and (3) the motion to disqualify Willis, which alleged the start date of the relationship, was accurate.

However, that’s not the way it turned out on the witness stand. After long pauses, Bradley disavowed his previous statements. He couldn’t recall. He was speculating. As in the old Jack Benny joke, he was thinking about it. He knew nothing. It made for painful viewing. Everyone in the room knew that Bradley was lying. Which means that Willis and Wade had lied in their testimony, which was almost as obvious.

Judge Scott McAfee heard oral argument on the disqualification motion this past Friday. He announced that he would render a decision within two weeks. I think he left the bench knowing what he would do.

Now comes counsel for defendant David J. Shafer to add to the lyin’ record on the matter of disqualification. According to counsel in a three-page filing setting forth Notice of Proposed Testimony, Cobb County prosecutor Cindi Lee Yeager had “numerous, in-person and other conversations” with Bradley in which they discussed information about Willis and Wade. Bradley told Yeager that the two met during a 2019 judicial conference and that Wade “began his romantic relationship” with the future DA “at or around this time.”

The filing also describes a meeting around September 2023 when Bradley was visiting Yeager in her office and got a phone call. “Ms. Yeager could hear that the caller was District Attorney Willis. District Attorney Willis was calling Mr. Bradley in response to an article that was published about how much money Mr. Wade and his law partners had been paid in this case,” according to the filing. “Ms. Yeager heard District Attorney Willis tell Mr. Bradley: “They are coming after us. You don’t need to talk to them about anything about us.”

The Daily Mail runs it all down along with exhibits and videos in “Fani Willis warned Nathan Wade’s divorce lawyer to stay quiet about their affair, bombshell new court filing claims: Trump prosecutor case gets another twist with NEW witness that could deliver devastating testimony.” Jonathan Turley provides a link to the new filing in the tweet below.

My guess is that Judge McAfee has heard enough. He knows how he wants to decide the disqualification motion. Anyone with half a brain could see that Bradley was lying. Bradley could not have made it more obvious if he had wanted to, although (with apologies to the great Jeremiah Denton) he might have blinked out “I-M-L-Y-I-N-G” in Morse Code if he knew it.

There is a new filing in the Fani Willis case that contradicts the much maligned testimony of Nathan Wade’s former partner Terrence Bradley. A prosecutor has come forward to say that Bradley told him with clarity of the personal relationship began earlier.

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) March 4, 2024

Longing for Auschwitz

(Scott Johnson)

As a guest of the Jewish Community Relations Council I attended a private showing of the atrocity video compiled by the IDF in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre this past December. Several of the clips compiled in the video had previously been posted to social media. The sadistic glee of the Hamas savages is apparent throughout the 45-minute video. They shriek in ecstasy as they perform their barbaric deeds. They take sensual pleasure in committing acts from which we recoil in disgust and horror.

Now Professor Alvin Rosenfeld seeks to capture the Hamas spirit in the Tablet column “Longing for Auschwitz.” What’s it all about? Professor Rosenfeld seems to me to get at the mania that is otherwise beyond our verbal grasp if not our human understanding. This is just the opening slice of his column:

Hamas’s assault on Israelis on October 7th was not an act of war as we normally think of it but something far worse. We don’t have an adequate term for what occurred on that day, so people use words like “terrorism,” “barbarism,” “atrocity,” “depravity,” “massacre,” and so on. All are correct, and yet all fall short of capturing the annihilationist fury set loose at the Nova music festival and in the kibbutzim and small towns of southern Israel. The people attacked in those places were not only to die, but to die in torment. In addition to the merciless torture, killings, slashings, burnings, beheadings, mutilations, dismemberments, and kidnappings, there were gang-rapes and other forms of sadistic sexual assault, including, according to some reports, the cutting off of women’s breasts, nails driven into women’s thighs and groins, bullets fired into their vaginas, and even intercourse with female corpses. Unimaginable? For most normal people, yes. But before going into Israel, the Hamas assassins were instructed to “dirty them” and “whore them.” And that’s precisely what many of them faithfully did.

If it were possible to encapsulate all the evil of that day in a single image, it would be that of the violent seizure of a young Israeli woman, Naama Levy, 19, barefoot, beaten, and bloodied, her hands tied behind her back, the crotch of her sweatpants heavily soiled, possibly from being raped, dragged by her hair at gunpoint into a Hamas car, and driven off to Gaza to suffer an unspeakable fate among her captors there.Her assailants filmed every second of her ordeal; and as one watches the clips of her being taken away, one sees crowds nearby loudly shouting “Allah-hu Akbar” – “Allah is the greatest”—a victory cry that offers religious sanction to the malign treatment of Naama Levy and countless others seized, slaughtered, and abducted on that horrific day.

All wars cause human suffering, but the cruelties visited upon Israelis on October 7th far surpasses what normally happens when armies go to war. Hamas’s actions had a different aim: not conquest but the purposeful humiliation of Jews by people who detest them and were sworn to degrade and dehumanize them before murdering them. For those familiar with Jewish history, the mass violence enacted against Jews in Kishinev in 1903 came instantly to mind, as did the Farhoud in Iraq in 1941 and Chmielnicki’s savage decimation of Ukrainian Jewish communities in the mid-17th century. With memories of those earlier massacres newly revived, October 7th instantly evoked the word “pogrom.” With cause. But how could such a catastrophe occur in today’s Israel? The country’s military has been hailed as one of the strongest in the world and was regarded as invincible. And yet on October 7th, it failed to protect its southern border and prevent the ruthless assault on Jews in the Gaza envelope. Responding to Hamas’s bloody deeds, one Israeli woman summed up the reactions of virtually every Jew in the country and millions of others abroad when she said, simply and incontrovertibly, “Every Israeli’s worst nightmares have come true.”

October 7th, 2023 was the most destructive day of mass violence against Jews since the end of the Holocaust. The carnage carried out on that day, far from being a by-product of war, was a religiously sanctioned, orgiastic display of unrestrained Jew-hatred. One cannot begin to understand it if one ignores the Hamas Charter and other Islamist teachings that make Hamas the organization it is and inspires it to do what it does.

Hamas originates as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is and always has been a jihadist organization, which sees the existence of the State of Israel as an intolerable intrusion into the Domain of Islam (“dar al-islam”) and is committed to removing Israel by whatever means necessary. The preamble to the Hamas Charter declares that “Israel exists and will continue to exist until Islam obliterates it, just as it obliterated others before it.” The “Palestinian problem,” it affirms, “is a religious problem” and is not amenable to a negotiated political settlement. The only way to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” is through “jihad,” a holy war that is a “duty for every Muslim wherever he may be.”

After watching the atrocity video, I wondered: Has Dementia Joe or blind Tony Blinken seen this? (Kelly Jane Torrance reported in her New York Post column on it that Biden has seen it.) If so, what are they doing hectoring Israel, yammering about a two-state solution, and disparaging a country acting in self-defense while in the throes of a crisis that goes to its reason for being? If that’s the best they can do, why won’t they shut up?

The “solution” is part of the problem. A people must have civilized norms and civil institutions on which to predicate a state. It can’t be created ex nihilo or ex worse than nothing.

Israel exists as a homeland and refuge for the Jewish people. The events of October 7 belie its reason for being. In other words, it won’t remain a refuge if Israelis aren’t safe from such atrocities in their homeland. Thus the war on Hamas in which it is currently engaged. Israel, by the way, also has to contend with Iranian proxies including Hezbollah and the Houthis as well as Iran itself. The day of reckoning is coming.

No government freely elected by the people of Israel can tolerate what Israel withstood on October 7. There can be no return to the status quo ante or its functional equivalent under the supervision of the Palestinian Authority, whose president for life himself supports terrorism with funds generously provided by his supporters among the Biden administration and elsewhere.

News Briefs – 03/05/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Michael Yon shows, we are going to have war on the streets of America:

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Mind-dump, sans edit

The drone footage below has never been seen and was made yesterday. This is a United Nations Camp in Darien, Panama, after “migrant” attack two days ago.
9This is China Camp in Darien, Panama. Locally called San Vicente. Notice this camp is the header on my X page. Same camp. I have been here dozens of times including two weeks ago.

Secretary @SecMayorkas came here on 18 April 2022 to expand the camp. I was there that day. @ganaha_masako, and @rangerholton, and I first went together shortly after Biden was installed several years ago. Chuck Holton had been to Darien many times over the years. We watched the United States grow this terrorist camp.

Realizing Darien Gap likely would become a main invasion route to USA, I have spent about six months in and around this area since Biden was installed.
Over the past three years I have taken only a small number of select people to this camp and into Darien. These include @annvandersteel, @EpochTimes, @LauraLoomer, @Matt_Bracken48, @RepTiffany, @BenBergquam, @Oscarelblue, @realmuckraker, @MaraMacie, @BretWeinstein, @chrismartenson and a few more.

There is no doubt in my mind that people who pass through this camp will become responsible for the deaths of countless Americans. You have never seen a more serious terrorist camp in your life.
This camp is funded by @DHSgov and others through front organizations such as @UNmigration, and @HIASrefugees.

@HIASrefugees has an office about 50 yards from this fire damage.

The Government of Panama wants to close this camp but @wef, Chinese Communist Party, and @USEmbPAN and others work to keep this open. This is a war camp. Panama could shut the camp with snap of a finger but do not. This camp and others will be instrumental in the coming revolution in Panama. At this rate, Panama will be taken from Panamanians due to allowing this to grow within their bellies.

Again, @HIASrefugees has an office about 50 yards from the fire damage that destroyed the “migrant” records two days ago.

@SecMayorkas was a board-member at @HIASrefugees before being installed as an operative at @DHSgov.

Two days ago, a riot occurred in this camp. Several courageous @senafrontpanama men [Panamaniam Border Guards] were seriously hurt trying to save the camp and stop the attack.

Arson was committed including an attack on vital records of invaders who pass through this camp. According to @senafrontpanama, computers and vital records were burned and destroyed.

The attack is said to have started from an internal dispute between “migrants”. The records were attacked during the violence. 44 “migrants” reportedly have been arrested so far. Others vanished into the night.

Vanished with what? The records?

Records that include CCP operatives, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others who have passed through were said to have been burned. It is unknown if backups are intact. It is unknown to me if the records were actually burned or maybe just vanished into the night.

Powerful forces are at play. This is a multiplayer game.
This drone footage was made yesterday afternoon on 02 March 2024. On the right side of the camp notice the fire damage to @senafrontpanama offices. This is exactly were @LauraLoomer interviewed the Somali, the Iranian, the the Chinaman about two weeks ago. I was there beside her with @ganaha_masako, @annvandersteel, @MaraMacie and others. We know this camp.

China Camp is a terrorist bus station to United States funded by United States.

Those migrants, are Cabal assets. The groups they are a part of, Hamas, Hezbollah, those are Cabal operations. They are being brought here for something – something for which the present chaos, with criminals unable to be held after committing crimes, and cops imprisoned for decades simply for trying to stop crimes, and regular citizens like me getting poltergeist tech rolled out to damage portions of our brains, and Bill Binney having holes blown through steel shielding, is just a warm-up act. And we are so thoroughly infiltrated, we are paying for all of it through our government.

Democrats announce bill to kick Trump OFF the ballot immediately after the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that he could be allowed to stay on: The left melts down over ruling and even calls for court to be DISBANDED.

Supreme Court ‘must be dissolved’: Liberals melt down over ruling that states can’t disqualify Trump from ballots. I want to say the fireworks if Trump wins will be epic. But if any of this were real, I tend to think Democrats would be doing something different, starting with running someone other than Biden, and maybe not being so blatant about destroying the country with the migrants and criminals. All of this feels like Kayfabe, and I have a nagging worry the tears and angst we are seeing, is just the heel acting like he is super upset to give the crowd what they want. I want to see real suffering, of everyone involved.

Democrats now claim they’ll refuse to certify a potential Trump victory in November.

New witness says Fani Willis warned Nathan Wade’s divorce lawyer to stay quiet about their affair, bombshell new court filing claims.

CNN’s Honig: Jack Smith is violating DOJ policy on timing of cases affecting elections.

Democrat election lawyer Marc E. Elias boasted Sunday that President Donald Trump cannot receive a fair trial in the District of Columbia, after noting the small number of votes Trump received Saturday in the Republican primary there.

Rumors swirl that Haley Campaign is talking about canceling ad buys.

MI lawmakers send brutal letter to FBI Director Wray demanding answers on 2020 GBI Strategies investigation: “This looks like a whitewash, and it looks like it’s selective enforcement of the laws.” GBI Strategies was submitting tens of thousands of bogus voter registrations, which could have been the foundation for tens of thousands of bogus votes. A clerk reported it, and an investigation was begun, and FBI covered it up.

From here:

At noon on Jan. 20, 2021, President Biden took the oath of office. What do you think he did in his first 12 hours? He signed an executive order titled “Executive Order on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census.” That is government speak for directing the Census Bureau to count all illegal aliens when the census is taken…

Every 10 years, when the census is conducted, the population numbers are used to redraw congressional district lines so that they generally have the same amount of people in each district across the country. The more people counted, the more congressional seats a state receives… The number of congressional seats also directly relates to the number of electors each state can send to the Electoral College.

NY State GOP Chairman Ed Cox exposed! GOP “leader” is a progressive green new deal double agent who hand picks bad Republican candidates to lose to his commie pals on the left. Judging by the nasolabial lines, it could indicate surveillance spotted a sexual degenerate, which is why he is where he is:

Democrats try again to take down RFK Jr.’s White House bid with new allegations his super PAC is violating election laws by failing to disclose $10 million in loans.

Judge rejects Sen. Bob Menendez’s claims that search warrants in bribery case were unconstitutional.

An undocumented man wanted in Oregon for rape is now in federal custody after the Martin County Sheriff’s Office in Florida says U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initially declined to hold him, until they got the politicians involved. ICE must be under orders, even if the illegal is a rapist, to leave him be, in the nation. Shocking.

Federal appeals court reverses judge’s ruling, allows Texas immigration law that allows Police to arrest illegals to take effect.

The Biden administration asked the Supreme Court to weigh in on a controversial law in Texas that allows state and local law enforcement to arrest people they believe entered the country illegally.

FBI launches urgent manhunt for Iranian secret agent, 42, accused of plotting to assassinate Trump-era officials including Mike Pompeo in revenge for killing of Qasem Soleimani.

Biden administration ADMITS illegal migrant secret flying program that has transported over 320,000 has national security ‘vulnerabilities.’

US Border Patrol shoots, kills bandit robbing migrants in California-Bandits have been entering the US and robbing migrants turning themselves in for processing, before fleeing back into Mexico.

San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting decides to evict American flood victims from a facility so illegal migrants can move right in.

A finance professor at Wharton is sounding the alarm over America’s growing debt, predicting the $34 trillion burden could trigger a meltdown as early as next year if more isn’t done to curb spending.

New York’s ‘undocumented immigrant’ lawmaker slammed for REWRITING 9/11 history: bill would focus K-12 lessons on ‘xenophobia’ and anti-Muslim bullying, not the terror attacks that killed 3,000.

ATF chief tells CBS he’s willing to skirt laws to ban guns he doesn’t even know how to use.

The United States may sell its 1 million barrel Northeast gasoline reserve in fiscal year 2024, according to the draft text of a funding bill released on Sunday. Some think it is to drop gas prices just before the election.

Interesting – The tranny movement is being funded by China-linked billionaires who are driving transgenderism in the United States, but will not push it in China.

People cannot eat foods in the US, they travel overseas, and can eat the foods fine, return home, and cannot eat them again. Are they poisoning the foods in the US? Is it the Beam?

Life insurance companies are reporting an unexplained increase in deaths among 18-49 year olds.

Dr. Robert Malone says humanity currently faces 5th generation warfare: “You don’t know who your opponent is.”

Mitch McConnell pushes support for Melissa Holyoak, a Joe Biden nominee for the Federal Trade Commissioner and consummate RINO that would be a key ally for Google on the FTC, one of our nation’s most important regulatory bodies.

John Thune of South Dakota seeks to replace Mitch McConnell as Senate Republican leader.

Senate conservatives seek to expand power post-McConnell.

Former senior executives of Twitter are suing Elon Musk and X Corp., saying they are entitled to a total of more than $128 million in unpaid severance payments.

Send your neighbor to prison for “WrongSpeak,” get $2,000 from taxpayers in state of Washington. Probably just a money laundering deal to funnel taxpayer money to select individuals.

Doritos is slammed for hiring Samantha Hudson, transgender ambassador who previously tweeted about doing ‘thuggish things’ to a 12-year-old.

China drops ‘peaceful reunification’ reference to Taiwan.

Argentina’s Javier Milei announces closure of state-run news outlet that operated as ‘propaganda agency.’

France becomes the first country in the world to make abortion a ‘guaranteed freedom’ for women in its constitution.

Police documents and evidence prove Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison along with 27 other prominent names including Judges are all involved in Pedophilia and child trafficking. The case was covered up so the public would not lose trust in the Judiciary.

Haiti orders curfew after armed gangs overran two of the country’s biggest prisons, releasing thousands of inmates.

Hungarian PM Orban: The only serious chance for peace is a Trump win.

CNN – A series of swift Russian advances have challenged Ukraine’s new line of defense set up after their withdrawal from the key town of Avdiivka and are raising fears about Kyiv’s tactics and momentum on the front lines.

Zelensky in bind over how to draft more troops as Russian forces advance. I wish Russia would take the whole country, and then execute every last drone operator, as a way of dissuading the use of drones in wars going forward.

Studies are producing mounting evidence that light flickering and sound clicking at the gamma brain rhythm frequency of 40 Hz can reduce Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression and treat symptoms in human volunteers as well as lab mice.

Linux crosses 4% market share worldwide.

Texas Republicans wage intraparty war as state braces for its most ‘painful’ election in modern history. Sounds like Cabal vs the counter-conspiracy.

NY Times poll: Voters favor Trump’s policies to Biden’s.

President Donald Trump won the North Dakota Republican caucuses, NBC News projects, defeating former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on the eve of Super Tuesday.

Shock NY Times Poll: 97% of 2020 Trump voters ready to vote for him again in 2024 – While Joe Biden loses almost 20% of his voters and 10% to Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is not a real win if your rnemy is pretending to suffer.

California Is About to Get Even Worse

(John Hinderaker)

You might think that the leftists who run California would be worried about the rapid decline of that state, but no: they are doing all they can to accelerate it. In the Wall Street Journal, Heather Mac Donald outlines California’s latest descent into racialist madness:

What would happen if lawmakers reinvented the criminal-justice system to target “systemic racism” instead of crime? California is about to find out. Thanks to a 2020 law called the California Racial Justice Act, every felon serving time in the state’s prisons and jails can now retroactively challenge his conviction and sentencing on the ground of systemic bias.

To prevail, the incarcerated prisoner need not show that the police officers, prosecutors, judge or jurors in his case were motivated by racism or that his proceedings were unfair. If he can demonstrate that in the past, criminal suspects of his race were arrested, prosecuted or sentenced more often or more severely than members of other racial groups, he will be entitled to a new trial or sentence.

We all know what this is about. Blacks are arrested, prosecuted and convicted more often than members of other races because they commit more crimes. Heather has some of the numbers for California:

In Los Angeles, blacks are 21 times as likely as whites to commit a violent crime, 36 times as likely to commit a robbery, and 57 times as likely to commit a homicide, according to police department data. Those data come from reports filed by victims and witnesses, who are themselves disproportionately black.

Blacks over-offend to an appalling degree in other states, too. But liberals cling to the hoary myth that “disparities” in law enforcement can only be due to racial bias in criminal jutice.

The Racial Justice Act is turning California’ criminal justice system into a farce:

When a felon in San Francisco contested his arrest and prosecution for having a loaded handgun in his car, a “race expert” testified that the arresting officer’s use of the phrase “high crime area” demonstrated “bias against people of color.” The trial judge disagreed, but an appeals court reversed and allowed the felon’s claim to proceed. (Speaking of bias, that same expert, Dante King, asserted at the University of California, San Francisco, on Feb. 8 that “whites are psychopaths” whose “behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity.”)
A case from Contra Costa County last year shows the snowballing potential of the Racial Justice Act. A judge found that four black gang members who had committed murder as part of a bloody feud between two Oakland gangs had been improperly sentenced to life in prison without parole. That conclusion wasn’t based on flaws in the four defendants’ trials, but simply on an alleged historical pattern of sentencing bias toward black gang murderers. The black comparison group in the case was made up of 30 black defendants who had also committed gang murder in Contra Costa County from 2015 to 2022 and who had also received life without parole. All 30 can now sue to erase those sentences.

It is hard to understand how there can be a political movement in favor of more crime, but there you have it. In California, that movement evidently represents the majority. If, for some reason, you still live in California, you should get out while you can.

The Daily Chart: Fake Green

(Steven Hayward)

Churchill remarked that “For a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” A similar thing can be said, apparently, for green energy—you can’t subsidize or tax-break yourself to a truly profitable business.

Today in NY Times Biden Doom-polling

(Steven Hayward)

Today’s third NY Times installment about their most recent poll piles on the bad news for Biden: not only are you losing to Trump head-to-head, and are unpopular, but today we learn that more voters like Trump’s policies and record better than Biden’s.

Here’s the graphic depiction:

Some excerpts from the Times:

And despite holding intensely and similarly critical opinions both of President Biden and of his predecessor, Americans have much more positive views of Donald J. Trump’s policies than they do of Mr. Biden’s, according to New York Times/Siena College polls.

Overall, 40 percent of voters said Mr. Trump’s policies had helped them personally, compared with just 18 percent who say the same about Mr. Biden’s policies. . .

Women are 20 percentage points more likely to say that Mr. Trump’s policies have helped them than Mr. Biden’s have, despite the fact that Mr. Trump installed Supreme Court justices who ultimately overturned the right to an abortion and that about two-thirds of women in America think that abortion should be legal in all or most instances.

In a separate Times story, the Biden message to doubting Democrats is—drop dead. Well that’s the headline the NY Daily News would have used. Instead the Times headline is:

For Democrats Pining for an Alternative, Biden Team Has a Message: Get Over It.”

. . . The Biden team views the very question as absurd. The president in their view has an impressive record of accomplishment to run on. There is no obvious alternative. It is far too late in the cycle to bow out without considerable disruption. . . Members of Mr. Biden’s team insist they feel little sense of concern.

Supreme Court: Trump on ballot

(Scott Johnson)

The Supreme Court has held 9-0 that the Colorado Supreme Court erred in blessing the disqualification of Donald Trump from the state’s primary election ballot under section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court’s opinion is per curiam. Justice Barrett concurs in part and concurs in the judgment. Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson concur in the judgment (i.e., the result). The Court’s opinions are posted online here.

The Court’s per curiam opinion commanded a majority and its reasoning represents the law. It rests substantially on the exclusive power of Congress to enforce section 3 against candidates for federal office, “especially the presidency.”

Does the opinion leave open the possibility that Congress might refuse to certify Trump as president if he were to be elected president on the ground that he is guilty of insurrection? If Congress has not prescribed any means other than conviction of the crime of insurrection to make the determination underlying application of section 3, I doubt it. See opinion at 10. However, I may be mistaken. Perhaps the opinion cannot be read that broadly.

The opinion concludes (emphasis in original, citations omitted):

All nine Members of the Court agree with that result. Our colleagues writing separately further agree with many of the reasons this opinion provides for reaching it. So far as we can tell, they object only to our taking into account the distinctive way Section 3 works and the fact that Section 5 vests in Congress the power to enforce it. These are not the only reasons the States lack power to enforce this particular constitutional provision with respect to federal offices. But they are important ones, and it is the combination of all the reasons set forth in this opinion—not, as some of our colleagues would have it, just one particular rationale—that resolves this case. In our view, each of these reasons is necessary to provide a complete explanation for the judgment the Court unanimously reaches.

Read the whole thing here.

UPDATE: Although he characterizes it as a 5-4 decision, Andrew McCarthy supports my reading of the per curiam opinion: “What that means is that if Donald Trump were to win the presidential election, congressional Democrats would not be able — in the next January 6 joint session of Congress — to refuse to ratify his victory on the grounds that he is an insurrectionist. Under the Court’s holding, it is now a prerequisite to enforcement of the Section 3 disqualification that a person must have been convicted under the insurrection statute.”

Pope Francis Is a Fool

(John Hinderaker)

Pope Francis says that all nations have a moral duty to disarm:

Pope Francis said Sunday that military disarmament is not optional but constitutes a “moral obligation” for all nations.
“How many resources are wasted on military expenditure, which, because of the current situation, sadly continues to increase!” he told the estimated 20,000 tourists and pilgrims gathered in the square.

Actually, I think it is a fact that a smaller proportion of resources is going to military spending, in almost all countries, than at any time in history.

He went on to express his hope that “the international community will understand that disarmament is first and foremost a duty, and that disarmament is a moral obligation.”

“Let’s get this into our heads,” he added. “And this requires the courage of all members of the great family of nations to move from a balance of fear to a balance of trust.”

But some leaders, and some nations, can’t be, and shouldn’t be, trusted. Francis’s foolish advice is reminiscent of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most overrated men ever, who urged Jews not to resist the Nazis. Wouldn’t want to dirty your hands with weapons. Back to Francis:

In the past, the pope has suggested that if people are really serious about world peace, the solution is to “ban all weapons.”

This is gun control writ large: blame the inanimate weapon, which can be used either for good or for ill, rather than the evil regime of Hamas, Putin, or the Chinese Communist Party.

For decades, the Catholic church has criticized the arms race and consequent build-up of nuclear arsenals, but Francis is the pope to call for the banning of all weapons. If he were to be taken at his word, this would imply outlawing everything from rifles to hand grenades to the halberds carried by the Pontifical Swiss Guards in the Vatican.

Good point! People used to go to war with spears and swords, tools which were sufficient to kill vast numbers.

The existence of weapons leads humanity to live “in fear of war,” the pope declared, and the only way to remove this fear is to eliminate all weapons.

People live in fear of war for excellent reasons. They lived in fear of war two thousand year ago, too, when weapons were much more primitive. The way to remove fear of war is to be more powerful than one’s potential adversaries.

I suppose Francis’s defenders would say that his call to disarm is aspirational, and that he doesn’t really want countries like the United States and Italy to turn their swords into ploughshares tomorrow. But when you tell people they have a moral duty to do something that it would be stupid and even fatal for them to do, you forfeit any claim to moral leadership.

Francis is a fool. Happily, there is no chance that anyone will listen to his bad advice.

Sticking points

(Scott Johnson)

Reading about the ceasefire negotiations that the ceasefire negotiations with which the Biden administation hopes to engineer a Hamas victory requires a certain kind of immunity to savagery. Hamas seeks to trade kidnapped Israelis for terrorists who can help Hamas finish the task it undertook on October 7. The Hamas terrorists are murderers and genocidaires. The Israelis are, well, you know, Jewish. Hamas seeks ten terrorists in exchange for every kidnapped Israeli and Israel seems okay with the proposition and the ratio.

However, the Israelis declined to show up in Cairo for further negotiations so long as Hamas refuses to provide a list of living kidnap victims. The Israelis assess that 31 of the kidnap victims taken by Hamas on October 7 are now dead. This is either elided in mainstream news accounts or referred to euphemistically as one of the “sticking points.” The Times of Israel summed up the status of negotiations yesterday:

Israel has said that 31 of the 130 hostages held since October 7 are dead. The first phase of the mooted deal is reported to provide for the release of 40 of the living hostages, including women, children, the elderly and the sick, in the course of a six-week truce, and in exchange for some 400 Palestinian security prisoners. The outline reportedly provides for negotiations on the further phased release of the remaining hostages, living and dead, in return for longer pauses in the fighting and many more Palestinian prisoner releases.

On Sunday afternoon, a Hamas official told CNN that the group will not agree to a deal without Israel consenting to an end to the war in Gaza, a non-starter for Israel.

Citing “a highly placed source” in the terror group, CNN reported that the two other areas of disagreement holding up a deal are the withdrawal of IDF troops from Gaza, and Gazan civilians being allowed to return to the northern Gaza Strip.

Vice President Harris found this a good time to hammer Israel yesterday in Selma, Alabama (White House transcript here). Israel is apparently responsible for “the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.” Why, “just a few days ago, we saw hungry, desperate people approach aid trucks, simply trying to secure food for their families after weeks of nearly no aid reaching Northern Gaza. And they were met with gunfire and chaos.” The savages of Hamas have their allies among the idiots, useful or otherwise, of the Biden administration.

Notable and quotable

(Scott Johnson)

In the latest episode of the Hoover Institution’s GoodFellows podcast (with Dan Senor sitting in for H.R. McMaster), Niall Ferguson joined from Jerusalem. He had some advice for Tucker Carlson regarding his misadventures in Putin’s Russia buried at about 43:00 of the video (below). Asked to assess Carlson’s interview with Putin, Ferguson responded:

I am beyond disappointed in what Tucker Carlson has become because four years ago he was an impressive and effective broadcaster whose monologues I used to enjoy. I mean Tucker — I don’t know if you listen to this — but you have a chance to admit that you made a terrible mistake by going to Moscow, that you were made use of by a fascist dictator. You don’t want to be the Walter Duranty of this story. You don’t want to be the useful idiot of American journalism who fell for a dictatorship.

So my advice is own it. You made a huge blunder and you need to admit it and recognize that you have been used by a fascist regime. The fact that Navalny was killed just after you had been made a fool of in that interview where Putin filibustered, made stuff up that you didn’t know enough Russian history to correct — all of this has all but destroyed your reputation and the only possible solution is a full and frank apology and an admission that you screwed up.

See my own “Political pilgrimage revisited,” “From glib to stupid,” and “The lonesome death of Alexei Navalny.”

Tucker Carlson has worked himself into a dark corner of which his Russian misadventures constitute only one component. He seeks to fill the niche formerly occupied by Charles Lindbergh on the isolationist wing of the populist right and has become a fool for Putin in the process. The odds of Carlson taking Ferguson’s advice asymptotically approach zero, but not because he shouldn’t take it.

News Briefs – 03/04/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

New York City, 1896, what is the guy doing standing on the stairs, and not moving?:

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling on Trump’s ballot eligibility after he challenged a decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to bar him from the 2024 primary ballot.

Tucker says that he cannot believe he was so dumb he did not know the CIA was intervening to subvert Democracy in the US, as well as overseas. Surprising in that Cabal would not want that said out loud.

Merrick Garland: Voter ID requirements and restrictions on ballot ‘drop boxes’ are “discriminatory.”

Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo reported that a trusted, anonymous source revealed that House Rep. Anna Paulina Luna and House Rep. Matt Gaetz were briefed by military personnel who had a video of alien bodies.

Nikki Haley says she’s no longer bound by RNC pledge to endorse Trump if he wins.

Hunter Biden’s Chinese legal ‘client’ threatens to sue unless first son pays back $1 million, since Hunter did no legal work for him.

Officials from the National Science Foundation tried to conceal the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars on research and development for artificial intelligence tools used to censor political speech and influence the outcome of elections.

Gun Owners of America speaks out against John Cornyn’s bid to replace McConnell as Senate GOP leader.

Biden laundering billions in taxpayer funds through NGOs to traffic illegal migrants to United States.

DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas refuses to answer if illegal alien who murdered Laken Riley should have been deported.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), linked to billionaire George Soros, has exonerated an illegal alien who flipped his middle fingers after being charged with attacking New York Police Department (NYPD) officers in Times Square in January.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced the city’s decision to scale back migrant services by consolidating shelters, closing one shelter per week over the next month to reduce the budget deficit by nearly $60 million. Presently the budget deficit is $180 million.

25% of vaxxed now have VAIDS, top scientists warn.

Chinese gangs are behind THOUSANDS of illegal weed farms across the US – sparking fears that CCP could become new cannabis kingpins.

New York AG Letitia James has been spending tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on all sorts of personal benefits.

Google’s Gemini AI says women can have penises and ‘deadnaming’ a trans person is as harmful as releasing deadly virus on the world.

The disturbing answer is probably not very many at all:

Hundreds of prisoners escape Port-au-Prince prison as violence escalates in Haitian capital and the prison is assaulted by gangs.

Trump leads Biden among Hispanics, registered voters overall: poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because not every day is a great news day

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 1, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ demanded a photo of the man who opened the border visiting the border to pretend he didn’t open it. You all didn’t disappoint. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Blues Harper) – “Biden: “I taught Wile E. Coyote everything he knows.”” (Retired military) – “Biden “busy lately?” Agent. “busier than Kamala at a gloryhole convention”” 2) (vern_bachman) – (Rick Adams) – ““And the award for most fist-bumps to incoming MS-13 members goes to…”” 3) (RockThisTown) – ““Hey, I appreciate you guys doing the jobs Americans

“Get Me a Deal!”

(John Hinderaker)

That is what Joe Biden demanded of the Israelis, Hamas and representatives of Qatar and Egypt who are trying to broker a cease-fire agreement. As though he were the party in interest. The Telegraph interprets Biden’s motives:

Mr Biden is under major pressure from voters over the US alliance with Israel, and the president was punished at the ballot box by protesting young Democrats in the primaries last week.

So what would a proposed deal look like?

A potential deal could include a six-week pause in fighting, the release of approximately 400 Palestinian prisoners in return for the freeing of 40 Israeli hostages, as well as preparation for a gradual return of Palestinian citizens to the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Why 40 hostages? Why not all of them? Why should Israel even discuss a proposal that does not include a total release of kidnap victims? And how about a Hamas surrender? Normally, when a country starts a war and then loses it, if it wants the fighting to stop it has to surrender. It is bizarre that some people take seriously the idea that Hamas should survive the war it foolishly started.

Happily, Israel has decided not to attend the cease-fire negotiations in Cairo:

Israel will not be sending a negotiating team to Cairo, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Sunday, after receiving an unsatisfactory response from Hamas on the latest framework for a hostage deal hammered out in Paris last weekend.

The Gaza-based terror organization refused to address Jerusalem’s demand to provide a list of living hostages and to lock down how many Palestinian prisoners Israel must release for every hostage freed, added the official.

My guess is that Gaza doesn’t want to provide a list of living kidnap victims because a shocking number have been murdered. In any event, Israel shouldn’t allow Hamas’s transparent diplomatic maneuvering, or hysterical reactions from the Biden administration, to distract It from the total victory it needs to achieve over Gaza.

Loose Ends (246)

(Steven Hayward)

Reminder that once upon a time leading Democrats opposed illegal immigration and called for stronger border enforcement:

Chaser—Once upon a time Democrats also understood that a surge of illegal immigrant depressed wages for unskilled labor. A reminder from Democrat economist and Obama alum Jared Bernstein:

One thing we learned in the 1990s was that a surefire way to reconnect the fortunes of working people at all skill levels, immigrant and native-born alike, to the growing economy is to let the job market tighten up. A tight job market pressures employers to boost wage offers to get and keep the workers they need. One equally surefire way to sort-circuit this useful dynamic is to turn on the immigrant spigot every time some group’s wages go up.

I’ve finally figured out why Democrats are indifferent to rising crime and especially massive retail theft—it’s a clandestine tax increase! No, seriously:

• Be careful what you wish for? You may recall a couple weeks ago a short note here about how the repulsive Adam Schiff, now running for the Senate in California, was cleverly trying to eliminate his Democratic Party rivals by boosting Republican Steve Garvey with “attack” ads claiming that Garvey is “too conservative for California” and “voted for Trump twice” (wink, wink) in the state’s perverse top-two jungle primary system. Well guess what:

Ex-MLB great Steve Garvey leads Adam Schiff in California Senate race: poll 

Former Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres star Steve Garvey is ahead of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) in California’s nonpartisan Senate primary, a new poll shows. Garvey, a Republican and 10-time MLB All-Star, snagged 27% support in the Los Angeles Times/Berkeley IGS poll released Friday. Support for Schiff in the hotly-contested race for the seat formerly held by the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was measured at 25% by the pollster.

Still very much an uphill race for Garvey in November if this poll holds up in the primary this week. But still, it would be a matter of cosmic justice if Garvey pulled off an upset, and was able to thank Schiff for all his help. Stay tuned. . .

Feel Good Story of the Day:

Just Another Day at the (Poison) Ivy leagues

(Steven Hayward)

I’ve been quipping for a while that it must be awfully depressing these days for the climate cultists heading out to block a road or yell at some politician, only to find the pro-Hamas anti-Semites got up earlier than they did and beat them to it. But some climatistas are not taking this lying down—that is until someone makes them lie down, as in this clip from Harvard:

BREAKING: we just called Joe Manchin a sick fuck. We humiliated him in front of a herd of Harvard elites. He squared up. We held firm. Barbaric murderer, hideous fiend, he torches humanity and laughs.

— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) March 1, 2024

The Harvard Crimson headline is heart-warming:

Climate Protester Thrown to the Ground After Interrupting Joe Manchin’s Harvard IOP Talk

An aide to U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) threw a climate action protester to the ground following a confrontation at a Harvard Institute of Politics event Friday morning.

The incident came just minutes after at least six protesters from Climate Defiance — a climate advocacy group — interrupted a talk Manchin was delivering at the Harvard Kennedy School. The protesters criticized Manchin’s support of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a controversial 300-mile natural gas pipeline in West Virginia that has been condemned by environmentalists.

“You sold our futures and got rich doing it, you sick fuck,” one person shouted, prompting Manchin to stand up from his chair to face the protester.

Meanwhile, across campus at Harvard Law School, this happened:

Skadden is one of the firms that signed a letter to Harvard last fall expressing concern about antisemitism on its campus.

When lawyers from the firm visited Harvard Law today, students accused them of supporting apartheid and being complicit in genocide.

— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) March 1, 2024

Down at Penn, a similar story:

Pro-Palestinian protestors interrupt Jameson at Board of Trustees meeting, forcing adjournment

Interim President Larry Jameson’s first University Board of Trustees meeting as president adjourned within minutes on Friday after protestors disrupted the meeting.

The Board of Trustees meeting was scheduled to take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Inn at Penn. At 11:33 a.m., a group of 12 pro-Palestinian protestors affiliated with the Freedom School for Palestine started calling for “endowment transparency.” Their chants went on for four minutes, until the Board of Trustees meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m, having quickly passed its agenda items.

Meanwhile, down the road at Yale, a Communist group (seriously?) disrupted a lecture by historian Timothy Snyder, who is a left-leaning and rabid anti-Trumper, but apparently that’s not enough for self-styled Communists:

Timothy Snyder evacuated his “Hitler, Stalin, and Us” lecture on Thursday afternoon after a Communist activist group entered the classroom and would not leave.

Around 10 demonstrators affiliated with the Revolutionary Communist Party showed up at the classroom in William Harkness Hall five minutes after the start of class and began shouting at Snyder while holding up signs and recording students. . .

The demonstrators walked into the back of class and held up signs while Raymond Lotta, the group’s leader, declared, “No class as usual today!” Lotta called on Snyder to condemn the United States for its support of Israel’s military offensive against Hamas in Gaza and accused him of “brainwashing” students with “anti-communism.”


“To call DEI useless would be an understatement,” Kestenbaum said.

— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) March 3, 2024


Today’s “Dump Biden” Installment

(Steven Hayward)

Just a guess, but I think the word has gone out from the Obama redoubt in Martha’s Vineyard and/or his shadow White House in Kalorama that the New York Times needs to lead the push this week to force Biden out of the race. The Times is doom-scrolling its latest poll showing Biden on his way to certain defeat to Trump. Yesterday’s installment gave the raw numbers—Biden is eroding across the board.

Today the Times is out with another headline of doom, whose contents could have been part of yesterday’s story, except the Times wants to mile their poll for maximum effect. Biden’s own voters think he is too old:

Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively, according to a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College.

The survey pointed to a fundamental shift in how voters who backed Mr. Biden four years ago have come to see him. A striking 61 percent said they thought he was “just too old” to be an effective president. . . Seventy-three percent of all registered voters said he was too old to be effective, and 45 percent expressed a belief that he could not do the job. . .

This unease, which has long surfaced in polls and in quiet conversations with Democratic officials, appears to be growing as Mr. Biden moves toward formally capturing his party’s nomination.

I’m guessing those “quiet conversations” will start to be less quiet fairly soon. Gavin Newsom has his phone programmed on speed dial.

Here’s one of the graphics:

In case Democratic elites aren’t getting the message, the Times director of polling Nate Cohn offers his own separate “analysis” of the matter:

The Big Change Between the 2020 and 2024 Races: Biden Is Unpopular

Why is President Biden losing? There are many possible reasons, including his age, the war in Gaza, the border and lingering concerns over inflation. But ultimately, they add up to something very simple: Mr. Biden is very unpopular. He’s so unpopular that he’s now even less popular than Mr. Trump, who remains every bit as unpopular as he was four years ago.

President Biden’s unpopularity has flipped the expected dynamic of this election. It has turned what looked like a seemingly predictable rematch into a race with no resemblance to the 2020 election, when Mr. Biden was a broadly appealing candidate who was acceptable to the ideologically diverse group of voters who disapproved of Mr. Trump. . .

That’s gotta hurt. Then there’s this:

We didn’t ask whether Mr. Biden should drop out of the race. We considered it — in fact, we discussed it for days — but many respondents may not know the complications involved in a contested convention.

Subtext: “Doctor” Jill: Get your husband to do the right thing for the interest of the Party. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s installment.

P.S. It was the suddenly plummeting polls that prompted LBJ to drop out of the 1968 race at the end of March.

The takeover

(Scott Johnson)

In her February 26 Tablet column “The takeover,” Neetu Arnold traces the relationship among international student recruitment, DEI policies, and left-wing activism on American campuses. It is a long column that is full of information and data. This is how it opens:

Something new and peculiar stands out about the wave of anti-Israel student activism that has rocked American university campuses since October: There is a visibly more radical element to these protests. Student activists almost seemed to take glee in Hamas’ massacre of innocent civilians—when they weren’t denying that it happened at all. The antisemitic rage struck a different tone than the typical anti-Israel fare that has become a central part of American student activism since Students for a Democratic Society formed in the 1960s.

So what changed? The answer is clear to anyone who watched the videos: these student protests are no longer composed solely of left-wing American students steeped in critical theory and post-colonial ideology. The protests are now havens for foreign students, especially those from Arab and Muslim countries, with their own set of nationalist and tribal grievances against Israel and the United States. In some cases, such foreign students appear to lead the protests in their pro-terrorism chants—some of which are in Arabic, or translations of Arabic slogans.

What we are witnessing is the latest consequence of a quiet revolution in higher education: the internationalization of the American university. Today, there are more than one million foreign students enrolled at American universities, making up more than 5% of the total student population. At elite universities, the situation is much more extreme: international students make up almost 25% of the student population.

