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Yesterday — June 1st 2024The Gateway Pundit

SORRY LEFTISTS: Former Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Idea of Replacing Joe Biden on 2024 Ticket is a ‘Fantasy’ (VIDEO)

Sorry, Democrats. You’re stuck with Joe Biden.

This weekend on the Bill Maher show, Bill asked former Obama adviser David Axelrod about the idea of replacing Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket with someone else.

Axelrod poured cold water all over the idea, saying that it’s a ‘fantasy’ and that Biden is not going anywhere.

FOX News reported:

David Axelrod swats Bill Maher’s suggestion Biden could be swapped from Dem ticket: ‘Fantasy’

Maher cited one of Axelrod’s own past comments suggesting he thought there was plenty of “talent” within the Democratic Party who could “emerge” as the new standard-bearer.

“The debate is June 27, and we’ve never had one before the convention,” Maher said. “If Joe really s—s the bed, would that be a good opportunity to make the switch then?”

“Listen, that is a fantasy that I hear a lot,” Axelrod responded. “I like Joe Biden and I worked with him and I was grateful to work with him and I think he’s done a lot of very, very fine things as president for which history will be kind him. That’s not the question. The question is whether at this age you should have run, but he did run. And right now he is the nominee of the Democratic Party.”

“This is not 1968 where the convention is gonna decide. We changed the rules. Voters nominate a candidate. They’ve nominated Joe Biden, and he’s not going anywhere,” Axelrod told Maher. “There’s no generation of elders who are gonna go to the White House and tell him that he can’t run. He is going to run and one of the reasons they want an early debate I’m sure is to focus people on this is the choice! It’s Trump and Biden.”

Here’s the video:

Despite Bill Maher and other top Democrats' fears about Joe Biden, David Axelrod assures that Biden will not be swapped out for another candidate:
BM: "I'm worried about Biden as many people are.
Politico: 'A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) June 1, 2024

Bill Maher does not seem to have much, if any, confidence in Biden. Millions of people on the left share his concerns.

The post SORRY LEFTISTS: Former Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Idea of Replacing Joe Biden on 2024 Ticket is a ‘Fantasy’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

DISHONEST: Politico Calls Alvin Bragg the ‘Reluctant’ Prosecutor of Trump – Even Though He Ran on Doing It

However much you despise the media, it isn’t enough.

The liberal outlet ‘Politico’ has just published a piece about Alvin Bragg and his case against Trump, but calls Bragg the ‘reluctant’ prosecutor.

That’s pretty funny, considering that Bragg ran for office on the campaign promise that he would ‘get’ Trump.

The Politico piece is pure garbage, praising Bragg for his assault on justice:

This reluctant prosecutor just made Donald Trump a felon

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg won more than just the case when a jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony counts.

The Harlem Democrat, who at times seemed like a reluctant participant in a trial he launched, secured a place in history as the first prosecutor to land the conviction of an American president.

It’s easily one of the most dazzling feats of jurisprudence the nation has seen — and the sort of accomplishment that could launch him on a political rocket ship to Washington. Indeed, the conviction Thursday drew immediate praise and gratitude from Democrats, who see the former president as a unique threat to democracy — while also intensifying attacks from his supporters and the freshly convicted candidate himself, who has called the case a “witch hunt” and a “sham trial” organized by President Joe Biden.

Politico got called out, big time:

MISINFORMATION: The Soros-backed DA was anything but ‘reluctant’. He ran on a platform of ‘Get Trump’ and boasted about prosecuting him over 100 times. Politico is fake news. h/t @DonaldJTrumpJr

— @amuse (@amuse) June 1, 2024


— @amuse (@amuse) June 1, 2024

He was so reluctant to do it that he campaigned on it.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 1, 2024

Politico is really calling Alvin Bragg a reluctant prosecutor???

He literally ran for office campaigning on indicting my father.

The Fake News is truly the enemy of the people!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 1, 2024

Politico even earned a community note.

Based Community Note.

— Meara (@MillennialOther) June 1, 2024

Remember. These are the same media people who claim to care about misinformation and disinformation. What a joke.

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Lee Zeldin on Trump Verdict: ‘There is No Greater Threat to Democracy Than Joe Biden and the Democrats’

Former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin reacted to the Trump verdict this week and released a statement reminding people who the real threat to democracy is in this case. It’s Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Zeldin points out what pretty much everyone knows. That Alvin Bragg ran on ‘getting’ Trump for something, anything really.

Zeldin published his statement on Twitter.

This political persecution, designed to interfere with the 2024 election, was a disgusting abuse and weaponization of the criminal justice system. This ruling is obviously going to be overturned on appeal, but, for Democrats, this case was never about the merits.

— Lee Zeldin (@LeeMZeldin) May 30, 2024

Townhall has transcribed parts of the copy:

This case should have never been brought forward in the first place. This political persecution, designed to interfere with the 2024 election, was a disgusting abuse and weaponization of the criminal justice system. This ruling is obviously going to be overturned on appeal, but, for Democrats, this case was never about the merits. This was a coordinated effort by a District Attorney fulfilling a campaign pledge to prosecute Trump without the slightest clue of the possible charge. With the help of the Biden Justice Department, this sham trial was a campaign inside of a campaign to secure a talking point, regardless of how much damage it could cause to our country and criminal justice system…

There is no greater threat to Democracy than Joe Biden and the Democrats trying to lock up Biden’s chief political opposition for the rest of his life, keep Trump off the campaign trail, bankrupt him and his family, remove him from the November ballot, and deny Americans the right to choose for themselves who they want to elect as their next President. This all serves as a reminder of just how urgent and necessary our victory will be November 5th.

Zeldin made similar points during an appearance on ABC News:

The world witnessed today the conclusion of one of the most un-American political persecutions that will ever take place in our country. This case will be successfully appealed, but for Biden, Bragg and the Democrats, this was never about the merits.

— Lee Zeldin (@LeeMZeldin) May 31, 2024

This situation is showing America which Republicans are really prepared for this fight.

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Before yesterdayThe Gateway Pundit

Real Estate Investor Says Nobody Wants to do Business in New York City Following Trump Verdict (VIDEO)

Grant Cardone, founder of Cardone Capital, reaffirms his decision to withhold future investments from the Empire State in response to Trump’s guilty verdict. (Credit: Fox Business)

Real estate investor Grant Cardone appeared on the Fox Business Network this week following the latest Trump verdict and said that it is going to have far reaching effects on the city’s economy.

He suggested that nobody (including him) wants to do business in New York City anymore because they no longer trust the political and legal system there.

Cardone says that the people who are invested in his company wouldn’t even allow him to do business there.

From FOX Business:

“If they can do this to Donald Trump, a former president, regardless of how you feel about the politics, if they can do this to a former president, what can they do to Grant Cardone? What can they do to any other businessman?,” the Cardone Capital founder also chimed in Friday on “Varney & Co.”

Cardone recently pulled his business out of the Empire State and cautioned that Trump’s legal troubles — including a previous $355 million fine in a New York civil fraud case in February — would “wreak financial havoc” on the city.

“I have 15,000 investors with me at Cardone Capital. We’ve raised $1.3 billion. If I went to them today and said, ‘I want to invest in New York City,’ they would not give me money to do that,” the investor argued.

“That’s one of the greatest cities on planet Earth. And nobody wants to go there and do business,” Cardone continued. “I blame the legal system. Clearly, the political system has been weaponized.”

Watch the video below:

New York City is already struggling under the weight of crime, reduced revenue due to people leaving, and the border crisis.

Now they are also going to deal with fewer investments from people just like Cardone.

This situation is going to have an impact on NYC that will last a long time and in ways that cannot even be seen yet.

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Mark Levin’s Advice to Trump’s Legal Team: ‘Try Like Hell to Get to the Supreme Court’ (VIDEO)

Mark Levin of FOX News reacted to the Trump verdict on the Sean Hannity show last night and offered advice to Trump and his legal team.

Levin is a lawyer who worked in the Reagan Justice Department.

He thinks that this case needs to go to the U.S. Supreme Court, ASAP.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Well, I’ll say this, no crime, no jurisdiction, no due process, conflicted judge, Soros prosecutor, Manhattan jury.

You know, I’m going to tell you something, Sean, I’ve spent most of my legal career not as a former federal prosecutor, although I served as an chief of staff to an attorney general. I’ve spent most of my legal career fighting these people, suing the federal government, the DOJ, the IRS, the Treasury Department, the EPA, suing campaigns, fighting over voting rights laws and so forth.

And one thing I don’t think our audience understands and you need to understand, we have too many lawyers who are risk averse, too many lawyers who will whine and complain. I have spent 40 years sitting down with people who put on legal brass knuckles and take these bastards on in court. I’m on the — at the appellate and Supreme Court level, that’s where my focus has been my entire career.

So what they need to do now in my view is to go up the appellate chain in New York, we need to stop whining about how long that’s going to take, seek any emergency, immediate appeal that you possibly can. That’s one — one lane.

And the other lane is to try like hell to get to the Supreme Court.

People say, well, they’re not going to take it? You know what? If George Patton was said, I don’t think I can get to the Battle of the Bulge in time, we would have lost World War II. I am sick and tired of these legal defeatists.

We need to stop whining, stop complaining, we know what the hell we’re up against. It’s not news. It’s a fact.

We got to fight these people with our smarts. We have to take some risks. We need to push the edge of the envelope. I don’t mean in a way that that kooks do it, we need to look at Bush versus Gore. Why did the Supreme Court take that case from the Florida Supreme Court?

Watch the video below:

.@marklevinshow: No crime. No jurisdiction. No due process. Conflicted judge. Soros prosecutor. Manhattan jury.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 31, 2024

This, by the way, is the reason why Democrats and the media have been working so hard to discredit the Supreme court. Because they knew this was coming.

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BACKFIRE: Trump’s Approval Rating Goes UP in New Poll Following Guilty Verdict

Trump’s approval rating has gone up following his sham guilty verdict in New York, according to a new poll.

It just goes to show that the vast majority of Americans know what the trial was all about and disapprove of the Democrats’ fascist tactics.

More backfire is coming, but this is a good start.

Townhall reports:

Support for Trump Skyrockets In New Poll Following Conviction

If the Democratic Party thought convicting former President Donald Trump was going to make his millions of supporters abandon him, they better think twice.

In fact, he got a six-point jump in approval after being found guilty of 34 counts for falsifying business records.

According to a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll was taken just hours after 12 jurors convicted Trump in an unprecedented and politically-motivated move.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters— who can ultimately decide the outcome of the November election.

The guy who managed the poll commented:

“Our snap poll of a representative sample of likely voters shows that for most Americans the trial has not changed their deep-set views of Trump,” he said. “But amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6 points. That is outside of the margin of the error of the poll and we are saying that is significant.”

“It extends to Independent voters too. Look at the explanations and it is clear why: people feel it was a politically motivated trial and view Trump as a ‘fighter’ against what they see as injustice,” Johnson continued.

This is fantastic.

BREAKING: Former President Donald Trump gets a six-point bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts, according to a Daily Mail poll.

— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) May 31, 2024

Donald Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts according to snap Daily Mail poll: 'I think it was a waste of taxpayer money'

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 31, 2024

Donald Trump gets a SIX-POINT bump in approval after being found guilty on 34 counts according to snap Daily Mail poll: 'I think it was a waste of taxpayer money'

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) May 31, 2024

Democrats are going to regret doing this to Trump and the country.

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Maxine Waters Gets ROASTED on Twitter After Making Obnoxious Comment About Trump Verdict

Maxine Waters made an obnoxious comment about the Trump verdict this week and got immediate push back from other people on Twitter/X.

Perhaps Republicans should investigate and prosecute Maxine Waters for inciting violence when she urged people to harass Trump officials in public places. Or maybe they should look into all of the campaign funds she has funneled to her daughter over the years.

The response to Waters shows just how fed up people are with the vitriol of the left.

FOX News reports:

‘Corrupt criminal’: Maxine Waters receives backlash over vitriolic response to Trump’s guilty verdict

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., received backlash on social media in response to her reaction to the criminal conviction of former President Trump in a post where she mocked the former president.

“Trump shut your mouth!” Waters posted on X following Trump’s conviction.

“You talk about saving the Constitution? You’re the one who has disrespected the Constitution and you have supporters who believe we should get rid of the Constitution! Just shut your mouth, you’re convicted on all counts!”

The post, which ignited an immediate push back from conservatives on social media, received over 1 million views on X.

Here’s her tweet:

Trump shut your mouth! You talk about saving the Constitution? You’re the one who has disrespected the Constitution and you have supporters who believe we should get rid of the Constitution! Just shut your mouth, you’re convicted on all counts!

— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 30, 2024

Here are some of the responses:

Maxine Waters is notorious for being one of the dumbest and most corrupt members of Congress.

Lots of financial skeletons in her closet.

— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) May 31, 2024

You’re the one who should be on trial for corruption to the nth degree – aren’t you voted to be the most corrupt congressperson ever??

You incite violence, ignorance, hate and promote putting your political opponents in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT – just like the communists do.…

— MARXIST Denier (@MARXISTDenier) May 31, 2024

This woman is a corrupt criminal who has laundered over a million dollars in campaign cash to her daughter.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) May 31, 2024

Woman who implored supporters to physically get up in the faces of any Trump administration official has thoughts to share…

— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) May 31, 2024

Shut up you retarded moron

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 31, 2024

These people are mentally ill. TDS is real.

— Mike Sperrazza (@MikeASperrazza) May 31, 2024

Oh the ratio

Shut your mouth

Trump supporters LOVE the constitution it’s Democrats who constantly disregard it

Retire already you old hag

☀ (@azinthegarden) May 31, 2024

Maxine Waters, you are a wacko and your party are the fascists. You have weaponized justice and your leader Joe Biden is the same as Vladimir Putin.

You shut your mouth because you’re ignorant and every time you speak, it shows. We will defeat you in November.

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) May 31, 2024

Remember when your biggest donor was a crypto ceo who stole 30+ billion dollars from American citizens? No, I do.

— Chasten (@drchasten) May 31, 2024

Republicans should look into any alleged issues Waters has and give her a taste of her party’s own medicine.

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Judge Jeanine Pirro Reacts to Trump Guilty Verdict: ‘America Has Gone Over a Cliff’ (VIDEO)

Judge Jeanine Pirro of FOX News reacted to the Trump verdict today by saying that America has gone over a cliff.

As a judge herself, Jeanine lamented what this decision has done to the public image of our legal system, but as a political matter she was clearly outraged.

She spoke for millions of Americans.

From FOX News:

America has gone ‘over a cliff’ with Trump’s conviction, Judge Jeanine says: ‘All smoke and mirrors’

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Thursday that America has “gone over a cliff” after former President Trump was found guilty on all counts, making him the first former President of the United States to be convicted of a crime.

“I want to believe that Americans believe in justice, and I think that in their gut, they realized that there is something that is very wrong here. We have gone over a cliff in America,” Pirro said on-air, moments after the jury found Trump guilty of falsifying business records on all counts, concluding his historic and unprecedented criminal trial. Trump pleaded not guilty to all counts.

“This verdict is a verdict of someone who was forced to fight a 1,000-pound gorilla with both hands tied behind his back. This was a defendant for whom crimes were created, against whom a judge…was handpicked for this defendant, who denied him the ability to fight the way he needed to fight, who brought in crimes that we have never heard of in New York before, where they had dead misdemeanors that they resurrected into felonies based upon non-unanimous verdicts of crimes that are federal over which no state court or no state judge or prosecutor has jurisdiction,” Pirro said.

“And in the end, with all this smoke and mirrors, at 34 counts, and a hooker, and a guy, [who] according to a federal judge is a serial perjurer, we have convicted a former President of the United States of America,” she continued.

Watch the video below:

Here’s more:

America has gone over a cliff. To convict a former president of crimes that are not even specified in the indictment and for which the president was not allowed to defend himself, is a sad day for this great country. November 5th cannot come soon enough.

— Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) May 30, 2024

Democrats have set a dangerous precedent by doing this. They may not like life under the new rules they have created.

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Liberal Hollywood Celebs Cheer for Travesty of Justice – Celebrate Trump Guilty Verdict

All of the usual suspects in crazy, liberal Hollywood celebrated today after the guilty verdict was handed down in New York City.

Their pathological hatred of Donald Trump is a thousand times greater than their love for the United States of America.

They think this is a victory for them. They think that they finally ‘got’ Trump.

Breitbart News reports:

Hollywood Celebrities Rejoice over Trump Verdict: ‘Tears of Joy,’ ‘F**k Trump and F**k Those Who Support Him’

It was Christmas in May for Hollywood celebrities after a jury in deep blue New York City voted to convict former President Donald Trump on all 34 counts in his business records case.

While an appeal is a certainty — “This is far from over,” Trump said following the verdict — the stars nevertheless rushed to celebrate the case, which was brought by Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (D), who was present in the courtroom on Thursday.

“Tears of joy,” an emotional Kathy Griffin wrote.

“God Bless New York City!!!” an ecstatic Ellen Barkin tweeted.

“We are all cheering for justice and that no one is above the law!” John Leguizamo declared.

Barbra Streisand also weighed in, telling voters that they “must not allow this felon anywhere near the White House again.”

See the tweets below.

Kathy Griffin:

Thank you for saying that. It was awful and he is awful.

— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) May 30, 2024

Barbra Streisand:

Convicted felon Donald Trump is blaming the judge, the jury and New York for being found guilty on 34 counts. He will never accept accountability for his crimes. Americans must not allow this felon anywhere near the White House again.

— Barbra Streisand (@BarbraStreisand) May 30, 2024

Bette Midler:


— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) May 30, 2024

Rob Reiner:


— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 30, 2024

Stephen King:

The Republican candidate for President is a convicted felon.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) May 30, 2024

Mark Hamill:

— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) May 30, 2024

It will be fun to check back in on these people in November.

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Conservative Columnist Sean Davis Calls on Republicans to Start Creating Lists of Democrats to Prosecute and Put in Prison

Sean Davis is a columnist and the CEO of the conservative outlet The Federalist.

After the verdict came down in the sham NYC Trump trial today, Davis suggested that Republicans need to start creating lists of Democrats to prosecute and send to prison.

He is not joking. He is suggesting that the right needs to punch back twice as hard.

The liberal outlet Mediaite was horrified by this:

The Federalist CEO Calls For Republicans to Draw Up Lists of Democrats to ‘Put in Prison’ After Trump Verdict

Sean Davis, the CEO and co-founder of the the right-wing website The Federalist, called on Republicans to draw up lists of Democrats to “put in prison” in a social media post reacting to Donald Trump’s conviction on Thursday evening.

“In 2016, the presidential race was decided based on candidates releasing lists of potential Supreme Court nominees,” wrote Davis. “In 2024, I want to see lists of which Democrat officials are going to be put in prison.”

“This is what happens when you cross the Rubicon,” he added.

“If you are a state AG/prosecutor with original criminal jurisdiction, you had better be drafting up charges, indictments, and warrants for every Democrat official involved in this insane, treasonous attack on our entire constitutional republic,” he mused in another post.

Read the tweets from Davis below:

In 2016, the presidential race was decided based on candidates releasing lists of potential Supreme Court nominees.

In 2024, I want to see lists of which Democrat officials are going to be put in prison.

This is what happens when you cross the Rubicon.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 30, 2024

If you’re a Republican running for office, you can just go ahead and throw away all of your elegant little policy proposals for this or that corporate exclusion or tax subsidy. Give me a list of which Democrat officials you’re going to put in prison, or get lost.

There’s only…

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 30, 2024

If you are a state AG/prosecutor with original criminal jurisdiction, you had better be drafting up charges, indictments, and warrants for every Democrat official involved in this insane, treasonous attack on our entire constitutional republic.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 30, 2024

Biden and Garland should be indicted in Texas tomorrow for their ongoing criminal human trafficking conspiracy across the border and into the state of Texas, in direct contravention of state law.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 31, 2024

Democrats must be made to feel pain over their decision to do this.

It is the only thing they understand.

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Law Professor Jonathan Turley Reacts to Trump Trial: ‘Bizarre – I Disagree With This Verdict – Will Likely be Overturned on Appeal’ (VIDEO)

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has been observing the Trump trial as a legal expert for FOX News.

Today, after the guilty verdict came down, Turley reacted by calling it ‘bizarre’ and noting that it is still not even clear what Trump was specifically found guilty of.

He also suggested that the case will be overturned on appeal.

From Townhall:

Jonathan Turley Has a Lot to Say About the Trump Verdict

Legal expert Jonathan Turley reacted with strong words to the guilty verdict of former President Donald Trump, who was convicted on all 34 counts at his New York hush money trial after only two days of jury deliberations spanning over nine hours.

“I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others,” Turley tweeted, saying that he believes that the case will be reversed “eventually” either at the state or federal level. “However,” the George Washington University Law School professor added, “this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president. I had hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes.”…

Turley, who was there at the time of the verdict’s reading, called it “one of the most bizarre moments” he ever experienced in the courtroom. Judge Juan Merchan had just said the jury had not yet reached a decision and that they’d be dismissed for the day.

Watch the clip below:

Jonathan Turley explains we still don't even know what Trump has actually been found guilty of… Just amazing,

— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) May 30, 2024

Turley commented on Twitter:

I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others. I believe that the case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system…

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 30, 2024

This trial was a travesty of justice and the Democrats will eventually regret it.

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BIG NEWS: New Poll Finds Trump Tied With Biden in Virginia

A new poll from Roanoke College finds Donald Trump tied with Joe Biden in Virginia.

This is the real reason that Democrats and the media are so desperate to put Trump in jail. He is outperforming recent Republican candidates in places where Democrats believe they have locked the population into voting blue forever.

The truth is that although Virginia has not voted Republican in a presidential race since 2004, prior to that, the state voted red in every presidential election going back to 1968.

Trump could definitely flip Virginia back to red in November.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Donald Trump may have a shot at winning Virginia

The last time the Commonwealth of Virginia supported a Republican presidential candidate was in 2004, when then-President George W. Bush capped off 10 consecutive wins for the GOP in the Old Dominion, but former President Donald Trump has a shot at reversing that trend this November.

Once considered a perennial swing state, Virginia has tilted ever so slightly toward the Democratic Party in recent elections. Former President Barack Obama won the state in 2008 and in 2012, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton carried the state in her losing campaign in 2016, and President Joe Biden won the state in 2020 by a 10-point margin. In statewide elections, Republicans have fared slightly better, winning races for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general in 2009 and 2021, while Democrats won the same positions in 2013 and 2017. Democrats have held both Senate seats since 2006…

It is amid this backdrop that a new poll from Roanoke College shows the presidential election in the state tied. Biden and Trump both registered 42% support in the new poll, while the president opens up a slim 2-point advantage when third-party candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein are included.

For a state that has hardly been competitive for Republicans in recent cycles, the poll results are nothing short of astounding. If Biden fails to carry Virginia in November, his path to 270 electoral votes and a second term in the White House is practically nonexistent, given his polling in other swing states.

