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Wife of American Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne Delivers Shocking Update Ahead of His Imprisonment as a J6 Political Prisoner for Crimes He Didn’t Commit

By: Jim Hoft — September 28th 2024 at 08:30

Please donate to Chris Kuehne and his young family at his GiveSendGo page.

US Veteran and American Patriot Chris Kuehne entered prison last week as a political prisoner of the outlaw Biden-Harris regime.

Chris sent a video to The Gateway Pundit on his way into prison.


The Gateway Pundit featured Chris and Annette Kuehne’s story in previous posts which went viral. Annette lost her baby the day after vicious FBI agents raided her home and forced her and her son to stand outside in freezing weather.

One month later, in the early morning of February 11, 2021 Chris, his four-year-old child, and his wife Annette, who was pregnant at the time were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through our windows.

Annette later went public about the raid, she said:

“The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos, and I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house, street and neighboring streets were completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement. It was a scene that we see so many times in the movies, but now it was here at my house!

There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.”


You can read more on this tragic story below:

ICYMI: Chris Wray’s FBI Forced a Young Mother to Stand Outside Barefoot with Her 4-Yr-Old Boy in His Pajamas in 12° Weather While They Ransacked Her Home – She Lost Her Baby the Next Day

This week, Annette sends us an update on their family's story. Read below:

Hi Jim,

I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you too, we all need to get through this political persecution, weaponization, and lawfare. None of us should have to go through this.

It took over 3 years for us to find out this information, because of the RING doorbell video I shared with the Gateway Pundit.

The FBI informant "James Ehren Knowles/AKA Aaron/AKA Jimmy/AKA Tracksuit" and FBI whistleblower Garrett O'Boyle are connected to my husband Chris Kuehne's case.

There is alot here, there is even more. Here is a start to finally make sense of what happened.

These two images are from the Kyle Seraphin's podcast. Kyle posted his interview with FBI whistleblower Garrett O'Boyle days after the Gateway Pundit shared our RING video on February 24, 2024 (I attached the RING Doorbell link with subtitles for quick reference).

Special Agent (SA) Garrett O’Boyle took this picture (a powerful picture that brought me back to that very day of the raid) of a BearCat vehicle on our front yard with headlights shining on our American flag of our then-home in Kansas on the day of the FBI raid February 11, 2021.

Link:  The Reasonableness Standard | EP 253 | THE KYLE SERAPHIN SHOW | 28FEB2024 9:30A | LIVE (

Special Agent Garrett O’Boyle took this image of a BearCat vehicle in Capt. Kuehne's home on the day of the FBI raid

Please, I encourage you to listen to this podcast to learn more of Chris' case (at first it made me upset and I felt insulted of what they said about the Gateway Pundit because that is our story, but then I realized that they just don't know).

Go to the 6-minute mark through the 47:40-minute mark.  Then at the 1:04:27 mark.

SA O'Boyle states that out of the three J6 raids that were conducted on February 11, 2021, this is the one he felt hesitated about.

The briefing was bifurcated and they were told that Chris is a veteran of the Marine Corps, that he has weapons, this was a key factor to using FBI swat.

Kyle Seraphin responds to Garrett that as you told me earlier "there is an allegation that he was manufacturing guns".

SA O'Boyle states that another part of this particular incident was an "allegation that Chris was manufacturing weapons in his basement and that, for some reason it was illegal like he was he didn't have an FFL...that was the key part as to why they wanted to use swat ".

SA O'Boyle didn't know Chris was communicating with a CHS (Chris didn't know he was communicating with a CHS on J6 either), "so like, I didn't then I don't even know if I knew he was communicating with a CHS or that a CHS was with him and his group from Kansas at the Capitol".

SA O'Boyle: "by the time Christopher Kuehne comes out, his arm is in a sling and it's like case agent didn't brief us up on that, do you really think a guy who just had shoulder surgery or whatever happened is a threat???"

Kyle Seraphin states, "for an agency (FBI) to lightly use that force, which is in fact an incredible strong force it's very it's very damaging to the trust of those within it.

That's why FBI moral right now, is so low. Many people at that time where Garrett was at did not know, could not know, it is compartmentalized.

And so the question is this; at that time can we really say that the people that were on that raid that went in and did the thing they were being ordered, they have a judges order to affect an arrest, they have been briefed that this person is a threat, and they have no reason to doubt otherwise.

Today, they have no reason to believe otherwise and that's a big difference."

The FBI raid on our home took place on February 11, 2021. What is interesting is that the FBI informant James Ehren Knowles; AKA "Aaron"; AKA Jimmy; AKA "Tracksuit"; was debriefed by the FBI several times after January 6, 2021.

According to FBI Reporting Document(s) "Aaron" informed the KC FBI that "Chris WAS an FFL dealer and he even provided Chris' telegram username 'shot308.'"

So, the FBI was briefed by "Aaron" on January 13, 2021, that Chris WAS an FFL dealer, and a month later the FBI case agent briefed the FBI swat team that Chris was making illegal weapons in his basement? The FBI lied.

With a quick search in the NICS database which is a firearms background check, the FBI could have enterred Chris Kuehne's name and would have known that he was a legal gun owner, he was an FFL dealer, and he had a business.

Why didn't the FBI do this check??? Why did they raid our home using that force in that manner and do this to our family?

Why did the FBI ask me if I had any security camera in or at our home? Why did the FBI cover our RING doorbell with paper & tape?

All of this could be verified in the following link(s):

Source: FBI Transcript
Source: FBI Transcript
Source: FBI Transcript
Source: FBI Transcript
Photo provided by Annette Kuehne

These photos below were taken days later, when the snow began to melt.  You could clearly see the force that was used at our home from the front (towards the front door) and side yard (by the garage driveway). 

There was also a BearCat in the rear of the home.  It was so traumatic looking out our windows/doors and seeing all the footsteps of FBI agents/law enforcement and 3 sets of tire treadmarks of the BearCats for all those days until the sun melted the snow and new grass grew.  

Photo provided by Annette Kuehne
Photo provided by Annette Kuehne
Source: FBI Transcript
Photo provided by Annette Kuehne

In this image below, "from criminal complaint and arrest warrant" it shows Chris Kuehne and Billy Chrestman are circled in red.  This image was shared with the media and when I began looking into this, the first thing I noticed was "the guy who actually has his hands on the podium". 