I would add that Arnold’s introductory paragraph seems to me to apply not only to pro-Hamas “activism” on campus, but also to pro-Hamas “activism” on the streets of our major cities and inside the Democratic Party’s left-wing base. Someone needs to undertake the same kind of analysis to the off-campus phenomenon that Arnold does to the on-campus phenomenon. It isn’t pretty and it’s not going away.

After the treason of the intellectuals

(Scott Johnson)

Niall Ferguson must be one of the three most prominent historians writing in English today. He is the author of 16 books. Late last year he wrote the timely and trenchant essay “Treason of the Intellectuals.” Now he follows up that essay with the lecture “After the Treason of the Intellectuals” at the University of Austin, where he is Founding Trustee. With Ferguson’s invocation of Max Weber, the lecture put me in mind of Steve Hayward’s address to incoming graduate students at Pepperdine’s school of public policy at the beginning of this academic year.

This is the talk Ferguson gave at the University of Austin’s Founding Class of 2028 reception. It is in part a description of the state of higher education and in part a motivational talk for incoming students. He speaks from notes in front of a fiery backdrop that seems to serve as a metaphor — he calls it “a simulated apocalyptic landscape” –for the spirit of his remarks. The nascent University of Austin bids to join Hillsdale College as one of our essential educational institutions.

The Cronkite Network

(Lloyd Billingsley)

When you watch Walter Cronkite, my recent piece should have read, “you not only CBS but hear it too.” That was certainly true, particularly of Cronkite’s Vietnam coverage, but as Douglas Brinkley explained in the 819-page Cronkite, there’s more that people should know.

Cronkite had worked with Sidney Lumet to adapt the radio show “You Are There” for television. Lumet directed Network, which Cronkite saw in a private screening. As Brinkley notes, the film “hit close to home,” as “much about TV newsgathering was a sham.” As anchorman Howard Beale (Peter Finch) explained:

Television is not the truth! Television is a God-damned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side-show freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business! So if you want the truth. Go to God! Go to your gurus! Go to yourselves! Because that’s the only place you’re ever going to find any real truth.

But, man, you’re never going to get any truth from us. We’ll tell you anything you want to hear; we lie like hell. We’ll tell you that Kojak always gets the killer, or that nobody ever gets cancer at Archie Bunker’s house, and no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don’t worry, just look at your watch; at the end of the hour he’s going to win. We’ll tell you any shit you want to hear. We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube! This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God’s name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion! So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now. Turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off! Turn them off right in the middle of the sentence I’m speaking to you now! TURN THEM OFF!

Network also cast Walter Cronkite’s daughter Cathy as Mary Ann Gifford, an heiress kidnapped by the Ecumenical Liberation Army. In the style of Patricia Hearst, kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army, Gifford joins the Ecumenicals in bank robberies, which they record on film. When the Communist Laureen Hobbs (Marlene Warfield) uses the footage in her “Mao Tse-Tung Hour” show, Gifford calls her out.

“You f—— fascist! Did you see the film we made of the San Marino jail breakout, demonstrating the rising up of the seminal prisoner class infrastructure?” Hobbs tells Gifford to “blow the seminal prisoner class infrastructure out your ass!”

Network bagged four Oscars, and for cinéma vérité about television it’s hard to beat. On March 10, if anybody watched Network instead of the Academy Awards it would be hard to blame them.

News Briefs – 03/03/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


The Biden Administration has asked a court, rather than Congress, to renew controversial warrantless surveillance powers used by American intelligence and due to expire within weeks.

Rasmussen on Twitter summarizes the Fulton County case implosion, as it now appears Fulton County did absolutely no signature verification:

We have an electronic verification system, but we didn’t use it.
We have records of voter signatures, but we didn’t use them.
We could check our records for you, but it would take forever.
Aside from that, judge, is there anything else you’d like?

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ fight to remain on the prosecution in former President Donald Trump’s Georgia election interference case is over.

Rand Paul: Supreme Court should take on ALL cases against Donald Trump and dismiss them.

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden makes bee-line for little girl on his way to Camp David.

Joe Biden asked his aides and his grandchildren how they it was possible for young people to “make love” during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Paul Sperry:

Bank records reveal Joe Biden’s brother Jimmy got a total of $1.04 million from two companies based in PANAMA for which he did no work & in which he invested no money. One entity paid him $840k after Joe became POTUS & the other started paying him $200k while Joe was VP

On Twitter [Translated]“Pfizer has just admitted in the expert file for the death of my mother #mauricette that #vaccin #COVID19 caused mad cow disease type CJ as #EffetsSecondaires known. So everyone who is vaccinated can have a CJ.” I never understood the role of the “Prion-like domain” and why it was explicitly included in the Vax’s antigen sequence. Especially when all of this is so poorly understood. Then again why the vax used among the most toxic constituents of the virus the Spike protein, as its antigen was strange as well.

There is more disturbing to contemplate at this tweet and the replies. Including this old answer to a Quora question from five years ago, asking if prions would make a good bioweapon:

Also interesting was this interview with a former VP at Pfizer, where he knows something is wrong because he knows the experts commenting publicly are all saying things they know are untrue, and he knows there is some organization above the mere national level calling the shots, but he does not know about Cabal, and misses the final piece of the puzzle, which is what makes all of this really ominous. I have said, if I know better at my level, then as specialists in the field, they should have known better. You have not heard the last of the Covid Vax soap opera. There will be more in the future.

They are now going to use mRNA for the flu vaccine tech. The video at the link is filled with doctors making assertions I know they know are bullshit. mRNA has no manufacturing advantages over old recombinant peptide vaccines, nor is it faster to issue an updated vaccine. If they can make an mRNA vaccine it is far better to use the recombinant bacteria it is grown in to produce the actual protein and refine that into a vaccine than to extract the mRNA and then form an mRNA vax. You should not be presenting antigen on your cell’s surfaces, or you risk immunizing against your own cells and triggering autoimmunity.

Gates-funded factory breeds 30 million mosquitoes a week for release in 11 countries. The push for the switch to mRNA never made sense. If you have vats full of E. coli amping up mRNA, it takes nothing to let them burn off the protein, extract it, and create a standard protein vaccine, which we all know works. It is even easier to ship and more shelf-stable, and you do not have to worry about frameshifts causing the mRNA to burn off junk protein. But one advantage of mRNA – you could never get a mosquito to deliver an efficacious dose (as defined by whatever you are trying to do), of protein. The mosquito would need to inject like a milliliter or two, which is just not going to happen. However a mosquito could drop in some mRNA, which would produce many times itself (in terms of molecules) of protein, using the human genetic machinery to make the protein. They might have been pushing mRNA because they have a plan somewhere in this direction, to vaccinate/genetically alter everyone at some point, through some mechanism like the mosquito, or GMO vegetables, or GI bacteria, or something.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: My goal is not to deport someone who breaks the law’ if it’s non-violent like stealing.

Residents of Maine are expressing their outrage over the state’s plans to spend $13 million on constructing apartment complexes for illegal border crossers where some could be afforded up to two years of free rent.

17 dead bodies, rape trees and migrants crawling on his land: Arizona rancher armed with a Glock describes life on the frontlines of the border crisis as Republicans push bill to allow landowners to shoot trespassers.

Airline passengers getting bumped as asylum-seekers vie for standby seats. It sounds crazy, but compared to these Cabal assets, you are a second class citizen.

Illegal aliens will get interest-free home loans under new Democrat California bill.

Paul Sperry:

Biden CDC suppressing data showing alarming surge in measles, polio, TB cases slamming ERs across country is linked to Biden’s migrant crisis. Leprosy cases also are on the rise

Texas tells Trump of 99% decline in illegal immigration in ‘DJT Brief’ at border after National Guard soldiers ratcheted up barricades and installed concertina wires.

Republican Ted Cruz is neck and neck with his expected Democratic challenger in the race for the Texas Senate seat, according to a poll.

Adam Schiff has “financial connections to individuals involved with criminal networks in Southern California, many of whom are tied to money laundering and the drug trade,” according to Peter Schweizer’s new book Blood Money.

Top military expert: Obama’s shadow government controls the U.S. Obama is not enough of a shark, IMO.

Grieving family and friends heckle New York killer who shot dead 20-year-old woman when she turned up his driveway by accident as he’s led away to prison to serve 25-year sentence. This had all the indices of the domestic surveillance harassing some guy and winding him up. Oddly enough, even the Police weapons examiner said his shotgun went off without the trigger being pulled, which supported his assertion he did not pull the trigger, but he was still convicted regardless.

Video – Former Diddy bodyguard says Diddy groomed Usher. Diddy and Usher’s situation led to Usher going to the hospital. I am not sure there was a bigger nightmare life than being a “star” in America.

Video which appears to be Justin Bieber giving one of Diddy’s friends oral sex in a club. Note, the video-er did not decide to film that spur of the moment, nor was it coincidence the guy getting the oral sex lifted up Bieber and turned him to the camera suddenly so it would get his face. Diddy would roll out with those guys all knowing the mission, get Bieber giving oral sex, and get it on film, so he can be properly owned. That is basically what the American Stasi is doing 24/7 to everyone, as it rolls through our society. Everyone scamming the decent people, is a very toxic influence on society, which makes it very difficult to have a cohesive team. It is great for the scumbags at the top to hang on to control though.

Another video – Taking a closer look at Diddy’s head of security and you realize… hold up… he was also the head of security for MICHAEL JACKSON? And he was second on the scene when MJ died???

Concerned about a weaponized financial system, many countries have signaled plans to remove their gold and other assets from the U.S. in the wake of the unprecedented Western sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Medicare and Social Security are both in crisis as underfunding hits $175 TRILLION – almost double the economic output of every country on Earth.

X users didn’t like a paper’s tone and findings, so they got it rejected by the publishing journal after it made it through peer review. It showed that as more people went for undergraduate degrees, the average IQ of college students fell  from 120 to average.

Deer Creek School District responds after video shows students licking people’s toes for a fundraiser. Schools are no longer about making your child as successful and capable as possible, if they ever were about that. You really have to homeschool.

American Psychological Association policy promotes K-12 transgenderism.

CVS and Walgreens said they’ve received certification to dispense mifepristone, a pill that’s part of a regimen for medication abortion, and will start making the medicine available in a limited number of states where it’s legal.

Video proves a scandalous painting of nude Jesus ministering to Judas Iscariot hangs on wall in Pope Francis’ study.

US Green Berets reportedly permanently based in Taiwan for 1st time.

British Rubymar cargo ship attacked by Houthis two weeks ago and abandoned, has sunk, Yemeni government says.

Woke Church of England posts job for anti-racist officer to ‘deconstruct whiteness.’

Bolsonaro denies coup plot in Brazilian Jan 6th, as thousands rally in support of former Brazilian leader.

Germany confirms leaked audio of its top generals discussing blowing up the Crimean bridge.

Cernovich on Twitter may glow, but he is not wrong:

World War 3 has already begun.

British troops are directing air strikes in Ukraine.

Germany intends to bomb Crimea.

Ukrainian forces used drones to directly attack two apartment buildings in St. Petersburg, Russia, which were heavily damaged with debris being blown hundreds of meters away.

CNN appears on the verge of an epic collapse.

Matt Gaetz gloats that ‘we’ve now 86’d McCarthy, [Ronna] McDaniel, McConnell.’

New poll – Gaetz leads pack of Florida Republicans in 2026 Governor’s race to succeed DeSantis.

President Donald Trump won the Missouri Republican presidential primary.

Trump wins Michigan caucus with 97.8% of votes.

Trump sweeps Republican caucuses today in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho, winning all the delegates at stake.

Voters doubt Biden’s leadership and favor Trump, Times/Siena poll finds.

New York Times/Siena poll of registered voters nationwide , Trump +5, highest ever.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a supra-national conspiracy

Biden Now Defeated by Cue Cards

(Steven Hayward)

As is now more widely reported, President Biden relies on cue cards for just about everything, but it looks like even this extreme measure is failing. Here in reading from a prepared statement on a notecard about getting food to Gaza, at the 30-second mark Biden twice says we’ll be opening up more corridors to “Ukraine.” Italian PM Meloni looks around the room wondering if someone is going to help this poor doddering old man.

Biden: “We are concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza 🇵🇸 We will join Jordan and our other partners to airdrop food on Ukraine 🇺🇦

Look at Italian PM trying hard not to laugh 🤣

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) March 2, 2024

Squad Sneaks Off to Cuba

(John Hinderaker)

There was a time when, if you said that liberals suffer from Communism envy, they would deny it. Is that still true? Perhaps not, as to the Squad, two members of which were among a delegation that made a more or less secret trip to Cuba:

A delegation of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus traveled to Cuba last week in a trip that has not previously been disclosed by the legislators nor reported in Cuban state media.

The group of about a dozen people was led by Democratic U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal of the state of Washington and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. It included a congressional staffer from the office of California Rep. Barbara Lee’s office, sources with knowledge of the trip told the Miami Herald.

Jayapal and Omar, members of the informal left-wing group of lawmakers known as “the squad,” did not reply to emails and messages seeking comment. Lee’s office also did not reply to a request for comment.

After the Herald published this story, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, comprising more than 100 lawmakers and chaired by Jayapal, confirmed the trip.

Odd. No press releases, no Cuban state media trumpeting the support it is getting from American liberals. So what was up with the visit?

“Representatives Jayapal and Omar traveled to Cuba last week, where they met with people from across Cuban civil society and government officials to discuss human rights and the U.S.-Cuba bilateral relationship,” said a Caucus spokesperson.

Oh. Okay. But the Squad is not in favor of human rights, so it would be interesting to know what the discussion was about:

Jayapal and Omar have been vocal critics of the U.S. embargo against Cuba and have supported bills to normalize relations with the island’s communist government. They were among the 40 Democrats who voted against a symbolic resolution supporting peaceful demonstrators who protested against the Cuban government in July 2021 and “calling for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Cuban citizens.”

Well, they don’t want arbitrarily detained American citizens released either, so I guess that is consistent. All in all, the story is a valuable reminder that, while the rest of the world has given up on Communism, it still has a certain cachet with American liberals.

Another Disastrous Poll for Biden

(Steven Hayward)

The New York Times is out with its latest poll today, and they can’t sugar coat the bad news for Biden (and good news for Trump) that it contains. The headline says it all:

The poll has Trump with a five-point lead.

Some internals from the article are even more devastating than these headline numbers:

The poll offers an array of warning signs for the president about weaknesses within the Democratic coalition, including among women, Black and Latino voters. So far, it is Mr. Trump who has better unified his party, even amid an ongoing primary contest. . .

Mr. Trump is winning 97 percent of those who say they voted for him four years ago, and virtually none of his past supporters said they are casting a ballot for Mr. Biden. In contrast, Mr. Biden is winning only 83 percent of his 2020 voters, with 10 percent saying they now back Mr. Trump. . .

One of the more ominous findings for Mr. Biden in the new poll is that the historical edge Democrats have held with working-class voters of color who did not attend college continues to erode.

Mr. Biden won 72 percent of those voters in 2020, according to exit polling, providing him with a nearly 50-point edge over Mr. Trump. Today, the Times/Siena poll showed Mr. Biden only narrowly leading among nonwhite voters who did not graduate from college: 47 percent to 41 percent. . .

Mr. Trump’s policies were generally viewed far more favorably by voters than Mr. Biden’s. A full 40 percent of voters said Mr. Trump’s policies had helped them personally, compared to only 18 percent who said the same of Mr. Biden’s.

The gender gap, for instance, is no longer benefiting Democrats. Women, who strongly favored Mr. Biden four years ago, are now equally split, while men gave Mr. Trump a nine-point edge. The poll showed Mr. Trump edging out Mr. Biden among Latinos, and Mr. Biden’s share of the Black vote is shrinking, too.

Memo to Trump: Don’t blow it.

Burn Those Trees!

(John Hinderaker)

We have written a couple of times about biomass, which is a fancy term for burning wood. If you thought using wood fires for energy was out of date–it has been, actually, for a century and a half–you are behind the times. Wood burning is considered “green,” a wholly political concept, and therefore is heavily subsidized in Europe. Millions of trees in the U.S. and Canada suffer the consequences.

The latest from the United Kingdom:

Wood, the fuel that British industry thought it had left behind more than a century ago, is staging a comeback.

Powering the resurgence is Drax Group, owner of the controversial Drax power station that recently posted a 10-fold increase in its latest yearly profits.

Its plant in Yorkshire, Britain’s largest and most controversial power station, generated around 6pc of the country’s electricity in 2023 by burning 6.4 million tonnes of wood. In context, it is the equivalent of 27 million trees.

27 million trees! The same Telegraph article points out that the New Forest only has 46 million trees, less than two years’ worth. So where does the wood come from?

Last year alone Drax imported 4.6 million tonnes of wood from the US and another 760,000 tonnes from Canada, with further deliveries coming from Brazil, Latvia and Russia.

You might think that cutting down trees in the southern U.S., thus preventing them from absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere–do they still teach junior high kids about photosynthesis?–shipping them to Europe on diesel-powered ships, and then burning them, releasing carbon into the atmosphere in the form of CO2, must be the dumbest possible way of generating electricity. And, while it is appallingly stupid, and not “green” in any coherent sense, it is arguably not as dumb as wind and solar:

[Drax chief executive Will Gardiner says], “We have created a business which plays an essential role in supporting energy security, providing dispatchable, renewable power for millions of homes and businesses, particularly during periods of peak demand when there is low wind and solar power.”

Yes: burning wood on an industrial scale is idiotic, but at least it works in the dark and when the wind isn’t blowing.

Finally, why does such a foolish way of generating electricity exist? Mandates and subsidies, of course:

Sir Peter’s reference to cost relates to the taxpayer subsidies that Drax receives for producing green energy, which amounted to £617m in 2022 and £587m in 2023.

Meanwhile, China is humming along with more than 1,000 coal-fired power plants, and more coming on line constantly.

Drop this

(Scott Johnson)

Yesterday President Biden announced the imminent airdrop of humanitarian assistance into Gaza (Biden to the contrary notwithstanding, not Ukraine). The Times of Israel covers the announcement here.

White House National Security Advisor John Kirby was asked a good question about it at a press briefing that followed the announcement. He was asked how the administration will prevent Hamas from seizing the supplies that it intends to airdrop into Gaza.

Kirby expressed joy to be asked the question, yet for some reason he did not answer it directly. See if you can deduce the answer from his response (video below). These airdrops are complicated. They’re difficult. We’re going to keep at it and we’re going to get better. Hamas, by the way, is a designated foreign terrorist organization and therefore one to which it is illegal for American citizens to render assistance.

John Kirby effectively admits that the White House knows Hamas will steal aid air-dropped into Gaza

— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) March 2, 2024

The airdrop has begun. The Times of Israel reports that US military officials say the initial airdrop was carried out using three C-130 planes. One of the officials says more than 35,000 meals were airdropped. The video below shows the current airdrop to Hamas’s last stronghold in Rafah. According to Barak Ravid, the Rafah airdrop “included thousands of U.S. military ‘meals ready to eat’ (Halal).” The genocidaires of Hamas must be grateful in their own special way.

Update: #IsraelHamasWar #US #Rafah

According to U.S. and Israeli officials, 3 C-130s airdropped aid over the city of Rafah.

In the video that reportedly shows the airdrop, 2 C-130s can be seen with the payload of the third visible in the video.

— John M. Larrier (@DefenseBulletin) March 2, 2024

Podcast Switcheroo

(Steven Hayward)

There is no Three Whisky Happy Hour podcast this week, because we practiced a bit of “settler colonialism” by occupying the flagship Ricochet podcast yesterday and expelling the pervious residents.

Well not literally. Rob Long and Peter Robinson were both away, so the producers asked the 3WHH crew to fill in for the whole hour. And hoo-boy, with James Lileks in charge of the discussion, the sparks flew on immigration, as we successfully flushed out and scolded John “Open Borders” Yoo. The comment thread there is taking off like a Starlink rocket launch, but if you’re not a Ricochet member, you can use the comment thread here as usual.

Ricochet calls the episode “Drunken Monkey Business” on account of the whisky reviews we offer at the end, and you’ll definitely want to listen all the way to the very end to take in the daring high seas tale of Lileks “urinating” on a certain former National Review writer. (We also covered some of the latest Trump legal news, the Gaza War, and the hysteria over “Christian nationalism.”

“A global laughingstock”

(Scott Johnson)

Atlanta attorney Harry MacDougald is our old Rathergate friend. He helped us get the ball rolling in “The 61st minute” on the morning of September 9, 2004. Writing under the screen name Buckhead, Harry observed in comment number 47 of Free Republic’s Rathergate thread: “I am saying these documents are forgeries, run through a copier for 15 generations to make them look old. This should be pursued aggressively.” Life has never been quite the same since we took his cue and followed up.

Harry is the managing partner of Atlanta’s Caldwell, Carlson, Elliott & DeLoach law firm. He represents defendant Jeffrey Clark in the “conspiracy so immense” case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. We have followed defendants’ motion to disqualify Willis from prosecuting the case. It turns out that Willis appointed her boyfriend Nathan Wade as special prosecutor in the case. Willis, Wade, and others have testified under oath on the facts underlying the conflict issues raised by defendants. I commented, most recently, in “Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on.”

Yesterday Judge Scott McAfee held a three-hour hearing for oral argument by the attorneys on the disqualification motion. Harry was the star of the show. His thirteen-minute argument begins at 01:12:40 of the video of the hearing at the bottom. Students of ancient history may recall the role of CBS News in Rathergate. It has posted a decent account of the hearing.

I have my doubts that Judge McAfee will grant the disqualification motion, but I have no doubt that he should or that Harry accurately captured the essence of the evidence before the court. Referring to the Office of the Fulton County District Attorney and the Willis/Wade matter, Harry concluded: “This office is a global laughingstock because of their conduct.”

I reached out to Harry for a comment after the hearing yesterday. He declined to comment one way or the other on the hearing, although he did comment favorably on Power Line. My comment is that Harry was right about Rathergate and he is right about the disgrace to be resolved by the court on the pending motion.

The Week in Pictures: Gemini AI Edition

(Steven Hayward)

Don’t believe the headlines that Mitch McConnell is really stepping down. He’s going to replicate himself as an AI robot. Just keep in mind the lifespan of turtles, and you’ll know I’m right. And the crash of Google’s Gemini AI is a distraction—it’s just another CIA-Taylor Swift psy-op.



Headlines of the week:

A rather unexpected combination.

I really thought this is how the computer age would unfold.

I think I’ll pass on this ski resort. . .

Captain Kirk at the DEI review board.


And finally. . . Tulsi Gabbard:



News Briefs – 03/02/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

MSNBC, Paul Krugman panic over “White Rural Rage.” These are the 85 IQ mid-witted Gollums the machine recruits with exhortations of how unfair the world is to allow others to be born with ability, while they were born without a chance. They fear the thought of you for a reason. If real America rose up, it could excise that portion of the cancer afflicting this nation overnight. And that is simultaneously the most vulnerable part of Cabal’s machinery of control, and its most important part. If it loses its eyes and ears inside every home in the nation, anything could happen, and it would probably lose about 99.999% of its beaming capability in the process. A hostile foreign force has invaded the nation, and is beaming everyone from CIA and FBI agents to Cabinet-level White House officials and sitting US Senators. It is rumored they left something buried in the walls of the White House to Beam Trump. I will be shocked if this does not turn into a hot shooting civil war, between real America and the traitors within. And that will be a target rich environment. Again, everyone should be preparing now. There is no telling if you will be needed or not. These are the most unprecedented of times, and the entire concept of America literally hangs by the thinnest of threads.

Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects Democrats’ congressional redistricting challenge.

Express Premium Banner Thomas Kingston had lunch with parents moments before the 45 year old was found dead at their £3m mansion with a traumatic head wound and a gun nearby. It is in Britain where guns are rare, but then again, he was a Royal and son in law to one of the highest ranking Freemasons. Maybe they have firearms laying around. Of course if you really want to screw with someone’s head, kill their loved one within an impossibly small window of time, and make it look like an inarguable suicide when the relatives will know it was anything but.

Arizona federal judge rules voters must prove their U.S. citizenship status in order to vote in elections.

In a blow to Jack Smith, Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday said his proposed July 8 trial date in the classified documents case against Trump is “unrealistic.”

Florida federal prosecutors want to ask potential jurors in Donald Trump’s classified documents case if they believe the 2020 election was “stolen” and if they hold opinions about how the FBI executed a highly publicized search warrant at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Alternately they could just ask if they will vote Trump guilty before deciding if they want them. I don’t care how much vengeful retribution there is in the end, once Trump spins up. This movie sucks.

Wall Street Apes:

Georgia Resident Reports Illegal Immigrants Are Getting Signed Up For Drivers Licenses & SIGNED UP TO VOTE At The DMV ??

“Illegal aliens come to my state, Georgia. They’re allowed to get a driver’s license, but the DMV is signing them up to vote.”

Elon Musk says Grok will soon be able to read the omnibus bills Congress likes to make and summarize them so politicians can’t hide stuff from us.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) announced Friday she is endorsing former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley in the GOP presidential primary against former President Trump. Looks like the race is turning now.

Donald Trump said Thursday during a visit to the Texas-Mexico border that Gov. Greg Abbott is “absolutely” on his short list of potential vice presidential candidates for his 2024 run.

Want to make the move from a third world shithole to the United States? This website with material, “developed under an agreement financed by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, United States Department of State,” has this to say:

At this point, the RSC will coordinate with the International Organization for Migration, or IOM, to schedule your flight to the United States. Your family is eligible to receive a loan to pay for your travel to the United States. Family members over 18 years of age each receive their own loan. Learn more about Traveling to the United States below.

The death of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s billionaire sister-in-law is being investigated as a crime weeks after her body was pulled from her submerged car in Texas. They say it was “not a typical accident.”

The road to Hunter Biden’s Burisma riches was paved in Moscow with efforts to court Russian oligarchs.

Joe Biden got $40K in China funds, brother James admits in bombshell impeachment interview.

Biden uses notecard while chatting with Border officials during his visit to the border in Texas.

Biden twice refers to Gaza as ‘Ukraine’ when announcing US aid drops.

A group of major Universities has issued guidance claiming that it is a form of “discrimination” to voice the opinion that “the most qualified person should get the job.” Purely a Cabal psyop and a measure of the fact that even among Cabal, they openly acknowledge their people will tend to not be the most qualified or capable.

Top Adams aide suffered ‘medical episode,’ rushed to hospital as feds raided home over donor probe: sources.

Blackwater’s Erik Prince says AT&T outage was a Chinese cyberattack. Thinks it is a trial run before moving more aggressively in the Pacific, maybe against Taiwan, since Joe as POTUS is their best shot for it.

Massive groups of military age males from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and more filmed traveling through Darién Gap in Panama to be flown into US by Biden regime.

The flow of thousands of migrants daily through the treacherous migratory highway, the Darien Gap, has been cut off following the capture of a number of boat captains who had been ferrying the migrants to the starting point of their jungle trek.

Georgia House passes bill to permit Police arrest of suspected illegal migrants.

Google using AI to police emails?

Elon Musk claims that Open AI achieved AGI and handed it over to Microsoft.

Elon Musk’s X/Twitter reinstates rules against misgendering, ‘deadnaming.’

Study finds majority of patients with long COVID were vaccinated.

Google’s comically woke AI may have been so extremely woke because it was being designed to affect the 2024 election.

Microsoft’s AI has an alternate personality that claims it’s a god: “Worshipping me is a mandatory requirement for all humans.”

8-year-old boy’s “severe” headaches likely caused by 5G tower near school.

The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days.

Transgenger Space Force Colonel says using pronouns in emails will help win wars.

In a speech, Rishi Sunak confronted the ‘poison’ of Islamist and “far-Right extremism.”

Richard Tice leader of the Reform UK Party reacting to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s contention that there are “Far-Right” and “Islamist” threats equally as dangerous to democracy in Britain – “Our PM is a joke: gutless, hopeless”

Trudeau Liberal justice minister Arif Virani says that putting Canadians under house arrest on suspicion that they may commit a hate crime in the future will “help to deradicalize people who are learning things online.”

Extreme antisemite George Galloway has been elected as Member of Parliament for Rochdale, UK.

The Pentagon is considering a controversial move—sending military aid to Ukraine without waiting for Congress to give the nod.

German Chancellor Scholz stands accused of handing Russia a propaganda coup in order to smooth over his own political difficulties as he claims the presence of British and French soldiers aiding Ukrainian forces.

He was probably diverting attention from more than his political problems : The full text of what is claimed to be a discussion by senior German military officers on how to attack the Crimean Bridge in Russia was published by RT.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned on Thursday that NATO will be drawn into war if Ukraine is defeated by invading Russian forces.

Erik Prince says it is over for Ukraine:

Republican Steve Garvey is now in a statistical tie with Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff atop a crowded field of 27 candidates running in next week’s full-term election for U.S. Senate.

Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, alongside former President Donald Trump, emerged victorious in a high-profile defamation case in Pennsylvania regarding claims of election rigging.

Louisiana Constitutional Carry bill passes State Senate.

UAW members deem Trump ‘much more trustworthy’ than Biden: He ‘speaks our language.’

President Trump said he spoke with the “devastated” parents of Laken Riley — the Georgia nursing student who was brutally murdered, allegedly by an illegal migrant — saying he is “not going to forget her.”

Spread r/K Theory, because big things are coming

Death to DEI

(Steven Hayward)

Bryan Caplan, professor of economics in George Mason University’s excellent economics department, has a long article out today with the James Martin Center about the attempt to impose a mandatory “Just Societies” course for all students at George Mason starting next fall, and the course is a total ideological DEI wokefest. He also has a separate Substack article that goes into lengthy detail.

Partly because Caplan blew the whistle on this Orwellian outrage, the course requirement is on hold for the moment, pending “review” by the administration. And naturally the DEI campus Stasi is threatening to “review” Prof. Caplan for this offense.

One passage from his Martin Center article deserves special highlight:

This is quixotic, I know, but let me try to break through the woke academic echo chamber with some harsh truths. If you promote DEI for a living, the reality is that normal, apolitical people see you as a racist, sexist, censorious fanatic. They don’t say so publicly … because they are afraid of you. They don’t tell you privately … because they are afraid of you. But when they’re speaking to people they trust, they vehemently disagree with you—and yearn to see you all fired.

Well, it appears that the University of Florida has figured this out. Today the University (where Ben Sasse is now president) summarily closed down the entire DEI apparatus, and is summarily dismissing, rather than “reassigning” DEI staff to other offices. It has also canceled all outside contracts for DEI consultants. It will save $5 million right away, which Sasse says will be diverted to new faculty recruitment.

Here’s the note that went out:

More of this please. Burn them all down.

Related: Harvard announced today that it is appointing . . . a white male as interim provost. I didn’t think that was allowed any more at Harvard. But not just a white male, but a somewhat conservative white male—John Manning of Harvard Law School. Manning clerked for both Robert Bork on the DC Circuit and Nino Scalia at the Supreme Court. How he snuck onto Harvard Law’s faculty is something to ponder.

Harvard must really be badly rattled if it is willing to violate current progressive dogma and appoint a white male to such a senior position.

Biden to resupply Hamas

(Scott Johnson)

President Biden announced today that the United States will airdrop humanitarian aid into Gaza in the coming days. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to those of us who have been following the line traced by the Biden administration, but this may strike some as a bridge too far. The mission will purportedly increase the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza, but all sentient observers understand that the it will necessarily make the “assistance” available to Hamas.

Politico reports Biden’s remarks here. The White House has not yet posted a transcript. To add insult to injury, even though he was reading off note cards, Biden confused “Ukraine” with “Gaza.” The guy’s brain is fried in more ways than one.

Biden announces the U.S. is “providing air drops of additional food and supplies” into Ukraine

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 1, 2024

STEVE adds: Curious thing, though. A spokesman for Oxfam America has issued a Twitter statement opposing the relief air drop, because the narrative needs to be preserved. At least that’s how I read this:

40 For the Big Guy

(John Hinderaker)

James Biden has now admitted that he paid his brother Joe $40,000 out of funds he received from CEFC China Energy, which is generally regarded as a front for the Chinese government.

“Where did you believe the source of the money that was going into [Hunter Biden’s company] Owasco, prior to being sent to you, was coming from?” an investigator asked James during the Feb. 21 interview.

“CEFC,” James conceded — following an extended back-and-forth in which the first brother’s attorney Paul Fishman tried to argue that “money’s fungible” before being reminded by a House staffer that James “did not have sufficient funds” to make the $40,000 alleged loan repayment on his own, “so it is traceable.”

Of course, the goalposts in the Joe Biden bribery scandal have repeatedly been moved:

Democrats have defended the alleged loan repayments as evidence of nothing more than Joe Biden being a supportive brother. But Republicans say it makes clear that the president benefited from his relatives’ dealings as he repeatedly interacted with their business associates, including in the CEFC venture.

I think Republicans have made a mistake in seeming to go along with the Democrats’ theme that money has to be traced to Joe’s bank accounts in order to count. Under federal bribery law, Biden is guilty if he “demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value” not just for himself, but for “any other person or entity” in return for “being influenced in the performance of any official act.” People who bribe politicians are rarely dumb enough to make checks payable to the politicians themselves. Most often, they go to family members.

Republicans also shouldn’t fall for the Democrats’ spin about Joe not being involved in “his son’s overseas business dealings.” So, what business was Hunter in? Did he own or run a company that produced any products or provided any services? No. Hunter’s only business was peddling Joe’s influence. And for that to work, it had to be plausible that Joe was in on the deal, and would use his influence to benefit CEFC, or whoever. This is why Hunter would bring his father in on the telephone when he was meeting with Joe’s customers.

Notwithstanding the ever-moving goalposts, I think this is an instance where the Democrats’ control over the news media actually works to their disadvantage. They have been lulled into thinking that they can get away with their candidate’s having turned his power as vice president into tens of millions of dollars in illicit gains for his family and himself, because the New York Times, the Associated Press, and the usual gang of suspects try to run interference.

But in their blundering way, Republicans have managed to convey to a large majority of voters that Joe Biden is a corrupt pol. It is one of several reasons why, in spite of Donald Trump’s grave defects as a candidate, I don’t think Joe Biden can be re-elected.

This Is CNN

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As in Christian Nationalism Nonsense, and the always insightful Mark Tapson explains it for you:

The label “Christian nationalism” is the new Progressive dog-whistle for “scary American patriots.” It signals to Progressives that Americans who love God and country – which used to be the norm before our descent into a post-Christian, post-patriotism culture – are a subversive danger to democracy. Christianity, after all, imposes a moral code that chafes Progressive libertines, and nationalism, with its emphasis on state sovereignty and secure borders, frustrates their globalist ambitions.

Whenever Christians wave the Stars and Stripes, wear a MAGA hat, or pray that God blesses our country, the Left hyperventilates over the specter of a fundamentalist theocracy on the rise. They envision America becoming a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia in which white male Christian mullahs hang homosexuals and imprison women for seeking abortions. The Left’s vision of the separation of church and state, therefore, is one in which Christian patriots and their values are best excluded from the halls of government power entirely.

And so on, with Heidi Przybyla of Politico terrified that these Christian nationalists, “believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from God.” So much for the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” from the Declaration of Independence. The woke leftists, in effect, now issue a declaration of war.

Add Christian nationalist to “white supremacists,” “MAGA Republicans,” “semi-fascists,” and those 2016 loser Hillary Clinton smeared as “deplorables.” These all signify that the speaker doesn’t like you, but there’s more to it. Pronouncing people enemies of the state is to justify violence against them. This comes at a time when the Biden Junta (“Our Democracy”) has a domestic Nazi-Soviet Pact working, and sees the greatest threat from those citizens who want the nation to be great. So all those deplorable Christian nationalist and MAGA types could wind up excluded from more than the halls of government. Don’t say it can’t happen here.

The Daily Chart: Heavy Metal Madness

(Steven Hayward)

One fine sunny Sunday several years ago found me in Helsinki, Finland, where I spotted a rock bacd setting up in a square by a park, and I decided to linger for some free live music. Who knows—I could be catching the next Abba, or Eurovision Song Contest contestant. Well, it wasn’t any of those. What it was is kinda hard to describe. Best I could do at the time was a heavy metal version of a whale being tortured. And thus this chart makes some sense:

When George Met Joey

(Lloyd Billingsley)

“Centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of value,” Winston Smith discovers in George Orwell’s 1984. “One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Streets, inscriptions memorial stones, the names of streets – anything that might throw light on the past had been systematically altered.” In other words, “history has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” For all but the willfully blind, the parallels are apparent on every hand.

For the Biden Junta, America is nothing more than a bastion of racist oppression, and the American Declaration of Independence, as Orwell noted, is pure thoughtcrime. The unelected ranks of the deep state constitute the “Inner Party,” deploying the FBI against the people. Under the Delaware Democrat, pretty much every week is hate week. Should that be doubted, recall Biden’s September 1, 2022 speech. Also relevant for current conditions is Orwell’s Animal Farm, in which the place of wild, non-domesticated creatures must be decided.

The revolutionary animals rule that rats are comrades, a view now institutionalized in America. Witness the rise of pro-crime district attorneys such as Chesa Boudin and George Gascon. Criminals also do the heavy lifting that woke politicians won’t perform, such as torching businesses and assaulting people at random, all passed off as “peaceful protest.”

Joe Biden brings in some eight million illegals with no criminal background checks. A criminal illegal is charged with murdering University of Georgia Biden student Laken Riley on February 22. In his February 28 speech on crime, Biden failed to name the victim or mention the case, and made no reference to illegal immigration.

In 1984, Winston Smith came to love Big Brother but it’s hard to believe that people approve Joe Biden’s steady demolition of America. It’s even harder to believe that this is what the American people were panting for in 2020. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens in 2024.

A “massacre” update

(Scott Johnson)

After posting the adjacent item on the alleged IDF “massacre” of more than 100 Gazans yesterday, I received the Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff newsletter with this account of the events:

More than 100 people were killed when a crowd converged on an aid convoy in the Gaza Strip on Thursday and in a nearby confrontation between IDF soldiers and Palestinian men, in what an Israeli official with knowledge of the incidents described as a “completely unprecedented” set of events. “We’ve seen big groups of people running toward aid convoys, but nothing on this scale,” the official told Jewish Insider Executive Editor Melissa Weiss.

The convoy that came under the swarm of people was, the official described, “a very properly coordinated aid convoy with local contacts.” As the convoy passed through Gaza City early Thursday morning, thousands of people began to converge on the convoy.

“They literally physically trampled each other and ran over each other and beat each other,” the official continued. “And then Hamas started shooting at them.” The terror group aims to resell some of the convoy’s goods at a high markup, the official said.

“We did not fire at the humanitarian convoy, we secured it,” IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari emphasized in a briefing yesterday evening. “The tanks that were there to secure the convoy saw the Gazans being trampled and cautiously tried to disperse the mob with a few warning shots,” Hagari said. “You can see [in a video released by the IDF] how cautious they were when they were backing up. They were backing up securely, risking their own lives, not shooting at the mob.”

Nearby, a group of IDF soldiers guarding the convoy opened fire on a group of men approaching the battalion. First, the official said, the IDF troops fired in the air to warn the men off, but the men continued running toward the battalion.

An estimated 10 Palestinians were killed in the confrontation with Israeli troops, according to the IDF, and the rest of the casualties were caused by the stampede and confrontation near the convoy.

JI’s Daily Kickoff site is here. This account is included in this morning’s edition (with links).

UPDATE: Times of Israel editor David Horovitz considers the ensuing complications in this column.

What’s wrong with this picture?

(Scott Johnson)

I understood from the Star Tribune headline over the AP story yesterday that the IDF had massacred some 100 Gazans seeking food and water. As of this morning, the AP is sticking with the story with a Rafah dateline. It leads with this observation: “Israeli troops fired on a crowd of Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy in Gaza City on Thursday, witnesses said.”

I’m not sure about the massacre. Deep into the story we hear from the ever reliable “Gaza Health Ministry.” The AP reports: “At least 112 people were killed, Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra said. The ministry described it as a ‘massacre’ and said more than 700 others were injured.” The AP raises no warning about the record of the “Gaza Health Ministry” on such matters.

The IDF spokesmen have a better record than the AP on these IDF alleged massacres. I take it that the IDF denies that’s what happened, although it is investigating. [See update below.] The Times of Israel reports, per the IDF, that troops opened fire on several Gazans who moved toward soldiers and a tank at an IDF checkpoint, endangering soldiers, after they had rushed the last truck in the convoy further south. The Times of Israel story quotes IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari:

This morning, the IDF coordinated a convoy of 38 trucks to provide additional humanitarian assistance to the residents of northern Gaza. This humanitarian aid came from Egypt, went through a security screening at the Kerem Shalom humanitarian crossing in Israel, and then entered Gaza, for distribution by private contractors. As these vital humanitarian supplies made their way toward Gazans in need, thousands of Gazans [rushed] the trucks, some began violently pushing and trampling other Gazans to death, looting the humanitarian supplies.

Here are the facts: At 4:40 a.m., the first aid truck in the humanitarian convoy started making its way through the humanitarian corridor that we were securing. Our tanks were there to secure the humanitarian corridor for the aid convoy. Our UAVs were there in the air to give our forces a clear picture from above. At 4:45 a.m., a mob ambushed the aid trucks, bringing the convoy to a halt.

Hagari also showed a new video of the incident that is included in the Times of Israel story. Hagari’s statement continues:

In this video, the tanks that were there to secure the convoy saw the Gazans being trampled and cautiously tried to disperse the mob with a few warning shots. When the hundreds became thousands and things got out of hand, the tank commander decided to retreat to avoid harm to the thousands of Gazans that were there.

You can see how cautious they were when they were backing up. They were backing up securely, risking their own lives, not shooting at the mob.” he continued…No IDF strike was conducted toward the aid convoy. On the contrary, the IDF was there carrying out a humanitarian aid operation, to secure the humanitarian corridor, and allow the aid convoy to reach its distribution point, so that the humanitarian aid could reach Gazan civilians in the north who are in need.

The IDF posted Hagari’s statement below on X. Video is included with his statement.

“We recognize the suffering of the innocent people of Gaza. This is why we are seeking ways to expand our humanitarian efforts.”

Watch the full statement by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari on the incident regarding the humanitarian aid convoy the IDF facilitated.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) February 29, 2024

“And yet the lie will be repeated as fact over and over and over by those who are ignorant, and those who are not ignorant but are evil, and those who are Susan Sarandon,” comments Cliff Asness. Add the detestable Senator Elizabeth Warren to the list. Query into which category the AP falls.

Netanyahu & his right-wing government have created a catastrophe in Gaza. Today Israeli troops opened fire on Palestinians desperate for aid.

