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Today — September 28th 2024Your RSS feeds

Watch Live: Donald Trump Speaks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

Former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, on Saturday, September 28.

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Deputy A.G.: Iranian Hackers Were Part of 'Foreign Influence Campaign', Their Intent Was to 'Undermine' Trump

On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco stated that the indicted Iranian hackers “were engaging in a malign foreign influence campaign.” And the intent of the hackers “is to undermine the campaign of former

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FLASHBACK: Arizona Dem Senate candidate called Trump voters 'dumb': 'Worst people in the world'

Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Ruben Gallego said in 2016 that then-President-elect Donald Trump's campaign drew out the "worst people in the world" who he will never "appeal to."

Yesterday — September 27th 2024Your RSS feeds

Poll: Trump Edges Out Harris Among Independents

Former President Donald Trump is edging out Vice President Kamala Harris among independents, this week's survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

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Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Discourse Will Become 'Kinder' When Kamala Is President

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus said Friday on MSNBC's "The Beat" that if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in November, the country's discourse will become "kinder and more effective."

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Robert De Niro Repeatedly Derails 'Megalopolis' Q&A With Anti-Trump Tirades

Even as legendary film director Francis Ford Coppola tried to keep the panel event for his new film, "Megalopolis," on track, the rabidly anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro insisted on going off the rails to attack the former president.

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BINGO! Harris Presides Over Wars, Inflation, Scandals, Open Borders, and Crime.

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we watch in a mix of amusement and bemusement as Vice President Kamala Harris wins what can only be described as a veritable “BINGO” of bad presidential campaign circumstances just 38 days before the general election: War in the Middle East as the U.S. sits impotent, a struggling economy, scandals galore, rising crime, and a chaotic southern border are only a few of the messes the Biden-Harris administration preside over.

Stop right there, reader!

Head over to our YouTube page and subscribe! It’s the best way to follow “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” and it gets you access to full, exclusive interviews. Most importantly, it helps the show grow and drives liberal journalists to tears.

While millions look to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for its electoral votes and swing state status, Gabby Hoffman from the Independent Women’s Forum stops by the “Cast” to outline a stronger argument for the Keystone State’s importance. You might even say the argument is so powerful, it’s almost “nuclear.”

With another brutal hurricane and tropical storm under our belts, we take a closer look at why the United States consistently has a better response to natural disasters than other nations. There’s far more to storm and disaster readiness than infrastructure—and every one of these factors derive from the spirit of the American people.

Finally, we dig into a bit of “Mail Time” and the questions many of you have sent in this week to answer. In this tumultuous election season, we’ll try to get through as many serious (and silly) questions as possible.

Catch the live radio show and livestream weeknights at 7 p.m. EDT on The Daily Signal’s YouTube, X, or Facebook—and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode or exclusive interview.

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Kamala Harris Economic Plan: More Migration, Less 'Tough' Border Policy

Kamala Harris and her media allies are promising a "tough" border security policy -- but her new economic plan reveals her intention to continue the loose border, mass migration that has radically shifted the nation's economy away from young Americans and toward older investors and employers.

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Trump Says 'It's Time' for Ukraine War to End, Thanks Zelensky for Defending Him During Ukraine Impeachment Hoax

Former President Donald Trump said before a meeting in New York City with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday that it is time for the Ukraine War to end, and thanked Zelensky for defending him during the Democrat Ukraine impeachment hoax.

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‘Ballot Makers’: Dinesh D’Souza’s Film Exposes New Potentional Election Fraud

Paper ballots can be manufactured and purchased by those intent on election fraud, according to experts interviewed by commentator Dinesh D’Souza in his new documentary film “Vindicating Trump.”

D’Souza, an author and filmmaker, said this form of election fraud surprised even former President Donald Trump, the subject of the film.  

“A lot of times people, Trump included, will say, ‘The solution to our problems is paper ballots,’” D’Souza told The Daily Signal’s president and executive editor, Rob Bluey, in an interview. “But we discovered in the film, and through the film, there’s a vulnerability even with the paper ballots, and the vulnerability is that ballots can in fact be made.” 

Footage in D’Souza’s documentary suggests a ballot or multiple ballots may be purchased and duplicated, a new form of fraud. The documentary itself focuses on Trump

BREAKING: This exclusive clip points to a shocking new form of election fraud: Ballot making!

Details in #VindicatingTrump which opens THIS WEEKEND in theaters nationwide!

Get tickets now at

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 26, 2024

“We have a section in the film called ‘The Ballot Makers,’ and I brought this to the attention of [Trump daughter-in-law] Laura Trump, because of her role as co-chair of the RNC,” D’Souza said, referring to the Republican National Committee. “I also mentioned it to Trump, because what this is really is a way of saying that, ‘Look, there are vulnerabilities in our system, there are ways of robbing Fort Knox.’”

“And we don’t just have to think about the ways that they’ve already done it, we’ve got to think about the ways that they could do it in the future, because you can’t always cheat the same way. You need to be constantly improvising in your cheating techniques,” he said. 

Although the option of producing fake paper ballots is available to potential fraudsters, exposing it should make it more difficult, D’Souza said. 

“We exposed this kind of new potential form of cheating, and the purpose of exposing is that when you expose something in a film and people know about it, you then can’t do it,” the filmmaker said. 

“So if I say, for example, ‘You can rob the store. They left the back door open.’ But by me saying that, and people now finding out about it, it becomes harder to show up at the back door, because at the very least, even if the back door isn’t locked, there are people looking for that, and you can’t get away with it anymore,” he added.

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Poll: Donald Trump Takes Commanding Lead in Arizona

Former President Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in Arizona, a Suffolk/USA Today survey revealed.

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Poll: Trump Leads in North Carolina, Closes In on Harris in Virginia

Former President Donald Trump has a three-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in North Carolina, and is on her heels in typically blue Virginia, according to a Rasmussen Reports/American Thinker poll.

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Watch Live: Donald Trump Speaks in Walker, Michigan

Former President Donald Trump delivers a speech to supporters in Walker, Michigan, on Friday, September 27.

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When Reporters Are Just Explainers, Not Investigators

The Left used to pressure reporters trying to be objective by insulting them as “stenographers to power.” You can’t just repeat what the powerful say, they argued. You have to expose them.

Well, some of them.

We remember all the lectures during the Trump presidency that all their anti-Trump aggression was just “holding him accountable.” Holding Democrats accountable isn’t really their bag. You don’t win Pulitzer Prizes for damaging Democrats. That’s not landing on the “right side of history.”

With Democrats, it’s apparently dangerous to explore if they might be failing. It’s better to just repeat their spin. That’s what stood out on “The NPR Politics Podcast” on Sept. 23. It was short—only 11 minutes. The title? “How Kamala Harris incorporates her biography into her campaign message.”

NPR White House reporter Tamara Keith claimed to be struck by Harris hammering on her middle-class childhood: “She said, ‘I come from the middle class. I’ll never forget that I came from the middle class.’ She also talks, as you say, about having a single mother, immigrant parents. She is placing herself in the American story in a way that I think is authentic to her, but also meant to maximize who she appeals to.”

It’s amusing that Harris’ middle-class mantra is “authentic to her.” She doesn’t come across as authentic when she unloads this speech every single time she’s asked about an economic policy.

Worse yet, Keith touted how her campaign sources explain she uses this humble-upbringing line as a contrast with the silver spoon in Donald Trump‘s mouth. Keith even repeated Harris’ claim that she worked at McDonald’s one summer in her college years.

Reporters at the Washington Free Beacon tracked down a 1987 job application that insisted applicants should list all jobs held in the last 10 years. Harris didn’t have McDonald’s on hers. They also found there’s no record of Harris mentioning the McDonald’s job before a labor rally in Las Vegas in June 2019. The job goes unmentioned in both of her memoirs, published in July 2010 and January 2019.

NPR reporters aren’t investigating this. They merely repeat her life story without investigating it, just as they did for Barack Obama. Nobody investigated his memoirs. They just repeated his tales in admiring tones.

NPR political analyst Domenico Montanaro was impressed with Harris not harping on her gender or race too much, calling it “probably a strong, safe strategy, which makes a lot of sense.” But he said early on, he felt if Harris entered the race, “Trump and Republicans would really struggle in talking about a black woman. And we’ve seen that play out repeatedly, where it really has sort of become a trap for them.”

So, they not only explain the Harris strategy, they praise it, and insist Republicans can’t handle a black woman. Your tax dollars at work.

The podcast ended with NPR reporter Deepa Shivaram throwing racism and sexism into the mix to explain why Harris doesn’t harp on her race or gender: “This isn’t something that she feels like she does have to explain to anyone, let alone the media and largely, like, white reporters who feel the need to ask about this over and over again … . [W]e should point out, Donald Trump does not face these questions, and candidates who are white and male don’t face these questions either.”

No, they face questions about being a racist and sexist who “really struggles in talking about a black woman.” This is why NPR liberals are more excited about Harris’ chances than they were about Joe Biden’s.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Democrats Support Foreign Interference to Stop Trump

REAL CLEAR POLITICS—For eight years now, Democrats have bemoaned interference in American elections. The national security apparatus of the United States has been warning about influence campaigns. The media has done so as well. Editorials and anchors have decried Russian interference.

They are all strangely silent over the latest foreign interference in our elections.

That would be President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, on the American taxpayer’s dime, going to—surprise, surprise—highly contested Pennsylvania to thank munitions manufacturing employees. In an interview, he also attacked Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance as “too radical.”

You and I get to call Vance a radical and bad on economic views as a protectionist, but Zelenskyy is a foreign leader who should shut his American welfare-subsidized mouth.

I am a staunch supporter of funding Ukraine and supporting Zelenskyy. The Russians invaded the country. We had prior commitments to protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty after they surrendered their nuclear arsenal to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Stopping Russian aggression and expansion is good. It is also good to have live fire tests of our weapons systems against the best of Russia’s, which we are getting.

But Zelenskyy risks everything by doing what amounts to a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, and the Biden administration was deeply foolish for putting Zelenskyy in that position. Undoubtedly, Zelenskyy thinks he has nothing to lose because he presumed, based on American press biases, that Donald Trump would shut down all funding for Ukraine immediately.

