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Yesterday — May 31st 2024U.S.
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Xi Jinping Demands Palestinian State, Lends Support to Pro-Hamas UNRWA at Arab Summit

Chinese dictator Xi Jinping used a speech to Arab leaders on Thursday to demand the establishment of a state of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and pledged $3 million in funding to a Hamas-affiliated U.N. agency.

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Biden Gifts Cuba More Sanctions Relief After TSA Tour Embarrassment

The Biden administration lifted financial restrictions on Cuba on Tuesday, allowing "independent private sector entrepreneurs" in the communist-ruled nation access to the United States banking system to open U.S. bank accounts.

The post Biden Gifts Cuba More Sanctions Relief After TSA Tour Embarrassment appeared first on Breitbart.

China Welcomes Presidents of Egypt, UAE, Tunisia for Arab Summit

The Chinese Communist Party will begin welcoming on Tuesday a parade of Arab heads of state for a multilateral summit to discuss Mideast issues, including the presidents of Egypt, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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Biden Administration Apologizes for Letting Cuba Tour Sensitive Areas of Miami Airport

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), State Department, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) all reportedly apologized after members of the communist regime of Cuba received a secret guided tour of Miami International Airport on May 20, in disregard of that country’s status as a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism.

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Biden Administration Allows State Sponsor of Terrorism Cuba to Tour Miami Airport TSA

Five officials from Cuba's communist regime — a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism — conducted a secret guided tour of Miami's International Airport on Monday hosted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

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Report: Chinese Citizens Using Ecuador – and Tiktok – to Reach U.S. Border

Thousands of Chinese migrants are using Ecuador as a crucial starting point in South America that allows them to eventually reach the United States to claim asylum, according to a report published by the Argentine news outlet Infobae on Sunday.

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Biden Grants Asylum to Cuban Communist Official as Political Prisoner Count Surpasses 1,100

The Biden administration allowed entry to U.S. territory to Arelys Casañola Quintana, an official of Cuba's communist Castro regime now requesting asylum proceedings out of "fear of socialism," according to a report published by Martí Noticias on Thursday.

The post Biden Grants Asylum to Cuban Communist Official as Political Prisoner Count Surpasses 1,100 appeared first on Breitbart.

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin Forge Closer Ties in 'Intense and Meaningful' Beijing Talks

Russian strongman Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing, China, on Thursday for extensive conversations with genocidal communist dictator Xi Jinping and his top officials focused on elevating economic and political ties.

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Report: China Seeking to Bring 'Silk Road' to Amazon with Help from Socialist Brazil

The Chinese Communist government is seeking to take advantage of its friendly ties with the socialist Brazilian government to establish a "Maritime Silk Road" in the Amazon Rainforest, The Argentine news outlet Infobae reported this weekend.

The post Report: China Seeking to Bring ‘Silk Road’ to Amazon with Help from Socialist Brazil appeared first on Breitbart.

Xi Jinping Celebrates 'Deep Friendship' with Orban's Hungary Ahead of Visit

Genocidal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping published an article on Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet celebrating Beijing's ties to Budapest, emphasizing what he called a "deep friendship" with the leadership of the country.

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Uyghurs, Tibetans Condemn France for Hosting 'Genocidal Ogre' Xi Jinping

Human rights activists and Uyghur organization leaders staged a protest on Monday in Paris to condemn President Emmanuel Macron's enthusiastic welcome to China's genocidal dictator Xi Jinping.

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Iran in Talks to Refurbish Sugarcane Factories in Cuba

The Islamic regime in Iran has held talks with Cuba's communist Castro regime to renovate 160 run-down sugarcane factories in Cuba, the Iranian state-run Tasmin News Agency reported Wednesday.

The post Iran in Talks to Refurbish Sugarcane Factories in Cuba appeared first on Breitbart.

Milei's Foreign Minister Says Argentina Still 'Friendly' to Communist China

Diana Mondino, the foreign minister of Argentina, concluded her first trip to China on Wednesday representing the libertarian government of President Javier Milei, declaring that Buenos Aires retains a "friendly" policy towards Beijing despite Milei's campaign promises to distance his country from the Communist Party.

The post Milei’s Foreign Minister Says Argentina Still ‘Friendly’ to Communist China appeared first on Breitbart.

Report: Venezuela’s State-Owned Airline Will Fly U.S.-Bound Migrants to Nicaragua

An upcoming Caracas-Managua flight route operated by the Venezuelan state-owned Conviasa airline will increase the flow of migrants trying to reach the United States, according to a report published by the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa on Wednesday.

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North Korea Installs Fresh Landmines in DMZ

Officials with the South Korean military confirmed on Monday that communist North Korea had littered roads between North and South Korea with landmines and begun taking down streetlights installed on them.

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Don’t RIP, Karl

(John Hinderaker)

Via InstaPundit, I learn that Karl Marx died on this day in 1883. I concur with Glenn Reynolds’ suggestion that March 14 should therefore be a holiday:

Marx performed the difficult feat of being wrong about everything. Most people are right about some things and wrong about others; the law of averages sets in. But if you are an ideologue, like Marx, and if your ideology is stupid, you can be wrong across the board. Marx’s historical analyses were either recycled conventional wisdom or wildly off the mark. He knew nothing about economics, which is why his labor theory of value–the lynchpin of his entire philosophy–is absurd. (Even Marx recognized that; he never finished the key section of Capital, leaving that inglorious task to Engels.) And he pontificated endlessly about workers and the means of production, without even once, as far as is known, setting foot in a factory.