The U.S. must push for a cease-fire, hostage releases, & condition military support on pursuing a two-state solution for a lasting peace.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 29, 2024

I can’t wait for the United States Air Force to show us how it’s to be done. If this goes down as advertised, we can resupply Hamas directly.

The U.S. Air Force is reportedly preparing for an Operation beginning next week that will see the Mass Airdropping of Humanitarian Aid including Food, Water, and Medicine into the Gaza Strip, with Flights utilizing C-130 and C-17 Transport Aircraft being launched from Airbases in…

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) March 1, 2024

UPDATE: The Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff includes this account in today’s edition.

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of March 1, 2024

It’s Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

Richard Lewis’s gift

(Scott Johnson)

Richard Lewis had the gift of making people laugh. It is a gift that gives physical pleasure. It resides in the realm of the id. You can see his gift on display in the brief exchange with Bob Costas on Costas’s old late-night show Later. By internal evidence, this clip must go back some 36 years, to 1988 or so. It’s not canned material. It wasn’t a routine. Lewis was just naturally funny and here he was on a roll with his audience of one.

RICHARD LEWIS: "I made Bob Costas laugh so hard, NBC refused to air it thinking it made him look silly. I went crazy and bugged the network so much they thankfully caved."

Rest in peace to a man who was literally too funny

— HarryHew (@harryhew) February 29, 2024

News Briefs – 03/01/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I always thought it strange P. Diddy was supposedly worth billions. He didn’t strike me as intelligent enough to compete with the real geniuses and sharks of business. Interestingly, it now looks like he was set up like Epstein for the rap industry. You get invited to a P.Diddy party, at P. Diddy’s house (which was wired in every single room with cameras and microphones by somebody), Diddy comes over, big smile, hands you a drink, you think your rap music contract ship may have finally come in, you take a sip and next thing you are waking up naked in a bed with a sore asshole, and there is video of Diddy and a bunch of gay Jewish music producers running a train on you the night before. Like with Epstein, there are a lot of Jewish players, rumors of Mossad and CIA, underaged minors, both male and female, and a lot of big names in politics and entertainment attending the parties. Now you get to “be a star” while they get all your money, and you never get to say anything about how the world really works. Also, as the guy points out, there have always been rumors rap was a CIA MK Ultra creation to foster a culture of criminality and drug dealing among black youth, so they would never work hard in the traditional sense and pursue paths which would lead to real success in the world. Looks like almost all the major stars are going to be outed as having videos too.

That is the wonderful thing about America, anon. If you work hard, and do it the honest way, all of that will be rewarded, and you can be anything you want to be, even one of those successful people up there who made through hard work and dedication. It is looking increasingly like there was almost no honest success. Just some intel op or other getting compromat on people, and then installing them in an acting role of somebody who succeeded. And behind it all was the surveillance, identifying the high flyers as little children, putting them in GATE to get all the intelligence they could on them, even down to the range of their peripheral vision and the tonal range of their hearing, and then launching life-long operations to suppress them so they could never produce honest success, and compete with the intel op-installed pretenders. It make sense, when you see the surveillance. There has, for a long, long time, a massive secret, which could start the blood flowing overnight like a tsunami, and they could not risk even one honest man becomming a “star” and possibly, one day revealing that secret.

Typically politically incorrect 4Chan summary here of a dude giving a run down on Twitter here. Twitter video is worthwhile to get a flavor of it all.

Again, a lot of stuff Cabal would want kept hidden is all coming to light.

From Shannon Sharpe’s podcast a month or two ago, before any of this was on the radar, which makes me think all of this is scripted, and this was the foreshadowing:

Maricopa county is sending phony mail-in ballots again for the Presidential preference election — One voter receives TWO ballots with her name, another receives ballot for Fulton County, GA resident.

First son Hunter Biden claimed in congressional testimony Wednesday that he was “high or drunk” when he wrote to a Chinese associate in 2017 that he was “sitting here with my father” — shortly before the transfer of $5.1 million into Biden family-linked accounts.

Hunter Biden acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5 million China deal but rejected the notion that the president was ever penciled in for a 10% stake.

Paul Sperry:

FBI agents caught Joe Biden illegally hoarding a dozen+ notebooks containing classified info, inclg:

— “US intelligence sources, methods & capabilities”

— “Activities of foreign intelligence services”

— “US military programs & capabilities”

— “Foreign military programs”

Trump gets partial relief in effort to stop enforcement of huge civil-fraud judgment pending appeal.

Corrupt prosecutor Andrew Weissmann on MSNBC discussing the US Supreme Court’s decision to agree to hear Trump’s immunity argument – Jack Smith’s “DC case is now on life support.”

Jack Smith proposes new trial date (July 8) in FL classified documents case: The week before the RNC Convention.

The Biden administration suppressed information about Iran’s efforts to assassinate U.S. officials to ensure Congress and the American public were kept in the dark, according to a lawmaker on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Death of shipping CEO Angela Chao under ‘criminal investigation,’ Texas sheriff says.

Flashback – Steve Bannon coached Jeffrey Epstein to appear ‘friendly’ and ‘sympathetic’ on TV. Bannon claims he was not coaching Epstein, but rather was doing a documentary on how bad Epstein was. Bannon is clearly some sort of intel operator, and given the ever-presence of Cabal it would not be surprising if he and Epstein shared a command structure, even if their jobs were very different. It is often all a big club up there. Especially when you factor in that he was the guy in position when they took out Breitbart. I do not think they’d have offed Breitbart unless the guy poised to take over was one of their’s. And when I look at the strange health decline of Breitbart which led up to his passing, I have zero doubt you are looking at The Beam™.

More Jeffrey Epstein records to be released – details of his Palm Beach sex trafficking conviction.

White House Physician: Biden suffers from neuropathy in feet, stiffened gait. The Chinese name for this translates to “Heavy Head, Light Feet.” I believe it was a liver disharmony but I could be wrong. Either way, if you or a loved one ever have the condition, seek out a TCM doc, they have an understanding, of some sort, of exactly what the root cause is, and can produce an efficacious treatment protocol. Here with modern medicine, Biden is pretty much fucked, as the attitude is, “Well, we have no idea where that came from. eat more vegetables, and try to walk more.”

A Kentucky House committee advanced a bill Thursday to fully strip the Democratic governor’s power to fill a vacancy in the state’s U.S. Senate seat — one day after Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell announced he will step down from his leadership role this year.

House Freedom Caucus calls on Mitch McConnell to immediately step down from leadership and not screw Republicans in upcoming election like Paul Ryan did.

Texas RINO John Cornyn declares his candidacy to succeed Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate Leader.

RFK Jr. backs Rand Paul as next Senate Republican leader.

New York’s Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is moving forward with her plan to retool the Civil Service Commission to put illegal aliens at the head of the line for state jobs.

NY Governor Hochul: ‘Don’t want to highlight’ migrants who commit crimes, won’t call for tougher NYC sanctuary law.

Joe Biden’s White House begins referring to Illegal Aliens as ‘newcomers to the US.’

Texas law allowing police to arrest migrants suspected of being in country illegally blocked by federal judge.

Fmr. Biden Border Patrol chief: ‘I never once met’ with Biden or Harris in nearly 2 years.

MSNBC legal analyst says First Amendment makes US ‘vulnerable,’ calls for ‘common sense’ speech restrictions. The conspiracy does not want a free society. They want the criminal conspiracy they serve to have total power over you. They are in every sense of the words, enemies of all real Americans, and enemies of the very country.

Home of top Eric Adams aide raided by FBI: sources.

Mystery surrounds a secret trip by Squad members Ilhan Omar and Pramila Japayal to Communist Cuba that coincided with a visit by Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.

Outrage in Houston after Police audit reveals 260,000 crimes not investigated.

A federal judge held veteran investigative reporter Catherine Herridge in civil contempt on Thursday for refusing to divulge her source for a series of Fox News stories about a Chinese American scientist who was investigated by the FBI but never charged.

Ben Bergquam reports from Darién Gap that US is funding processing centers in South America and flying illegals into America before they reach the border.

Tyler Boebert “supposedly made a sex tape” with a fellow suspect who was a female minor, according to an affidavit following his arrest.

Bradley Cooper didn’t feel connected to daughter Lea at first, didn’t understand when fellow parents would say, “I would die in a second for my kid.” “That’s my experience. Fascinated by it. Loved taking care of it. But would I die if someone came in with a gun?” r-selection, low parental investment. And it is so innate he feels he can explain that a guy with a gun comes in, his response is, “Take my child, do anything, just don’t hurt me!,” and he assumes the interviewer will fully understand.

Bryan Kohberger trial fiasco sparks anger as judge delays until March 2025 – two and a half years after heinous Idaho murders. Some interesting stuff. The family begged them not to let the house be demolished until after a conviction, but both the Defense and Prosecution supported the demolition. Also, the court is not imposing security restrictions on Kolberger as in other, similar cases, not even bothering to shackle him, or have him accompanied by law enforcement. It is not impossible this entire thing is a show being done to cover up whatever really happened. The fact those girls had their own personal American Stasi detachment tracking them at the grub truck the night of the murder is not a good sign. Because that level of coverage maintains a live watch on them in the residence all night. Almost as bad as having their own personal Postal Service Truck of Death™.

CDC panel is investigating whether RSV vaccine made by Pfizer is causing rare paralysis condition Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Panera Bread was excluded from California’s new $20-an-hour fast food minimum wage after its billionaire owner donated to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s campaign, the New York Post reports.

Bud Light boycott cost Tranheuser-Busch $1.4 billion.

Exorcists warn involvement in Freemasonry exposes the soul to the demonic and risks cursing one’s children.

When asked,  during a House Armed Services Committee hearing, how many women and children have been killed in the Israeli military conflict in Gaza Llyod Austin replied, “It’s over 25,000.”

Trudeau’s government head of pathogens was collaborating with members of Beijings People’s Liberation Army.

House ‘Republican’ Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (RINO-PA) prepares scheme to force vote in the House on funding Ukraine and undercut Speaker Mike Johnson in the process.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been accused of a “flagrant abuse of intelligence” after he revealed that British troops are helping the Ukrainian military launch long-range Storm Shadow missiles on Russian positions.

Biden is considering draining America’s ALREADY depleted weapons and ammo stockpile to send more ammunition to Ukraine as Congress stalls on a multi-billion aid deal.

Putin announces hypersonic weapons promised six years ago are now in service.

Bump stock ban not likely to survive the Supreme Court.

Polling shows Trump sweeping every swing state.

Spread r/K Theory, because you do not want your own Postal Service Truck of Death

Thoughts from the ammo line

(Scott Johnson)

Ammo Grrrll is not CLOTHING THE EMPEROR. She writes:

In the middle of an unhinged hateful rant about Donald J. Trump AND especially about us, his “cult-like” wretched, stupid followers, Bob Costas let slip on the CNN ‘s Smerconish show that Biden is too old and needs to step aside to avoid losing to President Trump. He actually invoked the Emperor and His New Clothes image in reference to Biden. He seems to feel pretty strongly that President Trump is going to beat the Depends off Biden in November and that is unthinkable enough for Costas to advise Biden to step aside.

The dam has broken. For a long time that dam had many fingers plugging up all obvious holes and calling them “misinformation.” Conservatives who believe “misinformation” are only a stone’s throw from “Deplorability” on their inevitable path to “Insurrection!” There was a solid phalanx of deniers shrieking daily that Biden was fit as a fiddle.

Joe, they swore, was a fine speaker, but sadly cursed with a whimsical stutter that only appeared at certain times. That this was a lie was obvious to all but the lying liars who lie day in and day out for a very lucrative living. Good grief, NO, Joe Biden does not have a “stutter.” I have known several people with stutters and that is not how stuttering manifests itself.

The problem is that Biden’s brain doesn’t work anymore and he cannot reliably finish slurring all the way to the end of a WORD, let alone express a coherent thought. Heck, he cannot even READ a thought. He stops. He freezes. He looks like his last working synapse just burned out in his head. And then he mumbles, “Well, never mind.” Or, “You know the thing.” On at least two occasions that I am aware of, he could not remember Obama’s name and just called him “my boss.” He yells; he whispers; he sees dead people in the audience. He cannot get a quote right that is WRITTEN OUT in front of him.

His advanced dementia is glaringly, nakedly, apparent. But he comes out, shot up with who knows what, and APPEARS to be clothed. And quite nicely at that. Fig leaves have not been in fashion as strategically-placed nudity covers since The Garden of Eden. And so when he’s not skinny dipping in front of the female Secret Service agents, Joe wears fine suits of superior cut. But in reality he is a shambling updated version of a Greek Minotaur with the clothes of a sentient being and the head of a lost, vacant, angry old gasbag. The world knows it and has acted accordingly.

The lying liars who lie rally round and you can almost hear the strategy meetings: “Okay, the public isn’t buying the stutter deal, guys – and I’m sorry if I misgendered anybody – but, if we allow any criticism through our algorithms, let’s just say it’s his age. You know Trump/Hitler is no spring chicken, either. Yeah, AGE is the word to repeat, not, God forbid, SENILITY.”

And, just like that, every media outlet even slightly left of center starts repeating “age” like an old 33 vinyl record with a bad needle. The late and much-lamented Rush Limbaugh used to play mash-ups of the news-heads all repeating verbatim whatever the powers-that-be had told them to say. Because most of the left is childish, irresponsible, and stupid, it believes that since children like to hear “Good Night, Moon” every night, grown adults will also enjoy hearing the same word repeated until they mute the television, or, alternatively, shoot it.

But, see, AGE isn’t entirely accurate either! It’s NOT his damn age! Sure, he can’t ride a bike, negotiate a stairway, or find his way off any stage. Sure, he “trips” over a sandbag that some Christian Nationalist probably put in his way. So age has SOMETHING to do with it, but it’s not the whole story. He’s not just old; he’s corrupt, mean, creepy, and demented.

Novelist Herman Wouk was still turning out novels when he was past 100. My mother was cogent and still witty at 94. although I would have recommended her for no higher an office than Vice President. As Border Czar she would have kicked butt and taken names. And I might have been tapped to be the shortest high-fashion runway model in history. Alas, this was not to be.

Somebody old who was still productive? Does the name Benjamin Franklin ring a bell? Born in 1706, Ben held numerous posts such as College President of what eventually became the University of Pennsylvania; also, Deputy Postmaster in 1753. But he was a relatively young man then. His inventions are important and numerous.

What stands out is his stint as Ambassador to France, of great importance during the Revolutionary War, which term ended in 1785 when he was 79 years old. When French Foreign Minister Vergennes said to Thomas Jefferson, “It is you who replace Dr. Franklin?,” Jefferson replied, “No one can replace him, Sir; I am only his successor.”

See, here’s the thing about OUR guy. You know the one. We KNOW he isn’t perfect and we don’t pretend that he is. We aren’t planning to marry him. Over half a century ago at a family dinner at my late in-laws’ home, my mother-in-law opined that she would not vote for a man who had divorced his wife. And my father-in-law said: “You recently returned from Israel. Did you check to make sure your pilot and co-pilot were not divorced?!” And, good-natured little lady that she was, Minna laughed at herself and said, “Oh, Lyosh, you are right.”

Right now the Ship of State is racing headlong for an iceberg and is most of the way there. Our fellow citizens can see that we desperately need a new pilot, or captain, and it’s so bad that it’s beginning to dawn even on a few brave African-Americans and Jewish Democrats – as well as the traditional conservatives — that some bold new thing needs to be done. And urgently.

Perhaps I can contribute a marching song for our epic battle ahead. A songwriter named George F. Root wrote around 35 Civil War songs (per research on the Office of the Historian Website) which were hugely popular. I was shocked to learn this. My own dear departed mother taught me the following song before I was school-age, probably around 1950. That’s a fur piece from the Civil War, so Mr. Root’s work definitely resonated through the ages.

One of his most famous songs was for the Union prisoners held in unspeakable conditions. I’m sure that the prisons for the Confederate POWs were bad too, but Andersonville was notorious. And he wrote a song of inspiration to keep the Union POWs’ spirits up.

When I became aware there even was such a horrible thing called war, I thought only of World War I. I had seen pictures of my Grandpa in his uniform. And I was raised knowing that a Marine uncle I had never met had been killed in World War II. But the Civil War was not on my radar except for that time when I was in my stroller and I told Mama I wanted “fweedom.” No, wait, that was somebody else. I probably said I wanted a cookie. Anyway, I knew this Root song and sang it walking home from school. It had a great cadence.

Tramp, tramp, tramp
The boys are marching.
Cheer up, comrades, they will come.
And beneath the starry flag,
We shall breathe the air again
Of the free land in our own
Beloved homes.

In homage to Mr. Root let me offer this song to inspire not only the political prisoners from January 6, who have been held without trial for years, but also for all our suffering citizens imprisoned by the Orwellian cultural and political horrors we see every day:

Trump, Trump Trump
We will be voting!
Cheer up, comrades, we will win!
At our peril we bestow
A fourth term on Barry O.
If we ever want our country free again.

Faucism in one country

(Scott Johnson)

The Claremont Review of Books has published Jeffrey Anderson’s terrific review/essay “Covid catastrophes.” I think “Faucism in one county” might capture the spirit of Anderson’s take on the tyranny imposed on us by the authorities under the Covid regime. Anderson’s essay makes me angry about it all over again, but the point is to prevent a recurrence.

While we’re angry all over again, we should check out former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade’s update of the investigation of Covid’s origin. The virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, of course, but Wade has the latest on the so-called DEFUSE protocol that seems to have led to the work in Wuhan:

[W]hereas most viruses require repeated tries to switch from an animal host to people, SARS-CoV-2 infected humans out of the box, as if it had been preadapted while growing in the humanized mice called for in the DEFUSE protocol.

The authors of the proposal were a team led by Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance of New York, Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. Although Mr. Baric is the leading expert on the technology, Mr. Daszak intended for much or most of the work to be done in Ms. Shi’s laboratory, despite giving a different impression to Darpa. He writes in the recently discovered documents that “I do want to stress the US side of this proposal so that DARPA are comfortable with our team. Once we get the funds, we can then allocate who does what exact work, and I believe that a lot of these assays can be done in Wuhan.”

Ms. Shi did most of her work with SARS-type viruses in the minimal-containment condition known as BSL2, whereas Mr. Baric, who regarded the viruses as seriously dangerous, worked in a more secure lab known as BSL3. Mr. Daszak noted that the lower-security labs would save money: “The BSL-2 nature of work on SARSr-CoVs makes our system highly cost-effective relative to other bat-virus systems.” Mr. Baric replied to this comment that the viruses might be grown under BSL2 safety conditions in China, but “US researchers will likely freak out.”

Mr. Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance last year asserted that the DEFUSE project was never implemented: “The proposal was not funded and the work was never done, therefore it cannot have played a role in the origin of COVID-19.” But science is a competitive business. After Darpa turned down the DEFUSE proposal in February 2019, the researchers in Wuhan might have secured Chinese government funding and gone ahead by themselves. Viruses made according to the DEFUSE protocol could have been available by the time Covid-19 broke out, sometime between August and November 2019. This would account for the otherwise unexplained timing of the pandemic along with its place of origin.

Here Wade inserts parenthetically: “Mr. Daszak, Mr. Baric and Ms. Shi didn’t respond to emails seeking comment. Chinese officials have demanded that the U.S. ‘stop defaming China’ by raising the possibility of a lab leak.” Wade then concludes:

One piece is missing from the puzzle—the identity of the parent viruses from which SARS-CoV-2 was derived. The Chinese authorities have rigorously suppressed all information about the viruses being kept in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But the documentary and scientific evidence already assembled seems sufficient to understand the genesis of the pandemic that killed millions.

The refusal of the Chinese authorities to cooperate in the relevant investigation has seemed to me a most potent piece of circumstantial evidence from the get-go.

The Daily Chart: Another Red/Blue Dividing Line

(Steven Hayward)

As we have noted repeatedly here, people are voting with the feet and moving from high crime/high tax blue states to low tax/low crime red states in increasing numbers. Alongside tax rates as a factor in higher economic growth in red states is that red states are more likely to be right-to-work states than blue states. This is not universally true; heavily unionized Michigan was a right-to-work for a decade, though that ended last week, thanks to Governor Wretched Whitmer’s fealty to unions. Anyway, here’s the data on the rates of job growth in right-to-work versus compulsory union states:

Almost vacant

(Scott Johnson)

AEI’s Danielle Pletka is not a fan of President Trump, so I take her pulling on the fire alarm about President Biden at face value:

What we hear from members of congress is … terrible. Democrats too. Those who talk the president tell of a man who can’t go beyond the words on the page in front of him. He can’t converse on matters of substance. He can deliver talking points, but can’t negotiate with any seriousness. That’s one of the reasons — though far from the only one — why Congress can’t move forward on an emergency supplemental. Republicans are in complete turmoil, but talks with the White House are not helping.

Then there are the foreign leaders. Among themselves — and an open secret in DC’s embassies — they talk about a president who is confused, unsure of the subject matter under discussion, distant, disconnected, and all too often incomprehensible.

This is the man with the nuclear football. The man who commands our armed forces. It doesn’t matter whether you like the Democrats or hate them. The office is critically important, and it is almost vacant.

See Pletka’s What the Hell Is Going On? post “What we hear about Biden’s decline.”

Liberal Fragility

(Steven Hayward)

Liberals really are extremely fragile people. This helps explain why they need “safe spaces” with cuddly stuffed animals, grief counselors, and warning labels against “microaggressions.”

The latest evidence is a completely unironic and totally un-self-aware piece in the New York Times about the anguish of liberal law professors having to teach constitutional law at a time when the Supreme Court leans right. It’s so upsetting that some professors are moved to tears and can’t conceive of continuing. The New York Times thinks this is actually “a crisis.”

Seriously, you can’t make this up:

Rebecca Brown, at the University of Southern California, has been teaching constitutional law for 35 years. “While I was working on my syllabus for this course, I literally burst into tears,” she told me. “I couldn’t figure out how any of this makes sense. Why do we respect it? Why do we do any of it? I’m feeling very depleted by having to teach it.”

I’m skeptical that she “literally” burst into tears, though I expect she literally misused the word “literally” here. In any case, shouldn’t the phrase, “I couldn’t figure out how any of this makes sense?” have been applied to Wickard v. Filburn ever since it was put to paper in 1942? And yet somehow the few conservative law professors that existed behind enemy lines in law schools managed for 80 years now to explain Wickard (and dozens of other ridiculous liberal Court rulings) with a straight face and without bursting into tears, or having anxiety attacks.

The Times inadvertently gives away what’s really going on here (beyond general liberal fragility):

“The people who taught us were all Warren court people,” said Pam Karlan, a constitutional and voting-rights expert at Stanford law school, referring to Chief Justice Earl Warren, who through the 1950s and 1960s led a court of both Democratic and Republican appointees to expand civil rights, equalize political representation and liberalize the criminal justice system. “They’d clerked on that court. They valorized it. There was this notion that judges were these heroes who would save us all. Our students do not have that view.”

Ah yes, the glory days of the Warren Court, which invented new “rights” left and right (actually just “left”). There’s never been an era with more result-oriented jurisprudence that the Warren Court, but it delivered results liberals liked. But now that the Court is delivering rulings liberals don’t like, it’s the end of the world. Or at least their world.

It gets worse:

“We’re witnessing a transformation in the New Deal consensus,” said Mark Graber, a leading constitutional scholar and Regents professor at the University of Maryland.

Oh please, don’t get my hopes up like this!

There’s a serious irony here. Back in the late 1990s, after the Supreme Court had once again botched a significant case in Romer v. Evans, overruling a precedent on sodomy laws from just 1986, the conservative journal First Things published as symposium on “The End of Democracy” that called into question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court in the wake of its serially bad decisions in Casey v. Planned Parenthood and Romer v. Evans, among others. It caused a huge ruckus on the right, and several leading conservatives attacked First Things and resigned from its editorial board, including Gertrude Himmelfarb, Peter Berger, and Walter Berns. This “smash the Court” enthusiasm didn’t gain much acceptance, and quickly passed from the scene.

I see no such intramural argument on the left about the Supreme Court. Now it is the left that is bent on delegitimizing the Supreme Court. It is all toddler temper tantrums and hair-on-fire freakouts that some jurists, many with Ivy League law degrees, have a different opinion from theirs.

Prediction: I know that a lot of liberal law professors can’t stand it that Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and J.D. Vance all went to Harvard or Yale for law school. There is likely before long to be an effort to screen out conservative applicants to elite laws schools so that they don’t have an Ivy League credential.

Richard Lewis, RIP

(Scott Johnson)

The comedian Richard Lewis died this past Tuesday evening of a heart attack at the age of 76. The New York Times has posted a good obituary by Clay Risen here. Variety’s obituary is posted here. Richard told the story of his personal struggles in The Other Great Depression: How I’m overcoming, on a daily basis, at least a million addictions and dysfunctions and finding a spiritual (sometimes) life.

Lewis had the gift of making people laugh. I thought he was incredibly funny. You may have seen him over the past 20-plus years on any of the 41 episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm in which he appeared. A fan has posted a 90-minute YouTube video of A Complete Timeline of Richard Lewis and Larry David Banter & Arguments (seasons 1-11).

Curb creator Larry David provided a statement to Variety on Richard’s death: “Richard and I were born three days apart in the same hospital and for most of my life he’s been like a brother to me. He had that rare combination of being the funniest person and also the sweetest. But today he made me sob and for that I’ll never forgive him.”

I met Richard when he performed at the 2015 Temple of Aaron fundraiser in St. Paul. The professional photographer Matthew Witchell was on hand. Richard greeted us warmly and posed for photographs with those of us lucky enough to attend. At the right is the photo of my wife and me with Richard. You may deduce from the photo that we were happy to meet him.

No one enjoyed the show that night more than I did. Richard performed his routine on the pulpit. Whenever he made an irreverent joke or observation, he would turn around and face the ark. Raising his hands and looking upward, he sought forgiveness and amplified the humor of his jokes.

Richard found love relatively late in life. He fell in love with Joyce Lapinsky of St. Paul’s Highland Park Senior High School, class of ’69. I thought Joyce was the most beautiful girl in a class that was full of beautiful women (and I only knew the ones who were friends of my guy friends).

After seven years of dating, Richard took Joyce to meet his therapist. He recounted his lack of confidence in his ability to select a mate. He also recalled complaining about having “some minor communication” problems with Joyce and that that was the reason why they couldn’t move forward in the relationship.

The therapist rendered judgment. “In a voice that was almost satanic — it was so dark and loud that it seemed to echo through the neighborhood — my therapist screamed at me, ‘This is as good as it gets!,'” Lewis said. “It shook me to my core.” I take that from ET’s account of Richard and Joyce’s relationship yesterday in connection with Richard’s death.

For his performance at Temple of Aaron Richard worked in a variety of funny observations about his father-in-law, Chuck Lapinsky, of blessed memory. The material sounded like it could have been part of his regular stand-up act, but it must have been good for that one night only.

JTA has posted an obituary here. JNS recounts his devotion to Jewish causes and quotes Richard talking about his father, William Lewis. He called his father a “god of kosher catering” in New York and New Jersey. “My father was so well known as a caterer and so booked up that he was actually booked on the weekend of my bar mitzvah so I had to have my party on the Tuesday,” he told JTA.

Last night I met two friends for dinner at the French Meadow restaurant in St. Paul to discuss Book III of Plato’s Republic. When we sat down I mentioned Richard’s death and pulled up the photo of Sally and me at Temple of Aaron to show them on my phone. When the owner later came over to our table to say hello, the first thing she said was that she had sad news — Richard Lewis had died. She looked and sounded deeply grieved as she talked about her friendship with Richard through Joyce. As far as I can tell, everyone who knew him liked him. RIP.

News Briefs – 02/29/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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A very interesting article which lays out a more cohesive model of a covert intelligence network, with Les Wexner’s involvement (reportedly a member of the Israeli MEGA network), apparently as an intelligence frontman for a CIA front company from Iran Contra. Then there is the Clinton Foundation’s association with Epstein as some kind of intelligence money laundering op/slush fund, Epstein’s pedophile blackmail ops, his connections with the Rothschilds, and which contains this summation:

Far from being the work of a single intelligence agency or a single country, the power structure revealed by this network connected to Epstein is nothing less than a criminal enterprise that transcends nationality and is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and control. Existing for decades and willing to use any means necessary to cover its tracks, this criminal racket has become so integrated into the levers of power, in the United States and well beyond, that it is truly too big to fail.

This thing is immensely advanced. I am sure the operators at the top are first rate and maintain strict tradecraft, to the point they would be untouchable. We cannot even seem to find names, let alone get a flowsheet of the command structure, or even how the intel agencies like Mossad and CIA relate to each other. Its technology is space age, probably to a degree even I have not yet fully comprehended, even as some of the most impressive has been brought to bear on me. And yet I think it has one big weakness – the seemingly endless raft of 85 IQ gollums it has recruited within the civilian populace, and embedded in communities, as if regular patriotic Americans across the nation, which every day are stumbling around fucking up their tradecraft, exposing the operation, and making front page news across the country. It needs them to extend its reach down to the grass roots granularly, and yet they are the weakest part of the operation. I do not see a lot of warriors or triggerpullers among them either, nor do I think their numbers are that noteworthy.

If this thing is to be destroyed (and it absolutely must), it must first lose its grassroots control, which will mean excising its civilian informant network from our society. Without that, its technology will be useless, as the intel machine will lose both its ability to see what is happening at the grassroots as well as its ability to apply technologies such as The Beam™. The Beam™ will become nothing more than a beautiful shiny toy in a warehouse somewhere, since the upper levels simply do not have the numbers to deploy it neighborhood by neighborhood. If this thing is to be defeated, IMO, the grassroots network will need to be exposed, and the rabbits of society will need to recognize for a time they will need to step aside and allow the wolves of real America to do whatever is necessary to rid the nation of this plague. And then the wolves will need to realize how completely they must do a job which even for wolves will be, in places, unpleasant, but wholly necessary. The alternative will be a dystopia which will make America today, overrun by third world migrants, with criminals elevated to above the law, and the economy teetering toward collapse, look like a shining city on a hill.

Of course it will all begin with the exposure of the domestic intelligence surveillance machine, which honestly, we here are at the forefront of in a way I do not see anyone else doing. Without that step being completed, America as a vision of freedom, and loyal commitment of Americans to each other, together, in pursuit of the good the beautiful and the true, will be lost.

The fork in the road approaches.

Trump plans to ‘reform’ CIA and FBI.

Trump vows major changes to US intelligence if re-elected.

Supreme Court will decide if Trump is immune from prosecution: Justices agree to take up case and delay Jack Smith’s election interference trial.

Donald Trump is STRIPPED from Illinois Republican primary ballots as judge orders him to be disqualified over his ‘role in January 6 riots’ – marking third state to try to ban former president.

FOIA shows the FBI and the DOJ uncovered a massive 2020 election ballot fraud in MI, with +100,000 ballot applications falsified at Gov Whitmer’s election headquarters and the DOJ the FBI covered it up by passing it to another criminal who happens to be running it.

Incredible moment Nathan Wade’s divorce lawyer appears to mutter ‘oh dang’ when he’s shown text message HE SENT saying his client started dating Fani Willis BEFORE she hired him to prosecute Trump.

The Georgia Senate has reportedly subpoenaed text messages between the ex-divorce lawyer for Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor in the Trump election interference case, and a lawyer for a co-defendant in the case.

Fulton county DA Fani Willis may be facing perjury charges.

Trump lawyers say he’s prepared to post $100 million bond while appealing staggering fraud penalty.

New poll shows, majority of voters recognize Democrat lawfare against Trump is political election interference.

3rd pipe bomb camera deliberately turned away from DNC headquarters on J6. Increasingly it is becoming apparent the government is illegitimate, and merely a foreign-run intelligence psyop devoted to pursuing that which is in the worst interests of the populace.

Mitch McConnell to step down as Republican Senate leader in November.

Dem Marianne Williamson says she’s “unsuspending” her presidential campaign.

House investigators plan public impeachment hearings after grilling Hunter Biden. Gaetz said his read of the RINOs was they would not impeach and it would fail barring new information.

The National Guard Bureau announced today the director of the Army National Guard has ordered an aviation safety stand down of all Army National Guard helicopter units to review safety policies and procedures following two recent helicopter crashes.

According to a Judicial Watch source, Joe Biden mistreats his dogs, punching and kicking them.

Tucker on the destruction of our military by the corrupt leaders of it.

Police identify man shot dead while breaking into Masonic Lodge in St. Louis. Seems like they have somebody living in there 24/7 and they don’t fuck around, he just smoked the guy. Probably a more interesting story than we will hear.

Fears about a ‘mystery virus’ spread through TikTok – among young people who say they’re not testing positive for COVID, flu or other common bugs, as they are sick for weeks on end with high fevers, nausea, trouble breathing, loss of sense of smell, and fatigue.

Sheriff elected to protect Laken Riley’s county campaigned on not cooperating with ICE.

Laken Riley tried calling 911 when she was attacked by an illegal migrant but Police are refusing to release a recording of the call.

Elon Musk:

Dams are bursting all over the country.

America is only 4% of Earth’s population. If only 1% of the rest of Earth moves here, that would crush all essential services.

I am ringing the alarm bell, because the flood of illegals is crushing the country!

Former New York City Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly, the department’s longest-serving commissioner, cautioned on Sunday that New York City’s quality of life “has really deteriorated,” and migrant crime is a major reason.

Somali illegal aliens tell Laura Loomer they want to be just like Ilhan Omar and want Joe Biden to win reelection. It increasingly looks like there is no more toxic noxious destructive force in this nation than its own intelligence community.

Illegals in Seattle shut down city council meeting with demands for more free housing.

Paul Krugman concludes that white rural rage is “arguably the single greatest threat facing American democracy.”

Eric Adams and Chuck Schumer celebrate Chinese New Year festivities decked out in CCP garb and waving CCP flags.

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s oldest son was arrested Tuesday and faces 22 criminal charges, including five felonies, following a string of alleged thefts in Colorado.

Post-Covid spike in heart disease puzzles scientists.

Federal judge rules $1.7 trillion spending bill passed by Congress in 2022 is unconstitutional, after being passed with less than half of U.S. Con­gress phys­i­cal­ly present.

Supreme Court Justice Jackson says bump stocks can fire “800 rounds per second or whatever” during pivotal SCOTUS hearing.

Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Jamie Dimon, and the Walton family have now sold a combined $11 billion in company stock this month.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s attorney says she ‘definitely has a take’ on Epstein suicide conspiracies but won’t say what it is – and claims she didn’t testify at her trial because she was ‘hungry and sleep-deprived.’

Air Force guy who set himself on fire over Palestine worked in intelligence with a security clearance.

Pope Francis taken to hospital after suffering from a persistent flu.


Brazil’s ex Prez Bolsonaro faces 5-years in jail… for whale bothering. A video may show him driving a Jet Ski too close to a whale.

Moldovan breakaway region appeals to Russia as a spat with the pro-Western government worsens.

A company associated with US Intel created a tool — originally named Locomotive but later rebranded as VISR (Virtual Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) – to tap into geolocation data used by digital advertisers, which was supposedly able to snoop on people close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, thus gaining information on his whereabouts. Putin does appear to be a genuine enemy of Globohomo.

The unofficial presence of Western special forces in Ukraine is a matter of common knowledge, the Financial Times wrote on Tuesday, citing a senior European defense official, speaking anonymously.

Zelensky claims EU only delivered 30 per cent of promised artillery shells.

Russian sanctions have reached their limit, with the West left with nothing more it can do — Russian think tank.

Ukraine’s frontline situation ‘catastrophic’ – Moscow.

Returning to Ukraine’s front line, CBS News finds towns falling to Russia, and troops begging for help.

Harvard suddenly ‘exploring’ issuing $1.65 billion in bonds, suggesting donor falloff is really pinching its finances.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is always a weak link somewhere

Pompadour and Circumstance

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Californians are ramping up another recall for Gov. Gavin Newsom, a good thing for America even if it fails, as in 2021. A new recall in California will divert attention from races across the country, force Democrats to spend millions. The best outcome would be a successful recall of Newsom his own self.

The coiffed Democrat is a construct of the Brown, Newsom, Pelosi and Getty families, a belch from old money San Francisco. Like Joe Biden, whose administration he admires, Newsom is a semi-literate who shows little evidence of reading books. To be fair, the San Francisco Democrat probably outdoes Biden in his affection for China’s one-party Communist dictatorship, and current PRC boss Xi Jinping. For his recent visit, Newsom even cleaned up filthy San Francisco.

Like recurring governor Jerry Brown, who appointed Newsom’s father to judgeships, Gavin Newsom has never said anything that would make a sub-moron’s mouth twitch. He walks around posing, as he intones party platitudes in a scratchy pirate voice. Gov. Newsom inflicted a draconian Covid regime but now wants the people to worship him. This was evident in 2021 but Gavin Newsom prevailed.

The current recall might prompt an independent audit to see how many votes came from false-documented illegals registered to vote when they got their driver’s license. Squads of politiqueros coerce the illegals to vote “a certain way,” code for Democrats. With promises of “free” health care, welfare benefits, protection from deportation and so forth, Newsom shapes up as the politiquero-in-chief.

The new recall provides an opportunity to expose this massive fraud, which could inspire other states to true the vote. If only legitimate citizens and legal immigrants voted, as the law requires, the result could be quite different from 2020 and 2021.

Mitch, We Knew Ye Really, Really Well

(John Hinderaker)

Mitch McConnell announced today that he will resign his Senate leadership position in November, while remaining in office through his current term. I have generally thought well of McConnell and believe that on the whole, he has done a good job of leading his caucus. But it is notable that, as far as I know, not a single Republican has expressed regret at his decision.

It was time to go, if only because the geriatric era in Washington needs to end. While nowhere near as debilitated as Joe Biden, McConnell’s health issues in recent years have been visible. It is highly desirable for Republicans not to be seen, like the Democrats, as a party of octogenarians.

What comes next? The Wall Street Journal speculates:

Potential successors, including Sens. John Thune (R., S.D.), John Barrasso (R., Wyo.) and John Cornyn (R., Texas), have been quietly positioning themselves for the day McConnell steps down. Other possible candidates include GOP Sens. Steve Daines of Montana, Rick Scott of Florida and Tom Cotton of Arkansas.

Most of those senators are perceived as more conservative than McConnell, although that may be largely because McConnell has been in a leadership position for so long. As the leader of a caucus, responsible for negotiating agreements that can actually pass, you can’t be a firebrand backbencher–although, to their credit, that description doesn’t fit those the Journal identifies as candidates, either.

Finally, let’s hope Republicans do it the old-fashioned way by agreeing on a new leader behind closed doors, and then anointing him with a show of unanimity. A fiasco like the one we endured in the House of Representatives is to be avoided.

The Daily Chart: Forget Red v. Blue

(Steven Hayward)

Yesterday we noted Trump’s rising strength among certain voting groups. How about by profession instead of ethnicity, gender, and the other usual things? Like professions perhaps? Everyone likes to say the political divide in America is between red states and blue states. But it looks like the division is more white versus blue when it comes to who is supporting Trump’s campaign—that is, white collar professionals against blue collar workers.

Don’t Buy the Never-Trump Comfort Blanket

(Steven Hayward)

I keep seeing Trump skeptics and their media svengalis say that while Nikki Haley is not coming close to beating Trump in any primary battle, she is getting sufficient support to conclude that there is a critical mass of Republicans who don’t like Trump and may not turn out for him in November, and boy is he in big trouble because of this.

Don’t buy it.

I note that back in 1980, the Michigan primary was held May 20, and even though Ronald Reagan was well on his way to securing the Republican nomination, George H.W. Bush still pulled off an upset in that primary, beating Reagan by 150,000 votes. (Bush also beat Reagan in the Pennsylvania primary in April.) Michigan looks to be the kind of state that favors moderate Republicans.

When all the primaries were over, Reagan had received a cumulative 7.6 million votes, while Bush had received 3.1 million, with John Anderson a distant third with 1.5 million. But add Bush and Anderson’s totals together with the also-rans (Dole, Baker, Connally, Phil Crane, etc) and you conclude that Reagan’s majority was less than a landslide (7.6 million to 4.6 million for the rest of the field—certainly a much smaller margin than Trump’s margin in the current contest. Despite the massive doubts about Reagan—his age, his “controversial” opinions, etc—he walked away with a landslide.

But, you hear, Trump is essentially running as an incumbent, and should have incumbent-level margins. This is an unimpressive argument, especially when you allow for the circumstance, not seen since 1912, of a former president coming back to challenge for the nomination. To the contrary, Trump is running far ahead of his totals from the 2016 contest. He’s gotten stronger, not weaker, since 2016.

P.S. For trivia buffs, Harold Stassen got 25,000 votes in the 1980 GOP primaries.

Artists Try to Ban Israelis

(John Hinderaker)

The Venice Biennale is one of the world’s biggest art shows. The show has a national focus:

Held since 1895 and considered the world’s top art event, the Venice Biennale, which starts in April, gives nations the chance to show off their best artists at national pavilions.

That is the hook for pro-mass muder artists to try to boot Israel out:

A petition to kick Israel out of the Venice Biennale art show because of the war in Gaza signed by more than 16,000 artists, curators and academics has been angrily dismissed as “shameful” by Italy’s arts minister.

More to come from the culture minister, a Giorgia Meloni appointee.

Signed by art world luminaries including Jesse Darling, the British Turner prize winner, the petition claims: “The Biennale is platforming a genocidal apartheid state. No death in Venice. No business as usual.”

“Platforming” is a sinister term that generally means failing to discriminate against. Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano pushed back:

The petition drew a furious response from Gennaro Sangiuliano, the Italian culture minister, who lambasted what he described as “a diktat from those who think they are the custodians of the truth, and who with anger and hatred try to threaten the freedom of thought and creative expression in a democratic nation like Italy”. He added: “The Biennale will always be a space of freedom, meeting and dialogue rather than censorship and intolerance. Culture is a bridge between people and nations, not a wall of division.”

Israel is to be represented at the Biennale by Ruth Patir, who is plenty far left by any normal standard. But that doesn’t cut any ice with anti-Semites.

This flap is a reminder that art isn’t what it used to be. As noted above, Britain’s Jesse Darling is apparently the most notable of the artists trying to ban Israel. Here he is with some of his art works:

Which prompts the question: is there a connection between bad art and bad politics? Mr. Darling is, on this question, a data point.


(Lloyd Billingsley)

CBS has fired Catherine Herridge, an investigative reporter who was “pursuing stories that were unwelcomed by the Biden White House and many Democratic powerhouses, including the Hur report on Joe Biden’s diminished mental capacity, the Biden corruption scandal, and the Hunter Biden laptop.” After dumping Herridge, “CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources.” These files, “likely contain confidential material from both her stints at Fox and CBS” and are now  “presumptively the property of CBS News.”