That actually grossly misstates Trump’s position. Trump actually was much firmer against Russia than Barack Obama was, but you would never know it from most press reports. Trump’s sanctions on Russians were more aggressive and he was more willing to deport Russian government-related officials than Obama.

But now? After Zelenskyy goes to a swing state to attack Trump’s vice presidential candidate, he better really pray Kamala Harris wins.

It was political, policy, and presidential malpractice for Joe Biden to let Zelenskyy go down that road. Biden has compromised support for Ukraine by tying it directly to a partisan presidential election. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is now demanding Zelenskyy fire his Ukrainian ambassador to the United States for signing off on the trip, which Johnson rightly notes appears to be a political stunt at American taxpayer expense.

Notice just how approving so much of the press corps and Democrats are who regularly wail about election interference in the United States. They seem to be just fine with it if it helps Democrats or, at least, hurts Trump.

Do not be surprised when more Republicans turn against Ukraine and fewer care about the very real issue of electoral interference by foreign governments. It looks like the Democrats and much of the press really are fine with foreign interference in the presidential election if it is for the Democrats.

The precedent here is disturbing. One need not have much imagination to see Trump cajoling a foreign leader like the prime minister of Israel to barnstorm the United States for Trump. The media and Democrats would complain, but they set the precedent.

The Ukraine war is a serious issue. Russia invaded a nation and wishes to rebuild a sphere of influence with the help of an Eastern Axis of China, Iran, and North Korea. The fight in Ukraine is a fight about the future, and one that costs the United States a tiny portion of its budget and zero American lives. In return for keeping Russian ambitions in check, we have gathered remarkable intelligence about the collaboration of the Eastern Axis and its ability to design and deploy weapons.

Most of our money goes to Ukraine in the form of loans, which European powers guarantee. The money then comes back to the United States in the form of weapons purchases. We give Ukraine our old stuff and build new stuff for ourselves. All the while, we keep the Russians in check.

Zelenskyy’s visit jeopardizes that and his own fight, all because the Biden administration decided to politicize the war for their benefit in a swing state. Shame on them.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Harris’ Push to End Filibuster Would Let the Left Run Roughshod Over Constitution

Though Democrats are endlessly prattling on about “norms” and “democracy,” it is often unclear what aspects of the constitutional order they actually support.

This week, for example, Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated her support for suspending the legislative filibuster so that Democrats, should they eke out a slim Senate majority, can overturn thousands of state laws and force the entire country to legalize taxpayer-subsidized, late-term abortions on demand.

It is, of course, true that the filibuster isn’t in the Constitution. In many ways, however, it is one of the last remaining tools upholding a semblance of constitutional order. Yet, to most contemporary Democrats, the 60-vote threshold to cut off debate is an antiquated tool that facilitates “minority rule”—by which they mean “federalism.”

Which makes sense. Democrats are keen on empowering narrow, fleeting left-wing majorities cramming through wide-ranging generational “reform” bills without any consensus. They know well that once a massive entitlement or regulatory program is passed, it will be virtually impossible to roll back.

You don’t need to be a constitutional scholar to understand there’s no version of the founding that envisioned this kind of governance.

Imagine, if you can, what the world would look like if former President Donald Trump announced he was going to blow up the filibuster using a one-vote Senate majority and then cram through a national limit on abortion. Republicans would be accused of acting like fascistic ghouls, and the media would have a thermonuclear meltdown. It would be 1939 Germany all over again.

Democrats play Calvinball on an all-star level.

Worse, Democrats have targeted virtually every institution that makes “democracy” tenable in a truly diverse and sprawling nation that is home to hundreds of millions of people.

Because if forcing red states to adopt maximalist abortion laws is important enough to sink long-standing checks on federal power, you better believe it won’t be the last exception to the rule.

For one thing, Republicans can’t be expected to play by a different set of governing guidelines. For another, the Left seems to believe every policy position it takes is fundamental to preserving “democracy.”

The exemptions would be endless.

It’s not just about the naked hypocrisy. It’s about republic-destroying norm-breaking. “Reforming” the filibuster is part of a broader effort to create a powerful, highly centralized state.

The Supreme Court is perhaps the only institution inhibiting state overreach these days, which is why Democrats have been busy delegitimizing and now want to pack the court and transform it into another malleable partisan institution. Harris included.

The other institution somewhat tempering a direct democracy is the Electoral College. Yet, left-wing pundits are already whining about the undemocratic nature of that institution as well. It is always confusing to me when someone writes to complain that the Electoral College doesn’t align with the “popular vote,” as if this wasn’t the entire point of the enterprise. If the two always harmonized, we wouldn’t need it.

The Senate was created as a counter-majoritarian institution. Now that leftists believe they have the upper hand, they are increasingly perplexed by the fact that Wyoming and California have the same number of senators.

You know, it’s called the United States for a reason.

When it comes to executive abuse, Trump, who makes tons of grandiose promises that lay far outside the president’s purview, is a mere piker compared to his predecessor and successor. There is a growing movement among progressive politicians and intellectuals, sometimes referred to as “popular constitutionalism,” that would allow Democrats to ignore the courts whenever they choose.

It’s no accident that Harris promised to confiscate guns via an executive order like some kind of dictator. Or that Biden keeps ignoring the high court and unilaterally “forgives” loans. Or that Democratic senators implore their president to declare national emergencies that would empower the White House to run the entire economy through a massive administrative state.

Perhaps Harris’ position on the filibuster is a cynical play for votes. What’s become undeniable, however, is that counter-constitutionalism is being normalized on the Left.

Democrats want to get rid of the Electoral College so that a few giant urban areas can run the executive branch.

They want to get rid of the filibuster so they can unilaterally transform the nation.

When they don’t have congressional majorities, they want (their) presidents to rule by fiat.

And many now want to pack the Supreme Court to make sure no one will stop them.

There are numerous ways to describe this brand of governance, but none of them have anything to do with American norms or democracy.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Democrats Skip Republican Testimony During Trump Assassination Attempts Task Force Hearing

Democrat lawmakers on the task force investigating the attempted assassinations of Donald Trump reportedly declined to attend during important testimonies at a hearing.

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MSNBC's Ruhle: Harris Didn't Answer Every Question 'Because She’s a Politician'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

On Friday, MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Vice President Kamala Harris did not answer every question during their interview "because she is a politician."

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Catholic League: Kamala Harris Is ‘Smart’ to Skip the Al Smith Dinner

Catholic League president Bill Donohue said Thursday that Vice President Kamala Harris is “smart” to skip the Al Smith Dinner in New York City, given her record of opposition to everything Catholics believe in.

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Emhoff: 'Anti-Semitic' Trump Is Putting a Target on the Backs of Jewish Americans

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff said Thursday on MSNBC's "The Last Word" that former President Donald Trump is putting a target on the backs of Jewish Americans with his rhetoric.

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4 Known Unknowns that could scramble the presidential race

The election is getting close and there are four major Known Unknowns that could influence who wins. The economy, Mideast war, Ukraine and vice presidential debate are deciding factors.

Before yesterdayYour RSS feeds

Jayapal: 'Unfortunate' Adams Said the Same Things as Trump About Migrants

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight,” Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) stated that “it’s just unfortunate” that New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) said some of the same things as 2024 Republican presidential candidate former

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Marc Lotter: Trump Has No Reason for Second Debate, He Is Leading Harris

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Former director of strategic communications for the Trump 2020 presidential campaign Marc Lotter said Thursday on MSNBC's "The Beat" that former President Donald Trump had no reason to debate Vice President Kamala Harris because he was leading in the polls.

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Left-Wing Salon Likens Trump's Policies to Nazism: ‘Plans to Turn USA into Type of Fourth Reich’

Donald Trump’s immigration plans and rhetoric are similar to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s, according to a recent Salon piece warning that Trump “plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich,” targeting immigrants and minorities with “white supremacy” and “racism.”

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O’Leary: When Asked Follow-Up Questions, Kamala Harris Gives 'Verbal Soup'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

"Shark Tank" star Kevin O'Leary said Thursday on Fox Business Network's "Kudlow" that Vice President Kamala Harris gives "verbal soup" answers to follow-up questions.

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Trump Torches Biden-Harris Border Record on Eve of Kamala's First Visit in Three Years

Former President Donald Trump blasted Vice President Kamala Harris over her and President Joe Biden's record on the border and immigration, as Harris is set to make her first visit to the southwest border in more than three years on Friday.

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Joy Behar, Wanda Sykes Fear Trump Will Put Comedians in Jail: 'It Could Really Happen'

ABC's "The View" co-host Joy Behar fears that former President Donald Trump will put comedians like herself in jail if he is re-elected, with guest Wanda Sykes adding, "it could really happen."

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Idaho Man Threatened to 'Personally' Kill Trump After First Assassination Attempt

An Idaho man threatened to "personally" kill former President Donald Trump after the first failed assassination attempt on the former president, reportedly making these threats in calls to Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort.

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Kamala Harris Now Downplaying Her Alleged Job at McDonald's: 'I Was a Kid'

Vice President Kamala Harris touted her alleged job at McDonald's in an attempt to appeal to American voters, but she is now downplaying it as a job she had when she was just "a kid."

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‘Vindicating Trump’: Dinesh D’Souza’s Most Urgent and Important Film Yet

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, “Vindicating Trump,” opens in theaters nationwide Friday.

D’Souza spoke with The Daily Signal about the film, offering behind-the-scenes insights from his exclusive interview with former President Donald Trump, which was conducted just days after the July 13 assassination attempt.

“I noticed that Trump was somewhat more measured,” D’Souza recalled from their time together in Florida. “He seemed somewhat more reflective in the sense of now seeing his own life as maybe having some sort of a directed purpose.”

The movie is D’Souza’s eighth film. His goal for “Vindicating Trump” is to present a different view of Trump’s character and presidency—a perspective he hopes more Americans will come to appreciate.

“I think Trump is aware that he represents something bigger than himself. He is conscious of that,” D’Souza said. “I think he feels that his destiny is, in a sense, incomplete, and that’s part of what’s driving him.”

Read an abridged and lightly edited transcript of our conversation below or watch the full interview above.

