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Today — June 17th 2024U.S.
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Jay-Z Bucks Democrats, Throws Heavy Support Behind School Choice Vouchers in Pennsylvania

The entertainment mogul Jay-Z and his entertainment company Roc Nation announced it is funding a campaign this month to drum up support for the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success, a statewide legislative proposal to spend taxpayer money on private school scholarships for low-income families in neighborhoods with low-achieving schools.

The post Jay-Z Bucks Democrats, Throws Heavy Support Behind School Choice Vouchers in Pennsylvania appeared first on Breitbart.

Report: Transgender Who Killed 6 at Nashville School Bought Guns with Federal Grant Money

A report from the Tennessee Star indicates that Audrey Hale, the 28-year-old transgender woman who shot and killed six people on March 27, 2023, bought her guns with federal grant money.

The post Report: Transgender Who Killed 6 at Nashville School Bought Guns with Federal Grant Money appeared first on Breitbart.

Alex Jones to Convert his Bankruptcy into Chapter 7 Liquidation to Pay Sandy Hook Families

"Infowars" host Alex Jones asked a U.S. judge Thursday to convert his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation, dropping an effort to settle massive legal judgments related to his comments about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

The post Alex Jones to Convert his Bankruptcy into Chapter 7 Liquidation to Pay Sandy Hook Families appeared first on Breitbart.

China Dominates the Market for 'AI Tutors' Doing Students' Homework for Them

The rise of AI-powered homework apps is revolutionizing the way students approach their studies, posing a significant challenge to established tutoring franchises like Kumon. AI tutors can complete students' homework for them ensuring they learn nothing — and the bigger problem is that China dominates the market.

The post China Dominates the Market for ‘AI Tutors’ Doing Students’ Homework for Them appeared first on Breitbart.

Report -- 'Troubling': UCLA Medical School Rankings Drop

UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine has dropped in the rankings, and some faculty members are reportedly pointing to admissions decisions that "prioritize diversity over merit" as a likely cause.

The post Report — ‘Troubling’: UCLA Medical School Rankings Drop appeared first on Breitbart.

California Catholic School Bars 13-Year-Old Student from Delivering 'Patriotic Speech'

A California Catholic middle school student was "completely humiliated" by his principal forbidding him from delivering his speech on patriotism before calling the cops on his father for confronting her.

The post California Catholic School Bars 13-Year-Old Student from Delivering ‘Patriotic Speech’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Hamas-linked CAIR again conflates blasphemy and a ‘hate crime’

Hamas-linked CAIR again conflates blasphemy and a ‘hate crime’
“The smearing of the word ‘Allah’ in Dr. Awadallah’s name is apparently intentional.” The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), like other Muslim Brotherhood groups, is an Islamist organization masquerading as a civil rights community group. The Islamist mission is not to protect any ethnic or even religious group, but to impose Islamic law. CAIR-MN […]

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization

Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization
It’s the same story the world order: so many Muslims, like Leftists, are desperately insecure and fearful of any kind of challenge. Thus they move to crush free speech regarding Islam as well as proselytizing for any other religion. Indeed, proselytizing for any other religion among Muslims is a Sharia offense. “Kyrgyz police fine Catholic […]

Massachusetts School Official’s Job Offer Rescinded Because He Called Two Women ‘Ladies’

Massachusetts School Official’s Job Offer Rescinded Because He Called Two Women ‘Ladies’
New in PJ Media: The good little Maoist conformists of the Easthampton Public School District in Western Massachusetts dodged a bullet Thursday: they had very nearly hired a wrongthinker, an unenlightened, non-woke individual who was even a cis white male as their new superintendent. But just in time, the school district was saved: the sinister […]

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes

Nigeria: Muslims invade grammar school, attack students and teachers with machetes
The herdsmen are Fulanis, who are Islamic jihadis waging jihad to establish a caliphate in West Africa. The victims here, as you can see from the names “Paul” and “Grace,” are Chrisians. “Suspected herdsmen injure students, teachers in Oyo school,” by Adeola Badru, Vanguard, March 30, 2023: Suspected herdsmen, on Thursday morning, allegedly invaded one […]

Enough Already: Oregon ‘Health Teacher’ Makes Students Write About Their Sexual Fantasies