See the full poll results here.

According to Decision Desk, Trump has a better chance of winning Virginia than Biden has of winning Florida

— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) May 29, 2024

If Trump flips Virginia red in November, Biden is toast. And it’s entirely possible.

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CNN Data Analyst Points Out NYC Trial Not Affecting Public Opinion About Trump: ‘No Change’ (VIDEO)

CNN’s data analyst Harry Enten examined Trump’s approval numbers with regard to the sham NYC trial and found that the Democrat circus is not affecting Trump with the public at all.

Democrats were hoping that the trial would make Trump look toxic to the public. They have failed.

The problem for Democrats and the media is that everyone knows this trial is purely political and all about the 2024 election.

Breitbart News reports:

CNN’s Enten: ‘No Change’ In Public Opinion About Trump During New York Trial, People ‘Don’t Really Care’

CNN poll analyst Harry Enten said Wednesday on “News Central” that polling shows most voters don’t care about the New York business records case against former President Donald Trump.

Enten said, “It feels like only yesterday to me, John, that it began, but apparently, it is 44 days. You crack the numbers, you’ve run the numbers. All right, let’s take a look here…

He added, “Simply put, they have not. Pre-opening statements think Trump did something illegal, 46%. After the direct examination of Michael Cohen by the prosecution, look at where we are now, 46%. The percentage of Americans who think that the charges are very serious, in fact, dropped from 40% to a little bit more than and 35% during the course of this trial. So, yes, perhaps things might have changed with those 12 jurors, but when it comes to the larger American public, there has been no change.”

Watch the clip below:

CNN: ‘No Change’ in Public Opinion About Trump During Trial

HOST: Why?

ENTEN: Because most Americans don't care that much. They care about the economy, inflation, immigration, and election legitimacy.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 29, 2024

It could not be more obvious that this trial is just being used to try to damage Trump.

Not only do people not care about this, they see that Democrats care more about this than their real concerns, such as the economy and the border.

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MSNBC’s Mika of Morning Joe Questions Biden Campaign About De Niro Stunt: ‘Doesn’t Feel Right to Me at All’ (VIDEO)

Even Morning Joe knows that the Biden campaign screwed up with their Robert De Niro stunt this week.

Mika Brzezinski questioned a Biden campaign spokesman on Wednesday, saying that De Niro’s appearance near the New York City courthouse didn’t ‘feel right’ to her.

When a Democrat has lost hosts on MSNBC…

FOX News reports:

MSNBC host challenges Biden aide on bizarre De Niro press conference: ‘Doesn’t feel right to me at all’

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski challenged the Biden campaign on its decision to hold a chaotic press conference outside Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan with actor Robert De Niro, as the defense and prosecution gave their closing arguments.

“I guess I have to ask you why you decided to speak there and to have the campaign show up at the courthouse. I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right to me at all,” Brzezinski told Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

Tyler said the campaign, De Niro and two former police officers, who were at the Capitol on Jan. 6, decided to speak outside the courtroom on Tuesday because the media had been “incessantly posted up there for weeks.” He said Trump needed to answer for the “continued threat” he poses to democracy, as well as his “embrace of political violence.”

“So that’s what Robert De Niro and officers [Michael] Fanone and [Harry] Dunn were speaking to down in Manhattan yesterday. They were speaking to the fact that Donald Trump still regularly embraces political violence, is calling for a bloodbath if he loses this election, and is pledging to rule as a dictator on day one,” Tyler continued.

Watch the segment below:

"This campaign is not speaking about the substance of the trial in any way shape or form. What we're talking about is the unique threat that Donald Trump poses to our democracy."

— Biden-Harris Comms Director Michael Tyler on having Robert De Niro speak outside NYC courthouse

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) May 29, 2024

The Biden campaign is nothing but sleaze and dirty tricks. The entire sham prosecution has been politicized and even Mika knows it.

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POLL: 54 Percent of Democrats Want Joe Biden Replaced With Someone Else

More than 50 percent of Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with someone else, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports.

This is extremely unlikely to happen at this late stage in the election. The Democrats are already working out their plan to nominate Biden and Harris ahead of the party’s convention in August.

This is just another reminder that there is widespread disapproval for Biden, even among members of his own party.

Newsmax has details:

Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Dems Want Biden Replaced

A majority of Democrats say they approve of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party candidate ahead of November’s election, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday.

While 49% of likely voters overall said they would approve of Democrats dumping Biden, 54% of Democratic voters said they want Biden out, with 25% saying they “strongly approve” of the move, according to the results. Notably, Republicans surveyed are bringing down the average; just 45% of GOP voters surveyed want Biden replaced. Meanwhile, 50% of “other” voters, what Rasmussen labels unaffiliated, said they want to see Biden replaced.

The number of Democrats in favor of replacing Biden has jumped 6 points since the last survey in February, according to Rasmussen.

Young voters are the biggest age group that want Biden dumped, with 69% aged 18-39 saying they want Biden replaced.

However, just 44% of likely voters overall think it will actually happen, including 38% of Democrats. Again, notably, 52% of Republicans surveyed say it’s somewhat or very likely that Democrats will pull the plug on Biden, according to the survey.

This is embarrassing for Biden and his party.

54% of Democrats Now Approve of Dumping Biden

Nearly half of voters – including a majority of Democrats – think it’s OK for the Democratic Party to replace President Joe Biden with some other candidate.

More At Rasmussen Reports:

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 28, 2024

Would you approve or disapprove of Democrats finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the election in November?

Strongly or Somewhat Approve-
DEM: 54% (Up from 48% in Feb)
IND: 50%
GOP: 43%
All Voters: 49%

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 28, 2024

Democrats are likely stuck with Biden. He is certainly not going to just step aside. Remember, he thinks that he is doing a great job.

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Denver is Now Offering Other Cities Advice on How to Become a Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants

The city of Denver, Colorado has created a guide for other cities, to teach them how to become a sanctuary for illegal border crossers.

Earlier this spring, Denver’s Democrat mayor actually cut funding for the police and fire departments in order to keep the gravy train running for illegals. Prior to that, the city had cut other services for taxpayers.

Does this new guide mean that red state governors should start sending more of these folks to Denver?

Breitbart News reported:

Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

The Democrat-led city of Denver, Colorado, is offering a how-to guide to help other cities turn into immigrant sanctuaries at the expense of taxpayers.

The guide is titled “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City,” and its authors say they are “thrilled” to offer their guide on how to plan and implement a sanctuary city.

The guide exclaims:

We are thrilled that you are interested in creating a welcoming environment for migrants in your city. As part of Denver’s welcoming approach, we use the term “newcomers” to refer to migrants, recognizing that they are new to our city and embracing a more inclusive language. This playbook is a guide divided into two sections, offering recommendations and strategies for successfully integrating newcomers into your city.

The guide credits the “Office of Mayor Mike Johnston” and several of his migrant agencies.

Because of the cuts to police over the illegals, Denver is now planning to use drones as first responders instead of live police in some cases. You couldn’t make this up.

The Denver Police Department will soon use drones as first responders after the city cut millions from the force's budget to aid migrants.

— The National Desk (@TND) May 28, 2024

Why the taxpaying residents of Denver put up with this is a total mystery.

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Even Anti-Trumper Karl Rove is Dunking on the Biden Campaign Over Robert De Niro Stunt: ‘A Stupid Mistake’ (VIDEO)

Former George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove is no friend of Trump, yet even he is slamming the Joe Biden campaign over the decision to let unhinged TDS suffering actor Robert De Niro speak for them today.

De Niro ended up lashing out at critics in the crowd and looked like a crazy person.

Transcript via FOX News:

KARL ROVE: Stupid mistake by the Biden campaign. … While all the cameras were there, they wanted to get their moment in the sun. And it was a big mistake. It politicizes the trial. Better to have waited. And then what was said, with all due respect to Mr. De Niro, who’s a wonderful, wonderful actor… “Donald Trump wants to destroy New York, destroy America, and destroy the world. And if you reelect him, he’s never going to leave office. He’s going to make himself a tyrant for life.”

Are those the kind of credible statements that are going to cause people who don’t like Biden and don’t like Trump, but are trying to figure out who to vote for, are they going to cause people to say, ‘well, geez, you now told me you wanted to destroy our country.’ Of course he did. The people who believe that are already in the Biden camp. That’s not who they should be trying to reach out to. He came close in a moment of talking about January 6th and talking about the two officers, but that might have had an impact.

But this was so over-the-top as to simply be useless. And what a stupid mistake on the part of the Biden campaign. More reason why Democratic leaders are probably going to be concerned that he’s the likely nominee of their party.

Here’s the video:

‘Stupid Mistake!’: Karl Rove Torches Biden Campaign for Holding Bizarre Robert De Niro Press Conference

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 28, 2024

Rove may be annoying, but the point he makes here is pretty solid. The Biden campaign looks ridiculous for doing this.

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CNN Analyst Warns Dems of Potential Trump Acquittal in New York Trial: ‘Worst Case Scenario’ (VIDEO)

Sara Murray of CNN is warning the left that Trump could be acquitted in his New York trial and saying that this is the ‘worst case scenario’ for Democrats.

Was this just an attempt to soften the blow, should this happen?

Murray points out that if this case falls apart, it is likely the only case against Trump that will happen before the election.

FOX News reports:

CNN reporter warns potential Trump acquittal in New York trial is ‘worst-case scenario for Democrats’

A jury acquitting former President Trump in his criminal trial this week in New York would be the “worst-case scenario” for Democrats, a CNN reporter warned on Sunday.

“I think that it’s very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before Election Day. And this case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted. Acquitted is the worst-case scenario for Democrats,” CNN political correspondent Sara Murray said.

The jury will hear closing arguments on Tuesday in the criminal trial where Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree…

“Donald Trump gets to go out there and say, ‘Joe Biden’s prosecutors,’ which, again, not true, ‘came after me, his Department of Justice came after me, and they still didn’t convict me. I’m still innocent,'” Murray continued. “I also think you could end up somewhere in this sort of muddy middle where you end up with a hung jury, a jury that cannot reach a verdict. And then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide.”

Here’s the video:

CNN isn’t even trying to hide it anymore, they are now admitting the NY case is not a “slam dunk” to convict Trump

The trial has always been a sham, they simply want Trump in prison

Fake News Media is the Enemy of The People

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) May 26, 2024

We will likely find out this week. Hopefully, this will be another big disappointment for the left.

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REPORT: Joe Biden Turning to Bill and Hillary Clinton for Help With Fundraising

Joe Biden must be getting hard up for cash. He is turning to his old pals Bill and Hillary Clinton to help him raise funds with an event in Virginia.

If there’s one thing the Clintons are good at, it’s fleecing the public for money.

This is just a reminder that Biden can’t do this on his own. Last month, he did a fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Obama which was hosted by left wing hack Stephen Colbert. Biden needs all this help.

Axios reported:

Scoop: Bill and Hillary Clinton to headline Virginia fundraiser for Biden

President Biden and former President Clinton will team up for a mega fundraiser inside the Beltway in late June, hosted by former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The event will be the third iteration of a successful fundraising formula that includes an evening with two (or three) Democratic presidents for the price of one.

– Scheduled for June 18, it follows the “three president” extravaganza in New York in April and a planned event with Biden, Clinton and former President Obama in mid-June in Los Angeles, hosted by George Clooney. The New York event brought in $26 million for Biden’s re-election effort.

– In addition to Biden and Clinton, First Lady Jill Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will also attend, according to people familiar with the matter.

– McAuliffe, a former DNC chairman and longtime confidant of both presidents, will host the fundraiser at his home in McLean, Virginia.

Organizers are planning a two-tiered event, with a reception, followed by a more exclusive — and expensive — dinner to hoover up big-dollar contributions in the D.C. area.

All the crooks stick together

— Rick Flynn (@RickFlynn46) May 27, 2024

If @POTUS ws doing such a great job as they are telling us, we would not need all the backup.

— Citizens4Change (@ChangeNow86) May 27, 2024

It’s all so predictable, isn’t it?

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BAD NEWS FOR HOLLYWOOD: Memorial Day Box Office Sales Worst in Decades

Memorial Day weekend is typically big business at the box office but it’s a bust in 2024.

Box office sales this weekend were the worst in decades, a huge blow to the film industry which has been struggling for a few years now.

Millions of people have simply walked away from new movies over Hollywood’s embrace of wokeness and movies that seek to preach rather than entertain.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Memorial Day box office showing softest since the 1990s

Hollywood’s hopes for a hot start to the summer at the box office fizzled out Monday, with Memorial Day long weekend movie ticket sales poised to be the softest in almost three decades.

Warner Bros.’s Furiosa beat out Sony’s Columbia Pictures and Alcon Entertainment’s The Garfield Movie, according to Comscore data. But the Mad Max prequel’s $32 million domestic opening weekend was the Memorial Day weekend’s worst No. 1 performance since 1995’s Casper, with $22.5 million, not adjusted for inflation and excluding 2020, when theaters were closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In comparison, Disney‘s live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid opened last year with $118 million over the holiday, and Paramount Picture’s Top Gun: Maverick launched with $160 million 12 months before that. Even Furiosa’s predecessor, Mad Max: Fury Road, opened with $45 million in 2015.

The disappointing results have been partly attributed to last year’s strikes, which stopped production for months and delayed the likes of Disney’s Deadpool & Wolverine from May to late July. Additionally, Disney’s Lion King origin story, Mufasa, won’t come out in cinemas until December, and Paramount’s eighth Mission: Impossible won’t come out until next year. That meant there was was no comic book film to kickoff the summer as has become tradition, as well as no momentum heading into the season.

John Nolte of Breitbart News says the problem is the movies themselves:

Furiosa is shaping up to be a financial catastrophe. It cost $168 million to produce, so let’s call it an even $200 million with promotion costs (which might be generous). That puts break-even at around $400 million. The global take this weekend is a dreadful $59 million.

So what went wrong?

The answer is what’s been going wrong with Hollywood for the last five years… It’s not the pandemic. It’s not the strike. It’s not a lack of product. The problem is the product—the product sucks ass.

Hollywood is going to continue to struggle until they learn this lesson.

People go to the movies to be entertained, not for progressive political lectures.

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Republican Truck Driver Who Won New Jersey State Senate Seat in Shocking 2021 Victory Now Running for Governor

Edward Durr, the working class Republican truck driver from New Jersey who shocked the country by winning a state senate seat race in 2021, is now running for governor in the state.

Durr is a perfect example of what the country needs more of – average working people running for political office.

Considering how close the last race for governor was in New Jersey, a Republican candidate definitely has a shot.

FOX News reports:

Former NJ state Sen ‘Ed the Trucker’ launches bid for governor and predicts a Trump upset

Former New Jersey state Sen. Edward Durr, who in 2021 made national headlines for unseating longtime state Senate President Stephen Sweeney in an otherwise quixotic bid, told Fox News Digital he believes the Garden State may see more than one political earthquake this year.

Durr, who faces 2021 GOP gubernatorial nominee Jack Ciattarelli and state Sen. Jon Bramnick in the Republican primary, will potentially have a rematch with Sweeney as he makes a run for the governorship.

The Gloucester County Republican said his gubernatorial campaign is not too unlike his first bid against Sweeney, remarking 2024 is also a “campaign of grassroots.”

“It is of the people, by the people and for the people,” he said. “I’m not your prototypical candidate, so to speak. I’m not a lawyer, not a doctor, not a rich businessman of sorts. You know, I’m just a regular, working-class guy.”…

“They have always addressed their special interests while ignoring the common man and woman just trying to make ends meet, trying to get by. And somebody needs to speak up for us,” Durr added.

Here’s a local video report:

You have to admire this guy’s ambition to run as a conservative.

“New Jersey needs a blue collar, hard working conservative, and I’m just the guy for the job,” #Durr4Governor
Please help out with a donation today, we can do this. #NJDeservesBetter #VoteRed

— Edward Durr (@EdTheTruckerNJ) May 14, 2024

The country needs more people to step up in this way.

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REPORT: Democrats Starting to Get Nervous About Biden’s Chances in Pennsylvania

Joe Biden glitches out at Pennsylvania rally – thinks he’s running for congress.

Pennsylvania is an extremely important swing state. It went for Trump in 2016 and for Biden in 2020. Democrats see it as a must-win state for Biden in 2024, but some recent polls are starting to make them sweat.

If old ‘Scranton Joe’ can’t pull off a win there in November, Democrats think the whole ‘blue wall’ will fall apart and for once, they’re probably right.

It won’t be surprising to see Dems increase ad spending there in the coming months.

The Hill reports:

Pennsylvania poses problems for ‘Scranton Joe’

President Biden goes by “Scranton Joe,” he references Pennsylvania often in speeches and his campaigns have spent millions of dollars there in political ads.

In 2020, the president set up his campaign headquarters in Philadelphia — before the COVID-19 pandemic — and he visited the state more than any other battleground that cycle…

But now, some Democrats say it’s a state that could cause Biden’s blue wall to rupture.

They point to a pair of recent polls that show former President Trump with a narrow lead — in what amounts to a near tie.

But what’s concerning to them isn’t the top-line numbers, but the erosion happening within the Democratic base.

A New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer poll out earlier this month showed Biden’s support among young voters in the state has slipped since 2020 from 62 percent to 47 percent. And his backing from Black and Hispanic voters has also waned from 71 percent to 57 percent.

A recent poll from the Cook Political Report puts Trump ahead of Biden in Pennsylvania by three points.

#NEW @CookPolitical Swing State Poll:

Trump 49% (+9)
Biden 40%
Trump 48% (+3)
Biden 45%
Trump 47% (+2)
Biden 45%
Trump 48% (+7)
Biden 41%
Biden 45%
Trump 45%
Trump 47% (+3)
Biden 44%
Trump 45% (+1)…

— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) May 24, 2024

Democrats are right to be concerned. Trump won here once before and he can certainly do it again.

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Bitter Co-Host of ‘The View’ Ana Navarro Insults Latino Trump Supporters: ‘Very Stupid Attitude’ (VIDEO)

Ana Navarro of ‘The View’ insulted Latino Trump supporters during a recent appearance on CNN with the equally moronic Jim Acosta.

After Acosta notes that Trump is doing well in polls with Latino voters, he asks Navarro to explain it and she then accuses these voters of trying to appear more American by supporting Trump and says they have a ‘very stupid attitude.’

This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does to a person. In her mind, she is just smarter than people who support Trump. She cannot possibly be wrong, so it must be everyone else who has a problem.

The New York Post reported:

‘The View’ host Ana Navarro slams Latino Trump supporters’ ‘very stupid attitude’

Ana Navarro was roasted as “truly ignorant” and “out of touch” after she lambasted Latino Trump supporters for what she deemed their “very stupid attitude” toward immigration.

“There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them, and who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever,” Navarro, a former GOP-er and a star of “The View,” said Friday evening during a spot on CNN. “And that’s a very stupid attitude to have.”

Navarro was lambasted for her take.

“The belittling attacks from individuals such as Ana Navarro … exemplify precisely why Hispanics are flocking to the Republican Party. Democrats attempt to sow division, but we see through their ignorance,” former Texas GOP Rep. Mayra Flores told The Post. “She fails to comprehend the struggle, as she does not live paycheck to paycheck. Hispanics seek prosperity and the means to provide for their families. The Biden administration is costing us an average of $1,000 a month. While she can afford the policies of the Biden administration, we cannot.”

Here’s the video:

CNN’s token woke Latina Ana Navarro is now claiming American Latinos that are anti illegal immigration have a “stupid attitude”

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) May 24, 2024

Navarro has no argument so she is just insulting people. It’s pathetic.

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Kevin O’Leary Slams Biden Over Student Loan Debt Bailouts: ‘It’s Unfair’ (VIDEO)

Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank recently slammed the Biden administration over their latest round of ‘forgiveness’ of student loan debt, calling it unfair and un-American.

O’Leary points out that it’s a slap in the face to people who didn’t go to college as well as people who paid off their student loans.

He is correct on both counts.

FOX News reports:

Kevin O’Leary torches Biden student loan handout as ‘unfair’ and ‘un-American’: ‘I really really hate this’

“Shark Tank” host and business leader Kevin O’Leary railed against the Biden administration’s latest round of student debt handouts after the White House announced it would relieve debt for more than 160,000 borrowers.

“I hate this, I really, really hate this,” O’Leary said Wednesday on “The Story.”

“This is a very difficult pill to swallow for people that understand when you borrow money you have to pay it back,” he added. “Particularly, for those who do not understand why a selected group of individuals in history get a free ride. This is so un-American, it is so unfair, it is so inconsistent with the values we made people for over 100 years understand.”…

“I am a taxpayer, I don’t like this,” O’Leary said. “I don’t think it is fair. It is un-American in a sense that there are many people who have already paid back their student loans and cohorts in the past, those in the future that still may not get this. People that never got to go to college because they figured they could not afford it, it is so unfair.”

See the video below:

Kevin O'Leary: This student loan debt forgiveness is unfair and unamerican. This is free money from a helicopter when we're trying to tame inflation. We teach everybody in America you've gotta pay back your debts. But not you 5 million, you're off the hook. I hate this.

— Craig R. Brittain (@RealBrittain) May 22, 2024

Everyone knows this is really about Biden trying to buy votes with our money.

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The Core of Trump’s Speech in the Bronx is the Unity the Country Needs: Color Doesn’t Matter, ‘We Are All Americans and We’re Going to Pull Together as Americans’ (VIDEO)

Trump’s speech and rally in the Bronx truly feels like a turning point for the country. He brought a message of unity that is craved by millions of people across America.

Joe Biden was sold by Democrats and the media as a unifying figure, yet he has done nothing but divide and stoke resentment.

Trump told the crowd in the Bronx that color doesn’t matter because we are all Americans.

Larry Kudlow of the FOX Business Network commented:

Donald Trump’s Bronx speech was powerful

Donald Trump’s powerful speech last night in the Bronx was a message to Americans of all colors and that’s the subject of the riff. Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of ten or twenty thousand people last night at Crotona Park in the South Bronx.

Here’s the key point: they were primarily People of Color. A most unusual Republican rally, in a most unusual place, with a most unusual crowd for a Republican rally in a most unusual place. Take a listen to what Donald Trump said about this unusual story:

DONALD TRUMP: “It doesn’t matter whether you’re Black, or Brown, or White or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans and we’re going to pull together as Americans.”

Right there, that is the sociology about that crowd and it is a shot across the bow of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party nationwide. New York Governor Kathy Hochul is one of the very many Democrats who don’t understand what’s going on in Trump world. She said Donald Trump is inviting “all his clowns to a place like the Bronx.” Hochul’s one of many Democrats who don’t understand the Trump coalition of working folks of all colors that is busting up the traditional Democratic Party.

This was the moment. Watch:

DONALD TRUMP IN THE BRONX, NY: “It doesn't matter whether you're black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn't matter. We are all Americans.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 23, 2024

Compare the two messages of Biden and Trump.

