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Yesterday — May 31st 2024U.S.
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Independence Day? UK General Election Called For July 4th

Britons will choose their next government on July 4th, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said as he announced the next UK general election.

The post Independence Day? UK General Election Called For July 4th appeared first on Breitbart.

UK Arrests Three Men Accused of Spying for China-Controlled Hong Kong

Police charged three with assisting Hong Kong intelligence amid growing concern that hostile states are trying to interfere with the UK.

The post UK Arrests Three Men Accused of Spying for China-Controlled Hong Kong appeared first on Breitbart.

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel

UK: 19 suspected jihadis, including five linked to ISIS, living in taxpayer-funded hotels after crossing the Channel
“But the Government is powerless to remove any of the 19, because they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment in their home countries.” This is a nation in its death throes. When it is more concerned about the rights and safety of people in other countries than of its own people, what future can […]

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]

UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over ‘inclusive’ coronation, ‘commitment to multiple religions’

UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over ‘inclusive’ coronation, ‘commitment to multiple religions’
King Charles is in a row with Church of England leaders “over the role of non-Christian faiths” in his upcoming May 6th coronation ceremony. Charles is insisting on a ceremony “to better reflect the modern monarchy,” as opposed to celebrating the history of Britain. So he has insisted on the participation of representatives of the […]

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation

UK: Former minister cleared of ‘Islamophobia’ charges after investigation
Nusrat Ghani said: “The impact of being told this was devastating and my motivation in pursuing the complaint was to ensure it wasn’t buried, but that it ended with me so that no other colleague would have to endure anything similar.” Oh, no worries, Ms. Ghani! Even though Mark Spencer was cleared, the purpose this […]

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead
New in PJ Media: There are around four million Muslims in Britain, and with that rapidly growing population come societal changes. Oxford’s Magdalen College has in the past celebrated St. George’s Day on April 23 with a ceremonial dinner; this year, however, St. George’s Day plans have been deep-sixed, and Magdalen will instead host a […]

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead
“Magdalen College denies it has a tradition of designated St George’s Day dinners. However, the newspaper cited proof of such events, including a formal invite in 2018 from the then college vice-president for lecturers to ‘celebrate St George’s Day’ with ‘a formal hall and high table at 7.30pm with a special English menu.'” They have […]

Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs

Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs
Pakistan’s foreign office is now criticizing British Home Secretary Suella Braverman for “’discriminatory and xenophobic’ comments after she said that British Pakistani men ‘hold cultural values at odds with British values’….Braverman also alleged British Pakistani men worked in child abuse rings or networks that targeted ‘vulnerable white English girls.'” Braverman is absolutely correct, but one […]

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby
Posted by an Afghan illegal – a man proudly waving the Taliban flag in Derby. An example of what the government is allowing into our country. They’re even housing some of them on military bases where some of our armed forces and their families live nearby. It won't end well. — Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) […]

UK schools don’t tell parents when kids ‘change gender,’ force classmates to accept gender swaps

UK schools don’t tell parents when kids ‘change gender,’ force classmates to accept gender swaps
Transgenderism is now deeply entrenched institutionally in Western countries, many times against the rights of children and their parents. The degree of its rapid advance is troubling. How could such a violation of rights happen so quickly? Where were level-headed teachers in schools, not only in Britain but across the board? Perhaps they were bullied […]

UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are

UK: More empty promises as Sunak pledges clampdown on Muslim rape gangs without daring to call them what they are
These “sex-grooming gangs” get their justification from Islamic theology, but no one in Britain dares to admit that, and so this promise of a new crackdown will end up like all the other promises, proven to be useless verbiage. Neither Sunak nor anyone around him will ever admit the fact that while sexual molestation happens […]

UK government in negotiations with Taliban over three British men held captive

UK government in negotiations with Taliban over three British men held captive
Let’s hope that Britain does not give up on its citizens, as America has apparently done. Antony Blinken recently admitted under pressure, during an exchange with Rep. Joe Wilson, that there “several Americans who are being detained by the Taliban.” Does “being detained” mean that these arrests took place recently? And what about the Americans who […]

UK: Anglican cathedral hosts iftar event to spread ‘the spirit of Ramadan’

UK: Anglican cathedral hosts iftar event to spread ‘the spirit of Ramadan’
This spirit? “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash “Ramadan is a month of holy war and death […]

UK: Anglican cathedral to host Ramadan iftar during Easter season

UK: Anglican cathedral to host Ramadan iftar during Easter season
Once again, do these Christians really think that this will change what the Qur’an teaches about Christ and Christianity? Qur’an 98:4-6: “Nor were the people of the book divided until after the clear proof came to them. And they are not ordered to do anything else but serve Allah, keeping religion pure for him, as […]

Scotland’s new First Minister Humza Yousaf met with senior Hamas terrorist, called for arms embargo against Israel

Scotland’s new First Minister Humza Yousaf met with senior Hamas terrorist, called for arms embargo against Israel
With the mainstream media overjoyed at the appointment of Humza Yousaf as the First Minister of Scotland after winning the leadership contest of the Scottish National Party (SNP) on Monday, troubling facts about the country’s first Muslim national leader are coming out. While The Los Angeles Times ran the headline declaring: “Muslim leader for Scotland […]