Enough Already: Oregon ‘Health Teacher’ Makes Students Write About Their Sexual Fantasies
New in PJ Media: The facts in this case are even more revolting than the usual run of stories coming out of the schools in this age of absurdity: a teacher at Winston Churchill (Who Must Be Turning In His Grave) High School in Eugene, Ore., forced his students to write about their sexual fantasies […]

Classy: Fake Girl Defeats, Mocks Real Girls at Track Meet

Classy: Fake Girl Defeats, Mocks Real Girls at Track Meet
New in PJ Media: The first thing you need to know about Chloe Barnes is that he is a boy. But he knows the quick path to fame and fortune in today’s Age of Absurdity, and so he claims to be a girl. While Chloe might have been a mediocre male athlete, he is now […]

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Mom Protests Supremacist All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

This is Islamic supremacism over non-Muslim public school students.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.”

Pamela Geller: Mom Protests All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, October 30, 2019:

A concerned mother is challenging an all halal-certified meat policy imposed by the Michigan public school district that includes the Dearborn region, dubbed the “Arab capital of North America,” Breitbart News learned from conservative commentator Pamela Geller.

According to the school district’s official website, “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified halal.”

Halal, which translates to “permissible” in Arabic, refers to a Muslim practice governed by sharia law that completely bans pork and follows Islamic requirements on the preparation of other meat.

The school district’s policy is in accordance with “Islamic Rites,” the halal certificate of the processing plant that provides the meat, it declared, noting, “We certify that the processing facilities … have been inspected and approved by our Islamic organization for processing, packing, and labeling of Halal Beef Products by applying our procedures according to the Islamic Rites.”

A mother of one of the district’s students has taken issue with the all-halal meat policy.

“One courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this, and to provide options for students who object to halal food,” Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), revealed in an article published by American Thinker on Monday.

The mother reportedly sent a letter to Dearborn schools Superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs. If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

In responding, Maleyko described the policy as a cost-cutting measure.

“The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion. By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving….It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat,” he said.

Geller called on the district to rescind its policy. The measure amounts to a capitulation to “Islamic supremacism” and sets a dangerous precedent, she argued.

“Dearborn Public School officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion. They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive population,” she also said.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students,” she pointed out.

Nevertheless, Geller pointed out that Dearborn is “unlikely” to rescind its all-halal meat policy, adding:

This initiative is already very far advanced. If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal unless you’re keeping kosher. In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous, and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

The Dearborn region is reportedly home to the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.

Read the whole thing here.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

The islamization of the Ivys: Historic revisionism and Jew-hatred:

Pamela Geller: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Last week, Brown University’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs sent out greeting for “Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend,” which has replaced Fall Weekend — Columbus Day weekend — in the uber-politically correct academic environment. Brown’s action is part of the larger effort by the academic left to cast Columbus as a villain and focus on Native Americans as sainted martyrs.

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, October 8, 2018:

But as if this celebration weren’t politicized enough, Brown made it poisonously so by including the “Palestinians” among the “indigenous people” whose plight was being observed. But what makes this story extra insidious is the fact that the school took this anti-American movement and attempted to turn it into an anti-Israel day as well. The left is so desperate to attack Israel that they twisted their own attack on the U.S. to do so.

“Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD),” explained the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, “celebrates the resilience and accomplishments of Indigenous people and acknowledges the contemporary struggles indigenous communities face today. Further, IPD is an intervention against erasure, a principle barrier to the improvement of indigenous sovereignty and health status.”

The struggling indigenous people in question, according to the Diversity Office, included “567 Federally Recognized tribes, 61 State Recognized tribes,” as well as “Hawaiians and the people indigenous to its territories in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans.” Many of these groups, the announcement went on, “experience profound disparities in health care access and health status compared to the general population, resulting in elevated rates of diabetes, liver disease, and other chronic diseases,” which are “exacerbated by a significant shortage of primary care physicians in Indigenous communities and a long-standing mistrust of the American health care system rooted in a history of genocide and forced assimilation.”

After speaking exclusively of the difficulties of indigenous people in the United States and its territories, however, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs suddenly included an oblique and gratuitous swipe at Israel: “From Standing Rock to Palestine, Indigenous communities across the world continue to experience the pernicious effects of settler-colonialism on their sovereignty, their health, and their access to their traditional lands and practices.”

Read the rest.




Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

While shocking, what is happening in West Virginia is happening is not the exception, but the rule.