I can't think of a better contrast between the candidates for president than these two clips from the last week.

Joe Biden went to a commencement at a historically black college. He told them they're victims and that America is an evil place that will always keep them down.…

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 24, 2024

This should be an easy decision for American voters.

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CENSORSHIP: USA Today Newspapers Delete Column by Republican Senator John Kennedy Without Telling Him

Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana recently wrote an opinion column that was critical of trans athletes and USA Today-owned newspapers deleted the piece without even notifying Kennedy.

This is reminiscent of the time in 2020 when Republican Senator Tom Cotton wrote an op-ed for the New York Times that was censored because it sent the paper’s staffers into fits of rage. Cotton had suggested using the military to control the riots in the ‘summer of love.’

Isn’t it fascinating that this censorship always seems to go in only one direction?

FOX News reported:

USA Today newspapers quietly delete GOP senator’s op-ed on trans athletes without telling him

Several Louisiana newspapers that are part of Gannett-owned USA Today’s network quietly deleted a published op-ed on transgender athletes from Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., without notifying him.

Communications reviewed by Fox News Digital showed the Republican was told his op-ed criticizing biological men playing women’s sports contained “inflammatory” speech that didn’t meet company standards.

Gannett Opinion Editor and Vice President of Standards and Ethics Michael McCarter stood by the decision to remove Kennedy’s piece.

“The opinion teams across the USA TODAY Network are focused on delivering local, timely, relevant, and diverse opinion pieces. We recognize the importance of sharing varying perspectives and the vital role we play convening conversations. Sen. John Kennedy’s submitted opinion column did not meet our ethical guidelines, which state we will treat people with respect. After further review, our editorial team removed the column from our website. Sen. Kennedy has been given the opportunity to revise his language – not his viewpoint – to adhere with our standards,” McCarter told Fox News Digital.

Kennedy commented:

“They think they are the speech police. Drunk on certainty and virtue, they think they are our moral teacher. This attitude is why so many Americans have lost confidence in the media. The media is not going to win that trust back until they return to neutrality instead of advocacy,” Kennedy said.

Apparently USA Today thinks they’re the speech police.

The media is not going to win trust back until they return to neutrality instead of advocacy.

— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) May 24, 2024

Do you think any newspaper in the country would dare delete a column by a senator like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders no matter what it said?

Not a chance.

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Black Woman From Chicago Urges Trump to do a Rally There, Says City Would Give Him a ‘Hero’s Welcome’ (VIDEO)

A black woman from Chicago named P-Rae Easely appeared on FOX News today and urged Donald Trump to hold a rally there, suggesting it would look a lot like the Bronx rally and that people in the city would come out to give him a hero’s welcome.

Anyone who has been following the news knows that many black residents of Chicago are outraged by the city’s handling of illegal immigrants, who have largely been imposed on black neighborhoods.

This woman is absolutely right. Trump should go into the heart of the Windy City and speak directly to the people.

Here’s a partial transcript:

Kayleigh McEnany: You said Trump will be greeted like a king in Chicago. Tell me about the reception for Trump should he come.

P-Rae Easely: Absolutely, we are going to show him lots of hospitality. He is the only person who has ever tried to save us from this liberal failure and chaos that’s impacting every facet of our lives and we’re gonna give him a hero’s welcome and we cannot wait until he gets here. Everybody is saying, when Trump comes we’re going to go outside to make sure that he knows that we support him.

McEnany goes on to play a clip of Biden’s hateful, divisive speech at Morehouse College last week and compares it to Trump’s unifying message in the Bronx and Easely responds by suggesting that Joe Biden is the last living Dixiecrat and that his message has always been one of division. She even calls him Jim Crow Joe.

Easely then talks about the anger in the city about the special treatment for illegal immigrants as a driving force of support for Trump.

Watch the whole thing below:

Chicago resident urges Donald Trump to visit the Windy City:

"We're gonna give him a hero's welcome."

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 24, 2024

Trump should definitely go to Chicago. Democrats would lose their minds seeing how much support he would get there.

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INJUSTICE: Pro-Life Grandmother Who Suffered Stroke in Prison – Sentenced to Two Years Behind Bars for Protesting Peacefully at Abortion Clinic

Heather Idoni, a 59 year-old grandmother and mother of 15, has just been sentenced to two years in prison for protesting at an abortion clinic.

Meanwhile, Marilyn Mosby, the corrupt former state’s attorney from Baltimore who was found guilty of perjury and mortgage fraud, is walking free with no jail time.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

Idoni was also convicted for praying and singing hymns in the hallway of a clinic in Tennessee, and she currently awaits trial for two additional FACE violations in Michigan.

Idoni recently spoke with LifeSiteNews and shared the abuses she alleges she has faced while incarcerated.

Heather Idoni, a defendant in the Washington, D.C., FACE (Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances) Act trials, told LifeSiteNews that she has been subjected to 22 days of solitary confinement. In an exclusive interview, she said that she received this punishment for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Idoni alleged that she was allowed to walk outside her cell only for two hours in the middle of the night each day and that the lights of her cell were continually kept on. Idoni has been in prison since she was convicted last autumn.

Earlier this month, the Pro-Life activist Heather Idoni suffered a stroke after her 22 days of solitary confinement in prison for sharing food with fellow prisoners.

Breitbart News reports:

Pro-Life Grandmother Sentenced to 24 Months in Prison for 2020 D.C. Abortion Clinic Protest

An eighth pro-life activist was sentenced on Wednesday under the Freedom of Access the Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and “conspiracy against rights” for an abortion clinic protest in Washington, DC, in October 2020.

Heather Idoni, 59, was sentenced to 24 months in prison, with credit for the nine months she has already served since being found guilty in August 2023, the Department of Justice announced.

Seven other pro-life activists were sentenced to years in federal prison last week for protesting at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, DC, an abortion clinic infamous for late-term abortions. Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) activist Lauren Handy, 30, was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison with credit for the nine months she has already spent in jail. John Hinshaw, 69, was sentenced to 21 months in prison, and William Goodman, 54, was sentenced to 27 months in prison, both with credit for time served, according to the DOJ…

We have radical leftists on college campuses blocking Jewish students from entering buildings and this is who the DOJ chooses to prosecute.

Heather Idoni was sentenced today to 24 months in prison following her convictions under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. She is a mother of 5 and adoptive mother of an additional 10 (!) who has never engaged in violence threats, or any kind of intimidation.

— Julianne Wiley, the one you were looking for (@julianne_wiley) May 25, 2024

She should have burned down a building, jumped up and down on a police car no, prison for that. SO WRONG!

A complete injustice
Heather Idoni is a 59-year-old grandmother who will now spend a total of 24 months in federal prison for peacefully protesting the slaughter of babies.

— Arthur Windsor (@ArthurWindsor) May 25, 2024

Is there any wonder why trust in our institutions is at an all time low?

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NBC News Reporter Stunned by Support for Trump From Black and Latino Voters at Bronx Rally (VIDEO)

Dasha Burns of NBC News was at the Trump rally in the Bronx and spoke to black and Latino voters about why they were there and why they supported Trump.

She appeared on one of the network’s morning shows today to report her findings and she seemed surprised that the support for Trump that she witnessed at the event was completely genuine.

She noted that many of the people in attendance were immigrants who are angry about the open border and New York City’s giveaways to illegals.

FOX News reports:

Black, Latino Trump supporters at Bronx rally shut down reporter asking about his ‘racist’ rhetoric

NBC News reporter Dasha Burns said that several Black and Latino Trump supporters shut her down when she attempted to confront them on the former president’s “racist” rhetoric on Thursday.

Burns appeared on MSNBC on Friday to talk about her coverage of Trump’s massive rally the previous day in deep-blue Bronx, New York. The reporter recalled that the Black and Latino Trump supporters she spoke to on the scene had completely bought into Trump’s anti-illegal immigration and economic policies, even if he had said “racist” and “bigoted” things in the past.

“They are just so focused on what their lives are like right now, what they can feel tangibly, that when I push back with those comments, they shut that down,” Burns told MSNBC host Ana Cabrera, commenting that these voters don’t care about Trump’s rhetoric compared to his policies…

“Well, this might sound a little counterintuitive, but I did talk to folks in that crowd who themselves were immigrants,” she said. “A lot of people that I talked to were born and raised in the Bronx. For some of them, this was their first ever Trump event. And when you talk to immigrants that are going to these Trump rallies, they agree with his message on immigration.”

Watch the video below:

NBC’s Dasha Burns: Black & Latino Voters At Bronx Trump Rally “View His Actions Over Words In Terms Of What They Feel He Can Do For Their Community”

“Immigrants at these Trump rallies agree with his message. Their point is, ‘I did it the right way.'”

— RCP Video (@rcpvideo) May 24, 2024

So many people in our media just don’t understand Trump’s appeal to average Americans. It’s why they struggle to cover him in the news.

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Chicago City Council Defies Mayor Johnson’s Effort to Drop Gunshot Detection System – Even Democrats Vote Against Him

Earlier this year, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson tried to sever the city’s contract with ShotSpotter, a system that lets authorities know where a gunshot has occurred. People on the left convinced Johnson that the system was somehow racist.

Now the city council in Chicago has defied the mayor and even members of his own party are saying that they want the system back in place.

Johnson was asked about this by the media and seemed stunned.

WTTW News reports:

City Council Votes 34-14 to Endorse Effort to Overturn Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Decision to Scrap ShotSpotter

The Chicago City Council voted 34-14 on Wednesday to endorse an effort to overturn Mayor Brandon Johnson’s decision to scrap the city’s use of ShotSpotter after an intense debate over the gunshot detection system.

The vote represented a significant rebuke of Johnson and the central promise of his campaign for mayor, which vowed to address the root causes of crime and violence rather than focusing on law enforcement.

The order calls for a City Council vote before ShotSpotter is removed from any Chicago ward and requires the Johnson administration to provide alderpeople with a host of data generated by the ShotSpotter system before the city’s contract with SoundThinking expires on Nov. 22.

Johnson could veto the order, which he has said is unlawful. However, two-thirds of the City Council voted in favor of it, raising the possibility that the City Council could override a mayoral veto, which has never happened in Chicago history.

The order approved by the City Council said Johnson “usurped the will of the City Council and their ability to represent constituents” by canceling the city’s contract with SoundThinking, which operates the ShotSpotter gunshot detection system.

Watch this exchange between Johnson and the press:

Mayor Brandon Johnson ended Chicago's contract with ShotSpotter after activists complained that the gunshot-detection technology is racist.

City Council just voted to REINSTATE it, including many loyal Democrats.

Johnson is not happy about it:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 23, 2024

Johnson should read the room. People in Chicago want to feel safe.

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Illegal Immigrant From Turkey Shocks Reporter Describing How Easy it Was to Cross the Border (VIDEO)

Bill Melugin of FOX News has been reporting from the border for months now. This week, he had an exchange with an illegal immigrant from Turkey that was truly shocking.

The man explains how easy it was for him to cross the border and then goes on to say that Americans are right to be concerned about this problem.

He points out that any crazy and potentially dangerous person could easily cross into the United States.

The illegal seems more concerned about the lack of security at the border than many of our elected officials.

RedState has the transcript:

MELUGIN: Did you have to pay a cartel?


MELUGIN: How much?


MELUGIN: $10,000?

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: Yes…In fact, the American people is right, completely true. Who comes into this country? They don’t know. Okay, I’m good, but how if they’re not good? How if they’re killers, psychopath, else? No guarantee of that. Like, no security, no security check, no background check

MELUGIN: No security, no background, you’re worried about who’s crossing the border?

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT: Yes, yes. Of course, because (unintelligible) people are not like normal.

Watch the video below:

NEW: A Turkish man who crossed into Jacumba, CA illegally w/ a group of other Turkish men told me he paid $10k to a cartel, & expressed shock at how easy it was to cross the U.S. border with no resistance, telling me Americans should be “worried” about security & who is crossing.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) May 23, 2024

Bonchie of RedState comments:

Think about how insane that exchange is for a moment. A guy from Turkey paid $10,000 to be trafficked by a cartel across the U.S. Southern border, and even he was like, “Yeah, you guys might oughta do something about this.” He says there was no security check or background check. Instead, the man was essentially waved through, likely handed some form of a notice to appear that will never be honored. That’s Joe Biden’s immigration policies in effect.

It’s amazing that it takes an illegal who just crossed the border to raise this alarm.

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Joe Biden Gets Absolutely Roasted After Tweeting ‘We Leave No Veteran Behind’

Joe Biden’s Twitter/X account published a message yesterday saying ‘we leave no veteran behind’ and it provoked a strong reaction from other users on the site.

Some users were quick to point out the disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal, others noted the fact that we still have homeless veterans in our country while illegal immigrants are put up in hotels.

The backfire was massive.

Here’s the Biden tweet:

In America, we leave no veteran behind.

— President Biden (@POTUS) May 22, 2024

Here are some of the responses:

Joe Biden abandoned 13 U.S. service members to dįe in Afghanistan.

He’s lost his right to ever speak about our military again.

— Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) May 22, 2024

You forgot about them, didn't you. We didn't.

— Sara Rose (@saras76) May 22, 2024

Fact Lies & Fiction

DISGUSTING Joe Biden Checks His Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence.

— Pismo (@Pismo_B) May 22, 2024

13 dead young warriors at Abby Gate would like a word.

— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) May 22, 2024

— John Hasson (@SonofHas) May 23, 2024

More veterans will die this year awaiting treatment by the VA than have died in combat this entire century.

— mitrebox (@mitrebox) May 22, 2024

Kiss my ass, you piece of trash

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 23, 2024

The chutzpah of the guy in charge of the Afghanistan withdrawal tweeting this…

— Arthur Boreman (yes, that Arthur Boreman) (@ArthurBoreman) May 22, 2024

How many homeless veterans are there?

How many illegal aliens are receiving cash, food and housing from you?

— TimOnPoint (@TimOnPoint) May 23, 2024

Uh-oh. Last time he spoke like this, he abandoned our hostages in Gaza.

— Marina Medvin (@MarinaMedvin) May 23, 2024

There’s 35,574 homeless veterans

— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) May 23, 2024

Joe Biden is trolling… right… right…

He knows the American people haven’t forgotten what he did in Afghanistan.

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 23, 2024

Biden’s social media team clearly didn’t think this through before posting.

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Chuck Schumer Once Again Tries to Pass Sham Border Bill – Gets Even Less Support Than Last Time

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tried once again to pass his so-called border bill this week and it went down in flames with even less support than the last time it was introduced.

This is the bill that does nothing to secure the border, while placing a priority on the processing of illegal border crossers.

Leave it to Democrats to push a border bill that doesn’t actually address the real problem.

FOX News reports:

Schumer-backed border bill fails a second time with even less Dem support

The Senate failed to advance a border bill backed by some Democrats and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Thursday, seeing the measure garner less support than it did in February when it was first considered.

By a vote of 43-50, senators chose not to advance the bill, which was negotiated in a bipartisan nature by Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., and James Lankford, R-Okla.

Both Lankford and Sinema sided against their own legislation, a departure from their previous votes.

In a speech ahead of the vote, Sinema denounced political theater on both sides of the aisle, hitting Republicans for turning their back on the bill and Democrats for choosing to bring it up again without working to gain support.

“Today, the Senate is proving what many Americans already think about Congress: that Senators come here for political games, not to deliver results,” Sinema said in a statement.

Everyone knows what’s really going on here.

Let me make a few things clear:

The border bill opens the border and legalizes the illegal immigrants.

If the border bill stopped illegals from invading, Democrats would block it.

The Biden regime has sued any state that’s tried to actually stop illegals from invading.

— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) May 23, 2024

Schumer’s gaslighting continues.

His “comprehensive border security bill” would allow 3-4 million illegal crossings per year.

The House passed the Secure the Border Act on May 11, 2023.

REAL border security has been sitting on his desk for 378 days.

Here’s what it would do

— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) May 23, 2024

Schumer and the Democrats have no interest in actually securing the border.

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WHAT A SHAME: CNN’s Primetime Ratings Are Going DOWN as They Cover the Trump Trial 24/7

In recent weeks, CNN has shifted their Trump obsession to the sham Trump trial in New York. They even had hosts do an embarrassing ‘dramatic reading’ of trial transcripts that got panned on social media.

The bad news for the far left network is that it is not doing anything to help their already sagging ratings. In fact, their primetime viewership is going down.

Most Americans are far more concerned about the economy, inflation and the invasion of the southern border, but CNN doesn’t care. They need their Trump-hating fix every single day.

FOX News reports:

CNN’s primetime lineup hits dismal viewership low despite New York v. Trump trial

CNN’s long-struggling primetime lineup hit a significant viewership low in a critical category last week despite the landmark New York v. Trump trial dominating the news cycle.

CNN’s primetime lineup of “Anderson Cooper 360,” “The Source with Kaitlan Collins,” and “CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillip” managed only 83,000 nightly viewers in the advertiser-coveted demographic of adults age 25-54 from May 13-19. The dismal total tied the network’s 2023 Thanksgiving week for its smallest audience in the critical category since 1991.

By comparison, Fox News programs “Jesse Watters Primetime,” “Hannity,” and “Gutfeld!” averaged 186,000 demo viewers to crush CNN’s audience by over 100,000 people between the ages 25-54.

CNN’s primetime lineup had a smaller audience among the demo than 23 different basic cable options, including FXX, MTV, Hallmark Channel, Discovery, A&E, Adult Swim, Comedy Central, TLC, HGTV, Food Network. ESPN2, and Bravo, in addition to Fox News and MSNBC.

CNN’s primetime lineup wasn’t particularly successful among total viewers, either, averaging only 484,000 total viewers compared to two million for Fox News.

How could CNN possibly be losing viewers with compelling news coverage like this?

CNN’s dramatic transcript reading has the vibes of a local parish on Good Friday- when random readers flatly drone text they don’t fully understand. “Didn’t I see you with the Galilean?”

— Raymond Arroyo (@RaymondArroyo) May 14, 2024

It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic and sad.

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POLLS: Trump Now Tied With Biden in New Hampshire – Catching up to Him in Blue New York

Trump is now tied with Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to new polling.

Years ago, this would not be surprising. New Hampshire used to be a red state, but decades of migration from liberals in Massachusetts who didn’t want to pay the taxes that they consistently voted for has turned the Granite State blue.

Maybe people in New Hampshire have finally had enough.

NH Journal reports:

SHOCK POLL: Trump Tied With Biden in Blue New Hampshire

Democrats have all but owned the Granite State’s four Electoral College votes, winning seven of the past eight presidential contests – including Joe Biden’s eight-point victory over President Donald Trump in 2020.

But the latest NHJournal/Praecones Analytica poll finds Biden tied with Trump in New Hampshire, putting him at risk of becoming the first Democrat to lose the state since Al Gore in 2000.

The survey of 862 registered voters taken the week of May 15-20 found Granite Staters evenly split between Biden and Trump at 36 percent, with 14 percent backing independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and another 12 percent choosing none of these.

Those numbers may explain why Biden is making his second Granite State stop in two months, an unusual travel pattern for a Democratic president in a competitive national election. For Biden, who rarely travels far from D.C. or his Delaware beach house, it’s particularly notable.

Listen to these New Hampshire voters and it all makes sense.

“HE’S DONE A LOUSY JOB”: Granite Staters FLAME Crooked Joe Biden ahead of his visit to New Hampshire today.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 21, 2024

Another poll finds Trump is catching up to Biden in blue New York:

New York GE: @SienaResearch

Biden: 47% (+9)
Trump: 38%
Other: 3%

February: Biden +12
April: Biden +10
May: Biden +9

Generic Ballot
DEM: 49% (+16)
GOP: 33%

• 538: #20 (2.7/3.0) | 1,191 RV
• D49/R22/I28 | May 13-15 | ±3.9%…

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 22, 2024

Biden won New York by 23 points in 2020. Today- that lead has shrunk to single digits…

— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) May 22, 2024

It's hard to describe how bad this poll
is for Joe Biden. This is a D+27 poll. Biden and Clinton both won New York by 23 points. Now, in a D+27 poll, he's only up 9?

This would have me absolutely freaking out if I was Biden.

Reputable pollster, too.

— Pro Swing Trading (@Pro__Trading) May 22, 2024

The ground is shifting, despite the best efforts of Democrats and the media.

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Another County in Oregon Has Just Approved the Measure to Secede From the State and Join ‘Greater Idaho’

As the Gateway Pundit has previously reported, the ‘Greater Idaho’ movement is an effort by people in the state of Oregon to secede and become part of Idaho.

The whole thing is being driven by people in Oregon who are tired of living under policies driven by the far left in cities like Portland.

Support for the idea has grown over the last two years and another county in Oregon has just approved the measure.

The New York Post reports:

13th conservative Oregon county approves measure to secede and join ‘Greater Idaho’

Another right-leaning county in eastern Oregon has voted to secede from the Democrat-run state and join neighboring Idaho, according to reports.

Crook County residents passed the measure by a 53% majority Tuesday, making it the 13th county in the state to sign onto the movement known as “Greater Idaho,” NewsNation reported.

“The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward,” said the Greater Idaho movement’s executive director Matt McCaw.

“With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes.”

Greater Idaho would see more than half of Oregon’s territory leave the Beaver State and join Republican-run Idaho to the east…

Greater Idaho began in earnest in 2020 and quickly began picking up traction, with eleven of the state’s 36 counties voting to endorse the idea by 2022.

Maybe some other states should try this.

When does Indiana conquer southern Illinois to create Greater Indiana?

— Aleks Djuricic (@AleksDjuricic) May 23, 2024

Minnesota next please

— Tyler Zed (@realTylerZed) May 23, 2024

Get it done. Will set a necessary tidal wave in motion.

— Owoodfr77 (@owood77) May 23, 2024

If this sounds far-fetched, just remember that something similar just succeeded in Louisiana.

People are tired of being ruled by the far left.

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Obama Bros Terrified That if Trump Wins He Might Get to Appoint Two More Justices to SCOTUS (VIDEO)

The former Obama speech writers, often referred to as the Obama bros, run a podcast called Pod Save America.

During a recent episode, they revealed that they’re horrified by the prospect of Trump being reelected because he might get to appoint two more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

They correctly point out that if that happens, the court will have a conservative majority for decades.

They also suggest that Democrats should run on this issue.

From Mediaite:

Ex-Obama Official Warns: A Trump Win in 2024 Will Mean FIVE Trump Justices on Supreme Court

A former Barack Obama advisor is warning that a second Donald Trump term in the White House will inevitably lead to a “MAGA court majority” for decades to come.

Pod Save America co-host Dan Pfeiffer raised alarms about another four years of Trump in office and the potential impact on the Supreme Court. In his first term, Trump appointed three judges to the Supreme Court: Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh.