Who was this guy?  Why wasn't he circled in red?  Was he indicted? 

Is there another CCTV camera angle that will show the guy walking towards the podium?  I quickly realized my husband was framed.  I have been silent about this, and it has affected me. 

The guy who was busy moving the podium walked toward the podium, got out of the CCTV camera frame, (but one could conclude that a person would push from behind) the podium then returns to the CCTV camera frame and you see who we all have come to know is the FBI informant "Aaron" busy moving the podium toward the garage roll up doors." 

"Aaron was communicating with his handler in real time."

The FBI informant states during his debriefing why he moved the podium (see images below), so he had the "forethought." 

Today, Chris Kuehne is a felon and is sitting in federal prison because of this!!!

Source: FBI Transcript
Source: FBI Transcript
Source: FBI transcript
Source: FBI transcript
Source: FBI transcript
Source: FBI transcript

"Aaron" later explained to his FBI handlers that the reason to move the podium was to prevent rioters from tearing it down and using the metal pieces of the gate as weapons."  This statement demonstrates that the FBI informant "planted the seed" to entrap and frame Chris Kuehne. 

Capt. Kuehne, USMC (Ret.) was targeted, set up/entrapped/framed.

Capt. Kuehne, USMC (Ret.) has worked hard all his life and served his country honorably for over 20 years in the Marine Corps.  The government and media labeled my husband:

My husband is not any of those labels (image above) he especially isn't a domestic terrorist.  My husband was deployed to Iraq to fight real terrorists.

In Chris' final deployment in Iraq 2006, a real terrorist an ISIS suicide bomber detonated himself in his vehicle just feet away from Chris.

The impact was so powerful that Chris was thrown in the air, landing on his head/neck leaving him unconscious (according to witnesses).

Chris was medevacked out of Ramidi, Iraq.  Because of this ISIS terrorist, Chris has struggled with many medical conditions both visible and invisible that are permanent.

It has been 5 days today that Chris has been deprived of his freedom by the Biden/Harris regime.

They have successfully revoked his freedom.  The federal prison has not been able to accommodate his medical needs on this 5th day of imprisonment.

The very government who sent him to fight and where he was injured as a result is depriving Chris of his spinal cord stimulator for pain management, cpap machine, hearing aid, and medications that are needed.

The government and media dragged him through this is unjust judicial system.

They labeled/branded/stigmatized/defamed/ stereotyped and created barriers.  Our family has been through hell for the past 3 plus years.  Our family has been significantly impacted by this weaponized system in every way.

The hard part is the damage is done.

Truth takes time, it is a test of our patience, it is a test of our fortitude, it is a test of our struggles, but eventually it is revealed.

If you would like to help:  GiveSendGo | Fight for Freedom

Christopher Kuehne is being criminally prosecuted in DC federal court for his role in the January 6 protest that made its way into the Capitol. He is facing ...

The post Wife of American Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne Delivers Shocking Update Ahead of His Imprisonment as a J6 Political Prisoner for Crimes He Didn’t Commit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Former FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Theft After Stealing From J6er During Search Warrant

By: Anthony Scott — September 23rd 2024 at 18:20

A former FBI agent pleaded guilty to theft after stealing from several Houston residents while executing search warrants.

Former FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams, who worked as an FBI special agent in Houston since 2019, has been convicted of theft and providing false statements.

One Houston resident who Williams stole from was Alexander Fan, who was previously sent to one year of probation after climbing into the Capitol through a broken window.

After Williams and several other agents executed a search warrant at Fan’s residence, he filed a complaint that his silver and cash were missing.

In a statement, U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani shared, “Nicholas Williams betrayed that legacy and the community’s trust when he decided to pad his own pockets at the expense of a citizen’s rights.”

“Because no one is above the law, the system of justice that he once swore to protect will now seek to hold him to account for breaking that oath,” added Hamden.

Former FBI agent convicted for stealing money, property from Jan. 6 rioter and others

— Houston Chronicle (@HoustonChron) September 23, 2024

Per Houston Chronicle:

A former FBI agent has pleaded guilty to theft after stealing from multiple Houston residences while executing search warrants, including against one man who was sentenced for taking part in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani announced in a Monday news release.

Nicholas Anthony Williams worked as an FBI special agent in the Houston Field Office since 2019, serving on both the criminal violent gang and counterterrorism squads. In January, Williams was indicted for stealing property and money from residences while conducting searches in his official capacity as an FBI agent. He was convicted for both theft and providing false statements after several fraudulent charges were also discovered on his government-issued credit card, according to the release.

One of the men he stole from was Alexander Fan, a Houston man who was sentenced to one year of probation for climbing into an office through a broken window and remaining in the office. He filed a complaint regarding missing cash and silver.

Former FBI agent convicted for stealing from citizens’ homes#hounews

— US Attorney SDTX (@USAO_SDTX) September 23, 2024

In a press release, the DOJ shared that Williams is on bond and will appear before a judge in early 2025.

He faces ten years in prison.

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J6 Political Prisoner Health at Risk – Prison Incompetence

By: Guest Contributor — September 23rd 2024 at 08:30

Guest post by Osprey Sensei

Photo provided by Osprey Sensei

My fiancé Barry Ramey has been through so much during his incarceration after January 6th. Everything from being stabbed in the face, inedible bug-infested food, withholding his mail for weeks on end, unjustified isolations in solitary confinement… the list goes on.

He’s been at FCI Miami for over a year, but they’ve not treated him very well, and what’s happening now may be the most egregious thing to date!

When Barry was held at USP Lewisburg, PA (prior to FCI Miami) they took bloodwork and prescribed him Vitamin D supplements based on the results.

At the end of January this year, FCI Miami took new bloodwork as part of their requirement to renew his Vitamin D supplements.

It’s now 8 months later and after many medical requests the doctor at FCI Miami saw him and gave him the results of the bloodwork from back in January and the results are terrifying! Barry’s thyroid is not functioning properly, his cholesterol is high, uric acid levels are high and he is at a high risk of heart complications.

***Please support Barry here. ****

How inhumane, irresponsible and medically unprofessional can they be? They were suggesting several medications NOW …. EIGHT MONTHS LATER!?! Completely horrifying!