May 23, 2018

Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker: 
This is an outrage, but it is common nationwide: the Daily Caller News Foundation reports that Mountain Ridge Middle School in West Virginia is “instructing junior high students to write the Islamic profession of faith ostensibly to practice calligraphy.”  Students are made to write out the Shahada, which states: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”This is exactly what I warned about in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, in the chapter “The Mosqueing of the Public Schools.”In order to convert to Islam, one says the shahada.  Saying the shahada makes you a Muslim.  The shahada is what is on the black flag of jihad.

No non-Muslim student should be forced to write or say the shahada without the qualifier “Muslims believe that…”  This is because it is a statement of faith.  If the school exercise is requiring students to write it, it should be clear from the wording of the exercise that this is Islamic faith, not the student’s faith.  That distinction has been glossed over in many, many school textbook presentations.

This is in West Virginia, not Baghdad.  And it’s a problem not just in West Virginia – it’s a national problem.

Rich Penkoski, the father of a Mountain Ridge student, contacted me and explained the situation further.  He sent me the packets the school gave out for the Jewish and the Christian lessons and commented:

Notice no bible verses, no reciting the 10 commandments or the Lord’s prayer.  No practicing writing in Hebrew (not even the 10 commandments) as compared to the Islamic packet.

There are no statements of faith, nothing asking the students to write it or practice in any of the Jewish or Christian rituals.

Furthermore the principal of Mountain Ridge Middle School Dr. Branch has used my words against me by saying the teacher did tell the students about the Lord’s prayer (my daughter as well as 1 other said this is false)[.]  He is using my arguments I made to him yesterday to protect the teacher.

The teacher today told the students the assignment was optional.  My daughter as well as other students were under the impression all the packet assignments were mandatory (the Jewish one and the Christian ones were mandatory).

I wrote to Dr. Branch to share with him the resource that Miss Hinson used and point out that the material she gave the students did not include all the faith aspects for Christianity.  The students received 2 pages for Christianity from this resource while all the Islamic sections were left intact.

Here’s the link for you to review.  You will notice all the faith elements were left out for Judaism and Christianity while the Islamic section was left the way it’s presented.

So she decided to use the extra resources for Islam and the school is saying that’s not indoctrination or proselytizing?  The faith aspects and the same considerations were not given to the others as they were for Islam.  This actually further proves my point that Islam was afforded special privilege over the others.

The school is backtracking and being deceptive to try and weasel out of this.  The teacher today clarified things for the students but that still does not excuse the fact that they are teaching the Islamic faith and asking the kids to participate in Sharia.  Look at the Islamic packet again.  They are asking the kids to write the beginning of Surahs.  The teacher still has not corrected the error that calligraphy was started by the arabs.

They are doubling down and only after being called on it are they trying to backtrack.

Rich Penkoski is hardly the first to protest this egregious submission to the most vicious and brutal ideology on the face of the Earth.  In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their  “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook.

With an entire chapter dedicated to the virtues of Islam and not a single chapter for Christianity, the textbook had Floridians in a frenzy.  And who is the biggest pusher of Common Core besides leftist progressives?  The Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, along with the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  In Florida, CAIR is on the offensive (more here).

We have seen the increasing Islamization of the public-school curriculum.  History lessons in Islam are dawah – proselytizing for Islam.  Large public-school publishers have been bought by the Saudis.

In West Virginia, it gets even worse.  Rich Penkoski has alerted me to the latest development in the forced Islamization of his children’s school curriculum: after the Daily Caller and Geller Report exposed what was happening, Mountain Ridge administrators and teachers began messaging parents who were sharing the story, asking them to remove their posts.

What do they have to hide?  Apparently, a great deal.

Worse still, Penkoski is now being threatened by students who attend the school with his daughter.  (And who is behind them?  Unidentified “adult friends.”)

He sent this message to me:

A student in the school threatened to get her adult friends to come to my home and kill me by stabbing me in the chest and ripping my organs out.  They told my daughter “we are gonna get some people and kill your dad.”  This student, who is known to me but whom I cannot name because she is a minor, has given students our address and is encouraging them to come to my home over this whole thing.  Another student told my daughter that she and the first student and her adult friends are going to kill me and carve a satanic star in my chest and rip out my organs.

They then threatened to hang my 3-year-old and 1-year-old and kidnap my 14-year-old.

All this in school today because of the articles.

This is not a joke and needs to be investigated.  I have contacted the school’s principal, Dr. Branch, and I trust that he will take this matter seriously and deal with it appropriately.

