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Yesterday — September 27th 2024Politics – The Daily Signal

Hundreds of Thousands of Ineligible Voters Taken Off Rolls in North Carolina

North Carolina has removed nearly 750,000 ineligible voter records from its rolls in the past 20 months, or more than 1,200 per day, the North Carolina State Board of Elections said Thursday. 

BREAKING: The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls, including 130,000 dead people and 290,000 registrations that were duplicates

This comes after Republicans filed a lawsuit, showing 225,000 names were unlawfully…

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 26, 2024

The election board’s announcement also says that the board follows “careful policies” to ensure that only ineligible records are removed, not those of eligible voters, and spells out the reasons why registrants are removed.  

Those reasons include moving to a new location, inactive voter status, felony status, death, duplicate registration, requests to be removed, or lack of citizenship.  

“North Carolina election officials should be commended for taking the steps necessary to guarantee the accuracy of the state’s voter rolls by removing individuals who have died, moved out of state, been convicted of a felony, or otherwise become ineligible to vote,” says Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, adding:

By doing so, they are protecting the franchise of the voters of North Carolina from being diluted and offset by invalid votes. But election officials are also complying with the requirements of federal law that require states to have accurate voter registration lists.  

Von Spakovsky served two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, the agency that enforces federal campaign finance laws and oversees public funding for presidential campaigns. Von Spakovsky was also appointed to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017 by then-President Trump, according to The Washington Post. 

The North Carolina election board’s announcement says that the most common reason why voter registrants were removed from the rolls is due to moving to another address, with nearly 290,000 registrants being removed for that reason among the more than 747,000 total. The second leading reason for removal is that some voters hold an “inactive status,” with 33% of registrants falling into that category.  

An “inactive status” indicates that the registrants have skipped voting in at least two general federal elections and did not respond to their county board of election’s attempts to contact them, according to the state board.  

The deaths of registrants account for more than 17% of those removed from the rolls.  

The announcement of the removal of registrants comes after North Carolina residents’ complaints about voter registration forms neglecting to require a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number, according to a late August lawsuit filed by North Carolina Republicans.  

The lawsuit was filed by the Republican National Committee and the North Carolina Republican Party, which said in the document that the state had failed to act on complaints about ineligible people remaining on voter rolls. 

North Carolina removes 747,000 from voter rolls, citing ineligibility
That’s a lot of ineligible voters removed

— Julio Rosa ?? (@combatinsight) September 27, 2024

The state election board says that North Carolina has nearly 7.7 million registered voters.  

The post Hundreds of Thousands of Ineligible Voters Taken Off Rolls in North Carolina appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Before yesterdayPolitics – The Daily Signal

ABC News May Have ‘Inappropriately Influenced’ Harris-Trump Debate, Senator Says

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., has accused ABC News of partiality and left-leaning bias during the recent presidential debate, saying that Kamala Harris’ campaign may have “inappropriately influenced the proceedings” against Donald Trump.  

In a letter Wednesday, the senator demanded that ABC release all pre-debate communication and coordination with the Harris campaign, saying the public deserves “transparency” and “accountability” from the mainstream media.  

“I demand that you make public all correspondence, records, and potential coordination between the Harris campaign and ABC News ahead of the Sept. 10 ABC debate,” Marshall wrote to ABC News President Almin Karamehmedovic.

“I also request you publish all ABC News texts and emails, both between ABC employees themselves and with the Harris campaign to elucidate any potential biases that ABC News employees may have demonstrated prior to the debate between President Trump and Vice President Harris,” he wrote.

The Kansas Republican highlighted the fact that Dana Walden, co-chairman of Disney Entertainment, who oversees ABC News, has donated money to Harris political campaigns since 2003. 

Walden first met Harris in 1994, although their husbands have known each other since the 1980s, The New York Times reported. 

In more recent years, Walden also contributed to Harris, according to Open Secrets.   

Marshall endorsed Trump for president in November after supporting him during his previous term. 

In his letter, Marshall says that one tactic creating bias in the debate hosted by ABC News was the “excessive fact-checking” of Trump by moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, even as they allowed Harris to “avoid answering questions directly.”  

“Specifically relating to ABC News, independent media watchdogs, such as AllSides, have characterized the media as displaying a left-leaning bias that moderately aligns with ‘liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas,’” Marshall wrote.  

Marshall also brings up recent polling showing Americans have become more skeptical of bias in the so-called mainstream media.  

“Only 3 in 10 residents of six of the most important states in this year’s presidential election trust that the media will fairly and accurately report political news,” he wrote.  

During the 2020 presidential election, a Gallup poll found increased distrust of mainstream media among Americans.  

Mark Penn, former top adviser to former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, whom Trump defeated in 2016, last week called for a review of all internal communications at ABC News to find out if the news division planned on “rigging” the debate’s outcome, according to Just the News.  

Besides Karamehmedovic, Marshall addressed his letter to Julie Chávez Rodriguez, manager of the Harris campaign. 

Neither ABC News nor the Harris campaign responded to The Daily Signal’s request for comment by publication time.  

The post ABC News May Have ‘Inappropriately Influenced’ Harris-Trump Debate, Senator Says appeared first on The Daily Signal.