Rob Bluey: You have called this your most urgent and important piece of work. Now, that’s saying quite a lot, given the extensive body of filmmaking that you’ve done. Why?

Dinesh D’Souza: It’s partly a reflection of the precarious state of the country. It’s partly because we have this larger-than-life figure, Trump, and not only is he someone that inspires this kind of antagonism on the other side, but he also brings out ambivalence among some conservatives and Republicans. And so often people say to me things like, “Well, I don’t really like the guy, but I like his policies,” or, “He needs to keep his mouth shut.”

What they’re really getting at is they want a new and different Trump. They want to remake Trump in some way. Now, first of all, leaving aside the impracticality of trying to do that, I don’t think we need to do it. And the reason is that Trump is a package, and he’s a kind of a coherent package. And it’s kind of like saying, in the Civil War, the same qualities that made General Grant a good fighter on the battlefield made him cuss a lot and made him a heavy drinker. So you can’t say, “Pull him off the battlefield. He cusses. He’s a heavy drinker,” because that’s part of what makes him effective.

Similarly with Trump, even the things that we think of as his bad qualities, like his massive egotism, which he admits to, in fact, he’s one of the few people I’ve ever seen who’s made an actual defense of egotism. Egotism is really necessary to do anything great. He goes, “If you don’t have an ego, you’re going to be discouraged and give up halfway down the track.”

Trump is a unique character. I wanted to bring out aspects of Trump in this film that are not often seen in the public stage, and the reason they’re not seen is Trump is conditioned out of kind of manly strength to not exhibit feelings, never show vulnerability, and in some ways not even reveal his thought process. So I was eager to set him up in such a way that people could see the tumblers of his mind working and understand how he processes information.

Trailer for my new film VINDICATING TRUMP. In theaters nationwide September 27. Tickets go on sale shortly, but you can sign up now for email updates at Please WATCH and SHARE.

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 9, 2024

Rob Bluey: One of the things that struck me was the beginning. You show a series of clips, a montage, beginning with Jay Leno and other appearances that Trump made prior to entering politics, so going back to his time as a New York businessman, a celebrity, a host of “The Apprentice,” things of that nature. But you say that there was that fateful moment when he crossed the political Rubicon, I believe was your language, in June of 2015, descending from those escalator steps at Trump Tower. What was it about that moment that changed in people’s minds about Trump?

Dinesh D’Souza: Let’s think of that iconic moment. Of course, it’s in the film, but most people know it. Trump is at the top of the escalator, and imagine that up there is the cultural elite. Trump, himself, is probably the biggest brand of them all, but there he is with Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres and Charlie Rose and Larry King, and he’s one of them, and the rappers aspire to be like him. So he’s almost the embodiment of American success, Trump. And then he does something very striking, and that is he descends, he goes down. Now where does he go down to?

Try to imagine at the bottom of the escalator the forgotten American, so not the guy who’s doing real well, but the guy who feels like the economy’s bypassed me, my jobs have all gone abroad, no one cares about me, neither party’s paying enough attention to me. Trump basically says, “OK, I’m going to take up your cause. I’m going to join your team.”

So you can understand, just in this little image, the fact that all these people go, “Wow!” Well, you know what? He didn’t have to do that. He’s a billionaire. He’s actually not one of us, but he’s taking up our cause, so that’s why they’re so loyal to him. At the same time, think of it now from the point of view of the cultural elite. This guy used to be on our team. He’s now joined with the pitchfork people down there, he’s taking up their cause against us. So here we see in a nutshell how the same people that once revered him turned against him. They see him as a traitor to their class, a traitor to their group, and they’ll never forgive him.

Rob Bluey: And your film goes from that moment where Trump is descending, and then you depict what it’s like to be a news executive. And their reactions, you show what the scene may have been like at the Democratic National Committee, what it might’ve been like at the attorney general’s office. So why was it important for you to reenact these moments, going back to 2015 and other moments throughout Trump’s time in the spotlight?

Dinesh D’Souza: We have reenactments running through the film, and they’re a distinctive aspect of my filmmaking, because there is a documentary style that is, I would call it super basic. And that is, you do some interviews, you pull some stock footage, you string it together and you’ve got a film, but you can’t put that kind of film in the theater.

A movie is an experience, and a good documentary film will have a lot of the elements of a feature film. It will have characters, humor, suspense, kind of a narrative arc, a climax, all of that. And now, so I said to myself, what is the thing that many of us know is happening but we never see? We never see what actually happens in the intelligence agencies. We never see what happens, for example, at the New York Times or CNN.

Imagine the scene where they’re announcing that Trump is convicted of multiple felonies, right? Do the reporters of the New York Times watch this with a kind of equanimity and go, “That’s an important news story I’ve got to cover tomorrow,” or are they high-fiving each other, “We got him! We got him! Maggie Haberman, great job!” So what we do is we imaginatively recreate these Democratic National Committee, the sort of voter activism, the media, the intelligence agencies. Nick Searcy, who’s a very accomplished character actor, plays kind of the head of the intelligence apparatus. And all of this allows people to see the story of Trump told within the context of a movie.

It’s also the kind of thing, by the way, that Trump himself appreciates, because I remember at the premiere for 2000 Mules at Mar-a-Lago, he had seen the film before. So he actually knew the content of the film, he had sort of digested that. But the second time he saw it, he was constantly commenting on the film itself, like, “The music, Dinesh, where do you get music from? Do you buy music? Do you have a guy who composes the music?”

And he’d be like, “Your voice, Dinesh,” he’s like, “you have a movie voice. Did anyone ever tell you that? You have a movie voice, and it’s a good thing you have a movie voice, because if you didn’t have a movie voice, you’d have to hire someone else to narrate your films,” so stuff that makes me chuckle, but I realize, wow, this guy is a cultural figure and he’s interested in the way that cultural products and artifacts, like movies, are made.

Rob Bluey: That’s very true. And I think one of the things that you’ve obviously experienced in your interactions with him is getting to know him and who he is as a person, and you attempt to bring that out in the film. I do like that unique style that you do bring to your documentaries. I think it sets you apart and you’ve proven that in your body of work.

In addition to interviewing Trump for this film, you also spoke to his daughter-in-law and one of his attorneys. What can you tell us about Donald Trump that we might not know after all of these years, and including the last decade, basically, in the public spotlight?

Dinesh D’Souza: I’ll tell you an anecdote that is true and was sort of the inspiration for the way I interviewed Trump. And in fact, my wife, Debbie, warned me. She’s like, “You have 45 minutes with Trump, Dinesh, but you realize you’re going to get two questions in, right, because this guy’s going to take off and he’s just going to do a monologue.” And I said, “No, I can’t have that happen. I’m not going to allow that to happen. I have to structure it in such a way that it doesn’t happen like that.”

And why? Well, when I got my presidential pardon, this was obviously after my campaign finance troubles with the Obama administration, I met Trump for the first time. I didn’t know Trump. I’m not like a long-time, early Trumpster or anything like that, 2019, in the Oval Office. And Debbie, my wife, said to Trump, she goes, “I don’t understand you. You get flayed on every platform, every moment of every day. A normal person couldn’t take that. Does it get to you?”

Now, quite honestly, Debbie and I both expected Trump to go, “Ha ha ha. No, it doesn’t get to me. These people are idiots, they’re crazy. I enjoy it,” that kind of thing. But he paused and he goes, “Well, guys, I have to admit that there are times it really gets to me.” He, goes, “I’m doing this for the country.” He goes, “I got al-Baghdadi,” and he goes, “and even on that, they won’t give me any credit for that.”

We sensed a vulnerability in Trump, and as we left, we said to ourselves, and my wife said, she said, “It’s a pity that Trump doesn’t put that aspect of himself on display for the American people to see,” but I think Trump is such a man’s man that he doesn’t like to do that. Even when Dr. Phil interviewed him, Dr. Phil tried, as a psychologist, you know, “The assassination, how did it make you feel?” Well, Trump hates that kind of question and absolutely refused to go there.

But I wanted to bring out some aspects of Trump’s personality, the kind of normalcy of the man, which the press, I think, willfully misunderstands. Trump is a bit of a jokester. So, when he says, “I’m going to be a dictator for a day,” I mean, who can actually take that seriously, being a dictator, and yet it’s used as exhibit A in the evidence that he really will be a dictator and will never leave.

I put those sorts of questions to Trump. I go, “You troll people with these memes, Trump ’28, Trump ’32, Trump ’36,” I go, “Well, are you going to leave? Are you going to be like the guy in the Western who takes care of the gangsters and then rides off into the sunset, or are you planning to kind of stay?” And having Trump respond to these things, I think, will be very interesting and engaging for the audience.

Rob Bluey: I agree. You saw some of this on display at the Republican National Convention when there was a big effort to introduce his extended family, the grandkids, to the American people, but you said that Trump being a man’s man doesn’t necessarily gravitate toward that approach.

Do you think that that might benefit him, though, with some of those voters who remain skeptical about him as a person?

Dinesh D’Souza: I was trying to think to myself who has been a figure, that I can think of, that on the one hand has people who are so loyal to him they would take a bullet for him, and on the other hand, have people who at least secretly wish that somebody else would put a bullet in him, right? That’s not a normal situation. You wouldn’t say that that would be true of Reagan, even of Jimmy Carter.

You have to go all the way back to Abraham Lincoln to find that kind of divide. Now, the difference between Lincoln and Trump is that in Lincoln’s case, the divide was not over him, it was not over the man. It was over the issue, it was over slavery, it was over the divide in the country, over that. With Trump, it is over the man, and therefore, in this movie, I realized we need to bring out Trump the man. I cannot duck that issue. This is not just about policy.

Even Republicans who are reluctant about Trump, their hesitation is based on Trump the man, and on a kind of, I think, very one-sided and limited perception of his character. So let’s talk about that for a moment, because I’ll hear people say things like, “Well, he’s a playboy.” And I say to myself, well, he was a playboy in his younger days, I think he actually admits this, but no one’s saying he’s a playboy now. So the most you can say about him, the worst, he’s a reformed playboy. Okay, what else? “He’s an egomaniac.” Also true.