To top it all off, over the last several months, Barry’s sent in requests to see the doctor…with no response.

He was experiencing 10 out of 10 pain in his lower back. No response…(FCI Miami has his records of diagnosed back issues, which I know because I submitted them through our legal counsel upon his arrival).

He also made requests to refill vitamin D because they randomly stopped giving it to him, but there was no response. It’s like his requests for medical attention went into a black hole of sorts, no responses, nothing!

After several medical requests were not responded to, Barry tried another approach… in the hope of getting on the list to see the doctor.

In his request on the sick call form, he stated that he wished to change his gender and was seeking hormone replacement therapy.

Guess what? Immediate response!!! He was set to see a nurse the day after! Are you questioning what is going on here yet? We are!

***Please support Barry here. ****

They renewed his Vitamin D after scolding him for that stunt. But you know what?? They never acknowledged their unresponsiveness to his legitimate medical needs and never discussed the results of his bloodwork until 9/9/24.

Our family is now terrified of his condition after this long eight months of waiting. It is an egregiously long time to inform anyone of those seriously alarming blood test results!!

High risk of heart complications, thyroid not functioning properly, high uric acid and cholesterol??!?! What exactly are they doing…or should I say not doing??? And why?

I mean, let’s not forget Julio Baquero (another January 6er Barry was friends with) also at FCI Miami. Early this year, Julio spent over two months trying to be seen by a doctor at FCI Miami.

He was finally sent to the hospital; the family was not allowed to see him, and he was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer.

Weeks later, Julio was released compassionately, yet he struggled for his life, spending most of his time fighting in the hospital and in just a few weeks he passed away, on Father’s Day, leaving behind his three children and their mother, his childhood sweetheart.

Had Julio received the medical attention he requested when he requested it, could he have had better odds? What is FCI Miami up to by not tending to legitimate medical needs at a responsible time?

Our family has no idea how bad Barry’s condition is after so much time has passed since bloodwork was taken. It can take months, even years, for this facility to act medically.

We simply cannot trust the medical department to do anything professionally, humanely or responsibly. We are deeply concerned for his health and well-being.

We are asking you to please put Barry’s health in your prayers alongside our family. We must trust in God and plea for him to answer our prayers. This cavern of darkness must be brought to the light.

Please send Prayers & Support Barry’s Commissary and Legal costs here.

The post J6 Political Prisoner Health at Risk – Prison Incompetence appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Please Help J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis As He Starts a New Life after He Leaves Prison After Years of Abuse by the Biden Regime

By: Assistant Editor — September 20th 2024 at 11:00
Jon Mellis

In December 2023, The Gateway Pundit reported that J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis was sentenced to 51 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release by Judge Randolph Moss.

Moss also ordered Mellis to pay $20,000 to the government, all of the money Jon had left in his GiveSendGo account, which he had raised during his nearly three years in prison at the DC Gulag.

The same government that repeatedly lied during his trial about Jon’s actions on January 6 took all of the money left in his account.

** Please donate to Jon Mellis’s GiveSendGo account to help him as he leaves prison and starts a new life.

Mellis is one of several January 6 defendants who witnessed Officer Lila Morris brutally beat Roseanne Boyland’s unconscious body and attempted to stop police from brutally beating demonstrators.

While incarcerated, Mellis has been a leading voice for his fellow J6ers, including his ‘We Are Good Men’ podcast that allows prisoners to share their stories in their own words.

He has worked tirelessly to have their stories told and provide life-changing support for their families, and he intends to continue to fight for justice for the political prisoners when he is released at the end of September.

** Please help Jon here.***

Jon recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit on the eve of his release.

I’ve been sitting in a cell since February 16, 2021. My first 13 months were spent in solitary confinement, and my first 2 years were without any form of visitation, in person or by video/behind glass. This is how the J6ers were treated.

The DC Jail building conditions were broken down, disgusting, infested with little creatures, and we were abused by angry correctional officers regularly. These guards believed the mainstream media lies about us. They thought we were racist terrorists who tried to overthrow the government, which is ridiculous. For 3 years, I was waiting in the infamous DC jail without even getting a bond hearing before I was finally sentenced to 51 months to serve and $22,100 in fines for my involvement in the January 6 “Stop The Steal” rally in Washinton, DC.

I was charged with assaulting officers after witnessing them trample unconscious protesters. Rosanne Boyland died right in front of me as people screamed for help while the cops beat people who were trying to help. At least a dozen of us who tried to intervene to save her life are now in federal prison. As we suffered in the DC jail under disgusting conditions and abusive correctional officers, I watched over a hundred of my J6 brothers come in and get sentenced to many years of incarceration each, ranging from as low as 31 months to the insane high of 22 years. I lived with them and formed deep and genuine bonds with so many of these great men. It’s truly an honor to have suffered alongside the men I met on this journey.

I am now in federal prison myself at FCI Ashland in Kentucky. With my 15% off for “good time,” I will be released on September 30, 2024. The federal government has denied me the typical 6-12 months Halfway House, so I will be here in this prison until that date in September. I’d like to say that being screwed over by the system like this is unusual for J6ers, but we all know that J6ers are routinely shit on by this system. The corrupt DOJ will always continue to find new and creative ways to hurt us. I would also like to say that my case represents the worst behavior of the DOJ, but that is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the truth. Look at what the FBI routinely does to President Trump. Watching my J6 brothers get sentenced regularly to between 10 to 22 years is all too normal. Watching many of my brothers get wrongly accused of seditious conspiracy and thrown away for decades is sadly the reality I live in.

Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of The Proud Boys, was sentenced to 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy when he was NOT EVEN IN Washington, DC, on January 6. Other Proud Boys were falsely convicted of seditious conspiracy for actually just walking around inside the US Capitol building then going back to their hotel.

Ethan Nordean was sentenced to 18 years, Joe Biggs was sentenced to 17 years, and Zach Riehl was sentenced to 15 years. While Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola was found “not guilty” of the seditious conspiracy charge, he was given 10 years for breaking a window. I lived with these men for about 6 months in the DC jail and watched them get sentenced. They are my brothers. Their pain is my pain. I can assure you that they are truly and deeply innocent. It breaks my heart to see what this corrupt DOJ and the mainstream media have done to these truly good men. The Proud Boys are honest-to-God Patriots who love our US Constitution. The Proud Boys would NEVER dream of treason. How dare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris treat Proud Boys with anything but respect, dignity, and appreciation. It is the greatest fraternity in the world and everyone would be lucky to meet a Proud Boy. And with over 40,000 Proud Boys in the USA, you probably have.

