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Arkansas Teacher Whose Students Honored Her on National TV Gets Prison for Sex with 17-Year-Old Boy

A teacher in Arkansas, whose students surprised her on national television in 2020, has been sentenced to prison for having sex with a 17-year-old student she met at the school where she taught.

The post Arkansas Teacher Whose Students Honored Her on National TV Gets Prison for Sex with 17-Year-Old Boy appeared first on Breitbart.

Biden Grants Asylum to Cuban Communist Official as Political Prisoner Count Surpasses 1,100

The Biden administration allowed entry to U.S. territory to Arelys Casañola Quintana, an official of Cuba's communist Castro regime now requesting asylum proceedings out of "fear of socialism," according to a report published by Martí Noticias on Thursday.

The post Biden Grants Asylum to Cuban Communist Official as Political Prisoner Count Surpasses 1,100 appeared first on Breitbart.

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan

Northern Ireland: ‘Very religious’ Afghan Muslim migrant accused of murder demands bail so he can observe Ramadan
The defense lawyer is banking on the general concern in Western countries for the well-being of the perpetrators, rather than for that of the victims, coming through for Habib Shamel in this case. And he is probably right. “Afghan migrant accused of brutal murder in Ireland wanted bail as prison service may not allow him […]

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’
Not that this has anything to do with… “Carcassonne. ‘I swear on the Koran and the baby I lost because of you!,'” translated from “Carcassonne. “Je vous jure sur le Coran et le bébé que j’ai perdu à cause de vous !”,” La Depeche, April 7, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Yesterday afternoon, an 18-year-old young […]

Hamas-linked CAIR sues Virginia prison for denying Ramadan accommodations to newly converted inmate

Hamas-linked CAIR sues Virginia prison for denying Ramadan accommodations to newly converted inmate
The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is yet again fighting for the expansion of the Islamic presence in a prison. It has just “sued the Virginia Department of Corrections and officials at a correctional facility for their refusal to provide Ramadan accommodations to a Muslim inmate.” The prison already provides special accommodations to Muslims […]

Miami: Trinidad-born American citizen gets 20 years prison for joining the Islamic State in Syria

Miami: Trinidad-born American citizen gets 20 years prison for joining the Islamic State in Syria
Normally it is a good thing to see a criminal jailed for two decades for heinous crimes, but jihadists are not mere criminals. They are Islamic fighters at war with dar al harb (the unconquered house of war). They do not belong on Western soil. Trinidad became one of the chief recruitment centers for the […]

UK: Man converts to Islam, keeps handbooks on mortar bombs, considered ‘too dangerous’ to release from prison

UK: Man converts to Islam, keeps handbooks on mortar bombs, considered ‘too dangerous’ to release from prison
Yet another convert to Islam somehow gets the crazy notion that the religion that every last non-Muslim politician in the Western world assures us is peaceful and tolerant somehow obligates him to commit violence to nonbelievers. Authorities remain completely indifferent to this recurring phenomenon. “EXCLUSIVE: British Muslim convert described as ‘global terrorist’ who kept mortar […]

Colorado: Judge throws roadblock in the way of prosecutors trying to put Muslim mass murderer on trial

Colorado: Judge throws roadblock in the way of prosecutors trying to put Muslim mass murderer on trial
Virtually nothing came out about Al-Issa (which is how he spells his name, not “Alissa,” a transparent media attempt to obscure his Islamic identity) after the shooting. His attack fits the pattern of numerous jihad attacks, and corresponds to calls from the Islamic State to attack random non-Muslims in the U.S. Also, numerous obvious jihadis […]