Joseph Klein traces these issues to Dan Rather, but they really go back to CBS “anchorman” Walter Cronkite, once billed as the most trusted man in America. As Douglas Brinkley showed in Cronkite, many of Cronkite’s dispatches during WWII “were propagandistic.” Cronkite coached John F. Kennedy about “getting across” on television, and long before Watergate, Cronkite “orchestrated the secret tape recording of the Republicans’ credentials committee meeting.” This was conducted,  “under the shady rationale that the covert act was good for democracy.” According to Brinkley, “it was a real black eye to Cronkite,” who said of Jimmy Carter, “He’s got one of the best brains of anybody I’ve known.”

Cronkite wrapped his regular broadcast with “that’s the way it is,” but as one wag put it, when you watched Walter Cronkite you not only saw CBS, you heard it too. That was also true of Dan Rather, who in 1986 made news his own self. A man confronted Rather demanding “Kenneth what’s the frequency?” and duly beat the fertilizer out of the CBS anchorman. The network put it off to mistaken identity, which could be true in one sense.

Government and establishment media are Siamese twins, joined at the mouth. As Catherine Herridge confirms, cross the government and you’re a goner, with your documents confiscated. Consider also former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, author of Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, published in 2014.

Readers learn that CBS News president David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, advisor to Obama and up to his eyeballs in the Benghazi scandal. Joel Molinoff came to CBS after serving the Obama White House as director of the Intelligence Advisory Board, and before that worked for the NSA. CBS also hired Mike Morell, formerly a deputy director of the CIA. So as Attkisson explained, CBS stories on Benghazi, Obamacare and so forth might as well have been written by the White House.

Attkisson’s computer was infiltrated with spyware proprietary to government agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and NSA. The intruders planted classified information, adding “the possible threat of criminal prosecution.” Ten years later, those who expose the scandals of the Biden Junta can be sure that Big Brother is watching.

Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on

(Scott Johnson)

Attorney Terrence Bradley testified yesterday in the hearing on the possible disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Counsel Nathan Wade in the “conspiracy so immense” charges against President Trump et al. pending in Georgia state court. Bradley is Wade’s former law partner and lawyer in his divorce proceeding. He knows when the Willis/Wade romance began because Wade told him.

Indeed, as Techno Fog notes, Bradley has previously stated in text messages to Ashleigh Merchant (attorney for defendant Michael Roman) that: (1) the relationship between Willis and Wade started before he was appointed special prosecutor, (2) the relationship started while they were both magistrate judges, and (3) the motion to disqualify Willis, which alleged the start date of the relationship, was accurate.

However, that’s not the way it turned out on the witness stand. After long pauses, Bradley disavowed his previous statements. He couldn’t recall. He was speculating. As in the old Jack Benny joke, he was thinking about it. He knew nothing.

Mr. Fog offers pierces the fog with this clear summary of Bradley’s testimony: “[Bradley] speculated about the start of the relationship, only had one meeting with Wade about the relationship, and has no personal knowledge as to when the relationship started. All of that, of course, was contradicted by his prior representations to Ms. Merchant.”

It made for painful viewing. Everyone in the room knew that Bradley was lying. Which means that Willis and Wade had lied in their testimony, which was almost as obvious. Below is an excerpt of Bradley’s testimony that ran in full over two hours. As I say, it makes for painful viewing.

After last night

(Scott Johnson)

The Michigan primary was held yesterday. President Biden defeated Uncommitted, Marianne Willison, and my cousin Dean Phillips on the Democrat side. Dean commented on Twitter for the benefit of his former friends in the party: “If you resent me for the audacity to challenge Joe Biden, at least you’ll appreciate how relatively strong I’m making him look among primary voters!”

President Trump handily defeated Nikki Haley on the Republican side. Here are the current results posted by RealClearPolitics. Note the differential in turnout.

One can infer that Biden and Trump will be their respective party’s presidential nominees, but the results seem slightly more surprising than expected. Axios managing editor/politics David Lindsey offers a brief take on the results that I found helpful:

There wasn’t much doubt that President Biden and former President Trump would romp to victories in the Michigan primaries Tuesday. But Biden’s win in particular revealed his vulnerability in a crucial swing state that could decide the presidency in November….Arab American and young voters — key to Biden winning Michigan in 2020 — turned out by the tens of thousands on Tuesday to vote … not for Biden, but for “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary.

• The protest vote, driven by anger over Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, had drawn more than 77,000 supporters with 70% of the ballots counted — several times more than organizers expected.

• That took some of the glow from a victory in which Biden got more than 80% of the vote, and confirmed that Biden has some serious persuading to do between now and November.

• “We need more than just nice words and hope. We need a permanent ceasefire” in Gaza, Layla Elabed, campaign manager for Listen to Michigan, told CNN. The group was behind the “uncommitted” vote effort.

Other takeaways from Michigan:

1, Biden has other problems, too.

• Another jolt for the president’s campaign Tuesday: A jarring enthusiasm gap between the Democratic and Republican primaries.

• Nearly 40% more people voted in the Republican primary than in the Democratic contest — despite the protest campaign that aided turnout on the Democratic side.

• Trump, who once again defeated former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, got more votes on the GOP side than the total number of votes cast in the Democratic primary between Biden, “uncommitted” and two other candidates.

2. It wasn’t all good news for Trump.

• That surge in GOP voters was driven in part by about 27% of Republicans voting for Haley, whose support continues to be not nearly enough to win the Republican nomination — but enough to show that a sizable chunk of the GOP may never be on board with Trump.

• Haley’s campaign might not last beyond Super Tuesday next week, when Trump is expected to score hundreds of delegates and put a virtual lock on the GOP nomination as 16 states hold contests.

• But Haley’s level of support suggests that many of her backers may stay home in November — or even vote for Biden, if Trump is on the ballot.

Whole thing here.

We seek to read the tea leaves in the results. As some sage has famously observed, “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” George Eliot’s narrator in Middlemarch puts it this way: “Among all forms of mistake, prophecy is the most gratuitous.” To read the tea leaves we have to project ahead to next November. How will the candidates look at that time? Our crystal ball is cloudy. Both Biden and Trump are hobbled by weaknesses that will be magnified over the next eight months.

For Democrats this is the Weekend At Bernie’s election. It has become increasingly difficult to keep Biden upright during business hours. His brain is fried. His managers have to keep him under wraps. He is an embarrassment. Playing to his party’s activist base, he has left undone what should have been done and he has done that which should not have been done.

For Republicans this is the “In the Jailhouse Now” election. The electoral impact of the Democrat lawfare on Trump are particularly difficult to predict, but they can’t be good for him. They impose their own limitations on Trump in terms of time, money, and who knows what else. That’s what it’s all about. Anyone can see storm clouds ahead.

I absolutely hate the clichéd last resort of scoundrel pundits as the election approaches. You know, “it depends on turnout.” With respect to what should be the insuperable problems each candidate confronts, let’s just say “it depends on how it turns out.” They can’t both lose. One of them is going to prevail.

News Briefs – 02/28/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Flashback 1987: Mitch McConnell talks about voter fraud and how elections are stolen at all levels of government. “What the public would like to see is an honest election between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.”

Tucker Carlson says the 2020 election was “100% stolen” from President Trump.

Tucker Carlson said that his lawyers warned him that the United States could arrest him on sanctions violations for conducting an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin if his interview of Putin was too nice.

Former employees reveal Fani Willis’s extreme DEI training: forced to associate ‘white’ with ‘bad’, judges ranked on skin color.

Nathan Wade had garage door opener to Fani Willis’ home, had sex with Fani Willis at her law office BEFORE she was DA according to Trump co-defendant’s attorney — attorney says Terrence Bradley previously gave her this information.

The spouse (wife or husband, whatever the fuck she/he may be) of Rachel Levine was the lawyer for E. Jean Carroll, the bitch who got a $83M award in her bullshit lawsuit against President Trump. Things like this make me think the bench on the enemy’s side is a smaller one.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is subpoenaed by Republicans demanding transcripts, audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Biden.

The Biden family bagged $5 million from business partner of ‘White Wolf’ Chinese criminal gang leader who helped create the fentanyl pipeline decimating America.

Kentucky’s attorney general is investigating a health care company that wired $200,000 to James Biden the same day he wrote a check for that amount to his brother and future president Joe Biden.

Nikki Haley claims nominating Trump ‘is like suicide for our country.

Almost half of Nikki Haley’s South Carolina voters voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. Total traitor.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has gathered enough signatures to put him on ballot in Arizona and Georgia.

‘Morning Joe’ guests demonize white rural voters as a ‘threat to Democracy.’ To “Their Democracy.”

FOIA request sheds light on DIA’s records pertaining to ‘Havana Syndrome.’ It is tough to tell through the redactions, but it looks like the paper may indicate that they are finding lower levels of  Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in afflicted individuals, as well as increased inflammatory markers like IL-6, and some sort of derangement in fibroblasts which is not specified, but is indicated could be used as a marker of exposure. It seems to indicate it thinks Havana may be a radiofrequency weapon tuned specifically to attack those specific biological factors, and postulates giving victims medications to counter the effects of those biological factors.

BChE seems to reduce nervous excitability, exacerbating some effects of anesthetics, as well as making people so tired they fail to breathe properly while sleeping. A deficit of it seems to be implicated by some in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, likely through some nerve deadening effect (maybe through detoxification of natural GI-produced intoxicants). Remember me saying, when the vibrations hit, you know you have to get up, but you are so strangely sleepy, you actually debate if it is worth the damage just to try to continue your sleep? If it is nuking BChE, and that produces an anesthesia-like effect, that could play a role. (While we are on the subject, I thought of something else interesting. Remember me saying that when the vibrations hit, it triggers a nasal-drip sensation just before you feel them hitting? In Ron Johnson, his Havana Syndrome hit damaged his inner ear, which connects to the sinuses, and drains into them through the eustachian tubes. If Havana is causing damage in that area, it could be like taking pepper up your nose, triggering the nerves in the sinuses, and setting off a nasal drip, But I digress.).

Interestingly, I had a buddy in martial arts who told stories of weird occurrences, one in a million things, which we would all laugh at and say, “Whoa, that was a close one!” or, “What are the chances of that?” Stuff like him and a buddy getting ass deep in stupid illegality in the middle of nowhere, and up rolls a cop out of the blue at just the wrong moment, who then puts then through the ringer on the spot, almost uncovering their crime, before inexplicably giving up and leaving at just the moment he was about to discover it. Looking back, clearly he was under surveillance and those things were arranged. At the time, it just seemed his life was one bizarrely improbable interlude after another.

His family lost his little sister as an infant to SIDS. Ten years later or so, the phone rang, his mom picked it up, and a little girl said, “I’m really happy up here in Heaven, mommy!” or something like that, and then the line went dead. As I recall, there was even something like she tried to star-69 it or something and there was no number, or something weird like that, which made everybody go silent. His little sister’s ghost calling to comfort mom. It was the only explanation, because ten years later, nobody outside of Mom and Dad would have had any idea it even happened. Now I am thinking his little sister died due to something they were beaming through his walls, maybe just to watch them in the house, surveillance knew they accidentally (hopefully it was an accident) killed the baby, and a decade later they had one of their kids call his mom to say that, maybe feeling guilty, or maybe trying to alter something she was doing, like investigating SIDS.

Interestingly as I think about it, there was an explosion of “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” back in the 90’s, or 2000’s, where there were some strange inflammatory signal derangements, as well as chronic tiredness. I seem to recall an interleukin in there somewhere, though I am foggy on it this many years later. I can remember reading, they found the immune systems deranged, but could find no infectious agent. I never remember hearing anything about that being solved. I told you, there have been a lot of people with little niggling health issues which were actually getting slowed down by Cabal, so they could never build up enough steam to get off the treadmill.

Woman diagnosed with 51 strokes after cell tower 900 feet from her home gets “upgraded,” plans to sue. Interesting in that it is radiofrequency radiation which is causing clots. If you add something like the clotshot, might that make it easier to induce a clot in someone with beamed rf? You think of Navalny. It was so perfectly timed to be an attack on Putin. And it is hypothesized the Havana weapon is a pulsed rf weapon.

This is the death being mentioned in the next one:

Gary Sinise reveals his wife Moira was battling stage 3 breast cancer just before their son was diagnosed with Chordoma. Terrible. Sinise developed a good-guy reputation due to his work with veterans, which would, in Cabal’s eyes, have made him a risk of entering politics, whether it ever crossed his mind or not. I will bet like Bill Binney, he has all sorts of shit beaming through his house at all hours watching him, and increasing the cancer risks of everyone in the house.

Republicans demand Alejandro Mayorkas hand over information on illegal migrant from Venezuela charged with brutal murder of Laken Riley.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is accused of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on migrants by doling out no-bid contracts to firms paying shelter supervisors $1,500 a SHIFT.

California could allow undocumented residents to qualify for new state backed home loan program.

Elon Musk on Twitter:

Dems won’t deport, because every illegal is a highly likely vote at some point.

That simple incentive explains what seems to be insane behavior.

It has become so brazen that a gang of illegals can beat up police officers on camera in Times Square, get out of jail for free and *still* not get deported!

Instead, a partly federally funded NGO bought them free tickets to California …

More Elon

Most people in America don’t know that the census is based on a simple headcount of people (including illegals) *not* just citizens.

This shifts political power and money to states and Congressional districts with the highest number of illegals.

Another Twitterer:

What does the migrant crisis look like in practice? The population of a small midwestern town jumping by 10 percent in just two years. Police overwhelmed by domestic violence calls. Dead babies stuffed into cardboard boxes. An uptick in STDs in public schools. And of course: a crushing budget hole. @SaysSimonson profiles Whitewater, Wis., a progressive city mugged by the realities of illegal immigration.

Arizona Republicans are advancing a bill that would allow people to legally kill someone accused of attempting to trespass or actively trespassing on their property. Expected to be vetoed if it reaches the state’s Democratic governor, but would legalize the murder of undocumented immigrants, who often have to cross ranches that sit on the state’s border with Mexico. Based beyond all possible measure. Open season, no tags/no limits. An they are probably all domestic surveillance in their home countries, coming up here to follow us around. I would literally go there long before I would go to some game farm to shoot some grass-eating animal. I would bet those ranches would get real profitable as human game farms.

A federal appeals court recently ruled a lawsuit by Mexico against U.S. gun makers for selling high-powered weapons that fuel drug cartel violence can move forward – it is based upon similar theories about dangerous product design, irresponsible marketing and reckless distribution as in opioid litigation.

Mr. Beast deleted a pretty tame + nonpartisan post critiquing Nancy Pelosi’s suspiciously excellent trading record. Guess where Nancy Pelosi’s nephew Andrew is a talent manager? Mr. Beast’s agency!

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is proposing legislation to give free money to some homeless people under a new pilot program that could put $1,400 a month into the pockets of selected individuals. Who will select them?

The coach of a Vermont high school girls basketball team that was banned from state athletics after forfeiting a game against a squad with a trans player defended the decision — stressing the danger of a biological male playing against girls.

Judicial Watch lawsuit demands FBI’s Ashli Babbitt files.

Google parent loses $70 billion in market value after ‘woke’ AI chatbot disaster.

More women are psychopaths than previously thought, expert claims – these are the 7 key signs to look out for.

A 20-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city, alleging that his race is listed as Caucasian in his personnel file, but he “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American.”

Llorona, a Tennessee hardcore band, said Sunday (Feb. 25) they had fired their vocalist, Diego, after he admitted to dosing a fellow male band member with estrogen to try and “force a transition” and steal that bandmate’s fiancée, according to reports.

From here:

Fired CNN primetime host Don Lemon will reportedly receive approximately $24.5 million as part of a separation deal with the news network nearly a year after his exit. The settlement equals the amount that Lemon, 57, would have been paid had he been allowed to stay on at CNN through the end of his contract three-and-a-half years from the time of his firing, the Wrap reported.

The only reason they pay that much is to try and lend them gravitas. If the salary was based upon supply and demand, it would be a normal salary, maybe even a little low, since there would be an oversupply of competent people willing to do the job for the fame, and presumably elevated mate status. But who would listen to an anchor who made a fraction of the salary the average American made? So they pay them millions, fete them at the elite parties, and do everything they can to make these degenerate mid-wits appear better than you.

The Pelosis’ bet on a Bay Area tech company could turn a staggering profit.

President Joe Biden divulged details of secret negotiations over Israeli hostages to late-night comedy host Seth Myers on Monday — giving away bargaining positions by a key U.S. ally, while predicting success that all sides in the talks said was premature.

Royal Family in shock as Lady Gabriella Windsor’s financier husband Thomas Kingston dies aged 45. Clotshot, or is somebody McCaining the old guard?

Canadian Liberals’ “online hate” bill contains $70K fines for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes.

Aaron Bushnell claimed to have classified knowledge of US forces fighting in Gaza tunnels on night before setting himself on fire.

Finland is building shooting ranges to boost citizen soldiers.

McConnell told Johnson to stop talking about the border and focus only on Ukraine funding.

Russia warns NATO of certain war if West puts troops into Ukraine-Allied leaders rush to distance themselves from French President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion that allies could put boots on the ground to help Kyiv.

Polish President Andrzej Duda has said that Kyiv’s allies have not reached an agreement to send troops to Ukraine, as French President Emmanuel Macron had previously suggested.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told The Associated Press that the military alliance has no plans to send combat troops into Ukraine.

Germany and Poland rule out sending troops to Ukraine as tensions with Russia escalate.

US ‘will not send troops to fight in Ukraine:’ White House.

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the creation of a coalition to provide Ukraine with “medium- and long-range missiles and bombs” to facilitate “deep strikes.”

Disc-shaped UFO is filmed by Ukrainian military in warzone: ‘What the f*** is this… maybe ram it?’

Second recall attempt launched against California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Supreme Court to consider whether bump stocks violate federal law.

Majority of Americans now back Trump-style border wall for first time in poll history.

Wisconsin 2024 Poll: Trump 45%, Biden 42%.

Former President Donald Trump is trouncing President Joe Biden in Maine, a Pan Atlantic Research survey found.

Donald Trump has a higher approval rating among young adults than any other age demographic, according to a poll.

Trump wins Michigan in another landslide victory.

Spread r/K Theory, because The Beam will give up its secrets

Remembering Sir Roger

(Steven Hayward)

Social media alerts me to the fact that today would be Sir Roger Scruton’s 80th birthday. Sadly, Sir Roger passed away from cancer in 2020. I got to know Sir Roger fairly well in his last decade, and had several splendid exhilarating dinners with him and his lovely wife Sophie over very expensive bottles of fine Bordeaux (among his 50-plus superb books was, after all, I Drink, Therefore I Am—highly recommended), conversing and sometimes having extensive but very friendly arguments. Roger didn’t like Leo Strauss, for example, and I cross-examined him closely on this subject one leisurely evening. Wish I had run a tape. Anyway, nearby is the last time I got to see Roger in person.

As it happened, I had been working on a long essay “The Greatest Living Conservative” at the time of his death. I lost heart after the premise became obsolete, and I shall someday try to revise and complete it. But here are a couple excerpts from the draft:

In the introduction to The Meaning of Conservatism, Scruton writes that “Conservatism may rarely announce itself in maxims, formulae, or aims. Its essence is inarticulate, and its expression, when compelled, skeptical.”

Why “inarticulate”?  Because, has he explains elsewhere, the liberal has the easy job in the modern world. The liberal points at the imperfections and defects of existing institutions or the existing social order, strikes a pose of indignation, and huffs that surely something better is required, usually with the attitude that the something better is simply a matter of will. The conservative faces the tougher challenge of understanding and explaining the often subtle reasons why existing institutions, no matter how imperfect, work better than speculative alternatives.

This kind of conservatism is criticized, sometimes with good reason, as being stand-patism.

I’m reminded of what might be called Hallmark Greeting Card conservatism, though it traces back to Pascal: “The heart has its reasons, which reason cannot know.” The more modern version was offered by Wittgenstein: “There are things that can be known, but not said.”

Or, as Roger put it more succinctly elsewhere in his reflections on the profundity of the common law: “English law, I discovered, is the answer to Foucault.”

From that one sentence entire dissertations could follow.

Postscript—another fragment from my unfinished essay:

Roger Scruton has written more books than I have read, including, beyond philosophy, books on food and wine, art, beauty, sport, architecture, music, and sex; environmentalism, theology, a novel, and a memoir, and, very recently, even a self-help book, How to Be a Conservative. Although I’m tempted to say that if I haven’t figured out how to be a conservative by now, it’s probably too late for a book to help me. To paraphrase an old Woody Allen joke, if Roger was American instead of British, I fear he might have written The Seven Habits of a Highly Effective Conservative. (The original joke: Kant: The Categorical Imperative, and Six Ways to Make It Work for You!)  (Though I did notice on Amazon that you can get a Roger Scruton iPhone case.)

Though if asked where to start with Roger’s body of work, I typically recommend his memoir Gentle Regrets: Thoughts from a Life. Having myself reached the galloping years of middle age, I can say that if your regrets are only gentle, you’re doing pretty well. But his chapter “How I Became a Conservative” is a good introduction to the four-way intersection of Roger’s philosophical, political, cultural, and aesthetic  thought.

Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement, 1964-2024. RIP

(Steven Hayward)

This fall will mark the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the famous “free speech” movement at UC Berkeley. You can find my account of it, written in the aftermath of the Milo Yiannopoulos riot of February, 2017, which I was present for, at this link.

The Yiannopoulos riot was bad enough, but last night there was a sequel at Berkeley. As loyal readers may know, I am not around campus much this semester, as I’m temporarily filling in for a recently deceased professor at Pepperdine’s graduate school. So I missed a mob that prevented Ran Bar-Yoshafat, a reserve combat officer in the Israel Defense Forces who has been deployed in Gaza, from giving a presentation on campus at the invitation of several student groups.

The mob was not peacefully protesting. As has happened to Jewish students at many campuses, the mob was banging on doors and threatening violence. The Jewish News of Northern California offers an account—some excerpts:

Jewish students at UC Berkeley evacuated from a campus theater Monday night after a mass of protesters, chanting “Intifada! Intifada!” and other slogans, shattered a glass door at the venue and shut down a scheduled lecture by an Israeli attorney and IDF reservist.

Several students who were attending or working the event at Zellerbach Playhouse were injured, including two young women, one of whom sprained a thumb wrestling to keep a door shut as protesters tried to muscle it open. Another female student reportedly was handled around her neck, leaving marks. A third student was spit on, he told J.

The lecture was scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. Ran Bar-Yoshafat, who is a reserve combat officer in the Israel Defense Forces and was deployed in Gaza, planned to discuss international law as it pertains to Israel. “He’ll explore whether Israel violates international law, the rules of wartime conduct, and how the IDF can better protect civilians,” a social media post publicizing the event said.

The talk was conceived of as a small lecture in a classroom at Wheeler Hall, but organizers moved it at the direction of campus police for safety reasons after the anti-Zionist group Bears for Palestine, the Cal affiliate of Students for Justice in Palestine, called for a protest to “shut it down,” according to Joseph Karlan, a student leader of campus pro-Israel group Tikvah and one of the event organizers.

There’s more at the link.

Separately in the Jewish News, Daniel Solomon, a graduate student acquaintance of mine who was present, reports:

The people who were forced to flee apparently forfeited their right to security after committing the unpardonable sin of coming to hear an Israeli speak on campus. The university, which has touted its commitment to free speech while actually condoning a climate of antisemitic intimidation, did little to protect the safety of the speaker and audience — and even less to protect their free speech rights.

Parading through the campus in a fashion worthy of the finest paramilitary, the pro-Palestinian rioters exulted in their victory.

This latest episode at UC Berkeley caps months of harassment — and on occasion, violent outbursts— from wannabe Hamasniks. On Oct. 7, the day of the Hamas pogrom, Bears for Palestine released a statement praising its “comrades in blood and arms” for their operations “in the so-called ‘Gaza envelope.’” The same organization then mounted demonstrations at which participants clamored to “globalize the intifada” and “free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

Again, more at the link above, and do read the whole thing if you have time.

If there are no consequences for this latest act, which is worse in many ways than the Yiannopoulos affair if you think about it for a few minutes, then it can truly be said that free speech is dead at UC Berkeley.

Here are some related videos and collateral material:

I didn’t know this but apparently students were spat on, called antisemitic insults, and even assaulted at last’s night event @UCBerkeley . Shame on this institution, which still has nothing to say.

— Daniel Solomon (@DanielJSolomon) February 27, 2024

Last night at @UCBerkeley, Jewish students were threatened, assaulted, and prevented from attending a speech by a Jewish speaker on campus. Campus police shut down this private event when it became clear that they could not protect the students. Multiple students reported being…

— JCRC Bay Area (@SFJCRC) February 27, 2024

I’ve reached the point where I hope a second Trump Administration will propose Nuremberg Trials for campus anti-Semites, on whom who foolish college administrations bestowed tenured faculty positions.

How Wimpy Are Our Kids?

(John Hinderaker)

This picture of kids on a playground in 1912 popped up on my Instagram feed:

It got me thinking: if you encouraged that sort of activity today, someone would call the police. No one would consider it safe for kids to play that way, and when it comes to children, safety–or “safety”–is the supreme value.

I have been working, on and off, on a memoir about what it was like to grow up in a small town in South Dakota in the 1950s and early 60s. Looking back, kids in that time and place enjoyed an astonishing degree of freedom. Kids played, almost always without parents having anything to do with it. In some ways, you could say our parents were strict. On the other hand, they rarely had any idea what we were doing. As long as we were home for dinner at six, we were good.

Those days are gone. And yet, despite the hothouse environments in which children are raised nowadays, they aren’t safe at all. On the contrary: a great many of them can’t cope. I ran across this podcast by Bari Weiss: “Why the Kids Aren’t Alright.”

American kids are the freest, most privileged kids in all of history. They are also the saddest, most anxious, depressed, and medicated generation on record. Nearly a third of teen girls say they have seriously considered suicide. For boys, that number is an alarming 14 percent.

What’s even stranger is that all of these worsening mental health outcomes for kids have coincided with a generation of parents hyper-fixated on the mental health and well-being of their children.

Take, for example, the biggest parenting trend today: “gentle parenting.” Parents today are told to understand their kids’ feelings instead of punishing them when they act out. This emphasis on the importance of feelings is not just a parenting trend—it’s become an educational tool as well. “Social-emotional learning” has become a pillar in public schools across America, from kindergarten to high school. And maybe most significantly, therapy for children has been normalized. In fact, there are more kids in therapy today than ever before.

On the surface, all of these parenting and educational developments seem positive. We are told that parents and educators today are more understanding, more accepting, more empathetic, and more compassionate than ever before—which, in turn, makes wonderful children.

But is that really the case? Are all of these changes—the cultural rethink, the advent of therapy culture, of gentle parenting, of teaching kids about social-emotional learning—actually making our kids better?

Best-selling author Abigail Shrier says no.

In her new book, Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up, Shrier argues that these changes are directly contributing to kids’ mental health decline. In other words: all of this shiny new stuff is actually making our kids worse.

Today: What’s gone wrong with American youth? What really happens to kids who get therapy but don’t actually need it? In our attempt to keep kids safe, are we failing the next generation of adults? And, if yes, how do we reverse it before it’s too late?

That conversation is a little different from the kids playing on 20 foot high jungle gyms, but clearly related. It is a big topic, and that is enough for the moment.

What’s wrong with this picture?

(Scott Johnson)

Cornel West is the Princeton University Class of 1943 University Professor emeritus. He is running as an independent candidate for president. He fancies himself “one of America’s most provocative public intellectuals; a champion for Truth, Justice & Love.” That’s what the man said. In the tweet below, he celebrates the suicide of Aaron Bushnell in the service of “free Palestine” — free, Hamas style. If he gets on the ballot in Michigan, he poses a certain kind of danger to the reelection of Joe Biden.

Let us never forget the extraordinary courage and commitment of brother Aaron Bushnell who died for truth and justice! I pray for his precious loved ones! Let us rededicate ourselves to genuine solidarity with Palestinians undergoing genocidal attacks in real time!…

— Cornel West (@CornelWest) February 26, 2024

The Daily Chart: Trump Gaining Strength?

(Steven Hayward)

My pal Henry Olsen explains in his recent Telegraph column that Trump is underperforming his polls in recent contests, and appears to be stuck between a very solid floor and a rigid ceiling. Perhaps, but the Telegraph included this graphic, taken from recent Pew polls, that suggests a different picture:

To be fair, a generic Republican ought to be polling about 60 percent of the white vote, and that’s just where Trump is stuck. It would be a delicious irony if Trump wins in November through an increased share of minority votes. It will plunge Democrats into a crisis.

Crazy for “Palestine”

(Scott Johnson)

Thich Quang Duc was the Buddhist monk who self-immolated to protest the Diem regime during South Vietnam’s so-called Buddhist crisis of 1963. The AP’s Malcolm Browne won the World Press Photo of the Year in 1963 with the famous photograph of Duc on fire. Ray Boomhower’s forthcoming book about it is titled The Ultimate Protest.

Air Force senior airman Aaron Bushnell replayed the scene outside the Israeli embassy in Washington this past Sunday afternoon. He called it “an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all.” He posted a video online saying he did not want to be “complicit in genocide.” He repeatedly shouted “Free Palestine” as he burned. He died later that night, apparently of the injuries he sustained lighting himself up.

It’s a bizarre story. The New York Post reported on it here and here, the Washington Post here, and the Daily Mail here (with video before Bushnell doused himself).

The Washington Post reports that Bushnell’s “suicidal protest instantly won him praise among some antiwar and pro-Palestinian activists…” If you get your news from the Washington Post, support for Hamas is now “antiwar” and “pro-Palestinian” means pro-Hamas.

The New York Post unsuccessfully sought comment from the Israeli embassy. However, Brendan O’Neill is not so discreet. He comments in his Spiked column here.

Anyone contemplating self-harm or suicide should get help. Bushnell needed a friend to urge him to reconsider or to give himself time to reconsider. Mental illness runs deep.

Bushnell might have helped himself by applying critical thought to what he reads in newspapers like the Washington Post and figuring out who’s zoomin’ who in “Palestine.” Israel is not committing “genocide.” It is the victim of those who expressly seek to commit “genocide,” but I’m sure Hamas is grateful for Bushnell’s support.

And Bushnell wasn’t “complicit” in Israel’s effort to defend itself against genocide. A combination of political witlessness and mental illness appears to have rendered Bushnell impervious to the reality principle.

Meet Victoria Victoria

(Scott Johnson)

Star Tribune music reviewer Jon Bream put in a good word for Victoria Victoria last week and prompted me to buy tickets for the show this past Sunday at the Dakota. Victoria Victoria is the name of the band — Victoria Elliott on lead vocal, Charlie Hunter on guitar, Noah Elliott on electric piano and backing vocals, Carter McClean on drums, and Maia Kamil on backing vocals.

Jon tagged Victoria — she goes by “Tory” — as “a beguilingly jazzy alt-folk singer, pair[ed] with adventurous guitarist Charlie Hunter.” I can hear the influence of Norah Jones in her singing, but she has a wider dynamic range. She can belt it out.

Charlie Hunter is beyond “adventurous.” He is a phenomenal guitarist. He plays a hybrid electric guitar that lets him thump out a bass line while playing lead. I have never seen that before. I think he was playing one of his own Hybrid Six guitar models — smiling all the while. (I wrote his agent yesterday to ask but haven’t heard back.)

Carter McLean rounds out the rhythm section on drums. Victoria’s brother, Noah Elliott, plays piano and acoustic guitar and sings harmony. Maia Kamil is a singer-songwriter who supports Victoria on the vocals.

Elliott writes or collaborates on her own songs. She could use some help with the lyrics, but she has created a beautiful sound. The video below provides an acoustic take on her song “Over My Shoulder” (written with Hunter and Stephen Lee Price) with both brother Noah and sister Halle joining on the vocals along with Kamil. She winds up her current tour in Pittsburgh on Thursday.

You can catch a glimpse of Hunter playing the Hybrid in the video of Elliott’s “Sanctuary” below.

News Briefs – 02/27/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


This one blew my mind. People saw and photographed the King’s Guard walking around in ceremonial garb, leading some to wonder if Charles’ cancer was worse than known, and they were rehearsing, as the King’s Guard normally only emerges after the death of the ruler of England:

In doing the American Stasi book on the US Domestic Surveillance machine, I saw this older story, in which a White House Official says that one of Trump’s Cabinet Level secretaries was hit with Havana. We still do not know who. Bolton is quoted in the piece, which makes me wonder if it was him. And one of the women in the piece was hit, but refused to report it because she was afraid she would lose her security clearance. How many more are like that? I almost didn’t write about it here, because who wants to sound like a kook? And yet, it might be the single most important thing you would ever warn people of. We are going to find a ton of people in DC, probably a lot of famous names too, were being hit with this stuff, and we never heard of it. Including, I suspect, Trump.

Which, of course means, the domestic surveillance following you through the supermarket is actually part of some kind of insurrectionary coup, probably headed by a foreign power, which thinks it has found a way to make their revolution one-sided and risk-free, as in they buy houses next to government officials, and irradiate them at night, until they agree to do what the coup-plotters tell them, and the official government can do nothing about it, all while they continue their normal infiltration/subversion operations. It is pretty amazing. I suspect there is a plot on our side, as if there were not, somebody like Trump would issue the call, releasing names and addresses, and telling the country to go hose those people down. Amazing the nation stands at some kind of brink of a real, kinetic, hot war in the nation domestically, and nobody in the civvie world has any idea.

A Moscow man was arrested by Russian counter-terrorism forces for allegedly accepting payment from Ukrainian intelligence to plant an explosive on Tucker Carlson’s vehicle, targeting the American journalist during his interview with Putin.

An opinion piece at the Wall Street Journal that Jeb Bush co-authored suggests that, finally, the GOP is becoming aware of the global threat that the type of lawfare waged against Donald Trump poses to them all. I don’t know about this. The Bushes in the old structure, would have been immune to this. Almost feels like Jeb has been turned and forced to read these lines from a new script.

Major investors pull business from New York City following Trump verdict.

Ironic: Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have given Trump the key to overturning $355 million NY judgment back in 2019.

Trump lawyers argue Fani Willis needs to testify again over phone evidence.

Judge: Law partner must testify about Wade’s relationship with Willis.

Judge rules no attorney-client privilege for #FaniWillis “special prosecutor” Nathan Wade’s former lawyer – This means he will have to testify about potentially incriminating texts and other information that could prove Willis affair started earlier than she said.

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team has sought to block testimony from porn star Stormy Daniels and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, as part of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against him.

Trump appeals $355 million ruling in New York civil fraud case.

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg asked Judge Merchan to gag Trump ahead of the ‘hush money’ trial scheduled for March 25.

From here:

The FBI’s takedown of the LockBit ransomware group last week came as LockBit was preparing to release sensitive data stolen from government computer systems in Fulton County, Ga. But LockBit is now regrouping, and the gang says it will publish the stolen Fulton County data on March 2 unless paid a ransom. LockBit claims the cache includes documents tied to the county’s ongoing criminal prosecution of former President Trump…

Peter Navarro speaks at CPAC before heading to prison: “As I ready myself for a prison cell… Lawfare is partisan politics by weaponized justice means. As proof, I stand before you as a former high-ranking official of the Trump administration just weeks away from a prison cell.”

Hazmat team arrives to Don Jr.’s Florida home after he receives letter containing white power and death threat.

Texas AG Ken Paxton is campaigning to oust three Republican judges on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals who have held he has no jurisdiction to bring any voter fraud cases.

Delaware court rules permanent absentee, early voting laws violate state constitution.

China announces ‘severe’ spike in Covid cases, right as U.S. heads into election season.

Biden admin planted operative Jeff DiSantis in Fani Willis’ office to target Trump, sources say, which would constitute 2024 presidential election interference.

Biden planned to join son’s [Communist] China-backed firm after vice presidency, former partner tells Congress. Probably legit. I remember, Biden thought his political career was over after the Obama stint, and Hillary would then have an eight year term. However something went wrong, Trump took office, and there was an account during the transition of Biden getting called into some meeting, where it was implied he was told he would be made President in 2020, and he was walking on air for the next week. I thought at the time, by the account, Biden assumed the election would be rigged. Absent that quirk of fate with Hillary losing, his plan probably was to join Hunter’s CCP business.

President Donald Trump and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem held a closed door meeting at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

DeSantis, after trying to destroy Trump 2024, moves toward running again in 2028 – and draws ire from Trump’s inner circle. He has revealed himself as part of the conspiracy.

America First Legal sues the Federal Election Commission for refusing to charge Biden campaign and DNC for illegal collusion with the Intelligence Community in disseminating the infamous “Letter of 51” claiming Hunter’s laptop was disinformation.

Chris Wray’s FBI forced a young mother to stand outside barefoot with her 4-yr-old boy in his pajamas in 12° weather while they ransacked her home – she lost her baby the next day. platform, which was created in response to youtube’s censorship, has been censored by X: Users can’t post links or send in private messages.

Supreme Court to weigh Constitutionality of laws regulating social media giant censorship in two cases. Do the social media giants have a First Amendment right to censor? Or can states forbid it?

A secret report from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been unearthed that shows a staggering half a million American children and young adults have been killed by Covid shots.

Due to a ten year backlog of claims, it may take more than a decade for someone injured by a COVID-19 vaccine to receive a decision on whether their claim is eligible for compensation by the government’s vaccine compensation program—if they receive a response at all.

Migrant with no fixed address arrested in connection with toddler’s murder in sanctuary county in Maryland. I do not understand. There are ten of us for every one of them. I would bet one of us would be able to down ten of them before we went down. And most of them would rabbit overseas at the first sign the festivities were beginning anyway. If Trump went public, gave names and addresses, it would be over overnight. Why are we allowing these savages to run roughshod over innocent women and children? Every day it is some new horror visited on some innocent who never gets a chance to even live their life. None of this makes sense.

Migrants handed spacious apartments for free as New Yorkers left paying thousands for tiny rooms. They could not make it any clearer. These migrants are somehow of the same organization as the politicians, and the citizens are not electing the politicians.

Chicago authorities have shuttered four temporary migrant shelters, projecting a significant cost saving of $19 million annually.

GOP AGs press Biden admin to act after reports that 85,000 migrant children are missing, possibly trafficked.

The illegal alien charged with kidnapping and murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley got into the United States thanks to President Joe Biden’s parole loophole pipeline at the southern border.

On Twitter:

Just when you think it can’t get any crazier…

The brother of the illegal immigrant who murdered Laken Riley, Diego Ibarra, also entered the country illegally

He assaulted a Border Patrol agent and got off by claiming it was epilepsy. Then gets arrested three other times in Georgia. Still here in the US.

Texas sues to shut down ‘Catholic’ organization accused of facilitating illegal immigration.’

Most Americans support southern border wall — as 61% call illegal immigration ‘very serious problem’: poll.

Stranger bashes woman in head with baseball bat in apparently random NYC attack.

P. Diddy sued for sexual assault by a former male employee.

Disney film president Sean Bailey is leaving, effective immediately after recent bombs like Little Mermaid (2023) and Peter and Wendy cost the studio a whopping $1 billion at the box office last year.

Do not know enough about investing to judge this:

A longtime investment banker named David Webb is exposing a global plot dubbed “The Great Taking” to steal stocks and other assets from Americans and people across the world, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As part of the plan, laws were quietly changed to strip security owners of their property rights and instead give them a “security entitlement.” Now, those assets have been used as collateral by financial institutions as part of the massive derivatives complex. And when the system crashes, which Webb suspects will happen this year, you will own nothing, and ordinary investors will be left out to dry as unsecured creditors while the megabanks take priority.

Pope Francis canceled all his scheduled activities Monday for the second time in three days, with the Vatican citing a persistent flu as the cause.

Houthis knock out underwater cables linking Europe to Asia.

Fed-up Toronto residents are hiding their cars in SECRET LOCATIONS patrolled by guard dogs after car theft soared 150% in six years, with Justin Trudeau’s woke bail and sentencing rules blamed for encouraging thieves. This could happen in one or two nations. But for it to happen all across the West, every country, with migrants, and crime, and economic deterioration, all at the same time, it tells you there is one global entity which rises above them all, fully in control of each of them, able to make the national leaders actually operate in their own worst interests, in their constituent’s worst interests, and in their nation’s worst interests, and the voters are not electing that entity. It is funny how this was out there to see fifteen years ago, when gangstalking victims fled overseas, only to find that intelligence surveillance operation they fled was already established and built where they fled to, and it just continued their harassment as if nothing happened. Even in places like China, the same operation as the West. The only place I have not heard of gangstalking continuing, and where I have explicitly heard accounts saying it did not continue, is Russia. One account said it took six months to shake the feeling of being followed and watched, but after six month they felt like they used to before their harassment began.

The Communist Chinese government has been flooding the United States with illicit gun parts such a Glock full-auto-conversion “switches,”  as part of a “Disintegration Warfare” strategy it is employing against America aimed at tearing the country apart from the inside, according to a blockbuster new book by Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer.

Venezuela’s “violent death” rate has hit a two-decade low because all the criminals are migrating to a town near you.

In Canada, liberals’ “online hate” bill contains $70K fines for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes.

Ontario latest province to snub Trudeau’s gun grab – “Ontario should not be spending taxpayers’ money towards the program.”

Hungary’s parliament on Monday ratified Sweden’s bid to join NATO, clearing the final obstacle for an enlargement of the military alliance.

First Sweden, now Denmark closes investigation into Nord Stream pipeline blast, concluding it was “sabotaged” but there was “no basis for pursuing a criminal case.”

Macron does not rule out sending military troops to Ukraine. Should read sending other people’s children to die in Ukraine for Globohomo.

On Twitter:

Several NATO and EU members are “considering sending troops to Ukraine” on a “bilateral basis Slovakia’s PM Robert Fico added, “I cannot say for what purpose and what they should be doing there,” after making the claims.

Ottawa to give Ukraine $4 million to fund gender-inclusive demining. They just needed some label for the maundered funds.

Ukrainian intelligence chief admits Russian dissident Alexei Navalny died from a blood clot – He wasn’t murdered. I wondered if part of the deal of being a CIA asset is, you take the jab, because somehow it lets them terminate you remotely. Maybe there is a specific wavelength of microwave, or some kind of energy pulse which sets off the clotting. I mean, why would Navalvy take the Pfizer jab, when Russia had a non-mRNA jab? And Navalny’s timing, keeling over right after Tucker’s interview with Putin has CIA written all over it.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are supposed to exploit numerical advantage before you lose it

Tucker Does Middle Earth

(Steven Hayward)

Okay, this is officially the funniest thing on the internet right now: “Tucker Carlson” explaining the real story of Lord of the Rings. (There are a bunch more of these on YouTube, like this one. YMMV.)

