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Yesterday — June 7th 2024Breitbart News

Breitbart Business Digest: The Fed Can Take the Rest of the Summer Off

We have been saying for a few weeks that the softness in the April numbers looked like a "blip" and that the economy appeared to rebound in May. The jobs numbers confirm that view, and we expect that will not be lost on Fed officials when they meet next week.

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Breitbart Business Digest: The Fed's High-Wire Act

As the Federal Reserve prepares for its June Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, speculation is rife about its next move.

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Before yesterdayBreitbart News

Breitbart Business Digest: April's Showers Bring May Flowers

May brought a surprising burst of vitality to the U.S. economy, with robust reports from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) and S&P Global.

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Fmr. Obama Adviser: Greed Isn't Causing Inflation, Companies Didn't Only Decide to Maximize Profit Under Biden

On Monday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Last Call,” Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy at Harvard University and the Harvard Kennedy School Jason Furman, who served as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama and on the

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NY Fed Gauge of Inflation Persistence Shows Stickiness Following Surge

Persistent inflation matches core inflation, suggesting that further progress on bringing down inflation will be hard to come by.

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White House on Annual Core, Overall PCE Holding, Monthly Core Dropping 0.1%: Still Have Good Disinflationary Forces

On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein reacted to the April Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index by stating there has been a consensus that “the kind of stall in disinflation

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Axelrod: Biden Has 'a Lot to Be Proud of' Economically, Just Not in 'How People Are Experiencing the Economy'

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod stated that while President Joe Biden has “a lot to be proud of” economically, “the big but is, cost of living, inflation. Yes,

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NBC's Memoli: Biden Team Has Given Up on Trying 'to Fix the Inflation Problem' and Is Trying to Argue Style

On Friday’s edition of NBC’s “MTP Now,” NBC News White House Correspondent Mike Memoli stated that “the Biden team has seemed to concede that there’s nothing they’re going to be able to do to fix the inflation problem” and are

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Breitbart Business Digest: Is the Fed's Monetary Policy Still Too Loose?

The Fed meeting minutes released on May 22 mentioned "various officials" worrying that rates might not be as restrictive as thought.

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Breitbart Business Digest: High Rates Here to Stay – Sorry, Biden!

It is becoming clearer with each passing day that there will be no interest rate cuts in the immediate future—and maybe not even in the distant future.

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Fed President Kashkari: Immigration Surge Keeps Inflation and Interest Rates Sky-High

Neel Kashkari said that “dramatic increase in immigration” is boosting housing demand, adding to inflation and keeping the Fed from cutting interest rates.

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Minneapolis Fed Pres.: Gov't 'Contributed to' Inflation, Inflation 'Sideways', Need 'Many More Months' for Rate Cuts

During an interview with CNBC Europe on Tuesday, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari stated that right now, inflation is going sideways, we need “many more months of positive inflation data” to get one to two rate cuts and government

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Breitbart Business Digest: Inflationary Growth Is Blooming Again

The Conference Board's monthly measure of consumer confidence is another piece of evidence suggesting that the economy accelerated in May.

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Fed's Favored Inflation Gauge Expected To Soften This Week

After three months of rough inflation news, the April data is expected to give Fed officials at bit of a breather.

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Home Prices Soar to Record High, Squeezing Affordability

High mortgage rates are holding back the supply of homes for sale, putting homes out of reach for many Americans.

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Cruel Summer: Bidenflation Pushes Memorial Day Cookout Costs Up 10%

Who invited Bidenflation to the cookout? Hamburger prices are up six percent and hot dog prices up 7 percent.

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Breitbart Business Digest: Rates Will Stay Higher for Longer

While Wall Street has finally come around to the view that interest rates are likely to stay higher for longer, it may still be underestimating just how high and how long.

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Cruel Summer: Consumer Sentiment Plummets as Inflation Fears Grip the Nation

Americans are bracing for a cruel summer as consumer sentiment takes a significant hit, driven the impression that we cannot shake off persistent inflation and the view that the economy is not out of the woods. The University of Michigan’s

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Fed Minutes Show Officials Willing To Hike If Needed

The April-May minutes have a much more hawkish tone than the summary of the previous meeting.

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Guardian Poll: Majority Say U.S. Is in Recession, Blame Biden

Fifty-six percent of Americans believe President Joe Biden's economy is in recession and a majority blame the president, a poll found.

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Yellen: Inflation Has Fallen, I Think 'It Will Stabilize in the Next Year or So'

During an interview with Sky News host and NBC Contributor Wilfred Frost on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that inflation has declined from where it was and she believes “it will stabilize in the next year or so.” In response

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Donald Trump Rips Biden's Release of Gas Reserves: 'He's Unable to Drill Properly'

Former President Donald Trump ripped President Joe Biden's release of gas reserves on Tuesday and predicted that gas prices would soar to $10 dollars a gallon if Biden is reelected. 

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Breitbart Business Digest: We're Still in a No Landing Economy

You can add the collapse of the U.S. consumer to the list of things that nearly everyone has been expecting but shows no signs of actually occurring.

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Survey Shows 'Tipflation' Affecting Americans' Wallets

Americans are not only suffering from "Bidenflation" but "tipflation" as well, an April survey from Talker Research found.

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Fmr. Obama Econ. Adviser El-Erian: Green Energy Transition Helped Create Higher Inflation Environment

On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Surveillance,” Bloomberg columnist, economist, President of Queens’ College, Allianz Chief Economic Adviser, and former Obama Global Development Council Chair Dr. Mohamed El-Erian stated that the “sustainable energy” transition has helped create “a world that’s subject

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Fmr. Obama Econ. Adviser El-Erian: Regulation, Spending Helped Create Inflationary Environment

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” economist, President of Queens’ College, Allianz Chief Economic Adviser, and former Obama Global Development Council Chair Dr. Mohamed El-Erian said that it will be “very hard” to get inflation from

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Trump: Biden 'Has Made It Impossible' for Americans to Buy Cars, Homes

While speaking at the Minnesota Republican Party's annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner on Friday evening, former President Donald Trump blasted Bidenomics, rising inflation, and the high cost of groceries.