In the latest episode of Pod Save America, Pfeiffer argued Democrats should mimic a strategy he said Republicans deployed in 2016 when some were convinced to support Trump in the presidential election due to the significance of a Supreme Court seat being open at the time. Democrats, Pfeiffer said, should “reverse” this strategy and make the Supreme Court as central to their pitch as Republicans did…

“If he gets two appointments, that means he will have appointed five Supreme Court Justices, all of whom will be around or below the age of 60 when he leaves office,” he said. “That is a court majority — a MAGA court majority that will rule for decades.

Watch the clip below:

“Think about the stakes in the Supreme Court. If Donald Trump wins, he will almost certainly get two more appointments…If he has two appointments, that means he will have appointed five Supreme Court justices” —@danpfeiffer on the 2024 election

New pod:

— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) May 21, 2024

This is one of the main reasons that the left has amped up their attacks on the supreme Court. It drives them absolutely insane that they don’t control it.

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Biden’s Approval Rating Drops Again – Also Falls Behind Trump in Fundraising for First Time

Biden just keeps sinking. His approval rating took another hit in May, bringing it to its lowest level in almost two years.

It’s hardly a surprise given the state of the economy, the border, national security, etc.

Breitbart News reports:

Biden’s Approval Rating, 36%, Drops to Lowest Mark Since July 2022

President Joe Biden’s approval rating in May fell to its lowest level in almost two years, Reuters/Ipsos poll found Tuesday, deepening reelection concerns.

Presidents historically need an approval rating around 50 percent to win reelection.

Only 36% approve of Biden, down two points since April. It matches his lowest-ever approval rating in July 2022.

Biden’s sluggish economy for main street was the top issue (23 percent) for Americans, while 21 percent of respondents said political extremism was the top issue, followed by the open border (13 percent).

On the question of who managed the economy better, Trump soared ten points above Biden (40-30 percent).

To make matters worse for Biden, he is now trailing Trump in fundraising numbers.

Hot Air reported:

Biden Campaign Falls Behind in Fundraising for the First Time

This can’t be good news for team Biden. While the president’s poll numbers have remained in the mud he could at least celebrate that his campaign fundraising was going well, beating out the Trump team each month. But things took a turn in April.

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign’s fundraising in April lagged rival Donald Trump’s for the first time, after the former president ramped up his joint operation with the Republican National Committee and headlined high-dollar fundraisers.

The Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised more than $51 million in April, the campaign said, lower than the $90 million they raised in March and less than $76 million Donald Trump and the Republican Party reported taking in for the month.

There is something in the air right now.

The 2024 election already does not feel like the 2020 election.

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Kellyanne Conway Explains How Joe Biden Lost Independent Voters (VIDEO)

Joe Biden has a major problem with Independent voters and as we have noted previously, this alone could easily cost Joe the election. We often focus on the right and the left, but elections are usually decided by people who fall somewhere in the middle.

Former trump adviser Kellyanne Conway recently appeared on the Laura Ingraham show and pinpointed what she sees as the moment Biden lost independents.

According to Conway, it was the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. She correctly notes that Biden’s poll numbers with Independents have never recovered after that moment in time. She also cites the dismal Biden economy as a driving force.

Transcript via Happyscribe:

For a while, Laura, actually, Joe Biden lost independence [independents] after that chaotic, inexcusable withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never won them back in anyone’s polling. He’s never been on top approval versus disapproval among independents. But when you listen to folks who actually voted for Biden say they’re going to vote for Trump, they’re very clear-headed and concise as to why that is. The New York Times report showed it has an awful lot to do with the economy, inflation. Just the cost of everyday life has become increasingly unaffordable.

They blame the guy in charge for that. When Kareem [Karine] Jean-Pierre says, Gas is down 15 cents, groceries are down 2%, people are saying, Excuse me, housing costs and the CPI, core inflation, when we are trying to feed ourselves, close [clothe] ourselves, put a roof over our heads. That’s up close to 20%. The Wall Street Journal had an unbelievable set of graphs today everybody should look at demonstrating this.

The flip side, the Biden voters, the hard core Biden voters who are going to vote for him again. According to the New York Times, they tend to be white. They tend to be abortion voters. They tend to be against Trump, not for Biden.

This video is cued to start at the 1:22 mark. Just press play:

It will be fascinating to see what kind of role Kellyanne plays in the Trump campaign and hopefully, cabinet, going forward.

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Megyn Kelly Schools Bill Maher on Hillary Clinton’s Election Denialism (VIDEO)

Bill Maher is obviously making the media rounds to promote a new book and he is talking to all sorts of people on the right. One night this week, he appeared on the Greg Gutfeld Show.

Then he appeared on the Megyn Kelly podcast. In one interesting exchange, Megyn gave Bill an education about Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election denialism.

Bill insisted that Hillary conceded the race that night, as if that excuses everything that followed. Megyn correctly points out that Hillary then spent four years calling Trump an ‘illegitimate’ president. She even showed the clips to Maher.

Mediaite has the exchange:

As the two continued sparring on Trump’s claims of election fraud, the two clashed again on Hillary Clinton and comments she made about the 2016 presidential election. In 2019, she referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president” years after conceding her loss.

Maher objected after Kelly referred to Clinton as an “election denier.”

“She absolutely was the OG election denier,” Kelly declared.

“First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump,” Maher said.

“And then spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate, he was an illegitimate president,” Kelly added.

Maher appeared to not know the “illegitimate” quote, but he argued she conceded the election, making the point moot.

“Whether you’re interpreting her disappointment at losing it as the same thing as Trump not conceding it… it’s a tremendous false equivalency,” he said.

Here’s the clip:

Megyn Kelly triggers Bill Maher by calling Hillary Clinton the ‘original election denier’:
MK: “Hillary Clinton of course is the original election denier.”
BM: “She’s not an election denier.”
MK: “Then spent the next 4 years saying he was an illegitimate president.”
BM: “She…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) May 22, 2024

Try as he might, Bill Maher seems unable to let go of his leftist leanings. It’s good that he is trying to talk to people outside the liberal bubble, but he still has a way to go.

If you have any interest in watching more of their exchange, the full episode is below:

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Newsweek Pushes FAKE NEWS Story About Tucker Carlson and… RUSSIA!

Newsweek has been busted for running a fake news story about Tucker Carlson, saying that he has made a deal with Russia State TV.

Their tweet is still up.

Tucker Carlson launches show on Russian state TV

— Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 21, 2024

Twitchy grabbed this part of the original story:

Conservative TV host Tucker Carlson has launched his own show on a Russian state television channel.

The former Fox News anchor is presenting the program Tucker on the rolling news channel Russia 24, with the first episode now available online, Russian state newspaper Rossiskya Gazyeta reported.

The paper said that the show is part of a joint project with Carlson TV, in which he will interview figures and politicians who have “alternative views to the mainstream.”

In February, Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin.

Newsweek has since been forced to update the story.

Newsweek has now updated their headline and added an editor's note stating that Tucker did not in fact launch a show on Russian TV after Tucker Carlson Network CEO @NeilPatelTDC rejected their claim and said Newsweek didn't even reach out to them for comment before publishing it.…

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 21, 2024

Tucker’s business partner Neil Patel posted a response.

The Tucker Carlson Network has not done any deals with state media in any country. Whoever is currently pretending to be the old Newsweek brand would know that if they had checked with us before printing like news companies are supposed to do.

— Neil Patel (@NeilPatelTDC) May 21, 2024

Newsweek busted for publishing fake news… again.

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 21, 2024

It looks like this was the source:

Seems the source for this bogus story was *literally* the Ukrainian version of Pravda.

— Jack Montgomery (@JackBMontgomery) May 21, 2024

This is the liberal media that wants you to be deeply concerned about disinformation.

Once again, one can’t help but notice that these kinds of mistakes always seem to go in only one direction.

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WHO WANTS TO TELL HER? Hollywood Dope Bette Midler Asks: ‘What Would Have Happened if Hillary Clinton Had Claimed the Election Was Stolen?’

Hollywood liberal Bette Midler recently asked on Twitter/X: ‘what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had claimed the election was stolen?’

For real. See the tweet below:

Can you imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had claimed the election was stolen?

— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) May 19, 2024

This is evidence that lots of people talk about politics but clearly have no idea what they’re talking about. Earth to Bette Midler: Hillary did claim that the 2016 election was stolen. Repeatedly.

Bette Bette. You can imagine it!

— Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) May 20, 2024

The Daily Wire reported on this:

Bette Midler Gets Fact-Checked After Asking, What If Hillary Clinton ‘Claimed The Election Was Stolen?’

The remark, seemingly out of the blue from the legendary singer and actress whose career in Hollywood and on Broadway has spanned more than five decades, immediately attracted criticism as well as a fact-check.

Critics pointed out that Clinton is on the record questioning the results of the election she lost to former President Donald Trump.

“There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level,” Clinton said in October 2020 during an interview on The Atlantic’s politics podcast, The Ticket. “We still don’t know what really happened.”

“There’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover,” Clinton continued. “But you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’ That was a deep sense of unease.”

Midler got roasted by other people:

Darling, you do realize that Hillary continues to this day to claim the 2016 election was stolen making Trump an illegitimate president.

— @amuse (@amuse) May 20, 2024

How fucking dumb can you be?

— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) May 19, 2024

She did, and so did you

— Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) May 19, 2024

Sorry to ruin your evening

— Being Libertarian (@beinlibertarian) May 20, 2024

You shouldn't be allowed to vote, ignorant, washed up has been

— Sara Rose (@saras76) May 20, 2024

Bette Midler might want to brush up on her facts before weighing in on politics ever again.

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WHAT’S GOING ON HERE? Paul Pelosi’s Attacker Has Already Been Tried and Sentenced – Meanwhile, the Man Who Wanted to Kill Justice Kavanaugh Hasn’t Even Gone to Trial

What is going on with our justice system?

David DePape, the man who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul has already faced a trial, was convicted, and sentenced to 30 years in jail. His crime took place in October of 2022.

Meanwhile, Nicholas Roske, who showed up at the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a gun and other dangerous items with the intention of killing him, has not even gone on trial yet. And his crime happened months before the attack on Paul Pelosi!

Want to hear something nuts?

June 2022: Nicholas Roske attempts to assassinate Kavanaugh

Four months later, a man attacks Nancy Pelosi’s husband

Pelosi’s attacker has already been tried, convicted, and sentenced to 30 years in prison

Meanwhile, Roske hasn’t even gone to trial

— John Hasson (@SonofHas) May 17, 2024

A few weeks ago, the Washington Free Beacon pointed out that the case against Roske is being slow-walked and no one seems to know why:

Biden DOJ Slow-Walks ‘Slam Dunk’ Case Against Man Who Allegedly Tried To Kill Justice Kavanaugh, Baffling Experts

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is dragging its feet in prosecuting Nicholas Roske, the man accused of trying to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, leaving legal experts perplexed about the slow-moving pace of the case.

Roske was indicted for attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice nearly two years ago in June 2022, after allegedly traveling from his parent’s home in California to the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., with the intent to kill Kavanaugh. Roske, a biological male who identified in some online posts as a transgender woman, was upset over the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, according to court documents…

“It’s noteworthy that after nearly two years, there is still no trial date or plea agreement in this case,” Gerard Filitti, senior counsel at The Lawfare Project, told the Free Beacon. “While pretrial motions would resolve questions about the admissibility of some of the evidence, including statements made by Roske, there is no underlying procedural reason why it would take this long to get to trial.”

Does criminal justice in the United States now depend on the politics of the people who are victims of crimes?

It sure looks that way in this case.

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REPORT: Illegal Aliens Are Rushing to the Border Now Because They’re Afraid Trump is Going to Win in November

hundreds of illegal immigrants being processed by U.S. Border Patrol officers

hundreds of illegal immigrants being processed by U.S. Border Patrol officers

Illegal immigrants are apparently paying attention to political poll numbers in the United States.

Many of them are afraid that Trump is going to win in November and they’re rushing to the border as a result. They’re afraid that the free-for-all they have enjoyed under Biden will be all over and the border will finally come to an end.

Say what you will about these people, but they’re not stupid. They know Biden is in their corner and that Trump is serious about border security.

The New York Post reported:

Migrants rushing to cross border now in case Biden loses in November: ‘We don’t want Trump’

Migrants are coming to the US now because they fear President Biden could lose re-election in November and Donald Trump will shut the border.

Colombian brothers Ricardo, 20, and Sebastian, 18, spoke with The Post after crossing the Arizona border illegally last week.

They said they had been receiving assistance at the Yuma Regional Center for Border Health as they waited for a bus to the Phoenix airport, where they later caught a flight to New Jersey.

“We think with the elections, it will be harder,” Ricardo said.

“We don’t want Trump,” Sebastian said.

The brothers claimed asylum after they crossed the southern border and turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents in Yuma. They said they faced threats from criminals in Colombia, leading them to flee.

The Trump campaign could make an ad based on this report.

Illegal migrants don’t want Trump to win.

Because he’ll enforce the border.

— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) May 21, 2024

I wonder why the illegal aliens are worried that Trump will be elected?

— Usually Right (@normouspenis) May 20, 2024

All you need to know

— Isles47 (@isles47) May 20, 2024

Another reason, of many, to vote for him.

— Lucian (@lucianwords) May 20, 2024

If you care about the security of our borders, the choice could not be more clear.

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Radical Leftist Hamas Supporters Try to Heckle Jerry Seinfeld at Live Show – It Doesn’t End Well for Them (VIDEO)

Left wing loons who support Hamas tried to heckle comedian Jerry Seinfeld during a recent live show. These people are dedicated to ruining experiences for people, whether it’s college graduation ceremonies or even a comedy show.

The crowd at Jerry’s show was having none of it. In addition to chanting Jerry’s name, they got security to remove the people. Jerry hit back with comments, too.

Mind you, this is all because Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish and supports Israel.

Breitbart News reported:

Watch: Jerry Seinfeld Roasts Anti-Israel Heckler During Stand-Up Show

Seinfeld, who has been in the crosshairs of the anti-Israel activists lately due to his support of the Jewish state, had been performing in Virginia when one heckler called him a “genocide supporter” in the middle of his set.

“Save the children of Gaza! No more American tax dollars for genocide!” the heckler yelled.

The audience immediately greeted the heckler with a torrent of boos and told him to “shut up and get out.”

“You should be ashamed of yourself! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!” the heckler shouted back.

For his part, Seinfeld refused to take it lying down and immediately roasted the heckler.

“This is fun. I like this. I think your message is really resonating with the crowd. People seem to be on your side,” Seinfeld said in jest.

“How dare you support a genocide!” the heckler shot back.

“I like it when the Jew-haters spice up the show,” Seinfeld quipped.

Watch the clip below:

Jerry Seinfeld gets interrupted in Norfolk by Pro Palestine protestors

One protestor appears to be getting beat on to which Seinfeld and amidst the chaos replies “This is exciting. I like this.”

“Save the children of Gaza” Seinfeld mockingly says as protestors are exited

— HOT SPOT (@HotSpotHotSpot) May 19, 2024

These people are not only obnoxious, they’re ignorant. What’s happening in the Middle East is not a genocide. It’s a war. And it’s a war that Israel did not start.

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Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’ (VIDEO)

Senator Tim Scott recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and called out the liberal media for ignoring Joe Biden’s relationship with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who at one point in his life was a member of the KKK.

Scott and Sean brought up other examples of Biden’s racism, such as his ‘Jungle’ comments about school bussing and the fact that even Kamala Harris criticized him for that before she was chosen to be his running mate.

Tim Scott then goes on to talk about why Biden’s coalition is falling apart.

Breitbart News reported:

Tim Scott: ‘National Media Goes Dark’ on Joe Biden’s Association with Racist, KKK Member

During an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) highlighted how the national media have seemingly downplayed President Joe Biden’s association with the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV).

Byrd is an admitted former member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a topic that Scott claimed the media had gone “dark.”

“The thing that is the most unbelievable to me and if it were a Republican probably would be career-killing, which is him partnering with his friend and mentor, a former Klansman to stop the integration of public schools and busing,” host Sean Hannity said. “Even Kamala Harris criticized him for that — in that — that presidential primary debate in 2020. I was that girl, I believe she said, and because he didn’t want public schools, his words, to be racial jungles. Am I like the only one in the country that that dares to bring this up and ask incredulously why doesn’t anyone care about that?”

Here’s the video:

This is one of the reasons that Democrats and the media don’t like to talk about the history of the parties. The KKK was founded by Democrats and the Republican party was founded to end slavery in the United States.

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PATHETIC: AMC Puts Trigger Warning on Classic Film Goodfellas Over ‘Cultural Stereotypes’

The AMC Network has put a ‘trigger warning’ on the classic mobster movie Goodfellas over what they claim are cultural stereotypes.

Stereotype or not, the film is based on the true story of Henry Hill, who was part of the mob for years. The other characters are also based on real people.

Also, if they were going to put a warning on this movie, wouldn’t it make more sense to tell people about all the murdering and other violence? This is just so dumb.

The New York Post reports:

AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

They’re whacking a classic.

AMC Networks added a trigger warning to the classic mob movie “Goodfellas” — rankling those who were in the film and wiseguys alike.

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

The warning was first affixed to the movie during the height of Black Lives Matter riots when many businesses and cultural institutions made avoiding offense to various groups a core part of their missions…

“The f–king political correctness has f–king taken everything away,” Bo Ditel, a former NYPD cop who played a police officer in “Goodfellas,” told The Post. “This is how life was back then. It was not a clean beautiful thing. You can’t cleanse history. If you want to tell true history, you gotta tell it the way it is.”

People on Twitter/X have thoughts about this.

Change the fricken channel if you don’t like it ..

— Mike North (@North2North) May 18, 2024

I like how they don't even mention the violent murders, but the language and cultural stereotypes just have no place in today's America.

— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) May 18, 2024

Look how stupid everything has become.

— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) May 18, 2024

Maybe there are some people who just shouldn’t watch movies. They are too fragile.

— CHARLIE (@Evista122) May 18, 2024

This is just furthering the infantilization of the American people. Gangsters have politically incorrect opinions, it’s not an endorsement of them! Let people think for themselves

— Brendan (@Lawlorbrendans) May 18, 2024

Remember what Trump said about wokeness? He was right.


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Idiot Joy Behar of ‘The View’ Declares the Supreme Court and Electoral College Are ‘Un-American’ (VIDEO)

Joy Behar of ‘The View’ has decided that lifetime appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Electoral College, both of which are enshrined in the United States Constitution, are un-American.

Do you think she would feel that way if the Supreme Court was majority liberal, or if the Electoral College system favored Democrats? Not a chance.

Who is she to decide what is un-American? Just a reminder… The View is considered part of ABC News.

Nicholas Fondacaro reports at NewsBusters:

We ‘Need to Fix’ It: Behar Decries the Constitution as ‘Un-American’

Joy Behar, the same co-host of ABC’s The View who thought the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was the military alliance that defeated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, was back with more of her wisdom during Friday’s show. According to her, two elements of the U.S. Constitution – both present since the founding – were “un-American.”

“These lifetime assignments [to the U.S. Supreme Court] have got to stop and they need to fix the Electoral College also because that’s un-American,” she shrieked.

Behar was triggered by newly released, years-old photos of an inverted American flag allegedly outside the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito several days AFTER the riot at the Capitol. The latest smear campaign against conservative justices suggested – without evidence – that it was to show solidarity with the rioters.

Ignoring or ignorant of the meaning of an inverted flag, Behar declared it was something wholly invented by “MAGA people”:

Watch the clip:

Joy Behar claims lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court and the Electoral College, both enshrined in the U.S. Constitution since the founding, are “un-American.”

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 17, 2024

The View is one of the most politically toxic shows on television. It’s scary and sad that there are people who get their news from this ABC News sewer.

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Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’

Rossana Rodriguez, a self-described socialist serving on Chicago’s city council, believes the idea of punishing criminals is racist.

What does she think should be done with rapists and murderers? Summer camp?

When you look at the breakdown of law and order in cities across the United States, remember that the chaos is being driven by people like this. They are the problem.

FOX News reports:

Socialist Chicago council member says it’s ‘racist’ to punish criminals, America is a ‘garbage society’

A socialist member of Chicago’s city council believes that the idea of using police to ensure safe streets and punishing criminals is “racist” while calling America a “garbage society.”

Rossana Rodriguez is an alderwoman on Chicago’s city council who supports defunding the police and caucuses with the Democratic Socialists. The alderwoman, who explicitly calls for “critical race theory” to be taught to children, is also involved in the council’s Education and Child Development committee.

The alderwoman repeatedly blasts American society in her frequent social media tirades.

According to the councilmember, America is “a garbage society” and “a White supremacist society and system” that “favors White people.” Rodriguez believes that “White people are ahead in the game” in comparison to minority groups…

“When we say #DefundThePolice we mean developing alternatives to racist punishment and brutality. This work has been around for a while and it’s a great tool to rethink our ideas of what public safety should look like,” Rodrigues said in response to a post about “police abolition” in 2020.

Here is Rodriguez pictured wearing a shirt that says ‘eat the rich.’

An elected Alderman in the city of Chicago wearing an “Eat The Rich” sweatshirt in an official capacity. She makes $150k a year….56% more than the median household income in Chicago. Ladies and gentlemen, Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez.

— ChicagoFails (@ChicagoFails) November 1, 2023

She seems charming, doesn’t she?

Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez on Chicago’s city council has called America a “garbage society” and believes it is “racist” to hold criminals accountable for their crimes..

— Chet (@ChetRusinek) May 17, 2024

⁦Like many liberals, ⁦@RossanaFor33⁩ is insecure and bitter. Her solution is not self-reflection and improvement; it’s to lazily blame others’ success on race, sex, religion, etc. This attitude will only guarantee continued failure. #Chicago

— Corrupt Chicago Democrats (@corruptchidems) May 18, 2024

Can Chicago just start sending all the criminals to her house?


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City in Washington State Uses Fencing to Contain Growing Homeless Encampment Near Courthouse (VIDEO)

The city of Burien in Washington State, a suburban community south of Seattle, has erected a fence to contain a growing homeless encampment that is encroaching on a local courthouse.

The homeless community is not happy about the fencing but the encampment is not even legal.

Homelessness is a growing problem in many cities but the northwest is struggling with the issue more than other parts of the country.

Breitbart News reports:

VIDEO — ‘Caged in Like Animals’: Washington Officials Place Fence Around Homeless Camp Near Courthouse

A fence was set up Thursday around a homeless encampment in Burien, Washington, after tents spilled over into a nearby parking lot.

The tents are now surrounded by fencing near the Burien Courthouse parking lot at 6th Avenue SW and SW 149th Street, Fox 13 reported.

A King County Facilities Management Division spokesperson said the fence was set up to make sure the court’s parking lot was available for its own purposes.

However, the spokesperson added that, “We are not using the fencing to establish or define a tent camping area, or control the tent camping that is present on the site.”…

When speaking of the fencing, Michael Collins, who has lived at the encampment for several months, told Fox 13, “It’s like they’re caging us in — like we’re a danger maybe. It’s kind of like a jail. Caged in like animals.”