Trump loves praise, he loves public praise. Interestingly, in private, he’s more self-deprecating. If you saw him on Gutfeld recently, you see this kind of whimsical Trump. He’s not somebody who you have to keep kissing his feet and flattering the dauphin or the prince in a courtier style, not at all, not in person, but he does like public praise.

But in a way, I think with Trump, his egotism is a sort of protection. It’s a wall. It insulates him because, again, a normal person would be just destroyed by the kind of attack that Trump gets. And then Trump’s virtues, he’s magnanimous.

Even though a lot of billionaires kind of secede from the middle class, Trump doesn’t do that. There’s an ordinariness to him. He has a curiosity about people. You’ll never get someone who’s a doorman or someone who works as a waiter in one of his hotels ever say a bad word about him. He’s very nice to them. He knows their family, he asks about how their kids are doing, he’s that kind of a guy. He’s obviously very kind and good to his family, they adore him.

But above all, one virtue that he has, that I want to stress, is his supreme virtue of courage, because that is a rare virtue. Aristotle says it’s the highest virtue, and it’s in fact the virtue that makes all the other virtues possible, because courage gives you the strength to do all the other virtues, so it’s an active virtue. Trump has it in spades. I think it is a virtue somewhat lacking, by and large, in the Republican party, particularly when we’re facing people who want to take away our basic liberties.

It’s almost like we need a tough guy on our side to take on the tough-guy regime that has been mobilized against us. Trump’s willing to do it, and for this reason, I think that in this hour of our country’s history, he is not only the best man, in some ways he’s the perfect guy.

Rob Bluey: I’m so glad you brought up the point about courage, because it is lacking among so many in the political class, I’d say on both sides of the aisle, not just exclusively Republicans, but maybe that’s where we tend to see it more often on display. And I think that probably makes some of those Republican lawmakers uncomfortable, because of the things that Trump wants to do.

I’m glad you brought up Lincoln. You have a reenactment of Lincoln in the film. You also referenced Lincoln in your interview with Trump. Does he recognize his place in history, and did he react at all to that comparison?

Dinesh D’Souza: Yeah, he does. I think he recognizes that, and this is rare for someone who has served one term, there have been a few, well, I can think of a couple of consequential one-term presidents. So, Polk, Democrat, was a president who almost single-handedly doubled the size of the country in the middle of the 19th century. Turned out it was a very consequential presidency, and so that was the case.

I think Trump is aware that he represents something bigger than himself. He is conscious of that. He’s not the kind of person who does historical analogies, comparisons, but what he likes is he likes an acknowledgment of his role on the larger, historical stage. I think he feels that his destiny is, in a sense, incomplete, and that’s part of what’s driving him.

Because think of it, if you and I were billionaires, we had eight, 10 years to live, we have grandchildren, we have Mar-a-Lago, and on the other side, we’re facing a shotgun of 91 criminal charges, two assassination attempts, with potentially more to come, no normal person would go for that. You’d be like, I’m out of here, I don’t need any of this, so something must be pushing this man forward, and I think, in that sense, it’s love of country and it’s a sense of destiny.

Rob Bluey: You talk about how he was coasting to reelection in 2020 when COVID hit. Did you sense from him that there’s unfinished business that he would like to accomplish in a second term that he was not able to do as a result of what was essentially foisted upon him by China in the spring of 2020?

Dinesh D’Souza: Trump has done a lot to expose, to peel the layers off the onion, to expose the corruption in the institutions of government that we didn’t know to be looking for it over there. So in fact, these are institutions that have traditionally been considered conservative.

We all know that the media is left-wing, Hollywood’s left-wing, academia is left-wing, but I never thought the FBI was left-wing, and I never thought the CIA was left-wing, the military is left-wing, no. But nevertheless, starting, I think, in the Obama years, there was a conscious effort to remake those institutions, certainly at the top, but it affects the bottom because the people at the top recreate an incentive structure that filters all the way down.

I think with Trump, when he came in, he thought he could trust the military. That’s why he brought in John Kelly as a general. I’ll bring in a general. Generals are straight shooters. He’ll give it to me straight. I think Trump also thought he could trust the people in the white lab coats. I mean, we all do, right?

You go to the doctor, “I’m going to take your appendix out. Come in next week.” You never go, “Well, prove it to me that my appendix is defective. Show me some pictures so I can just make up,” no. You’re like, “Well, I agree. Yeah, I’ll take these tests. Yeah, you can go ahead and do this.”

This implicit trust in the health authorities, I don’t think any of us really dreamed that that could be ideologically manipulated, but now we know that it blatantly was. I think Trump knows also, and I think Trump realizes that, in the second term, he’s got to realize that the serpents are more numerous and their dens are deeper than we had previously suspected.

Rob Bluey: I suspect that you’ll see a much-heightened focus on the people who get those political jobs, whom he entrusts to carry out his agenda, based on his experiences. We’re talking to Dinesh D’Souza, who has a new film out this Friday called Vindicating Trump.

Dinesh, you talked earlier about how in our country you have an alarming number of opponents of Trump. A recent poll put it at 28% of Democrats said the country would be better off if Trump had been assassinated after the second attempt. On the other side, you have many MAGA Republicans or other conservatives who believe he’s the only hope that we have to save our constitutional republic.

How can we live in a country where people hold such diametrically opposing views?

Dinesh D’Souza: I think the problem is serious, but it is not quite as bad as we think for this reason. The people on the Trump side, on the Republican side, are making a balanced judgment about Trump because they’re exposed to Trump, they’re exposed to the defenses of Trump, and they’re also exposed to the criticism of Trump, because none of us can avoid the mainstream media in our lives.

We see it. We know about it. But now look at the other side, and I’m talking here about the rank-and-file Democrat. The rank-and-file Democrat does not actually know a lot about Trump. They do not get the pro-Trump side at all. They get a nonstop propagandistic diet of anti-Trump polemic. If CNN has a panel of 17 people, they’re all anti-Trump. There may be two or three Republicans, but they’re selected because they’re anti-Trump.

So as a result, one is forgiven, because think about it, when you’re an intelligent person, how do discover a fact, right? You discover a fact when you see that fact appear in multiple sources, sources that you admittedly cannot check for yourself, but you think to yourself, well, if I see it in Barnes and Noble in a book, and then there it is on PBS, there it is on the history channel, there it is and Michael Moore made a film about it, Rachel Maddow’s talking about it, and here it is in the New York Times, well, it must be true, because why would all these independent people have made this up, the same thing?

They don’t realize that it’s actually more like the same bullet ricocheting off multiple walls and coming at you from different directions. You think that you’re getting independent sources of information, not realizing that all these people, not that they are conspiring together, but they’re more like birds in a flying formation going to Florida, all flying side by side in the same pattern.

So that’s what I’m getting at, is I think that a film like this would be very startling for an independent or a Democrat because most of what they see about it. And the nice thing about a film is a book and an argument is about something. I’m going to tell you, let’s say for example, about my life in India, but it won’t give you a good idea of what that’s like.

Now imagine I show you a video. I say, “That’s me as a kid, and that was my room, and that’s the vendor outside my door selling bananas, and there’s the guy with the monkey, and he’s doing tricks on the street,” you’d be like, oh, wow, I get a real feeling of what it would’ve been like to grow up in India, let’s say in the 1970s, and that’s what a movie can do.

So the movie is like you’ve heard all this stuff about Trump, now here’s Trump. And we’re going to talk, and you’re going to listen, and you’re going to see stuff that runs so counter to everything you’ve heard about Trump that you almost want to spit up your popcorn.

I’m thinking of ways to try to bring people who are independents, and of course for people watching, if you can go watch the movie, by the way, the website is You can put your city in, it’ll pull up all the theaters. There’s also a book of the same title you can pre-order. But my point is, if you can bring along that grumbling, anti-Trump relative or that buddy of yours, you’re like, “Hey, I’ll buy your ticket,” I think it will have a tremendous effect.

Rob Bluey: Getting the Democrats and independents to go see your movie, I think not only might change their perspective, because they haven’t been exposed to that Donald Trump that you feature in the film, but up until now, maybe they just don’t have any desire to. You’ve given them a relatively easy way, through the 90-minute film, to get a sense of who the man really is.

Dinesh D’Souza: A film appeals to the head and the heart, and that’s part of the power of a film, because I often will hear conservatives say something to the effect of, “Well, the liberals do not think in a cognitively rational way, they appeal to emotion. There’s no question that with Kamala Harris they’re doing that. They’re basically saying, “Don’t trust your lying eyes.”

They’re telling the American people, “Don’t trust your pocketbook, don’t trust the prices you pay in the grocery store, don’t trust your retirement account, don’t even trust what you’ve seen and heard about Kamala Harris, because that’s made you dislike her. We have a new, manufactured Kamala Harris for you right here. You should believe in our mythology about Kamala Harris.”

It’s really based upon the presumption that the ordinary guy is a real buffoon, but it’s also based on the idea that the ordinary guy reacts only emotionally and not rationally. Well, the nice thing about a film is that a film operates primarily on the emotional medium, for sure.

That’s why films have a score. If you want to know what that music is doing under the film, it is regulating your emotions as you watch the film.

The good news is that if you do a good job with the emotional narrative, you can pack a lot of genuine, thoughtful information in a film, but if you make the mistake of making a film that has lots of thoughtful information but doesn’t have the emotional component, the film will not succeed.

Rob Bluey: Let’s talk about your interview with Trump. I would imagine something like this is scheduled in advance. You had no way of knowing that you were going to sit down with him one week after the assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania. What was it like talking to him so close to that experience? Did you notice any changes from your previous interactions with him?

Dinesh D’Souza: I did. I noticed that Trump was somewhat more measured. He seemed somewhat more reflective in the sense of now seeing his own life as maybe having some sort of a directed purpose.

He’s reluctant, and to be honest, even Reagan was. Reagan would say things like, “Well, the man upstairs,” that was his reference to God. “The man upstairs may not like that,” things like that. And Trump, too, talks about providence in a roundabout way, but I do ask him those things, because I mean, it’s not just that Lincoln, for example, had, in the second inaugural, this very powerful providential sense that you don’t get in the early Lincoln, but it’s that Washington and Lincoln believed that the country is part of a providential narrative.

And so I posed this question directly to Trump, and I think I posed it to him at the right time. If I posed it to him at another time, he might’ve looked at me with a funny look like, why are you asking me that, what kind of a question is that?