I have had one mission since getting arrested. With the help of platforms like The Gateway Pundit, and the assistance of some of my personal friends, I have dedicated myself to getting my J6 brothers’ stories out and helping them fundraise for this heartbreaking situation we find ourselves in. With the overwhelming generosity of the American people and the compassion and care of Jim Hoft, we have been very effective in helping over one hundred of my J6 brothers raise much-needed funds for their families and their legal struggle. I have worked with these men one by one, sitting with many of them for hours at a time to organize their thoughts onto paper or to polish their final drafts. Then I worked to get their testimonials published and to raise money directly into their own bank accounts, bypassing the all too common greedy nonprofits that divert money to enrich themselves. These men deserve better than to be robbed by the current popular J6 nonprofits, and the American people deserve better than to be deceived by a “nonprofit”. DO NOT TRUST nonprofits for J6. If you would like to donate, please donate DIRECTLY to the J6er you want to help by sending your money to their own personal GiveSendGO account. That way, it goes to the J6er and his family and not to some greedy grifter.

***Please help Jon here.***

Spending innumerable hours having political or philosophical conversations and goofing around with these men has been a deeply warm part of this terrible situation. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m a highly intelligent, hyper-active goofball. I like to make people laugh, and I enjoy being the comic relief or the “class clown.” I’m a total goof. I’m a wild man. I’ve been compared to Animal from The Muppets. Lol. With my ability to connect with people through ridiculous humor or intelligent conversation I have had the greatest luck building truly deep relationships with the coolest and most inspirational men on Earth. I truly am a lucky man to be best friends with my heroes.

What I have learned about these honorable men has given me strength and confidence that our MAGA movement is the most righteous movement in American history. Whether it is their faith in God, their love of wholesome family values, or their unshakable resolve while facing the darkest, most authoritarian machine in human history from inside The American Gulag, my respect for these great men grows every day. I have been inspired by my fellow Americans as they suffer harsher punishments than any protesters in US history while being ridiculously smeared by the mainstream media as “insurrectionists.”

I see it as my duty to be of service to these great men. This is why I do what I do to help them. 100% of the money the American people donate to them goes directly to each J6er. I do not own a nonprofit or a central fund. I receive nothing for this but satisfaction. I’m just happy to fight for these good men because I know we are in this together. If I can do something to help someone’s family feel better about paying the mortgage or to afford food for their children, then I’ve done my part. To date we have helped raise millions of dollars for my brothers this way. I am honored to be of service to these great Patriots. None of this would be possible without the generosity of the American people. We are all so grateful for our Patriotic countrymen. We feel the love and it helps more than you know.

Our eternal gratitude also sits with the great Jim Hoft. Without him, we would all be screwed. Jim, Katie O, Cara C, Kelly W, Alicia P and everyone else at The Gateway Pundit are all owed a deep debt of gratitude from the J6ers. We will never forget. Lives and families have been saved due to their attention and care. To see the product of the work I’ve been coordinating and to get to know my J6 brothers better in their own words, please visit You can also see the “We Are Good Men” podcast on Rumble we produce from inside the DC jail using the jail issued laptops. (Only given to us after years of complaints that we had no access to view our case files. I’m sure the DOJ now regrets not disabling the camera on these limited-use laptops. Lol.) I hope you all check out these amazing video interviews of the J6 Hostages. You can see for yourself why these men deserve to be admired.

I wish the world knew these men like I do. You would be both inspired and heartbroken. Our story is one of unfair persecution and mainstream media lies. We are good men who happened to be in the place God shook the world on January 6, 2021. Anyone who was there can tell you the emotions in the crowd and the pure cathartic joy that was felt as Patriots climbed the building and waved their flags. After decades of government corruption, creeping communist tendencies in the liberal media, big tech censorship, and a year of medical tyranny, can you blame a crowd of over a million Patriots for storming the US Capitol Swamp after the understaffed police force guarding the building started attacking us with explosives and rubber bullets? The police panicked and started shooting us without giving proper warning. Maybe Nancy Pelosi should have said “yes” to President Trumps offer for 10,000 National Guard troops for that day?

For the record, I’m not ashamed of our behavior on January 6. To the contrary, I am proud to call the wild cowboys of January 6 my brothers. “The riot is the voice of the unheard.” These are the words of the great MLK Jr. What we have in this country is a creeping authoritarian communist regime stifling and censoring We The People. This has been happening for years, but became supercharged when Donald Trump came down that golden escalator to put himself in the way of the uniparty/deep state/machine in order to save our glorious republic. He left his life of luxury to become the most investigated, lied about, and persecuted man in American political history. He has been spied on by the Feds, sued, indicted, impeached, slandered, and shot. Despite the efforts of “the system” to destroy him, and the efforts to destroy his Patriotic supporters, we are still standing strong and full of enthusiasm. We are the future and we are NEVER going away.

My life as I knew it has been destroyed because of this experience. The financial cost alone has been breathtaking. Everything from the $22,100 court fine, an expensive federal lawyer, child support, bills, lost wages, and that’s not even to mention the costs associated with being locked up, including commissary and phone calls for nearly 4 years. Now I stare down the prospect of having to restart and rebuild my life from scratch when I’m released. This experience has harmed my life in so many ways. The amazing girlfriend I had when this incarceration began is no longer with me. My teenage son has grown much taller and his voice has deepened. My father, Gennaro Mellis, died since I’ve been incarcerated. He was a decorated Vietnam War hero and my best friend. A retired Army Major and retired from the Navy as well. He was one of the smartest men I’ve ever met. He was a good man and I will forever strive to live up to his virtuous example. The last time I saw him I was in handcuffs after a pre-dawn raid and he was surrounded by dozens of militarized FBI Agents and an armored truck. I was not allowed to attend his funeral. And on top of everything, my physically disabled mother was eventually forced to sell the family home I was raised in.