Ilhan Omar, Jeremy Corbyn Call For Perpetrators of War in Yemen to Be Held ‘Accountable’

Ilhan Omar, Jeremy Corbyn Call For Perpetrators of War in Yemen to Be Held ‘Accountable’
In Yemen, the civil war that has continued since 2015 is a proxy war between Iran, which supports with weapons and money the Shi’a Houthis, and Saudi Arabia, which not only supports with money and weapons the Sunni Arabs who control the ever-shrinking national government, but has sent 100 planes and 150,000 soldiers to fight […]

UK: Muslim financial analyst was bomb-making jihadi, plotted jihad massacre

UK: Muslim financial analyst was bomb-making jihadi, plotted jihad massacre
“The Prophet said, ‘War is deceit.’” (Bukhari 4.52.269) “The respectable businessman by day who was a bomb-making jihadi by night… and how his mass-murder terror plot was foiled by two IT guys,” by Dan Sales, Mailonline, March 26, 2023: For families in the playground opposite Asad Bhatti’s home, the financial analyst working at Legal & […]

UK business ministers to meet with leading Islamic banks in quest to become global hotspot of Islamic finance

UK business ministers to meet with leading Islamic banks in quest to become global hotspot of Islamic finance
The UK shows promise in one area just as it sabotages itself in another. The latest: the Minister of State in the Department for Business and Trade, Lord Johnson “will lead a series of roundtables with the world’s leading Islamic banks to map out a path for the UK achieving its goal of becoming a […]

UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country

UK investigates its entry rules as ‘hostile Islamist preachers’ enter the country
Earlier this month, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman was condemned “for suggesting that 100 million asylum seekers could come to the UK without her planned immigration crackdown.” Now, “UK Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has reportedly launched a probe into visas given to hostile Islamist clerics from Iran amid fears that they could be using ‘backdoor’ […]

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’

UK: Migrants have ‘nice iPhones and smart clothes. They are all men. You do not see any women or children.’
They’re upset about the quality of the accommodations and food, also. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if […]

UK: In England and Wales, Muslim rate of unemployment about twice that of Jews and Christians

UK: In England and Wales, Muslim rate of unemployment about twice that of Jews and Christians
The far-Left Guardian will likely ascribe this to “racism” and “Islamophobia.” It may have a different cause. Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the […]

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader

UK: Scotland elects far-Left Muslim as new leader
Leftists everywhere, as drunk as ever on identity politics, are celebrating this, and that’s fine. There will certainly be many, many more Muslim officials in the UK after Hamza Yousaf, and eventually there will be only Muslim officials. But Yousaf himself is likely only to exacerbate divisions in Britain, and certainly nothing will be done […]

UK: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at Justin Bieber concert

UK: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at Justin Bieber concert
Authorities remain completely indifferent to the recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam somehow falling prey to the crazy idea that their new religion commands violence against unbelievers. Interesting to see the hopeless “journalist” Lizzie Dearden at the Daily Mail. For years she has been with the Independent, covering jihad terrorists while steadfastly toeing the Leftist […]

UK Islamic center accused of having ‘outrageous’ ties to ‘brutal Iranian regime’

UK Islamic center accused of having ‘outrageous’ ties to ‘brutal Iranian regime’
No surprise here. Many Islamic centers (as well as mosques and charities) in the UK and elsewhere in the West have frequently been found to be tied to jihadist foreign entities. Just a few examples: Qatar and Turkey bankrolling Muslim Brotherhood networks across Europe, including Muslim Council of Britain  UK: Shia mosques and Islamic schools […]

UK: ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime goes flat as man who set two Muslims on fire turns out to be a Muslim also

UK: ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime goes flat as man who set two Muslims on fire turns out to be a Muslim also
Two more “Islamophobic” hate crimes turn out to be something else altogether. One might almost get the impression that anti-Muslim hate crimes hardly ever occurred (and shouldn’t, of course), were it not for our moral superiors constantly assuring us otherwise. “UK police question suspect after elderly Muslim set alight,” Al Jazeera, March 22, 2023: …“The […]

Yazidi woman who was kept as an Islamic State slave says Shamima Begum is ‘fake,’ still loyal to ‘Sharia ideas’

Yazidi woman who was kept as an Islamic State slave says Shamima Begum is ‘fake,’ still loyal to ‘Sharia ideas’
The possibility cannot be discounted. “The Prophet said, ‘War is deceit.’” (Bukhari 4.52.269) “I was an ISIS slave – I saw Shamima Begum at camp where she learnt how to use suicide belts & guns, she’ll never change,” by Henry Holloway, The Sun, March 18, 2023: AN ISIS slave has told how she saw Shamima […]

UK: Muslim says he praised a jihadi and encouraged people to behead blasphemers ‘just to have some more followers’