Trump normally is not in the contemplative mode. He’s a doer. I mean, think of it, this is a guy who’s built a big part of the New York skyline. Trump thinks operationally, like how do we get this done? Trump was at his golf course, the Doral in Miami, the thing about Trump is when he walks into the, he looks and he’s like, “We need to take that palm tree down. That’s an obstruction to the golf course over there. I want people to be able to see people playing on the course.” And so he’s constantly thinking of how do I make this property better, more attractive, and that’s very different than, for example, an academic way of thinking.

And Charlie Rose interviewed Trump when he was facing a downturn. And Charlie Rose asked him, he goes, “You’ve come out of this, and it was a real doldrums, and not only were you bankrupt, you owed a large amount of money. Did you ever have any doubts?” Trump goes, “No.” He goes, “Never?” Trump goes, “No.”

Now, see, to an academic, that is not only abnormal, that is objectionable, because the academic thinks, well, that just shows a total lack of introspection, that just shows a man who has no self-consciousness, aren’t you even aware of your situation? But for Trump, if he was that way, it would shut him down.

I think the same with the criminal trials, because I asked Trump about the criminal trials. I go, “Any other guy facing three criminal charges would be, first of all, emotionally undone, but probably would’ve exited the race. And you not only don’t exit it, but you’re out there the day of your hearings and you’re under a gag order, but you’re having a press conference, you’re lambasting the judge. You’re doing your legal rope-a-dope.”

And Trump goes, and I think this struck me, he goes, “I will just not allow myself to be bothered by it.” So think about the level of self-control it takes to do that. I will not allow myself to be bothered by the fact that I’m facing multiple criminal charges that could put me in prison for life.

The post ‘Vindicating Trump’: Dinesh D’Souza’s Most Urgent and Important Film Yet appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Joe Biden Refuses to Let Go of Kamala Harris

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we cast our lots on the key determining factor of every American presidential contest: Which candidate is going to make a mistake in the final stretch that costs him or her the election? Who is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with under 40 days until Americans head to the polls?

Stop right there, reader. Head over to our YouTube page and subscribe! It’s the best way to follow “The Tony Kinnett Cast” and gets you access to full, exclusive interviews. Most importantly, it helps the show grow and frustrates legacy media.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively (if not forcibly) zip-tied to President Joe Biden after comments made on ABC’s “The View” and at the White House, despite her best efforts to distance herself from the incumbent president throughout the campaign.

Concurrently, former President Donald Trump seeks to specify his policy positions on abortion, contraceptives, and the Russia-Ukraine war.

Nick Solheim of American Moment stops by to discuss Americans’ reaction to the second assassination attempt on Trump and how legacy media’s attempted “memory holing” has resulted in a truly visceral reaction from the average U.S. citizen.

Jerry Lopez, @IndySpanglish on X, joins us for another rousing segment of “Awful Tweets,” in which we take the worst social media posts and headlines from the week and mock them with the scorn they deserve.

Finally, we examine the latest conspiracy theories surrounding New York Mayor Eric Adams’ five-count indictment alleging corruption. Are these charges really the result of speaking out against illegal aliens? If not, then where could they come from?

Prior Daily Signal reports on Adams’ relationships to both illegal immigration in New York City and foreign corruption scandals may hold a more likely explanation.

Catch the live radio show and livestream weeknights at 7 p.m. EDT on The Daily Signal’s YouTube, X, or Facebook—and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode or exclusive interview.

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Melania Trump Says Media Is ‘Fueling A Toxic Atmosphere’ Against Her Husband Following Assassination Attempts

THE DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Former First Lady Melania Trump criticized the media’s rhetoric on Thursday for allegedly fueling the would-be assassins’ motives to commit violence against former President Donald Trump.

The former first lady said during a “Fox & Friends” interview that it is expected that two would-be assassins would threaten her husband’s life since members of the left-wing media repeatedly call him a “threat to democracy.” She further accused the media of becoming silent about the two assassination attempts not long after they occurred, leading her to ask more questions about the incidents.

“It’s interesting how quiet everything became all over the mainstream media. There were a few days they were reporting about July 13 event, and everything then became quiet. So I had a lot of questions, what’s going on? This is not normal,” Melania said. “And, is it really shocking that all this egregious violence goes against my husband, especially that we hear the leaders from the opposition party and mainstream media branding him as a threat to democracy, calling him vile names. They’re only fueling a toxic atmosphere and giving power to all of these people that want to do harm to him. This needs to stop.”

Melania said she rushed to the television when she first learned of the first assassination attempt on her husband during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. She initially received no answer from either her husband or the Secret Service when she tried calling them, but then received notice that Trump was safe.

Her son, Barron Trump, came rushing in when he received the news about the first attempt and had a “very, very difficult” discussion with his mother, she said.

The former first lady said she was in New York City during the second assassination attempt on Sept. 15, prompting her to call the Secret Service to make sure her husband was safe. She said the former president’s survival during the attempts are “miracles” and that a divine power saved his life so he could serve the U.S.

“I think both of the events, they were really miracles,” Melania said. “If you really think about it, July 13 was a miracle. Like that much and he could not be with us … I think something was watching over him. I think, it’s almost like the country really needs him.”

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the first would-be assassin, climbed onto the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building located 130 feet away from the rally and shot eight rounds into the crowd. The shooting injured the upper portion of Trump’s ear and killed 50-year-old Corey Comperatore.

The second assassination attempt occurred on Sept. 15 when 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh was spotted with an AK-47-style rifle at the former president at Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Originally published by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Nolte: Trump Maintains Two-Point National Lead over Harris

This is the third week in a row that former President Trump has held a two-point national lead over sitting Vice President Kamala Harris.

The post Nolte: Trump Maintains Two-Point National Lead over Harris appeared first on Breitbart.

Turning Point USA Events Receive 'Massive Turnout' on Campuses Across Country Ahead of 2024 Election: 'The Tide Is Turning'

Events hosted by Charlie Kirk's conservative student organizations Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action have been receiving "massive" turnout on college campuses across the country ahead of the 2024 presidential election as Kirk tours the campuses, talking with students and hosting voter registration drives. "The tides are turning," one social media user commented.

The post Turning Point USA Events Receive ‘Massive Turnout’ on Campuses Across Country Ahead of 2024 Election: ‘The Tide Is Turning’ appeared first on Breitbart.

MSNBC’s ‘Interview’ of Harris Shows How Left-Wing Media Are Treating Election as Coronation

Vice President Kamala Harris completed her second whole interview of her mostly cloistered presidential campaign Wednesday night.

Frankly, it was an embarrassment for American corporate media and gives the lie to the idea that the Harris campaign is all about defending “democracy.”

The interview was exactly what one would expect if you’d followed the Harris campaign at all. It was a series of mostly softball questions, delivered in the friendliest of confines on left-wing MSNBC, conducted by an admiring and sycophantic host, Stephanie Ruhle.

That setup was practically telegraphed ahead of time.

Five days before the interview, Ruhle went on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” and claimed that Harris didn’t have to answer any substantive questions from the media.

“Kamala Harris isn’t running for perfect,” Ruhle heatedly told the New York Times’ Bret Stephens, another guest on the program. “She’s running against [former President Donald Trump]. We have two choices. And so there are some things you might not know her answer to. And in 2024, unlike 2016, for a lot of the American people, we know exactly what Trump will do, who he is, and the kind of threat he is to democracy.”

Ruhle said it was utopian—“nirvana”—to think we the people might get substantive answers from Harris on how she’d govern if elected president.

Really, what a crazy idea that some of us may have that we should live in a free society, where leaders are expected to account for themselves, and the people are the boss.

Basically, Harris isn’t Trump, so anything at all is good enough, right?

How interesting it is that after those comments, the Harris campaign almost immediately announced that they would allow Queen Kamala to come down from on high and grant Ruhle a humble request for an audience.

It was a “coincidence” that didn’t go unnoticed by commentators on X.


Stephanie Ruhle slobbered over Kamala a few days ago, saying she doesn’t have to do interviews because democracy is at stake, and the Harris campaign immediately called her up and says, “You’re our kind of interviewer.”


— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) September 25, 2024

Stephanie Ruhle goes on Bill Mahar and lick spittles Kamala Harris saying it doesn't matter that she doesn't answer questions or what she believes. Peter Baker calls her "the great" for landing a pretaped interview because of it.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 25, 2024

It is really bad form for MSNBC to have someone argue that Kamala Harris doesn't need to take questions at all and then have that same person conducting the interview with her. Like if they care about journalistic ethics at all, they should assign a different interviewer.

— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) September 25, 2024

As for the interview, Harris was asked a few gentle questions about her proposed policies, to which she responded with mostly shallow, bumbling non-answers.

Unsurprisingly, Harris has few ideas about how to cover the $1.7 trillion in spending she’s proposed other than to raise corporate taxes on “billionaires.” Harris additionally had no answer for how she would get this corporate tax hike through with the Republican Party controlling the Senate, if they win back control in November. 

So, we just have to assume more borrowing and more inflation. Great stuff.

Here is Harris addressing increasing housing and other costs in society, but her grand idea is just to say, over and over, that our problems must be addressed “holistically.”

NEW: Vice President Kamala Harris says "holistic" three times in a 15-second period.

The VP proudly showed off the word during an interview with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle.

"Looking holistically at the connection between that and housing and looking holistically at the…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 25, 2024

Using “holistically” in this way is akin to using other meaningless corporate-speak buzzwords like “creating synergy” that are intended to sound profound, but mean nothing. I suppose it’s slightly better than saying that the plan for lowering costs is lowering costs.

NEW: Kamala Harris is asked about her plan to lower the cost of living, says she will do that by lowering the cost of necessities.


Question: What will you do to lower costs?

Answer: Yeah. I first of all, thank you both for being here and yours is a, a story I hear…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 20, 2024

There was hardly any real substance to the interview at all. Aside from a handful of policy questions, Ruhle and Harris joshed about accusations that Harris never worked at a McDonald’s in her youth as she claimed.

Harris said she made fries, not burgers. But besides laughing and taking potshots at Trump, she didn’t really get into specifics or dispel the notion that the story about her working at a fast-food chain might be made up.

