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Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Harris and Other Big Debate Night Moments

By: Virginia Allen — September 11th 2024 at 15:32

Moments after the end of the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, singer-songwriter Taylor Swift issued her endorsement. 

“I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election,” Swift wrote in a post on Instagram Tuesday night.

“I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader, and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos,” Swift added, signing the post “Childless Cat Lady.” The signature was a clear dig at Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Trump’s running mate, who has drawn criticism for claiming that the Democratic Party is full of “childless cat ladies.” Swift is unmarried, has no children, and owns three cats.

Swift’s endorsement of Harris comes as no surprise. The singer has made her political leanings clear, much to the disappointment of some of her fans. In fact, Swift may have clearer political views on some issues than the candidate she endorsed. 

Asked why she has changed policy positions on issues such as fracking, a mandatory buy-back program for assault weapons, and decriminalizing crossing the border, Harris either could not—or would not—answer during Tuesday night’s ABC debate. 

“I know you say that your values have not changed; so, then why have so many of your policy positions changed?” ABC’s Linsey Davis asked Harris. 

“So, my values have not changed,” Harris began.

“I’m going to discuss every one, at least every point that you’ve made,” she said, before going on to say she would not ban fracking, and then discussing her views on the economy, protecting the vulnerable, Social Security, and Medicare. 

“My values have not changed,” Harris said again, without addressing her changes in policy on the border or assault weapons. 

Trump spent much of the ABC debate on the defensive, appearing to take the bait in nearly every trap Harris laid for him, from his father’s success as a businessman to the size of his campaign rallies. It was not a boring evening, but it was also not the debate many conservative voters were hoping for.

On today’s edition of “Problematic Women,” Reagan Reese, White House correspondent for The Daily Caller, joins the show for a postdebate recap of the night’s biggest wins, losses, and memorable moments. 

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What to Watch for During Trump-Harris Debate Showdown

By: Virginia Allen — September 10th 2024 at 11:05

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will confront one another in person for the first time Tuesday evening as they face off during the presidential debate on ABC. 

Though the second presidential debate of the season for Trump, this will be Harris’ first time going toe-to-toe with Trump after President Joe Biden withdrew from the race following his disastrous debate performance on June 27. 

The Trump-Harris debate, which begins at 9 p.m. EDT, is being held at Philadelphia’s National Constitution Center. 

The candidates have made their dislike for one another abundantly clear in the weeks leading up to the debate; so, will they be able to maintain a sense of decorum and remain focused on policy issues? How will Harris address the high inflation rate under the Biden administration? And will Trump clarify his position on abortion? 

Tune into today’s bonus episode of the “Problematic Women” podcast with guest Emily Jashinsky, UnHerd’s Washington, D.C., correspondent and host of “Undercurrents,” as we discuss what to watch for during tonight’s debate. 

Watch the show above or listen to the audio only below.

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FACT CHECK: Kamala Harris Campaign Platform Makes Promises Based on False Assumptions

By: Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell — September 9th 2024 at 18:36

Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats’ nominee for president, finally released her policy platform Monday, a day before her first debate with former President Donald Trump. 

The Harris platform makes various claims about the root causes of issues faced by America and the way Harris plans to address those issues. The claims underlying her policy promises are false, however.

Here is a look at what the Harris campaign released under the title “A New Way Forward.”

Harris Vows to ‘Secure Border’ After 4 Years of Open Borders 

Harris’ policy platform says that, if elected, she will “secure our border and fix our broken immigration system.” The Biden-Harris administration, however, abruptly shifted the nation’s border policies on Day One, enabling a massive influx of illegal immigrants since 2021. 

The platform focuses on “the bipartisan border bill” that failed to pass the House of Representatives in 2023 and suggests the legislation would solve illegal immigration.

The platform blames Trump for “killing the bipartisan border bill” although out of office and thereby failing to solve the border crisis. The platform states that Harris would sign the legislation, suggesting that nothing more is needed to solve the underlying issues.

Congressional Republicans, however, said the border bill was political posturing and not a true effort to secure the border.  

The bill “spends $20 billion to not secure the border, but to more efficiently encounter, process, and disperse illegal migrants,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told reporters.   

Harris arguably shares responsibility for the border crisis with President Joe Biden, who tasked her in March 2021 with solving the “root causes” of illegal immigration from three Central American nations. That’s when both supporters and critics began referring to Harris as Biden’s “border czar.”