Is the principal acting on this?  And do the police have any interest in this?  Or would that be “islamofauxbic”?

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Mom Protests Supremacist All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

This is Islamic supremacism over non-Muslim public school students.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.”

Pamela Geller: Mom Protests All-Halal Meat Policy at Public Schools in U.S. ‘Arab Capital’ Dearborn, Michigan

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart, October 30, 2019:

A concerned mother is challenging an all halal-certified meat policy imposed by the Michigan public school district that includes the Dearborn region, dubbed the “Arab capital of North America,” Breitbart News learned from conservative commentator Pamela Geller.

According to the school district’s official website, “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified halal.”

Halal, which translates to “permissible” in Arabic, refers to a Muslim practice governed by sharia law that completely bans pork and follows Islamic requirements on the preparation of other meat.

The school district’s policy is in accordance with “Islamic Rites,” the halal certificate of the processing plant that provides the meat, it declared, noting, “We certify that the processing facilities … have been inspected and approved by our Islamic organization for processing, packing, and labeling of Halal Beef Products by applying our procedures according to the Islamic Rites.”

A mother of one of the district’s students has taken issue with the all-halal meat policy.

“One courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this, and to provide options for students who object to halal food,” Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), revealed in an article published by American Thinker on Monday.

The mother reportedly sent a letter to Dearborn schools Superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs. If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

In responding, Maleyko described the policy as a cost-cutting measure.

“The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion. By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving….It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat,” he said.

Geller called on the district to rescind its policy. The measure amounts to a capitulation to “Islamic supremacism” and sets a dangerous precedent, she argued.

“Dearborn Public School officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion. They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive population,” she also said.

Revoking the policy would make schools “truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students,” she pointed out.

Nevertheless, Geller pointed out that Dearborn is “unlikely” to rescind its all-halal meat policy, adding:

This initiative is already very far advanced. If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal unless you’re keeping kosher. In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous, and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

The Dearborn region is reportedly home to the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.

Read the whole thing here.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

The islamization of the Ivys: Historic revisionism and Jew-hatred:

Pamela Geller: Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Last week, Brown University’s Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs sent out greeting for “Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend,” which has replaced Fall Weekend — Columbus Day weekend — in the uber-politically correct academic environment. Brown’s action is part of the larger effort by the academic left to cast Columbus as a villain and focus on Native Americans as sainted martyrs.

By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, October 8, 2018:

But as if this celebration weren’t politicized enough, Brown made it poisonously so by including the “Palestinians” among the “indigenous people” whose plight was being observed. But what makes this story extra insidious is the fact that the school took this anti-American movement and attempted to turn it into an anti-Israel day as well. The left is so desperate to attack Israel that they twisted their own attack on the U.S. to do so.

“Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD),” explained the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, “celebrates the resilience and accomplishments of Indigenous people and acknowledges the contemporary struggles indigenous communities face today. Further, IPD is an intervention against erasure, a principle barrier to the improvement of indigenous sovereignty and health status.”

The struggling indigenous people in question, according to the Diversity Office, included “567 Federally Recognized tribes, 61 State Recognized tribes,” as well as “Hawaiians and the people indigenous to its territories in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans.” Many of these groups, the announcement went on, “experience profound disparities in health care access and health status compared to the general population, resulting in elevated rates of diabetes, liver disease, and other chronic diseases,” which are “exacerbated by a significant shortage of primary care physicians in Indigenous communities and a long-standing mistrust of the American health care system rooted in a history of genocide and forced assimilation.”

After speaking exclusively of the difficulties of indigenous people in the United States and its territories, however, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs suddenly included an oblique and gratuitous swipe at Israel: “From Standing Rock to Palestine, Indigenous communities across the world continue to experience the pernicious effects of settler-colonialism on their sovereignty, their health, and their access to their traditional lands and practices.”

Read the rest.




Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

While shocking, what is happening in West Virginia is happening is not the exception, but the rule.

May 23, 2018

Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker: 
This is an outrage, but it is common nationwide: the Daily Caller News Foundation reports that Mountain Ridge Middle School in West Virginia is “instructing junior high students to write the Islamic profession of faith ostensibly to practice calligraphy.”  Students are made to write out the Shahada, which states: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”This is exactly what I warned about in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, in the chapter “The Mosqueing of the Public Schools.”In order to convert to Islam, one says the shahada.  Saying the shahada makes you a Muslim.  The shahada is what is on the black flag of jihad.