There’s really nothing more to say about these tepid, jovial back-and-forths, but it is notable how similar this was to Harris’ previous CNN interview with host Dana Bash. A handful of “tough” questions received only the lightest of follow-up questions and a large portion of the interview was fluff, wasting the time of viewers.

That would be fine if Harris was generally out on the campaign trail talking to the press and conducting interview after interview like a typical presidential candidate in the age of “democracy.”

It’s wholly unacceptable when one considers that the vice president was dropped into this race in a last-second swap, in which she never even answered to Democratic primary voters. We really are supposed to just accept that the reason to vote for Harris is that she’s not Trump, just as Ruhle said.

When the MSNBC host was later asked about Harris’ vague policy answers, particularly on why the Biden administration ended up keeping many of Trump’s tariffs in place, Ruhle made the excuse that the issue is “complicated.”

It’s totally fine that Harris didn’t give clear and direct answers, because “we are not talking about clear or direct issues,” she said.

Ah, yes, as Sun Tzu doubtlessly once said, the ways of the great leader must be mysterious and opaque to those who must follow.

Since when are members of the press expected to run PR for the politicians they interview?

What we should take from this MSNBC interview is that America’s media don’t want to ask her tough questions in an election. They want to conduct and plan her coronation. They are hardly even interested in getting answers about the way she will promote left-wing policies.

Just being in power is apparently good enough.

In some sense, Harris’ gilded tower campaign is even more disturbing than the Biden basement campaign. Any pretense of illuminating the policy positions of the candidates before the people is gone.

Hard questions won’t be asked. “Joy” and “vibes” will suffice. 

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Georgia voter tells CNN she's thinking of voting Republican for first time in her life

A Georgia voter told CNN that she was considering voting Republican for the first time in her life as Kamala Harris tries to hold on to President Biden's 2020 coalition.

‘Stunning Failure’: Senate Report Blasts Secret Service

THE CENTER SQUARE—A bipartisan Senate report released Wednesday blasts the U.S. Secret Service for several significant failures that led to the near-fatal assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump in Butler County, Pennsylvania, over the summer.

The bipartisan report indicates that security knew the shooter was on the roof minutes before Trump was shot.

Meanwhile, a bill that would increase the Secret Service protection for former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, now awaits President Joe Biden’s signature.

The new Senate report lays out a litany of failures from the Secret Service, including failure to delegate responsibilities to agents and officers, failure to keep the key buildings cleared, failure to work will with local law enforcement, who were helping with security, and more.

The report includes a list of failures, including that the Secret Service did not properly respond after the would-be assassin was identified as a suspicious person over an hour before Trump took the stage.

A stunning paragraph from the report lays out the gravity of some of the mistakes:

“Approximately two minutes before shots were fired, the USSS Security Room, located on the rally grounds, was told that there was an individual on the roof of the AGR building,” the report said. “Shortly before shots were fired, a USSS counter sniper observed local officers running towards the AGR building with guns drawn.”

Critics have blasted the agency from its poor planning of the event, its slow and clumsy response and its unwillingness to share details publicly after the incident. The former head of the Secret Service resigned after a disastrous Congressional hearing on the issue where lawmakers from both sides took her to task.

The report also said an inexperienced agent had trouble getting the drone working and spent hours calling a tech support hotline for help. The agents apparently also had problems with their radios, something that is common, according to the repot.

“From planning missteps, to the siloed and flawed communication to the lack of effective coordination between law enforcement, to the breakdowns in technology, the Secret Service’s failures that allowed an assassination attempt on former President Trump at his July 13 rally were shocking, unacceptable, and preventable – and they led to tragic consequences,” said Chairman Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich.

Lawmakers called for accountability and ongoing oversight.

“Our initial findings clearly show a series of multiple failures of the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) and an inexcusable dereliction of duty,” Ranking Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a statement. “Not only did USSS fail to ensure the AGR roof was adequately covered, they were also aware of a suspicious individual with a rangefinder for at least 27 minutes and did not delay proceedings or remove former President Trump from the stage, even after being informed that the suspicious individual was on the roof of the AGR building.”

Paul said that federal law enforcement agencies had “obstructed” the Congressional inquiry into this issue.

“What happened on July 13 was an accumulation of errors that produced a perfect storm of stunning failure,” added Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. “It was a tragedy and completely preventable from the outset.”

The bill that would increase Trump’s protection comes after the former president survived his second assassination attempt this year and would give presidential-level Secret Service protection to all nominated presidential and vice presidential candidates. The U.S. Senate voted unanimously to pass the bill on Tuesday evening. It has already passed in the House.

As The Center Square previously reported, President Joe Biden recently told reporters that the Secret Service “needs more help.”

Originally published by The Center Square.

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Daily Caller Reporter Castigates CBS News’ Dem Campaign Donations Ahead of Network Hosting Vance-Walz Debate

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Daily Caller reporter Reagan Reese has called out CBS News’ ties to the Democratic Party, predicting that former President Donald Trump’s campaign will “hit back” against alleged bias as the news outlet is expecting to host next week’s vice presidential debate.

Following the first presidential debate with Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, ABC News’ moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, received backlash for alleged bias against the former president as they had fact-checked him multiple times throughout the night. While on the “War Room” podcast, Reese detailed the donations CBS News’ leadership has made to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign as the outlet is set to host an Oct. 1 debate between Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

“So, CBS News is set to host the vice presidential debate. CBS News’ executive leadership, alongside its parent organization, Paramount Global, have their leadership riddled with Democratic donors. There are several Paramount board members who have donated thousands of dollars to the Biden campaign in 2020, as well as some CBS News leadership,” Reese said. 

CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell, seen here in New York City’s Times Square on May 20, will be one of two moderators of the upcoming vice presidential debate, along with CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan. (James Devaney/GC Images/Getty Images)

“The Paramount CEO has donated to the Biden campaign before. The CBS president has donated to the Biden campaign before. It’s important to note with the CBS president, she donated while she was at ABC News and has not donated since,” Reese continued. “But this is the type of stuff that we expect to see the Trump campaign be concerned about and hit [on] leading up to the vice presidential debate, especially after the controversy with the ABC debate and the bias you saw with the moderators there.”

Reese claimed Americans were “taken aback” following the presidential debate hosted by ABC News, noting how she predicts the Trump campaign will begin to “expose CBS for being biased.”


Daily Caller White House Correspondent @reaganreese_ joined @nataliegwinters today on @Bannons_WarRoom to discuss her story on CBS News' leadership, which is rife with Democrat donors. Check it out! ??

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 17, 2024

“I think we saw the Trump campaign really hit CNN and ABC ahead of both debates on their past bias and their connections to the Biden campaign and how they have supported them in the past,” Reese said. “And so I expect to see that again with the CBS debate, especially. I think Americans were kind of taken aback at what transpired during the ABC News debate and how the moderators just seemed to be teaming up on Donald Trump, how they only fact-checked Donald Trump, but never fact-checked Kamala Harris, despite her making multiple false statements.

And so, yes, I expect to see as we get closer to this vice presidential debate—especially as it’s expected to be kind of this last debate in the 2024 presidential cycle, we don’t expect to see a third debate—the Trump campaign expose CBS for being biased, and hopefully, they’ll be using the Daily Caller reporting to do so. 

Following the presidential debate, X users called out ABC moderators for singling in on Trump during their fact-checking and interrupting him multiple times. However, the alleged bias against the former president has been argued by Republicans and other politicians over the years, calling out how Democrats have unfairly covered the former president.

It was eight years ago today that Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump held the first of three presidential debates in the 2016 election campaign. It took place at Hofstra University in New York on Sept. 26, 2016. (Qin Lang/Xinhua/Getty Images)

Democratic political pundits like strategist James Carville have previously advocated for corporate media outlets to increase their bias against Trump as the presidential election continues in order to ensure a win for Harris. During a recent interview on “The Sage Steele Show” podcast, Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo highlighted how Trump has been “polarizing to so many people,” leading to an “incredible unfairness” of reporting on him and his administration.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

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Mark Cuban: Fox News Is the 'Mainstream Media'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban said Thursday on CNBC's "Squawk Box" that Fox News is the mainstream media when discussing the coverage of the Harris-Walz campaign.

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J.L. Partners Election Model: Donald Trump Soars to 10-Point Lead

The probability former President Donald Trump will defeat Vice President Kamala Harris soared to a 10-point spread, a J.L. Partners election model revealed Thursday.

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Jimmy Kimmel Hands Show over to His Wife to Rage at Trump

Left-wing late-night host Jimmy Kimmel handed the show over to his wife this week so she could launch into a rage-filled rant aimed at former President Donald Trump.

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NBC's Mitchell: 'A Lot of Misogyny' in Harris Polling Behind Trump on Economy Like Biden Did

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” host and NBC News Chief Washington Correspondent and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell said that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump leading his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris

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Harris, Trump Duking It Out in Critical Pennsylvania, Poll Finds

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are running neck and neck in Pennsylvania, with the vice president holding a one-point lead over the former president, according to a new poll in the battleground state.

Harris, the Democratic nominee, held a 48% to 47% advantage over Republican nominee Trump, with 3% saying they’ll vote for another candidate and only 1% saying they’re not sure.

If the poll includes likely voters who say they lean toward a candidate, Harris and Trump are in a deadlock with 49% each.

In Pennsylvania’s race for U.S. Senate, incumbent Democrat Bob Casey Jr. had 49% to Republican challenger and businessman David McCormick’s 43%. Casey has been in the Senate since 2007.

The survey of 783 likely voters was conducted Sept. 18-20 by RMG Research Inc. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Nate Silver, an election forecaster, wrote in August on the social media site X that Pennsylvania is “by far the most important state” in the Nov. 5 presidential election.

Silver’s analysis then projected that Trump had a 96.1% chance of winning if he took Pennsylvania and Harris had 91% chance if she took the state. A 35% chance existed that Pennsylvania would tip the election, he said.

Harris had strong support among nonwhite voters, with 61% having a “very favorable” view of her. Meanwhile, 50% of white voters said they rated Harris “very unfavorable” while 30% called her “very favorable.”