Harris Says Equality Act Will ‘Protect Civil Rights and Freedoms’

Harris now promises to “protect civil rights and freedoms” by passing the Equality Act to “enshrine anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in health care, housing, education, and more into law.” 

But critics say the Equality Act would undermine women’s civil rights in order to help a minority of men who claim to be women. 

The bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

It would force schools and other programs to allow biological males who “identify” as females to compete against girls and women in sports and use private female facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms.

Harris Blames Inflation on Price Gouging, Not Government Spending

Harris’ policy statement on inflation suggests again that price gouging, not government spending, is the central driver of rising prices. 

“As president, she will direct her administration to crack down on anti-competitive practices that let big corporations jack up prices and undermine the competition that allows all businesses to thrive while keeping prices low for consumers,” the campaign website states. 

However, as Heritage Foundation budget expert EJ Antoni pointed out, there is a far more obvious culprit: government spending.

Antoni, an economist, noted: “One of the functions of money is that of a measuring tool. If a yardstick were to shrink from 36 inches down to just 30, it would take 120 of these shortened yardsticks to cover the distance of a football field, instead of 100. As the dollar has lost value, it takes more dollars to measure the value of the things we buy.”

If price gouging caused 40-year record-high inflation, Antoni asked, did businessmen “magically” become greedy when Biden and Harris took office? 

“Were corporations never greedy in the 40 years leading up to Biden’s inflationary expansion of government?” he asked. “Businesses haven’t even passed all their higher costs on to consumers; if they’re trying to be greedy, they’re doing it all wrong.”

Harris’ policy platform also tacitly admits that it is implausible that price gouging is responsible for increases in prices. The platform notes that her “first-ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries” would “build on the anti-price gouging statutes already in place in 37 states.”

If bans on price gouging were the solution to inflation, wouldn’t these bans have prevented the problem in those 37 states?

Harris Promises Crackdown on Iran, Though Biden-Harris Admin’s Loose Sanctions Netted Regime Billions

Harris’ platform talks a tough game on Iran, the world’s top sponsor of radical Islamist terrorism. 

A section on keeping America safe proclaims: “Vice President Harris will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to protect U.S. forces and interests from Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups.”

Tehran is the top financial sponsor of the terrorist group Hamas, which infamously slaughtered 1,139 Israelis—including women and children—on Oct. 7 in southern Israel.

Harris’ new policy pronouncements overlook the fact that the Biden-Harris administration loosened U.S. economic sanctions on Iran, netting the Islamist regime $71 billion more before Oct. 7 than under Trump-Pence administration policies.

If Harris would “never hesitate” to protect U.S. interests from Iran, did she object to the administration’s move to loosen sanctions?

Harris Repeats Widely Debunked Claim That Trump Campaign Created Project 2025 

The Harris policy platform includes several tabs contrasting the vice president’s positions with what it calls “Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda,” although Trump repeatedly has distanced himself from The Heritage Foundation-led Presidential Transition Project. 

In fact, a campaign official for Harris already has acknowledged that the vice president has deliberately misled voters about Project 2025.

Harris and her campaign repeatedly have tried to link Project 2025 to Trump, despite the former president’s pushback.

In a particularly ironic claim, Harris said Trump would implement his Project 2025 agenda to consolidate power, bring the Department of Justice and the FBI under his direct control so he can give himself unchecked legal power, go after opponents, and “rule as a dictator on ‘Day One.’” 

However, the Biden-Harris Justice Department targeted pro-lifers and other Americans with dissenting political and religious views, particularly after the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand in June 2022.

For instance, a Michigan jury recently found seven pro-life activists guilty of engaging in a conspiracy against rights and violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or FACE Act, for peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic.

The charges against the pro-life activists were brought by DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, led by Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke.

Launched two years ago by The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 has grown to a coalition of 110 conservative organizations that developed a transition plan for the next presidential administration. The Heritage-led coalition considers its work to be nonpartisan and offers it to whoever occupies the White House in January 2025.

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Faux Feminist Kamala Harris: Anti-Woman, Misogynist Candidate

By: Carrie Sheffield — September 7th 2024 at 07:00

Vice President Kamala Harris claims to be a champion for women, but many facts tell a different story.

Harris speaks pro-women rhetoric, but fails to protect women and girls from assaults in locker rooms. 

Harris endorsed a new Biden-Harris administration rule expanding Title IX protections to gender identity and sexual orientation, requiring schools receiving federal funds to allow males into female spaces such as restrooms and locker rooms, or into any activity currently separated as male or female. 

