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Yesterday — June 8th 2024Breitbart News

Border Patrol Reports 2,600 Migrant Apprehensions per Day -- Just in 3 Sectors

Border Patrol chiefs in three sectors of the southwest border with Mexico report a daily apprehension rate of more than 2,600 per day during their most recent weekly recaps. The reports from these three of the nine southwest border sectors exceed President Joe Biden's new executive order imposing a cap of 2,500 migrants per day on a seven-day average. 

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Before yesterdayBreitbart News

Psaki: Biden Knows Border Chaos Is One of His 'Biggest Vulnerabilities'

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

MSNBC host Jen Psaki said Wednesday on "Morning Joe" that President Joe Biden issued an executive order on immigration because it was one of his "biggest vulnerabilities" politically.

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Source: Biden’s Immigration Order Will Normalize 2 Million Migrant Entries Yearly

According to a senior-level Customs and Border Protection source, the latest executive order signed by President Biden on Tuesday will do little more than make Americans grow accustomed to more than 2 million migrant entries into the United States annually. The source, not authorized to speak to the media, says the order will do little to change the landscape of an out-of-control border even if legal challenges by pro-migrant civil rights groups fail to kill the order outright.

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Biden Executive Order by the Numbers: 1 Migrant for Every 2 American Births

President Joe Biden's executive order ensures one migrant can cross the United States-Mexico border for every two American births. Still, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says the order is "tough" and will "deter" illegal immigration.

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Report: President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Stepping Down with House Investigation

The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) is stepping down from her position at the "end of the summer" amid a House investigation regarding donations the Chamber's Foundation had received from the Tides Foundation, according to an internal memo.

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Fact Check -- Trump Is Right: Migrants Arriving from 'Corners of the Globe'

Former President Donald Trump says migrants are arriving at the United States-Mexico border from all "corners of the globe." The remark comes as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data reveals an increasing share of migrants encountered at the border on President Joe Biden's watch are from outside North America.

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'My Most Trusted Officer': Pro-McCormick PAC Launches Ad Highlighting His Service in Desert Storm

A pro-Dave McCormick Super PAC is launching an advertisement highlighting the Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate's service in Operation Desert Storm and status as 82nd Airborne Division Company Commander Tim Walsh's "most trusted officer."

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DHS Chief Mayorkas Admits Migrants Often 'Try to Game' Entry into U.S.

President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is admitting that migrants arriving at the southern border often "try to game" the nation's asylum system so they can be released into the United States.

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U.S. Coast Guard: Man Dies After Jumping Off World's Largest Cruise Ship

Authorities said a passenger died after leaping from the world's largest cruise ship on Sunday during a journey from Florida to Honduras.

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Iran-Backed Houthi Terrorists Claim Attacks on Three Civilian Ships, Two U.S. Destroyers

The Iran-backed Houthi terrorists of Yemen on Monday claimed responsibility for missile attacks against three civilian ships in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea, plus drone attacks on two U.S. destroyers in the Red Sea.

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4 U.S. Army Ships Run Aground Near Floating Gaza Pier; 'Boots on the Ground'

Four of the U.S. Army vessels supporting the "floating pier" in Gaza broke from their moorings Saturday and ran aground, with two of the four beaching themselves on the Israeli coast.

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EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Cops Cross into Texas While Chasing Suspect

A group of Tamaulipas state police officers chasing a suspect inadvertently crossed into Texas, setting off a brief standoff with U.S. authorities at an international port of entry in Brownsville.

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Pictures: U.S. Army Vessels Beached as Heavy Seas Hit Gaza Aid Deliveries

Heavy seas tore four U.S. Army vessels from their moorings Saturday while they were trying to assist humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza.

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FACT CHECK: Did Border Patrol Lose 25 Percent of Agents Under Biden

An article written by the Washington Examiner states in its headline that the "Border Patrol has lost a quarter of [its] workforce since 2020 election." While the headline and article appear to be technically correct, they leave the impression that there are significantly fewer agents patrolling the border -- a conclusion that is not accurate.