No non-Muslim student should be forced to write or say the shahada without the qualifier “Muslims believe that…”  This is because it is a statement of faith.  If the school exercise is requiring students to write it, it should be clear from the wording of the exercise that this is Islamic faith, not the student’s faith.  That distinction has been glossed over in many, many school textbook presentations.

This is in West Virginia, not Baghdad.  And it’s a problem not just in West Virginia – it’s a national problem.

Rich Penkoski, the father of a Mountain Ridge student, contacted me and explained the situation further.  He sent me the packets the school gave out for the Jewish and the Christian lessons and commented:

Notice no bible verses, no reciting the 10 commandments or the Lord’s prayer.  No practicing writing in Hebrew (not even the 10 commandments) as compared to the Islamic packet.

There are no statements of faith, nothing asking the students to write it or practice in any of the Jewish or Christian rituals.

Furthermore the principal of Mountain Ridge Middle School Dr. Branch has used my words against me by saying the teacher did tell the students about the Lord’s prayer (my daughter as well as 1 other said this is false)[.]  He is using my arguments I made to him yesterday to protect the teacher.

The teacher today told the students the assignment was optional.  My daughter as well as other students were under the impression all the packet assignments were mandatory (the Jewish one and the Christian ones were mandatory).

I wrote to Dr. Branch to share with him the resource that Miss Hinson used and point out that the material she gave the students did not include all the faith aspects for Christianity.  The students received 2 pages for Christianity from this resource while all the Islamic sections were left intact.

Here’s the link for you to review.  You will notice all the faith elements were left out for Judaism and Christianity while the Islamic section was left the way it’s presented.

So she decided to use the extra resources for Islam and the school is saying that’s not indoctrination or proselytizing?  The faith aspects and the same considerations were not given to the others as they were for Islam.  This actually further proves my point that Islam was afforded special privilege over the others.

The school is backtracking and being deceptive to try and weasel out of this.  The teacher today clarified things for the students but that still does not excuse the fact that they are teaching the Islamic faith and asking the kids to participate in Sharia.  Look at the Islamic packet again.  They are asking the kids to write the beginning of Surahs.  The teacher still has not corrected the error that calligraphy was started by the arabs.

They are doubling down and only after being called on it are they trying to backtrack.

Rich Penkoski is hardly the first to protest this egregious submission to the most vicious and brutal ideology on the face of the Earth.  In Volusia County, Florida, hundreds protested Islamic lessons in their  “World History” text, a Common Core-approved high school history textbook.

With an entire chapter dedicated to the virtues of Islam and not a single chapter for Christianity, the textbook had Floridians in a frenzy.  And who is the biggest pusher of Common Core besides leftist progressives?  The Islamic Society of North America, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, along with the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  In Florida, CAIR is on the offensive (more here).

We have seen the increasing Islamization of the public-school curriculum.  History lessons in Islam are dawah – proselytizing for Islam.  Large public-school publishers have been bought by the Saudis.

In West Virginia, it gets even worse.  Rich Penkoski has alerted me to the latest development in the forced Islamization of his children’s school curriculum: after the Daily Caller and Geller Report exposed what was happening, Mountain Ridge administrators and teachers began messaging parents who were sharing the story, asking them to remove their posts.

What do they have to hide?  Apparently, a great deal.

Worse still, Penkoski is now being threatened by students who attend the school with his daughter.  (And who is behind them?  Unidentified “adult friends.”)

He sent this message to me:

A student in the school threatened to get her adult friends to come to my home and kill me by stabbing me in the chest and ripping my organs out.  They told my daughter “we are gonna get some people and kill your dad.”  This student, who is known to me but whom I cannot name because she is a minor, has given students our address and is encouraging them to come to my home over this whole thing.  Another student told my daughter that she and the first student and her adult friends are going to kill me and carve a satanic star in my chest and rip out my organs.

They then threatened to hang my 3-year-old and 1-year-old and kidnap my 14-year-old.

All this in school today because of the articles.

This is not a joke and needs to be investigated.  I have contacted the school’s principal, Dr. Branch, and I trust that he will take this matter seriously and deal with it appropriately.

Is the principal acting on this?  And do the police have any interest in this?  Or would that be “islamofauxbic”?