Initial Title IX rules—signed into law by a Republican president more than 50 years ago—protect women and girls against sex-based discrimination, allowing girls to flourish in school and on extracurricular sports teams

Regrettably, this final rule redefining “female” also threatens free speech on campus, protects teachers unions, and obstructs due process protections for students accused of sexual harassment on campus. 

Harris also fails to protect women and girls from sexual assault as they seek to cross illegally into America at the U.S. southern border. Sexual assault rates of migrant women coming to the United States are shocking, yet Harris embraces policies that incentivize further illegal immigration and human trafficking.

Reports vary widely on the scope of the sexual violence, which speaks to the lack of concern that Harris embodies. Amnesty International reported:

Rape is widespread. It is believed that as many as six out of every 10 migrant women and girls experience sexual violence during the journey.

A 2017 report by Doctors Without Borders found 1 in 3 women traveling through Mexico are sexually assaulted. A United Nations estimate found among women crossing without husbands or families, up to 70% suffered some type of abuse.

The rampant sexual abuse is perpetuated and grows the more policies like those from Harris and President Joe Biden encourage millions to enter the United States illegally. For example, under former President Donald Trump, the “Remain in Mexico” program and other immigration policies substantially slowed illegal immigration flow. Harris and Biden reversed Remain in Mexico, and the United States has experienced record, earth-shattering illegal immigration flows. Supposedly empowered to mitigate the so-called root causes of illegal immigration from Central American and South American countries, Harris instead stood idly by.

Even CNN is conceding that Harris is now a hypocrite for using Trump’s border wall in her new political ad to claim she supports controlling illegal immigration. CNN found more than 50 instances since 2017 of Harris slamming Trump’s border wall, with labels like “useless” and “racist.” But now Harris is running ads touting Trump’s wall.

? NEW: CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for being a hypocrite and using Trump’s border wall in her new ad

You can’t make this stuff up ?

CNN found over FIFTY instances of Kamala slamming Trump’s wall, calling it “useless” and “racist,” and now all the sudden she’s running on…

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) September 5, 2024

Harris also harms America’s seniors, who are disproportionately female as women have longer life spans than men. In her role as president of the Senate, Harris cast the tiebreaking vote to raid Medicare. 

Harris voted for the misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act, which is treating the Medicare Part D prescription-drug program for seniors as a piggy bank for the reckless spending on other, unrelated programs. 

This comes on top of painful, cumulative 20% inflation on Harris’ watch, which disproportionately harms senior women, many of whom live on fixed incomes after retirement and don’t have jobs with pay keeping pace with inflation. 

Harris also failed the women of Afghanistan, who are now relegated to chattel status under the Taliban due to the reckless Biden-Harris U.S. withdrawal from the country.   

Harris is effectively silent on the horrific treatment of Afghan women by the Taliban, which just passed a law banning women from speaking in public, showing any skin, or looking at men they aren’t related to. 

The Biden-Harris administration is directly responsible for the results of the bloody and botched Afghanistan withdrawal, yet Harris says nothing and makes zero effort to help Afghan women. 

In fact, Harris has the audacity to claim, three years later, that the chaotic withdrawal decision was “courageous and right.” It was neither courageous nor right to relegate women to slave status and in the process also allow the killings of 13 U.S. service members and recklessly abandon the tens of billions of dollars in weapons and other military equipment left behind.

Pushing people to vote for a female candidate because of her gender is just as sexist as pushing voters to select a man because he’s male. Voters must see through Harris’ misogynistic policies and demand better.

The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.

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Congress Was Doing ‘Girl Math’ Before It Was Cool

By: Virginia Allen — September 5th 2024 at 02:01

It’s been more than 20 years since the federal government last balanced the budget. While Americans are obligated to lenders and creditors for overspending, the government has made a habit of spending more than it takes in.

You could say that Congress was doing “girl math” long before it was cool. 

Popularized on social media, “girl math” refers to an unwritten playbook women sometimes use to justify purchases. A jacket anticipated to cost $150 is on sale for $75, so now you can spend the other $75 on a pair of shoes because you save 50% of the jacket. That’s girl math. Or you forgot you had $20 in your Venmo account; so, paying your friend back for dinner was actually “free.” That, too, is “girl math.” 

While “girl math” is usually a funny joke between friends, it can go too far to justify irresponsible spending, and no one is better at justifying lavish and wasteful spending than the federal government. 