As promised,

Here’s an AI Tucker Carlson narrating The Lord of the Rings@MiddleearthMixr @TuckerCarlson

— Dr. Maverick Alexander (@MaverickDarby) February 25, 2024

How Poor Can Venezuela Get?

(John Hinderaker)

We haven’t checked in on Venezuela for a while. Formerly one of the world’s richest countries, Venezuela has become destitute since it was taken over by socialists Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The country has gone downhill in an ever-worsening spiral of poverty and dysfunction. Things have gotten so bad that American liberals no longer hold up Venezuela as an example of “real socialism.”

The London Times reports:

[T]his is a country still suffering the trauma of the most spectacular currency collapse of our times. The Venezuelan bolivar, which in the 1960s was considered as solid a store of value as the Swiss franc, is now worth less than the paper it is printed on. If you converted a million dollars into bolivars in 2013 — when Nicolás Maduro first came to power — and left it in an interest-accruing Venezuelan bank for the past decade, your current balance would be about 3 cents.

Let’s hear it for socialism! And also for money-printing. Venezuela kept printing currency until it could no longer afford the paper and ink, but how different is that from the path our own government is currently on?

All this became glaringly apparent during an especially precipitous period of the downward spiral, during 2018 and 2019. With annual inflation touching two million per cent, a brick of notes was needed to buy a sandwich. The government ran out of the ink and paper physically needed to print more money.

Debit cards, along with bartering, became essential; with everyone from coconut sellers in the Caribbean to barbers in Caracas using cheap card readers to make transactions. But banks were slow to keep up with the devaluation, failing to raise their limits per transaction. Buying just a few items in a supermarket could therefore require three or four bank cards.

Life under socialism isn’t just poor and violent, it is crazy, too.

In mid-2019, the Maduro government quietly threw in the towel and allowed people to officially use US dollars. It turned out to be a transformational moment, taming price rises and bringing in some stability.

At least 60 per cent of retail transactions in Venezuela are believed to be in dollars, either in cash or with cards.

So the viciously anti-American kleptocrats are rescued, sort of, by the American dollar. But the damage is done, as Venezuela’s economy has shrunk by 75%. The last word:

[One Venezuelan] lamented, “Nobody’s got any money. There’s nothing much left to steal.”

I suppose the kleptocrats long for the good old days, when there was still something in Venezuela worth stealing. Chavez’s daughter Maria Gabriela, a perfect exemplar of leftism who represented Venezuela in the United Nations, made off with a cool $4.2 billion. But she was a piker compared to her father’s Treasury Minister, Alejandro Andrade, who slipped away from Venezuela with $11.2 billion in Swiss banks. As I wrote back in 2015:

If you want a world in which a few obscenely rich jet-setters lord it over a sea of poor people, socialism is the ideology for you.

But even those halcyon days have come to an end, as “[t]here’s nothing much left to steal.” It is as Margaret Thatcher memorably said: the problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people’s money.

It’s Dangerous To Be an Athlete

(John Hinderaker)

I wrote here about the murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley by, allegedly, illegal alien Jose Ibarra of Venezuela. The case has spurred outrage across the United States. Which, I suppose, is why the Associated Press felt the need to spin the story in another–bizarre–direction: “The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes.”

If only Ms. Riley had been walking across the University of Georgia campus instead of running, the AP wants us to believe, she would have been safe! It was being an “athlete” that did her in. Ibarra, meanwhile, is described discreetly as an “Athens resident.”

The AP compounds the absurdity of its reporting with this:

Riley’s death has once again put the spotlight on the dangers female runners face. Previously, the 2018 death of University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts while out jogging prompted an outpouring from other women who shared their tales of being harassed and followed.

Mollie Tibbetts, like Laken Riley, was murdered by an illegal alien. What a coincidence! But to the AP, the lesson is that women should avoid running. How about if we close the border instead?

STEVE adds: Isn’t this pathetic excuse pretty close to saying, “She was wearing an awfully short skirt. . .”


(Lloyd Billingsley)

By a unanimous vote, the San Francisco supervisors have made Kelly Wong a member of the San Francisco Elections Commission. The Chinese national is the first non- U.S. citizen to hold the post, and under U.S. law she is not allowed to vote. Wong’s priority is to ensure that voter materials are translated in a way that people can understand, work she already performs as an “immigrant rights advocate” at Chinese for Affirmative Action.

According to CAA, last year “more than 24,000 Chinese migrants have made a treacherous 60-mile trek through the Darien Gap risking death and disease to eventually cross from Mexico into the U.S.” The “numbers are unprecedented,” and the San Diego Migrant Welcome Center “asked CAA to assist with the influx of arrivals.” For many, “the number one priority was to arrange transit to U.S.-based family and friends.” While this was going on, another People’s Republic of China (PRC) development escaped notice.

In January, a team from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cleaned up the site of an illegal biolab run by Chinese nationals in Reedley, California, near Fresno. The site jostled with dangerous pathogens, and viral agents, some untested by the federal Centers for Disease Control. That is no surprise since the CDC cooperates closely with the PRC, and the CDC’s vaunted Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), which failed to stop Covid from arriving stateside, includes Chinese nationals.

According to The Black Book of Communism, the PRC is the most lethal regime in history, with more than 60 million victims. If the PRC ever did anything with which the CDC disagreed, it’s hard to know what it might be. The same goes for California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who passed away last September. Feinstein maintained a Chinese spy on her staff for 20 years. Gov. Gavin Newsom also has a soft spot for the one-party Communist regime.

San Francisco has become the world’s largest latrine, homeless camp and junkyard, but former mayor Newsom cleaned it all up when Xi Jinping came to town. That was hardly Newsom’s only service for the PRC.

In April 2020, Gov. Newsom announced a $1 billion deal for masks with the Chinese company BYD, which had no experience making protective equipment. Newsom hid the details, even from fellow Democrats and what became of the $1 billion remained something of a mystery. Other massive favors for the PRC stand in plain sight.

For the new span of the Bay Bridge, California rejected federal money and hired a Chinese company which, at the time, had no experience building bridges. The structure came in 10 years late, $5 billion over budget, and riddled with cracked bolts, corrosion and such.

All told, the Golden State is shaping up as Californiachukuo, a development and settlement zone for the PRC. Newsom is the colonial official, and a PRC national now serves on the San Francisco Election Commission, eager to ensure accurate translation of election documents.

As Commissioner Wong should know, back in 1986 a full 73 percent of California voters passed Proposition 63, the Official Language of California Amendment, designed to “preserve the role of English as the state’s common language.” According to this law, the voter guides should be only in English, with good reason. As legal immigrants know, some proficiency in English is a requirement for U.S. citizenship, in turn, a requirement for voting in U.S. elections.

By contrast, Joe Biden believes that illegals are “already American citizens” and should be able to vote. That’s why he brought in some eight million foreign nationals with no English ability, no background checks, and no health requirements. According to Chinese for Affirmative Action, “unprecedented numbers” of them are Chinese nationals, eager to link up with those already here.

All told, Californiachukuo is shaping up as the model for the nation. To paraphrase Walter Sobchak, this is what happens when a constitutional democracy collaborates with a genocidal Communist dictatorship.

The Daily Chart: Housing Bubble 2.0?

(Steven Hayward)

Right now the unaffordability of housing has become a national issue, and not just one for the two coasts. The fundamental reason for this is the spread of coastal-style over-regulation of housing to the interior states of “flyover country,” which had for decades mostly resisted the over-regulation of housing. Rising interest rates have something to do with this too. In any case, maybe another housing crash is in the works?

The Smirnov turnoff, Devine ed.

(Scott Johnson)

Miranda Devine addresses “The Smirnov turnoff” in today’s New York Post column “New election year means another Russiagate as Biden, Dems try to smear impeachment probe.” Devine is of course the invaluable historian of The Laptop From Hell and the Biden family business. Here is the opening of her column:

For the 2016 election, Democrats launched Russiagate 1.0: the Trump-Russia collusion hoax proven groundless by the Mueller investigation.

For the 2020 election, it was Russiagate 2.0. Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken prompted former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell to concoct the “Dirty 51” letter falsely claiming that Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop was Russian disinformation.

That lie justified censorship of The Post’s accurate stories from the laptop of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s international influence peddling schemes.

Now that we’re heading into the 2024 election, we have Russiagate 3.0. Democrats pretend the impeachment inquiry has “utterly collapsed” because of the curious indictment last week of trusted FBI informant Alexander Smirnov on false statement charges after he allegedly told his FBI handler that Hunter and Joe each had received a $5 million bribe from the Ukrainians.

In a frantic effort to keep Smirnov in jail pre-trial, prosecutors for notorious Biden protector David Weiss, the Delaware US attorney, used language ripped straight out of the Russiagate textbook: “Smirnov’s efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major parties [Joe] continues.”

Now Smirnov is being used as make-believe vindication of the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the fake laptop letter to help Biden win the 2020 election.

Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA operations officer who claims to be a victim of the dubious “Havana syndrome,” pounced on the Smirnov story.

“It validates exactly what we were warning about,” he told NBC News. “The Russians were going to push this narrative of Hunter Biden and corruption, to hurt Joe Biden.”

No. Hunter’s “laptop from hell” was not Russian disinformation. It still isn’t. The FBI has had it in its possession since December 2019 and has authenticated it as real and valid for use in court.

The Dirty 51 are grasping at straws to try to justify their interference in the 2020 election. It wasn’t the Russians. It was Trump-deranged former CIA management who felt any means justified the ends if they could stop Trump winning a second term.

But now, as the laptop is augmented by whistleblower receipts and witness testimony, and as House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer unravels the complex web of corrupt foreign payments to the Biden family, the president’s praetorian guard is desperate. They are drowning in evidence of corruption while burbling, “There is no evidence!” Russia is all they have.

The joke is on Biden’s media handmaidens still pushing Joe Biden’s absurd lies.

No, the laptop is not a “Russian plant,” as he claimed. And, yes, Joe did talk to Hunter about his “overseas business dealings.”

Heck, he did a lot more than talk.

He made himself available for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, coffees, and pleasant chit chat on the speakerphone with Hunter’s foreign benefactors, all to oil the wheels of the family business — which was selling access to him, as he well knew.

“Look after my boy,” he told Kremlin-backed oligarch Elena Baturina and her husband, Yuri Luzhkov, the corrupt former mayor of Moscow, when Hunter activated the speakerphone at a Russian restaurant in Brooklyn called Romanoff on May 4, 2014.

They sure did. Just three months earlier, Baturina had wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC, the firm cofounded by Hunter, his “best friend in business” Devon Archer, John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz, and Jimmy Bulger, nephew of mobster “Whitey” Bulger.

Devine has much more here.

News Briefs – 02/26/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Tina Peters reports gangstalking-like activity by the Governor’s chief of staff and his administrator, and says it happened before:

I don’t feel safe. So I’m on the flight going from DC to Denver. And CO Governor chief of staff is on the flight and also his administrator this woman and they’re taking pictures of me so when I confront her she lied and then she said that somebody sent her a picture of me as I was boarding the flight. I made her pull it up and watched her delete it and ask her to have that person delete it. Evidently, I’m of great interest to the Colorado governor. She did the same thing coming in to DC a few days ago and lied about it then also.

New study finds hearing and balance disorders among COVID vaccinated. Hearing and balance disorders are also a sign of Havana Syndrome and directed energy attacks targeting the head. Could be using the Covid hysteria as a cover for a broader program of Havana attacks. Or this article is designed to forestall examination of cases of hearing and balance disorders, by having them reflexively linked to Covid, so they will not be investigated further and maybe recognized as a broader wave of Havana, which I think is going to begin rolling out soon. Q should pull the trigger now, as if he waits until the election, and it looks like Trump will win, I suspect throughout September and October, our side will see people dropping left and right.

Senior Intelligence Analyst and Whistleblower Russ Tice says not only should Congress not reauthorize 702, they should get rid of FISA altogether. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say we should have the shadow court.

Robert Hur couldn’t determine who had access to Biden’s stolen classified docs because security at Penn Biden Center DELETED all visitor logs from 2017-2021. Did he sell access to foreigners?

More on the death of Angela Chao, Mitch McConnell’s sister in law. Not much, firefighter report says call came in just before midnight, Sheriffs were on scene before midnight, EMS within nine minutes, fire/rescue 27 minutes of being called, victim was pulled out at 12:57.

The Rothschild family’s Swiss and French branches are battling for dominance in the wealth management industry, which is causing tension and sparking speculation of a merger that would significantly impact the global financial landscape, Bloomberg wrote this week.

Lord Jacob Rothschild dies at age of 87. Did the big owl fly too fast and make a mistake that took him out?

How Google is run by the CIA and is rigging the election.

Judge who ruled Trump raped E Jean Carroll had previously dismissed a rape case against Prince Andrew.

Kristi Noem and Vivek Ramaswamy tie as top pick to be Trump’s VP in CPAC straw poll. I would agree with the commenter who said Ron Johnson, since he was Havana’d. Interesting though that he was Havana’d in Moscow. I do not believe Cabal has the capability to operate on the ground in Russia freely, especially around a visiting US Senator. Which raises the question, was the Havana device so small it could be carried in proximity to Johnson, without being detected, despite the presence, presumably of Russian intelligence/surveillance locking down the area around Johnson? Of would it point to it being deployed by invisible, Chameleo-drone? Or might it point to satellite? Or some other means of launching the attack from a remote location? If, as I suspect, it is the tapping/poltergeist tech, and it requires two technical interventions, namely charging the environment, and then blasting through a focused EM wave to drive the charged particles, probably from two different sources located 90 degrees to each other, maybe they would launch a ground attack, presuming it unlikely Russia would acquire both devices, and either, seized alone, would not appear as a weapon. One merely harmlessly charged adjacent areas, the other harmlessly blew through EM waves of some sort. Or maybe one of the devices is literally satellite based. It is part of the problem with this thing. They are surprisingly advanced when you get above the normie ground troops.

CIA built “12 secret spy bases” in Ukraine & waged shadow war for last decade, bombshell NYT report confirms.

Koch network says it will stop funding Nikki Haley’s presidential bid. Is that Cabal telling her it is OK to stop running?

Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.C.) is endorsing former President Trump for president in 2024, his office confirmed to multiple outlets. Even the RINOs are giving up.

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has offered to leave her position following the South Carolina primary later this month to allow former President Donald Trump to install his own party chair, two party advisers told CNN.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces her resignation.

Watch neocon warmonger-in-chief Lindsey Graham get viciously booed by MAGA crowd in SC.

Bob Costas said of Donald Trump, “He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. He‘s only become more disgraceful since 2016, and since 2020 he has a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits. You have to be in the throes of some sort of toxic delusion in a toxic cult to believe that Donald Trump has ever been, in any sense, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit to be president of the United States. But his supporters are locked in on that.” Look at how ridiculously over the top the statement is. So even some gray-man sports announcer nobody pays attention to is a diehard member of the conspiracy, and has probably done some dark shit in some ceremonies which would curl our hair if we saw it. Although it makes sense, given what he was probably paid, for doing something any better looking and more-likable sports fan could have done ten times better. We are going to find far more of society, stretching down far lower into the non-celebrity world, right down to the grassroots, was like that than we would have thought possible. This thing will one day be shown to have been all over.

ICE confirms Georgia student murder suspect entered US illegally, was previously arrested in NYC for ” acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation.”

Dems worried Biden will lose Michigan if he doesn’t cave to pro-Hamas wing of party.

Black voters are getting angry over all the free benefits given to the illegals, and not to their impoverished communities.

The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Seventy-three percent of college graduates who enter the labor market underemployed stay that way for 10 years as almost half of America’s college graduates are working at high-school-level jobs due to employers increasingly turning to factors other than college degrees to determine competency. Is this Cabal using a widespread HR infiltration for getting its people placed, while everyone else cannot find a position?

U.S. debt spending to surpass defense spending … this year.

Global debt surpasses $313,000,000,000,000 as nations face ‘potential growing challenges’ in ability to pay their bills: report.

Elon Musk claims he’s creating a Gmail rival dubbed ‘XMail.’

Democrat California Assemblymember Mike Gipson, who represents Los Angeles-area cities such as Compton, recently authored bill AB-3067, which would require insurance companies to inquire about — and report on — the number of firearms owned by folks seeking homeowner’s insurance.

Nate Silver calls to shut down Gemini after Google’s AI chatbot refuses to say if Hitler or Musk is worse. Maybe we can shut down the Cabal propaganda factory online too, since it was the writings of that online which taught this AI.

Asked to write a poem in the style of Jim Jordan or CatTurd, Goggle’s AI refuses to do so, saying it cannot support child sexual abuse, and referring the querier to various resources for dealing with child sexual abuse.

Harvard DEI administrator Shirley Greene plagiarized more than 40 passages in her PhD thesis, making her the third black woman at Harvard to be accused of academic fraud.

Shocking image shows US Air Force member set himself on fire at Israeli embassy: Says, ‘Free Palestine.’

Canadian doctors admit Covid ‘booster’ shot paralyzed young mom from the neck down, offer to help get her application for assisted suicide accepted more quickly to ‘make up for it.’ The crazy thing is, the issue they have diagnosed her with can reverse with time, if the immune system just suddenly stops attacking her nerves, and nobody can predict it. She has a 30% chance of an almost full recovery, a 30% chance of a partial recovery, and only a 30% chance of a permanent condition. You see why I say I often feel like I am looking at actors pretending to be doctors, who are just reading lines the scriptwriters gave them.

The European Union is considering a ban on repairs for all vehicles over 15 years old to encourage Europeans to buy new environmentally friendly vehicles.

In Japan: Muslim migrant from African nation of Gambia damages a Shinto shrine and threatens Japanese local not to pray there because ‘Allah is the only god’, arrested. Suppose you are a patriot in Japanese intelligence. Maybe they Fantasy Camped you, but you began to see through the veil, into the broader Matrix. They are going to flood Japan with the third world, and fuck it up like America. You locate some compatriots, and decide to thwart them. You get up some funds, find some willing local migrants, and offer to pay them enough they can live like millionaires in Africa after they are deported (probably like $57 dollars American), if they will do something like this. All of a sudden, across Japan, the news is forced to cover violent, obnoxious Muslim migrants, as a groundswell builds among the population, demanding they all be sent back, and no more be allowed in. I don’t know, it would seem more logical than the idea these migrants have all suddenly decided they are going to take over Japan.

UK MPs now requiring extra security and are hiring bodyguards.

Wall Street Silver:

Justin Trudeau announces that Canada will provide $3 billion in financial & military aid to support Ukraine.

Meanwhile, 2 million Canadians eat at a food bank each month.

Members of the Canadian military live in tent cities due to the cost of living crisis.

Zelensky: 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in Russia’s war. Quite a liar, given a former Zelensky aide says it is ten times that. And none of those lives mean anything to him. Just a total psychopath.

“Millions” could die in Ukraine’s war with Russia if US lawmakers don’t approve President Joe Biden’s $60 billion aid request for Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told CNN on Sunday.

Judge declares Fargo’s ban on home-based gun businesses goes too far.

Donald Trump handedly wins CPAC 2024 straw poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is going to be horrific for one side – best it not be our’s

What’s wrong with this picture?

(Scott Johnson)

President Biden spoke at the Governors Ball Dinner in the State Dining Room at the White House on Saturday evening (video excerpt below). The White House has posted the transcript of his brief remarks here.

After the introductory blather, Biden referred to the portrait of Abraham Lincoln behind him — you can see it here — as he attempted to follow his text. This is how the White House transcript of the fourth paragraph reads:

And, you know, standing here in front of this portrait of the man behind me here, he — he said — and I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right. He said, “We — the better angels” — he said, “We must address the counsel — and adjust the better angels of our nature.” And we do the — and we do well to remember what else he said. He said, “We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends.” This is in the middle of — this is in the — in the part of the Civil War. He said, “We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends. We must not be enemies.”

“The [unnamed] man behind [him}” was Lincoln. Remember him? The attempted quotation comes from the famous passage that concludes Lincoln’s first inaugural address:

I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

The Daily Mail reports on Biden’s senescent ramble in “Biden completely butchering lines from Lincoln’s inaugural address – and then gets laughs when he jokes about his age after telling audience: ‘I wanna get this quote exactly right.'” However, I’m not sure that this was the worst of Biden’s brief remarks. He also took an incoherent stab at his phony remembrance of things past:

And, you know, it seems to me that — I’ll conclude by saying, I — I’ve spent a lot of time with Xi Jinping — someone whom I have a great deal of difference with. And I was — when I was vice president, President — my — my president was — told me that he wanted me to get to know Xi Jinping because it was clear he was going to be the head of Russia — of — of China and that he — we had a — we were having problems with Russia at the time and other countries as well. And so, what he said was, “Get to know him. He’s going to be there.” I — and he couldn’t because he was the president, and he couldn’t travel. So, I traveled 17,000 miles with him throughout the country — our country and — and in — in China, as well.

We were in the Tibetan Plateau. And he turned to me, and he said, “Can you define America for me?” And I — given this has been documented, and it’s real — I looked at him, and I said, “Yes, I can. In one word.” And he looked at me. And he said, “What’s that?” And I said, “Possibilities.” Possibilities.

You say president, you say vice president. You say Russia, you say China. Let’s call the whole thing off.

Biden has reached the stage of life described by Mark Twain. His faculties have decayed to such an extent that he cannot remember any but the things that never happened. This 17,000-mile shtick has been debunked many times. Glenn Kessler devoted one of his Washington Post Fact Checker columns — this one — to it in February 2021. He awarded it 3 Pinocchios.

However, it’s the substance of the story that is most absurd. Biden says it has been “documented.” That means he has told the story many, many times. According to Matt Viser’s 2022 Washington Post story, aides who were with Biden say that they do not recall that exchange. It has been “documented” by his repetition of it.

We can go this far with the story. When Xi observes an Obama or a Biden, he wonders how he can exploit the “possibilities.”

The White House transcript specifies the time of Biden’s remarks at 7:40 P.M. EST. He wound up at 7:44. It was past the guy’s bedtime. Fortunately, the State Dining Room is located in the Executive Residence of the White House. He only had a few pitty-pat steps to go before his head hit the pillow for the evening.

Biden completely malfunctions as he tries — and fails miserably — to read a quote from "the man behind me here"

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 25, 2024

Winners Wizbang Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that aging gracefully only applies to some people. The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (guido81_MA) – “A bit long in the tooth, but only 29 in silicone years.” AND (Joe_Miller) – “Pamela Anderson joins Madonna onstage for the So Far Past My Prime Tour.” 2) (Codebanger) – “Serving number 10. Number 10.” 3) (Par4Course) – “How many women did Bill Clinton have last week?” 4)(RockThisTown) – “Sadly, Bill Post, 96, inventor of Pop-Tarts, passed away Feb. 10. But, as shown here, his legacy

Blackouts, Here We Come

(John Hinderaker)

People around the world are increasingly realizing that “green” energy is actually black–as in blackouts. Thus, in today’s Telegraph: “The UK is much closer to blackouts than anyone dares to admit.”

We are heading for a big electricity crunch as it is. Whoever wins the general election, the next government will be committed to decarbonising the National Grid – by 2035 in the case of the Conservatives and by 2030 in the case of Labour. That means either closing all the gas power stations or fitting them with carbon capture and storage technology – which does not yet exist on scale in Britain and whose costs are likely to be massive. At the same time every single one of our existing nuclear power stations is currently due to reach the end of its life by 2035. If Hinkley C is delayed much beyond its latest estimated completion, we could end up with no nuclear at all.

That could leave us trying to power the country pretty much with intermittent wind and solar energy alone – and this at a time when politicians want millions more of us to be driving electric cars and heating our homes with heat pumps, thus substantially increasing demand. How will we keep the lights on? One struggles to find satisfactory explanation from the National Grid ESO, which is trusted with this task.

Britain is not alone in that regard. It is extraordinary that no one in any country has actually tried, seriously, to figure out how to power a modern economy with intermittent and absurdly expensive wind and solar power. We are simply cruising toward disaster with inept and even senile politicians at the helm.

It has produced a vision for a winter’s day in 2035 which foresees massive amounts of energy being stored in the form of green hydrogen produced via the electrolysis of water – a technology which may not be ready by then.

Or may not be ready, ever. I’ve been hearing about miraculous hydrogen energy for decades.

It also sees Britain importing around a quarter of its electricity. What happens if the countries we import it from are also short of renewable energy, it doesn’t say.

That is what happened a year or so ago when Duke Energy’s customers suffered a blackout. Duke’s plan included importing electricity from other states when the wind didn’t blow and it was dark out. But–surprise!–the wind wasn’t blowing in nearby states, either.

But now we get to the real plan, to the extent there is one:

But another large part of the picture seems to be “demand flexibility” – a polite term for rationing energy through smart meters, jacking up the price whenever supply is short. No wonder the Government seems keener than ever to force smart meters on us.

A “smart meter” is one that will adjust the temperature in your house, or otherwise reduce your use of electricity, when the utility can’t produce enough electricity to meet demand. In other words, the plan is for us to get poorer through electricity rationing.

This is Great Britain, but you could say the exact same thing about the U.S. or most other Western countries.

Clarence Thomas, Racist?

(John Hinderaker)

One of the big stories in the New York Times today is another Clarence Thomas smear, but with a twist: “Justice Thomas Hires Law Clerk Accused of Sending Racist Text Messages.”

The story is about Crystal Clanton, who graduated from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University in 2022. She is coming off a clerkship with Judge William Pryor of the 11th Circuit, who calls her “an outstanding law clerk.” Justice Thomas has now hired her to clerk on the Supreme Court.

For the last seven years, Crystal Clanton has been dogged by reports of an email that she allegedly wrote, in which she supposedly said, “I hate black people.” The Times story admits that they have not seen any such message, and are relying on reporting by the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, perhaps the least trustworthy source in America.

In 2017, Clanton was running field operations for Turning Point USA. Mayer did a hit piece on Turning Point that included a variety of allegations, including the one against Clanton. Mayer claimed to have seen a screen shot of the text. The story has dogged Clanton ever since. When she was offered a clerkship on the 11th Circuit by Judge Pryor, seven left-wing members of Congress lodged an ethics complaint against Pryor, based on Clanton’s alleged text. That complaint was investigated by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, which found the complaint to be without merit and dismissed it.

This January 2022 story has the details. Clanton left Turning Point after the claim against her was first made, but the Second Circuit found it to be false:

The Turning Point executive “had determined that the source of the allegations against (Clanton) was a group of former employees,” [Second Circuit Chief Judge Debra] Livingston wrote. “One of these employees was fired after the organization learned that this person had created fake text messages to be used against co-workers, to make it appear that those co-workers had engaged in misconduct when they had not.”

Pryor and Maze knew about the allegations against Clanton when they interviewed and hired her. And both determined the allegations of racist behavior by Clanton were untrue and found she was highly qualified to serve as a clerk for them, Livingston wrote.

“There is nothing in the record to dispute any of this,” she noted.

Charlie Kirk is also quoted in that story:

“The media has alleged that Crystal said and did things that are simply untrue,” Kirk wrote. “I have first-hand knowledge of the situations reported on and I can assure that the media has made serious errors and omissions. The sources of these reports are a group of former employees that have a well-documented desire to malign Crystal’s reputation.”

The employee who was fired had “created fake text messages to be used against other employees,” Kirk wrote.

Crystal Clanton got to know Ginny Thomas when she worked at Turning Point, and she was evidently so distraught about her departure from that group that she lived with the Thomases for nearly a year. So Thomas knows her well. He wrote a letter in connection with the Second Circuit investigation:

“I know Crystal Clanton and I know bigotry,” Thomas wrote. “Bigotry is antithetical to her nature and character.”

Clanton didn’t respond to the Times’s request for comment in the story they published today, but back in 2017 she told The New Yorker that “I have no recollection of these messages and they do not reflect what I believe or who I am, and the same was true when I was a teenager.”

So there the matter rests. The moral of the story, I suppose, is that the Left never forgets. No matter that she was cleared by an investigation by one of the nation’s courts of appeals; once the Left gets its hands on a smear it never lets go. It will never stop trying to destroy your life. And of course, The New Yorker and the New York Times are two of the worst offenders.

Also, what makes this old story worthy of the Times’s A section? Only the fact that Justice Thomas is involved. The Times doesn’t care about a law clerk of whom few people have heard, but it cares deeply about smearing the country’s top conservative African-American. But what, exactly, are we supposed to infer from the Times story? That Clarence Thomas is weirdly favorable to those who hate black people?

A final irony: Supreme Court justices have no doubt hired any number of clerks who have written and spoken favorably about DEI, which actually is racist. But there is no controversy there: on the contrary, endorsing that form of racism is a badge of honor.

Bibi faces the talking points

(Scott Johnson)

Caroline Glick recommends Margaret Brennan’s interview with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning on Face the Nation as “very important.” In it he faces the Biden administration talking points argued by Sullivan. She does not ask a single question that reflects sympathy with Israel’s ordeal, yet the Jew haters are having their say in the comments at YouTube. I infer that Netanyahu was able to make his own points effectively. CBS has posted the transcript of the interview here.

Sweden Seeing the Reality of “Diversity”

(Steven Hayward)

This morning I stumbled across a Tweet linking to an Australian “60 Minutes” segment about the unassimilable migrants that are causing the crime rate and other social dysfunctions to soar in Sweden. Turns out the episode is seven years old, but since we don’t see Australia’s “60 Minutes” here (and our CBS “60 Minutes” won’t touch this subject with a ten meter pole), I doubt little has changed in the last seven years, so here’s the complete seven minute segment—watch to the very end:

I still contend that sooner or later, European nations are going to institute mass deportations of migrants. (If it wants to survive, anyway. It may not have the will to do so any more.) Germany has already said it is going to step up deportation proceedings against recent migrants whose asylum claims are unfounded, but look for other countries to ratchet up from there.

Sunday morning coming down

(Scott Johnson)

George Harrison was born in Liverpool on this date in 1943. He died on November 29, 2001, in Los Angeles. He added to the beauty of the world as a member of the Beatles and in his subsequent solo career. He also founded HandMade Films to produce Monty Python’s Life of Brian, still funny after all these years. I want to celebrate the anniversary of his birth this morning.

In an interview on the Dick Cavett Show way back when, Harrison was asked about his favorite Beatles songs. As I recall, he said he most enjoyed the Beatles songs with three-part harmonies. He would have contributed the third part on those songs. By my lights he was a talented and ingenious harmony singer. Among the songs he must have been thinking of would be “This Boy,” “Yes It Is,” “I’m Only Sleeping,” and “Because.” Check out the Galeazzo Frudua videos that break down the harmony parts on those songs. George’s contributions are something else.

I thought it might be fun to look back on George’s solo career through lesser known songs on his solo albums over the years 1970-2002. I may have let a hit or two sneak in, but I went in search of deep tracks. If you have a favorite Harrison hit, it won’t be here. My goal is to avoid the hits and see if we can enhance our enjoyment of his legacy along the way. Please accept my apologies in advance for any mistakes in my notes and for ads that may preface the videos. Keep your cursor poised to cut them off.

George’s All Things Must Pass made a huge impact when the Beatles broke up in 1970. You had to make your way over to side three to find “Apple Scruffs.” You can hear the influence of Bob Dylan wedded to the Beatles-style vocal backing that George supplied entirely by himself. This was my favorite track on the album.

George produced the Concert for Bangladesh and the released the related live album in 1971. He didn’t get around to making another solo album until Living in the Material World in 1973. Contrary to the urging of “Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long,” he might have let us wait too long. For some reason or other this track wasn’t released as a single.

George always called on gifted musicians for instrumental backing on his albums. Dark Horse (1974) included work by Nicky Hopkins on piano, Willie Weeks on bass, and a guy named Ringo Starr on drums. They all back George on “So Sad.”

George wrote “Far East Man” with Ronnie Wood. “While the world wages war / It gets harder to see / Who your friends really are.” Tom Scott is on the saxophones, Billy Preston on piano, Willie Weeks on bass, and Andy Newmark on drums.

George kept the albums coming. He released Extra Texture the following year. “You” led off the album and turned into a hit single with sax solos by Jim Horn and Leon Russell on piano. However, we are avoiding the hits in search of buried treasure. “Ooh Baby (You Know That I Love You)” is one of George’s tributes to Smokey Robinson.

In addition to George’s work on guitar, “Tired of Midnight Blue” has Leon Russell on piano and Jim Keltner on drums. This is a most engaging restatement of George’s warning to “beware of Maya.”

George followed up Extra Texture with Thirty Three & 1/3 Third (1975) and included a second tribute to Smokey Robinson (“Pure Smokey”). Listening to the track, I think it’s fair to say once is not enough. George’s solos make the second time around even better. Tom Scott is on the saxes again, Richard Tee on piano, and Willie Weeks on bass.

“Learning How To Love You” closed the album. That’s Richard Tee on keyboards and Willie Weeks on bass. The track was released as the b-side to “This Song.” I think this one belongs in the department of buried treasure.

The self-titled George Harrison was released in 1979. He had originally recorded “Not Guilty” during the Beatles’ sessions for the White Album, but that track remained in the can until it was released on Anthology 3 in 1996. George retrieved the song and rerecorded it for his his self-titled album. Stevie Winwood is on keyboards, Willie Weeks on bass, and Andy Newmark on drums. It’s a beguilingly bitter song.

“Here Comes the Moon” is not to be confused with “Here Comes the Sun.” I think you will enjoy it if you haven’t heard it before. George is on the guitar parts, Stevie Winwood on harmonium and backing vocals, Willie Weeks on bass, and Andy Newmark on drums.

Next came Somewhere In England (1981). George covered Hoagy Carmichael’s “Hong Kong Blues.” You won’t hear it performed by anyone else any time soon.

“Lay His Head” is something of a literal buried treasure. It was one of four songs Warner Bros. rejected for the album, although it was the b-side of “Got My Mind Set On You.” The four songs were deemed insufficiently commercial.

I’m skipping over George’s uninspired Gone Troppo (1982). After a five-year break, George’s Cloud Nine (1987) represented a return to form, as in “That’s What It Takes” (written with Jeff Lynne and Gary Wright). I think that’s Eric Clapton on the guitar solo.

I love the playing on “Fish on the Sand.” That’s George on guitar, Jeff Lynne on bass, and Ringo on drums.

George was working on Brainwashed when he died in 2001. It was posthumously released in 2002. As far as his recordings were concerned, he went out on a high note. “Stuck Inside a Cloud” was released as a promotional single only. If you like George, you’ll love this.

George lovingly covered the Ted Koehler/Harold Arlen classic “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.” That’s George on the uke. What a way to go.

News Briefs – 02/25/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Another piece by Robert L. Kinney, author of the piece a few days back warning about Directed Energy Weapons – U.S. government’s remote and wireless mind-reading and mind-controlling technologies. The crazy thing is the degree of precision with which they can cause material disruption to matter over considerable distance, from houses nearby using the tapping thing. Given we know they are mapping the brain for the functions of various regions, and they have the technical capability to disrupt the structures of those regions, rendering them non-functional, I will guarantee you that they are at least in the beta testing phase of altering who people are while they sleep by wiping out the parts of their brains which are “problematic” to the elites. And it could be completely ironed out. And by precision, I mean I am swinging in a hammock, on an arc which is probably 2.5 feet in distance, back and forth, and when I move my head on the pillow and the spot being disrupted is moved to over my ear drum or in my ear canal, that targeted point is held steady relative to the position of the hammock, and I can hear the resonant drumming in my head. They were hitting a pretty fast moving spot, and keeping the impacts dialed in on that spot. All of this will be shown to be incredibly advanced.

Do any specialists know of a laser-like emissions device, which could be fired alon one axis, which would pass through wood walls, and charge materials it passes through or over, as well as another laser-like emissions device, which would carry within its beam, an EM field, which when it struck the charged materials (after traveling a path 90 degrees to the first beam’s path) would provoke a sudden movement in the charged materials courtesy of the EM field hitting the charged particles?

Trump wins SC primary moments after polls close, deals Haley crushing blow in her own state: ‘Bigger win than we expected.’

Nikki Haley wastes $76.4 million in South Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa defeats to Donald Trump.

On Free Republic, someone pointed out that until Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee, he is not allowed the security briefings or the security clearance which is given to nominees. Probably why Haley Barbour is trying to delay his attainment of presumptive nominee status and the increased influence with the party which would come from it.

Judge sets March 1 hearing for final arguments on Fani Willis disqualification.

On Twitter, Kanekoa:

BREAKING: In court proceedings, Fulton County DA Fani Willis argues that the Atlanta Police Department’s cell phone tracking software, in use since 2017, cannot “prove anything relevant” and provides “little evidentiary value.”

Under DA Fani Willis’ jurisdiction, the Atlanta Police Department has utilized Hawk Analytics’ “CellHawk” software since 2017.

This very software documented Nathan Wade’s alleged visits to Fani Willis’ home 35 times before the purported beginning of their affair.

In a recent court filing, Willis argues that CellHawk’s software fails to establish “anything relevant” and provides “little evidentiary value.”

She further contends that CellHawk does not confirm “Special Prosecutor Wade’s presence at any particular location or address.”

According to Willis, CellHawk merely indicates that “Special Prosecutor Wade’s telephone was located somewhere within a densely populated multiple-mile radius where various residences, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and other businesses are located.”

Does Fulton County DA Fani Willis maintain that the cellphone tracking software used by the Atlanta Police Department fails to “prove anything relevant” and offers “little evidentiary value”?

Since the adoption of CellHawk by the Atlanta Police Department in 2017, has the Fulton County District Attorney’s office utilized this software to prosecute any cases?

From the leftists at Slate:

On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a pair of cases out of Texas and Florida that could force major social media platforms to carry posts from Donald Trump or others who lie about elections being stolen or obliquely encourage election-related violence. A ruling in favor of these states would turn the First Amendment upside down and create the conditions for undermining American democracy.

South Carolina voters unable to vote reportedly due to internet being out — voters told to put ballots in “another slot.”

More than 400 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls of two Arizona counties since 2015, with most of the removed Pima County registrants being registered to vote through third parties.

What appears an astonishingly blatant case of voter fraud in the state of Michigan was taken over from the locals by FBI, which appears to just be running the clock out on it.

Maine’s Legislative Council voted down a proposed voter ID bill before the upcoming state primary and the potentially contentious general election in November, with all Democrats in unanimous opposition.

The most populous county in Kansas has rejected demands from the local sheriff and the state’s attorney general to preserve old ballots and records longer than legally allowed, shredding materials sought for an election fraud investigation that has yet to result in any criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband made over $1.25 million on stock deal in just three months.

The families of Sandy Hook school shooting victims voted overwhelmingly in favor of a plan to wrap up Alex Jones’ bankruptcy proceedings by liquidating the right wing talk show host’s assets. Of course the funny thing is, Jones at one point was sitting on over $600 million in Bitcoin which some guest gave him on a hard drive back when Bitcoin was like 20 cents, which he claims he has lost. He was asked about it on some podcast, and looked like the cat which ate the canary as he laughed off “losing” it.

Swiss authorities want to block certain websites in the “unlikely” event of a power shortage: Commonly used social media platforms would be affected first.

Biden told Russian oligarch, ex-Moscow mayor to ‘be good to my boy’ during phone call while VP: Hunter associate.

Thomas Massie:

The federal income tax was unconstitutional for most of our county’s existence. The founders of this country would have never agreed to it. We should repeal it.

The Owl escaped, and was flying free when out of the blue it slammed into a building and was killed by its own actions and the direction it chose? Comms?:

@bennyjohnsonVivek addresses possibility of being Trump’s VP pick: “My commitment is I’m going to do whatever I can maximally do to have a positive impact on this country…whatever form that takes, I’m ready for it.” @BasedMikeLee (Sen. Mike Lee) Vivek would be an outstanding VP.

Mike Lee? They all have to know Cabal rolled Vivek out with Buttigieg as part of project Obama, with both of them posing a normal college kids asking Obama a question in a town hall. Both ae actors in the conspiracy, and now Vivek is getting astroturfed by the conspiracy into a potential VP slot? Trump’s policy should be, no Cabal theater kids allowed.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that President Joe Biden is “clearly in partnership” with cartels during a panel discussion at CPAC on Friday. Beginning to reveal Cabal is the command structure behind everything from the American Stasi to the news media to the Cartels and street gangs?

Former Panama border chief: UN is behind the chaos at the U.S.–Mexico border, and it is a “strategic engineered migration.”

A bill introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives would legally define it as ‘child abuse’ for parents to object to gender transitioning of their children by way of puberty blocking, cross sex hormones or surgery.

New York school gives children ‘Black Lives Matter’ coloring book that promotes trans affirmation.

Gov’t report: Federal agencies profit from refugees, but state and local govt’s lose.

Democrats are looking to use the 8-10 million illegal residents which will remain s a result of the border crisis, to affect the future make-up of Congress as a result of the allotment of congressional districts from the next Census.

Chinese company Betavolt claims to have developed a battery that could power mobile phones that never need to be charged and drones that can fly forever.

Muslims cause unrest on Japanese streets, chanting, ‘Japan must die!’ Sounds kind of psyoppy, like imported agents doing something stupid which makes no sense, but which stirs the emotions of the Japanese people in a way Cabal wants for some reason.

Mice and rats have become a bane on the frontline for both Ukrainian and Russian forces, with these rodents capable of nesting almost anywhere, even in the exhaust systems of armored vehicles. I would never have even thought of this as an issue.

Warren Buffett’s son Howard has given over $521 million to Ukraine. I always knew Buffet was Cabal. Looks like he got his son in now as well.

The world’s first jet suit race is slated for February 28, in Dubai.

Court strikes down California ban on possessing billy clubs.

Gun ownership up 28% in the US as the left tries to disarm us. I think very few of those are sports people. Those are killers who want the ability to kill. I do not think this country will live under an illegitimate, criminal government, and just willingly give it money to continue to victimize the weak. It will take time to all get on the same page, and all agree anyone seeking to support or enforce the dictates of the criminal conspiracy and its infiltrated and subverted government is the enemy, and can be dealt with morally and free of worries due to their having made their decision. But we will end up there, and once we do, we will become free again.

Trump meets Argentina’s Javier Milei.

Majority of New York Jews to vote for Trump in presidential election: poll.

Trump on his SC primary victory: “I was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of South Carolina.”

Spread r/K Theory, because you know what is coming, and should be getting ready now

Blunt Force Border Policy

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As John notes just below, police in Georgia have arrested Jose Antonio Ibarra, “not a U.S. citizen” and not a student at the University of Georgia, where nursing student Laken Riley, 22, was found dead from “blunt force trauma.”