Some of Trump’s strongest support came from the 18-34 age group, with 43% rating him as “very favorable.” While 40% of white voters said they rated Trump as “very favorable,” 41% rated him “very unfavorable.”

The likely voters surveyed held similar views on Trump and Harris, who replaced President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket.

Both candidates had 36% rate them as “very favorable.” Harris had 44% rate her as “very unfavorable” and Trump had 45% rate him as “very unfavorable.”

Fully 83% of voters said they deemed the economy as a “very important” issue; 76% said inflation was “very important.”

Only 5% of the likely voters rated the economy as “excellent,” while 46% said it is “poor.”

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Trump hits back at Harris with 'Kamala's Project 2025'

Donald Trump hit Vice President Kamala Harris with a "Project 2025" of her own on Thursday, saying she supports citizenship for "20 million illegals."

CNN Admits to Using 'Digitally Altered' Photos of Donald Trump, Laura Loomer

CNN issued an on-air retraction and admitted to using "digitally altered" photos of former President Donald Trump and right-wing activist and influencer Laura Loomer.

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Nolte: Another Poll Shows Pennsylvania Moving Trump’s Way

New polling shows Pennsylvania all tied up between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. This is good news. 

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Poll: Trump Sees Four-Point Swing His Way in Pennsylvania Since July

Former President Donald Trump has surged three points in Pennsylvania since July, while Vice President Kamala Harris has dropped one point, according to a poll.

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Harris on Her Tariff Stance: You Need to 'Have a Plan'

During a portion of an interview with MSNBC host and NBC Senior Business Analyst Stephanie Ruhle that was aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris responded to a question on

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Poll: Trump Narrowly Leads Arizona, Tied in Wisconsin

A poll shows former President Donald Trump narrowly leading in the crucial swing state of Arizona while being tied with Vice President Kamala Harris in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin.

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Carney on Kudlow: Trump Tax Cuts, Tariffs Will Rebuild American Industry, Strengthen Dollar

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Breitbart News economics editor John Carney said Wednesday on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” that former President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs and tax cuts would rebuild industry in the United States and strengthen the dollar globally. Carney said, “What Donald Trump

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Mark Cuban: Donald Trump Is a 'Salesperson,' Kamala Harris Is a 'Good CEO'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban said Wednesday on MSNBC's "Deadline" that former President Donald Trump is a "salesperson" while Vice President Kamala Harris is a "good CEO."

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Breitbart Business Digest: How Trump's Tariffs Would Grow the Economy

One of the least discussed but most obvious realities of modern trade is that Donald Trump is, in his rough-hewn way, mostly right about tariffs, while the accepted wisdom mouthed by the media, think tanks, and economists for public consumption is, if not wrong, at least incomplete.

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Coca-Cola Faces Boycott Calls over Not Allowing 'Trump 2024' or 'Jesus' on Cans

Coca-Cola is facing boycott calls after people on social media revealed that the company was not allowing "Trump 2024" or "Jesus" to be placed on the cans.

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Tech Tyrant Makeover: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Now Identifies as a Libertarian

Leftist kingpin Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg now identifies as a libertarian that feels a sense of hostility to government regulation, as well as skepticism of initiatives that claim to advance so-called "social justice."

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Donald Trump Tells Joe Biden's Parole Migrants: 'Get Ready to Leave'

Donald Trump is promising to quickly send home the million-plus "parole" migrants who have been smuggled into the United States by President Joe Biden's pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas. 

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Weaponization Probes Vindicated FBI Whistleblower, Stalled Jan. 6 Report

The Justice Department’s top watchdog and a successful FBI whistleblower took questions Wednesday from a House panel investigating the weaponization of government

Key witnesses testified before the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government,  noting how such weaponization applies to larger problems within the FBI. 

The Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General said in a May memo that the FBI failed to comply with whistleblower protections in suspending the security clearance of a bureau employee, Marcus Allen. 

Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, raised questions about the official narrative regarding whether the bureau had confidential informants on the scene of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Allen also testified before the House’s government weaponization subcommittee in May 2023. 

Inspector General Michael Horowitz told the House panel that his office is investigating the role of FBI informants at the Capital riot, but may not issue a report until after the next president is sworn in Jan. 20

The FBI suspended Allen’s security clearance in early 2022 and restored it this past June. At that point, he dropped his complaint to Horowitz’s Office of Inspector General. 

Here are four takeaways from the hearing Wednesday. 

1. ‘Battle for Truth and Justice Will Cost You’

Allen testified that he wasn’t able to work during his unpaid leave and had to dig into retirement savings. 

“The battle for truth and justice will cost you, but the arduous good is worth it,” Allen said. “No [previous] FBI whistleblower has ever had his clearance restored as I did.”

He said he has never regretted his decision to be a whistleblower and is “grateful for the experience.” 

“My family and I persevered due to our strengthened faith, God’s grace, and the sacraments,” Allen said. 

Allen said he learned that Jeffrey Veltri, now the FBI’s special agent in charge in Miami, ridiculed Allen’s Christian faith as one of his supervisors. 

Veltri recently made news for leading the FBI’s investigation in Florida into the second assassination attempt on Trump. 

As Allen spoke, his voice cracked and he became visibly emotional. 

“If you do not worship God, then you will worship something else. You can serve God or you can serve mammon, but you can’t serve both,” the former FBI employee testified, paraphrasing Scripture. “This has been a purification. When we lost material items, we gained important things. We have stored up for ourselves treasures in heaven. What we have gained spiritually far outweighs what we have lost materially.” 

Allen cited two early presidents, John Adams and James Madison, during his testimony.

“This isn’t about me. It’s bigger,” he said. “I am hopeful that the truth of what happened will be fully revealed and deter the FBI from doing the same injustice to others.”

Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, who heads the whistleblower advocacy group that represented Allen, called for legislative reforms to protect whistleblowers. 

“The FBI smeared him with the lie that he was a threat to our national security,” Leavitt said of Allen. “That lie was repeated here in this hearing room. One year later, the FBI reinstated his security clearance and agreed to restore 27 months of back pay. This amounts to an official admission by the FBI that claims about his disloyalty to the U.S. were false.”

Leavitt said what happened to Allen is not an isolated case. 

“This summer, we disclosed that the security division forced FBI employees to rat out their coworkers if they had ever heard them ‘vocalize support for President Trump’ or ‘vocalize opposition to the COVID-19 vaccination,’” Leavitt testified. “We now understand that was just one manifestation of the FBI’s politicized climate.”  

Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general, testified that the FBI’s conduct “creates a risk that the security process can be misused as part of an inappropriate effort to encourage an employee to resign.”

But, Horowitz said, the FBI’s problems don’t seem to affect only one side. 

“These allegations raise serious issues and, I would note, do not apply to only a subset of employees with certain political views or ideologies,” Horowitz testified. 

2. Review of FBI Sources on Jan. 6 Will Wait Until After Election

A forthcoming report from his Office of Inspector General will include how many confidential informants for the FBI were involved in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, Horowitz said. 

However, the report is in draft form and will not be released before the election, he said. 

It “is certainly my hope,” Horowitz testified, that the report will be ready before the inauguration of the next president on Jan. 20, 2025. 

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., asked: “So, three and a half years ago, you announced you would be doing this review, and we still don’t have the review, do we?” 

The Inspector General’s Office announced it would start the investigation in 2021, but Horowitz said his office “paused” the probe pending the Justice Department’s ongoing criminal investigations. He said his office reinitiated its probe last year. 

“Now that you’ve restarted the review, do you have evidence of the number of confidential human sources that were operating on the [Capitol] grounds on Jan. 6?” Massie asked. 

Horowitz replied:  “Our report will include the information in that regard.”

Massie asked: “Can you tell us today how many [FBI informants] there were? Were there more than 100?”

“I’m not in a position to say that, both because [the report] is in draft form and because we have not gone through the classification review. So, I need to be careful,” Horowitz replied. 

Massie appeared puzzled, noting that the fourth anniversary of the Capitol riot is approaching.

“We are just weeks away from an inauguration and we are almost four years into this report,” the Kentucky Republican said. “When is it going to be released?”

“Certainly in the next couple of months is my hope,” Horowitz said. 

Massie later asked: “You’re saying it’s not going to be done in time for the election?” 

“I doubt it would be done in time for the election,” Horowitz said. 

“Is it going to be done in time for the inauguration?” Massie asked. 

“That is certainly my hope,” DOJ’s inspector general replied. 

“We are four years into it. What we do know is that you are going to expose there were confidential human sources at the Capitol,” Massie pressed. “Can you tell us today how many went into the Capitol?”

“I don’t know yet what’s classified and what’s not classified,” Horowitz replied.

3. Top Democrat Declares Trump a ‘Would-Be Führer’

Democrats on the subcommittee avoided talking about problems at the FBI or whistleblower retaliation, instead focusing on former President Donald Trump while frequently talking about Project 2025

Project 2025 is a policy and personnel plan for the next presidential administration that has the backing of more than 100 conservative-leaning organizations and is led by The Heritage Foundation. The proposals in Project 2025 are based on traditional conservative principles and haven’t been embraced by Trump, but Democrats continue to misrepresent the plan and call it his.

Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-Virgin Islands, the nonvoting delegate who is the ranking member of the subcommittee, said concerns about weaponization are “projection.” 

Plaskett said House Republicans are doing the bidding of their “would-be führer,” Trump. 

“We are having this hearing so that you become immune to the notion of the removal of the FBI and DOJ so that those agencies are no longer there to serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white-fragility fascists, and the twice-impeached convicted felon, former president, and would-be dictator Donald Trump,” Plaskett said. 

(So-called great replacement theory refers to the idea that some conservatives argue that the Left and allied politicians are allowing a surge of illegal immigration that will “replace”  America’s white majority of European descent.)

The only witness called by Democrats was Glenn Kirschner, an MSNBC legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, who warned that if Trump wins the Nov. 5 election it would be the end of the rule of law. 

“I fear the horrific conduct of former President Trump and his corrupt DOJ officials in his first term will look like a government official fixing a parking ticket for a friend compared to what Project 2025 holds in store,” Kirschner said. 

After every Democrat on the subcommittee talked about Trump and Project 2025, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, joked: “Pretty soon, they’re going to accuse Mr. Allen of writing Project 2025.”