Congress returns to Washington, D.C., next week after its summer recess. Given that lawmakers hold the power of the purse, it’s the job of Congress to pass 12 appropriations bills before the start of the new fiscal year on Oct. 1. Instead, what has happened in previous years, and what’s expected to happen again this year, is Congress will disagree over spending levels and, in order to keep the doors of the government open, a continuing resolution will be passed to keep the government funded.

Eventually, after enough arm-twisting and hand-wringing, Congress will pass a budget for the new fiscal year, likely a couple of days before Christmas. In the end, American taxpayers are left trying to foot a bill citizens never asked for and can’t afford. 

On this week’s edition of “Problematic Women,” we dig into the congressional budget process, and why Congress fails time and again to balance the budget. 

Also on today’s show, we celebrate the start of the college football season with some controversial news over sign-stealing. And women’s rugby star Ilona Maher is back in headlines for her bikini shoot with Sports Illustrated. We bring you all the gossip on this and more. Enjoy the show!

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CNN’s Credibility on Line in What Bash Asks VP Harris in Interview

By: Jon Sutz — August 28th 2024 at 15:25

CNN’s Dana Bash will either toss softballs to Vice President Kamala Harris in her interview on Thursday—or she will ask tough questions.

Her decision will either galvanize, or diminish, the perception that CNN is leftist propaganda.

Here are three questions Bash should ask the would-be president:

1) “Why have you ignored the millions of migrant women and girls who have been raped on the way to the U.S. southern border—and done nothing to help the U.S. Border Patrol to ensure that their rapists are not allowed onto our soil?

“Early in the Biden administration, you were assigned the task of being the ‘border czar,’ purportedly to help stop the influx of foreign nationals from all over the world who attempt to unlawfully enter U.S. soil, after refusing to comply with our established immigration and refugee procedures, background checks, etc.”

Much has been reported about the estimated 9 million to 10 million illegal aliens who ignored our immigration laws, and walked/sneaked into America. That doesn’t include the estimated 20% more who are classified as “got-aways”—meaning, they evaded our Border Patrol officers, are now on U.S. soil, whose backgrounds and intents are totally unknown.

Against this background, in 2014, the far-left Huffington Post reported U.N. data showing that “80% of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into the U.S.” Here’s an excerpt:

As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.

The rapists—often the smugglers whom the migrants must pay to help get them get across our border—don’t even bother hiding what they are doing to these females. To the contrary, like Hamas, they create “trophies” of what they did; in this case, in the form of “rape trees,” on which they display the underwear of the women and girls they sexually terrorized.

2) “What is your position on Customs and Border Protection’s recent refusal to release data on how many individuals on our terrorist watchlist have been caught at our border—attempting to enter America or were interdicted on U.S. soil—since you took office?”

Continuing on the border, immigration, and national security front, we’ve seen report after report of individuals who on the terrorist watchlist being arrested at our border, or who made it onto U.S. soil.

On May 16, Fox News reported, “Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has rejected a request by Fox News to reveal the nationalities of people on the FBI terror watchlist arrested at the border by Border Patrol, citing ‘privacy interests’ of those involved.”

3) “What is your position on President Joe Biden’s statement that he wants to begin importing Gaza Palestinians onto U.S. soil—even though he knows that most support Hamas and hate America?

“As you probably know, on May 1 and 2, the AP and Fox News reported that Biden is considering importing Palestinian ‘refugees’ onto U.S. soil.

“I assume he and you are aware of the data that shows there are no people on earth who hate America more than Palestinians, and that the overwhelming majority of them support Hamas, its quest to destroy Israel, and its killing, rape, torture, and kidnapping of Jews on Oct. 7.”

  • February 2014: A Pew Research Center survey showed that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank dislike the U.S. more than any other group, with 76% of respondents, the most on the list, qualifying America as an “enemy.”
  • 84% of Palestinians in the West Bank, and 64% in the Gaza Strip, say they support Hamas’ Oct. 7  attack.
  • 62% of those in the West Bank say they have a “very positive” view of Hamas.
  • More than 70% of Palestinians in both regions reject any “two-state solution,” and instead want Israel destroyed and replaced by a Palestinian nation.

As summarized in this infographic (excerpted from here), before Hamas’ Oct. 7 slaughter of Jews, the terrorist group enjoyed overwhelming support from the vast majority of Palestinians in both territories—support that has continued even after that terrorist attack:

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

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