Watch this video report:

What was the city supposed to do? Allow the camp to just keep growing?

DOW PUTS SQUEEZE ON BURIEN HOMELESS, corralling them behind fences next to Burien Police precinct and courthouse. @Burien @choeshow @DowC #burien #homeless #crime #fentanyl #overdose

— Burien-News (@thegem_news) May 17, 2024

King County officials say a homeless camp on their property in Burien is not sanctioned and technically illegal, but people in the area say putting up fencing to contain the camp's spread and allowing the people to stay seems like an endorsement to them. Live on KOMO-TV at 6pm

— Joel Moreno (@JoelMorenoKOMO) May 16, 2024

It’s sad that tent camps have become ‘normal’ in so many American cities.

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CNN Data Analyst Stunned by Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump: ‘My Goodness Gracious!’ (VIDEO)

CNN’s Harry Enten recently broke down the surge of support for Trump among black voters and seemed stunned by the findings.

As we pointed out yesterday, black voters are deserting Democrats over inflation and extremism.

Enten notes that black support for Trump is especially strong among young voters.

FOX News reports:

Trump’s surge in polls with Black voters stuns CNN analyst: ‘Truly historic’

Former President Trump’s surge in the polls among Black voters is a “troubling sign” for the Biden campaign, a data reporter warned Friday.

Recent polling shows the former president could get a “historic” boost from Black voters in November if they continue to sour on President Biden, CNN data analyst Harry Enten reported.

“My goodness gracious,” he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump’s support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020. Biden, meanwhile, saw a 12% drop, though he still holds a 47-point lead.

If this continued into November, Trump could win a larger share of Black voters than any Republican candidate since 1960, Enten said.

“This would be by far the best performance for a Republican candidate among Black voters in a generation, two generations, probably since 1960 and Richard Nixon against John F. Kennedy … This could be a truly historic margin,” he said. “It’s quite a troubling sign for the Biden campaign.”

However, there’s a stark difference when factoring age. The polling average CNN cited showed 82% of Black voters 50 and older, but that dropped to 62% for voters under 50. Trump has support from 25% of Black voters from 18 to 49 — three times more than older voters.

Watch the video below:

Trump has doubled his support among Black voters from this point four years ago. If his support held, it'd be the best GOP performance since Richard Nixon in 1960 among Black voters….

Trump's doing it thanks to pulling in a quarter of Black voters under 50.

— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) May 17, 2024

The election is still months away but this is a very good sign for Trump.

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REPORT: Black Voters Are Fleeing the Democrats Over Inflation and the Party’s Embrace of the Extreme Left

There was a surprise moment at the Trump rally in Wildwood, New Jersey. NFL Greats Lawrence Taylor and Otis Anderson endorsed the former president.

One of the most talked about aspects of the 2024 election so far, is the movement of minority voters away from the Democrat party and their increasing support for Trump.

According to a recent survey, there are two specific reasons for this. The first is economic issues, such as the crippling inflation of Joe Biden. The other reason given is the Democrats’ rush to embrace the most extreme elements in their party.

Immigration is also given as a specific example here, and is certainly playing a role as well. Outraged residents of blue cities like Chicago are making their anger know to public officials every week.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Black voters fleeing Biden and Democrats over inflation and extremism

Black voters are trending away from President Joe Biden and Democrats, frustrated that Democrats are not addressing kitchen table issues as they grab for extreme matters to woo leftists, according to a broad poll of 39 battleground congressional districts.

In the new survey from Cygnal, conducted in 20 states, Democrats are struggling to maintain their edge with black and women voters, “two traditionally reliable Democrat voting blocs.”

Vice President of Polling Brock McCleary told Secrets on Wednesday morning, “Democrats are in trouble with black voters, as the number of those saying the Democrat Party is more extreme than the Republican Party has increased by 20% since March. Biden is similarly in trouble, with over a third having an unfavorable view of the president, and it’s largely because they’re most concerned with the cost of living and not ideological issues like climate change and election integrity that his administration has chosen to prioritize.”

For some black and women voters upset with Biden, the choice is former President Donald Trump.

It makes perfect sense. The economic hardship brought by Biden’s presidency is being felt by all Americans, regardless of race.

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Professor Tells the Truth About Radical Campus Protesters: ‘They Want America Destroyed’ (VIDEO)

A professor from the City University of New York (CUNY) recently triggered a group of campus radicals by simply waving an American flag at them.

His conclusion after observing these incidents is that what the protesters really want is the destruction of America and he is speaking out about it.

It’s obvious to many that the current round of radical protests look an awful lot like the tactics of Antifa and Occupy Wall Street. That is not a coincidence.


Things that were said to me by the pro-Hamas "protesters" while I flew the American flag high and proud behind their anti-America rally at Kingsborough today:
1. "Fascist Symbol!"
2. "Nazi flag!"
3. "I'll F&@ck him up!"
4. "Block it. Use our flag to block it."

— CUNY PROF (@CUNY_Prof) May 14, 2024

Ed Morrissey writes at Hot Air:

The Jerusalem Post picked up the story late yesterday, noting some of the reactions to Lax’s pro-American response to their protests. It’s not that they didn’t want the American flag intruding on their messaging, but that it appeared to have enraged the protesters more. According to Lax, they called it a “fascist symbol” and a “Nazi flag,” while calling for violence against Lax. After his counterprotest, activists in the Kingsborough Community College Muslim Student Association (which had organized the CUNY protest in the video) identified him and called for Lax to be targeted for protests — along with other “Zionist staff.”

Lax has a pretty clear view of the endgame for these protests and tactics. Their real goal has much less to do with Gaza and the West Bank; their targets are much closer. This is all about The Revolution here, and the throwing down of the American flag on a permanent basis:

“I’m an American, and these people hate America,” said Lax. “I want to protect my country and stand up for my country.” …

THE DEMANDS called for the expulsion of the New York Police Department from all CUNY campuses, the end of all association with the CIA and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps-ROTC, the removal of all US symbols from campus, and rename buildings after figures like Black Liberation Army convicted murderer Assata Shakur. Lastly, the activists demanded free tuition and for CUNY not to be “beholden to Zionist and imperialist private donors.”

Lax said that the demands aspired toward undermining American institutions in the campus, city, and country. The reason that the protests often blocked bridges and arteries was to destroy American infrastructure and way of life.“They want America destroyed,” said the professor.

The professor elaborates here:

I proudly waved the American flag behind the pro terror ralliers while some tried to rip it away from me and block it. One cuny professor instructed the thugs to block the American flag. Don't worry, they couldn't keep up with me. #theyhateamerica

— CUNY PROF (@CUNY_Prof) May 13, 2024

We need more people in academia to stand up and speak out like this professor.

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NOT SMART: Woman Gored by Massive Bull on Mexico Beach After Feeding it (VIDEO)

A woman was recently attacked by a massive bull on a Mexico beach.

She made at least three very stupid mistakes. She fed the bull. She kept trying to retrieve her belongings from the bull who was interested in them and sniffing them. Finally, she did not run and seek a protective position away from the animal.

This woman put herself in harm’s way. She might as well have stood in front of an oncoming train.

FOX News reports:

Raging bull attacks woman on Mexican beach as tourists scream in horror: video

A wild and violent bull that was loose on a popular Mexican beach attacked a woman several times as panicked onlookers screamed in horror, a terrifying new video shows.

The heart-stopping video, which was shot Saturday at Cabo San Lucas, shows the black beast charging and ramming the woman more than six times after she tries to snatch her bags away from the animal. Cabo San Lucas is a resort city on the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula and is popular among tourists.

The video first shows the black beast under a canopy with the woman who appears to be feeding the horned animal food from a bag and then from a silver bowl.

Dressed in a loose dress and beach hat, the woman appears unperturbed by the dangers the incredibly strong bovine possesses. Bulls can weigh well over 2,000 pounds depending on the breed and are well known to be aggressive.

Here’s a video:

A bull charged at a woman on a beach in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur over the weekend as horrified tourists watched and warned her to back away.

— CBS News (@CBSNews) May 15, 2024

This video report shows more:

Livestock on the beach is apparently common in Mexico due to the number of ranches in the area.

Remember, any animal that weighs as much as a car is potentially dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

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Senator Tom Cotton on Sham NYC Trump Trial: ‘No Evidence of Any Crime Whatsoever’ (VIDEO)

In a recent media appearance, Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas pointed out that in the New York Trump trial there is no evidence of any crime.

He suggested that the judge should go around the jury completely and direct a verdict of not guilty.

Even better? He said all of this on CNN.

Breitbart News has more details:

Cotton: ‘There’s Been No Evidence of Any Crime Whatsoever’ in Trump’s NYC Trial

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Thursday on CNN’s “News Central” that “there’s been no evidence of any crime whatsoever” in former President Donald Trump’s New York business record case.

Host Kate Bolduan said, “We’ve seen Republican lawmakers quite a lot of them coming to New York City to sit in on Donald Trump’s trial to show their support for him.”

She asked, “Do you think it’s important for anyone who wants to be VP to have to show up to this trial? I mean, do you think anyone do you think someone can get the job without it?”

Cotton said, “I turned in my law license 20 years ago and I haven’t seen inside of a courtroom since then and I don’t have any plans to do so in the future. I agree with what President Trump said. It’s important that we do our job as legislators in Washington, for instance making sure that we overturn Joe Biden’s de facto arms embargo and get Israel, the weapons it needs.”

See the video below:

Senator Tom Cotton:

"If the prosecution rests its case based on the evidence they've put forward, then this judge should redeem himself for all the erroneous rulings he's made so far by directing a verdict of NOT GUILTY because there's been no evidence of a crime whatsoever"

— AJ Huber (@Huberton) May 16, 2024

Cotton is absolutely right about this. Just a reminder…

The judge’s daughter got paid by Goldman. How on earth can you have someone who pays off the judge’s family deliberately coaching witnesses in the trial, and call it a fair trial? You can’t. This entire thing is a farce.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 14, 2024

It is a farce. And an insult to the American people.

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LAUGHABLE: MSNBC’s Morning Joe Accuses New York Times Polling of Pro-Trump Bias (VIDEO)

A recent New York Times poll was full of good news for Donald Trump and MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough just can’t deal.

This week, he actually accused the New York Times polling of pro-Trump bias. Does anyone believe that’s true?

Scarborough’s rant was just theater. He knows Joe Biden watches the show, so he is making arguments that he knows Biden wants to hear.

NewsBusters provides a transcript:

HEILEMANN: I’m not saying it’s not close. I’m not going to carry water for the New York Times or the methodology of this poll. I would keep going back to the thing that I try to say every time we talk about these things. Which is, that I’m really interested in — and I know you know this. What are the polls showing us directionally about the race?

SCARBOROUGH: I understand. There’s a difference, though, with the New York Times/ Siena poll, and you know this. It’s given disproportionate impact. This year, this cycle, it is skewed wildly in Donald Trump’s direction. [Heilemann tries to speak.]

Hold on. And the New York Times feasts on it with clickbait stories, like, a dozen at a time.

HEILEMANN: And I, what I’m trying to focus on is what I think people should pay attention to [tries to continue]–

SCARBOROUGH: — [Interrupting] But what I’m trying to focus on is, the New York Times right now is actively shaping the election cycles, where this poll comes out on a Sunday, and on Monday, people go, oh — and I heard it! And I’m sitting there going, don’t be so stupid.

That’s why we’re doing this. [Heilemann tries to respond. Scarborough shouts.]

Watch the video:

Joe Scarborough melting down over NYT poll showing Trump up +11 in NV.
Joe accuses the NYT of bias towards Donald Trump , a claim even John Heilemann had to debate him on.

I watch for the unintentional comedy but people actually watch MSNBC for news

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) May 15, 2024

Scarborough is just delusional, like most of his MSNBC colleagues.

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REPORT: White House Aides Worried About Biden’s ‘Psychological Torment’ Over Hunter Trial

The liberal outlet Politico is reporting that Biden aides are worried about the president suffering ‘psychological torment’ over his son Hunter’s trial.

The media is truly beyond parody.

Can you imagine any media outlet reporting something like this about the Trump family and his trials? It would never happen.

From Politico:

Biden aides worry about psychological torment as Hunter heads for trial

President Joe Biden will soon have to watch and wait as 12 jurors in his home state decide whether his son is guilty of felony gun charges — a case brought by his own Justice Department.

For the White House, the scenario of Hunter Biden’s first criminal trial, all but assured to start June 3, is an unprecedented event in American political history that they hoped never to face.

While aides insist that the White House will have no involvement in the case, brought by special counsel David Weiss, some fear it could dramatically impact the president himself, more psychologically than politically.

Three advisers granted anonymity to speak about private deliberations said they, and members of the First Family, are worried about the weight Hunter Biden’s trial will place on the president at an already difficult time for him politically. Biden has expressed fears to them about the possibility that his son will serve time in prison.

“He worries about Hunter every single day, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep,” said one of the three advisers. “That will only pick up during a trial.”

People reacted on Twitter/X:

Excuse me, Politico?

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) May 15, 2024

Hunter Biden is a 50 year old man.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 15, 2024

He worries Hunter will slip up and admit that Joe knew everything all along.

— Greg Schwartz (@Schwartzman88) May 15, 2024

I guess the president should’ve thought of that before he used his cracked out son as his international bag man.

— Brother Seamus (@WaynePelota) May 15, 2024

The vast majority of our media is nothing more than Democrat propaganda.

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Soros-Backed DA in Oakland, California to Face Recall Vote in November

Pamela Price, the district attorney in Oakland, California who was elected with backing from George Soros, is going to face a recall vote in November.

Crime has gotten so out of control in Oakland that multiple businesses such as In and Out Burger have fled the city in recent months.

Price is a supporter of the ‘social justice’ approach to law enforcement that has unleashed massive crime problems in multiple American cities.

The Oaklandside reports:

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price will face recall election in November

Oakland voters, mark your calendars. The question of whether or not Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price should be allowed to fill out the rest of her term will be decided on Nov. 5, 2024.

The county Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to consolidate the recall with the general election, which will include local, state, and federal races and ballot measures. Supervisors Lena Tam and David Haubert attended part of the meeting but were excused before the vote.

Proponents of the recall wanted the county to hold a special election this summer that would solely feature the recall question. County staff have said this would cost around $15-20 million, factoring in expenses for hundreds of election workers, printing ballots and election materials, postage, and setting up vote centers. In comparison, the cost of adding the recall question to the November general election ballot will be $4 million…

“We need justice for our babies, and actually nothing is going to change if Pamela Price is still in office,” said Brenda Angulo, whose 15-year-old son Erick Portillo was murdered in Hayward last year. “I don’t understand why it’s an issue economically.”

Price is vowing to fight the recall.

From Mercury News:

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price goes on offensive, vows to defeat recall effort

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price went on the offensive Wednesday, vowing to prevail against a well-heeled recall attempt that will be decided on a packed November presidential election ballot…

Backed by more than a dozen supporters holding signs proclaiming “Protect the Win,” Price framed the recall campaign as a bid to “overturn” the results of the 2022 election, during which she became the first Black woman to serve as Alameda County’s top prosecutor.

If the people of Oakland want things to change, they need to vote this woman out of office, and it can be done.

San Francisco got rid of Soros-backed DA Chesa Boudin.

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Woman Who Survived Mao’s Communist China Slams Radical Campus Protests: ‘Red Guards Are in Action Again’ (VIDEO)

Lily Tang Williams is a Republican who is running for congress in New Hampshire. She is also a survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution in communist China.

She sees history repeating itself with the radical campus protests and even compared the protesters to Mao’s Red Guard.

It’s an apt comparison.

FOX News reports:

Survivor of Mao’s political purge getting ‘PTSD’ watching history repeat on college campuses

A survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution says she is experiencing post-traumatic stress witnessing history repeat itself on college campuses as “Marxist hordes” have taken over in anti-American and anti-Israel demonstrations.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Lily Tang Williams, who is currently running as a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd district, said she fears the country she left is coming back to haunt her again in the United States.

“I sometimes I get nervous, and I feel like I’m having a little bit of PTSD and like I can’t sleep well whenever I see the way they’re chanting, using drums and us[ing] slogans, [are] humiliating people and have a huge amount of young people…chanting ‘Death to America,’ not just ‘Death to Israel.’ I just feel like, oh my goodness the… Red Guards are in action again,” she said.

The Red Guard was a massive student-led, paramilitary social movement in China that was mobilized by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966.

Watch the video below:

NEW: Survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and congressional candidate in NH Lily Tang Williams says she’s experiencing "PTSD" watching Marxist hordes on college campuses.

Williams, who fled China in 1988, sees striking parallels between today's campus protesters and Mao's "Red…

— Hank (@HANKonX) May 16, 2024

Some protesters have come right out and said that the campus protests are really about a socialist revolution, so this woman’s concerns are valid.

It is like the Red Guard all over again.

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THANKS JOE BIDEN! al Qaeda Terrorist Network Now Moving Back Into Afghanistan

Here we go again!

Just a few years after Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the al Qaeda terror network is moving back into the country.

Leaders of the group have reportedly been given ‘safe haven’ there. This is the beginning of the story that led to the 9/11 attacks, chapter and verse.

Plus, they now have the advantage of all of the American weapons and military equipment that Biden left behind in 2021. What could possibly go wrong?

Townhall reports:

How Is Afghanistan Doing Post-U.S. Withdrawal? Well…

It will come as little surprise to anyone who followed the Biden administration’s policy toward Afghanistan which culminated in the botched withdrawal of U.S. forces at the end of August 2021 that handing the country over to the Taliban has not resulted in some vibrant liberalized democracy. Instead, also unsurprisingly, Afghanistan has turned into a hotbed of terrorist activity…

Just a few short years later on Biden’s watch, and he’s again failed to deliver on a promise to hold the Taliban accountable, prevent a reemergence of terrorism, or act decisively to squash any threats emanating from Afghanistan.

The latest quarterly report to Congress from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) states that al Qaeda maintains “a safe haven in Afghanistan,” including for “around a dozen senior al Qaeda leaders.”

What’s more, there are now “up to eight new al Qaeda training camps, one stockpile weapons base, and five madrassas this quarter with help from al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent.”

Let the record show that this is all unfolding on Biden’s watch.

UN team identified up to 8 new al Qaeda training camps, one stockpile weapons base, 5 madrassas this quarter; UN also said al Qaeda continued to support other violent extremist organizations in #AFG, including TTP, with cross-border attacks & weapons

— SIGAR (@SIGARHQ) May 9, 2024

In 2021, Biden pledged that he would "reorganize" U.S. assets to prevent a "re-emergence of terrorists" in Afghanistan.

In the first quarter of 2024, "up to eight new al Qaeda training camps, one stockpile weapons base, and five madrassas" opened there.

— Spencer Brown (@itsSpencerBrown) May 14, 2024

Biden is too busy taking weekends at the beach in Delaware to notice this obvious threat to national security.

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Watch the Amazing Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech at Duke University That Dumb Student Protesters Walked Out on (VIDEO)

As the Gateway Pundit reported over the weekend, some student protesters at Duke University walked out on Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech.

Boy did they miss out.

Seinfeld’s speech was amazing. It was barely political, except when he called out progressive ideas like privilege.

He focused mostly on how to be successful and happy in life, stressing the need for having a good sense of humor.

Here’s a partial transcript:

Thank you. Oh my God, what a beautiful day. What a beautiful class. We love you guys.

I am here today at the gracious invitation of President Price and the Duke Board of Trustees. Because after spending four years at what is considered one of the finest institutions of higher education in the world, they apparently feel that perhaps some light entertainment will get you all to the final realization. You know, I think I’ve really had enough of this place. Let’s bring in a comedian.

Let’s bring the sophistication and erudition of the Duke experience down a couple notches. And I thought, maybe that does make sense. Maybe the thinking was, what we really want is to just get these kids the hell out of here. What would give them that last final push?

Because what you might not be fully aware of is that the entire time you have been at this wonderful university, we have been meeting and talking to other kids that we would like to replace you with. Not because we weren’t happy with you. Not at all. You have been great. It’s just, you know, we want you to see what’s out there. I don’t want to say exactly how many kids we talked to. It’s roughly this many. And we met a lot of wonderful kids a lot.

Was there a time when we were thrilled to have you come here to learn, grow and flourish? Of course, there was… that time has passed. We do offer graduate programs in a number of different disciplines. If you and your parents want to stall your ultimate uselessness for a few more years.

Watch the whole thing below, this is a great speech:

Years from now, some of those student protesters will look back with regret for missing this.

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LISTEN: Trump Pollster Explains Why Minnesota and Virginia Are in Play for 2024 (AUDIO)

In the 2024 election, it is beginning to look like states that were unthinkable for Trump four years ago could actually flip red.

Trump pollster John McLaughlin recently spoke to Breitbart News and talked about the possibility of Minnesota and Virginia going for Trump in November. This comes on top of the news that Trump is making a serious play for New Jersey and New York.

If Trump picks up some blue states in this election, it will be much more difficult for Democrats to deny the will of the people. Of course, they’ll still try.

From Breitbart News:

Exclusive — Trump Pollster: ‘Virginia and Minnesota Are in Play’

Virginia and Minnesota are in play, Trump pollster John McLaughlin, CEO and partner of McLaughlin & Associates, said during a Tuesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

McLaughlin said that Trump seems to be ahead in the national popular vote, explaining some of the data.

“There’s eligible voters — probably 100 million — who don’t vote. They had a record turnout last time, 160 million. That was up from 139 million in 2016,” he said, explaining that Trump is also ahead in battleground states. The Trump campaign, he continued, released top line numbers for polls taken in Minnesota and Virginia, showing something extraordinary.

“Minnesota, we had Trump at 40 percent, Biden at 40 percent, Kennedy at nine, and Virginia was Biden 40, Trump 37, Kennedy eight, so Virginia and Minnesota are in play,” he said, also citing an Emerson College Poll analyzing New Jersey. That survey showed Trump within five points. That poll, he added, was taken before Trump’s massive rally in the Garden State, which attracted roughly 100,000 people.

Listen below:

If Trump wins Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania in November, Democrats will be heartbroken. If Trump wins New Jersey, Minnesota, or Virginia, Democrats will completely lose their minds. It would be a thing of beauty.

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Rosie O’Donnell and Other Hollywood Harpies Appeal to DOCTOR Jill Biden to Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza (VIDEO)

Rosie O’Donnell and some of her liberal Hollywood galpals are appealing to Doctor Jill Biden to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Do they not realize that a ceasefire was in place on October 7th? Would they be calling for a ceasefire if Hamas was winning in this conflict?

Also, why are they appealing to Jill Biden? What power does she have in foreign policy, or anything for that matter?

Hot Air reports:

Cringe: Celebs Sent Mother’s Day Message to Jill Biden

Stop the genocide, Jill. Stop the genocide.

Some celebrities put together a Mother’s Day message for Jill Biden. They went over President Biden’s head and spoke directly to the person in charge – the first lady.