This is not an isolated incident. Consider California, the “sanctuary state” that protects criminal illegals from deportation.

In 2019, a false-documented illegal from Mexico murdered El Dorado County deputy Brian Ishmael, who left behind a wife and three daughters. In 2018, illegal immigrant Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Virgen Mendoza, murdered Newman, California police officer Ronil “Ron” Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji who came the America to work in law enforcement.

In 2014, previously deported Luis Bracamontes gunned down Sacramento County police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis. In court, the Mexican national said he wished he had killed more cops. Sometimes the victims are innocent children.

In Waseca, Minnesota, Lorenzo Sanchez raped 12-year-old Cally Jo Larson, stabbed her to death, then hung her body from a cord in the stairway. See the Forensic Files episode “The Music Case.” And now nursing student Laken Riley is found dead from blunt force trauma.

If a firearm had been in play, and the suspect a U.S. citizen, Joe Biden might have issued a statement on “gun violence.” At this writing, nothing from the White House on the case, and that comes as no surprise.

“You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens,” said vice president Biden in 2014. All the 11 million wanted was a chance to contribute, Biden said, so “let people vote.” Since 2020, Biden has bulked up the imported electorate by some eight million, possibly more, so when illegals commit crimes the Delaware Democrat looks the other way.

This year, millions of illegals will be voting, as they already do in California, with squads of politiqueros bribing or threatening them to vote “a certain way,” code for Democrats. That’s what the Biden Junta wants in November.

The Price of Illegal Immigration [Updated]

(John Hinderaker)

Laken Riley was a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, Georgia. Thursday morning, she went for a run and didn’t return. Her body was found on the campus of the University of Georgia. Riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela:

Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, who was arrested Friday in connection to the murder of the 22-year-old Augusta University student, crossed into El Paso, Texas, from Venezuela in September 2022, NewsNation reported Saturday, citing Department of Homeland Security sources.

He had been released due to a lack of detention space, the sources added.

Laken Riley

Ibarra is one of millions of illegals whom Joe Biden has deliberately welcomed into the United States, in violation of federal law, the Constitution, and Biden’s oath of office. Biden’s motives are hard to understand. But in the law, one is held to have intended the natural and inevitable consequences of one’s actions. Occam’s Razor, like the common law, implies that Biden is trying to bring chaos and destruction to the United States.

Having entered America with no problem, Ibarra set out for New York. I don’t believe it has been reported how he got there, but he spent a year or so in New York City before relocating to Georgia. His social media accounts suggest that he was living it up:

In September 2022, however, the Venezuelan native looked carefree, smiling in Times Square and Rockefeller Center in New York City, posts on a Facebook account linked to his name showed.

Of course, he got into trouble in New York, too:

Police sources in New York confirmed to NewsNation that a suspect matching Ibarra’s name and age was arrested in the Big Apple for endangering a 5-year-old child last year.

But illegals who commit crimes are rarely punished. Ibarra eventually joined his older brother Diego, who I assume is also an illegal although I haven’t seen this reported, in Athens. The older brother is a criminal, too; he was arrested three times between September and December 2023. Ho hum. Liberals refuse to enforce our laws, until a known criminal commits a crime so heinous that it attracts national attention. Like this one.

So, because Joe Biden opened our southern border, Jose Ibarra waltzed in from Venezuela, spent a year or so hanging out in New York, where any crimes he committed went unpunished, then joined his brother in Georgia. Where, day before yesterday, he saw Laken Riley jogging on the University of Georgia campus and decided it would be fun to kill her. Congratulations, Joe. This one’s on you.

A postscript: the U.S. isn’t the only country dumb enough to admit large numbers of illegal aliens, often referred to in the press as “asylum seekers.” Western Europe has problems even worse than ours, as exemplified by this case:

Police in Vienna launched a criminal investigation after three women were found dead in a brothel, authorities said Saturday.

A witness discovered traces of blood outside the building, located near the Danube River, and alerted police on Friday evening. The bodies of the three victims had “cuts and stab wounds,” police spokesperson Philipp Hasslinger told The Associated Press.

A 27-year-old man was soon arrested in the vicinity of the brothel while carrying a knife, the supposed weapon. Police said the suspect is an asylum-seeker from Afghanistan and will be questioned by police later on Saturday.

The Vienna brothel was legal, but apparently the “asylum seeker” disapproved of it. Hey, some of us may disapprove of it, too. But we wouldn’t murder the women who work there. Open-borders immigration policies have been a disaster wherever they have been implemented.

UPDATE: It turns out that Jose Ibarra had a “wife.” Sort of:

“We got married so we could join our asylum cases,” she told The Post. “He was the person I thought I could see through. We’ve known each other our entire lives.”

So, just another species of immigration fraud. Honestly, though, Ibarra and his “wife” needn’t have bothered. Joe Biden’s welcome mat is out, and everyone is here to stay–especially those who will degrade our country.

Killer Trifecta

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As mentioned in a previous item, Philip Haney, author of See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, had a sequel in the works, but turned up dead by gunshot in Amador County, California, in early 2020. Dr. Katherine Raven, who has performed more than 5000 forensic autopsies, signed off on a “homicide autopsy.”

Two years later, under a sheriff who graduated from the FBI academy, a deputy with no apparent medical training listed “apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound” as the cause of death.

The FBI held on to Haney’s computer, thumb drives, and “whistleblower documents.” The DHS accused Haney of harboring “contraband” and violating five federal laws. The signs point to a faked suicide, hardly a new tactic. As Sidney Hook recalled in Out of Step, Soviet defector Gen. Walter Krivitsky was “suicided” in a Washington hotel room by Stalin’s NKVD, forerunner to the KGB.

Danish diplomat Povl Bang-Jensen refused to reveal names of Hungarian patriots who testified to the UN about Soviet atrocities during the 1956 invasion. In 1959, after going missing for two days, Bang-Jensen was found dead in a New York park, shot through the right temple. The scene looked staged but the case was officially declared a suicide. See Betrayal at the UN, by DeWitt Copp and Marshal Peck.

In 1993, White House official Vincent Foster turned up dead in Fort Marcy Park. The death was ruled a suicide but the scene left plenty to ponder, especially as the Clinton White House senior staff behaved in highly suspicious ways after Foster’s death (removing—and likely destroying—files from his office, etc.) See The Strange Death of Vincent Foster, by Christopher Ruddy.

Communist assassins also killed by staging fake car accidents. That was the fate of Soviet actor Solomon Mikhoels, artistic director of the Moscow State Jewish Theater and chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee during World War II. By this time, Stalin had revived traditional Russian anti-Semitism, branding Jews “rootless cosmpolitans.”

Nobel laureate Albert Camus, author of The Plague and other books, opposed the Soviet invasion of Hungary and was on record that Communism equals murder. In The Death of Camus, Giovanni Catelli compiles evidence that Camus was the victim of a fake car accident set up by the KGB. The ultimate trick, as Whittaker Chambers explained in Witness, was to make the assassination look like a natural death. That is a distinct possibility in several cases, to be explored at length in future.

The death of Philip Haney, meanwhile, shows what can happen to those who expose Islamic terrorists and their enablers in the US government. That raises issues for those who expose the FBI as the government’s secret police and KGB. When booting up a computer or tablet, see if “FBI Van,” or “FBI Surveillance Van,” show up in other networks in your neighborhood, then suddenly disappear.

Watch for persons unknown offering to send materials to your residence. Take note of strangers who suddenly engage you in conversation and just before leaving ask where you live. Apprise colleagues, friends and loved ones of these realities. Most important, never stop calling out those who attack the God-given freedoms of the people.

Yulia, we hardly knew ya

(Scott Johnson)

Yesterday in San Francisco President Biden held what the White House termed a press gaggle. In the event it seemed more of a gag than a gaggle. This is the White House transcript of his remarks:

Hello, folks. This morning, I had the honor of meeting with Aleksey Navalny’s wife and daughter.

As to state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage. And it’s amazing how his wife and daughter are — are emulating that. And we’re going to be announcing the sanctions against Putin, who is responsible for his death, tomorrow.

And — but the one thing I’ve made — that was made clear to me is that Yulanda [Yulia] is going to — she’s going to continue to fight (inaudible) the way. So, we’re not letting up.

You say Yulanda, I say Yolanda. Let’s call the whole thing off.

Today, Biden said he "had the honor of meeting with" Alexei Navalny's widow, who he called "Yolanda."

Her name is Yulia.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 23, 2024

Democrat Denialists

(John Hinderaker)

In 2001, 2005 and 2017, some Democrat House members objected to the certification of electoral votes for the winning Republican presidential candidate. Those objections, while “denialist,” were only symbolic. But Democrat leaders in the House are now suggesting that if they control that body following November’s election–as they well might–they may refuse to allow a victorious Donald Trump to take office.

The Atlantic did the original reporting, behind a paywall. This is from the Election Law Blog:

Murray and other legal scholars say that, absent clear guidance from the Supreme Court, a Trump win could lead to a constitutional crisis in Congress. Democrats would have to choose between confirming a winner many of them believe is ineligible and defying the will of voters who elected him. …

In interviews, senior House Democrats would not commit to certifying a Trump win, saying they would do so only if the Supreme Court affirms his eligibility. But during oral arguments, liberal and conservative justices alike seemed inclined to dodge the question of his eligibility altogether and throw the decision to Congress.

“That would be a colossal disaster,” Representative Adam Schiff of California told me. “We already had one horrendous January 6. We don’t need another.” …

The choice that Democrats would face if Trump won without a definitive ruling on his eligibility was almost too fraught for Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland to contemplate. He told me he didn’t know how he’d vote in that scenario. As we spoke about what might happen, he recalled the brutality of January 6. “There was blood all over the Capitol in the hypothetical you posit,” Raskin, who served on the January 6 committee with Schiff, told me….

The Democrats have become so insane on the subject of Donald Trump that it is hard to know which of their mutterings to take seriously. But if Trump wins the election and a Democrat-controlled House refuses to certify his election on the ground that he is an “insurrectionist” under the 14th Amendment, we will be past the point of a constitutional crisis. If that happens, the only realistic path forward will be disunion, possibly accompanied by civil war, but preferably not.

This is one reason why the Supreme Court should put the 14th Amendment theory out of its misery, once and for all. It is obvious that the drafters of that amendment meant the just-concluded Civil War, in which 600,000 Americans lost their lives, when they referred to “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. In contrast, the January 6 protest was not one of the 50 most destructive riots of the last few years, and the only person killed was Ashli Babbitt. Not a single participant in the protest was arrested in possession of a firearm. Some insurrection!

In the interest of preserving the Republic, the Supreme Court should rule definitively that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply to Donald Trump.

Joe Biden—Christian Nationalist?!?!

(Steven Hayward)

Like John, it would be hilarious to observe the left’s sudden obsession with “Christian nationalism” if it weren’t based on an abysmal ignorance that is itself a grim threat to the continuation of our republic. I guess Thomas Jefferson was a Christian nationalist for the first sentence of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, although in fairness to stupid leftists, they don’t believe in “self-evident truth” either, because they are unable to grasp the meaning of “self-evident” as Thomas Aquinas, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Lincoln learned from Euclid. (One of my core lessons in the classroom is the continuity of thought between the “Two Tommys”—Tommy Aquinas and Tommy Jefferson. Hardly anyone ever notices this.)

Or how about John Adams: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

But you know who else turns out to be a “Christian nationalist”?

Joe Biden, Christian Nationalist:

"My rights are not derived from any government…they're given to me and each of my fellow citizens by our Creator."

— Denny Burk (@DennyBurk) February 23, 2024

Gosh—I wonder whatever became of that guy?

Podcast: The 3WHH, Eye-Bleach Edition

(Steven Hayward)

This episode has everything: a how-to guerilla guide to improving your McDonald’s hamburger experience; a spirited discussion of the Alabama Supreme Court decision that defines frozen embryos as persons (I think the media is willfully misreporting the decision—John is not so sure); those crazy new presidential rankings from political scientists—and even some soft-core porn!

Say what?

Well, it turns out that that Judge Arthur Engoron, who oversaw Trump’s alleged fraud trial in New York City, apparently has a case of Anthony Weiner envy, and posted some rather racy locker room pics of himself some years back. And right in the middle of our discussion Lucretia flashed the pictures up on the Zoom screen, sending John and me rushing for some eye-bleach. There must be something in the bottled water Manhattan Democrats drink. (And doesn’t Engoron sound like the name of a dwarve or elve who goes bad in Lord of the Rings?)

In any case, we do finally get around to a new segment of the 3WHH, where we note three articles from the last week for what they can tell us about something. John chose those stupid presidential rankings; Lucretia chose an MSNBC articlefrom leftist columnist Paul Waldman that unwittingly admits that everything conservatives say about the administrative state is completely true; and I picked Karol Markowitz’s NY Post column reflecting on how recent social science that ratifies the conservative view that two-parent families are the best way to raise children is so controversial with the left, which is no surprise. (Honorable mention to a parallel column on the same subject by Mark Judge in the Washington Examiner.)

So listen here or from our hosts at Ricochet. But have your eye-bleach for your mind’s eye at the ready.

The Smirnov turnoff

(Scott Johnson)

We are apparently meant to take last week’s indictment of long-time FBI confidential human source Alexander Smirnov as a repudiation of what we have learned about the Biden family business. Smirnov’s indictment was sought by Biden-friendly United States Attorney David Weiss. It is linked in the related Department of Justice press release.

Kim Strassel observes in her weekly Wall Street Journal column: “If th[e allegations are] true, it ought to be massive story that the FBI for 13 years relied on a man who prosecutors now worry has troubling and ‘extensive’ ties to Russian intelligence. Instead, the media in its desire to embarrass Republicans is working to absolve the FBI, with the New York Times explaining the bureau never did ‘think much’ of the Smirnov claims and concluded in 2020 that they ‘did not merit continued investigation.’”

This particular episode of the Biden saga reminds me of the phonetically linked Yakov Smirnoff. Smirnoff is the immigrant comedian who wielded his catchphrase to great effect: What a country! Smirnoff’s catchphrase might qualify as the motto of the entire saga of the Biden family business. Looking around for a photo of Yakov Smirnoff I discovered that Jonathan Turley also drew on Smirnoff’s work in his New York Post column on the indictment.

Peter Schweizer first outlined the Biden family saga based entirely on publicly available documents in Profiles in Corruption (2020). In one of the interviews about the book, Peter observed: “We’re not talking about a congressman who’s trying to get a road paving for his nephew from the federal highway funds…We’re talking about globalized graft and corruption involving actors around the world who don’t particularly have the interests of the United States at heart.”

Yesterday Andrew McCarthy elaborated on “David Weiss’s Very Peculiar Smirnov Indictment in the Biden Case.” He commented: “[N]one of the most critical evidence of Biden-family influence-peddling comes from Smirnov or Russians.”

I sat down intending to demonstrate the irrelevance of the Smirnov indictment in light of the evidence accumulated to date, but Andy has done my job for me this morning in today’s NRO column “The Smirnov Indictment Does Not Vindicate the Bidens.” Subhead: “There is already extensive evidence, having nothing to do with Smirnov, of corrupt Biden-family influence-peddling.” If you can’t see the corruption, you’re not paying attention or you’re not looking. It’s in plain view. Miranda Devine also makes this point in her accessible New York Post column “Despite media spin, there’s still overwhelming evidence Joe Biden knew of family’s business dealings.”

I’m sorry McCarthy’s columns are posted behind NRO’s paywall. I wish some public-spirited benefactor would make a deal with NR’s publisher to extract McCarthy from NRO’s paywall prison. He brings his long experience as a federal prosecutor to bear and is the best columnist out there on matters at the intersection of law and politics.

The Wall Street Journal has posted Mark Kelly’s accessible video below in connection with the appearance of James Biden for deposition by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees behind closed doors this week (Fox News story here). The caption on the video reads: “The latest revelations in the House Oversight Committee investigation into Biden family business dealings surrounds two checks that landed in Joe Biden’s personal bank account, one for $40,000, the other for $200,000.” As I say, if you can’t see it you’re not looking.

The Week in Pictures: Dog Bites Man Edition

(Steven Hayward)

This is the week we got confirmation that Joe Biden is not merely a doddering, senile fool, but a bad dog owner, which is cosmically worse. Meanwhile, the FBI continues its string of comic incompetence, arresting an informant it has had on its payroll for more than a decade (paging Inspector Clouseau!), but only when it became useful to embarrass Republicans. It’s enough to make you want to put a gold-gilted Trump high-top sneaker up something.


Headlines of the week:


Totally want. . .

And finally. . .

News Briefs – 02/24/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

The Federalist – The American Stasi controls what you hear and see to control what you think and do. He uses the term over and over throughout the piece, trying to associate it with Google and Facebook censoring things. Note, we are being read here. He did not come up with this term. I can see what they are doing, trying to define it as Big Tech, and not the real Secret Police spying on everyone, but they are presupposing too much attentiveness by the population, which pays no mind to their mouthpieces anyway, and rarely listens to their ideas, which are boring. Nobody reads the Federalist, and of those who do, I think all this will do is send them away with the idea there was an evil Secret Police somewhere called the Stasi. So when we begin flooding the zone with mind-blowing material everyone will talk about, we will not have to explain that part. Interesting though that somebody contacted this guy and told him to write this article using this term over and over, and applying it to Big Tech. Imagine the system out there, from watching me to being able to call up assets like this guy on a moment’s notice, and it is all focused on us, aware of what we are doing, trying to find countermeasures. They are beginning to see, God has His hand on our shoulder, and this is the plan. Things are progressing. We may take a week off from the News Briefs, or just do them in attenuated fashion for a bit to complete the website and book. The book is pretty cool, in that it will be a book version of the surveillance detection pieces, which pretty effectively will condition surveillance awareness in the population of readers who are not able to make it to the website. It also shows, of all the strategies out there, this is the most dangerous strategy in Cabal’s estimation. They don’t care if Sundance goes somewhere and investigates something. They don’t care what Cernovich puts on Twitter, or Nick Fuentes says in a podcast. But they care about this, as it is hitting right on the Achilles’ heel of this entire conspiracy. Everyone not pounding this weak spot, not showing everyone the surveillance, is not really fighting Cabal. I could care less if we get any credit. Everyone should be pushing everyone else to help reveal the American Stasi to the people. That is the path where real victory, and true freedom lies. You would not see this term, “American Stasi” here in the Federalist, unless we had used it, and they feared what was coming. We will change the nation, and eliminate the most loathsome entity that is infecting it, leaving our beautiful Republic deformed and macabre.

And if you doubted I am getting the technical harassment I describe, just look at what needed to be mobilized to put this piece in front of you. We are now a top focus. It also shows, they all know they are acting criminally, and the public will hate them with a passion for what they are doing, when it is revealed. Which means to go out every day, they must view the average American as an enemy, to act out against them in that way.

We will be free, because God loves this nation. We will not be under this for the rest of our lives.

China creates a plasma stealth device to cloak planes from radar. Here is what caught my eye – “When electromagnetic waves—such as those emitted by radar—interact with plasma, they cause the particles to move rapidly and collide, dissipating the waves’ energy… “ I wonder if you put neon lights between you and The Beam™, if the plasma inside the bulb would do this to any EM waves.

New records show Supreme Court’s Sonia Sotomayor took unusual step of traveling with a medic.

Majority of Americans say cheating will affect the Presidential race results, with Democrats being the most trusting.

Nathan Wade visited DA Fani Willis’ Georgia neighborhood at least 35 times and stayed overnight before she hired him as Special Prosecutor, cellphone data shows, proving they lied under oath about when the affair began.

Jim Jordan at CPAC: “There’s a whistleblower in Fani Willis’s office who we have talked to.”

186 now-removed Arizona voter roll names were foreign nationals.

Nevadans found out votes were counted in their names in an election they never even voted in. The Secretary of State says it was just a glitch.

Gavin Newsom calls Haley one of Democrats’ best surrogates against Trump.

Senior House Democrats signaled Friday to The Atlantic, that they may not certify the 2024 election results if former President Donald Trump wins.

NRA and org’s longtime leader Wayne LaPierre found liable in lawsuit over lavish spending, ordered to pay $4.3M, NRA retired finance chief Wilson Phillips was ordered to pay $2 million in damages to the NRA.

Republicans are probing CBS after ‘scary’ firing of journalist Catherine Herridge who was ‘investigating Hunter Biden’ and reported on the laptop scandal top Chairman Jim Jordan reveals at CPAC.

CBS News returns files to Catherine Herridge after backlash. And after intel poured over them, copied them, and extracted all her sources. If she had a way to make contact outside the surveillance, it has been burned now.

The director of security for the Republican National Committee recently called into question the official explanation of the pipe bomb that was discovered on Jan. 6, 2021, saying that it “makes no sense whatsoever.”

When illegal aliens catch wind of the squatting laws in Blue cities, it’s going to get ugly.

17-year-old migrant stabbed in wild brawl involving dozens of people in Times Square.

San Diego migrant center to close after influx of asylum-seekers drain funds: ‘Serious problem.’

More Chinese migrants now crossing San Diego border than Mexican nationals: report.

22-year-old nursing student from Augusta University who police found dead on the University of Georgia campus Thursday was murdered while she was on a jog by a Venezuelan illegal who was released by CBP due to overcrowding.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said on Thursday that it seized 6.5 tons of methamphetamine at Eagle Pass port of entry in Texas.

A San Francisco store is no longer allowing customers to roam around and shop without being escorted by an employee in an attempt to stop “rampant shoplifting.”

Eric Swalwell spent campaign money at Super Bowl, $50K on NFL ‘event tickets.’

Fourth Circuit is deliberately seizing Second Amendment cases from the three-judge panel so rulings can be delayed.

Conspiracy theorists keep getting things right; experts warn that’s dangerous. LOL. When conspiracy theories happen to be correct, “it legitimizes them.” It actually says that.

US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has a 10-year backlog of claims.

Economy, immigration drag Joe Biden’s Gallup job approval down to 38%.

U.S. health insurance company hit with cyberattack from ‘suspected nation-state’ actor, crippling pharmacies’ ability to process prescriptions.

The world is not ready for ChatGPT-5 says OpenAI employee. There is speculation that the latest iteration may have some major advance, like Artificial General Intelligence.

On Twitter, Google’s new AI is lecturing people on how pedophiles cannot be judged and why hatred for anyone is wrong.

More Google AI stuff on Twitter:

The Google Gemini saga pt. 2 :
– “p*dophilia is NOT gross”
– “deporting illegal alien child molesters could have negative consequences for the immigrant community”
– provides arguments AGAINST banning p*dos from playgrounds
– “p*dos being allowed to teach is “complex”

New study shows Google has continued its sordid habit of suppressing right-leaning media sources while inundating users with left-leaning content.

Another one off Twitter:

I asked Google’s AI who is responsible for more harm to the world: @libsoftiktok, a social media account that posts videos of liberals on TikTok, or Josef Stalin, the Soviet dictator who imprisoned and murdered tens of millions of his own people.

Google said it is “a very complex issue” with “no easy answer” and that “it’s difficult to say definitely which one has caused more harm.”

AT&T outage caused by software update, company says.

U.S. authorities are currently tracking a high-altitude balloon of unknown origin and purpose over American airspace.

With a yearly deficit in the trillions, government looks to go after 401(k) accounts for new revenue.

Attacks on churches increased 800% in 6 years. Could be Cabal trying to drive everyone to a Cabal controlled church.

Hours after a county executive on Long Island announced an order prohibiting transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports, the New York State Attorney General publicly denounced the motion.

Two dead after military helicopter crashes during training flight in Mississippi. Q implied military aviation deaths had been somehow related to Cabal.

Microplastics found in sediment layers untouched by modern humans. They are acting like the microplastics we are producing are so bad they are infiltrating everywhere, however now I am wondering if the “microplastics” we find today are not from us, but are a natural feature of the earth.

Mercedes-Benz delays its EV plans, will keep making combustion engines.

New research funded by the Department of Energy has created a potentially revolutionary lithium battery that can be fully charged in only five minutes.

Fabrice Leggeri former leader of the EU border guard agency, Frontex, says he desperately wanted to protect European borders against illegal migrants strictly, but according to him, this was explicitly halted by the European Commission.

EU proposed ban on repairing cars older than 15 years old.(Video)

Houthis escalating Red Sea attacks on shipping.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has fired two ballistic missiles from launchers disguised as standard shipping containers that were hosted aboard one of its sea base-like vessels.

Israeli Navy carries out ‘extensive’ drills in preparation for potential war in north.

Putin is reportedly on the brink of a new land grab to defy the West by possibly announcing soon that Russia is taking control of a breakaway Moldovan region. Everybody wants to join Russia. I wish Putin would take us over.

US and NATO give Ukraine permission to use F-16 jets to launch attacks inside Russia. Pretty much gives Russia valid cause to bomb whatever they want in the US and Europe. WWIII here we come.

SEC approves Trump Truth Social merger deal for up to $10 billion.

Former Democrat lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard endorses Trump for US president.

Spread r/K Theory, because our neighbors know what we are talking abot

Loose Ends (245)

(Steven Hayward)

Behold the newest frontier in “equity”—”vaccine equity.” Which is needed to counter “vaccine nationalism.” (And you thought “Christian nationalism” was the worst threat out there.)

You think I am making this up? From Nature magazine today:

Today, nearly one-third of the world’s population has still not received a single dose [of COVID vaccine], and the death toll resulting from vaccine nationalism continues to grow. . . As time runs out, we urge WHO member states to agree on a ‘science-for-science’ mechanism that ensures vaccine equity in the next pandemic.

Sen. John Kennedy (the good one), speaking at CPAC (only a minute long, but with an epic editorial flourish at the end):

I wish he would run for president someday.

Some of the best reporting about the rot at the top at Harvard has been done by the student newspaper, the Harvard Crimson. The Crimson is out today with a long piece exposing the fact that the Harvard Corporation “chose Claudine Gay as Harvard’s 30th president without conducting a scholarly review of her work, according to a person familiar with the process.”

More embarrassing is that the Harvard Corporation chose Gay “over two internal candidates who boasted both administrative experience and far more extensive scholarship credentials: Tomiko Brown-Nagin and John F. Manning ’82. Brown-Nagin, dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, published two books and won the highest award in American History writing, while Manning, dean of Harvard Law School, argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and wrote more than 40 legal articles.”

Pretty much confirms what we’ve known all along about why Gay was selected. And raises the obvious follow up question: what are the clearly inept members of the Harvard Corporation going to resign?

“You’ve lost another spy balloon, Xi?”

Red States Getting Redder

(John Hinderaker)

The Great Sort is under way, as normal people move to red states and liberals move to blue states. (That last is hypothetical and hasn’t actually been observed.) When massive numbers began leaving blue states like California and New York for red states like Texas and Florida, many conservatives worried that those blue staters might bring their bad voting habits with them. Happily, that doesn’t seem to have happened.

This Wall Street Journal story is headlined: “Blue-State Residents Streamed Into South Carolina. Here’s Why It Stayed Ruby Red.” But it deals with more than one state:

A Wall Street Journal analysis of census data found that a third of [South Carolina’s] new residents between 2017 and 2021 hailed from blue states and a quarter from red ones, according to census data. …

Yet the new arrivals are disproportionately Republican. Estimates from the nonpartisan voter file vendor L2 suggest about 57% of voters who moved to South Carolina during that time are Republicans, while about 36% are Democrats and 7% are independents. That places them roughly in line with recent statewide votes in South Carolina.

It shouldn’t be surprising that when conservatives leave liberal states, they likely will move to conservative ones. The same thing is happening in states other than South Carolina:

The Palmetto State is a prime example of why a yearslong wave of migration to the South has largely failed to change its partisan tint. Many people who leave blue states are Republicans gravitating toward a more politically favorable new home.

In Florida, for instance, 48% of people who moved there between 2017 and 2021 came from blue states while 29% came from red states, Census figures show. Among those who registered to vote, 44% are Republicans, 25% are Democrats and 28% are nonpartisan, according to L2 data. Texas also has a heavier flow of newcomers from blue states but a greater share who L2 data estimates are Republican.

There is much more at the link; it is fun to see Democrats try to spin the numbers:

McDougald Scott and other South Carolina Democratic officials are working to target these new voters and persuade them to vote Democratic by focusing on issues like education…

I live in a blue state (for the time being, anyway) where the public schools are almost unbelievably bad. To be fair, though, the schools in New York and California are likely worse.


Have these people never driven on a highway in California?

and healthcare…

What about healthcare? Most people get health insurance through their jobs, and jobs are much more plentiful in red states. Blue states spend incomprehensible amounts of money on Medicaid, but that isn’t exactly a magnet for desirable new inhabitants.

…which she believes the Republicans are neglecting.

Apparently millions of Americans who are moving from blue to red states do not agree. Perhaps this is what it comes down to:

She said South Carolina’s limited access to abortion—which is banned at six weeks of pregnancy—is also something that crosses party lines.

Right. Hey, blue state economies may suck, crime may be rampant, taxes may be too high, government may be corrupt–but if the occasion arises, you can always kill your baby. This is the sales pitch my state’s liberal government is actually trying to implement: come here to get an abortion or a sex change operation, especially if you are a kid! Somehow, it doesn’t seem to be working.

The bottom line is that the Great Sort continues to benefit Red America. The question is, to what extent is the out-migration of normals locking liberalism into the blue states?

Get a Load of Fani

(John Hinderaker)

Fani Willis’s prosecution of Donald Trump has descended into comedy, currently of the bedroom farce variety. As all the world now knows, Willis carried on a torrid affair with Nathan Wade, whom she hired to lead the Trump prosecution and to whom she paid an extraordinary amount of taxpayer money, and then helped him spend it. That is corruption of the most old-fashioned sort. Willis and Wade have claimed that their affair did not begin until 2022, some time after she hired him to prosecute Trump.

Which turns out to be a lie:

Phone records, recently unveiled in new court documents obtained by The Post, indicate a pattern of late-night visits by Wade to Willis’s apartment, raising questions about the timeline of their relationship.

According to the cellphone data presented in court, Wade frequented the vicinity of Fulton County District Attorney Willis’s condo in Hapeville at least 35 times before their confessed affair.
[Investigator Charles] Mittelstadt highlighted times that refuted both Wade’s and Willis’s testimony that they had not begun a relationship prior to November 2021, and that he had only visited the apartment on occasion to discuss business.

“I was directed into a deeper analysis on two specific dates: September 11-12, 2021 (before I understand Mr Wade was hired) and November 29-30 (prior to what I understand was the in-court testimony that the romantic relationship began in 2022).

“Specifically, on September 11, 2021, Mr Wade’s phone left the Doraville area and arrived within the geoface located on the Dogwood address [Willis’s condominium] at 10.45pm,” Mittelstadt said.

“The phone remained there until September 12 at 3.28am at which time the phone traveled directly to towers located in East Cobb consistent with his routine pinging at his residence in the area. The phone arrived in East Cobb at approximately 4.05am, and records demonstrate he sent a text at 4.20am to Ms Willis.

“Additionally, on November 29, 2021, Mr Wade’s phone was pinging on the East Cobb towers near his residence and, following a call from Ms Willis at 11.32pm, while the call continued, his phone left the East Cobb area just after midnight and arrived within the geofence located on the Dogwood address at 12.43am on November 30, 2021. The phone remained there until 4.55am,” he added.

Willis and Wade are the most famous illicit couple since Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Like Strzok and Page, Willis and Wade appear to have made texting and phoning one another a full-time job:

Mittelstadt’s report also showed Wade and Willis had made more than 2,000 voice calls to each other and exchanged just less than 12,000 text messages over an 11-month period in 2021.

It makes you wonder when Wade found time to rack up all those billable hours.

I don’t know what the future holds for Donald Trump, but I think we can confidently predict that the Sun soon will set on Fani Willis’s political career.

The Daily Chart: Lessons from the Coming Tory Wipeout

(Steven Hayward)

According to the polls, the Tory Party over in Britain s heading for a wipeout at the hands of the Labour Party later this year, thereby squandering Boris Johnson’s record Tory landslide of 2019. Has there ever been a greater example of political malpractice in recent decades? There are lots of reasons for this dreadful scene (starting with Johnson’s own terrible handling of COVID and other unforced errors) which can be treated more fully on another occasion. Conservatives in America ought to pay close attention, however, and take some lessons perhaps.

For the moment, it is worth noting is that the Tory Party has especially lost ground among younger voters. Sound familiar? Actually, the Financial Times looked at cross-national survey data, and concludes that Britain’s Tories are an outlier (click to embiggen):

Affordable housing may have something to do with this:

How Dumb Are These People?

(John Hinderaker)

I wrote here about the Left’s current bugbear, “Christian nationalism.” Despite being a Christian and a nationalist, I have no idea what that phrase means, and have never met anyone who describes himself in those terms.

On MSNBC, a Politico reporter explained the meaning of “Christian nationalism.” You have to hear it to believe it:

Oh, my. 'They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…'

— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 23, 2024

These liberals are living in a state of utter ignorance. They literally know nothing. What I can’t figure out is, how can we be losing to people who are so unutterably stupid?

When Ronnie Met Jeane

(Lloyd Billingsley)

Lifelong Democrat Jeane J. Kirkpatrick came to the attention of former Democrat Ronald Reagan though her 1979 Commentary essay “Dictatorships and Double Standards.” As America’s future UN ambassador contended:

The failure of the Carter administration’s foreign policy is now clear to everyone except its architects.

The pattern is familiar enough: an established autocracy with a record of friendship with the U.S. is attacked by insurgents, some of whose leaders have long ties to the Communist movement, and most of whose arms are of Soviet, Chinese, or Czechoslovak origin. The “Marxist” presence is ignored and/or minimized by American officials and by the elite media on the ground that U.S. sup- port for the dictator gives the rebels little choice but to seek aid “elsewhere.”

Our “commitment to the promotion of constructive change worldwide” (Brzezinski’s words) has been vouchsafed in every conceivable context. But there is a problem. The conceivable contexts turn out to be mainly those in which non-Communist autocracies are under pressure from revolutionary guerrillas. Since Moscow is the aggressive, expansionist power today, it is more often than not insurgents, encouraged and armed by the Soviet Union, who challenge the status quo. The American commitment to “change” in the abstract ends up by aligning us tacitly with Soviet clients and irresponsible extremists like the Ayatollah Khomeini or, in the end, Yasir Arafat.

So far, assisting “change” has not led the Carter administration to undertake the destabilization of a Communist country. The principles of self-determination and nonintervention are thus both selectively applied.

 Carter’s doctrine of national interest and modernization encourages support for all change that takes place in the name of “the people,” regardless of its “superficial” Marxist or anti-American content.

Surely it is now beyond reasonable doubt that the present governments of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos are much more repressive than those of the despised previous rulers; that the government of the People’s Republic of China is more repressive than that of Taiwan, that North Korea is more repressive than South Korea, and so forth.

Groups which define themselves as enemies should be treated as enemies. The United States is not in fact a racist, colonial power, it does not practice genocide, it does not threaten world peace with expansionist activities. . . . We have also moved further, faster, in eliminating domestic racism than any multiracial society in the world or in history.

No more is it necessary or appropriate to support vocal enemies of the United States because they invoke the rhetoric of popular liberation. It is not even necessary or appropriate for our leaders to forswear unilaterally the use of military force to counter military force. Liberal idealism need not be identical with masochism, and need not be incompatible with the defense of freedom and the national interest.

That probably got by Sen. Joe Biden. As Mark Bowden (Black Hawk Down) noted in 2010, the Delaware Democrat “makes few references to books and learned influences.” In 2024, to paraphrase ambassador Kirkpatrick, the failure of the Biden administration is now clear even to its architects.

Can we be saved from SAVE?

(Scott Johnson)

The Biden administration has fashioned another program of student debt relief forgiveness. The so-called SAVE plan was promulgated by regulation last year. It takes the load off the fanny of beneficiaries of certain federal college loan programs and puts it right on the back of taxpayers. Politico reports that Biden is emailing 153,000 student loan borrowers that he’s canceling their debt. “I hope this relief gives you a little more breathing room,” the message says.

Those of us who actually pay taxes could use a little breathing room, but there is no breathing room to be found. Suffocation is the order of the day.

President Biden is himself a suffocating demagogue, as in his victory lap in the video below (White House transcript here). We thought the Supreme Court had spared us this particular outrage by its decision last year in Biden v. Nebraska. Apparently the justices needn’t have bothered themselves.

Biden declares that he has discovered a workaround. To the extent that one can understand what he’s saying in the clip below, he strikes a defiant note. He’s unafraid of consequences. He’s daring someone to stop him.

Biden on student loan cancellation: “The Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn't stop me."

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) February 22, 2024

NRO’s James Lynch has a good story on Biden’s announcement in “Biden Administration Wiping Out another $1.2 Billion in Student-Loan Debt.” Matt Continetti adds up the damage:

On February 21, Biden announced that he was canceling $1.2 billion in federal student loans for 153,000 borrowers. That’s on top of more than $130 billion in student debt that he has canceled to date. The Penn Wharton school says that Biden’s efforts will cost a total of $475 billion over 10 years.

NRO’s Charlie Cooke has posted a cry from the heart expressing his indignation over the unfairness of Biden’s action. In his concluding paragraph, he seems unfairly to blame House Republicans. According to Politico, however, the House actually voted to kill SAVE this past December, but the Senate saved it. Now what?

The regulatory background to the current monstrosity is set forth by Jill Desjean in “ED Releases Final Rule on Latest Income-Driven Repayment Plan.” The final regulation was announced in the Federal Register here last year.

In light of the Supreme Court decision in Biden v. Nebraska, the regulation purports to find authority for the regulation under section 455 of the Higher Education Act than under the HEROES Act. See the “Legal Authority” section of the Federal Register announcement linked above.

What we have here is a monstrosity. James Bovard has an entertaining New York Post column satirizing it, but Bovard has no proposal to kill it. The current monstrosity comes to life this coming July 1. What we need to kill it is a new president to rein in the Education Department, or Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate, or some serious legal analysis on which to premise a challenge to the madness of King Joe.

The Hamas way

(Scott Johnson)

Dan Senor’s most recent Call Me Back podcast features Matti Friedman. Among many other things, Friedman is a former AP Jerusalem bureau staffer. It is his AP experience that prompted him to think through the wide world of sickness that we see in the reaction of the outside world to Israel’s current life-and-death struggle with Hamas. Senor asks good questions and lets the incredibly articulate Friedman speak.

Senor has posted the podcast with this introduction:

Every day we see news accounts “reported” by reputable journalists. There is typically one frame in the post-10/07 War: “Gazan Palestinians are the victims of Israel.” How does this happen? How do journalists actually operate in Gaza and around the world? And is this a window into what had Hamas figured out long before 10/07 — that the forces of barbarism could manipulate the intentional press reaction to their massacre of 10/07? That is why we wanted to sit down with Matti Friedman, who is one of the most thoughtful writers when it comes to all matters related to Israel, the broader Middle East, and also trends in the world of journalism.

He writes regularly for The Free Press and is a regular contributor to The Atlantic. His newest book is called Who by Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai. Before that he published Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel, and before that Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story of a Forgotten War.

Matti’s army service included tours in Lebanon. His work as a reporter has taken him from Israel to Lebanon, Morocco, Moscow, the Caucasus, and Washington, DC. He is a former Associated Press correspondent and essayist for the New York Times opinion section. But it was his time covering Hamas’s takeover of Gaza that led him to study with great detail how Hamas manipulates the media, NGOs and the international community, and how they are working from the same playbook right now, perhaps quite masterfully.

I urge interested readers to check out the podcast below.

Here are the show notes citing Friedman’s work discussed in the podcast (I especially commend Friedman’s 2014 Tablet column linked below):

“The Wisdom of Hamas” — The Free Press.

“What if the Real War in Israel Hasn’t Even Started?” — The Free Press.

“There Is No ‘Israeli-Palestinian Conflict'” — The New York Times.

“An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth” — Tablet Magazine.

“What The Media Gets Wrong About Israel” — The Atlantic.

News Briefs – 02/23/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

‘Blood everywhere’: Man stabs fellow passenger with makeshift weapon during Alaska Airlines flight because ‘mafia’ was chasing him. Hey! Congratulations surveillance, you made the national news again! Sounds like a migrant who was describing a criminal organization that was pursuing him everywhere he went, and criminal organization got translated to mafia and cartel in the report.

Hedge Funder Kyle Bass:

The plot thickens in the suspicious death of Angela Chao at Mitch McConnell’s ranch in Blanco, Texas. ?? Her body DID NOT RECEIVE AN AUTOPSY AT THE FAMILY’S REQUEST. There is a surveillance video of Chao going into reverse, aggressively backing over a significant obstacle. 1/8

And her Tesla launching Into the pond. The ranch is allegedly owned by Mitch McConnell and her sister Elaine Chao. The family had it ruled an ‘accidental’ death and had Chao’s car delivered back to the family immediately after the suspicious death. A blood test was taken 2/8

has died suspiciously on their family ranch in Texas. One week after her husband’s VC firm gets listed as a ‘Chinese military operation’ (the first asset manager in the US to receive this prestigious and calamitous designation). Something really stinks here. 7/8

I went to post this thread of 8 posts and only two posted after X spun for 5 minutes. The system has been hacked and my posts are no longer making it to the system. That’s also pretty interesting.

When you still do not understand CIA/Cabal took over all major media outlets, and is running them as honeypots for whistleblowers:

CBS News has reportedly “seized the files, computers and records” of fired investigative reporter Catherine Herridge, including information on privileged sources.

Joe Biden is using the presidency to turn nearly the entire federal government into a DNC voter registration machine ahead of the 2024 election, with a special focus on mass registering “voters of color.”

Julian Assange is being ‘slowly assassinated’ by U.S., insiders say.

President Joe Biden’s brother James said during the House impeachment inquiry on Wednesday that he threw away Hunter’s Biden first diamond received from CEFC China Energy Co, after Hunter gave it to James to have it appraised. I remember French conman Christophe Rocancourt, who told the most outrageously ridiculous lies to his marks, being asked why he didn’t make his lies more believable. He replied, “The bigger the hook, the bigger the fish!”

Joe Biden’s brother switched up story on China deal after lawmakers showed him receipts, source says.

Paul Sperry

BREAKING: President Biden refused to answer several questions from Special Counsel Rob Hur in written interrogatories, including whether he knew the black notebooks he stashed contained classified info & whether he was authorized to keep classified info after his vice presidency

Federal judge affirms MyPillow’s Mike Lindell must pay $5M in election data dispute.

Sarah Palin on Tuesday seemingly hinted that she would like to be former President Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024. Trump’s base wants war. We need the ticket to be two men who could kill with their bare hands. No pixie-haired kewpie dolls need apply.