My future after this prison sentence may be more simple than I expect. I MUST continue advocating for my J6 brothers until they are all free. After that, I think the entire federal criminal justice system needs reform. The way I see it, the federal government locked up a bunch of good men, like they’ve been doing for generations, but this time we can use our experience in federal prison to change the system. Our federal criminal justice system is bloated, broken, and lacks common sense, like most of the federal government. I have met a lot of men in federal prison with stories that would break your heart. The federal government gives out way too much time to too many people. I believe our best hope at a functioning criminal justice system is to leave the prosecution of criminals to the states. Federal prosecutors are infamous for their deceptive behavior and outright lies in open court. The FBI is no better. The abuses of the federal government against the people are rampant, blatant, and systemic.

I can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life and continue trying to make the world a better place. Its about time we recalibrate our entire federal government to bring it back into line with our Constitution and with the Common Sense government envisioned by the great Thomas Paine.

***Please help Jon here.***

The post Please Help J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis As He Starts a New Life after He Leaves Prison After Years of Abuse by the Biden Regime appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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DEVELOPING: Biden-Harris DHS Designates January 6, 2025 Electoral Vote Counting “National Special Security Event” to Criminalize Election Protests

By: Cristina Laila — September 12th 2024 at 12:40

The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security (DHS) designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event” to criminalize election protests.

Washington DC is once again turning into an armed camp until Inauguration Day.

Just like they did in 2021 with Joe Biden, the US Military will line the streets on Inauguration Day as Kamala Harris is installed.

GUARDING THE CAPITOL: Hundreds of National Guard troops are seen in sped-up footage taken in front of the Capitol building, ahead of president-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

— ABC News (@ABC) January 13, 2021

“The designation empowers the Secret Service to lead security planning and provide extensive resources to state and local authorities assisting with its implementation. It will mean unprecedented levels of security when Congress certifies the results of the presidential election.” Politico reported.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” Eric Ranaghan, special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division, said in a statement. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

Politico reported:

The federal government has for the first time declared that the certification of the presidential vote next year will be treated as a “national special security event” — an acknowledgment that the once-routine part of the democratic process now carries special risk.

The designation by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas places the Jan. 6 session of Congress on the same security footing as major events such as the Super Bowl or U.N. General Assembly.

It authorizes measures aimed at preventing a reprise of the riot at the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

JUST IN: DHS designates Jan. 6, 2025 tallying of electoral votes–that led to 2021 riot–as National Security Special Event. Label unlocks additional aid/security. Means DC to be armed camp from New Year’s through Inauguration @johnnysaks130 @kyledcheney

— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) September 12, 2024

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Watch Now Live: Marjorie Taylor Greene Special Hearing, Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners

By: Assistant Editor — September 9th 2024 at 11:30

Majorie Taylor Greene is leading a live special hearing, Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners.

Watch live here

The Gateway Pundit reporter Cara Castronuova will testify at the hearing and will be speaking about her reporting on J6 political prisoners as well as Roseanne Boyland’s death.

MTG has been a passionate voice for J6 political prisoners.

The Gateway Pundit reported in March, the Congresswoman held a press conference imploring her colleagues to co-sponsor the Matthew Lawrence Perna Act of 2024.

The bill’s namesake, Matthew Perna, followed thousands of other law-abiding Americans in peacefully demonstrating at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.  Matthew was arrested and charged with multiple felonies for appearing at the Capitol on that fateful day.  After a long and arduous 13-month sentencing, in which Perna pled guilty and received a threat from the federal judge presiding over his case of an “enhanced sentencing,” Perna tragically took his own life.

Perna and other J6ers are casualties of the Biden-Harris regime’s two-tiered weaponized justice system, carried out by what Greene aptly terms “Biden’s Department of Injustice.

Last fall The Gateway Pundit was informed that political prisoner John Strand was being tortured in isolation after he entered prison. We encouraged our readers to write the prison warden’s assistant and demand the isolation end immediately.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene retweeted our report on John Strand and demanded the prison stop their abuse.

Another extreme human rights violation of a non violent J6 protestor. @JohnStrandUSA is being held in solitary confinement in a Miami prison.

Murderers, child rapist, and terrorist are treated better than this.

I demand this to end.

When will more Republicans join me?

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) September 19, 2023

After MTG shared our report, Strand told The Gateway Pundit was tortured with isolation.

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INSIDE J6 Podcast w/ Stewart Parks: AG Garland Veiled Threat Over Upcoming Elections, More Pelosi J6 Fails and “Praying Grandma” Rebecca Laverns Sentenced

By: Brian Lupo — September 4th 2024 at 13:00


Be sure to tune in tonight at 8pm ET for an interview with J6er Peter Harding.  Click here to follow The Gateway Pundit’s Rumble channel or download the app in the app store and follow for livestreams and a live chat.

Last week on Blessed News and The Gateway Pundit’s Inside J6 Podcastwe covered the veiled threat made by Attorney General Merrick Garland during a DOJ press conference regarding a lawsuit filed against RealPage over alleged manipulation of rental markets.  Ironically, the DOJ was able to access RealPage’s source code and review it “line by line”.  This is in stark contrast to source code that actually has a bearing on every single American citizen but is somehow protected like the gold allegedly inside of Fort Knox.

The article from The Gateway Pundit not only highlights Garland’s comments but also poses several relevant questions regarding the circumstances of January 6th in terms of federal authorities and assets positioned inside the crowd, among other lingering questions.

We also covered yet another admission by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi disclosing on camera that she has responsibility for the January 6th protest.  In the report from Just the News, Pelosi is heard saying, “We’re calling the National Guard now?  They should have been here to start out!”  Just the News also reported that she called for the immediate firing of then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving.

Lastly, we covered The Praying Grandma, Rebecca Lavernz, being sentenced to probation and the requirement to wear an ankle monitor.  As stated by Raheem Kassam:  “I’m sure the country is now much safer from this very potent coup threat!”

Today, the Harris-Biden government put a great grandmother—who entered the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 and said a prayer—in an ankle monitor for the next 6 months for her house arrest sentence.

I’m sure the country is now much safer from this very potent coup threat!

— Raheem. (@RaheemKassam) August 26, 2024

In the J6 Exclusive Interview portion of the show, we sat down with Stewart Parks to discuss the charges that were levied against him, including stealing a magnetometer from US Capitol Police (even though he did not take it with him or even move it from where he found it on the floor).

We also get some insight into what his prison experience was like in a medium-security prison with violent offenders while he served out misdemeanor charges.