Marx survives in historical memory for two reasons. First, hardly anyone has actually read Capital or his lesser works. Even a person of moderate intelligence could hardly do so without recognizing their foolishness. Second, Marx’s philosophy has served as a pretext for sadists to seize control of governments around the globe. Which is exactly what Marx intended.

Marx was a bad man, equally so in his private and public lives. He should be remembered only as an exemplar of how much damage a single-minded and hate-filled man can do.

Cuba’s New Cheering Section

(Lloyd Billingsley)

As John noted recently, members of “The Squad” recently snuck off to Cuba, a one-party Communist dictatorship and massive violator of human rights. The woke Democrats seem unaware of films and books that document the repressions of the Stalinist regime. Consider, for example, Improper Conduct, by Cuban cinematographer Nestor Almendros, who in 1979 won an Oscar for Days of Heaven.

Improper Conduct shows how Fidel Castro tossed homosexuals into forced labor camps, which were rather inclusive. As New York Times film critic Vincent Canby noted, “Playwrights, doctors, poets and painters as well as more ordinary folk such as tour guides and hairdressers, spent time in one or more of the country’s forced-labor camps.” Consider also 8-A, a documentary by Cuban exile Orlando Jimenez Leal.

When Gen. Arnaldo Ochoa returned from Africa, Castro spotted a potential rival and staged a show trial for Ochoa and fellow officers. 8-A showcases the actual trial, in which Castro appears, and adds a dramatization of the executions.

In Heroes are Grazing In My Garden, Cuban poet Heberto Padilla exposes the repression of writers and intellectuals, along with the general privations of the people. For example, diabetics sell samples of their urine, so others can get extra rations of milk and meat. In Against All Hope, Armando Valladares documents Castro’s torture of political prisoners. Consider also Paul Hollander’s Political Pilgrims, which recalls glowing accounts of the Cuban regime by foreigners.

“Fidel sits on the side of a tank rumbling into Havana on New Year’s day,” wrote New Left icon Abbie Hoffman (Steal this Book). “He laughs joyously and pinches a few rumps… Fidel lets the gun drop to the ground, slaps his thigh and stands erect. He is like a mighty penis coming to life, and when he is tall and straight, the crowd immediately is transformed.”

For novelist Norman Mailer, Castro was “the first and greatest hero to appear in the world since the Second World War.” For Angela Davis, Communist Party USA candidate for vice-president in 1980 and 1984, “Fidel was their leader, but most of all he was also their brother in the largest sense of the word.” In reality, the white Stalinist plunged the nation into sub-Haiti levels of poverty, and thousands fled on anything that would float.

As Saul Bellow explained, a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. The Squad is either ignorant of the record or, like Angela Davis, fully approves of the Cuba’s Stalinist regime. As Cubans might note, in 2021, Squad members Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar were among 40 Democrats who voted against a resolution supporting peaceful demonstrators protesting against the Cuban government.

Happy Death Day, You Miserable Son of a Bitch

(John Hinderaker)

Josef Stalin died on this day in 1953. In his sleep; so, like Lenin, Mao and Castro, and unlike Hitler, Mussolini and Ceausescu, he never paid a price for his crimes. The Victims of Communism remember:

Stalin died on this day in 1953.

He left behind a legacy of terror, famine, and mass murder.

Remember the victims.

— Victims of Communism (@VoCommunism) March 5, 2024

Stalin ranks second only to Mao among history’s worst mass murderers. Those who knew him best understood how evil he was: his wife committed suicide and his daughter defected to America. Stalin’s malignant legacy lives on, as Russia has never fully emerged from his dark shadow. It is unfortunate that he wasn’t strung up like Mussolini or shot like Ceausescu. At this point, all we can do is revile him.

Squad Sneaks Off to Cuba

(John Hinderaker)

There was a time when, if you said that liberals suffer from Communism envy, they would deny it. Is that still true? Perhaps not, as to the Squad, two members of which were among a delegation that made a more or less secret trip to Cuba:

A delegation of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus traveled to Cuba last week in a trip that has not previously been disclosed by the legislators nor reported in Cuban state media.

The group of about a dozen people was led by Democratic U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal of the state of Washington and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. It included a congressional staffer from the office of California Rep. Barbara Lee’s office, sources with knowledge of the trip told the Miami Herald.

Jayapal and Omar, members of the informal left-wing group of lawmakers known as “the squad,” did not reply to emails and messages seeking comment. Lee’s office also did not reply to a request for comment.

After the Herald published this story, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, comprising more than 100 lawmakers and chaired by Jayapal, confirmed the trip.

Odd. No press releases, no Cuban state media trumpeting the support it is getting from American liberals. So what was up with the visit?

“Representatives Jayapal and Omar traveled to Cuba last week, where they met with people from across Cuban civil society and government officials to discuss human rights and the U.S.-Cuba bilateral relationship,” said a Caucus spokesperson.

Oh. Okay. But the Squad is not in favor of human rights, so it would be interesting to know what the discussion was about:

Jayapal and Omar have been vocal critics of the U.S. embargo against Cuba and have supported bills to normalize relations with the island’s communist government. They were among the 40 Democrats who voted against a symbolic resolution supporting peaceful demonstrators who protested against the Cuban government in July 2021 and “calling for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Cuban citizens.”

Well, they don’t want arbitrarily detained American citizens released either, so I guess that is consistent. All in all, the story is a valuable reminder that, while the rest of the world has given up on Communism, it still has a certain cachet with American liberals.