The idiotic elites want a permanent ceasefire immediately. Are they aware that there was a ceasefire in place on October 7, 2023? It doesn’t matter. They are antisemites who aren’t interested in truth or reality. They chose to let their anti-Israel freak flags fly.

What better day than Mother’s Day to deliver their message?

The video featured The Gilded Age co-stars Cynthia Nixon and Christine Baranski, Scottish singer-songwriter Annie Lennox, comedian and Babes actress Ilana Glazer, American playwright V (formerly Eve Ensler), comedian and TV producer Rosie O’Donnell and several other women from the famed entertainment industry. The Sex and the City star posted the star-studded appeal to the First Lady of the United States on X/Twitter on Mother’s Day. Also, tagging the Avengers star Mark Ruffalo, who’s been avidly speaking for the Gaza cause, the aforementioned celebrities shared the video message on Instagram.

Here’s the video, if you can get through it.

This is hilarious. Celebrities, in a video title "A Message To Dr Jill Biden," beg First Lady Jill Biden to tell her husband President Joe Biden to end the war against Hamas.

More shameless antisemitism from Hollywood led by Rosie O'Donnell.

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) May 14, 2024

Is it awful that some civilians are getting killed in Gaza? Yes. But guess what… That’s how wars work and this is a war.

A war that was started by Hamas, not Israel.

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Conservative ‘Cheers’ Star John Ratzenberger Explains Why Working Class People Support Trump: ‘He Knows How to Build Things’

John Ratzenberger, the actor who played ‘Cliff Clavin’ the mail carrier on the iconic TV series ‘Cheers’ is a Republican and a Trump supporter.

During a recent conversation with FOX News Digital, Ratzenberger explained that many working class people support Trump because he knows how to build things and understands the importance of this.

Ratzenberger has been talking about the importance of knowing how to build and use tools for years. Prior to becoming an actor, he was a carpenter.

FOX News reports:

‘Cheers’ star declares why he thinks working-class Americans support Trump: ‘He knows how to build things’

“Cheers” star and voice actor in the “Toy Story” franchise, John Ratzenberger, spoke to Fox News Digital about his support for former President Donald Trump, stating that the president is a builder who knows how important it is for America to have a resurgence in manufacturing and skilled labor jobs.

Ratzenberger, who made a living from carpentry in between acting gigs over the years, also explained why he believes the 2024 presidential candidate has a lot of support among American manufacturers and blue-collar workers – or as Ratzenberger likes to call them, “essential workers.”

“Because he knows how to build things,” Ratzenberger declared.

“Don’t forget what he did before he was on television and ran for president. He built buildings, so he was in charge of, ‘We need more glaziers or brick workers or carpenters, electricians.’ And that’s what he dealt with all his life,” he said.

The actor added, “And so he knows probably better than anybody – one of the reasons that I’m a fan of his – that we’re running out of those people, and it’s jeopardizing our civilization.”

In this video, Ratzenberger talks about the work he has done to teach people around the country about the importance of knowing how to use tools and make things.

Actor and Carpenter John Ratzenberger joins @dagenmcdowell and @SeanDuffyWI to explain why he sees America’s skilled labor shortage as a potential end to civilization. @Dratzenberger

— The Bottom Line (@BottomLineFBN) May 13, 2024

It’s just another reminder that not everyone in Hollywood is a liberal. There are definitely fewer outspoken conservatives in entertainment, but they do exist.


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Louisiana Parishioners Stop Teen Dressed in Black and Armed With Rifle as He Enters Church Filled With Families (VIDEO)

Over the weekend, a Louisiana church that was filled with families and small children got a shock as a teenager dressed all in black entered the building during a first communion mass armed with a rifle.

Luckily, the parishioners acted quickly and piled on top of the would-be shooter, stopping him in his tracks.

This is an excellent reminder that people have to be aware, be vigilant, and act quickly at the first signs of trouble.

RedState has more details:

Terrifying Moments: Teenager With Gun Stopped at First Communion Mass in Louisiana

The folks at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Abbeville, Louisiana, were having a First Communion mass for about 60 kids on Saturday. They likely thought that they were going to have a beautiful celebration together.

But unfortunately, they also had some scary moments that intruded on the solemnity of the day. As the priest Fr. Nicholas Duper was on the altar, at about 48 minutes in, you can see a man come up to the altar, bend over, and whisper in his ear. That is certainly not a usual occurrence during a Catholic mass. You can see the priest absorbing something, and then he suddenly asks the parishioners to sit and to pray, as he starts to say a “Hail Mary.”…

What was going on was that there was a suspicious armed person — a teenager dressed in black — who had entered the church vestibule with a gun. Parishioners stopped him and detained him, pinning him to the ground. Then the police came and arrested him.

Check out the video below:


An anti Catholic terrorist was arrested after entering a Catholic Church with a rifle, intending to massacre children and families during a First Holy Communion ceremony in Abbeville, Louisiana

— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena) May 12, 2024

Here’s a local news report:

Another Catholic Church attacked: Teen gunman apprehended at Catholic Church in Abbeville, La. where 60 children were preparing for First Holy Communion.

— Slim Wiggy (@SlimWiggy) May 13, 2024

The people who stopped this deranged gunman likely saved many lives.

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CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Tells Democrats to Face ‘Reality’ That Biden is Probably Going to Lose to Trump in November (VIDEO)

Is someone putting something in the water over at CNN?

Last week, CNN host Fareed Zakaria made headlines by suggesting that Biden should adopt Trump’s policies on immigration and the border.

Now Zakaria is telling Democrats that it’s time to face the ‘reality’ that Joe Biden is probably going to lose the election in November.

He comes right out and says that he personally doesn’t want Trump to win, but that barring some unforeseen event, Trump is likely to walk away with the win.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN: I have to admit none of this is playing out as I thought it would.

Trump is now leading in almost all the swing states. But behind those numbers lie even more troubling details. As someone worried about the prospects of a second Trump term, I think it’s best to be honest about reality. I understand that polls are not always accurate. But in general, they have tended to underestimate Donald Trump’s support, not overestimate it. I doubt that there are many shy Biden voters in the country.

The economy has been in a robust recovery for more than two years now with unemployment hitting a 54-year low in 2023 and increasing only slightly since then. But Biden is getting little credit for it. The shift here is stark. On the question of whom voters trust more to deal with the economy, Trump has a 22-point lead over Biden according to an NBC poll from January. This marks of a 15-point bump for Trump compared to the same poll in 2020.

Perhaps this is because inflation is a far more pervasive problem than unemployment affecting all Americans every day. Perhaps it’s because people’s views on the economy now are largely derived from their broader attitudes towards the candidates. But whatever the reasons it’s a stunning reversal in the midst of a relentless stream of good economic news.

On cultural issues, Biden and Democrats benefit from the opposition to the Republican Party’s position on abortion. But on the other great cultural issue, immigration, Biden is 35 points behind Trump as to who would handle it better. And I do wonder whether abortion will be as large an issue in a presidential race, given that reversing Roe v. Wade threw the issue to state governments and legislatures, and not the federal government.

Watch the whole thing:

NEW: CNN’s Fareed Zakaria doesn’t see a path for a Joe Biden victory in 2024 as of now and says Democrats need to be “honest about reality.”

“I have to admit, none of this is playing out as I thought it would.”

Zakaria shockingly admitted that the New York indictment was a…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 12, 2024

When people on CNN are talking like this, you know Biden is in serious trouble.

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New Book by Former WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki Falsely Claims Biden Never Looked at His Watch as Dead Service Members Returned From Afghanistan

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has released a new book in which she claims that Joe Biden never looked at his watch during a ceremony for the return of the service members who were killed during his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In a twist of nearly perfect irony, Psaki claims that in saying this, she was fighting misinformation.

Even some liberal news outlets are calling her out on this.

From Axios:

Psaki’s new book falsely recounts Biden’s watch check in troop ceremony

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki claims in her new book that President Biden never looked at his watch during the ceremony for soldiers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — contradicting news photos and firsthand accounts of Gold Star families.

Why it matters: In TV ads and social media posts, Donald Trump and his allies repeatedly have used images of Biden checking his watch during the ceremony to try to undermine the president’s brand as an empathetic leader.

– Psaki’s book is the latest instance of current and former Biden administration officials downplaying or misrepresenting controversial episodes from the Afghanistan withdrawal ahead of the 2024 election…

– Psaki, now a star anchor at MSNBC who has described herself as a journalist, writes that Biden’s critics were engaged in “misinformation” and used the image to make “him appear insensitive, concerned only about how much time had passed.”

Is it really misinformation if we can see it happen on video?

Joe Biden is attending Dover Air Force Base today to honor the three American service members killed in Jordan.

In 2021, he "honored" the thirteen soldiers who died in Afghanistan by checking his watch.

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) February 2, 2024

The Gold Star families are justifiably outraged.

The Daily Mail reports:

Several members of the families of the troops killed in Afghanistan expressed their frustration with Psaki for denying the incident, which many of them personally witnessed…

The group called on Psaki’s book publisher and her employer MSNBC to address the mistake.

‘We are calling on Simon & Schuster and MSNBC to hold Ms. Psaki accountable for publishing this dishonest attack on Gold Star families,’ they concluded.

Here’s a reminder of how easily this woman lies.

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

— Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) October 20, 2020

The Gold Star families should sue.

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New Jersey Voters Say Trump Can Flip the State Red in 2024: ‘There’s Momentum’ (VIDEO)

Trump has made it clear that he is making a major play for the state of New Jersey in 2024 and he is smart to do so.

One need look no further than the massive turnout for his rally in Wildwood this weekend.

FOX News recently spoke to a few voters from the state about this and they all agreed that Trump can flip New Jersey red this fall.

From FOX News:

NJ voters say Trump could flip state red despite legal woes: ‘There’s momentum’

A panel of N.J. voters joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss why they believe the former president has a shot to secure those electoral votes in November as he campaigns in between his various legal appearances.

“It’s not having a negative impact, so if anything, it’s going in the opposite [direction] because they can’t believe that this is happening to a civilized nation,” resident Roy Paret told co-host Todd Piro on Friday. “What’s happening with their trial is really what you would think would happen either in communism or a Third World country, so this, I say, is definitely helping.”

“When he has free time, of course he has to stay local. He went to the bodegas in Harlem. He’s doing things in New York, and 100% this will help him, I feel, in multiple states, and it’s showing already,” he continued. “And New Jersey, I agree, will turn red this time around as long as they can follow up on voter integrity [and] check out voter IDs. I feel New Jersey will be switching just like many other states out there.”

Watch the video below:

NJ voters say "there's momentum in New Jersey" and the NY show trial "is not having a negative impact, so if anything, it's going in the opposite [direction]…what's happening with the trial is really what you would think would happen either in communism or a Third World…

— Julia (@Jules31415) May 10, 2024

Don’t forget, in 2021 Republican Jack Ciattarelli came extremely close to winning the governor race in New Jersey. The election was closer than anyone expected it to be. That spirit is still out there.

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Slams Washington, DC: ‘It is a Hideous Place as Far as I’m Concerned’

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas slammed life in Washington, DC while attending a recent judicial conference.

He described DC as a ‘hideous place’ and explained that this is part of the reason that he and his wife like to go on RV trips.

It’s hardly surprising that Thomas feels this way when you consider what he has been put through over the years by Democrats and the beltway media.

RedState reported:

Clarence Thomas Unleashed: Calls DC a ‘Hideous Place’ Where ‘People Pride Themselves in Being Awful’

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is often viewed as a cipher, considering that for years he sat silent on the bench and for a decade didn’t ask a single question during proceedings. He’s been more vocal in recent times, however, and on Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama, he was anything but quiet.

Political operatives in the nation’s capital are simply “awful,” he told the audience:

Thomas… described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.”

“It is a hideous place as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said.

“It’s one of the reasons we like RVing,” he added. “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.”

Thomas should know—he was at the center of the Anita Hill fiasco—overseen by then-Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Joe Biden—where he was subjected to evidence-free, humiliating claims of sexual harassment during his SCOTUS confirmation hearings in 1991.

This classic clip helps to explain why the left has been so nasty to Thomas over the years. He does not change his views with the winds of public opinion. He believes right is right no matter what.

Justice Clarence Thomas:

North is still north!

Right is still right!

Truth is still truth!

Nothing can stop what's coming…

— AJ Huber (@Huberton) May 11, 2024

Nothing triggers the left like a black man who is a conservative.

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WHAT COULD GO WRONG? San Francisco Using Tax Dollars to Buy Vodka and Beer for Homeless Alcoholics

The city of San Francisco is using tax dollars to buy vodka and beer for homeless alcoholics. Who thought this was a good idea?

Aside from the issue of using tax dollars to do this, how is this good for the homeless alcoholics? Shouldn’t the goal be to get these people off the street and into treatment?

How are these people helped by the city feeding their addiction?

Breitbart News reports:

‘Where’s the Recovery in All This?’: SF Buying Beer, Vodka for Homeless Alcoholics with Taxpayer Money

Homeless alcoholics are getting free beer and vodka under a taxpayer-funded pilot program in San Francisco as city leadership grapples with the homelessness crisis plaguing its streets.

The city’s Department of Public Health runs the Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) to give doses of alcohol to the addicted, Fox News reported on Saturday.

Officials hope the program will “keep the homeless off the streets” and decrease incidents in which emergency services have to step in.

“Experts say the program can save or extend lives, but critics wonder if the government would be better off funding treatment and sobriety programs instead,” Fox noted.

Here’s more from the FOX News report:

The “Managed Alcohol Program” operated by San Francisco’s Department of Public Health serves regimented doses of alcohol to voluntary participants with alcohol addiction in an effort to keep the homeless off the streets and relieve the city’s emergency services. Experts say the program can save or extend lives, but critics wonder if the government would be better off funding treatment and sobriety programs instead.

“Established in countries such as Canada and Australia, a managed alcohol program is usually administered by a nurse and trained support staff in a facility such as a homeless shelter or a transitional or permanent home, and is one method to minimize harm for those with alcohol use disorder,” the California Health Care Foundation explains in an 2020 article describing the pilot program.

How bad does life in San Francisco have to get for voters there to reject progressive policies?

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SIGNS OF PANIC? CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Says Biden Should Adopt Trump’s Immigration Policies (VIDEO)

During a recent appearance on ‘Firing Line’ on PBS, CNN host Fareed Zakaria said that Joe Biden should adopt Trump’s immigration policies.

A cynical person might think this is more about Zakaria trying to help Biden win the election, and not about protecting the southern border.

Also, Zakaria doesn’t get everything right here. He uses the term ‘Muslim ban’ which is incorrect. He also repeats the claim that Trump told Republicans not to pass the immigration bill that Biden and Democrats offered, which doesn’t tell the whole story.

Townhall reported:

What a CNN Host Just Said About Trump and Illegal Immigration Shows That Hell Might Be Freezing Over

Is Joe Biden becoming the grim reaper for liberal media figures? I only say that because it feels that one by one, he’s making such prominent figures turn against him, even claiming that Trump-era policies were the correct ones on issues like illegal immigration. Of course, these folks will probably vote for Biden in November. Still, it’s saying something about the president where even CNN’s Fareed Zakaria says Biden must re-adopt Trump-era immigration policies. Zakaria was on PBS’ Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, where the GPS host said millions are especially gaming the asylum process…

So, is hell freezing over?

Biden is so wrong that CNN hosts are saying Trump’s immigration agenda was not just better but correct. We all knew when Biden issued those infamous executive orders reversing the border policies at the border. We now have millions pouring in, receiving better treatment than American citizens in some cases.

Watch the video below:

BREAKING: CNN Host Fareed Zakaria said in an interview that former President Trump’s policies to have immigrants apply for asylum from their home country and wait in Mexico worked and urges Biden to put them back into place.

— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) May 10, 2024

Even if Biden changed his approach and adopted Trump’s policies, it’s too late. People would assume he was doing it just for the sake of the election and would open the border again after November.

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BORDER INSANITY: Illegal Immigrants Now Working With Criminal Networks to Steal Oil in West Texas

The border crisis has entered a new phase of insanity with some illegals working with criminal networks to steal truckloads of oil in west Texas.

These are not refugees in need of asylum. They are criminal thugs trying to rip off the United States.

Oil is energy and energy is a national security issue. This is not like stealing sneakers or jewelry. It’s much more serious.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Illegal immigrants stealing oil from Permian basin near Texas border

Authorities in West Texas have begun to see illegal immigrants aiding criminal networks in the stealing of truckloads of valuable oil and materials from the nation’s largest oilfields in the Permian Basin.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX), whose district spans 800 miles of the Texas border, organized federal and local law enforcement in the region Friday to come up with a plan of attack as the largest U.S. oilfield, the Permian Basin, continues to get hit by thieves. The matter is not only a border security matter but an energy security problem.

“The bottom line is the border crisis is expanding, and it is morphing into other things, and part of that is you have folks that are Cuban nationals that are kind of settling out in West Texas and in some cases are part of this increase in oil theft,” Gonzales told the Washington Examiner Friday in a phone interview, who later added that Cuban involvement was “growing.”

Winkler County Sheriff Darin Mitchell told reporters at a press conference at the epicenter for the oil theft on Friday that this type of crime had “increased dramatically” in recent months.

How did it get to this point?

Energy security is national security. ⛽

Proud to be joined by West Texas law enforcement in the fight against oil theft across the Permian Basin. Don’t mess with Texas!

— Rep. Tony Gonzales (@RepTonyGonzales) May 10, 2024

The border crisis just keeps getting worse and no one in Washington seems interested in stopping it.

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James Carville Freaks Out Over Failure of Democrat Attacks on Trump: ‘It’s Not Working!’ (VIDEO)

Democrat strategist and former Bill Clinton staffer James Carville is not doing well. He is extremely frustrated and angry that none of the attacks Democrats have tried to smear Trump are working.

Carville understands polling, and the numbers are making him crazy. He notes that Trump is ‘more ahead than he’s ever been.’

He also seems very frustrated that the public doesn’t care about January 6th. He is having a total meltdown.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JAMES CARVILLE: Trump’s more ahead than he’s ever been, more — fewer people think January 6 was any kind of what it was, an assault on the temple of democracy, our Constitution, whatever you want to say.

It’s going the wrong way. It’s not working. Everything that we’re throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included. It’s hard starting your 80th year, and like everyone else I have an opinion of myself. And the opinion I’ve come to is I don’t matter.

It doesn’t matter. You can prepare and you can be on TV, you can write pieces, you can have a YouTube channel, you can have a podcast and nothing, nothing!

We’ve got to try to think of something different because what we’re doing in really really not working.

Watch the video below, this is glorious:

James Carville is frustrated that Trump is 'more ahead than he's ever been', and that Democrat tactics are 'not working':
"It's going the wrong way. It's not working.Everything we're that throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.
We gotta try to…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) May 10, 2024

Has anyone ever seen him this frustrated and upset? Is it possible that he has seen internal polling and that it’s completely dreadful? He certainly doesn’t seem confident about the way things are going.

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REPORT: Biden Campaign and Democrat Officials Prepare for Protesters and Chaos at Chicago Convention

The 2024 Democrat National Convention in Chicago may end up being a chaotic freak show. Dem officials and the Biden campaign know that they may end up dealing with mobs of angry leftist protesters and they’re already taking steps to deal with it.

What they really fear is a repeat of the 1968 convention, which was a disaster.

One approach they are considering is a hybrid convention that is partially virtual so that they can hide the ugliness from the TV audience.

Politico reports:

The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

President Joe Biden’s top advisers are all too aware the ghosts of 1968 may haunt their convention here, but they’re grappling with a pair of more urgent and thoroughly modern-day challenges as summer nears: How far can they go in reprising their virtual 2020 convention to mitigate the threat of disruption inside the arena, and how will they navigate a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with protesters?

Trumpeting the success of their Covid-era convention four years ago, some in Biden’s orbit are aggressively pushing to make the 2024 conclave a hybrid production. That would mean in-person speeches from the president, party luminaries and rising stars to draw television attention alongside a mix of pre-recorded testimonials and videos from other parts of the country.

The goal: drive maximum viewership on television and the internet while minimizing live programming and openings for protest in Chicago’s United Center. This would mean moving party business, such as rules and platform votes, off the floor and denying would-be demonstrators a chance to seize on contentious debates.

Who had 1968 on their DNC bingo card this year?

The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor – POLITICO

— CalRadioHost (@cal_host) May 10, 2024

The Democrats helped to create this monster and now they can’t control it.

Hiding from your own voting base. But the campaign is doing super otherwise.

— Big Fish (@BigFish3000) May 10, 2024

More important than that, they need a very controlled environment to present Biden.

It’s 50/50 he’d crap his pants.

— Mark Noonan (@Mark_E_Noonan) May 10, 2024

"We're going to do the DNC but we're afraid of our own voter base."

And Biden still thinks he's going to win

— Michael Edwards (@MEdwardsVA) May 10, 2024

Things could get out of control very quickly.

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Conservative Pundit Byron York Explains Why Biden’s Economic Message isn’t Sticking With Voters (VIDEO)

Byron York of the Washington Examiner appeared on the Laura Ingraham show this week and explained why voters aren’t buying Joe Biden’s economic message.

It comes down to reality and memory.

You can tell people that the economy is doing great and things are better for them but people still remember how much better things were under Trump.

You can’t lie to people about their grocery bill.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

LAURA INGRAHAM: [Biden] also apparently said Trump never succeeded at creating jobs and I, meaning he, has never failed. What’s the Truth-O-Meter saying?

BYRON YORK, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: I think the Truth-O-Meter is off the scale on false because obviously Trump created a whole lot of jobs. We all know what happened in 2020 with the pandemic. But Trump’s economic record before that was quite good.

The bigger problem that Biden has is you can’t talk up the economy if people are feeling pain in their personal lives. They hear him talk and they say that is not what I’m seeing when I go to the grocery store and we’ve been trying to buy a house and it’s not working. You can’t talk up the economy when it disagrees with people’s own perceptions…

We have a number of interesting things going on. We had an article in Politico today about remember in the first years of the Biden administration, Democrats were rushing to pass as much spending as they could, trillions and trillions of dollars to use as sort of post-pandemic momentum to keep levels of spending at enormously high levels.

Watch the video below:

BYRON YORK: Trump created A LOT of jobs

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 9, 2024

Joe Biden can brag about job creation until he is blue in the face, but it won’t work. Trump was better for jobs and the economy and everyone knows it.

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Lamborghini Thief Flees Cops at More Than 100 MPH, Crashes Moments Later and is Thrown Hundreds of Feet From Wreck (VIDEO)

A car thief behind the wheel of a Lamborghini in Los Angeles fled the police at more than 100 miles per hour and moments later crashed the vehicle, totaling it and getting thrown hundreds of feet from the wreck. He died at the scene.

Thieves are not usually very smart and this guy was no exception.

People who have never been behind the wheel of a vehicle like the Lamborghini have no idea how much power these cars have and how easily you can lose control. This man found out the hard way.

This happened in April but the footage just became available.