Tonight’s show at 8 pm ET:


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Curtis Tate Overcame Drug Addiction and Homelessness – He Attempted to Save Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – Now He’s Serving 5 Years as a Political Prisoner – Curtis Sends TGP an Update

By: Jim Hoft — September 3rd 2024 at 09:00
Recovered drug addict, counselor, animal lover, and survivor – Curtis Tate attempted to revive Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 before she died at the hands of police. Now the government wants to put him away for over a decade.

Curtis Tate attended the January 6, 2021 protests in Washington DC. Curtis was a Trump supporter and believed the election was stolen in 2020. Little did Curtis know when he entered Washington DC that Nancy Pelosi called off the National Guard from protecting the US Capitol despite requests from President Trump. Pelosi and the FBI Chief Chris Wray were also warned that there was a high likelihood of violence that day. But Pelosi had plans and the National Guard was not part of it. The rest is history.

Previously Curtis Tate wrote The Gateway Pundit about his experience on January 6:

I unapologetically love President Trump and my country. Arriving at the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan 6, 2021, the overwhelming feeling of camaraderie among hundreds of thousands of fellow patriots was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. We unified that day to urge elected officials to hold off certifying the ballots and investigate key election states.

What started off as a peaceful protest turned to mayhem when purposefully overwhelmed police officers began aggressively assaulting the more vulnerable in the crowd. I cannot at this time put into specifics about that day, but may the lives lost NEVER fade away. Ashli Babbitt who was shot, unarmed, by Officer Michael Byrd. Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips, and Rosanne Boyland who I have a special connection with. Another gentleman and I pulled Ms. Boyland from a police line where she was trampled and then savagely beaten by officers as she laid there helpless. Out of harms way and not having found a pulse, I performed resuscitations for several minutes to no avail. Rosanne Boyland, the patriot from GA, was pronounced deceased around 6 that evening.

I walked away that day with my head hung low, full of anguish. Joe was certified president, outrage was pouring out from every media station, and I was instantly labeled an insurrectionist!

Curtis was later arrested and sentenced to 5 years, 63 montsh in prison by a DC Judge who makes it a sport to abuse Trump supporters.

** Please donate to Curtis Tate here.

Curtis Tate wrote The Gateway Pundit was his prison cell recently.

-Responsibility Of A J6’er

A wise man once said, “No matter how dark the present, choose to live for the promise of the future.” That man was a father of an addict. His family knew darkness, but they never gave up hope.

That being said, I implore all J6’rs – especially those of you living one chow call to the next, behind razor wire that seperates you from your family – to “live for the promise of the future.” We J6’rs have a purpose, both individually and collectively. By just showing up on Jan 6, 2021, each of us individually made the choice to confront the evil that was before us. Collectively we have already completed incredible tasks.

We have put the inhumane treatment of January 6 prisoners, by both Northern Neck Regional Jail and the D.C. Gulag, into public view which then spurred positive changes to occur. We J6’rs have uncovered corruption that was/is embedded in the Dept. Of Justice (DOJ). us J6 hostages continue to expose the lawlessness of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) even after sentencing. Most importantly, Jan6’rs have shown everyone – from Correction Officers to everyday Americans – that we are not the hateful, bigoted, racist, ignorant thugs that the media and Biden Regime has portrayed us as.

With the exception of NNRJ and the D.C. Gulag, the vast majority of J6’rs have encountered nothing but support from Officers located in jails/prisons across the United States. The question then is…WHY?! Could it be that J6’rs were the men and women that this Nation NEEDED on January 6, 2021? Could it be that they see us as Defenders of truth & justice? Or maybe because they see through the Mainstream Media Propoganda and instead of condemnation, they respect and honor those that had the internal strength and courage to actually stand for the truth?

The very foundation of America is based on the fact that we believe in humanities God-Given right to Freedom. This belief is thr very core, the essence, the ethos of what America stands for. THAT is what we fought for on January 6 and THAT is what we are still fighting for every single day since then.

It has been over 3.5 years sincwe Jan 6, 2021. Since then, the evidence that has been uncovered overwhelmingly supports that January 6 was a federally orchestrated event, and that us protesters were merely pawns in the Deep States deadly game of chess. History has shown repeatedly that once a countrys government gains power via an exchange of freedom for security (illusion of security that is),freedom will never be restored.

I personally do not regret the decisions I made on that Historic day because I believed that what occured was the best course of action at that point in time. However, hindsight is always 20/20 and I also see that perhaps a more unified and cohesive demonstration that day could’ve made more of an impact. Can you imagine a million people coming together, locking arms and not budging until our voices were indeed heard? And what when the peaceful protesters were attacked by police? It would’ve sparked a National outcry that then demanded a Congressional investigation into the 2020 election, or at least, the unjust treatment of Trump supporters. However, the past is the past and God is at work as we speak.

Individual Responsibility:

Now is the time for the J6’rs to be the shining example of what a strong American Patriot is. It doesn’t matter if you’re out in the world, or behind a fence…right now is the time to be that strong American Patriot!

I know of many J6rs who were raked over the hellish coles of the corrupt DOJ, who then fell into that bitter morass of self-pity and slowly changed for the worse. It showed in their walk. It showed in the decisions they made. Some sought relief through drugs or the bottle. Others put on massive amounts of weight. ENOUGH!

Yes it is obvious that most J6 hostages have lost in the courtroom. Let me remind you though, we are on the frontline of good vs. evil…did you think this was going to be easy?! That we were going to win every battle? I’m not speaking froma moral hilltop here. Most of my previous existence was lived as a self-serving, self-loathing, heroin & crack addict who was an emotional trainwreck without regard for myself or others. My best thinking at that time led to a near-death suicide attempt. By the sheer grace of God and the glory of Jesus’ mercy, I was lifted out of the darkness. All glory to Jesus for His grace and mercy on my life!

On January 6, 2021 God used me for the greater good. After that historic day, He has continued to use me for the greater good because now, He has made me a man I can give to my people. To better those around me so that they return to their families and communities the men and women they so desperately need.

When a mans spirit is right, his world is right. Dig down and find that purpose, don’t let these people strip you of that. I know we are a strong people because we saw what was happening around us and took a stand. I challenge that warrior to keep the faith and continue to fight. Be disciplined. To put it bluntly, get off your butt, eat a proper diet, work out, and stay mentally sharp….especially those on the inside. If you have vices, drop them, now. If I can do it, I promise you can be restored as well. Put down the honeybuns and get to work!