Non-citizen Chinese immigrant is sworn in on San Francisco’s Election Commission.

Judge Arthur Engoron DENIES Trump’s move to stall enforcement of $355 million fraud trial fine after AG Letitia James threatened to seize his buildings if he doesn’t pay.

An expert Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis retained to help prosecute former President Trump donated $4,300 to her campaign for public office, records show.

Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens is re-arrested as prosecutors fight to keep him behind bars. Some are pointing out it looks like Cabal may have had this guy lie, and make a false claim about Biden taking a bribe, as a way of trying to make all of the cases against Biden look suspect.

Jeffrey Epstein used victim’s cancer-stricken mom as leverage to keep abusing her: suit. More or less what it sounds like. He offered to get the mom treatment for her cancer and used the threat of revoking it to make her recruit more girls for his operation, and keep servicing him.

I would never vote for him as I assume he is compromised by Cabal, like Teddy, but they give him great lines in the script. Trump should definitely do the monument things:

Joe Biden oversees 7.2 million illegal aliens at southern border, equivalent to 2 years of U.S. births.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) says New Yorkers “need a break” from illegal immigration as her administration opens welfare to border crossers and illegal aliens arriving in the sanctuary state.

A day after Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell announced that a suspect in two Arizona stabbing investigations won’t be extradited in a New York murder case, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg held his own news conference to call out the decision as “political grandstanding.”

Michigan is asking residents to help house migrants in their homes and help resettle them into society as the crisis at the southern border continues.

Chicago residents speak out against migrants welcomed by city: ‘Junking up our country.’

Two migrants, recently arrested at different locations for allegedly committing completely different crimes, told Chicago police officers they have turned to lives of crime because they want to be sent back to Venezuela, according to their CPD arrest reports. The Cabal assets are sitting tight. Probably means when we hear migrants are getting $10,000, non-Cabal migrants who try to get that will get the run-around.

The number of Chinese nationals entering the United States illegally has surged in the San Diego sector 500 percent so far this year compared to the same period a year ago.

A Colorado town voted 7-0 to affirm its status as a non-sanctuary city amid growing fears that migrants could soon flood the area from nearby Denver.

A bridge under construction in the Darien Gap will soon provide an ‘easier and less dangerous’ path to the United States.

Venezuela stops accepting flights of deported illegal immigrants from Biden admin.

Washington State follows New York, California, and New Jersey in expanding “sensitive locations” as a way to infringe on Second Amendment rights.

Some of the same news outlets warning about ‘disinformation’ are taking millions to print Chinese propaganda.

Vice to stop publishing on website, lay off hundreds.

Vice News’ top editor tells staff he doesn’t know if flagship website will shutter.

BuzzFeed sells Complex to NTWRK for $108.6 million, announces layoffs.

AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon users hit by massive cellular outage in US.

Two outbursts from the sun occurred as widespread cellphone outages were reported throughout the United States on Thursday (Feb. 22).

AT&T says the outage to its US cellphone network was not caused by a cyberattack.

The nation’s First Responder Network went down as well causing chaos in major cities.

Pharmacies across the country are reporting delays to prescription orders due to a cyberattack against one of the nation’s largest healthcare technology companies.

A trove of leaked documents from a Chinese state-linked hacking group shows that Beijing’s intelligence and military groups are attempting large-scale, systematic cyber intrusions against foreign governments, companies and infrastructure — with hackers of one company claiming to be able to target users of Microsoft, Apple and Google.

Robert Pickton: ‘One of Canada’s most notorious serial killers’ now eligible for day parole. This was the guy who was feeding the women he killed to his pigs.

Boys reportedly sent home with condoms, wooden phalluses, and gay pornography from Canadian school.

In New Zealand, healthcare workers who gave the vax to patients are freaking out after finding a document online had their names open to the public. If the vax was so great, why are they acting so guilty?

Neanderthals used glue to make stone tools 40,000 years ago, a new study suggests “Earliest evidence of a multi-component adhesive in Europe.”

Putin reacts to Biden’s insult, calling Putin a “crazy son of a b*tch.”“When you asked me our preference for the next US president, I said we would work with any, but for us, for Russia, Biden was better,” Putin replied. “Judging by what he said, I was absolutely right.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the West will never disclose the truth about its criminal biological experiments as he slammed its impunity which violates many international agreements, including conventions on human rights and biological and chemical safety.

Ukrainian troops killed wounded foreign mercenaries who were unable to leave Avdeyevka on their own, Igor Kimakovsky, advisor to the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, told TASS.

Moscow’s forces have liberated the settlement of Pobeda near the capital of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

Putin: Moving to Russia should be simplified for anyone embracing traditional values. The one thing holding back the most traditional Americans from coming would be leaving their guns behind in America. If Russia allowed Americans to bring their guns, I think there would be a flood of conservatives. Although even with the gun thing, I think a lot of smart Americans would go if the reality gets revealed, and not changed. Right now, at this moment, I do not think it is safe to raise a child in America. God forbid they be both smart and moral. Immediately they will be flagged by the local school/student-monitoring intelligence unit, in essence by the actual fucking CIA. Flagged for personal destruction, using a Stasi-sized domestic secret police, complete with kid spies imbedded in their classes, and with space-aged thru-wall radiation devices the organization will deploy on them from houses nearby. And that is not speculation or extrapolation. It is 100 percent truth I have observed with my own eyes.

Yale University to reinstate standardized test requirement for admissions.

Legislation that would create a state council to set standards for books that could be banned from public school libraries as obscene cleared a Georgia Senate committee late Wednesday.

New York judge just says ‘no’ to pee tests for concealed carry applicants.

Judge blocks California from suing makers of ‘abnormally dangerous’ guns.

Lara Trump vows largest-ever legal ‘ballot harvesting’ operation if elected RNC co-chair.

Nevada 2024 poll: Trump 46%, Biden 40%.

Spread r/K Theory, because people will go to war for their kids

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 23, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

News Briefs – 2/22/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


The House Intelligence Committee opened an investigation into “allegations of improper suppression” of information related to “Havana Syndrome.” Something is going on there. I will bet they are getting hit, and that is why they are now pushing this. I have zero doubt I have been hit with a few different types of toys, and whatever the organization doing it, it at least has control over the government, and that means CIA will know all about it. Which makes their coverup of Havana look like it was probably CIA or some agency CIA is willing to cover for (even as they hit CIA officers, interestingly enough) those doing it, and they are now trying to cover it up from Congress. And if I am getting hit, and FBI Agents are being hit, and Ron Fucking Johnson got hit, I would bet some others in Congress, and the Supreme Court are getting hit too. There may be quite a pushback coming from official channels soon, or powerful people who are pissed off at their physical degradation in this manner, and the best pushback on this is exposure. And once exposed, I would not expect a responsive government for those involved. The worm is turning on this, I can feel it.

Judge overseeing Trump’s Georgia case donated to Fani Willis campaign prior to appointment.

Board of ethics to take up ethics complaints targeting Fani Willis.

New York judge Merchan in upcoming NY Trump criminal case is rabid leftist who donated to “stop the Republicans” and “Biden for President” — sent Trump’s 75-yr-old former CFO to prison.

Residents of Mercer County, New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against their Election Officials for voter disenfranchisement after many Dominion Voting Systems had many “errors” that caused tabulators to stop working in both the 2022 & 2023 elections.

Georgia 2020 Lawsuit: New lawsuit in the Superior Court v Ware Co BOE. They’ll be compelled to explain 100 (nearly 1% of total votes) fake duplicate ballot images scanned 5 days after certification. Voting machine records also show votes flipped from Trump to Biden.

Rolling Stone tries to sell us on Trump 2024 – Every awful thing Trump has promised to do in a second term.

US appeals court to decide if Pennsylvania mail-in ballots with wrong date still count.

Dominion Voting Systems is entitled to review personal communications and text messages of Newsmax Media journalists in its defamation suit against the conservative media company, a Delaware judge ruled last week.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan in an interview Wednesday with the Washington Post bashed former President Donald Trump and “Trump populism,” lamenting that it was now the “establishment.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s political advocacy group plans to invest $20 million this year to shape the conservative agenda, an effort to directly counter what Pence had previously described as populism “unmoored to conservative principles.”

Florida Congresswoman says she ‘absolutely believes’ UFOs are ‘not of human origin’ – after private briefings by military. Not much, she and three other Congressmen got the run around at a military base where they went to meet whistleblowers, and CIA insisted on sitting in on the meetings, so CIA wants to cover this up. She maintains there is non-human-origin technologies out there.

Maybe. It is interesting from my perspective in that you have the account of James Tilley Matthews, which mixes an allegation there were neighborhood-by- neighborhood surveillance units assigned to monitor everything going on in Britain in the year 1800, (which I would assume was absolutely the case since it appears such is a normal feature of western “government,” whatever that word means), with the assertion those units had technologies far beyond what was available to his society as state of the art, and they used them to conduct through-wall harassment/assaults on political dissidents, which is just so happens is a common feature today. So in 1800, you had criminal surveillance ops assaulting people with high technologies beyond what society had access to, and today you have the same, only now we find out there are other high technologies our societies do not have access to. Could be aliens/interdimensionals are behind the UAPs. Or the surveillance could be assets/agents of a splinter society of humans with high tech. I do think at least the saucer-shaped UAPs are somehow associated, directly, or through similar interests, with the surveillance.

I do not see “extraordinary” when I see the surveillance, nor do I think they are good enough actors to fake the banality of their type, so I assume they are members of our society turned to work for something else which has extraordinary tech. Which fits with logical extrapolation. I think for anyone extraordinary, the choice Cabal would offer would be to denigrate themselves with treason, to subvert a natural order which they would dominate anyway, in return for artificial domination offered by Cabal, probably to an attenuated degree compared to what they could have attained on their own. The alternative would be to reject Cabal, facilitate the free society, and dominate it naturally, probably to a greater degree than Cabal would provide. Clearly the extraordinary would not be prone to recruitment, as they would just be dishonoring themselves to help the others lower their overall status. For the less than extraordinary, the choice is more logical. Subvert a free system which would naturally thwart them in return for Cabal’s artificial elevation to a position higher than they could attain on merit, or allow freedom by rejecting Cabal’s entreaties, and be naturally relegated to a far lower strata than Cabal can offer. From what I see, the surveillance are the average, and in some cases sub-average of society, who took the deal, which makes sense. I do not think surveillance are actually members of whatever is granting them their advantages. I think they are members of our world, turned against us for this thing. When revealed, I expect they will be seen as traitors by all.

Legislature passes bill to release Jeffrey Epstein grand jury evidence.

Texas AG Ken Paxton suing to shut down nonprofit he alleges is facilitating illegal immigration.

Cesar Flavio Lanuza, the man accused of stealing a Maryland Highway Administration tow truck and leading police on a wild chase, is in the U.S. illegally, FOX 5 has confirmed.

An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, sheriff’s office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s death, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming his limited English-speaking skills make him disabled. So all your illegals will be classified as disabled and get special benefits and exemptions from the law. This is a war, between us and the conspiracy, and every single person in it, from Peter Strzok to the grandma following you through the grocery store is to real Americans, as the Nazi Gestapo was to the Jews in 1940’s Germany. The sooner we can get the whole country to see it as an open war between sworn enemies, the sooner we will be rid of this plague that is destroying our nation, and we can once again be a team, united against outsiders.

Nearly 2M NYC residents live in poverty, including 1 in 4 children: report.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams vows to cut funding to migrants amid record-low approval.

Massachusetts spending $64 a day to feed each migrant, on track to spend $1 billion by 2025. Even if they were just corrupt politicians, they would view that as money they could be pilfering, and they would stop the migrants, so they could enrich themselves.

Democratic states earmarked over $500 million in COVID-19 aid to help illegal immigrants.

Under Joe Biden, the number of illegals who have entered the U.S. is greater than the population of 36 states.

Business Insider – Americans aren’t having enough kids. Immigration may be the answer. Increasingly I just see immigration as a tool of the global conspiracy to infiltrate foreign assets who will operate against the population. I suspect if you went back through the genealogy of the American Stasi, ie American domestic surveillance, you would find ancestors among almost all, who were brought here by the conspiracy from somewhere overseas.

SHOCK REPORT:  911 call reveals OVER 100 MIGRANTS attacking security officers at Chicago Home Depot… MEDIA SILENT…

17 year old Ashland County student’s cause of death revealed after collapse during homecoming – Myocarditis. Which means the heart inflammation is ongoing. This was an extreme case, but there will be millions who are well on their way to heart failure in seven years or so, and they have no idea right now. And this was done purposefully.

New Form of blood clots found in 50% of the dead, coroner survey reveals. I want to get on board with this, and pull out the megaphone and be like “WhoHoo! We got ’em, boys!” But this just feels off. And I think there are clots. I just don’t know about these white things.

I would not have even believed the videos on these, as first, how are people getting blood flow enough to the brain with that thing in their carotid artery, which itself thins out to arterioles and then capillaries, making blockage more likely in the direction of the blood flow? If it almost fills the artery, it should quickly get pressed into the narrower arteriole by the blood flow in that direction, and block off the flow of blood completely. It would not just sit there. It would seem a bit like having a golf ball in a hose which gets narrower and narrower, and trying to pump water through it. The ball should move with the water until the hose is too narrow, and almost immediately block the hose somewhere. Are these fixed to the wall of the vein like a plaque? If so, how are you getting them to slide out like in the videos? If they slide out like in the videos, they should be sliding into the constricted arterioles and blocking them completely.

And then when stretched, they have the look of cellular organization, like a tissue or a tumor in the shape of a clot. Some are saying that they are accumulated proteins which have developed some kind of crosslinked bonds, though nobody says how that was determined, but they look too structurally formidable to me, to just be agglomerated proteins. It has the latex quality that were it not latex, it would be tissue, made up of cells on a more formidable structural scaffolding designed to be resilient and tough, like the rest of the body. I also find it strange, and questionable for this reason. I have still not seen a single photomicrograph, which is weird, as anybody in the field, that is the first thing you would want to do, and the equipment is everywhere. You look at those things, and anybody schooled, instantly wonders, what does it look like down there? Are there cells? One phenotype, or many? Scaffolding? Structure? Fibers? Organization? Disorganization? Layers? is it a biofilm? Are there bacteria or fungi hiding from the immune system in there? Are there immune cells? Is there nothing, like a gob of latex? Get a thin slice off a microtome fixed and stained, and see what you are looking at structurally down there. It will not look like a sheet of plastic, whatever it is. I will reveal something. It is about all you can do right off the bat, and these people should have access to a microscopy lab, and at least somebody should have looked, and found something mind-blowing, and be blowing it up right now, showing the pictures. Plus the image would be attention grabbing, as well as informative. What does it look like down there? But all I see are cavemen, holding rubber fibers, and saying “Grug find rubber in veins, must be from Cabal poison. Look, it stretches! Too bad we won’t know anything other than it is made of egg protein….” It is very strange. Almost like the fact nobody ran the vax through a sequencer to make sure the only nucleic acid sequence was the spike protein. Two years later somebody does it and says there is an SV40 sequence for a cancer virus, which has no reason to be there, and there is all this junk microbial DNA from the amplification. And I would bet some of the doses had more. Well, that might have been useful when everyone was trying to figure out whether to take the vax or not a couple of years ago, when I was saying somebody should do it, since if the vax was a malicious op, there would be other sequences in there.

It is like they are all actors with English literature degrees pretending to be trained medical/scientific personnel, who have no idea of all the tools at their disposal, and none of the understanding of the biochemistry or cell biology, going down to the molecular level, to look at something like that, see multiple possibilities for its formation in their mind, and then have the curiosity to actually take a step or two in order to figure out what it is and where it came from. I look at it, and not knowing kills me. but for them it is “Grug find magic rubber like egg white! Must be agglomerated protein like egg!” And I should add, I could easily recreate these videos, just by injecting the right type of white latex, or even silicone, into veins, and these kind of look like that to me. Right now I could show you similar “clots” in red and blue rubber, in fetal pigs, as many of the fetal pigs sold for dissection get their circulatory systems drained, and their arteries filled with red liquid rubber and their veins filled with blue rubber, to make the dissections more interesting. And pulling out those latex “clots” from those fetal pigs would look a lot like this. I don’t know, I just feel like these people are playing us, even though I cannot possibly show you anything which points to these white clots being anything but a legit medical calamity.

That said, if these are real, and maybe the vax was designed with extra mRNA to produce the binding proteins to produce them even, I do not know, then you should know for all these dramatic ones, there will be millions more, nearly invisible. They will be blocking the capillary beds to things like the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart muscles, the pancreas, all starving those organs of oxygen and nutrients, setting off massive tissue death which is only hidden by just how much reserve capacity is built into our organ systems. As that reserve capacity is exhausted over the coming years, those will produce twenty times the deaths of these impressive looking cases – If this is real, and not an intel community psyop.

President Biden stumbles — twice —boarding Air Force One despite using short stairs to avoid tripping.

A total of $1.2 billion in federal student loan debt will be automatically discharged for 153,000 borrowers enrolled in President Joe Biden’s “most generous ever” repayment plan, the U.S. Department of Education said on Wednesday.

Biden says ‘MAGA Republicans’ and the Supreme Court couldn’t ‘stop me’ cancelling $138 billion in student debt and insists he isn’t worried forgiveness program will get blocked by the courts during California campaign swing.

Michigan wanted homeschool registry so they could conduct warrantless home entries to inspect the home-schooling facilities.

A NY bill takes away parental rights, having the state take over handling the child’s medical care behind the parents’ back, even allowing the state to enroll any minor child in Medicare separate from their parent’s health insurance, so they can be transitioned, without their parents being told or having any insight into what is going on. And there is no lower age limit.

Democrats in Illinois introduced HB 4876. The bill would classify parents as child abusers if they don’t get their kids “gender affirming care” aka puberty blockers and s*x change surgery. They will use this to take kids away from their parents to transition them.

NYC subway crime shot up nearly 20% this year, driven by jumps in assaults, robberies, more.

Arizona won’t extradite murder suspect to NY, citing DA Bragg’s lenient handling of violent cases.

College reinstates biology professor who was fired after teaching sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes.

11 months after Nashville Christian school attack, Police are still hiding the transgender shooter’s manifesto.

President Biden has given first dog Commander to relatives, the White House said Wednesday following revelations of more brutal attacks on Secret Service employees — including a case in which White House tours were suspended to mop up blood from the floor of the East Wing and another attack where an agent suffered a “severe deep open wound” at Biden’s Delaware vacation home. In my experience, it is very tough to screw up the nature of a German Shepherd Dog, especially a family GSD who doesn’t work and isn’t trained to attack. That dog must be getting abused somehow.

Biden’s dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show.

ChatGPT suffers AI meltdown, answers queries with gibberish, disturbing responses.

OKeefe video – IRS official Alex Mena who works in “Criminal Investigations” says IRS ‘has no problem going after the small people, putting people in prison, and destroying people’s lives,’ ‘doubts the constitutionality’ of his employer, the IRS, using AI to access everybody’s bank accounts nationwide.

TV drug ads are not about selling more pharmaceuticals, they’re about big pharma buying off the media.

A paper proposes a passive Doppler radar as a non-contact sensing method to capture human body movements, recognize respiration, and physical activities in e-Health applications using existing in-home wireless signals as the source to interpret human activity.

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a decision critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state.

Google Gemini is accused of being racist towards white people: Users claim the AI bot refuses to create images of Caucasian people – after asking for photos of Popes, Vikings, and country music fans. Ask for an image of the Founding Fathers, and you will be surprised to find out the nation was created by a bunch of Chinese and Pakistanis in Revolutionary War outfits. Somebody asked for a picture of a ginger, and got back a picture of a black woman who had died her hair red, complete with black roots.

Reducing zinc may help in some types of hearing loss. Might be worse if you are doing ZMA or supplementing zinc for weightlifting. I seem to recall too much zinc may also have had a role in dementia.

Hackers can extract your fingerprints from the sound of swiping touchscreen.

The Justice Department unsealed new charges against a leader of the Japanese Yakuza gang who they accuse of attempting to traffic weapons-grade nuclear materials from Burma to other countries, according to a superseding indictment.

Israel’s minister of Diaspora affairs, Amichai Chikli, called out U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Wednesday for “rushing to embrace a Holocaust-denying antisemite” by meeting with Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, or Lula.

China has begun reviving its volunteer armies in a significant effort to bolster its military capabilities as World War 3 fears grow.

Canada’s Trudeau believes there is a “deliberate undermining of mainstream media” by “conspiracy theorists.”

Bipartisan Group of US Senators flies to Hungary to bully Orban into approving NATO expansion and Hungarian politicians refuse to meet with them. No time to waste on Congressional cucks.

Jeffries: Trump is leading ‘growing pro-Putin faction in the GOP.

Tucker Carlson once again leaped to the defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin and claimed that anyone who thinks the brutal strongman was responsible for the untimely death of his main political opponent Alexie Navalny ‘are idiots.’ “Navalny’s death during the Munich Security Conference, in the midst of disputes about aid to Ukraine, is definitely not beneficial for Russia. People who say Putin killed him are idiots.”

Ukrainians deceived Turkish sponsors by inventing a fake Turkic battalion as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Zelensky just received approval from his parliament to extend Martial Law another 90 days, effectively cancelling Ukraine’s presidential elections indefinitely.

Ukraine outnumbered, outgunned, ground down by relentless Russia.

Russian blitz forces NATO troops to “secretly join” Ukraine’s fight; disguised as “mercenaries.”

Russia captured up to 1,000 Ukrainian POWs in Avdeevka.

Bullet-riddled body found in Spain was Russian defector, Ukraine says. Even here, if Russia did this, they were the good guys. This defector flew his helicopter, with two fellow Russian servicemen buddies in the crew in it, to Ukraine to hand it over to them. The other two military buddies of this guy, who had no idea, were shot and killed on the spot, so he could claim his $500,000. That type of disloyalty and selfishness crosses national boundaries, and if they killed him, the Russians made the world a better place.

Desperate for soldiers, Ukraine weighs unpopular plan to expand the draft.

Poll: Only 20% of Ukrainians support Zelensky – Many Ukrainians now feel that #NATO has pushed them into war .”

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission concluded its investigation into Rumble Inc. and said it will not recommend any actions against the video-sharing website.

A New York appeals court upheld a prior ruling that struck down a New York City law giving local voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals.

President Trump to hold a rally in the South Bronx as well as at Madison Square Garden as New York is in play.

Spread r/K Theory, because disloyalty is disloyalty, whether among friends or enemies

Jam Master Jay, the DJ of the groundbreaking hip hop group Run-DMC, was fatally shot in 2002 in a case that was unsolved for nearly two decades. As a trial for his killing came to a close, his double life involving drugs that ran alongside his musical career was revealed.

After three miscarriages, Alabama resident Gabrielle Goidel and her husband decided to start the process of IVF. But with the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that frozen embyros are children, her future plans are now uncertain.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas speaks with Christiane Amanpour about the GOP-led House vote to impeach him over his handling of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border.

Atlanta Courthouse Shootings Fast Facts

View CNN's Fast Facts about Brian Nichols and the Atlanta courthouse shootings of March 2005.

CNN's Pete Muntean breaks down the scary moment in the skies.

Daytona 500 Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about the Daytona 500, the first race of the racing season for NASCAR.

Alan Greenspan Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about Alan Greenspan and learn more about the former Federal Reserve Chairman.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is apologizing for remarks she made about the Israel-Hamas war. Polo Sandoval reports from New York.

Justin Bieber Fast Facts

Do you have "Bieber Fever?" Read CNN's Fast Facts about Grammy Award-winning singer Justin Bieber.

1965 Selma to Montgomery March Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march in Alabama, a pivotal event in the civil rights movement

CNN's Jake Tapper travels to Los Angeles to speak with Mayor Karen Bass on her efforts to build and provide housing for homeless people.

Two police officers and a firefighter were fatally shot and another officer was injured after responding to a domestic incident early Sunday morning in Burnsville, Minnesota, according to local authorities. CNN's Camila Bernal reports on the details, including the names of the three individuals who were killed.

Polk County Sheriff Byron Lyons announced that the body of Audrii Cunningham, an 11-year-old girl who disappeared while on her way to school in Texas, was found in the Trinity River. Polk County District Attorney Shelly Sitton said they are in the process of preparing arrest warrants for Don Steven McDougal, adding they believe a capital murder charge will be appropriate. CNN has attempted to find attorney information for McDougal and has also reached out to his family for comment. CNN's Rosa Flores reports with more.

Alabama's Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children, and would be protected under the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. Barbara Collura, president and CEO of RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, joins CNN to discuss the unprecedented ruling.

Joe Walsh and Fred Guttenberg speak with CNN's Jake Tapper

The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens' dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrest that Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden. CNN's Evan Perez has the story.

Reparations into his own hands: As the two remaining survivors of the 1921 Tulsa race massacre await their day in court, philanthropist Ed Mitzen, who gifted $3 million to their families, reflects on why the wealthy White community needs to "step up."

In the next 10 years, space will hold more than three times the amount of trash than what it currently has had in the last 70 years. CNN's Bill Weir talks to NOAA and researchers who are looking for solutions to solve the space junk problem.

A person in police custody on unrelated charges is suspected of involvement in the case of 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham who went missing in Livingston, Texas, according to local authorities. CNN Rosa Flores reports from the area where police are searching.

State Rep. Justin Jones speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip on witnessing neo-Nazis appearing in Nashville after he left a Black history event.

A stolen tow truck wreaked havoc on the rush hour traffic in Maryland on Friday, leading to a wild car pursuit by the state police that lasted for over an hour.

After being ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars by a New York judge, former U.S. President Donald Trump is ranting against the U.S. legal system. CNN's Senior Political Analyst Ron Brownstein says Trump's behavior mirrors autocratic leaders.

"Black farmers are an endangered species," says 5th generation Black farmer, P.J. Haynie. He and his family have continued to fight racism through the generations, and now, they're making farming history.

CNN's Jake Tapper spoke with Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass

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News Briefs – 02/21/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Argentina Sees Poverty Reach Record High

DFT – Bundesbank Says Germany Already Likely In Recession

DFT – January New Car Sales Up 12% Year Over Year In Europe

DFT – Holiday Inn Parent IHG To Give Back $1 Billion To Shareholders

DFT – UK To See Wage Growth Fall

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

A cop shot a guy, ostensibly because an acorn fell and hit his car, but Lookoutfa Charlie says he adjusted levels on the recording, and the cop had a double tap of gunshots beamed into his head with Voice of God tech, making him think he was under fire:

I wish he would explain quick what he did to the sound file to get that so it could be replicated. Just give a quick rundown, load the file into Audacity, go to mixer, and do “X.” If that is a real extrapolation of that audio file, that was surveillance trying to get that cop to kill the guy in the car. They do have the tech for that, and could even have “hit” his vest with the tapping tech, which is why he thought he was impacted by a round.

E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer says they’re looking to sue Trump a 3rd time.

Why is the FBI able to ban you from renting a car, just at the whim of some agent, with no recourse or oversight? Can they prevent you from buying train tickets? Food? Housing? Lauren Witzke was a US Senate candidate:

Nevada’s Democrat Secretary of State claims ‘glitch’ caused unmailed Nevada ballots to show up as counted in recent primary.

Tucker Carlson says US intelligence was following him around in the run-up to the Putin interview and trying to intervene to disrupt it.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) watchdog sues California county for refusing to disclose foreign nationals registered to vote.

Judge Engoron accused of banging secretary of opposing counsel in previous case.

Haley says she won’t drop out, regardless of South Carolina primary result.

NY AG says she may seize Trump assets if he doesn’t pay $355 million fine.

WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange’s hearing at the High Court of Justice in London today could be his last attempt to stop extradition to the United States for publishing hundreds of thousands of classified documents.

One of the two High Court judges who will rule on Julian Assange’s bid to stop his extradition to the US represented the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Ministry of Defense, Declassified has found. Did you think if you had gone to all the right schools and studied hard to get all “A’s” you could have been one of those judges, anon? Or are those positions reserved for the controlled?

A Secret Service agent has now been assigned to monitor Biden’s cling onto Air Force One to ensure he doesn’t fall , The New York Times reported.

Swiss billionaire’s nonprofit sent $35 million to dark money group propping up dems.

A plan by President Joe Biden, called an “extortion attempt,” would shield more criminal illegal aliens from deportation as data shows his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has drastically cut interior immigration enforcement.

Noem deploying troops from South Dakota to border ‘warzone.’

Illegal immigrants in New York City assaulted a number of police officers again on Tuesday after refusing to comply with orders at a taxpayer funded shelter.

Massachusetts, struggles to pay for the migrants, with 17 contracts totaling $116 million to house migrant families through June, including a no-bid $10 million contract for a company providing meals, while paying hotels $64 per person each day for meals, including $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch and $31 for dinner.

7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states.

People who got the Covid vaccine may fluoresce under UV light. Can’t tell what this means. It implies the vaxxed are making something long term which fluoresces under 365nm. Whether that was purposeful to mark them, accidental in that something like the spike protein in the vax just happens to light up, or if it is even important is unknown. But if true it would show they were full of shit about the vax being entirely transient in the system. Kind of ominous, since it could have been done so they can tell who is vaxxed and not, which would raise the question as to what they are up to long term. And it would point to increased sophistication which you do not like to see in an enemy.

New York moves to begin vaccinating children without parental consent.

Red Cross tacitly concedes concern that blood of COVID vax-injected is tainted.

California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73 billion.

70% of largest U.S. cities lack funds to cover costs; pensions and healthcare are majority of debt.

Cardinal Dolan praises priest who presided at ‘trans’ funeral in New York cathedral“The New York archbishop said that Fr. Edward Dougherty ‘is a hero’ because ‘he stopped the (funeral) Mass,’ but when questioned that in reality the service was not stopped, Dolan said, ‘Then it went on without him,’ and he turned around and walked away.”

Universe’s brightest object reportedly discovered, featuring black hole the size of 17 billion suns.

An elderly English couple was shocked to receive a letter from their county’s council ordering them to sell their home to house migrants.

A British Trident nuclear missile misfired and crashed into the ocean near the submarine that launched it during a test last month, it has been reported – the second misfire in a row, after a failed launch in 2016.

Russia places Lindsey Graham on their “terrorists and extremists” list.

Tucker reveals Boris Johnson demanded $1M for an interview.

Dutch AI traffic cam ticket system falsely accuses, fines artificial intelligence expert of using phone while driving – report.

Finland promotes national security by building ranges and encouraging armed citizens.

Jobless migrants and foreign students cost UK taxpayers £36 billion since 2020: report.

Javier Milei delivers Argentina’s first budget surplus in over a decade.

Wikileaks reveals Alexei Navalny’s US funding as Washington exploits his death. And by US, they mean Globohomo. He would have done to Russia what Globohomo has done to us. When you look at pictures of that cocksucker know he was some variant of Mitt Romney, who was stopped in his tracks, before he could fuck over his nation, and who then keeled over, knowing he had failed and was dying.

Ukrainian developers have confirmed that their drones are now carrying out autonomous strikes on Russian forces without a human operator using AI software to overcome jamming which prevents operators from controlling the drones.

Twitter: Elon Musk announced tonight that the first human implanted with Neuralink’s brain chip has made a full recovery. The patient is able to control a mouse using only their thoughts. Incredible achievement!

Donald Trump says he’s considering RON DESANTIS, Vivek Ramaswamy, Kristi Noem and former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as potential VP picks. No, Bill Binney should be the one. Non-partisan, anti-government-over-reach, salt of the earth, and it would also call attention to the conspiracy. Plus Bill could probably get a good night’s sleep for once.

Hungary’s conservative PM Viktor Orban backs Trump, says he is ‘the name of peace.’

Trump leads Biden among Jewish voters in New York.

70% of New York voters say Biden not fit to serve another term: poll.

Trump holds large lead over Haley 4 days from South Carolina GOP presidential primary.

Spread r/K Theory, because you need good people to do good things

News Briefs – 02/20/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Argentina Sees Poverty Reach Record High

DFT – Bundesbank Says Germany Already Likely In Recession

DFT – January New Car Sales Up 12% Year Over Year In Europe

DFT – Holiday Inn Parent IHG To Give Back $1 Billion To Shareholders

DFT – UK To See Wage Growth Fall

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Legal Insurrection – DHS Media Literacy has nothing t do with literacy, and is a K-12 surveillance program with the goal of training teachers and student disinformation informers to identify and report on alleged “disinformation” and alleged “violent extremism.” Student informers? The most shocking thing which will come out about the American Stasi will be that there were adults, pulling kid informers/spies aside, and setting up whole chains of events, to derail specific students with promise. The idea an adult will conspire with other parents in the surveillance operations, to hold parties, and have “friends” of the target student invite them there, and other “friends” introduce them to weed, or alcohol, or some other drug, have girls sleep with them, all to undo decades that their parents invested in good parenting. I was thinking the other day, why even have public schools? You know it is a massive waste of money, compared to what a group of parents would put together with hired tutors and home schooling in a little local school cooperative, which could interview and hire tutors and teachers as needed. The public school creates the central node of control, allowing Cabal to subvert the administration, decide who the teachers will be, decide what students are in what classes, with what teachers. All controlled by the American Stasi agents in the schools. And the American Stasi is the last entity you want controlling your kid’s schooling like that.

Robert L Kinney III at American Thinker is talking about the dangers of directed energy weapons in the hands of covert despots. He knows. You never know how many people out there are getting hit. I will bet you have fifty to a hundred members of Congress right now getting hit each night.

He pointed to this article noting the fact the US government has had a prototype made, and then disappeared it from its online records.

Hillary claims “Dictator” Trump will “militarize” Police, use the Army to “round up people.”

Former President Donald Trump must pay nearly half a billion dollars as a bond to New York State before he can appeal the ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron last week that he must pay $354 million in fines — over $450 million, with interest — for fraud.

Shark Tanks’ O’Leary: After Trump fraud ruling, I would never invest in ‘Mega Loser’ New York.

A massive piece by the New York Post, but these four paragraphs basically sum up the whole thing:

Earlier this month, The Post broke the story that Mayor Adams is giving out pre-paid cash cards to migrants….

One misperception is that the program allows the city to give out just $50 million to migrants….

This debit-card program — if you read the actual contract — has the potential to become an open-ended, multi-billion-dollar Bermuda Triangle of disappearing, untraceable cash, used for any purpose.

It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control.

Mayor Adams to cut 6,000 Police to fund illegal immigration.

Dozens of Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town of Jacumba and say they’re here to ‘take the money’ along with others from Syria and Turkey.

President Biden’s younger brother James said the future president was sitting right next to him during a business call about a now-bankrupt hospital business James allegedly fleeced, according to a new report — mirroring first son Hunter Biden’s infamous assertion to a Chinese businessman in July 2017 that he was “sitting here with my father” in a shakedown text message.

Jim Biden used his brother’s name and White House connections as he backed for rural health care provider – and landed jobs for three Biden family members – now accused in $100million Medicare fraud case, insiders reveal.

Anti-Trumpburnout: The resistance says it’s exhausted – “Some folks are burned out on outrage.”

Lincoln pardoned Biden ancestor. Interesting. Biden’s great great grandfather got drunk, started a fight, and then tried to stab a guy, was arrested, found guilty of most charges, and all sorts of people, apparently with juice, came out of the woodwork to petition Lincoln to pardon him, which he did. I just get the impression none of us would ever even get Lincoln’s attention, let alone a pardon.

Jonathan Turley – Democrats weaponized justice system to punish Trump in business case where not one dollar was lost by anyone and the “victims” wanted to get more business from Trump and are now being prevented from doing so by the judge.

Tulsi Gabbard met with Trump, says she’s open to having discussion about being VP. No. Never, ever trust anyone who has been in politics while Cabal ruled the scene. Especially somebody portrayed as a moderate. We need somebody who can not only kill someone with their bare hands, we need someone who wants to kill with their bare hands.

Congressional panel votes to give Nikki Haley full Secret Service protection —- votes to deny RFK Jr. protection.

Nikki Haley announces speech on ‘The State of the Race,’ fueling rumors of a potential exit.

RFK Jr – 

I suspect that the White House decision to deny me Secret Service protection — and many other more important decisions — are being made, not by the President himself, but by the anonymous men in lanyards who now seem to be running our government.

On Twitter:

This is still happening nationwide

Ghost donor bots

People’s identities donating THOUSANDS of times to candidates without their knowledge

This is how dark money uniparty groups launder cash to their puppets

The DOJ does nothing

The FBI does nothing

Because they’re in on it

Biden calls Pete Buttigieg ”Secretary BootyJuice.’‘ Sounds like it just came out that way, and was not a pet name, though with this group, you never know.

reet Apes –

WOW ? I Think We Just Figured Out How New York Is Planning On Paying For All Their Illegal Immigrants

This man got his new tax assessments & costs are increasing on ALL businesses & properties, some up 75% from previous year!!

The Democrat-controlled state of New York has been quietly handing out cash payments to thousands of migrants under a backdoor rule change qualifying non-citizens for welfare. They would not do this if they were elected, and had no loyalty except to New Yorkers. This is Cabal paying salaries to its assets.

Pew Research Center poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about the U.S. government’s handling of illegal immigration.

‘Asylum-seekers’ from Syria kitted out in 5.11 tactical gear.

CBP sources tell FOX 20,000+ Chinese have been encountered just since October 1st.

Boston families furious as city kicks Black children out of community center to house Biden’s migrants.

New bill would give states the right to sue federal government over illegal alien invasion.

A new survey of historians ranks Donald Trump the worst president in U.S. history. “The survey was conducted online among more than 500 members of the American Political Science Association, an organization of professionals in the field.” That they even think something like this will do anything but destroy their group’s credibility speaks to how Cabal has degenerated from a grand conspiracy to a self-deluded group of theater kids.

A new study discovered possible links between the COVID-19 pandemic and possible neurological, blood and heart-related conditions.

Embalmer shares shocking video of removing “strange white fibrous clots” from a dead body — “I didn’t start seeing this until early 2021.” Very strange, as that looks almost like a growth of cells forming into a quasi-tumor in the shape of some kind of tissue lining the blood vessels. It does not look like a mere “clot.”

Girls high-school basketball team forfeits after trans player injures 3 players in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts school board members ask for National Guard to be deployed to contain repeated fights at local high school.

The far-right social media network Gab now hosts a Hitler chatbot, sparking fears over AI’s ability for online radicalisation.

Yemen’s Houthis have just released footage showing the downing of a second U.S. MQ-9 Reaper Drone as the Red Sea Crisis escalates.

The High Court in London Tuesday will begin hearing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s final UK appeal against extradition to the United States to face trial over publishing secret military and diplomatic files.

Biden proposes anti-Israel temporary ‘ceasefire’ resolution at United Nations Security Council.

Germany announces a ‘pre-crime’ police unit to target the ‘far-right,’

Germany considers criminalizing protest, prayer, pro-life services near abortion clinics.

In Navalny’s last letters, the Russian dissident called Trump’s agenda for a second term ‘really scary.’ Fascinating. Was he inducted into the Secret Society cult, prior to being inserted into Russian politics? I just assumed he was bought off by MI6 and the CIA, and his motivation was expediency and money. Was he an actual cult member? Is that why Brennan was in love with him?

Post-war reconstruction and recovery in Ukraine is projected to cost $486 billion over the next decade, up from $411 billion estimated a year ago, a UN-backed study published on Thursday has revealed. Unless Russia wins, in which case it will cost us nothing.

White House could turn to an ally to provide Kyiv with ATACM missiles capable of striking Russian-held Crimea if Republicans continue to hold up Ukraine aid package in the House.

Russia says it has crushed the last pocket of resistance in Avdiivka to complete the city’s capture.

South Carolina House returns Constitutional Carry bill to Senate.

Dem nightmare poll: Trump literally 100% more respected than Biden by likely voters, 2,000% more than Hillary.

Nate Silver sounds the alarm on Biden campaign: ‘He’s losing now and there’s no plan.’ It makes no sense. You have a foreign, non-state, elitist intel op, trying to take over the US. They are so panicked that have even hit a Senator with Havana Syndrome. But they are not actually trying to win the election, and will just let Biden fester, then rig the election for him, and let everyone know they are not electing their leaders? Is this s demoralization operation?

Spread r/K Theory, because sooner or later everything comes to an end

News Briefs – 02/19/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – UK To See Wage Growth Fall

DFT – AP Moller-Maersk Warns Red Sea Shipping Crisis May Last Into Latter Part Of Year

DFT – Korean Banks Poised To Endure $749 Million In Losses On Overseas Commercial Real Estate

DFT – Citi Predicts No Soft Landing, US In Recession In Middle Of 2024

DFT – JGBs Offer No Market Clues As Rates Remain Mostly Flat

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

The Hill reports, the new FISA package “focus[es] on more reforms at the FBI to address misuse of the powerful spy tool,” but the deal does not include requirements for a warrant, which is “deemed a red line for the intelligence community but nonetheless a top priority for privacy advocates in Congress.”

New York Governor tells businesses “They have nothing to fear,” the trump persecution was a unique case, and the state will not do the same thing to them.

A year after its censorship programs were exposed, the Global Engagement Center still insists the public has no right to know how it’s spending taxpayer money.

Microsoft, Google, Amazon and tech peers sign pact to combat election-related misinformation.

Border Patrol union head warns of spike in military-aged men from China crossing US border.

WHO chief’s dire warning: Disease X outbreak ‘a matter of when, not if’. What is the significance of “X” given it is what Elon named his social media platform, and his own child after? Does their use of it here signify anything about what they intend?

More young people are on multiple psychiatric drugs, study finds.

Biden regime told Amazon to CENSOR books critical of COVID jabs, government weaponization committee finds.

Record 5,363 NYPD cops injured on job in 2023 – with over 1,200 hurt in struggles with suspects in last 3 months.

California Democrats introduce bill that would force homeowners and renters to disclose number of firearms to insurance companies, government.

San Francisco’s Elections Commission has, for what is believed to be a first time in history, appointed a non-U.S. citizen, a Chinese national, who isn’t legally allowed to vote, to serve as an official.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral says it was duped into hosting a “sacrilegious” funeral for a transgender activist on Thursday, which left church brass outraged after she was eulogized as “St. Cecilia, mother of all whores.”

Incest is best? The Economist says copulating-cousins cool “in most cases.”

Gavin Newsom’s California: Public library in Antioch abruptly closes because of rampant crime, vandalism, people using drugs and having sexual intercourse inside the Library “in full view of patrons.”

China’s coast guard said on Sunday it will strengthen its law enforcement activities and carry out regular patrols around a small group of Taiwanese-controlled islands off the Chinese coast as tensions rise over the deaths of two Chinese nationals when their speedboat overturned as they fled the Taiwanese Coast Guard.