Jordan, chairman of both the Judiciary Committee and its select subcommittee, then jokingly asked each of the other witnesses if he wrote Project 2025. 

4. ‘We Just Sign the Check’

Horowitz also testified that the Inspector General’s Office is reviewing allegations of “inappropriate questions being asked during security clearance investigations, inconsistent outcomes on security clearance determinations, the suspension and revocation of the eligibility to hold a clearance based on race, and retaliation against employees for raising concerns to management about security clearance investigations and adjudications.”

Such problems should have consequences, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said, arguing that Congress should use the appropriations process to force reforms in the FBI and Justice Department, its parent agency, including whistleblower protections.

“The process was the punishment and it was the point,” Gaetz said to Allen, the former FBI whistleblower.

Allen responded: “Correct, the process in this instance felt like the punishment.” 

Gaetz then asked: “Do you think Congress has appropriately protected whistleblowers?”

Allen answered: “I do not, Congressman.”

“I think the policy recommendations can be put forward so that there can be bipartisan support to protect whistleblowers going forward,” he added. 

Gaetz said he wasn’t making a partisan critique. 

“It’s a bipartisan critique that we all own,” Gaetz said. “We see the evidence that you get mistreated. We hear from experts like Mr. Horowitz that this is totally off-book. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain that they are doing this to hurt you and make an example out of you. What do we do? We just sign the check.”

The Florida Republican added, referring to a stopgap spending bill: “We should put in any continuing resolution that until you get paid, and until the rest of the whistleblowers get their back pay, maybe the FBI director doesn’t get his paycheck. Maybe the attorney general shouldn’t get his paycheck.”

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GOP Challenger Gains in Ohio Senate Race as Trump Leads Harris, Poll Finds

The U.S. Senate race in Ohio between Republican challenger Bernie Moreno and incumbent Democrat Sherrod Brown is too close to call, although Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by 11 percentage points in the presidential race.

That’s according to a recent poll of 781 likely voters conducted by RMG Research from Sept. 18-20. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

The poll found that Moreno, a Trump-endorsed businessman whose family came to America from Colombia when he was 5, held a 47% to 45% advantage over Brown, a former congressman and Ohio state representative who joined the Senate in 2007. Another 5% said they aren’t sure for whom they’ll vote.  

When asked what party they would vote for if they knew it would determine which party controlled the U.S. Senate, 51% said Republicans and 43% said Democrats and 6% were not sure.

Larry Sabato, director of The Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, who also publishes a political newsletter, said he doesn’t think Ohio is essential for the GOP to regain control of the Senate.

“The odds already are that the GOP will win the Senate without Ohio,” Sabato said in an email.

Also in regard to control of the Senate, he said, West Virginia looks certain to flip from Democrat to Republican and Montana appears to be going Republican, too.

“That’s 51 seats for Republicans right there, assuming Democrats are unable to defeat [Sens.] Ted Cruz or Rick Scott—and I’ve seen no convincing evidence that Cruz or Scott is in critical condition yet,” Sabato said.

Allan Lichtman, a professor of history at American University who has correctly picked the winner in nine of the 10 most recent presidential elections, said Ohio has been solid for Republicans in presidential elections for some time.

“I don’t expect that to change. If it does, Republicans are doomed,” Lichtman said in an email. “They need Ohio; the Democrats do not.”

He said the Ohio election is crucial to Democrats’ hopes of retaining control of the Senate.

“Along with Montana and West Virginia, it is one of the three most vulnerable states with a Senate seat now held by Democrats,” Lichtman said. “And West Virginia is surely lost to the Democrats.”

Sabato said Ohio could become a factor if Montana goes Democrat and either Cruz in Texas or Scott in Florida is upset.

“That’s where Ohio comes in,” Sabato said. “Moreno could be the 51st  seat if he can depose Brown. Right now, it’s a very close race.”

In the presidential race, Trump got 54% and Harris 43% when those polled were asked who they’d vote for if the election were held today.

The former president saw some of his strongest support among voters ages 18 to 34, where 42% gave him a “very favorable” rating. A total of 35% of women gave Trump a “very favorable” rating, but 47% found him “very unfavorable.”

Among independents, 12% said they found Trump “very favorable,” but 47% rated him “very unfavorable.”

Only 27% of men gave Harris a “very favorable” rating while 51% found her “very unfavorable.”

Nonwhites were among the vice president’s strongest supporters, as 46% gave Harris a “very favorable” rating.

Trump won Ohio in 2020 but still lost the election to Joe Biden. In the last eight presidential elections, each of the two major political parties has won the state four times.

Those polled rated the economy and inflation as the most important issues, with 79% calling the economy “very important” and 75% citing inflation.

The Israel-Hamas war and climate change each was rated “very important” by 32%.

Just 5% rated the U.S. economy as “excellent,” while 45% said it is “poor.”

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Donald Trump Rips 'Total Loser' Stephen Colbert

Donald Trump blasted "total loser" Stephen Colbert after the "Late Show" host said he would never have the "boring" Trump on his NBC show.

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Biden: Trump 'Really Does Not Believe in Democracy'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

President Joe Biden said Wednesday on ABC's "The View" that former President Donald Trump "really does not believe in democracy."

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WATCH: Harris/Walz Momentum Experiences ‘Cardiac Arrest’

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we watch in awe as the Harris/Walz campaign goes into “Kamalardiac” arrest. Despite unleashing forty-two different political strategies to give the Harris/Walz campaign momentum, this election still appears to be a dead heat. What do Taylor Swift, star-studded interviews, a convention spectacle, Oprah, and a sitcom dad/Midwestern governor have in common?

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s appearance on The View can only be described as disastrous. In a campaign where Harris has tried to distance herself from the Biden administration, the president’s comments tying Harris to the economy, border, and foreign policy decisions leave the Harris/Walz campaign in a precipitous position.

We examine the reactions from Congress, the Secret Service, and former President Donald Trump to reports of assassination plans and attempts from Iran. Who’s running security for presidential candidates and officials? What will it take for voters to take institutional gaps and failures seriously?

Finally, we speak to the nearest and dearest issue to all Americans’ hearts: road construction. How do we create a competent plan for keeping the roads in good order, and who’s responsible when they aren’t?

Catch the live radio show and livestream weeknights at 7 p.m. EDT on The Daily Signal’s YouTube, X, or Facebook—and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode or exclusive interview!

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Harris surrogate Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo says we should 'extinguish' Trump 'for good'

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said she felt compelled to speak her mind because the 'stakes are so high' in an interview on MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe.'

Watch Live: Donald Trump Speaks About the Economy in North Carolina

Former President Donald Trump delivers remarks about the economy under the Biden-Harris administration while in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday, September 25.

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Never Trump Lincoln Project Reveals Kamala Harris’s Vulnerability with Men in Sam Elliott Voiced Ad: ‘Be a Man, Vote for a Woman’

The "Never Trump" political action committee Lincoln Project revealed Vice President Kamala Harris's troubling vulnerability with male voters in a new ad narrated by actor Sam Elliott, urging voters to not worry about "the woman thing." "Be a man, and vote for a woman."

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Raimondo: 'Extinguish' Trump for Good, 'Banish Him from American Politics'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Wednesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that former President Donald Trump should be extinguished from politics, which she clarified meant "vote him out."

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The Greatest Scandal in Modern American History That No One Cares About

A little over eight weeks ago, President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, despite being the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee and only true primary vote recipient.

He was forced out by the party elite, who watched his debate with former President Donald Trump and saw what most of America already knew: that Biden is senile. Biden was promptly replaced by Kamala Harris, his vice president, who has since solidified Democratic turnout and is running neck-and-neck with Trump.

But something strange has happened since Biden’s ouster: The country went back to ignoring Biden’s senility.

Photographs and footage of Biden asleep at the beach in Delaware have filled X feeds for weeks since he dropped out of the race. Just last week, Biden turned over a full Cabinet meeting to his wife, Jill, who sat herself at the head of the table and proceeded to lecture constitutional appointees on women’s health issues. Within 48 hours, Biden completely forgot the world leader he was supposed to introduce at a Quad summit, snarling at his aides, “Thank you all for being here and now, uhh, who am I introducing next? Who’s next?” The leader, as it turns out, was Narendra Modi, prime minister of the most populous country on earth, India.

So, why isn’t it something of an issue that the most powerful seat on the planet—the presidency of the United States—is being currently held as a sort of emeritus position by a doddering old fool? Why has an office once held by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln been treated as a sort of throwaway gift to a career corrupt politician, like a gold-plated watch or a set of steak knives handed to a past-his-prime salesman at a Motel 6 retirement reception?

The answer is simple: The person tasked with invoking the 25th Amendment so as to protect the presidency is Kamala Harris. And Harris cannot oust Biden. Were she to do so, that would lead to a pitched battle with Biden himself—and Biden is already fighting mad, during his waking hours, at his defenestration at her hands.

But more importantly, Harris cannot oust Biden because were she to do so, she would make explicit that which has remained implicit: She is the sitting vice president of the United States and thus responsible for the actions of the Biden-Harris administration.

The entire Democratic Party gambit—its sleight-of-hand shell game—relies on Biden as the red herring. Were the American people to tie Harris to Biden’s record, she would lose the presidency. She has been, instead, proclaiming that she “isn’t Joe Biden” while at the same time dissociating from zero of his policies. It’s quite the trick. And it could only work with a compliant media and with Biden still retaining the title of acting president. The minute she takes over, she becomes responsible for all of it. And Biden’s record is the shoddiest of any president of our lifetimes.

And so the presidency will be sacrificed in order to advance the ambitions of Harris and the Democratic Party. The world will continue to spiral into chaos thanks to the leadership vacuum at the helm of the United States. And the Democrat-media human centipede will continue to ignore the absolute scandal that takes place every day at the White House, where a clearly befuddled octogenarian staggers from his living quarters to make unintelligible sounds before the cameras as the world burns.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Vindicating Trump’: The Number-One Political Virtue Needed Right Now Is Courage and Trump Has That in Spades

“We're facing the tightening clamps of repression, censorship, mass surveillance, ideological indoctrination, and criminalization of political differences. This is not normal,” author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza told Breitbart News.

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