J6rs are warriors who stood for truth. Over 3.5 years later, we need to evolve into leaders, and leaders are diciplined. It’s not about you anymore! It’s now about what you can build within yourself to give back to your country, that’s it!

….And finally we come to the most important challenge. I challenge you to build your faith in God. Give your burdens to Him, align yourselves spiritually, and the mind & body will follow. Fall in love with the daily discipline, the struggle, that is required of you in order to build the best God-fearing, Patriotic Warrior that you canpossibly be. The time is now – and J6rs are the chosen few. Are you ready to answer the call for your country?

May God bless all of you, guide you, and be with you always as we march forward into this new and unwritten chapter of American history. God Bless America.

** Please donate to Curtis Tate here.

The post Curtis Tate Overcame Drug Addiction and Homelessness – He Attempted to Save Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – Now He’s Serving 5 Years as a Political Prisoner – Curtis Sends TGP an Update appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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The Feds Are ‘Trying To Squeeze’ Special Forces Vet and J6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown Into A Plea Agreement To Conceal His Discovery Now They Are Threatening a Seditious Conspiracy Conviction

By: Alicia Powe — August 30th 2024 at 09:00

WASHINGTON  — The U.S. Department of Justice has given Ret. Special Forces Green Beret another preposterous but expected ultimatum: Take a plea agreement for four misdemeanor charges or face the full wrath of the United States government!

The Biden administration has warned Jeremy that he now faces up to 20 years in prison. He is an innocent man who is being targeted by his government.

Retired Army Ranger Jeremy Brown, the face of an American patriot.

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy Brown served his country honorably.

Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. His crime was, in reality, refusing to be an FBI informant, as TGP described in several previous posts.

As The Gateway Pundit reported over two years ago now, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for Chris Wray’s FBI on January 6 — They wanted him to be one of their undercover operatives at the Jan. 6 Trump rally. Jeremy refused and later released video of the agents coming to his home to recruit him to do their dirty work.

So the FBI stormed his home at 3:45 PM on a Thursday in October 2021 and arrested him on bogus misdemeanor charges.

Jeremy Brown has now been a political prisoner of the Biden regime for over 1,000 days – for embarrassing and exposing Chris Wray’s FBI!

But that wasn’t enough – so now the Biden administration Is going to throw more charges at him.

Jeremy’s family member contacted The Gateway Pundit this week.
I wanted to let you know that Jeremy has told me that his attorney is filing TONIGHT an Emergency Motion to have the court order his trial to be by Video Teleconference and to hold me there in Citrus County. The Government has already said it was opposed to holding the trial by Zoom, but the emergency motion lays out why it should be granted and questions the Government’s motives behind their illogical opposition to his request to have his case fall under Rule 43 (b)2. Jeremy’s attorney Chris, who isn’t his DC attorney, told me that the filing will show up on PACER and Courtlistner and can be downloaded from there. If I get a download of it, I will send it to you ASAP.
This is the fourth time that they will have tried to move Jeremy since his conviction, and the fifth time since he was arrested. I’ll type up more information to send you, but Jeremy said that what he thinks needs to get out there is that emergency motion filing that is being submitted tonight. He said that it will explain everything. I’ll also send a written summary of recent events soon.
Thank you so much! I will get back to you soon with that written summary and to let you know if they move Jeremy tonight. I’m praying that tonight isn’t the night, but they’ve had him on notice to be ready for the last couple of days. The waiting is torture.


This update was then sent to Alicia Powe this week:
Hi Alicia, Jeremy was not moved last night. He stayed awake all night long with his boxes packed beside him (as he has for the last three nights now), wondering when they might be coming to move him. It is good news that they haven’t yet initiated his transport to DC. They are hell-bent on bending all the rules to get him there, though, so it appears to be only a matter of time before they move him.
I am still working on getting a download of that emergency motion filing that Jeremy’s attorney should have submitted last night. In the meantime, if you wish to use what I’ve written below as a refresher for you of a summary and history of Jeremy’s case (and there is so much that this doesn’t even touch on!) or as a commentary piece, then feel free to do so. I believe that the filing that should be available today should back up what I’ve written below.  Reach out if you have any questions or if you need anything. Thank you! –Jen Hicks

The Gateway Pundit received earlier in the week. Jeremy Brown, who served his country faithfully for twenty years in the US military is now a political prisoner being treated worse than a hardened criminal.