UK: Muslim says he praised a jihadi and encouraged people to behead blasphemers ‘just to have some more followers’
It’s telling that Ajmal Shahpal thought he would get more followers by praising a jihad murderer and encouraging beheading for blasphemy. We’re constantly told that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the West reject “extremism.” So if that were true, wouldn’t praising a jihadi and calling for the beheading of blasphemers make Shahpal less popular? […]

UK: Met Police head warns that finding terrorists is like ‘needle in a haystack’

UK: Met Police head warns that finding terrorists is like ‘needle in a haystack’
According to Metropolitan Police (MET) commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, there were fewer jihad attacks in the UK in 2022, but they’re more violent. Rowley issues an ominous warning: “You’ve got thousands of lower priority investigations and then tens of thousands who are not in investigations but we know they have some form of ideological support […]

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran

UK allows Muslim migrant rapist to stay in the country because he fears persecution in his native Iran
Something is very wrong in the UK, which on top of everything else is now serving as a haven for an Iranian rapist whose fear of having to return to Iran didn’t stop him from committing his crime in the first place. If the victim were a relative of Judge John Keith, Keith would likely […]

J.K. Rowling: ‘There is something dangerous’ about transgender movement ‘and it must be challenged’

J.K. Rowling: ‘There is something dangerous’ about transgender movement ‘and it must be challenged’
Despite vicious woke attacks against acclaimed Harry Potter author J.K Rowling, she refuses to back down from her warranted criticism of the trans movement, which has gone out of control. “I can only say that I’ve thought about it deeply and hard and long and I’ve listened, I promise, to the other side. I believe […]

Celebrate diversity! For the first time ever, London is gaily decorated for Ramadan

Celebrate diversity! For the first time ever, London is gaily decorated for Ramadan
Central london celebration for ramadan. — O Mahdi 🇱🇧🇬🇧 (@Sammahdi101) March 18, 2023 Central London decorated with lights for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan 🌙 — hamza (@IamHardTalk) March 17, 2023 Happy Ramadan from London. Previously we could only see the Christmas lights in London.The time is changing. — Zulfiqar Ahmed […]

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an

UK bans freedom activist from entering the country, as he planned to burn a Qur’an
Britain has long ago capitulated on issues of this kind, so this is no surprise. Pamela Geller and I were banned from Britain ten years ago for the crime of planning to lay a wreath at a memorial to Drummer Lee Rigby, who was murdered on a London street by an Islamic jihadi. Rasmus Paludan […]

UK’s Consul-General in Jerusalem meets with ‘Palestinian’ Muslim cleric who likened Jews to apes and pigs

UK’s Consul-General in Jerusalem meets with ‘Palestinian’ Muslim cleric who likened Jews to apes and pigs
It would be tough for Diane Corner to find a “Palestinian” Muslim cleric who hadn’t made viciously antisemitic statements. After all, the bit about Jews being transformed into apes and pigs is straight from the Qur’an (2:63-5; 5:59-60; 7:166). The mistake was treating these genocide-minded jihadis as if they were a respectable group in the […]

UK: Man converts to Islam, keeps handbooks on mortar bombs, considered ‘too dangerous’ to release from prison

UK: Man converts to Islam, keeps handbooks on mortar bombs, considered ‘too dangerous’ to release from prison
Yet another convert to Islam somehow gets the crazy notion that the religion that every last non-Muslim politician in the Western world assures us is peaceful and tolerant somehow obligates him to commit violence to nonbelievers. Authorities remain completely indifferent to this recurring phenomenon. “EXCLUSIVE: British Muslim convert described as ‘global terrorist’ who kept mortar […]

UK: Christian lecturer fired for saying ‘homosexuality is invading the church’

UK: Christian lecturer fired for saying ‘homosexuality is invading the church’
Here is more evidence that the Left is at war with reality. Homosexuality is invading the Church; just look at what has been going on in the Roman Catholic Church, with the endless molestation scandals, and the Orthodox and others have their own problems of a similar kind. So Aaron Edwards was fired for telling […]

UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas

UK: Qur’an row imam spoke about punishing Muslims for celebrating Christmas
A few years back, some fake ex-Muslims harshly criticized me for criticizing Maajid Nawaz. The British supermarket chain Tesco had run an ad featuring hijabbed Muslims celebrating Christmas, and Nawaz had said that anyone who looked askance at this was “Islamophobic.” I pointed out that the number of observant, Sharia-adherent Muslims who celebrated Christmas was […]

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel

#TeamUK participates in ‘Palestine Marathon,’ erases Israel
This was no oversight. The UK, like other Western countries, remains willfully blind regarding the “Palestinian” determination to destroy Israel utterly, and blandly complacent even when that imperative is staring them in the face. #TeamUK joined thousands of Palestinian and international runners in the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians🇵🇸. Great energy […]

UK: Home Secretary orders woke police to tackle crime instead of ‘hurt feelings’

UK: Home Secretary orders woke police to tackle crime instead of ‘hurt feelings’
In a precedent-setting move, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman is confronting the continued assault on freedom of speech in the UK that is tying up valuable police resources. In 2018, London Mayor Sadiq Khan invested in a police hunt against “offensive communication” amid London’s violent crime surge. Less than a year later, Khan’s $2,000,000 (USD) […]