FOX News reported:

LA Lamborghini thief dies in 115 mph crash seconds after fleeing traffic stop: dashcam video

Los Angeles police pulled up behind a driver asleep at the wheel of a Lamborghini, discovered the vehicle was stolen and the suspect had outstanding warrants before he sped off on video lost control of the car and died in a high-speed crash just seconds later.

The suspect, 51-year-old Los Angeleno Elliott Dugan, woke up, refused to cooperate with law enforcement, and sped away to his death up the street, body and dashcam videos show.

The incident happened on April 6, but police released the videos Wednesday.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?” an officer asks.

In a conversation with officers, Dugan denied that the car was stolen and claimed he had rented it. Police asked him repeatedly to get out of the vehicle.

Dugan asserted that he did not have to get out of the car until police gave him a reason why. The officer said he would be detained and asked him several more times to get out.

He hit the gas instead.

Watch the video below:

LAPD released footage of a stolen Lamborghini Huracan fleeing officers driving over 100 MPH before a violent crash that shredded the vehicle in pieces sending the driver flying

— FearBuck (@FearedBuck) May 9, 2024

That’s one guy who won’t be stealing any more cars.

He paid the ultimate price for his crime.

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Legendary Fight Promoter Don King Endorses Trump for President in 2024: ‘We Must Reelect Him to Save Ourselves’ (VIDEO)

The well known boxing promoter Don King was recently asked for his thoughts on the 2024 election and if he had a message for Trump.

He responded, ‘Get reelected.’ He went on to say, ‘We must reelect him to save ourselves.’

Love him or hate him, Don King is an icon and he certainly understands what’s at stake in the election.

RedState has more:

Don King has spoken, America. The Don King, I mean.

The 92-year-old legendary boxing promoter on Wednesday endorsed former President Donald Trump to become future President Donald Trump in November.

Like Trump, King has never been afraid to speak his exact mind.

Referring to the former president as “the only man who’s got the intestinal fortitude to be able to stand up and fight the system like it should be fought,” King’s endorsement of Trump was unequivocal.

Get reelected. And we must reelect him to save ourselves. You know, a vote for Trump is a vote for yourself. Because we’ve got to fight the system of lies and the creation of wrong being right and right being wrong. That’s got to be eliminated.

Say what you will about Don King, but the sometimes controversial promoter hit the 2024 presidential nail on the head— and in fewer words than most politicians use, just warming up.

Here’s the video:

JUST IN: ⚠ Former powerhouse boxing promoter Don King endorses Donald Trump for President..

— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) May 8, 2024

King is certainly right about saving ourselves.

Does anyone believe the country can survive four more years of Joe Biden?


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Dem Strategists Agree Biden is TOAST in November if He Loses in Michigan

Some top Democrat strategists are sweating Joe Biden’s chances in Michigan in November, a state they agree is a must-win for Democrats.

Trump won Michigan in 2016 and he can certainly win there again. A recent poll has Trump ahead of Biden in the state by a whopping 15 points.

Biden has multiple problems in Michigan, including people who are angry about his (weak) support for Israel and union workers who are rightly, very concerned about the economy.

Townhall reports:

Dem Strategists Agree That Biden Is Totally Screwed If He Loses This State in 2024

The three states Democrats appear to be moving into the must-win category are Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—the old blue wall. It was predictable, though what wasn’t on the agenda was how poorly Biden was polling in Michigan. Independents cannot stand him, which even Democrats admit will be a project regarding mounting some turnaround with that demographic.

Ron Brownstein had more about the electoral math facing Biden, and if he loses Michigan, even James Carville is quoted as saying it could be a rough night for a president who no one seems to like, but they’re forced to vote for now.

Townhall point to this piece in the Atlantic:

At this point, former President Donald Trump’s gains have provided him with more plausible alternatives to cross the last mile to 270. Trump’s personal vulnerabilities, Biden’s edge in building a campaign organization, and abortion rights’ prominence in several key swing states could erase that advantage. But for now, Biden looks to have less margin for error than the former president…

Biden’s odds may particularly diminish if he cannot hold all three of the former “blue wall” states across the Rust Belt that he recaptured in 2020 after Trump had taken them four years earlier: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin…

As James Carville, the veteran Democratic strategist told me, if Biden can recover to win Michigan along with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, “you are not going to lose.” But, Carville added, if Biden can’t hold all three, “you are going to have to catch an inside straight to win.”

The ‘Blue Wall’ that Democrats depend on every four years is no longer the guarantee that it used to be.

Trump has shown that he can win in these states and it has the Democrats terrified.

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Republican Introduces Bill That Would Send Anti-Israel Campus Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if Found Guilty of Illegal Activity

Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican from Tennessee, has introduced a new bill that would send anti-Israel/pro-Hamas campus protesters to Gaza for six months if they’re found guilty of illegal activity.

It’s about time someone suggested this. It could be a real learning experience for some of these radical students and professional agitators.

This bill would get tremendous support from people across the country who are sickened by what’s unfolding at our supposed institutions of higher education.

FOX News reports:

College anti-Israel agitators could be sent to Gaza under new House GOP bill

A new House Republican bill would send any person charged and convicted for illegal activity on a college campus to Gaza for at least six months.

Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., introduced the bill on Wednesday alongside Reps. Randy Weber, R-Texas, and Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., in response to the ongoing anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses across the country.

Several of those protests have turned violent, with clashes between police and activists, as well as hundreds of activists being arrested across multiple campuses.

While Ogles’ bill text does not mention Israel or the anti-Israel groups, it specifically targets unlawful activity on college campuses after Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas militants invaded Israel in a surprise attack that killed over 1,000 people…

“Students have abandoned their classes to harass other students and disrupt campus-wide activities, including university commencement ceremonies nationwide. Enough is enough,” Ogles told Fox News Digital.

Three cheers for Rep. Andy Ogles?

New: Andy Ogles has introduced a bill that would send people convicted for unlawful activity on college campuses to Gaza for at least six months

The bill would force those arrested on campuses after Oct. 7 to “provide community service in Gaza,” per bill text

— Liz Elkind (@liz_elkind) May 8, 2024

Proud to join @RepOgles to introduce a bill that would send any person charged & convicted for illegal activity on a college campus in Gaza for at least six months.

I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity

— Randy Weber (@TXRandy14) May 8, 2024

My message is clear: if you’re a student visa holder rioting AGAINST American values and FOR Hamas terrorists, you can go study abroad in Gaza.

Read more about my latest bill.

— Rep. Andy Ogles (@RepOgles) May 8, 2024

More Republicans need to get on board with this.

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REPORT: Fewer Americans See Climate Change as a ‘Serious Problem’ After Three Years of Biden’s Awful Presidency

Credit: Fox Business Screenshot

Fewer people see climate change as a ‘serious problem’ today compared to three years ago, according to new polling.

This is easy to understand. Climate change is a luxury problem. People tend to care less about an issue like climate change when they’re constantly worried about how they’re going to put food on the table, pay their mortgage, or put gas in their car.

For the last three years under Biden, Democrats have rushed to push as many climate change related policies as possible, as Americans across the country suffered with much more urgent problems.

The Hill reports:

Fewer Americans see climate change as very serious problem: Survey

Fewer Americans today see climate change as a “very serious” problem than they did three years ago, according to a new survey released Monday.

The Monmouth University poll, conducted on April 18-22 shows a 10-point decline in Americans who says climate change is a “very serious” problem, falling from 56 percent in September 2021 to 46 percent in April.

The decline was less steep overall – with 66 percent describing climate change as a problem that’s either “very serious” or “somewhat serious.” That’s down from 2021, when 70 percent of respondents described the climate change problem as either “very serious” or “somewhat serious.”

Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, attributed this trend to a decline in urgency among Americans.

“Most Americans continue to believe climate change is real. The difference in these latest poll results is a decline in a sense of urgency around this issue,” Murray said.

The decline in urgency can be seen most acutely among young people – who have historically viewed climate change as a “very serious” problem at significantly higher rates than other age groups.

It’s also important to note that we have been hearing about this forever.

That tends to happen you constantly predict the end of the world and nothing happens.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) May 8, 2024

This is what happens when Democrats use doomsday warnings of climate change as a political organizing tool and cry wolf too many election cycles in a row.

Eventually when the world *didn’t end* in 12 years, people were going to tune out.

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) May 8, 2024

People are more worried about the border and the economy. It’s only natural.

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CNN Fact Checker Defends George Soros Who is Funding the Anti-Israel Protests: ‘Frequent Target of Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories’ (VIDEO)

During a recent segment on Jake Tapper’s CNN show, the network’s favorite ‘fact checker’ Daniel Dale, defended George Soros from claims that he has helped to fund the campus protests and that he helped Alvin Bragg and other prosecutors to get elected.

According to Dale, Soros is a ‘frequent target of antisemitic conspiracy theories.’

This is typical of the left. They won’t stand up for Jewish students being harassed on college campuses, but any criticism of George Soros is met with accusations of antisemitism.

NewsBusters provides a transcript:

JAKE TAPPER: Let’s bring in CNN’s Daniel Dale, who fact-checks what we just heard from Donald Trump. He started off criticizing the case, what happened on the case. Daniel, then he turned to protests on college campuses, then he turned to inflation then back to the case. What’s — what caught your notice?

DANIEL DALE: There was a lot there. Some of it was subjective opinion. I won’t try to fact-check, but a few things to fact check. One, he claimed again that he’s leading in all the polls. No, he’s slightly leading in national polling averages, but he’s trailing in a good number of polls, especially those that have come out in the last week or so. There are at least a few.

He refers frequently to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor behind this case, as a Soros-backed district attorney. Now, I’d say there’s some arguable basis for that, but I think it’s important to clarify the facts.

So, Mr. Soros, who’s a liberal billionaire philanthropist, also a frequent target of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, did not make any direct contributions to Mr. Bragg’s election campaign.

Here’s the video:

With all the rampant anti-Semitism on college campuses, CNN's resident fact-checker Daniel Dale wants you to know that George Soros is "a frequent target of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories" and the idea he supports Alvin Bragg is "at best a one-step removed relationship"

— Alex Christy (@alexchristy17) May 8, 2024

CNN is such a joke. Even their ‘fact checks’ are biased.

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Illegal Immigrants in Denver Send the City A LIST OF DEMANDS

Illegal immigrants living in an encampment in Denver have sent the city a list of demands. Where do you suppose they got that idea? Does anyone find it rather coincidental that these people are following the behavior of the campus protesters? Do you think that’s a coincidence?

And talk about chutzpah. Where do these folks get off making demands when they’re in the country illegally?

If the leaders of Denver had any sense, they’d deport these people immediately.

FOX News reports:

Denver migrants refuse to leave encampment, send mayor list of demands

A group of illegal immigrants in Denver is refusing to leave encampments until the city meets its demands.

The migrants published a document with 13 specific demands before they acquiesce to Denver Human Services’ request to leave the encampments and move to more permanent shelters funded by the city.

“At the end of the day, what we do not want is families on the streets of Denver,” Jon Ewing, a spokesman for Denver Human Services, told Fox 31.

The list sent to Mayor Mike Johnston included requests for provisions of “fresh, culturally appropriate” food, no time limits on showers and free immigration lawyers, the outlet reported…

Further details of the demands read, “Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever… Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed.”

Has the whole world gone insane?

Denver's illegal migrants have now built an encampment to protest the city's shelter system…

The city wants these illegals to get off this property. The encampment responded to officials with a list of 13 demands.

One of encampment demands is for the taxpayers provide better…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 8, 2024

Migrants in Denver have a list of demands for @CityofDenver before they accept city shelter:

— Chris Parente (@chrisparente) May 8, 2024

Can you even imagine crossing a country’s border illegally and then issuing demands?

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Federal Reserve Official Admits Biden’s Illegal Immigration Crisis is Raising Mortgage Rates for Americans

Joe Biden’s illegal immigration crisis is creating serious financial hardships for American citizens in the form of higher mortgage rates, according to the Federal Reserve chairman of Minnesota.

Democrats and the media have spent three years trying to convince average Americans that the illegal immigration crisis is normal and not causing any harm, but it’s simply not true.

This is why this particular issue is causing anger even among liberals in blue cities.

Breitbart News reports:

Federal Reserve Chairman: Migration Boosts Mortgage Rates

President Joe Biden’s migration crisis raises the mortgage rates that burden young couples and families, according to the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

“While the long-run effect of increased immigration on inflation is unclear, immigrants nonetheless need a place to live, and their arrival in the U.S. has likely also increased demand for housing,” said Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said on May 7.

In turn, he said, mortgage rates are nudged upwards with higher interest rates, saying, “Perhaps a neutral [interest] rate for the housing market is higher than before the pandemic.”

Kashkari is a member of the Federal Reserve, which is now raising interest rates to reduce the unpopular inflation caused by the federal government’s deficit spending.

But since 2021, Biden’s deputies have also worsened inflation by importing roughly ten million legal, illegal, and quasi-legal migrants.

And of course, Joe Biden is responding to this by doing pretty much everything wrong.

Inflation, gas prices, and mortgage rates are climbing, unemployment just hit the highest level in 2 years, and hardworking Americans are struggling to get by.

Joe Biden's response?

Force YOU to pay for healthcare for illegals and the student loans of art students.

— Karoline Leavitt (@kleavittnh) May 3, 2024

Mortgage rates have SKYROCKETED under Joe Biden & 78% of would-be homebuyers say financial factors are keeping them from being able to purchase a home.

Joe Biden’s economy has made the American dream a fantasy!

— Center for Renewing America (@amrenewctr) May 6, 2024

Is there any wonder why a growing number of Americans want to return to the Trump years?

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Developing: Missouri Officials Can’t Find Former St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner – Is Accused of Misusing Taxpayer Funds and Rights Abuses

Kim Gardner, a former St. Louis prosecutor who was backed by George Soros, is missing. The list of allegations against Gardner is long.

Authorities are trying to find her because of the ongoing investigation and also to serve her subpoenas, but she has vanished.

Unless something has happened to her, she must be in hiding. How else can her disappearance be explained?

From the Associated Press:

Auditors can’t locate former St. Louis circuit attorney to complete state audit

A state examination of the office that handles criminal prosecutions in St. Louis is being delayed because auditors can’t find former Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, Missouri Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick said Monday.

Fitzpatrick said in a news release that auditors have tried for several months to contact Gardner, including trying to serve her with a subpoena. Her whereabouts remain unknown, he said.

“This is a pattern of behavior with Kim Gardner, who hasn’t shown a willingness to be transparent or accountable,” Fitzpatrick, a Republican, said in a news release. “Without question, she knows our audit is ongoing and that we want to speak with her about her time in office, but she has made no effort to comply with our requests or respond to our inquiries.”

Gardner, a Democrat first elected in 2016 to become the city’s first Black circuit attorney, resigned in May 2023. She was part of a movement of progressive prosecutors who sought diversion to mental health treatment or drug abuse treatment for low-level crimes, pledged to hold police more accountable, and sought to free inmates who were wrongfully convicted.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Kim Gardner for years. She left office early in 2023 after public scandal after public scandal.

Soros-funded Kimberly M. Gardner was elected to the Office of St. Louis Circuit Attorney in 2016 and assumed office on January 1, 2017. She was re-elected in 2020 for a second term. However, the report outlines that Gardner failed to fulfill her duties as mandated by state law, leading to a significant decline in the effectiveness of the Circuit Attorney’s Office in St. Louis and an increase in crimes in the Democrat-controlled city.

Under Gardner’s watch, the Circuit Attorney’s Office, once the most active in Missouri in terms of jury trials, saw a dramatic decrease in the prosecution of criminal cases. This decline led to a state of near-collapse in the city’s criminal justice system.

Kim Gardner is so intolerable that two dozen attorneys and more than one-third of the trial lawyers left the office when she took over the office in 2017. And this is a Democrat-dominated office!

She finally left office after a young girl visiting St. Louis lost her legs when a young felon who should have been in jail hit her with his car.

Where could she be?

Missouri Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick said former the St. Louis circuit attorney is dodging subpoenas, ignoring calls and refusing to answer questions for an audit of her former office.

— St. Louis Post-Dispatch (@stltoday) May 8, 2024

Missouri Auditor says he has not been able to find the disgraced George Soros backed circuit attorney for the Shitty of Saint Louis Kim Gardner. Is it possible that justice has been served? Let’s hope that’s the case.

— ChrisGraves133 (@CGraves133) May 7, 2024

This is a perfect reminder that every single Soros-backed prosecutor should be removed from office. They are the cause of so many problems in the country right now.

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Poll Finds Massive Majority of College Students Not Interested in Anti-Israel Protests – Want Protesters Held Accountable for Disruptions and Damages

The vast majority of college students in the United States have absolutely no interest in the anti-Israel protests on campus, according to new polling.

These students do care about political issues, but this is not one of them. They also want the protesters to be held accountable for all the trouble and damage they have caused.

The people behind these protests represent a tiny minority of college students, yet they are constantly issuing demands and eating up tons of attention by being the loudest and most annoying people on campuses.

Axios reported:

Exclusive poll: Most college students shrug at nationwide protests

College protests against Israel’s war in Gaza are dominating headlines. But only a sliver of students are participating or view it as a top issue, according to a new Generation Lab survey shared exclusively with Axios.

Why it matters: The poll hints that the war — and the accompanying protests — might not hurt President Biden’s election prospects among young voters as much as previously thought.

By the numbers: Only a small minority (8%) of college students have participated in either side of the protests, the survey of 1,250 college students found.

  • Students ranked the conflict in the Middle East as the least important issue facing them out of nine options.
  • It landed behind health care reform, racial justice and civil rights, economic fairness and opportunity, education funding and access, and climate change.

This is one of the most important findings in the poll:

Zoom in: A large majority (81%) of students support holding protesters accountable, agreeing with the notion that those who destroyed property or vandalized or illegally occupied buildings should be held responsible by their university, per the survey.

So that’s the majority of college students. And yet, who are these colleges bending over backwards to please? The protesters.

These colleges need to grow a spine and start firing and expelling people.

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San Francisco Non-Profit Dedicated to Providing Services to the Homeless Accused of $100,000 in Fraud

A non-profit in San Francisco that provides services to homeless people has been accused of fraud to the tune of a cool $100,000. They also face accusations of nepotism.

As many people have pointed out, an entire industry has bloomed in San Francisco around the homeless population and no one wants to end homelessness as a result, because too many people are making extremely good money off the problem.

As far as fraud goes, $100,000 is kind of small potatoes when you consider the fact that the city wastes hundreds of millions of dollars on this issue.

CBS News Bay Area reported:

San Francisco nonprofit running homeless shelter accused of $100K fraud, nepotism

A San Francisco-based nonprofit that provides services to the homeless has been suspended amid allegations of fraud and nepotism, officials announced Monday.

City Attorney David Chiu said he initiated debarment proceedings against the Providence Foundation of San Francisco. Chiu also suspended the organization from receiving new city contracts or grants, effective immediately.

“This nonprofit took over $100,000 of public money meant to benefit people experiencing homelessness. That cannot be tolerated,” Chiu said in a statement. “My office’s work to root out bad actors who take advantage of our public resources continues. We will find out about your misdeeds, cut off your funding, and hold you accountable.”

Providence has received at least $105,000 from the city based on what the city attorney describes as “blatantly fraudulent” invoices. The invoices stem from renovation work at the Oasis Hotel on Franklin Street, which the group operates as a shelter for families experiencing homelessness.

Officials said work was supposed to include repainting the exterior and removing deadbolt locks at the hotel, but the work was not performed.

John Sexton of Hot Air comments:

San Francisco spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year on homelessness contractors like these. Whenever the government is giving away that kind of money, fraud is inevitable. Frankly, the $100,000 this group bilked the city is petty cash in the overall scope of the homeless industrial complex in San Francisco. All of these people and groups have a vested interest in having this problem continue.

Is this really a surprise?

New: The Providence Foundation of San Francisco, a homeless shelter operator under investigation for alleged wage theft, is accused of ‘blatant’ fraud. @SFCityAttorney has suspended the nonprofit from receiving any new city funds.

— Maggie Angst (@MaggieAngst) May 6, 2024

There are too many people getting wealthy off of ‘helping’ the homeless. Why would they want to solve the problem?

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Check Out the $300 Million Superyacht of ‘Climate Change’ Activist Mark Zuckerberg (VIDEO)

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for being super concerned about climate change, but apparently that has not prevented him from sailing around in a yacht that’s bigger than most people’s houses.

The boat is worth $300 million and is 287 feet long. Do you think it runs on solar panels? Probably not.

This is the kind of boat that you can’t even run without a staff.

The Hindustan Times reports:

Mark Zuckerberg’s $300 Million Superyacht visuals slammed as ‘climate hypocrite’s hideaway’

Mark Zuckerberg’s latest status update screams real-world billionaire choice: a $300 million superyacht. With an estimated net worth of US$180 billion per Forbes, one of the world’s richest men and founder of Meta dropped a whopping sum on a superyacht he calls Launchpad. While the yacht itself looks like something out of a James Bond movie, complete with stunning features and cutting-edge tech, the internet isn’t oohing and aahing. Instead, critics are slamming it as a “Climate Hypocrite’s Hideaway.”…

Mark Zuckerberg’s new yacht has become a social media sensation thanks to a viral TikTok video capturing its stunning visuals. The massive vessel, currently docked in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, isn’t shy about its luxury. Spanning 118 meters, the yacht made its debut sail back in March 2024 across the Atlantic and has been turning heads ever since. Designed by the Swedish-based Espen Øin International, the reported $300 Million Superyacht boasts “a sleek, multilayered exterior with a robust steel hull and an aluminium superstructure.” Reports Suerpeyacht Times.

Take a look:

Mark Zuckerberg, known for his Climate Change activism, shows off his new $300 million mega yacht.

Zuck's 287-foot mega yacht is powered by four MTU diesel engines and can reach a top speed of 24 knots.

America's elites are laughing right in our

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) May 6, 2024

Hey look it’s Mark Zuckerberg‘s yacht. I’m sure him flying private jets with Bill Gates is helping to plan it though. It’s all our faults instead.

— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News (@unhealthytruth) May 5, 2024

But he’s super worried about climate change, folks.

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Jen Psaki Defends Biden’s Lack of Media Access – Suggests He Should Appear on ‘The View’ (VIDEO)

Joe Biden’s former press secretary Jen Psaki, who now has a TV show on MSNBC for some reason, appeared on The View today and defended Biden’s historic lack of press appearances.

She suggested that it was great that Biden did the Howard Stern show and then said that he should appear on The View, to the delight of the cackling hosts.

Do you think Joe would get any challenging questions on that show? Please.

Transcript via NewsBusters:

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: So Jen, you have been on both sides as working as a press secretary, but also now being in the media. And there’s been a lot of criticism of Biden, most recently from The New York Times that he’s held the fewest interviews and press availabilities of any president since Reagan. I personally think it would help dispel some of the concerns about his age if he did more. What would your advice be to the White House in terms of his accessibility to press?