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Exclusive--O'Donnell: Crimson Snow, Honor Is Met with Honor in a Deadly Shootout

Confederate guerilla leader John Singleton Mosby and his intrepid Rangers are known for their incredibly daring feats, but they weren’t always successful. One chilly night in the winter of 1864, the Union calvary met the Confederates’ surprise raid with a bloody defeat.

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U.S. Army Colonel Reportedly Shoots Alleged Chechen Intruder Dead

A U.S. Army Colonel reportedly shot and killed an alleged Chechen intruder outside the Colonel's residence just north of Fort Liberty.

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Republicans Open Investigation into Jordanian Nationals Who Reportedly Tried to Breach U.S. Military Base

Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee are opening an investigation into how a pair of Jordanian nationals, who reportedly attempted to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in Prince William County, Virginia this month, ended up in the United States.

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Joe Biden Blames Record-Setting Illegal Immigration on Republicans

President Joe Biden is blaming record-setting levels of illegal immigration to the United States on congressional Republicans, suggesting they are standing in the way of "border enforcement."

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Nolte: 90% of U.S. Population Growth Happened Outside Big Cities

If you look at population patterns, 90 percent of Americans want nothing to do with the American cities located outside of Florida and Texas.

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Exclusive--O'Donnell: Unearthing The Untold Story of Civil War Guerilla Warfare

Each of my thirteen books has found me. The spark for my latest bestseller ignited when I stumbled across a roadside sign in Northern Virginia marking John Singleton Mosby’s Grapewood Farm engagement.

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In Their Domes: Chamber of Commerce Rattled by Breitbart News's Reporting on Congressional Investigation into Foundation Financing

Top officials at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce indicated on Thursday that the organization is rattled by a series of exclusive Breitbart News stories on a blooming congressional investigation into the purportedly pro-business group’s financing of its related foundation, the Hill reported.

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Capitol Police Investigating 'Zip Lock Bag' of Cocaine in Headquarters Building

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) announced on Wednesday that they are investigating a "zip lock bag" left inside the agency's headquarters building that contained a "small amount" of cocaine.

The post Capitol Police Investigating ‘Zip Lock Bag’ of Cocaine in Headquarters Building appeared first on Breitbart.

Hogan, Alsobrooks Maryland Senate Matchup Poised to Hurt Vulnerable Dems Elsewhere

Angela Alsobrooks’s upset of Rep. David Trone (D-MD) in Maryland’s U.S. Senate primary marks the beginning of a contentious general election race in a deep blue state that will have far-reaching consequences on the broader national Senate map and which party controls the next Senate.

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Republican Larry Hogan to Face Off Against Democrat Angela Alsobrooks in Maryland Senate Race

Former Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) will be facing off against Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks in Maryland's upcoming Senate general election as both candidates vie for retiring Sen. Ben Cardin's (D-MD) seat.

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WATCH: More Migrants Land on California Beach near Border

Onlookers at Ocean Beach in San Diego, California, stood by and watched as a boat sped onto the beach and unloaded what appeared to be a load of migrants being smuggled into the U.S. Events like this are becoming commonplace on Southern California beaches.

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CNN's Zakaria: Biden Should Go Back to Trump's Immigration Policies

By: Pam Key · Pam Key

CNN host Fareed Zakaria said Friday on PBS's "Firing Line" that President Joe Biden should implement former President Donald Trump's immigration policies.

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Texas Democrat Judge Dismisses 211 Border Rioting Charges Filed Against Migrants

In a setback to the prosecution of migrants involved in a massive border breach in March, El Paso County Court at Law #7 Judge Ruben Morales dismissed 211 individual cases involving migrants charged with rioting at a border crossing. According to Morales, a procedural error transferring the cases from the local district court to his county court meant he lacked jurisdiction and was obligated to dismiss the charges.

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Record-Setting Migrant Arrests Continue in Canadian Border Sector

The escalation of migrant arrests in the Swanton Sector continues with back-to-back weekly records in April. The sector located along the U.S.-Canada border continues to experience record-shattering migrant apprehensions -- month after month.

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Report: Biden's DHS Will Start Issuing ID Cards to Migrants Crossing Border This Summer

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly starting a pilot program to provide migrants, released into the United States and placed into deportation proceedings, with identification (ID) cards.

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