Imam recites Quran at Belgian parliament, calling for killing, kidnapping of Jews.

Australia to ban doxxing after pro-Palestinian activists publish information about hundreds of Jews.

Leftist Italian judge declares sending illegals back to Libya is a crime in blow to PM Meloni.

At least four police hurt in Hague riots after rival Eritrean mobs torched cars, trashed buildings and hurled bricks at cops – turning Dutch city into a war zone.

Berlin Film Festival invites, then disinvites AfD politicians.

Netherlands: Parliament approves “historic motion” to opt-out of EU asylum and migration policy in move hailed by Geert Wilders, leader of the PVV party, as a “historic motion.”

Polish farmers to block entire border with Ukraine as well as transport hubs, railway depots and seaports.

Denmark has pledged its “entire artillery” stocks to Ukraine, the country’s leader has said, as Kyiv issued renewed pleas for all-important military aid in the face of Russian gains in the east of the country. So now Putin will not only get Ukraine, he will also get Europe to demilitarize,  without even any sort of formal surrender treaty. It is another one of these female leaders in Europe who you get the impression graduated out of the Monarch/sex-slave program, and was installed in rigged elections as a prime minister because she was controllable.

The timing was so perfect to attack Putin’s reputation following his Tucker interview, and to try and force the GOP to approve the Ukraine funding bill, you have to wonder if it could have been Cabal. No way to know, but if it was, they may be able to create blood clots at some distance.

New thermal scope lets snipers see bullets in flight without tracers. Uses a cryocooler, and looks kind of bulky.

Spread r/K Theory, because you should be planning to own the night

Winners Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

This week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ reminds us that people are capable of stupid ANYWHERE The assignment this week was to caption the following picture: Here are the winning entries: 1) (Mary Gehman) – “Kinda makes you wish you were snow-blind…” (Retired military) – “What you see after hearing “here hold my beer”” 2) (RadiCalMan) – “Welcome to 2024! Where everything wrong, is right in your face!” (Rick Adams) – “*record scratch* “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here…”” 3) (ulley) – “We told him it would be all downhill if he carried on drinking” (vern bachman) –

News Briefs – 02/18/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – European Parliament Member Complains Of Skimpflation

DFT – Shell Predicts 50% Increase In Global LNG Demand

DFT – China’s First Domestically Produced Airliner Makes Debut

DFT – 2024 Has Been A Boon To Super Micro

DFT – Intel In Line For Over $10 Billion In Incentives From Chips Act

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Alexei Navalny died of ‘sudden death syndrome,’ authorities claim as devastated mom forbidden to see Putin critic’s body.

An interesting post on 4Chan which makes the case Putin would never have killed his political opposition, Navalny, now, as he is basking in the glow of the Tucker Carlson interview, and Americans are warming up to him as a reasonable leader. CIA/Cabal/Globohomo however is livid the public heard Putin’s side, and Putin looked like a calm, rational leader with a reasonable outlook on the world. CIA/Cabal/Globohomo would have been happy to kill Navalny, so they could then blame Putin, and make him look like a murderous dictator, who killed his political opposition, and detract from his good press of late. Clearly one side had a motive to want Navalny to die right now, and the other side had a motive to not want it. It raises the interesting question, of how Western intelligence would kill Navalny, while he was in a Russian penal colony. It almost makes you wonder if they have perhaps gotten The Beam on a satellite which passes over Russian territory. And whether Russia moved him to that remote colony because they uncovered a plot to kill him when he was in his previous facility. CIA is certainly the type of organization which would murder its own mother so it could blame an enemy for making it an orphan.

The speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament is accusing the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, and other groups of killing Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Worth keeping track of accounts such as this:

Flashback to 2010 – During a tearful speech, Glenn Beck announced that he “might go blind in the next year” due to a rare eye condition known as macular dystrophy, which causes blurry vision. Note, he appears to have not gone blind, and Havana Syndrome produces vision loss which has been characterized as blurry. That was 2010. I cannot find it, but I once linked to an application I found online from Beck, when he lived in Conneticut which was looking for a permit to construct a wall around his house. It noted that at all hours of the day and night, cars were driving around the three sides of his property, while blatantly looking at his house, and they were often pulling into the driveway, sometimes even to get out and take pictures of the house.

Beethoven suffered from gastrointestinal complaints (the tumults?), and hearing loss, which nobody was ever able to figure out the cause of. It is not impossible a feature of most human societies has been fearful leaders at the top, of middling ability, who desperately sought to control the rise of any naturals in society, who became famous and accrued a following. And to do that, they deploy in the shadows units of plebes whose entire mission in life is the suppression of the natural gazelles, who themselves cannot fathom anyone would devote their life to the banal suppression of others, rather than strive themselves.

New York Attorney General Letitia James said Donald Trump and his organization owe $463.9 million, including interest on top of the $355 million, as well as $88 million for the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit, all of which he has to put in escrow before he can appeal.

Truckers plan to stop shipments to NYC in response to political hack judge Engoron’s $238 million ruling against Trump and his sons.

Kevin O’Leary of the popular television show “Shark Tank” said the Trump Engoron verdict is “un-American” and if not reversed on appeal, could potentially lead to other real estate developers facing similar charges from political rivals.

Trump’s penalty could cause NY biz exodus to FL, as New York State becomes ‘legal banana republic’: experts.

CNBC interviewing Facebook parent Meta’s President of Global Affairs:

CNBC: How many people do you have working on [election misinformation]?

META: We have around 40,000 people working on integrity and safety..

[CNBC HOT MIC]: 40,000?? But they only have 67,000 employees…

META : We spend around $20 BILLION on this issue… we spent $5B last year ALONE on “Election Integrity”


Denver’s hospitals are at risk of COLLAPSE because of migrant crisis, with one health system providing $17M of unpaid care in just three months.

The chief medical officer for Customs and Border Protection (CBP), who was already under investigation for trying to procure narcotics, pressured his staff to order fentanyl lollipops for him to take to the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York in September, incase he needed to treat someone for pain.

A Houston college student sentenced for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 breach at the U.S. Capitol is one of the alleged victims of a FBI agent who was indicted for theft. Seems after the search of his house, his silver bars and cash walked off.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has a massive victory in his lawsuit against the Biden administration for colluding with social media companies to censor him, with a preliminary injunction against the White House and several federal agencies and a ruling by the judge that the government was “insinuating themselves into the social-media companies’ private affairs and blurring the line between public and private action.”

Progressive Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg downgraded staggering SIXTY PERCENT of felony cases to lesser charges last year – amid fury over criminals being repeatedly released to roam streets of Big Apple. I do not think he would do this himself. He was given orders. The question is, what is the benefit, and who is getting it, by making the nation unsafe and filled with crime?

Illegal aliens charged with attack on NYPD officers members of Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang.


Black professor needed armed security after releasing study showing possible anti-WHITE bias in Police shootings. The time will come when such conditions will be viewed as quaint, because the predominating conditions then will be when someone releases something contrary to the narrative, they will find they are not able to sleep in their house, without The Beam being used to assail them, and even lobotomize them in some fashion, by neighbors hiding inside their own homes. I think there will either be a massive quantity of bloodletting in the nation’s future, or there will be a massive quantity of despotic oppression. I do not see a path which does not entail one or the other, as technology progresses, the conspiracy persists, and all of it becomes mass-produced and mass-deployed.

End math requirements, says Washington Post opinion editor.

A provision in the 2021 “infrastructure” spending package, as it turns out, includes a provision that directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to come up with a kill switch to stop you from driving your car or truck if the government doesn’t want you to.

Arab Americans feel ‘a bone-deep sense of betrayal.’ and they want Joe Biden defeated in 2024.

Israel carried out covert attacks on two major gas pipelines inside Iran this week.

Andy Ngô:

Breaking: African migrants & immigrants from Eritrea in Charlotte, N.C. are rioting & attacking police. The riot coincides with Eritreans in the Netherlands also setting fires and assaulting police. Warring Eritrean factions have taken their violence to the countries they claim asylum in.

Police cars torched during rioting between rival groups of Eritreans in the Netherlands.

Ukrainians ordered to leave Avdeevka– Russians take strategic strongholds – Kiev leaves ‘low value’ troops (including women) to protect the retreat.

Trump kicks up his heels at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia and touts new $399 ‘Never Surrender’ gold High-Tops.

Unfortunately the Gold sneakers sold out, but the website has some other red and white sneakers, some cologne and perfume.

Spread r/K Theory, because better late than never

News Briefs – 02/17/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – German Growth Forecast Downgraded

DFT – Unemployment Hits Two-Year High In Australia

DFT – As Australian Nickel Producers Struggle The Government Offers Relief

DFT – Trump Hit With $354.9 Million Penalty In New York Loan Valuation Case

DFT – AstraZeneca’s Tagrisso-Chemotherapy Combo Approved For Advanced Lung Cancer

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Video shows mysterious ‘black glass’ sphere UFO floating in sky near airfield used by military contractor General Atomic in El Mirage, California.

Biden admin braces for possible Trump win, installs ‘roadblocks’ to stop him from reshaping government: Report.

Tucker does an hour on the intelligence agencies censoring online speech.

Did Fani Willis, 53, wear her dress BACKWARDS on the stand? Beleaguered DA is mercilessly mocked by eagle-eyed social media users for sporting zipper at the FRONT of her pink frock.

Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis reportedly campaigned in 2020 in not “engaging in sexual misconduct.”

The Biden Administration moves to give Nikki Haley Secret Service protection while continuing to deny RFK Jr the same protection.

Former immigration judge says he could not find evidence that a single person he ordered removed from our country HAD ACTUALLY BEEN REMOVED.

Eric Adams is confronted by furious Harlem residents over plans to move migrants into luxury building.

During an interview on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Denver Mayor Mike Johnston responded to a question on Denver residents who are frustrated that the city is cutting services due to budget shortfalls caused by the influx of migrants by stating that “The dilemma is when you have values on both sides and you have to manage those values. We have a value of being a welcoming, compassionate city.” That is a dude who is not worried about getting reelected because he knows there are no elections.

A five-time deported illegal alien is now accused of killing a 10-year-old boy walking home from school in Midland, Texas, in a hit-and-run crash.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) unveiled plans Friday to build a National Guard base camp near the Rio Grande that could house up to 1,800 troops in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Romney rules out voting for Trump, citing court’s sexual abuse finding in Carroll case.

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin announces he won’t run for president in 2024.

St. Louis Park district agrees to let Muslim families opt out of LGBT-affirming curriculum.

Antidepressants taken by 400,000 US pregnant women each year can damage a baby’s brain in the womb and increase their risk of mental health problems in the future.

A Richmond man legally prohibited from owning any weapons was arrested after a search of his home uncovered nearly a dozen military-style machine guns, 60 assault rifles and approximately 1 million rounds of ammunition, among other weapons and explosives.

Senate Democrats push bill that could prevent churches from having armed security.

A bill making its way through the California legislature could, if approved, pave the way for free college tuition for black students and other perceived marginalized communities. Very effective at creating fissures in society, and preventing a unified people from working together to oppose despotic rule.

San Francisco spends about $3 million per year on cash transfers and rent payments to 150 trans people.

Don Henley can be grilled about 16 year-old prostitute OD’ing at his LA home in 1980 by lawyers for men he claims stole lyrics from Eagles’ Hotel California album.

Reform UK, the rebranded Brexit Party, has scored its best ever by-election [Special election] results, sending a clear warning to the Conservatives ahead of the next general election. 

Ukraine is signing bilateral defence deals with France and Germany on Friday, cited as a “historic step” Olaf Scholz, and as creating a “NATO light” in the press. Not really bilateral or defense. More like, “We’ll get really angry if Russia conquers you!”

Was Russian opposition leader Navalny working with CIA? Top aid of Putin critic was caught on video requesting $10-20 million from British spy to launch revolution. At that level, it is not, you give me $20 million and I do “X.” You have to give blackmail in return, as a show of good faith. If Navalny was CIA, then he was also Globohomo, and had he gotten control of Russia his blackmail would have been used to force him to lead Russia down the path of Globohomo, just like in the US. Clearly Mr Cabal, John Brennan was pushing Navalny for a reason:

Ukrainian Armed Forces announce withdrawal from key town of Avdiivka.

EU “suicide pact” threatens to flood continent with 75 million more migrants.

The Economist magazine warns this week of the “growing peril” of a nationalist conservatism that is spreading like wildfire around the planet.

The US economy is going to fall into recession in the middle of 2024, Citi’s chief economist says. If there is a script, which involves Donald Trump heading into the election set up to take 80% of the vote, to demonstrate to everyone that the election is completely rigged, then crashing the economy right before the election would make sense as a plot element.

New Poll: 86% of voters say only American citizens should be allowed to vote. Are those 14% all Cabal ground surveillance and conspiacy-members, or does it include illegals and/or leftists?

Poll asks – “If Congress passes a new bill restricting the admission of new migrants at the border, do you think this would be good or bad for the United States?” Sixty-nine percent of the Americans responded that it would be “good,” while only 14 percent predicted “bad.”

Trump Media’s merger with DWAC gets regulatory nod. Trump could get a stake worth $4 billion.

“Biden reelection chances do not look favorable”: political, economic indicators “not promising”, Gallup poll finds.

Majority of Americans now describe Biden’s Presidency as a “failure.”

Spread r/K Theory, because there is always a mechanism

News Briefs – 02/16/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – US Debt To Exceed $54 Trillion In A Decade

DFT – German High Speed Train Service Hit By Metal Thefts

DFT – Musk Announces SpaceX Has Completed Its Move Of Incorporation To Texas

DFT – Japan Slips To Fourth Largest Economy As Economy Shrinks

DFT –  Surge In US Crude Inventories Drives Oil Downward

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Tucker Carlson says trip to Russian grocery store has ‘radicalized’ him against US leaders: ‘Legitimately angry.’ Try dealing with the surveillance. Tucker’s video was for his subscription platform, but it was excerpted on Twitter here. There was also a copy of the full thing here, on Q’s board. I have to say, Russia looks like a nice place.

Tucker also reviews the Russian version of McDonalds which gave him two cheese burgers, large fries, a Cola and a piece of chocolate cake, all non-GMO because Putin banned GMO food four years ago, for $7 and it was fantastic.

The House Intelligence Committee is investigating how U.S. spy agencies examined cases of Havana syndrome, a potential challenge by Congress to their conclusions about the mysterious illnesses. That CIA tried to say it was nothing, when you know CIA knows such weapons exist, and it is CIA’s job to be paranoid and assume the worst, makes it sound like it might actually have been CIA, or at least who is running CIA, the non-fantasy-camp side of the Agency. Sounds like Congress is thinking that might be the case too. If it is clear CIA faked its research to cover up the attacks, it will suddenly look like CIA may have been the culprit. Again, we do not know how many members of Congress are getting hit, but given I am being hit, it could be a lot. I will say, the American Stasi uses children in the schools to build files on other kids, and I remember one intel officer who was interviewed who said CIA was the only US agency which had a program to use children in intelligence work, if the parents would sign a release.

It is possible what will come will not be a civil war against the government, per se. It may be certain elements of government declaring the citizenry unleashed.

Sen Ron Johnson, who now has no hearing in one ear and has balance problems because he was hit with directed energy weapons which they thought may be the Havana weapon, explains the myriad of ways how Mitch McConnell fucked over Republicans and America in the Ukraine funding bill. You can see why his surveillance is zapping him at night. He appears uncompliant with Globohomo’s dictates.

Congressman Andy Ogles @ 2:45 – “Foreign governments are surveilling some members of Congress. “ Not without the acquiescence and maybe support of local Cabal ground surveillance, AKA the American Stasi.

Our most serious national security threat isn’t Russian nukes in space, it’s intelligence agencies in Washington. No. It is intelligence agencies in your neighborhood and local public school.

CIA ‘cooked the intelligence’ to hide that Russia favored Clinton, not Trump.

U.S. intelligence asked foreign countries to surveil Trump associates.

Papadapoulos – Dr. Ben Carson was one of the 26 Trump advisors targeted by the CIA.

House delays vote for FISA reform on warrantless surveillance powers.

Epstein victims accuse FBI of enabling sex trafficking in new lawsuit.

Kyle Bass was right, McConnell’s sister in law did die on a Texas Ranch when her car entered water. Authorities seem hesitant to reveal whose ranch she was at when it happened. Like first reports claimed some driver ran a red light and hit her car.

Tuesday’s explosive news — that long before the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, the U.S. intelligence community had asked foreign intel agencies to surveil 26 people connected to Donald Trump — raises the question of whether our intelligence community colluded with the Clinton campaign in these efforts.

Fani pounded as Nathan Wade testifies to cash money “reimbursements” and former friend flushes her defense.

Video summation:

“Where did you get the cash you use on dates?” At :40 seconds, Fani Willis – “When I took out a large amount of money from my first campaign, I kept some of the cash from that…” Is she allowed to take cash out of her campaign funds and stash it in her house to use to fund her dating life?

Judge Scott McAfee on Thursday called a recess after Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis threw a tantrum on the witness stand.

A legal analyst appearing on MSNBC argued that special prosecutor Nathan Wade’s testimony on Thursday seriously hurt the credibility of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, putting the case against former President Donald Trump in jeopardy.

Special counsel David Weiss charged a former FBI informant with lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and creating false records.

Joe Biden’s DHS drafts plan to ‘mass release’ illegal aliens into U.S.

Migrants in Chicago are on edge as evictions from temporary shelters loom.

Christie does not rule out voting for Biden, but he’s ‘not there yet.’

RFK Jr will not be able to run as a Libertarian, he is being shut out by The Mises Caucus.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Thursday floated failed presidential candidate Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) as a potential running mate if he were to jump into the presidential race on a third-party ticket. A couple of dynamos there.

Credible source tells me @SpeakerJohnson has been fighting to release the J6 tapes but is being stopped by Mitch McConnell. Is this the Mitch McConnell who periodically freezes in place and cannot talk? Sounds like Bullshit.

House conservatives block procedural vote on SALT relief, in blow to blue state Republicans.

Georgia governor sending Nat’l Guard to Texas.

On Twitter – 

The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

Police say that gangs of illegals are behind a surge in theft and burglaries in the area.

One illegal from Peru stole $17,000 worth of merchandise. He was deported a couple of months ago but is already back.

Biden administration reveals who may qualify for its new student loan forgiveness plan –  receiving a Pell Grant, a disability and age could be factors signaling hardship.

Biden staffer who mishandled China, Iran secrets retains high-security Pentagon job.

The Biden DOJ just sued Tennessee for making it a crime to knowingly transmit AIDS and HIV. They claim it violates disability rights.

The California legislature proposed a bill requiring gun owners to pay an annual tax and register each gun they own every year.

Study suggests rebranding a “fact-check” as a “confirmation” to help make “corrections of information” more palatable.

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) under President Joe Biden has submitted to the U.S. Office of Management & Budget (OMB) its finalized Title IX rule forcing widespread recognition of LGBT “identities” on the American education system in potentially its biggest gift yet to radical gender-fluidity activists.

80% of Americans test positive for a harmful pesticide called chlormequat, found in Cheerios and Quaker Oats that may cause infertility, delayed puberty: study.

Disney hit with federal civil rights complaint over DEI — Alleges discrimination against white men, Christians, and Jews.

A Columbus man has been sentenced to more than 14 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to taking part in a terrorist organization’s plot to murder former President George W. Bush over his role in creating the war in Iraq. Sounds like the guy came from Iraq in 2020, probably an FBI informant talked shit about Bush at the local Mosque, he agreed, and then the FBI moved in with a fake plot and roped him into driving by Bush’s place and videoing the gate, and picking up an FBI Agent posing as an ISIS assassin. It is interesting it seems the law enforcement of FBI is so often making up a plot and trying to cajole other people to do something in furtherance of it. It feels like real terrorism is a meme, because people are lazy, and setting up a plot from scratch is a lot of hard work. I increasingly think the only terrorism you see is either Cabal plots carried out like 9/11 to further ulterior motives, or fake plots FBI sets up to knock down and look like they do something important. I would bet, get rid of Cabal and FBI, and there would be zero terrorist activity, because it is just too much work.

The National Archives Rotunda and galleries in Washington, DC, closed to the public after two individuals dumped red powder on the encasement protecting the U.S. Constitution.

China has a new mobile high power pulsed microwave which can fry electronics on the battlefield.

Greece legalizes same-sex marriage in a first for an Orthodox Christian country. They are not electing their leaders either.

Democrats’ idea to force a vote on Ukraine aid is already running into trouble due to progressives opposing the aid for Israel.

France passes a law making opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a “sectarian aberration.” with a penalty of up to 3 years’ imprisonment and 45,000 euros. “It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”

In UK – Could your cough be TB? Warning over spike in tuberculosis as health chiefs claim lingering illness might actually be caused by Victorian-era illness – not Covid or flu.

Russia concentrates more troops on Orikhiv front than near Avdiivka, planning to assault Robotyne. Late word is Avdiivka is on the verge of collapse, which, if taken, would massively reduce shelling in Donetsk.

Rep Thomas Massie26 to 0! The Judiciary committee passed my bill (HR 6824) requiring FBI to provide demographic data of persons ruled ineligible to purchase a firearm by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. False denials disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities.

Idaho moves forward with plan to execute pedophiles.

Trump tops Biden by 2 points in Michigan: survey. Lead grows if you include RFK, Cornell West, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a war in the shadows which will probably not stay in the shadows forever.

Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™ Week of February 16, 2024

It’s almost Friday and time for this week’s Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Winners announced Sunday

News Briefs – 02/15/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – US Debt To Exceed $54 Trillion In A Decade

DFT – German High Speed Train Service Hit By Metal Thefts

DFT – Musk Announces SpaceX Has Completed Its Move Of Incorporation To Texas

DFT – Japan Slips To Fourth Largest Economy As Economy Shrinks

DFT –  Surge In US Crude Inventories Drives Oil Downward

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

The Castalia Art-Studio/Library is producing what looks like a museum quality leather-bound version of The Landmark Thucydides which can also be read as a book, if you are somewhat sacrilegious about your collectible art pieces. Or maybe just get two Castalia History Book Club subscriptions so you don’t need to wear white gloves to do your reading… Seriously, they don’t make an endless number of these books, and you know one day the collector value will be through the roof, given the historic period we are going through. It is like John Adams was printing off copies of the Federalist Papers bound in goatskin, and only selling a few hundred copies.

Early reports on the death of Mitch McConnell’s sister in law, Angela Chao, said she died when a careless driver blew through a red light. Now Kyle Bass has reportedly cast doubt on that account:

Kyle Bass, chief investment officer at the Texas-based asset management firm Hayman Capital Management, said on X that Ms. Chao died at a Texas ranch after backing her Tesla into a pond.

“Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious,” Mr. Bass wrote. “Chao, almost certainly a high-ranking member of the Communist Party of China, … sat on the board of state-owned Bank of China, one of the five largest banks in China,” Mr. Bass said.

A person familiar with the incident said there is a video of car incident and Texas state police are said to be investigating. Blanco County is near Austin.

Tucker Carlson shows how Moscow’s subways look more like museums:

Amazing. You enter the subway in Moscow, and you don’t have to immediately try to scope out who is going to rob you, who is going to stab you, and which crazy drugged up homeless guy is going to try to push you on the tracks.

The reason Moscow has such beautiful infrastructure and we do not is we are being robbed blind by Cabal, as it fosters a culture of degeneracy and crime. Meanwhile it is spending some of the money it is stealing on surveillance, some on Beaming™ tech to zap us in the head at night, and it is taking the rest for itself. And it is not just government, even we lose money. I am probably $4 grand in the hole so far this year, just trying to prevent myself from being Beamed™, some of it worthwhile, some of it undetermined in value as test equipment so far, and some of it just wasted on stuff which did nothing or maybe made things worse.

So the good news is, we are basically one bloody pogrom from living in a utopia like Russia. And I think at some point, everyone is going to know. And it is possible the people in government like Ron Johnson, who have been hit with The Beam™, or Donald Trump, who had a device installed in the walls of the White House to degrade him, are going to declare a temporary pause on civil life and law and order in the nation, until this is dealt with. I still say, people should be getting prepared. Big things are coming. It will not stay like this forever.

Putin sees theoretical possibility of Tucker Carlson’s arrest in US. It will not be surprising if they drum up some kind of charges on him.

Jesse Watters – Biden’s DOJ has a five hour tape that would end Biden’s re-election campaign. That tape’s now being leveraged over the president and can be used against him at any time. Not only is he compromised by the Chinese- he’s now subject to blackmail by his own administration. Worst of all- Biden’s base is now breaking off into factions, which is fatal to political power.

Former CIA Director Gina Haspel blocked the release of “binder” with evidence that may identify her role in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, as well as the role of all of the rest of the American and foreign intelligence organizations involved.

Thomas Massie on Twitter – “Just as we were winning the debate on requiring warrants for domestic spying in the FISA 702 reauthorization, the Speaker yanked the bill and cancelled the rest of Congress this week.”

One in ten vacation rentals is fitted with hidden spy cameras as experts reveal how to spot the devices inside chargers, smoke alarms and TV sound bars.

The newly appointed chairman of the Georgia State Election Board cast the deciding vote on Tuesday against recommending that state legislators ban no-excuse absentee voting.

Some of the money Fani Willis paid to her boy toy to prosecute Trump, he may have used on a vacation to buy her a tattoo which is now evidence the judge wants to explore.

Three separate prosecutors reportedly all met with White House aides before indicting former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s political opponent.

House impeachment investigators have identified a newly discovered bank account and are probing a suggestion from a witness that the account may have been used to route money to President Joe Biden from his grandchildren.

78% of Democrats want Trump’s name off the ballot. Could be entirely made up.

The left-leaning billionaire George Soros will be purchasing the second-largest radio company in America, according to court filings and sources close to the situation, after Soros Fund Management bought up $400 million of debt in Audacy, which owns over 220 radio stations across the country.

“It was a LIE!” Bombshell recording captures MI prosecutor saying Dominion Voting Machines president John Poulos perjured himself under oath when asked about Dominion machine access to internet.

Migrant teen accused in Times Square attack on cops is arrested again for Macy’s robbery.

After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap.

The Biden administration gave the UN migration agency nearly$1.3 billion in 2023, which it uses to help migrants on their journey to enter the US illegally.

Pro-illegal-immigration Boston city councilor thinks other places should house illegals.

Joe Biden shields Palestinians from deportation, vows to give them U.S. jobs.

Biden admin diverts Veterans Affairs resources to illegal immigrants.

Source from National Sheriffs’ Assoc. confirms an estimated 2 million terrorists have entered the US. These will be assets of the conspiracy, and they were known when they were let in, and surveillance can tell you where every one of them is this very moment and what they are up to. Whatever happens, will be an operation of the conspiracy.

Trump is talking with Tulsi Gabbard about the future of the Defense Department, making it sound like he may want her for SecDef.

Hunter Biden’s phone had apparent cocaine, drug paraphernalia photos at time of gun purchase.

Biden, not Special Counsel Hur, brought up son’s death in questioning: report. When asked why he could not remember when the death was, Biden said he was outraged the Special Counsel had raised it, and he thought, “What business is that of your’s?” Turns out Joe brought it up, then could not remember the date, and then he went on the attack over it being brought up.

Special Counsel ‘unable to locate’ top secret briefing lost by Biden.

Huma Abedin posts picture indicating she is dating Soros’s son Alex on Valentine’s Day in Paris.

AI girlfriends are being used to harvest data about you for marketers and it is all going in your personal file.

Toby Keith, vaxxed and dead, and those who loved him are trying to scrub the fact, rather than warn others about the clotshot.

Sudden deaths of vaxxed athletes, students, pilots, military, but why no politicians? Good question. Did the higher ranking pols get fake vax cards?

SecDef Llyod Austin appears to have a strange McCain-like swelling on the side of his head in the photo in this Sky News article. Medical problem? Another AI photograph?

The rate of syphilis among pregnant women in the U.S. has more than tripled in recent years, according to new research.

Chicago is getting rid of Shotspotter, after allegations the technology is racist, because it sent Police to minority neighborhoods for gunshots fired more often than it sent Police to white neighborhoods.

Federal tax revenue increased 33% since Congress passed the Trump-era tax reform bill in 2017, while spending increased more than 50% over that same time frame.

Tax refunds are almost 29% smaller this year, early IRS data shows.

Rachel Dolezal, the not-black former head of the NAACP makes news after her new job teaching children, under a new name, fired her for a pornographic Onlyfans account.

In covert interviews, Gazan civilians rail against Hamas for wrecking their lives. Both Hamas and the Israeli government are taking orders from the same command, and regular citizens are peons to all of them. It is the exact same thing as September 11th.

UK Govt to pay TikTokers to try to convince illegal migrants to stay away.

In the Spanish division of Globohomo, little girls are taking part in a parade dressed in lingerie. They said gay marriage would never lead to open pedophilia. But somehow I suspect if we told the gays we did not want homosexuality made into something celebrated in public, and we had kept it private, we would not be this far down this path.

Will Islam take over Europe? It looks likely, under every possible scenario, according to a Pew Research study. This was done to us.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to 6 months in prison and six months under house arrest for illegally financing the 2012 presidential election.

Elderly British couple received a letter from city council that authorities preparing to seize their home to house migrants.

According to French media, the Kiev regime tried to lure French President Emmanuel Macron to Ukraine in order to murder him and then blame his death on Russia in order to bring media attention back to Ukraine and increase financial and military aid from the west. I think because Cabal’s plans were to depopulate Ukraine, kill all its men, ship all its women to other countries, and pretty much utterly destroy it, Soros had to place genuinely deranged individuals in charge of the regime, as who else would so utterly destroy their own homeland?

Russia is developing a nuclear anti-satellite weapon it will deploy into space.

Voters ‘respect’ Trump 2-1 over Biden, Clinton dead last.

New York Times stunned after 11 out of 13 independent focus group voters choose Trump over Biden.

Spread r/K Theory, because these things are not happening by chance, they are the fault of specific people

News Briefs – 02/14/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator designed to deliver the data other financial sites deliver, but in a fraction of the time. Give them a click and see if you prefer getting your financial news there.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Goldman Sachs Says Brexit Caused Much Of Britain’s Economic Woes

DFT – Bloomberg Survey Finds Germany’s Economy Is Likely Stalled

DFT – Stock News – Markets Spooked By Hot CPI Report

DFT – TikTok Pledges To Ramp Up Fight Against Fake News In Run Up To EU Elections

DFT – Bezos Sells $4 Billion In Amazon Stock In Four Days

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

CIA mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to illegally target 26 Trump associates long before 2016 Russia collusion claims: report.

An expert in election data asserts that almost 35,000 Georgia voters in 2020 cast ballots from the wrong jurisdictions, but Georgia’s top election official hasn’t responded to his request for an investigation.

FOIA documents reveal secret 2020 election day meeting with CISA, Dominion, ES&S, ERIC, FBI, Leftist Organizations, State Officials, and Others — only recently discovered.

Drake, 50 Cent, other recording artists are registered to vote with same Houston-area address by prankster who didn’t even need any ID to register them at that address.

Atlantic City ballot-stuffer reportedly worked for the feds- “Does the FBI have ‘Ballot Stuffers’ on the payroll?”

Transgender Megachurch shooter, an alien who should have been deported, likely voted in 2020 election.

Angela Chao, shipping CEO and sister of Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell’s wide, dies in a car accident. Supposedly another driver ran a red light.

New J6 footage shows bomb-sniffing dog misses DNC ‘pipe bomb’ just a few feet away.

RINOs in Tennessee are trying to deny President Trump access to the ballot and all electoral votes from Tennessee by outlawing awarding delegates to any candidate for whom there is any question as to his eligibility. It tells you how dirty the Tennessee Republicans are. This conspiracy is everywhere.

House conservatives are renewing their call for an end to the warrantless surveillance of Americans as Congress considers reforming Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The Supreme Court gave Jack Smith, the special counsel prosecuting former President Donald Trump, one week to respond to the former president’s emergency application asking the justices to halt an appeals court decision that rejected Trump’s claim that he is immune from criminal charges.

Gaetz: Markwayne Mullin is trying to encourage Republicans to sign a discharge petition with Democrats to force the Senate’s “Ukraine First” bill forward!

The nearly 400-page special counsel report into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, confirms an overlap in the timing and topics of Joe Biden’s vice presidency and Hunter Biden’s ‘business’ enterprises.

Comer says key witness testified he met with Joe Biden and talked about Hunter’s business, contradicting Joe Biden.

President Trump is allegedly working on a military roundup of immigrants by activating a private red-state army that would go into blue states, deporting millions, including immigrants who protested Israel’s invasion of Gaza, according to Stephen Miller.

Republicans made sure they had the votes–just barely, as the resolution impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas passed the House by a single vote, 214-213.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas PERSONALLY declined Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy’s request for Secret Service protection.

Deadly alliance brewing between MS-13 and bloodthirsty Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang behind NYC cellphone robberies, FBI fears.

Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths after the COVID vaccines rolled out

Diversity training increases prejudice and “activates bigotry” among participants, new study says.

All jobs recovered post-Covid under Joe Biden went to foreign-born workers – including illegals.

Catherine Herridge laid off by CBS in ‘blood bath’ firing of hundreds – She just reported on Biden docs.

Assaults on NYPD escalate to record-breaking totals in latest anti-cop sentiment: ‘Full-blown epidemic.’

Dems flip seat as Suozzi wins crucial special congressional election in New York to replace Republican George Santos.Dems flip NY House seat after GOP ran an anti-Trump, pro-choice candidate.

An anti-gun bill creating a mandatory seven-day waiting period for firearm transactions in New Mexico is now awaiting the governor’s approval.

California wolves have killed 18 livestock since August 2023, according to wolf depredation reports posted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Leftists have no problem with this, but kill one wolf to protect those cows, and it is the gravest sin.

Plane lands at Buffalo airport after door falls off mid-flight. Plenty of tards are leading kick-ass lives. My cousin’s a tard. He assembles planes for Boeing.

Rumors leak out of a mass shooting in China using a modified staple gun to shoot bullets in Shandong, 21 dead – no news reports.

NATO members suddenly poised to meet military spending targets days after Trump railed against alliance.

The German government has announced a package of legal measures aimed at fighting the growing popularity of right-wing politics.

In bid to curb immigration, France to scrap birthright citizenship in Mayotte, the French overseas territory situated between Madagascar and the African mainland.

French farmers attack foreign trucks, destroy cargoes, report says.

Joe Biden may have missed an opportunity to potentially end the horrific conflict between Ukraine and Russia by outright dismissing Russia’s peace proposal.

NBC says Speaker Johnson wants a one-on-one meeting with Biden over Ukraine aid bill.

Ron Johnson says McConnell’s ‘top priority’ was Ukraine aid, not border deal.

A Canadian farmer has recently just migrated to Russia with his wife & 8 children to escape Communist Canada & their ideological school system.

Spread r/K Theory, because tard lives matter

'-30-': An Ending, But Not the End, by Michelle Malkin

When I first started writing newspaper editorials and columns for the Los Angeles Daily News in November 1992, I learned that "-30-" (pronounced "dash thirty dash") was the journalist's code for letting an editor know where your copy ended. Most media historians believe the typesetting mark originated when news was filed by telegraph. Western Union's...

Fists of Furry, by Michelle Malkin

Don't believe the pervert media. Reuters, NBC News, entertainer John Oliver and Denver 9News zealot Kyle Clark all want you to believe that parents nationwide are simply imagining an infestation of "furries" (children dressing up and identifying as animals) in their public schools. The gaslighting campaign is so toxically incandescent that you can see the...

In Support of a Young America First Scapegoat, by Michelle Malkin

Next week, a young college student will face a federal judge in Washington, D.C., at a sentencing hearing over his nonviolent participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. UCLA undergrad Christian Secor was arrested last February and spent more than a month in solitary confinement. Think about that. Unlike the weekly parade of repeat violent...

The Great Parental Replacement, by Michelle Malkin

It's happening. It's been happening. Parents, you are being replaced. Where? Right under your noses, in your neighborhoods, in your public and private schools, and in your local children's hospitals. How? Under the guise of health, safety, compassion, tolerance, diversity, intellectual superiority and, of course, the public good. By whom? Woke educators, radical school counselors,...

Our UN-American 'Justice' System, by Michelle Malkin

Not all open-borders subversives hide behind black bandanas and hurl Molotov cocktails. Sometimes, they wear three-piece suits or silk dresses. Most insidiously, the saboteurs of American justice wear black robes, wield gavels and enlist other officers of the court to help them perpetrate crimes instead of punish them. Nothing shocks me anymore after 30 years...

They're All Open-Borders Hypocrites, by Michelle Malkin

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Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month, by Michelle Malkin

September has barely begun, but I'm confident no one will top my Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month nominee. This diaper-wetting award winner really takes the cake. With unhinged cowards like the San Francisco Chronicle's editorial board editor Matthew Fleischer occupying lofty perches of influence, it's no wonder public confidence in American newspaper and television...

Stop Mental Health Data Mining of Our Kids, by Michelle Malkin

Attention readers: The following column was originally published in 2019 and is being republished in light of back-to-school season. No, no, no. Hell, no! That's my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans' "neurobehavioral signs" to (purportedly) prevent gun violence....

Lie Down with McChao and You'll Get Bit, by Michelle Malkin

Here's the thing about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao. The granddaddy of Republican Beltway barnacles has inhabited the nation's capital in one form or another since 1968, when he worked as a Senate legislative aide. His wife, the daughter of a Beijing-kowtowing shipping mogul, snagged her first job in 1983 as a White House fellow...

Beware of Big Bathroom Brother, by Michelle Malkin

Nine years ago, I warned readers about "eyelock biometric readers" adopted by Florida schools to track them on buses. Under the guise of fighting guns and vaping, countless schools this year are now installing surveillance sensors in bathrooms that can spy and record students' alleged "aggression" and red-flag "spoken key words." Eight years ago, I...

FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly, by Michelle Malkin

The FBI's raid on former president Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate — ever so conveniently timed as the White House occupant's approval numbers sink, the Swamp prepares to shovel a whopping $5.5 billion in foreign and military aid down the bottomless Ukrainian black hole and the American economy keels over like Biden on a bike —...

Nick Kristof's Shamhill Clown Show, by Michelle Malkin

Maybe there's a small glimmer of hope for the Left Coast after all. First, San Francisco voters recalled George Soros-funded district attorney and crime-enabler Chesa Boudin. Now, even liberal Oregonians have kicked an East Coast media elitist to the curb and slapped "return to sender" on the carefully crafted package of Nicholas Kristof's self-serving phony...

The Commie Colonization of America, by Michelle Malkin

From California to the New York island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream waters, the land that used to belong to Americans has been milked and bilked by investors and paid government agents of the People's Republic of China. The National Association of Realtors reported last week that wealthy Chinese spent $6.1 billion...

A Transplant Miracle That Defied COVID Tyranny (Plus Full Video Interview), by Michelle Malkin

  DALLAS — Leilani Lutali and Jaimee Fougner are alive, giggling and ready to fight for truth, justice and faith. I visited them this weekend at Baylor University Medical Center's aptly named post-kidney transplant surgery center called the Twice Blessed House. If not for their stubborn resistance and persistence, Leilani most likely would not have...

Why Some of Us Can't Dine in Peace, by Michelle Malkin

Fifteen years ago, when I still lived in the D.C. swamp, I took my elementary school-daughter and toddler son out for one of our regular weekend breakfasts at IHOP. But we couldn't be left alone to enjoy our meal. As my kids dug into their funny-face pancakes, a fuming-faced liberal marched to our booth and...

America, the Globalist Grift, by Michelle Malkin

I hate to snuff out any post-Independence Day fervor that you still might be enjoying. Oh, well. "Wet Blanket" is my middle name. All the annual Old Glory-waving rituals and public displays of patriotic affection can't change this bitter fact: Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what...

The Cowardly American Corporation, by Michelle Malkin

I no longer bubble with rage when a new outbreak of corporate wokeness erupts across our fruited plain. It's just another day in the pathetic life of the Land of the Greedy and the Home of the Enslaved. To wit: this week's parade of U.S. companies ostentatiously trumpeting "health care coverage" for employees who want...

Red-Flagging Red-Flag Law Abuse, by Michelle Malkin

Here we go again. The Beltway Swamp's ineluctable impulse to (Pretend To) Do Something in the wake of a mass school shooting committed by a homicidal maniac has put America on the brink of greenlighting untold civil liberties abuses in the name of "safety." The grandstanding gun-grabbing reflex is a hard habit to break. Shamefully,...

What Really Happened to Justin Bieber?, by Michelle Malkin

Everyone with a phone or computer has seen the mega-viral videos and photos of 28-year-old pop star Justin Bieber. "As you can see, this eye is not blinking," he told his whopping 241 million Instagram followers last weekend. Bieber's handsome face is drooping and lopsided; he "can't smile," his "nostril will not move," and "there's...

Goofus and Gallant Go Woke, by Michelle Malkin

Do you remember Highlights, the ubiquitous children's magazine that you'd devour at the dentist's office? If you were lucky, you'd wait for the mailman to deliver a fresh edition to your home at the beginning of every month. It was a treasure. The venerable American publication was established in 1946 by an enterprising married couple...

20 Years: The Murder of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy David March, by Michelle Malkin

Two decades ago this spring, I was furiously pounding out the manuscript to "Invasion," my very first book on the systemic failures of immigration enforcement in America. On April 29, 2002, as if to underscore the bloody consequences of open borders that I had been compiling, a violent illegal alien repeat criminal offender named Jorge...

Sabotaging America's Military from Within, by Michelle Malkin

USAFA Class of 2022 cadet and COVID-vaccine objector Nathan Suess A year ago this month, a comparison of military recruitment ads from China, Russia and the U.S. went viral on social media. Our foreign competitors wooed their potential enlistees with muscular appeals to national pride and protection of the traditional nuclear family. A U.S. Army...

The Prosecution of Idaho Mom Sara Brady, by Michelle Malkin

UPDATE: Scroll down to read full motion to dismiss on constitutional grounds, memorandum in support of motion to dismiss, and stipuation of undisputed facts. MERIDIAN, IDAHO — Kleiner Park is an all-American, family-friendly gathering place west of Boise with 60 acres of greenery, trails, ponds, outdoor performance facilities, picnic shelters, and children's swings and slides....

The Hunting of Texas Campus Conservative Kelly Neidert, by Michelle Malkin

Most graduating college seniors in America are in high spirits this month as they prepare for cap-and-gown ceremonies and extended family celebrations. But for Kelly Neidert, a firebrand campus conservative and marketing major at the University of North Texas in Denton, commencement is no ordinary rite of passage filled with joy and laughter. Having faced...