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Job Creators Network Hammers Biden’s Bogus Inflation Numbers With Massive Times Square Billboard

The Job Creators Network's (JCN) latest Times Square billboard calls out President Joe Biden and his administration's false and misleading statements about inflation being nine percent when he took office.

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Dimon: 'Green Economy' Is Inflationary

During an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon stated that he sees “a lot of inflationary forces in front of us” including “the green economy, the remilitarization of the world, the infrastructure requirements, the restructuring of trade,

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Breitbart Business Digest: Dow 40,000

Jerome Powell might want to look away from the stock market. It's making a mockery of the idea that financial conditions are sufficiently restrictive.

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Dem Rep. Phillips: Biden Needs 'Major Course Correction,' 'Real Attention' on Fixing Inflation, Border or Face '24 'Wipeout'

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) stated that President Joe Biden needs “a major course correction, acknowledgment of inflation, the immigration crisis, and real attention to addressing both of those issues,” and

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Fact Check: White House Tries to Justify Biden’s Lies on Inflation

The White House says that you shouldn't take Joe Biden literally when he says inflation was nine percent when he took office—and tries to dodge responsibility for the price surge that has plagued his presidency.

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Breitbart Business Digest: Fed Is Still Not Cutting in September

One month's worth of data does not make a trend—unless it fits the consensus narrative that the Fed is going to cut interest rates a few times this year.

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Argentina: Inflation Drops to 8.8%, Reaching Single Digits for First Time in 6 Months

The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina (INDEC) announced on Tuesday that inflation in Argentina continued its downward trend in April, reaching an 8.8 percent rate that month and dropping to a single digit for the first time in six months.

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Alfredo Ortiz: Biden’s Inflation Is ‘Pushing Small Businesses to the Brink’

The historically high inflation under President Joe Biden’s watch is “pushing small business to the brink,” Job Creators Network President Alfredo Ortiz writes in an op-ed at The Hill.

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John Leguizamo Scolds Latinos Blaming Biden for Economy

Actor John Leguizamo wants Latinos to stop blaming President Joe Biden for the economy, telling them to instead blame record-high consumer prices on COVID and Trump.

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Axelrod: Biden Is Self-Congratulating, Not 'Advocating for People in a Tough Economy Because of the Inflation'

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod stated that while democracy issues are important, “if you’re sitting around the kitchen table talking about democracy and the future of democracy, it’s [probably]

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U.S. Trade Rep. on Keeping Trump Tariffs: Studies Showed They Weren't Inflationary

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” U.S. Trade Representative Amb. Katherine Tai responded to concerns that the Biden administration’s China tariff regime, which includes keeping tariffs from the Trump administration, will be inflationary by stating that

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Yellen on Calling Trump Tariffs 'Taxes on Consumers': Biden's Are 'Targeted'

On Tuesday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen predicted that President Joe Biden’s tariffs won’t cause any meaningful price increases for typical families and responded to a question on her criticism of the Trump tariffs as “taxes on consumers” by

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Fact Check: Joe Biden Claims Inflation Was at 9% When He Took Office, Again

CLAIM: President Joe Biden claimed during an interview with Yahoo Finance that inflation was nine percent when he took office in January 2021.

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Dem Rep. Slotkin: Abortion Is 'Most Profound Kitchen Table Issue' 'It's Not Separate from Inflation' and Economy

During an interview aired on Monday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) stated that abortion “is the most profound kitchen table issue that we have. It’s not separate from inflation. It’s not separate from the economy.”

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Yellen on Polls, Falling Sentiment: 'Cost of Living in Many Areas Is Very High'

During an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen responded to polling data on the economy and falling consumer sentiment by stating that “the cost of living in many areas is very high. And it is a concern

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Yellen: We Need Tariffs to Protect 'Stimulus' from 'Inflation Reduction Act'

During an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen commented on President Joe Biden’s reported forthcoming announcement of increased tariffs on China by stating that the move is being made because President Joe Biden wants to protect “the

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Donald Trump Says He's Going to Tell Joe Biden: 'You're Fired'

Former President Donald Trump referenced his famous words from The Apprentice, a reality television show that aired between 2004 and 2017, saying when he won the 2024 presidential election, he would tell President Joe Biden he was "fired."

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Breitbart Business Digest: Inflation Tightens Its Grip on Biden's Re-Election Prospects

The specter of inflation haunts the corridors of the West Wing, and the Biden administration's every attempt to exorcise the poltergeist of rising prices only deepens the grip of its possession.

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Biden on Falling Real Income: 'We've Already Turned' Economy Around

During a portion of an interview with CNN set to air on Wednesday’s broadcast of “OutFront” that was aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Lead,” President Joe Biden responded to a question on increasing home costs, falling real income, economic

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Biden: There's 'Corporate Greed,' But People 'Have the Money to Spend' on More Expensive Groceries

During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” President Joe Biden stated that while “corporate greed” has caused an increase in the amount of money people have to spend on groceries and people feel real pain from the

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Biden: I've Had Best Run of Creating Jobs and Lowering Inflation Ever, 'It Was 9% When I Came Into Office'

During a portion of an interview with CNN set to air on Wednesday’s broadcast of “OutFront” that was aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Lead,” President Joe Biden stated that no one has ever “had the run we’ve had in

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