JEN PSAKI: Well, I think the benefit of the media environment right now – there’s a lot of challenges, but I’ll start at the optimistic side – is that there are so many choices. And when you’re communicating from the White House, I mean, respect for freedom of speech and freedom of the press is important, but you’re also really just trying to communicate with the American people.

So, my view is he should come on The View before he does a press conference.



PSAKI: He should because people want to have real conversations about issues that are happening. I think press conferences are important, but I also think him doing Howard Stern –


Here’s the video:

MSNBC’s Biden flack, Jen Psaki scoffs at the idea Biden should do more press conferences.
She argues he should do more interviews with friendly media like The View, which would give him a tongue bath.
Sara Haines suggests nothing important comes from press conferences.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 6, 2024

Biden is not doing media because he can’t complete a sentence. He might be able to manage an appearance on a show like The View because the hosts would rescue him if he got into trouble.

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OF COURSE: 82 Year-Old Bernie Sanders Announces He is Running for a Fourth Term in the U.S. Senate

Bernie Sanders has just announced that he is running for another term in the U.S. Senate. Sanders is 82 years old and this would be his fourth term.

Does he need another house?

Like many people in DC, Bernie is addicted to the power of his position and will not let it go in order for a new generation of lawmakers to step in and serve.

These people all seem to want to go out the way Dianne Feinstein did, voting from her deathbed.

The Hill reports:

Bernie Sanders to run for reelection in November

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is running for a fourth term in the Senate, he announced Monday, likely cementing the longtime progressive for the coming years in the upper chamber.

“This is the most important national election in our lifetimes,” Sanders said in a statement. “We must fight to make sure that we remain a democracy, not an authoritarian society. We must fight to make sure that we have a government which represents the working families of our country, not the billionaire class and wealthy campaign contributors. We must fight to make sure that women can control their own bodies, and that we save the planet from the ravages of climate change. The stakes are enormous. This is an election we must not lose.”

Sanders, 82, is the second-oldest member of the upper chamber behind only Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa.), and others around his age have made plans to depart…

The Vermont independent has served more than 40 years in public office. On top of his three terms in the upper chamber, Sanders was a House member for eight terms and held the position of mayor of Burlington, Vt., throughout most of the 1980s.

This is Bernie’s announcement video:

Let me thank the people of Vermont, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to serve them in the United States Senate. It has been the honor of my life.

Today, I am announcing my intention to seek another term. Here is why:

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 6, 2024

And the grift goes on. He doesn't know how to do anything else.

— Rae A (@xrae) May 6, 2024

A large percentage of the people who complain about the age of the Senate are his supporters.

So I assume they'll be upset about this, yeah?

— Sunny (@sunnyright) May 6, 2024

They just refuse to let go of power.

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George Washington University Now Begging DC Police for Help as Student Protesters Start Calling for the BEHEADING of School President and Trustees (VIDEO)

Pro-Hamas student protesters at George Washington University are now openly calling for the beheading of the school president and members of the board of trustees.

They allowed this situation to go on for too long and now it’s completely out of control.

As you’ll see in the video below, these students are actually chanting ‘Guillotine, Guillotine!’

NBC 15 News reports:

GW president says school needs help from DC police as protesters call for beheadings

The president of George Washington University said late Sunday night her school needs the help of local police to restore law and order as anti-Israel encampment activities continue.

GW President Ellen Granberg’s released a statement Sunday denouncing the encampment degeneration over the weekend. Granberg also said the school cannot restore order without the help of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

“The demonstration, like many around the country, has grown into what can only be classified as an illegal and potentially dangerous occupation of GW property,” Gransberg said. “It is also essential to highlight that at no point was this encampment lawful.”…

Social media video surfaced over the weekend of an encampment activity called “People’s Tribunal” where GW protesters acted out sentencing senior university officials to death.

This mock court was held for GWU’s board of trustees and for the school’s president, shouting for these individuals to be beheaded.

“To the guillotine,” protesters said.

Watch below:

At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a "People's Tribunal" where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, @GWPolice, and many others on trial.

Is it normal for students to want to…

— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 3, 2024

Mostly peaceful beheadings

— Christian Toto (@HollywoodInToto) May 7, 2024

Does any of this seem normal to anyone?

Do you think this is what the founders of George Washington University had in mind?

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Trump Releases New Ad Praising UNC Frat Brothers Who Rescued American Flag During Protest (VIDEO)

On Tuesday, a group of UNC student, identified as members of fraternities, stood together to hold up the American flag for an hour while anti-Israel protesters attempting to take down the flag and threw bottles, water, and rocks at them and hurled insults.
On Tuesday, a group of UNC student, identified as members of fraternities, stood together to hold up the American flag for an hour while anti-Israel protesters attempting to take down the flag and threw bottles, water, and rocks at them and hurled insults.
On Tuesday, a group of UNC student, identified as members of fraternities, stood together to hold up the American flag for an hour while anti-Israel protesters attempting to take down the flag and threw bottles, water, and rocks at them and hurled insults. (@estradguillermo / X screen shot)

A bunch of UNC fraternity brothers went viral – for a good reason – this week when they saved an American flag by preventing it from touching the ground.

Now they are being recognized in a new Trump ad.

American needs more young men like these students, willing to step up and defend America from the radical left.

RedState reports:

Trump Releases Soaring Campaign Ad Honoring UNC Frat Brothers Who Protected Flag

Former president Donald Trump released a rousing campaign ad Saturday on his Truth Social account featuring the UNC fraternity brothers and others across the nation who stood up against the radical pro-Hamas protesters on their campuses.

Despite what it can seem like when you turn on the news, not all college students are anti-Israel and supporters of terrorists—in fact, there’s a whole bunch of them who don’t like what’s going on either.

Trump has been paying attention, and his new spot shows video clips of many of these events set to soaring music. “While campuses struggle to get control of their students, at UNC-Chapel Hill, they are bringing order back,” the video begins.

In the ad, we see the violent pro-Hamas mobs across the country, but then we cut to students like the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill frat brothers who protected the American flag at their campus’ demonstration. The brothers from the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity are now famous, and country star John Rich has announced he will play a concert for them to honor their patriotism…

Watch the video:

The newest Trump Campaign ad celebrates the fact that not all college students have gone woke

— Julia (@Jules31415) May 4, 2024

People have been disgusted by what has been happening on college campuses in recent weeks. These young men are being hailed as heroes and for good reasons.

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Massachusetts Democrat Governor Maura Healey Approves Millions in New Spending on Illegal Immigrants as Residents Flee State

Massachusetts Democrat Governor Maura Healey has just approved hundreds of millions in new spending for illegal immigrants, even as people are fleeing the state for greener pastures.

Massachusetts is a sanctuary state where homeless migrants must be housed, no matter how badly it works out for citizens.

The state is spending an insane amount of money on people who entered the country illegally.

Townhall reports:

Democrat Massachusetts Gov. Approves $400 Million In Freebies for Illegal Immigrants

Despite residents fleeing Massachusetts, Democrat Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA) signed a bill welcoming hundreds more of illegal immigrants into her state.

Healey signed the state budget this week that includes an additional $426 million to house illegal aliens in correspondence to the state’s “right to shelter” law that requires the government to put illegal immigrants and homeless people into homes.

The Democrat governor’s move comes as Boston declared a state of emergency after it exhausted its resources last year due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants coming to the sanctuary state.

According to a report, Massachusetts currently has more than one million illegal aliens residing in the state. It is expected to cost taxpayers over one billion dollars by 2025 to house them.

This number doesn’t include the 14,000 illegal Haitian immigrants Massachusetts has funded since 2022. CBS News noted that there are more than 3,500 illegal immigrants just in the state’s shelter system— which has been at capacity for months.

It’s like American citizens are the last consideration.

Is Governor Healy going to kick out more black Americans from their community centers to accommodate illegal aliens??

Mass. Gov. Healey Approves $426 Million More to Welcome Migrants, Push Out Citizens via @BreitbartNews

— lbgage 1776 ✝ (@nofeargage) May 3, 2024

There are still illegals living at the airport.

It’s Saturday and illegals are still living at Boston Logan airport.

She spent $1B on emergency shelters to house illegals. Putting them in 4 star hotels and giving them $100 everyday of taxpayer dollars and still wants more money for this.@MassGovernor it’s time to resign!!!

— Bostonians Against Mayor Wu (@AntiWuCoalition) April 28, 2024

It’s such a disgrace. Healey should resign.

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Greg Gutfeld Expertly Mocks NYC Trump Trial: ‘A City That Can’t Keep Violent Felons in Jail Wants to Lock up a President for Talking’ (VIDEO)

During his opening monologue on Thursday night, Greg Gutfeld mocked Democrats and the city of New York for their sham case against Trump as only he can.

Greg spared no one, from Stormy Daniels to Michael Cohen and Joe Biden.

He made the point that New York City can’t keep violent criminals in jail but want to lock up Trump for talking about his case, while all the Trump-haters are allowed to say whatever they want.

Partial transcript via FOX News:

On Tuesday, Judge Merchan held Donald Trump in contempt of court and fined him $9,000 for violating a gag order. Trump should have reached into his wallet, grabbed the $9,000 in cash and thrown it at the judge and said: “Here, go bang Stormy Daniels eight times.”

It’s funny: A city that can’t keep violent felons in jail wants to lock up a president for talking. Their priorities are more out-of-whack than a morning show hosted by people who hate each other.

Meanwhile, Judge Merchan’s daughter… a progressive political hack, is sending out solicitations invoking the Trump trial, raising millions for her clients. Among them: Adam Schiff, lead prosecutor in Trump’s first impeachment, who will hopefully use the money for a neck transplant. So Trump’s not allowed to talk. How did he react? Is the gag order unique? Unconstitutional? Corrupt?

Now let’s have a look at the people the judge hasn’t silenced, like Stormy Daniels. Usually when she opens her mouth, it only affects five dudes in a motel room with a camcorder. But these days, Stormy’s not taking things lying down.

Watch the whole thing below:

~ GUTFELD ~ Monologue

Trump trial ~ Hilarious!

— Gary D (@KMGGaryde) May 3, 2024

You won’t hear anything like that on the Colbert or Kimmel shows.

Gutfeld is the only late night host who has been willing to mock Biden and the Democrats and that’s why his ratings are through the roof.

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HILARIOUS: Classic ‘Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh’ Song Gets Updated for Radical Anti-Israel Campus Protests

Scenes of the reinstated Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University on its fourth day
Photo from Wikimedia Commons, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, Date: 21 April 2024, 14:07:15

You have undoubtedly heard the classic song ‘Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp)’ by Allan Sherman.

The song has now been updated to reflect the radical, anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

This is fantastic.

Lyrics via Twitter/X:

Hello Muddah, hello Faddah
I have joined Camp Intifada
Camp is very instigating
And they say the quad sprinkler will soon stop raining

The tuition is so pricey
To attend a Poison Ivy
You remember Ilhan’s daughter
She’s now homeless for defending Jewish slaughter

All the comrades hate the Zios
Who lack pronouns in their bios
And we want to charm the Houthis
So we hold hands and chant ‘Death to the Yahudis’

I’ve made new friends who are less white
And my Hebrew is now left-right
And when Jew kids, start to roll in
We demand that they all go back home to Poland

Let me stay, oh Muddah, Faddah
Globalize the Intifada
Don’t bring me back to the suburbs;
Cancel my tuition for next year

Let me stay, I’ll proudly wear my Keffiyeh
And loudly shout “Death to America”
I know everything to say
I’ve been here one whole day

Dearest father, darling mother
I’ll stay one way, or another
You paid thousands to this college
So our camp could make the janitor a hostage

Wait a minute, cops are coming
We’re uprising, they are stunning
Kindly send some food and water
Mother, father, I’m expelled from your alma mater

Listen below:

These two Twitter users are the talent behind the song.

I may have had something to do with this…

— Liron Kopinsky ️ Let My People Go (@ldkop) May 2, 2024

You don’t often get to see or hear such carefully crafted parody. It really captures the moment we’re living through right now.

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SCARY: Biden Economic Adviser Jared Bernstein Turns Into a Stuttering Mess While Trying to Explain How Money Works (VIDEO)

We are not being led by the best and brightest.

Jared Bernstein, an economic adviser to Joe Biden, was recently interviewed for a new documentary film and struggled to explain the relationship between the government and the money supply.

The clip is below and it’s really painful to watch.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

WATCH: Biden’s Economic Adviser Tries and Fails To Explain How Money Works

A viral clip of an interview with President Joe Biden’s economic adviser Jared Bernstein shows the official struggling to explain why the U.S. government chooses to borrow money when it can just print more.

“The government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money … by selling bonds. Is that what they do? They sell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds. Right? Since they sell bonds, and people buy the bonds and lend them the money,” Bernstein, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, said when asked why the federal government borrows currency it can print.

“I guess I’m just, I can’t really, I don’t get it. I don’t know what they’re talking about,” the economic adviser to Biden added. “Like, ’cause it’s like the government clearly prints money; it does it all the time. And it clearly borrows. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having [this] conversation. So I don’t think there’s anything confusing there.”

Were you able to follow any of that? Watch the video:

NEW: Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein turns into bumbling mess after he's asked why the government borrows money if they can just keep printing it.

We are so screwed.

Question: They print the dollar. So why does the government even borrow?

Bernstein: Well, so the, I mean…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 3, 2024

This would make a great campaign ad for Trump.

— LorieByrd (@LorieByrd) May 4, 2024

EVERY Democrat in Bidens cabinet and appointees are a Hot Mess. NONE of these people have any business working in their roles. #Bidenomics

— RyanRipz The Left (@RipzRyan) May 3, 2024

It would be funny if it wasn’t absolutely terrifying.

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THE CRINGE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE: Lefty Actor Mark Hamill Shows up at White House Press Briefing to Praise Biden (VIDEO)

Lefty actor Mark Hamill made an appearance at the White House press briefing today for some reason. He apparently had just met with Joe Biden, again, who knows why?

If you’ve spent any time on Twitter/X, you know that Mark Hamill is more famous for his hatred of Trump than for his role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movies.

His attempt to make Joe Biden look cool was beyond cringe.

The Hill reports:

Mark Hamill calls Biden ‘Joe-B-Wan Kenobi’ in White House press room appearance

Mark Hamill says the force is with President Biden — the actor made a surprise visit Friday to the White House briefing room and offered a “Star Wars”-inspired nickname for the commander in chief.

“How many of you had ‘Mark Hamill will lead the press briefing’ on your bingo cards?” Hamill, sporting a pair of sunglasses, told reporters at the top of the White House’s press briefing.

“I just got to meet the president, and he gave me these aviator glasses,” added Hamill, known for his role as Luke Skywalker.

Asked about his Oval Office visit with Biden, Hamill said, “I called him ‘Mr. President.’ He said, ‘You can call me Joe.’”

Then Hamill quipped, “I said, ‘Can I call you Joe-B-Wan Kenobi?” offering a Biden-inspired play on the name of the famed Jedi master character in the intergalactic franchise.

Touting Biden’s legislative accomplishments, Hamill exclaimed, “I want to say, once again, how grateful I am, and that just shows you that one person can be so influential and so positive in our lives.”

Do Democrats really think this is going to help Biden?

Mark Hamill looks and sounds like he had a few too many at the Cantina.

— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) May 3, 2024

Michael Douglas. Mark Hamill. Man if one more haggard dude who hasn’t made a good movie in 30+ years endorses Biden I might just be convinced to vote for him!

— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) May 3, 2024

Mark Hamill is at the White House press briefing today making cringe Star Wars jokes.

Not like there’s anything important going on in the world at the moment!

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 3, 2024

The Babylon Bee weighed in:

Mark Hamill Joins Death Star Press Conference To Say What A Good Job He Thinks The Emperor Is Doing

— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 3, 2024

The good news for Biden is that he still has the preachy Hollywood liberal vote locked up.

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New Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden by a Staggering 15 Points in Michigan

A new poll from Kaplan Strategies shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by 15 points in Michigan, a state that Biden won in 2020.

Is this poll an outlier? Other polls have shown Trump with an edge in Michigan, but not by this much.

Either way, this has got to strike fear in the hearts of Democrats.

RedState reported:

Race to the White House: Trump Is Trouncing Biden by 15-Points in This Key State That Went Blue in 2020

Six months ahead of the November election, former President Donald Trump is leading Democrat incumbent Joe Biden by a whopping 15 points in Michigan, a key swing state. According to a Kaplan Strategies survey, the former president polled 51 percent to 36 percent in the battleground state. The margin of error for the survey was plus/minus 3.5 percentage points.

The pollster reports Trump’s success is rooted in maintaining the stability of his favorability ratio, writing:

Key to Trump’s dominance in our poll has been his campaign’s ability to stabilize his favorable to unfavorable ratio to a degree better than Joe Biden has.

Abortion remains a major issue, with no consensus on how many weeks abortion should be legalized through, indicating that this issue is best served at the state level.

Other polls have also shown varying results for Michigan. An Emerson College/The Hill poll released earlier this week indicated Biden trailing Trump marginally in Michigan (44 percent to 45 percent), while a Bloomberg News and Morning Consult poll suggested Biden ahead of Trump (47 percent to 45 percent). However, Trump was polling ahead of Biden in six other key swing states, according to the latter poll, and was leasing in all the swing states in the Emerson poll.

This is pretty amazing if it’s accurate.

Kaplan had Michigan Trump +10 48/38 and Wisconsin +2 41/39 in late February.

Wisconsin now Trump +10 48/38. Trump's share jumped 7 points.

Michigan now Trump +15, 51/36 and Trump gained 3 share.

AZ and PA seem new. Kaplan's been doing a lot of GOP primary polling this cycle.

— Chris (@chriswithans) April 26, 2024

If Trump retakes Michigan in November, there will be a lot of gnashing of teeth on the left, that’s for sure.

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Law Professor Jonathan Turley Mocks College Protesters After Iran Offers Them Scholarships: ‘This Could be Truly Educational’

The country of Iran has apparently offered scholarships to any college protesters who have been expelled over their anti-Israel protests.

We should hope that at least some of these students take them up on the offer.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley had some fun with this, noting that it could represent a real opportunity for these students to learn something about the world.

Turley writes:

Come for the Education, Stay for the Amputation: Iran Offers Free Scholarships to U.S. Students

Now this could truly be educational. Students protesting on our campuses have been offered free scholarships at Shiraz University in Fars. So, while Northwestern has reached a settlement with protesters to give scholarships to Palestinian students and positions to Palestinian faculty, U.S. protesters can now go to Iran for their education.

Mohammad Moazzeni, head of Shiraz University told media that “students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion can continue their studies at Shiraz University and I think that other universities in Shiraz as well as Fars Province are also prepared [to provide the conditions].”

This could be the single most transformative educational experience of their lives. Of course, Iran is better known for floggings than free speech.

Iran is particularly prone to such contradictions like executing homosexuals while denying that there are any homosexuals in Iran or objecting to the treatment of protesters in the West while jailing, beating and killing protesters.

Warning: vegan meals are not available at Iranian protests. Instead, it has ordered the arrest and killing of writers and artists while holding such fun events as a cartoon competition on the Holocaust.

The students who are carrying around signs that say ‘queers for Palestine’ might be in for a rude awakening in Iran.

Feminist students might also get quite a wake up call.

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BUSTED: Party People on Boat in Florida Caught on Camera Dumping Cans of Garbage Into the Ocean (VIDEO)

A bunch of partiers on a boat in Florida were recently caught on camera dumping cans of garbage overboard, directly into the ocean. The trash wasn’t bagged, so as the boat speeded forward, the dumping caused a whole field of floating debris.

The good news is that these people were busted. No arrests were made in connection to the garbage dumping, but they got lots of hours of community service.

You have to wonder what these people were thinking.

FOX News reports:

Boozy Boca Bash partiers dump heaps of garbage into Atlantic as over a dozen arrested in annual aquatic rave

Boca Bashers put on a disgusting show when they dumped bins of trash off a boat after a wild, boozy weekend.

The co-eds raced into the Atlantic Ocean from Lake Boca, through south Florida’s iconic Boca Raton Inlet, where a YouTuber caught them on camera dumping full drums of empty bottles and garbage into the water.

The viral video captured the trail of floating debris after the party seekers zoomed off in their boat. An overhead drone pointed at the front of the boat recorded them waving and laughing.

“It just really infuriates you to see someone trash the ocean like that,” a local boater, Rodrigo Samsing, told Fox affiliate WSVN after seeing the video. “You know, nobody else on the boat tried to stop them. Everybody was just celebrating.”

Boca Bash isn’t connected to the city of Boca Raton. Because it’s on the water, it falls under the jurisdiction of the state. In this case, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is the lead agency.

Watch the video below:

Why tf would anyone do this??

THE GOOD NEWS: They were all busted. Each of them were find and sentenced to 1,000 hours of SUPERVISED community service with an environmental nonprofit.

I’d work them to death down to THE SECOND.

— Amiri King (@AmiriKing) April 30, 2024

Such blatant disrespect for the environment.

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Joe Rogan on Left Wing Colleges: ‘We Are Sending Our Kids to Cult Camps’ (VIDEO)

Joe Rogan recently had Tulsi Gabbard on his podcast and part of their discussion was about the madness we are seeing on college campuses today.

Rogan pointed out that many colleges and universities have become little more than progressive indoctrination centers and referred to them as ‘cult camps.’

He also pointed out that the ideology these students are getting from these schools is spreading out and infiltrating nearly every aspect of our lives.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

JOE ROGAN: With the open borders, you have all these people funneling into the country and then you have an erosion of confidence in our entire system because people are very aware of that. The more people are let out of jail after committing violent crimes, the more people who are aware of that. If you look at the whole picture that is in play now, particularly with the open borders and giving people plane tickets and flying them to all these different cities.

If I was going to try to destroy the country, that’s how I would do it. If I was going to try to destroy the country, I would radicalize the kids, give them the stupidest ideas, and run them in their head. Boys can be girls. Girls can be boys. Boys can compete against girls in sports if they think they are a girl. “Queers for Palestine.” Death to the Jews. Yell it out, unironically on campuses.

Have the presidents of those colleges and universities defend it, which was wild, with cameras on them!…

It shows how they live in a bubble and don’t interact with the real world, and when they did thew shock was probably horrifying to realize how most people feel about what they said. “It’s not harassment unless it’s actionable?” Like, what are you saying? You’re saying you have to kill Jews and then it is harassment? Isn’t that a little late?…

I think we are sending our kids to cult camps. They get indoctrinated into this… That’s supposed to be Harvard? That’s supposed to be the smartest people amongst us?

Watch the video below:

NEW: Joe Rogan says if he wanted to destroy America, he would open the border, indoctrinate children into woke ideologies on college campuses, and promote radical gender ideologies.

"With the open borders and giving these people plane tickets and flying them to all these…

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) May 1, 2024

The campus protests did one potentially good thing. They woke up the public to what’s actually being taught at these schools.

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