** Please donate to Jeremy Brown’s defense fund today if you can.

Help Ensure the Protection of the Life of FBI Whistleblower Jeremy Brown

MSG (Ret.) Green Beret Jeremy Brown recorded a conversation he had with two JTTF agents who came to his door in December 2020, in the days prior to J6. The agents pretended that the reason that they showed up at Jeremy Brown’s door was to follow up on a post he had made on social media. (And in the recording, the agents claim that they make these kinds of visits all day long.) What the agents eventually revealed that they were there for, though, was to try to recruit him to spy on law abiding citizens. When Jeremy heard FBI Director Chris Wray saying in March 2021 that no FBI agents were involved in J6, Jeremy decided to become a whistleblower and he released the recording that he had. He knew that doing so would make him a target of the FBI. He was right.
Somehow, this man, Jeremy Brown–a 20 year Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.)– who the FBI claims is too dangerous and was denied bond, was allowed to remain free until September 30, 2021. The warrant for Brown’s arrest was issued one day prior, on September 29, 2021, which also happens to be the same day that an FBI whistleblower named Marcus Allen began to be retaliated against by the FBI for issuing the same warnings that Brown was alerting people to–which is that the FBI wasn’t being honest about the truth of J6. It is also notable that the two JTTF agents who are in the recording can be heard stating multiple times that Jeremy Brown posed no threat. They even said that on a level of one to ten, Brown was a ZERO level threat. The judge in Jeremy’s case did not allow the recording to be entered as evidence to show that the FBI agents had deemed him to be no threat at all and that the FBI had motive to target him. Jeremy was denied bond and has been behind bars since the raid of his home on September 30, 2021.
Among the evidence supposedly seized during the raid were grenades that were NOT Jeremy’s, but were planted. If you want to see how corrupt our judicial system is, Jeremy’s case is full of examples. The evidence (which includes forensic analysis and military tracing) is so clear that the grenades weren’t his, but a jury trial is a crap shoot at best. What the Government argued to convince the jury to find Brown guilty on the grenade charges was that, in a jail call with his girlfriend right after the 5 1/2 hour raid of their home, when Jeremy asked what was seized, his girlfriend listed all of the items and when she said “grenades,” Jeremy was silent and didn’t object. AHA!–said the Government. He MUST be guilty if he didn’t object when she read through that list of items taken. His silence was his confession, said the Government. Let that sink in. What you say can and will be used against you, and what you DON’T say can and will be used against you, too. That example pretty much sums up every aspect of Brown’s case. They set the rules and change them as they go in order to get the outcome that they want. And what they want is for Jeremy Brown to go away. Permanently.
In addition to the planted evidence, though, Brown did admit that the two unregistered firearms that were seized did belong to him. In addition to arguing that the Government had no right to raid his home with a non-specific, unconstitutional warrant–issued by a DC judge for the search of Brown’s Florida home–Brown also holds that it is his Second Amendment right to own those firearms without permission from the tyrannical Government from whom our weapons are meant to protect us. He is willing to challenge the Government on every violation of his rights that they have lodged against him–all the way up to the Supreme Court, if necessary.
But, “the process is the punishment,” and I didn’t know before becoming involved as an activist and advocate for Jeremy Brown just how extensive the abuse of plea deals is. The reason that Biden can claim that hundreds of Americans have admitted guilt to their role in what the left calls an insurrection is because many of those who accepted plea agreements reached their breaking point and were willing to do anything to get the Government to release the pressure on them from the thumb that they were under. Jeremy doesn’t fault any of them who have taken plea deals, for he says that what people are being made to endure is indeed torture. It is cruel and unusual punishment. He also notes that what he was taught in SERE school (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) is that every man breaks and that the training they were given was to delay being broken. People are being punished for crimes they did not commit, and the punishment becomes so unbearable that innocent people are admitting to guilt for things they did not do.
The plea deals that are offered allow the Government to write the narrative in any way they see fit. Threatening tactics are also being employed to try to force the acceptance of the plea deals. After over 1000 days of incarceration, and 3 1/2 years after January 6, 2021, Jeremy was offered a plea deal for one of the misdemeanor charges and told that, if he didn’t accept the plea agreement, they would consider adding on charges of seditious conspiracy! He refused the plea agreement and he will push the issue to trial to expose their corruption. As Jeremy Brown says, “The only way to get tyranny to stop its progression is to refuse to yield to such evil.” Brown refuses to yield or to compromise with these tyrants, but he needs the American people, for whom he is making these sacrifices, to come to his aid. If we want the corrupted system to change, then we have to be willing to support those who are courageous enough to be our champions in the fight. Jeremy Brown needs our help right now. His motion to stay the two pending misdemeanor charges (which were cooked up to justify the raid of his home) was denied this week.
The stay motion was to try to keep Jeremy in the Citrus County Detention Facility where he is presently being held. The reason for the stay is because he currently has an appeal of the verdict on the weapons charges for which he is now serving time. It was the two misdemeanor charges for trespassing and for disorderly conduct which initiated the unconstitutional search of his home–NINE MONTHS AFTER January 6–that allowed the opportunity for planted evidence to be “seized” and used against him. The judge who refused to grant the stay motion admitted that he hadn’t even looked at Brown’s appeals brief! He never read it. But he still determined that Brown’s motion to stay should be denied.
The extent to which our weaponized Government is going in order to keep Jeremy Brown from speaking is the reason why Brown believes that his life is in danger if they were to move him from Florida to DC. He believes that we might soon hear reports of how Brown slipped and fell in the shower, or how he accidentally stabbed himself in the throat with a toothbrush handle (shiv). Or how he could have hanged himself the way that Epstein did. (Epstein didn’t kill himself.)
Today marks 1044 days that Jeremy Brown has been unjustly denied his freedom. His stated mission is 1) To expose the truth about January 6, 2) To expose the corruption of our Judicial System, and 3) To gain his freedom after the first two parts of his mission have been accomplished. Please help share his story, for his safety and well-being rely heavily upon people knowing about what is happening to him at the hands of our very own Government. Helping to bring his name into the spotlight helps to protect him by shining a spotlight on the threat that he is under. More of Jeremy Brown’s story can be found at and

January political hostage Jeremy Brown is currently detained in the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility

The Gateway Pundit will be following Jeremy’s plight as an American political prisoner.


** Please donate to Jeremy Brown’s defense fund today if you can.

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INSIDE J6 Podcast with Special Guest Jake Lang – Over 1300 Days in Prison – Now BACK in ‘The Hole’

By: Brian Lupo — August 29th 2024 at 10:00

Last week on Blessed.News and The Gateway Pundit’s Inside J6 Podcast, we covered the tragic story of Darrell Neely, a conservative talk-show host who was wrapped up in the persecutions of peaceful protesters in Washington DC.  Neely revealed that since being released, he was left to fend for himself on the streets while being isolated in homeless shelters due to his attendance of the J6 rally and the harsh and defamatory coverage from the Mockingbird Media, labeling him and the others as “insurrectionists.”  No one was charged under 18 USC 2383, the statute criminalizing insurrection.

New video footage has emerged showing a Metropolitan Police Department SUV dropping someone off shortly before the discovery of a pipe “bomb” at the DNC.  Julie Kelly disclosed the video on her X account while Conservative Rumble podcast host and former USSS agent Dan Bongino reacted.  This new footage begs the questions of who planted the bomb, who was this man dropped off by Metro, and why is there no footage of the park benches in the corner shots?

Lastly, during the J6 exclusive interview, I sat down with political prisoner Jake Lang, who has gone more than 1300 days now without a trial and celebrated his last three birthdays in prison.  This was a heartbreaking-yet-inspiring video from the young J6er who has since started funds to assist fellow J6ers with their legal fees  and to assist imprisoned J6ers with commissary funds so they can obtain simple necessities like clean clothes, healthy foods, and toiletries.

Since the podcast, we believe Lang was put back in “the Hole” after just getting out from a 40-day stint in solitaire confinement indoors for 23-hours per day.  He has not been convicted of any crimes to this point.

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